• -.--------- 1 '''-' ' ;'-' --- - --T4 debts . of the siveral :•sttites of i -' see the itiliertael . orne' ntbf bOct. Sanford's Live: i C - 1 Inyworaor and FaMily,Patuartie l'lll, in another coluMn . .." • Ell,t , pc, at. tilt elose-of .H i ne,. I ‘sT6O - , were 1 _ _ '-:!..., f.)llow's: (6 ri,:tt Brit i5ti,5 .5 , 86 % 600 , 000 ; ; ..thlLP E ßSOilq!atllletta with theFeverautLAgue,..ho'd . , ~ ~- ..1,, /p. i..14 , , , e, ; . 1 . 45 not ;Tart either Uric, tyouble. or expeuse. to procure Dr. l' ' r""e" '- - -' 2, SS° o '" )t),( .. "- ''' ,„ ~.,..i`- ; N „,,", ' d'... / ,- ''" nostetter's CELF.e!RATED lIITTERS. %%lime beneficent 000,000.; .A llSt :in, - . ;. 4 1,60v11-AllysyVP i'- o iltat,u, tffeeta upon the tryi,t eat has • been deafly. proved to, those :.....41 ,i 1. -, ,i).( )01)(4; ..I'rlts:ii:,' •4284;000,0W . ; 1.111.0 *ye been 041:en doweitt a shortapace of dine by 1 ~ ..,,.1 11., ,-„L -1;1;;:000,1)1,10,3Orkey, .15155,000,- 'this dre.idful - cursq nho.o. cheeks are wan and tneagre. - 1 ;; /, i ;;;; L. , :i , I ;// 0- 1 ,,, , , ,( -00 . , . . .: - ,:anti3llo::e nighta Inv sleeplesa and rest ri le7 tl tko l t il l ~ , i ' i h ot tP e. , • _ ___T!„ I i ; , ; .,.i,i, 11 1.i, p;', , ,ti.,,',t 5 ,. ., uni on i e r r are dim and simk.m..with dentluit.! i t it ., . ht. i . ibis Callip.o/1911 !HUI prose 0 ~its : 1 . f.,111 the Pricei asked Lt', our far- , ;: , ' t kin ..01.4Were fiqm, the mouth of the grave, ,None'ctut hhe. , ii„, , enitching . mat's :Intl ill':lltrs ill civil,- tipple* Illibst lie" know"atA teti valut until they 'have tested IL When. all '•:'t :‘,•:trei• iii ilk Witt ilt tf ndittitlill:i; eiittW.! otheri itave flhled.;titese Bitter . ; have Tett i o i r7 i t u tl t i l i t : , st i ffer- . , -, :till- , •n '_!l . tic that hear - Ei', to!pris ft 1,4 4. T. , ll ' 3lr k r i O n t d " . . c i ' v e 6,, in to " „ . i . n. „t„, ~, iveil as tg) - 1 he Su!:'fitiehai!itia. I l le , • .. ..t.ri! and Southern parts . , :t , /-• .-t•;ilig* 11, -, r fifty %Tilts ;.r . lmslieh I iere . ; 1 ,,, 11 i c :," r " / '. ,: S.°l4' hY dr'Pl'l'''''Ud dealers generally, ''' '' Seri:' lk i! :11 . t. I 3 Ykd 1 ha: Milt'll fOr a peek. ' ' :- 11 ' ` ' .. "“ .1thrrih r inctA in nn°t " column. + L ie 1 . 2.11 u Montrose by AUEL, ,TURREI.i.. - - A jilliq , ittg male(( callW e dit ~H:lv ~ ' ''''' • • ' ; - • . _ :....11. ~ a .5:,•,../r....1'.1y we - A, f ,, i' , a .se t oft .1172130/I'S MOUNTAIN HEBB I'ILLS.-ttow ~.trativ i 1 1,4 %40nderfid it_ Oen seems to n< that a medicine corh • 11,4: one 1 hat nioni , ll.t.;d • the .• , 1 .1 . posed of simple mdnntain herbs mild roots . shonid So etc. -,, :i 1 t.-I_ll 111!1 i !Ur of feet t4 -it in T., ' 4l) * zun ' , I tatol'i . searcii out and eni4 illse,titte. lion' surprising that . ~, , ._Nt - ti.. Ili citrry the prize,-..i'yilici . l NI -as the Ltallaus tdionitt know and Prtmcrvw,,olong and well a ' WOll In' \\ * re, Ahl ,ot , ,he ha dirt; Ittalielor- / secret, null hiti escipitil -the search of the greatest pbysi. , ci,,ms Ipe world la 4 ever seen. Ttue, the ancient inliabl -11. - tiv , lek't nnil tfleo,_, j1101;cs, There t - ere - f .i t , t h e l- pr i y , ' 1. hauls of :Mexico W , eie a tomitge race, found by the Simil (''':lll •Y' ll V " v°l ' .. / ' Clit " PS ' ' .• ' ' ' har s h li - lti. , in Idr4i cities, and albmit • for their Arange - ---- I ).'51 , ,,•1 ~.iti, I ticlige.sl ion, Fiat illeno , y, , i i c'ti , t - one, m i d religibn us well civilized attheir commenirs. Ilea r: -I. i 1 ru, IV:II I ;!::* 11• . d ,. ch, • Aciiiiqt til l lir h it north. of a ;writer oflsome celebrity, - Thee have i A her like 4.li2ie;nie , s, so irr'%'::lent +gni] $0 pert-licil.from that:anti. their eities arc gigantic pile:, of i int ti to cure, , ' , Clit - ndiy sureanili at nti;tt,t, rents, their King. , inul l'rines so mighty in their lif , V l t-C , / „ 1 1 ;1 7, 0 , ,,,,,,,,.,:„/ 0 1,-,d hiti t .„ .l .... \vi ler ,. int i s t : for:tolten: their rilin , ,.mil tbeir, medicine:done are left." ti -:; loii t , ..... t. , il lit relik' Vt., t Itlg afreets i A siil.!- . ; . - T rt. 1 , " ; ) 11.; , \ L \ t .. " 4. 1 N t' ;',l l. ll 4. ' r nS u ° N 1 I i l i l ; l li t ' l T . rt ill' fi n q t , i l L e j l t n . ' mustl stiuti.act ''-`.. c;1 " .. • I 'l. 'l' :lrc '' l l 'Z ' S. IA- • F ' I iW I le & I ' I'AIL, ! et-;l=fitlntedicitte in the world in curing disease. ' • !'e'"- ''''',. ,111+1 sold by . . drii! ,- 4i , t s :int! a , 4l:its I. ..Judsmi's llinintitht Herb Pills arYs:olil by all :Medicine' •-:-. • , .. - ep :,;•,): dealer,. Sold in molitrosizqcry ----A late importer A. 1 ., fnpittnt iti.Jtiain : s '' ' i'` - ' : ‘1 1..1 , t' , 4lll'ilt Eli 1 1 1 flit titizisalla fapeet.i,llo:.. .I..Fr•Roffat'iTiite-Piils.—The high a envied celebrity . I i•-trii);lt.ol 41 . 111011 g 10111' i ll issi o n al •v; h 0..! wt;illit.lli, pre-on ilient medicine has acquircilftnitivorlable :-.-111. , I:tboriti? in - China, beitir• part (it',l'vffica":'' In all d 1• ~ a ‘es it profest.e. to cure. h a t moldered / the hisual Practice?,)f osteinatious pulling not only Millen:l , - ,C... 14r1 , 1%t•C•,1- I , l t Iti,, flintier ent - plovnieht. , . . , • • .• 3 . siiry. l but unworthy of them. Tiwy are known by• their ' l. I ' l ' ll . hi ' hl-4 n. " 1 2 - -' li t' c l 11 1 . ci'llSvillw llo ' of I . frnia.: then gooi.„ , f works testify for them, 'and they thrive e .. )1,-01 , 11 , i0:1,4 eltieetionN at liavia , li4en act qy the "faith oi•the credulous. Dian cases of costive ,- irileotea Ny itit suppl VIII, Ihe chita. se ; tress; tly.pepia, iiillotts and liver affection's , piles, fevers ', li :-.., I ItTiliicitnis n dill A' , ' anti ague , rinnm,:tism. toßAlliato Imulaches. and genemr '-. -' . dernevinent- of Aelltli. th-e. I'ills hive invlriably proved --.:l'l '' ' '' ' N. ew ' l'in'k 'SI 711-4. 1:: \ "'''" t I, V e 1 A ei;:1711 . 11 am: spe4ily . remedy ' , . A sitnle t slat . Will 1 - 11:1 - e, lilt' l', n nnitil co oil I lie : eons:lint iottni I 'ppm i.i.i.FE-en.r.s heye,nll the reach of competition in the Z.,ti: ~ ,r1 y, have issaea an :ebiress to tile 'rico- linati.'"rer ,, T ii‘t 4 .-'"t• ° ' :MOFFATT. PIItENIX lITTl:Eliti win be found to Id , ~1 I hal S', :11:',Wo'i I itt ,, jbet It llin reastas i -1)11. - I be ennallyeflicac onsin alt eases of titspep-ia heathiche or the union “fliii• iiittioial men a:,_,:al)i.st i nerv ous ous`Olebllitv.isickness Incident L . female ''n delicat.; I !.:: 1,1: . ,(1,, R.;.l.lll.ljcaltS. Tie. :t.liitiy.S 1 health..a ndever ' y - ;ilitl of wt;altness of the digeglive organ, ' , nil,. itllt the t.. ', i I , ', tillio \ v4l nl4l ri•ittll 1 For,ale hy,IM. Vf. It. MOFFAT.= Ilroadwity, N.Y..and .. ',lto ,-s,11:1;Ty tl- 0ti1 ti,,. 51 ,,,,,,, e , 5 ' ,4•Lim.iiiii ' t by medicine deali•ra and druggists gen aerally ces throug fon. hout ~. the country. 1 . , • ty t :1, ell'ar ;Ind fur: Able tunntier„ pint digit-- --, • rs, 1 - oi. !...., 4,.. t., ore . (.:1••i na,:, 1. lit• 11(.C.OSSity of at uprisitt,r of j . ,-4..• 4 1 „,,,, 1. , 4 , , . ~..T ; t' • 1 111. p'l.: ri/L., t" prel , Clit Silt :ill Z'l : :t'll t. ' t 4 ‘ %.. 4 li 1 a '',:"- e - 'I • I . 1 -k ' . ----Vroin the statities of Dr. he its , - 4 HOCifrLAlfliS - \ V in-'.,- , ,i 'NV it , inl that there aril tep thou- ;. . - I • I . - Sail(' (lllP.lill'n -, y:- , ic:ll:ltlti:iih - Cdllcati4 ill ; CtilllL- ill I.olitipll. 'Those 'ore: titiNtt hons(ntil .! V.o il 1 14;1)167 1P_ . 41/ i r• , ,f,..ssi,aial thine.., mid .. five I thotisfinil 1 % . Vv" i . . , tam liouses tlealilex solely' in sti iltit ~ , ,eos. 1 ' .a" r - (4 1 , -,..1.11 4.m. . . -; „ . , , . • , „ .... 