. - Siity Republicasimemberi de0n...1 gress "cordially endorsed? .the following 1 sentiment in Ilelper's look : "sot to be :m abolitionist is to lie •a wilful and diabol- 1 teal -instrument of the • . ' When John Brown was , eonsicted of tintal - , and himg, for ; hiscritne4-the W indy! imps held sympathy Meeti4i in .all . their strongholds --turd _ tolled bells„ and a;se • resolutions that lohn Brown was a Christian martyr, and the gallows upon which he was hung morn glorious than the cross of Christ. :." The Albany Argns reproduced_ from the .Tribune'of-, hnit, December, the following paragraph. ! • " We propose that the.flekublieans,'ns the larger section of; th e . bppoSitiOil, be permitted to name one of then. number for President s to be sustained by the entire the' Americans 'and Na tional Whigs proposes the vicepresident. The.ticket thus formed .shall.lw supported by the entire, orpositiOn; each 'party and each State making hi* own platform, ~ and none. - being, committed to any but his oW-n - doctrines: or propositions and the United o p position to 'be -designated Re publitaN' 'American ' "Union,' *People's ]tarts-,' or:whatei-er else the votersiti•any, locality may choose." Does the Tribune see any great in that? Or has it changed - its mind in the past six months. Now 'it calls all combinations* cheating and hypocrisy except they bring voters to the republican 'ticket. PYSPEPSII.-Fg* diseases are So pain fill and so defialiXto th6-power of medi cines as this So remedy analogous to the Orygenated:Bitte,m,has ever been intro-1 diced. In cases where it-has been adminf• istered-its effect is remarkable. In Heart- Bern Tlatnieney, .Acidity, Water Brash, and ifkbility, it is. egindly salutary. pireil•by S: W. Towt.n S Cu., Boston. Sold by Druggists and Agents every where,- 2; . . . UV' .111.0ffars Life-Pita.--The high a envied rolchrity whichthis pre.eminent medicine tuts aeon iredfor invariable efficacy in all diseases. it professes to cure, has rendered the, mond practice of ostentatious putting not only unneces retry, but unworthy of them. 'They are known by their fruits; their good works testify for them,'-and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. In all cues of costlee.. ness, dyspepsia.; bilious and liver affections, piles, fevers and agner-rhemnatism. obstinate headaches. and general derangements Of health, these Pills linve invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. .k single trial will place the LIFE-PILLS la3;yond the roach of competition in the esti mation of every patient. . Da. 31OFFAT'S PiIIENIX.BITTERS will be found to be equally.ellleacious in all cases of dystiepsia, headache, nervous debility, sickness incident to females. in delicate health. and every kind of weakness of the 11.17,cit ire organs. Ferrate by Dn. W. B. MOFFAT, MIS Broadway, N.Y.,and by medicine dealers and drino•ffists generally throttchotti the country. at:di ly dm* MAIL ARRANoratErrs—mowntosz P. 0 N.ilLS.4RßlVFTiillv:4sttellar excepted.) from tir East and South, by Railroi4 at,,7 , 4•1'. Daily; (sanday exeeptcd,) from the Wett, by Railroad, at ty. , i n. m. From Ilineutriiton direct. ev'r Tue - sctily, Thunday and Saturday, nr 1 p. m. • From Tunkliannork direct, every Tuesday, :1 - Inirsdny and Suturclay. rit 1 p. m. • • . • From Towandavdirect, even Tuesday and Sr:imam . at 7 ciarti trritti Friendsi ille (iinndny excepted) ut 6,1; p. m. ILS LEA VE — nailY (rundays excepted) for the en-4 niol oiviah. by railroad. at„fi a. m. Daily t naa y cxccptcl for the Aves t 'by•4t: railmadl a For Binzhamton direct, eiery Monday, Wednpatiak and Friday. at 7 a. tn. For Tnnkhannock direct. every Monday. Vedne.dir .t Friday. at it a. in. • For Towanda dirert. every siondav and Friday at 7 a.m. 'mity 6.r rri ,, ,,l , ill‘,lolltatat - ea.) at 7kt. a. tn. For Laveyt hrongh Aufatrn)—leavet2ll.nday, at 9 a. m„—arrivt— Wettneeday at 5 p. m. 11. .1. kEnu, P. M. tlf" , See the Advertisement of poet. Sanford's. Lliet Invigorator and Family Cathartic Pill,, in another colinnll. gOOFLAND'S ME Dl_Cifir • Tun • 43 , G- A.'T STANDARD =NEEDLES of the present age, bare acquired ttieir great te.pularit? only through ynato of ttial. Ilulttiundod itatiafactioO teuclorttl by; thorn iu aaos. • HOOPLAV,D'S GERM AN BITTERS WTL. roirmsrim clu" Liver Cenaplant. DyspeTeoa. Jauldfee. Nervous De. batty. Dimmer of the *Laney% and ail ginoeasys "wining from a dieoridered liver, or weak ems of the Ebnaxeik and Ing4eise • ♦\D Wl= POSITITILTIrriNT TM= RYE!, 1111=4 Fm! Anl nifil AU ARYL he cur Almanac for mot rata, `f s casts per Boithil Hoofland's Balsamic 'Cordial . ru. roainvtat crtut Coleu, CoHs, of loaminess, Brisehitio, lafkistera, Croup, I,!neuscitolia, iscipicut Coustuaptioa, sod has peril:ruled the most aitoialobtg ewes over It uovu of • : .coNsiraatcp ipoNst.fttririoN. ,110 s Diarrbcea Cordial It Is unequalied. Pats, 11 auto , per:bottla. HOOFLAND'S BERMAN PILL, taring well known throtighont Etaarpeand America, needs no lattanendatiou here. They nio phnly eogemlile, are prepared , trith great ea:scrams. and are ingerwanted. letter Cathartic Pecan he fkaand. 2.5 Ma. per Them trievikinei are prepared by .Pit. C.J .. ACTJIOII A'' Co., Philadelphia. Pa., and Et. lfo, and a re nuld by dramerta and deadens in medicines everywhere- Tie. ein nature of C. X. James will tee' ou .hc eatable of each bottlebr.boa.. In our" Everybody's Alumnae," poblivlod 'tonna:ly, you testiniony and mOnturndatray notices from all parts of the eguntu. Them Altuarmai are given away by" • all our agents. mom] Sold In Idontrove liv ABEL kREELL, Agent. . . ' FOR SHERIFF.—To tho 'Voters !of Stusg' a County/ —L'itou the solicitation of my friend? , I - prrsent thyself before you. risking your eltffruges for[the.(iffice of 4 Sheridi Itt the coming election. Your respelfully. - Brooklyn, July 4. 1650. , ~ G. It. RULERS. ilk 4; ESIENiWEINIS - TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA Is the he4 , l .Alcilicine in the motlYor the cure of Coughs and Colds, Ci l oup, • Bronchitis, Acacia, .D/lEetai, Breathing, Palpitation Palpitation of the Heart, • For the rrliJy pcifientx in adrdnerd *Mgr* of Consumption together with Diseases of the Throat and Chest aid which - predispose to Consul tion. IL attacb the ma di.eaße. an 111,2 km the at destroyer stiontinhioitainitueort, Ital,oprrido rex free cspertorateon; d whim* Ylealthy action the di..cooed .Itutotot Atenttitake aria (isms. ./.t is pccaliarpg adaptedta he radical „ curl, if ASTHMA. One de.we of air inrahinGte .qr.liq'P often giro, ease and eenweTuentlyaleep.tehlehrhe partle.bn• nature qf the diseamitehk.R. It IS refs pisa.an r to the hum, and prompt in ti rffirbr. .15-y it h hr crinrineYet that it le inealvable lin the cure rf Brotrehiiii Alf critiotaa. oent. per Bottle. • Prepared only by Dr. 4. ESA'S WELX. coslooktOyi.ri. Benevein, k co., N. it; corner...9th and .POP,LAR eireetc.. Phihof a Pa. For 'kale in lionftme, mg mh•zhlr. fns ABEL TURREGL Drvoyist: , AL nu latlidisrazzli IND NOUTI.II7I7DEDLAND, (ASS F 01.4.0 ..,:.: \'S: r - ,o, , !. xovtaii_NOll7ll. N.l. N. , Y. Pliint Expreae.- • - Expret.s. Mail. 'Leave r. x. ' r Leave A. M. P. L. Scranton, 4.1:5 1 Norttneland. 5.N) 4.45 . Arrive at • ' : Arrive at Ilt Eaton. 5.38 • 4..53 Danville, fais 5.2) . git,telint , 7.0.7 5.W ' Rupert.