THE MoNTROSE tEsiddaitti 'TERNS-61:50 PlOriSlilMff.'.trilDVAXClL Oh. - EDITOR, PUBLISHER;, 'AND.' PROPRIETOR, oFFiCE 41..5E31TE t) ,4/ /e 6a • .DEM 0 C72-.4 -NOMINATIONS, FOR GOVEit..VOtt , . . igilanee to - ,e,„,,,,,,... , ahnest a regidar branch of "busioess, and . , 1,, , , ITENItY D. FOSTER land So an .Lklie /tQtk e ear,t- south-;, 1P , . , 2.,1e • an" - - ll . ' ee ' revent the dinereanization'of theparty in, retiirre.POltl , elle s e'arld 1 r to the indicittion that at the South - therabtl . Spite of the President. . the Denot•raey of Pennsylvania. --"' 1 - ' ..11• , ,solvi p d, .Thitt th e I)emoerittit , party Oft :b i• nee 'With lehielt it was once regarded ' east of Israntocket.. It was distant about • or westinoraland cottnn - . w , This speech was - reeived ;toile:' , • 100 -mileS trbM • Bos!.on, when 'bearing . - .., .e. - , -,. -1-- •• 'Pennsylvania is tot to - be he reSpbn, ible rhythm, sectichi es yieldin , to a demand for „ . , p„ applause. south uf _us. Its„,altitade. wtis ,tloo ll lt , -0 1 - Gre Nelson Smith; of,Cambria, was ns- orb views of thoseiwho - "tuti-opeitine• b—some, -i • ren - 1 f°oll o . bPilli o . . . , „, - .. .. , z s., and . mil& ce•-• Pular orrantiationLbut , ' milt•iabove the sea, o.the seat of-- ew selected as temporarT, President: -OR tak- facto.bile' ) its, rec.- , ‘, . , e, , „. , t on the par_t, of others, Thus:,•APinStice and 13edfortl Its velooit:Wap2 •to , 3omt es lugthe, , 1 , 1 5 . 1.04 , 1 , 5t,r4 ~ its ; bad filith engender, Wrongs by, kind of with:the Seceders ? -' -:..-.„' -i • '-- ' nr rant eueretio action • li . ever in our l'ubli l B 0 61 ' Publie - P 0.1( i 1011 . e Ir., •3. - 1 retietiOn.—.l .T. 2 is. aa second." Scwoofic ,, -obsorvettiertt . Yale, t-- (1 „.- „,, o . , _.`• , ~,, 1 tha et , nod h arre etiy, .-„, .. ." '-- 'f - -„ -•- --- , me A 11....- -- mutat Distort: was a party so unnappny -Union and Titi,tXtlit&sittes, ' , vane f I flis'sereFed. It is to be hou d that our 1 With4ut action en • the - resoluttma, the ~-' - IN TilE SK- 1 4C 8 . - , , compute the height 71. the Meteor above ~ etl' till ,8 • ocliacjit this I A 6;i:respondent of the N. Y.-Ai/, • .. :. ,t. • i,, ,, ..- cot' will be in ,the linei.oeti e utv iiiil ' a sci_ i Co,nl.eillott adjuit • tie •evoitni„.i , ~ , •-• ,: ~ ,„- ~ -, . I writing . front Washington thus describes th e earth• •it froM 40 to 80 miles. 'lts ' eortlytg to- thß,lteagpS of-the Deineem 1 -.., - , , , -, .., s • r ,. w, • 1 ,, , :: ,, , 1 ' ' i, t a: , tea litV •lAnnlause] -- - ~.„, ~ „alum swo,nu,n s ttrytt gont csinn p4l i. i t.t.• tlt 1/11C:11. ... , . 1 . Int l trepidation which the 1 sPee4;relative;toll•'l , ear.t.-9 is-P9a l Pa--••••• f'• ..=•• '. "•% •• - • '' - d pitt edtill the pro - Cedings, few fttifte -- of , blaek,ltell i t l t c lilt s cans are ,stitlering, notwn 1 4 J. Simpson Jur to have been from five to eletten miles per, ' • ' ' ' - .troilitia T. OR 1C44 .. of. ° l 3f* l i t l il li a u d t eTi g th d ia, 9ll,3 4 t ere n I 1 Ai loi1,( t, , er '. specially deleoated. :. -"- ' . staiidinwtheir boastings. Ile sayS: secondi - its"eOurso itasln'thh4tiniedirec- ~ - . • "--, ." "The epublican . ..National ((ennuttee t , A• ,i , e 1 ' '1 1 •71.:,0i , h , - aPPom e eeve arteS- , , , . I i ErEms'n SESSION. ~, l' • • . 7 . . , • -.. i i I . tine as 'oott of the ,enrt ~ le_ , .so to Charka Browni. of Philadelphta,“ ad- I , this eitv are greatly alarmea oy the it speak, it of and pasSeA.,This Would dressed the Coax cation. ; kle - said.our duty Mr. lister,-of York, athireSiied the Co- L io 'i l ' or - of - reeen tldvi ees e ren i t h e w o rth. I h, ' vention , 1 , at lenoth on the stremith efilie 'TI • ri - aetuall •'• fr 'd ofloosino• Maine lec ' - - iris a one. It as "to - 0 back to the , - Ate- • ~, - ~ J, . 1 e) a ). 4 at ' r•-,:. , ' make its.absolote yekneity in mace eionte. i.. _lain , • 1,,. 8 , , Dougla4, Democracy in his county mid ill, are bymo ineaus confident add - mug-11as- be , the - Statkf. He a:Lid it consisted' Of *env, I stiehusetts or PennsYlvania l 'and regard the tri where betwee4 90,060 and iBO,OOO . miles. matiree,a'ail P°- wer—tne people . est . i te n 1 , slvatua :. Applitt . Te.] The speediest auc an hour. ,i It }Via sett, IA far as We cap surest tray ot beating the difficulties is by I the whole party as'originally to,o,stitttetl„: I ae tion. o f th e Utica Bell and; Everett-too -1 .I• h - it' I -!tut -eal 'Vet learn, through s ou t e•l% s: l ' o of Lower-apo to th,, , people:themselves. we ~.6.. ..e , d ailic a t a id i ment to 'the resolution's was 1 veiition as ibrlioditt& evil to ' •irld ti ' - "X - ,L011..T ' r 'the f .Or • r ..1 lig fir, a eman,, le,M,eirl- ew o Cap c max, Gov: t, A and tar 'x 1 1 'North C ' h e ...1 • ---,----- • Cana-a, as -Set t,- as t ,,,,,,„ Caro- Are_ ee to advise .on what is s the beat to -- ber of the Nirticifint •I/eftiocratie CoAtinit KeWard has Written to a friend inthis eity th, .. - - 4- . 4- 3lichael Damn:nil of 3riddleto3v o ,:i line. '' ; --- I — , -.-. - - - be'done, and to lay our action betere the I , , ,( • 't - - • • , - , • -- i tee, to the new State committee, - 1 an (•xeeedingly frIOOMY letter, tne conte)its in: str.iyed cattle. I , .- --, --4 . --41 " - ' 4 ” - ' I -- , Democratic tarty of the Stine. Ile traeed li . , 1 , , . 1 , ' -1/ - I"'Ore - Monday t last the leviathan • 6 . ' I historyof B lthnor • t'onventioti I - tie rile a 1 , • i t 1 . . I .c t man oppose( . I the •iimeidinent • •• • i • el r the w• , •of m• huh, t iou, i not intended for . , , tie cm 0:•sell every word of the rescilio 1 ,r ener:i i eve h ave reeked out and inertias W ''On Sunday last, there -is as,a heat 1 steamer, Great Easern; .sailed _for the II ary not fighting against the south,' , . , I 1 . 1 . , , ,_ , „ ~- .. , , , , .. .., 1. •• „•. ! • • tions, ion he n• icoeii th a t there \ ras 1141 b 3 cii materially 1 nedisinliy which pre% musty as, fall of nnn in this N ieinity. ,It. ildrly pour- : Chesapeake. She.' l Will return to New I only against the loan Wllo are eieleatoreig i - 1 t 1 suflieietilt action in them, lit w - atired MI I pervaded the milk et' the rail=s sitters. en _ 'e,l dowwthrouebont the daye - , - .fork ins few :dues (and 1e,3V0 on her re- t l 1 I 1 .1 (1 ire:ii..., oirn the Dilinneratic par..y 5. . (. „ low i , refly"entinz this I C(M/Ven' . Clllll'l4'S Sumner is cursed :is an idior----a ea • ' -- -- - 0-4 1 e - c•- - -- , turn vciyagii to Europe, about the middle 1[ , .„ . . ~, , ,tion,whleli he considered fairly repre , leited niffliontatii:w and a mari t hlt—tbr they in- se '"The Fall shipment of gi•ain from ; , , . -oi (write. , ; the A01111(lat mu of .1 new (.. in . 1 (A this month.dec ks LIN t. Well } lie.r I • - 1 seceders • , eirtv in Whidi thei•e. will ale no -•• • 1 t, , the 1)0410er:ilk p:irtv. . ! teed 0, run INir..l,incolii on the Cceiser- 1 . the West, has •,commenced. Cpwanis of , . ~., i .J. , . N . I , • ,`. . . . . 1 Mr: ( I,:e(e, ' , of laizerne, replied in a 1 va tivo, Xntional lay; and Stnnuer's ill- II - 1 I crowded with , visitors every clay at .ew anci oisuntonists. . i• •'OO.OOO bashers were shipped fromChi.l _ ideal- -. . - ‘A. • • • ...I, 1 h..,-.t ... .. ... than ,I. `.11( i 1 11% 111- / canned. Sense teit s 4 tit's" • johned explm.ion of Mumbo.puniboisin hits I le • ork. Some other ( iniellslollS ina3 4 poi manent co gatnzation is at, co 1 „ , 1. , , ,, . Douglas, ~. _ „, - cago'oe one day laAt week. _ t • I .not ~...i a roan, lie is 4 ., i them iet ween inin am. mater an( not s 1 11 I th'•l I • 1 . Ili •k • t.I fected by the election id Hendrick ri. , , ~ thine be fcirmed by suppoi•ing her, to rest upoe ~..,. rose,' to hip vat of the Den crane ;,the breath out Of th(111.” , , t • :e.- - --'We l'"hlisll 1 - 0 . 4111 Y a communion- ' bur villaoe •reen • Woli heristern :e4taitist ii, ht, ..• ;.. \\ riolit of Lit7erne as President 'with a I • 1, , or , siniztition, and contended that the, Elee - ' S The tneaeinte,s and ill temper betrayeil, - s I number of. - 1 ice I _residents and Seere-. e• •tion front a Democrat, wbo. argues that 1 Tarbelrts lintel, her bow ,WOlll4l reach td ' i total ti diet frarntslat Iteallin , slionlil be ;I, • "c Y -7' 'b - 111. .1- 11.• 11% . , ) the . . . rz , 01L . am at • Lim i i ~ tames. . - - sustain4,l until it was mutilated. t iCriv - • ! can palters generally, show thal,salthough Mr. l)en , la; is the fognlar nominee of the I •Judoe iessnp's lionse; the 1 keel restin , , , , ,M• Wt k 1; a•••• . 1 1 i , , •, , i. right, oo ti« chair amid out - -, -- ! ' iof it hat, heap mutilated.) „, 1 they attempt to laugh down the opposi party, and in every respect 'the proper , 4fli t h e ground, her bulwa l le., would be ', applause and cheers for Doti lax. Mr. • r 1 I 1 ~ el l- ; dai 0-, of Bllvh , , sllgeusteit that i tioil of such men :IS Washington Mint, candidate for our suffrag . \\ * about en-':, higher than the Cotirt-house cupola; mull Wright said—We have assembled .to re- the Chairman of this Cenvention be em- and 'others of the Clav school who de dersing the views of our correspondent, ', with her larboard side chock against she 1 stet rank usurpation. He would vote for no potie•rcil tonppoint one or two inehdiers notnice•Jitieoln and his -sectional party, We cheerfully give place 1.,) the coputuni- i Conrt•house, her starboard, I would ,reach stit•li mongrel eoneern reeemme"ded by from eaeli Congressionel district t° "" , they fear its ell'ects, upon the canvass. 1 the State Committee. If he could not vote e state .•.xe lit N 4 11 Willi flit' 11111101•4 V 4 /1 . 11l . • 1 . 'i' I'. ' ' ' • • •' 1 • .i. iie hict is, it tat' 0111011 incin of the cmintry Cation. Of course our t•olintuis are open ' half-way to time sidetwalk on the opposite f ,„. i 1) .., • . • ~. and .„ , •,. ~, • - •,j ' • • . or the (egii ai• einota.ou noninitt. s, r, • mime( tee, and l imo nii .. , ,,ectorill Itit•ket I were to unifts, black- Republicanisimwould to all our Democratic friends, whetherfor 1 side of'the green. Truly it Leviathan ! them :done, he would stay at home and,; • case ... . I •th • l'onimitt ce reetm. to 110 jiihtice. he a 0„, I, • , , in ( . ne, t y 13reckinridge or Dougla.s;toexpress their! --I _____, ( lama Ward, of Brailloril, or•slied in fit- ' ' pr(ferelletis and opinions in the present; /iv , : 1 • , .1 • Ile might question the propriety of •the , yo ,. 0 1 th e r ,,,,,,i ii ti on , : ,,,,1 ( . 4 , 4 „,iii„tii )l , l; a; 1 exigency, and We, ateite them to do so. • 1 @l,Ollll/111/t/Cati.oll,s. i both of men new assembled to form an ' a„,,,,ii",,,. to the itsagt•s of the part.v. s • , 1 lIINGIN TOE orrice.—Nearly all the ..'-' -- --- ---e: ; - --1 - ~- ---- 'the Den era State Committee by call- , • 1 our epiaments he breakin , the e the s oft FOR TIM 3101411tOgE DEMOCII AT. • 1 ; I ' il. I annuli - °dicers are to,be-eleeted ta.s .3 . WHO WILL A'E VOTE FOR ? ",' in , a State Convention. He believed it, tec, leirt v. Ile IN anted tai avoid any in- , would be sufficient Itir this meeting to (le- I 1 tc•rferehee Al e hh the leoel action of the 'Thee will-lie a wild scramble among' the ':o ??.. GEra -. Ti i ' N. ti 1 direD - 1 rrsoN- 7 -- Th e life ..1 nun , oite; as •and Johnson the regular 1 0,„,,,,, r • • t? „ . 1 •,i t i , 1 .,„ 11 1. 11 . , 0111111.1 1. • C., Ai II( lis II , , . , black republican leeches, who are hungry Democratic Convention at Charleston and l, nominees of time I)einocrat lc piirty.lVliat• aoent et,r the: s tiarty appointed :it lli.Sailitio• I -' I lit_yond all measure for a4.m11 at the corm-, Balthnore, havino• divided,l and, placed' ever mar be done, lie - would be willing' to I,l\ - e do'll't know yet who are the trne men i .7. ty pap. These are the palmy'days of ab• I two candidates in the field, Democrats in i make it his party: creed: lint let, ti iere • I - • Fly er- 1 oi the iEleetors, and cannot ',win . . , • i 1 be deep his lnifore actit in. lie olitionism—the "niewer”- is king in Sus- o • .' tick,t , 1 this county Will naturally inquire, whiehl • • 1 • . r. lll - 4 .a • : i , i . i it not be willing to su »tut to t tie etc- _\ Ir. Jelin C e ssna, of Bedford, sal,' that queltainia county—hence the nervous anx- !of these twq - Drovaio's is ;the oenuine ...e fion of the old IZenelitior Cotn (lit ion which, 1 • ~ ' ,' •. ryas ~ , • ,• I,le prr i :sonny. , of resolutions not 1111- I iety of the nigger-worshippers to get into ;Wh' 1 f thesetickets is! reemlar and hail been abandoned, lint lie would eon- 1 it, 1 ci lollld mood, and he l':\ 1.• '1 . t. . p mie , I ~ , , 9 tonic snag little office before the power w hel, are ie ts, t o 'l support ?; We do notl • . ien t that the p e ople slunild form a new , Mr. - Welell said flee every Elector was siips from their fingers. The candidates I' Coevention to ,resent an Fleetord tieket want but one President' at'„ a time, and;; ,- ' r " • • I i held It a pledge to the . I:eading Conveti- for :ill the best, places are so nun-wrens, iconic • , The, leaders of the secession movement : 1, 1 i tosti short the casuist nominee!: • We I . quentiv!intist decide Whetlier we will' i _...„ 1 . , Southern Con f , 1 ., , , I l i 1- • ,• • - , . . ; ~,, 4 )1, ea N, al i •41 .1 (., (9.1( 3 • h ave ( eclared that those Wlll, refils(• the ' ' ' . ' - I. in s th•it 1 and se persistent in tacit: "claims, 1., . , support. Mr. Douglas or Mr. TiFchinridge.s ; it e d e ti e ,l t h e i r 01 , 110 ,,0 i on , t o e010 .h 1 4,, i , pledoei shall be succeeded by me who e _ thire is groat danger of a premature ex. , For one I hav tiO hesitation in sayino, I h ai.v ; se, Ie 1 . the membrs eor the convell- Will earry_it nut: 'We as3k the Coin- , plosion. However, the small fry of aboli- that c -rWith :AI the 'fact%. - before him, no 1i t on to he emitions as well :is . effectual. :«r mot( eke r(•(•onsider their actiol I. 'rl.ol - 11s 1 ioni•ts need give themselves no trouble •i ) . , , i 1 ' • .l ‘,.. I .1 Committee on Resolutions was al' not unrifil the teinher or disorg:inieat Mil, , em(erat lath.(e cing in makings t i lee. ' pointed with Pi .1 •1 V - as ' i • • -` '•'"'(• --aux t 11 " ' •1 "."'• but throw that obloquy upon the State about ties :natter, for a clever sett eif late- I•• -. tl • i'' •roTer" nit of the question. , ' I A at ing t 1( , ni, (T 6 ' Joshua •T. wen, General D:IN IS 111141 . this .C0111111!i1r1.4. it they ilare to meet it. 1 years and merchants in village. thor- , (for the subject of slavery - has nothing' tq i'leneral 31111er addressed the, convention. The i amendment: of -.\ Er. 'ilaldtmian for "a : zit abolitionists all, have deterinined, as Ido with our choice between Alessrs. Doug;', 'The' Committee on Resolutions -after the aiiiointinent of :iii i•xectitive C'{itinnit- ' % I ' ll3l ' it I''' shall I ' e the candidate s of their • has and Bree)thirld4e;) We have the 'Agri 1 Colt' .. 1 , idet a tle debate, reported thestfollow- tee was lest. • - . part; . • •I _ , - '7 ' , m g : - i mOt patent to our eyes, that Steolien '.l r ) The: original resolutions and q.bire,, - Al 11E1'1' NS 1 . 1 t' Demorrats from ell were unanimously a,lopted. -• : COI - \TS - SerranyreNue:cr.—A. N. Bill- 1 Donolas is the regular nominee of ale Nit. I . • •)-- • • ~ - . parts of 1 ennsylvania, in.`lass• ConventionTti, - 0, Convention adjourned ~ i iie die. lard, F. of this Borough, has been ap- ' tional Cow:onion ; ithat he Nt'ent into that : • ~-. 1,1, •f•• o f 1 l ... - ' • . •-• . I sseni ,let in :not t neregn al organiz- i pointed County Superintemlelit of .Com. 1 Convention iy•ith a large preponderance oft ;then of the Democratic patty, its noinin .• • TIIF 1 •IBOT ITIONISTS INT D TII E moll Schools for Susquehanna Counts- ins votes sliieletinallv! culminated in his tri- • a li ens, 11'44',VS and principles, declare and •, - • • ' 2 . - • • , 1 -. • • , • I . ~ 1 • SLAVE TR ADE. resolve.: . ,place of B. F. Tewksbury, deceased, for umpliant notninatiion e and that lie is un, I. -s, '' . ti L:l` i First—We reify and confirm the reso. '• three years comineneium July Ist, 1 860. 1 ' t; 1 I •.th firstchoice ofthe (neat • , • • •, , rr(int it - ill men to eirgage ti any •e• , ques .ona i 3, C . , . .. ine $ 1t.... ••103S and nomit intotts of the Lite State ti••iflic• no matter how dater -r us 'ir lity'l ~,.. o . i I. - "We co:v= - 11;e the friends of education mass of l)ennierati throughout most oi Conxention held a fleaditer • • i' t- , rions.l Only let Si suflickeitly high per in lids county on this appointment. A I the' states. ',On the other hand we have See,ond—We rirtifybinl confirm the res. 1 f • 1 . •.I.a i .. - it .. . . -• (•entag• - • o gain .he plot:11.1A ,an ,( ap ~, better selection could not have been made. 1 thel e - that'' 4 * oAien . of the , clele!- , plain o . p (Amiens and novainatione k adopted and will lik ins (;steiciu spilt. of Vie thr4ats of' Thoteli not a orzeluate of College, Mr. I gates (a,minbrity) seceded front - the Reol- Made . by the . only regular ol•f,..oanized Dem- contikation end forfeiture, and lives will , , ( • •• N a . ic r..tie Ilona] Convention \ held at ~ 1 .. Bullard has acquireA a thorough English I ular COnvetition, organized .: separat eh . 1 , 1 . 1 s• ieUm • if trie ru le N c l out (, at the ..l 11 1.. , I• . , Charleston and .1a timore. reach{{ a tempting findt. It is i linattei• education ; a man of correct habits 'and sConvention,:and nominated J. C. s,reekie- Third—We h••b • •+ • t_rt 3 plot. annto• Mil -1 - I of ertaintv that 110 ineonsideridile Amount nnquestioned integrity, with lunch- expe- : ridge: Here we have two' Conyentioo ' eerie faithful, energetic and uncomprOiois- l of ca o«• 1 . . e ngaged - t 'l • . .. 1 . • 1 h.:, is 1105% • %111 11. S. 4 • 1 3 13 rience it the routine of the school-room, one recrularand full, the other improvieb I ing support of the nominee of the State \ l 1 1 General Foster, for Governor '• e ' '''i earn ii , forward the trade in slas , t-goin lie is perh • aps a • s well acquainted with the , and mew'rrei ' two Platforms; exactly alike, Convention, ' • ' Alrici to Cuba, and it is highly pl * :0111ile ' th`e+ • PRESIDENTLIL ELECTORS:, . ELECTOI4S AT,L.I.II2GE. - VATJX, gO. 31, KUM • , mgrawrELEctpl(S.• • ' _Fred. A. Se:rTer; 114. laaae Reckhow, W. C. Patterson,,lls. Geo.D. l .taikson, .:;..lOf.. Crockett,. '16:.1 A. : • .. .T: G. Brenner, Dinner,. "5. G. W. 3 acohr -' lEt R. emu - ford; • CbarlesKelly, :19. IL IC Lee, • I. O. James, ;20.. ,T;B. • David Sahib_ : 21. N.P:Fettleititan, , 6..1. L. Lightner, . i 22. • le% S. S. Barber, - 2.3. William Boa', 11. T. R. Walker, ,24. 8.. D. Hamlin,' -12. S. &Winchester, 25. -Gaylord Chutch, 13. 7oceph Laubacb • . ,wants Of our Common &Twills, - and as l if Ivi, leave }he miserable "nitigef' i out well .Inalicieci !to - Meet those_ wants, assan,y vivo, candid:it-As, bfith true taco and goo , .• , L. . • other pc , rson in Ike county. • ~ -- --1 Democrats, borbc4h. cm:mot:be elected. ? A Goon BpoK.—Mr. IL C. Johnson is . Withont sniing.another word, it seems t. ;• • , now canvassing this county foil an excel- I me to,.me that theSe facts should Suttee tj lent work . 'entitled "Sacred 'Biography i point!td•us Plainlythe path of tinty..Tly. Illustrations History, or Illurations of the Scrip - ; dit's - is to Support the regular ,nominee tures:' Mr. Johnson is now obtainin:6! 'and-to elect him. i‘ . _ -- .1. , ! : .0 - subscribers in - this . vicinity,, and 'proposes , I Amyratik to aelmit,.tlia . t Judge Dot las was not` my next. From a e tutory exaniina- m,y fitt choice; - betweembit to deliver the - book about the first of Self- and Sir..prokinridge z Lshould have pr - tion of its pages, we are satisfied that this , ferred thelatter- In common with alma , i book. unlike much of the trash called "sen- I every Di mberat in Susquehanna count: sailor' books ," is worthy. - a place in every- I would; aVe pre , ferred the nomination' house. Thd book is very handsomely dot.! Gov.DiCkhison, le' tried and true Deny . .. and i t crat whom; 'a al . , and al le now iy to ays delight . up, with good paper and clear type, "tier. growl of 1 bealitifttlly illustrated with steel enr - ,rav i - .But it is i J :• h b ___ 1 .past, . when:we:Attire, the. present and di it;gF,. Wo coinmend the agent; w o p- , .. ~, man-. - future . 1 ,. , ~,, ahead, 'De to grapple with. Look ahead - De pears to be very gentlemanly inhii . 'public. ;'' ner. to the patronage . of the - Although Gov.:Dickinson M not nominated, tee have a regular lion • ' NEW Ji...s.sry.- ; -Three" State Con Ye- i nee who. is' ! e - qu allY as good t - w man of t 1 lions were lield at Trenton last week; 3 I questioned- aliilitY.; of tried integritY, ail Douglas Convention, a Breekiuridge Con - COI unbounded poPularity.- : Gentlemen, t: , vention: and a Bell- Convention i There IWeto be forever ;talking about Democr 1 • was much talking about a j uition electoral i je- principles, and still flyl to live tip- • ticket- to oppose s'neeeFsfiCilv the abolition [them ? One of the cardinal artieles,of-( l' tonset..lC. t- , e.. ,.. (:, and Lincoln; bat it' faith Is Undersu l tod to be! "Measures ni appears to have nearly all ended in fitik. l'inen.” Shall we ittultitV ourselves, and': The Douglas 'Convention !nominated -a ;low the countrylto go into the hands --------- straight Douglas ticket, and passed strong 1 the Seurvy.abolitiOnists, by a factions qua - - . • resolutions against any affiliation with the -- eel about, mere. men, When the platfOrli Brt-ckinridge party. Each of the other ! are identical fori,all the great - interests Conventions also funned an electoral tick- l the w hite man, for Whom the goVernmf et, with someprospeet 'of a union; - was formed and 'exists. - • . , - The project ooa , uninn ti pen ?ye sled. .7.- -- `:`.luti ,: e Dikon, of Wisconsin - , who 1 1 . • :; r tltteket Seemut.l.43 be reaionable . and j i t was last spring . elected to the Supreme ; ...• and one whielt !would . be cheerfully :tee Court - of that State, baslrenonneed black 1 . republicanisin.and joined the Democracy. ; ,, • .p •,• ~ ;;the late State Ctiventintii at Haritisb ) Lun'Ail by the phtusable professions . of ,the ;, 1 . ~ Tepublicans he joined that party,. out. not., , . ,• ~. . -- - i for hope, in thatithrection: ' The friend: , . ,being willing to endorse the nullification] 1 : Douglas everywhere are.eonscious of tt • and abolitionism which he found sit rani: , . vtrength 'and their upright position, , ' . Inuit among ltis-!! new :associates, no has ,.. t. . 7 •!are-intllfferent '. about . a lA. them. lie was elected to the SuPrem.'e l c°nse q ue/ ? tl Y 1 • ! ion. ThiS is to!•be regretted. Willi Court by the Deinocracy, aided by the i . !,• -i, • ; ~r „ •- - - ,r 4, .. ~ , , • ' • II ot1) m . • togam4:and everything to.loS --•• conservative men Of th e ....n.aue., .. . . , ‘• c; ~ r---.. -=---_ . : ,I,'• : ... i this fratrntial quariel.i. ;But let the-p 7 , 71 We. are - muelt obliged to the " - gen.; leaders aoept *het - re - 11er they ina•s•,, ins" of the Montrose Republican, for copy:::; live the d u oil eyery;Denieerat is si .0 in. , in his issue!of . this •• wee ak; truthful and plaid: . , . iime :is, to vOte, for the'it. . . ' /item from the Dri . nocraf of hart w€ek., It' te:r Democratic; nominee, ; . STEPIIEN is :shout the, oily, true . iartiele -in his i,D9I.TGL.A.S.. This ; is.the . initefit,,.'sai • paper—a single.rfiy -, ikerntiramid columns ibest.and :only -31.ty.:ti? d4 , liNttt. - he AiNgit of ~ men 4 ac ity," Aibitetn'oetroth in. - that:!iste Niviti-theii.irijibOile ened*e,- .t i -'' ' 1 - 1., .I' -. r:ii.. r :,• inii ,, Pd ii " . eiiii4iizity:" ' ' Po tl. .• , Drmiewual TIM PATTI OP 'fad Mit.mor,L—The tbl lowing • rougb - ' itilA "'43proxinlate pathtOr the late Illeteorilan heen 4O,duced : -* Prof. Bond,. of .ttiti Ilbservi a - of it* ,tg yard College, winch may'ofe, arse be c:>it shlerably NTaried.;44 cothertf,tl 14reaqn yate obseri;ation4i -.114.114.fe0ei poi* or Vie northern part of p en i t o var a iii net )21 easteM.couise, ' tl . ~ ei r mirt `ern part of. bllli Jersey, the m sorb east comer orSiii , tziriiik iniarLan . :lII= , . ~ ~. ....,. ..._,...........____ . ____. 'ELONDIN'S FEATs, AT NIA() A11.A.. THE DOUGLAS . MASS • CONVEN. the acticiii of "the. Democratic NatiOnal.) ev ontweisrli. sighs aud,tearkund kroanal '''.:3 - " 1, ,---- ‘ - /TION - '''. ' 77 .' , 5 -- FT,I'VOti - Se00()n -, 4 - 4i1 the ret.miaf eairdidfitt- - ;' - 'l, ---".-)-- " - " , er-•" '''-'• : 2- ''''''' - ' 4 ';' - ' 74, '''..r . kV& 91rfil is 'liii'v - o iitiE' • of . • .. • 1. 11 .1 6:134,i0traGi ., \Tuli- - 4 6.0 4: - . , 66 : • :'The. ConWlitiOi 'wlo . 'onlia,to3y4der` by vihit . .fl i i :.lbligai Pat it is-the will . and7tvish - of ~ : ileutiiiu that the Eleetoiit tieke_t. gAbelitiitiiisraf*'.; it: iht cotOry,',vir' • Wu - 0 -1 ,1 •inity„ 41 . ahtyi t y_ittailfaetured of sitaak, AS repstar :il3l6iides ,e;ise..!; 'rids cable, T. Hakkiiiat4Aif Ilairbilitirm,iVrlio im4:4Cl4.l*ntilf whop} . pie4g43 , or isr.:i , \ ll# l4 , 4 4 l.Af tve rr eti . ka rt, elkii o i:i a r il e t lite i. i t4.lmiat r ellielrbeWniUteriar;yitiptitticiiial• care, ei..,'• It . . ince as .., ... 7 i ini3 et _Ara§ ip i , eat to;the coildw made Al, opt either. lomif. the, ricer, a AI ii' eiiiiii.,:st; spiio - 6144-_*eireiii, ug 414 i D..0.1,1,„„..- 7 ,.°lth"tt" NV ..- ed culled ter . t . '' • iliiiekiiiiV• r '4 .- ir li- . " •OON'' . •'. , '-,-,--" f' - ' '' ;• '•-• - -,. '.-of .. . f - oitrset of piilitiejil events Wliiefiled to ithe all 4 *1 tha k - OsP • the I : i tni, : !' It wfitild not;' strankif few; fotfibe ONl' ' thebfidgeil by means 4 Qiiinmitfc:e4.•!..rgnnized _ illin , i - of Ole COiiTentiOWl .. H.c:liacLue'i•er.. . ~ used all the power which belongs to t h e .,`gWed, ti)Mll - hilve, posse4s'aiitt . Oittrite l 6 4 c e r f it e t t i. t !i i t x t.l, l f i t i° !-1. 41 .' 61 g i 4 et,: y 1:6 . rt . iti;:.4tectiotiO '.wartifre paverfittkroii'plui,thrce inches in diaino; agabo3t the South, it i4l.ould open the .most ter, riven Iwo boles'drillea . iu the solitt National Democratic Cotumittee, but had idttle Pow: and authority to form such an detestable and cruel traffic that ever dis- I rock, is diawn up .to-the fecjoisite tensioi'i ao acted might best prekerve the party. i Elector ticket. - .... -. . - - II - - ,- .1 . -----•-•:--- fizeffeed -- - -- eiiiiita s ti - on: : I ts- to nt i e ti c i, i§ -, hi thy two wimllassesoround - whieltir islass4 Resolvid, That President of ; this 1 it ati li te oi on ,_ . att u ..w , ,,, o an t At,.t3 h ttt , our ! Th 9 :1 )- iesident. has_ "said there - bras 110 ! , eel, q.ev . cral.thrics. - It,ilalso kept li•oni vt, Pekticiiititi - 3x;iiii;rVe l- iiih'et iiiiellief jot P'"---itti . :o4l , 6l ' t4 1 0.4-'l""itt'''i . ei'!)" 4 :iit,c( 6- 10 . !Vu'0; - 1.0::thittae:t ihatike,slv,e tatii,A6Ve Irsoilg.lifetilly by twentv or thirty guy- . • --t• - • . - --- - - - ---'‘-'-'-'''-, Adel - rec . :MA q. -ilante tr - itltfreSs I 1 - ' ' - • --- 1 •.' extending from ilitretent palms i .. ?" . 1: - ... une presem.,..... ~, l ' I o ; of the Democratic party thtikinilneed by the• disorganizing-actidn•of the State Cont.: 10 flittee, it becomes necessary fortheDein- . he 1 ocratic party to take such decided and tiii•-. m= I:Mist:11;Ale ground.--as will put to rest all -us 1 doubts as to its feelings, wishes, opinions , i i. rand , duty in the present crisis, it is re ligolted that the- proposed plait of the I n ' llhmocratie State Committee for n fusion fl(1 Irand coniProtuise is anti-Democratic; will re jricutdie santioned by :r full meeting of the it- ! Committee, and will be refuted by the I to I Delnocratic masses; and. in order to test ,tile truth of, these assertions we demand fur f quit - at the meeting of the Committee at lot i:Cresson; on the 9th of August, -it shall re al- :, elm.' its action and proceed to interrogate.l of Ithe'Electors :if they' are prepared to obey I, ar - 1 the instructions of the Reading' Convert- i tioti f and vote for the regularly tiotninatett I ! In '' candidate- of the party; and on the: reply I a of the Electors, if vacancies occur by it re- ?nt' fusal of any so to pledge themselves,. then I - to call a 'Convention of the Democratic_ I 0 ., party to complete the-Electoral ticket abd I ;t, j pledge it to the unconditional support;ofl, i-the regular . organization and the regular.: t " Fly nominated - Candidates. Should the tt 1 Pettiocratie State. Cinnmittee, refuse to -obey the instructions of the Reading Con- : 0 tention, •thenthe Democratic State Coin-1 0 ' mittee, or sash memberg as refuse to act, , I Mare forfeited their poWer and position, I .and we hereby- inyelse' the filithful and I trite Democrats on *4l Committee to I }'meet and perfect the purpose of its cre:td Rion, -and when. So assembled,.. to act as' the Democratic State Committe of Penn- I 1 Sylvania: . , -- - ~ ; - .I - • - •. arty ,„..t • Resolvid,' That; it , is.fiereby . declareil. to., '''''7 l - be the duty ofsaitiDemOciatic state Cont-d 3 1 )1 e I knee that it'should call a Contention of ; l eitit4 l .the . Democratic . :Parti, to be .'elected ac A.; cording to Usage, in favor-of - itstilitt - e' f , • I organization,, and nominate candidates, to ;I.m:et on or before - the 28th of Augugt next,. .or AS, early as praticablp, for the purpose iof prepar . mg Peinuticiatie Electoral ticket, ildedged to support.-thaint:rin and abide by terr 4nd fin se'- !2=lll .. , that ht•i same business is transacted, tho' .perNps more emitionsly, in the ports of NeWbwhind. - . I . - 1 / 4 ,, 'lt is :Northern -shipowners now, as it Was :event}or eighty years ago; that reap the-n Os; of t te enormous profits] of this con trahand tradei and although Cuba is the present destinat•kon of the liVliig car-- I o•oes gluts illegally tit eliorted, there are indichtions that this e, ss ofmii , ri-u t • 4, ,. I h I won* be welcoined eye kOn . our own 1 shores. The efforts Of the fiMatieS! Nflrth 1 havelhad the effect to make -rlh , Opening i ! of iii, slave trade .popular amo . m_: a por- I 1 tion iif the Southern people, and if lie ex- i trempts could secure their darling • olit . ,t, $ in thp . dissolution of the American Union),,' I the . rt is little donbt but'thatit Would-be ~ egalized under the flag of a 'f,!outherii re- Ipt lie. ~ 1 • laW abiding and conservative oe: ulatib, t mill North and SouthlaYe in this , pros feet n additional motive in Standing itiiiiiPa the deuce and enforcement of the laivi, - and, es ecially' have • the l'wealtby 1 1 slaN4holders of ie South an 'interest in preventing 1 he'op . ling of a traffic - which I I would introduce hot 'es of savages desti- . ; 1 tine; of tr . :lit - ling : and it 4 control, 1 atidlwho what'. de'precia immensely the' I valqe of the slave .laborer. now - in 'the , country.` I • 'The slave trade stands ednaTmedbe- 1 font the world, - and outlawed by ' ...vilized 1 I.natFons: not because the relation ;of • are a•i y n a wrong or productive of bijury . in, itself generally, but -on account Of the it . Intinanity and , reckless' disregard. of life i with . whichit was carried on. The hor- I iriri of the middle passage-find their only 1 I.paridlel Mille ;atrocities of the pirates and 1 findeaneers, and have stainped on the isla . iie ship the samearse and crime a. 4 at- . tached to' the-Kull that sails under theii , blahk.fing of the Sea rover. 1.- ft iS With great diffictilty that govern-1 .merits can protect the liVes and I secure. 3 . , 1 mAlerate degree of comfort to -;the poor j parisengers who cross the ocean. te. better tbdir condition. -The free bSrit eiiiigrant is ixposeil to disease and deatli from the rapacity and .neglect ofshipOwners, even tinfierllie most 'stringent regulations. 7 H Th'„e .eoolv fralle, a - disguised species of slakVtrailic,isconductedwithsimilar inliu-: . indniiies to iliosc which characterize :the lean branch of the business. „Both Lire rly abhorrent to every fading or pity', anO•charit.Y. :NO censcienee not seared"' with. the lust of gold,, and the Unsparing imil insati.ible'paSsion forgain, 4amealinly col?ternplat4. the sufferings of'tbe tortured inmates of the slave or- cooly ' Ships.- To .4101 y the nefarioi s -profits of th i pse engag ed in the enterPkise, . every nousideration; ofdninian sympathy and decency Must be eirhed out.. Tt is an i!“,;,• in ildelimon . - GOOD-NATI'IIEP RANTHER The liAlOwing item from the \Filkc:sUai'- re looks a little inete4ible, but we givC - it as Wefind • " About three weeks ago, two little boys :wed eight and six years, sons of Jesse Dodson, who lives in Fairnionnt township,* this county, some threit or tbur miles.from the Lour - Pond and on its, ontiet wi;iitto a spring about eightk: rods from the house tOr water. When they came Within:a rod or two of the spring a panther s. - tood, by[ it. They at first supposed it a deer, and thinking it strange that it dittpot run, went on to tin!' spring, the oldest passing within live or six feet of the animal, which lie by this time discovered was not a deer. It made a spring inissing close by him, he said " tlionght it was going to, jump! right on him." Ile .then dipped- up his water aii!l they started for the house. - The panther allowed them alternately.belikre; and behind them, but always, within a short distance, the Middle sized one) keeping between hint and the boys and.niaintaining a threatening posture for,' about sixty rods, when, touting -within about twenty rods cud in sight Of the house,-the whiskered gentlemen left them to' make the remailider of the journey-with the dog only for no escort. On arriving at the house the little fellows told their fa, titer what they had seen, who 'went 'on the ffrotind and found their story corrob orated lw thetrack'of a full 'grown panther. It - is said that a large panther's - track has been seen about the Long rani. It has been several years since one of these rel ies-I,r the wild, woods has beets seen hi that vicinity., • : 1:110•M' EFROPE Foreign .news from Europeand . Asia, three. days later than -by former adviees came to hand late last night by telegraph from the steamer 'Cityof . ll 7 44ioglon at Hallam FiVe hundred .Christians had been Mass:lc:reed at liarnaseps.:by the Druses. - DOring the conflict, the Ameri can, Consul was wounded but escaped with, his life. . „ There, has.. been •:i fight be'tween the, Neapolitan troops and. the people of Nti ples, inconsequence of the popnlar favor, shown to -the refugees who . had 'diseru-• beti•ked at pat city. Diserder'and dentor aliiation- continue to mark the govern- Anent of ,the Mpg. - AssaSsioations are. still . going ,on, and !revolutionary exeite !ilea_ appears to_ be more. intense than ever. The stabbing of the former Inspec.: . ..tor of , Race,' the news : of . whick is , brought by the City of 'Washington; is'.a. e . nitiCan event. Garibaldi is hourly grow in, stronger in a militarypoint of view.- -Phi delidita.lnquirii. of July 28th. ,Kc GUL Alt ACCIDENT. An ttccidtt of a very singular character ocenrred onl'ednestlay, morning, onthe line of the IniiimitipolilS and Cineinnatti railroad. . The . &wit 'express train, :in 'charge of comllucto harry Hall, took on :hoard at Greertsbur&ri Tarty of: pick; flickers, about' 150 in number, for S.LPaul, a village ten miles furthewest. When -the train reached•that poinOhe plea Sure party alighted and stood - armMtl "on the small platform, covering it Completely, waiting to-see the-cars move betifrkeav ing, for the woods. Just as - t he train-started, 1 the skeleton skirt of one of- the young la--J L\t,Qdies who happened to be standifig close] the ears, scaught . on-a nut_ on the side' 01 ne,..of the. ears, throwing her froniher ,s, , •I Ifeet ;\ fortunately the train was moving slowly\at the time, or , the consequenees ' might ha •c been more serious. . . As it was, the young lady was pretty. 'roughly used.•cArstout man in the party,' seeingler,condiqM ' at once raised her m his .arms, and Pulled with all his- strength, endeaviwing to to s a‘r \ her loose.; but the• skirt:W:l.s bed' strong MO firmly' fastened,. and not Until all the •giti's underclotkes were pulled from her body and her dress torn' to shreds, did' he succe4 All this . transpired while - the train .was \ tnoving it distance of fwmity or thirty fee when the condnetor saw the danger and instant-'l lv checl-eit its motion: - Indeed_ the \ girl was not, entirely released until the tram. had stoppedj . After the e.citemetit of' moment -hail passed,- 'i twasdiscovered that the soles of both' the girl's shoes,• by the resistance. she tad- oftered to the train, had been. Completely, stripPed away,' leaving the tippers upon her . feet. Strange to Say, she escaped- any . ,serious injury. She was immediatelfo.eireledby a Milli. ber .of her finnare biefiffs, Who conveyed her. to the village, iirliereter, Wants Were properly atten4l , 4l to.-•-•-•frisriniiiitiEnTeirer.ll ropes;... mi., q , _ y. -...,.., _ p 0,,. ralontiti - efitireleagth, to the sho res' above and below, hnd there teepred' to ;,' i, On the Canadian shot ,': , :tt, • the ' int of , leftninatiolkthe , eable nterpn: t„ , 01.-ru.S'-': ;tiet_atpumP 1 ~,,,rlJouse„aud:fis corer it tithe brink of the 'reeipice . iiy . a wohdett ..tubei to prateetit againstA hudal-knives or rids : 'ithiefOlis .. iiiitidS: ' 1 • - " " I:,Bitatdixtlioon made histippearatme dress; 0, , . ; _i 1 ; tigitt.: of. flesh-colored _ silk, "with greet -yelvet Jrunk - s, I embroidered, With ,tins?;and Sh;trlet. On . his' left . breast he i .trpre l a VrefiCh'eagle apd, a medal." Ills , 1 'tires were gate, inuscular and sinw Y. lie apps ted-nh;rout thirty-five,•years of age; i can tut& lithe,. and_ below the medium eight.-- - IN itka gay cOnlident manner, he lva teed 6 the rope, I received his .long itiiiiiitig4lole, and iiitlr rather cautious !ea4,f'steppeddown4on tlfecable, which itadieert rlndered Sliripery And unusually alltibra-hettyrrainthat had fallen during Itelfterth*tu. Many indeed, considered ie tittethOio - crois 'iitelitixtd"tholliaid4‘ Lair - inch:l6 4.beAdtiStOdr*PoiV ttie'r-iio 'as 'nerea.4od, - by' their.lhrittlatte-2wireP •et, to a derrce that alight •-draw-•theM mauler.. suite of the guys having short led ni -the tain„mot!e than 'others, the Able was draWitout di' if straight line, pre enthig liter a eroord track. - Both -• :N oils. 810 din,- however„, and' tarr.y Coleord, his Inisiness agent, whoni ~... carries ;over, on his 'back, expressed ieit tontillence in the-ability of the per-, ornier to tnake:the p Tilons tran s it;. and, 1. amid inank expostura ionti from timid spec; tators, 'Biondin deliberately paved. the . 1 Jirsti few fdt trouttrout_ ihe he. I faVing reached: a i point s disvint - froth the bank i some fiftylor si,xty febt, be' poised,himself an i istantjon one foot, and then, sh quick ly t tat wd could Scarcely detect the pre- i ( lint! Lary Motion, stink]: upon his head for I for i:everal seconds :1 . ._ ', The deflection of the table at its centre 1 xvii about - thirty-fire feet, and at_thi] , i point wasillistened al "slick-rope, hanging , doWn in.a; - loop, scone • twelve " feet. On i arriving at this.cOnti illiMdin - attracted at- tention . by some itbrel and startling move-, 1 m epts. - Flaying; tied hiff .balancing pole 1 fist), he ]rift it,,and, lyipg down - flat upon 1 thelcable,lie suddenly flung his body into I thelangle'Xornied by the intersection of 1 opti : of the guy4.ope*:and, tit tutsuspended,.l beneath his chest and arm-fits; be thKew) hislextreiniti'es in the air, -and struck ofE witli'lrinds and feet. in in imitation of su / - iin- 1 1 • ' ' ' "•1 , i11i130% ThiS unexpeeten posture c: feaat I several vtiry audible- filth?. serean : -from .1 , , ,• agitated at ies, \‘llo supposed to poor I mail st niggling. for his. life, :IV:. Mg from- ' thii; position, Blow - lin ,let himself down 1 thd, slack-54TC, and,lwhile apparently rub- ! bin t 'g - his !shins,. ipnetly .slipped it noose around each ankle, t o o nocci'as if -really 1 plunging into the rapids beneath. The • exelamat tons this ante were more audible I than.bel; - )re, anti si Me of them proceeded i froth geatlemen.- Awl, indeed, the act wa's a thrilling one I Many a cheek . paled to see th4ilwingin form, hanging by the 1141 s.„ wit,h no obv'ims mode of recovering mate puSition. , yu, after - a fl..w 'seconds I the apparentlyliehi:Jess hands were 'raised, i tl4 hotly doubled np, and in a moment the .ratan Was liviiiiling,.lomjrsaults at the rate of It'wenty per . minute., . M: Blohdin now ;hastened t °Ale Amer ietht bank, where h e , was put into his bas-; kets, - and returned, with the baskets on i hi 4 fi , et.4Philg. PrnF. - irm; IlO3[E Am.' NIL BUCHANAN.— :7ne.i dity_last }week, Whon 'visiting Lane ster, I iii' were (invited : lo:vieW the bea tics :of' i Wheatimfd„the coinitry seat of ',lr. Bit , Oman. i Upon a knoli. betwe n the Ma- rietta-aud Cohunbia.timiPikes, .and a half mile freM 'Lapeas l ter • city, ii:`:this , ,well known and often:named; spot. ! The farm tkintaini - burly - about twenty acres; but the land is exceedingly good; -.the mansion hirge, and well hnilt, and - as a pleasure e,:ll ;4., , :lig& ;IS 3 pi i 14431111 d it could 'Mot' .be .better . located. Mr. Buchanan beught - the place at a..lieri oil when, property bud gireatlydepreCiated in valtie; and paid the small: urn. of fire thousand dollari; inn* he wou d probably not aceett twenty', thousand. - • : • ~ , The t irniture, remains as.i did before Mr,Thielianan'entt•red the "WhiteHonse," ' And the 'property/ is attoided,to bran old insider' lionseleepper,-and utardeiter; We ~ trereinformed Una neighbnr that Mr.. 13 - u- . - ehenan -does nothitend tesell - Witeritland, ' a s s hari, I been reported, -but will .. ret.urn . l thither. later his; Presidential terni — bas closed. ;When .he does return, he will find" "that 'four, -years have. played liavec With 41' 1 3 fences ' ifill'ed the gnikleri:paths ' -With weeds and "Changed theTappprirance of the Mac froin a well-cured for .home sicad td . . neglected- spot; whPre.he who t • m 1 Nyills a ramble ;Without dread of inter fpreilee.! Readinfl, .Leader. ,:.: . • - 1 _.,_,............."..,45.,42.,------:-;- ;Tits r tuNcE op! W.l.i.Es.—The - Wistern / orn inn .New . s.,iii 'gi.liing an , account of the departtireit 6e• .t i 'rin ce• from Devon port, I U'ird - of he address presented to him by I the col• oration of that city, thus describes the app ‘aranceand Uranium of his Royal• Higlinelis :•":•' ' , ;-. ' " Thd Prince,,although yOuthful look ing, is ii Well proportioned •and, certainly a pleasant looking - young • mari: He is ÜbOtit,itheilium. height,, and Of fair..-eom ilexiont, with bra i wn .hair,.and,particular,• hy brilliantliazel,eves. :I He Inis mach, afloat t' forniation awl character 'of his,"face, l and\altictilarly in its prevailing express i ion, Which reminds one of his migitst•mo ! iber. His inaimer was.ensY= and'self pos- Iliessed,[een undPr the : - somewliat trying Liseniniaanc'to la_ ;person of , his age, 4aniling-in frni. 14 of. some - thirty,' or forty istrano Men, to bear an address .toad - by nine of }hens dresied4n a black-,gown and, !gray wig. • LiAlle prbeeir of this, reading. ,la stray and eOlently irrepressible smile litur.sseilflike a very; sliglit-lhish.of swish - inn, l over his face, _bat his einOtions - were -- so well under control that this cetild - only be , ;discrv6ed• by- the cdose .obaer‘er. On. 11Zoneluiling tIV arldreSs, the' Printe:reeeiv-, l!ed it tom the Recordpr, :mid handed it, to ithe Duke - of • Newcastle, r) t weastle, 'Who- handed -to the Prince a copy of the 'reply,- which his, Iloyaliiiighness fend with niarked.distiner-.) i ‘fiess and grneefiifeniphasis; in alight - bar-1 itone ivoice." 1' •. • '— - .....: -- • . . ' ',A , Lounlirms'r,--The London Star iinfi . ' ' inllAit of " a coek'-and , 1 .. .ory a "large beet raia'ia faiiirr in Middlesex. ,Wethink the must tremeudons, beat theyhave .11;4 in England, yas s that raised by Heenan. IA • feW yortnds- inOre, and it would have` been 4: " dead•b"•at," so - far as Fatyres . Was POncelliPiL 1 •• ' • • .1 ' . I.,"ATFAFitokkkktai:::• 7 ' The •Ne•tr Orleans papers.' of .Tuesday bring later adviees . .from- ...1-e„sie4 ,*ra , 1 mint had left the:greatest part , offi H iti:army under Pen. Wir'tit" . thiiiitalajara, and . meh' witlrthe- design 'of advancing on San ~Lott- 4 4 -- I'o' w h ich IS ar present hela by the, '6. , , "' • ThelLiberal army rem ainstationaryi at, coottliktmaiting reinforcements.. 6ener hjl, Well bolds Pintdannjara *Wlfer,,de 614 . 506 then. " • - Thd. fevolutiOri in the'titteS 'Of COahui la and..Nueva Leon is losing , iToundi Tlfe • revolatinnartbrees advanced - to, within sik leOgne,s.4l Monterey, fint„ifot, tattling • - with ecsoperation , frotn , thb : Jieople,l Gen. / - Assambessi withilmw to the mountainsi • A rumor/is current - and. generally. lie- that the Britishf•Minister had in: • .terfered„between Miramon,:and....ltutre; • • • retjuires that they shonldicomproutise arid submit to on'eleetion Of PreOdent by the petsode. ,The proposi.tion is regarded with faVOl7 in Tamaulipas:, ns the -be:stset:; I. • tlementthat can be made..' - COMMODORI.: ST.kwAitr.--On Saturd4 , last, this gallant 'veteran - and : true pkriot entered: upon his eighty-third-year: se. - has been in: itrthe service - of: his - mollify for a period of sixty-tbree4ear,s;and,par tielpated in foity -- actions. The.capture of - the:Coy:nine and Levant, whilevinimand ing the Con;4itution, Feb. '2o, :1815, folrms the, nOble;st . ttuiratime Tcatitre' of our histo ry, ps theigrandest. :icrof his • lonennkFeltspeqt, liftt IVO o'reglid to . lgarnAhat_tkc , ,-renerqt6& heF,0.4.10 o#el- • lent health, 'int&Vii - for4its7ettprig • yo - 'periritini the itnVlittie - ntariagonient of • his arm. near Bordentown, N. J. He until's•start Torthe where he discharges .the dtities•of" Com- - Mond:nit at the Navy Yard. We eon but hope,that he may-long live tOnwatelt -the growth and prosperity of the country to ' which he has dedicated hi.s . life, and in the perpetnatiOn-of which - he feels the keen- .- !-est Rinimaimax Fat:Ag. OF During a' thunder - storm ASatuhlay . last,.. a stroke of lightning:Tossed dawn the . conductor,, attached. to ; the residence . of .Johntrif.i*s in Treble; Courtland coun ty, and through the ground i'rito the cel lar, where. Miss L-ois lfurlburt and Mr. Charles Fhx . •Ivc;re. cop:v . l'in 'skimming sit - 141:st raining. Milk: The ilui&Struck Miss ITuriburt on.her side, tearing her apron into:shreds, passed through :her dress and tinder clothes—melting one Of her - lootts—: i to hr r hip, thence down her. -leg, tearing ,1 her stocking en'one side in places • from . 1 One-half to Otte inch:loft until it. reached' the heel, - when it entirely . destroyed that I portion- Of her•hose, and rent her shoe into numberless pieces; Strange' say, the jadl- escaped with comparatively' little' in-: inr; l , . She was of course - rend4ed sense-. but only. fora short time. The Only• perceptible effeet, she says, is a bliick line do N-rt her and a littlefithieness. Youno• standing. abut ten feet from Miss - 31.,1Wai:,'he'think4, hit by it "ball of 'fire on • the ihipvint the, opposite side. froth where Mis's H., was' standing: be wis knoeked down, but recovered in a very sbort think thiS. the most niirticulOns ~cape on , record: • • - JOHN W. Flif:N:LY.:—Welvarn our Dem, oeriitic friends against trig tin!*, this relic ga from - t .I,lm not. - VkT e,"bel eye hirn to' ta , a the , ;rmigh- ,, oing Bin& Itepub lican...l-I,is support . Of Tiong,las is nieze pretence, and the font" of,his cOltunzi shoWs that, he Cares more„tOr.:tlinceess of t,ineoht than of Douglas: The Dbmlas • . men iplace ito.coutidence in. him, nor will_ they ayeept any of his doctrines or 'pro positions. The Man who plays the in grate with his Lest friend, is to be watched .and;shunned. Beware .of . . . . . "I)P:ON P.ASSENGER CecyA firm in Mas sllotl have now in eourse of'eonstruction; for Idle Pittsburg, Fort . Wayne,. And Chi= eago , ,liailkoad,_ au. iron . steam passenger - ear! -to be'rtm as alt aceoniniodation line. The entire length'nf the car is seventy-six 'feet, sixteen feet of. which; - in the front :end of ' the car, will .be tal.ett . . up by. thii boiler, engine, baggageroom ' ite.- It is deiig.ned t carry, about one iturlredlias seng,ers: Should'. thiS enterprise prove a ! sii6eess, the triantiflicturerS will' o' a heavy . t- business in constructing. this 'plass, isoiree half • dozen being,salreatly engaged. Ttie cost of a car, of thisdeseription is ' ;_. • - T~ERSECf.^LIO\ OF CIiRI3TIA \ 3 1~7 Cuz 1. . --LWFreneli paper Says that ,a fierce Per seOnion broken out against , the . Chris:- ttans in Cochin Chinn. ' Their Villages liape been destroyed, some ofibeir priests ` are in cnstody. a in death; the mis sionaries are hiding from the.v.enovance of !the government, in the woods; antrthe whole Christian Population ha's 'l3e6n .persed, No cause for this Sudden ont:. brcak,has been assi!med. ;.• • • ." .. . . _ - - 40.-4.---t• frERE I iILE OFTVILIiEiCE.r-SetliJl.Brigk . of Troy borough, was committed 'to jail on"Tifesday list by Justice - Kehdall, for killing an adopted child nameil Benjamin Clark. , Briggs, . wlio- is ;a man.. of intern,. . prate habits, on Tuesdai.morning with a razor nearlysevered the child's.head from , itS,hody, and then inkid&3 desperate at- • tempt at his own. life,' eptting the gild- pipe and making; horrible Wound. — The_ child was about 4-years oill,:and the awful deed is the more unaccountable, as Brigfv _ had always manifested great affection for - 1 hiin:—Bradfont Reporier. ;;;-22.7 — John Young ..Bribivn• Member of Congress from Kentuc;ki- • islites that be supports Mr. Douglas, 'inil i that, in the C.totinty of liarilen„in that State, there are not above thirty Deniperatifor3ln Breek iridge, out of one thouSitnill)ertioeratio Voters. • . • • • • . ==2 !r-AirDetails to of i July sav iE 4as:then :ascertained that - th'el)tiise's 'hint liurnt and pillaged 151,%illagc a since he 9.;9t.h of May, .while:from 7000 to 8,13100: itiliabith'its of Lebanoa, many Of -whom :Ni-ere .wealthYMeti, and gers toAnythinglike port:rtY, are house -10s beggars; , tiepcirldilig on eharitt for -daily bread. Over and above the number of Christ ians.,shoi in actual Warfare,-it believed - seVen or eight_ theitsand ". have - t we n yehered in cold yooil. The ni3s- B:icres at Damascus, were n'ot .known at fbiF date . :The most fiioierung-details arty given oftholutrbarity inflictod on all ages 'awl, sexes. , „ I_,Al \ Frettch ves'.snrlnn:l iwe s n'sent tgit:t .fa,.an( Was obligtd to take up it po itipn 45r. tin. town; t;ler tt) re>,tpttn .t.:lle. fanatical - portion of the intutbitints etAnt . cotntnittipgliwther out ,rages. u . • , • e - or Walei is ileeidecpy Averse to beltw-hOred (hiring the ,Canailt tow 1%-itit long speeehes!' ! lion) itie'EN bentive tutthi)rities, ! , •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers