THE MONTROSE,DEMOCRAT, . • IS rtitrasti up Tn'ET.SpITS.; ty:r es4 . .riti.SCb_42.. OFFICE ON MEM ' • TIII .1)001tS ABOVR BEAIttE I B 1161:1„, 1 TETRAI - s.—, 1,50 per :nllllllll in Anrxxcs: , • $.2 will b charged—xnd•Otty milt!! per antotrn :aided to arrl . ar.igt . s. at the option ot thi! rubllrher, to pay expense of odponon, etc. Aorartt:h pitytneot preferred. ' j,. A;vh:nrisr.mEN - rs will be ili*ertea at ' tat, of $1 per equate. or ten ltne br last. forte first three .1 cent for Lucia ndditional ai . oek—pay down. 3ierelinnts, tnd others; wild arivertise.b the year., will be charged id the following talon, Hat . For 04t. Nroirr. or 104 r. °lie. war, trial .71.angvi,.,:. *4 1 1 1; 141 addilforati mpeore, at the rote Of.. 6 - ' No credit given except to thorn or troortiterpiinAlbrlity. t Tho moss-Grown Bridge. . . ~. , -.-...-_, O -......_ ; ... ITS. 31ItS. L. L'. DIptING. . ... _ , --:•-o ---- ' ' . [From the Earning I'mdl.l • . "TiO ti wild, rude Fpot. a et+w4t. thephiee • + • Where poets lo‘e to dream 1. In the deep. d eep ritatl e. nu the Mo , ' , ' Sr' ,, L bridge •That Ftin, the minintnin Ft rain - On either ride the rockg. + .. • Like .entrie.. stand fbir.,lst, (‘ Cf-hile ,an the top ofttiew tawny brows The tagle build, 'tier nett. • ' - 'Tis a wild, wild ilmt, yet I lot to still; munc hr thew hating rtrt-mtn ' - ' And *Mit,: down fry- the money hridge, Mother thry, to dream; i There fancy wenvea her fairy web Mere*: simile and tale,-• : • While a olden thread of the: buried past . 1 - Like 4",-taibea 1 handers through. Were evening -urea her.raystiecharnat, _'kklSletk_tbe t' , light hear. , i. • . Wlth - ide.:l-ant thonede‘Thii. nit! there, To th - e , firldm in the Fhady bower, And there with happy heart. I sing— Of initarbliQt , 1 dream 11 While Innwhing•echot....4 from tho.cave Cowed:airing don n the•ptientri, • And oft, rnethlnks_. T hear voice Among the bending tr,ce• ' :And the ruttling of an angel t e wing _Borne oil iIo evening 6reeze; . And muntle!q.. voice + germ to ri,‘;'• Aron& me everywiirre— frleinl”. I loved long, long 'ago Conte back to inevtme there. And thi. I. 'oily I lovethe spot. i ~ • It.eter hrinkb to me . - .# Tlit• happy by-gotten of my youth ; Phrobed in ptnitr; . And Piney watves her" fatiy rornb • And thu. I s 9 and &ram, In the quiet ,hade on the 4nottrt-grown bridge That .rtan. the nfounteln stream. A Slight Drawback. . Enchanting Orli thy form so fair • In pirtyfnl drearns around me dances Thr bright, '.o free front care. • Thy dimpled cheek...thy jet-back hair. • r • „ . Sly heart entrances. Rat oh !fho. , e erel—thwie eye*. With joy and innocence gle.amßig; The winged 14:ht 'scarce i•nifter. flies • Than do the glaTie,, from thrnw eyeig With filen•Arre'.hearodug. woollier. maiden, were it nit That wooing thee might Tirol bewilderlti I'd woo the , maiden, were it no For this one thing--a wife rrYsfol., And innalithildren _ - ram G omm RutE . I Show tut thethunder of the great ',intim 'Tis a rem- ancient i•alltiz. , nal cold bath, that I may agitate for the TIM NI non 11,4 pro. vd It tree: • Damao nli \ our neighbors 1 erection ofa statue to his memory! Rine. -, A . ~ert mould hare them do to ron'".... i FaSillo/1 4S tot less powerful than of old. Pan •iniith, r «ayin. noviprerail., - Wait rotirele different hue: ' •For every one !sullect that owned his ••'y .iire miff tioNour nelglibom I sway half a century ago, he can count A tar th, % li ortninty do von.• k , hundred now. Behold your " militl-ollall i — ,i ~,iy--0- Anp • -•.--___. From tb Cornhill Monthly, i work" out for the day, in an old fade(' , His liTajontYlKing of Fashion. 1 alpaera gown, thrust wide ley a spacioirs "crinoline : "1 The cost of this eneumbranee Of all the power:, that rule upon the t way, toward the pnr earth. there is not one that has so many, ' u ; °la r ... a I long , pretty cotton dress, whilst the or such obedient sell ants, as the hi ''' base ' .- stains in the poor raiment are enly expos- Fashion_ The ::nri never sets Mit: of s deminiones, and his mere word is law,- ea by being) °llls, stretched s out. Who can say, with tine, and ten thousand oth- Natere herself innst r Veld before his iron er examples before our eyes, that the will. Nature said that our fathers slionld• u ear the li2ir "lie , , evi e them as 3 (wer- p ower °t. Fals.i°ll, the King, is departing? Had he continued to rule its in his obi trig fee their heads. Fn-bion said that kirstrien manner, perhaps his dinasty, the 3 should s hake it off, and have that op' ' oth e r p eoi 4, ma d e „ i , hit° ~e riwtr„ i , for might have long since ended. Unlike the their adorment. _ Nature / made • a - ' w 0.... usual run ofiroyal personages, lie is wise: mart's i ibs ei iciest at her middle. Fashitin 'he byes in the lees-:cuts and respells the lush legacies of the pa-t. Let eme state one sts-ill tt her w list shall be, the most, sh. mier psi t_ of her person. ; sa , nr. , is proof of hie sagacity, by w hich my :iron will not ' give , molts shall stand or fall. He has deter \ ory sorry,but . if ladies , 'flitted that ladies shall again wear short their hearts and lu ie , s fair pitta, she -can , dresses. But that his reform s tail not ii, .1 be :l es a erahl, tor the ( tit:sequences. i l t s s . l l 3 ! : it atf;t o t , b l e ie alLe f ara f t . u i e t e:f a l i i i i , s i Fashion replies: *1 take them on myself ' ‘ ul , t ,, tt i e r n it e ,,, n ; -..,-., 1 at.. , 0 allay r . NAtui e enacts flint foremost, he lorders that 3 ming and old mothers shall star at home and suekle shall wear bi' g 'ots tin ordinary, instead of their ee'sprine. l'a-hion hires them a Wet ' i‘ dm, light .1 , 31.' , appear.t lloes. Let tbe remembei (el it weed to nurse, and bids them *not go. home till . i he considered a yerjv improper thine ' In the (lays of yore, the estates or this I fUC 3 lady t `i• we= i tr hout o them in s ; - l!hi, er J Tmt,im mie, Mad pitrouuce realm set themselves up -against Kingl T ne Vestr3 '• Fashion, and were defied. Tiiv in.