- 037 5.50 Shiclotiitu,y7 7.51 , ti.ti -. Illuoundiurg, 8.15 . GAO :tterwick, 8.20 1' . 0.55 Berwick. ''. 7.15 ~... 0.05 i,BiOiall.bllrg, f•. 50 , 7.110 ShitiZekilllly. T. 45 715 ' ‘,. Rupert, . 0.0(1 .7.40 Kingeton, SAO 7.45 1 Danville, 0.X.5 . 8.10 Mutton, 8.57. 8.15 A 1 tiorthuland, 10.(N1 8.45 Scranton, 9.115 BAS • CAL•....—iilrgi ..n.....,„ ,- "---,... ", i Tze LaCKAWASNA & 11.cioinstr,F,e,s.euzcogi iLa - . 4.7.c...r.P.L.ii -cl . , .- - • i).4.c=1....-iis' 1.1 . 4LL persona are hereby forbidden linylng or recelviria., , DBL. LACKAId'ANNA WEST' IN RAILROAD miIS property or any kind. of my ;Wife ALUM& lor i n't Scranton, farLlcew York and Philadelphia, and inter. harbortint or trusting her on my accomit. • ..., ii 1 1 niiallate points said : alto, for Great Rend. Binghamton, Brooklyn, &pi. 51, 1 , 60 ;_ ti . „.. . 1 . 171.21 t /LEHR IM.r.. 1 1 fterkettpe, ttntlialo,..Nia,„ra" Yalta, and all importantpointa. -... ' I___:_ . —•— i i Wert. • - • I! • • 1 * I lit Rupert it cotinecta with the Catawitia _Railroad, Air 73 AKER'S VEGETABLE COMPOgeitt asaure cure foi• ..--4) Dyectitary.. Wholesale awl Attail..! ' poinia both L'ipt and West. • . '. 1 l At Northumberland - it connectt with the Suobtirrand• ...... .. - '. AkILL TeIi.RELL. I . i E,rie Railroad, for poiats Well and South; ... , . • 21 tIo t axtrcomie Wheat ert Wheat th)nr bhl,.fiCt /iye e4...nte Itye floari fit cwt...t .. 2 . 5 0 corn , • I's cmattCutu evr. _ t.. 2 Buckwhent...,.. Yorkp a I, Mtnt (hair 111 - 12 rcnts 'Beans , 75 af ltulter 16 cents l'inatne* cenn- i Irgs p .io 12 cents Adminii4tritoi7s Notiae.... NOTICE le hereby given to all newtons having demands against the estate of MATTHIAS SMITH, late MJea pup,deceased, that theaame must be - presented to the un der.lgned for arrangement, and all pertains indebted to said estate are•reenented to make immediate payment.: ' &taw, Sept. 18611. Gw ZMIAS SMMI; AdminiatenfOr.. • • JUSTICE TO THE SOUTH. • I A new book, anti :one dtitined to,sresto a sensation oTtrSIT I'Cl.l3l.aistastEcto:- THE SUNNY SOUTH, Or, Tile_ .SOUTHEAIiOIt at Home , Embracing dye-seam experience ota Northern . Covert:loa In the land or Hum Mee. Cotton and Tatham*. Edited by 'PEOF/25601t J. 11. IN GRA AM, of hilasinalPpl. 'Bound handsomely In one Votmh — e I . Z 1n0.51$ pagem. Price tt.Z. Literary notices from the press throughout the country. . Ton Sminv Soya,—Tips bOok Is composed of a necks of letters, Written in an Interesting stele of narrative, em bodying the most romantic features of a social life on dif ferent kinds of plantations: `We can bear testimony from our own obAervation of Similar scenes in the South, to their truthfillness aStereilepicted. They are portrayed In a vivid:lnteresting:style, and we would like to ace the book An the hands of thousands of deciered people, who have no 1 persotm2knowiedge either of Southerners or Southern life, except Uhat they hat e gained. nom partisanjournals', or those who intentionallybave written to deceive."—/All2y Rem, bile, Bqjfato, N 1: • Tun Sesur Soven.—"This tolume Is hi the form of • letters. They give; so far as we can judge, faithful pie- Wes of Southern life, and ate penned without prejudice. They present ' , comet quiteilitterent from an "Uncle Tom's Cabin the picturea presented hmeare quite graphic, and we think the portraits painted :train very nearly natural colors."—Radon Polly Het': • TUN SUNNY Sotertt.--•. We have rarely peeped within the covens of a mute appetizing volume. Although not Inteudvt as an answer to the foul untruths in the Uncle Tom trash of the last ten years, it nevertheless does un mercifully hurl back to their source all Iles of such a na ture, and we are (atilt o believe that the book will burred in thousands of Northern hotnes. The South also alroold lake to It benignantly for independent of its truthfUluess and Integrity It-Inoue of the liveliest and most entertain ing books of theyear."—roust. Gretowbona. N. C. THY SUNNY Socrn.—" The enterprising - publisher. O. ' G. Evans, Philadelphia, of Gift Book , notoriety.' Is Weetiy issuing new works of interest, and spreading them over the country, arid his system of transacting business may be looked mum as an Institution for (MAN; knowledge, unequaled byany i n the esmintry. We commend this book to TTIE Sct It. a Taptivating, volume, strongly illustrative of Southern life. The heart of the authoress is w ith her theme, and she carries the interest of the render along with her, as she. in tier arousing otf, hand style, delineates' the peculiarities of a Southern home;"— , Press. • Tan SUNNY Sorrit.—" Whatever bears the name 6r- Profeswor Ingrahare is cure to 'involve the elements of striking effect and a wide popular ctirreney : and this is just the case. with ”The Sunny South, or the Southerner st Mane.' which appears from the press of G. (h. Evans. under the editor:4bn, of the graphic Professor, it is vivid in style. keenly_ole , ervant,juteresting in, plot, and in pur pose and manner it otwitmsly springs from a warm heart, and will be a. warmly welcomed by a host of readers."— The Xep Yorker. • , • • IMOD BOOKS! CHOICE BOOKS NEW .:.k...N.u.n.t.1 - sTRATF.D KDinu:is ',. • • T 1114: lIIRONE OF DAVID: Prom the consecratlim of the Shepherd of Bethlehein to the rebelion of Prince Absalom; being an ilhistration of the splendor power and (10111111 ton of the Reign of the Shen herd King, in a•series of letters, wherein the Maga ill- CCIICe. of Judea 1; showli to the reCer, itsl if by an eye witness. Br the Rev; J. Ming - rah:on. thin volition, lit mo.. Cloth, 1101 pagTs. "thinsttinthirdvolume, and the completion of a ser ies of .ii - ork; by the slime anthor, on the history of the Is rali ash- mon:leeks'. The origin under ?loses woo treatcsd oftn the of Pint!' and its great glory under Da vid, is treated of in, this work, ('flla Throne of David,) -while the deelfne of tlebreit power and the opening of the new dispensation meet their iOll In the "Prince . of the litruse of David." These works-arc hirgorically Valuable, a; handboOks of information retative to the see. ,cry. geograplry and ritanntirs of the. Itoly Land. The style Is interesting add powerful. and the work leads us to the contemplation and dud) oGthe sublime language of the Bible and the great tloctilues of truth it contains, with ;mll boleg.„,oi ate. en her mmidlin, • stupid. dogmatic or ctineeited."—Auf cc. Daily Utica: PILLAR OF FIRE. OH, ItsiltAEl.l IN lIONDAIIE. By ,the IleT. J. /I. Ingraltani, author of the " Prince of the !louse iif 11.111d:1 'One voliune, 27m0.. cloth. 10J pat gc4., Price $1.:15. I -. This work is designed . to sketch the ilelsrair history during - the liondage Egpt. the Prophet- Aloes heing the, cen,tral4ignr_.e and is a free and striking history of the period. in which not wAter gather; first. from the Itilde and thlsti Irons profane history 111211,4 of material. which be his getlins. lottoAC,iititnl narrative .4 - the most attractive i:harartet whirl) carries the reader, Along wtthout diminuation i of interest."—.Philailt/pitio flii/4 tin. irms PIET.:=C3II:I oF' FIIE HOUSE OF DAVID: • bit- EARSI TN' TI I E I lOLY CITY - In a .series of letters rglatiitr 111. If by en eve Is lines+, all the stenes'and wonderful inlidents in the life of .Testn. of Niivercth, .from Ti- Itaptisnt- Jordan to hie Crucifixion on Caleery. Be the Bev-: .1. 11. Ingraham_ Rector of Christ Church. and of St. T.hmnales 11,11. liollv Spetegs. tissis.sippi. One V , .1111me.1•2m0. cloth, t:2 plies. Prier t 1.15. In this work the author has succeeded inthe bold and daring task of presenting the great leading historical parts of scripture in connection with secular histriry, so an Yo present the clear and life-like picture of thbse events ea they might be supposed to appear to a casual Observer. The descriptions . of rites and ceremonials. are 'spirited and comprehensive. The pitvle is highly Imaginative and attractive, anal we predict that this volume will be AP pop ular as the — Pilgrim's. Progress.'l,--PrCAptcrian and Erangdist. Copies of either of theabove books.. with a handsome Gift, worth from Mt cents to .$lOO will be sent to any per- Fon to the United States, upon the receipt of $1.25. and -41cent...tope postage. by addressing the publisher, Gen. G. Evans, Philadelphia. t • It YOU WANT ANY BOOKS. 'Send to Geo. G. Evans' Gift Book Establishment. 419 'Cliestnnt Street,. Philadelphia, where all hooks an, told at the Publisher's folvt-st prices, and von havelbe ADVANTAGE"of recc.hin,i .a IlAilDtio/41-1 PRESENT worth from 50 tents to $lOO hit b each book. Send for a complete Classified Catalogue of Botiks, which will be mailed to yon met of expense. Orde-r any book, that you may 4 want: remit the retail price, together with-the amount required for postage, and one- trial wilt assure yon that the . best place In the coun try to purchase book, is at the Gift Book - Estabilihment of Geo. G. Evans. ", • ALGIrIEII§7 I WEA vcraaminvivrEN, To whom greater indocctoontn. such as canuot be egad( by any, other boner' are otremi. • Any person. in any part of the country. rao be agent, pimpiy by forming a club, .ending a list of boOks. and re mitting the amount of money required for the same. Send for a Catoi:Ortle, which coutnins an the formation relative to agencies and the formation of clubs mid to insareprompt and honorable tlea,ling;l,address all orders to . The Beeci Cleb . lize.rtorsio o! GEoliGE;c. AVANS, rnoritreron orrrnE OLDLUT-AND LARGEST GIFT BOPIC ESTABLISHMENT 1N TIIL WOULD. Permanently lot-nit-tint No. Phlade a lilt Ur. • rtl E siabscriber Would most respectfully - acknowletie 1 himself urplerrenewed obligatioas to his numerous mercantile friends in this and other counties for their kind patronage to his New York - business. and aflk_s a continu ative of their favor, at tn. PARK ROW. "HARDWARE.] MOONEY:. COHU A and at 46 COIrRTLAND "HATS. CA STRAW GOODS. FURS, kn. ke.,] LAW RENCE. ORIOGS & KIN ossußy. Post pltiee nildrees. fer Sept.. and Oct.. rare Lawrence,. Griggs & Kingsbury. 46 Courtiand sttti t. N. Y.; after that time. till 'further notice. Montrose., Sitsg'i Co. Pa. Montroye:Sep. ' 111. C. • 11AILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN MONTROSE . •STRIENDSVILLE.i, r ioAcriEs camying, rind passenger, between lJ Montrose am] Pricudvrinv, will leave Searkes Hotel, iu moutrose, dullyi at 7 o'clock. a. to. and Kaye at a o'clock- p m. ' Stable aud barriagmecatt be rocured at the Live y Stable of ,the .üb,cri!Nr.it) Montrose, an rva.aaable t cainw. Mon/nose, A kg. t( J. I). 0001.1117.. Y. 1860. 'rig 11E4T BOUTE lB6O. WYOMING VALLEY lb PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, And 'all ?obits NOrth & West, LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. SIMMER ARRANGEMENT.- 1 Two Dail Passeng,er Trains SE/LiNTON 11011 KG Pot: Matra Mail. A. Y. i. • TlVdilpiSCßi block oi BER, HAVING PUR BOOKS 'AND -STATIONERY • - ILIORDIERLY owned by .A. N. BULLARD, takes this method of Informing" those who lake the papers," that the stock has been removed to the store of J. Lyons& Son, °Mesita the Tacanta.coctrat 9 Cliffieco, where he Will be most happy to wait upon those Whp may favor him with a mil. • PUTILTSBED (and hi } slot ) can be obtained by leaving your Orden!. withtlni price uf the book and publisher's name at the desk. Alacq any article 111 . the • Doak and Stationery" line. • - NEWS--.f, OFFICE. Gmley".4 Leslie's.. Peterson's. Graham's, or any of the popular .itlagazlite+ of the day. N. Y. Ledger, N. Y. Weekly, Mercury, Clipper, Flag. Wilkes' Spirit,.and all the illustrated Papers fur aide. Boat num bers supplied. r: . • II SCHOOL BOOKS--•__All the old and new editions. BLAISH /30‘)/LS-LA very niarasqortment. CIITLERY,___—Tip top article of_iiniencan.' • GOLD FEIN b -Very Fine ones, Ladies & Gents.' pzßvylwritY—&.w Harrison's and others. • 1"1173343 7 - " . riIYE NE A ICIALT AI X A , And! will endeavor to havti 4'a yinzle eve o your intereet" and out to any own. Tone, evidently,' S. l 3 ITg. Mo. On, PA., Septentbevist, letlo.—tf VALUAIILE GIFTS WITH BOOKS GEORGE G. EVANS ' Criztl GI XIV AMA GIFT 13001( WHIM . . plus THE .LARGEST IN THE WORLD ! P.EIt3,I:IICI,I*TLY LOCATED AT 439 Chetriut 'Street, SIXTH YEAR THE ENTERPRISE e nrelnued the 4paclous Iron Bonding, Nn 4:0. Chestnut :street. and fitted it up milli every cotiveuiroco tafteilitate oty busines.;iparticularly that branch devoted to COUNTRI ORDERS innd having a larger esultal than other.party inv'estectlw the towinets. I ion now pre pared to offer greater :We:intakes, and better gift, than ever before to toy cost orders. . _. . . f will fiumish tiny book: (of n Moral character) Miblislied In the United States. tii regular retail price of which in One Doll:trim npwdrd'. Mill glee a prl,ent worth from 50 cents to 100 (Milani o lilt ;l'at'h book, and gnai'antee to give perfect satisfai‘tion. an 1 r and determined to maintain tine Notation already bcstoned upon my establishment. Strangers visiting Phil a delphia arc invited to an judge for themselves: IF YOU ANY BOOKS Cam. 3E . 17z:taxes' Reliable Oid Rook Toter prise No. 439 Ciikoelitsviat eft., PIIILADELPIII.I, Where all Txu.ks are soh! at te Publibhceo,co wog prier, and you harm the' - t• ; ADVAINTIVGE ~, or :receivin g RANDSPOTE. PRESENT WORTH 'PROM 50 VENTS TO lal DOLLARS BOOK.. C. G. EVANS' ColginorGift Book Eat, altrise tuts been etnlornettlb:t the Book 'l'rade and all the . . • . leading rile aod country new:paper. in the United Stairs. - • G . G. EvAN.s. holetearjbuainess transactions have re- C•iVeti the approbation of over 11.0.10,000. elthtei, 'Of the United St,ter. each of tvlann bair received subnnuitial evidence • - of the benefit derivt 4by pun it-rting hook: at thi.• 4,1,11,ii , 11111V71r. . 0. 0. EVANS llas [loneitore than any other publisher. or bookr•iillen iu the United states, to ward, .linu‘ing knot% lellgeto the people. Ity ebb , e?,letil. many book, are read tied • , onitl net len e ftitunil their wny illIO the • hands of •'reader.—.Frank Leslles leter -Itttlrr. G. % G. EVANS h e o constantly on band, the most ex - icesive stt.cl:. the ;.,71.faity,t assortment of • „. Oa 6m:flak., free to alt yt hu may applr..the most - Complete CULIIOIIId. of ~ Books nna Gift. ip.tnt• uni te d Shat". 0. G. EV.i.7.Cr: Itlvniitago. uttered him by other pub- Esher. add manufacturers which enable hiin to fhrnish his patrons with a finer qualityand better assort nit•ut of gifts than oilier;ehtablisloaent. 0 G. EVANS Publishes' nearly Two Hundred PSofirtlir and inteeesting Books.. therefoie, as a publisher, he is. better able to offer extra preuuono and comniissions! • 0. 0. „EVANS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to all who may setadTur thAttst. ...., .., . , . . . . (LO. EVAN( NCW el.a.atled atta10 . , ..-ne of . book. embrace t be.avyitlagiof CVery department of liters . • tare. and izices all the information rein . . tive to the parcha.irw and for‘vartlilig by .Ikfai4fir.Rapre.. of book. ordered from hi. e.tdl3ll.lintehi, t.!gether with full direr - 'lion. how.'to rebut money. • . . EVANS' Catalogue:t r littolo trill tie gent grads anti , free ~l expense to any 11(.1,2141s in the Lint- . . tial State:;- . G. G. EV.A.NS' Inducements to Agents cannot s he PST pamorti: The most liberal commissions aro-otTererTiand by +eliciting suhkript . ions - -to hooks in the manner proposed. t wenty books cantbesold in the same time that It would take to sell one on the old fashion . enbscription plan., s.qta for a ell/Psi& cd Catalortte, and evqry information will to given id reference to agencies. Select • , your hooka, enclose the aineitut of - money required. and one trial will satisfy you • -Veit the bilst place in the country-to pur base hooks is at TILE EXTENSIVE GIFTIIIOOK "ESTABLISIIMCT OF 'CEO. G. EVANS, No. 49 Cutts:rat:T. SrltErr. PIMA- _ . PELPHIA. whero:yon cau"get hook. of all kindr.: liooks of Fad: . Bookr , of Fiction: Booki of Devotion!' . Hooky Amumerrit ! Boi.M, for theftld Folita! Book, for the Young Folk.! Book.. for Ilusband6: • • : Book, for Wirer Thtitko for I,tiver.! Rook., for Sweetheart..l • Book,. for Boy; - • • Ppoko for tart:.: Book.. Lf linmort - Books of l'oetrc! ! .• • Books of - Travel! • ... , • Books.)f, iliFtbrr . 1 ' BoOks of flblizrapby! • . ' Books of Aclv,mture! Books nbolit Sailors! Bucks abort Soldiers! - • , liobks txbuo.'t !odious! Eksik. , about Ilto.ter.4! Bok's about flcrues! 4 • Rook rthluit Patriot„!' hooks for Farmers! • Book.. fur Meth o lio! : - . .• Books for Merch:int..! 'Book, for I'llll...leans! " • Books for Lawyorw! " • • , : Bonk. fur btater tiled! Bibles! - . ' Pre,ontallop Books! . l'r.iy4 r !looks l• • ~ Hymn Btioks ! ' ' , . .litveitilu Bunk! . , .Ktinnale! Albums. etc., etc. .. CECIL •11. 11A It'l'LEY'Si ures . tiln: ItET• .1. 11. IN(l.ll.‘ll.%!d'S Scrintunil Man:loco, ! • I.S3II:CIV.It'S 1.1,A•e , d'rutrioni and Stannmen! ..;•• J. T. LACIIIIN7S Itovolclionary Storlo,.! • T. WS Popular tale,.: AI,II,ITT'S Family Ikx•tor! • • MRS. 11ENTZ'S Norel;'! • '- : 41 . 11 ."TI1WItTll'S North.: efn l l 3 l:ll'S Novel , ! WAVF.111,11:1"6 ;co% id*: • . . NVorlnl!. • All the ttriting. l Of everk'standard author in every de partment et. literature. in ; every ogle or binding, at the publit,her's lowe.t prices, and remember that you pay no more than yon would at, any other t.tablislimealf, and you have the advantage of receiving an elegant l'reaent, which oftentimes is worth a hundred fold wore Ilan the amount paid for the hook. SEND FOR A CLAtIiIIFIED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, Order any book.- that vot may wn7el. remit the retail prire, to_uuctrr with the areoluif required fur portage, and one lila' will ateenre you that the he,t platte in the country rc to puhase hooka lu at the tart Book - E.tublishnient of (3Ell7tiE G. EVANS, . Originator of the Gift ItOok Entorprlee, ' • No. 4:B Chu lout 'Street, Pidludelphla. • _ r-q-AGENTSWANTED:,Cti whonigreuterlndurements than ever are otierol. Any person, either male or renta ls, -jyho desineet of engaging' in an Honorable nd Profita ble Employment, requinng but little time and no outlay of monev..and by which he can obtain pads A VALLIABLE I :I.IItRARY. 1 . A FINE GOLD WATCH AND CHAEV,. A HANDSOME SERVICE OF PLATE. • AN ELEGANT SILK DRESS PATTEILN; SLENDID HET OF JEAVEEHY. Or many other choice itrtieleF enumerated in the List of Gifts, said do so by acting as an Agent for this establish ment. Any person. In- any part ar the eonntri., inn ha avant. pimply by forming a a tafi. st 2 .milag for it 4ist .:( books. and remitting the. =mint of money remised fur tti. same. Sendfor a (At fie#Yl44., tunthimi all the desired in formation rai1141 , 040 agtorfiftaand the formation of clubs andlo Insure pruinpt •and htmorablit address all ordt.ri , Le- :THE HEAD QUA ET.FtES OF (F/). Gl' EVANS, - Proprietor alit,' Oldek antl.lartte , Ft Gift Balk En terprixe in putWerlti. perm ute:al; 0e...r.i.et1 at No. '434 CL•eytnnt Street,,PhilAdelphLi. . . • lsteptl 6in _ - , -•- . 1 - - PICTURE GLASS. - ' • B p bl , s ll. l llty r. of:Tregch . PIC .. TV7IE GLASI. for N e. ABEL TURRELL. Judy se, Sew. - . • 1 . • - - I NEW: .;- y TR, m; : AT NO. 30 - COURT ST., NEW: - GOODS,, At No. 30 Court St., BINGHAMTON. lIUNGERFORD & PACE, QUCCIiSSOIifi to J.. iILiNfiEItFORD, having formed a im-partuentilp for the purpose of earryh; in the • DRIC GooriS." - strslNEss, in Alf Its various departutents, are Trepans! to offer rare nsam tswor,harges TO CASH - CUSTOMERS. • 111;110ERFORD, Bingliomtcm, Ang. 21, MO. .1.. N. PAWL HIINGERFORD & PAGE , hacejnst returned (rum New York with sklarge and well selected stook of - 71 V00D2., bought at the lowest mob pnees, which we will sell CHEAPER THAN TH.CHEAPEST. A bth i arty inyikat:on It extendedo the'pnblic generally, to CALL AND EXAMINE. OIIE NEW GOODS, 11CM1) lOW PRICE*. berpre purchasing elxewliert.. it lx a pleasure for us to ellow (4,041.. 111.2NttERFORD & PAGE. iliuglt.uotou. N. Y. Aug„:3). 80 Court Street. WV GOODS, CHEAP! Among our Stock may be found every-1111mi belonging to a moil . r ronized Dry Good, Store. We will troll you Yard wide BROWN rinEETrso, at 9 , 4 co, per yard. Yard wide BLEAA 'II ED MUSLIN. G 4 cOlier yard.. Gohd MADDER PRINTS, fa , t. colorn, 6. 1 4 •• 11444 MERRIMACKS and other,. 19. ••• DENIMS from to emits per vartl. Hamihon and Poeille De L.INk:S. Istr.t. from 10 to PN. CRASH 'TOWELING. from:ll4 to 'lntents. . . ileSt STEEL SPRING SKIRTS-with 120 sprlturs, of; MA. All other skirt. corre.pondlngis cheap., aceortliu g n-, th, No. of prititzs. In fart our Cites p Goods !Re-too numerous to mention. Come;.wild MA; for you:selvci. We du all and MORE than w4G adverate, and we eve i• aim to mtihfy etnddiners, so_that they will deal With um axans. 3Etiaza.g-(33....rc:5x-ci. act lattgb., Hinoianaton;lN. v. 30 Court Street. SAVE FIVE TO TEN 'PEIf CENT. You Will Saverrom Fivp to Ten Cents • ON EVERY DOLLAR, By Buying .AL.X.e-T—a Your DRY GOODS of • BIINGERFORD & PAGE, MUT:luta:ton, Aug. 21, DON'T FORGET The PLACE, To luy Your Goodo'. • lOUK [or the curt:tilt, ut the wholowt , ,unti then you lint J 'tot na,take the pare. HIMERFORD & PAGE 1%7 30 400 0 R"1" Eiltx-qo ot, 13 I LTG II Lt.„ TQ N. x-imarzaTz. THE [Hum musum ILIIC% LITERARY CASKET, A NEW WEEKLY PUBLICATION, bErown TO Education, Literature, & General Intelligence. Ova:, of no li,Zirjknm&rf or IbUtlcal Cre.l.l._art 11 - IDEPENDENT MILL TOPICS. It I. proposed to nrranuethe cartons Departments of the peritldical neatly as follows • IST Poetry and Tale.° th.:tect Educational 'Matter. Religious Ti t ptcs. • ' 2sn PAGE:— Editorial. Foreign and Dome News.—Political Items. 1,..neal Incidents. Oriulnal f'oeunn n feat ions. Chtldnrn's Department. 3ROT AGE he Domestic Circle. Ecente. • :Miscellaneous Selections of :in Educational. Literary. j and Scientiftc,Charucter.-I,yceitin Productions and l'outribultons Itu various subJects.—ltems. Reviews of flunks. riosit tett and Fun. 4Tu.l'ans : ..flgricultnre. A.lvert iscments. The absence of a high-toned Educational, I.ltcraiT. and- Rellgious Weekly Paper Is a want that hoe long been felt in IMstern renn7ylvania. and %chich we now attempt to supply. The union of the various departments above on mcdi is a conception perfectly original. and is each as.the prtgresidve spirit - a the age aelnand,. It !ma project. iso far as we are awareil never before carried into successful execlition in this country. A paper of this kind is more nirtteptiv needed. from the fart that strictly Educational Journals are too often found dry.antlinintiresting front a want; of variety, as well an Literary merit in the matter inserted. Th l y.xnentally exciting and morally debasing ' • Eic.xustrzticazx Maitorevturc., nowf!fm prevalent, his niet with 'the marked 'indifference and even dbolain.of. the more filtWated and moral portions or the community, and luotab'o been strennourly fbininneefl from the pulpit. Tim clu=e entertaining there it now numbrous andirapidly increaging tuff bemmid Influence. and we propm,e, aid, to ettablirit oar periodical and ilb.reminate a roudd healthymul en ter tainum liter.if ere. that nupplant, or. at leant. mirtintry pre ventrt he rapid rpreafrof the injurious literature of the day. For the refnafrof Jtot given. It-iff believed that it um be mll. Worth) of, and that it' will receive the COMMA'. cud t , VITOIIT of, the Frtenda of Educational and Thell:doun Frog rein% Everywhere. Tff}: 2111'SEUM will contain the ven• essence ,of more of more than filly of the bOst periodic:ifs, both Nation:.ll a For•iign. and in all the departments above nanird, this se leel•gl matter wilt b• rrrr••nt••d in the, most condensed form. eon4i.tent with tae orhrinartimse and beauty of the artitile, thus alirld.zol and transferred; or, when the ',elm ars' not toli.ltnirthe, they will he Inserted in NI. . .. • . . . . , . . Nil expre.4kinngotlen.ive to the MORT 1 , -..5711,101.!.4 TA , TI: will be permitted to enter our columns t; but it lit our in tention to mak, it emphatically a Work for the tome ei it ri.r..f-for Caber Ar mother, brother or deter, and for :he ecbo,,L , - • Thb , Journal will Warmly evoume the CAUSE OF TOILING- HUMANITY, Be it in the teork.ltopor on ,the itttht tluxkg Mine or on the Stormy Ocean. live- vver and boldly to maintitn; and ardently to 'rberbdt • • . TIIE.NOBI L IT Y OF LA, B "., It and the Truo Dignity of Honest . Human Toil. • . . ! ottreoitimn,, will be entirely devoid of tlui turmoil of polikicul controversy. so wearisome and _repugnant . to n large portion of the community. Allf• Y , Rall not 'lmo wingly adrocde the religions doctrines 'of otty particular sect or church, bat shall shall view the. subject of Religion In its ;Truant—lts Utlvr.real aspeets.-- Norte the le.e earnestly will we proclaim the glorious re f' ultfs that It has wrought In all ages and In all climes; and 0r,,..il oitr reader* to "embrace its Earreit troths, for the sake oltheir frrture and mental welfare. ;Many of the - BEST CONTRBUTORS is tit? , and other SWitem • will furnish articles fur our col um N. ermetally for the Educational Department, which w4be made the proLtinent ferattn3 or our paper. i - HE FRIENDS OF MENTAL, AI4RAL & RELIGIOUS PROGRES • we !yould Fay: Aid us liberally in this noble enterpriso. At present shal advance twilling plop!. in. favor of I ha effort we are now Inaklol. ottr.works we are willing 'to lie judged. The ONe issue_of the 111:8.Erm will.aftbrd mutt addit/Otial explanation of the project protiosesl ; that ioN tr . on Au m pt,alt. and will 1w dated Oeto berUth ; filler which time wi expert to publish It weekly,. at ells, aunuin, in advance: See tents for Clubs in the 111.4 issue. Sptejmeu copies sent to all who desire them. " W. W. JAMES, Addreus, ' . / L. A. TYLER. Xedia, Delaware Co. Pa fir - a cow l Efemna ens iow °III c' oar • FALL GOODg, - • *prom.; `Bee- • - 1c0..20, ,Colrt St. • - . Corner Vcater St. • - ; • Binghim:. toni N. T.. 0 y'da of Btu _..,..aerrimack Print., . , ... :. ' ... troi col, lh.od madder Prints. warranted thatt - colors t . .'r 64' Very elegant French Prints; mime as lowOts BIN • A very exteulvetaasertntent of rich , *Telling Dress Goodsfrom 72,4.' omMtn upwards: '• - i • -T. , Superb Foulard Silks, latest patterns very ebeap. • Black Dress.Slik4, a full stock,- scaredahaflen (per east' horst than elsewhere.. _ , 1 . • 1 Beautiful colorediDrus someSIMS: as low u as. : . Must crery color:nod shads Of,' . ' i ' .- . 1". ' , ' • LAMES' ttLOTII, . . LADIES' q1.0T,1,1', _,',!, • 1 .'t %DUN' C7.oTlf, , - 0 , • -! LADIEtri CLOTH . , a ce . ry g , ood article for $1 00. ,;Tasselt. and Silk tO ' lltelch, ulmAKs,pf the ;very newest patterns. A verr extAnt siveassortment ortillAWLS, icumprising the 4 est Int portutiona. - i . , . : All sleca FreurhtCtirsetts, also the celebrated 1" Magic Sta v.". An •endiessi variety of sliirte, beat quality:tif steel, fur ncents. ; I Well EMBRODERIES,.! ,• . i , • ; ' ::NVIITTIf 000 W, All klinbt of • ! ..Hotie,turnishing goods, t, ...- such am Draperie 'Muslin*, handsome embroider% ruiolv ' ('nee Linens for 124,c0nt. Linen Sheellugs, Linen Ta ble Cloths, NapkiuS, Toweling, Diapers Table ai d Piano Covers.flannels, Kcntuckv :leans. Sattinetts,C strucrs; Broad Cloths, In great abundance. .. 1 MOVIiNn4 GOODS,Vre'r cry description We are aw,aretltt to build c a larg.e'trade, It nom fury not only to have dettirab Coodr. hut fo theta chrap, and WIC: can and will ma ke itan object for purcbar, era to exanrina our.atock befone purcJaaalug tilberthero. A call lit revpeci(ully•sollcited, • •.• j. AT TICE ' 6 stir `. • • inusenmAN, BRo•s Ci 4 • Cor, Court Water atOets. Binghamton, Aug. AtIfiQUCIIANIItA COIUNTI , • NOTIMALSCITOOL At •Now"Milford i . Pa. 91'10ACill;RS. • . 1 • AVEsm.':y Fitinox, 11; B. llAlvtEri . .Aftss E. 't, FAutcA - a, Normal I)epartnicat. ANN E. liOstr, I'rimary I)eparlinent, 1). AV. 1lAcE1; Vocal Miss MAnr li. KNAPP, Piaui t. Tuts School will commenee ou Ttlllitat:AT,. RE :nti Day or arunrit, 1260. Tuition, Per T4rin of Eleven weeks, Normal partnientj'hyaitoletzy and. Latin included, • ! *35 qo - Primary Depa rt .t2r Itlnt•le, extra. : ' . • j . Thu Deputy Stiptintendeni of the State Depaitmen / t, a practiCal Teacher,ll.lon, Theo. 11. Burrotteijacnni nr, :011 rittit the achool, and render no, Imme xeivlo..l LectureA by otlitt,r eminent.; men nal be delill:red du. ringthe term. Students Aris•liinr , to board theznaelvt. , - Can? procure rooms at reasonablf Boardwrill furuhdied.for per wank. Student desirous Of procuring roimoOor board can he accouinitxlitcd br conrultinwany one of th s e Cour mitttut. Thou:RN/of, lit. JOON II ANDEH, • . )(011.1,T10 (Amore, /TIMOTHY • I/OYI.R, Austin* - 310.4. JR. . • If =EI No. Z) Court Street I.L per 00111! ina .11 deed. late o(f to make inonetilat: kminted IMill/I:,altat for nuttleractit. 11,10 rd, avg. 0 • 1)1t. N. V. LEE'I7, - Ph yeition and Surgeon, Friendrville, Pct. 0110 opliosite ilia dna...on Ilins“. • • - I) n u . f i g.:o“ FT )11ZillVejliex11,pinnral•i'.''En-tla"tilld to c th o ,e nt l ltltTu t t !i' lr ' t t t his knowletl,:e of. and expenenre In that tranch of pra*c lice will Onable WM to effect ti rare In the moot difficidt cSawa. , trrhting disease of thes,,Nrgdlo* lit); fee will le! charged aide,: the patient le`benefitted by the treat ment. • ' fAugit,4 :nth: um.— ' SPRINC STYLES HOW READY At Geat . l3argaino -1 . FOR READY PY AND - SMALL PROFITS!. lIIII3ItBITT Ip now - rece i visj a full and fIIOICE STOCK. of SPRINGIiSIIMMEIGO!OS. ulint.c a great varlefY . Itich Prime in Nen Stylee, Gingham , . Brilliants , Lawns. 