IBE EMMA "I WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS," A lady remarked to us a day or two since, as she exhibited the portrait, of an only child, gone to the " spirit_land ;." which was one of, .111VC:r3A13SVP INIMITHLE AMBROTYPESI . . A' How I should regret it, had I not secured this precious triempral of that dear one." So ilioaght Ttm loved ones aro not always witbva,and while we can call them ours, every one should triton) each a taiemorlal; especially airrea tljey can hale them sio truthfully. taken by that tueees — sful artist, A. B. TUBBS, of. BAT. hamton: • dee . HORATIO GARRATT, • -.• Dealer in FLOUR, GRAIN,' GROCER IES, PROVISIONS,. • ,DYE • • • WOODS, Staple DRUGS, • . WOODEN and STONE. WARE, ALL KINDS-of HOUSEKEEPING 4RTICLES ct YANKEE NOTIONS, IN GENERAL,—one door North of BarnetoHciftel„Nen ! Milford, %VOULD bepleased-to see nll his old frUtrids _arid many new ones at his NEW Store fronting* the DEPOT, where he is prepared to show them Such 3 stock of 'the above nrtic es as New Milford hai long stotO in need of. "Divisjoit of trade has as many advantages as division of laho'r." Any man confining himself to one branch of business, giving that branch hie pliolo,Cnpitalnucrattention can keep a better assminie,ht, buy cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than it; lir same means and tinio was employCd in a tertsral Ando. • If you dont think so, call on the shbsctibcr and bo convimwd.l Thu sound principle ; of - ,SMALLIPROFIT AND.PROMPT PAYMENT, *wilt be strictly 'adhered' to. Butter and hiller *Produce forwarded to New York to one of the best commission houses in life City, and prompt, payments guaranteed. • —•- HORATIO GA ItRATT. New Milford, Susq. Co: Pa., A pril,-1860.—v. MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS • " FOR 41 SOO. GREAT..kri.RACTION,S ISSIBIE2 FOOT Or AMAIN STREET. THE extensive ghrniture Establishment of Slilllll BROTHERS having been refitted and greatly improved, the proprietors respectfully announce to the citizens of Montroae and vicin: ity that they are constantly making and keep on hand the LARGEST and BEST ,a*Niortnient of FURNITURE TO.be found , in the Country. %Ve ere the following list of some of the ar• tides which:wa will sell at greatly reduced p ices , forease or REMtr Pay: . .• Bureaus,-Walnut or Mahogany, wit h glass, from $l6 t 0.535. Bureaus with marble-orhroratelle tops, from 818 to $24. And large'assortment, from $B, 810, 12, 13, to $lB, - Wash Stands, Card Stands, Corner and Square Stands, of all varieties and prices, from 75 cents to ten dollars. • . • Desks, Divans ,Towel Racks, Folitstools,Otto., mans, Loun'es, Sze. Contre,.Card, -Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen, and Extension Tables. c6atra2--cane and ‘Void Seats, Rockers— Cane, Flag, and Woc, d Seats, of every earkty and style. Sofa's, tete a tetes furnished at short notie at New York prices.' = • N. B. Ready coffins on hand or fur. eished at short notice.—lft.arses" always rn readiness when dvsir,J. VITe t:Nriploy none but CAtir.rrn. and Ext.r.r.t. F.NCED ~.Vtil:KaiEN. We intend to do our 'Wont: WELL, and sell it as LEW. as it can be afr.rded. U'. W. SMITH, A . SMITH, iB., ..E. Et. smairm.' Montrose, Jan. 18th, 1860.—ti. 4 NEW GOODS t Lawsville Ceritre, Susq. co., Pa. w April lith. KENY()N, hallis.si:ks, ns sucl calitqcs. nn immense variety, by It. liE\YO' . .1 & CO. WVERY 'f•itle. of tot tml Pant Glart.t. "nl4, ttsi, Li' day irt..'iiby It KENYON, JR. &.'CO, SILK' tirmthl , t,hrlivre slinwl4, stock, LOW. R. KENYON. Jr.. & CO. 12"'••1.9BACCO this day rereivf.d and for sa-lo dower th.in c.isvirhop, in susqo county. ' It. RENIIIN. ift,"& 10(1(11.135 I +ALER:ITU~ in-store T ARGE StOek of FANCY Dry . Gmrl4 L sale by H KENYON-AUL 4S:. CO. liTtEA'Setts•Tive.Elecatit ropiplet«.— .1. from 5 tsi 850. It KENYON, J it. & Lawrtville q•ntre. Pa., Av:3i) - , 186 i), Wyoming, INSURANCE Company,, WiLIiES-BARRE. Pa. Charter Perpetual. Capital S.:Ipo,000. Surplus $3,000 /Tn. her (1. 1). 1.537 L 7 tEt -rut:. G. M. HoHeld - lack. D. G. Driei-linch, —John. Reichard, David Morg.m, (leo. Dorrimcc Semi WMHums. R P Lucie, Wm S L D Shoemaker. Geo P Steele. H 111 110:.L. R. C. Salta: Set's,: . C. M. Ilni.LExtAcx. Pre,*f, W. G. zt - rtrunic Ti p. 1.. D. S/ItIMIAKEIt. r7r, l're'f. %H. P. BLACKTICAN, /Imams°, Pa.., - ..kgett for Simytehanna Comity. ALACkgOI..WITOII T . OR Tie ORTREILN FIRE K LIFT: Assn:ANTE coltrANl o Nb. 1, Mourpte rtreeL Lndon. Citpited, ra.298',3630 kunpnl iA•venne. 1,00.3,4 m ark • • GETTY..49caf. - For the INSTAN'TRELTET end A sniim A! tr ,,,, R i y a ..4 0 .1 , : m E- 0 1 1 1 u t t .12 : :/,' F or- B 3.ONCH AL CIGARETTES: inadO:r C. B. Sl:i - Xnrli &107,Nr.Fsan Ftreet N. York. -Prime $1 per Box: Teat tree be moat." For _ For sale at ail Dial i”lx. , rayi (mg: TT Info ClL4P:it.'. :4R rmrs 7177/EPALVT. ' S. 7 - 1, -,-- t4/i el. Silrrr Fuil,l l'irrnvh,r, <lv., n new ..upply.jmq re cLi yeti. I .4IJEL 77:la:ELL. Montroar. .7u1.,..`1.,1:-410. . . AFFIACTED, \‘ ILLI.VMS's (X)3IP()U,ND. ;5.61,1": •V • VIM ON the PIL,T.S t Utirr.vited to effect a,Curn In cavil pise. and In alft , tatte of the di-eaire, or the trionet will be refunded.' Full direetiiine rani iiale by Alltd Turerll. 31—tit ; a. Hemputend. IttortdrJva: Balm-rick. Num ; : Penne! Cnrltenter, liar out; Ci• G. Ai dliu.inr : : Z. It. Slortun. Itundalf: 11.1. flopliot tom; Seritntori. de NEW GOO - DS-I' . • ~,_.,. a: ALLEN, ' • Iy AVLNG eplarred and remodeled their Store, have the a. pleasure of l oformimf theirmuliennis ritt.t I mutt.