„hibi. i ;11,11)ers°i was not that lady a very. dread nathins ° t im i' erfeetls eh° aivini " ted the W ne. eari e,l" long toed - shoes by an 1 " e '' an, " f person ul ? Ergo beotc inn Abe very ole art oft arliane nt ; they passed part's for-; tectionable ankle:. of costume, Q. E. I). bidding the-Usk. (St . mini% er fur lee any one under the rank liareit : they imposed dire Faehimehoweyer, eaid that worn thee" iind worn they -were. The penehies 41110./ those wito should' app&ir in ' 4'41 lie; a Poet ee lli le.d. or cat <therm i"e at:the mother of t i l . r present geeeration of pret girls kne ihem not. As children, they edge-. King Eashi,m published his conqter- t ra Y t i hotit, in ow shoes. tusteaed aeross the blast. and shoe toes grew so Kier flint they were ohlieed to b, led„ed „pItTo tlw knee; in ' te P with n narr " w ' tr3 l!" The " "e 31 he - moet de. firate piece o mechaismin n furs beemee MiLife and more commonly t were; and leder. viewed with tech other the human frame, ana in our early years. in devisittg ~4 . ,,,i10 , 1 i i i2,„ liu d other "lewde ! the bones and c.ardlages that compose it dL‘ . es ... for 7 t - he t hems of garnients in d e e _ ! want support., The toot, like evert-other , art shall circulate ,freely through of the 'human body,,requireet that fiance of pain; mid penalties. In-our own da3, ha% e nut-pelpit, press and stage con-:M ood demne I and ridiculed a mast 'widely- reins. Si " ) g ave ntisu PP` lrt 0 the " lits ie, .. prea i and sweeping symbol of a - net...knee 1 and their straps retarded the circulation. !•Consequently;ehildren walked upon the to this otentate? I mean" crinOline." of their feel, ,rind complaioed bitterly And what effect have they proiluced?- ! Sidels it ~.,t ,i,ler than ever? The august 1 of „, d'iihiains rand' other unspeakable nil” `• , Z and p'.easant lady , w ho was King nishion's !• ment ' humble agent 'in exteneline• the skins o f , dined" A the twig is bent, the tree in- Will it Ate treason t o sugges t, our •wives and daughters, his no power ! that as these little one, grew np, matters did not mend;:and that the rested lute to reduce them. Like Frankenstein, she i will be followed through life by the anon- i rest' n pang petticoats was Pleat l ea-stcatir ster she has helped to create, ! till g ing , lin opposition, to any chnnge? As soon Need more ! as boots, by 1 1 , ashion's decree, had been Fashion strikes, him - down. - worn a few years, a wonderthl effect was be said to pro . % e the puissauce of this rule ? - 1 _dudc•t, after 1 - .11- ood arid loyal serfs as , achieved-ail the little girls have pretty ,y --g 1 we are--u e, know but little about our I feet and .anklesl What followed :as a great lord and master. Where does King I matte r 9f cc/lir:se • A hitherto unknown Fashion hold bie court? From whence whenee 1 aireeti° " fur tke 'ewer part of dress skirts; and his a Watchful protection of them fronteon are his preelaimition",- his uka.e.s, decrees prMnulgated ? Can- the addreAs, tit %Kith mud, nj wet lietlier, the dust, 1 n and hard gron` d enn an of the - Charwellerie," where his patents i dry,' or,liobility are, prepared, his outlawries hethe the wearhi g'• iuinini"ymedium, inie, of sued, his laws enrolled, and his exeunt _ , wondrous "Wily work" and " broderie munic:itions fulminated, he obtained for, An "" as onennente for the in3ste glab'ei his npplicant _:ls his majesty an taro- moues folds diseloted by the uplifting; of crest, or has he responsible ministers? y , the out skirt; and in winter,. of useful black and red, substitutes for them; the go, who are they, where do theellive, and bale they aii3- piajes to give awav? That s"tr"aueth'u of "'alum" hosiery, t`rm"teil tter improvemetit ; and the-in there Lave been such people we all know.! with this la t•eat ion of ".tackle," for keeping the dress Whet au interesting work "The lives of the Prime Ministers of King Fatillion" , "hoisted," without fatigue to the wearer.. would he! Not ninny of our ovin cowl. ) That is what Aaiun ed. What is yet to trymen and Women should we find, after ' come? Short (1 ' 11 " es! 'Fa'l'hin has put through a long 'and =refill preparation Sir ‘l - alter Raleigh had been disposed of, u s v,:hen for them; he , has, gradually accu s tomed until we came to the bad old times, George the„Third was King, and in, which its na(2l I° . h ear 6 0 stt•tht ofa well-turned ids e•raceless Leh- lied, and drink, mid ankle ' ..:lll °"t s ulirise; he etnaileil'atea raked himself into the tithe of f the first; ladies • front the nuisance of beibee•gied •-teetleman in Europe Then we , s hall f in d , garments; and thus his new law will be "us'-ti the Beau holding the good • city of= ehe e" lll 4 cheYeat when it liall be his alth art a lief 44 King Fashion, and railing' gracious will and pleasure to promidgate , ! , • s _it ti -petit:ally ; forbidding gentlemen .to the same. weer their se•ortls; dietatitwaf What-hour : - - ' - '` 4l " -e-- , •-•- I; , rss eoull lute and eleep;:iecreeime Who , 1 ,,,'",: t i . - ‘,. u°1 ,, e ,,. 1 11 +, 6 is ,-,'" t " , e , mneOli .4/ " 11/.1 'LIM,' together - and who Zould ' ----yeu ' -n P" 'rav4P, anti cue of ;IP' pup ils, in Slot/phis, By agreement, they are nut ; and'it morselessle limiting the heiehr, to 5 . 1 00 t tiftetli, r titties each, the Captaiu'a of the ne eistrous liclidelresses which his balls to first strike the flool, and, relibund female sulijeests deliAted to wear, Then iii, , t, -- to lodge thiarer the centre of the tar we shall he oldie, heautiful - Mre Camae Queen ix moimrs, , miel mix. , get titan the balls from hill opponeet's pis- Mg daily wall her liesges upon AL. titer " % who 3s - tu tlitsr l t . hi the craitml way, , Vikut , d dthe - - 1 - , seated in au. open-verde:4e, e ray h, hy4 i .x. • t , t r.. itt ann. , and tblie uei b • jour- • - - 1 " . " 61 " .