'thanks Silic.Dre,4 Ti+sties and Baregr.: Fancy, and Foulard Sitio.. Ni,ery low: Poplins. ke.. with :4anperiM• a s .aortment of Ciehmere mid StellaiShawls Mantilla., Hoop Sklrte. Busters, Panisole, , Rich it ibbons, Bonnets and Fl 0 %TON Bro.ulchiths. Caehmeres, Stuff. fie., kith a lar g e aseortutent of other • i Staple and Fancy Got," ds, acuai. in Groctric , s, Crocker;, Hardware,on and Steel. Sails, Stortie. Ltrugs, I l'undi•, OH Fluid.S.BootA, Shoes. Bats, Cape, ;Clocks. Carpeting,. Fluor 011'Cloth, \Vali Paper. Painted Window.:Sttdcs. LW - Ibn entire stock bring lame and bought 4 CASH. and largely from MANI:FACTURE/ZS and Futom Ham's, n illgive vuperior opportunities fur choice eidectfous and low-dowuirrlces and will Itat'eold an the titosit favorable tonne for.CASLI. Plt.ol)CGE.'and to Prompt Six4Slonths' Buyers,. An exatudelation of the Good. and Privet , will be found profitable to thm.e whoMishio'buy. ' 'FLODIt AND SALT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. New Milford, .Itine. VO ll 8 WeEtzi allatfAVlC , IV 1 .. i 4 A sUPII,BLATIVE '1 • TON IC, D lUR ETICi' lito iDysists s - i - .Qk,____ .... Ajyrj... INVICORtifiNt CORDI 4, . • To tha Citizons of PennsylVomia. ApoLlset arle% prudgists, Grocers and Private tewnilies. 1 . I Wolfe's Pure Co ' wl ao Brandy. i Wolfc's Para Idcideria, Merry and. Port Wino. Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and Bt. Croix Rani. . Wolte's Pure fletiteh and Irlah Whiskey . .. 9....7-s.Ta X TV S 3CII /" 0 1"..1Le • Et. I BEG LEAN.E. to chit tire attention of the etti/ens of the .1i l natal states to t i ahoy( A% tsr. sand Lautn..t, inipor ted•by l'lrm Pun ‘‘ o Pa. of Nt w York, whore n toe Is ft ; wilily In every part bf this country for tln pu tv of 1114 et lebtattfl btlllEDAle4.llNArrn Mr.l4 (MO. 111 letter to ine,wistaking of tht tiirtt% of his VI, 'lll suid Liquors. eat -. ,1 I will take my rt 1 Mallon as a man, m." staling as a merchant of thirty y-epne residence in the City f 1% Y., tlutt all the Ilmndy and Wines which I bottle ant. urea,. imported. and of the best quality. and am be ree d upo I by e v ery. pure lia...r "1 Every hottle h It , the pritrivor r name on the War. and a fat simile of him signature milt, ti•rtitlente The pultlic are respectfully 111% Itkil It° call A. I_ll,llllM for them.. lees. Fur sAlt. at Weed by till of the Apothecaries and Griktr , In Philathipitla lino, li .I.lllll'l, N0. .5.1a Mlrket MI . Ph:4es, I .....619,1grn1.4.r Plutal'elidaa Brad the follow oir s ifrein the New York t wirier: r‘Non ktol b BL ..1 1..... rod axe i.l' Mem ital.T —We i are ham - y to tuft rm our fellow (W. ea. that there is one pl iA in itureity where the physician, apotberary, and country merchant, cin ge and purchn.a. pure Winn et nod Iptops, as pure an ithported,and of the IA st qu ality. XI e (Id not Intend to ,o % el.lll I I 'boratedescription of this trier chant's ea-tensile busness, although it will well repair a straru•er or citizen to visit I.Tdolpho 11 ulfe's uxteuslee warthonsr•. Non 1.3, 'X/ at 211, Ileasera.L,llll(l N04.1.11', 19 .t '2l. Markt Meld rt Ills kink of St linappti on hind ready for shipment could not have been less than,lo,ooo cases • . the Brandy some In OW caies.--1. intages of Ilitt th Pk mid 1n.00.1 cases of 34112 Ira, Sherry, and Port Wine. (catch L. irir It Viltirky, Jamile t and St. Croix Tt11111• l'Ortlq% ery old and equal to not in this rountrY. lie had also three large cellars, tilled a fth Braude, Whir, Ac.. In cask., tender the Custom litime key, ready Co; bottlin,_ , Mr ‘l oyes rale of helanznp+ !act year amounted to 1911.000 dorm, and w e hope in less than two years tic may be equally orecert ful with his Brandie s and ti fee., llis business merits the patronage of e%ery Imier of his 'Tomes Pri tate (entitles UN) u tail pu re 11 itics4l.ltoorA for medical use should rend their orders direct It Mr. 'W , until every Apothecary let the land make up their minds to cliseani the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and re. place it with A one s pure Winos and Uniting A M C ttuderstand Mr. I% olfc4 for the af cummodation of small dealers In the remittal pats tip assorted' eases of Wines and Liquor, Such :groan and %Mich A Merchant, should ht. nllniallit dagainkt hitt tens of thousauds of oppo nentsllltlP. Ltnnedlittrea,whn sell nothing but iMitatlens, ruinous alike to human health and happiness.l (senors-1 AUKQ V Eli AiNrii A. Cottal TV CLASSICAL ti . NORMAL SCHOOL; • - .. MONTRQSE,.. I% PROP. s.s. KARTwW,L, B. A. raiNcOs.i. :J . Wig next Academic year at this Institution acjlltmln ~ Manstay. Sept.. 10th , pop. under the char,;e:of Prof, 1 8, ~q, lIAR TR' ELI:, a grads nte of Yak College.,t '. i The attention of those -who desire a thorOugh mental Itliseilllinr. anduntetleal edultion, is adled tti thii4 school. , Thrire iireparlng themselves or Teachers, or forleollege, Will find, JOH ennthlentiv he eved, advantages Olfered by 1 no other School to this r . ount.' -. ; . .. .! ~ .\ . For =rift:Wars, neelteub(r, . ' li - \ , Iv._ READ, See. • : WM. 5a...9.4TT....rceiN Aug. 9 , 1660.: • tt i• c/fior's - Xotice. ebled to the estate of Y. W. Waldron. hiribrd toWnthip. are hereby required payment; and - thot , e having vialms will pascal them to the Isulpseribera A. .11. TIFFANT, , . I,IIARLES'YOSPA:I4 SALLY WALDRON, 18GO. , Wr'ro GOODS! IT THE I t BRANCH STUB OF 6uitnieng, ( gosenbatnil, AT - - s : Montrose, & Susq's Depot,Pa• The undetsktred bare provided themselves with a -SPLENDIU ASEORTMENE SPRING &SUES GOODS! whiat thiy boast of being the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST In this section of totintt7; Tliey also flatter themselves that thug barn the best facilities of übtainiug .. . (t.iMarket; tiob.s- fris from the and are ilet;rmined not to b; und ersold _ by any Aria this aide Of New York city. In regard to READY MADE CLOTHING we would say that being In thialargelrat ; • 24 ley Street, New York City/ ..e can offer the public. bargains not surpassed by any re tail dealer" In this section, as we can toll here at retail pri ces an cheap asthtate who gu to New York and purchase at wholesale and then bring them here and have to make a profit over that which they have already paid theutaelves. Call and see na and we will prove the &etc • Q3utledtrg Mostitbaupt k Co. • .Ifortrute, Pa. Juni 1411i,18r.A. :.• . , • . ~ • IV . crkiae. • • , TllE Acrounta and. N0t..,,,(11A. Lathrop 4 Cv. and of Lathrop .S. Dewitt, arl>in the hand+ of the nubs Tiber for iteillent. ht. Unle,a , they are 6ettled with Out furthvr notice. ril — COS:(' WIEL BE MADE. Moillro.v,:luty . 26,l,!X i.. .tf ' ' .4. L. 4 7111:01'. • reb7,2iiilMX.iß ABOVE MULFORD'S, - r IIE liel3l.lb.geherally are informed that n FILES Ef -1.11.01T10N in given at all hours (a' the day; of NEW GOCYDS'of.nII sorts. viz: Dress Ginnl, of Summer Prints, Poplins. Challis. laiwrin in patterns. cheap Bishop Lawn.. brilliants, Book. liartl..laeonetts soul Swiss Mull. ladies' iollairn dint Sleeves. Dimity, Alarseilles, lloreeus. Furni ture Fruits, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens. Summer Gents Shirts,'Cul ton Drawers. Cravats Neek-tits, and - Si:spender'. A ntw and large lot of midi a.. Gents Pine Calf Boott , — ; mtod'uns. nitw heave,ard. light Sill/V4, :5411entlid Littliea Gaiters frutit3 to IS thillingi warranted to lit. White, Brown, and Black Paratola , Sud Umbelims, Band Boxes. und=ork Baskets. 3f3 1 1.3.3r12132 39111111.1a and Sperm,. Adamantine and Tallow Candlea. Brass and' 'Jammed Larders, Waah Boards and Coffee 3lills„ White ave,ll Bfuslies, Bed Cords NI feet Imgr, whittled and spring Clothed Pint. Pine and CEDAR PAILS, besides a PILE of r'4,II.II:AT. cikttext.V.Re t . . _ of every variety, among which are Tapico and Corn Starch .forglorlouaptiddin, Cream Tartar, Soda-attach Saler:I:113 Castor Oil, Emma Salta, Black and Seritrh lima, rind lots of thinga which won't do to read aout, but please to call. exanAilllf and tott'dhouf. We nre ready and willing to show GoodA. even though they may,not Suit ; and thankful fur mmsll favors. , If. C. TYLER. 4)(buy! tVIIIttg 1.1.AIL:KoLO : beats 1 7 ' an? thi ng MONTIGOSL, I[4o. ABEL -TURRELL 1-lA.'„Z"„`,reet,u.irnn g lutr°:, 7 l , tl`,,,t7.l,",g:ti;alTiit,`„!'t 3 :, l o,"l:'. 7 ';- 1 ' 9 ever otTerval in tide market. The quality of nearly,eyery thing good ; all warranted as repre-enled. • • • ' Terms: L'eaftli Cush and.pqr Prie,. A general idea or the stock may 1)e formed from the - following entmeration: Ditei.sr . (r.:!‘""FAi-'• PAINTS. Our , VA WINDOW GLAA (linss Wane, Cutienvtv. • Nliroars, WALL. PAPER, WI N Dly nienn.„, nit. AM SUP.S.FANCY(Ioots. 11 74.4.1 d liiptriatnehto.l.ap.4„.lewejry, - - Perfamery. Stone Ware, Brooms. Widp4,lnnbrers Blr.l Pocket Kith - ea. On u s. Ain inn nitiob, Liquors. Trusses, Stipporters, • - Shoulder Braces. port mounais, Spectacles, -. • SilVer st plated _ Sperms; Forks, AT. ()old pens. - Stationery. • Violin. autiar. Bass Viol Strings,- Lithographs, porcelain Teeth. Arti)-Vs Tithe paints. Brush C.). lc. .te. Alan some Dry clouds. Wooden Ware. hard antlispanned Ware. Fluid and Oil Outs. Camphine. coal . llil.linryilng Fluid. Alcohol, Turpentitie. lamp. tanner's. neat foot. lard. olive, vastols, boiled and raw !install trlis; White Lead. Zinc, and all kiuds'of colored paints. Vlnos gar. Canary Seed, also all the popular PATENT MEDI CINI3B,. tind other things too numerous to mention. • It beimpraciicable to give more than rig:cum-al outline of my stock through the' tlenspapers. every ono:wishing ...oo(.:ll:lE, is invited to call and examine. Customers - on . entering the attire must net expect's) find every thing in sight; but nimrlyevery article wanted will he produced by inquiry. s , • , Thankful for the liberal patronage .hitherto rectived: he -hopes to merit a continuance and. large increase Of the same. • ! 'ABEL Trltll.l.l.L. Montrose, Jpria 3.1860. ELEA LTA AND ITS PLEAS GM Or Disease. With Its Agonies: C7li.c, cm; c• 130t1PV-43023. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. NERVOUS DISORDERS. W ih ' T '"uore : e l uit h n* 4re St ln f l 7 : 41 he n,,von.pvo4a Tte ex c itable Ia small degree is most distressing. for where run a remedy bl• found There is one t—drink but little wine. beer. - or spirits, or far bet ter. none; take no k tea 1.4 , 1 m; preferable; get all the fresh air you run; take three or four. Pills every night cat plenty of solids. nyolding the use, of slops ;.ana if these golden rules ar followed, you will b happy mind, strong; in Pody,und;forget you have tfvry mow. cb Sinazgistcrris. If there Is one thing more than another - for width these Pills are fatuous. it Ii their yurifylngpropertler,e4pecially their poser orclelinslng the blood from all lim:rifles, A rembring dangerous and enepuntivd i+ecrctimi, • l'itiver. sally iniopted ais the grand rtmede for female eomplaints. thtivnever fail, never weaken tlit tysteni, and always. bring about what ix required. - Sick 11c4idaclie and Watit.of Appetite. The feelings which PO sadden PP, mo-t fretptently :wipe from armor:Mc...lt or trouble, from pereptration. rr frnnv enting ppd . drinking ghat Ir malt for is.. ;Imo dkonierine the tdonnwh-and Thww organe•ttowbe regulate,l if you wieh to be well. Therills, if taken arcorrlingto the printed itodractiorni.- will onlchly restore healthy action to both liver and Itounsch, whence follow - ae a oat ar.ll con reonence„ a good appetite and a.clear head.- In thesEa-t nod Wed Indira erarcely any other , mediclne in uter for titow . DISORDERS op k nict SIDNEY'S. • In all diseases affecting Three organs, whether they se crete too much or too little Water; or whether they be ar• gide,' With moue or gravel, or u ith nchen and pains ,ceded in tin, lotus over -The regions of the kidneys. these I.llls ehottld he taken according. to the printed directions,. Cud the Ointment should be well rubbed into the sniall of the hack at bed time. Title treatment will give almost hme ate relief when all other Means have faded. For Stomachs o ut of Order. No medicine twill imo effectually Improve the tone.of the etomach ne titer.c ; they renteve all acidity. oraisiomi either bvhdemperatice or impropiT diet. They reach the liver:tea reduti , it to a health); action ; theyucverltl irf coring all dieurder” of the liver and rtomavh. . . .. ~. . liolloway's Pills are - the .bext remedy known • in the world .fur the folloteing'diseases : . Agee.' , ' Fit.. ' . Sore Throat., 2' A:dime.. =(.out, ' Stone and Orival, ItilloueComplaint..fleati•ache. ', Seindary eymptinn ]butches on skin. Indige,tlon, .. 1 Tie•Doulotu'eux, Bowe) annplainte, Inflammation; Tuthurn, (wile.. Jaundice., • Uleere, .-. Conet I pat lon of the Liver Complainta, Venereal ~Iffect len Bowelo, 'Lumbago" ' Worm,. (4411 kinds C.'oueumption, , l'ile., • 'We-A:neva from 'Debility, - Rhettmat tem, wham% er canse, Propsy, -.Retention ur, &e., do.. . Dyeenterv, • Urine, 4.t. e., AT. Ery.ineLio, Serefela, or King'. Evil, I 35 I Female Irre,gularitle., revers of all' land.. [cowl 0111.41.0 N .I—None aregenuine unless the words • • Mot- . Naw-Your n - LwroaN.", ero ditcernihie as a water-mark in eyed leaf of the book'of dirvetious around eaCkpot or box ; the same may hiplainly'even by haling • the tbi tolhe fight. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information AM may lead to the dettxtfon of any party or parties cOtuiterreifing the meth. • eines or vending the. same, knowing them to be tpurinni, • 89k1 at the Manufactory of Professor llot.utway, 31 I Maiden Lane, Now York, and by all resp.Oable Druggistit andflerders inhledletne throughout the civilized - world, in boxes at 25 cents, 61 Cents, and $1 each. • ter There le conraderablo karii4,by taking largrr etzeit. - ' • 14. 13.—DIrt..ctioes tor the goidance'of ratieuts tii every, • &order are Affixed to tad!, box. • • -anklici ONE PRICE; • . ar.ampircrlr ticauxt. t JOHN WARBEIBA, No. 718 ARCH at; bates= 7th and Bth eta. PhiladelPhla, (Leto of 818 Earbattat) Im porter, Manufacturer of and Dada In aII dads at 3611145117 : 10 1r z La - removed to • tby New Store 718 - -A,rth at. Philadelphia, - and Wog no* engaged entirely in the ManaGicture and tale of Fancy Furs. which, In ac cordance With the'one Price Principle," 1 hare muted a; the Lowell possible pekes consistent with a retionnabr profit, I would solicit a vi from three In emit of .1%1 for either jatclicat or Chi, ren's wear, & an Inapeetli of my selections of. the goods, *Wailed, 114 Isin,. my ability to please In ore veined 4:tetanal , :VP - Tenons at a distal 10 mil personally. _ , the article wi.M, together with the price, and Instructions for send ing. and forward the order to my address—money *mom -I'll intf—tu Insure a aatlafactory compliance with their wiaue a .[Ang. 33, 1811/ fan . _ SANFORD'S . LIVER INVIGORATOR, , . - kE,,-.../..........r.„?...1 _... ru.,,,, 1 , 4 0,,,,..., , a „,,,„, t , j ,,, T. ,, e 11iae . 111, 7, ' and approved by' all thoil ; hare eyed ti. sod Is sow ro• mewl la stlk , =aisle. Uli si I. lb. 41aeserS for shish te L it e . ' Rho hs b ff e clOr ed illl 'ej la:l th *u sli ls,i'inso4l I.. 4" t hi4 ellet th . se luil tilo t s " olluolselli ref. woulkfte4cerlificatealu toy 1 ,p00".;,,,,,,i,,,,,... , . The 4oio Ouse loadestal is. lla bosperaneSi of dr ;• !earldom! biking 11. and usi 104 la suell %mulattoes as to 2 set gently on th e Bowels - . .1.e4 lb. dictates of your. See.o( al* 11,,./Vreii. Illej .. z'' sal curs Liver Corsi / Leeks, Dyspepsia, ' ilusumer Coital ry e limply, - Sour • Costiveness, IChol• raillorbus,Cisoleral hues, Jaundice, es, and may be used sue ) ry Family itiedl.l LINADACIIE. Os) twenty isalatiutos, 11l spoonfuls are talc, .tuck' A n l I 'fi la Meb° UK iltrarel : , u:or. MiX WATED. lIVTDE MUVTII WITU TILE INVIDORATDD,. AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER.. Price Oise Dollar per-Dottie. sAnrroßws FAMILY se - ATHAIRIC PILLS, Cnll p Pare Vegetable ISztrasfe, med Put up to ' GLASS CASES, Mr light; aid villl keep In any climate. The 'Family to. • I hurtle PILL lassuo. .. tie but attire Cant:tile/A sleek the anytime:, bat want' to his prattle° mope than .10 enty rears. o Tlo colt:Santis. Ifiereaallog demand tram Moot oho ' beerk6cusrithr PILL., a .44 the adtattetho *Melt •Il exi.,sa lb mord I. their ."-• usw.b•stladaced materna, thew wMe di11...6.4f aU. The Pmfessaws well knewr„ th at different Catuuties act 011 dlleernt potion, of the bowel, ••• The FAMILY CA- to IIAIITIC • P I la. has with dills reference to this well estabirabed ray, been compounded from a TN toarlety of the par•eiYastr table Ealrarta, which to ww alike on erery part of o,e alimentary canal. ' awl are g good and gaffe. to Wtair et whets• Cathertle la ere c ted, sorb as De. . rangements 'of the St ons oe hi. IShaegoi•• trees...Palate'. to the Dark and Lotus. Coottycaess. Pala stud Rottenest! 6Yr* • the whole " "body. from -sadden mid, whlels tregeently, if neenettd; end Wa lona enerafor InY e ,_ Ter, - Loss of App..- the a Creeping nen sat lot. of Cold over thAndy. id e sa..... . - ors+. Headache. or ~,,ig h iL i „ t h e h ee d all 1 a liana irsatarY ili Diseases, Worms 11l Childrenor *drilla, !then astattsra .• great - Portfl er of the Blood ... and mat:ram:men bq wiLleb eesh la heir, boo mociartais hp to,mentkus In Ws advertieee meat- Dose. 161 . .. . PRICE TigttkE titmice. -,...- - 'The I.lver Invigorator and Pik toll le ca. 1 health. Pll Is ere reielk,l by Drugetsts eenetway. sad mold whileiale by Ike 7 rade In-all the tart. mane. B. T.W. SANFORD, Id. D.. Ilaaufecturer aced Proprietor. ..t. 335 Broadway; New York. Foi gale in Muntnnic by ABEJ.. TURAELL.'4I:744 DYSPErSIA., Dyspepsia, Debility of the System,'Dysrpda, Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspesl. Lived Complaint, Acidity, 'Liver Complaint, Acidity, Bilious Complaints, Sick headache, Bilious rumplaints, Sick Headache, FLATtmENci:ioss dp APPETITE„' FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE. and the numberkss other diseases arising frogs b. dgertiol and functional disorders of the "forelock , find ready relief in that attach*: and inflow. remedy, TILE OXYGENATED BITTERS, TIIE OXYGENATED BITTERS. Reliable Tesiimony. Ire tall the attention of the reader io thefelkezip letter from President Smith;:foreeerly Of iragqpi Erwinnyrity, and now of drutapiir, MIDDLICTOWX, Conk', Feb 'e, PETII.W. FOVI'LL & Ca—Gentlemen:—! OM made use of the °mound: Bitters 02trie seism em ' eight years since. Having entered for twenty yoga from e form of dyspepsia, which Mut attended with m nervous tieadache, on an average of not leen than one day in a week, I wax induced, by the onfootendbni P"' • ommendation of Dr. Gwen, "to try one bottle,and If no benefit wee rereivedlo diecoanime the use." The tu• of one bottle warranted a further trtil, nt der extent. of slum, three or four, with a careful oheeninee of the accompanying „tlitretions. The Tenth was, as 'lama entire relief Worn the 'octal dispeptii .synapenist and their depi4aing, painful ennesquenlew Henna these Bitters produced an entirwchange in the habits of my system, andupon the active energies of the dived," wpm*. I rani deem Myself as exempt finis toping** at most promos. Them Bitters base aimless of see. vice to other, members of my famßy. . Very respectfully you* , AUGUSTUS W. ssirrn. TILE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTER& 4ltcu n, 2 . Mop Co.,C Pa., Aug. 9b, INA ,Ctaannatan, After ;offering fog more than dliii, lairs with Dysp • mid :Hying many -.median rob ommended fid that giseUt; wiiiiout any geed tosnlt t , I WAS indueed.hy Dr. F. H. White of Mansfield, to giro the Oryfeaated Bitter, a trial. I teak two borriks. whieh gave me no much relief that I purchased two more, which have nearly or quite ciliated a cut.„ I ati now neatly seventy-five years of age, and ha thrie months_ put have felt no insonvenience &WI my hod.' I take grearpteasure in reeornmendhig theilitteu go dil, afflicted with Dyspepsia and ita concomitant dimmuma • - A. !MAIM • From r. Wbite MANBrILD, Tloga Co., Pa., Aug. 26, MB. I have need the aryinreaud Men di my . pcieske with decided tee eels in debi li ty and tentma ker's:cede% &e., and eongdentlY ntannotend them be peed de bility, and &eases el the divisive coves. `y I'1') '(r :4 ii:) :r-j THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. PILEPARED BY B. W. FOWLS k CO., 18 Tivatont Stesel, doll Dris99is l i, De 4ers , and Men*" b agri r - eons wad uitg throughoist Ike Comb). . re For raleaty AbeiTurrell and Tread. Warred s d Tod! ter, Montrosce; L. IL Woodnff, Dimock; Amos 131c.bolr. Brooklyn t Whitney & Sluiley,llarford ilcred Ward. Great Budd; J. C. Oltnetcad, Dundnlf; f.. Oriels, Great Bend. July 36-171 0 . DYSPEPSIA AND FITS.' • TR. D. PIMPS . IIItOWN, Om great ewer of Coastivap -1/ don. was for several years so-badly afflicted lby Dys pepsia that h-r A part of the time be was • confined to his ltod: Ile was eventually cured by a weseription tarnished him by s young attlevortat glrl. TMa pteseeption, ghee' Mtn by A mere ChUd, While In a state of trance, has rung everybody a•ho has taken it, never hiving failed once. 'lt to equally sure In ems of Fres as of Dratersts, An engraving is here given of the piinflptil berbaiod this medicine, and ail of the Ingredients are to befannd la any drug store. I will send this fishable prescription to any person. foram receipt of one stamp to pay Da. O. PHELPS BROWN, 41 Grand-at. Jens) , All of Dr. 0. Phelps Brown', Remedial are for sale at EusipKbanna Depot, Pa., by S. IL 1%74T. Dottie lamaaat rataa you at do VIGOR Atell, sad% plaints, liittoua ASA Chronic Diarrbooo, plaints, Laysasito. Stinwiteb,ilatettual tr. Cholera, Clsollo. I nriatialaria, Plato- Ventaps Weatkatorre manta, aa ea Ordloar• clam. ItralearelliClE thatookta cis testify.) an Iwo or three Too. en at COCl.9l:Wettlftt'il giving their lithely. F.U. WHITE, IC D.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers