THE •MONTRost DEMOCRAT :-' . OFFICIAL' ittpOßT:l -- .' TEIII6I-$lOO PER mow, ix ATOMIIO2. : • IMILTINO clinal Z11400‘ , 17 0 ROE dOill4 ..- ---- .7 . 7 A . 1. - GER R --- i T so - N ,77, 7•77-7, .- :-,. A meeting of the RO.g :War Delnocrtitie i • . . . . ~ - ~ A .:3 .. - •• 'State Executive Committee 01 rermaclva- EDITOR, IIIBLISHER,- ANO , .PROPRIETOR, i Ilia 1% • 'ltilield purstiariiTto call, atthe'Detii 01,Pttli orroscrEmitr.Posti-orrtur.. - • . Held, p ._„___________ __......,............. .... -.- • 1 °coin: City Club Hopp in Reading, i on ,og in k eix, 67..i' - . 4 .... ~ ,t,iy4,./ 0 0 . :,' Friday OetolArl2tlt;;4l3l3o. The meeinl; ._.._., - ----7-----_.---. was called to order liy.tto chairman, Hon I .D.E:Af OCRt.4I7C NOMINATIONS. .: in. H . welsh; at 'll "-o'clock A:3l. . . Upon the Chairman announcing; thattliel Committee was ready„to priic,eed.,to.l.lusi--, - , ness, Capt. Alfred totry--'offered-thelcillivw ;lin -- ..,.; g resolution : _----------. ! Resoh , rd,,That this Conimittee do •bere- ' • , i - 1 by reSchtd. it 4 'action. at Philadelphia ; on H-the .41. of July, and - at Cresson on the:9th .1 - cf Angnst-hottcand - thatwe recommend-to 'the • Democtatio party. OfTennsylvania. to stand by the Electoral ticket madeby the I)emocnaticState COnvention afßeading, l.on ofMarchißlB6o. . . . ' ' - , .1 -.. .;' To which ,Mr.lsaac Leech offoredthe fol- , , MECTOitS AT LARGR. , lowing amendineno- 7 i, . . r .i - WILEREAS,.Itim theduty of. ail Union V RICHARD AUX, - ORO. 31. KErs!. loving and, conservative, citizens io..iiiiite • • - • -- ii in such ; manner as will beat prevent; the election Of ,the 'Sectional : candidates, ; Lin eoln and Hamlin; and as it isbelievedithat l• there are a. majority of votersin,the State of Pennsylvania who are- opposed tO .the hoitile And aggressive doctrines. of the Re ; publican party tthereforc,. be it r -A:. Bese/ret4That thrt electoral ticket form, ed at Reading, on the first :day of March last; be submitted tiitbevoters of Penn sylvania for the •votes of. All. crmserviitive . eatqens ' opposed to :the. •electiott.of Lin- Coln, :provided that .each elector _',will pledge hirnselfht Writing, within ten,days, from tlts datejlint in the- . .event of his elea tion:as On elector, he will cast.his t-rite for President and Vice-President in stick - a nomaer as - tat; Reading: Convention,; rem ; sembled for such parpose on the 20thlday of Soveniber;. may; direct, whether is be for. DougfaS and Johnson; llreckinridgit and Lnno, or Bell and Everett. • - I ' i Revived, .That believing that there is-a ' decided majority of the voters of this! state hostile to sectionalism, atOltheelection of the sectional camlidates.Lincolo and:Ham lin,. we call upon them to, forego past dif-- ferenecs, and to-unite as the . conserkative, Union and ConstitUtiopal party in support of the ticket here jitesented. • - :" ; i Reitolved,. That the Place -of any one . de j clinink to gite the required pledge 'may be filled, with one Who will give, such a pledge to the. State Central - Committee, IWho shall asiemble at this,place iii.Oetobei 23d,at 10 o'clock A. Al. I . Mr. Carrigan ioifered the' following I amendment to the amendment :. • . ' Resqlved , That d committee of five - front this committee•he appointed td meet. the .comthittee of the same number; ately ap- I pointed front hod py the State ,comtnittee iof the Constitutional Union party, ;of this State, to confer an the Subject of , a joint electoral ticket, the deterinination 'of said committee of<tivO to be reported _to the 14mocratie State' Cominittee for-their ac- I ceptauce' or rejection. The State Coinmit tee to asslinble al the call of the chairman hthereof .. .i I. ..• . • • i. 1 Upon a vote benkg had both the amend ments were loFt,and the questiOn recurring upon the original l. inotion, it was. adopted with scarcely a 4 . hssenting voice. • On motion the Committee then_ ad journed'. - ' 1 tuft ritEsmits7, , STIPIIII:k 0011611 S, Of Illinois. 1?:01: TICK PRESIDENT; lIERSCHEI. r. !JOHNSON, Of Georgia. PRESIDENTIAL - ELECTORS DISTRICT EI.EC'TORS 1. Fred. A. Sarver, 114. Isaac -- Reckhow;• 2. W. C. Patterson, 15. Geo. 1). Jaekson; • 3. .Jos. Crockett, ,16: J. A. Ahl; • '1 ; 4.. T. G. Brenner,- :'l7. _.T. B. Danner,. 5. G: W. Jacoby, 118. J, R. Crawford, . O. Chailes Kelly,. 119.'11. Iv. Lee,' ' • .o.P.Jante", • 120. j. B. Bowen, 8. David Sohn% . 121. N.P.Fettetmatf, 0. Lightner,'27. Sintic' Marsha% 10. S. S. Barber, 23.'William.Book;1 11. T.: H. Walker, 124. B. 1). Hamlin, 11 , 12. S. S:Winehester,l2s. Gaylord ltihurch, 13. Joseph La.ubacti,l GET ASSESSED!' If any Democrat" failed to get asstasarlit time to gate at the State election, be sure and see that it Is done belt to Saturday. October2;th, so that he mu vote for i'restdaut Au Tuesaay, the 1* itb Of November. - WE "DON'T GIVE VP THE SM." • Although we are defeated in the Statti. it dOes not at. all follow - that we emiee,R , the election of Lincoln. There are throzie- i fourths of the' American people that are opposed to the election, of .the Sectional candidate, end it can Only be by the 7rcit est mismanagement . that lie can be pr tititted to triumph. If the Democrats do their duty; Now York, Pennsylvania, In- diani, Illinois, NeW Jersey, Rhode Island and innectient - can be • carried by the friendS of the whole I:nion. Theie.States. give 103 electoral-votes.; and if only 2519 f them 'can be given to Douglas, it beat Lincoln. • • - - NO "FUSION"- IN PENNSYLVANIA. From the proce,edingA of the State (2.k - in]: mitten, whia we publish elsewhere,it ri ill be'seen that the proposed plan for giving A portion or the whole of the eleetdral vote of this State to Breckinridge and Lan,e (in ease of its election), has 'been abandoned, and the ticket stands now just as it did tidien we formed it. at Reading, in March r -pledged only to support he regular nominees of the CharleAon 0)- vention. This actionwill give entire to the noughts - Men. 4 1111 m s -ea be the withdr. of the - ticket foim e a be ~Rounifort the Ifalden44- mtaittee, lion. John Ces%: , ci gave us positive assurance that, he wOnld insist on a support of the' regular ticket; as all they hail to Complain of had 7 been rescinded. Will not every himest n04, - las man in the Stale :low fall -into line, and support the regular ticket We trust that such will %he the, eas . e—a felt days 'will determine the matter. For our Self, we shall touch nothing but the regidar Reading ticket. 