BUSINESS CARDS. - • • - JOHN t3IUTTEtt , . LW ITIZOIBLE VATLOR..-Montrose. Pa. non 'l` 'over L lit llard's -Grocery, on lasin.street.l Tntnkfta for past pivots, he solicits a continuants ' --pledging himself tad° all trork satisfactorilr . . Cut- Ulm done on short notice, and warranted to tit. , MCIIICTOfe, Pa„ lat3o.—„ 0. FORDHAM, • itiAkePACTURMI of .13(10T3 & MORA . Elostrose, .IEA. Pa. Morrows Tyler'. _store.. All MO or worir made to order, and remdring dorm neatly. .1011$1 • DR. WILLIAM. W. WILEATW, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN , I mottos murnst Truff_Dß. MYRON MIKA ros, methaiklesi and Surgical Dentist, reettutlyollitiemmtots, Ni , Y, tender their prolhealobai Itervieesto elate the "Reformed Practice of Pkvide ;I " Antral operations on Teeth ai,..uith the mosteitientide and approved styles of platen - mit= -Teeth' extracted without pain tuld Slit work warranted. Jackson, dune 14th. ISOO. • iyo- L. B. LSBELL, • R2pArtri Cloelts,Vateles. and Jewelry at the • shortest notice. and on tessonable terms. All work warranted. Shop to Chandler smdiesstm's stem, 31 .. mersuntr„.Pa. 0c95 ti WM. A. SNOW, _ JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE.—(heat Bend. Fa. .012oe on Main arta. opposite the western limn. apt . P. LINES, - .• •. wasmONABLE T.‘ll,oli.—Montrome, Pa. Sho • J. in Phtenix Block. over More of Reed, Watwons • &Foster. All work warranted, as to fit and finish. ilt Cutting done ou short notice, in best style. jent'6o DR.E. SMITH & SON, ' SUEGEON DENTISTS.--:Montroen. Pa. 011 tee In Latbrops` new building, liver the Bank. All Dental operations will be • 1 1114,14, a performed in'good style and *minted. 1.-E. liecours...: McCOLLUII & SEARLE, . rrogivers and Counsellors at Tape.-31ontrase, XL Office In Latkrope now ballais, ow the Bank. - DRS. BLAKESLEE & BRUSH, HAvusiGassieciated . themseltes for the prosecution of thedefies of thrir tirofession, retipectfalireffet. their services to the itivelidPublic. Office at the residence of Dr. Blakeslee, - midway between the villages of Dimock and Springville. apW bty • L. W. C AMT. I3RS. BINGHAM. & ANEY, • WOULD announce to the public that they hare entered into a partnership for the practice of - MEDICINE dc. SURGERY , . and are prepared to attend to all calls in the line of their profession at rill hours when not otherwise engage d, OFFICE--The one formerly occupied by Dr. - Bingham. N. 13. The book accounts of Dr. Bingham must be rne diately settled by notes or otherwise. , New 3tilford. March, - L. W. ItEtiGHAlt. HENRY B. Me.K.EAN, ATTOTINEY and Counsellor at t a w .—Towawni; Pa. Office in the Union Btock. je; 5 tf .• DR. E. F. WI MOT, eIRAMATE of th e Allopathic and Honiceoiathie Col. lege* of Itediclne.-- Bead, 'Pa. °Mee, corner of Main and Elizabeth-ats, nearly opposite the Methodist Church. ' - 056 tf W. ar*Trxc COOPER ittNIIT'DI4SIIO." WILL 11. COOPERS CO., • • lOsASKEßS.—Montross, Pa. Successors to Post, Cooper & Co. Mice, Le4trops' now buicUng, Turaptke•st. NEWS OFFICE. t ypITE NEW-TORK CITY ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPERS. MAGAZDIES. ETC., 'for @ale at the Montrose ROOK STORE. ,on Pablie Avenue. by • A. N. Bnu:ann. . JOHN GROVES, 1 ,17,AL9:7, - kiLazilloannZ° - ,71 . 41tire street. All orders tilled promptly. in first-rate attic. Crating done on short notice, and traininted to st. ' - DR. ;TORN:W. COBB, an - sterAN AN - ro SURGEON,-31.ontmeo, Pa. Ogles ou Public Avenue, opposite Seine's Vote]. DR. G. Z. DtMOCK, PHYSTCLAN ANTI StliGEON,—Niontroae, Ps. Ofae4 over Wilsons' Store; Lodgings at Searlevitate!. ABEL TITRELI, Dln Drum , , Medicines. Chemicals, T)se Strife. Glass Ware. Paints. Oils, VsknistOVite <low Glass. Groceries, PancyGoods, Jewelry Perfti merv. &c.—Agent for all the moat popular PATENT MEDICINES.—Montrose. Pa. , • • angi tf ANTM. W. SMITH & CO., . ca .rN - ET AND CHAIR lIANUFACTCRERS.—Foot C of Main street, Montrose. Pa. ; augi tf J. C. OLMSTEAD J L. EfiAD. DRS. OLMSTEAD & READ WOULD ANNOUNCE to the Public • that hare entered into a partnership for the Practice of MEDICINE & Surgery, and are prepared to attend to all eats in the line of their profeseion.otEce—the one formerly occupied by Dr, J. C. Olmstead, in DUND.A.Fr. myll 3m. LOW PRICES WIN! - -.AT THE ORIGINAL ONE PRICE STORE!. HAYDEN BROTHERS, NEIyItIILPORD,. Pa, - 4 RE 'NOW RECEIVING THE L.AR geet and beet Mock of floods ct'er bmnglat into this county, which we ore bound to veil chimp for cash or ready pay, convicting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Choice Family Groceries, Hats, Caps, Ready blade Clothing,. Crockery, Wall Paper, ' 'Window Shades,Tlour, Pork. Fish, Salt, Paints, Oils, Ginn, Fluid, Coal Oil, Hoop Skirts, • Yankee Notions, Faney.Goods, Watches, JEWELRY, Sits - or-Ware: Pails, Tubs, Brooms, Forks, Hogs, and hots nod Stacks of Goods too nonfercus to mention-, NV ARE NOT OLD FOGIES in the ten•ine.s. charging a large proilt and depending ob keeping an old set of patrons who have not tried at other places to see how much cheaper they can bus ; but we in tend to eup to the mark. and believe in sellingmany' Goods, and selling cheaper than OLD FOGY merchants can bay them. Now itf the time if von want to save monej and t Bargains. Call at the ONh PRICE BTORE. far A large stock of Goodwin a Bros.` Yellow 'Bank Tobacco always on hand-cheap, very theap-wholesale do rota ' ILIYD.MC BROTLIZEIS. New Milford. Fa., May ilth, ' • FATAL SHIPWRECK PART OF THE CARGO SAVED, IN A DAMAGED CONDITION kEULt .. .1 . 111 , a1aL!1 .. 41 WET GOODS! mu. "BEE HIVE:" 3,500 'Tds PIM= BARU= .Partl3- damaged by Water, at 4,6, 2,12 eta pr yard. • Ricit'inisa POI Linis,• • .tar cents pr yard—would be•CHEAP Ibr emu. . • .A 7, 5 70. A LARD LOT VF AUCTION- GOODS . • ! To be . sold at the following prices: Good Summer Shawls. Only • ' ~ CZ Fine Stein ' " - MO . Wool and Silk Brodie._ . . 1,411.6514 .1 8.03 . Handsome ldantillas . LIZ Very Rich " ' ' _ ••• 3,00. Good Lawns , fast colors ..„, „. _. . 06 ' Flue - Quality De Woes.... .... .. . . Jo Wool and gllk Belem , , ... .... • . UN Baines. d'Aniais worth • . .. /Bu 10 yards Merrimac , and trinlmlns • • . . 1.00 Fine Dress silks ' Zatrem ely Rich White . • .ite Dose Nice Lisle Thrinid Gloves.-- ~..... : Pure ISilk. mitre • Watch steel spring skirts Good strim bonnets Beantlfur Leghorn ... .. . _ • Rich Bonnet Ribbons French Embroidered curtain mnsihi s. Good Pante-stia. Better ao .12); ,16 Other Goals Equally as CHEAP: Ear Remember that - we will do all that we adyertise. Be sure to call before purchasing elsewhere, as we WILL NOT, and C. Tll be under sold by any establishment this side of*New York. .MRSCILMAN. 13ROS; A; CO. - Binghamton, May 15th; 1869. AFFLICTED, READ.:!- . 1411:LAMS'S COMPOUND s SOLIT ?,rer-tile MEL la warranted to great son In army analla,all stages onto or tbilnoney w rii • Ilan directions aceosaelt bottle. For aide bz Abel Tura, Yontraew U..Menkpatead, Bronldyn: T. L Babcock, DintOek Peanel eari,eeree. Rartord O:IWITUamr .Jockon Z. Dandar; A.. 11 Iropbortom J. Mel:rill. aferanton. I)._ir. atizt,X. 6i. BRO., Agents; Montrose. 1(d0e22 ' EIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. • • The proprietors and manufactUrirs of lIOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STUMACII BIT TERS can appeal whit perfect..elintlence to physiCians and citizens generally of e United ettateS, the article has-attained a repu tatiOn! heretofore unknown. -A few facts upon thi- .'mint will speak more powerfully- than vol tilts of hare as, , ert ion ur Ida roifing puffery. The consumption of Hostetter it ;lionise!' Bit ters ler the last year amounted to' over a half miliivk and from its manifest' stindy increase in times past; it is evident that: during the c4iing year the consumptiop will - fetich netir one million.botties. This ur.hiensestneunt. could: never hale been sold but for the rare medicinal propertie4 contained iu the prepara tion, and the - sanction of the most tide phySieitins in those sections of the country where the articliii beet known; who not only recommend the Bitters to Their patients, bat arc ready at nil times to give testimonials te,its efficaeyin all eases of stomachic derangeinents -And the diseases resulting therefrom. , . This is note temporary popularity, obtained `by extraordinary efforts in the way of truin .peting the qualities of the _Otters, but a solid estimation of an tavaltiabie inedicine; which is destined to . be as essitiring as time itself. liestetters;iStordiich Bitters Itavlo proved - & Godsenti`i - yeg,ioll9 where - fever and aguo arid various other 'bilious complaints have . counted4leir victims l f y hundreds. To be able to Stale confidently that the I!..llitters" are a ceitain curt; for the Dyspepsia and like diseasei,ls to the proprietors a source of un allayed pleasure. It removes all morbid Matter froni the stomach, purifies the blood, and impales renewed vitality to the nervons system, giving it. . that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration oftealth. It operates upon the stomach, liver, , and other digestive organs, . mildty.but powerfully, and coon-reeorea them • to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of. mature.. - Elderlypersons may nso the Bitters daily as perdirections on the bottle, and they will'find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to he palate, Invigorating to the.bonels, excellent as a toile, and rejuvenating generally. We have the.evi deriee of thousands of:aged men end women who have experienced the benefit of using this' preparation while suffering from Stomach de rangements and general debility z. sting tinder the advice of phYsicians, they havil abandoned all - deleterious drugs and fairly. tested the merits qf this article: ...A few wOrds. to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their carts are solar:lasing fiat many of them sink under - the trial. The relat ion .of mother and child is se' absorbingly tender, that the • mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity. arrive during the summer 'season, the.wear - of body and mind is generally aggravated. Ilere,' then, is a necessity for a stimulant! to rettipe ratethe energies of the system, and enable the Motherro bear. up under her exhaubting trials and' reiponsibilifies. Nursing mothersgene: rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors .that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give . a permanent increase of bodily strength., . 4 1 ,11 those persons, to whom we ha l ve particu larly referred above, `to wit: titterers from fever-and ague, paused by n albriar diarrhtea, dyientary, Indigestion, loss of appetite, and allEdisenees derangements,of the stomach. . superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupatioa, and libeling mothers, will consult •their, own physical welfare by giving to Hos -tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. - CAUTION.—.We caution • the public against ' using any of 'the many imitations or counter fed* hut ask for ,HOSTETTEIL'A CELEBRATED • STOMACH Thrives, and see that each bottle has - the words "Dr. J, Ilatetter'S - Stoinieh Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle,* staniped the' metallic tap covering the; cork, and observe that our autograph siguatute is on the. ur Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER - SWIM, Pittsburgh : Pa, - and sold by in . Ssulatste, grocer*. and • desdess j ganeddly throughout the United. States: Booth Asns' - rice. and Gertanny. • - I • lar For 63 }10 ID . M.OLItTOBO by jani 2• ly • ABEL TURRELL. wOLD Docr. *Ears sou ortmokagai and great diacoverits bf the IJapenciielol and East - India Medicines, With fah directions. for the certainrum of cluesomption,lironchitis, ea- tayrb. couglta, - colds asthma, fevera,hsart„,sw as i, sackfuls, etneilr.dyspepele, liver compinititgraeel and urinary - deposits, female complaints, Illustrated' with hundreds of. certificates of cures and engraviaga. For the purpose of rescuing as Pony suffering fellow.beinge "se posSible from a premature &eel, it : will be sent to any part of the continent by sending 25 eta.. toDit. E fag, oc2oyrj 547 Broadway, New' YorliCity. Sold also by - A. Turrell, Montrose; Hsyd: • Eff)4.. Neve Milford ; C. P. Mathews, Scranton. SUM .131/ANCOMENTsI Delta. Lack*. & 21. - morimmioi Two boors earlier tot igew I One hour earlier to Philadelphia. . "o" QN and after liddadary,.llliii 28th, 1860, Woo will be run as- EXPRESS PASSENGER, Taa 1 , lse•-1111ovinf Sontb. The Aetommodation Train. East, on the N.IY. &B. R. R. arrives AM. Bend . 6:38 a 40. And the Cincionattl St prowl at ROS Connecting with the Simi* Train - • , leaving Great Bend for Natty York - ! • . and Philadelphia, at • = 5:10 „Gue at New Milford - '7lB - Montrose .. - • I '136 . Hogibottorn . 1. • 8:07 ! Nicholion - 4 • &Mt • Facioryville 831 Abington. •• 1:03- • Scranton - • ; . 9:38 •• Moscow - 1 - } OM) ; Tabyhanos • . 10:50- StrOudatturg ; 1237 p. I#. • • Water Gap - Mt3l I Columbia • .' • 124 Delaware (lb Aline tea to dine) . - 10:86 Hope (Philad'a connection) 1: . 20- Bridgeville • !; 0:25 - WaShington - r 1:68 Jinction - • i . 235 New York ' • • 8:18 Philadelphia • . 4 00 t The Express Poecenger Train, Borah, ion, elects at Junction with S p. rn. train on the_Gets. tort Road for Easton, Bethlehem; blaneh Chunk, Reading, Harrisburg, •• MOVING Nerrti. Pasiengera frotu New York, leave Pier No. 2 North River, pt 7:30 a. m. Or foot of Courtland street: - . 8:00 I .From Philadelphia Leave Kensington- - 7:15 Leave Junction' ; 11:15 ) Duo at Washington ; 11:33 ) Bridgevillo I - 1:1:01 , p-. Hope(Philaita connection) 12:13 Delaware (15; minutes to 'dine) . 12:28 I Columbia - . 1:00 1 Water Gap • ; , 1:14 Stroudsburg - - 1:28 - Tobyhanna - 2:46 J Moscow 2:21 - Scranton' . ' •i• - -4:10 ! Abington • 4:47 - Factoryiille - - . - 5:03 ) Nicholson - 5:22 ' Hophottom • ' - - 5:43 I liar MONTROSE - • 43:01 I New Milford - 6:22 Great Bend - ; '6:40 Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail train West at ; - . - 7:24 - and the Night Express at -•- 1:36 a. 4 ti. The Mail Train, West ,: which - leaves (;real Bend at 7:24 is a through Train ,1 and reaches Dunkirk at 8:470 tn. - Accost:eon:Apo:l Tnatx,—Moving Leave Scranton for Great Bend at 9:40 Factoryville - 1.100 Nicholson : 11:30 • Montrose • '- 12:45 Great Bend - . . is • 1750 Connects with Dunkirk Er. West at 3:06 MOVING SOUTH. The New l'orl Express,; East, Sr. - . - rives at Great Bend at ; - 1:17 p. and connects with the Accommoda- ; • Train which leaves Gt....-Bend at 2:15 f• Montrose - . ; - 3:10 Nicholson • 4:20 Factoryville. • • 5:15 .1 Dne at Scranton - - 6:40 ' The Accommodation train does not :leave Scranton until atter the arrival of the lilting ; train on the Lackawanna * Bloomsburg .. R., thus t , iving, passengers from the Wyoming Val ' ley a'direct connection for the. West by the morning train. For the accommodation of way travel. Mt the Southern Division a Pasianger Car will lie at tached to the Express Freight train— Leaving Scranton at • . 4:00 114 m. Due at Moscow` - 5.40 Stroudsburg - • - 10:25 ; 4. Junction - . ; 3:10 pi m. Returning, leaves Junction at - 3:40 a: m. Dne at Stroudsburg at . • 7:35 Moscow - . 12:50 pi m. Scranton • 2:25 I Passengers to and from New York will chang's ears at Junction. To and font Phi's., via B. D .R.R. leave or lake cars at Hope. For. Pittston, Dings. ton and Wilkes•Barre;take cars of Lackaivanna Bloomsburg R B. al Scranton. For Jess* Archbald, and Carbondale, take Omnibus es at Scranton. Tickets sold and baggage c ecked TnttocGlt. JOHN BRISBIN, S pt. Wm N. JENKS, General Ticket Agetal Scranton. Nay 2.3d,' 1860: I • S. M. l'et.tengill r & Advertising " Agee tic ; at. 119, New-York', and 10, 80914, are agents for The MontroselDemocrW, and are au thorized to contract for us atlour lowest rtes. A SUPPLY OF WALL PAP lIRIETIIf STILES. • BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &C. L ; &C. NEW SUPPLY, jest arrived, and rpr sale 11_ cheap. by - A.TURRELL. 51-intreso, WWI stli,, 1860. An aperient and stomachic preparation of tRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by leant. bustion in Hydrogen, of high medical anther. its and extraordinary , edicacy in. rich Of the Mowing complaint'', viz:: • Diarim„mravotrs Ammon, CIATION, DTSPEPSM DIARRHEA; CO PLIWILICROFULA. SALTSCURVY, JAUNDICE. LIVER COEPLAXAT F ~ U TISEC.7IEBCUEZAL CONSEQUENCES' =TENT FEVERS, NEURAI.ALt, . &mom HEADACHES, FEMME wzmarns. NIL MENSTRUATION. WHIT, etc.. PIMPLES ON THE FACE, WOW= Olt THE NEIN. etc. • j The IRON Wulf absorbed if the blood, and. -thus eircubsting through the whole erite n, no partcf the body can escape their truly w . ful influence. I. - The experience of thousands daily prirrai that no preparation of Iron can fora numbut be -compared with it. Impurities of the t i t= pression of-vital energy, pale and - sickly complexions Webb its tienwiitlbi al. Most every conceivahro ma In - elt anN at *aisle debility (fluor albae, &tomb lite./, lb affects are delightfully removating. lfo r= has veer been discovered, in thwhole .of medicine, whiali Moats bah PomPti happy, and fully restorative eigeete. Good appetite, cow , _,plete digestion, rigid igequisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for *diver and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use: As a grand stamachlo ant general rstarative it has no superior and no latuthate. , Pat up In nest fluf. Petal boxes cessiaudag no gob. prSee 30 cell,' per burr sir betee p •.114 301 Oft dozen baize.** 00. .Irier agile hp Xerugansee gencrany: Will be sent tree to anp . aelldnees ett receipt at the pyllem. 4l Isfr ter* eider% elle, eiedield be eddriered to 13. ac 06., . General Agent& • ationsatow*.T. IN V. • .1f.13.:4%• above is /Wol tau au" bet. . • • \ I • For age In broctir6se by - deel.s . ly ABE!. TTIKRELL. Agent. !IWOULDN'T TAKEA WORI.D'fOk THIS;' $ IsAy rem arked to Ott *Ay, Nino P, I 1 till she exhibit - 42'th* porti/Ite•• an Indy child, gone to the *spirit land;" Which *is one of a r r Er,B3349' . • • , lIIMITIBLE VIBROTTPESI "How should regret it, had I not Banned till/previous memorial of that dear ono." ' So thought we. The 'loved ones are net allays with us, and while we can call thowoura, every One should secure such a toeuidigal ; especially since they can have than so truthfully' takiin by that successful artist; Ai. B. TUBB% of Biog. !mental).• • . ae,' HERRING'S SAFES. . 1 1 41111tEL; fil E &REIM &egionpatay l J. 029 Chestnut istowt—Jtimiitait*Thilars. - - •-_ . nin. 11 . iwthis.atata 10 at • t lvai r la _ War 't . , a.- Ik4. 1 _ VIVA r, ~ ~e tit; tataity4honaaad Herr airs gates hate been' sold, and are now in 'actual use, and dearly 400. have been tested in accidental fires and - have never failed to preserve theiti>iontents. We also keep on hand and , makclk order— Direllhag -House Safes, ", Sideboard' and Parlor Safes"--(imitation of handaome furniture) of elegant design and Workmanship. - .'. 2030 Burglar Proof Safeit for Banks, Brokers anClewelers, Vault Doors; Safes far Specie, Silver Plate, dte.—The Burglar Proof safe in use at the-Treasuree's Mee of Piekawity Co,, 0.:, (at Clicleville;) was manufactured by us,nnd is univerally acknowledged to be I.be_ strongest safe in the . WORLD. I. . • Persons wishing safes will find it to their in terest to call or send for" ohr catalogue before purchasing, elsewhere, as th es°, aro the only sojks which hare proved themseicesperfocily Fire Proof and free from dampness. $l-,OOO"REWARD will be paid to any person that can show that a Herring's Patent Champion Safes over failed to preser'e its contents in an `aobidentsl fire. • ap4 3m c MEAT MARKET. On Public, Aivnue, near gofer: - VEEP constantly on hand a good stipply of MEATS of nil kind CASH paid for Reel CattleMalsres,SlSeepond Lambs. Also for Hides - of all lauds. ...1 - IENSTO9E,& HAWLEY. 5. T. FIENSTocK. • N. FrAWLEY. Montrose. March 30th. ;59.—tf. BILLINGS STROUD, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENT,-- Blontiose, Pa: TSTlllolllutts. WE.; the - endersigped, certify .that we were insured in Fire lusuriame CUmpanies represented byljr.. Billings Stroud, of:. Montrose, and that, havirigimilered loss by fire iwhile so insurr.d, we weroeiterally paid by said companies to the full exteht. of our claims; and we have confidence in' him as a good and effectivii meat. ' • .1)1& - D.. DEWITT. ; .ZIPRON, Colic, LATHROP & DEWITT, H. J. Wr.Bu. F. B. CHANDLER, - J. LYONS & SON, -DEN/. GLIDDEN, LEONARD SEARLE. Mom rose, ea. November 9. 's9.—*y _ CATARACT WASJIING Clothing; Time, and Labor Saved' INDISPENSABLE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Tho most simple; economical, end, durable rrticle ever offered to the Public to alleviate the discomforts of wash-day. • Deverlplpon. It consists of a metal cylinder, with ribs on the inside, and an intericir cylinder of wood, with ribs. There isn spahe from sit to eight inches between the two cylinders. One crank turns both cylinders at the seine time in oppo site direction's, rapidlycreatina a' suds, forcing ., tho water through the cloth es, and effectually removing the dirt. The !action of ,the water does the work quickly, diOresses entirely with rubbing, and thus saves the wear of clothes. JAM 3 - B. RODGER 4, 104 Jones Alley, Phil is Agent for Penn. SULLIVAN IL' HYATT, Prop'rs, • 64 _BEEKMAN NEW YORK N. B.—StatiAndgounq Rights for sale. and purchasers supplied with Machines at wholesale on libemi terms. , . EirA Machine is in Ophration , by a laundress daily, at our salesroom, 489 Broadway. C co mhB enw6m FARMERS, LOOK AT THIS! BEACH' NEW :PATENT Mira NORSE RARE! FOR RARING HAY AND GRAIN, is,pro nounced by GOODiJUDGES tck be the NEAREST RIGHT d ANY IN USE. , Some of the advantages of this: Rake are that the "worktniih - occupies- a comfortable scut while. raking, instead of having{ to walk, and that. its construction is scksimple that any part of it may easily be taken- apirt and put. together again. Four bolts are all the-blacksmith work required. Farmers, please call and examine for yourselves. Lumber wilt be taken in pay for Rakesif of the right kind and fetched in!time. None but those ordered will be'made at present. r This machine' was inverted by the subscriber who resides 1.1-2 miles North of Montrose, on the' nake Greek , Road. ORENZO BEACH. Montrose, April 24th, 1860. BANPOILIi'S .LIVER INVIGORATOR, - NEVER DEICILITATDS: Iris compoutsded entirely front hasbecotpe an established Isar, a Standard Medlelne,lutoars and approved by all thatobava teed ft sad la now re. sorted to with tronfadesen 4 1 41 the diseases for which It is recommended. It has cured thonsetats Who bad given up all hopes g sussollettedseredcalealntny - The dose must be adapted Individual taking It: ana set gently on the Dowels. ~lata the dlcaates,of your nee of Ebel:l3Mß IN vrltcare Liver Cons . .. 1 1 Simko, - Dyspepsia, lisimitser Cons'- fry, Dropsy, sour , Costiveness, raDorbus, Cholera' lease, Jaundice, • es, and may be used see ' 17'Family yeti , DEADACIIE, (as tereaty minutes, I .. - spoontals are tak. SAWS, Ali ighoulle, state la astsTor. gilding their teetgeseey MIX. WATER I I TkIE 310114111 WITH TWIG 'INVIROILATOII., MID SWALLOW BOTH Toomirima. I • Price - One Doiilr per fettle. - aitzfrroairs , • CATHARTIC FR93I PILLS,' COILPOUIfEE.b 1. , • OPiire ' Vegetable Extieets, and Pittaln • AMASS CAMEO, Air. OAS, and arlll keep In any taleteller • The Family CR. thortle PITA lea gin. tie Mt active Catheitle 'width the proprietor has turd In Me prattles more than twenty years. The esinstantly inereeslng demand hem time silts barelemased tbe PILL* a. 2 sad the widadtetlon which all eipeestin regrardtothejr en. • me, biut Wined me to place them tir the teach at all The Ittislon well allow g that differind Cathartics art on dithrreill_portions of tlie bowels._ - ' , • -. The - FAMILY - CA- ; IrIiAIRTIC :PILL ..hisa, with dm reference to t this well established het, beta tommunded rem a I. vitrMy et the purest or table Zito's.* Math a'et a li ke an every or the alkeentm moat mil are .goht‘tota ehi allow ina whet* • Esther& I. neeW-, to ea 1p,,.. rapuesnento of the St OM like b . Illeepi. noir - Pains In the is mina Loi ns . Tenet*, pal n • ord Ilereneis over the whole .body, troui andalen , eold. 'bl e b 'imam** , ir Deffiberteli, '- mat sloes worse et Ye. tan et Appe. ' tlte„aCreep Loss llng hen i Bee' I ' ethesi r - , ollalever the - hal>. knEg r .. a rig Headikaw- weionitiltjle An I IMP= tft • torY 1 - 1 . 4 Vtheeelles. Worsisn Adttalts, Rheumatism, a great ther erthe MOOS awl sasordhteuestowilelt gash le heir. tho name= Wi mutes In Ole adrettre , twag. • • • ICE' TRR?E DMltell: Ink, Liver:lnvigorator and Faintly 'Ca* Ittile Pills erevetandl by Druggists gewrally, 824 4 9KWIllthiskbY the bade Wall the large towns .4.T . .w.;s9to s itn.m . 3D nr' 4..avirsof. New *VeV: tar . .. Pot pale in 'Montrose b ABEL TURRIFIL. *gat. GREAT _AITAACTIONS roir or nuuritimmr. riPHE` evienilve Furniture Eitabliehinent of Brim Butrrnarts having been refitted and greatly iu to the the propnotom iespeetfully announce to the citizens Of Montrose ani vicin ity that they are conatanyy nuking and kiep on. band the ILARGEST end. BEST asisorturient of FURNITURE] To be to hi the Cotanta l t. We give the followingliat of some of the tides labial we 1011 at greatly reduced prises, for CASII oilticatrt PAT: • Bareans,Walao or • Mahogany, with eons front $lB to $35. 1. - Bureaus With marble or broadens top - from $lB to $24, And W.large assortaleat, from $B, $10.12.34, to $lB. ' Wish Stande,CiniStands,Consernid Ognare Stands, oral!, varieties and picot, from 'IS tents to Leo depart... • Desks, Divans ;Towel necks, Pootatoo.,Otto. mans, Lounges. &e. - I Centre, Ca r d, , Pier, Toilet,' Dining, 191ohoo• and Extension ,Tables. Chturs—Cane and Wood Sesta, Deckers—. Cane, Flag, and Weed Seats, of every variety and style. - ti Sofia, tete a tett* furn ished atstio no tic at New York twicia. N. B. Ready Pads coffins on handior fur nished at short potice.- 1 -Hesines - always. in readiness when desired. 1 We °splay none buteartzFun'and Explat. siren Woßantil. We intend• to do ouiWoruc WELL,',and mit Was Low as it can be ao'orded. ' 1 W. W. SAISTIS, I lama, jag E. R. rot elm, • Montrose. Jan. 18th, 1860.--4. . NEW GOODST Lawsaille Centre, Sulk. cd, WALL Papoy,`Windfr Papers and Borders, livery large stock 'this dair reeeiied, by April 17th. IL KENYON, JR. & CO. a, hallis, . si!ks, ns and calicoes, Intnense. variety, by iR. KENYON, JR. VERY style 4f Cotton Parit :Goods. lete. this clayy reed by R. KENYON,IR. tt CO.' 'SILK, Brocha, and Cashmere shawls.) a lino stock, LOW. •4. KENYON, JR. at. CO. 12 for this:day'reFeived and . for sale lower than elsewhere iniStisqu'a county. - R. KENYON. JR. &'CO. 1 I 00.0 LBS' ' SALERATIffi in s o and. for sale•by the box or lb. . jj ARtE Stoat, of FANCY Dry Goods for sale by , R. KENYON. )R. dr. CO. .91EA,Setta-'-Five Elegant atVlea. from 3to 8.60. KENYON;JI . 34 & CO. Lawaville Centre, Pa„ April, 1860„ Dealer in FLOUR GRAIN,. GROCER • 7.E& PRO VISIONS, DYE • WOODS, Staple DRUGS, - WOODEN and .STONA WARE ALL KINDS of HOUSEKEEPING . . ARTICLES cf: YANKEE TIO.ArS IN GENERAL.—doe dooi North of Bornum's hotel , NO Milford, - Pa.' WOUtD be IlJeased to See all his old friends YT. _and. many new ones at his NSW Store fronting tho DEPOT, where he is prepared to show them such a stock of, the above mile es as New MilfOrd has long Stood in need of, • "Division of trade has as many adva i ntages as division of labor," ' Any man confining- himself to one branch. or business, .giving • that branch his whole Capitaland:attention can- keeP a.botier assortment,-buy cheaper and:SELL CHEAPER than if the smite means and time . was employed in a general trade. If you dont think 59, calf on the subscriber and be tionvincerL The sound principle' SMALL PROFIT AM PROMPT PAYMENT ) will be strictly adhered to. Butter and other Prodece forwarded to ,to. York to bne of the bestcommission houses in the City, add prompt payments guaranteed: .BORATIO GAItkATT. New Milford, Swig. Co. Pa., April, 1860 —Y. - KEYSTO NE HOTEL,'' At Montrose, Penni WM.' IL HATCH, Propitetor. THIS new add commodious Hotel situated on Public Avenue, near the Court House,nnil nearly in the centre of 'the - business portion of Montrose } is rrow fuly completed and furnishrid; nnd . was opened on Monday. the 27th day of September,, 1858, for the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that he is now. prepared tri entertain guests inn matter that cannot fail toieve Complete SatistlictiOn: The Hotel analouriiture are new, Ind no ex. pense has been spared to render it eriuld, if not superior to anyshnilar establishmentia this part of the State. •lt is well supplied with all the recent improvements and . comforts, arid obligifig waiters will als4ays be- readyte resprind. to the call of customers. - i • The Stables connected with this Howe are • New. and Convenieit. The Preprieter respectfully solicits the patron. age of his old friendr,,and 'the public generally.: ' . ° WM. K. HATCH.' FORDII4IIII HAs removed across Ulf) street, to the building •one door. beloir i Keeler dz Sioddanrs, which he his" fitted up expressly fur a Saddle, Ha i rnets arid Trunk Shop wrier° triay , be found all kind 4 of • • --IEX.ELZI,,NMEI,6I,, frota the heaviest team , to the lightest _trotting harness, and a general aisoruient of ;trimmings, which ,will be made up or sold very low. Carriage Trimmings' • , A good ariortta - ent on hand, which Will be sold .very low; all trimming done pheapari than else where. - - OAK LEATHER .1 itithln the bet two rams of.reller. is theAtuceerowi posceectonstiori. to. the terupecameet of the ed In such quatultlei u to Judo:tient guide you In the- V IGOR/LT . OD, and It pietisti, 8111otta At.. Chronic Diarrhoea. 'Outfits. Driente.. stoxiisoh,nabitoat Otkolers.,.Cholo. Inrayittatia. FLta- Femutle Weakness meaty aa an Ordina. elsacrltnittoure SICK . thousands eau snotty.) In two or three Tea eta at einameneentept . . on hand, from Which harnesies will be made and - *,*cusiotne t s will pleas e e bear in mind thati wish to settle once a year. Those having unsettled Accounts, or notes doe, Will oblige by settling or Making payment withbut further 'delay. ' U. F.TORODAM, i Feb. 34th,T ` Montrose,Pa , ' at , a1;- 1 salt I I Itlolll% Tio gunk! WHOLESALE SALT HEALER. 201 Wasbiottosi-st; (Directly opposite Wiehington Market,) I Wetinir STILL CONTINUES to offer t o the city and COUNIAY trade, all kinds of FOREION Coolie and Fine SALT, at the very kerma figures; 40000 - sacks and bags, consisting in Put of Ash lon's celebrated brand for table andi-dairy tote; Jeffrey dz. DaMV,, Marshiti's; Brownlow's, and 50000 bushels Tarts lalind,- Bonares, Cu: racoa, Si. Übes, Lisbon. Cadi z.lvics, Nantes, ate." all of which will be sold at bargain prices from Vessels. store A nd Storehouses.. I- • Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to his interest te.cali., N. It—Fine table salt put tiP in ninon bags of different sizes. and constantly on blind in ship. ping Order. Also's splendid article of -RiAt Ground.ialt, id quart boxes, pia up pad _ for sale by the quOntity, in manor five dozen each. : DOCKET-01ARIES AND ALMANACS for L • HMO: a large variety. And Indelible Pencils" for taarkiag'weariog apparel, warraflted not to fade or, wash out, for , sale bi • . - A. N. BULLARD. -WOOD WANTRE AT THE " DEMOCRAT 14110 E. MK NEW ARRANBEMENTS I rem, ito* - HORATIO GARRATT,I STIN, , /s") //, ,e, . . - COMMERCIAL COLLEGE • - imATirki,irrii THE I9DQOEBAFI A VALLEY BAIR, BINGHAMTO.N • Rooms open,for Instruction from 9 c m. to 8:30 FACULTY: 0. W. TIDWELL, Principal, Profesior of the Science! of ' Accounts,. Practical Accountant; Author of Lowell'aTreaties 'upon BOok-Kcep i Ing, Diagrams illustrating the earn°. )ioutt 4tiartur, Commercial Acconntant,'Profes'r of Rook! Keeping and Practical Mathematics. Comm, Assistant Professor in — the Book • Keeping Department. . " WAUrian, Professor-jOf Practical and Or • • namental Penmanship, Commertial. Calculi . flocs and Correspondence. LECTI/RElifit Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Lecturer on Cowper, dal Lai? and Political Economy:* Dow Rmitsona Baicom, Lecturer on Contracts, Promissory Notes - and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. P.. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial Ethica.l • COIIIIIITTEE4 Hon. ShermakD. Phelps, WM. B, 'Oabarn, gag., .Tracy R. Morgan, Esq. • - 'The object of this College is to afford to all an opportunity of, otoptining a thorough Business Educatioti. • ThO*Brktka_spd.Fonna are carefully arranged by practicial-accountante expressly for this In stitution and embrace all the 'recent Improve ments. . The course of instruction 'comprises every department of business. The learner"- will he thoroughly taught-the scicnce end practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to the followino kinds of : General Net chandiiing, Manufacturing, Banking, COmmis *ion, Steamboating, Railroading, Forwarding, -Freighting, Foreign Shipping. &c. Ladies{ Department entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. . . , Students can enter _College it any time and receive individual instruction. Bythis arrange went every stedent is pormitted to progress as rapidly as his enterprise and' ability will per mit, and !when through, perfect . and complete ; will receive a' Diploma which will enable hits to reviee at pleasure. . Time io complete the course .- 6 to 12 we s. No_ vacat one. Board $2 to $2,50 per week. TER MS: For Bildt-Keeping, full accountant's course. including Practical Pertmanahip, Commercial Computstions and Diploma, (Time unlimit ells) - - - 40.5 00 Same course for Ladies (separate) - -2 P 00 Penmanihip and Arithmetic, • -10 'to Teacher** course in Penmanship, Practi- . cal and Chnamental, . • - 30100 Twelve lessons in Practical Penmanship. 2100 fjgr'9cpastonal clams will be formed) in PhonograpY. For full particulars -send fo u r a circuler.l • • • oel3* ~,/,, ~,, , , , ,:: c h eapest: Best ! Largest 1 i sao,oco :. nn in Sin g le nail Doable , Entry a r 4 To Pay_ 14,4 „Jingle Book•K6eping, Writing Commercial Aiithine lid and ILect u res. • litoarilli week!' $lO, Stationery s7 t. Tuition 835, entire expenses $61.. Itsuai timo from 6 to 10. weeks, Every Stu. dent, otioo graduating, is guaranteed competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qual. ified to I earn a salary of from , $5OO TO $lOOO. StutlCnts enter at any time—tlo Vacation-- • P.eviewl pleasure. . ;; First,Pretniuru for Beat Business Writinglor 1859, rece ived et Pittsburgh,- Philadelphio, and Ohio Siate Fairs. Also, - at the principal Fairs of the (Weil for the past four years. - ; W !Ministers' Sons received at half pnce. * * *For Circulars, Specimens, and Embelliah. ed Viows of the _College, inclose • five letter stamps Ito F. W: JENKINS, Pittabargh, Pa • • NEUS:f 'r- MI O r (VT ROSE PENN . & ‘, Fp HE subscriber having purchased JL refitted and newly furnished . the above well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to . accommodate the tray ! sling Oldie and .°there with all the attentions and 'conveniencea usually fo'und in first:plass Houset No effort will be spared by theTro prietrit and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any ittthe country.; The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables , connected with this House are lar ke, roomy and convenient and careftil and cittentiVe.Hostlers are always in charge of them: 'J.3 T 11.11E1.L. HOWARD •ASSOCIATION; • • PiIrLADELPRIAL. A En:eve/eat Institution established by ape. cid: Endowment, for the Relief of thelSiek area Distressed. a f flicted with Irirukrit and . Epidemic Diseases, and especially fot . the . Cube of .Diseases of, the Sexual OrgaSs. IuIDICAL ADVICE given gratis, ,bY the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, With al description of their condition, (ago, occu pstion, habits - of life, &e.,) and in cases of ex treme Poverty.tnedicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports - en Spermatorrhcea, anitoth or Diseases of the Sexual Organs, sent to the af tlicted lino sealed letter envelopes, free of etarge Address, Dr. J. Skint - Houghton. Acting Sar gemi, Howard Association,. No. 2 South 9th-et.; Philada, }herder of the Directors. tecB NEW vim/. • iottr ; eel Vrobizion stfirt, 1 At .194ITTROOF., (114 E , door bel w J. Ethridge's Drug:Store. kir dn' Public A enue, where will be found onatOtly. on head a general assortment of 1 . G.11'00E1:14 :. 1 sud..i. angers, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee • • &e., &e. • ' Also the choicest brands of 1 . FAMILY -FLOUR,' . 31.ea1,1 Lard, Pork, Hants, Fish, Candles &c. We solicit ',share of the public patronite, and pledger purse's* to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN & ALLEN.. ALFOjEITBALDWIIN. L. ALLEN. I IMAIIIIINGBOIIOO4 * . _ .. AT GfitAtagND I • FA, TiFils senor% will be opened fof the; reeep tfan of Ladies and Gentlemen, on the 39th dog (Wedoesday), of,rebruary; 1860. I - 2112118 pr= twitiort. - Primary Branches per WO of 11 weeks; 33,04' COMMOU stt - 66 3 3 0. Cominorr end Higher,_a " " ; Nig*? English, ~" 5,00 -Lonnnun on Piano, " " 10,00 Dee it 66 as %O p Okla ne b tal, and Climisintil Departments, extra. T e Principal, has had much experience in teaching in New York and Penn's for the but ten , ears, in Common, as well as Select, praded or. lib Schools. Referenceigiven if required N,ll..:—Hoard at the boarding' hall, two doll's pee *oak., Lights and washing extra. Pimento to be made quarterly in advance. • • Mb y P. W.JtOGERS, Prineipal. 50,0004lopiiii already 'Sold. EVEYBODY'S LAWYER AND - ' aIN *mums& By IFrailk 11:Ircostoy, , OF THE PIfILAD4LPHI. , BAR. St tells you How to draw up PartOrobipPe.. pers - end gives general forms .. for Agreements of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Leases and Pe. - - • *1 VMS ,yeiu How to _draw ..ap Bond& and lidOrtgages, Affidavits, Powers . of, Attorney; Nofen anti otExchange, Receipts and Be . leases. • , It tells you The( Laws for the Collection of Debts, With the Statutes of LlraitatioNand =out add kind of property Exempt "from Ex _ • , emotion in every State. - It tells you How. to make an Assignment properly,' with _forms for Com position with Creditors, and the. Iniolvent Lowe of every Stste. " • . It tills you The legal relation existing be- Guardian - and Ward, llaSter and Apprentice, and - ' Landlord and Tenant. It tette yin Whit ,constitutes Libel and Blinder, and the Law as to • Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right 'ln Property, Divorce and Alimony. Ilvillitkyvaia The Law for Meclinnie . Liens in every State, and tho Natural. . • ization Laws of this martian , : and boy to comply with the seine. . ' It Wills you The' Law Concerning Pensions - - an 4 how to obtain one, and the • Pre:EntPtion Laws to Public Lends: It tells you The; Law for " Patent's,' with • mode of procedure in obtain. lag one, with • Interferences, Assignments. and Table •of • itt tells you How to make your 'Will, and . bow to Administer"on an Es-' tate, with the law and require. mints thereof in every State. Itlells you The; meaning of Law Telms in genersl use, and explains to . ' • you the Legislative, .E;xecntive and .4400 Powers of, both the General and State Govern . mints. • -it tells gosit'llow to keep ou t" of •Law, by - showing how to do your bu siness • vast amount of property, and . • , vexatious "litigation, by. its time. Iv.'consuluttion • Sipes copies will be sent by mail, pc4age paid, to every Farmer, . every Mechanic, e 'very man of linaineavoitid every body it every State, on receipt of $1.00; or in law style of binding at $1.25. - $lOOO AYE 111 can be made by enter. Prising then every Where, jn selling the nbovo work, as our inducements to all such are very. liberal. - For single copies of the Book; or fbr terms to agents, with other infixrmation,;iinPly to or address, JOHN E. POTTER, Pubbsher. je7m6.] Ne. 617 Sanson. Bl., Phil'a Pa. What Evarybo - dy Wants. THE FAMILY DOOTOR- coNfauuNG REMEDIES EASILY OBTAINED, FOE THE CURE OF DISEASE IN -ALI, FORMS. • Professor Henry S. Taylor, M. D. It tells you Haw to 'attend upon - the sick,. . ' • and how to cook,for them; how to prepare- Drinks, Poultices, &c., and how to guard against . - infections frem.Ceatagiona . aeases. • It tells you Of the! various disease's - of CU , dren, and gives the - . best antt • iimplest 'mode - of treatment daring Teething, Convulsion!, Va - reination,WhooPing-cough, • • Ideasels, dre. - It tells you The symptoms of Croup,Cholera rlnfanturn, Cholic, Diarrheas, • Worms,.Bialded Heads, Ring i • -Worm, Chicken-poc. 4e., aid y '' gives you_ the hest. zemedies for their cure. It tells you The symprom_s ofFever andAto:le, • _ and. Billions. Yellow, Typhus. Bewilet and other Fevers, and - gives you the best and simplest remedies for their cure. • It-tells yogi The symptoms of Influenza, • ,Consumption,Dyspepsia,Astiv . .ma; Pro psy. Gout, Rheum:ism. mbago, Erysipelas, 4.c, and . .gives you-the best remejiirs for their cure. • . It tells you The.symptome of Cholera Nor. - bus, Malignanteholers, pox, Dysentery, Cramp, Dis . sues of the Bladder, Ridneys , . and Liver, and the best rents- . • dies for - their cure. It tells yen The symptoms of Pleurisy, - 'p umps, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, •Paralysi,o 4 the various Diseases of.the Throat, Teeth, Ear and P4e, mad the best remedies for their cure. It tells•yeit The symptoms- of Epilepsy, . Jaundice. Piles, - Rupture; Pis. • • - eases of the. Dean; Hemor rhage, Venereal Diseasei, and Hpdropbobia, and gives • the • , best remedies for. their cure. WWII. you The best and simplest remedies for Wounds,-Broken Bones and • - . - • .Dislocationv,Sprains,Loekjaw, FereiSores, White Swellings, • - . Ulcis n;Whitlowa, Boils, Scnr • • vey, Bums and Scrofula. • '. Ictells rim Of the various diseases peculiar •, to Wiimen, and gives the best . • -and simplest remedies for their cure, together with many vit. • • liable hints for the preserve . • tioti of health. The work ie Written in plain language, free froni medical terms, so as to be easily under.: stood; while its,simple receipes may soon save you many times the cost of the book. it is printed in a clear end open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings. and will • be for. warded to your address, neatly bound and post agipaid, on the receipt Of $l.OO. $1000..1 ItlgAit can be made by enter , prising men everywhere, in selling the:above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, .or. for terms to agents, with .othar infortioationi apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, je7rokj ' No. 617 Stosom Bt„ybil's Pa. •W M. B. SIMPSON. ICH REFINER, Slurp in Boyd ek tirelnier's neio building, • next door above Keeler et Stoddard's. ILTAVING 'worked. for the pais nine' y(ers 1„1 with the inost skilled, workmen, he. feels co pfide a t that he can do the mob' difficult jqbs on short notine. , All Work Warranted to rthe Satisfaction. W. B. Samoa has worked form° for somo time. and I eau reComineed Mm as a careful - and RUN! workmius. competent to do as good work as can be done in the coantry. ana worthy. oc confidence. Wm: A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda June lOth, 1858 Refers la--Wrn. Elwell, E. We Baird'. E. D. Montayne, E. a. Goodrich, B. Kingebury, Towan da; B. B. Bentley..l. Searle, C. D. Lathrop, .1; Wittenhergddentrose, * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice, and on reasonable lemur, [June 15th, 18,58....4, PAINTS AND 011,11, A FIRST RATE ASSORTMENT, and of A the best qualities, at lowest.roarketirices: Montrose, May, 1 . 10.) .TuRA FALL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers