EVES,INGw Nestward thev dart along, The birds 41. flying low, And hearts so full ,of song WlOl sweet notes overflow. The workman's labor o'er, - Dear thoughts of home Agin, . liis younglius at the door, Loyal-wettng eyeiwithin. Gently; through ereninei blush,. Tho gathermg shadows close, -And Wildest•thoughts grow hush In inch divine repose. - _ Pare floatsthesurnmer air, . ' Pure, under hearen''s blue ,donte, Nicht, beiewled hair, • ' . . ' Sits throned si queen, at home Life's day, how aweetnnd bright, Thus could it melt as ay— Pass beyonareahns ornizht, And find immortal day. RECIPES • To SErn,ECOFFEE.—Brown the-coffee in the usual . manner, and when nearly cool, break an egg upon it, end•etir it. well, to hare•. each kernel coated. The coffee should not be,warin enough to.cook • the egg. Use one egg to a pound of coffee; let it dry well before grinding. When boiled forme, it will settle Without further trouble. • - PORN.' APPLE PlE.=—Contiibuted by "L." line: a deep plate with pie crust, pare and slice 'apples, enqugh to nearly fill it; sweeten and spice to taste. Cut slices of salt pork very thin; lay them over the "apple, and cover with. the top crust. Bake two hburs. [Rather greasy to digest well.] CHEAP, SPciNGE CAKE.—Oue cup white sugar,. two tablespoonfuls butter, one cup sweet milk, one teaspoonful Cream tartar, half teaspoonful soda, a little less than a pint of flour, one egg, and nutmeg to taste. - C6OSIES.—One cup - Vutter, two cups sugar, one cup sweet milk, half teaspoon. ful soda, nutmeg or caraway for spice; mix with flour until quite stiff, roll thin and bake quick. These I think superior to . those made with eggS. They improve with age if kept in a covered atone jar. A GOD GINGERBREAD.—Otte cof fee cup of thick cream, one cup molasses, one tedipoonful soda, ginger to taste; a salt spoonful of salt. Stir quite thick - with flour, and bake in square tins. To KEEP Haus IN 81:3131ER.-> - -(1311t in slices and-trim-off the rind. and outside; fry it about half as much as you would for the table. - Pack it: tightly in jars; pour over it. the fat that fries,ont, and enough laid to cover it ; clotie the jar tight, set in a cool place, ,und it will keep fresh all summer. Br.r:An CARF..—To one cup of light lwead sponge, add one egg, One'cup of flour, half a cup of butter, half a teaspoon ful of saleratus, spice to yOur taste; stir well together, and put inunediately in the oven ; bake as for bread. B.txrp • IstnAN Punnma.--:-scald ten table spoonfuls of . Indian meal in three pints of sweet milk; add an ounce of but ter, and ing,ar or molasses to sweeten to suit the taste. Bake two or three hours. THE BEST•WEALTIL The. great struggle with cillized men in-this world is for wealth. This. is called ,the prime good, the one thing needful, the 7r4. , at desideratum of life. Soniemen toil for it ; sacrifice ease, comfort, ,11 - alth for 'it ; deceive, cheat, defraud for t. The truth is, the estimate upon weal is too high. , Its value is overrate& 'lt is not Jhe great good. It is not the• best thing man can have. It does not confer peace of mind, nor purity of heaa, nor heartfelt happiness, nor contentment, nor, home, aor joy, ngr :social blfssedness, -- nor any enduring enjoyment. , . Wealthy homes are not . often happier than those ofthe poor and comfortable livers. Poverty is alWays an evil ; but' a tair ‘ supplv of the necessaries and com forts of like is quite as apt to confer real React; as great wealth. • It is not gold nor goods, therefore, that make men really wealthy. The -best wealth is of the heltrt„ an - enlightened mind, a loyal eonneience, zed pure affections. We is wealthiest 'who ;gas the largest stock of wisdom, virtue znd love—whose heart beats with warm 'sympathies for his fellow men, who find's good' in•all seasons, all' providences and all peir.. The generous man Who pities thf; unfortunate: the poor man ,who re ists temptation ; the wise man who orders well his life; the loving man who clings ,!