The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 01, 1860, Image 1

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IS PIIIILISIIE rltuksraTB,lll"
r•ear.r . 1 - tss .
OFFICE OX PUBLIC . 0 1VElsa,"E, • . -' P
DOiPIZS ABo V.R. 41:.11:1YS .1101'EL. • "1:1
Ti itits.-41,50 per nininin in An:#ANcE;il'.
bthrrtri-e $. Win be chanzed—And fift,y cents per aniannq
added to, the option of the Publisher:lc.4w:
espense of collation, etc.. Anel,..sict payment procrra....! .
A IWEItTISENTIINTS Will he in serle4int the pcc..square. of ten lines or l'es4, for the grptahrce •
week,. andit antis for each additional Wcek— pay dow,n.
lrerebants, aural otters: l - v. 410 :iiivertise by
the year, will be charged at the follotting rates, viz •
F o r , or-Ps:, on: yam, trll4ll,.anges,
addif;o,n2l.qtrare, at therate 0 1 1T
except to tbrise or kilown respn'tsibllity.
Mrs.' L. .T.'33IXBY,
VVlNCiitt.l rrum New!Vori: with ft rboire. '
heap t fut. and Ai eiegv , tit t
. .
• •
Is ready to farniirh the Ladles of)tontim.i:.t. vicinity svith
as good and as rich as car -hr. parch:4_4Pd anywhere. She
keep, t h e very nicest goZ.ds. Each as 6nnot fail to please
-the nuvra difficult. Pried yety reasottahlel
The Ladies - are invite) to mil and.i , ;vatnine her Good,.
VW - 'rooms , oppoldte aloon, (iecond floor.) Main
atrect. Yitontro.a. Pa. /..ev2ltt
FLT PAPER ;. W^...:IIILO7—:`II;ZON: MN. Win.
10,es Surrnp, fur Chili,lrtin Tt 4 ,eting; nearly
all the. Popular 'Medicines in 'market -4! Bird Paget , . Seed,
and thltagg necessary for kliepititt Catary ttirdi.ra great
variety of Fancy evooti..,, and nearly e , :erything, that Mer
e:halts advertite in Newspapers, are for sale.hv
.141outrofte,Oct_lst, 1hT,0.) ABEL TURIPELL.
Auditor's Ncrtico.
JOTJCE la herehy given that the unclerA , M,.. ed, an Andf
tor appointed by the Court of-Com nion Plea. , of Susci's.
County. to make dh.tributiott of the fund in-thehands of
tug Sheriff.ariaing from the saloof Real t:stateofJohn
Stone, will attend to the duties of hie a nnimihtmcnt at 'the
offtec of 11,,villey t Fitch. in Mout ro,e, un ThUrAay.t he Sib
clay of Nov. next. at one o'clock, I). to.. at n hich time and
place all Tenons hatere..te'll are required to'Lpresent their
claims or be forever debarred_ from routing in upon. said .
rand. 11. 5.13E.yri...Ey..1.4., Auditor.
Oct. Sth, 1901.-74 w.
Adm 'n'st,rator,'s Ncitice.
iv orp3E Se bercby givint to all persoto having demand.
a,,mainst the et.tate SMITH, late ofJ4N.
Slip, deceased, that the same mus.t be preonted to the an.
dersigned for arringrment. and all. persons indebted to
"%Bid ettate are reqom.ted to make immediate paythent.
Jet , up, Sept. 470., - 1860. ZENAS SMITH.
'FAdntin ktrator.
Administrator's Notice.
7\ro77efii hereby given th'at letters of administration
.l.l upon the estate of :lohn Donovan late of Silver. Lake
township. Snail atLo.. &weasel:, hate been granted-to the
r.nbscrilier. and all persons Indebted to said estate. are re
quired to make, immedialv, payment. and those having
claims aro desired to present the .ame dilly attested roe
settlement. ' T1310710' MURPHY.
Silver Lake, Sep. `27,l:•••Xst Gr..
iistrators" Notice. •
Noncg is hereby git:en ... that letters of !ohnlnlstrat ion
.. _ .._... . I'l
. •.• . ---- '' I (.111"ellitfir • IVitll frrent patho t s upon the ten- • --• void Is.. mpanion.
It upon the evititg'of Cleo. W. CROCKER. late tit , . ~ ~ • - ' •
I"Wati 111Way'S .partial to you, and have al- i d . ' • .1 her 1,- . . / • 1_ lacer-.;" l'ou don't \ ant a book tvorm for a
Bridgewater township, rrusiea ro., derealsed. have been I• i • COURTSHIP--,EXTRA'. •.. der pass:ions. ie.! a 3 et lose, lie
granted to the subscribrs, and all"mussinti Indebted arc ) ' :. WilV l a 11:,lif tl, NTT' tender feeling for you 1 ation of her feelifios &I:. - After. she had wife. " I' ' . . . .
~.. ,
hereby reenired to make Immediate payment, arid those : !, . ;
anii;l have,altrays, said Si) behind your 1 . i- 1 her .- .r she
toTite.• twins To p7-teat them, tinly allein•d, for settle- I ;" Don't you think Bill Taylor's a cello'g • . - • . eonip i•tet t xOl L !Mil,
; proceeded
intent M. 4.13.17 A. CROCIIIIII. I .! •- - I-- :-
.I 11
DAVID ALLEN. - • Adminixtratore. ' lay • o•reen?' . With ' his • bottle nose; and ' ' to state the evidences of a proMise of Mar- educati•il W 0017111? . . . . ...
It D. BARBER. 1 i ; o'•
' I lieav2,• beef-steak cheeks, lie looks worse "Well, I declare I've been afraid all
ridge 1•oni 1 111111csallInt.„11.,
'.. ria - f• ' 'l' 1 . • ~., .. which con- ",11111 3•oti think Effie does not possess
'Bridgewater. Oct. IStb. I,bliO.tio•
those characteristics ?" I
. 'i ''
- , then a frost bitten Splash. die. tries to along that you might object; that's the' `fisted in
• ~..- his having visited her severs
SHERRIFF'S SALES. .Ir 6 dandified to. ILI ha hall it s i f such reason I limed. to ask you." - . ` times at her tather's trigwain, smilling up
either of
" Not in the 41(ig,ree I desire in'n's wife.
, ~ . , , , . i obieet " e no, I ' <i die' first.. Y o u m ''Y . ion her most kindl • • I • k I - . Call Frith Inc stet-morrow-inorn ug, and
- Dv linoC of sondry writs Issued by the Conn or c.op - •a pa inlikin eotild dress!' Yitut miolit as 3, ant ma tog leer some •
Ail 7f109A •71,17, of Sin.quehnn, County. :Ltd to 191 e fbreC•9 ~ 9, AA • ask Ofille just anYllting, you please." ~ • • , seeing
t ' Dural ( ' 1 the recital of the and keep }our eyes open. After
led, 1 will expose te sale, bvpithlic vendee: rat The Court :•WCII. put lorOadelatli mt a so•ttp-tub.
' 4- it 9" : resin 8. -
Itouse in Montrose. on speruitiur. sot-: 17, 1864). at : !,, xi- h v Villa e -,.._, -II -.l ow ; „
s.. ust.lict. i Lan yon 1
I _. • ..Atul will y . oti grant . I h."l her at her liottie; I, am satisfied ivott will
-., undefinable,: attentions that she . . . .
1 O'CLOCK, p. tn. the followimr .destrilted pieces ofd, i "". , "" "I . Will." " tol - - ;'no longer regard her a suitalde w oinan for
land. to wit: , . •.' - I received and which are said fn; so
~ :; ttilk so?" said A. 13 Fowler 'who cares if i ~.. • 4 - hers"
' •
Ala, that certain pieCe or parcel of land: soma:. 'lying,
' IVilli . lM i - rather' awkward ' anil "gr.een." 1
i "Then tel I want 'you to pop the . , .1' 1 MAI '' t Iler Tunnucsa
.„„ , loom CI If I )•) 0 1 ~, hearts., the place:to wnien you reconiinenu
being in tn.:TAM:lslip - of A nola eii, coin t y of ruslut•henna I
~ • S • - • • que4tioti for me to Alice Bronson, for- " You have then visited her at lier - fa
; inuto4ce ! , stood proudly erect, with • . . .
and Stair of Penneylvanut. bounded end_iteeeribed a . •
11. e, elrit help our 'looks; besides hits 1' I -
follows. to wit: on the north by land of jolt n l'. sleeper. , : .. • I ". Who t 1" • •. _• ! a seoWling brow, occasionally shaking his tiler 91 house?"
•mo. sy tariff late of Henry Strinburg. dece,..sed.eiii.ith by • t npr is __.
rich, and . :11.ple to make all his sons i „ph ~, .. r
3and ofJolin Jinni-. Jr„ West hr I.nti of iron', ' I;;' , ` , . •: rieh too„ you inay .latirdi as finch as I • ' . ' head with ineffable ilisthiin. hishawante I '. l have not. . I saw enough
. • .
contain WC fifty Acres, more or lees. with the appurtenan• , "i, , ' • `` I.)o von lose .A,liee Bronson :'-" - • iwyt (pencil a hirge poutth made. of a itolf ! Seu•ard's party td cont•ince ine
fibs, and about thirty acres improved. /Taken 'in exert-
; I'oll please. Pin
. going, to 'set - lily cap,-.. i
.7.lfn a the snit of Charles: J. Sierper vs. Charb t e S. Chase.) ; •i.. ) B il i s , j "0, :Ada, I doallheart.-"
a. with a ins skin, ta4fnlN - ornamented with beads and.., It - as not possessed of those Moral
ALSO--Ail that certain piece or parcel Of land s'ittlate i Cr., f•.'
- , , i - " Yon're a I'ool ! -Tie I,iggest kiml of a. I, bones 'Front this she tyitlitlreW a bunch '. tellectual tlualifieations which I art
in the matt hip of sneer Lake. !., nro o Mid :' , :aTti a for, '• , t • .N. OW, Atm, you. , .
are talk no! Why, , , , • •• , ~ , ,
aki. he nried,amtl de walited its follii Ti -, i° wit t las:inning' , Il ar, ~-t , , ,,„1. 7 •• • - . -- , woe; ono L•vcry Wily Knou - s you're a fool." ~ o f I , in fif it i f en/ 1 ) - er ,,
, .. -, st•ver il yards
._ }'a rd, of -set i •, • "I thought her remarkably bril
nt A pc,o, : the northwest eI:C 0f.1.2111,19.f Miehael Itrodbr• . ,--. A. ' • 1 " F. 11,! 'What?" ' flannel. and a v:triet vor trinkets, which',
," Undoubtedly •die tvas so, bit
irk, theneent.rth slain.; lane of .it,1.11 jinni, '.2e.. i'47::•lb:hei ''. " I don't care, lie - will be rich. You , - • ' , . .•, . •. • . , •
•fierebee to a post in Ow wagth,line of Ill: reservation; ' , •
;;-. ,
~ i " I say vmere :,1 fool, and Am'il better - I
. she alleged had been , •• i 1 • 1 - the the brill Limo,. of inst.'. and not
t_it•ci tel. o) 1 .. I .
thenCe by the reservation ea, , t, PO perehe- to a mt.:. thence bIiTIU. /Ala, there .LN... 1 more gill in U. al. u 035., .;
..,0 ilE)t)le. •y our ,
mother don't know you're •f.• l i .`,- • tout , lof ~ 0 1, 1 ."
1.1. ` d °l.J.3l " lK • tt ' li e•Y• ''""'" O n 'P'="l" to 2 l' " ' i " . 11ete , a•lci I'm noti;:ioing, to•liti an ciltl Ma id. ' ' . - - lii i ess,stvaln ti,, file _Tar ;justice, , , oott '.
tin, r • Fml,l„ -Mich: A O .1B1•6•:111k.. 'lllll2 .1:11,11,i1. aboig Ai, ...',.., ~ ' , •. , ~ " oat. '- ()! yoil ninny, you-yon-ycnt )11l- '1 - 1 i
. •,..,ieo•r the's'e ace:timid - dim , proofs of pert)-', ".You spc.:tkeolficletttly.
-sine Al•t•fra) tt.rolte- to the ellee.of herrining. eon:ding 11 t.,•lttiVe •CtlOngli Jilt :IBM ; aid the gins • •, „. • 1 , .
~ •, -. ~ „r..., . • - ~
..,,s,-t ~...-10(sT, arr.....i. he it, 711111 e A 1,1%, 1.19 h•••-.• 99 . 1i1l . , A „l se , try 1 l i __ ~,1 , • „ . „,,. .,.. 5., ', 1.110 ,:,. crier} the niortitied _lii. 1, an 1 .14. . .•• 1 ' " I •lo • mid al you have frtqueittly
dy, 'Fiiiitint . s:mitiggee cviilently tot.olei . , , , .
the anpuricasnee-. 1TA11,..1i 111 ~, , ,:/1.11 117 111.• •1111',/f ( '‘..9A •‘) 1 : o ..^C ( '• 'I. dell `-''"
~ ' { ~: iVe. pc,or Bill a slip in the:l:tee that' Sent The iitth. iihoolishmetit, 0rpt.), , ,0,ii inter'-: spoken to rile of ,liars Jeis - el, • I vish weft
.w„ ,t . , w 11..1,..,...,..p . ten, ... i .,. 1.0 ire ese 'or Eno. 110-e i ltieiVv..„ !Div- floor ones al, .!eill OV:T.O • seek ..• - - •
N-0. Simon Ilollftran. , , -. 7 . t . VIM •'i•tiflo , •*. • • yarns' Were net stoweptible of firoof but 'to have the best 4 .41p..).r0pity to iiidge of
• tlyili• fortune, mullet them vo. if we, - " . ' • .., ,
AL•B4---All thst :el:tain s Mere er yevrioi of ',lna mitio,... '-. The cartnius Were closely drawn in the., l„, r , - .•,..1 I. 1 -.ii .:- of • her claims upon illY attetition.. 1 - ill you
elt as the T. 111,1 i C wir e r Cta
.; ; his
bring and helm: in art. rose-Idi. of nimook. e•viinty and", !yeti the 'money We ' ll - put ups \with t-ht" • • r. but w - ir • - 1 ' , - „..,.
is • e•at• ar,,,,,,,,; • 1. 1-,and. , ,' •,.." a...••• , ' , low. To • •, warm cozy, room, i min I•et te- • treaclierY, particularly the red flannel, call with rne at lier lather s:'
'' '' -•-• '7.• ' ' 1 . 061' 9 '*. • , • •
. ,
wit: on the aorta I.s"Ge,irge Tu. - Anne:it...oa the--: -3: - . t " . I•lrds he saw myriads of St•'l , Ills - Vlllo' 'lll • 1 " I will." '
• - •,,tezta,, on the small bv _set Mirillb•ta. iimi On •;• Wall, catell him .if You /in, Ada.. l e ' •r .“ • ' .._ '',•••-• :•• • .-•.• ' Ivlii..ll .14,1 been Itrchtt:•.ed of tie! trapper,
.„ , , , , 1 . , I ......
th , , ~t,i t* Frinklil. 1....1.,.....,. c,.yft:dz.ip..- -isly-el.ein ':, • i lit. -. . . • around, and CV en nor, •he I\ (=milers winit '. and he being present, all elfort id el-asion Ihe next latorniii, tho..yoltngl gentie
I Int
and a halfacms. with the atitnritinziec ~ ,,.i.,.• mins, aial, :DLitt? VIM Wilt ip')4l/1: ,; want ion.
earth ailed the girl, or What he'd dime 1. - 1 l' ' . 1 •le , '• Here - after ; Hien ctlik•cl. Atli they had -tvaited three
~ ',bole v. Acre: impro,, , d. i raliett in ..1-:.:c'eation •:;;; the , ~,,,
i/ I * don't. When are vi - Tti Ohio to • . , _
.., won itivi , been I lt.Sl •!`• ,••• . : " i 11 . 'I . 1
- d
rift of oar Prichard to Om nee • - if .:!.. L.:Ai:cm .i.ireer,tc 'i, • • '".. ' to make her flare up so thunde.ring inau : tw o or three pathetic pow nulls, IVilit,, , qatirters of in - my, .. l!•9 , 9 love entered
ifer.r.r.l 1 trti e tt
• ' ' ' ,;.- I
ALSIi-A-11 that Yertiilr• Ira,' or 1 , :: ( jo: , I t :' - '•' t ' :ill • I ' e i `t To-niolit, at Holton': as •9134111. . • I.oor Ada ieft • for' lit 'in c• instanter, but theEr •• 1 I• t • - ••• • • •4, • I '
tipper (tilt.; l.r• t Nat_.ll• t.olllplt ICl,‘ the re:rlor, receiyee.l them with gt•eut al
le the towns:tip of ttrtal IteniL eireilly told state afore- • .1 p asty; ,
... .
to frieini or fig! she- , . . i
i the ill,lioinant piahitifr r„st . ea her ease. , fabilit3 - . and Ras inteut .u . pon
said, butted. bounded and ibiecrihc.d ai. !,,11.,,,,.... 1., o 0
~ . - 1 se• - • kiln " - ' . . . ,-1
z est-be -nil crone- -1-,, , ---,i-lbi•Yotvh ' i '' - ' ' r "Never told her MT e. ' .
making i
,giood impression. Iler personal
'--(.' l l'`ln ' c al ''' '•- '• ' i ' • ";''' - '''Y ' 'or". 1 • 1• ' I -' •11 • 1 -1-of - nir I.
• ' not letenncenin_::r, eeinCiMiraiiiit,ll , ll. a ',VOTER I" tin , had . A frof.ruind .il A - • • I.'' , •V ".11 . on -‘s •
side of the .:tn.finenttu - I, Tit•lr. 1.0. 1 . 1f.:1,A1,•••1 ,nn,r 0. . t a, Tit la . . \Nis )011, M.. -air' . ; , .... T
„. . .i.,Le .1 .t_ c„. / !hitt.. , . . .
..i ,
ci ~
.70.41C9 K.. , 0rin11;... bald. therA.o :I,rlb. •Is'• wt:91,,A109%.:
~ a n i n,, , , Yon'll tell me when •s - ou catch , Prey On her &meek cheeli."
• ens.rue(i. Itji.fii till 1/Id judge,loeckoned to . 1 ,
,iiitte.:ll:tnet• I.llo.:c.tie that She 141 t.
1 1 hue
the line of said Grirat,' le; -,-Ti•itt, en 1•1111i11 , [We... , 1 • ,
. I I lust • left the toiltit. -Hers ring,le k _s were
tio-ei-sve• tint:, to 21 etakc end atone;; I henre north. eiZe" ~ :mt- gooyo? ' ; . . '' •., Ttilittlti•Sittktttg , zec to proceed with Isis Kie- ~. -
.41)id you hear all. they said. M:try : ' dress '
; perfect and her faultless, One ac
meet:lSO-halms 11,1 77/..T.;',11.f., rt. 11 etzAo arid ;icor,: ;Lime :'' ...1 - y, : - .. L . , ..._ I ..•I TT t , • - lilt • ' ._ . • • , leact• Ile rosi• under evident embarrass . - i ',,.. - 1 , , the
- north ,tr,"'clialn, and •.7 I I al:, to 1. e t -ilbd :! ;Lim : ' '''' :• ( s,w "" " e ' 4 a c"). - "Yes, Sophia; and. IM ;poled ,fo In• be- •-' •
„„, - .., . ; ciistoincit to •reoarit only •exterior,
thence south, three-chains. to a Iseado , A ar,e : thence ! add
. worthilatehinlF ' ', - 90 r 1 1 . go od bye"' • •- ' ' - ' 1. • 1 1e....-nt anal attempted an explanation. aim • :-.• 1
north. 114!.; ruse fifteen i-M.ine to a etoi.y. on , i • ,', • ''' "' - - • • would eertainlY have considered I her atz
the bank ..,f said river, lie:E.g . :lw ner:hea..n to:II,I'O2 . NT. ' . i - j 7 I , A 7
• hearioo ..I.'spose Ada At - Quid not have , - •.•• ' ' ' - ' troche. _After bnine (movers:llton Ot 1it
•,..---. Liveic land: the re up' said riier ;•• tin , ;, - ,,:,,...0r5,- - : "10h William' I •im tired ! Let lig • "• mitted thathe bad sevei - al times called up- i •
ginning:. connaninz Two hundred :mil f,ar ar're: or land, ± . • , •, • so. l liked it, if she had knowo we were there, , . . , tie mmnt; .xet as .teding tei reveal
more criers, with the appurtenttecee, one house_ tini-liarti. . •,•1,0 10 Ver there by the window, and sit' ~ . ! its Kishatvante, but. from a feeling of.: 1 - 1. , t't f.'s
KO u L.% u - a't d 'til . ..aft , r• they m•nt and .
and about • forty acres improved. !Itil;en In execution i'd .1. 1,. t . i „Ta i • t i •„„.i " - . --" - I .... - oat, • f r i en d. ..,„ d r i ve .., ~,., 0 hours wh i c ri . Ithe Cll.•
it tills C lara( i. e the'soiin, a ) 011116 :IC ) .
at the snit of Ilenry liemhunt In the n-ti of"Jobn rt,iren .
; ( " 1 1 . 111 . A 11 11 .. 1 ? It t? li It c s(-a " e sla,- •• , I then We let loose. :. Scophia lititgliet - 1 till ~•' ), . ,
3 t
.• the
the ~
ininil, tr. Hose iiquired for Mrs. •Tewel.
ye. Benjamin Arni,lll :mil LlM:sib. .
' ` .l7 " - ` l4' .: " le ' ' . '" t i ce WOll t V 011? said i rosy, bouncing girl. ~ , cotoo not oe employed in war. and !,, y ot , ~, , .ill 1 • . ri ; .
to Terre: Tenants.l i . ~ I she cried,d I ' • 11 d '-
, an . jte,d,ro e on the t dip. . , , ..... „ hart.r t J excuse ma t ii. 1110711-
' ' '!
Witi ' I . lB.bloilillio eVe 'to a beardless,l out . • ; - , utast. '.i o esteem be referred the (lona.'" '
„ALSO--All that certain piece or parcel of' ; sitaate : .1 •• • ~.. ~ ll • ' "Ha, hal ' laierhed * Ella. Custard. "She : '' • ~' lin she replied; "our kitchen-girt left its
innhesownehip Of Jackson. vounty mid State !, .: piin)le fiieed, and very innocent • looking; ', , I •, • ~... 'i
. 1 . • lions of the flannel and feathers: but ;is to 1 . • I. d . •
„. •
sodod and litestribed as f;;Ilows. to i: uti 'the north i must , se., her e:tp again ,or sonie To. 1,. ,
1, 1" land of L. Ti . I' neon and Lester Ti, as.- on the met . youth_of nineteen,: whir looked very 1 i
s- ' e-. P." I, else. She did not catch "the tat • , 00.e,' '
• • killino•lotiks and undefinable attentions;'l )
attend to household duties they morning."
I,y land ofd, n. Mint, on the wrath by land rif L. C.lkti. i ; s ii l „ lit h e , 4•...ti,,b, ,
ened, as the roguish ! ' ' . about - which - liishawante had talked.both 1
son. and on the n'i.l,l by land Or L...D. and A. Denson. • • ;Ind "`'., , .' this tinte." , . .
" :AL.:winos are sometim - es very frying,"
containing iiirte•two acre,. be the same More or lees, i . , looking girl led him back, apart from the I ; . i low ,. and 'jowl he denied•thena most vele, i
~9 ' `
• I remarked 3lr. Rose -, :
whit the appuilenanoes. one framed housei. one shop.. „.„.1„,,,,„
•I ' ... - - • '
• mently. ),The conchuling part of his de- . I •
brava and other oat buildings. one 0rchr....',1 rail about. , i
, e,-,.. 1t ... ".: , • -.. I - . •
-, '• Verily, as the sublime Dav• - , - Crockett ' , • "Exceedingly so. It is alinost inipossible
' 431 term improved. [Taken in exer.intliett tit the suit 0,.., “iNott-, tell me.; . William, why on earth ''
-: •• - , fence, if we may ei•edit. the aceount of thol - . I .i ,-
s. S. lagalis vs. Anstir.Behsitni 1 likillim- 1 , . • • so•trothfully and. beautifully observes : . , . ito get one you can rust. do not snow
• _
ALSO-.mi that emtain piece or parcel °friend situate lo f t ) . 011 eel mit - lied .. • ' trapper,: was powerfnl- mid unusinilly 1it0... I • •
- Tbe coarse of true loot; never dia run smocith." . i ' What people are going to do."
is the township of Anbern. conury and State afcritsaid. "Ni r liv-well I " -said the• Youth blush- ! Vent. • 'fliere was throughout thathitter,i
bounded end deseritted as follows. to wit; •,n th'e Hotta' . 1
Perim • .Rif l • • • sniff
ps it,mi .a., necessary,
ofjohn Brotemon's/ind. Cast of Wttb.N. White's, senth hig tip to• his eves, !and stopping short 1. THE FAITHLESS WARRIOR. , .
; strain of Sarcasm which •oecasionally ills-. .„. „, . .„
,v ,. a
of Thomas Ntesria..and Ivest. "of Lathrop. Ditneis, .
.11.. lose, suniin , to return . to. the
eves hard lip- 1 1 - i tine•uish :the retort • of a savage when . ! ..,,
containing seventy•se,'en acres and one. -hundred per- ‘ ; ci • 1
i t Till ft 0- asp - and fixino Ids
s• ,t,
i ~,-. a a
chett,he the same mercy - tries.. - with the apOurtenancett..! on 'vacancy, with a inizraeo ano aoOtitin I That feeling -- enthusiastie devotion to- deeply .excited. - During the whole of his !, - , , ~,,, , f• -
one huse, one barn. au +wear& end about forts acmes 1 ``. .1; - ard the weaker sex which made illustri- •d • " 7 - 1 1 • 4 !•comznon resort .or the ladies of a :tinily,
I discourse, A.lsiutwante s:kt .catong ier coll. •,
improved. IT in eteention at -The net of W. J. , expression. , .
.a• and S. IL Mallard vs. Jahn M., Franklin.) I ; -
" I ,Well go on what? " said the' our the lige of kinglit ' licTod, is . no w lout a 1 per-colored cheek spun her hand with a i
. no inatterlioly wealthy or distinguthe.d."
/ ~
• •,I.)etir me," said ' flie, ihuoliino• learti-
Ai-SO--Al the rV , ht, title and interest off saint; Manse ic • I • • tale of other times. Tim ignoble refute i wan, desolate alt. She was evidently. ~ ~, * ,* • .
• • !fair 'cross -questioner ;almost impercepti- i
defendant. to all that ecrtainplime or pared of land .IP- ! • , • • - , 7
ante in tbc. township of Oakland. cmanty and State afore- bly inclieitio• dearer to the voting, ,„,, 1 .._. I inents of modern ages, - ! iv' •• what a. no•ure snount linable r3•lng
have dissipated it ; areativ diSturbed, mid tinder the sarcasm ; * , • '
9 , 01, blAlwiedantlyiescribeda_s follows, to wit i beginning i...-..„.„ • • '' t
at apcbit-and PtOne.. the southwest corutir Of land min. i .IA OW, 1 lam, you' oust tellme rag it 1
Av • lr ' • • t 'as completely- as the risino• sun •• melts i 11....• ',,,t• I
r., , . „. - , ...,
~ , fto cooks dinner.,
.• I should, und •rtake
• t tie conclusion site mimeo. ine st noie . •
; i to .1 - mike a plain pudding ,
- 1 should quite
reacted to Morrran Shfts: them,. noli, Feil,• ivest. 43 ' straight out *son -' te/tai" • , Ito thih air" the morning mist upon the `crowd Sl - 11 . 8 thi•own into eontlision, and' it 1 •
plnn -'- -
and: felOths perches font stake and tont..: Llll,llc, by 1- , , -
IA d of Divton north, ILI' east. 75 perch, to '
4 - " Will7-I-0 &I fill!Yar, I don't know.". •
I mountain top. Truly has the poet sung,,the i ~ ,c•ts not Mail odoriferons herbs had been i • • •• ,.. •
, i , listJ at the close a this remark, ' 'file's
by the pilot:no-0i -,,; s !•,.., - el
stone.; thence ••- . - wo t..- bet - , w 1 ., it y ou. ;
d o .___l -‘•. • d re: come,l days of chivalry. Protid 'lllll.ll, DOW, not , a i• . 1 tc• i.r••, • 1 . wo helr's oil „ . • , ,' -
SU)•)011 O. .. OW , . , pp le( .o . ie nos( nose, so
..„.• .. .
to a stone set up; thence by tend contracted to Jackson i
sehriver north. I..V* east, 15. perches to stories; Thence ; I wanito know, and You must tell tile." I only cion templates •• Ileaven's last best gift"
- I rubbed oil her forehead, that she revived. !
• i tittle sister, tnetwar that, she was 'n
"by other, land 'of said Inivion sonar_ Ml,' 1,21.9. f, 1.19 and i zir - , i .-i F.l i• • ... ( U ' I - -,/
as bung upon ii equal t 2, ti tli iliniself;.! , • I pinion, called out - at he foot of the •tairs,
4-laths perches to a stone heap; thence by She sante 'lo4th. I‘. f.)-1 , -I can f. ted, , yo'll, I---1 - ...., 'lli ' Il' - 1
• f .. 1 rant t •
e o t c ne , lilt i promp ness of 1
- .• Eflie . mother iyanti to know if Yon 'iiii't
i•ii - treat y 47. and 1-10th perches to a post, the northeast ,
i a I say you can i telr IVlrt ; IVillie I I but often • as an inferior, tor is
. - orne.r. of mdd Ifimgan Shansi' lot: thench by ; the north : . . ' . 1' - • It . ecision c,en•actenstic ot,e a )ori t tlincs, t 40 __,,
/IL, to get bp to-day 1.• Yobr hreikthst
line of said Shtittslot north, 58 , ,,,•• west.. 92 mai s-unt. ; never will mentionit to anybody, 41' .
all& Of ; no l on ger the romance ot :1.1 iniration, and !
perches to a post; and-thence by the west ripe of /paid. • nrocevded, at (meet _, re a decision on I ' '- - •• - - ,
been ivaitino• three :lours!"
Shutt.' lot. 1,%, - west, 1'::l aria 9-10ths perches to the place, : -
erourSe .vott . wilrtell nie, yon lzitoty, file l with ti - hose feelings' he tatty sport • for :In ;' '
I • •('
' l• I - ' has
• '
:the case :•in ( oing it, e dwelt Arge. 2. up- ; The youito• lady ; blushed opened the
of beginning; containing onehundred and eleven acmes i have7tit - I always been: your fteit friend '.
on ;hour, then throw them idly by. This ot' 'I• 1 . ' hi''• i• ee state 1 ,-, ~
of land, be the same more prims, with the aliareminees. i. ~ „,_ „ _ . ~ , „iess lamentable -a " e r (*- 1" ' e "t""1 " *. iii ' a r - r• -•• ' , 'I door into the Mill. jilst in time to-ntoct
one framed dwelling house, and ten .teres iimproved. I ' ' . tl' CH, 011 nave, It, •• - ,- ' - d
i state Of tiiiii , rs is not
'DOW, reinte the •
.., tz,- thou aim tin cruelty of si,m• ins„ with affections I • ' 1 l' h o ldi ng i -
.LTaken in executioti at the cull of Jackeon Scliriver vs. !
bewildered and belelo . ered south,_ .- I true, as is evident from the number of ~ another sister, wto was a_crvino•
f • • • I artless •• - H • • -
laalah Moore.; • ,' I, -I" 't " tin lin tit( - L"11 1 babe. "Conie, Effie," said she, • yott
. .. A-A I'm' love-loin damsels wh ate drivel, to s 1 e
ALSO-All - Chit piece or parcel of land Pitut«, trig; ; .4.tou sure I thought yOu always ,
=dimin in the township of i.itserty,. county and State j likerl.nii,,,, scent on. the girl, in, a tender` tribunals of justice for ,the purpose of re- ; • 4 i. 1 • the i .1.• l• ,
~ i take Charley it'little While; She's, ,rocs
aforetuddbminded nod described itY Willow, tit wit: be- ~'', „. ions on(. O. Durstittl nt; ao ;
1 and I'm tired!" - -L. , I. 1
ginning. at the northeast corner of N0..17' tract. ! tma mid I 1,. • • - his' dressing the wrongs inflicted upon their I rqf're ov- ' '
•irienow accent, oo - 11 ~,o• 111t0 '- . et allil the pailther, or tneeting an enemy on i.. Curet}.f.• ~ ..--4 ; .
too to mother, she replied in
John Ilurr..s Emmy; thence month, t.' west:3li.: rolls to i . ,
C 5 ''' - h •• th t • • sill 1 4' o• ' it' 1 , atlectiOnS by faithless lovers'. 'lle violation I 1 1
, u 1,, synnra , t i t e, an,uis mg , . , . • . ~ .
a beech tree corner: thlince north, tr,,le• WfIA.A i177-roils 1 eN' 'fi lof Itattle e colle 41 . CI '- V or- - •
II I . 1
il I b '
' i
to:the centre of tarn tee; theme north. fig - et:Ft:along !; -• : . ' i 1 • • 0. • promise -1 • • ', • •; t" --('-` • • • -- • a Ichisper, but ivilicli,diti nut fail to i • each.
• i o a niarri.i e ,e,is )(IA ming .10 -el- : a 'l' . l r , thil, Tannucsain ioree simuld give '• '
the said .turnpike to the soma line of land belimning to ! b1ame5,„,..8,, Ida ... . " • .-, .. " ery • } the cars of the gentlelsien in tlie par or.
iMI2I4IE:C.OIII6COek: thenTte south. &I 'cuet. 941 rnds' to the i y
.. „ Ince von, upon my u oru-3 es, , ,
date' Occurrence, and the moment the.' `"
1 l ' • ' '.' ' '''
' i to the injured Kishalyzi ite another : piece ;;
place of herrinningt.honoded on the north •I•j• land of I i•idt.altir do - Atia, l •saiilthe un,„4,histiea.,l injured •party appeals tO the . .jaws of her - •• 1 .1 " Mother is dressing the Ye - igetithl s for
n.anc convtocie on the east by lot No. -12, on the :oath , " t. - , ' / s • • . • of red Maine ,:1 _si ver, ;brooch that .IsliS ' r • .19
by land of A A Chalker. on the west by eaiditurnpike, ter the: Jur nose of ilealn o• h • ;
Ltecryouth I•ery warmly, - and he - rimed, , _eollutql 1 I• • .
I'-'• 'bur I then darerlino• fre m iiis nose quid one doz. I •. A
! t inin.• - -
'eontaluhag 504cres strict measure. more or less. one 1 • i
itli a th hl •li ' ' rase no er us , t 11.- Adahall , lacerated feelinos and puni
a .... 1.58 .; shiterher trench- 1 ' ' , ,- 9 • - •• 11 - here is Jane, then''".. '
i , in :s. en of coonlskins. . . • ',
raw-mill, oneglwelling house, one ham: au °reliant, and ; w.
"iihe t ri oIIC to market."'
about 15 acres improved. [Taken In eattention attic suit '. unconsciously, and enthinkiterly .plii-cell,! erous swain, she is laughed. at and con- I -
of John S. Tarbell vs. Alanson Claalkertj ' t his ." ! 'l '
- , Ik Ira 'no sooner etoncluded • - sin- - •• \Veil take him back up stairs - ---I
' her palpitatino• hand into his open and i tetttne4 by all the frate-rnity of bachelors, ,-- , !. , I : ..,
ALSO-All 'that certain piece or parcel of Ituid satiate : , , ; , !. , .
. . .
4; ' • , .....
• tence tretrr.tne voting squaw sprin , upon . tage min twit,' she sak„returnitor ti
in the township*l.lnerty. bounded and deaMibed ae .;', unocCupiect heavy ,- and even the. public journals tied in the : - • ' , s,
, .
follows. to wit: bminaing at a hemluckttake -mid atones 1,, her feet, clasped her hands.upon her r breast i j,arior. - . ._ •-
~..1 the southeast corner of tut tin. 19 in John• Burr's oar- I 'mill there was tilloii.perturbed •"le cireunistance a•Subject of wit and. sarcasm '•
_ g since.
Ye-, in said township; thence north, „
thence rods and ;lie amed her' to Speak and ye i i . t lie Was'. with - which to till their colunios. ,
: and cried tint for joy, "Now Me ready to )
I "Mr. Hose awl his companion soofl
.: Mot of rod to elate and stones; riurt-h. Sir . • , ; • . ~-:' --' - i S 7 ' • . 'be - courted .agttin." Tunnumtinugg,ee Ito le4ive. As they Were passim.. tin . /
~ ...t. la - , rode and 4-l Otha of a rod to.,,etake and Ptintes; ' afraidshe would. '; •• • ~,..---- .1 • *lt , against all this we solemnly enter • .
• ~. n. , .• ~,,...h.,r wemt, 63 rods and ::-19tha et a. rod to atake I. di A1r,..11 if •••, . - ..-T. . .
you dike me, it
_ , ,e, amain, then;, t and hereopenly.
a prates , declare, ht
.11 . t I stood 'erect - and silent,.l
fora minute, then the hall, his c3 - e caught sight of,
inn! t•linie.; chalice south, oSX•eitat.lBs rods arid 4-10ths - '? '1 Tat 1 • 'Walk- ;
eta red to the' place of Iteginnlnt: cmgaining rig acres. ! why not tell me ? ' I Yeti you • will..tell inc„i d o ,
' - far' se our feeble efforts inay.avail in tor- i uttered a loud ulloop, delib.o e 3 . , book-ease; lyitli•a fine display of books.
more or 1 , ....; said land is boundett on the northby Mott; ~.„g .1,, , „ ,„ii 91, I • i reaino • Public sentiment on-this subject, • m •
led toWard his wigwa . 7 , " Will you permit me to ekainine Your
•of Aicabana Guile. , on ttie weld he-lot No. 15. on the ; , i , "'. '''"'t ...'" ,i - . • • 1 • t " •-, , I A.. , .
a trioinene"" h e - ... -
ernitti ITY land ofOeintre Crandall. oral on the tnsl by' land 1 - "Eh . : 011-:•- • -w ell " S,hid•lYilliatii, drop. ~ fe w e will . gall. Wily shed our last drop of ink s ; .1 e have non, we fancy, clearly show!) 1 library .. . . asked;
of Jahlal - Dayton.eing the. 'south half 'title! 'gni 19, for. ,- . , ,
..I that anion;; this unsophisticated people of ; "Certainly," replied '.Eflie, thro ring.
me rly known as the Kilburn-let; with the animrtenances : lAD g' 111.S•eye:1 itild :Ado's hand :it 4.lre. smile !. M . the aluse• - - .
i „, .
Svcsal hut:eat al about Murcia imprneed. rTlce , n in i ~,,.„„1 . 1n , -. " -- 'l . i-- - ' i'lfit be improper that the kindly :diet . - . She VI eat, there is a precedent •whic I Ws- , back the glass door. • "Papa Ins tn
' • ken
eon at .the oat of John S. Torben vs- Alanaou , "•"" 'I. ` I - '
• . • •
.Chalker•3' ' • ' 1 ; ." I'Oi prettv,liiire I you love . s oinebedv, 1 fri to that trilia•l o•reat . pains in selectino - line ealitions-I and
tious - of au innocent young girl.shoulel be l - tili e- - - s our I.afhies•lll aPPW ! g '
^ • .. . es -
, ._ -, Dal , 1 7
'NOTICE: TO Pf_I(IIASERS.-Tu'prevent misondcr- I 1 - V.illiant,'' said - she aoain - tissum irr a tom,! made the , sport of every gay W ha vu •
.I,othatio,-It 1., whose decrees•ean :done bind up tne , I think 0. hat c. iiiost of tho poptnar
=Landing-too' , t. hood.' glien that rito:ll3 ,, ors. at Sher- t •' ';' • ..... .
r11"-'syles willbe relater:l to par the manna' bid at' the '
'. of raitery: ,`• "In fact, I -know - you in is surely proper that such conductisliotild . ve bs , " l Works of the ." •
' I
'Sitmtided feeling of r fdis:ippointt:d 1 ,
... t
~ . .
~ . 1
. 1
Tino, adult thissole, It has become imintritivelyinecessa. i 1,,„ "I n d wt ir . h . don't chyme all , i . be ave.", red The laws . of society forbid, i reaching, the purse of tiii,e - lir/gall:int de-1, Ldgar s eyes dilated u little as the) ; ran
ary tt• rule. std it win Ite 5tr0..1.1,/ adhCred to. 1 s'' 51' .. ." , • - • - 1 -w 1
.. 6 • , , ..
~: , ..,,t. te, „ wt., ts.- pureasit•r i, , nitro creditor' and ; aboutlit ? conte, tel now. " • . ' ceivers ofniodern-times, This precedent . i.over the . 'titles npon the b•teks to the
i ott tne - part Ottne lady an appeal to mar- I , • i • 1 . „ . • .
.-an:led to theftlnd at wielded in the lit snatch' orate 2 • 4 ,-vvi- it ' r 71 1 ' • ' - i tal_combit.• When -- should -1, , .• T.
lee thnos her redress? Ir, one that •roi•e . ver put at - rest tt I t.isteluity bound yolutues, not more ban
„,., „ra,sn2sty.approved April Intb_l.B4lt.witich ;rap Co d- I Is, eU-,-.M.-- i , , • .. .
:ows :-••• Whenever the parr_nuers of real; estaht at or. 1 e jj!ell I! 0, Yoh silly mo . Itis' It is only bir an appeal to the purse of ' the :Ilirther sneers and cavilling .upon this sub 7 I ht...itr or which- lie bud seen hefor !,
, W, 1.2 I
maAs mart or Sheriff's 91411. shall e.pnear {rin k cart 1 • ; -- ,
.. g ~.. .. -
taboo! to be entitled. AA A siren r.r.N . rlltor. to Femme titre,' tell ' ' ' ll rail tlwithhold his':
there Ito be oft . ',you mutt te me; i iuni, a 4 3•
feet. And,in conchision, we have only 1., ~ 1 pre:mine you_ are itequainted iyith
- woo:- ot,to - portion Grew prom:edit of sad sale. it PhD , '' ! - rti , . • • il
t of' the Travels . of - .)dr Otillii;er '' said Icffie
I love it is butjtist and • proper that Ins ito suggest the expediency on le.Pttr- 1 • • • , . ,
i l.• lir fir the Siti,riff. Adtainistrator, ; E xe .,,i, t ,..„ ~,,,..; 0111 e. now . •
.. , I . . , , . .
„. . , ,
. ont-rt....,„. 1 1 tanktor such sale, toreistlye the iss,;;;;:, or ; •' , thirSC-hdieß l Who are - abOut to be courted, 1 takini : •down a book from its placaleSide .
~ e I can ' t Has paythini at att , . t f. t . yes...-. i money Should . be - Substitated-the _ pal- . • . ,
„, .
-nen pc mil:tees or pnechasers fur the moonlit. whirl, he or 1 .- - ' , - - " "ment of.whieboPerates 218 a -- elrative 'of ito carefullylpreseffe 011. {he little niemork , Milton's "Paradise ],opt " . . . I
Tney would Annear...from the roe=ai as efor e s n id t o T : ,,, „, ; and- , -yes, welt now:Ada, I will ell-yo.u.• t
ti5,,...d to ~,,,,,, Provided. that this arc
se he, I . ji, i'1%,,f1 ~,, Wifttam;:, ' i *Vb4ndedreelitig, and a iounishruent tO..the 1 ' LIS of laireetion idhood "
whieli their layers may pre.'l • "It . whit a f.l-vottrite - of my clu , • to prevent .the tight of slid Sheriff. Ad: 1 . "''''''i " v 7' , '..' "; .., . •••:- ''
• • ' • ~
minietrator; Exiscofor. or Whet pereini aforesaid: ~, ~t,„. ; .ai 1.4.,0 . . .-, . , ~•
~ ..
-', faithless lover: It might be supposed; I tent them : iind - if oecastoriully the y coi44 i he replied, . •I baie pot seenit-beforn, l jti,
. ~
and .
mandand ree-tivetaittetime of salsa aunt sulllciont to ' , rstl t hi t or, i
t. I ,- • • •.. 1 from the hne Cry-. that '. is raised 1 contnye to have a witn seeretl i y:obser- l'a icing tinie: ' -.., - ,
.. , •., . • .- -I. •
rarer al: i c-,z3.) ,,, t...entif.k.d. to be paid oet or the'proceas : ptl ; lit" t, . ,• 1 -
of sald saletlital previded further, that before ortY t'aro:. - - ''' 4 1 l " '., --- ' ' ' ' ' " - ' hal f .0 00a..
-.. - 1, a..itinst" a young . lady, Ik - better ei , she. ar• ong the icilling looks . th. tso . (.1 ten.‘take . c.. Al, y!:•,s, said she, mproh .. _
~•• .*P•itch3--en , shall ortnivethc benefit of thiA seetioa, ,_ . ; • . .
' • I - . , r'
' ' i.r a • - 'h ar d.h earte d d ece i ver at the I t•aptive lovely woman eart, ti.ey would: ip) , •• the - inotalie Which she had . ,madf, l and'.
i;eorthey shall produce a. the Sheriff, mother perwm en " 1 - 7 l s--:-.-" • .: , •- - ;pa: her .
~ki:,•„T said mile. a duly ermined statement from thelirms . --
" Yti•4 VIZ, lam in 1' ' '-- 1 -10 w don't l .
bar . bar of justice, that the _custom. Wltti VC- ' toe. greatly the gainers .b. .it : . los, it is ~ ,detarons of" porreetmg it. .bh soon giado
.. .., remade, 'maim' the fund and official seal i.f the tr . - tr - - -;.• .." - -- -- :- : .
, +T.' , :t..."boWille. that he if ;en creditor sntitled to ra• yon .tell, youe, , , t
4.6, 1 9 f *Di lyoii ?" • aid Wil..-i euliar to the United' States, and . but 0..: tbonlit ovrmr Intel igenfriend,ttl , ,
' r,, e trap.' another attempt at entertainmentl m.
',%` - " • ,.'''! rl' '''" nrre, • •• • - e•• ••• • l7, • ,., eettote , s'Ail.' .I • •1 pi ' • b'' A 'id loo'(.:very modern date. Stieh, however, is - ,not per, tbat-i:rhs
.... (.-. •.,...!, .;,..-, -,.-.. -.-,....,,,,..,....:. :1•.•.?!..; •.rvrt,:..,r,.. v• F f, ?7 , r ,•• than.
" ded equally Well. • .
.. ...
•. - . .. .. . . ;
~•- . i . .
• .
•". ' 1 . .
. .
...• . . . .
. , - • . . ,
.. . , .
. . .
. , . , . , , • . . . .
. . i. .
. • . .
. .
. : " - .1 , 11 , '"
.., . •
. ,
.11111 • 1 . . .
. . .
. . . •
. .
.. , . . . .
. .
. . . .
. .
, • • 1111 •, , ~. .
• .. .
, . .
, . . ,
~•*: Y.. '.' - 7 1 e ' • -.,
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. . ~ ...., . ,
‘'.' I . 1 ,
~; : .• -!.: • 1 . . , ."....= . 4 t
.... . 1 , ,
I . .
• • .
..,..,...., .., .. , .......
.. •
..,1 .
„... , ..
.. .
. .
.•. . .
• ....._
'. • ' • • ; - .
• • - i - -. , . - , • i.. • • , r - , , .•
, . .
BY WILLI. ULES 13.1.114 NT
Tice melancholy clays are come,
'The tquJde4it of the yea:
Of walling:winds and naked woods,
'Mid meltdown brown And acre;
Weaved In the hollowa. of the grOce,
The withered leaves) e dead;
They rustle tcathe eddy) c gust, • •
Andto the rabbit's tr. d:
The robin' and the wren lave flown,
And fromthe shrub I e 'jay •
Aid from the wot!dtoi Its the crow,
Through nil the gloom • day.
. , ,
Where 'are the flowers,
' • That latch! sprung aL.
i " . ' In - brighter fight and sof
A:beautiful sisterhooi .
, • Alan! they are all in lite r graces;
The gentle care of tlo A ers.
i - And I.3ing in theirlowly bed.
- With the fair and gc of imrs.
The yen is falling, wile e they Ili;
i llnt cold November *ln
i. Calls not from.the gloo yearli
The lovely ones again` -
: .
. .
i • 'The wild_
Cowen', and the,ciolet,
I • Thev perished long 10, •
i • ' ' And.ate.wild lone and ll* orchtedied
' l Amid the-Summer glow ; - .
i But on the bill the golden rod,
1 And the aster In the Wood.
1 And the yellOw sunflower by the brook.
i - In Anttunn beauty hood.
• Till fell the - hind from the clear, cold heaven,
As falln, the; plague on men.. ,
t • - And the brightness of their settle was gone
l 'From nidand, glade an I glen. . •
I .
And nowiwhin cotes the cairn midday, .
As stilfisuch days will come. .
To see this squirrel fowl te bee
Prom O . _
tt their wintry ome ;
el . When the sound of dropi g ante is heard,
Through ai) the Gees a still, • ' . \
And ttrinkle in the amok • light, - •
1 ' The waters of the rill: '
The tooth wind starches or the flowers
1 . Whose fragrance late ht / bore. •
Awl' 'O,, to And theta in the wood
1 . • Alai Ly the stream no lapse.
And when I think of one, who in
Her youthful beauty die
That fair. meek t at grew np
. And faded by my aide:
In cold, moiatnarth.we laid her,
When the foiela cast the leaf,
And we wept, that lovely
Should have a lire ao brier:
let not unmeet It•wa., that one
Like that voting friend of our*,
So gentle and beautiful.
-Should perh.ll with the-flower&
- ,
Pig in her face with an imOoring express- 1 the fact. It prey:lila among many nations; ,I the nameless little blandishments -to which
hil. •- 1 :lad
. I‘e areddeased to he alle to addace, I she referred th 6 cruel Tunnuesainuggee,
, I - ~
" Why, of course; yon know , , William !in contirnnttion of its correctness, the prat- insteail of one, ,could have_eep mulct -in- in
• that I will never saes anything ',about it. tiff , among the aborigines of our courni•y, at least two doien coon skins.'l. • •
-.- .....--...:___ .
Yon know I Won't ;tont you. Willie?" said i whoesimplicity °final - niers and unsophis- - - - 1-z.....-....--4
the -lady in a meltingly sweet voiced whis-1 tic:ited opinioas are of ltighanthority on all -, Whp , an d Who, l •
i .
per, an:l6er -cherry:lips were so near Wil- 1 qaestions of this kind. - .. 3
- -
liiim'S ear when she-spoke, th:it had 'he f FrOm an_ enterprizing and intelligent - , • ISY Mn. M. P. A. cram i fit,..
united his head to lotik towards lien, there trapper, who visited the Muscogce Indi- " Edgar Rose, why don't you marry
night have been an ;eßceedingly danger- ;ants, altr m
ibe too reote from the borders Effie Jewo, mid . settle' clown:.. • You've
;• •
ons collision. : : ' _ • lof theltinited Stattis to have adopted the t been an old maid long, enoti ,, li - 'She would
1" Well, Ada, I've told you now, so,,you i customs of our con M veational .soilety, A niakc you a spld i ndid' wife! ' 1 -
• shall know 'all about it," said • the rivo
ie now have clel•the lb:Wowing narration of a "_`Co doubt of that, John • • but I don't
86%14 faced Bill. " I havealways thought i case Which we are informed is one of no i think 'she would:. make me a liappy man."
a great deal of you-Land,-" • I miemamon ocearreace among them; " WhY not? I She's pretty !"I
~." Yesolear Willie," she said aloud, and , A
~ ‘oung Museegee squaw, of great " Yes:" ' ; 1 • • I •
triumphantly ilrought, "NOW it's coating!' beantsi I,aa instituted a suit, in accordance
~ " And graceful!" '
. • l` lam sure you would do anything you 1 with die rules 0f.., Indian jurisprudence, . " Yery." , • ,
cop against ld—" • - - against a torrior, Odic same tribe, a son -1 : "And nett . l"l ."; •
•." Yes, Willie, yon know I would." 1 ' • •
1 of one OF the principal chiefs of the nation 'f,' "Particularlyiso."
"Well, yes--I thOught just so, I knew !Ibr a_ breach of promise 'of marriage.— 'V‘ And accomplished!"
1 yon would. ....TOIL don't know how long 1 Tunnursaninggee, the Roving Buffalo, for V• Yes."
. 4
i I'‘je wanted to talk to you about it." • !by that name was tie faithless lover called i. "And rich!" 1
. • f'l declare, Willie! 71—you might have ; was diStinguisned fee. his prowess in battle, " I suppose so', But not beauty, grace,
told die long ',ago, if you had wanted to, (Ids personal strength, and his admiration neatness, acconiplishments and. • wealth
fOl Pm sure I' net w:is- angry With You lof the.:;quaws of his tribe
; combined,, would' make me happy unless
in my life."
l• The 'case exeited ; great interest, and I L they accompaitidd• a noble and; unselfish
"know yCln IV astft, ana rre oft- dre together at the time of • his trial, a ;•het.t."
1 .
en :felt—Mt-1 had a great initul ; to-- . but, ! Sashesnnber of Indians. Our trapper he- , " I should Judge Miss .I . o'vel tO beabont
0,-dear' but 17-'' - ' '. ling of 'in iimnizitive, turn in reg;krit to the !as noble-and unselfish as any of hersex—.
q Well,; Willie dear, it's not too late yet." ; custom: of the red Men; attended the in- i one ',articular individval . excepted„' of
`i Thew, Ada,do you think I'mtoo ;young j V estit , ation, is loch took place under :i huge 1 course! Notwii,hstanding. the ;high en
to 'get married.?"l
- - , sycamore. •
eoniums bestowtid upon women,; I do,not
--. "Indeed I,do not William ; and I know 1 ! stre but she is quite as liable, to,'err as we.
As -the Inahnis do not-possess that M
it would be 'a good- thing for yd., to,' lbr j estimable bocim, the trial •by jury, the are. I see as many fretful ; impatient, pas,
evtiry body says the sooner young people ; whol e . power of the Conn is vested in the sionate women ;4 men, and - I think rather
aretuarried - the better, when, like you, jlld're,,Wllo in this ease was a stern old I more."
- their minds are ripe, and they are prudent , w:itTiot i , with lock ,,,,bi t , ac h e d i„.. t h e ,„, r 'i u , 1 "That may la i - true, although I think
1111 —and they are inclined to `lore one au- lof sixty you are mistaken, r hut. if Effie - .tewel-is a-
Winters. Both parties were per- { i
I other." - . ; 1 sonallv ! present in court. Th e i n j ure d ! representatiVe of her* sex in regard :to
. "I'llat'fi just what I think ; and !tow, t h e ;. quality of heart, I have no desire, to . Wed.
squaw *ho- teas called -KishaWante,
I I'll :t e ll you. I'do want to get inaaried, .I Besides, though accomplished tt von say,
'''' i iqowe'ri of the I'uiirie, opened the ease in r, ,
r - bati, and if vote !l jitst—" '' ' ••'•- - -
"Indeed I will, my Willie. for you know ' d • H . -
!an iminissionate and touching manner— ; she has not that inent,al depth atid culture
. - IT ; which I should desire in 4 eorn. don:"
. .
fatr ionng flowers
strA, -
" Hero is a ' splendid edition of "The
ThreeSpaniarde Have yoit ever read it,
Mr. Rose? I declare T---was so charmed
with the narrative, that I 'could not leave it
•till'l had completely devoured it. It took
me three days, andi'm sure I ,knew of
scarcely anything that-took place at that
.thne.' • . •
.wbat do you think non-,
asked Edgar, after lie maids companioq
Were thirty in the street. • • ;
'LI would.not have thought thatil could,
be so deceived by external graces and I
fashionable accomplishments. Mother in :
the kitchen at hard work; daughter not,
risen, or at least unprepared for She du
ties of the clai till ten o'clock, and after. ' ;
that selfishly refusing to relieve her wearv,
mother's'; and sisters' 'cares . . I Gulliver''S:
Travels' tbr authentic hisory t • ' The Threct,
Spaniards' as . an example of literary' taste'
—well, Edgar, I
not urge you any
longer to well the bliss of bacherliohood
for all 'such a woman is worth, father's
money_ into the bargain But you will'
marry,, and I hope befor`p you leave the
I intend to do so.
"But you go in ?"
"I expect to dO •
" That is near" at hand." •
"I knew it."
, 1
" Yoil will have to be stirring 07 \ iund."
" Yes, but what good has it done?"
" Ilaveit't youjust•ascertained one item
of good, the of the fact that
Effie Jewell is a foolish girl, unfit .-to
sensible man's wife ?"
. ,
- "'That is only a negative, good !'-' -.
" Well here is a positive one,. then: "1 -
am to be married next ,week to Hattie
. .
" Hattie Sweet!"
" What the wagon -maker's daughter?"
"Just so." 1
-, "Yen are demented!" • i •
"I guess not." . .
" I should as soon have thought Of mar-'
rying Sally Jenkins the soap-boiler l il girl!"
"And SallY Jenkins would make. , a far
better wile than Effie. Jewell, the; mer
'chant's- daughter. She lacks culture, but
she iris a good heart andmot a bad Mind."
" Well, what do you see attracti;'-e in
Miss Hattie Sweet ? Those internal gra;
eels -of course, but rich an - ugly face !
Wity,,you would need, to stop and explain
to every one you meet that you did not
marry your wife f6r beauty, lint for good
. neAs and intellect !" •
at 31? s,
that she
and in
liant !"
it Was
ut mire
" I acknowledg6 That_ a pretty counte
nance has . a great chaem fur, me., 'and I
must considder-your eyes a little at fault
if they can discover netlike attractive in
Hat ti e's face. She has bcautifuleyesond
•a noble fofebead, awl I have., even .come
to regard her remaining featunis as nut
altogether unsuitable."
`' Lure is blind. :l tl perliaps'it is
well it is so. llas Miss sweet any eduea
"She is a gra , litate of College.",
" Conegefiradnute! .Strong-Inirided Ira
nian,: then ?" .
Hope so. -- I should thhilc`;y - im would
be suflicJently satisfied witlttheex,hibition
ire have had of a - wreak-minded • (me th 6
morning, riot to desire me to enter .into
a matrimonial alliance with one of that
class." " ' '
' "Can she sing and I.oay?' =
" Collie to my-wedding next Thursday
night and you shall heat."
" I sup Pose she has given' little atten
tion to drawing and painting, as her time
has been so largely occupied with' Greek
and Latin."
"One of her paintings IS,now on eXhibi
tion at the Art Galley, and receives -Warm
- commendation." .
" Indeed ! Well, I hope - you Are to
have a .c.ife -who can get you a' ditnier if
your kitchen maid happens to leave with
outl ' 4
giving due not tee,. f . . .
" I have takeset cure not to run the risk
of going dinnerless . or supperh:ss, having
already partaken of two or -three -Meals
prepared by her own hands."
Well; Edgar, 'I congratulate_ you , on
the prize you secured, and hope yon :may
be' a happy man." • ,
In his his farewell address to his cm/pixy
r;men upon retiring from the- .Presidency,
the patriot, "statesman, . and hero 'of the ,
IHermita . se, Gel): Jackson,- drew the Pali .
lowing pitture of distiniod. It i.q a dreadful
I,:ene, and no lover of hiS country- end gaze
I upon without : •It reads ea -
follo . . .
. ,
"What have You to
.gain by: division;
and disssention ? - Delnde•not: yourselves
!with the hope that • the. breach - once made,
_ ...._ ____ _
would be afterward - .easily repaired.. If
Ginrs Now A:.;D: Is . 01.1) Ttmes.- 1 -We
wish the girls of the present
whose I the Union is once Severed,: the. separation
Slender fingers, encased in scent +l 'kid. are I Will grow widerandwidet„mid the con- -
useless save to flutter over the Piano keys, troversies which are now debated and set
and: whose frail-frames get,"tired to death" I tied in the halls of legislation will be tried.
on the slightest provocation, could form i ;n the tied of battle and determined by,
some adequate idea of the work girls irsed I the sword. Neither should you deceive,.
to go through with sixty- years • a ,
~, .in yourselves with the hope that • the -. first
the era'when a damsel was considered un-!, line of separation would be the permanent'
thrifty if she did not spin, weave an d m ik e t elle: * * * * Local interests' would stilt •
1 up her owYwedding outfit.':' There mug i be folind there, arid imeltstened'ambition;l :
_., .
. have been a good deal - of solid comfort in,' And it.the recelleethin of eorinnen dar- .
those days when the hunt of the siiiiinino. ! gel's, in which the people of these United.
i wheel and the whir} "of the loom oecupiel here stood -I • • , r • ' - t'
,I States., suit •by ..tile "against'
' th
e tiwe now filled byd
moern brayuraii !
I the common fire—the methery of yictoriesi-
I won by their united valor---tfie Prosperityr
land Feench chatters--when the young lo
tdy, ' instead of prolneriading down the 1 and happiness - they' have enjoyed under .
street to see how the rest of t h e f entii h, : the present constitution-if all these reeol-,
i world was dressed, used to go, out an the; lectroits•and proofs of common interest are
I sunnv- side of the hill to watch the „,:a t i tt _. riot strongenough to bind - us together its
1 al whitening of the linen webs spreadone 1 one•people, what tie will, hold united the
; n ew divistons,.oferripire when these bond*
on the short velvet grass to catch the n) new
broken and this Union dissolv
i eherniebilluenee' of the sprinkling halo true
vivill sunshine• 'Piths is the task of grea t ti,rl ? The first line of Separrition , would
. ,
ld . be
manu.actories I.IOIV and our hinguitl-de. riot. last long : new,fragments won
tern ofr..newleaders would spring up, and
1 moiselles saunters down -to overstocked
e , stahl i stments,to amuse herse w hy “ e t,,,, p . 1 this great, Mid glorious republic would be,
Broken into a multitiide 'at. petty ,States,
: L ening" the &biles which lie.ready to .her-f
band. So disappeared another branch of varnied for' maths) aggression, loadedwith
i labor from .womati'slorizon! , • .taxes to inty armies :an leaders, seeking'
~.........;_____- . -j_ A, Seuirri%itnir.}--A•dry old era; insulted and trampled upon by the rist,
codger connected with the railroad inter- Lions of Eurcitie, until, harassed :with. con-,
! ests, a man who:listens always and speaks flieftind humbled end. debased -in "spirit..
! little, nd was. never 'known to .arghe a they worthily willing to submit to the'.
1 hobby with anybody, has lately"
,been; all I dominion of any' -millitary adventttret, Co'
1 mouth and ear to . a 'Very communicative I . surrender their liberty forthe sake' of - M . .,
Spiritualist of the ultra-school. •- He list- piole." • • - .
cued to,andswallowed, all sorts of things I • ' --- ' - ** l6 "' - '" ; • '
from the-other World w i t h, so muc h :pi a , • i v 0.... A abort. time ago: a, .man named
cidity of :Went, that the spiritualistat-- : lastCrandall made hits *ape from :.the Alle
believed him- to be Otte of the faithful.: ' 4 1 SAY" County" Jail.. For.tbe, lofOrimitiono
few days siee; the . ipiritualist Said to his of the curious lie has lately'writteti hick
pupil, "the spirit . , or. 8..4---, appeared tri', the feii 6 wih,,g' seedionnt of the manner of his
-1 Molest *ht. and lii
ordered .to borrow ! eeltPel ." 1 IitIIPPW I43 it . is a mystery' to
i Ave dollars of yon,"•for, a • certain
,brief history of :.mi &Tadao-
Rol''Pose I !O n° h"." PI s eonseqtteatly I will
I which teas named; "Yes, I know it did; ! " 'IA" r fiti - a
replied be, "andisn'tit strange! . the same The 114- auirePT l . ol , l ;WaS this:. I got out
0trit..c.4004 mime half an h our afte i soaNN of i the - 'tell by ingenuity, rim tip stairs with
• and told me - not to let you have . :the mon: 1 , 1 0147, ernirledent of the .back.. window
oy,* it had, Made _ a, mistake in giving, '
. 1 91.jPeci.. 41,-down tho lightning -rod
von the order!" . Thu pretended npiritu.. wlthrapidlty; walhed . Out _ O f the angelic
I alist.hasn't 2e.i - to WC the old codger. .t.o'ili withdignitY, and am now balking
I since. •: . . . ,in Itbe suns of pleasure and libertYl,"
, . ! x: -
1,133311 E C3O 0.11. AL. I XF,
. NEATLY AYD„pipm:Prvr,,... .
I ,i '.
ilk office of the 31ontrose Democrat
;,•hr recently beef eipplied 71th re s heir d
t a:d pr f ir b a okit tar bi l p
c o lr t et r iti c ;:, t .c! n rtc w ln the n
bear stl'ie.eettys
abort notice.
Posters, ;Programmes, mid
•.• other kind, [ of work In tide Ithe.• doee according teorder.
. ,
Businqss, Wedding, ..and Ball Ckgps,
I , Ticket+, etc...printed Iran neatness and despatch.
_ .
Justices' stud Constables! Blanks, Notes,
and ell otherillanks. on hood, or petted to order:.
NO: -L44. ,
ti "lob wcik and lilazits, to be Pad for on.4ellvez7 , .
. .
- • The wide clear waters sleeping 1k
Beneath the rondo s wings of gold, -
•• And on their glassy b t the sky
Aud bank. their min led Imes =told;
. • Far In the tangled .w thoground,
' - is strewn with fallen /eaves that Its -
From all accounts when General Wash
! in ,, ton — was in a passion; it was a and
1 one with just that sort of intensity - that
gives an idea of suppressed. power' of
iitrength we !:lo not tinste see. -A
In the volUnie rececently prepared:by •
theTexecntors of RichTid Rush, entitled.
:‘ , , - Occasicinal Prodat:dons," we find an an
ecdOte illustrating this. —Wlfen in 1791,
the officer arriv.ed . With' despitelies an
»wincing the defeat of St; Clair; Wash
.tington was at dinner. His -Secretary,.
therefore, left the table to' receive them;
but the messenger said his' instructions
!Were to:deliver them, to General Wash- , ,
ington . in person. The Secretary return
ed, and .1$ ashington left- the table to see
••, the officer. On -coming back, he made
an apology- for his absence,:but said,Uoth- .
in,g of the business,, and- inaintained
usual affability during the whole evening.
At ten o'clock the- company had 'all gone,
and firs Washington 'retired, leavingonly
the General, and his Secretary, who de- •
scribed the scene:, • Washington walked
the floor for .some minus and then sat
down: - But it was plain that he had been
suppressing a strong emotion. Suddenly '
he broke put—"it's all over—St. (;lair's
defeated—wouted—the officers nearly all
killed, the men', by wholesale-=the route
comtlete—too socking to - think of—and .
a sußernsE into the bargain !"' He utter
' tar this - with great - vehemence; paused,
got up and walked the 'room, then direct:
1y :stopped short and broke out=" Yes, -
her:;l - on this very spot I took leave-of
him-; I wished him success and honor;.
you have your instructions,' I said, froth
the Secretary of War.' I had a strict qe,
tolhern, and will add - buil one word—be.
ware of a surprise. I repeat—BEWAßE or
A 'SruPnisr:—you' ku . ow how the Indians
tight its: He went off with that as my
.last solemn ivarning. thrown. in his ears.
Ind yet tai stiffer that army - to be cut to
pieces, hacked,- butchered, tomahawked.
by a surprise--the very thing I guarded
him, against! 0, God; U, God, he is worse
thatb.:iniurderer! How can he unsWer
thr it to his" - country? - The blood of 6i:
slain is appal hint, the 4:Ur:icor-the widoWs.
nut Orphans, the curse of Heaven.l.
. . .
• While making these exclamations - his
fvne.. shook :Mil he tossed 'his hands
The 4.mpe:i pased,..and!Wati7i
im4on, seating - himself, said a calm
oice, "this must- not .!=o .beyond this
ITOoni." Another and it longer pause, anal
46 said in a Yower tone, " General St. Clair
ishall have justice—.l will hear hint without
!Idispleasure—he shall have
Thou comest not la the sober =be,
In mellow cloak of 'russet clad—
Thine are no rfielandAy sites ,
No'bueless Ilea era, pale andoaal.
_ lint. like an Emperor, triumphing,
' With gorzeouo robe+ of Tyrian - dysot
Full thisill of flairaut blovamolay s ,
And glowing purple canopies.
How call ye this tile' Reason's Fall.
That seems the-pnautt of the year I
ipaher afidbrigtitW tar than dt
The pun that Spring and Summer Weak— n
Redtally t he %regent -light of dai inz -
On rock, and gresm, and win shore;
-soft woody bank% and gmnite gray
With amber cloud% are malarial o'er.
1.1 k% crimson carpet all arpand
• Beneath a ctizawu canopy.-
Thealoping atm, with arrows bright, ' .
Pierced the foretes waving maze I .
- .TIM universe sums wrapt in light, .
A floating robe of roar haze.' .
• Oh, Arstertm 1 then art here a king—
And toned thy throne the smiling homy
A thousand fragrant tributes bring.
Of golden fruit and blushing flowe.aa:
Washipgton in aSformi