1,,-!„.••• 1. ! (•••,... third are over I 5.,000 gtitn• ' STANDARD REMEDIES _ Hers, t went v-live I lionsand be ,,, C•IN - I I.Ill? I of the pz-,14- 1 I . d i! ego. are .anitnre_ their g . T.It tx.pal.-irity I nit id ri •: - 1 eight , til)t * ls:lnsi -Vi•lions • s' li , ') h b MOISMIII t 41r1::11:.11:(1. , ., a!1(1 one hundred fifty 'A1t0n ...•:1,!!! w!,:....1 ~ ;,.!,!!li‘c..a lire,.',l), , ..i,stitption. ---(*•.v:.11:mitia......f on . .:111.: - Sc.Warcrs last :-.1.,...:1i io Ivlticll lit• assayes us ltitat Lin r•ulll.. i....a. cliazaj2it,a. c the id:rdwri law; '!11(: I). Iv , it Fr t .:. I 'i.t..-..‘s sralv ron.t:lizt: "'int - .. , 11,.; In4t•ri!rt.'.::li,,n c..11:1 1.)t• put iiiim Ilie...ze , I(4 l l:trali6ns ::nil. rerw,:wc!.l dechtratiiill4 'of! :-.. ward. Lilte ! - ,in, and the ptilerida.ek ;I': - ! • +:. mi.,. 1. 9 ,1 1 “.1 Cr rurrl.sr i li . 4 1, 1(::::: il - :l'it';' It is suNceinii)le ottut , that • , „.,- , , , lELLOW FtVER, EILIDUS FEVER, ARO FEVER ARO AQUI. .Ti 111 it • l s pil . : ta :On, atld LS (i. ne -11c., 1 01 .- 1 - c.,. our Abu . AAae au. pe.,f, -Pelee, ::',' colts per r..4it0,• ,• . : .1.1:!.t5tr.. , ;1 :!,,,t .Tolin Ilrawn put- itp,,a It. : , .. 1:1:4,fall, :oil 1110! salr:itliat is 116‘i...putlifp- : Tie lial l td's Balsamic Cordial , ' , lli'r i:`..1 ' 1 : `::! . ... " 1 .n ILL 206 . :T1A T.LT . CI R 2 . ..... -, :::('Lt'li V :t/ :i. rolitic:,l inert 1111 ill • • Coup., Cold r e: at If oartenesa i l Iltonehitia, Influenza, e I), 1 /I IV:11'. 'l'l . ' I' V • inipr , >pert v s:ii , i 111 1;'1Vil , Croup, Pneumonia, Inciplent Consumptlarl, ' inlgs ~, twit. AN Infil!.,l, • :".vott, whervitju , n . ! inai!..;rerrorlwl,ll”:TTlNt liPtt Lolling care o ever lin,,wn 11.. I il'l'-f - 2:;':lr4 l'',• in Ili: , a t'li'llt'i 1 frii,..h.;;L , - 1 .-",.. ~ cosrin3tEri CONSI'MPTIO.N. • .i,,-, , ,iii.. 1 . j., I,i. t . le ,, ili:lll.S.TwOcli: `)!....11r, Ifres- • :its 'n I?iert lane f‘ordi.l if is unequalksl. rucca, Illi ragas . It" 11 :-- % V !,,;-, i ,•"' t , :1y,. , (ten. S .- lii)tt 1 . ; t: 111 ,. ; ~.. - * el ' per-bultle. :t p:1 i ri:,l . sh! ou 11 . 1,I• kic..1.;4 ! d i t a, 0 0 . t h e , .... • :. . t , :n..k . ‘1,.,.1. if ];111 - •!i!••o!:)tein,p1 :. r:()111.41 Oka . • HOOFLAND' ,1: S. GERMAN PILL, , 1:(- ;fun ca .1' .1 , . , 2;ri.41;yri, 'Si ; IiivIct•411111 it'll li : -,, c 1 leovin thr.uy...h.att I.:lln , pe and Anierien needs - •1 .1, t i.,! , ; . 1 , 1, -I1 g'el.-1 - ;11 ex 6 . rilt ili., alit ?bur- :. '',,,:4-....wlenati„. Kerr, , T i„. Ar „, - ~ ,- V, , . pureo, vtd,,ta.ne, arA .. :,' ,l . I. sn' '.'. l:1 1'... r j 11111 iy iell I. :: 1: - -r i l ill - (1..11'j ITILII great exactness. :Lint are Stlgar.contLl. Nos", plvt ty :•-everc.-4,11 ueni••:,pa ,),••• 111 diet. ~•s art ,'.1..2, 1r , r7 5„ , ..,, i0 n I:l‘vt j - tolzt• . . vowp; man o ` , MI 1:1 Ow. ('u to qing No , V, ;I:is !' \V ,at . , jOi • k . vi 1g 1.14.1.F:0:IS 5111 , ,;11:1V:0 T.lli FN i ;al WI 01: ittl' yc•ars twvertpaid .mythin.: C-1. it • • r: • • -,•• '1;1o:111i11, - 1110 mlrepidl nt.4l an ; -„t her Wood, somc:lfme . a iropi! :2,000 I!w euriter upon a p o l e Yu I 11 . ,..t't high. a 1 'l(4'lll4lg' I itt ciinednr surface , :, N'; 1(41 Ltq Will , 111-vcssivels a , ,• 1 , 11,1” dt•si-t;ml. ETlre t l'or ill• Jixeii hi t 1 1 .111 a l es Nia : 4lra, it4;:ds cro:ssiug• " —There' apltc;i:r to .1)C. 110 di,• -0 1 . 11 :1111,.ng tiw I) , •;lloCrat,t Of the (IVIIO. her Breckenri(jgr. or I )ongii'ri`rfit en) . the. einitjeet of Governor. The voice of ;all :is Foster, and if tLey wtirl; 17,,r; !flu' ‘nrnezitly anal-in good faith the "sciernid Tut.. , tby Oct, ,her crown their ({lTo t i•ts ith victory. There is nor ; .re3son Why Doinocrtit should not vote for Faster ; and cou - siderntions cif patriotism trust, induee many whollie not identified tit h iiarty, to give him their support.— l.:•1 ns :111, then, go in for Foster ar4i vic tory , —The c•viaences that Be entice. de nteeracy of Penusylvania will -aevq;.t and c:irry not in the 'right spirit that arrange nieut of theiternoeratic Exeentive ;(:'one . mittee, continac to inuttiply lid—fr;,ia 4 ry *nail. We have :•t he prl)eeediterF. ofleoutt iv. mec•ting. - , of eotiventious of Dele! ,, ates; ,i:: e., from - t wc•nLY-nine eountie, all - one. : qnivo:.allyenclorsing the •aetion 4i . the Committee . : The. , rood work goes kora . re'-. is on—Foster -will 1 . .) • our- neltv -Goi-ernnr as safely a.; tlfealay ,feleetion sha'q.eome 1 —and Line3ln - will a(. t earryPininyil:a ilia. , • —A - corre•liont trit, in thiOve6l - s iz.-:.- SILO of tile ~cientfic. Ana rica n,:writini from To x.e , , sa-vs. : - . . , And you mar tell your.iiirmit9r§ this is.t heir field' for Steam Plows: !There is a million of dollars lying waiting', hOri4 fo° the first limn who shall bging: us .a steam plow that will turn up our prairies eltear,T than our USCIL the stfhoolier Plutarch - arrived at i~tltimure, Aug. :A.. froni St. Marrs with a *argil' of wheat :icl:Oyu:co. bohn l i' o r r,altiruore, iris runoWnhylliesteziner on Wednesday night and sunk. • is:riunOred, that the 31Orinon . s to return to ILineeek 111- in the leader Ship of.losephliniith .Ir, to .••Itie at their Old place; an - ;indir . ,,- n a lias been held at C'aftha i ge, to nroto...st at , airist it. , D,iyitte. and Philan thropist wal. waikinr- recently in ‘a erow,d ed, 1.0a4 tn, at night; in -order 'to dist rillnte tra'ets. to pro rn i g i ng; subjects. A young- woman •,va. walking- lift 'and ht. :1:.0.•) , ic.,1 fiCl ; iiolnted ofrar to her ILL; vrror ~f t ier waTs , i mp l ore d her 1.1.4 reform, an. 1 to-allured her" n. tract; with 11. , r‘ent enttvat les to- go home and real it. The girl 'tared lit him Ibt.a min--I mite or twO in sheer bewildermeni,.; Lat. last it dawned oti•her what he meant and fur', what lie 4,0 - ..k . .her, and,: loolAng, with sittiple atattsemenVin h-is face, §he yon, sir, I :aunt a ,t,ocial' for the outrilhuV! - , s, it. 5.137:117 ende•r.d by lbeni in all ca-es. 90FLAND'S AN BITTERS CER ', STILL TO.SITIria:f cur.c • • -.1 • at. Dyspepsia. Jaundice. Nervo u s De- ty. Aar's!oa or the liiducya, . arising fipm o .1i0nni,,,,1 lisvr., e:nit• 1- ,h, st4ruadli and Digeeiii.• Orzans, I liiißE Mud «Il di,ast res.!' tA$ f.etter 4;athartie nu ran Fund. l'alcr. rts:per There medicine.. are prepared "by 11r. C.ll. JArizseN CoVl'llikulelphia, :md and :ur sold by drnggiqa and dealers in me•li..!inel e'serysvhcre. The 144:- nature of C. 11. Jaczso*:udl be on the 011tbille of ouch iv,itle IT ion. ,In our Erervboly's ra"pnbled Cl antnally:yon Rill 15nd te..!ti,nony and,;eemmeildatorsnpri, , , from all purr of 'GU, i•ountFy. Ther Alm.-Liars aro given avay by . . . . . .. . an put . agents. • • . • lidr::4l Sold in Nmitn. - *tr lw AIW.I. TI - 1:1:ELL. Agent., Ir 1 "ti "! o-is .• 11*i-3:VS TAR AND. WOID NAPTHA le the but Moiit - Luc:in the tretl tfor the curl , V -COUghS and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis. Ar.thma, Difficult Breathing, PalpitatiOn . of the Heart... F;orlh, pile/ ruin:hod gages r? Consumption together !with all Dis eaSes `of the Throateand Chest and Whieh . predispo‘so to Consumption: alternb the mot t:r dirame. 11? mate, f fell, - • '•destrop',Teverteinbtoiteiojiwm... It abaprirha rocfrier.rpert9rathtn, et thd , n,e healthy action i in tht dieem+ta Mutma, Membrane cmd li ant. ' It is peculiarly: adapted to the radical . cure of ASTHMA. " one di., of ihie in rak,alde SYR . TIP often glees eget , w,d cosueepantly dup. tr/eien the ixtrtieutzu. • nature eif di.dwee acme'. It is nen/plesant fo flied nefe:. mid prompt to ita ,etrecr.e. fry it ,F • be conrineed tiled it ra , {flre-estre ij •'s • Aroatelsial Affeetio:t.. -Prier 50 &Aro per Bottle. Prepan rt obiy by • Pr. A. ESEArrers. and erdcl by A. Eeen creiA, , • F cort.T.9l.l,abo , POPLAR 4reete. • Pbili'La. Pa. For *ale in .Irontroeein, enle29ly..lnel ...41;EL TUR-HELL. leruggise.„ THE NO. 2 PIKE COMPANY will meet on Monday. Sept..lolll. • at i o'clock, J. In.' J. P. W. RII.ET. Farman. W. WIL,ON. S,Cralisry. i'_ZILAIL . LICELNOSIKENTS--MONTROSE. P. 0 11:14LS .1/2/4/17.—Dafly eptit'd.) fforn .F.a.t. and !!nuttl. by IbliTroad at :Nl'. 31. . ilttily,.putnday, emaptc.l.l from the Wee.t. by 'Railroad, 1.1... t . ,., a. in_ • • 'Frain Mut!'Minton dyed. ev'e'ry Tuerday, Th 1:rm.:4..1:1.nd Sla . malay. at IS.- p. tn.' , - . - ' - . ilrom Tellidtanuock illrect, every Tuet.day. Thnrhday and Saturday. at 1 p. m,- Prom Towanda direct,' ,• every Tue,day and Saturday at • . Till. m. ~ Daily from Fatend 4 wille tt unday excepted' at 6.1,1 p. M. VE—Daily {6ilnilayli excepted) for Ihe t'a and minta... by rallroad.'at ' Daily inridary except:ell) fur the veld, by railroad. 314 ru_ For Binghamton direct, ev&y. Monday: Wedne)thty'and rriday. at a; m. : ForTunkhannoch direct. ere y atonday, Nrednemlityl7, Friday, at 6a. m. For Towanda threet.:every Monday and Frlday'at :a.m. Daily for FriendnillC (Funday ex..) at VI; n. rn. For "it iirough .11)inday. at 1 a. vv.—arrive* Wedne4MY at 5 1 , - 10 -. • • IL .1. NM/18. I% M. 26:Corr*rOsise' neXv&rls..et. • Wheal C 4.1, /,SO,l Eye Cunt t 5 cent. 4 Ilarkwheai (late • • 1 cent.. Nnift .rutatoOF .37,,i;Cent6 Whezl-flour - ebb! ti;C ! 't sri.oo Rye flour ti; cN t ~. .2 a. - 1, .2.tt4 Corn meal V. ewl ..2 Pork p lb ...AU It%t, (with, Lard 12 lb 12 oetth , Rutter.? Th... 14 f 7 10 eene , .t Egvx I±-d0z...10.0 . ; 12 _ante DEMOCRATIQCLUB.--The Sugg'a Count Vflemneratie Club meet, every 3 lOND9Y. evening at their room, oier the Store of I:N. Buthird, in :gontroce. Ail urn invited to ittieuil: ter . • ' - PANIEL riT2EWSTEII. Prai,fr.nt. • FOR SHZRIFF•—go tho Voters of Snsg'a County. of my frien& I pr , ,,:cot .I,,TOre you, agkfm: your pultrf.Tim4 for tho office of Sheriff, the„,com inf; ellfetiori. Youre revectioll v. J • - • Brooklyn, uly 4: ism. . . ItlArtiaties. OrSaturchtv. Athrio 23t.h: 76410. by the Bev: J. B Crewy. Mr. IENRY C. BIZUING- anti ELIZA A. EARLY. both of Stott, Warps t 'aunty, Pa. In RnE.ll:Alo2toq. hv W. PEPPER of Ru4gandßlA GROINK of Camp town. Br.u.iford co (eV, Pu. , • •-• . 1 - Members Cavalry ! qui Members of the , "Ilarford and Brotklyn ,• , JL Troop ,or CaVair arc hereby Dotal .d to f trick at the hone o ,I. 0. Bullard, .in Droo lyn, Ali on Monday. the 14th inst., at 9 o'clock, a tili., (quipped at , the law directs, for parade and drill:,; Mentor the purpose of electing a Captain and fillin.t-ouch other (.4c.inmes as may occur. C. C. THAYER. rap Kin. 8.......,iii 1 •. ri September hd, IEO,-1.1 ty - . . . • , .. . • —• ' . - :- . ..="i:it. EfIX 3 33lPTlCrili -,..- s i t , ..; e - , 4 Ai • 4 "j; '. 5• . , .• .• ...,-- • ...,..... • e 1 I ..; . • , . .. ..;- ...',.\, ' • .. j . ,A.A . •Al -) -,--•—... - ~, -,.. .- ._ Tlilfalfrulre' gri' e' u, ';'," t t %%ledge i r Tll . lUSE .....„,..iitz0iyb,....0...0",• 7 r ... • mereantitc-frie.ntli In thin andother count lea:for their kind I . pa trou k ou tohin,New 1 - it'k bu.theas, and aslia a continu- i , . L.' - : 431,33. Ci. • • nnee of th'eir favor 4 at tr. 'PR 10. tIfARDWAIIR. : • 310ONEY.,COlitt & co.; anti at 413 COURTLKND 'greet, 1 • LITERARY CASKET • IHATS. CAPS, STRAW t/OODS. FURS, &c. &c.,] 11.1 - '. , . 1 1t1 , ..XCF.. 6 I:100S & lirstiSTtl'ltY. l 1.041.11}11 , •;; address. for - Sept.. 51111 Oct:, care'Lawritnce,ll,, .• A NV•1141 WEF.ILLY tiIUBLICA.TIION,. Grigg , .V.: Kingy-hurs..lt; Gourtiatid, , trent:.N.; T. after. that i • . ~ ~ . { , . DEVOTFD To ~ time, till furllt;reotice, .7llontruse;Sur(ja Co_ ht. liontr;‘;Fe, );tep. 1. 1r01.• ~ Xi. C. TYLER.. ",-1 ; • .tiducation - Literati/re- ...........____, , 1- 1 Watches, Jewelry. & Silver Ware. i R . .. eligion,' & General Intelligence. A T I-56tiuld re4peetfUlly inform our friend,' and ~ 1 ' 1 V .pativut , and the public. gen.:x.4llv that..,we liavi , now In 'St.re. aqd otter NV litli.Et'iAt.li rout ' .s. Z.,12;" TA/ orga i ngt ho pellyious S,:ct ur Itillicaj erect: ._th: Rel'Ap.f : ...pt the loweAt 1'.1411 PRICES. n darn' .t # t. •• Pl. (110;1M FlOtili a w ATCIII:S. JEWELIt V. '3IL .r.h.•z.: ''t . " . ATED NV•AI.tE, of tve:ry variety and ntyk. - '•y' • ' INENPENDEtIT °NALL TOPICS• f.".‘"pry de-eription of 01.V.11 ON t) 'WORK anti gtitili.ew.. ' • . . . 'dry glade to order at ellort n o tice. . te — .311 G.,pis wuri•ankil 10 G.,-. us repreeenlcd. . . It W proleened to arrangethevarionsll.partinetiti . uf the N. 11.-- , Particular attention given t. repairing 1 W;itcrhes aud .41% rlyy (if dve - rt tlenerlnt ion. iit ''' ' y 31 " . I 1... .PAGE:- - . 1. . rithap tor - ' ..-,,, , STAI:FF.Ett 1 fIATME . perk:Willi ilauttly . a,t fullow:i :-. . . • • - , lkcY. V.:: Thiet.,:t ,t., .Sonth tilde, Phil:1'1..1011a. ' Poetry 0.1411'31e. • : ' • Select lith!entional Mutter. • 41..1:10113S 5 .ON 11 6 1tICE 'l l 'll\ :I\l"Cr'r - FVR SES C, ZED •J 01117 ti FA Nu. iIS AliCIl tit. twtween . :th nuts (late of .818 Market tit.) lan p.rtvr. Nlaunfacturur of mid Dealer In till kinds ut Etaa P 11 1.1.3e5, naviug removed tc 111 V .NC NV St Ore, 71 • Anb PhilailMithi.t, nn being now etankred.atirel in the nenufacturet or Farie,t Fury. which. in it, kaln CCU litl tltp %Me Pile 1 "Principle," I bate macho at the. Inn tawlitle pile I ...011141 4 1e11t a'rea-nuahl prollt. T Ul/1.1111 il 21 11 4 1 10011 .Th" 0111 thi..o In AN'alli of Fin f t ir either Ladler' tir Chik cries Nrear. Lt an itirpectim of niy relectiotw of thor gowlq, ratir.fhal. as f Am, ntrobtlity to pleabe lu elm desired crsential. s~Perrone at a gli,tant tot:other with the prfcm and,'lnstructions for reutil lit, and forward the order to nip adtherr--money MITIIIII - ir ratiAiltetort: compliance with their wishes. I • A CHAME. THE piAVING ch,v , ed the Mock of BOOKS- ANWSTATIONERY 'LIORMF.:III.I - owned by A. N. 'BULLARD. takeA 014 method of In formilm "..flawe leo take the . j.wprA , ' th at the otork - lam. been removed to the .tore of .1.,1,ynn - s &Son. ollK`eite the 6 rlaixicocivt , 0.11:114ac.,, 0 here he will he n e ot happy'• to ' wait 01,00 Owe Who May fat or him with a tall. ' • ANY it O 0 K , IIFTILISit ED (and in print)ymbeohtalited hy leriehm l' ' your ordrr, with the pike of the Look andpublioher ',,, ! Dunn, at the 114,k. _tiro. any article in the - Book and Stationcq " .line. • - 1 • NEWS . • ' 01 'FICE: lIARPER'S. tiodey ' ii. Le.lie ' s Petetwou ' ii. Graham !=, or tttly 0( the popular 31.1g11Zillt'S Of the day. N, Y. Ledger. N. Weekly. literrury. rllpper. Flag. Wilke,,' Spirit. Spirit. and nit time Illudrated l'aroir- , for nit:. - Back Cam -1,,,, m(ppli.d.' , • L I i . 'SCHOOL BOONS-All the old and new editions. .__ BLANK BOOKS-A very ;Jure assortment. CITTLERY.-Tip top article of American. GOLD PENS-Very Fine one, Ladies & Gents,' PERFIMERY-&.W. Harrison's and ethers. . . XN=...S- •• . . ,- - • , I. It\lE :•11 , . A .c .46;X J X. 2 ,1 and I <sill' cndeavor to'' VA il:tvi..• a nin,;!.! ryl‘ to s-nor intore,t" and not to 10V , . 1 own. !Yrinri!. IINIOC:101'. ' 1 i . . - A.. MC faiIeXIW,XE. I . M , NTItt•E: Pt.. Sep:111110:k lA.. lantl.—ti • I 1 .-• ' , 7 NEW FIRMS • 1. . .... y k • .. .. ,. . 4. NEW • .Gi- 00 1,09 , . . , - AT N0.,30 COtiRT ST., -' . , . TO ill E FIIII , ,'NI)S OF "lIENI' I II ' ' '' AlOllll., & RELIGIOtiSPItOGR.LS.' we would stv: Alii ns liberally in this noble enterprise. ' •At present we Phut iult.int e nolliiiit: inure in fat-or of the ' 1 ettort tee are now inakiinr. By our works we are w Illinz i to he Jinket.l. The first issue iif the MUSEUM will afford , until ailiiit i jonal explanation of the project proposed: that ' issue will tiecur on Atrzust rite h. and will be dated Detti. • ber Istb ; after whirl, tfiue we expect to publish it. weekly, at ¢t! per alit - nn. in advance. See tends for Clubs in' the tlrst issue. : Speeinitinetipies tent to all who &sir. , them. 1 Editors Ir. W, SA MI:S. Aililrosx. : '' r L.:\. TY LEH. Media, Delaware co. Pa. _ I. I - - - -- . , i i i."(.;el",Srli TS taiJi,llll - Nt:liiirol:l.l. having formed a „ IVlark These F,acts! ,-, cninr:ner.liipl.r tiltz,purpoy!. or,•arr.:.ing "lithr THE TE S TIMONY OF ME WHOLE' WORLD! t .. DRY sCIODD3NIYETSINESS, '!" - . 1 - i 1 .:1 4, • h.... ) „ e. ~.? . .r . „ ..., a ;„:,ii;„„...i.rioil, 4.lo.partizi.mts, u sN l•re kn.pared to of:yr rite 1 , 1 Orit . - r'' . '' ' 5l l - • 1.. E 7., ' ' ". i.. . . .r - ' rot..-3.,,t,,,.. ~,. ~,,,. ~.?„. _, ... . . t Krrokr.., 4,.. rhi llit° .:::: : */ :' ,.... ‘:'. I: " AN l S ' i,id n"T-I .7,om."‘Z N isitiN F:ii ii . 04. 1 ''...' .4.. -•• f . " : "1,.. C.- 4., -- ~,,,Lir: ...----:.',„'• ..!;• 1 • ... t . .. -..„. N.." .11V - 't - -. • O lt \'• \. . : S - ', l• 1.)• . - - 4,1 :I .11 T® CASE GUST.O7I.MaN .....rn C., , , i Il „,••:..... ! sit . . i55"›,.....,•;,..`N • ." " -.' • ' , -1.111 - NGETtPOIID, i Jel . .; 'errs".• . .,. ;,,......- 4kw ...;., , .li:l4;.chaMtlin, An t :. 21, iSr,o. , ... J; N. P.AI.:E.. r,,,,,ii, ..., 1 ~ ~ A s s ..-s. ~ ,i,_- c. - - • T• ~ .--=.l. . - ..• .ti r se-iy 44_, .....„, , i ... , ". li - Ai i • , " —_ __.._.... 1 . 7 HUNGERFORD & PAGE, I N , - - • have just nAtinted front Nett l'Ork It tat a liir,off -- ..rweir Haliavray's Om' tment. . . -ejected stock of i N ...... ' i s i __, - "....ri:;•'' At No. 30'Court St., TING 11. AINITON. & PAGE, coo opa,, thc,),vtve : tt rich prtee4 i ,'Vlilett we will sell CHEAPER TIIAN TIE CHEAPEST. A he;trty hatilttifoil , lextehtled to the pnblle rcnerall}',lu CALL AND EXAMINE OUR NEW- GOODS, . ik. Th ltiCS2) LOW P before unrclute•inrr, ehLewhere. It IN a . ptoa%ure for. -uu to I . N.GERFOiti) .t PAGE. - Itingluonton. :V. Y. Aug..3o. 30 Court. Street. NEW GOODS, CHEAP! reez.onr Stnek may be Inniel every thin belontting to ast ell orgaitized Dry Good,' Store. We will tell you Yard wide 111:OWN at it , : ctf.-per, curd, Yard wide BLEACHED "MUSLIN. lit, Iwr yard. (1,04 ADDER PHINTs. fan ruler-, and ether«. t( MS froth tt , , tot titir vottl. ,ittmotton and !rots 10 to is", tit..4III*()WI:I,ING. frx)n)s. , , t,tltictotte. Bits STEEL SPRING sicurrs with N nt Viet. VI other Skirt:t cortrixtutlintrly chimp, according to the t..prlnge. 'ln fact otir , Chenti Goals are 100 nitmerotts to mention. Collie-and eott for yuureith etc We do all and 31911 - E Man we advert iNC; . tuid we ever urn to saii , ty custotnem, ro that thi.ruill deal 'with u,,,,n.;ain. . 3Ertart.gol - Zeti - ci d ritzt,3o, Binghamton, Y. ,30 Court Street. C !SVE FIVE TO ',.PEN. PER CENT. ;Yon lAtill'Save Frontii , vo . to Ton Cents •. • • . 0:1 EVB.Y DOLLAR, 'By Buying ...e...l..aMs*our i DEY GOODS of ' . HIINGERFOED tfz PAGE, Ang. 27. . • .0. 3O Court Street Religious iTopies. - .. IN n Pion•— 1 , ! • f • ~ • Edina:l4j ` • Foreign :lid Iforne News. —Politital Items. - 1 Local Inci lehts. . Original Communications. l'llllAren'i Depart - meld. . 1 ::nD PAun : {- . The iloniestic (fleck. • . IlistyificakEyents.. • 31iscelleneotts Selections of an Edatnitlonal. Literary. and Selmdifle Charawler.--Lveeunt Prmluctiona and Coat:ill:ll.ms on Various subjects,—lteuts. 1 Reviews of itooks. • 1 . llytOentHalealth. - • • Curiosities and Fun.. • 4TH I'0111: I • . • AgrICIIIIIIre. AdVCrthlerflentS. - • The nbsench of n high-toned Educational. Literary, and It t af [ d a u,. ‘V,•*-kly Paper in a want that has Winches:lv felt in Eastern Ptuinoxlyanla, and which wo pow attempt to supply- TheMition of the various departments aboi•e tins . med, is a coMeption perfectly original, and is such an the progressive spirit of the age demand.,-It is a project, [so far as we are awarc.i never before curried into successful execution in this country. .1 parer of this kind is•more urgenthe needed, from the fact t tat Strietly Educational Journub are too often found dry and-unintermiting front a want of variety, an,well us Literary Merit in tin: matter inserted, . The rnettMliy exciting and morally debasing' ' ' ' Si 0 - 13.151CL•tisCsX 1 . IA ktoti. ii41.1."T0, t • now so prevMent, has met with 11113 marked indifference and even disdain of the more highly educated and moral [lonians of the community, and luet also been strenuously denounced Irian the pulpit. The class enterminin,g these -Opillicthe, k ntsw numerous and rapidly increasing. in num bers and influence, and we pn•pose, by its aid, to establish our periodical and dist•enti nate a A01111(1. healthy and cut er iailllng litt . rtittllV, that supplant, or. at least, partially pre- I rent the mufti Spread of the injurlomPllterature of the day. I yor the reasons just gifen, nis believed 'that it can he made worthti of. and tha: it will receive the CORMAI. 'lllld 1"..%1LN1:t , r hVii14 , 1:1 .,, r, the .. • , Friends oir E ducational and IllellgloustProw; liverywhere., 'CIPF: will contain the very e:taence of muse • of morivthautl fty of the beat periodicals, both Nat lonaL-t Vorelau, mill in all the depurttnenta above mutual. Mb: ,w -ineted tu?itter will In pre:wilted lu Jim turret ettutipmed form, eolvabstent tit itb the :rrizittatiense - und beauty ofthe article. thus il:rit.Teti and trunaferred: or. whim the selm- - ; lions are f10t, 4 too letnr.thi. they will be ithwrttal In full.' exprit4lona otfetuii ee tU the m(HT TASTE 'twill he permitted to miter our column.: but it to our in t tentiou to mphe it emphatically ti mork for the tonic et.r.--for father hr mother, brOther or plater, and [or the echtnd. - ,Thil•Jourual will warmly eepome the CAUSE OF TOILING, HUMANITY, Be it In the workshop or on the Suihy Mine or on the Stormy Ocean. I We hope :reratal boldly to malntain. and Ardently to OotriA PIE NOBILITY OF LABOR laid the, True: Dignity of Honest Human Toil • our colniiins will be entirely deyold of the turmoil of iolitical cotitroslorsy. so wearisome and repugnant to a pclrtioli of Ilse tromilminity: • ,, b4 sot o.unthe religion, doctrine, of oily partßular 'sect or churrili, tint shall shall view Um , uldect of Religion In it, general—lto universal Aspects.-- None the lei , carne,ily a 11l we proclaim the glorious re milt, dint Itiha. wrought In all - age, and in all clitnel , „ and urge our redders to elllhrflee it. sacred truths, for the ialre of flair futgrq and eternal welfare. Many of,the BEST CONTRBUTOR,S • itt this and tither States will furnish articlet for our eel espet.trilly. for the Educational Department. which will he yialce the prominent feature of Car paper. Bad,4,ege,-Ba4l Breasts, Sores and Mors. , LL - dekriptiaotv,if sore.: are remediable by the prop er atu4 diligent useof this Inestimable preparation. To attempt to cure lent n. tic plastering. the edgei , of the wound together is a follY.;,,fer. should the el:in-:unite, a boggy di..4 - ased condition iiMains undenteattuto break out with tenfold fury in a few 'days. The ouly rational and sueccOful treatment, an indi6ted by nature. In to re duce the inflammation it, and about:the wound, and_ to soothe the.neighboritte parts by rubbtr ' • Ointment. as suit b• forced into meat'. Ulcoratad Sore Throat, ; other Fevers. , NY tif , the above disea%es may be Alt. Mpg ihe Ointment. three times a throat and neck. of the patient it will give immediate relief. Medicine taken- 't4,' the mouthy 1 Inuit operate upon the ivhole system ere its influence can I la. Mt in tiny le at part, whereas the Ointment w 111 do its I work at (IWC.' Whoever tgu tries the naent in the above I manner far the di SeIISVS named. or any. similar disorders affecting the chest and throat, will, find themselves rclief ed as by zebartn." Piles, Fistulas, Strietnies.T TBE above class of complaints will -be removed by nightly fomenting the parts with warm water, and then most effectually nabbing in the Ointment. Person. suffering from these dimful complaints should !rise not a mmnent in-arres.ting their progress. It should be under , stood that it Is rub sufficient merely to smear the (tint mmt on the affected parts, bat It mug be well tubbed in for some Considerable time two or three times a day, that it may taken into the system, whence it Will remove any • hidden sore or wound as effectually as thontth palpable to the eve. ,There. again bread and water poniticesotfter rubbing In of the Ointment, will do great service. :This is the onl y once treatment for. females, cast. of cancer in , the Eton, eh, or where there may be a general beartog f- • • Indiscretions of Yontlii—Sores and IJlters. L(.11%r I 1 F.S. :tl•-o swellings, can, with certainty...lS% 3.) r littatlly cured If the Ointment lie used freely, and the Pills he taken nizht and morning as recOmntetuled in file in the printed instruction*. Virken treated In any othSr rid} they_ only drk in one plane to break not in anotheretwhe'reas Ode Ointment will remove the humor from the isystem, and leave the patient it rigorous and healthyrtielne. •It will require time-with the nee of the Pills mete:urea lasting cure. • • Dropsical Swellings, Paralysis and Stiff /Dints. A LTllOf7Oll the above complaints differ width in .11 their orlr:In and nature, yet they all require keel treatmetil. Many of the worst , cases, of such 'diseases. leilbylea, in acoroparatively , 'Mort space of dine when thist)lnttneut le diligently rubbed Into the parte affected. emu after other nteans have hilted. 1n.,a1l serious malatlies!the should be taken aecording to the print ed clirectiote accomptutying each box. •, . , Bout Ih'e Ointment and Pills should be used , in I" • tire following cases: .. pad L i •gst , , • -.:Chleco-foot,• ' Finttilatt, . ‘ Bad Brviisn, • (1111 14)0ns. 'Goat, - Burns ; i • Chapped Henan, Lumbago, . Glaudida:r Swellivreornn: (Soft) - • Piles, ' ' Bite of Montt etin..., Cancers, . Ttleuniallem, and Sand-Flies, Contracted and • Scalds, . Coco..ba)t.„ Stiff Joints. Sore Nipplen. - S.,re. Throate, Shin Dlneatice, Scurry,- 'l , ,Sore'llenkis, ' Tumors., .. Illerrni, lViituull • •Yawe, ' itc...te.l.c. 'CLUTION I—None:are pi•nothie tuileen tlitivoills - Het: i toWAY,:is•EW-1 4 011K Abll L0N1X)1 , 1,.. are dit cernibleas a water•mork in every leaf or the boot of directionn around each pot 'or bon: the roine maybe plainly been by lidding rice ientitollis light. A handwrite reward will be given to anyline i rendering suit information as may lead to the dettietion of any party or partici' counterfeit/ 1W the Medi. eine, or !vending the natue, Inowinglhem to he eparlOn. .ii gold aethe Manufactory of Profentor ilowiwar, Ni :Auden /Ann, New-York, and by all respectable Drucelete •and.l.lealern inMerlicine, throughout the civilized world, in bplellat, 25 cents, 62 Cents, and $1 each. . . rfr"Thire in condiderable saving by_takinglarger idles . v; 8.-.l•Dirrctionn tor the guidance , of patiento in every d!*ordt.r!art, allise v d to cochlea. • V, i aug,2lo ly 1 . 1 - DB: N. Y. LEET , •Ph yriTe;4a'fina ElUruf on: Rtleritt•Fille, J. Offirt oppcmile 'i • ' - the faction Mine., • • DR: I.;EIST Irises particular attention to the treatment .1..... of diSettricS. of the EAR and EYE; and is confident that his knrottledge of, and esperfencq In that branch of pmt. tire will enable him to effect a cure in the most difficult cases. for training - diseases of there ortimis no fee will be charged. unless the patient is benelltted by the treat- Incnt, . LAugust 30th, IBM . ' . __ __ XTRILELY all the kin& of PATENT MELIJOINP.3 In . regliet fur A& by - _ABEL' TLTRULL. I. OM FROM 11.11 NiZOIT I6II77 CO COOP FALL GOODS, "BEE HIVE" • . 9 fds of the bet Merrimack Prints for ' eta.- . Good madder Prints, wtirrantedlast colois tlii Very elegant French Prints, some as IoWAs -A very ettensive.assortnteut - or rich travelling press 5 .Goods horn 1436 cents upwards... Superb' Foulard Silks, latest patterns very cheap. Black Dress Silks, a full atock,,ivairudtecf.fini.per wit :rotor than elsewhere. ' DiMutiful colored Dress Silks, some - Sit 310,t every color and shade,of LADIES' CLOT I, LADIF.S' -CLOTH,' ', • .I.AI)IES`.I CLOTH. • .t i t . a wry good article for $1 O(. , Tnesuls:and Silk. to Inatcli., l CLOAKS. of rlu• v,ry newert pattern, , ,. A very Oxlen-i, !;tlveasAortnunt of SHNWLS, comprisltig the Istr #t Int,l, , . rtationn.. • .. ' i... , I ' All AlZei French (74140(A...11 , 6 theehrt..d . "31,2 , 41,1.1 . . I ,..tita." Au rudler.s Variety of Skirts. begl quality of steel.'; for •2 vatto. . ..- • ... , .. -.: • •= - • ...z - 2 • I 1 Ittell .E3tHROIDERIES,. - ..., . : _i . . r. . ... , \Sinn GOODS;' . - iii mrkin6 of • L' , i . • - . l'' House-F urnishing - Goods, - t . Foch, as DraperiellintllnA. liand.ont6 embroidered Plllowil, "Ono, 1.1nen,4 for 12,5.,.; &vas. .Lluen Sheetlnip , „ Mum Tat,: -btu Clothe: Napkito. Toweling. lilaperu.l l aido andiPlatuA Covers. Fliatinel#. Kentucky Jeans, tiattliketta.,Catiiikneni.ll :Woad Clotho, In great Abundance, ' ' i 'i' : MOUILNI NG GOODS, of evt?iidxcript tom. We are aware that to Wild up a large trade, nary not only to have desirable. Goods: but to sett Matti ehron. and wo can and will nullity It an object for Out:basil ers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. • A call is respectfully solicited. • .1! AT TliE ' 4 liEll3 uniscit3tAx. BRers..ir:c6; . .Cur. Court V. - atilt- streets. Ilingluunton, N. Y. Aug.'.30,1010, • 4c•viv4itl,- I,)esigns to, lieripeu I - I.er -• .. Q . A, 1" 7. , . Q 5 ' " - 11 19 V 9 g i MONDAY -SEPT' lOthl , • ,- Brooklyn, Augunt 250,1860.. 4 EXECUTORS' SALE !I TN purs uane.e of the villa the late F.IW. Allen the tak Jr dersigned Will sell at auction, at ti t O residence of 1.4 said te,tator. air Wetilltnithe t h e r2th dlts• of Sept. Oat, 4 lo o'clockot. m.; the followlog: - . .• i 1 , .irvi:o House r at ittli L4)tod. 1 ' One sittlideil just south of the village of Brooklyn, soli- • taliting about I'y acres u(laud, with new buildiu4s, a twi: Mort hourc,.a bent, &c . The other, ahaut ;P.; tulles Hurt 1 of ltrooklyn vlllai.te, twatairtiati about' 3 acrvs, , . With *Mall thteliing hotter. .Also, it lot of ,i -, ) ' • T i ..-,.. Watch-repairing Instr i tinjents -° . r tuid inat,riak. roust:ding of crystals, Oain-SpritiFpi, yet gee. hand, Le.• . .1 : k Al.-u, a (...4.1/E#A. and Photoyeraphing linplenicuts Mr tukiug pietures in every style of the art, with chetnicalt, . caws, and other materihis. .. . ~. 'Pe me to :pit purchasers, but`alwa.i's with the!amplett" securire. • " " • ' -Z. A - . IVE.Y T0.V.,,. ',Brooklyn, :tug. ai. isX).--thr•t • 1 ' 1 EXECUTORS' SALE..' I , rivlE antlers - I.4mA will otterat paid!: sale, at the n: l •. 1 JI. - . deuce of ti. W. Waldron, deed, lite of liarford,r . 1 - On :Monday.. Sept. I Otli, 3 80'0, . • F at 10 o'clock. a...m. , the personal property of thultrald dr. ccdcat, conAsting or Lire 'Stook, lions- hull FUrnitttre, kt*. ; i•utte , iindor tivit imer thiit ritnutait three months crolit., with atittroved 6etatrity. A. M. 'FIFFAN • • L . CULARI.ES FOSTER, P,,x'rs. • SAl,l'.l* ALI)R9N, t • • itartortl. aug. T 3,1860 . ts. • • • ." SHEEP AT AUCTION I 'ATTENTION SHEEP:, - BUYAS t • rrilWfml,seriberVill Rill at Pnblielretultie. at hie raid- I, dents. In Faire et Lake, on 'Monday Sept. - 1(1th. at ;:fO-1 p. tn.. IN) Ewes and Lambe, in lots to. snit lirriteers.'tas the hiiliest andtie , sit bidder. rc:r• CASiI. The elitist-Ober will have ready, oulthe let Bette Hundred bueltel, of superior • S Seed ~7CThe~'t of the Sonles vdrlety. at private sale:, • • 9' - Fairest Lake, tern. 11. latio.—lP JOEL Ttil~lU LL . ' I)IMaCK 4CADIMiII t 11111 E fall term rd this institntion 1,4111 open (Id Monday., 1 September ad, 1.94. and rontinq 13 wePksj i 1 `,.. TITITION.-1 1 riumry. it.3lX).—t` $ 4 4 0, ' -4 1 1 ;:h. cr. S - ( 1 0. ... ' i I 1 • L - • i Board. ¢l5O to .t:1 75 pen Week. Rooms ',can Rm railed for all who we to board II etnselvq. , ' : rr • • r. A teachers. 1711IS0 will bp tried at j ibe coinntencement of the term' Text book us 1. Iluibrook's Normal.' ITXtI- I inn. with other studies, .tri 00. Sittratlons obtained for the !numbers of this class. No bilbi made °he for 14ett than half a term. . IL 21t.%4T05E, Wincing Thinock, ant:. 33. 10. ' tit ' t I .. . NA 0010[1q" NORMAL SCITOOL At New Ntilloid, Pa• . TEAC I ;II - IE - 74 ' 5..- INrEsi.E\ - -FArrarr, E. B. ell.twr.r.i - , 3115 i; E. A. PA IZIZAI; N ormal I)(lpartiu'; ' ent.';' l i. ANN E..111..5.u, I 'riliraiv Departructd; , ~ 1)..w. 11.td.F.E, Aro'Fal .Slii§ie. !• .' 111,:s, 31,,A1tY A. K.N.tin., I } ibilist: i.• 11 I /MIS School will commence oil ..,11'111.71tSDAY. TAID hit, x. DAT or AUfiteT. Ileeti t . Tuition. Per Term - of E l even Weeks, N o rmal c partment. Phyilology. and I..atin included, ,-• tilt l'dmary Ihparttnent,• [..:. ~.,.. .. ... i s l ' I Strode, extra. • 1 The Deputy SupeHnte'nde t rt . t of the State Department o• pmetical - Teacher. Hon. Thep: H. Durrowes informs ten,. trill visit the school, and render Ile some aenice. ' t Lectern.% by ,other Mae nt men 1011 be delivered- gu ring the VTOL I Student. WlelliWZ to and thenisebres.. can prociire rooms is rea.anahle rides. floard s wilt he furniShed built: ,prr week. -Students desire s ofproeuring; roonas or board e:tn be accommodated by 4onrulting any one of thc.C4m tart ... I J. Dtenettnalt, pt. '• . olillei!IIATDIN. ' ' 4 ' '- HORATIO GAILDATT, i - TurnTur Remit, t . . 1 ALDP4IT Sloss, in. If . Committee. 11111= . SCISQU El A i k i N - A C OUN T Y . F CLASSICAL & QRMALSCHOO 7 AIIONTAOSR PA. ; - 1 i t PROP. S. 8: HART W i g.L, B.A. PRINdIPAL Tilt next A eaten& reAr or this Institution:will beirin Mondai.. Sept. 106,41;60. undar the charge of P or. S. A. lIAII7'WELL. a gradnat, or Vale'Colleur. '• '', The attention of. thow who desire a thorough tnetital discipline, and prnctimi education, ts called to tide , sclipol. Those prearing thentselrus for Teachers...or for College. will find, It is mntldenfly.pellere.d, advantalzesinfrcre4y no other School in this connty; 1 ; fi For partieulars, see 'Circular. ;• . • .1 (.•. F. RE.-11). &r. - - lf.lf: JESSUP, P.pit. Au=. 9. IF6O. . 1 , I. r ~. — l , .. i 4 11;gArlf Tia.m will conrlPt of den weekk I The Art.t 11_4 Term will commence on Wedn'e!..dar.Ain..t.:2. , ith. fj!he ~,,mti Ternywlll commence the tiret Wedneodav in7De- Fcember r and tha. third Timil On. tlieJan Iredneistia* tin February. . '. •'•11 Tuition'--Exieisscs. ;.. • ! , The - common branchm4 - , per term 1 00 Natural.Pliihamphy, CheMiatty, Ptlyalology :and, j Aitrotinmy .* s ''' . (10 'Latin and (:reek Languak kee, and !athematic: , •• t, on Ntimic on Plano-Forte '•• 7 5 00 ROOM' rept' - ;..:, -! •- t To) Expcnite of recitation roil= - - i ..I 50 hoard per week 00 - I Each room is furnishes with a stove, .bc&tend - an fa ble. Bread may he frintiihed &lip, - , • Ilarford. Aug: fltb, Pan: .t - . : - 1 , . : • Executor's',Notice... , • •i • A LT, per*Onl:r.delyt , al• o the - eqate of N. W-. Waldron, m lintordlate pay ne deed. late•or Ilar.foril.townshtp, are hereby reitilred to ake n% and tho*e having clime egaimm. haiti estate will.Prosont`thenv,to the iubeaVters forsettlement.' • • - '7IFP.4 NT • ' • • • • 1 . . • . .„• • . SALLY WA . L.11,1, llaiforif, 'avg. 9. IMO. 6w • foe . • • WIIEREAF., letter* oituiminlctration In the ei , t4„ e of Matthew Gordlniei. late ot deceased, have hero. granttll to ttie rubscrlbers. pervoni In debted to the **id, estutd are.rtatueeted to rnaketrnatedl ate payment. and thme hating claims or demands agitnrt t heretate or the *old deoilentwill mike imown the 411Ft# ‘vithout delay to• ;ELL/Alt. BALL. 03f.V Gogn.r.slriz - 1 • tit • i'Adnlrr• BROWN'S BRONCHIA . - TROCIIES'i • OR the alleviation of Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Co f ighs, Asthma, Colds. Catarrh,. and all -disorders - o 2 the Breath and Lungs. Public Speakers and Singers-twill tlnd the Troches Invaluable for during and atrengllen. Sag oo yoke. ' , Bey. Ifenry Ward Bother, and other prom inent men, highly recommend them. Price 5 rent per box; or 40 CM sent by Mall postage paid. For sale y Mont:;, Pa. au.;. 26.3E60. ABEL TOR L. I , , ;IST 1 . ..11 1 t IT TREK. T. Billtil STORB cn., Montrose, &SusqsaDepot,Pa. The underAit;hed Nice pruvidcd them^chef wl.t,h . a A?S"„c'OR,TM.Er . T„ SPRING &SUMMER GOODS! 'Which they boast of being the HANDSOMEST. AND CHEAPEST 'SI& section Of country. Tiled also flatter theMt,elv.es that they have the best facilities of obtaining Oirfoobe• itrfsll:froul ibt itivLare determined not to be undersold by any Era this side of New York city. In regard to . READY MADE CLOTHING • • • . ; we would *ay that being In this hugely nt 24 Dey Street, New York City - Av.; cal?otper the public Ictrguitte not lump: owed by any re tall dealers in thin section. as we can sell here ut retail pri- CCK as cheap aetlitoie who go to New York and purcliase at wholesale and then bring them here and have to make Iv prmit over that width they have already paid thein•_elves.' Call and ace Wand we will prove the Leta. liosenbanui *Co Iforfrom, Pu." * June 111 12,63. - • IV - c)l. - ,106. • rrolE Accinuits and Sotiis of A. Lathrop ds 10. >lnd of brup & Dewitt. are in tin: hauilii of the sub , trilier for Foltkniod. title.* they are nettled Without further notice, re - COSI' WILL BE HADE. Ilonlruee, July ai. IblAl. tf A. LATHROP. Al NEYIBIiIOq Rill)! . • gnd DOOR ABOVE. 31L1F0R1)'5....,a: • MBE PUBLIC generally are Informed that a FREE EX IIIIIT'rION is given at all hours - of the"day. of NEW GOODS of all sorts, viz: Dress Goods of Simmer Prints. Poplins, Challis. !Awns patterp , . cheap iiiritop Lawns. Bool4,llard. Jacinto:Si; and Syn.! Muff. Lacii,e; Millar* and 'Slec ve• , . Dimity. Murcens, Funil• tare Fruit*, Kentucky Jeana. liankeens". SumnWr Stuffs. Gents Shirts. Cotton Drawers. Collars, Cravats Neck-Ova, and Suainsiders. A new and "large lot of " LEATIIEWR-ARE, such ad Gents rine 'Cult Ilooti—ltwid 'runt, Meet lwavit awl 11.1;ht Shoes. Splendid Ladles Gaitert frotn.s il/ (9 Ilt. 'Brown. and Illat,k - HOSIERY. ,Parasols, and Utaltellus, Baud Boxes. and Work Baskets. and Sperm. Adamantine and Talloti Candies. liras. , and ; Jupantml Lanters..Wash Hoards and Gnirce Mills. Whitt. , wtnit Brut:bes.-Bod Cords Nilect king. whittled and spring t, Clothes Pius. Pi r tle and CEDAR PAlLS,besitle., a:VILE 01 ; rAlStrg, of ci'eri' variefv, among' wide!) arc Taplet, :ital Cori) Starch for trloilotta Crcallt tartar. Saleratio, Castor Oil, F:p,ont Salto, Black and Scotch Snuft arid lot 4 of thllt..;a wittrlt.woret do to r,od chnuf,.blaz. plea', to call. t•mtattitAc and ma nlwnd. w.r are really:dal l:111,41:+. ;lough they vdtoY cut cult gaol thankful for small !arum, 1!. C. I'YLKIt. I‘)CTS. buys; abuttle of the ...billing Hair Tonic. beet anything ever Aleut: mt.. TYLER'S. MMLSI:= NUL RPM BITCH MONIIOSE &FRIENDSVILLE hAt' , ell IlE.t; tiartyllig !unlit; and - itsi,cuitei , lo•twoon l.' 'Altintro, :Intl Friond-ivillii. will leave thntrlifi, Hotel. 1 iti Miiiitrope. itailj . , at Viitl.n.h. a: ta4 and liiave Frinuti- , i - villi , at 1 o' chick. ji. in, 1 ilvriloroini unit e:llTiattl, ran he procured at the Lit era i• tiatile of the eulocrilnir hi 3fonto ice, on re,oionatili•tonitr..j Motilme. ~ t.tufi. 16. 1566. sr J. L. GOODWI.L., -1' 113 EL TURRELL _yr Ai; itn.t ro.tt shell tr. .I,eting and n ref 1.1.... in , g and- is I . II nun , reveiving one of at.dbe,t stuck of • Ct.r. f't V A 1. o \l ever offered in this market. V The : quality of nearly et ery thing good; nil warranted as reprejenteil. • Terms , : Ready (1•14, anti Liar Pr.,* A getzerai idea or the stock-may he Aormed from the thlletving - enttmer.rtlon : IdsmictarN. . PAINT.. OIL., • Canter,. NVixtuor GLASs. DYE: STI - FF,.. (Ittlx:1:to E.. OLit. , llVata:, • Mirror'. il.oritg. WALL PAPEIL WINIvw- ?AVER. • WlNfo'w ~ a - . ItAIIEe.PANoT Onntei, .31110911 hist ruments.Lomps..lewelry, Pe'rfutnerv. Snake Wary, lignin'. finishes. Whips. i'mhrers Itjnil'nl.'~Pocket Knives. Ginza. 'Pistols, - Antuntnition, Liquors. 'frurses, Supporters, Shoulder Itrarex, p - Ort mnnai, Spertaeles. Silver & plateil Spoons Forks. :ie. hold 1)4.11, , . Stationery.. • 'Violin:Guitar. Bal.. Viol Strings„ lithgraphs. porcelain Teeth. Art le,e. Tube paint.. Pra,ll -'owe Dre• Good ; ,. Wooden Ware. turd and japanned Ware, Fluid and Oil Cans: Camphine. Coal Oil, Burning Fittitl,'Aleohol. Turpentine..lamp. tanner's. neat foot, h:rd. olive'. castor. boiled and tuWiltiseed .W.hlto Lend. Zinc', and all kind* nreolowd_p_aints. Vine gar; Canttrk Seed. also nil the . popular PATENT' AINDI CINEs. and other things to...ln:met . ..ie. to mention. • 'llls impra,rtenble 10 give more than a general outline vt - iny stork through the neWspapers. every one wi-hing -GOODS Is ipvlted to .14 . 1 and examine, t„nstoutors on entering thtstrwe nest not expect to tied everything in. sight: but nWarlysyyryartlele wanted will be prodneedhy _ . Thanktill for the liberal patronage hitiierto received. lie hopes to merit a elnitinibiltre an:l , og° Therein... of the • same. ABEL TITTEI.L. • Moutroie, Juno a, Is • , . • TUEEP.ST.EOUTE 1111211 7 MiIf .. 6 I I OL, E K Y T BA P L I TI I Iv . I A O C . I. E f..P HI A, - NEW, And au Points North 'di. West, LACKAVVANi4A & fiLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily inger'irains.; WILL BE BUN 'BETWEEN SCRANTON AND NOTITIIVISMERLA xs'Fal. MOVINUtkOUTM- Phlrs. N. V. Exprvss. A. M. 11.10 I.ca% e Scranton. Arrive at Khrzeton. 4.53 5.13; Shick,hinny. 7.60 , 5.20 G. 55 131imm..1.mtrz.. A. 150 .7.30 .111rpert. • . 4 .1.11 U ; lhinvßle. • ft. Kitt Nonhulas4l,l4l.oo THE LACKAWAXNA fi BLO - O*SBURP RIULROAD nP . SNECT9 %ITU TI[E • 1)E1..- LACKAWANNA & WESTERN 41,11;110.1. . ~ . . , Ai, Scranton, for New York endl'll4l3d:4phi:l:and int cr• .mucliate poluoi enit.: alai. for o , ,tt. lietul. s .ftimzhaToto - n. Syracuse, But Edo, Ningarit Falir , , on,l all intnprtaurnoints Vie:..t_. .. . .. ~ .. .... •. ..• . . .. . . - . . tAt:Ropert it conneets with the (*awl Isla Railniati: for ;point; both Eart. end Wert.. . - At Nittlheint/erland it V 111111.41 e x‘ith thi• Subbiiry and Erie Railroad, f, , r pointti Vet aittl;i.ht h. ' , 3V5 17, 1' 4 S.T ; 17 . Eiftwcpx.TuitieriSOCLETY. : WVO.IEING BATTLE GUOEND." MEM W Y LILESf, • . and lu the vjcintty -WILKESBARRE, PITTSTON & SCRANTON, IX Li 7.1 4 .71.2tiE C0T171," . . 1 EzAlbitian aid open uu Tia.l.sday. and will cOptin l i an roar dayz, viz : . • -- ' Sept. 25113, tltellt, 2711 i - AL 2511t,' - - I . The Gieunde, which are moet,benutiritlly eltaated; are it net only large, hut remarkably. well adapted to the .pnr- I 'poser , of the exhibition. They contain oeyenty , twtsacyr,.. a tlne track for Gorses, no well an every other eourenienrel: 'necessary' to the comfort and Rarely of ekhlbitors apd the ': animals and articles they with to exhibit; are provided. 11 Arrangements have been made with • the different Rail. u: road Companies for .the transportation of oracles: )Mend-;1 ell for exhibition free of charge both trays, . • ' Visitors to the exhibition will And most ample arcom- modstione. at moderate prices. . I The different lialiroad.Companles will boom Excur'lon Tjckets. , _ . , -11 st of Premium , . Jake". and Itegulatione, An. can be! had alt the principal Agricultural Warehouses, - from! Gen. G. W. Sturdevant, at IViikesbarre, and on applha-: tion until September let. to the Secretary. at Iforriebnrg. ! I Alter that time. the Secretary's enlee will be at' West.. Pittston, Liu:erne minty.. . • : o Competition open to alb' - - - 1 - i. ..- - . ... . • A. O. lIEISTER, Siec'y. i l ' Or'.All the newspapers ln Luxarne, Wyonden,.llohroe, !, Susquehanna, Bradford, Northumberland, Lycoming, , Montour, Columbia.' Amon, Snyder and Pony counties,: I please publish, And send bills to Oda °face for liquidation.;' dagust lh, !Fib°. . ... , ._ dr NEW GOODS ! lIAVING enlarged ind remodeled their, Store, dive the phtetlettretttsfetteleg their nornerm customerilhat. they are now' ready to show the bet V detortment . cLopp, WATCHES, sti.;vl:ft WM; E, PLATED WADE, 4 EANCV GOODS, .• ..G.011401 . .C11,AlAy:11, Tea Tiays,Breastplus,Pluger-tugs, Mir Pius. Lubin's Extrnels, . Honey Soap, Ace. . La UM, part of the State. 'they beatified 'returned ram% New Yoth Avith-a full and act ensive assortment of in their tine. whl •fi they have purcha,ed for rash of the- -- manor:lit urt.r3 and Iniporters, and they flatter themeelrea they c,to offer hothcement. both In myle.' variety and tpot cr+, notto be equalled tve,t of New 1 (irk. Determined to upwith the progress of the age, they have added - to , their a..onimebt many articles not . provionsly kept of gen -6r41 mid twaaty." Thanklng.tbe community for the t liberal Patrol:4,oo: heretofore received, they would solicit a pontinuanee and lie:re:me of the 'aloe. H. Ms ylandon.dfog AOfh, 14.4. 1 LIVER_FAVIGORATORi NEVEM. Di:II:IiITATES. It Is rolnpottistlett entirely from Gloms. on.l ..-- • hasia.ortne an eatalt!',ll444.lLttl, A 01.. A ;r4l t.t.4 la ...I.4iva et .. Suat - approval by alt lit Xi LIAIII 111..1 it, ;O.IIIIIOW re- KOMI 10: tot 11111.100:11le LICI.I 110 a ,Au :lie 4/twaaes br 1at....t. in la ;aCCotratetrleat.• It 1.11 cured' ttirmtn.l , ..' A . • a Man the Lot bat, Taal" • a.r 4 1., haat circa ma all Imora• id ..r . rcb.r. as the but.t.trona lattiobanect Certif. - at.. lust.ki '4 ..,,,,,, .INI tcor. Mite dine matt le) ntlapnsl. za. IN: I.,4 l .erenn, a l b. g Inal,,lnal twk.att; It, and ta.., ...4 to w0...t.t 4.ola4tiaes at, to ~ aft gently,ei the 1100 eta • 1 .4,0 Ilea t.thyttat or )on. :Jtvigtnent trut.te yr,u In tl, IS an of tItILI'VER LVXoll.;and It aili cure 1.1 ver Cour-; ' i plalnto, Bilious At opepoln. ,Cl tacks, nyoottlenlarrlumt. 8 quo in er Co in 5 :plaints, Disente- air, Dropsy, Sore IStomaeh,l4.bitual' Cost&veancom, Choi- ' , 41 1 e, Cholera, Choi,. • rafllorbuo,Cholcru; lettnittuin. - Plain- •. lonic, damn ll I c'e,l F'rItIILIC Weolotecse lig, I mud 11.7 to Wat t So , I , 't'et lain?' La as Ord Ina, " ry- Family . Meth... A:4. Ine ; It tvlllenre SICK, /I.E AO A CLEF:, e,-. !th..rriluris tin lta:lfy.l In twenty minutes, If, ', I wo'or three Tea spoonfuls fur. Ink- !en at Oaantaaaantaat of , Muck._. - • .. i _ _% - - Alt who nor 11. are' Log giving their teattlmony ittl 441 favor. . 1 1 1_13: WATEIt IS Tlll 311).3.7T11 WITH( THE INviczott.vrolt, AND stvALLow 130T11 4 T(IGET17.F.It. ' 1.- . • Price One 13c1 tor per Dottie., ALS , t. ''• ' • ' • S.A.PIPOI&D'S* •- . -. •••PAMILY .. - CATHARTICPILLS I l's aMl'4)l7!sfria . :l) Pure Vegetalale 1-Ixt lai t and put •up.las tlliAitliiCASES,..l.lr Tlglit, and will keep lb any ellmate. Faintly (71a i)oarile Pilaf. gani• p, tut active I:adoLalar 1.111"1.:,L the i.rmar.e.or La. vse4 lAA prarrirn. sn,We. „Ai t °ray ; 'rho con.tantly r!ee....t. from If areas ho lia,eloaitasefithe g aor I.....A.4 , l:dni Khtrlt .0 es pr.. rer,ll,lOrtNetri Aras. Issailsof used inn lace. I tk.m within the. mak:, i:,‘ a;!.. )=3_ - -Tlr Profevuun r..11tr./w: 'dolt allnrest a 'at/utiles act ahtferent feartimas of sue . The FAIIIILV P I la has. altli darn referrar I:a a '4..11 eaMtilshed • .• leen' emnrrnondel urn re.. parre•L Vseo. .pahler Etarastas. whish arta I n .4.- *very pate et tan :ftlirrientar).! canah in.l ere', F. 7 gtiml .1.1.11fe to all ess• ea sx bent a cattaio, 1,1 CA I • col. a, De rtiesitemrnto of t h . ay it, iirsa..:Pit(asa In flue; , Bark and ; Coati vessel.. Pal al and •Srareneas over ~ ilia. whole body,) 414 Got, stohh-n cold. whirl, i it nrth, 5.71 I 1.1 .s 5,4 i srae alt F.•• LW. of!lppe-,lilte,netteplatgawal ; satin. of Coltt over, I i„. • E 4 t+ sight lat.t he !trait, a -all Intln 111 moattry/ Ufa. alarm. Worl2l. Iu 'Chiidrell nr . _ Atlanta,. 41 Ithe flair., a arras I Poll florae.* Blood! ar! many to whlch It heir. tw 311:•111.,11. tap t t a:earl:es In Cos ad. ' i meat- D 0... 1 5.3. . Tiltt.E . F.: •131.11F4.- The Lire, lI,N-14...rni.• st..l 1.`15.1.11, thiartle Plll. are r.q.!i•-•11.y Drurvi.sn houerally, and sold ,illoks.tle t t!'” ..:t Tl.• 13r, W... , sA x VOI . t1). ir.r atm! Vrtn,rialar, 335 itroladsvaiy..N•tv, _ Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. .Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Consumption, Consuniption, Consumption,- " I Conslimption,-Cousumption, - .• • , and all like diseases, find an unfailing antidote, a ready re 11.1; gaol a sure arul sia,d3 cure, ia % that great and unirersaki appracedremay, ' Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of,Wild-Cherry. F. ?Win k co., llostoo,— Dear Sirs: having realized in my fandly important benefits from • the use of your valuable lirc;iarition, WISTAICA DAL SAX or , WILD CI!ERRY, It affords pleasire to econtniend,it to the public. Some eight years ago ono of mp daukhters seemed to be in a decline,-and little topes .of her recovery were entertained.. J then' pro. eared a boule of Your excellent and before staa ba4 'taken the whole sf the contehts of the boitle there .; was a great improvement in her health. I Hare, in my Individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have always been benefited• by it. I woad, binocres;caatiim the public against imposition, be ewe there is a goa!thal f .9ao4ulat filstar's Balsam qJ -Wild Cherry ajoankroaplarat she coloari. • JACOLI SECUr•rif Messrs. S. W. FOWLS & Co., Boston,— Gentlemen: I With pleasure testify to the Cleat Merit of yang in. • valuable lung medicine, Dr. IVIMTAR'S ilA.Laim or WILD CHERRY, which is likewise.highly Valued by many of our esteemed citizens, Who have tested iia virtues by trial. I Ant made use of this Balsam some three.years since 'for a, violent led distressing cough • which baffled* skill!of physicians,-and, solely Joy,. experienced such gratifying relief as to induce me to persevere in its use. -1 always keep it by me, and.ever find it n..\ be unfail ing-in its effects. No medicine that I have ever used• has given much 'speedy relief- Yours truly, NORTON. Monii: ?comm. N. V. Expreot. , ' Mall. 1•. M. Northqind. 4.77, Arrive at - Danville, 6.11.1; IZu..rt, Illoinibiburg. 6.45 li.tkl N SlikkAhinn')`. 7.45 . Kingtton, ."$.311 •R. 57 Rr.ulton.. • iri***l , n r rate by Tturell Aria Watrone Fah fer, - 3inntrnee.:"L H. Wrintiruir; InnOrk ; Amor , Niehnin, lirinilden; Whitney S.- IfnrAird ; Weert,t. Ward, Gant tout; J. C. 131.,metL.u]. !lumina . ; L. Grif fi n, Great Itend. July - DYSPEPSIA AND FITS N. the ervat rum - or Constunp. tion. was for seterni years t•ri totii)y afflicted by by*. pepsin for t.trE of tar time was confitirti . to his. hell. lie N 1 3,prentually cured by a pre.•cription furnished hint by a young rlairroyant ctrl. This prescription. giYrn him hr a mere Litild. while In a ninth of trance, has cared everybody whn has taken It. never Laying; Weil once. It ls equally sure in ettoet: AA FIT% fit , of frltZltbLt. „,'An engraving is here given of the principal herb used in thla do4ehie, and all of the intredient, are to befouod atis drug store. I will send this valuable preerription to , any person, on the receipt of one ' , tamp to pay postage. DR. O. PHELPS BROWN, 21 Orind.R. Jersey City, N. J. An of Dr. 0. Phelps Brown's Remedies are for sale at tiuscoelianna Depot: Ps.. by S. P sr. Inlyem• EVANS .1-ALLEN,' - p4v.acrozt.ws Tor .:do in :Stiiinrome. by NittL Agra Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Coughs, Colgs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, hoarseness, Bronchitis„ Asthma, hrouchilis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis. . Whooping Cough, Croup, , - Whooping Cough, Croup, . . .--... The Her. Jacob Seekler, Well knorn and onni.i re-freed cement de Gammon 'wpm lading of this counto t 'tulles the .taloring entintar for the beaefit of at Cla r a ' - "- •. . HANOVER, PA:, Feb. 16, IeSEC Virginia Testimony., a:Ow& from MR. NUMMI:NE NORTON, , t r Aa Eiamixer Off c.c,, , . „ . RICIIXOND, 911. 1860. Prom Jesse Smith, Esq., , - -President of tic .Norris - Caiisay Rank,, apd telio is sea knol;citive4 ot auk sessueill throvpkuut . 4 4113 • • ,itountarowx, N.J., Jan. 9, 160 S. IV. Feawt.t k CO.,—bear Sirs: Haring pet pr.i,Vntr. 111.!:4 BALSAM 01. Wit.n Citgattar for about .fifteen•yeani, and having realized its beneficial _ results in my 'family; it affords me great. pleasure In recommending it to the public .am.?, valuable remedy In canes Of real, fangs, cad.t,'euagis, ke.r s and a remedy. which 1 consider in le entirely innocent, and may be - taken with perfect safety by the most delicate in health. Yours rery reimectfirlly; • . t 27•• Beware rif rile It:4 worthless countirfeits The only (knuinr, Purr, and ifedicinal Masan& has 'the tatme of "L BUTTS,", written with a pen, and the. printed 'name of the pniPriciors, " S. W. FOWLE & C 11," on the outer wrapper. All who tourer. with any .asease of- the Throat,. Lungs, or Chest, can obtain like relief by using Wista - es Balsam of Wild Clirry; Wistaes Hillman of Wild Cherry; ' S. W. powLE. & co.; No. 18 TREIIONT STREET, BOSTON.- [DEM bruggists,, Dcakrs, awl ihrchanis in every tehaft and city in the United Sta tea `'~~~ JRSSE SMITH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers