The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 21, 1860, Image 4

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lirountain Herb Pills.
. .
Ascrt. we aresat .lon with a perfect itlitana of
T ftueo . a we at a tribe of the.straara Aztec 'Nation,
that eats ruled Medea. ran will and a full account of
Mat 104 bin people le car PampblPta-and
bp had gratin. !maths Agents for thaw PM.
- The inerntor and mattafactarer of ...lateen's 'Howe.
wiln Herb PiHe."' has spent the greater part of his life le
bavlie visited tamely *am country la t?s
w0r14..• He spent otter .la years among the Ituliaaa;of
rho Rocky MnErritaisis and of Heaton, and ft wait rhos Hial
'the Hoorrats Hasa Plus" were dieeorered. A von ,
tater•atlow aceottat of hi* adreaturae th er•,.yoa will Sol
to t+ur Alnanme sod Pamphlet. '
It le no establiehect fact. that all dbaultatake &ma
Theadnod S the life I and when any foreign er tabu); by
itattar Bete mixed with it. It to at noon distributed to
every alto of the body. Every nerve feels the robins,
and as !bet ital organs quickly complain. The stomach
wilt not digest the food perrectly. The liver cause to
most' a sufficiency cf bile The action of the heart is
weakened, and RI the eirtnlation IA feeble.. The lungs
become cleOvsl with' the poisonnue matter; heue, a
mooch—and all {RIM a sight Impurity at the fountahe
held of life—tlas Mood I As if poi had thrown emu
mirth, her Instance. in a pore spring, hens • which ran a
tiny Hecht, ia a few tninutea the shale dootrie of the
stream became* disturbed and dteoulored. A. initkly
dote impure blood Ay to every part and leave Its sting
behind. All the paseagea become obstructed, and tinkle
the obstruction in removed, the lamp of lifeeemes diesout.
These pills tent rely purify the blood, but regenerate all
the secretions uf the body; they are, therefore, unrivalled
u •
Ltrer (tuirlalnt, Sick Bead/mho, ke. This altwa-Rihuatt
licd,cine carol, frmn the blood the bidden - at-oda of-dia
*me, and render. all theitilda and secretions want wad
!Went. clearing and remit...casting the vital orwana
Pleasant Indeed, la It to im; that .e era able to pawn
within your reach a medicine like the 4 . !Immix Haws
Path", that-will, yam directly to the atllicted, par:.,through the blood and duida at the body, and .cause
the aullenr to tnighten with the Muth orbeauty and
Jtalscm's Pillrare the Best Pemedy , in crib:-
ewe for the following Complaints:
_Roc! arrnylrain/s, &Wiry. Inward- Wrudnta,
kJ, , Ftwr and Arm, Lira. Qmplainis,
,Ftwile Onnpiaints.Lnontat of Spree,
.4lied Diseases, Fl;adar.hes, ran,
VOinnai. ,Indii,toinn, ;Writ and Grand. ,
PlPPOuizr, influenza, • Boundary Syr,
Dian-has, l'u)knonatiert, .
Dropsy, • 1 • • •it •
remake who.4alue health, laical never be without
thew Ville.. They purify the bleed , remove obstructions
of all Mode cleats@ the .klo of all pimping end blotches
and bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek.
A ar The Vlanbt sod Berta of . which these Pills ire
made. wire ibex-meted in a ver y surprising 'key stoop.
.the Teo., a tribe of Aborig ine. is Weak.. Get the
Alnuftat of our Arent, and you will readorith delight,
the eery toter...air:" accouat It couta l aa tai Gma
UIDICILMr" of the
O6eerve.-77.t. ifmatais Herd PCs *cepa vp i* a
..12ralutife/ Wrapper. Sark Lae criribeisu 40 pat. cad Retail
at 25 cent; pa . Ge. -Ail monnri - haat o.c simatars cf
a. L. JUDSWY d CO.. on rad W.
a L. JUDSON, & Co,
‘.. No. 50 Leonard Street,
Avata . tatted alwara—Adatema U above. 11*
.. The prhprietom and manufacturers of - NOS
• TEM Can appeal wiih perfect confidence to
physician-And chit ns generally or tLt United
F - azes.becarse the article has attained a rept:-
tation here:of - ere Imhuovn. A f‘.w facts upon
this r r o i nt will Freq: more poui rtury than
volumes of bate to.,ertio:Ar 1d zoning ltitllet c.