7.,f1 it receit'es the Jfull vote of the party in the State, it will he given to Douglas. and will defeat Lineciltr. Andrew G. Curtin, the opposition candidate for Governor has been elected byabout.3o,ooomajority; only 10,00' less than Pollock'smajority six years ago. Of • the causes thatled tOthis result, a Tiortion are amarent to every one; and there are others which we do not care about dis cussing just now. 'Next week )we Shall be .able to s give the official result ;. also a list of the Congressmen, and _Assembly- men—of whirl . )i-e Imre i g litrge minority. .la.cmcmaures—The Bisek.Republican ride-awakes, in marching tlsrongh Wilkes-' barre,:Pa:, deliberately 'applied - the torch_• to a National Flag, belonging to boro9gh, which floated from a flag;.staff in the pdblic square. - This amprovOlied act is a true index to the ultiniate end to which the party aims. ; ' CouYrv.—We spent a :edgy different parts of old Luzerne, last )i-eeli; amialthough our friends lost theii grr ..essrlian, and a part of theirleounty ticket, they are not disposed to feel discouraged. The.gallantßANnALLand - bis supporters can not but be protiii of having reduced Sizan ton's,majority nearly 4,000,• and t t ii.# too when embarrassed by basest trettebery. - Tlitit:Seranton's election harp other aid than hard work, fraud, and•demberatie treachery, would seem to be shotcih by the signifieant. fact • that a isallet was Picked, . • up in Scranton, on _the morning after the .election, which contained ?Z.V311:.01 - " GEO. Sell torroN t. M 7 We . have stated that the. rescinding of the fusion resolution ii this State' induce the Breekites to rim • an elect Oral ticket; but we do'not theyare f so crazy aS to do it. No such cis 'organizing ticket can get a . respeCtable fragment of the vote Of l'ennylvania. to Ir.taxots.—There . set - - entylvk thousand I)enwerats at the Doug las anti Johnson meeting at l'eorhi, W•t- copy the following paragraph' iu reLstiQtnio.the procession : .• 4, "The Jimv..-essiou 16s the most grand Mid imposing ever seen in Minors almost .every wade was represented;; Min iature ships ,and manufaetOries - erected. on, wheels, ee.utaining - eight .or ten Work: imp , large Ixta - ts mounted ou w heels fill- 44 ;with Incas; large band: WaWagons,&e.;w were interspersed t>;i'requen l / 4 interrals in itheprocesSion. AYas truly a grand ens sloade as it passed • through the .:streets, anal); ineasuretnent seven miles and a Win length. We head t uulny limns say that it wag-the largest '.prOcess-. jou by 11:r they ere? SaW: 3 ' - • -4- - -.- BLACK REPCBLICAK EMIR. Here are.are a 1 4 ew ex racts fr6rn Helper's " Impendiu g c44is," the anti-slavery Bible LE Co. These, are' the sentimenfs of con.4rca live Block Republi+B." ' • Slavehohlers i are a nuisanee." It is oitrit4erativellisinessO abate • • . . e propose to exterininate this eata },.,-*ne from, beginning to enti:l believel that TnIEFF:f., are, lac a , • - c.nera.l ride, I,e f !i amenable to the moral '; law than SLAVEIIOLDF.ES." " veholc er:s Icire ,more criminal than common litirdirere 1- - rt "tlaveholderi and slavgtraders are, as a g-neral thing,,, unfit to ocenp:i• fitly hon. orible station' in , . . " It is our honest conviction that all the , pre-slavery slaVeholdcrs, 'who are alone 1 responsible for the `continuance bf the baneful institution among us;:deserie to be at. ewer- reduced ic) a„ parallel !With the basest I criminals that lielfetlered within the cells, of onr public prisons. , , . , • " Were it ponible that tho whole .num ber (i. ie of thel- - sliveholders,) could 4* gathered -together and" transfeeed into four equal omo-of:licensed tar: Robbers,' Ruffians. ~ Thiiiii and • Murderers agf so . ciety, we Ifeel - insured, would sillier less frottiotheir, tatriicities than it'does how?' ' 4 4,6 'iv seem thai , thienOtalniimber of actual slaveholders, ineh - tding their entire crew ofcriugingiliek-apittles,against whom !, We.haye to contend, is but three hundred I 'and' forty-seven . thousandi • five hundied 1 and tiventy-five, Against this , army for'' . the defence ,and propogation of slavery ; I we think it Will be an cosymatter, independent of the negroeit, who, in nine -cases nut of ten, I wanld be delighted with an opportunity to 1 -cut their incorter'slihroa is. and Without accept • i t ig a ..Single"recruit frinireither. of the free Slates, England, France or. Germany, to muster one at least three times qs ?ara and !far ainre respectable, far its 'utter ertinetiari.' I' ."y But we aro wedded to One , pnrpo4t, I fl-oin , which no- i , arthly powtylmn!•z-ir di ; some us. lire dare determined ti; 7 M,ish iiirlvt:ry at all harards. in defiance** olloppo sltimi`l2f whateir nature whit.* it is possible , for .ilaveocrats ta bring against! is.' Of this ' their may fake due:notice,' d , an gov ern , thennelyes - accordingly."' '" '•- . • Jr r At the Black Republican parade in - Boston last week a Club of,one hundred negroes,turneclout in .the pro Cession, with caps, capes, torches,* banners ancf all the rest ()fate, rail 1 splitters parapheinalia.— . -- I We understand! . that some of the-more fas riidious 'of the'. • Abolition :white liwilts c•u ,r.r , o r,e oi ,s: o p o u r t , ti:sit retire blus bfryo ,w hite display, of I front the rink s in 'disgust. f;tif.--pt. eoime. " ....S,rigg,.er Rill" - W aS in, its; ;..rlory. 1. . , Let it not,beiforgotten-that.if the Black itcPublicatis ar i c,Jtermitted t i c , , carry this State in - Nov:ember, "niggers"' Will 'be.'.. al lowed to' vote the saine as white folks, and then their - Wid'r: AWake- proCesSions will .blatiken the streets,ou all Cw4casioils. ~'• - - --!----, ! • • '7, ~,,-!! That Dyspepsia can be cured, no longer admits ,Of doubt. , Tho 10*oeneited Bitters effect, a quick mid permanent extir pation of thig, diseaSe,:as well asits sawn -dant evils; Indigestion,. Heart-BM-it ' Wa- ' ter Brash, Aciditv, Flatulency, tindGene ral Debility.. .1 Prepared by tt' 7 W. FOWLE elf: Co., Boston, and said hy*Druggiits and Agents eyeryWitere. ! • - 1 , . . - - WThe 'spkiidul steamer Connaught of theGalwarlinewhich , only Lt. tear week's . • ago s l aunched at Yarrat--upon-Tim, umy now be numbered .With- , the things .that-Were;' ShUwakburned tit 'sea on Sun 4v; Init, fortuilately, no* liVii 'hare „been' LETTER FROM'COL.DIMOCK. pirONAI 11,11€115pN 921 t1p1111411001.1 Fitt: `Eurros &Yetr: parer of ; the. 4th satiSfa4Oryjrnanner In .udge - Piinglas, _41.1-.14 ;Syracuse speech, -disposed of the question relatir, to 4 . ti;','.,Teffersoies views on the,prditiaueoi of 17s i—end . Popular Sovereigitity. There , is, hower another subject on which the Republican par* are harping, and referr- O ng to 11T. Jefferson as . .ituthuritr, for their oppoAtiOn - repeal of . (what. they I are pleased to call) "The Missouri Coin proiniso Line," . - In a conversation I with the "dis: tifigughed"theinber of Opagrei's r frokir this .district, he denied te_ineille opposition tifl 311.. 'Jefferson to the estabiiihment of that line; : and declared. tome that what he bad written 'oil that 'subjeet 'billy had reference to his - .opposition:to tIU3' restrictions :heing applied to 3lissonfi As a State, while.t)ie other Western States, were - le ft, exempt from it; . to the "Compromise II*" .I quoted to the "distinguished" mem ber of Congresi,.Mr. : jefterson's letter ',,to John Holmes, to Chow hie, opinion on the subje44, and that he favored "the free pass age of slaves from one State , to'anothar," and that thoie'•"diffuSion . 'biter . -`.`greater surfaeoWOuld.rnake them hujividually.hap. Pier," c:,Four "distinguished" Tnet4,er of 6n gr ess denied that such language was made use of by Mr. Jefferson in that • Class 4.--Grl4do DeVonsi. letter ;' and said; "if he 'held I suck se•ntir ' Beat bull over 2 years, $1;60 ,2d best, $4,00 ments, ho would be a fit subject tor a nn.n- Best bull '1 year old, 60 • ber of•the Democratic party of the pre:tent Best cow, . . 1,00 " • 1 50' tlay.” I . told yonr "distinguiSlied" inemi Best heifer 2 yirs old, ,110 . .. i •• 1,00 ber, That in .his last conclusion I attreed -33e • - .. st 3 .. eftr l in g s '_. ...i Best . 3 calves . • ;50 •- , 'with him : Thaf,Mr. 'Jefferson was a Ifein- .= . 9 , . 1 srUdgeß — Ci: J..l3nbcock, W. T. Moxler ocimt to hiS dying day, and were be now. G. Leach, - , . • 7 • living, a Democrat of i the . --ClaSs s—Oxen and Steers. . present day: . - l' 113estiir. oxen:over 4 y'rs, $1,50 2d b., $l,OO " I think it evident your "dii,tinguislied." 1 i , st pair 11 year olds,' 1,00 " '',so •membertof Congress has never read 1M . Best pair - 2 . year olds, . , 1,00 4 - , Best - pair 1 year old,. ,75 ..feffivson-N , opinions ,on these subjec;..;, or . dims—Charles Tingley, Joseph More, he Would not have been imposinii y uPon . , -constitiatts by referring toll KJefferson I his }Fowler Peck. dass-t3--Sheep' and Hogs. as sustain id. n-n political I Be.;t boar, . $ t,OO .2d best, $0,50 and IY•statitin• tat lieW 41 •as I still l• Best breeding sow, . 1,00 " • _ a •.` Jeffeyso'iiian • Del eint." ("God kave Best 4 spr . ing . pigs, • 1,00 '• , the mark.") , • I Best bitek,. -,50 ",. or ) ,50 . " 4: ow, for II • . infOrmation of ; your 1,4;R. I _Best 3 : ewes b - - ct est •3 lambs ,50 " s 'ting,uished"' neinber of Cogricss,and some I - Judges—P. Carpenter, A. Read, Win, of-his cc '' • • (a requ _f lidingeortstituents, - (and at the I of others,) I ain induced •o,ask yoit to publish Mr. Jefferson's letter tiiNktihn HOhnes, - dated April 22d, 8120—afte passage of the . "Missouri - Coinprcnnise N , line," and before the admission of 3list;ou- - 1 ri into the Union, as a State. P I trust you will complr. with our re 'quest, and publish' the letter; which I think will fully satisfy your enlightened readers, with regard to Mr. Jefferson's opinion and opposition to the "Missouri Compromis.e yourC"dis.tin r-nished niember's" ecmstittienls, whether they have been fairly and trathfull?dealt bv. Can there be anything more emphatic _ , 1010 ,1 .100;‘4 1 4,14" may God siiare us from a • consgunnatiiin of his concluding sentences. ani' dear sir - Yours truly, As.t`DtmOcK. Glenwood Pa.; Oct. 4.1860. ' . .TEFFERSON'S LETTER. ~ :Mom:wr.p.o, April 22, 1820. - . : I thank yoti, dear sir, for the copy. you have been so kind as to send r me of the let-1 ter to your constituents on the Missouri question. It is a perfect justification to them. -:I had for a long tune ceased to read 4 newspapers, or pay Any attention. to pub- I. ilk atThirs,, confident they were, in good I.hands, and conte”t to be a passenger 'in rour bark to the shore from-which I am ;,not distant. Altf:this momentous ques -1 tion, like a fire-bell in the night, awaken- I ell and filled me with terror. • I Cousio , _r- ed it at once as the knell Of the .Uttion.— It ii bushed ; indeed, for the momont ; hut I this is a reprieve only, not a final sea= I •A geographical line, coiniidim. , , - 1 with i marked principle, ture•at an d p o liti_ I cal, oneeconceived and nth' up-to the An- I fry pas;iOns of Men, `rill never be :oblite- I rated ; and every ncrr it *tation will mark it deeper and de:eper. . f one . thing I am certairta t!F, drat the fireof 4sa.tre laves ~,i 4 . from one Stnie to ahother worn not mate t a slave o: a single human being' who would not be so without it, so their diflit sion o'er a great surface Would— make them ir.. 4 .ividnally happier; and preporthin- ally, fneilitate the accomplishment of their cur"-ncipation,-by dividing the burden on a 7,rreater number..of coadjotnrs.. Alf ab sun:Mee,- too, front this act • of power, 1 would remove the juldonsy excited by the I undertaking- of Congress. to regulate the condition of the. Aitlerent desciiptions of men composing a.state. This certainly is Ithe exclusive right of every State, which' nothing hi the Constitution has taken from them, and givc;it to the general gov 'iumment. Could Congress, fir elxample, say that the non-freemen 'of - (7ounect lent ..shall he freemen, er-that then shall not em igrate into any other State? ' I regret that I am now to die in tl be lief; that the useless sacrifice of themselves by thc\generation of 17113, to acquire- self ... . . gore, rain ent and hapiiiuess totheirer,milry I Class 16-3Tiscellaueoffs. ~ .` , I is to . be\ thrown away 1w the unwise :Ind I. 'Premiums discretionary. , . . unworthy passions of their sons. and that 1 Judges—Johii Leslie, John L. Tilrany, my only eonsolatiotijs to be, that I live I Alvin Roper. , I not, to Nieep over It. If tbey•wotild but I The Society have enclosed a piece of I dispassionately weigh the blessing:s they I ground with a good substantial fence, and will threw away, against an abstract jirin- I hope to have it fitted;up in such a manner I eiple, more likely'to be effeeted by union I as to make it convenient and interesting than bY secession,they. would pause betbre ', to all'the friends who take an interest ittl they would perpetrate this act of suicide, i bringing' forWatd their Stock and : other on theinSelv s, anil- of treason against the prOductions, from adj'oining townihips as hopes of the world. To yourself a. 4 the', well as Ottr . oWiti.. 1 • . faithful advo "ate ,of the - Union,- I .tender i Surperintendeni- 7 4e" m. John Blanding. the offering fmy high esteem and re-1 lieception Comntiitei—Geo. M.Carpenter, .. specs. • THOMAS JEFFERSON. 1.11. G. Blanding,. , W. I N: Williains, E. -N. Jotix lion Es, 'Esq. " . .4Carpehter,._HenrYEastabrook, A. Abel: I , Executive ComOhniiiiee—,-S. B. Guile, G. 1 A.Lindsley,A. Carpenter, G..J.Hotchkiss, '. Harford; Oct. 4th; 1860. • ~, - / Are You Insured ? _itc. P. i2r..a..crxe24..iL. T ,T_ S reeelving applications for Insittrmic, e in' the folio - Si - , T I.lng Cvmpaniea : . 1 1 -- • :ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY of Hartford. Conn. i Paid up .Capital, • 1.1.500,000 00 ' Aiseta, , - 2.154,100 Od QUAKER CITY. INSURANCE COMPANY of Phila,. With a capital of 1 • 15400,000 00 . CONNECTICUT MUTUAL' LIPS INSURANCE COM. PANT of Ilartford, ConneedicuE - - Aseunudated. Capital, 1,. 153Z0,000 00 i Any one wishing their lives Insured will do well to call and examine . their mode of inswing,. and their ratee,l whkl,ere better thau.thoseef any other company, before taking Policies elsewhere:. , _,_.l!„. P. BLACKMAN. °elf Milt : - (Mike over Chandler a_desitip's store. Qt A LT, by the Barrel, Sack Or Pound. . CI 1 • A, Ts.II,IIELL. A ethIPLI ,from Lake the . Demoor vietnryin ev rind 31aokin but.Marqiiet Which the - . 13 both of whi :Igo. = coult majority.. doubly vain. licans eleete, ago. No si long' time th, the Deitioc tlje Upper X VICTOXY.—Later- returns I uperior mai t re - it certain that ts.have, secured a complete ry County. They :have car- Chippeiva and limigh ton, re and Ontonagon 'as well,l I atkßepublicans,elaimed, and h went for them two .Yeais ~-. r, yernocrat, for Senator, has i In every county—a;victOry 1 ,ble hecattsc.tlielllack Reptg- !I their candidate two , years.: . . tory has boa 1410. for a t iKniofe full - of-promise to i cy of Michimui WWI this- 14 1 n Sill a. • ' For the Madras Democrat. TAM AT HASTORD. The liarford -Atrieulturallatekteebini cal Association Will hold — theiti thud *n uns) Fair and Harfortivit. lage,i,Wedtiesdayi" Oct. .24tbi artie es . for exhibition shbuld be oft the: ground. and entered upon the Beeretary'd, ' hook; with the-Society's card ulon them, before 10 o'clock, a. m. The Judges are requested to report- theniselves at the stand at 11 o'clock, where they Will be furnished „books, • fox-, their -reports. -Any peritoii exhibithig "articles nbt 'using in the following list worthy of a preinium shall yeeeive_propet notice. : • Class 1-4tor9ci..' Beststaliou over :4 y'la, ,40.. 2d best, 1,00 Best pair matched horses," " " Best si ugletto oor in a,re, " " Beet hroOd mare and colt," ' ; " factgesL 7 2 tValter Graham, 11. C. Afoxley, S. E. Carpenter. - Class '2e—colts and ;Mules. Best 3 years old - colt,-$l,OO 2d best, 80,50 Best, 2 years old colt; !. 44 lb Besti pair mules, . ' 44 1 pest 1 year old colt, " I " Judges. : —Nathan Brainatd, Henry Tyler, H. Marcy. , • Class 3—Grade Durham. Best Bull 2.yirs, 81,50 2d best, $l,OO Best bull one y'r old; ",50 -- Best - 01:?w, - 3,00 2d best, -,50 Best 2 eriold heiAtt, ,50 • Best 3 yearling; 1;00 Best 3 calves, . ,50 . , • Judge; . .4L- 4: Clark; it:ilq. Jones, S. Car. , pellter. ' , • ~. .. , . . thorn. You lmve-no,more right Ito foreeiwhightbia . .. 13ruinlage.. • ' , i • - prd-eminent 4edicine haaacquiredfor JUVlltittilie 8e.,„ . l5 fe, tt l ROIL It tn._.l4 qt. Irdrento , . ~ Class 7—Butter - and Cheese. 1 , _,... lota rendered Potatoes _ ' •rf:,% rental E gg s doz ...I0 (it. 12 cents Best butt er,tub or firkin; $0,50, 2t11)., (10,25- a free State Constitution. If Kansas wants, IP ail a slave State Constitution, she has a ri,vlititheu"al practice of oscantatiotta pufltig not onlyttunetess. CORDS of WOOD'ttre wanted this (Ace, before. :s . , sarv, but unworthy of them, 'They'. are known b3l:their, • , 1.0- the Mud goes off; ! Best roll,- not less than '.- • oit ; if she wants a free Stine Constitu , irrniin; their ' g oed.worita testify for them, and the these - , . • ' . ' , lbs., , " ~. . ,ii, , " 64 these, Nonce...a...MY. N. DOOLITTI.F. will lion, she has :i right to it. - It lit none ofl,noi by thelsittiobtintlie4candaldisisth,..:affl%ctsUi-ottses.,m ea, preach at the Inhermlist Church in this b orough, an Sun , 'Best (•heese, . 5 ,, 4. . 64 . '"' • , -my business which -- way.the'slayery elauSel,n . e" , lit"PeCOri, day, the dlst Inst.; at the- usual hour.: .J.l . 9es—C.. S. Johnson; "J, Tyler, -h. lis ilecidetl.. I care not whether lit he vo.l and ' l g ue% OFtmatiemq obstinate he.vlaches. And general • • .., ~„ .. . . _________ . . . . . _— T. Tillany. • . .iderangetnenta of bealthri those Higher/ Inya-la, bly proved • ' Thi dc AL iquEL • • ted don - 6 or votLA up. :I>o' yo: i suppose - I • , - X.411.G-MgEl. + f a certain and speedy ri . aetV. A Pin* trial i kfill place the --_- -.-. - - -,,--- •- - - . . ~. _ ...,...-. . C-18—Fritit anti Vegetables. alter the pledg : es of my honor tha I wouhil LIFE-PILI,S beyond ttie reach of compels ion in, the At. I.• Id Brooklyn. Sent. SW. by Itc..v. J. A. Wood. 31r. W. K. Best fill appk!s, not legs than 12 of a go for that principle and leave t ,ie people Pati"ng - . . . OAK L,EY,f Ilarford.rintptiss S. A. BEI te ll,of Brooklyn . On the ath Ito.t . hr F.41.4'W. C. Tilden. Mr. RUFUS B. 1 Dn.- MOFFAT.. PiDtENIX BITTI.P will be found to - kblil, i $0,25 ) to ,vote as they chooSe, that I w and:db..; SARAH L. BARNES. both of Liberty. ..., ' degrade inYself be VOtinf_,, e q ually edlcaclans . Pi all eases of tts pepsin, headache, • • I.. ll° ln lT Tl A in n e n hamton. on thelOth 1;1 . .1, by Rev: 11. It. Clarke, ` I3est winter, ilo:, - , . -,, one' 4 6 ,..4 13 y cl if 7 t7h w e b n e er , - . 0 ,:„ d 'ebill ' li, - Nieki,;:s incident t ' females In delicate • TOII I: W. COWL_ If_ D.,Of Mou tr 0...; tom 4.'+‘ EUGENIA Best pears not less than 12, . " sl3Very elruise 1)e voted down, and. anoth::ibraub, and every kind i_if weakness° the digestive organs. If.. daughter of N. P. Cornwell. M. lE. 0 4.n.....trp. ' B yr aiit be vote.l up? I tat •e it foe For salc by Dn. W. E. *OFF:kT, a 73 Br o adway. N.Y.,and est : ' - entomisiwavirrimmrszumici.tissiiiiii=i3 1.00 giluited that it will he voted outs . I thinli i . ib Y m e dfrin° "er6 siitil druggi te generally throughout ' . ,• . TaXii 4121V3ZE ES. Best antl oTeatcst vari'et vof fruit,sl • .. ' dee , ly• ---"- • . ' ' • ..-- • 1 the country. ,-,..-. Best and groatest varicy of vegetables "- ri hare seen enough in, the lag twO ori - In tyrut, .I.lis Shit. WILLIAM TAY LO":. fiu•t- II: -'ra - iiia . .1 - tarp's—tit win Tinalev, Arta Sweet,' three days•to mike it certain 'that itThe Great 110 an Atentedx.-13a.T.11AVEli •I n ai - ".:f ,`;';', ,1 i n c 7 . 1 . 1 ,:, , , t : 1 4 . 4 bq d''' , "3-'l l -h"it ii":1"n the farm ' c ot e 2 .11 /LLANIC),BITTER4- r i , v4,4133 su bject too nerYou s or the M. E. (bomb a . hoit Y •itl'v't.:l3; I .!" 1 .1 1 ;u 1 , 1 1 . t"..!..4' a y,' .. .. l :;s m o b f".th r 'a r t be returned out, no matter hots' th;• : 611i:. I)exler Sillfev. . . . - i , lck luattlac,he, will end I Ikethave's fiollaad Bitters a . time, he served the diurilt ;34 a einss leader alw.iy• at his 14 , ..t whrnh;.. hen'th nr.ll other ciecr:mttinee.a Ironic] 'pee n:tits .I)—Grnin land Poultry. may stall:l.!' [l.aiighter.) - . cure site and Ica'sarri r etly It sootly.s 'the - throbbin. s • 11 Will lit , S'ebn th - at 3lr. Dow , as referr' I . P ' '' " '• ." ' ' mit. • •' in ' h "" 'l."' suede a , heri'' for the " -Thwart ' - . _ .0..... t ., -,--: : -... ...t. v . 7 1... --- In the Lecompr l and mats a lICILIthY :606Ii.jte. 14 1.,. w ith ou t doubt, a most h, ,p,frem - 4 hut hr n-3. alwar+ rt,,, , Wn rid trilling to relieve . . . , litm,-ilakOlig *llO, Aiest peck rye, . ' - .i Best peck corn in ear,! Best peck oats Best lot sprinl;ehickens, 4,L Judges — C. 11. Miller, R. L. Tingley, I 11. Parisi!. • i . Class 10—,Leather audits 'Alanufaetares. Best 2:sid CS harness, sole, rzi il upper, ,each, , 80,50 Best 2 calf skin, . 4 ‘,.. Best pair tine hoot;, - „ li Best pair of cos- R e boots, It • . Judi/fa—A: 'Anise, h'reetnariTingley z -D. .... L. Mine. 'Class 11- Farming Utensils, Blacksmith ing and tabinet Ware. Best, lot of farm tools Best set horse shoes; : ,50 chairs, set chai . 1,00 Best. • , l3cst rocking chair, ' . ;50 Judges—L. T: Farrar,' L.R. Peck, 0. G.. 1 Coughlan. IClass 12—Vinegar, Jioney and . Maple I-- Sugar. - Best gallon vinegar, _ IBest 5 lbs. maple sugar, i Best 5 lbs. honey, • ' Judger—Jared Tyler, E. N. Carpenter. .. ~ - class 13- 7 941 1 rnestio Goods. . . . . Befit 10 yardS of Fjarinel, „ .. Best 5 yards full cloth, Best 10 yards rag carpet, Best i doz. pair: wool-.socks,, . Itesttstoeking yarn,- i . " ./tufgeg—Mis: John Blanding, Mrs. Geo. Leach, Mrs. 31-Seeley. Class 14 . —Ornamental mid Needle Work. Best patchwork quilt, • $ 0,50 Best worked spread, I Best worked -cellar, Best worked skirt; BeSt, fine shirt,. , • ' ' ,56 Judpes- , -Miss M 2 E. Edwards, Miss •'.l. A. Oakley, Miss S. 31iller. .. , Class. 15—Paintings, Pr:ming-30 Pic ture Frames. • • .‘.l" liest painting, Bost-drawing, Best picture frame, H. 31. Jones, Miss Nancy Strileter, MisS 31. Miller. ElectiOn Etitturn of susquelin 'o4s-110SP ; , . `,ToivsisuiPs: 08 - 0 85 . 749 - 90 — 49 x'B4 - Auburn 266 , 125 268 .121 '263 - 122 -243 136 2i. .7. .. ; 72 , Y - 13 ;26 ? ,P;t44l2C - , Bridgewater.... 192 161 113 'l6O ;191 104. 141 171 189 Brooklyn 202 69 292 68 201 op 173 1 61 200 Chkonut„ - 17 86 17 83 34 60 11 91 /. _Clifford. 4 206 67 205 86 . 205 87 204 F 89' 2 64 ,$t - l)irnock - 157 -- 84. _B5-.143 448 ---: 154 _ .83. Dundaff ' 27 .21- 27 ' 22 20 ••22 -25 23 26 ,23 14 ' 29' '29 ," 12 30 12 • ; 4 31 12 30 Franklin 78 85 .: 81. 83. 76 84 77 80 8o 83 77 Forest Lak0....122 .80 . 121 60 119 83 , 121 7 9. 120 Gibson -- 248 58 245,;,;02.; 24e - 253 6. 49 244 pa 246 ..Great He'd.— ;204 134 20W.;.520, ; '208.; :203 • ; 13 0, t 2, 65 ipo. 189 Herrick... ..... 112 45 , 114-'• 42 11144 , " 102 i 45 109 44 108 Harford 159 114 - 10 - , 1011 100' , 113 , 'lB4 -8 . 1:159 105 .160 Harinopy. ~100. 35 -,/pc!....'.04 100 9 7 38 101 34 lOO Jessup 128 • 42 ,131. - -39.. 129 41 121 45 127 - 42.:-128 Jackson 147 80 - 14! 151 76 . 153 75 144 77 145 . Lenox ' 187 ;112 ' .. g,?,04 :',931 186 114 191-.,108 111 187 'Lathrop . 16 485, 75 75 79 7V 82 - ;74 Liberty. 84 18 1 0, 82 92 81 29380 • 91 83 Middletown.::.. 44 ;95"..11`,,, T ' • 41 q 7, 43 94 42 05 - " .45 Montrose • 2-144 '56 .40. 402 ,$$ 195 70 209 53 212 Mir d )12 1 0- 06 178 New or 5 . b 8 „ 182 178 Nei - Milford boro' ak 16, . • "3a 42-, 51 :4 38 •_55 32 56 - Oakland..,. 1• • • 75.. _:,21-i 044, 21. - 82 75 2'o 74 21- 74 Rush. ' '177 65' r'1.70, . ,:*2, 175 .' ,113,' 69 170 65 , 174 • Silver Lake 80r. 107 ,189 .165 •87 100 100'-, 82' 68 99 Springville. 170- 16, 1179 . '.',11,4 168 76/161 .76 165 75 . 167 Susq'a pep0t...193 135 191 i 140.; 199 . 1271- 190. 137 193 132 193 Thompson 72 40 17'3 - 43 'AO - •-•" A 30, 70 39 69 T0ta1...-. 41.19 2456 41:58 2388 412','2409 .3917.2443 4049 2403 4101 . . I care not whether slarery is Voted up, or ditem-Lffiel :1111:Dilf166111X1olft obilierwitlinithat • therein.° More rim Mighty Healer,—Let not disciple, wi .. is • hen A. Douglas. . • , "wffe arera from SODS, annang the Americanwthan aman be . fangs. picy upon you, until. the hand of dsath bads Many of the Republican papers r i of this'Aund fuming any. lather. 4tellized nation. • The reason is Tonto'an untimely grave. 4bake off thvieellns of destalr State, keep. the above as a standi g artijubvtoio , . wci*too Iht exercise, and fofget the Rants 'nd hopelerfaneal. so liable to come upon the Invalid.' A. CIA in their papers: Their *speakers, -too '4•"lic•J).9(lYluill4ab'''* g pursuits or Moines's. • Wall . plant born of the She weplacc within the 'reach of An.-- , repeat iton the stiniap. taut the hitignage, cipi ,,, d 1 ,: 3 ,..i ~,, , b . .t o . 1 'Mach cares, ordleurry ine4ines tan do little good. What . We care not what may be the 4pec; de form of the disease. garbled, and the• sentiment tonic and invigorator aa'Dr. The cease, the fountain of dlsenic itself , is impure blood, is perverted.i.i.uo.titior his girentoithe world. In hie CELEBRATY33. and through the different Channels of the Inn i s. stomach Mr. Douglas was resisting •the effert toi,4nrrrEns...l The weAR.-anti nervous denizen of the and vital °rpm.; JUDSO;i'Si.mor.N.TAIN lIMI3 PILLS force the I,ecorupton ConstittLio ' on the !iosnusg-howie , the exhorted toiler upon theshop.boaed, ..will pass. intaglio s ^ with the blhod, search out and expel 1, 11 . . p eo i- ) l e of Kansas; and was answ , i n ,,, the ;ind the prostrated stunt of the midnight lamp; har e all hurtful. poison there It i . o it. - Thus'cliMuses the blood '', . found sirrondrfal regenimtor in the "Bittera," and pre- by a few doses of,these pills, a nd lll.Lase. in any formwill argument that th people could . .yote thet,r it to mor n pnetentlo4; but less efiliaelons medicines. dissipate and v sniAl. Asrhe Sim, pith its gloricias beams slafery provision down after theilbeeame lint it should :not ho forgotten that the agent which Is KO IDA causes t fit morning dew to ri..“.no mist. then growing a State. Here is the extract froth which ;magical in itslinfluence dpon a frame, which is toerelydo , stronger, y‘sus his barisims in upon ii—mud behold 'the the sentence above is made tip. It' ocesirs:tglitfte.4 l # ("Snail,' Pov.,srtal ilitillS/lig nature to cape! in Douglas,: celebrated speech air,:thist Le-lhe gone—sciehemie t bcislood, and difelle, like MOMILI . gdew com'pton, -which Mack Republicans pritist,' ,l i Sold t o: bi t y, i ,.d o2b ,i to r .t 0:0 ..7. 1t:a .. 1 1 1 7 , 0 ~ ...iewl slit io :o. old not ere retrea . t.; and yanisbes. There Is tic. MAX purifier equal to : ." JUDSON F. 110,1_7Ar..; lIP.Itn PILLS. ..,,,, - ~ . Sold hr all de:O(PC in Mcslicme. - - • 1 ,. - oc. ed so much at that time: ' , ' rAir See .. ix i )1111'--School /Wheat /2 IntsheT:¢l.esl;( I But lam told on. all sides, 'Oh, , just' - , , Maarvitz• Emma cs MS ii,r15.0 t. %Theist r. our 11 bbi $64,p.0n wait; the pro-slavery cause will be. Voted" 'Mt ' . 1 :1 at of siltnetal, nye '. . fla Cutts I Rye Auer !il cwt... 2 (e.:4 140 _down.' . That does not obviate any of ins in'lt WARRP.N. / c a w Ti cent, ...Coen meal 1? ort . .1. fit 1.X.. —,- lohjectic4is; it does . not diminis.i any lft MogrktiaiLifie Pilta.-L•The—,ltaad envied celebqty laigterbeat .. . ... i) ,. t. 3.., c,,,t, 1 1 rorif 1 1; gs. .....I 0 at :121irc.,./ost: ...... ..... .... . .... ton Constitution , and 'that his ;language :delightful prepam e t r i „ o/f„ and an effectnal remedy. ' The r; e t. , .t .„ ll .n el d r . a o r.lts w itErling e !o ri t i li.. ,a nhV , lty. lie wag always Popular meditinc throughout all the nancial nay t- mi:Jltt i!.. ) "., chu 'reft tiinlcri7i';ool t o r: in •;el - . does not bear t he construct ion which Black3h" it is "'l.'s' ; Illolland settlements in W.Psesmeln. Yeti York, Michigan, ..„ De ha. I;,0 a widow and, ehittirti torton re lilt logs. Repuhlicanism puts upon U. i . - 'lllinois and, awake much In Its l'aor. - . • They don"! •mo.tra a 4 those wh,;" have !lollop., A . short See adv , re e-tio tent hi another eo , nmit c . time before he died be said •' me work is done and I trust cit ' ' ' well done." -RI. old.Zst non told hint a 'short time before • SENTIXENTB Or 11,12UBLIOAN LEADED. :1 • • • •'' ' ' - o . he died. - Fetlier. I Will - fre to meet you in Hellen," to ' Nobody will dent Horace Greeley lien-I Nikrr E it , 1 / 4 1C6017:M5--MONTILOSE P.O. •i-hich he resuotel.ral, ^. .'.01e0." whieh'was his last word. . i . , .. 1 Ile waived hi , Immi ti:-.1,- times in t-Inutph as he nap. 1.1 Ty• IV 11S011, :1314,Joshua IL Giddings are. o.„.fiz.s . .I.ER/FE--_ Dal, ly totthda n e excepted.) from the _away_ p er t,, p - „ th,th'iii.,..i., could ii „, hr. ...i. lo „', ~',. fleent ,',,•,. pa i . lEet i lt ,i ti v tid , oath , . by Railread at IN r. 31. • on this (Stunt's-Hite' circuit wito.le ki.• would have been representative men in {he Republican l• oL y excepted,) from the West, by Railroad, mom nr, erele felt. Ilia Wile and children are all insmhcra ty. • The following are their sentiments ;-'•,-mi Ii?; - a. tn. ache 31. E. church and are striving. tomeet him in Ilowen. "I tell YOU, IbbIOW c itiiens, i the Hal'-I sa li'runl Binghamton direct„csory Tuesday, Thnroday and May oo t t id e .. and em•wn l th s on h e ir s or e t,.n ia t tir e . ices_ i ,: artlay. at rs p. in.. - To Itrid,r..varer. Oct. 9th, 11 g TFMPYPANCE COOll. per's Ferry outrage W-ts THE LEGrrntaTti r d rom uo Tunkhunnock direct. .every 'leaday. 'Thursday wife' ef3fr: 'Jesse Loo a g-'ld C 't.! v(et - r.. - - 14 tit 4 dip a- CONSEQUENCE OP 'rim TE.i.CIIING4.::OF Til l El7 , Fr Sa om t T h Ol v venu at il l a ir in t.i.:t. every 'it:readily and Satufday at . Don of dit. - inc Providence the forilits hag heel suddenly. bereft of anaffectionate - -elfe and 'devoted mothht. thi. ItEPC Si:WAN PAP.TY' I"—Senator 41'a:on. 1 17 r pp ni r • • • r . logo of whom thee deeplr feel. Trough suddenly' easel 11 - , a y . from Prienderille . t.sundiy excepted) at '63; p. m• to lease this world death hail 5w low no terror. suddenly " I look forward - to the day +len . t•lteiol , ' - • ond.willingly she committed hers.df into the hinds of the shall be a servile instrrection in i the South, , an i d r gfill VA Fr,--Ditily.(sundays excepted) for the Via_ Redeemer, ot,gCI•ITIC`. t:XTO , ClIO:: 'hitt rest which remain, for the' peo ple of God. May tint .. - race which .u.tained her In dm * **' when the black man shall Assert iirsi Dotty tatiniL7e.r.rn'cletd46, a. ri l he West,, by railroad, at 4 .hoar of death support the under their ;rcpt i tn. freedom, and wage ii war of exten?iina-I P. For Binghamton direct, evety,3lontlay, Wednesday and - ' l° "* - • - ''. ' ' ''. - 'L , Prid...y. at - 7 ; me tiOn against las master ; when l i the orgy! Fe i r - Tuilld a inn in n'ock direct, ever; IltMdar Wedneedny & - of the incendiary shall light up th towns Friday. tit Ra. el' : .•, - • . -•' .' - . and s cities of the South, and blbt out thel 7 /t to s r i 4 . 7 b w r sAt i l i llt•e sT e i t i . i . e e v i r m ia av or z, as . 3. at i°} of I am.. ' last: vestage of slavery; and although lli For Laceyville (through Autsum)-teates Monday. at, - 4. m.-arrives Wednesday at sp. tn., - • may not laugh atiheir calamitynormock! • • ; • . - 11. J. ',WEBB, I'. 31L 'When their fear cotneth, yet Vivill hail iti . ..- - as the dawn . of a political nfiliemiuin !"-,i-I . • N il Wi - 6. riii .. / Joshua R 7 (Slider la. • 1 - ' 1 1 , .!. 1 Mi . ' ; : ' . Adzeinisitrators' Notice. " John Brou - n, dead, will ' live in - milii, . ' ..• . ESENUr CIS% , .• / . i , OTICE 1,. herehy.given that letters of administration ions of hearts.' It will be easiei to die ini TAR AND . WOOD NAPTH A.. ~. 'noon' Lie ells to Of Gso. W. CROCEEIL late at - . N . , 4 :• ' - , , Bridgewater towhship..Soglea Co.. deemsed,. bare bean a good cause even oft the gall ws,- sineel . - ' Li.)11710 1 2, ,cil 1 . ,,, - . • -.. grantedm'the onbscrihers. and alt pen..ons indebted us _ John Brown has hall Owed chi. mode Oil - - .I! ...s - 0 . . •• • ." hereby required to make immediate payment. -ond thou! - " ha; , r o it t l . g claims m_p A rment them. dnly attested, for settler exit from the troublCS and temPtations Of //as bad Ifedieins in me isosto for flu now e. . , 31 RY A. CROChbit, ,t this moral existance: Then as Rations. the " if - J. " : ' ‘Couglis and Colds, Cioap, ' ' ,I • 'Hstniehitli, Are*, Difficult Breathing, ' ' . , DAVID A I.LEN, ;Administrators. IL D. BARKER. - ) . .T • • • repressible - confllet," who •dogs not gee! -,• -- - 7,,, , p i d 1 - ' '•- ' • pitatlob. of Cho Heart. . ' - - Bridgewater, Oct-18th, lieit6tr • ' that this sacrifice mast ineVitably iritenSi-i for de relief ef patient.; la advanced gages of. ~ -7-- -.-•••• rii .CDII.. Th. • s • ~..- -- i - •• • - - - • '-- -•-- •• ••••- . • fv its progress / and hasten its i4nl? SYeS,I • .Coniatoption toge th er with all Diseases •-' - . 11./.l.Liti Led, , Read. I _ fohn Brown, dead is . verily - A -power:-I '• of the Throat and Chest and which -.• , . WILLIX.SI..SS COMPOUND 501.47- ' ' like Sampson lathe tallies temPle• ••of I)a..t. • f predispose to Coasimption. , ' T Y • lion ter the PILES, is warranted to effect a Clare , .., It attacks tae root of disea4, and mates [befell ' .In neery MT, and in all stages ofthe disease, or the money ' gOITI ---413 Ziska , dead with his Skin greten-: . destroyer-sun-07lb toitairpfeenci. Italsoprodu. • • will be refunded. Full directions accompnuy each bottle. r i e s s i rzs r u psderation. ,f induces healthy cation , Fdr sale Sr AbeiTunoell, Montrose; • O. G. Tlempatead, ed over„'A drum head, still-rinitino• the; -., ta d rated Yuma( Jfembrant and - Maws_ ' Brooklyn •• 'T. - J: Babeciek. 'Dintock :' Pelmet Carpenter. foes hCbravely . fought while he lived-; 'lsis peculiarlg adapted to the radical . . • narf'ini G." G•w ll 4lodolcck , °o : JAI. Slocitat, Dundaff; m A. B. Merr.ll. lienbottent .1 - A. J. 3lerrill, Scranton. - So let us •be reverently'g - rateful for the' _ . •• - . care-of ASTHMA. ''. , . 1 -• , C73I23ELTIW I IC7.OA.T2EL . priYilege of livinz in a world - roiderd no-1 • • Ons dose izr Mb, foratoask - st - RuPOPert gires Thro lo to certify. that Mrs. Emore hoe been it/flitted for • I , casemate° Ulf by the daring of. heroes, the sufferingi .. na , w , (o) ,.= l : d ee ni e e: i. T h Pite P arti c 4 af 7Yy , . sears pagt with that disirmedng (mini - dein( known )tit the' '''' ter y "` - "Pileg." and that having failed ecuring relief from ea ,6l martyrsainong whom let none doubt ! to t '''''• a " d r' im P t in nz z --ts • ' rsl7 4. riens,Pliesiclano. she uno I ndncesi from reports to try Mr. .Le . eonzineed th p at it is int - eine in the our of -. ' Willin&C " Pile Solution," n bleb -we obtained at onetr. Of thati history - will accord and honorable . - Broseetlilnl Affeeliostos. - HA AglaleClCA In Tenkbannotk.-Pa. The remit has been niche to old John Brown ! '" if ' • - the most favorthle The trial wan nir • withlt i• ....'-. °rat', el . Price l'i) e'en& per Balk. Prepared Indy by -t. and yt . 4',- ' mt few .(h- - last fall' ; , an a trsn n.t. na rected for a_ days, what we have - G miry. , , . i I Pr... 1. I:SEA IFELY. and rofd by .4.. Esenwein. . good reason to look Oa., a tewmaccat cure was effested. :. I 'st Lb.. .Y.,11. corner 9th and P 01•147? streets,- Several other cages .of a soitilar usture in .hie viLlaity • . 04 1.airses-.-- —.. ..• 1 I ' PAitarra. Pa. ilyr sale in Montrose by -'• - have Ilnell It with like results. With 31r. Williams motto . - . I i! IS - nah:Sllv*lns) ,ALIEL TERRELL .1b ,aist. - - =l3 NI HES IN THEITELD. r / " no care no - pay - 'every one thus afflicted will certainly • ; • 1 • -': 1 -- dowel! to try it. - ft.'lL EMORY, The RepubliCan" torcli-preeession ligt HO LLOWAY ' S PICTS.-TBE Tuns OF 'LIFE. Pastor of sth M.E. Church, Tunthannock, Wyoming Co., t Pa. • - June 15;2. . - night wits • a .brilliant .afrair.'. Among . the' From the age of,forty-five to fifty, woman.: __• ..• ' • ' ' . . . torch-bearers were the white WiideAwakei has arrived at a critical period of h'r exis- '• _ auditor' s - Notice. - - . of . yard 11, Commander C. 0, Rogers , !tanee; the stream of; death floWs ' before simpohoono.coosty,p: 't In the Orphans,' Court • - • • 0 _ln the ma Lex qtale te.ttlement i . No. 14Jan. T. IWO. Kr p umbering 124,. mud' 'the col red Wide ' her, across it is a bridge called, "the turn' . i the r.taie of Mc:Stahl Tenant, ; ceptions filled tp the u- Awakes of ward 6, Comma nder 'Smiih;ief lift:" - . . le . yontl it a• delightful. garden, 'd•Nfd. .1: D. Richardson, Adm'r4_te uto of the Adm'r.s numbering 140. The tWo bodies marched' the path is beset with dangeran guarded „Tiff: heir de,g6Tnitnued,n;,:weo.c...,b..det.pstrotnn:g4l.7; to Chelsea to ratify the Republican nozni'bv the fierce dragons of diseas . Dropsy, um aciorutt of gaol administrator• hereby gives notice that hIS appointnentat . his oaf, 111110118.. .. • .. I ' -1 ;F:rysit)eltlN . Ilysteria NerY )usnes slid •IT ZlT• l tl, ` ,% nd t` V i'd :l ""°r on her. ay. the Mit day .of Nov. next, at one n'clock f p, m., at which Buie and piney. all parties Interest . WC learn that ..there was seine ' itili(l ' 1.1,7 other disorder, too numerous to nit Ti •ed Will please attend or be foreyer afterward ((charred.. among the less advanced Reptiblicans iin-!but armed - and -prepared •by - ol I owa.'s ot, into, isco. , -torl • • 1... 1.... F. FITCH, .4editoP. , til reminded by Mr. Slack thht the ' f o l t i..fitinous pills, Nile' Wlll • pass ',with security • •----. I hundred colored - Votes which IScie go ' o ,l into those beautiful regions and enjoy beg- . for Mr. Burlingame, might be , i ) „ipaself till the sun of life sets in; the .serene -.• Iby arty Syniptons of mutiny in the rariks:evening of old age. Negligence '_at this of - the white. ":lid colored Wide-Awake season is productive of the most • frightful • army. I - !,:;; . Iconsequences and death itself ' would:be . - . - .The dignity of history does not forlfidflir preflerable to such a mockery Of life. • •-• us to record that the - coldre.d Wide.!'rhe nervousness, flashes and fainting fits, • ' • „Awakes looked quite as• well as their; the general prostration of the system may b ' whitesinefiiren, and that- they•borcthon,lbe all prevented by a • -timely recourse - to • -,. 1 • • • selves ihrflugh our streets quite as well; • thesei incemparable.remedies. - .., Indeed, \ the African race havh a peCuliar; .. -' - - ---•"----•-•'-'•"*----'••--- . - '' '. ; - •• taste for . parade,eerenfonial . prcicession,Andi . . LINCOLN'S OPINT . OMOP 3177iSIUSON. - . . - ' Gin as a Remedial Agent,. fuss-and-feathers generally • it( is it! Is. T.ei 'ever ' '-s ' ) voter remember' that Abe. rows Deli&ps, Tonic Stimulant. Estrelally designed 3 highly proper they slicinb,l ' be leneouraged.!Lincoln said, in ague-I:eh delivered in 1t. 4 44, 1 for the nse of the' Medieal Profesoion f and ihe Family, Hon. J. A. Andrew, the Re Publican eini-fthitt. • . . -•• . - • • '' having . superiNded.. the so caned " Gins," '."Aromatle;', - Cordial, ' Medicated." " Schnapps." etc.. to new en . . . didate for Govertior, honored . them. !by .s THE CHARACTER OF THOMAS dorged by all the prOminent physiclallt. CliClilinte , and COD , 1113/ObCON, an , PWlSellsillig all MOM' INSUIanIC ,IlledlClPal taking his place in the line, j u st in their; '—' 5 • JEFFERSON WAS REPULSIVE si - (mantles (tonic and diuretic! n hichbstogg to en (1W and t ' 'PURE GIN. Pot up In quart hot ties aril sold .roll Drug „ rear; the Mayor of. the .eityi•• • •.and 'other- Niziosit.t. 20., 1 As ; Li - - - 1 „ 11101 U has never retracted that . g l lt ° ,, l , i , t a tr- ei n • :- . '1'•,. 1 A-•-m"'` it. proprietors. ' - " white folks' folletring,-::- . BoWa a'ns -- 74 et. , - White. men of Pennsylvatibt," . Whatl ' llel ia ng li g e9.4 still thinks 50... ... r. Jet every _ i • oc 4 1 71 - :..', 1 ' Nu. ifollneiii titteet. N. Y . you-_,think •of this picture. . Reflect ilii. a,rhan.who tifinks JettersOn's ehara .t wa - • A ' uditor's-. Notice. ' • • moment: - One Hundred ' thick-lippeti,lNiiii•C ruls' ' ' .. crooked:Shinned ningers Mara' • •thislibell er.lN, . „ .:. , 1 ye cote . , against tt , , .... mg fir pro.' . 5 ,' . ' • iv= IA liemily given that the undersigned, an Mail-. • : ... tclapigibated bythe Court id - Common Hear of Stesea -----•=7-'--:----: Ca my to make distribution of the fltnd In the hands of .. tit Sheriff, arising:front the sal.' of Real Letatu ()Nate W. 1 cession, .side : b,y side With I white niol WHYITAND YE(ALL THE DAY IDLE T ' ° Mane, will attend te the (tulle.* of big appointment at the i and shouting for tinecAti - ' WI)* - . tte meo o I ~ily Li oro Omani!, the Untied Stains poeeael ' n , ; - Mike OThentley .t Fitch, in Montrose, on Thursday, the cth Pennsylvania, can.-you ,:7 u/it/ - you RuppOrt miss Into gi n . Ruch aparty? Let your'ausWer lo; tri' d can iter . i 10 an espy a nd ~ ,,p ma : day of Nov. next, at one o'clock, p; tn., at which time snd ble burfneas, by whith ;km P il to $lO per diy call be real. _ a e i):Nl. For particulate**. addreos (with strunp.) 14gmegnisiwi=r1,'(nwteil7bntTeddieft_'(ainTeo"nlitt; treed(( their s . B. S. 1 1 1. NT LEY, JR., ..... ,. . , ...t .. 1' ihT911,142-1-11t. inillot.boy . 1 , Oct, 4tb, IMO. 3ut , W. It ACTON dt, CO., . foull, • I , - - No. :IT:North Sixth - street, Ptilladelph , ,, , , - - Yt. lb, 1'4.0 'he. .- .. - . . 10,50. Rep herd!' 1.: g - Governor Ori :117; . - ' ;1' cl 2 to 134 • 'lB6O. tom. BE=I C s i ' 17% CI "I el (13 • .4s 48, -87 • ••4.0 • " 136 263 110 26'2 119 72r IS •72 25 ,91! -.159 'l9l 157 201! 70 151 84 171 t 18 83 202 89 206 .86 136,454-. 85_ 154. 84 150 85 23 26 , .28- , 23: . 26. 23 11 : 32 11 30 86 • - 78 " 84 -80 83 SO 84 81 120 80 115 85 121 80 • 57 216 50 214. 57 246 58" 146 205 12 . 8 '209 125 207 127 44 110 45 109 45 109 46 112 159' 107 "`164 105 161 103 35' 93 , 42 100 35 ..101 •34 • 42 . .130 40 123 46 128 -41 79 141 82 143 '76 144 77 110 186 109 182 111 184 111 • 85, 74 87 i5 - ":"86 72 • 88 • 93 81 88 17• 93 -81 9l 43 95 40 . .51 .42 ,95 's 55 211 ,55 210: 54 ,213 'O2 178 92 180 93 176 92 " 33 /56 •32 32 56 33 21 75 2t •-• 74 :31- •75 - 20• 64 175 63 172 67..173; 64 ,89 , v 84: 103,.:41..105 ..81 105 76 168 ' 77 - • '165. 77 189 - ' 1 16; • 133 192 134, , 196 - 132 190 140 37 61 38 -71 38 .69- 39 2400.4061.2434 4046, - 2380.4014 2434 DItS.-BIN.MIA3I ANKV, SEDDEONS .AND DENTISTS—New Milford Borough. Th. • pplIF. CIDER: VINECiAIt for rale hy " • tilinzu.. JAIVI, for sale by . . ... IP ' 1i i :N . ,:' . 1 474'' .:::- Yr. 1 - . _ "15 1 . . 0 J • • . . ‘ • 4- , • .it Y , 0 . Auditot ABEL TIIRRZLL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers