The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 13, 1860, Image 4

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lady remarked to us a day or two since, as
she exhibited the portrait...9f an only duld, gone
to the "spirit land;' which was ono of
fiIErt3IE32ELS? .
AmillioTypis t !
l.should • regret it, had I. not secured
!his prieimis ruemor:M of that dear one.' 80
thought we. The - laved ones are nk
with us, and we can call them our, , , ev'ery
ono should securesuch a memorial; especialty
since they can have them so truthfully taklm by
that successful artist, N. it. TUBBS, of Bing.
hamton. . sec '
Dialcr in 1v7.,01TR, l; 'a ROCER
IirOODS, Sictple Dill! IS, .
T.I CL'ES .I.V A." E.b.:
NO TI (iNS L G EIVER one ,tone
North of Boinum'xliOtrl, Po,,
, ,
1 .
WOUED he pleased to see all 1:1N/)111 134 . 1•CN
tnany 'new ones at his NEW
fronting the DEPOT, where he is ;goy ired to
chow ihetn such a stork of the nlsZt amid vs
iris New Milford has hang sti,il in tie,
"Division of trade tins as niiinv adrigiti,wir as
di'ision Of labor." Any man egrdiningdriinself
to one brunch- of businiiss, odog th.,t branch
his whole capital and:attt'hi ion can keeßaliefter
assortment, buy wile:Ter and SEI4, eIIEAPER
than if the same ii , o'quis.and time was timployed
in a..general tride. If von 'dint think so. call
on (he - subscriber and bie . ronvinced: The sound
iirineiplq of •
will he strivtly rol'uored tu. Butter other
Produveforwarded ,to -y or k to one of ih „
luoi-es in the City, an,: prompt
t);yinents guarentoerl.
NeW 31ilfnrd. Sueq. Cg. hi.. Apr,i, Isti,) —v. •
FOIL' I SGO: - •
ectrn i vi mirnittt ro ENI:t 10i -I, in en t „r
SMITH ji 1!(11-111:1IS havinwlwen refined and
greatly )inproved, Bits 'propric;;ors
announce to the eitizt r.s of and vit i n .
ity. that they are cons:ant •V maki . nn - and 1;+.1 , 1 1 on
hand the LARGI:ST :ni BE .T
S as-,,,,Nni.nt
To be found in Contitry.
'We , ti*e the,foi s hox:n! , list of ,time thenr
tides which we Hill srll at tzTe.oly: iedueud
prit'es, f‘,4f CASH or ItrAPV PAv:
111;1,141'AZ., Walnut "or- laliooittir', with glass,
fr0m.8109,535. •
Bureaus with tionVe or brocatelle teqic, from
818 40 i!4. And -a lar,:o front
$10.12, 14, to SIS,
Wash : 1 1arai..1:::od ;:t
stands of all voriel4, a-el ii 75 cents
to ten
mans. Lountr,.,
(...entre. Csrd. Pr , r. Kitelien.
find Extension TaideA:
Chatrs—Can. , ani
Cane, - Flag, and NV.: is
and st 3 le. • '
Sofas, I-ote fr:rni-ki•tl at shoit fl or a .
N. 13. Rraiiy di•
atished at short s \ ;;JsvaS-s .
readinvss lit,1!"1.1,.
We e•.nploy re , e nr.i
Wifinnir-Ni 'l.l 110 oil r W. VI;
WELL. nni :t ro• ho ;111%;rilvd.
E. R. f.5111': 21.
T IST OF I.E.:ll'Efts frIN:111.111f , the 1'.,,
.1, , -Office at AI ontro.ic, 15, .1:).3
1 . 00: wt. 1 1,. S. 'Aar V•
Bower. 11., , v. B. S. 1.::.•..1 hi 11.
Chamberlin. Jahn .f
Cn2leton, Nr.nry lor.o. N,fh
I)utcher,•Mis-; Ev,r,t.t l'if•rson.
I)oniin. Mis;. I:s;ncr Q \
Fish, John C_C
E it 0.-nton
Ilubbarel, Soti ,l l. F. V.
Harris, 1;r. .‘,Dohi
Jceli.,on,l7, A.
Johnson, S',11;.!: 1: M.., M M.
Johnson, :•I•s• .1 . ;1:0 , 1,' 1 51r,- I'. !I.
Kat)anon.c 1:.!,.rh . 111, 1. 1.7n,..:11,•
Persons cal:ipy c6 l
please 5 3.. v "n.l.vertis-51.... II J. NV M
Montrose, liwz
NEW " DN'i
Lawsvgle Ocuti-o, Pa.
xv ALL :1
11, V a vt-iv btrgz• h ovv receive.4l, by
Kl.; \YON, ill
April 17,h
Chal li, ....i 6s, ii: 0 .1. a .ii,e _C.- ~,. u:, I: it :,s,.;ni.,
' variety, lv IL N.., , ,,': YON:, .1 ',L. & 11.1„
LIVERY -0 :0AI, -Iv
12.4 day .lit & t*,().
SILK, r,.,1.;,,. ,:.•
ntodt, it NE's:l'g )N. 3.
r~13111.1..0.):;,111() tiu, ! ias rye, .1
for ..:11c lw,vttr f.11.+11
la;\ VoN,JIL
1 000 VrS
T ARG Storte Dr.% r
sai e by \ yoN, jit.
I-J A tie:to—Five
fro'm k HEN . tN..i it. &tO
Lawsrilla Centre. Fa_ 2%, ; ,t;1. L
Wyoming ITSLTR AN C ny
1Y il,ti l; IC i7;t.'
"Chirt er
capita' . .,scloo,ctif,w. S',oot;
Niirra,Grr ed. .1 11.•)P:. 7
C. 7/7-1. -bnt-b, T.
John. Doramt.
S;u1.11lV10.1‘ .it Wire S
L r• P•-••• !”, : 116,1.
C'. ';. M. )i ,, Lt.T:NT.A:. Pri:t„
IV. C. !.. b.,. jr,f: ?ft . !,
P. PLA.C.ZZAti,'
. •
.5 . 01 . 01/EitNrO.Mr.ANl'.
Nt.. I
n n
U. is
- 'ETT`q
ta t
T 3.
ES1 1 :11.1:diclual S::.lernt'.lo.;l'cf ,, -
~!.., ; t.'l,;.n:A.
p. Soa m hirt - -. 1 I. oprets.4l“l 1'0'..., , ,.. o: t'.:lkr , , 1 , 21
relitnittll Soft Son --:., ,, •'. , n2::11 11,, v t:i :11:4:tt.01,1. F..-:,
11itallti10111•• Safi f+.1.10.y 11, •11i ;;I7 11111 ‘4 . i,I 11,, .1.11,
For ra: ~ 1,1," . . .1:'.'::, 7.,iff.17.
31ov frt. , . :1.4.1y V., tce,'... .
A , ' 2, . - • For the
. .1N -:"..* ‘N'f' 1:7..L.V.T .I.'d
:I . . .P. 1.' , ..1 , 1 7. f
~:. ..:..?,- {" , ,
,s f . " ::. iy,..... 4. , :"_ _ II:), :lll
it ... i , r , - ,,, F-,. ,‘, t. l , t- - •
.: I' el, 8 , .a.
.B. T . /INCR . ! - I T.. C . ity l .7..Tn - rs , .:
ulati,..l, C..r, `7.. in •1•,1•1,.. , ..- eu.. Ili N, , ,in :-'l. .. ;.! N. York.
. -
Fox :
I:71N IS T.:. 1. 7 ,•11:
.4 BEL 71:1:111.1.L.
Motif rnx< .
. -:.
881 q uality of Fr. t. , IIPI , 7fRE 0L.1.65, for gal
by A BEL. TrEReLL.
, July 96, vo
x). .
th a t.' tly all tlrat.w(...ativeli.l,E.• I;e
, ' surd to k"all latfOre :ewlfere
• 1
A. 1 4. 'LICTED, 11.1: 4 '...D ! 4 , i‘iirJ , clislc 6 T
atuir LlA3l S' S (:0111)Dr, ND . soLt% sold? )3r - iinyOrlislaae , o . t of New,
:11..PTLM. 1- wnrrnnied tot:elect Care rtolc. 1.11118c1I.MAN . :. - 131:0S & CO.
In 'every and in all rtitger. ol• the taint,y. pi May 5t 7
Nor ode:br Abel 'Primer lillnman; ( c o ti ,b riat, a dun caref,
: .1• P !' nue l C "P"nler• •• and lintair. I
1I aeforli G• G. infii. , (llli: Z. F. 1)(M(4111 . - , r . ,• . „ .
t Merrill; M•rplArt toil: I
• ,
--.--- • ---------- , -,---- - z -- 1: - .:7 - t -,- 7 - 7. --- -t-:= , -2- - ,--:- . . 7
ASIIIONAE TIL TA 1 1. 0 11..- - -NTitit*p., l , ri:-.Blioll
- '
Tver Y. N Bullard's: Grocery. ea - 3lptin-eltqct,
.Thmikturfor p.s4 LavOmOte r (IMRE . : a contrnuance ;
—plefi.,.olm, , ,rlf to (total wortreattstitc,lbrily. Cilt-
thi,:(1.11,, do short nutlet, 'and warranted Ilt. - -
Ikl , 1..a., - July 14th, ItAio.--11'. I ~.... - 0 : •
rANCFACTURER 800T.4 Mooltrti,o.
/T 1 Pa. !shop ort.r -Trler".l Flom - All kltal, , of Work
outdo to ortivi% and mpAlring done ratly' r JOIYI .
. . . .
w. wll AVM „
• ".WITII DB.' .Vl'llo. X .11'IlL' A, 750.. Y.
'Nfcchanieal and Surgical 1/enthd, recently of fillt,eharnton.
N,Y. (culler their prof.slorml servicca-to• all who appre
ciate the - 11cformeti Practice - of Physic:" careflii mid
akillful opivattions on 'Teeth; with the thlet relent I flu anti
aliproveti -t lee of platcwork. Teeth i.lN.tracl (1) Without
pain and all work trarranteti. • .
.tackilon: 1! 14t h . .,14 . 4. ' .tVt; -
. .•
'll. ISITELI.; '
. • , -‘ , _
1,F.P.41115. Clocks, Walche-t.find.JeAVCiryllt the.. ' ..
.1i !lioili!,1 imtice. mutt on reaoonable I ernta. Alf •1"-,,
work wareanted. Shop in Chandler and....lta.aup'r C.-1:...;.
-lore, 110.l , rnoar..'Pa. , .' • ocil3 tr , :r. -
. 'WM A. sNOW - •
. ,
17sTiCE UP '1 %C •Oftici•
if nu Main strvet. We,hvapoulc. nvi
. .
P. Ll.Nl , ,': i,
• •
. ~.• . .
1NAS1.111)NA111.1.: TAlLOR.—'3fontro,ne. T'n: Shop
to rhiptis Mock, over .slore otltentl, - Watrout.
.t: F040r.; Mt wort; warranted. , n , . to tit and finish.
Cnt dui: d9tie on rhort notice, Itt beet rule. jant7Go
--.....-. ,
.., .
- •.. ; I)11. IT. S - 311111 at': SON,
. .
QS:IV:EON tiENTlSTK.—Montriwe, Pa. '
Oallii.e flu L.141111%11: slewlmililin. , over '
, r. 4
tiw niuk. , All , Ihmtnl.3l;rerntitnis will lie . ..
t... 411
it rilmilet! in good st)liF,:ind warrantixi. . .
. •
• • MeCOl Itlt it -. S EA RLE,' •
c rroltxtn - s and l'ounrellorA at Law,43tontroat', Pa
it. Olney in Lathrot,' non httr.hkg, over the Bank. '
IMS..IIL i kIESLIT S 7, • .'
HVINti-as,oclated thelvt, for the itro, , Out Itm of
I A nt,
the ttativrt i.r thoir proles, tort. ritrpect Vali, offeritheir
,rvltte... to the lm-Alid Pattlie. Otltt-e at the itt”ittenh,. of
Dr. Itlake, , ltte, midway 'bet witett the ill;kg,^ob of• Ithinttch
and Sprin?.ntll.. aptN) Itty.
( try b3ri, ntero.l.
and ore iinfpored to attend to nit eall. In the Dui• of pilr
iirecesidou'at all hours when nut oillerwi9e enulezed..
OFFICE—The one' fOrmerly ovetipird by. Dr.
N. Ili The book iteconiiir of Dr. Ilingliant tilted•liettotue-
Allnieletiled'hy rote?. or ollivre, .
New r •Nliillird. North.. Isr.o. L. \V. lllNtilLVid.
• lIENIIV - B. MeKEAN - ,,
9'1',61tNi7.1" nnthrotinsellor at Law.—TowA . Nn.t.i Pa.
Othe: , iti the Block. - .je3
-, •
.1)1:. E.- F.. WILMOT •
• i
inAiwATF: of the Alloy:Alai. and lionueopathir Col
medi,hie.—(4,,tll.,,(l,, ()film corner
Maith neatly oppo,ite the Methodh-t
churelj. - . . tf
Cf5Tl:ll JIMMY infiNKgll.
.• -. •
I.l.coo.pEtt &
- 1 - 3ANKEI{S.—: Mimirose:l'n. Sum's:sore , Copper
JUI st :to. Mire. Latltropt' now balding, Turnpike-4d.
ol IN -GI tO V ES,
F.tRtIONLN - TILE T." A7l.olt.—Montruse, Pa, Flop
near the 11 3pii , C31Ceti111:7 Ilotp.o, on Turnpike
All Orders tilled promptly. In rind...rate Fiyl('.
dune on Atoti notice. and warranted to
13 4 IN*ICIAN ANIXSITI2(3EON.—Motitro4O. O i nle•
till Tlll/11( 141110,ite ScArle . . Ilatcl. 111111
1)1i. (; Z. DDIOCK, I
3 . ItY.IsICTAN AND SURiIEON.—: Montrose. Pa. °Met
t• , fore; I.4nigiuz , nt Searle',
• ,11311, Tt'll I:1.11.1., • .
ITALER fn . Dn:24 , . 'l'll'eflicillo- Cl•toir3N, 1117.
1. stall'-.(11:1,. \pip.. Nint.. Oil-. VarniA. ll'fn- 1
dow GLis., (:r,,cori,•,. V:mtry (4tt,lllQ. t ksi't•lri' Pk•rill• -2
.111i.r.r. At• —.l , z,nf fi.n n1111:.' mrig,1,1, , ...p111,:r I ':II'ENT
SVEliit INU.s.- ),prn.-,.. i•a. ;' '. ' nu:2l t 1
The proprietors and manufarturqs of HOS
TERS scan appeal a ith pMeet: confidence to
physicians and citizens generally of the United
.6tates, because the article has attained arCpu
tat ion heretofore unknown. A fee- facts upon
this' point will speak more powerfully than
rolumes of bore assertion or blazoning puffery.
Tho . ooroattniltion of 11,,t0l 1... A Stomovig Bit
ters for the last-year amounted to over a Ralf
million bottles, and'-from its- manifest steady
increase in tithes past, it is evident thal during
the coming year the consutnption will reach
near one Daniel bot ties. This immen"se sunOunt
could never have been sold but for the lure
medicinal properties contained in the prepara- ,
lion, and the sanction of the most prominent
physicians in those Sections of the Country .
where the article is best known, who not Only
recommend the - Bitters to their patients„lbut
are ready at all times to give testimonials to its
PROF. .1. 11".IVII.T.I.:01S, i -efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangeMents.
•••,. Ali! ~ '.:i 1.: /I.llli . DIZESSF:R. clic, hi', ,i• and the . discifsesresUlting therefrom • ! .
I 7 Ito- im MM . , midi: the nenramy thm Li- work shall be - '.t This is not a temporary popularity, obtained
tbd , - in a , 1 ,,, -: -kjilf.l m'd arts tie 1 ,,, t ,,,,, T. C , '" shot , by extraordinary efforts in the way of. trent,
ih the ionic fr om of. 1131.• /11.1..V.A1./.\ - HOUSE. Moat- peting the qualities' of the Bitters, but -a eolid •
rose. Pa. Opfn on't , tnalays from Oa, m. matt 2p. 1,
1a! , r,:f... IN:,O. - tf. i e estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is
destined to be as enduring as time itself. i
LO'W PkICES WIN ! . • litistetter's Stomach Bitters: hare proved
--, a Godsend to regions where fever and ague
- ' .dl.7' TILE .
1 - and carious other - bilious complaints have
AAR n i counted their. victims -I.y hundreds. -TO he
Mir!' ii" It rt i r r
011 I 61.1110111Htrrinaiii_r. able ro state confidently that the .•.13itters"
• - are a certain cure for the llyspep,sia and :like
~ diseases, is to. the proprietors a source of:un
-1.1 Airn i."_,'N j311()TIIElis . alloyed plea.stire. It removes all morbid i'Mtter
N i;‘,li 31 tixon.n. , p a., i ' - from the stomach, pacifies the blood, 'and
. ~„imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,
~.‘ I: I , : IN f il:\" l; F.;' iil VIN ( ; T1n?, 4 1„.1-iii- giving it that tone and energy indispensable
'' 1 '-""t•i,""'l b' -t ' 4 :`l l '''',"""d,', '.''''''Ll - " , q , ,Y , . " I ' ll o- ' for the restoration of health. It operatei upon
5.,,ml r, , a'.,14 v. , are-ma/n.3 10 ,C31C.,3p 1.C . .4.11,1; or :,:.t. ' . • •
the swpach, liver, and other digestive organs,
:,,. ( . 11D-I , llllg' itr ' ' : ''"'--
. . .
mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them
stt a plc. al t t l / 4 Ea t a ars - Alt a r -t• •t: ID 0 . Els-, ;
•o-a condition essetial to the healthy discharge •
C:iaiee Fttatill'Gra•crit.. I, of the functions of nature. .
'Alla 1..., Caps, 4l.tnitly Made! , Clo Ilk lets,
t Elderly persons may use at . ° 'Bitters daily as
. Cr:cit:liery. Wa II Pt; per, 1 ilmaitieetions on the bottle,'and they-will find
Wi it (lair Sitades. Flan r, L'orki. 'in nit stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort
roils. !•;allt. Vain is. Oils, Glass. Fit id, i. tieeliitiag years, as it is pleasantto the palate,
e..'cal Oil,. !loop tilt.irts,
.....: • • - invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic,
and rejuvenating generally.- We have the'evi-
Naiskt.t, Notions. Ira itt•fi Gond..
dence of thousands of aged men and women
ITattqat.s, 5 C" EI.III - , Silver Witee. •
who have experienced the benefit of using this
Pa E.:, Tvlpi; F.ll-0 Mil*, :rtnrti.-. 1 •
• preparation while, ering - fr stomach de.
.!.:t,59;., acii I.i;t4, awl 1 . : . ' 1 ,:o Lo d P.m
iof GeN ' rangements and.generasuffl debility; om
acting under
„am. .r: a- i,, m , wafer.. ...-
the advice of physicians; they havo-abandened
IA- ).; AI:I.: No.i. (fus - F0 ( ; jEs i n i h e • all deleterious - drugs and fairly tested , the
1 1 , • , -:,e-,-. elm.•••!”-a 1.,..., profit rle, ,f.p.,:...1,1,:,::, _ merits of this article. A few words to. the
;:::-:,i14: m, , -_-; 4';.,t,n. 'eh, 11,3, 1,! 1r,(.1.1? ..II.: - gentler sex, There are certain periods when ;
P' , '''• E , ' '`,' 1, '"" 1, " , ' . ! , !;'"i” r,n,n ~.-.". . , ,,1 .'3", I 'm "'-i""
I their cares arc so harassing that many of them
~a ft Id 1! , ...m, ~, th. era, In ~t :hoz nom,
Lm nisi am: s. iiim.: , he.m , r than 01.1) Pfn:: no-refolds i sink under the trial. The relation of =Aber
~:'.l 1 1,1 11.01.1. ::0,. j ' ..lll,tim, if VOlt 1 , 1111 - 4.1 ..:13.• nom( y . and'ehild is so absorbingly tender, that:the
0 .L 1 rt.; Pg,rzato.... Call at thc t.):4:Pftill:!.l"o.ltE. :. mother, especially if The be young, is apt te.
~.._-., ~., 1,, -1,, , .1: ! ; t;:,,,1,11, .t: itt,,-.'„ Y..11,,w lim,
forget her own health in her CllTeMe.llßXiety
'To", .1, “1,:, - - c •i i•ltial---, - ;,••:•p. v. , n th, , ap, , h1r,11".4:
net-il.; ' } 11A1 ILL:N MU YrilElt:.i. for her intent. Should the period of mato-Oily
.N.,,,:`,;1!f,',41. Ps:. t.'..Ly ittli. 19.0. arrive during the seamier season, the - wear of
, , body and mint! is.geherally aggravated. Here,
• } Flan Slik",fßaTi
, !•, . . • then, is a necessity fora stimulant to recupe
-1 - - • rate the energies of the system, and enable the
PA.RT OF tilE . CARGO -SAVED,. t mother to hear up under her exhausting trials
n i... 1 rEt 1;
. .: G 4 . : t) col D; 3 € E O Z ! , • and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene
i - rally preter'the Bitters to all other iniigpra
_ _._ , .
tors that receive the-endorsement of physi
cians, because it is-Agreealale to the . taste as
well as certain to give a-permanent increase
of bodily strength. ,
All those persons, to whom we have particu,
larly. referred above,
to wit; .sufferers from
fever and 'ague. caused by malaria, diarrhoea,
dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetiteand
all diseases or „derangements 'of the - stomach,
superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary •
occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult
their own -physical welfare by giving to Hos
tetter's Celebrated Stemach Bitters atrial.
CAUTION.—We Caution the public against
; using any of the many imitations or counter
feits, but ask for Ilosrwrren's Cetturuirmn
BTOISACII BITTERS, aid see that each bottle has
the Words "Dr..l. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters"
bloWit on the side of the-bottle, and stamped
'on the metallic, cap covering the cork, and
observe that our autograph' signature is - on the
label. , .
AV)I. AV. S3l 0:11 c o
1V0...U.11111 Pa. mr.zllf
VA:01 - 11) .\NNOI . N('E 2.t 1110.1'111)lic
th:11 laavC ebtcre hit.. n partncr-14 t i a .
Practica ofILEDICINE*SIirge7,
and ar , . prepar, , l to at hma raE, in tho Hoe 0f.04•!r
One foralffly occupied Dr. (..
(}1,,,..1. 1-,t . ..m),Arr. inyi: .
nop,;. (ItARLF.s .m(mos,
1)AR111-7,1: told Hair Dre.,nr. Pa. Slpip in
lm-e lnelit of Se.g:rl,•',
1 - 1 4 _4 'A 1.1 , V.. 7 . •
3,500 rtis iqGTIRED BAREGES
1 , 1 :1! 3 ti.,lll2gc rfy ;. pr
• •
fok• ‘,.:lts fur evnt-.
• 1;:67' 011
t i A
--GOODS - ! !
To like gOlii :112 4!! wirer prices
lirttlstn,udeNlkai.tilllin'ls.' • 1- • • ,
! • Vor ' s ."
fast colorf •
1 , ..;• qv:silty l*Lainps
\41,(3 nial. tiff Tare der '
d'.\ M0rt:330,,
lli • , rro,te, dud triwzolnp.
Llsl..Tl lvvotl Gloves
.o`..lvvl •
Cl., 11 he,,ilH, • - •
VIC:IW ;(1,1
..... ... •
14..1 Paw., - . -
r ," •.• • • ...... .10
014er j i Goccls y -as t:IIItAP
c'NN ' • ' P - 4.-4:.-,F. ,
~, • -,,
( l
I 1
A 0
iolim 1„
_Herbs, Barks and Roots
, vEr.srs .
Poisonous plinirals and Diugs.
Do you when clowning tliii`oueasy acthans
your children. antler that It Loos be mnre,
than a mere Cholla that &Mies Vino? In ninel
rases out oftell, UV' canto or the little auger-
et'a angaiah.ia IVO/I.llS,•und should he al °lnv,
looked to.
. •
Do not let your children sulTer,"ishen we present,
cou lii -
• flow much better end safer would 'it bn to
have It rilwitys in - the home. A little
when a cbil.t is taken 11l rimy often be the mum,
of its death. while ectinz without delay,,iind
be giving the .1101INTAIS, you will not only Mve the child a lone,
end tedious illness; and yourtmlf much expenioNl
but slim fuel happier in knowilig have
done your duly, sod perchance saved its life.
Ti?i. inedicine is combined purely of - .
1 . - ; NOT A PARTH.T.E OF
4laloincl. or Itiliteral
Is USED. IN IT: . .
11 tl:::: , w u ron fi t i (l l' ? " ltP ve tirra te t* oili ' ‘ ' - " ; ,d cti b v:
0 ...
principle a all Wes ier Vermitug and Woria
' Killers is MERPUKV...
i •- 1
civq, NO
•':, 3E:" C:10 : I IS 0 IV:
. .
tit lei
T 0
e.' . YOUR '
, A 1...” this Simply, Safe, Vegetable Mrdteinr..- i t il i l
.•.4 Jilt, Wpm Tll .nor diSCOVITI•II hi nn unusual 1
..av oolong the With, of Northern .11exieo—a
. 1 full ncrounleof it you nil! tind in our Almannei. :1
, Ask for th 4.• fi , kor rf Ta/a .11n.rnac," of the il
• - Agrot, and n hen rut have have read it, send it tti
't , :t ''' e r o:l i l, ' y b' ; ' Ci . .. l ( l 3Ti t E,l l Vllr.l . ll•lll lr ! kn"
of and
o' l 4
• i, - , J
- KILLS WORMS,- ; 'l 4
41 Serer Darius—% Pleasant to Take': '
, oftsrilvr__:_%l—,, 11.1 the Nair, end Signal. 4'c
,: tore of 11 1.../I:li.S.*: & ('O., and the portrait ifo
(4.,.• of T r.rsitn. on inch rartage of this Wiltn Tea.
.C] - 13. L. JTIDSON & CO„,
- '
50 - Lconatd St. Now _York. .
- 3-.1
AI . 1 , 1
_ - J0a...7. wicesil Tin be told by one!1 I
- 41 , •:2:::.• Agrtei b t , ..a . . i taii 3 l4. - Il l i o n t e, and . .gZ ,
._ ::• 4- . 4 ':"...4....., ..,,,-:."..,. 7.7.17. ?.I! 5" . '2lc, 1.11,..11111,2 11 , 1 ' ' '!'
&,. ' - 2.- --i ' \L:- .*: :.,\.:.‘712 - '• — • 4- . '...:?- ' .A
s A yRE A. 'IMO., .Agents, 31 on l rose: -..044.2.
• i Prepared and sold by EIOWIrkTTEPt &
SMITH, Pittsbu rgh , Pa., and sold by'. all
druggists, grocers; and- dealers gen,,e_rallY
throughout. the; United States, 13 euthAtslo'
dolt: and Gerniany.
For F•ale in 3 . 1 ontrnse hr
junk lr ABEL figl,l,.
OLD :)OCT. iiLAra'3 i3OO.ILOFT.P.3VEL4
1 / 4 1)(114 areas -di.leoveries of 'the J , lpati6eVa
ana East odieineF, with full directinus• tor
the certain cure of to:till:option, br•inchiiis.
tart is,,eout,4lo, colds asthma, let:crs. Ifeaft ;, Lvcr I:01111)1 . AM t,!ZNIVeI
and nr:nery AopoOts: fewala eon:to:Lints,
.411:uxttaled with bundreda of- vertifirates eurea
and yngrnvings. For the pirpn-e of reFoilii . g ns
many' tufferiiag fellow-beingsposhibic from ,a
premitlfre death, it7will be sent r to any part of •
the continent by sending 25 etis , to DR::
' ne2tiyv] 647-13rOadway, New Yuri: City.
StAd also-by A. - "Farrell, Montrogc: linyend.i
New C, P. Mathews. Scranton. ,
Dela ' ack a. A&- West9lll a d.
a, L
Two.hours eiirlior ;to" Now York..'.
On'e hour earlier to . Philadelphia,
N and niterllonday, - .o# 28th,1880, train!
wilt . ri follows :. •
EXPRESS PASSE rta E Tn g South.
Areommodation:Trai, u Elicit, on the N. Y.
&E. lilt. arrives at. Gt. Bend at • m.
AndfthoCineinnatti - Exprosi at .6:03 •
Conneeting with the Express Train
leaving Great Bend for: ew YOrk
and Philadelphinott.• - 7:10
Dtioat New Miltbra 7 : 29
. Montrose - . 7:46 -
I lopbottom • - . 8:07
- Nicholson' . 8:23 •
Factoryvillo . . • 8:47'
Abington • , 9:03 •
Scranton s• • 9:35
Moscow - - - 16:20 • „
; . 10:59
. Tobyhanna,
Stroudsburg ; - 12:17 p. m,
Watt . :r Gap - •- . 12:31
4u•umbi4 r - 12:45
Delaware (I - 5 minutes to dine) 12:56
I lope (Philad'a connection) 1:71
. Bridgeville . 1:35
N.Vss;iing.ton - • - 1155
Junction ' - • 2.15
New Via . 5 : 15
- Philadelphia - - "1:15
The Express Passenger Train, South, ebn :
nects•ar. Junction with 3.p. on the Cen
t ral Road for Easton; liethlcheru, Mauch Chunk,
Reacting, Ilarrisburg, -
SI (iv Noun'
ras.tenzers from New York, leave
Pier N. 2 North River, at . -
Or foot of Court!ATl street -
From Philadelphia -' .
Leave Konhington ' . -. '7:15
Leave Junction . -. .: - . 11:15
Due at %Vast : dm:ton - ' -, ' 11:33
Bridgeville . - . 12:01 p. .m
Ilope(Philad,a eonnection) 12:13
Delaware (15 Minntes to dine) 12:28
. COlumhia - . 1:00
-Water (lap . . 1:14
.7 '..,
Strondhhurg -. . = 1:211), .
l'ohylianna .. . - 2:46 . 4f.
'Moscow .. . - ..• 2:21
Scranton - • - '4:10
Abington -.- - 4:37
Factor% villn - ' - ;. 5:03
• Nich&son - - - 5:22,
llophottom . . . 5:43 . ,
W . ' MONTROSE; - .,,,.... .~,.... 15:0.4
• New Milford. . - - 6:22
' ' Great Bend - - 6:40
C , .n.lecting at Great Bend with the - ,
Mail train Wesst. at - 7:24 ,
and the Night Express at 1:36..a. m.
t Thu Mail 'Crain, Wi , o, which leave.' Great
Bjet!l al 7:21 p. in., it a Through Train, and
reaches Dunkirk at 8:47 a. in. •
i ,
• <, TRAlN,—Muving North.
, Scrant m fur Great Bend at 4 J:-10 n. in.
I Factoryville - 11:00
Niclinkon - . 11:30 - 11kosisc • • - 18:45 .•
I Gru•at, Bona • - • - 1:50
Connt•cts ‘vith ThinliirOtlx.;;Welo at 3:08
•The N 04.• York Express, Eh`st,
• riv'es•t Grout Bend at - 1:17 p..m. ,
and „eonnect;• - • with the Aceotninoda.
Train whkli leaves at !tend, at :115
Montrome - - 3:111
. . - 4 :20
. • . - • 5 : 15
I .Doe at Scranton ' 6:•11)
I'ne Arconnfindation train does riot leave
Scranton until atier the arritai of the morning
.'Lain on flie I.arlzawatina•& I.l:oom,horfr
thus ••i in;!. p from ihe W‘ottninw Val,
ley. a di r ,t e, , nneetion for the IVrst 'Cy the
Iltor;11:1 ,4 1r.IIII..
1 ' .. l.'iir tile riv A •iiiitiniiiialiiip, of w• v travel on Hui
rSiat:liii-41 Dis . i.iiin a l'a , 4..l;;fer Car will be at.
tas;hvil to tiii;CExpreA,Vreiglit train—
. IPavin , a Sc.',ltton ht . ' . 4:00 a. in.
I4.ii, itt NI. ...I.IIW . - ' r '.5 40 "
Siriiinklitirq - 0 .- 10:25
Juni-140a - 3.10" p...m.
I Ri•larninv. 1.-avvs Janniiiin al - 3:10 a. T .:.
• Dan at at - . "i:3i,
:11,i si,
ew - .' ;• - - 12:50 p. ni.
‘ Scr woo -
; Pa-senger,4 to and from -New York wildehange
cars at into-lion. To.and font Phila. via 13.1)11.1{.
leavßAlr eke cal >cat 11 , ,p0. Fur Pittston, kings
ton'.and IL.rre, -fake curs of Lackawanna
& Illoorashte-g R. IL at Scranton. For Jessup,
A relil,ll. l , and Carbmiciale, takt! Ikinnit)u..sev ut
• r.olnot. Tickets sold and truzgaac 'clu-eked
Till;ounil. JOHN Mt 1:;;BIN,- Supt.
SN'zis N. Jess; General Ticket Agent.
:: ,, er4nt..n. Nay and, imitt •
S. IVI. Pettengill er.. Co..
flvcrlihing Aget:ts, at- 119 Nassau. 4,
l:New-Vork. , and Stete.sL llte.ton, are.
ttt2ettis tor '/'he liontr;'ise iMitorrat: im4l are nu
toor,r.ed to rontraet fur us at IMF lowest rates. r
NUi . jnxl armed. rind tnr "Al(
I,v A. l'UrtittLi...
- . 4
.., I sa• .- 3x . .... --'
: • - -..,_ „... r , ~.,- t .,,,,„ ;
, v A, --, 9 441?-...* - :
, E . ..A --:...i.r,....,),.,7.
t- AA ' l 'ri Isol.^. -.- . a. l ' is . .;.:' , '
fs ..,:vvol/ , `ALc.-z ;1
ii " 't--- 4:V i ii:sll.ol-w 4- -- , ..' , ..,..:• ia - ,
'34 4 4!-Olitf"e.l
~•f r • .-." - -......M. :
10, 4 - ,Ft- .. , p,' 4 , .
4 ~ .*W '', ._.4*,1
'1 _ . .. .
R: !l. f} . TP"
R1,93,' . K? ..5, 2
ilpiplir*. cl'iltc
Ai aperient cad etomachic preparation of
IRON purifiad of Oxygen and Carbon by con.
bunion in Hydrogen, 'of high medical anther
ity and extraerdinary efficacy in each of the'
follpwing com?lents, vii:
mniErr FEVERS, IrEtraeuns, CHRONIC
THE SEW, ctn.
The LEON being abt
thus circulating throw
part of the body can
ful influence.
The experience ofthoj
no preparation of
compared it
premien 'of vital
pichly complrxiy
mon every er
fe.male debit
effects are
ha; Lever to
of inedicir
/ bed by the blood, and
m-,fi the 'whole system, no
• ape their truly wonder
I..!ands daily proves thit
.can for a moment be
purities of the blood, do.
nprgy, ;pale and otherwise
indiOate its necessity in ali
ceivable case. In all cases of
y (Beer allies, cbloruzis, etc.), its
tghtfully ram orating. No remedy
en discovered, in the whole hiitory
mhitli exerts such prompt, happy,
'and fully r orative streets. Good appetite, ens.
piste dig ties, rapid acquisition of strength.
with an unusualdsition for active and
cheerful . xercite, i mmediately follow its uie..
As a gr. d etoriaohio and general, restorative.
it has no ..error and. no substitate, . e
- Pat tip ; n twat at metal bates enntabstng
50 Mlle. ;elm 50 'mute Orr boa;-sls hetes,
s't :lot o • dozen boors. 04 00. roe sale by
Dengas generally. Will-be sent tree lo
nn - a,l rtes on [IMMO! Of the wire. An let;
terce . ) ' should be addressed to
. • Gene* Agenta. • •
lt.ll.—The shave. tea themehttlie of the
label on each boa. : •
l'or soli in Montrdse by
- - - -
deels ly ABEL :TtRRELL i -Agent
t r i l rAtiCrWilgillid -:; - 1111111NFI ''..
Clothing, Time, timitUtabor.paved t
. .
The •flimd.sin4lo,- economlesk - an Cdurablo
- Article ever offeredlotho pu b lic , l' 'tillettiate-Ahe
discomforts of wash 4- 4 . 1
~'? ' c '. • DesOrintion.? --- .
• It.a?nsiits of 'a' Metelztfyllider:viii ,libs on
cr \os
thOnside,.and an interior cylinder 'eP wood,
with ribi. '.There; l .Onee OtiM 41i to. eight
inches hZ:twerit the two-cylinderel;ine clank
turns - hoth'sFylinde,mktlitelsadipi tiinb le oPPo•
site dlieetlone, ra p idly . preithig ',. ii...side.: Orel ng
the water through-the clet.hes, - -ard 'etrectually
removing the , dirt. The action •of: the water
does the work quickly, dirpenees entirely, with
rubbing, and thus saxes tho wear of gothes.
• ' - BANES B. RO GEM,
104 Jones 4114: Phil. is Agentlfor Penn.
•I . •
SULLrITAN dc HYATT,. Prop're, .
.64 IiE.E;KMAN .VT.,./VEW7ORK.
N. 8.--Stite'siod County Rights for Sale, and
purchasers supplied with - Machines atjwholesale
on' liberaileram.! • - -
. - ..
, g r ff - A Machine is in operation by . laundress
.daily, at our salesroom, 439 Broadwa7y,
i c co_ ___ --; mhElleow6rn
MEAT: MARKET. - :-: i
Oii - .Piddic +mut, near tearle g gotel.•
r 7.4 EEP ciinsLintly on hand n good Isupply of
IV MEATS or nil . kinds. *CASIO paid fOi
Reef Catile,talvi•s,Slicepopd!Lanib.
Also for Hifies . ot all kindc • ,
-•• BENSTOCK & 1-IA. VLEY., •
51nrch 30th..
Montilone, l'a.
7:30 a. in
- 8:CO
• -
WE, the undersigned, certify' that we' were ,
insnred in Eire Insurmee Companies riTresented
by : I ,lt.S',lrottd. of Mentrose; and that,
havipg suffered loss by fire while so insured, we
were severally paid by said companiesito the full
extent of our claims; an4lwle have eohfidenee in
him as a%good and effective agent 1
JAS. R. DEWITT.- Zirnos 'cone,
F. B. CHANDLEtk, • , .I.tvons &Son,
- Montrose, Pa; Novetii4r •'
:Ituportaist -
Published bpi). Appte.tori & Co ,340 and 348
Broadway, New: York. • The follow ing works
are sent to sub-eribers In any : part of.tit COW!.
ty, (upon rieeipt of retail priee,) by +4ll or- ex
press, pro - aid' -; • .;
fritE NEW AMEEICAN Ovdikdents popu
lar 'Dictionary of General Know odited by
Geo. Ripley and Charles A. Dina, aided by W
numerous select! Corp 4 of writers in all branches
of Sciences. Art, and Lileraturi. This work is
Laing publishediin -about . fifteen . large octavo
volumes, each mintaining 750 two-colbmn pages.
The-first eight vnlunhowiro now ready, each con
taining near 2,500 original,' articles, I An addi
tional volume will ho pOlished one; in about
three months. IPrfee in :cloth, ; sheep,
5U ; half ntosrocco, 63 ; half Russia, 84,50
The New : American. Cyclopteciii js popular.
without kink , superficial - , letrrnnd.llut not pt.+•
dantie, , consprchensive but sultleiently detailed,
free from persona! pigne and party! prejudice,
fresh vet accurate. It is a. cotnpletti statement
of all that is linnwn upon every unpvirtant topic
withlti the scope of human intelfigenre e 'Every
important article in - it has been specially written
for its pages by men who are autluirities upon
the topics of which they speak. They are re•
pired to bring4he subject up to the preseeq.
moment; to st ole just how it stand...! noto•' Ale
the trtatistdeal infortnatin'n is from th}! Infest
pork; the geovaphical accounts keop • pale
kith the tate,t ivxplorations; hislo4eal4nattrr
include il:e fresliwd inst'views; Wo L traphieal
m t uee's not roll'' speak of the dead but also of
the It j• 1 a library of itself.•
A ntotit; at - NT OF 7nE:I)En,4•I•Es.oF rotcnnrss;
Being a politie.4l of the Unit. f Stntes,
tr•ut the ortN4r.;zation 4 The tint F4deral Con
grto4s in Eflitt4l ant compiled
hF 114,n..Tionnls' 11. Benton from. cite Official
Revortim of (:ono'resm. Th." work lie emu.
plete4 in - I5 royi 4 l oeta‘ . o voluntem of '7:50 higen
ea ch, 11 of which are now ready.
will tinike iu thri•e montin4.,
Cloth, j 3; Law Sheep, $3.50; unfr .1144roceO,
8:1: Flail Calf, $ - 60 eneh.•
Olt DEBATE,;.— Porto a chit, of totr..t. htid 7rntit.
the Nice roort books; and five roliitts will be
sent at the..retnitter's expebie- cif 04'H:tact or
fyr tett subscribers, eleven entices will be - rtirot
at ~i ir expelisuf..r . earriasgr. - -
AGENTs.—No other wow lks edit so liber
ally reward the exertion 4 of ug:enr. .I)in Ageril
Wanted irrihis Terins Terms vo
appliciition to the Publisher.
At Montrose, Penn. •
WM. H. HATCH, Proprietor.
rpnis new aid !commodious liot r l "situated
on Public it'Venne. near the Court tionse,and '
nearly in the centre of the business portion of
Montrose. is now fn ly.completed and furnished,
and was opened on Monday. the lath day of
Septemher, 1868, for the accomModation .of
the - public and traveleq. The Proptietor feels
confident that he' is now prepared to entertain
guestsin a, manner that cannot fail ti give
Complete - Satistliction. ~,
The Hotel and Furnisitre arene v,iend. no )ex
pense has been 8 red to equal, if dot
superior to any sin - tar establishmenOn this Pitt
of the State. It i well supplied With ill the
recent improvements and comfarts, and obli!rittg
waiters will always be readyto respond to the
call of customers.. .
The Stables connected with this House are
New and Convenient.
• The I'vprietw tespeetfu I ly soliejtsi the patrol).
age of his old. frfeode, and the public generally.,
• ---. AV N. K. HATCH.'
s-jit • *Art ,i . a!t.l I
CrA , Dis,C6l , E.A5711,
winitmcsALE •SALT 111DALEI:4
- 201' Waskitsgtott•st;
(Directly opposite Warihington Market,) •
V i lir . X 7. C:11 . 13: 9
STILL, cON.TI MIES to offer to the city and
COUN'i RV - trade, all kinds of FOREIGN
Coarge and Fine SALT, at the very loWest figures;
400 1 :0 sacks and bags, consisting in Part.of Ash-
ton's eclelirated brand for table and !dairy use;
Jeffrey . & Dairy, Marshall's,. Brownlow's, &c.
and 5u01. - 0 .- bushelsi Turks Island, Bemires,
raeoa, Ca - diz, ivies, Nantes, 4„,•
all of which wilt be sold at bargain prices from
vessels, store and storeirnuses.- •
Any .purchaser wishing to select from .a good
assortment will! (Mit to his interest! to all. 1 .
.N. R—Fine-t.ible,salt put up in anion bagisiof
different - *sizes, nrid constantly 'on hisd in ship.
,ping order. .Ats 6 a splendid.... article of Rork
Ground salt, in. l uuart.boxes, put up rind:, for sale.
by the quantity; in cases of five doze 6 each.
Nevvs! !
HAVZ Yoi?. HEARD The isrEw§l
direr:lL:om New Yuric,an9tberuf cliolce itockft of
ernhraChlw, In the Dry Goods line, de Lains;Challta, Man ,
tlllae.Silky. l'oplitts, Prints, etc., et ;etc. sit well as a full
stock of Domestick, such Its summer cloths, for men and
boys* wear, Shirting% Tick)nms Denims; iCottokliarn,
Carpet Warp, Butts; etc. fi M rbeerics—a MI assortment— .
Fish—Mackerel. Trout, 'edal/ A Cadilah,t awl Wiling.
Hardware, buildink mateitals, Nails, Glass, Putty:Paints,.
Dy,.•stutfe.. Ite.wlyanaileflathing, the Worauship
wARRANTED, Hate ; Caps . aid 'Bonnets, oftho latest style.
Hoots avid shoes, Worth from 123(c to VS, ID fact. *duvet
every variety of Dotal* uanallx_tutptfred.for at snytisautHry
f or can be found at the ' • •
I - . ..
and It is thh•ahn of the proprietor to snake snth disposition
°ilia Good* that neither his giIEIXT-S nor e "itia patmnslsill
't onnAw." ' ' ! I. L. NBREIII4II.
Upson% She, Pa., June 1;t, tpico,tr_ 1 .
' • I
OVER THE sUSpEitAtifiu VALLFlttlAtint,
A()ouis Open 'for Ithstructlop from 9 a.m. to 9:30
I): W. LOWEL.L, Principal, Professor :of the
Beienee: of
_Accounts, Prictical Acemantant.
A uth oir of 1.-owel I's Treaties 'alma Book•Kcep
ing. Disgratns illustrating the slime;
lons Riack*Comr,nercial Acemintant, Profeer
•-• and Practical Mathematics.
Cultris.; Assistant ProteiS - or In the Book
Keeping Xecpartnient. . • • -
A. I,VAIVICO.R, Professor of Practical and Or
' foment:ll Commercial -Calcu!s.
(lons and 7orrespondence.
[fen. S; Dick lemon, Lecturer on Commet-
Law aid Economy.
Hon: Itansoin Baleom, Leeturer 'on Contrasts,
I" T uMisiory Notes and Bills- of Exchange. -
Rev Di. E. Andrews, Lederer on. Commercial
. .
lion: Sherinsio D. Phelps, Wm. ft. Ostiorn, Esq.,
Tracy R. Porgan, Eq.' • • • •
The obj••eq - of this College's to afford to all
an opportunity 61 obtaining a thorough Business
Education. • . - •
The Books; and Rams aro carefully arranged
by practical accountants expressly for this In
stitution aud'embrace all the recent improve
ments. •
The courss of instruction comprises 'every'
department of bnsness. The learner will bet
thoroughly taught the science and -practice of:
Double Entry Rook-Keeping as applied to tisei
following kinds of business, viz : General 3fer
chandising, 3lanufacturin6, -Banking, Commis-i
sion, Steami;•Miting, Railroading,
Fti Eoreign Shipping, eitc.\
Ladies Department entirely .separate from;
Odor the Ontlemen.
• Students Oho enter College at any limo and!
receive individual instruction. By tide arrange ;
went every student is permitted to progress as
rapidly as. hill; enterprise And ability will per
mit, and whdn through, perfect and complete,.
will receive is Diploma which will enable him
to review ,ut 'pleasure.
Time to c.Oinplete the course,4 to 19 weeks.
No varationd Board $2 to $2,30 per weel.
Book , Keeping, Tull arcountant's course,
inc:udinit Practical PenaansitTP,.. Commercial
Computation and Diplotna, (Time tiniimit
ed,) ,• • - $3.1 00
game morse l for Ladies- (separate) - 20 00
Pennumahip:and Arithmetic, . 10 t 0
Teachers' etiorse in Penmanship, Practi•
cal and OTamental, • . . 30 00
Twelve lesmOis in Practical penmanship.. 2 00'
Ste'Ouca'aiunll classes-. Will be formed in
Phouograpyi Fur lull particulars send for a
circular. ne I 'y _
_ - Largest!
, I S3O COCO- , . .
Pays , f4.r Tuition in Single and Double Entry,
Book.Keepir Writing
,Continereial Arithme
tic:A and Lee urea.
• -
litrar(ll 111 1 weeks•$20, .Stationery $7,
~. , 1,..,, . ..._
Iriii•4ollparo ! , Viliare CXIIICIIMM . $62..
. Uslu.,l titri.p'froin..6 to 10 weeks. Every stu•
dent, upon orafloatirg: il gt6runte. d competrot
to tuatiage II :t. 11ook15 . of Day iltibines,•, nod qoai :
jfi v d to. ear •E_a salary of from
$5OO TO $lOOO.
'tiluilents;jr.Tter at any tin.c--No Vacation—
ResieiC at... Pleasure.
First! Pleinithii for'Best 1111lins.: NVriiing.fer
1859, iii•ceiV;pil at, Pittelmirg'a, Phil and
Ohio Slate fF,iirs. Also, at the principal Faira
of the Unipli tor the pa:st fnv yeam -
• :0107-Minlsters Son receliecl at half prier.
* * *For Circulars. Sn, cimens. and Embe
ed the College, incluse five letter
,tamps to
Pitb , lol rah; Pa.
F. 13. A If FM.
mo N R.OS E , PEN T
„ • %11l E subscriber having pirrchased
•-• •*. refitted and newly furnished.thc
• .
'"' ahove•well known and popular Hotel,
is a Z . ; y
prepared to . necommodato„the trav
eling public and others with all the attentions,
and conveniences usually found in first-class
Housca.i - 14, effort will . be spared by the Pro.
prietor an cli his Assistants to make the Hotel
equal in evfiry point to any in the country. - '
• The 1115,.e will always lee supplied with the
Choicest Lilprors. •
The Stables, connected with this House
are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and
Latten Live Hirallers are always in charge.of them.
• .1: 8. 'FARRELL.
•- •• PHILADELPHIA. - • -
A Priter6loit'llyditution established by 'spe
.4ul En4ounnent. for the Relief of the Siek
• and Disiressed, afflicted with Virulent and
• Epidemik Diseases; and' especially fur the
Cure oflDiserises of the Sexual Organs.
11/ EDIChi. ADVICE given gratis, by - the
DLL Actin Surgeon, tc all who apply by letter,
with a desc iption of their eotidition..(age,.ocen
Pation, bald' s of life, &c.,) and in , eases of ex,
Ureic purer v,tnedicines furnished free of charge.
• Valuable Acyorts on Sperniatorrha; and oth.
or Diseases of the Sexual Organs, sent to the af.
flicted in.ei l ) id letter envelopes, free of 'charge
Address," r.. 1. Skillin Houghton, A,etingSur
•geii,, llowar Association, 'No. 2 South 9tb- at.,
Phi lad n, Pa By order of the Di ree torl. [oeft
• suw
loltr, eel Vrobtston cc)tn4,
—7— . -
. • Alc r- MONTROSE, Pls.,
ONE d below. J. Ethridge's Hill Store,
Public Avenue, where 'will be found
eonstanily 4n hand a genera) assortment of
Such 4 Sagam i . Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee
1 dtc , dtc.
Also the' choicest brands of
Lard,lPOrk, 'Hama, Fish, Candlt.44c.
,• .
WCsolictl a• %hare of like public patronage, and
pledge ouraplves to do the fair thing, hoping by
each bargain to secure another. . ' • - '
Unzip ' , AL!.aa.
natutio• ENG SCHOOL,. '
fefiltiSdilloht. Will, be 6peried forlhe recep
tin. oo.l.adietranti Gentleinep, on the` etla
day (Wedn'Osday), oY , rebinery,..lB6o-'
Primary firtnehes,per'Retr of 11 weeks $3.00
Cnmmon - " ." " • 3,50
Common and Higher; "' " " .4,00
Higher Euilivh,. " " .5,00
.on Piano, _ " • 10,00
Ibie' or . - - - • , 2,00
Ornamentrknnd Dpartinentv, extra.
'llia ; t'rrn4pal: hex had - Much. experience in
teaching inakleiv York , . and Penn's for the last
ten yeafkin Common, as welt as Seleet,'Graded
or. High S4',lunilm. lieferemies given if required
.N:#.;=-Sitotinlnt the boarding two doll's
per Week. -iLighitrand washing extra.
~ . •
PayMenti to be made quarterly in advance..
mh y E. W. ROGERS, Principal.,;.
50;000Coides alrea.dy Sold.
cotrigsrazannwpusnuss •
r ,By Frank Crosby 4
• • rumansLettfo. BA If.: •
'Miens yen Holy .to draw up Partner-hip Pa.
pens and - gives-generai•forra s
•- • : • - for Agreements of all kinds,
not, of- Sale, -Leases and Pe.
, . .
14.014 you how td ;draw up - Bonds • and
- gortgagee, Affidavits, Powers
of .A ttorney,t. Notes 4lnd, Bills
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•• • Tem* in every - -
It tells you flow to make a n Aesigninent •
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. - • he Insolvent Laws o s t ever'
. State. "
It •
tells youl he legal relation exisfiror
livcen Guardian, and Ward,
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;ire:very State, and the Natural--
•irntion Laves or, this count p,
~.t •
and bow to' comply 'with the
It-tells you The Law Concerning Pensions.
. and how to obtain one,and - the
Pre-Eruption Laws to Public
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It tells f9n The Law for Patents, with
mode of procedure in obtain. -
' ing one, -with Interferences,
'Assignments and Table of
• Fees. -• •
Ili tells you Iltiw to make your_ Will, and
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tste,, with the laW.snd require..
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_ .
• , • . }oil the Legislative, Executive
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• s : allowing how to do. your be
. • sinea.s legally; thus .saving a.
vast, amount of property, and
Vexatious litigation. by its time
ly co
_ .
• lnsultation.
Single copies he soot by mail,' postage
paid, to every Farmer; every Mechanic, every
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on receipt of sl.oq,oi in law style of binding at
81.25•. .
• .
$lOOO A TFi.L liean made by enter
prising men every Where, in selling the -above
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liberal. ;
F or s i ng l e co pi es sif th e r o ok, or forstertns
to agents, information; nopiy to or •
address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher,'
j . :7m6.] 6f3 Sanson. St., 'Jilin, PA.
What everybody Wants.
/ /40'
Professor Hofiry S. Taylor, M.D.
It telbt yon tO attend upon . the sick,
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&e..iand host t. guard ::tain4
• (et etforn, from (.7,•nt:l;.Tioos
ILI ells you - Or of. chit.
; ••ive. the 1 e-t and
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• 51eZrtets,‘&0...
It tells you , Theeyll.o4.lllA . C.rCrtkilr,Cli.d er : l
• t In( 'IOIIM. 4:110:I•. I)7atriaen,
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for'their. cure. • •
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It tells yon'The st n-p:onts .f oza,
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• • ; tna;. Drops. Gout,
. .
Lntithargo,Erysipeliek etc .and
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dies‘for their cure. •
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For aingle'roplea , of the Book. or fOr terms
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itadrest • ;'JOHN E.JPOTTEIL Publisher,
je7tri6T 144.617 Sarkom l'hil'a•Pa:
. • • .WM.I3J SIMP:SON,,
Airitat#i 11.:tiffilli
S'hop in i . 9ter's 'nerd. lyibling,
nezi door afiOrelicelrr rE
TT AVING worked for the file() years
with the in'est skiHfui.wdrkmen, he fevhi
.eetifident Hun. he can du the .ule.t dif ieujt j..h4
on short noti c e. •
All Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction
W. B. SIMIN . 6; ha worked for-Me fur
time, and 1 can r e commend him as a careful as
rkitful workman,:erimpetent to the-as good w ! ,rk
as eau he done in lh“.0 - untry, and worthy .
- confidence. : Wis. A. CliS311:1:::1.1N.
Tihwanda June
.10th. I/3158. -
• Refer Wm. I. 11..44: E. D.
Montayne. E. 0. Gribdrich,-11. K 1110i/1/ ry.•
da; 0,.5. Ilently, 1. Searle, C. D. tathr, , p,
.1. Wittertherg„nolar4;se. • • •
* * *Jewelry neatly :repair.4 nn ;short rwtirt.;
and on remonable terms • (lon.. 15th. I B:sB.—ti.