The cm sump; on of -Ms:letter's Saaudich Bit
ters lot' the lint year innutiLted to , over a half
milliou und from its manifest eu tidy
increase in times past, it is VritieLt thai:ournag
the coming year. the tmissinipion midi reach
tear one nlilh. n bottles. 111. s immense ana.unt
c.mid,s,s.m.e its s-01a, !-rtttirare
ictiud pr. rev tes comamea an the prepara
tion, and tim sanction of the most promineLt
pbtsicians- in thos cautions of the country
where the article is lest krionn,•ado u,:t•ouly
recommetal the Littu-s to their, patietaS, but
arc ready at all times to its
efficacy in vll cases of stunischic derangements
and the diseases resulting thcr;etroni.
This is nota temporary p- pihairy, obtained
by extraordinary aorta in the way of tram
peting_the qualities it the Litters, but a solid
estimation of an invaluable tut dicine,.ithict is
desiinid to be as enduring, as time itself.
llostettees Stomach Litters have proved
a Godsend to regiuus where fever and ague,
and various other bilious—complaints Lave
counted their victims I-7 litindreds., To be
able to state confidently that-the .4•Litterit'
are a certain cure for the -byspepairr,a-nd like
diseases, is to the,proprietors ft_ source of un
alloyed pleasure. l,t removes all morbid master
from the atom- oh, purifies the brood, -and
imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,
vying it that tone- and energy indispen-able
for the restoration of health, It operates upon
theatomach, liver, end other digestive organs,
mild y but powerfully, and soon. restores them
to a condition essential to the healthy discharge
of the functions of nature. ,
Elderly persona - may use the Bitters-daily as
per directions on the bottle, and. they will fitid
in it ti stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort
declining years, as it is plerisautto the palate,
Invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic,
and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi
dence of thotisands of aged men and women'
who have experienced the benefit of using this
preparation while suff,ring from etomacit de
rangements and general debility: acting uhder
the advice of physicians, they have abaudone,
all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the
' Merits of this article. A few words itt the
gentler sex. There ere certain periods when
their cares are so harassing that many of them
sink under the trial. The relation of mother
and child is so absorbingly tender, that ,the
-mother, especiarly if the be young, is apt' to
forget her own health iu bir, extreme anxiety
for her infant. Should the period of maternity
arrive during the.summer season, the Wear of
body and mind is generally aggravated. Ilere;
then, is reicessity.for a stimulant to recupe
rate the energies of the system, and enable the
mother to bear up under her exhausting trials
and responsibilities. IkTursing moihers,genct
.rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora
tors that receive the endorsement of physi
cians. because it is agreeable to the taste as
Drell as eanain to give 'a permanent increase
of bodily strength.
• All those persons, to whom we have particu
larly referred above, to wit:. sufferers from
fever and ague, enuied by malaria, diarrhcca,
dysentery, 'indigestion, loss of appetite, nod
all diseases or derangements of the stomach,
•_ettperannuated invalids. pertionmof sedentary
'occupation, and nurving mothers, will consult
their:owe - physical welfare by giving to Ilco
teller's Celebrated St , maeh titters a trial.
CAUTION.—We rautioit, the public against
'ittsitig.any of the many itnitationa or counter
feits, but flak for 11017ETTER'S CELEIIXATED
STOMACH Byrum and rqe that each bottle hoe
:the words ‘'Dr. J. llotitettePeSt °Mach "littera"
blown on the rde of the bottle. and stamped
en the. metallic cap covering the cork, and
obierre that our atuograph signature ie ta the
' ea' Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER &
SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and 'sold by all
druggists, grocers, and dealers generally
throughout the United States, South Ame
rica. and'GerinanY.
ale iu .Montrose by
jaal2 ly A HEL TURRELL
and great diaforeries of the afdparilearilf
sun Fa of India Mediclse.. with full directions 'Oz..
the certain cure of e.onotuintoion, bronehitis, ea
taffb,co'inb a.ccrl da wohma, tevera. heart
c meer bujuipaia. liver cornpi n i n t g , reve i
and urinary &pipits fenti•le cotnoiainta,
ii ti iiirsted with hnnared. of rertlfivittem of cnrea
sn o . wirsv ;o g a, For the prirtioae of rec. rn i ng pa
Many sulterinkfollow.heinks powiitio,. ft„ m . 21
premature death. it -will be 'sent to am.- m it t of
the continent by «ending 25 yta . to PR. ft E ATH,
ineDIYI 647 Broaduay, New York City;
Sold sten by 'A. I`urrell. Montross; Baydeti
Cunard; C. P. Mathews, Seinutou.
1 1 ,
Vr GrOODS 1 -1
R1111*119.4il EVERY MEEK!