- that they are now ready to bilOW the beat assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, • h .SILVEICWARE, PLATEDWAItt, • . FANCY GOODS, • k11.1i) Tea Trays,llreastplusriagtr-risspi, Hair Piitr , Laibia"?‘ Extracts, • . , Iloney Soap, &4. "tr. - in this part of the Stale. , They linveittat returned from New York with trfull atid.rtensire assortment of goods 40 their flue. which - they have purchased for =eh of The triatchtetrarere and Importers, and they fatter themselves theyerin ollftw,inductments both In atiie. 'Variety lad cee, not to be eye:al. - 4 weet or Z , Zew.York.. llekerrained to keep up with the progress of the teze. they have added to their ausaortmentsmany articles out pre% iously kept ofgwa eraLettlity, tad bimuty. Theuking the community forthe I.llPcnit patron:lgs! heretofore ree.ived, t 14,7 would solicit a SOutbiouce end iriervew orthe panic. , • are tOn May 30th,-2000. • RABBETT'S GOODS. 1) ; /4010/11 fk a40ft4i1Z-olte . 'ut =ll Box ° wllfinakd ta on tl e *. lll' n. othAndkvine soft foop, by.tlie addition allot RUter. ri."l For wale bf • .12EL 717.EPELL. .ifon:rog, J./1/ OG, -. I3I3C . ISESrt, ,cA.O4 1: SAU'rTER - IASITIOATILE AliOR.-3faistrope.. PShop • aver T. N. ,Bitlirpro Grocery, 03 trecL. torpid Etvoni. h 0 rollelta 71 continual:K.li —pledging hlinvelf to (hi 1111 Work eatosset u rth r . c pt . the. done oh thort'botice, and warranted to it. .• • Jttly 12th.V60.4-tt. •• 0 .— , 1 - H - . . - . . C. , 0. Y0RD1141.31.. 1 , 1 3lAP.TF47p'uotl44?tienr.P,.°l;9.'l. sllok nB,l•.mo'rii7ireE made to order, au repalrlnlaone neatly. t Je2,lyll . , V' ' • ' " [ DR. WILLIAM. %y. WIIEATON;. .. • . ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN A StrltdEOH DENTIST. 117TitpR. 31TRQN1f7IFAT N. •., • : , .. Mechanical and Stirgical Dentt, recently of Dlnghantion, 1 N. V. tender their profeaniona eerricea to a i who awn-- elate the :"Defottned Practice of Phy . aierr careful and akilifut operationikon Teeth; With the most ecleutifie nod approved etylen of plateworh. Teeth extracted without pain'and all ‘rork_warranted..l I , Jackson,kitielith, 1812.1. - • . ... 17. - • ~1 1..-13..1.5)3' ELL 1 pl.:milt:9 ClOcks. AVatchcK, and Jeweliy a the ' 1.1. t..horte,t notice. andel' reasonable term 8 All work warranted. hzhop in Chandler nod JesMnn's st ore. .Morrnosa., Pa. ' . - • thlti tf • ' . . . , V.V)I*A.:S.'NOW, .i I. • _ _ TUSTICE. OP' I'IIE. PEICt.--Areat TlincLPa. Office el on Slain alleet; opposite Ilse Western Ho e. apt . - I. . .. . • i I'. LINES, I . H' . IL..6IIIONABLY; TAILO4.- 4 -14.ontrose tit Shop 1 is Phtelds. Block, over store of Read, '1 4 atnms . & Foster. All work warranted, nit to' tlt n finish. entting done ou short notiee,in bee: t style. atiff4.l . ; • 1)R. tC.S Q,URGEZ/NIDEVI'IIiI'S,-31nntntm Pa. 4 .4 0 ....- 1.70111ce in tathrtiplo new. Anil ding...over • the' Dank: 411 Dental operntlaas tNll he 18iiiir am pericnneannigood btyle and warranted. J.T a. s'couxx o w. - aEArti.x. • I • M.CCOI,JAT4E C i t" SEATZLE, ; • - I TT010.1...YS and Coutmllore at Lam—tuontrose,.Pa. .L 1 Office in' Lathrop' new buildlg, avcr the . llank. - A. C. C. BLAKESLEE A k E. BRUSH.' D A KESLEE'it 131 41.751 itTAViNO its'f , octated themaelves for the Mviseentiotvor -II the (Intimc.of their iiroft4olen, re:vectfitll:e ofrev their verviceo to the:lnvalid Piddle. omceat the reeidenee of Dr. Illakeelee, midway between .the villagrant Dim,ork and Springville. tip-Witty . _ • - • -t ,--- . , ' L. w.nitiGitAx ' r. ANEY. -i_IZ.S. J3l: (411A31 47 Alcf?,Y, W tl i y to LD . .ii ia ntioi!n r. i t i i:l o h r o t g:b p Tl m e c r i g t o lri have . entered MEDICINE ok-suirOtnir and are prepared to attend to all calk. (tithe line of their profeasiini at iill.hriiiiii When not others ilte engaged. ' OFFICE—The tine formerly occupied-by Dr. Dinghtinb S. It. The bin* atrinints of Dr. Bingham moot be indite diately iiettled by troteit or otherwise. New Milton], March, 1,80. L W. DINGMAN. • . ,___.....___ ~ ! • lIENItY.R. 3leliEi.'.sl, ' ' i TToRNEY and Connueilor at .Law.—TowuNnA. 'Pa. .1.1.. Olive in late :-----4 r 7 1 nion Block. Je:i;kt if '----,--.-. - ------ -----1--- --------:'--;---"f . I)1L E. F. WILINIOT ' t , 'CIIADVATE of the Allopathic and flomiropatlitc Col- ' 1 r legeu of Meilleine. 2l Great Bend, .Pa. (Mitre, corner of Mato and Elizahclh-stu, :nearly opposite he 3lethodist I s Chnrch. ! , • • . apMitf Wn. nokrrinti 4itiern . - iiksir.f DRINKER. W ' ll Ii• COOPER & ~C 0 . M. • _ t •I II ANIK. EII $ . !‘ iimt r o f e... P. Suceesuerstil Pout. Cooper II .t Co. Office Lathrops' new bidding; Turupike.ut. ...- n.. • --..;., . • v .74)111 - c ..GROV.ES „ . • - F . ASIIIONAptIe TAILOR.- 4 -31ontrose, P S I, ;Shop near the -,Maptlut Meeting: liottue, .on Turnpike . burnt. . All oplers , filled promptly. lit first-rate style. ' Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to fit: • •-- I- , DR. JOBS W. C 01311; ' P 1 IIYSICTAN AND SCRGEON.—Montrose, Pa. Onice tin Public Avenue, opposite Selrle's. Hotel: nthl .: • . J)R. G. Z.:1)LIIOCIC, • • 131JYSICIAX.AND SURGEON,—Montroso. PA. °lnce wur WIL-onsi Store ; Lodgings at Searles lloteL - ABEL TI - ItIiELL,• - • EALER in Drutzs, rlterntstils, n TVs 11 Stuffs. Glass Wure, Paint-. Oils. Varnish. Win dt?* Glssit. trirtteerles, Fancy Goods. Jen - t•lry - Pernt pf;.,rr. kr.—.tigunt for all the mast polinlur PATENT .NIF.bIeiXES,-31ontrose, Ps. - ituul If W3I. AV: AirrxEi. AND CIT.Vit . yANITAeTURNISSFord. C of 318.1 u street, Ittontro,e, rat. nugl t f J. C. OL7tISTEAD DRS. OLMSTEAD& READS''. • WOULD - - kNOI - NCE 16 the Thiyie that they hare entered tutoa parttlendilp : for the Practice of MEDICINE et•urgery, and arc prepared to' attend to all calla in the line lir their peore,lon. ottlee—the one formerly occnpital hyDr..l t Olmrtelnl, 114:iiummry. , • run 1 1 110 F. aI . AIiLES AII.TVER anlllllol- Pr.,•mwr. ldrintrrixe..' Pa. Shop in JUI bax.rnentel Sea He'', of 1., ' PIZ9E. J. IV. WILLIAVS, • TI•AII.BER S. HAIR DRESSER, offer aerliem , to JIJII the the gnarantflhat hie ivork admit 'be dune in the nit-1 akilltul and artletir in the north front of the FJMSXLJN 11;01 7 SE, 31ant rose. Pa. , Open on Sundaya from 6 a. in. until 2r m. Julv I • LOW .PRICES WltsiY.:. AT TIIE ". I • : , . OHI ; --•••••• .81. -a , - -- .6: I - lAYDEN 13RO'TIIE11.8 l'il‘Y 311.11EIPOItD, l'ii., , 9 l; L. NOW ItEcttiN - Ix(; 17TE tA i?_ , I. a gv.st and :beiifFiriek of Goods ..erer_hroUght.liro this eitanty. Which, we are butnitl.to Fell cheap for cash ( r ready p.iy, ecinsloting of I hiapli.t and Fancy Dry Go ods,t • - .Choice Faintly Giral•erxer., I. Hats. Caps, Ready Blade Clalliiiip, Craricery, Willi /I..:,:ipiw,. I - -iVi tido* litaile., Float', iPork. Fi.li, Halt, Paint.,Oil., Gawks, Fliiiii, CtriilLOil, loop , gkrill., s ''' ' Ta 3i k (4e i'lliit jots., Faney •• a pile, W;tirbeN JEWELRY, Siirior Ware, Pail., 'tabs,' Broinitis, 1-'tork., Hoe., and ni I+l* and StnOol of 06dv. Olt . , . nu..mus-trk njentliPn. IV E Ai:E.:cN I- OT OLI) F ( )G Eti ili . 114!. , -, v hasineFF. charging a large profit and depetuiing du keeping an old nett, of patroue who hare not tried at other places to Fee how )(Atria cheaper they tin brie t. bull we in fend to lied up .tbilte mark, and believe iFelling mat y Good, and Felling klithper (huh • OLD Flit Y merphant. tin tiny (hem. NIVV o IS the lime if von want FavOtuoady and get Itartrains. i Oallat the ONk PRICE ITOltfil. I ii.(l.'. A large rtliel of (..ioOlin 111 47. P I ros.' "ellinn Think Toluwoo athays on band—cheat!. edre clielut whol huile A: retail. lIAIDEN - 8.40111 S. New.Ntilforth N.,i , May 17th. IsnO.1; . - ... • . • AT4L SHIPWREC 1. • ' rArrl OE;THE CARGO SAVED' IN *DA#AGED'CoNDItin • TREMENDOUS LOT Or WET GOO,W _3,500.rds telbtrit ED BAAL Partly ilartra' r edlby Water, 2E4.6. 8. 124 pr tai . RICII illtISII" I'OPI.E I NS, 1 ' for 18;r: right, pr trd—iennEd be CHEAP for ',z, et . , • .A LS 0 IA LARGE LOTH OF ! AUCTION , q001).5., ' sold TO bb :Jflne foli swing iri i 4 Gond Sittnuner tittawla„ only - r ' $ E 75 Fine 1.4012 •';• " 6.00 Wool and fink Brodie.. 8,0 0 . .11andsdrneld2001418 145 ` Vi•re Mit ' ••E - ~ 00 Goilft Lawns, fait colors Ville qIIIIIitY D. LaifiCA • 1.... . Wood and Silk EareEte..'• •.• , ' ... • • • " • g Ilanev d'Angk E is worth 211 j ........., . 10 y.trit. tylerrut2te Prints, nudEriminln Eo 4. Fine Dress stlk.l F.xtronely R eieli • White'. 11 2 is . , Nice Lisle Tbreftd (Ant i , • `'. Pure Alk mlup .. • - 1 , ~ Wateb stet) sprin g ..kiits ' - '' L t... -.. Good rorate bollnet, • ' '• • - 160 : - 1142utlfal Let,tllBBit • _ , Iv ' _ lath Bonnet Ribbons ' itt ~ F re „,ii l E m broi ikred curtain rourdins -i nix . ix. . Ik•tter i •` i ' . 4 ii .. .f . ... -Oilier :Gnoti,i- Equily as t;111E l'P _ - sl . r- -- . 1- I , lle - ixLetralco Or; that we will ilo all that ;we ddvertise,, ;.13ei sure -to I-eall bipfore jinreliasing elsewherr,l as WE. 11i3LL Nor, awl CANNOT be xi 14er-C. sold by aril- establishment this Side of Neu' York. 111111.SCI1SIAN : 'BROS, &. CO. .14inglimixfo11, May 15t1y1860. - .. 1 1 1)10AEMOS. VEGETABLECOitAOLINIka Orecare ft: .13 Dyke4tary. Wholeenlenind Ritail. ' I i . , . ABEL TURRtLI.. , . i 1 , I . , . maa_ & - e - C?•-• S 0 - 11 4 , 4 . NOUTLIft HERB . • . /j l 4 IEI Berlßarks and Roots , vEnsus Poisonous Minerals and Drugs. MOTHERS TAKE HEM . , ' Do you when obwrelng the oneexy actions of yotif child - rem 'enoebler. that It may be more than • mere Cholle that afflict. them? In Moe eases not of ten, the canoe' of the little suffer , er'a rin*fielt In WORMS, and should , be of once /oda to. . HEADS OF FAMILIES 'Do not lel pouf children . eurfor,, when we Rreient you In . • ~ • JUDSON'S WARM 'TEA A SAFE AND PLEASANT ORE, FIR 1V91211.9 Bow - much , better and saki wnald it be, M 1, 11 hare it always ins-the house. A little delay when a child is taken ill may often be the cause of its death, while acting :without delay . , and 1 1 • by giiing the AtOENTALV.IIEEB TEA MM, diately, you will not rroly Sate the child a long 11'1 and tedious illnem, and yourself much expense,' • but also feel happier in knowing that you base done your duly, nod perchance sated its Fife. This medicine Is combined purely of , • HERBS.AND ROOTS g . NOT - A PANICLE '• talomcl •or „011itcrdl • IS USEDIN. Pi 1 • • e. e.x ~ - 1 i i k ..., F 1,,,, , 1 i!I 4 i' i, ~ . ..t. ~ . • , ' JuDsobPs WORM TEA - KILLS WORMS, Never Harm s—ls PlCas:int to Take. t e , sl , ' I. i GET ATACEAGE—PRICE 25 CIS. ( 1 1k .i v 0 orvErsE.—Ain-.y: End the Name and Signs. ' litrr of 11. , L. It!PSisX it CO.. and the portrait or Tan, coal package of ibis:Worm Tea'. .I' roo 11 L. jIIDSON & CO, - SOLE PROPRIETORS, lin _,II) 50 Leonard St., New York. - , • . • Judann'a Worm Tea Is sold by'one y " ,..ita A g nn t i ; . , 2 . 74 . 1 - . viv ltt e, end ..... t , of ~.. • , c,-,...x .. ..- 1 .,---- -- - -. 11,-. •------,-----__-_,,,..),_ k ' v-, • .... -' -,... •--",.. iii...-,_ ...-..7._,....,......- • .:6 sAyRE & BRO., Agents, Montrose. (det.2:3 No more filthy Vertniture' will ho toed by dome who ones use Ole Ten. The only active principle of ell other Vertnitqce *and Worm killers is E 11 C V It V • OIVE NO - JR la I viS Cal TOUR CHILDREN. UI? till, Simple, Fife, Veetalile Medicine. lido Worm Tea wao diocoye.red in an %moonlit nay among the Wilda of Northern dteiico—a full amount of . Lj you will.Bn.l in our Almanaca. Ark for the •• Rattle If Tula Almanac," of the ;Agent, and when you have read it, den itto your neighbors, that they may Ain knbw of and be.cored by thin GREAT ItElEllY I HOSTETTER'S STOMACH. BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of lIOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS ,can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United. States, because the article has attained a repu iation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak -more powerfully than +olumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery.. The consumption of Hostetter's 'Stetuach.ltit ters for the last year' amounted to over a half 'Million bottles; and frem :its manifest steady increase in times past, it is 'evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This Immense amount could - never have-been sold But for the rare medicinal.properties contained in the prepara tion, Iliad the-sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country • where the article is best known, who not only. recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials td its efficaty in alLcases of stotnachie derangomdnts and the diseases resulting therifrom. 411 This is not temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to - be as enduring - as time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters hare proved' a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and :various other ~bilious complaints hare 9 counted their victims by' hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" MEM! are a•certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like Oiseales, is to the proprielors_a source of un alloyed pleasure. it removes all morbid mat ter from' the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to thO nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for ithe restoration of health. lt tperates.upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the - healthy discharge .of the ranee:ions of nature.'• . 8 Elderly persons may use-the Bitters daily as .per directions on the bottle, and they-will And in it a stimulant pecnliiirly'adapted to comfort' declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent es a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the Bil- • dence of thousands of aged men and women ;who have experienced the benefit of using this ; preparation while suffering from stoccuith de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and .fairly tested the merits of this article. - A few words to the gentler sex. .There are eertaimperiods -when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The. relation of mother find child is so absorbingly tender,. that the mother, -especially if she be .yming, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should-the period of maternity 'rrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally - aggravated: Here, then, is a necessity for,a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and.enable the Mother to bear' up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities: Nursinginothers gene ridly prefer the Bitters to all other invigoraz fors that receive the endorseMent of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as Well as certain to give a - permanent increase of bodily strength. ' All those persons, to-whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit; sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, Toss' of appetite, - and all diseases or derangements of the stomach; superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nuAsing mothers, will consult their own physieal welfare by giving to Hos- , letter's Celebrated.StMlutch Bitters a trial. CAUTlON.—We.cantion the public against. Using 'any of the 'many imitations or counter feits,-but ask for lioliterrsn's CELEBRATED tgrokaou Brrretts, and see that each bottle has. the words " Ltr. J..Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap icovering -the cork, and observe that• our autograph-signature is on the 13 - ,Prepared end sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh. Pa.; and Bold, by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Arno rice. and Germany. - nr- For sale in liontrose by jaolf: lip • - ABEL.TURRF.t.t.: OLD 'HOOT. HEATH'S BOOR OF TRAVELS im and yrcat Vixcoccries of the Jopan e s e w Ind East India Mediciner, with full directions for The certain cure of consuipptiCn, bronchitis, wi tarrh,coughs,:colds all hinn,fevers, heart Milt as.., se; ofuia. c sneer dyspepsia, liver complaint.gruvel. and urinary deposits. fertiale.eomplaints, illustrated with hundreds a certificates of cures and engravings. Fur the purpose of resieuing:as many.suflering fellow-treings as possible from a preinaturo,deEh, it ;Trail be sent to any part of the continent by sending 25 etN., to DR. HEATH, 6 . 47*Riondu ay, New York City. Sold also by A. Tutrell,MontroSt; Hayden - Bros., New Milford; C. P. Matheivs, Scranton. SUMMER- ARIAMENT. Dela, ILtiekn.& Weide la Railroad. gitjamminzoxim Twu hours earlier to New York. ' • - Ono hour earlier to Philadelphia: • • • ON and rifler Monday, May 28th, 1860,-trains will be run'as follows : , . • EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS, , Tat se OVIII: ‘ SO!ith.. The Accommodation Train Emit, on the N. Y. &E. R. It. arrives . itt Gt. Bend at 6:38 a. m. And the Cineinnatti Express 'at":'- 6:03 "Conneetrng with the Express Train leaving Great Bend for New York • and Philadelphia, - Due at New Milford - 1:28 Montrose7 7 • .7 7:46. . 2 .llopbottom • , . 8:07 Nicholson . 8:23 Fnetoryville . . 8:47 ' . Abington- , 9:03 . Scranton . - • L • 9:35 Moscow - . 10:20 • , • Tobyhatina . 1. - 1e:59 Stroudsburg = i 12:17 p. m. • • Water Gap - - , 12:31 Colum la • - • • - 12:45. ' Delaware (15 minutes tri'dine), 12:56 - Hope (Philnira conneetien) 1:21 -- • . • Bridgeville - - 1:25 • • Washington . ••; , 158 Junction - 7 • .2:15 • • • New York ' - 515 • ' • - Philadelphia - I - The Express Passenger . Tr4in, South, con. nects at Junction-with 3 p.m. train on the Cen tral Road for Euston, Bethlehent, Mauch Chunk, Readin ,, ,Ilarrii•burg„ &c. ; • -MOViNO NORTE: Passengers from New York, leSVe Pier. Nn. 2 North Itiver, nt 7:30 a. m. Or foot of Courtland street. . Pronv.Philadelphia Lease Kensington - - '7:15 Leave Junction - . 4 11:15 Due at Washington - -1 11:33 • , Bridgeville - • 1- 12:01 p. .m • llope(Philud,a connectio n) 12:13 Delaware (15 minutes to dine)! 12:28 Columbia - . 1:00 Water Gap - • 1:14 Stroudsburg 1:28 ••• Tebyhannti .... 2:•16 ; Itleiseow - . • 7 221. • Scranton.- • •I• 4:10 Abington 4:47 . ..Factorvville • - 5:03 • _ Nicholson - - - 5:264 • 11014).0°M • '- ; - 5:43 AlON'rltOSE - 6:0.1 • New Milford. - 6:21 • Great Bend - "6:40 • Conaectino :it Great Bend with.tho train ' West at - - 7 : 2 4 • and the Night Express at •j - '1:36 a. in. l'he•Mait 'Brain, West, winch leaves Great Bend at 7:21 p. m , is a thrbrigir Triiini and reaches Dunkirk at'B:47 a: on. Acttetwton,o lON TltatN,—'.'lloving North. Leave . Ferant na for Groat Ilcnd at 9:40 a. nu Fact 'try vide -•- t 11:06 • Nichokon - - 11:3G • Moro rose.' - - 1244.5 • Great Bend.- - 1:50 Connects with Dunkirk Ex. West at 3:06 • • • . AIovING Sowrit. The Now Vnik Express, Eatt l t, ar. • rives at Great Bend at -1 • .1:17 p. m. and ci:imeets with the Aecommoda. Train "which leaves GI Bend at 2:15 Monerose - 3:10.. Nicholson - - • 4:20. Factoryville . . 5:15 - • Dne at. Scranton - - '6:40 ' Th,-A ce , himo d a ti: nt train ',does not leave Scranton until alter the arrival. ; of .the morning train On the Lacf:awanna & 11.00rrisbnrg It'. R., thus givinl,!, r iss,fil LT rs fr.int the Wyoining Val ley a direct connection for the West by the jrolll. • For the accommodation of l' i t•ltv travel on the South - n Dickion a I',oeortgcl• Car will be • at: (netted to the Expre.o. Freight tjain— _ Leavitte• Scranton at - •• 4:00 a. m. Dal! at 31•.,nniw - • 5.40 Shoal-burg- - • 10:25 Junction ' ' 3.10 p.. m. Returning, leaves.itmation at i • 3:40 a. In. Due' at SI rondShurg at - 7:35 • -• Moscow • • . 12:50 p. m. Ster..nton • - 2:25 Passen . ger. to and frnin Nem...York will change vans at Junction. Tug and for Phila.. via 8.D.R,1t. leaVe or :Ike ears at Hope. 'For Pittston, kings ton and IVilkes•Batre'; ,nke cars of Lackawanna Bloottisburg,ll.ll. a Seitintou. For Jessup, Arehledd, and Carlitindale, lake Onmilnoises at Scranton. Tickets sold and t bnggage checked . TITHOUCTI. . JOAN RR INBIN, Supt. W.ll N. .It:NR•i. General Thtket Agent. • Senallon, Nat. 234 i. 1860. = , . S. M. Pottongill & Co.. dverThing, Agents, at 119 Nassau-st, Nvw-Yurk. :,nd is Slate.st, 1.16%t0n, are Cents for The .11witrose Democrat, and are nu- Uturizi•t! to cunt rnel fur us at our lowest rates. A SUP PLY OF WALL PAPER. .A 'flllllll Of. SHIES. ,ORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &C,, .&C. NEW SUPPLY, just ariived. and rm. male rltrah. ht A.yuRRELL 1511), 1860 • ~ . 4 -. 7"_,Mrt'- T..... , , sliot:tl, -- D. 12. - 1V1,Qj,_7_ 3 9 '‘OtillOtitti rNiilo. Al aperient and stomachic preparation of • IRON plirifi-d of Oxygen and Carbon by coin. bitstlon in Hydro;en, of high medical anther- ' • ily and extraordinary efficacy in each of the folowing compla'nti, viz.: DEBILITY. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, EMA CIATION, DYSPZESLA. DIARRHEA, CONSTI. PATION. SCIIOFIiI,A, SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, ' JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS RIEKOMA. TISM. MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER. MITTENT FEVERS, NEURALGIA.' CHRONIC. HEADACHES, FEMALE .WEAKNESS. MENSTRUATION. WHITES, CHLOROSIS, etc., PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF : THE SKIN, etc. I. The IRON beim; absorbed by, the blood,,and thus circulating through the whole system, no part of the body can escape their truly wonder. ful influence. . . Th 3 experience of thousands SOY proves that no preparation of Iron can for .a.moment be I compared with it. Impurities of .the blood, de pression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity rcnt every conceivable case. In all cues of - remote debility (fluor albus, chloracis, eta), ite eireta are-delightfully.renovating.! No remedy '. ha; ever.been discovered,in the whole history of medicine, which exerts siph prompt,,happy,- andfully restorative ereets. Goad appetite, coin. , . • ' plete digestion, rapid' acquisition; of strength, with an unrisind disposition _for: active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow - its use. Ai a grand stomachic and general rutorative• it has no superior and no substitute. , ' Put up In neat tint metal beret containing • pair, price no cents per box 114 tiegli a't 50: Olic•dozett 00. For sale by Drusgl.te generally. Will be sent free to any saliiress'on receipt of the price. All lets lees, orders, etc., should l addressed tO • R: B. LOCKE egi, CO., General Agents. . BROADWAY, $ V. . N.l3—The above Is R Ceandaine Of_tbe Zabel on each bay, • • Y9r sate in Montrose by - aecls Iy ABEL TURRELL, Agent. citTAßt(t::,wAsHlNG;F: . iloll.vip; Clothingc Time and LibPr Saved t INDIVENSABLETO HOUSEKEEPERS, Tin died sitnple,'econcimlcal, ,- and'nuniblW Arils:lo ever offered (tithe ptiblio 16'0'110state-the Aiscomferts wash day. • ' • • • • —w Description; It egoists of metal cylinder, With ribs on the inside, and • an. in .trior -c tinder of wired,- with' ANL' There- is n space' from "six to- eight inches between the two cylinders. One crank turns both = cylinders at the same time in oppo.: site -directions, rapidly creating a' suds, forcing the water through the clothes, and effectually removing the. dirt. The ninon of - the water does the work quickly, dispenses entirely with rubbing, and thus-saves tho wear of clothes, - JAMES B. RODGERS, 104 Jonei Alley, Phil. is Agent for Penn. & HYAtT. Prop'rs, - 54, REEKMAN ST., AEW 0111 C, N.:,8.--Btaie and County Rights foiaale.:-aod porch . aserii supplied with Machines at Veheksile on liberal terms. ' arA . 31achine is in operation by a laundress drily at ournalesroom, 430 Broadway. d'e mhB enw9rn MEAT MARKET • On Public itvenue, sawn' Siarlea 1T EPA' constantly on hand a good' anpply of I.MEATS .. of all' kinds CASH paid- for Reef Cattlp,Ca I ves,Slieelhand Also reit Hides of all kinds. 11ENSTOCK 4lt 11 A WLEY.:' S. T. 11 ENSTgeli. K. lIA%VLEY., Montrose. March ,30th, .'• BILLINGS STROUD, F IRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENT,— Mantra:ie.-Pa. TESTIMONIAL'S. . WE. the undersigned, 'certify that we were insured in Fire InsuraneeCoMpanies represented by Mr. Billingm Stroud, of litontrose,-asnd that, having Stitil•red Insa - by fire while so insured, we were sVveyally paid by said companies to thefull extent of our claims; and we hare confidence in him as agood and effective. agent. _ •- : JAS. R. DEWITT. ZIPRON.OOIIR, LATHROP & DE F% .11. J. WF.111:1, P. B. eIIANDI.E.Ri J. LYONS & - HES'. GLIDDEN 'LEONARD SEARLE. :110IIIEOse, Pa. November 9, '59,-*y Important liatiomil Work*, f'nblished by 1). Appliiton. & Co ;346 and 348 Broadway, New York. Tho • following works , are sent to stile.eriberS in any part 'of tho coon ty,,,(upon receipt of retail price.) by mail or ex. press, pro • aid: . ThE rsinw AMEP.ICAN Crcturctirm—A popu lar Dictionary of General-Knowledge. edited by Geo. Ripley and Charles A. Dina, aided" by a numerous select corps of writers in all branches of Scielices. Art, and Literature. This work itr beinepuldis,hed in about fifteen 'large octavo volumes, each containing 750 two-coluum pages. The-fir:A eight volumes are now ready, each con taining near 2,506 original - articles. An addi iiunal will be published once in about thrix months. Price in cloth,s3 ; sheep, s3r st) ; . half morrocco, ;94; half ,Russia, $1,50 each. The New American Cyclopedia is popular without bi ing superficial, learned but riot pe: (Jamie, comprehensive but sufficiently detailed, free'lrom personal - pique and. party prejudice, fresh yet 'accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is knoi;:n upon every important topic within. the :Mope of human intelligence. Every important article in it has been - specially written for its pages by men who are authorities upon the topics of which they speak. They are re quired to bring the, stibjeet np to the present moment; to State just how it 141/Inds now. All the stntiNtivat'inf•ortnation is•from the Wes/ re.. ports; the geographies/ :met/oats keep pace with the latest explorations; id:dm-Mal matter include' the freshest just views; the bio t! riphi e al notices not only speak of the dead, but - also of the living, It is a library of itself. AIrEIDGMFNT eF TIIE DEBATES OF CoNGErSS: Being a , politieal Ristory of the United ,States, from this organizatiOn of the -first Federtl Con gress in 17E9 to Wl6. 'Edited and compiled by lion: Thoinis 11. Bentozi.from the 011ieial Records of Congress. Tho Work will be emit. pleted in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pag ! .. h i..ach, 11 of which are now ready. An additional volume will . I.srryblisheo 'once in three months. Cloth, 83: Law Sheep, 83,50.; half Morocco, ; Calf, l,6:! each.. T/IE VAS OF PEI/CUEING THE CYC . OE...ED/A 011 . Club of four, and remit the price of four books; and tive copies will be sent at the remitter's expense 'of carriage; or fur ten subscribers, eleven esPe-'l . will be sent at Our expense for carriage. . To AGENTS.—No other 'troika will so liber ally reward the exertions of agent. Ait 'Agent Wanted in this Cuunty.' Terms made known on applicAiori to the Publisher. KEYSTONE , HOTEL, • -• At'llontrose, Pehn. MIL K. HATCH, kroprietor. rrill§: new and commodious Hotel situated 1 on Public Avenue, near. the CouytHoese,and, nearly in the centre of the business portinif,of Montrose:is now fu'iv_completed and furnished, and was opened on 3loilday.- the 27th day of September, 185.8, for the 'neenmmodation.of the public and travelers.' The Proprietor feids confilentlhat he is now prepared to entertain guests in a- manner that cannot fail to give Complete Satisfaction. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no-ex pend. has been spared to` render it equal, if not superior to-any similar establishment in this paq of the State. 4 is. well supplied With all the recent improvements and comforts, .4nd obliging waiters will arrays be reudyto retimnd to the call of enstomerk •I • The StaldeA connected with this IiMISC are New and Convenient. The'Proprietor respectfully solicits the patton ige of his old I . !iendi:, and the public gonerdlly. WII.IC WATCH. ,' - z-alr, aii F- • ! ! 1:61 . 6.15,r61 . OLBII1 9 WHOLESALE SALT WEALCIA, 201 Wit‘itingtuatoot; (Directly opposite VVashingtOn Market,) IVeW " WC:I3e3M,.. Q . TILL CONTINUES to otter to' the city and 0 :COLIN . ' RV trade; all kinds of FOREIGN C', arse and Fi ng SALT, at the very lowest figures; 0000 sacks and bigs, consist.ing-in part'of Ash.; ton's eclebratqd bralid for table and dairy -use; Jeffrey & Darcy,' Marshall's, flroivnloves, &e. and 5 9 0 0 0 bushels Turks Island, Bonares, SL. (ibex; Lisbon, Cadiz, Iviett, Nantes, &e.,,* all of which will be 'cold . at bargain prices fr9tU vetisels, store and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select from a good :issorin)ent will find it to-his interest to ;N. B.—Fine table, salt put up.in small bag§ of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ping order. -Atsp . .a. splendid article of Rock Ground-salt, in tputrt boxes, put up and for sale by thp quantity, in cases of lice - dozen each. News ! News HAVE You REMO The NEWS ? WHAT NENVISt wiliveg-a.l:4et; 21:13Ng Gt 0 o** • . embracing In the Dry Goothrline. du Lain", Challis, Man tillas. Si iks.'Poplins, Prints. etc,. cte„tge, as well as it fell dit i stock of , Domestick, such sunnier clothe, fur men and buys' wear, Shirthige, 7". ge, Decline, Cotton Yarn; Carpet Warp, halts, etc.(-- ceriens—a MD assurtuient.— Pleb—ld:a:keret, Trout, leintellsh; Codfish, and Herring. Hardwalt, building materials, Nails, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Dyestutfil. .Iteatly-maile Clothing, the:workmanship WAllll/INTr.n. flats, Caps and Bonnets, of the latcvt style. Itocts . and-shoes, worth from 1•174 e to ta: In- WA al ust. • every variety of Iloods usually Inquired for at any co try to resto can bolound at the - ! -- - - OPSONYItLE - , il. and It is the aim of theproprletor to make each diepoeltlim of Goods that nelthes his enzwyst nor hle atrona Will . . iiItOAN." ' . •J. L. KAN ~„ Vpsouville, Pa.. June let, IWJ,—if . ' • - ; „ f %MO. - Z. i •' COMMERCIAL - COLLEOL OV.Ep TIIE fAUNUF.HADINA•VALLEIC.L!,III4 . ENG HAM TON )14. -Y.' ROorne open for Initruction` frnna 9a. m. to 9:30 `; . : ]FCU D; W. LOWELL, iPriecipal, Professor of :the Science of ;AccOonts, Practical Accountant. Author of Lowell's Treaties ,u potillook•Reep. Jog, Diagrams illitstrating the same. Jtiim 114 s tits, emollient's! Accountant, Profeer of Book Keeping ; ancl,Pnictical Mathematics. JJ. CURTIS, Assistant Professor in 'the .Eook Kepping Departnient. A: J. WARNER, Professor of Practical and Or- Insmental Penmanship,-Commercial. !lions and Correspondence. _ • • ' • LEOTURE . IIS: • , Him. Daniel S. Dicliirson, LeeVurer on Commer. 'eta! Laii . .andl'etitical Economy. Iron. Ransom Baicom, Lecturer on Contrasts, ,Promiii.iory Note; and Bills of Exchange., "- Rev. Dr. E. Andreivs, Lecturer on Commercial „Ethics. , ! • „ EXAIIIINIIf G COMMITTEE: lion. Sherman D. (helps; Wm. R. Osborn,-Esq., Tracy lifcirgan, Mho object of this College is to afford to all nn opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. • 1 • byßooks and gonna are carefully arranged byl practical accoultants expreslly for this In. mitotic!) and collo. .e all the recent lipproye:: ingots. I :The course of Instruction --- ...arse , of In. comprises every dipartment of busress. The learner wilt be thoroughly taught ithe science and .practice of Diimble Entry Book. Keeping as applied , to the following kinds of buiiness, viz: General Nor. Manufticturing - , 'Banking, Corilmis: Steamlmatinw Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign i Shipping, &c. iladies Depart:mint entirely separate from that ,if tlie gentlemen. • - :Students can enter College at any time and receive individual in struction . By this arrange mint every student Os permitted to progress as rapidly as his ente4prise And ability will per mit, and when through, perfect and complete: will receive a Dlpetiina which will enable-bin) to retiew at pleasuile:, • • .Time to completti thecourse,-6 to 12 weeks. -NO vacations: Bad $2l; to $2,50 per week. TERMS: f‘ot. Book-Keepln„ full urcourttantlilidurse, in6udin,ty, Practieat Penmanship, Commercial COnputatiOns and; Diploma, (Time unlimit edJs3s. 00 Same course for Lilies (separate) -' 20 00 Ponmanship and Arithmetic, - 10 (0 TCnehrrs' Course in!Pcnmausitip, Practi- enl and Ornamentill, . . 30 60 TY:elve les,iiips in ilractioal Penmanship. 2 00 Occasional /lasses will" be formed in Plfonograpy. For Intl trartictilairs send for a 013* y ~.,.0 0../ ~. •,• 0 , ~. , ~,• ~.. . • ~,......,• ____,_ . • ~cheapost.:, nest: Largest ~ . • frpob,oo Miys for Tuition irl Single and Double Entry BOok.Keeping,'Writing Commercial Arithine tict and Lectures.. 1 lionrd, S. week 020, Stationery ST, 'Fnitiott *35, e i n tire expenses $02... I.TiNaal time' from " p to 10 weeks. Every.sla dOnt, upon graduating. is guaranteed competent tai manage the Boot: of-any Business, and qual ified to earn a salaiy- of from $5OO. frO $lOOO ~ • • !Stu,;ents enter .4 any time , No Vacation= Review" at plenSureJ • iFirst Pleininni At Best, Business Wrilieg for Itiso, received at P ittsburgh, ttsburgh, Philadelpitio, , and Ohio State Fairs. (Also, at the principal Fairs of the Union for the past fonr years. -, : :iir Ministerts!ji‘ns received at half price. * * *For Circular - 4 Specimens. and'Embellkih. ed _ Views of ' the . °liege, inclose five lei-ter . . /1 tani ps to . ' ' • ' . - '; - •F. W. N-KINS, Pittsburgh, Pa. - ! FilictiKlN HIM ' MONTR7SE, PEN f\:A," filllE- übcri ber having purchased •,•.. , y. . ...IL refi ed and newly furnished th. *"" •-•• above wel k known ntrd popular Hotel, se s . • . ---_ - is piepared to accommodate the tray. elingliublie and otters with all the attentions and conveniences astially found in first-class Houses. No , effortLwill. be. spared by the Pia pretor and his Assistants to make the Hotel eqiial in every poinl to any in the country. The. Bar will' alwayis be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. 1 ." . .-ftli - e Rubles, tonnected With:this Itliuse arc large , roomy and convenient, and careful and atteittkve Hosilers afire always in charge of them. i- . - 1 J. S. TARBELL - HOWARDIASSOCIATION, , , . PRIL4DELPHIA.. ARenerolent Institution establisked by "ape :dal EndommentVor the. Relief of the Sick and DistroSed; iglieled with Vfrnlent and Epidemic Diseaks, and especially fur Me Cure of Diseaset of the Sexual-Organs. - tf EDICALADIfICE given gratis ! ' by the IVA Acting Surgeon, tc all who apply by letter, with A description o( their condition; (age, oceu Ration, habits ;all, &c.,) and in eases of cx. tierce poverty,medic nes furnished free ofeharge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcea, and o;b: II er Diseases °tithe &stud Organs, sent to the af. flitted in sCalril lettcr i cnvelops, free of charge Address, Dr; J. 81111 in Houghton, Acting Sur. ge.tu, HowardiAssottiation, N 0.2 South 9th-st.,• Philad a, Pa. IBy order of the Directors. tneff . • vesvi YlttM. , • i , . •• : .. ~.. ~. • , •„ 1/ . . lloar I'l'o q ., robtstow Stlrt, 1,_,4 I ; . ' At 111011, ROSE, Pa., ONE door; belol J. Ethridge's Drug-Store. on PtiLlie "Ayenue, .where will- bo found conanmly on band 4 general assortment of '. ; .-- GROOERIES: Such.ns Sugais, blohuotes, Syrups, Teas, Coffee &et, &C., &c:- .the v.' i.iee FLO st brands of •'• . 'FAML_scI *UR mio,.i.antspoi: ! :,.ll.nel; Fish, eandiCs Etc 1• ' " , We:solicit a. Aimee f the public patronage, and i) pledge ours'elres ton the fair thing, luiping by each bargain to. Secure another. ' •' - - ' • • ' , • ' : pALDWIN & ALLEN, ALFit EC•- 1 'D BAY:M . I .._ ' ; - 'WX . I. L. A LLEX. .-- , - BOARDI NG SCHOOL, AT GRENT-BEND I 'PA II tils tictiont *ill he opened for the recap. Cllion of Ladies - 0d Gentlemen, on the 29th day '.‘l l edneieley), or •February..lB6o, • • i . ' . TER:4BIOF TIIITIGY. , • Prin3:try Branches NI. Qr'tr of 11 w eeks, 83,00 'om - inn on - . ":., t, . " -" - 3.50 ConitubAnd Higberi " .1 4 . " . 4,00 Higher English, V " " ." 5,00 Letfiens on. Piano, I " " ". 10,00 line of- - " I" • " - IA . •2,00 'Ornamental, - and C l 4 l taieal'llepartinents, extra. The PrinciPal . has`r had much experience in teac ing in' NeW Wilk .;and - Penn'a for the last ten ears, in . Cdmrpoi, as well as Select, Graded or lib Schools.. References given if required Nill.-4-Board at tie boarding hall; two doll's per *rod. Lightli end washing extra. - Payments to 'be tnAde quarterly . in advance, .. .In h Y • • -'''' E. - W: ROGERS, Principal.. • i 50,000 Copiet already Sold. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER COUNSEIIIMI uit InISMESS • By Fronk Crosby, • 'OF THE' PIitf.ADELIVA SAL , It tells you How ,to draw up Partnership Pa. -. pent . and , gives general tonna • . for Agreements -of all kindet,- .. • Bills of. Sale, Leases and Pe titibna.• • _ • It tells you Dow to draw up Bonds and • Mortgage% Affidavits, Powers • . • • of Attorney, ,Notes and Bills of Exchange, Receipts and its leases. It ,tells you The Laws .for the Collectinit of • , . Debts, with the of - , • Limitationond omoniand kind . „. of properly Exempt froth Ex , . ecution in every State.- It tells you [low to make an Assignment properly, with forms for Corn position with Creditors, and the' Insolvent Laws of every It tells you The legal relation existing be. tweet' 'Guardian aro Ward, Master and Apprentice,--.and Larialord and Tenant. It tells you. What constitutes Libel and - • -Blonde% and the 1 rut to Marriage Dower, the Wife's . Right in Property, Divorce , . • and, Alimony. . It tells you The Law tor Mechanic' Liens i n every' State, and this Natural. . motion Laws of this country, • - • -and !Vow to comply with the •same. ' It tells you The Law Coricerning Pensions • and.how to obtain one, and the -Pre•Emlition Laws to Public • Larids. It tells yon The Law for Patents, with • mode of procedure in obtain. • ! , log one, o with Interferences, Assignments and Table of - Fees.' , It telli_yon How to- make your Will, .ond how to Administer on an -Es. 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SIMPSON: WHIR REPIIHEH„ Shop. in Boyd & Webiter's . lieu, building, • next door above Weiler cG StWares. HAWING worked , for the 'pest nine. eers with.,the-mout skaffa workmen; he feels confident that be can do the Most difficult jobs on short notice. , All Wotk Warrantrd.to.Give Sallifaction . . W: B. - Stmrsom his' worked for me for soma time. and Can recommend him as a.careful and skilful woikmhu, competent to do as gotiii work at can . La done in the country, and worthy of. confidence. WM. A: CHAMBERLIN. Towanda .ju:ie 10th, 1858. Refers in—Win. Blid!, E 2. W. Baird, E. I) blontnyne, E. 0. Goodrieh, B. Kingsbury, Towsn. •ds S._ Bentley; 14 Searle • C. • I). Lathrop, J. Wittenberg. Montrose. * * !Jewohry neatly '.repaired on short notico, and on reisonable terms. [June I dth,lBllB.—tf. WOOD - WANTED! • AT THE IDEMOORAT " OFEE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers