Vortical. WANTED-A MINISTER. We have beam wtthont a pastor, - Some eight months t er more, And, thongh candidates are plenty had at teasta score, - All of theM " tip-top"•preaehcrs, Or so their lettors We're just as far as ever From settling on . tire man. The first who cans among tin • 'lty no means waS the worst, But then we didn't think of him. Because he was the first; It being quite the custom To'gaerifice a few, Befre the church in earnest Determines what to do. There was a smart young fellow With serious earnest waY; • Who, but for one blunder, Had surely won - the day. Who left so good iuipression,. On Monday one or MO :7; Went round among the people To see if he would do. The pious godly portion, Had - not a fault to fidd ; - His clear and searehing-preaphirrg Thew thon: ., -lit the Tervlind ; nil went smooth and pleasant Until thew heard the views . Of some influentinl sinners Who rent the highest. pews: On thesi , -his pimgent- dealing Mad:. hot :t sorry hit; The ei - mt of gospef teaching • . Was irite teo tight, a fit. Of eonrse his fate was settled -Attend, ve parsons all! And preaefi to plixlse the sinners If you wot,laget a call. ext eame a Spence young dandy lie en-Ore...his hair too long; Another's coat too shabby, • And,his voice_ not over strong; And one NOW Haven student Was w-.1- , e• than all of those— We couldn't heed the sermon For thinking, of 14S dose! Then Iveary of candidates, We looked the country through, 'Mid doetors ; anil 'professors, • To find one that would do; And alter much diseusSion OnSvho should bear the ark, With tolerable agreement. We fixed on Dr. Park. Here, then, we ,thought it settled, - But eve amazed to find Our flatlet-in.* invitation' • Respectfully declined. . • - We turned to. Dr. Hopkins To-help us in the tura, Who strangely thought that college' Had claims above our church. Next we dispatched committees By twos and threes to urge The labors for a Sabbath, Of tbi Rev. Shallow_Spinrge. 41e name—a marked sensation, So wonderful his style, Followed thi' eaakint - : of his boots As lie pasß4 up the aisle. • His tone was so afFecting s Ills I zestllros so divine, A lady faint ,d in the hymn . lief rr ti second line ; Anti on that day, he gave nsr In accent,. clear and load, • Tliegreate , :t prayer o'er addressed To an cniitrhtened crowd. ' He preached n douhle sermon,` And ;!:ice ns angel's food, ' On such a lovely topic— j _ "The joys of solitude ;" And full of sweet descriptions Of floi - ers and pearly streams, Of warbling birds, and moonlit groves And golden sunset; beams. _ Of faith and-true repentance He nothin! -, had to say ; He rounded all the corners, And brrAlothed the rued way; . Mannged with frreat adroitness _ To entertain arid please, And leave the sinner's conscience Completely at its ease. • Six hundred is the salary • We gave in former days ; We thought it very liberal, And found it bard to 'raise; Bat when we-took the paper, We -had no need to urge, To raise a vool two thousand For the. Rev. Shallow Splurge. In rain were all the efforts =i e.ha no chance at We found t e en city churches Had giveti him a call; And he, hi prayerfil waiting. Was keeping all in tow, But where they paid the highest, It was whispered, he would go And now good Christian brothers, `We ask your earnest priers, That God woulit send a Shepherd • • To ;guide. our-_ church - - With this clear understandingi • . A man, to meet our views, Must preach to plem:.e the'Sinners, And all tlrevacant pews. E or, M.l.Tnir.ws.—This cklehrait.ti ::tr-p . ppti into an auction room one on his way home, more?" called aloud the auctioneer. "1 bid m, we," cried a voice from the end - of the crowd. • ' And Fay, sit, what do von bid?" cried the auctioneer, in.a tout of'camtempt. "I bid von gooa night," said Matthews, and bolted. T 4 auction room was in a roar'it that time. - y„:"Fr - Tnr: QUESTION.—The 'fol. lowing is taken from .the report .of the ' proces•din—s- of _the 'Connecticut Leg-la'a ttire to tax geese and bachelors taken up. Mr. Harrison was opposed to the provision taxing bachelors. There was a tax already laid upon a goose, and any man who had lived twenty-five years 'vvitbutit being' married, could be taxed under that section. The bill was post . paned. ;.Ir-Tl,O , limdies were sometime ago tali -en before a Dublin magistrate,thirged wit "inte:lding to fight a duel." The jus tice, who was . a shrewd and wit a rb Man; had strong doubts as, 'the re ly pugna dons inclination of either of the professes billigerants; so be dismissed them upon a :promise not to carry matters further," but added " Gentlemen, I let you off this_ Vi e; hut, Ilion my conscience, if you ere brought again before me, Pm blest if I 'don't bind you both down to fight." They did not offend a sepend time.- • --4 -7Ze 4 1 1- '4 gin.W LID !EU "ii t or,-;51,'• • -- a n URS I 11 I 11101illi HERB (Iv „ . Herbs, Barks and Roots VERSUS I lotsonons IWntreils and urngs. - I !MOTHERS TAKE HEEDI • Do you Whim of eyeing the WIIIIA7 &berms Of ybor children, - conabler that, It luay be mere thin It mere (]belie that 'Miele theroj In nine eases out or ten, the nuns. of the Jaffe miller• ee'a sogeif . h to 11r9RMS, and should be al piece gokeerlo. .. !HEADS OF . FAMILIL,. • tin not let your children suffer, when we present ypu In , JUDS'ONI WORM TEL r A-SAFE AND PLEADANrCURE FOR tORSIS. ill ) 'How . math better and' tater wouldbw. to bare_ it always - in. the hOwoi. A little itqay . eaten.' child in taken ill may often be the cause II) or Di-death. While acting_ witl . mor delay, and t drs i t r Ze in n t u he wi l ll " F % nt 7 . " Vu l : • !lb n e child T Tamgig , and tedious iliriefie. and yiMrself much expetow. 110 hist aleo,feet happier in knowing that-34).14%m dime your duty., and perillance mewl ita lifai !Mae medicine le combined purely,of I I• lERI3S AND ROOTS NOT A PARTICLi. ) in taloct or .IS USED IN IT: • ._ , No niora OlthylVermirogn wlll be ufteill ho those who one, note Tra.'. The only ae he prineiphk of all other Veronfugra and NTOrtu MERC V GIVE NO 1: , 0 I OE; C) YOUR CHILDREN. i I ;,- i . Use this Simple, Safi.. Vezefahle Medicine • .', Mk Worm Ti, was di.scorered in an unit ~., wan itthnng the Itil.la 4 Northeru „lime '..11' 6111 account of it you Will find in nur.*lrrntil, • . .M.I: fnr the •• heacue rf 711/zt ..+llnurod," of ',4gent, and when you hare mud it. send- I 1. 1 i . :: ' c r u n r:d ig h b i t' : ITis i t ! :111 1 th -T 'Y llN;t ° l la''w.° 4 JUI)SON I S '11 . 01131 Tr. : i : ~. , :• :: •KI L L S WO-It 111 S A.. ;icver Ilarnts---!s Pleasant to T , CET A PACKAGE-PRWR - 25 CT Iyr i _ • i,. 0 r.. 7 - r ei rlre t. iTj tl i w s ..y ,N OS k nti c l t h ). e : a N n a a m i t h a e rai r itn i i ;of Tenuco, 011 . Cac h package of thin Worm T . ! R L. JUDSON 81 PO, SOLE PROPRIETO 5,.! . _- ), .50 Leonard St., New York. . ' . ' t illii , . ,——- . - - , t. raslantust 1% orm'Ten 114i . olti by o'i k,s.ks Aolt - Ii rytty Vlllntke t nod . - '4 by oil nriaqglubli. , 4.,---- ...----- ------ - ~ tqi rose. ti,AIIZE & 111 W.., Agent - 11 t • HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTE • Tlez , proprietors atsl lea'nufacturer ' TETI EL'S 1 . 1:1.kiliII ATLI. s.T.,OIAt TEIIS can alpfli..!ll with perteet. c0m1.,: ' -, pli:,i,-,..11- i.ier•citix.'ns gf,!wrally at Coe S ales, bvrntit.... the Et :i, le has attained tat ton licieim,,re mt . :known. A few Inc thij point will speak nose powerful • voiiiinc. , of imee it-serf ion ~1 id .F,,ning , . The co, Qt,nipc,i.it of 11,•stetter's :stow, ' telit for tioa last - ', car amouhted to ovm join ' , o: Iles, and Irein it Inaulfcs.i ioetca., in time. , pasi, it in ••videt.t that , ti.c: e•,;-,:,!yr the cons omptten 1 - ii nmir one-ffiii: •-r, hot:les. Tic , i11t11.11, , , Ci - iild to:I%T 114• C tw , t: Sala hull' for t , Meiihi,.al pr• f , e1 . 1i, , Conl : ii:.ed in the 1 ' lion. and the e.inction of the must pr' phisi,'lans hi those seuionS of the wt'-eti the amide in beet kmdttn, Rho I recommend the dittms to ti„eir !arm a: c;ready at all times to give test iieetrit eilleacy in all eases of stetnachie•derauk and the diseases resulting therefrom. , Thin is iota teMporary populari,ty, cbtailted by:extraordinary efforts in the way a • tram per/ng the'qualities of the lintels', bu, a solid cstintatiOn of an invaluableiimilicine, which is ilmitined to tio ns cialuting as time lillq..i .Ilosteitcr's Stomach LitlCl's have pro'ved a Godsend to regions where fi.ver and ague abet various. other bilious coniplain'es li - -i i xe counted their victims 'l..y. hundreds. ['TM be able to state-confidently that the "tlittrs" ..• nr .,,. a eerfain cure for - the Dyspep.in and, like ~ diSeasieS, is to the proprietors a source - of him alloyed pleasitre. It Teuloves all mot MU ma i tter 'fruit the stow keh; pm:lfies the idobd, *nd imintrtarencwed yitality faille riervo!nisystOm, g.tirms it 'that- tone and energy intlispensOble lorith * e restorntitin of health. It operates open ilia' stomach, liver, and other dig,estivelorgats, mildly but powerfully, and soon Fe stotes them to a cdnditi en essential lathe healthy illsiltOle • of the ft:scalene of nature. , .• . .. • t '' Elderly persona may use the Bit ers, l a mly as per directioni,ou the bottle, and they will find In it a stimulant peculiarly adapted tolconifort declining years, as it is t4ca..ant to tliC palate, dnvigCratinglio the howalst.,ievidlent nsateiiiie, and rejuvenating, generally. Irts„havet the ,vi dettee of thousands of aged men- and WoMen .who have experienced the bettetit of tiling ;ibis preparation' while Miff Tiaig front st eisachtle rangement a and gencruldebility t netiog udder the.advic” of physicians, they have abitioltined all:, deleterious drugs and fairly te.4tctlithe merits of this article. A few noi•dis to; the • • gent ler.sex. There arc certain , peritkis when l• their cares are so harassing that many! of them rink under the - trial. lhe relation oc moil r I nail child is , r, sla , orbiogly tender, ft bat! the :neither. eq , L , ially if she be Youtlßi I '4 to forget her own Balch _imber 'extrernelan-xiety .-/ for her infant. Sliouli the relies' ofatareritity , arrive during the summer season, therea? of . body and mind is generifily aggravat el. Here, then. is a necessity- for a stimulant tc reOpes rate the •energles of the system, and e Ilible the - m4tlier to bear up under her exhaust tig trials . and resPen.ibilities. Nursing, moth rs One; rally prefer the Bitters to• all otherinriglora-..• • tors that receive the endorsjnient Ur _pki-file 'dins. ii:l-iniuse it is Ilgrellible in 11)6148(e ew ' 'well as certain to glt e a permanentlincipase of;,bodi!y strength.. ! , ',, 1 .:11I those - fie:be:lS:le whom we haveparbcti lsids referral uheve, to Ivitri suffer6re Troll feer and ave, caused by•malaria, diarrlicea, dysentery, indigestion, loPs of uppetite;,and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids. persons of sisdertlary • occupation, and nursing mothers. will'eonsult 'their ova physical welfare ,t,ly giving to Doe tell er's Celebrated fit.inachllitters a'triel. . S E:AUTION.--;lVe caution the puldi against • using any of the . many imitations oT . , coquet-- felts, but •IlSk„fOr BOSTEiTEIt'S CI:4};IIIIcVTED ST r OMACH lIITTI.. and see thin each lottl•k hair thew-brie •' Dr. J. Ito ste t 1 er'a St °mac] Bitters" , - Venn 'on the side of the bottle, and staOped. ' on the metallic cap covering the ark; and • ohierve that our autograph signature, is on the lapel. : .-' • , ..., , in i - Pleparedand told by HOS 1 Tr_.i-r _tt tr. . ' SNITH. Pittsburgh, Pa., and. told tuts all -dtuaguits, grocers; and - dealers - generally , throughout the United States, Bengt 41..m0- 1 , rice, and Germany ; - •e: r . '... i:,o*- For Sale in 3.ioydrose by ',- 1. . pm I 2 ly : _. -. ABEL ( TUg ItZLL I ,N 4 (1)01.1) DOCT.II'B 110911.0 y T . : ma t great disroeri:les of the Jo .t;fli,F.,tt•st the c ertain bare nf -consumptina. h r . terrh.ironv.h!4,cuilci4 asthma, fevers. he. *el fife is. r !ntterdympepsis. livnreompl art;nrinart deposil4. feni. le col:n.1310 hnnareds of certifies and . .;enErr , lvings • For *lto purpose .or many suffering fellner:heinas Ws pos4l prey t•tture = deathc it , wilt he Lent t thriemotinent b 9 irentling 25 eta toll :1 4t k itr,riyvl 641 &midway, New Yt' 14416 'also by. 9t. Turrell:Siontros Broil,: Now Milford; ! C.P. lKatbess e, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT: Dela. Lack's'. dc %Western Railroad. A s l!'=ti:. Vwo boors earlier to New York: One hour earlier to philidelphia. . lON, and after. Motiday..May 28th, 1860, trains ! Will he run as followa 'EXPRESS PASbENG ER TRAINS,.MOring South. 'The Aecorntnedation'-Trairr :East, on the N. Y. l& E. R. It: arrives at Gt. Bend at 6:38 U. in.- - iAnd the.Cinvinnatt . i Expiess at 6:03 Connecting with the Expre;te Train' leaving Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia, at , 7:10. • Dulat New Milford • • • 7:28 \Montrose - • -,• - . 7:46 Hogiottona - - 8:07 - Nicholson - - - 8:23 Factoryville' .• • 8:47 • - Abington • - 9:03 . Scranton •- 9:35 Moscow -•- • 10:20 ° Tobylianna t. • 10:59 Stroudsburg •12:17 p. in. - Water qhp . - _ 12:31 Columbia - Delaware (15 niinutes to dine),- 12:56 Hope (Philaikir connection) 1:9.) Bridgeville: - - 1:25 Washington -; 1:58 inaction. ••• • 2:15 Now York 5:16 Philadelphia 7:145 The :Expreas Passenger Train, South, can. neets at Junction with - 3 p. m. train on She Con. tral Road for Easton, Bethlehem, Maui% Chunk, Reading, Harr6hurg, Ate. Passengers from New York, ' Pier No. 3 North Itiver,nt . 7:30 a. Or foot of Unurtland street - 8:00 From Philadelphia LPIIVe Kensington • . 7:15 Leave . Jenction . - 1,1:15 Due at Washington . - 11:33 • . 110.1geville - 12:01 . p. .113 Hope(ithilmi.a connection) 12:13 Delaware' (15 minutes to dine) Columbia . Water Gap t3trothisharp,‘ Tobyhanna Moscow Scrahton- - - 'Abington - • ,Factorvville• Nicholson 11(1001,10(71 . Mr" lONTROSE New Mitford . : Great -Bend C.pnaectit”.r at Great Bend with the . ' . 1 Mai[train ‘Ye.st, at -- . - 7:24 r and 'the Night Express it • - 1:36 a:. m..; . The Mail Train, West, Which leaves Great' Bond at 7:24 p. in., is a through Trait, an 4 reaches Dunkirk 1411:47 a. tn. ' ' - 1 i AcelltmoDATtott Tu.‘ol,—Moving North: i 1 4 €4e Scranton fur Great Bend at 9:40 a. til. ~. Paetoryi'itte -.:s ,- ' 1 T:00 i Nicholson , ' s - - 11:30,- . i Morprose - - .., ' - 12:45 • Great Bend - - ' . 1:50 , I. Connects with Dunkirk Ex. West at 3:06 -' 1 • Movisn SouTIL. . ' i The New York Express, East,..ar rives at Great Bend at - : 1:17 p. tn. and connects with the Accornmoda -1 %.,Train which leaves Gt:. Bend at. 2:15 . NTontrose ' - . - .3:10 I : Nicholson. • - • - 4.20.- - I Fscloiyvig-e - - '- - 5:15 i Due at Scranton - - - 6:40 : _ 1 The Accommodation train dock not lettv4 Scranton until atter the arrival of. the mornini tram on the Inchmt - tinu & Bloomsburg It": 41.1 that ;fitting rini....!.rigi.rs friitmam Wyoming Vail ley a direct connection for the %VLSt by t 4 moriiing'train. • For the accommodation -cif‘vaV travel on lb Southern DiviKion a i'a,4,ntior Car will be ati, tarhed to the Express Freight train— Leavin ,, .Seranton at . 4:00 m. Doc at "Sl , .iicow • b. 40 - 7 Stroud burg - - 10:25 Junctien . - 3:10 p. m. Returning. Icarea Junction at- 3:40 a. tn. Due at Stroto-buT'at 7:35 Mosciov ti•-r •m .on C. Marc rei taltry ,t only Its, but lv &Er HS nients Passenavr,to and from Ni.iw York will ehangi! cars ut.J unet To.iind fotil leave or ake emit at. 11opu For Pittston, King+ ton and Wilkes R; e , take cars of Lackawannie & Bloomsburg R ,R. at Scranton. For Jess'uli. Archbald, and Carbondale., taa .omnibussrs S..ranton. Tickets sold and haggag.. TRROUGU. JOHN BRIVIN, Supt. Wm N. JENKS, General Ticket:Ageu4 Nay .23d. 1860: - . - I . S. -M. Pettenill' & Co, - A . dvelreising Agents, a 119 Nasspu-si, New-York. and 10 State.st. Bus,ton, are mgents 64 The ill,intrasc litmocrat, an:d are ad. thorized to;e. t uiraet for us at. our limuit rules. -1- - A SUPPLY OF WALL PAPpLI YAM [IT 1111111.15. - BORDERING,. WINDOW PAPER&C., A. NEW SUPPLY, just arrived, and for ma(e 11. etittp..by • A.TURRELLE M-mirose. Mar6h 15th. 1860. , . ErEA• • . • RESIO3I,_,ED,' 1 Q e l3R. Viiiißbatt ' Al aperient and stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com. 1 buston•in Hydrogen, of Vigh medical anther amity and, extraordinary efficacy in each CC the .following complaint., via: • y DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, NM& DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA; CONSTI PATION SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, JAUNDICE LIVEN COMPLAINTS RHEUM& t, TISM IdERCUItIAL coNsturscEs. 01E8,3 innEwr FEVERS. NEUILUAIIA. casoinoj HEADACHES. FEMALE wurass, MIS. MENSTRUATION WHITES. CILLOROSIE PIMPLES ON THE -PACE, ROUGHNESS of THE SKIN, etc... • • The IRON being g - absorbed by the blood, and I thus circulating through the whole system, no 4 part of the body can escape their truly wonder. ful influence. , The experience of thousands daily proves that I no preparation of Iron can for a moment be i compared with it. Impurities of the bit*); de- prassion of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly cempl miens indices its necessity in e1..:- moat every conceivable' caw. In aU eases of female debility. -( Soar *lbw, Minos* etc.), its effects are della btfullyrenovating, Ito remedy; bas ever 'been discovered, in the whole history! of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, tom pieta digestion, rapid aeanisition of strength, with en unusual disposition for satin and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its as An a grand stbmachie and general restorative it has no toilserior and no substitute: Pat up In mat flat metal bears umtatelt 3040 tbs, price SO mole per box elx SO; one doacu boxect4 Oft For pair bp. Drattl.ts generally. Weir be sent tree to toy /address on morlig of the price. An lets I tens, orih.re, etc., Would be eAkluseoul to R. B. LOCKE 8t CO.; 1. General Agents. 4 33n BROiDW hr• N Ye 7f.s—The shove - is a lake.dndie of the t !ONO an each box.' VEI.S iqireV e lr ectitflis fur nrhil is, ca .. 4isemse, aincoravei -B igtures +-nil in; as blefrom a nvpart n r ilzvru; rk City. ror see In Montrose by • decls ly ABEL TURRELL, Agent. raiiton. MOVING NORTIi 12:28 . 1:00 1:14 - 1:28' s 2.46 2:21 -HO - 4:47 • 5:03 - 5:22 - 8:43 . •6:04 6:22 12::50 p. m. 2:115 11Pli MEMORIALS. 1",1 WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS;" is lady remarked to - us a dug or; two ilitlea t . she exhibited the portrait of an only child, genet !to the. 'spirit land;" which,wae one of -.- ! Mit.7I33ESSI, • " Hhw I should regret it, had. I not - secured this precious .pnemor!al of that thought we. The loved ones lite 'not. always with ns, and while we thq call them 'ours, every one should secure such a memorial ;- especially - slues they.can have them so tru(tifiilly taken•by that successful artist, A. B. TUBBS, of Bing hamton. . . , • deo . ROLIR~ PI EN FL The aubseribershave this day ieceived another .1 invoice Jewelry, &e., direct, from the manufactory, - and are uow prepired to show to their. friends the best assortmnot of goods ever heforp offered in thismarket. All persons wish ing to' ake their friends and fatuities Christman Preaentg are invited to nail and-examine. • doegl EVANS & ALLEN. Odd Fe Moyne-Hall, Bin linnnon, N Y KEDLES.- - -Bene and Wood Tidy Nee .Ll dies, Testing Shuttles, giochet Need l,s, Darnip4 and Knitting Needles. for sale. by EVANS & ALLEN, SLEEVE -BUTTONS AND STUDS.- ., -The . bestas , oitment of Sleeve Iliptongand studs, all prices and qualities, or Kato by .. EI4NSIST.' ALLEN.' SPECTACLES. , --Geld, Silver, Stel.. and German Silver SpeetacleA,lof titi - aami, for .Ral t , by ' . Ev'o4.Br, ALLEN. A~ . TATCIIEB-A tame rdmili iita.old and 14'- ver Watches of the ,sat makers, many of tkernof our fiWII importation; akpriy..s maril loiver than have ever been sold in toww—War : ranted -good time keepers: E. & A. —Also, Watch Chains, a fitst rate assortment of ,GO!.1) Fob, - Ve.t. and Guard Ghal.uu. • 12 c li ETS--:..n.very as.4ortinent; GOLD _ and Plated, 1; '2, 4, and t 5 {:Jeers. • ' ILVER" Wure—a large stciek 4sterl ng 1,3 xer more, 'ennsistieg ofspopiim‘. fmrks. etips,ltake, pie, ice erentn, Ltit & fruit knives, childrens s.-tts, tfapkin rings; tird eases, etc. PLATE[)W re--Castorx, ICe buglietVegra receivers. teiLietis, ice µi4t hers, sugur bag. ketv vat eel lon, forks, spoons; tousL ruck/41;0hr lets, etc. nov - 9 EVANS & ALLEN Nn. 2 Odd Fellows' Washington 4. HERRING'S SAFES. , FAII•R EL, Li El{ R ISG !ilk CotußtillY. • N0.5;29-Chestnit Street-JAYME'S Hall-Philad'a. '-- - ' 03 oPHIr ta rt uf Vq 1 1 'e t r on! n a his-It to t il ".." r rei - ;51 - _ ,- ; -4- IFi.redr.j3nigiltr Proof Safes, secured c 5 / C -''' .±. t l rt a it t l i o l tatl i cli a rVlVlll i gh i sZ k ti;; , _ ;World's - fitly, London,lBsl.and the I • , World ' s Fair in; New Y0rk,1853.4. More Than I we:as t 3 t Ito ttmtted Ile,* rieru'k'' Safe% have been sold, and are now itt aetuhl use, and nearly 400 h:tve been tested in aceidental fires and have never failed to-preserve thotr.cobtonte. We'also keep on hand and! make to order-.• Dwelling House'Safes, " Sidtiboard and Parlor Safes"—(imitation of haridso n tne furnitire) of elegant- . design sod workmanship. Also lltir!ltir Proof Safes ftir Banks, „Broker§ and Jewelers, Vault Doors, Safes for -.Specie, Silver Plate, &41.- 7 -The Bprgjar Proof "safo,in tpic at the Treasurer's Mice', o f.Pickti way C 0.,. ii , (et Circieville,) era's manufactured by us, and is univerally acknowledged - toE be the strongest safe in the Wf /RLD, 4, , Persons wishing safer will ;find it to their in terest to rail or send ror our; eatalotr,ue bolore purepasing eis . ewliere-,as the-n are the only safer tchichhareproprd iklmselrespirfeetly Fire Proof and free from dampriexs. $l.OOO HI:W.IRD will be paid to any person th-a can bliou' that a ilerring'i Pat mil Champion Sates ever failed to preaervelits content. in an accidental fire. • ap.7.3m c •:MEAT MARKET: On Public Acenne,- nrizr' Starle'R Hotel. EEl' vin , 4Usinthr On !mod!, good suiiidy or MEATS of all -!CASIA p ,id for Reef Cattle,Calves,SlHiepond Lambpi. Also for Hides 01 all Moils. -• HENSTOCK & HAWLEY. A. T. lIF.NSToCX, N. HAWLEY. Montrose, March 30th. 's9.—tf.- BILLINGS STROUD. • ; F lRE:uid LIFE INSURANCE AGENT,— lontruse, Pa. *TESTI3IOIII.4 WE, the underslgried, certify 'that we Were insured in Fire Insurance Companies represented 11,y Mr. Billings Stroud. of Nlontrote, and that. guffered foss by fire while'so insured. we were several ll paid by said ennipanies to the full extent of our elai stud welhave confidence in him as a good and effective ...fits. R. DEWITT, ZlPavt Cnpin, LATHROP & I)EWITT, 111. J. NVT.oe, F. B. CHANDLER,. - Lvows& SON, 'BEM. GLIDDEN, LEONARD _SEARLE. Montrone. Pa. November 9. 's9.—*y NEW GO DS ! AILICIVING EVERY WEEK! SELLING attln: LOWEST PRICES! FLUID AND CAMPUENE. 6F the BE-T qualitir,4Et 60 cents per;vll..n for .ale.by Montrose:N.] AB LTURREII. CATARACT lAMBS; Timeouid Labor Saved INDISPENSABLE TO HOUSEKEEPERS, Tne most simpin,.f.ennoMica). and durable Article ever otlcrq to the public to alleilate the discomforts of wash-day. • Description. - It consists of a metal cvqnder ' with ribs on the inside; and an interiorsFylintler of wood; with ribs. There is-n space-from six to e i g ht inchrisi between the two cylinders; One crank tutus bidti cylinders at the same time in °pp° site directionsi rapidly creatintr, a suds. forcing the water through the clothes, and ell Actually removing the dirt,- The aetion of the wa er does the work I:prickly, dispenses entirely •silh rubbing, and.thus the Wcar at clothes. .I,AME`3 13 HODGER.I.3, • - 104 Jones Phil I ts Ageni for Penn. SULLIVAN & HYATT, Prop'rs, • 54 BEEKMA N 4^., !NEW YORK N. B.—State and.Countv . Rights fur sale. and purehasers supplied with , 35110eUinesut wholesale unAlTrai terms. • - _ Or A Machine is in uper:ition;by a laundress 41y, at oar - salesroom, 439; Biutui way: ' c • ,mhB enw6m FARMERS; LOOK AT THIS! BEACH NEW PATENT FOR RAKING HAY AO GRAIN, ir, Hennes' by GPOD JGOGES to be the NEAREST RIGHT of ANY-IN USE. Some or the adiuntages Of this Rake are_ that the workman • occupies a coinfortahle sent while raking, instead of having tol walk, and that its construction is so simple that any part of it:May entrily.be taken apart and put. together serail,: F,,ur bolts' are all the'blackstnlth work required. Farm . e rs; .. , , please call and exaMine for yourselves. Lumber will be taken in pay, fur Rakes if . of the. right kind and fetched in ti m e . None bui those 'ordered will be.inade at present.... This machine Was inveitteil by the siabocriber who resides I 1.2. miles Notth of Ilentroite, of the Snake Creek Road. • : " • I.OIiENZU BEACH. • 31ont - rose, April 241 h, 1860 ; ' •; YPOPHOSPIfITES oG V Lime arid Hada, fur eonsaitiOtion ; loway's Ointment and Pilla;ludson Uneaten Herb Pills, and newly all thi; 'lnes adver• Heed. or in the market, fire fhr sales b, 11entrosedan. e. . ASEL TURRELL. • PADRE NEW ARRANOE.MENTS con. ' GREAT , ATTRACTIONS • . AT 1111 e. • roogeor rouxmseir .7-41BE extensive Furniture Establishment of Saint BROTHERS bevirigiheert refitted and greatly improved, the proprietor! reapeetfully annoenre to the citizensof Montrotie find vieln. ity that they are conaiuntly making and keep im hand the LARGEST and LiESl' assortmentlof To•bo (Quid Su Use CoSsistry. We give the following Hat Of some of the ar• tinlea which we will evil at greatly tedued prices. forCgatt or READY Per; i Bureaus, Walnut. of Mahogany, wi,th glans. from $l6 to $35. • • :Bareans with marble or brOcatelle tops, from $lB to And a large awmeiment, from $B, $10..12.14. to $lB. Wash Stands. Card Stan ds, burner and Squire Stands, Of all varieties and !mines, froni 75 eeilta to too dollars. • DeNits,•Di• uypivans ,Tows' mans, Lounges, &u. _ . - . .. Centre, Card, Vier:T(4leit,! Pining, Kitc hen, and Fatenidon Title.e. . , i • I Chairs--Cane and Wood I..n.ips. -Rocker,— Cane, Flag. and Word Rota; or every V3riety and t•tyle. • - I • . . sawn. tete a tetes , rernished at abort nolic at New York p r i o : ot . N. B. , Ready um& coffins on - hand or fur. ni.hed - at short nutiett. l -41antes alwayal an readiness when desired. - " testidtty none hot Carter-4m and r.xrent- EIiCED WonoiF.K. IVe intend to do . (kur WORK WELi., and bell it as Low as lit ran 1* of . - A .141111.11T11,41t4 - • • • • . E. n, sn montr(i.e. Jan. 18th, tl36o.—tf. r . • NEW GOODS! Laworille Centre,Sosq. co., Pa. \ALL I).,pir, , iailin;; Pap: r, aad Bortiers, V 5 a v.iry 'stork 4 his 4tav received, 61/ April 17th: It. KENYON:JR.. & ChaniA. "la? ti,, an c jrn InOwie van 4y, ty, by Ft -K YO & CO. ER yst ..1 t!otl.m pa n t ;this L a . y" ree'd by R KENYON. JR &, CO. Q ILK, Bropha, and C shawls. a ilirglt Stuk, LOW. R K CN/YON. .J a. & CO.- 1 2ur P f iThS ik, l I 0 1 13 , ; : li .R KEN VON. JR. & ' 1( 0 01 i 13 1. 8 ,,,, N i . e 'M b F : I h tA I T ,,, U x :I r i l ri b store 1:0 Stock t.t FANCY Dry G oodi4l for 1.4 mite by it. KENYON..JR. &CO.' ►Setts.—Fivo kyles. esompf,ete— ii from .5 to $509 R.• KENYON, JR. & Co. Lawxyl Ile Centre. Pa, April, ltitio. HORATIO. CARRATT, Dealer in FLOUR. GRAIN, GROCER IES. PROVISIONS: DYE' WOODS, StapIe..DRUGS; WOODEN and STONE WARE. ALL . KINDS of HO USEKEEPING ARTICLES -d YANKEE NOTIONSIN GENERAL. 7 -oe. 'door North (f . &truant 1 Hotel, New Milford IPa., WOULD be pleased to see al Ihis old friends and mane new ones at his NEW tore fronlin,g the DEPOT, where he is prepared to show them smelt a stock of the above girth: es. as Nent-Mdford has long stood in need of. Di vision of trade has us Many advantages as division of labor." .AttylUan..confining himself to'one branch of busittette; giving Alia .bi•anch his whole Capital ard :lineation can keep a better assortment, buy cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than if the seine m e ans and time 1N31.4 . pmployed , in a general . trade. If von dont think call on tile subseriber and be convinced: The Mid principle of: .SMALL PROFIT AND PROMPT PAYMENT, wilt be strictly ad'iered to. Butter and other Prrauee forwarded to \ ev,rork to.one 4f tho l hest corn to houses in the •City, and peuttipt I ' pa 3 innate giumantiutil. IIORATEO GAItRATT. New Milford, gusq. Cp. Pa.. April, 1860 r' v. KEYSTONE HOTEL At Montrose, Penn.. ' , WWI. IL HATCH', Proprietor, rpi - ItS 'now and commodious Hotel sitbitted Jon Public Avenue, near the Court HouSeoind nearly' in the centre of the business portion of Montrose. is.now Yu ly . rompleted and furnished, and was _opened 'on Monday. the nth day of _September, 11358. for the avcommodatilin .of the public and travelers. The .Proprietor feels confident that he is now prepared to entertain guests inn manner that ennont fail to oivet ' • CoMplete Satisfaction.{ The Howl and Farnr,ure are new, and 00 ex pense has been spired to render it equal. if not superior to any situilar esbiblishnieot in thilt put of the State. It is well supplied with ell the' recent improvements and coniforls, and obliging waiters wilfalways be readyto respond to the call of cumk;mor... • • • eonnoopd with this Honlle are . New and Convenient.l The Prn•prtetor respectiuity snilens toe patron age of his old friende, aid the pudic geners:liy. . • • . . K lIATCIL ; • 13.30.8314ECO 9 CttAltir-ii t • G k IP; FOR pilAiTi 1 Li AS removed his shtip.oero.s the atreitt, to CI. the building one door below K.-ejet•A Sioridard's,Whien he has fitted up expressly for a Saddle, Hhrness and Trunk. Shop where may be found all kiiols of i , • 1 - I.lL.rt:WM 4 a; wS I • "r from the heaviest Tian', to the li2btest ; T aint ; .inrness, and a g ener.l attorment trim toga, which up.nr sold very low. :—Carriagie Tthntaings: A good assortment out hand, which will 1+ mold very ldw; all trimming done Octopi! than else. where. • OAK - LEATHER. - on hand. from which harnesses willmade and NAT.strristaiteelL. • - * * *Ctottonters will please. bear in mind }hat 1 wish to settle up, enc.° eyear: Thoseljavin g unsett!ed aeroimrs, or notes Sue, will hbli g e by sett l ing y or milkin g payment With o ut rartber delay. . . q. F. FORD-Hfal, , Feb. 2464 • • • llloniriiiie.ll*. satr i ,salt ! Ittl).llg2 , MIItoLENALE. DEALiER, 201 WastilawtenTst; opposite Washington htaikiit,) New . • New STILL CONTINUES to offer to thc city and COUN't RY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SALT, at ilioxerr lowest krauts; 40000. sacks and bite, consisting in part Of tish- NAN ticlebrated - brand for table and. lair use; Jeffrey & Darcy, , 1 1Lartiliall's; 41rotinlow'ti, &e. and s oDto bushels Turks Island, Ilionares; Cu. ramie, St. lilies, Lisbon, Cadiz, 'vice, Nantee, &e.„ all yf Which kill be sold pi b a rg a in prid es l. from - Vessels, store and storehouses. . . Agy purchaserliiiihintt to,select from s.good Assert tpent• will find it to bid interest to ,:all. N. if rite tsblo, snitput ppin tonal! hive of different sizes, and 'conittlnOy on band in ship. ping order. Also a splendid 'article °fillet* Ground ealt, in quart boics,put up add for sale by the quantity, in cases of live dozen each , PCKET DIARIEs.AND ALMANAC4tor 1660: a large variety. And -indelible Pencil, for marking wearing apriel, warianted not to.fide Or . Waesh out, rtit Sale by i 'A. N. BULLARD. WOOD WAM111:,„ AT THE "DEMOCRAT" ut.r • I„ CioWeA '// a/IW' . 1 . C OMMERCIAL .. , 1 . O COLLEGE. . LE , ATED AMER itliE 6LIII9UEBAI A VALLEY BANE, BINGHAMTON N. Y. :'. • ll.Mputs - opon for Instruction from 9 a:m. to 9:30, P. r . FACULTY: - , • • D. (W. LOWE 'AA Principal, Pjrofessor of the Science of -Accounts, Practical Accountant. . A fithor of Lowel re Treaties upon liUok.Keep - tug, Diagrams Illustrating the same... roux RANKIN, pcitninereial. Aecountant, Profea'r of Rook Keeping•-and Practical 51:ithetnatics. J. ,I'. CURTIS. AshiShollt PrpftNiNor . in: the Bonk - tCeeping Dejarttnent. A.ll. WARNER Professor of_frractical en& Or. namental Penmanship, Commercial Ciilcuti• tidos a nd C rreepundence. • ' ' ootatools,Otio- I ' ILECTIUKE3St i ' ! Hon. s .iDickirson; Lecturersin Commer. • IcialVLaW and Political-Economy. Ransom Bolcom, Lecturer on'Contracts,' • ',Promissory Notes and Bills of Extihange. !Rex Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Comatercfal :Ethics. I i : I EXARUHUNGTOIIi , IIIII*JEE!, Hen. Sherman!D. Phelps, Wm. R. Osborn, Eaq., Tracy FL.Mbrgan, E-q. - I The ohjeet lofI of this•Gollege is to •,afford to all arj opportunity of obtaining athurouirlk Business Eduedtion. • I ;The Books llnd Yorms are carefully t arranged b,i practical tiecountunts expressly fur this in siltution and Intbraeo• all the recent improYe. Merits. IThe course; of instruction ,:omi):rises every d4piatnient of hioimeas. • The learner. will•fe thoroughly I,:ltight the ac nce anci!pmetice of D ou bl e Entry! Book Kel:ping as applied to the ft;llowiag kinds Of.btisiness, viz: General Mor i chandising; Manufacturing, Banking; Conniis. shin, Steamhbating ' . Railroading , - Forwarding, . F!reichtitm,}`,?reignShfPping. &e. 7 l alga Department ,eutirely separate from that of the geritl . enieb. and Students situ enter Eallege•at a o y i time d rect*r*e individual instruction. By this arrange *Merit every st l ndent is permitted to progress as ripb.lly as his! enterprise and ability will per not; and a hen thi:ough, perfect and complete. Will receive O Diploma which will, enable him tLreview et Measure. : Time to "ift,APPlete the enurse.4 to Itt WeHis. to vacatioilk.! Board 82: tii*B:4so Per week.. TElrtiflS: 1 For. TlOok•Keeping,,full accountant's coarse, Practical Penmanship, Commercial Computation' and Diploma, • (TiMe ,•unfitnit ed,) • - 4 835 00 Same coeise fur Ladies (separate) • = 20 00 Penmanship and Arithmetic; - - 10 Teat:here course in Peatnauship, cal and Ornamental, - ao oo Twelve lesstats in Practical Penmanship, 00 FR - claases will be formed in Phonograpy. l For fall particulars send for a ocl3*lv • - • _• Cheapest! Best ! Lagest.: • r I.s • • 30,00, • : ayn for Tuition- in. and potible Entry ook.finening,. Writing •Cnumereinl Lectures.. • . hoard :S isceetin $2O, Staitionery s7', taitionls3s,, entire expenses $62.. 1.1m1.1 Limb fri)ol 6to 10 weeks Every stu- dent, upon gradui.tie , g. is guaranteed competent io inanve I.le Booirs , of any Business, and qual. F led. to earn a salary of from $5OO. TO $lOO6 Students jester at any thrne—NO Pacation— eview at Oeusure. • Ptejniunt for, Pwst i;uvin.osi Writing for 1869,"receiti•d at. Pittsburgh, Phithdelphio, and Ohio State - Fairs. Also, at.the principal Fairs of the Union for the past four years. i. Fr-Ministers' Sona reeeiVatl atl half prfee, • * * *For qreulor.t. Speeimens..sed.Einbellish. 0 Views of the . College, inclose five letter rail:pelt) h , 1 • F.W. JENKINS, Pitti±bn rgh, Pa. - Fla RBI EIHIE, MONTROSE' PEN 'A. HE sobscriber having purchased mutt refitted and newly ;furnished the : Ai)t)Ve well known - and popular Hote:, it prepared to accommodate the' tray- Ming pa 'LA' e t ! and others with all the attentions and conveniences Usually found! in first-clais Houses.. Nu effort will, be spared by the Pro !prietor. and ikis Assistants to make the Hotel ,eynal in every point to any in the country; • 1 The Bar will always be supplied with tne :Choicest Limuore. • The blablesisconueeted With this House care large, 4t)14 and convenient. and careful - and lattentivik 1 - Instlerm are always in charge °lthaca. • J. S. TARRFII.I. • • HOWARD A3B,OCIATION PHILADELPHIA. j A BencrokiitlOitution establiShed - . by ape did Endotament, for the Relititof the Sick' and DOressed afflicted with 'Vir'ulent ana Epidemic Diseases. and".esperially for the Care Vi Diseases - of the Sexual ?Organs. EDIC I A-1, ADVICE giver, gratis, shy the 171 Aetinx.Surgi2,4m, tr all who apply by,letter; with a desekiptiun'of their condition. (age.:oceu !pation. hnbjiv of life. &e..) and its ease+. of ex. treme.p.ovett v.wedirines furnisiled free °l:charge. Vtiluabli! Reports on Stii•rattorl.ticen, and . -nth., or Oisettees:•o the Sexual Organs, Sent to the al !flirted in tit;.l“l teller envelopes, free of e.her,ge Addri.ss,!llr: thiahtoci, 'Ailing Ser. grim. Howittil Assovintion; No. 2 ;Sclth Oth-st.. Pn. Br 11r(i14 of Ow Dime!! rm. triefi dour,Orel k • ,tobisitin.Start, At.OIIONTICOSE, CINE dor below J. Ethridge'll Drug , Store, N,../ on Public Avenue, where will be ',fotiod coustantty hand a reneral asaoittnent of R OCE eS': Such as Sagars, Ifoinmstis, Syrups;Tetus; Coffee I &c. • . • 4lao the choicest brand's of FAMILY FL 0 1 / I t,'„ 'Meal, Lard, Pork. Hams, Fish, Ciadhia 4c. IVesoliikt ft share of theilublic,Pqtronags,a4 pledge oueselven to do thulairLb ng, hoping by each bargain to seuore another. A LDWIz, ALLEN , I • • CSI ALF'S Bt LDAVIN , WM. L. ALLEtI. 11081tDENG SCUOOL , AT d_fi EAT Eli NU, PA. • HIS SCliOnL will be opened for the reeep. 1 Mon, of Ladies-and Gentlemen, on the 9.,!ith day (Wednesday), of February,' • •• • s Primary Sranehes per CV!: of weeks, s3.o(r Common • " " 66 , 3 0 Common and Higher, " ' , 4,00 Higher. EnOiah, , fia 16 5 , 00 Lemons On Piano, " 4 10,00 UNU Or " " 3.00 o rnamenPii, sad' Classical DeparAmetito, extra. The Prineipal has had mitublexper!enee In teauhing In New -York apd .Pentea-for Itielast Jen .yeara, in. Comm on, as well as Select, Graded or High Schools. References given if tequila d N.s -Board at the boarding Nall,..two gplrs Per Week. Light a lid iisish - ig gifra..l, • • • Payments to be made Ou.iiierlrin adbanee. nih y E. W. ROGERS, Priunipal, MnIME3M2IIII 50,000 Copies already Sold. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS. IKp Fronk Crosby, OE THE PHIELDELPHIi BALI. It tells you flow to draw dp Partnerthip pers and gives general formk for Agreements of all kinds, Bilk of Sale, Leases and Pe . • Woos. - It tells you How to : draw up. Bonds and , -. • - -Mortgagee, Aflidavits,.Powers • ".of Attorney; Notes and-Bills of EnlistOr, Receipts and 1 lenses. . - It tells you The Laws for the Collection of Debts, with the Statutes of • • Limitation,andamout and kind - of property Exempt from Ex. • ecution in every State. It tells, you flow .to ,make an Assignment - -. properly, with forfue for Com , . position with Creditors, and - the Insolvent Laws of every. State. . • It tells you Ttie legal relation existing be. • tween Guardian. and Ward, Master -acid .Appretitice, and. Landlord and Tenant. It tells you What "constitutes. Libel and; Slander, and the Law as to. , Marriage DoWer, the Wife'* Right itt Property, *mow - and Alimony. • . It tells you The Lark ter Ifechanie Liens ill' • : every State, and - the Natural ' ization'Laws of this country, - and how to comply with the • earne• It tells you The Law Concerning Peniions . and how to,obtain one, and the - Pre-Eraptioinaws to Pehlke Lands. " It tells you The'. Lew ,tor Patents, • with . . mode of procedure in obtain ' ing one, with Interferences,. .• • Assignments and, Table .of • Fees.. It tells you How to Make your Wiil, and .• how to Adininister od an Es-. tete, with the law grid require. : meats thereof in every State. . y It tells you The meaning of 'Law Terms in , • general pee, and exp lains to you the Legislative, Executi,ve . and Judicial Powers of- bulb the General and. State , Molts. It tells you How to keep out of Liar, - by showing. howto do your bit ' .• sinees legally,' them saving a 'vast amount of property, and-. • • vexatiouslitigatiuu, by its time— ' ly consultation. .Single copies will be sent byt mail, postage paid, to every Farmer, every Mechanic, every wan of Business', and every body in every Stato.., on receipt of al.OO, ore is law style of binding at 81.25. $lOOO A IMAM. can .be blade by enter pricing men everyikflere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such-are very liberal. • For single copies of die Doo - k; or for terms to agents,. with other information, aoply to or address • JOHN E. PUTTER; Publisher, j 4016.1. No. 6l Phil'a Pa. What Everybody Wants. THE FAMILY, DOCTOR: SIMPLE REMEDIES DETAINED, FOR • THE LURE OF DISEASE IX ALL FORMS. Professor Hemy.S. Taylor,M. D.. n tells yob . linw to attend upon Alto sick, • and bow to'cook for them; how - .to prepare Drinks, Poultices,- . , ece., and bow to guard against • inrections.froin Cent:teens Di. • senses: • It tells yoU Of ihe..variens diSeaSes of Chil dren, arid gives the test and simplest .mode of treatment during Ti:WK.., Convi l l s ions, • Vixiniitio,n,Wiiunping-cough, • • X • e4,e:i , , 47 - e. • - It tells you The symptomsof Crimp,Ch okra . . Inf..ntutu, Cholfe, 'lliarrhuta, Worms,. Scalded Heads, Ring. worth, Chicken-pox, and • gives gnu the., beta , Jonedies for their care. It dells you The simptoms ofFeverundApe, snd Bi!aims. Yellow, Typhus, • Searlet SO otherTevers, and . gives you the bestand simplest • remedies for their cure. It tells you Tlio quiptoins •of Influenza, ..Consomption,Dyspopsis,Asth. ma, Driipsy.-Gout, ithertistitru, - Leen Erysipelasolke, and gives you the best remedies for their,eure. . . , . It tells you The -s mptoms of Cholera Mbr • bus, Malignanteholers, Small pox, Dysentery,- Cramp, D. . - eases of the Bladder, Kidney's .. .. , and Liver, and the best - reme= ' ' ' dies for their cure. -' I( tells - you The symptoms of • Pleurisy, Mumps, rilepalgia, Apoplexy, '. Pirslysis, the carious Diseases of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and Eye, and the best remedies for their mare.' It tells you The sympti;ms or Epilepsy, JaundiCo Piles ' Rupture, Die eases` at the Heart, Heincir , ,rhage, VenerealDisuases; and Hpdroph • ohia,' and gives the • best remedies for their c It tells you The best and *simplest reniedies for Wounds, Broketi-Bwies a nd Dislocations, Sprains,Loct•jaw; Fever Sores, White Swellings; !Peels, Whitlows, Boihs,'Scur. vey. Burns and. Scrofula; . It tells you Of the Vatiou*.disehaes peculiar. to Women, and give* the best • and simplest remedies forttkir cure, together with many val. uable,, ,s hints* for the preserva. 'lion 6f lie4lth The work is written' in plain language, free .from medical terms, so - as to be easily under stood, while its simple recipes may soon ,ave. you many dales the - Cost of the honk. It ia printed in a clear and , open type; Is illustrated with appropriate' engravings, and wilt-,he fur. warded to your address, neatly band.and post age paid, on Oho receipt. 0111 00. , • 81090 A YEAR. cab be made by enter. prising men everywhere, in 'selling the above work u our inducements to all such are very ' . • For single copies of the Book, or - for terms to agents, with. uther . intortnation, apply 'to "Pr a4klreits 40f1N E. POTTER; Publisher, je7w6 No. 611 Sansom St,. Phil's Pa. wPil; Shop - in Boyd it .Web.ler's new building, nest door above Kielty ef: Stodditrara. . TTAVING worked foi the past nine year's with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that. ha'can do the. most difficult jobs on short notice. - • Ail Work Wacrantrd to Give Satisfaction. W., B. Ststtisog has worked rot roofer NOma time, and I eaereeommend Mtn as•a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work as can be done in the" eauntiy, and worthy of eonfidenee. Wu. A. Cuawestuds. 'Towanda' June 70th, 18;58., - . Refers to— /in. Elwell, E. W. Baird. E. D, ad oatayee,E.O.l nodrie h, Kiev-Wiry, Towap. di; 13.- B. Bentley, L. Searle; C. D. Lathrtip, J. Wittenbergddentrose. . si,sl o w e l e y ne a tly repaired on - short notice, and on twasonskileterms. putrilstit, I 8,58.-AL PAIN rs D OILS, AFIRST RATE' ASSORTIII,EhT, and of ie beat, hoilities, d'hmiiit intact prices; ,• Montrose, Usy,'6o.l_ A TURRELL.