-I*ly to his family and- friends ; . the stu dious man who seeks instruetien in all things, are the trnly wealthy men. Ant- r —An extraordinary' fallacy is the dread of night air. What air can we 'breathe at night but night air' The choice is between pure night air from •: hoot, arid foul night air from Most people preferlhe latter. An nnac ,• e ,, untable choice. What will they say if proved to be true that fully one-half of all the diseases we staffer from is occasion ed by people sleeping with -their Windows Tut? Au open: window,most nights, in the year, can never hurt any one: This i- nut to say that light is not necessary for recovery. In great cities, night Mr tfot the best and purest air to he had in the twenty four hours. I ,could better miderstand shutting the windows in towns. during the night time for the sake of the ci . The absence of Smoke, the 'quiet, all tend to make night the time for airing the patient. One of ,our lighest medical authorities on consumptiOn and climate, has told me that the air in London is no. ver so good as after ten o'clock at night. Always air your room, then, frorn the out side air, if poirsible.• Windows are made; -to o.pen; doors are made to shut—a truth which seems, extremely difficult of appre it-elision. Every room must be aired from' without 7 —every passage, ftom .But the fewer passages there are in a hos pital- the better.—Florence Nightingale. - :;.-FrA good story •was told us the oth er any. 40 - ,) out John Van Buren. Be bad taken some technical Leal advantage, by which his opponent's diett was' non-sitit; ed. The man was furious and declared' his purpose to give John a piece tof his .1 mind when he saw him—be would with er hint. Happening to see him one, day. Downing 6 standing • by . the bar, get ting oat of sight a dozen New York bays, he holdly-oonfronted the prince, ahltheil a''ginall man, looked up at him. fiereely,-01 burst out; - Mr. Van Buren, is there any client so low and.mean, or any case i soniSty, that You wont undertak defealehim_m_itr' "I don't know ," oh , stopping to put another-oyster'aw , then beta. inrrilown confidently, cawing "his reply in the little manes ear, y ou been:doing ?"- a""Pu'bettiality is the life of Pain' ese._ & LRO.;Agents, ➢lonirosu. (d 2S HO - STETTE - R 7 S STOMACH . BITTERS. Thirproprietors and Manufacturers Of 110S ' TETall'S CELEBRXIED STUaIACII BIT • TEllsTcan appeal with 'perfect cenftdence to pllySiCiaila 11/Ild citizens generally of-the United State 4 because the article has attained a repn tat ion.lheretefore unknoWn: ..:k few faita.upozi , this .pint will speak mare' powerfully than -volus of bare assertion or-blazoning puffery. -The cOmAiniption of II °stet ter's Stomach Bit ters fo the la.ft year amotinied.to o'Ver a lEalf milliorl bottles, and from it' - manifest steady increac in times past, it is et dent !hilt daring the coning year, the COUSIII ption will reach near one million hot ties. ThiS its memo' amount cook! stover have been sold' hut. for the taro ' medicinal i . m , pert ies contained in the prepara- . t i on. siil,.the sanction of the Most prominent, phytimans in thoSe sections of- the ,etountry where ;the article ia.best known, who - not only reconunend the - Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to,give testiznonialstotlils eflicac,f in all oases of stomachic derangements ' and tub diseases resulting therefrom. . Thisfis not a teniporary•painelarity.ohlained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting Ithe.qualitie_s of the Bitters,-but 'stolid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is slest-InMl to be as Enduring as rime itself. lio'stietrees Stomach Bitters have proved s IL Godsen d to. regions where -- fever and ague and varibus other bilious. =complaints. have counted their bietima by- hundreds. To he able td state confidently that' the "Bitters" ,are a certain - cure far - the Dyspepsia and like disoat, is to the proprietors' /II source of un alloye pleasure. It removes allmorbid matter ~ -'' from the BtOIiACII4 purifies the• blood, and • impart& renewed vitaliteto tile - nervous systeiii, fringit-that tone and energy indispensable' . for the reatort4ion of health. It opervires - npon l i theato, ach, liver, and ot(ter digistlve organs, . mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them. to a condition essential to the henlthy discharge 9f the tunetfons; of nature. ~, ' ' Elderly.persona may use tbeDitters-daily at per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a titimtitant-peeitliarly adapted to conifort - declining years, as it is,pleasant, to the palate, Invigorating to the bow,els; excellent as atonic, . and pejuvensiting.generally. We have the cii— deuce Of thonsanda of aged item- and women 'who have experienced the'benefit ofttaing this" ' preparation while suffering from stained* de. rangerrimts and geiterill debility,,; tithing under . the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all , deliterions drugs and fairly tested the merits lof this article. 'A 'feir' wordi to Abe gemlcri sex; There are certain - periods when their tares are so harassing that many of them sink under she trial. The relation of mother and okild is .so absorbingly tender, that the - mother; especially if she .be , young,•is apt to forget. her Own healthin her extreme anxiety fonher infant. Should - the perind of.matexnity, arrive during the summer season,•the.wear of. body and mind is generillyaggravated. Here, then, is-a necessity for a stimulant to:recupe- '. rate the energies of the system. and enable the mother to bear-up-under her exhausting - trials, and responsibilities.. Nttriting Mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other iniigera tors that receive the . endhrsement of physi- . chins, because it is ngreeable to tyre taste as well as certain to give a parlnanent-increase of bodily strength., • • All those persons, to wheel we have particu lerly referred above, to. wit: - eV:fellers from • ferer and ague, caused 11,,y malaria, diarrhoea,- . --- dysentery. Indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or'derangemenis of the stemacb,, . superannuated invalids, persinis of sedentary Occupation, and 'nursing mothers, will consult their own p/lysicel welfare by giving to floe- Letter's CelebretediStomitch Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We` caution thelniblieltgainst using any or the Man'y irnitaticins Or counter-. felts, but ask for , INSTETTS.U's etIX/MATED STOXACII Birruts, and- fee:titet-each bottle has the4ortla "Pr. 4. Hoatetter's Stoinachßittera" blown taa 'the aide of the bottle, - and stamped ' on the metallic .csp covering the cork,, and observe that our autograph sigriature is Onlbe label.. ; , /- -' Prepared and sold byBOETETTEI3d< • BM/T.lll Pittaburgh. Peso - and .lajd -by all • drugghp. , grocers, Intl : dealer genera lly throug out the _United Eitates,„Uouttydzio• • rica.and.Gettaary. • . .• . , - 1 , Fir Pur-aalein - goatee% fly . . jf,al2 ly- - ' - ' .ABEL.,:trultftEUl. WOLD D . sZtalrs N OE OTTItA and griantitife Of the .Jirpaifeic EaetindieSiedielnep, with - full directions for I. the certain cure of consumption, brnechitiii ea tarrh.congbs; colds aatbiimi fevers, imed Jisemw, iesofuht,i. tnetlr.drapepala, liter eomp . laint,gravel and urinary depoeita. female 'complmnta, illuattated with. bundreatrofxertifmates °retire& and engravipga: For thi4urpose-atresenlng as! many lingering follow.beitigs_asiiwaitge !row al precastarkdeath, it -will be seat. -to-ant-part ofj the eontiallit b7aending2s eta...to DR. fIEATII,I oe,910”1, 64 frpatiay;,New, York Cif). , gold slop by Turrets , Montrose; 'Hayden', -Oorn.N.rititfilfordj C. P.linthewe,-Sirszttea. 'WM& ARRANGEMENT. Wottaris DaiDroad . 2 ....4AMMEN-4ESS ~. , • Two hours earlier- to New York. - i•• One hair earlier 'to Philadelphia; ON enitiftur PilondaY."Blay 26th1 1860, trains wl4Lhe.run.se,foth)we . FArri.r.s! l . !Marrs ft Tni l Blsl6ving Thq Acenntepodation Train galt, on , the.ll. X. di E. R. R. ahiteit at i Gt. 1101.4 4 .1 m. • And the Cipeinnatti - EiPreas t 6:03. ' Cenrieeting, with the Exfreai'Train . - leaving Great - Bend for New. Yurk and Philadelphia, at. . • it - Due'at , Neveldilroid - - 7 / 8 ,7:46 H4liatiun s 8:07 ' llicholaen _ . • .8:93 facloryville . 8:47 Abibgton - • - 9:03 • Scranton 9:36 \ ; 7 /9,401 Totiyhanna . 10:59 • Strondahurg .. 12:17"p. m. Hratei . p- - ;12:31 llotnttbia - • - 12:45 Delawarti minutes to dine) - 12:56 - Hbp - tonneition) 1:20 ' 11.44gevitio - 1:25 . "-Wiehington. 1:58 • .. au:fallen • 2:15 Now York • - 5:15 • • ,Philadelphia • 7i15 The.Expr.ein,Paseenge'r...Train, South; con necta at Junction' with 3'o. train-en the Cetk-°, tral Road for-Eastorr,;Bethieheni, Mauch Chunk, Reading, Harrhburg, &c. • 310TINO NORTH. • . 'Passengers from York, leave Nu: 2 North River,. at":. - 7:30' a. in. 'Or foot tif Courtland Street . 8:00 From Philadelphia - - Leave Kensington . . . 7:15 ' • 4.. eave Junction , . 11:15 •. Duo at Washington • . 11:33 Bridgeville '!- - 12:01 p. nope(Philad,a connection) 12:13 "' - 'Delaware (1.5 minutes to dine)' . 12:28' • Columbia' - - IWO •, ; • Water . Gap 1:14 Stroutinburg 1:28 • - Te"byhanps - . 2146' . Moscow - 2:21 - Scranton," - 4:10 . . Abington. _ - 4:47 Factorvville - —5:03 'Nicholson . - - 5:22_ • Hoßbottom. . . 5:43 Or . MONTROSE - ‘-• 6:01 t • New Milford ' 6:22 • . .-• " 'Great I3erid . 6:40 atiGreat Bend with 'the - • 11p:train West at - - • 7:24 • !and the Night.Espress at - - 1;36 a. m.- Tho Mail Train, West, which leaves Great :Bend it p. m., is a through drain, and teaches Dunkirk at 8:47 ar m. : • Accnrcuonsi•tair Tastrr,—Moving North. !Leave Scranton for Great - Bend at .8:40 .a. Tn. •ifs'etoryville • 11100 •• • Nicholson . - .11:30 Noolrose- - • . - 12:45 "Great Bend . . 1:50 :Connects with Dunkirk Es. West at 3:06" , • Movisu SOUTH. : The New York. Dxpretie; East, Si- • ' rives.at Great Bend at - 1:17 p. m. and connects with the Accemmodit- Train which leaves Gt. Bend at 2:15 • 51ontrose • - 't 2:10 Nicholson - • - 4:20 Factoryville - - - 5:15 ; Due at Scranton - - 6:40 . :• The Accommodation train daps riot /nave Scranton until atter the arrival of, the morning' train on the Lackawanna Alit. Illoomstiurg It. IL, Airs giving passengers front the Wyoming Val ley a direct connection for -the West by the morning train. • For the accommodation of Way travel,oti the Sou,thern Division a Pam - ganger Car v.cill be 'at. inched to the Express Freight train— Leaving Scranton at . • 4:00.e. m. Due at 514 - scow - 5.40 Stroudst urn. - 10:25 Junction - - 3:10. p. m. Returning. leaven Junction at - 3:40 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at - - 7:35 . Moscow 12:50 p. m: Scranton - 2:25 Passengers to and from New York will chan ge cars at Junction. To and foul Phila.. via 8.D.R.1t. leave orate cars at Hope. For Pittston, - Kings. ion-and .Wilkee•Barre, take.cara of Lackawanna iS Bloormiburg . R..ll.l . at Scranton. - For Jessup. Archbald, and Carbondale, take Omnibutesei at Seranton. Ticket*, sold and baggrige.checked tH 01:!1 • JQlll,sl [BUSTIN, Supt. %Mat N. Jitras. General Ticket Agent. Screhton, Nap :13d, 1860. . S. IVL Pettengill AL. Co.. Ageatts,itt 119 •Nissati-st, New,Yorli, and 10 State-at, Boston, are kg•entti for Thelillorarose Democrat, and .are-au thorized to eoutraet for trsat our lowest rafes. Ai SUPPLY OP - WALL PAPER. STILES. YAM • ILE *I BORDERING, WINDOW. PAPER :&C, &C . A NEW SUPPLY, 'jin arrived and for sale cheap,hy - A.TORRELL • hi:lntroits, March 15114.1860. • E/E414 71 RESOB:EDI (tltal - 41tratt Vi 11,5. AZ sperient and • ipalnachie preparation of ‘- MON, purified of Oxygen. and Carbon by eans :, bunion in Hydrogen, of high medical anther ley and extraordinary efftoseY in oath of the follow.iztsZeomplaintiieiCi - imam maven ATEEC120118„; EKA? CIATION.'DTSPETSIA.7 muuurwcaffirn- PATION. SCRONTILA: SALTMEI73I jiIan n w VT, 7AITADICI,.. LIVIDC.MLAIMS TEM IMCDZIAL IXJ CO HEAMEW mornm. AIIITZENT, FEVEBILIAIMPAIA.MONIC MADAMES, MULE wzaziwk ms. IHMSTRIIATI,OI: WHITES; CHL02 , 0101; PW!!A OD THE EIYiTCHNEINI OF . 'THE smo,4ete. • .4 Tbe I:lloDbein' .. g. absorbed:by •th. kook and ' th us' eirculatiiittbsikwhiliewhols . 3•11' no :pert of the body can mar theirtnlyiroador T IM,ruffnineo. -The ezOerienoe of thOnseridedAlly ;moose thit no:praparation ,af , Irina-can; for so zoonsett -be ;eompariterith •af the. blood, de ; reign o 7 TitalourrifYi :Sale - s*.therwin leiolcly,qepielionsmidiestelti neoeiaity in al. roost levery conielvalle - nee: 'ln 491 piesC 'feniale (Auk Ono, .ohlciroins;fite.), ?effect' silo dpligbgitH y wonting: Ito ninety . Ifiasinreebeeis ihecargreiVin blitary erhiehernoli pronipt c lief*, anal.reatoratividiela. - -Aoodappetiteoota, tpleta •21$81 - nAnivition-of mg*, with sit ,naaeoal +. on !of *Airs babilgaili44o.4 l o l * r Ain - gm& arAganeralireeElratiin If..haecistio**:lica . 2 9 1 1 0 10 41-.. A* hi nes taistionadbittei eingsuass Asemputiqpeoeionoriespocper - tiontibexes,' 41111.804 frp•dosaibidtplAlLlCOL; ,, PWAluebr'' gemoraßy. R7tl boApeot,treo ouroaceepte4llbooPia* bisto; aab« .140 4 1 , 1 b. 1111 .' 1 1" .4 ° • •• !at. BA4CEt itt GaithitUnifoli• I. N 4 4akitgO W*VAE -v. • .„ r i t' v e . 118 For 6#li 114 - titian'. ' , • dectls ls ABEL , TURRELL4 Agent. • 1111110RIALif • WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS," a ,lady remarked ` ato us day or twe Airice,:na kik enitilfed‘the portrait of an only 'child, gone, tci•thet- "sfoiritni!hilf Which was one of ttlatamtely. immilllins: low I ,should , regret it, had- r not secured ON, precious moinortal cti that dear one." So thpuglit we.. Thu love 4 ones, are not-.always With us, and White we can call thonv.ou!s, every 60:atiourd SeCiire. .stielms.ininnorlaV; especially sifice tlicy,ca!have.thent.so,trothfully taken by .thitt-aucceaPful ititiat,_ A. It. 11 3 4) 3 of Bing' hamton. f am .110 LI .DAY • PRESENTS, 'Ti t o e bacrlbenahave this day,receiverl another ~ .I_, i n:::icii•-of 'ln`ikidri, - die., direct from • the miinufattdry, itnd'hie ucw' pteparedf to show to di& friegds-the-best-assOrtment'aftgoodmhvor berore ofTered.in this - markot: Altkrsons wish in ktek make their friends and familiek Christmas Pr,esentk are hriiied to, cal I , aid - eximine. . '' 00'2 ' ' ' ' : EVANSiLIALLEN. Odd Follows' 'tall; Ilioghatriton, N . Y. tKiILEt3.-410ne-arid-Wood ;Tidy Nee. .47 dles,"Tritting 'Eliutilos, CrochOt Needles, Bo,:viting, Darning ond Knitting liteedies,for sale byi : . . . : -Pane & Ara.nii. : cI4,IsEENFAUTTONS AND . ' STDDS.—Tfic 1-.1 hest assortment of Skein. Didionis And Studs, all prices anifimilitin„ft, 'of salu by ;', - : - Evase& Armts.- .0 PECTACIsES.—GoId, Sitve,r, , ;,Steek and i.i German Silver - ,Siictaclos, of all ages, 'for aafo by .', -. Evans 41. ALLES. TX TATCHEIS--A largo stock of gold and ail .V, ver Watches of the best makers, many of thaw of our own importatiOn,' at- iyices much 10+er that - have ever been sold in town—War milted _gond time keepers. - E. S. N. 616,), Watch' Chains,atfiest. rafwassortinent -o.f DOW Fob, Vest, end gnarlithains. 4 .1 OCKETS—a very. fine assortmhnt, GOLD ` and Plated, I, 2. -1, and 6 faces,: It.VER Witro—a large-stock ofisterlOg 80- ver ware, consisting of spoons, forks, ladies cubs, cake, pie, ice cream, butter, dr., fruit knives ; chadrens setts; napkin rings, card eases, etc. ..- • - _II4LATED Ware=castoni cake, Naxitets card It reccivere.,tea eetts, ice piidietti; eutrtir bgi kefs, Emit c'ellars; forks; speians.; toast ricks, gob feat, etc:- ' - ' . . i tioir 9,' ENANS & 'A LLB*. .$.O. 2iChid.zl 7; tllo*e, Hall. Wektifit`itAin at. , • . ~ , . . -HERRING'S SAFES. PA RR181L,'.1.114 - 111 liIIA . G'A;...C`O inpassy N 04829 Choistnnt Btriet-JAYNIVB Hall- , Thilail'ii.. i' . - ... O NLY, Xarinfaetnreriiie thii state • _.;,, , - - - .- ''‘l,of Herring'a.eaterit:Champicin li.t: )' - --, Pirer4Lßniglar Proof ova' i. secured "-.: o ' with" aalka Patent PeArder Leeks ! f both of Wit ch - tree'v'd medals at the ....,,,,.._ werld'sTair, - -LondenclBsl- and the . . World'a Fair in Newlerk,lBs3-4. More .Than; Tiv e Ali= il h email& d If vr ri stirm Safes have-been sold, and•ar'e now in actual use: and oi4rly 400 I.,ve been tested in accidental fires and hay° never failed to,preserye their contems lye also keep on hand and malau to order-- Dvilellititz House Safes, .. Sideboardiand Parlor Safes"-(imitation •of _handsome ftirniture) of elegant design and workruihship. ' Also Burgher Proof Safes for Banks, Brokers and; Jewelers, Vault Do - ors, Safes for Specie, Silicr Pieta, eee.--The Burglar 'Proof safe in use! at the Treasurer's c1....11iee of Pieknway Co., Q., Xrit Circleville,) Unix ntanufactuted . by tot, and is4iverally acknowledged to be iliU 'ittaingest site in the WORLD. • Oeritione wishing • safes will find it their in tealst to call or send• for our catahigue'before purihasing elsewhere, as the-sene the only safes tehit.hitare proved themselvesyerferillylpfre' Proof anti . free from citiznpnc.i.s. ' 1.000 - REWARD will be paid !cony person 4h , t-can show that a Herring's' Patent Cillinpion Safo trier failed.to -preserve its coritents in an .accidentai fire. - ' •',01)4 3in c , . . MEAT- • ,! MEAT- MAR KET. .: - •t. c Uji Public Avenue, Sr Searles Hotel : IO EEP c:onsLintly pa hand h gni:l(i "BOY (!f 111 EATS of M1 4 .IcindA. CASK p.titi fair Bela Catile,lCalyesSbeep,4tvl Lambs. .95 . ,1? fur Hides 4)1 allkiiids. fi JIENSTOCK dr. HAWLEY. • I ; S. Ti ItENsv!cr.. • • 4. HAWLEY. Ilinntrose, 3lirch 30th, 's9.—tf. T BILLIN - GSSTROtftI,- MIR,R and LIFE INSiJRANCE 4GEN.T,— • Slonflosej Pa. TPSTIMON IA LS. • VrE,' the undersigned, certify that wo . were ifisTe.d in Firelnsurance'Corupanies itePresented hyllr. Billings Stroud. orSiontrose, and that. hawing suffered loss by fire while so 3hsured,we were severally paid by said eumpanieti to the full eiritint of our claims; and - we have ctinfideive in liimitts,,a good, and etrectiie agent. - JAs, R. DEAVrri. ZIPRON ieoßn, ;LATREDI".& - DEWITT. fi. J. W EBB, . F. B. - CHANDLER.. J. Lirorl's & Sos; I3E/I.T. GLIDDEN, „ LEONARD ZEARLE. • 2401ruNe, Pa. November 9. ',39---417 NEW Cr OODSI ARRIVING EVERY *GER" . IP SELLING at the LOWEST TIRICES ULM AND CANIPHENE, OF .ttie BE •T iitolities ' at 60 t:data per - ration jar Nale.by - Mop rOSILPaI ADEL-TIIIIRFtII, CATARACT . WASIMG "MACAINF. Citithing, Time,and Lnboi &Med . INDISPENSABLE TO - HOUSEKEEPERS. • The most. simple, economical, aid - durable trtike ever offered to the public.to alleviate the siisciimferts of wash.da).: . - De*crlption. It consists Of - a metal cylinder, with ribs on the hiside, and an. interior cylinder''ref wood. with , !ribm. There :is a space from ea* to eight bdtWeen the two cylinders. 9ne crank turnk b6th cylindera-at the same time in oppo. site - ;directions,rapfdly creating a strm, forcing' the ivater,through the clothes, and 'effectually renu i ving the dirt, The action' of 'the wa . er does - , the work quickly,,dippenses eeff rely. with, rubbing, and thus save,: the wear Of *them. JAMES B. ROIiGERS. 1104 .hmes Alley.,Phil is Agent for Penn. SULLIVAN .& HYATT, Prop're, 54 BEEKMAN. 'YORK. N4l.—State acniConntY Rightssale. and' perehamers supplied' with 31aehines at wholesale on lilterai terms. ' - - PrA Machinii is in operation by aJaundiesi daily] pt ouraillesrooin, 439 Broader/4. J CiCO, 1n1t9.430w6ni- I'ARMERS; tOOK A.T Mrs! , 111EACtr . -NSW 'PATENT 111111 E _t H fl vOR.RAKINC DAY_ AND daAt , pro. t mint:6l'lly GO - OIIIUD'OES - * th be the NEAREST - RIGHT of ANY. IN USE : - Scree of the ' advantage of this Ilake are it the ar ork)xian ,oceupies a comfortable se ttwhile raking, instead‘othaving, to Walk; ROI/let its eonstpuction is se simple that any Patt wilily be takes apart and put togettr tteafe. Fnuribolte arti4ll the blaekswitirwork , equired, Fsuin'eni, *please eallAd eat - take for yen nietieis'. Lun(ter will be taken pegor 11.11*Irof the: righilkindfaniffelehed'in:time. - Nopetutthose -orde44 *ID bb toadeiat Present..l_ 7.bie ntsabitteleris intented - by:the aCbseribei. - wifo*idea t 1;2 - reiletrNort# af.loatrese, on. the Sitake Creelrit4d.. LORENZO BqACU. Mo rose, April i 14111,1880. v•AWINCHES I 'Etit3HYPOPHOISP ITEEtof ILtroe4tei So(ra, for Commis:lo494- Hof. lowitMl-ointpent•sod Manes trotrotaltr Herb !Pill.; aed.neiriy, ell the bredlal4lll.l4AP in the guiricet,, ilia fair sale . by al Ire itroee, lan. 9. 'ADEUTUR4ELL. -Fog *8#04:". -GREAT 'ATTR•ACTIONS -- • - MAIN, 'T " 'EMMET,. :e*n.ivo Furnqurs ..§,t . aosi*Jolient of SMITE Etuomits, having been : retitled and gfeatly,improyed,:the .ptoprietora respectfully announce to the citizens of Ifoitrose and vicin4 ity'thiethey areennitintli Making:end keep od hand,the IiARGEST and ItE4T assertment FURNITULRE To