- TT ". •,' , )rutty uor,es, ) t( 3 out.- .'' Au editor reeordine. the career c f riders. Then sh - all we find my Triad nr d 4 ' `N ' '' j e r ,,,,,k, % L. s ord t n m a, 1) i , saY„s : N 0 are grieved to Loan. (afterward Duke of ..., colonel c:arpintc 9 _, .. say teatsthe'phiri anitnal, before it, rould "T., Mews- ! be killed,BeTerelY bit De. Iln a Illd'S eer tretlington, Bruntined, and Reynolds, in- al ° ther s" don 'I ' '' - - '". ---fi ' "tailed i espeetii, ely aer Grand Viziers of, i" -;;- . 1,' , : - the Sultan Faeltion-; and Lady Carlotte :', 1 'unmet ....,- The W' of piehing into a Campbell, (afterward Lady C. Bury, the: fellow. stodin*liiiri feel like a goose lit° aethorese.) the mitd, T ss or Dmnsh:re- t ....., 4 10.4 0 ,1 14 0 , . - - , 1 .: il , ~ . - , - - - ..1-.. , .- ' : ''. :•";''.:-, %., '..:_,:i.... ; ':.- -. ',-, : , , i -: -•• •'‘ " ' ''.:''. •.,., ; ~ ;;7 ‘ , -.' . \ ,:_l . .:::_i : - . . rf . ._ , ,: . =', - ---,....'-',- - 7 . , . ..."...;,;':. 2.z - • f ; c'.., ;',"-,--:.!: .t . f + 1 . - 3 -,:' F .; , ,; f i-4....,./i. ;..,,...,,.. 2 1.-:i.• -•-• • - • ; '- ; ' -'' .. . • ~. _ , 1; : , . . , •, . i ''', . „ . . . ~ ' ,!:, ....,:. ;.; .•, - ; •1 ‘ I .. .1 .- ' ''''-- . • -,. . . I I- - . 1 i • . I . _ I ..46.L• • : l l,, _ .... .41 - 7 . - , 1. • • . . ... • . . . . WE J OINHAT CARRIES " THE FLAG, . .PA RT Y •• • • .:•:,• •:. 7 19P. 11:1-1744r -fin r -- • ... 0 0 • go. . THE . .UNION THE - KEEPS - • i VOL. 17. } and Gorden, - LadylS.aralt Fane,•.and Lady -; .; ; . The.Wife,Tamer. ; jersey, (nUt -the Prince Itegent's Lady • M rs . Morton was a widow : --a young, Jersey,)' la posSession :of the scals'of ofThce: l ,pretty, rich Whiew—when• Dr. I Charles 1 as his Prime Illinistress, each with a po* - - .Strahan Made:het' acquaintance. She was erilti eliiiiBo_ of her own. Whither-has !, poor but _Yeti . ' handsome woman whet!! the race, of - these great oneS, departed.? i Sqnire Morton married her, and at -his Where and our leaders and our, law=givers Aleath, two years after, she being the solel pow? Wh'o!cati tell. They!hattunltinited.' heir, put on her widow's-weeds and pock -1 powers from their sovereign, mut ruitd ! eted her disecased husband's gold at the . j despetica m llt, • ; ; ' ' ; • ! • 1-sae..time ! i ' ; -., . I;• George Ole Fentrth bad scars linen his) :Madam 'Humor said that poor old Mord `' neck -whichhe Wished to conceal— Being L tn u nev e r. enjoyed'..a single hour after hq; 'a leader of fashien, Ihe twistedja small bob I married her, but lion• should Midameii Stet-round'his meek, so as to. effectually I'Rtinuir know? Of one,` ! however, I hide them,{ and all - the, world followed jean giveMy readers reliableinforniation; 'suit, and half-dteked themselyes to imitate I yo, Morton had. ot teen' a widow twelve him: In Mt! evil Win. he !quarreled. with ! months ere She received - with seeming IBruminul;Hind,j-to !spite , him,. the - Beau, ! Veasure= very decided 'attention' r. s from: D who then rnled the; roast, set the laShion .. tra hau. - ' !of wearing itairew ribbon ties. Shall ire 1 Do von inquire who Dr. Straintn" was? ever he led by thetiose) like this - - again ?.. I Well; he studied medicine, and had the i.Will theladtes !wear their waists under ! title of - 31 I) i'onferred upon him which their armpits,.and the men their coat col- ! he took,Pleasure in' attaching to' the • i lars up to their Cars to please -anybody ? end of. his name with a grand 'flourish. I j Havin tasted the-comfort, 'ofloose, well- ;lint it is: asserted that he never had a half ent clothing, shall' we consent to cram our Id o 'n patients in as many years. He was .bodies into! coats which we cannot hut- ,' a young man of prepossessing appearance; :ton, and our lOgs into trowsers -in which la ready talker neon any subject, and was we_ dare net sit 'slown ? :tV he can tell but lin fact first-rate company.- He played the Fashion, the. King ? We - shall obey his ! flute'and sang—was a good 'dancer, and Commads as our fathers .did before- us. i an excellent partner at - whist; besides, he Lord IlarripOon spoke the Word, and 'the I had some literary reputation. •lle wrote dandies al his time appeared in -rough I poetry and two column! sketches for the great-coats, (called Petersham,) - filc , rca- i Weekly Le\-elcr, and last, Omagh 1)3 . no :ion; and thenext, bade them affect things I means least, he: ressed in good taste and like schooPhoys'jackets, (called Spencers.) lin the hei!rht -of fashion. How he did it Shall we assent to any such arbitrary ;'no one.ktiew, but then it was no one's ClumgeS non-? We are a better dressed 1 b us i ness . - People than our; fathers, and a more coin- 1b I ut I must be alloWed; to •contradict tbrtably dri , sge4 ! people than are. to. he onertnnor which had gained considerable. found in , any country or period the world I prevalenev, to the effect that he supported has known.] Cap we tell who made us so ? s i hi mse lf by his literary labors; an ordinary Who emancipated ; us men from the thral- 1 se w er _could hardly `afford Straltan's dont of ight sleeves' To whom are we I w o m a ibe. • - • . ' • indebted foi- the fiee - - Use of ouy necks? 1 Old squire Morton., had•-been .tlead but MONTROSE ear, when 1)s-. Strahan, ae.. little over a y tau . On the left hand stood the doe- ,' ant IIII)01', lioni,ver, after havitg.•trii;lelleil , T i q ...iii that gossipers had to say, toar- , tors writing-desk, which she had, broken .i under - an assuthed - nainethroiedi the !Nor: gull the•widow aria her fortune. •The`fact ;•i , opt,i), and scattered on the desk were ten- i them tier of counties on the circle of the was Ire wanted aVich Wile. As to lier,4the ' der missives of his e:irlier flatnes, pages of 1 Likes, along the river St. Lawrence,l and was anxious to . lezive her weeds :full go tales 'mid sketches, onpuldi'lled odes, ! the eastern boqler-of the State as - tar as society again: and she could devise poems, and unpaid tailors bills all, in a Albany, resorting -to ';every conceiffable -no readier- wayr,to accomplish / these par- i im gl Pile, which the lady sat'reading, first stratao-f•in in fin.therance of his int eAi(r.ii poses _than by marrying. / When. any one ; a sweet love letter, then an ode on' Napo- tions, Col. Lull trace4the robhery te, its spoketo the doctor of her being. shrew, 1 Icon; and so on, throwing them page all.; source, reduce 4 his susPicions tothe clear- he Merely rem:faked that he should take , ito Page into the fire. Thus, the husband's 1 est evidenee ofguilt ii)-fhemost '' fr ~ . unerrin, i . fl 1 c rios tic_ were, tests, and Mun'aliatelyi procured the ar great pleasure. in. taming a shrew. ' : ' - made to cook her dinner. - , 1 rest of the culprit,-wlnisedetection dOubt - For three' months. they' lived haptvily I The doctor 1. k 11 , 1 ' oo et si c iity ohaslong as I less atlinals a key td-numerous other 14Sses together,,for it was in the height of the , - - seasi „, ,an d betwem I ., ape mar, Newport, , li e could;- then taking the :key from his ;of money on , the same ;route, width have pocket, he-unlocked the door, and---,-it was ' hitherto been diarged aver to -1 S:frato:•;t: Mill the AVliite.3l(nintains,, •1- they , bolted. upon the inside . • count of finsolikd mysteries.- ; Were-alone with each other - scarce three i o A . i ' Irs S " he .)liont • In this inattdr (id. - Itull has - perfomed hours out of the I wenty-tOur ; consequent- ,' , L yk-:i) . :?;,, --- - C . ll. • ' 1 . . l• -it Was impossible. for them .to disagree. i ' ' ''''"' - ""' ~ • •• t a valifable.seiliice to the - departnientiand "Open the door. . . • I ' , the public, evincing an adaptation of,talent ' 1 Int the season .was scion over and they . 1 • i - 4.. , I'm busy now, and can't be dist urhed !" ! to the peculiarldatics aids important lio ; returned to =their quiet hoinethe place ;- • "0 ) • I cti,the door or 11l burst it it). , sitiOn, rarely filund in a public otlit)er,l and of all others. tip study : . i wile, 'or lizish'ittid i • • "po as please, sir; but your muttony triumphantly tindiCating the Wis - iloin of where is no nonatural excltement, no liish.). 1 : nil !giant skeleton are placed against the his,appointineilt.-0(re:po gazette. .' % ' icinalile - Mr. A. to cintdress, no profligate door, so be careful mid:not break theM." ~,.._. - - ~ L - •••••' - il• - • --- Mr. Ti to out do hi s( r 1• ' •• • it .illt c•ring 1110111 N i • - .. 't . rime doe was foiled. For a few too ! 1.--__.4.-77 - Colond Jones, and MajOr: Stuith no one to see, to please; lint the "other ; • half."' , 1 . mellt,S he stood and thought what course Iwfall'i oecasiotially get .on a _spree, and WItS be;t to pursue. Suddenly recollecting , their frolics were Often _protraCted !ma I - After a season of lung coutinuedietv ' late in the night. On such occasions their, I the ladder. lie hastened' down the stairs 1 there tievessarily tidlows one of ex.i.renie ;theand through the hall,. out dnors, i pa o tig ; pleasure was 'frequently. damped' by,' the dullness; and when tole is dna one. is eitsily, tin - night' ()I' their, wives zit home, Who,!like, 1 door unlocked and the key in it. Ms 1 displeased. NOW, Mr. and Cr 3s. Strahaii . T:I111 ot ., :sll:lllter'S fr./ii4tlanie, sat nursing i footsteps had se:freely died upon the stair= 1 were both of' them "remarkably - dull, .and: ' 1 their wrath to keep it ',warm. One florin A''l • 0 • 1 ' wits icf r . c. lf . s had removed both .1 • , ~, as a latter of course both preferred licher i wa,• '' l after having kelit. up 'their froth! until a plea . ed to att e mpti n o. t o . pleas-ei aiid of raced from the idoor, drawn the bolt and 1 stood in the entry. It was but the work 1 late hoiir they retairned home, Wliedrol- ; , coin.. e both were-gri•zitly displeased. onel Jones found his is waiting for:,liiin 1 - iof a Morn ,_ It was their third day at home upon I ' • ent to thi•ow the remainitio • (.. • t-- , -- ) - 1 with a eountenance that foretold a strm, i ters, yoems and manuscripts into the. fire, whie ) their first quarrel c("ttinuenced: Ilow t The colonel, whose fiice never h e r i b It, i ,, 1 remove the Wine and eatables,' leek the it be ran neither could clearly tell. . . I before an •enemy quailed before the right ' d« i i ) it. upon the outside and place the key i • , • only knoWn that Stralian expressed a de- 1 . . eons indignatiop of his better-half. :I , ,I ~ In :,Sire td dine upon roast beef, upon whi c h lin he. Pocket• stead of going bed r' , to took a seat,,lann Meanwhile the doctor was Taisim. - i. the • • Mrs.i . S said that she aboniir I 1 •S. - abominate(Beef, 1 ladder to the window and by the time he 1 -resting his elbows on, ltis.inees, ' l lvitlil his , and Sated' her preference tobe - .roast fur- , face in his hands,-. scented to be conpletely key and oyster Sauce- strahani con4dered f had Placed it and, ascended half its length, ' his wife and a -favorite reran-servant Were absorbed 1." grief, siging heavilY,:all4 lit , . tink v as child's food-he'a have. beef or 1 tering such exchimations as " Pods-- SMith! •• , watching him from a lower window. ;,not In or. She'd have inikevL-and thus coil-.i tTT . ftl y • -.!• , . .:.1 The doctor pushed up the Winclow and 1 P a 'n' h • 1 Ills tuft,. kept, silent as, Iliol . d• the wai' of thii...Strallati - 0 s. ne , • , . • I as as - tossililti • but attlast •ov ' .:, • I • • , ) .•• , • jumpeo in; the svrvant jitimPed out of the , • 1 orde ed the butcher not to have fowl; the - 1 curiosity and anxiety, inydrecl, in•zi sharp lower window and pulled down t he ladder. ! tithe gave strict injunction not to have Strati 'saw •,,, 1 ton s ,'' Hie 'matter matter 'witli*Hqinitli?" beef ,_, otor , , into the botist; bet......, „ In an instant Stt-a that his bird„, , . - - , . ,•- - i , :kb! I says tiro colonel; "his wife is iw.the ' r -tll 6t , "„c' '.' f ) had .fiown and he rushed back to the i them they: were, both likely t ' ). sulks ;with h now.” ; Mrs ' e .. . . ens was just as the ladder readied the i .. thev remained -at home; 5 .5..( the . doctor I win ' °l ' . ='l mollified by dui joke, and -her ivrathidis: , orofind: I went,' to the village 'tavern anti dined .on I •'"._;,., _a t;that'hack i s )adderhere again, i •o . solvedi . 1. • ' -.-• C......" .........i.....-L,--- • it 1 i beef,;while Mts.• S. visited some of her 1 ( r,-)areil the doctor from the upper window. 1 I CHIN - ESE Kr4l-They de not consider . friends and partook of turkev..-- ' ' -- • "Let it stay where it is,' cried the *We 1 any pursuit so frivolousi as -1 .' dented tit m i .AftT dinner Dr. S. c•V‘ turkey ' ~, 4. Ot Wme supper f l ' 1 , 1 from the lower window. - . - ! the test . :1.1 rant ligc.,s of Science-not . gyen iin the room wttich lie dignified by the ~•, • 1 i nt it up here histantly,•pr I'll dis-• i the flying of paper kites It is sti•ange to undid of "'troll," a sort of variety store ; charge you," bellowed the tipper Will•IOW: . , I see SOber, sedate merchants ttecoging aivar in 'which-lie kepi.. his library, writing4lesk "Let it alone, and I'll-donble. yOur iat a liner stringl guiding a-kite - • very ', l ,c•lb 1 and spitteou. Here,. also, were too glass I • '1 t•%' " chimed in the lower window I ectuallv in the air.. •Soine are made in ;the ' clises, (Me of which 'contained a giant's 1 I ' ll - e ' , - . ' "Dosas I tell you, blockhead," yelled ' shapeof o irds, #ll the hovering Lot' :. I ,the I skeleton, hung on wires ;• in tee' other was ' -i - , the (16ctorwith' , rage. ! kestral, or the /nick diie.of the sparrofr at; fry prism .muintity, The walls were 1 • ' "Cozne in the.honse,"John," said Mrs. 1 hawk is.beautiffillv imitated ItY an eitiert i hung with curiosities of all descriptions ; ' -• ' 1 anion(' -them. a cane from a tree which : s ' , TOY coolly. guidance of thilstring. i! The first 1 Saw , 1• „, i - And John went into, the house teav in” ' '- ' ~ . grew over 11 - ashititon's - grave, a snutf-box . ii . . - , s , t was in Shanghai, and itappeared so real medical gentleman rheat ! ing curses t , I got ciciwii.a ride Mid tried. to Sluint, i from the wood of the. Charter Oak, a chip :. '''.."' from the United States frigate Coustitn. I u P ( " v 'l-e'r3.l)°d!•' including his , wife and i but was told it ',was onli a kite. "To be 1 -i . i l . • • i servant John. : . ' f sure it !is; why not have a shot at it',?" tutu • :minerals, shell :old fossils of all kinds ' Allitiglit long the doctor :was kept a , , 1 and it was some time till I understood it ~ speeinien ears Of corn, - - enormous - sizetl ; !. prisoner. Just before she retired his wife 1 was ' a paper kite. . The [Chinese bent'i; ifs fruit and vegetables, cases of dried inseets ut her lips to thekeyhole and whispered: : h o ll ow i n th el .)o thi n g s especially •in 'the ' 1 and rears of pickled reptiles. Stuffed birds ! 1 ".•What success in,- taming H shrew, 1 c.„,„„„„ ge i z e. , tint hey send spinniti(7. were , perched about the apartment, and 1 I • - ,'' I voluptuous French lithographs and. ' doctor:''' • . ,up the fying. I.They :send up prettily ; traits : lmr -; Tli nextci morning she .1-`3IIIC to the door I p n i it t e a g j g anti c lbutterflies with outsprod of distinguished personages were : ' II cOled--=- , . - .. .1 wings, at the back of which is a sinikle hung:promiscuously' on the walls ;.,a i on .. 'LH . , . " lioetor "" • I,contrivance to 'Mike thin ,collapse when . i remblig fable, arin-thairi, a perseription , o i Nt i ' ~- the ' ' ~ c ac ame, replied gentliona , ii ; .. Lthe bUtterfly re:idles the - kite, and as talon i case, a maininouth •bell metal pestle and ' _._ . liould you like some breakfast 1 , 1 is - they collap.sel down" eorties the...bittter ; mortar, completed _the furniture of the' ' ' . . •-) " roi hot particular.'. ' 1 fly, sliding along the string, ready to ;be i -` study." . , • . "There is • - .- •• . • , , , cold turkey left if you would I , adjusted for ainither flight. . • ; .: - 1 During the same evetiiin, Mn,, . rs. ..: had • . .1„ • , like it: . I • - --- ' - ' - i - •:• - • , -st -- - ----. 1 ' i a whist party-hi the parlor. 1 The, , docter deigned no reply, and the) ';';`,-fr' An experieuced old stover; silytl, if 1 ' Wine held her votaries in 1 ' zondage - • , t you make hive lto a Widoiv who hail a lady again left him-alone. . , longer: than Cards, - and - Mrs . . S. had di's- lieu-' gipped '; daughter twenty!, years yhtinger then I)urnig the afternoon she again missed her parts- and retired hours befOre 1 1 - • self begin, by declaring that .you thotedit t lier.lit•ge lord Came. to his chamber.; uni t at Ids door, and Called-, . • . • i they were sisters. . Lt ' C . :I ) "Doctor !",_ .- , • -'- '''.....=... ---. ..' i------- • i • - when. lie did . come, 'he foutia the door i ' " , "'Well, my dear, very humbly. 1 , •„",•W''' we'haS-4 anise:U*l -of as - king' for. locked, hiMseltwithout and Isis wife with- - . ..... "`Would von like some dinner?" ; bread and receiving a stone, butt a: young in. In vain -he 'called to her, she could' on,. ., „ (, _ , , , oat Mel would taut-'hear ; and. he was -'• 4 I '!"-'''''' .' - • ... • - 1 gentiemaii mayl, he Ot4 . ll 4 lllereil Is SOH -' . I o a t ko a bird elsewhere, Wider) "Will cold turkey do for you?'' _ • ~.,• i worse treated when he az)ks.,for a yeti r ti(r c, . find "Ant:tithe , my dear. - ' • , lady's hand and `gets herifather's..foot.-1 li • ( Ihe , mutteing to hitnsel "Tit tame - 1 her y tt." - And lie laid all night funnily , i 1 i ~ "If ..." iv , lll let you out will yon prormse .! ~ ~ - .i• ...,:: 1 . a'r.,,V - A canary parsen was ii'ddicOd ; a plan to bring, tier to stibmiSsion In the ,i r''„..e,:',•?,ltek.--n-le up again? • ' .. a - „ .. ito using the phrase, "Ii flatter inysehr • morning he - asked - her 'to .walk' tuft, 1,1;.1 7 1 'Y u "; ' I "'Awl never object._ to my.valitig turkey i instead . .of." I believe." •4laving Otensiiin • study; 'and there seated in an atm-ehair ' • ~ ) , i '• • ' , Ito exhort hist:wig - mm . 1060,, during a revi.: they renewed their fierce .wordy quarrel- ,•,"g ai ,a ?•," . •.'. ' -.- •' • •. ' i ~ ; via, " be flattered bins elf " that. 'm re I. during s witieli•MrS. S. - ealled her hiisband i 2tOor-''. - . 1 alien tU;sc - brainleSsfellou-, Who Mai-lied i. " Antd.--attellliA to tame a shrew again t''. )thaie one,half ofthein i• - Id be. damn d.. t • ) ,i !her f• r money: To . whicit: the 41OetOi r e _ d ; "Nli',/er...r: • ' '-' ' - -.... if i )t -- ! ; 21 "Never rcifuse to pay the printor,. t`Tliett-4--yott-.--tiitty--Opte---Qut." r . plied V callingliar a low, rulp,rar winfiiii 'i . &MI the lady nab - kited-and tlirnw. open when .yaithave read Ids ... : paper fa # year .•. . . . whO akinlv'olad to marry protessionat 1 • ~ , , ~ , „ .._ „. . 'the'doio• - ' .„ - . ~ - . ~ •• o r mere....A. Mint who' does this, is ine•in j gentl rici - n . and' author . to i1)1( lie,; _, • . she; To thi4 'flay Dr n. has not attempted .to 'i enotnili to steal col` frOin aLblind:pig.l 1 kilter Irt ter : Society,: Auer whielf. - - '. • wife •... 'timeh II - i . •-• 't..' ' ---- • '„ ,:' toyed with - bet lati, - prid finallY 'I -Mika time , (He l m* to his in 'what hag• F a . eat, I. is ho or,Wheri site ride,• . and, never , e , a , , ! --Iri -4 1"l'he di ffrirenee baween A -foot aiul i. ;,.,,- 6ii , heard fo-boastagain Of !.‘th.ming a shrew. la , 0 . .. 11 gt . .I- ~ ~ . ~ r,.y. ~,,, bell. c_ril; and 'endur'ed the' serVant,' t Oki •' , l'• s' -- ii 'that ,cake. ithOtit answered' it te:brin ih •i' 'ca .. ' .. ~ , , ...- ~ ,/D., L Ft ass ,(. ' 14 .--, -. . .- - --..:•••••/010.7-- -- .1 reflectinrr and the. otherlreiteets .withont actor. , -,-.•-•'-• '..,.” -,' - ',''- • - 1 '" .''- " i ,T:m.: ( 7 :- i• I , 177 can't, bear efilldren," said Miss ! l • • r'.2.• • . ... ;i • --' -- '...i • 1 .: 4 whe'io : 'ai'e on - 4 1 :' '"Ohli '' 4 - ......-delnallitc'd,, - Pritn'llisdainfullV. _,- . .'-- . 1 s ! ,), .I ) n .g: ...........,.44...ii.:(6-4- , L-Li f- , '] . - : : .'c' . 1 ttie.ackter.". ,';'". ' '-, '--- ' ' '''' :• . . '-.... •-* I . 314.,:hirtitiitOu r fooltediav&Iit!.iPeCtit;.{ . . WAt a 11Priitters R i fitival, 'Teitent , ls`; I'i To'iiili,' 4 . - iipliet ibo ' Odinifatile:7o.,' i eles.MildlY laeforle. SIM replied. '.... . , . the following tort , - wito Wired : - ••:•• t 1 Stialiiiti. ''!A - : '-. : ''.-,. '' ' .--.---: ' . ' - , op b - 1 ' Co u ld;, -gait. 1147144 W "Wodian - 'Ske 6ll. 4 : 4}alk;-,t , i.-f)iii. Pfeils . .. - ---, ,i. 7,-. , .: 1 -, , , :eT.a..Ps,. l YPTh.... -- , . : -•. . i "1 . %611 - gO 7 W - ith4Oit,'pletitse„ , , theiti Witte' . • ' in the rAissenunakion'orn . ews. . 1 . : , . • ' ) PA., THURSDAY, OCTOMP, :igoo. ' "But 1.4 not please." -" ' • '"Then I choose to' go" - ' "Very well, - then, you will go alone; for '3'OU can not go with me.", • "'Yon ca n not go nulessli go With' you." "We will See. wilt' rulkedl out : Of: pntlthe key houLe. • 31 ri!`e,"..apa tbe'gentleman irroom, locked the dobr, into his pocket, and left the S. did not sit down and burst into / .4od of tears, but waited patiently for the ;servant to return whom. she had sent for ,the earriige. When he •arrived.she told hiM thrOugh.the keyhole, to return the lorseS to the stable, and place a ladder' ap og,aiigt the study window. The der was placed according toc.directions, !Midi a turkey, with oysters and pastry,. wa4, brought,up to her. The ladder iras then .and everything' prepared for the re-appearance of her husband. • Aboot•the of the afternoon the doctor returned home, .stepped softly throhgh the hall toward the study-dogr, ! andlpeeped through the keyhOle,expecting to see a strikingpictUre !of humility! and contrition. Jedge - of his surprise, then, - when he saw3lrs. S. sitting before his long leading table,- on her right his hell metal mort:kr, in Which Was tire, and a grate over it, on she was roasting . his mammouth 1-specimens of apples, sweet potOtoes, and her turkey. Next lein stoiolhik water-bath, in Which she was cooking:oysters, and she occasionally stirred them with . his silver spatula' on the tabk< stood one of the bottles of wine which liad been left front a. previous night:s revelry, which the lady, for the want of a chainpagnopener, had deprived of neck with a %wedge-Wood pestle, and Using a four ounce graduate for a wine-glass; she had cut up champogti baske(s for fire-wood with an Indian toma ,. beteifiOrileiicf Arreit of a , Nait Robber. t • 7:We - min' it '040: :feifTtlayti• - r akO . in thealbany'Ailai &Argus, that . ..CO. D. 31. Special Agent of thgPost Pffice Department, had cauSeA the arrestl) A. Whipple,•the Po at Perry7s ',Mills, Clinton -bounty, on • a 'charge Of stealing monei , from letters passing ; !Oro' his Office anti that atter an. examination, dearly established his guilt, be eras " beld . to bail for hisappearanee at thoext term ofihe _l7s. S. Court. .: 1 T h e case wiis a most intricate anditlitli- I cult one for investigation; inVestigatio and I the Argus remarks tridv. that Mr. Agent j Jlull displaycq Onerg l y in ferreting it Ont.. Thci partieular .logs of 'money upon ;`t:rhich this invest 4;014 was I founded, occurred iii April last, \-Nyfien a French widoW of Washington ' ted 'slo-to a fiiiimd in daunda;,With two .of - her children resided; - and when the let ter reached its destination, havitig, passed through hundreds .of handson its way, it had 1.41) robbed' of one half- its '! contents. ItlW, to' ferret out and locate this iniquity, rpquireCas will be readily seen; not•onlylextraordinary •alid in genuity, but a)arge endOwnient lof patient perseyerence, all of which qualities were admirably c( . !eentratial • in the ..SPecial. ' Agent, Col. Bull, to mihom the .ease was as the result ha's most-fully es tablished: =• ! . 'The - guilty p!arty was a professedly eltg ous man, and bore a reputation ii the community, Iyhich shielded him froM.sus- . ,picion. • lie luid so empliaticallY stolen the, livery of Ilea Yen to serve the deiil that even the iletec4ive ofieer was fin.. altime m hit ed, and hi.dneed to turn attention to other poiuti, before:: Stttlimr , down up.: on the conviction that,he was the verita ble rogue." less than two weeks intesk. .1 NO. 40". AWAILD OP PREILIUM6 BY T11K . 84124A C411. - AG.4I6ULTUILAI.. 150CIE.TY, STALLIONS AN]) MARES Best stallion and one of Ids colts, J. S. Tarbell, diploma and:, . .. .. t. 5,00 m Send best, F. If. Ifollistei,l4,o.o Third Lent • .Evander Tucker,3,oo 13esi stallion which has not .atooll in . the' 'county prior to this year, Win. Smith, diploma and.... 3,00, Bist brood mare•and colt A. L'Xiist 5,00 Second Robert Kent, 4,06 Third best, • W. 11. Jones, ,3,00 'SINt3LE AND CITED.7BIhI lORSES. Best single gelding,'4' years old, raised • in the county _ -W. L. Post, t 5,09 Second best' 5 years old, Vriuddin Tewksbury • -3,00 Third best, 5 years old ..,M. C. Tyler, 2,00 Best pair of mulled horses raised in the county • ; 'Henry Drinkvr, *5,00 Second best, A. Lathrop, 3,00 . . N COLTS AND MULES. . . Best pair 3 years old colts,G.W.Kent X 53,00 BesVpair 2 year old coltiLclyis Cham berlin, " 2,00 Best 2 Y74:tr, o l d colt A. .L Post, 2,00 `Best yearling colt,. . ..112C.Conklin;1,00 Best pairofinuleS. :Jae): Cl . nunberlin, 3,00 Second best, * T. P. Smith, : 2,00 CATTLE I -DEVONS. Best Devon hull, 2 years old and 10-Avis, Ruben $5,00 Second best, • -harry 4,Q9 Best Devon ender I yedij-lartySnlith, .1,00 Test Dew. cow, 3 y!rs'old and nwarils, I tarry .tintith, 4,00 Sc...ond best, ' - aul , ,tintitli, 3,00 Best Devon heiler“.....N. Banker, 3,00 [ Ltieeond best,. ' N 'Banker, 2,00 C.AtTLE---DniliAMS:\ . i Best •Ditthant bull, (Leopards 2ti,\ • 1940 pounds,) Win...Jessup, ii,5•00 Second best, - .•. C. D. Lathrop, '4,00, Best Durban bull between 1, and 2 • years, - W,.1,. Post. 3,06 Best -Durham cow, {Vittoria ad,) Wm. JONSIIp , -4 , 0 0 S. r.tarmalt, 3,00 Second best,... CATTLE-GRADE DEVON . . . Best bull, - - Daidel TeWksbury, 1 .43,00 . Second best, S E. Carpenter, 2,00 Best cow over 3 vears-old, - E, S But- - - - . ter-field, 3,0 Second best, • -D. E Wl'dtney,- 2,00 -Be4t heifer between 2 • and 3 years, ' C. E. Gregory, :3,00 • • . Best 4 yearlings,. C. J. Hollister, . ,t . )O Second best, Ruben Wells, 2,110 Best, 5 enlves, • E. Miller, :3,ooSecoW best , .!, .C. J. Hollister, 2,00 Third 'best, - - H Smith, 1,00 CATITE—GRADE DURITAMS. hest bull 3 years old TVKWhitney Keeond best, yearling bull Perrin Wells, 2,00 Best cow. 6' years old E.' Gregory, I,ook Second' beSt ri (Strawberry,) • Jef.sup, 2,00 Third best, 10 . years old, Perrin W'ells,),oo Best heifer 2 years old, D. E. Whitney,3,oo Best 4 _yearlings, Daniel Tewksbury, 3;00 Second best Wtn. /Jessup, 2,00 Third best, ;E. Gregory, 1,00 Best 5ca1ve5......... Jessup, 3,00 cATti,v—x.evrW . Es. Best hull, . . . . Second best, ' John Harrington; 2,00 ,a 4 Best cow, -er. 3 years-old, E. Gregory, 3,00 Second t, , N. Banker,. 2,00 Third Es , ' H. C. Conklin, 1,00 Best 4.'yearlings, It. Stebbins, 3,00' Second best, john Harrington, 2,00. Best 3 calves,.....lohn Harrington, 3,00 Second best, . I' Jackson, 2,01) OXEN AND-STEERS. Best pair of Durham oxen raised in • the county, . 6 _years. • old,. Robert '_ • _ •.,". Moore, k;,00 Secopd best ,Devon. - oxen, ILtary , .. Drinker, 4,00 Third best. Grade oxen, H. Drinker, 3,00 Fourth best Native oxen,. E. Tiffany, 1,00 Best pair of Devon steers between 3.. and 4 years ' ... -.„ .....T Smith, 1;00' Second best; Devon steers,. .W. H. - . - Harrison, 2,00 . . Thirdbest,Dev. steers C. J Hollister, 1,00 Best pair Grade Durham steers ..between 2 and 3 years, - . Eri Gregory, 3,00 See and Witt, . H. C.. Conklin; 2,00 Third hest, , C; J. Hollister, 1,00 Ilocrs 13est - boar4Chester Co " ) Drinker, )753,9 . 0 Second 'best, .11. C. Conklin, 2,60 Best breeding sow, (Cbescor C 0,.) 11. Drinker, 3,00 Second best, (Suffolk &Chester.) W. . .•- • - ~ T. Austin, 2;00 Third best,, Samuel Roberti, I,oo' Best 4 -pigs 4 niontbs olil, S. Itoberts,•2,oo , --- . SIIIMP: . . . Best fine wooled buck KB; good rich isioo Best 3 afic do. ewes, E. B. Goodrich, 3po Second bi!st, • ' • Tiffany, 2M Best coarse Vied buck, 8 Steward, 3,00 Second best, .• -P. Jackson, 2,00 Best 3 coarse wooled ewelit,Gardner 3,00 Second best, • Samuel Steward, 2,00 Best 3 coarse 'wled lambs L. Gardner_ 1,00 Best middle wooled buck A. Lathrop 3,00 Second best,. - A - Lathrop, '2,00 Best 3 Southd own eweS„ Itarr,y Smith 3,00 Second best, 2,00 Best . 3 lambs, Ifirry 1,00 BUTrER'A`D cif F..ES Best Latter knik worth $3.00, and ; 42 i 00 Seixmid best, 0.• C. Ely,. butter :knife *otth $2.00, and • `''2,oo Third. best, 'James fiterlingili:utter knife worth *OO, and ' • .i,OO Fourth best, C. J. Hoiliater, , ibutterr, 'knife worth *2,00, or 2 , 00 -Best' butter;Leiri Reed; knife . K orth $3,00, and 2,00 Seunid best, riarrixi. knife' worth 02,00, and 2,00 Third. best, 0. C.. Ely, knife worth 41:2; and.; . ... ...... • 1,0 Fourtlibe4 firkin but ter, James Ster ling„knife worth $2, - •'• •••• • ` 1 • 00 Best, ten pounds butter made by • aids ' under 18 years tlage, Nits . Annie - i AL, Bolles, butter ' krtife4worth 2,00 Beta Cheese„ .... .. Kennard, 3;60 Sociind best;• • • • • •• B. F. filokesloe, ,2,q0 FRIU . TAND: VEGETABLES.. Best winter apples, _;7...ll.l3tebbini, St,oo Second ' Eri Gregory, 1,00 JOB, PRINTING of ALL KUWB, nosz 4T, Tllll OFFICE I DEM& Cip C:/ Pi. mart A . 9.PICOXIO7LT, AND AT "LIVE AND LET Livelsynzaii. • : 1 ; - Ton office of the. Montrose Democrat boa recently been auppUed with a new and choke torkt, of type, ete.,and we are now prepared to print pamphlets : circulars, etc., etc, in the beat style, on abort notice. - Handbills, Pontera,—.Pr6grammea, and other kinds of work lo this line, done according to order. Ilnainess, Weddin'g, and Ball CAEDS, Tick e ts, etc., printed With neatness andrderisateh,-. Justices" and Constables' 111aiiks:,NoteRiL .. " Deeds, and all other Shahs, on hand, or printed to order. nrial wort ad Diana, to Tie paid for dellrery. - - _ Best fall ... nuliois; 2,00 . Second best, Fri Gregory, 1,00 13estpuu*, . Coe-Weil, 1,00 Best and g,featest variety of v'ef,reta- . '• 1; 00 VIN'EGAIt,...IiONE-Y; AND :151,TO'AR , • 13est ' vinegar,. :\Vrn. A. crossnion, $l,OO - seCOlld best, • 11. r; lirorisotr; - Best maple sugar,..'.Geo..Chatittlan, -2,00 Second-best, • It: S.Llicliard, 1,00 Best E 31. • nrntr, 2,00 Sei!ond best, Vocit, 1,00 , CABINET woinc, - PANEL ll0i)IL'i, AND CARRIAGES Best !Angle carriage,. E. IL Rogers, $5,00 Second best, E. IL-Rogers 3,06 No cabinet Work or panel doors-lexliibited. • • .FA 1131 I,3IPLEMENT. • Best plow, (0 verlaiser's patent,) E. Mott, $3,00 . Besi cultivator,.. Corwin & Dunne!, 2,00 Dt•st home rake, .1 . .13.aah, 2,00 Best corn shelter, S. 11. SLiyre 417 Bros. 2,00 Best dog power, S. 11. Sayre sk /Irol4. 2,00 Bost hay fork, A. C. Luce, discretion ury. premium, - : 1.00 Best st raw cut ter,' , Thonms, '2,00 • Best churn, (ltoosa'spatent,) discrt-- - . tionary premium awarded to. Staff: • ~or4l Lfietty, .. 1,00 - ',Best • well curb, George Benjimin, . discretionary ,preiniutn, ...... ;.... 1,00 - . . ' ' SEEDS. • Best Lush. corn hii - he ear, Ml..Jes4up" 1,00 Best b bush. win. wheat, I. B. COlvin-.1,00 litst :I bus. spring do. ; 11. C. COklin 1,00 Best bushel rye,....._..D.*TlMMas, 1,00 Best. # bush, clOver seed, .T.TruMlmll 1,00 Best I`ltsh. Tim. seed, John Wood, 1,00 Best busii. flax ; 4 (x .1, R. Irbomas", 1110 LEATIIEft Best 3 ides .harness Teather,, •• • T. Muss & Bros., 2,90 Best a sides . sale. leather,. •. ' T. Miss 2;0 Seernd best, F Tretriain, Rest 3 sidesupper leather,. . , ; . .1. Moss & Bf•os., 2,00 lleiit•pr.fme bOnts,lieeler Stoddard 2,00. Rest pr.'eoarse N.llollenback 1,00 DOM EsTiv. MANUFACTURES, . Beg - piece flannel, Mrs. Dintley,'fe2,oo , ;. ...4econd best, 3li , s E. Painter, 1,00 114.4 t rag carpet,;:., ...E. Illaliefflee, 3,0 . 0 ;econtl bt•st, - Mrs D.C. Keeler, 2,00 •L A tidy made by Miss Emil}- Xlaprarel, - a - young lady iff nine, 'years, is mentioned favorably by the judges . also one by D. A. Babkin: • , • 'POULTRY. • - Best pair tnrkeys,....llarryStnith ; $2,00 Second best ..... .. ........ o 1,00 Best'n fowls over 1 3-r;o1,1; H. 2,00 tic&mil best, . ... —ll. C..Conklin,.l,oo. 6. Alias, Mellniislr, 2,00 Seond best, F M. Willinns, Best lot spring chickens,- 11ev..1.13...&e1, 2,00 wm. A. Cro:istnon t 1100 Sge4llld .PLOWING MATCH. • • Wm. T. Molly, .5;5,00 .... Wm. T. s Aulitia, 4,00 - 3 ames Yoang, 3,00 ....Ilumphry Marcy, 2,00 Mott 4:Co4cn, 1,00 SWF,' E I'STA K ” . est Second best,. 'ira best.,... FOUrt best,.. I=llUL:best, . Best stallion, "31ortfan Tiger." • J. S. Tar Best single inuri . ,,...:LT.Birehard, .5,00 Best bull, (Durham) 5,00 Best cow, (N'ative). GregOry, 5,00 Best oxen, (1)evon). I eiti-y Drinker, 5,00 The fa4test time ma,ie • in trotting wa . fr lv•Jaek Chamberliit mare, "Iliolitand - - • . (►I:N..I.3IENTAL NEEI)LEIV7OIIK, it es specimen ofambrotepes, AV.P.Deans. • Bes patchwork quilt,(silk)Mrs.ll.Kenyott. •Seco d best, l ;Mrs. Fanny Best ilt of any kind, (white) 31r.J.I'ratt.. S'econd best, (knit spread) MissTl.Stepliens. The Judges recommend a discretionary premium of one dollar. to be awarded to- Miss E. Case fora knit spread, it being's beautiful s'poeimen of fancy work; worthy of a premium, but not Nr . itc)in - the - Fure for_ awarding premiums.' . ,Best bonnet, • Best Mtfi..lljl.l2uSenbury. In this department there were on exhi bition : A • handsome silk. quilt lry Mrs: C.Cartnalt. A fine display of worsted-work by Miss Ellen Searle. A collection of Oil and Irater color painting by :-Mrs. E. A. Mitchel. • Ayariety of Afghans; one mr ticitlartv bandsome by Mrs. G. W., Com stock; One piece elegant worsted- work br Mis 4 Bessie 11 - ile . v.- An -embroidered -scarf by MisS L. Wade. -A flower vase by Mrs. I.: F. Fitch: An original crayon by F.ll. Case. Oriental Zpainting and le4therwork - frame, by Mrs. F. -D. Case. -A l ' beautiful specimen of tufted Worsted work by Miss green. A bognet of dahlias by Mks. Moil. Nicholson. A moss basket by Mrs. rosbeck. All worthy of special rnmmendlation, and dOling.great credit to the exhibitioo..„ • • A-iso some tine dravving6 on N00.1, - -apd one steed engraving by dames D.' giving eirWenee of great; tf kill and exqnisitn taste: TA. 4. Warner, .or Lowell A: Warner's Commercial, •College, iiirighamton, ex hibited !kerma jipecimens• of oniamental and practical penmanship,' executed:, in the very bet.t style. The practical specimen the Judeg4 think equal "to any'known among penmen. Two antique' chairs claimed grad. in ,tereSt —one exhibited by Mrs. Henry I)rin ker, the other by "Mrs. it. W. Gore. :The latter is 250 years old-and was once hon ored by George Wasiiingtonaan occu pant. • A fairy's grotto, made of MOAN :)%" 3lrs. Win. A. Crossmon, is worthy of quite as mach credit ms any other . Fancy. article on 'exhibition, as displaying more skill and ingenuity in its design and construction than nay specimen of (ahoy work ever on:" exhibition in the county, and the -Judges earnestly recommend a discretionary pre., :mium runts. Croy:anion, for her eltbrt„to make this 'department" interesting, of 1111;" Doss M: E. Case exhibited a ladieibrie. terra and..enfs, made by herself allown, very beautiful and tasty, for which the judges recommend discretionary,:prentis uth of*: •
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