it pays, I'll buy your copies , at - cost, for my boys to keep., -Mr 5.-- : \Vflit did yon say. the paper is called?. . Mfr J. The American Agriculturiet.— It is published iu New York City. The editor, though one of our country fat-niers and living in the, : country, finds ho can publish it cheaper there,: where printing, and paper, and _mailing facilities - are convenient. • Mr. S.-11oxi• shall I get it?" .: • M. J.—Simply inzlose a. dollar bill in a letter, gh:ing your. name, Poat, Office, Comity, and State plainly,an4 directly to ORA.NqZ sTeDD, 41 Park-kap ) y eti , Foil: City ke S.-When does a volume ' begin? Mr. J—Tits tiventieth volume begins I ',Tau. Ist, but all who send in the 'dollar ! nOw,,get the remaining, numbers of this I year, in addition to the whole of next I year's. , So, if you subscribe now, yon get 1 fourteen months'•papers. The proprietor' also offers. some .valuable, premiums to Allege who get up lists of subscribers.— 1 Send for - the paper, and you may. after : wards ftud sit well worth while to•male up a club. Same 1700 persons have got good Rremiums in this way during two years. borne Of your German neighbors • Weald joia you,. perhaps, for the Agriculturist is printed separately in German. ‘,I did in tend to start a club m yself, but 1 have 'so many. potatoes-to dig, I cannot g et the. time. My sister.imlaw in Ici . iva, got up' a club last year, and - received aliremium of al5O Wheeler& Wilson sewing machine ; and o acquaintance in \Viconsin got 'two ed• three -good farming implements, and a y g - nepliew of mine in Ohio e•of a beautiful opy of Websters great- t)i-e -tionary. These things only cost - them a little time,. showing the paper evening's and election day. Sena in your Subscription • and the first paper will tell yoic,iol . -abont . thepremiums. I forgot to toll yen that ' • every year the publisher also sends out to all his Subscribers who want Ahem a lot of choice garden and field stir.- Mr. S.—Wiiiit does he ch:irge for them ? • . Mr. J.—Nothing ; they are sent free. cy 4cept, the postage. They art of the best kind and une single parcel I got last year Was worth more to me than the price of the paper , Me. s..—ril try it a year, any war; if half what you say ; is true it will be a good- Anvesitient. Mr. J—You'll find every , word I have said true. Mr.' .5.—1'1l send this very night, while in the spirit of it. • . Xt. :T.—Do it, and you'll nlwayS thank me for this talk. Good day, I must hurry up digging my potatoes, rye laid, a lot of them—thanks to. a hint in the Agricultu rist. ' I T • . ..Ifr.S- e —llow yotl saw I should di ~r - r rect. ilip,,etter containing the Dollar? M. :11.—To OnxsGr: JUDD, ' 4l • Park Row, New-York City. -7 - BMUS. REPUBLICAN VOTERS That, to come nearer home, we rind a Itle state of facts hiour own county. Here the proportion Of gain is over three to one in favor of the Republicans, and that, too, when the- Democratic party. AraS never better or7avi?e , i. Over te , l . 4bonsand votes were polledin Westmoreland, when it is pateitt to every_ti)dy that there are not that number of , ilOters in thiA county. It Derry Diztriet 576-vote's were polled, . being the largest vote that ever was poll ed-An that,Distriet. Ten days previous to the election there were made in Derry alatte Oaf ha,:/ , ed crq sry, n tv.'n extra ass essments. 'We have compared the assess ments in that.fownt , hip with the Cens4s return.- We had over - Turn Hundred names upon the list of voters that are not upon the.; census record at all. Each of those teas represent six people, which make al total of over rwm.Yr lII:ND:ZED of the in habitants of one township alone that :the Consits 3larshal must have missed if the is ri,11,1. 6(1, too, that ty-eight men voted at that District whose names are not upon the assessdrilist. Now, ail these things have a very sus: picious look. It is not rea.sonable that the entire increase in the, vote of Pennsyl-, vania . should be. on the side of Abolition ism—that the ;ache remarkable fact should appear in almost every county in the State—that-here in "01a Westmoreland" where we have a clear majority of not less than seven hundied,.with the whole party ,r-and eager for the success of . one of ha,: ow citizns, we should be. cut, down to almost nothing—that in Derry District' there should be polled I a larger 1 vote than evet before, when it is well known that there are not as many 'Totes in that township now as were several years' ago, and, most remarkable of all,' in, the , fact that the Census Marshal, whose oath required and whose interest induced hitn to make return of all the inhabitants . 'of that Township, should fail to. find over twelve hundred of these who mside in its borderS. AU those th*Mga are ex tremely hard to credit, yet tl:e facts - are-as ttated, and no honest nian can learn them without being convinced that a great out= . rage has been 'committed by the Repnbli-: can party in Pennsylvania.---Grcpaburg Democrat.' r ' HOLLOWAY ' S -01:NTMEN'T:—IfC opiniOri elf Me Presx Rrad it,—SrmtixsDisLocA- I T fo s , &c.—We take great pleasure, in red commeifaing this deservedly popular medi cine to our friends and patrons in parties ular and to thepublic at large. We sneak advisedly, being, in a position to pronounce a reliable bpiniOn from having - used it at: home, besides the economy of the article, - -as • we have saved within the.-yei,x,more than one _Doctors bill, by haVing s the Ointment on hand. We 114vc tried opo deldoc liniments, embroeations and paiu extractors without end, I.)ut. for the • mediate. cure of sprains, dislocations. wound's, bruises, cuts, burns, scalds', bk)tcher, piMples, and "cutaneous erup tion€,, we _have found none so speedy or effectual asilofloway'srment.-741eratd. 1 I Bauka, of 31assachusetts. hasbeen Made a Doctor of LaWs. It in-done, sayS 1 an 'Eastern paPer, because he has doctor-1 ed the laws of 31a4aelm,:etts till they' won't let a white foreigner vote there till ItwO years after he has been . naturalized, While they put. a negro through without winking. , • • - • Mr" John B. Gough is said "to reCeir,e *250 for each lectore he has v given since his 'return. Ile has already acquired a property valued at - Upwards of $300,000, !which he islikely to dauble •rin a few !years. . • . Brown says, the "State a Matrimony,'!. is a slaire State. ,As Br" Own 'has a termagant wife, lie certainly ought ao,know. ' tar 'hie London compLerci a / 1 Record states that the Great Eastern steam, ship Is so shaken up_aul wealialei that she copesworthy. _ THE "'MONTROSE DEMOCRAT TE3I6-41:50 PER ADV42IOE. • A. J:GERRITSON EDITOR, PUBLISHER,' AND :PROPRIETOR, OFFICE OPPOSITi i TUE POST-OFFICE Vgv. $B5 Beivixig Maclaine for FIFTY D OLLARS. We can furni4 ilio-celebrated tiBs Grr ver -and i llaker . LSew'ing -machine.. (either Family er ShntPe machine) at $5O (less . a discount for nOli.)1 - Also 'Wheeler and Wilson's reduced prices. - We can sell afdowr rates - than any ether parties-khippAl direet from the mannfac turersi and - byilthein warranted. Latet Eleotion News, Indicates the probable election of Lincoln and flamlin. CH"' , ln . our reference to the Douglas and 'Li coin Debates, last week, the readflomres 100, instead of 23, as we wrote. :, The inusie-lOving citizens of our borough and Vicinity will be pleased to. learn that tbe celebrated Hudson Brothers will visit our town give-a . concert in a few days, LOA out for tfieir- eirOlars. • . • • The last nuniber of Forney's Week • - • h: Press, before election contained a • greater. amount of tnlater designed to aid in electing Lincoln ; that any other sheet issued-3n the connti.v. ...Therh are iudicatious °fan - uprising Lineoln-party at the South. It only pee & that thousands upon thousatids at.thoSatith act ont.thsir Convict i a::4-L-and this they wit soc.n ..!ct Vie courage to dor—to 'show that Itepublicanim there'll:Ls udcpthai:detrcehth which fCw suspect."—P,Zr....7- Iran ton .14,:put.Z:can. .()1(1 4 . ohn Brown , led tltZ , first " uprising Itincol party at.the South," and we be lieve :riio'st thatl party rose a few feet above tent firma. Does the Republican man mean that the t -e is to be another," up; party-at 'the South?" . stilne eVidenee the n‘.l , zrc-ecitmlity 'tendency of "lye retcr to' the ihci..thot iwgroes loin I tho itklyak:proc r e; r i;,Aotonii in 34,,F6ttbu;ettsginiro.,itsnocrti. " As rOm'e evidence of the Jackass-equality - tendency of nitviern.Deinocracy. we niay mention the fa& that a gen• nine, long•tvired, quadrnpedcd donkey was reen. a few ddys azo;•tallowitn; a Democratic prticession."—.lfcntrwe So it seems thatißepublicans da 'some, times follow•DemOeratic processions; but such i 5 not their habit—this,being, ex ceptional case,.in Ni hiell Sn unusually wide awislo wat sent to spy- out the. doings of the folks, and furbish a- report to the , Republican4ditor;-and no doubt the editim felt a fraternal. interest in observing . thei proud strut of his quadruped reportedr: - • A GOOD PAPFX. FOR EVERY FAMILY. All our readers May not ,bc Acquainted with 'one of our inOstVuableAgricultural and. family jounialS in the . country, now in its nineteenth volume. We refer to'' the - 4millicaA . .Agrzrulturist, which is a large and lbeautiful joukial, devoted to .the practiCal labors of the lield; garden and hotisOold: It is i prepared by practical I men :(and women). who-know what they Write about, and it giv - es a great amount. I , of valuable ..nforrnation, useful not only to faimers, ftardners stock-raisers, fruit growers, and thole who havelittle village plots but also to every family. We ad vise our readers tO - send*l to -the pnblisb ter,s'Orange . Judd, 41 'Park Row ; New York, And try the Agriculturist a year:. speciinen copy Can doubtless be. had by sending to the puhlisheri Those subscrib, Mg for the-twentieth volume, IS6I, will I . .get the remaining numbers of this year Avithout charge.. ' .• • THE DEMACRATIC PARTY: ,Founded upon the eternal principle of truth -and justice, ivith The constitution for its guide, the proSpeidtv and perpetuity of the Union for its aim, the Democratic-par ty has so fir retained its integrity unspot ted and its power, unbroken. It is now, as it was in the days of old ; the friend of civil and religious.freedom,. the friend of the people, the advocate of the great and simple truths which the - Constitution em bodies. PrejudiCed against no section of -our common countr3.--pledged to the sup port of no measur,e That: -does not • insure equal and exact to all---enlisted not in the cause of men but in defence of principles it emerges from the contest with the 'same coti. , ,Ticiusness of 'the .tri umph of its cause. which cheeredin formet strangles—the conSciousness . thav it is the cause of t midland justice. With the Con stitution it arose; and with the ' Constitu tion it has lited, and together - with the Constitution it will die.' The one cannot survive the.other. Without the Constitu ;•tonThe Democratic party could not exist • ;wit h out the Dunvict atic parts-, the Con ktitution would heconie in a flay the foot I ball,of ti nativism. • • - IMPHILDETOE CONECEECIAL COLLEGE. •1. food one, ; considered even-with reference We hear nothing but goad, reports of I to a better day, and ;he concourse of peO -1 this •C0114 , :c. frOni ; ~all directions. , The I ple was large, very significantly indicating I proprietqrs by an untiring energy a strict I what 'might: have been done, under more I attention to business, earnest endeavors*; favorable conditions, and it may be hoped to ; qualit3: their Stud,ents and personal ex-1 will be done at some future time: • • 1 ertions td obtain situations for them When L . _„ The ri l ports and award's of the judges I through,. have raised it to its present.tide I w e re " follows: I • —• of prosperity . , and gained for it the good 1 -Horses .and 'Mule:—Best . stallin, Ste 1-opinion -and he:Lily-support - of every one ; phen, Brundage; :2d s beSt, A. - - D. Corie. !at all acquainted with its facilities for pre-1 Y•iest span of matched horses, J. B. Gregg ; .paringi men for business. No one by a i °Li. L.• N. Stiles; 3d, C. Peck. ,Best pair 1 mere cursory glanee can fully. comprehend.,t o f :3 years old colts, Wnr. Brundage. Best the benefits that this • institution is ,_con- I gait Of ' 2 Nears old colts, , Paris Tiffany. ferring upon the! young. men who, within I-13est single 2 years old V!olt, L. G. Bennett" 1 its walls, are seellang that education which 2d. Alorizo Tiffany:. 3:1; 'Radcliff Wood. 1 leads' to ' steceSsfid business; -usefulness 1-B est yearling colt, N. B. Miller; 2d, Joseph 1 rand. Wealth. - Many' of its graduates, I Brundage. Best spring- colt, Arvin Sw,Tt ; ; I through the influence of the proprietors, I 2d, — .A. I'.l.'Corse;, ; .3d, Coe Wells. Best I I are now filling situations 'in our. own town I brood mare, Albert Capron; 2d ,ArVine I I with-ti like credit to themselves and the I Sweet. Best horse, speed considered, A. `institution.' The qualifications of the the- I J. Chninberlin ; 2d, Benj. Potter; 3a:A. ; ulty for their respective departments are'; 31. Tiffany.' Bust single. carriage horse, too well known; to need any comments. I . k . M Tiffany; ; 2d, 'Charles Tingicy ; 3d, In its location, its course, its system, 1 0 1 Edward Kennedy. Best farm horse, A. 1 beautiful diplonta, and in all' its appoint- 1 Sweet; 2.d, B.•'Payne • 3d, Roberson ,- , meuts as , a Conmercial 'College we heii- i Lewis.' 'Best span of males, Win:llolnics; ; '.tate not in - saying,it' lias no lerior. in 1 od, .It. Brewer.. Best Spring' mule, F. the *hole country.--Binghamton I Tennant. Best jack., Wtp. Owen. . . - Oxen and' Stein—Best pair .of 7 years ' old, Nicholas Low. Best pair of 6 years old, Silas Chatuberlin-; 2d, Richard Owens. Best 5 years -old, John Smiley; 2d; John -Bennett, 2d. Best 4 yearS old, John Ben nett, 2d; 2d, .Cyrus Steenback ; 3d, Wll .'W. Williams.' --Best 3 years old; E. W Frazier.; 2d, Edward Evans, Best 2 years old, E N. Witter • 2d, Wm Slocum-, cl, IW. W. Williams,. Best 2 years old na ' tive, Everett Whitney. I • hulls—Best devon, 3 years old, George I Sumner: Best 2 years old, Wm. Birdaall. i Best yearlings,'G. 0. 'Sweet. Best Dur: I ham, 2 Tears old, Justin W. Gillet; - 12 d, J. Pickering.. • , .-.. .- , . 1 Cows—Best durham coin, R. Walworth ; 2413,- Walworth; 3d,R. Walworth.. Beat, Warren Bailey; 2d, .01,. Coon; --The Auburn -State Prison, during the fiscal year which has just closed, has earn- 1 ed a surplus over expenses. I • • —A young lady in Berlin, having ge t bold of a, challenge addressedto her lover, I•dressed herself in male appearei, net , thel "challenger, fought : and "winged." him in the shoblder. - I.As he had - only seen his intended antagonist- once, and that in the night, be net discover the substitutioh, t t as fully satisfied." . . - ,-Many years ago, Elwood Fisher plc dicted that, the . epitaph which fittu - re 1 Ages -.Would . be 'inscribed .upon our politi -1 gar tablet would read as follows; . 4 ‘ Here people who, in striving to give lib-, erty t9the negro,. lost their ; owO fre f e. I.dorri.". • Netvi of the Week. —:•Presideni Buchman hag : engaged to write a sketch of the life ofWm Lovmaos to ;be published in the!N.Y. Ledger —Kansas is in distress, for food,_ Blow see if those who sent ritleithere to db,rnurder, will pay as freely to send on bread to feed the hungry. By so doing they can in 'part undo their-own,u'rongs --Sixty yenrs ago - a naval officer wisiM to cross . from Staten Island to Bergen,hut Could find - no person fo heart:the:the:job but a barefo,oted boy, who, despite the roughness of thc•sda,,brayely rowed him to his place of rlestination. The officer was so pleased with his pluck thit he get him a situationtn7a steamer. That boy's name was Cornelius Vanderbilt, who now wefth E;l3 000 000 —As the opposition haVe • elected their Curtin Governor, it is cfesiied to knoW. where the '• plenty ofwork at high this fitll - and - winter;" the free homes for the homeless," and the " - land for the land-. less," may be found. 'Who has the giving of them ? •.« her are they ?Why; they are quarreling over the spoilS,.thul letting the dear peciple; their' dupes, go to the—. for . • : Clendcriin, Postmaster :1 Car lise Springs , . 'Pa., has been removed, and the oflict (which is oulv.neeessary, during the' waterimz - season) 'discontinued, be cause he divided- his commission . with a firm in *NsW York On a quan'tity of pri vate eirculas sent there by said firm. to be mailed. The same, course hiO: been pur sued with rele.rence to' the Toqinaster. Georqe White, and 'the office at "West rhoreland'.l:%-pot, NeW IlampShire, for en gaging in the Gift Enterprise" business. —The London Ontrt Journal, which ought to be good authority on such sub: jects,las announced'the coming bet-totiral of her Majesty's second daughter the Princess Alice, to . 1 -) iinee Louis, of - Tiff:se Darmstadt,• nOphew of the reigning ,Grand Duke. . • John "We revere the memory of° Brown, of Qssawatomie;" was an ins'erip tion.oii-a banner . i the processiim of Re publicans: .;4 Pittsburg,,Pa. —.lolutP.llectran, the Benicia Boy, was fined i.:330 at. Buffalo, N. Y., on Thursday, for acting as second at a prize fight be tween Price and Kelly, over a year ago. . —The San Francisco Bulletin has' been sued f0r"540,,000 damages,, for calling lawyer 'Squire Doe•berry. —Boston, Qet. 26th.---The Schooner Foaming Billow, of Belfast, Me.; was Weecked• near Prince Edward's Island. All hands comprising thirteen_ persons, were lest. —De 'Bow's mortality statistics, coni piled from thelast censas, show that the people of the United States, are the health- - ieston the globe. The deaths are 530.000 per year, or I per cent. orthe popula , tion. In England the ratio is nearly 2 . per cent. Virginia and 'North Carolina are the healthiest cf the States, anj.have 638 inhabitants over 100 - years. .•—,An imknown cripple went ?into-an eating house in Rochester on . Tuesday night, and while at supper, striiel: the ne g,ro girl ,who. wait ed . on him'air some tri flihg Offence. When the girl 1,-ent , to get an officer to arrest him, he secreted him self in a - garret; wheu the pollee came be *as dead. • —At the recent election lately, the Re, publican - candidate, 'for Clerk of the Ses sions in Sehiylkill county, John B. Reed; was defeated by one vote. Chas. A-. Rahn, Democrat, & t . ":le_ happy yietccr by our. Mrs: John C. Calhoun.reliet of, the dis tinguished S'entitor ' from. Solite-Carolina, • 'has been for some time en a Visit to her daughter, !grs. Clemson, near Bladens burg. She is now in her :66th . year: . • —The toannmber of bales of cotton raised in Tennessee; for. .the year ending AugUst 31, 660, was 108,076, valued at ' P 5,433,800. For the-year previous it. was \ rti only 85;?,§.1, 1, lued at P1,266;050, —ApPles are.,selling in' Mobile at from 40 to 50 cents :a dozen. . . li —The 3ladison.:(lnd.) Courier says that 1 40,000 bogs have been purchased,by Mad ison packers.., he present season at p 6,50 e 6 75. :: - . , - : ', Fe; the.Montrore Demo Cut. - FMB. OF TEE#TBSOaIiORICUI;TVRAI. SOCIETY. :The Seckd fikgair of the Gibson Agricultural Sogety itas held for' the present year - at Gibsor; , ,,Hill the. 11th of October. TheleNient - and variety of the exhibition was materially limited by the unfaVorable_ state :of the .weather: : The former part of the day was .drizzly .and withal very inauspicious insomuch as to detain a large number of exhibitors at hrMie, many supposing that thnekhibition :would have to be adjourned entirely to some other time. And -what the mbrning so distinctly fortokeeed the afternoon very I fully realized is a drenching - rain, alto gether greatly detracting from the inte r rest and profit oT the occasion. The ex hibition however notwithstandhc the weather and after all 'detractions was a ad, John Bennett, 2d., Best native cow, C. Bills; 2d, A.Titlluty ; Jd A. Tiffany, Hrifers. Yearlings and liCalUes—pest ,2 'years old grade devon heifer ' 0: Welli 2d,' E. N: Witter; 3d,-Gett.Gelatt. Best 2 yeari old, grade_ durhain, R.WalwOrtii ; 2d, R._ Walworth. Best, yearlinglbeifer grade Devon, H. D. Bennett.' ,Best lot 'of yearlings, G:.11. Wells;: 2d, John Ben-. nett, 2d. • Best paii. of . 'yearling Steers, I-Philander Tiffany; 2d„BOswell Chamber lin. Best lot of . yearling4 grade d Valworth ; 2d, E. N. l Witter •,- 3d J. Pickering . . I3est - du rham Intl! cal , Stiles.• Best grade durhath calf, J.l ,Bost lot of Eativel calves, .Braidard `~d, G. L. Abel i•3d, E. C, .13C9t two calves, grade i devOn, 'Wells; 2d, John Bennetti ,Sheep—Beet goutbdown buck, Tiffany. Best • two buck lambs, Potter.'l Pouliry and Grain—Best creole': IL Payne. Best napoleokelneken,l. Logier. Best bantams, p eOr g e Peg winter wheat, Edward Evaris ; Almison Pickering; 3d, IN. C. Sweet, 20 bushels to the.acre. Beg- spring IWheat, G. L. Abet ' Best winter, rye Benj. Dix. Best oats, S. S. Chamberlin. • Best! yellow seed corn, Pliilander Tiffany; 2d, Seth Abell 3d, Everett Whitriey. Best, white Corn; John Bennett; 2d. Best King] Phillip corn, John Bennett,.2d. Pest brown corn, G. H. WeHS. Best timothy seed, Hussell Tiffany. Best white 1) 1 0ns, Philander, Tiffany.. B2st hungarlani grass seed, Bennett. Fia/1 , ---BeSt winter apples, Lewiißrain ard; 20, J..M. Potter; 3d, - john Bennett, 24. Best fall apples, George pelatt ; 2d, .J. M. Potter; 3d, John Bennett, 2d. For the greatest variety, Ist, R.I Walworth ; 2d, ! John Bennett, 2d ; 3d, J. I. Potter) 'Dried apples, Mrs. Martha W4s,only lot on ex hibition. Siberian crabaPples, L. G. Ben- . nett, only lot. Best graPes, G. IL Wells - ; 2d, John Smiley. Best tomatos, ',Charles Bennett,: 21, Warren Bailey, Best quin ce's; W. W. Barnes ; 2d,1(.. D. Smith. Best peaches, Ira Washburn ;12d,. Warren. Bal.. ' lev 3d, Lewis Brainard. Best pears H. D. Bennett, 2d, J. L. Gillet; sfl, Seth Abel. Best citrons, J. F Gillet; 2d, G. H. 'Wells.' 1-'l,,otahks—Best beets!, Hussel Tiffany ; 2d, 'Wm. Thayer; 3d, Hubbard' Payne. Best squash, Win:Thayilr ; 2d.A:lClinton & Son ; 3d Samuel Washburn. Best car rots, H. Walwortb ; 20, John ISmiley. Best Swcedish turnips, 4. S. Chamberlin. Best field turnips, Benj. Dix. Bes French turnips, 11. S. Whitney) Best pumpkin, Warren Bailey ; 2d, S. SI Gbambe!rlin ; 3d, George Woodward. B st onionsjßadcliff Wood; 2d, Philander Tiffany. Best pep yers Egbert Starks. B'est kohl-rabi, G. C. irundage. Best par nips, •RUssel Tif fatly. Charles Bennett exhibited e great 'est variety of' vegrables.l. ~Ifechaniru.l Piditcliolis—John Matlock exhibited a tine silver plated harness and Saddle. J. -B. Gregg,, iHulibardis- mow ing machine, Tteadwell Pell's plow No.l 21 and .mould board plow O. 10. • - LfromeAtic aufuctsi Best table linen, Mrs. Polly Putter; Mrs' Thaddeus Whit ney. Best 'domestic plaid, Mrs. Wil liams; 2d, Mrs: WWn. ; Pickering. Best woolen 'hose, Mrs. L Maynard. Best white' bed spread, Missl.M. Case ; 2d, Mrs. `E Whitney. Best gay coverlet', Mrs. IL Belcher; 2d, Mrs..M. O. Bennett. . • Ornaniental embroi &red' skirt, Mrs: li. Gardner: 2d,. Miss . Sarah A. Pickering. Best child's dress, Mrs. Stephen Payne' Best lamp - mat Miss Susan Maynard; 2d, Mrs. E. N.. Witter; 3d, Mrs. •D. Best victorine and .culfs, 'made of down,-1 Miss 31. E. Case. Best embroidered collar, -Mrs. L. 0 Tiffany • Paintings. Phatogral4s, ike.---Best pen cil drawings S. P. Hine; 2d, Mrs..D. Smiley. A. W. Stiles exhibited some very good ambrotypes and daguerrotypes. A paintiiig in water colo;rrs %vas exhibited by Mrs. D. Smiley. An Italian and Ori ental. painting by Miis E. 3L Whitney. A tine cone basket and frame by Miss E. 31. - Whipey. Snaar—Best maple s gar; Charles Ben nett. Best. maple mohisses, Mrs. Charles Bennett. Best tomatAi - honey,.Mrs. Chas. Bennett. • Carpets and . Patchf Work—Best . 'yarn carpet, Mrs. L. Maynard ; 2d, Mrs. Geo. L:utier. Best rag, carpet Mrs. A. Clinton ; 2d, Mrs. 11. A. Pope. i Best patch-work, • Mrs. George Woodward; 2d, Mrs. Cyrus •B. Miller. Best pieced work, Mrs. Harri= son Barnes; -2a, Mrs'. C.• A. Kennedy. Best coverlet, Mr;. Charles Bennett; 2d, •3lrs:E. Gardner. There was a fine : , how of butter and cheese, but. owing tope non-attendance of two of the judges np report was made, There will be a meeting of the Society at the Aeademk• Building Saturday, No .. - vembes. :4th at 5 o'clOck, m. The ob- I ject of the .meeting rdlates to important business- affecting - thd general interest of the Society, and full a+rultinee is solicited. SETIt ABEL, Secretary. —The St. Paul Pio:jeer and Deniocrat —Nightly the horizcd, in different ditec-.' tions is aglow with the light of burning prairies. Some of these fires are close by I us, others at- a ,' , rreater distance away., We hear much damage has been done in ! some portions of the y ' Slate—ha', grain stacksjences, and even barns - and dwell- Ing houses have been destroyed. —Lynch Law is bee ring very frequent in.the West and Ndrthwest. • Men are summar::y hung every day for beingSits pected of stealing horks. really seems . , that ours is the countly cf "extremes."— ln the East, they won't punish ; men for murder ; While in the iWest, they balance the general account of crime by . hanging people' on suspicion of any crime. ; —The llymenial altar was recently stir !prised. by the appearfince of Walter Will jams, Esq., of Laure county, Ky., aged eighty-four years, who was aceompamgd . by a lady...not over forty years old, and - de- Li:landed to have thelright of matrimony solemnized at 12 o'clbek at night: Mr. Williams has been married three times ; once when young; 'once when Iseventy seven, and now again!, at eighty-tbur- •1e is grandfather and great grandfather to Morethan one hundred children, ,and soy .eral of them older than his wife: —Late statistics show that 5,006,000 persons-are supPortea- in England" by cot ton—that 30,000,0001 spindles are employ ed in the production of the yarn ; and triat the capital absorbed exceeds .750,-. 1 .000,000; FoutAfths of the cotton consum ed in EnglandBoo,ooo,ooo pounds —is • American. - • ifhe passengers. by the bight o'clock libat from Staten passengers., this morn ing, were detained nearly half an hour by reason of the non-arrival of the train of the Staten Island Railroad. The'leaVes &coin the:tbrest of trees- along the side of, the road had fallen upon the rail to such :an extent- that they had formed - a slippery bed, and, - caused the wheels' ofthe locomo , tine to slip, detained the train Until' the track could be eleared.—Pew nrk, Port, - • - For the Montrose Deunnast. . JACKSON !AIR—AWARD pr PREMIUMS. The annual' exhibition of the ,Jackson Agricultural Society, Was held Thursday,• . oth.lB, 1860. • r 1 We had a fair. 'representation clf the earth; ps well - as.of art, in the vicinity,— Tho weather had been so :unpropitious, previously,,that not as much prepaVation was made to make it interesting as knight s have been 'expected, had - it. been ether seise. . . , . . I r As the premiums, were,nerely lilonii nal, , the figures 1, 2 and 3•will be slifficient to designate ,the relative quality ofidifFer ent articles.. 1 ' , • .HORSES ATI) COLTS: I • Stallions—Evandur Tucker, 1.; 31; D. Case, 2. -., , . .- Single HoeSes—C. Ta,nner, 1 ;'Fred. BrVant, 2 ;-Ed.-kennetly, 3. I Matched tiorsUs—Eli Barnes„. i ; W. ll:Bartlett, 2; Everett 'Whitney, o r Gib- son ; 3-: • • - i L. N. Picker- Lewis iinton. G. 11. TwO Years Old 'Colts—Geo. T. Ferry, 1; Orin Foster, 2 ; Griffin Cook, 3:l*. Matched Two Years . Old Colts:4-Jesse Williariis r; ParisTiffiiity; of Hartford, 2. ,Yearling Colts—Elisha- Brown, .1 t_Elon ,Dix, 2 : Hartley .Larabee, - 3. Matched Yearlings—Judson Tennant, 1' • J., W Brown, 2 ; Norris Page, 4. • 1 Last Springs Colts—A. D. Case' 1; Ar vine Sweet, 2 : N. Phelps, 3. OXEN, BULLS AND STFEP.S. Oxen—Wm.. 11.. Bartlet, 1 ; !James Bingham,:2. (Pairs exhibited by MiTalch and IL M. Wells were but little inferior.) J • H Tucker, 3. Three Years Old Steers- : —Gco. ZV, Ty ler,t ; DMFarrar,2. A pair of threo years Old stags, by - Asa Dix, and a.pair of two .Years. old, by 1131 Wells,, were +3l; fine animals, and shoWod. the commeOement of poWerful teams; I 1 Two Years Old Steers-4H Tucker, 1; Wm. Slocum,2,; Geo. T Pei rv, 3.1 Yearling teers—D. L. dregOry, •1; Mfr.rtin Hail, 2. - Bulls—A fine full-blood Devon lexhibi 'fed by H. Smith, of Franklin, iho best on the ground. A grade Devon, by IJ. W. Gillet` of Gibson, the best of the kind: Two Years Old Bulls' 7 7S J Gauls, ; Calvin Dix, 2 ; Dorr Brown, 3. One Year Old—WM. Bartl i eti,. 1 ; Wm. Slocum, 2 ;'Geo. T Perry, 3.1 , COWS, YEARLINGS AND CALVES. . Cows= Grade Durhains—Wm. H. Bartlett, 1 ; H 14; Wells, 2; H. G Case a fine Native Cow. - Heifers, two years old—Grade Ijurhams —A D Case, 1.; Dorr Brown, 2; IGeo. T. Perry,3. • • - Yearlings-Grade Durhams-Wm. •H. Bartlett, ;J L Williams, ;J H Scott, • Martin - Hall, 3. SHEET' AND SWINEI Sheep— L 0 Tiffany, Southdown Buck 1; Grade ,Southdown, EDI Foite:r, 2.. A. 'good churn sheep was exhibited by James McNay - , that has churned 2200 pounds of butter per year, for three years 1 -Good specimens .of Swine by T Perry; no competition. • . GRAIN AND.P,OULTRY. • 1. Winter Whetit. : --S. W; Pi&ernlg and Simeon Sjoat abobt•cqual; both fine. va rieties. - Spring Wheat—L. Payne, 11; C. W. Hazer, 2. Rye—L. Payne, 1 ; S. W. Pic l kring, . Corn Yellow—H. M. • Wellg, 1: L. Pane, 2 , i: J. H. Scott, 3. White Corn—John Tennant. 1 A fine variety, of Egyptian Oat's was ex.- higited by- Wm. Tucker, of Turkeys—E. N. Tucker, 1 ; J. Bing ham, 2. ' - Ducks—J. Binghain Chickens, Rant:es- 2 j C Lal!pb, 1;. J. I%leVay, •2. • • "Creoles—D M Farrar. Several lots of different kinds of ehicliens,,all good,butno competition FRUT. . . Apples,--Best , varieties, T. H, Butter . - field, I ; H L French 2 ;- W W Barnes, of Gibson, 3. Grcenings—E M Foster, 11; H. M. Wells, 2, Spitse - 'rgs—B. H. Larabee. :,..;•pr... _:,- best quality. 1 ' . . Natural Fruit—Eli Page,, very- &ie.— . Wm: Tinker had a•very good Variety of apples, 30 kinds. • ? i Pears—Mr. H A Tingley, ofs:usquehan. : na, 1; Wm. H Bartlett 2. ,1 . • • Peaches—Dr. Tingley. i . - Quinces—'—W W Barnes. • ' VEGETABLE:S. 1 1 - : ' Potatoes, Californians—D 311Farrar, 1; B H Larabee, 2. - - 1 , • Prince Alberta—A W Barrett and B. II Larahee; equally good.. i Dooryards—A.W Barrett 1; George Dix, :I. i Turnips, Rutabaga—J. Lamti and H 31 Wells; about equar.. -1, - : Field Ttirtiips=Calvin Case. 1 • • • 'Carrots—Seymour Griffis. 1 . Onions—Seymour • Griffis.. • . i • ~.) .• MECHANICAL. 1 ' . , Among the articles finder this head, was a .first rate two-horse wagtia, with a self acting brake, by J. Dutche l r, of Gib son : also a model of a sleigh blike,by.the same. A Buckeye mowing machine by C lamb: A corn shelter, by 17' BurrowS, very simple in'arran7ement, and efficient in operation, at ek'pense of ordinary shells: • A splendidisiugle Har ness, 'by H. Hallock, of Gibsdn. .A.eifl tivator 'of superior quality, by C W Hazer; , Well 7 curb, by A I‘l Bensoni that the ' judges pronounce worthy of notice,; 'a re turn butt zr pail, of excellentj workman ship, with an arrangement ,ofover: fast ening that was considered .ah improve ; men t, by N A Houghton ; arid - excellent churn, by L D Benson; Wm 0 Matthews exhibited a stoneware 'pump, decided improvement, giving, no tahte to the water.- ' • 4 BUTTER.AND ~ CHEESE. . . . , . . Butter in pails-1111 Win..H Bartlett, 1; James McCay, 2. l ' • In jars—Channey, Lamb, 4I; • Mr. C. , French,. 2. • - . i Best Roll'Britter—Mrs..A Li West. ' ' Cheese—R. V. Whitney, 1 Mrs. E N Tucker, 2. ' - • . 1 • - DOMES= MA:LVITFACITRERS. Striped Carpet Mrs. E N !Tucker, Mrs. L C Benson, 2. . • Mixed Carpet Sirs. AD Case, 1 ; Mrs. A' Barret, 2.' Pieced Quilt—Miss A E Patch Qnilt—Mrs. 'B • Toweling--Mrs.• N.S Wiliiums.. . FANCY WORK Lamp Mats—Mrs. Oreo.. Llmb, 1; Aria. D.M. Smiley, 2. " Knit Bed Spread—,Milas MIE Case,' 1.4 J.• Tyler, 2. • • • . Victorine and Clink—Miss 41. E Case: Worked Skirt 7 —Mrs:. - 11enq Tvier. • Burr Basket—Mrs. Jonathan 'Baldwin: Lamp. Shade and Grecian Oill Paintings I —Mrs. D 'Roberts. • Case of Ambrotypes-D.Roberts..- , Worked Collar-Mrs. Wm. II Bartlettf made forty_ years •ag.:i. • . • • - • !MISCELLANEOUS. . A Roll pf(Pineitppla . -Butter—Mrst IL L. West. -I 'V - ' • • - . • A vine Orange Tree--S Jenkins. ' ' ' A Lot Of Roney, of: Gene_ QualitY— (3W 11[4r., . . Leathet---A Lot of Kip—H.* . L Jeit 1 - kiss. - I • , Calf.--•L D Larable. . • After the ellibition,Win. II Jessup,made us a shoyi;, practical; interesting address, i upon: the utility and .benefits of Agricultu ral Fairs,!and friendly competition in gen- ral, with 'other smNestions suited to the oe - casion. I It is utter remarked,, ".that' what cost us - nothing is but lightly ; esteem ed." But I think in this instance, at least , the people present apprt;eiated.the good sense and instruction and advice • of the speaker. i -. .•:.: , :,Utterlfrefusing any " - material 'aid," as compensation .for his services, we deem it proper; arid just, to make a public-acknowl- . edgelnent of the favor received.' . Pcilnit me to make a few suggestions to those who may speak. to tlAereafter.= That style of public speaking, known in popular Parlance as" hifalutin," or " high fulution,'l is sat a - heavy discount in thiS community—and perhaps,. "spread-eagle .eloquene " may not meet a proper appre ciation--.-4but. strong common sense, and sound reasoning. is, taken ever at a premi um. .'Tis true— • . . "1t little nonsense now and then, terroll4hed brtho s be tormen." ' I But let the case be sense.. Tell us ' what you know—if you•knoW anything musical, that would be pertinent to the subject and occasion; let's have it., But 1 second or third rate newspaper'‘vit and al . mantic ituries - we cam read at our leisure. 1 For the Jazkswi Agricultural Society. . .- . I, P. ILALL, Cor. Sec. . LAHOUXOES WITHOUT A . MASTFH. Frthich, German, Spanish,Latin, Italian Languages without a -Master, whereby any 'one or all of these languagescan be learned by any one, without- a Teacher, with the aid of thiii book. By A. H. Monteith, Esq. The Robertson Method of s learnintii the German, Spanish, Latin, and It without the aid of a teacher has fur the'last ten years been seecessfully tested throughout the -whole' European Continent; and is, without a single excep tion, used in teaching the modern lang,ua gi!s in al! the educational institutions of Egland, France, mid Germany. • In Lon 'don, 31r. A. H. - Monteith, the most eels orated teacher of languages in the world, has arranged and perfected, this. system ; and his works on the study of the French, German, Spanish, Laiin and Italian, .with .ool a 4naster, contained in this volume, immediately obtained it sudden and extra-- ; ordinary pupal city. Persons unaequain led With these languages, with the aid of this voluine; can be enabled to read, write and speak the language of either, without the aidlOf it teacher Or any oral instruction iyhatever, provided they pay strict atten, tion td ; the instructions laid down in the work, and that Rodin - T. "shall be passed over without it thorough investigation of , the subject h. involves; by - doing Nvhich they will tind themselves to he aide to Speak; Read or Write, either .language, at their VH1.444141 Oeasere. The whole is ' contained in Twenty-seven Easy LeSsons. The French is in Six Easy Lessons, ish is in Four, German is in Six; Latin is in Six,.and the Italian is in five easy less ons, 'or Twenty-Seven in ell; This work , is . invaluable .to any person wishing to learn either or all . of these languages, and,' is worth to any one, one hundred times its cost. This work, has already run through several large editions in 'England; ibr 'no persons .hae ever bought a copy of it, without recommending it to their friends. Everybody should possess themselVes of a copy of it at once. • complete in one large duodecimo vol ume, bound in cloth. Price 'one dollar ,atiid twenty-five cents a copy only. . Read What Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie, The Literary -Editor of the Philadelphia ,;Daily Press, says of it editorially in that paper : - ' "There is no -royal road to learning ;- butlwhere the learner heavily dragged on *Hsi - umbering, way in former times, he now has a new track and wonderful engines, which greatly facilitate his progress. Study ' this book carefully, and you can atqiure near 1;4116- dozen languages in the time usually wasted upon the imperfeet acquisition of one. Sadly, as well as wise, . did- Milton write, "We 'do amiss to spend seven or eight . years 'Merely in scraping togg i ther is' much Latin and Greek as might be learned easily and de lightfully in one year." Jahn Lock, Svd . -, ney Smith, and other - great scholars, bear like testimony. . "Monteith's books, here before us; pro fesses-to Make any one of reasonable ca T Pacity and suitable industry, read, write, and spear five languageS, (four -of them living tongues) without .any assistance from ateacher. Mut Burritt's case shows how, intellect and the .desire to learn can make a man master 'of the jiriucipal dead and living languages : This book and a' of the real desire to learn the lanimage, will en able, a student to teach himself French in an incredibly short time; and so with the other, - languages The Messrs. Peterson Confer a great benefit on society by pub lishing this look.". • • Published this day, and for sale at re tail or wladeiale, at the cheap bookselling and, publishing establishment of T. B. Pe-. terson & : Brother, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, , Pa. • " • , , Copies of the above work will be sent to any - one to• any place, free of postage, ' on inclosing. to us•one dollar and, twenty live. Cents ilia letter.. - W.txmo:—Storekeepers,CanVassers - and Agents hi every City, Town and Vilhige in the United States, - to engage 'the Sale of the above popular Work, all of .whom, will be supplied. with -the y work at the rate of nine dollars a thizen. Address all orders, with remittances for theluanti-, 't wished; to T. B. Peterson &Brothers, N 0. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, and .they will receive inaniediate attention, and be sent at once, per first express, after receipt of order. I,‘3l4Oistr . cogoc. 311Larlr-ot. Wheat bushel, $l, (p 51 . 14 Rye' 4;{ cents Corn 75 cents Buckwheat Oats DO e, 35 cvnts Ik4kns #1 Potatoes ' ceate iColmiion Sense rules the mass of Su; poisple, whet ever"the misnamed mad misanthropic philosopher may . say to the centred. Show thern a good thing; let its merits be clearly demonstrated. and they will not hesitate to give it thir most cordial patronage: The masses have already ratified judgment of a physician, concerning the virtues of fIOSTETTER'S Birrreas. as may be seen ni the Immense quantities of this mcdlcihe- that ate annually sold in every section of the land. It lii now recognizisl as greatly superior to all other remedies yet devised, for dis eases of the digestive organs. such as diarrhtra, dysentery. dispepsia, and for the various fevers that arise' from de rangement of those portions of the' system. Alostetter's name Is rapidly becoming a household word.. from Maine tgTexas, from the shores of the Atlantic tia toe l'acine.— Try the attide and be sardefied... Sold by/ all druggists in the world. - • - lefrSee advertisententlqinother -Column. - now I Grand Juror", Nov. Term.--Aubton-if. L!11. ' ! . Brld-OWeter-- , banier IT ,%tinde. - P.m)* Newcurnh. hoconnt-Fdward - Burke. Clifford-Arnold Greene. l'tanklit , -Tittz. Smith Jr.. INA+ TATI , Y.- Grb.nn-C N ntlier. Ci Bend,-John E Conklin, Orlando Ciasmberlin, Jt."..n Lane: . IlarTuAl-G F 'Babcock. ThOnlrot %111marth. Harmony-S IT Barneq: WTI) Co:k; ir;.ltielutrd Martin. - • Jacksun-Lconder Tirld`er. Wllll„,nrl.erahee. New3Elford-lhivid.Mathew., }IO:3CC Seymour. Sprin;;Tille-7. , Tnt I, AI cry. Sukniellunnr.--L F Clark and Janlf.t.S ii•II. The//11507.7-CfrirleS 1 ., .:11 , UOVii 2 , W TiaVoroe ,Nurorro.Nol. Tarm.-Nubun-Wm. Coot. S. ,W. Eddy. .:.(1 week-S..N. Lowe. . . A:arat- 2 1.^., Itinlhbyen, ad we ek. , • ErTrlgewater---B. P. Anion, Boma , : Brewster, Perrin WeJl- , . &in - hi Storm: ad v. - ce.k-.T llan'll:gion• itrooklyn-c•yalecOala- ,-..ndc - ,2w Roger,, ad. Tal week .l S Tewkshary.r. G. " %tTillams, - •• . CIiTMSI- , --Pro,per lIWI, Ev,in..lerrtins, 5E , Tlf filer, AU Perk, 2d week - --:PBennett:Tß.Havii. Choconut. lal week-J Devitt. Dimock-T W Allen. E T V. 104 1 ,. f:tisha -Foray. fad week -W. J. baker; 1 B Woodito.z.e,Ja 'iourY. Forest Llke.. - . -.Ahrn.DeWel.s.lsekloallus.Orick. 24 week 'l' Melva,. C IT C 01.1?. 1 0111 in, . . prlend.rdle ' ad week-. 1 IT,, • , Tord. ' . , 'Franklin. zd week-)L1'45:k... Oreat fiend.Y.N Green, F. Cr!!!. If reel .T B Johnson.- •ad week-E Ilawkini, Wm A Er. - ow. Gitn•un--.T T. Gillett. C'A Fiehhcily. .7,7 Prt , , ,, r. lici4ck -.1 Pratt. L Igor. ad week-, Mjikr. - Ilartato*-Wte Puruie, 1 tituiTronsin. ad wt,...1. - -1.1 Hold ' rid;ra. L Norton, .li.• , - • - - 1 Burford-0 Thatcher.. -2d week-War :i. WBllams, $ Guile. -... . . i Jesezp-D. Olmstead. It! week-N. Boer, N. 'Afacfb7.. i Jackson, ad week-,!. Buott. ' LCIIOX—C. Harding. ard week-C. Conrad, S. Roland. Lathrop, ad week-:-D. Wood. . . . Liberty-11. - Law. P. C. Lice: , _ 31ontrohe, ad.- week-A. Baldwin ! N. Ilawley.D: li. ?or. eel!. 5. So)re. . . Middletown-L. lietbe T. Tierney: 0. 110 , ,e. New Milford., 2d vreek-L-T W II Bradford. It. A. Johns - Mt . , Oakland-Wm:1). Stoddard, lld week-.T. H. L,rinoer. ' Itush-W. H. Whitney. Sustinehanna..tilack;Wm. SO.:del:cr. T,Todd.2d week- I'. Blodett. . . Silver Lake-Wm. H. Gage, B. M. Gaze. • , Springville-D. Wakelee, - S. Strickland, Landis Lyman, X. Hiiey. • .7 .. .. , . 7111411rafhaldfo Pllifs.-1 he high and envied celebrity ichichthi3pre-entinent medicine has icotilredforinvarlable efficacy in all disease:: It professes to cure. has rendered the usual pi-claim of (Atoll:Mous pu2lng not \ unly unneces sary, but unworthy it:thtm. They arc known by their fruits; their good works tehtify fur them. and they thrive not by the faith oftlielcreditions. .In .111 ea-es of "costive;rlyspe pSia, bAluas and liver aff.xtlone.. plies. fevers and a , „raet theumatiAm, obstinate licadazdier, and genera) .derangements of health. these have Invariably prov . ed a certain and sywdy remedy. A 'Angle trini.cill place the 'LIFE-PILLS beyond the reach of competition lb the esti _ matlon of every patient. . Dn. NOPFAT'S NICENE: be found to be equally ef.lvacious in all* of dY.,:icpsia, hesea4che, • nervous debillty, alchnesaincident to fem.tlee 'tic:llea:a • health, and every kind of, , of the diurstire organs. Forsale by; Dn. W. D. 310FF.'.7. nrcacivi ay, 25.1"..ana by medicine dealers and dn.„,„i.its genera:l,7- throughout the country. - dect ly• • . , . ncrrhavels Ifo!land flitter!.—A ntedielLe of,ede;ilcicv pur,tf:n.; tau L;00.1. C' 3,e11031 (or the foUndation good 1t..14111., ar.d for correctin; disor der!, of-the stomach and n. indigettiOt, lie.rt-burn., Acidity. Wat;,r Cu.tirrne,t.. lleodache. LUsd .81.1 , e; nil Inn, Complaint., Cramps. .s,u n nior cwopatiot. Netvoul, Ilh.munctic atul Lrectiuos It has frequently Lcen adroiniAtred *.v:ts st:Cee , P. TWO Ur three vt,ll cortvlaceitne Of Ito Isl. LA , / ry unin el, 101 l hpeellS• r,..r.t!u it; Kleugth, itealtn , y action of the ilver,'llowel, mod I;!thier will rvid ly take. pints, and reneNved'Leuitiz be the q uick re3ol. thdAdverlisorzer.t or Doct...9anrora's Llama bylgotator antl Catlk?.rt!^ PL I: -. ',another coluzoin: 'Weakness anti Debllity. , —AN ,i. 1.0 duffer f:o1 wcW.diess or lietiility; ~ , i tyire ii, a. want of encrgii .could at once have recOttr-e tri JUDSON'S: MOUNTAIN lif:itti i'ILLS. They losair.• 111111111 l parify the Woad and act upon the tr.aiii,ouring oriife. ;:vinz strength and vig or to the ryi.tem.; Yoeng :,et-o:., enter - In: into woman h(,,,lt. ccith.a deran;:einent of the t:i•l•etient : MUd to tnOttt . ers at the tam of JJlre:. tit ~ e Pill , wiii be tr.:3st flicacitits in correcting' the tide of life that' way be on the tern. Young:: and eld,ri t :lSZl: soric,r in ii ...iirailar =inner at the f , sm., piiritid , , wiser. there ! • :away. (limier. tacv tiliotild - therefore undergo a cour-e 'of thesepttrifying thedicine, which eniinre,la-itint , heaith. = _ This great lloc.ieh - r•la i'ift.t:cine raiiits araorfg the lead. ing 11CC..?1,5Erict of life. as-it in ,cell Iceowit to the world that it curca cotatitairits :hat other teintditiii unit reach; I this fact id Z 4 well Zdtiiblik i.I:CI no that the eat lighta the 1 world. , ' .. '..,•'s Mountain li f irti) Pinyare sold by ail Peel ors in ,Medicine. • ' , ' UOT IL:SUIi 1V 631 P% TAR AND . woaa - NAPTHA • 1, , For the rclic - f1 pith.,!.; ii ndra:;,:rd ata,ee t -- ;1 ' Con:amp:ion all DivAse3 of the 'cravat ane..Thest aa3 cv * , 7retlisposo to Ccrutt ztptior.: • . a:f.fuli the :not cf and r cla Meer:: dellroytrogiCanClat ti it, fil):l4thee. cc 4 frte e...rpecb, - q•qtit.n, - in. the (114,azttl .3/c7 , 24 . ;:ch - m.d tangs. i HOOFLAND'S • 4AlAtt :tl ovv • THE - 4 - 1 Gryco...x.r STANDARD REMEDIES of tte present s;e., have acquirretheir great I,optsl.rit7 cagy througlx years of trinl. Cubnaled sati.f.sctiws and all Iltgeays: ari:ln; from a dlforgil E'er, or weak• nee/ of 42. e iitealach awl rlgemivoilrgaLs, Coughs, Coldi, or nuortentar„ Zronclitia, Infuonts, • Croup, Piscumorau, /acipient-Conzuzuptiou, - asi itas perfornird the most ni , t , ,rl4,ing curry errs known o ( coxrire.sztp coN,sumpTzopt. ♦z • DisniAa!Cordi . .9 It 1. unvttialltd.: cents 11013FLANDI GERMAN - PILL; - belts; ere:l thrunglisur America, reeds do COUMV:l3d.tqutt Ilea. r 1,4 crg-talle„ttl. prepared wifli ;rent ease:new and are sii;arusoiord. better Cathartic Pill can be fund. 1 . 31C7- cos. per lux. 'Thew inistieines arts pretend br Dr. C. M. 3 Acc,xi k. r.t.. an! St. Luis. IL I. end tire !al by dribmists and *ln:tiers in Medi:ill-a eferritlog e. Thealigs nature of C M. 3acurga sell be on the outoole of each . 'turtle box. • ' In our a Eseeybody's .4 internee,' publishes! annually. you - will flpd tntifn"ny and omit inendstury niulcsa fri nt all pane uY t tbe etAth:ry, Alutannia i;iven as ay by al onuit;ente: - . - - mla2dl 'l:3 old Inillon!pse brAPF.L TqtltELL, dent Notice.-11e . r. A. 0. Warren.will prelch at th,. Paris Sctool louse Ii llrldzevater next Su.nLy, Nov In Cllrqrd, Oct.llth. by 31. r. Stewart, 11.n.:11r. ` lc mss A. lotmc-sind Miss Lot:n.o% A igrii,„„ Woo; clit'art! , the enme, onsthe nth of on.. Mr. ::rw• TON ILky, and 1 ,-dh , e EIIIALJNIEt GIIMON, , totO of Wayne county. - - In - riernelt‘i'llle. N. Y., Oct. 2(1. 'CLAnniser., .Rmerr.i. wife of Dr. E.. J.Johnpon, and (Laughter of.Gurdon Lel Olive Ely., of Dimalyn, Pa., aged 21 yenta. " ReJolce for a rirter ilecratecl:. 4 • • • Our lour ir her intirote ...(•aln : • A rool from It+ prismi relea-eil, . - • I ... f And (roe form 11.4 Ingthy poi». r 1..—... Whettt now: bbi so,oo Rye flour }1 cwt...: 1,50 Corn meat cwt.. 143. 2,3 Pork lb ....I0 C 4 It: cent'. Lard 1 1 lb 12 cents Butter tb...14 ar, 16 cent* Eggh d0z..,10@ 12 cents , 3E-1.3C4G-1 -- .1 ' r• go5:14:). T. ; • . - .., . ME WINTER TERM oftti It lio•titiltion wit', k-qn;rneu on ITEDNE 90.0: NOV. ...ilia. v. 6..., ou,k; th;" • t:- perrlslon or Mr. E.: 1%. 11..%)VLEY, u-.1...u.;ti bi . c,..nP-ta 3 Teachers. ; _ . - , la t e Ile.al4::nt in_iLe v•6'1,1 .for Me cure of aucl. Colds, t;:dup, 13ycnchitis, Isillieu% Is; bataing; orthe Heart. It is peculially aZapted to the Tatlical - . - ewe of AtiTESTA. fiq , e 141. , SI - 121 - P ra.ictvicieZwerrseng! thcj,lr.tclt:ar ncture oir dc;;;,.r. P_! , : t jp*”.7. , sn: to. Me. ta,!:, rind prompt-in effret.i. Try :: Ge . 4)naiheta it u invaluat:." in (I.c cli . 1 Bre; sav,ltizti Afteriieaa.. Pride Prfp:ri , ; 1,-; Dr. A. ICED:. and K.:di. , A. tr: coriier sql, and 1'411., .4 I: gruti.. Fcr iNntme by 774:41v , /r44 ABEL Ti.7IL'ELI. LTar.vie. im tccdered ihem ;LL cau-s ROOPLAIQD'S CEROIi AN, BITTERS posmr=s cxtt Liter Contotaint. Dyspepsia • Jaundice • Stervemc De- DactLace of the :Kidney; - • - An TOsRIV:T.T PniTriV a:ugut . Forts, An FEVER ARI 11ECE: See oar Altor.i4c for proof. Prucr, routs per rottro.. Illoofiand's Ba{sande ,Cordial aitc.,tmn.xl.xdx.4o , -mts. XJ.II2.ELW3ECE3.. TERMS—PER QUARTER 1 Common Ingt!hlt 13:nnchet . lllefer du lauguagrig . ot .. . . ..... „ Mu te upe Drawing 4nd inaktirg oU Mott! Tenni: J. DICURILLN, JR. free T. , \ 'cola