.r CAMPHENE, OF ibe •Isiceet.
qua Help% 60 ream per gallum toe este by
1116ntrose.Tel ABEL TERRELL
wil i . 1 ' .. R 5 1 .... RAKE 1.,
.F0.41.41:NG - HAY- - AND GRAIN'. is: pro'.
. . t
pounceil bv.- GOOD JUDGES . to-be AIM
.RIGHT4 ,4 uf ANY INURE': - Some
of tite.:Xdrantisges o . 'his Rake :are that. t the
workmatt oe l enpies a con rtableliteXt ' while
raliitig, Instead of 'having tow and that itti
cobstruetionliS - to aimple ihni-any
~ orit. may
((say ttl,en - ,apart and put togethe • - 0.
Bin - 4 bo 3.4. i all the hi rektimith work 'moult ,
t' l lurneril , ple a s e
. call and eternisefor yourselvee.
LUmberlwili tee taken in pay fur Rakes' if of the
right kind and fetched' in time. None but those
erdefedjwilli mdart at present. -' . i
"`This maellitto was itiventeitby the subscriber
wholresides )11.2 miles. Noah of -Montrose, en
the Snake - Creek Road. : • . -
=I .. • 1 LORENZO BEACH.. 4
' • 111ntrose. April 24th. 1860.' -
, .
- 'AL Cetai:(l. •• • !.
1 1
A IL" 0. V. THATEL of the
.. , . - - • . _
811GumioN wiTEß..colit.
, •., •.• • ,
Wlii.„,. at NEW MiLFOR D. on FRIDAY.
i April 27th, at Thrnorit's Hotel.: Ako will
be rtt_ SUr , QUEDANNA ''on • the 'FIFTH of
eachlmrinth iiiring the - . Spring and Summer
xi Ncitidii Hotel. During etch visitation he wile
give il• ree ,Lecteres to the Lidies at 2 meiotc, t •
m upon' subjc l ets of th 9 first importance relmiv
to , ths 14%4.01 diseases and flglen'e , of Mie setr.
revealinel the e au u. of such m..ladies and those
moe{ prevalent - and subtle-violations of phtsio.
legirial lawS p filch result in - the premature do
cline' of - American WoMen. • , _
• Iti'valids will find it ti. their advantaee . to gi%ie
-him a eaii. H -
BinghamtOn Water Cure. April 110.' Wo.—t f
'r"setip , lL will bo oprned for the. reeep
coil Lidien,jtnd aentlemen. on-tho 29th
OVleduritday), of Pubruary, 1860. •
` ' :TERINI 9P i•
.urru..u ! ,
Priniary Branches per Qr'tr of 11 weeks, $3.00
(..7rimM oh • 0 `l 3.50
Cotimion and Higher. " " . " - t 4,00
Higher " . 5,00
Leeson.' :on Piano, r " . ": 10,00,lof ;" • " " '2,00
Ornamental, and Classical Departments, extra.
Tae Prinehiul his •hitil 'trioch experience in
teaching , . in New Yo.k and•Penn'a fpr . the bier
ten isur.s., flommon, as - Well an Selret., Graded
or High Srhoisl!. References given ill reqwri d
N. , —Nnrd itt the boarding hail, t,wo
per - Week. Lights and was/tine extra.
Payrnentsie be made quarterly in advance.
ml? ROGERS. Principal.:
• • 0
• Cheapest: Best : Largest
Paysi'or 'Tuition in Single and Double Entry
80011 - teenin s g:Writing- Commercial Arithme
tiet and Lectures.
!tenni S *eek" $2O, Stationery 47,
Talition433, entire expense 462..
time'lfrom• 6 to 10 weeks.' Beery stn.
dentitt[ion irailuating:: is guaranteed conipetent
to manage Atte: Books of any Business, ind qual.
ified :to learn a salary of from
;$5OO TO . $l.OOO
•; . •
stpient. 'enter at , any time—,No VM•ation—
Review at pleasure.- •
Eirst,Piethium - for ilmit. Business Writingfor
1850, receivisi tit Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and
ta.olvf tnt also, 111 tne principal Fairs
of tholinio fora past four years.
Minfsiers"ons received at hairpirce.
`Pe For Cireular . Specimens, and Embellish.
ed Views of the. College, inclose five letter
stamps to .
.NKINS, Pittsbtlirhiya
- F W
NO mutt' 00RD AS
_ • e nsiii
. r rlicists iii ' ' '°'P u l r ' Ope; . a g litt7the paparall p il u le b d
anti- n fl amuistory Ind healing properties of this
Oint ent; governments sanction its use in their
new+ and military services; and the 'masses in
this , mintitr4 and throdkhout. the world repose
,the Ottnost confidence in, its euret_ive properties.
It penetrates the sourceS ofj infl Mitantion and
i•orruption which underlies the external 0-i
-dences bf disease, and neutralize, thei fiery vie
'wen Whic h . feed end et a-nerile the Malady.'
• . ilthediaatiam, Scrofula, Erysipelas.
T h ese unianioug the' 1114.1.1 ltr .ule; andll . 6o-
ilizitg diseases of the muscles, the Aeshy. fibre
'and the Skis:l l ;r Vet in - their worst forms; and iv hen
i4cerilinFly Incurable, they invariably idisiippear
undi'l• s rietsevering application.of thia soothing,
healing', antidote to pain and Mil imMition.
I .' Balt theme, Fever Sores,.Stiff.Toints. .
. iniall cas t ,. .)? :salt Rheum. where medical wa•
tei.s,llotionsi and -even: receipt of the tttarm.eo
pEea hate prceved useless, the•Ointme t will Sc.
a horoueh cure. .Fever SOres -heal
quicidi miter its influence. and its relaxing - tr.
feet bpbn centmcied sinews is truly Wonderful'.
H I ' i Discharging Wears. • , . '
A ma st Ternary:lWe and hippy change Is pro.
duced n the i appearance of ma lignant i.ulrers of
ter a; few.appl ications of this Oinment the Sur
rounBiiig rtidnes vanishes, and grOnnles• Of
r• of h4alt.hy Reid) begin, to' : - ka the place of the
di.chargorlinatter.- , his prAceas - geort on, more
or less rapidly, until the-orifice is fi lled up with..
sound, material. and tee ulcer radically _cured. •
. - .- • 4 fA Word to lathers. .
The young; are qt e most frequent ciders froin
extoinal injuries, and therefore every ,mothtlr
'Sh.mld haveithis healing preparstion. constantly
at hand. it.: is au' absolute specific' fns •lini,e
hreasts,; , rind 'll - ctickly. reinivee the encrusted sor e s
w hich sieme!imes disfigure the hea6 - aud facia
of children. l. • . !
! .. , !Significant Pacts; . !
ThisGinitheut IS sum:truth v used o board fhb
AtlantiCand!:Parific whaling fleet as • it cure for :
seorbatic aiteaiona and as the best possible
remedy !for *eunds.and britseit'Large supplies
,'.l it. hivis recently been ordered by the Sultan
of Turkey f4r hospital purposes:. -I .
I! —. . ii - •• .
- Both the Oimment and Pills4hOuld be used in
• I ~ ii the tamping eases: .11 '
Bunions, Chapped Hands.. , &Obi , ' -
.- • .
Burns. ! . Mercurial gruptions, Sorei.Legii. •
Chilblains; Rheumatism, • Sore !Breasts,
Fistolal Ringworm., • _ :Sore Heads,-, -
Gout, .1 . Balt Rheum ;- - 2 Sore !Tbroitt".!
Lumbago, 'Rhin Disclaim, Sores ofaltitinchl
Piles; I , Sprains, - .Stiff.lein,s, - , . !
Ulcers, -- Worms of all Minds; Venetia) 'Sores!
Totter, . -Scrolled Minds.
4 ‘,, , 1e1d it the Mancifactoribi of Professor HoLuntras;',Bo Mildest Lacte,.NowlYorLanir I
24 Shawl; London, by all respectable !Mime s i s
and. Deilernan Medicine ihiongtont the 'United.
maul 'lnd -• thi civilized voila. in OA at_ 26
'omits, 82 1-Aeolis:lnd $1 • earh... : I. - • I
' Er There in ilSnaiideritele saving brtalthil
theiarget Mies. - • . • - .- : - :- ' '
N. 8.-Bitectinus for the wildsoCe of patteitt.
in iiiii discrdcl we Mad t each Pt.
19•11 - SileinC ,
Deln.'lLneka..* Western Raillroad.
. e
TWo tours earbori to New York.: 1 , ).
One !tour earlier tU Philadelphia. / A
ON and after Monday. Nay 28th, imp, trai4
, will be folloWs : ./ •, 1 .
EXPRESS Pa:SANGER TitkUrs,-7-- " Sil ing soutb
The AcCommodation Train Eta' on the N.ltt.
&E. It: lb arrives at Gt. Benda 6:38 a..m. il
And the Cincinnati Express • 6:03 - ~
Connecting with the 'Expre Train ' -
leaving Great Bend for ew York• 1
and `Philidelphis, at • . ' - 7:10 .' 1
Due at Newliilford . • . - 1:28 '
' Montrose d. - •-... 7:46 •- i
Hopbottom • - •" . 7 - 8:07 -.
- • Nicholam . - -- 8:23 1
• Factotyv* le • , . 8:47 1
• . A bingt a • - -.- 9:Q3 1,,
Sox ton ; . - '9:35 :.
'""•-••Ao •ow . - -. -. - • 10:20 '1"
byhanna . • - - 1 1, i59 .1
‘- Sirondsburg , - , - • :12:17 p. m.-i '
• ••"""" Water Gap 7 '''''
- . - 12:31 ' 1-
. Columbia - :. . - 12i45 i
fielaware(ls minutes to dine) - 12:56 i
' Hope (Phifud'a connection) 1:21
- Bridgeville .. •_ .. . 1:25 ;. t
• Wakhington. ..!• !. 1:58,
. Junction - ...• . . . .216
• •
- . Nev.- York -, - - - :515 . 1
• s Philadelphia - • - .7:15 '
- The Express Passenger Train, - Smith s '. eon.
nem.* at Junction with 3 p. to train on the Ced:
tral Roadlor Easton, Bethlehem, Mauch.chunk.
Reading, Harriihurg, &el" . - ' ' t
111 "
', • _ OVING Monett. - Y
Pesaengera from-New York, leave .
Pier No. 2 Noith Itiveri at 7:30 n. m.
Or foot of COurtland street - 8:60
From Philadelphia
Leave Kensington . . 7:15".
Leave Junction . • 11:15 .
Due at Washin2lon • I - 11:33
- • - 12:01 p. .m
Hope(Phlloda connection) 12:13.
Delaware (15 minutes to dine) 12:28
Columbia , , •1:00.
Water Gap • - E:l4 .
'Stronoshurg . 1:28 -
Tobyhanna ' • 2:46 .1
• •Mitscow . ' 2:21
Scranton : - • 4:10. *f.
.. 'Abington - .. • 4:47.
Factorvville 5:03
Nichnls..n - 5:21
_llopbottom 5:43 -
a" MONTROSE 6:04 • .
NeW Milford 6:22
- •
Great Bend . 6:40
Cnnaeeting at Great Bend with. the
Mail train Neat at .- - • 7:24
'and the Night Expr..ea at: - 1 :30 3 . PI.
The Mail - . Train, IVet.,-whieh !ravel Gres)
Bend at 7:24 p. tn, is .a through.TrAin, add
reaehea Dunkirk nt a:47 ti. m. • • 6
. Acc..mktoDATioit TRA irk—Moving. North. j
I..eav'e St rant)ilur Great Bend at 9:44 a. m.
Famoryvirle • ! 11 . 00:
- 11:30
Mom rose - - ' - 12 3 ':45 , g
Great Bend
Connects with De nkirk Ex. West at 3:06 - -,
Nlovl NG SOUTH. - 'l,
The New I:nrk Express, East„ar- „ • ,
rives at Great Bend at - • 1:17 p. m. I
and connects with the Actommods7 ~ :
Train which-leaves Gt.' Bend at - 2:15i i
Montrose - . - -- 3:101 - 3
Niehiilson • = - -
Factoryvillo. -' • .05:15
Due at Scranton - - • 6:40
The Accommodation train - _does not feav'p
Scranton until attei., the arrival of the niornint
train on the Lackan)anna & BLoomburg 11. - 4
thus , riving rimsengers . • from the Wyoming Val
ley a ' dir'ect connection fur the %Vest .by the
morning train. i
For the necommndation of Way travel on -tli).
Southern Division a Pas;Anger Car will be al
tached to the &preAs Freight train . — . i
Leaving Scranton at - • , 4:00 a. in.
Due - .at',scow
I4ou ',..!
• - S roudrg - - 10:25
J nciion . . . 3:10 p. m.t
Returning. leaven Junction at - 3:40-a. in. i
Due at Stroudsburg at '..
: . • 7:35 , 4-
. 111aa'a.tvir ' - - - .12:ii0 p. m. I
.'Set. n t 0 n - . ' - .225
• Pansetigers to and from New. York will ellanc
cars at Junction. To and, font Philp:. via 8.D.R.4.
leaye or eke mars at Hope. For Pittston, li . .initt'
ton and Wilke!s Barre, take cars-'44 Lackawanna
& Bloomsburg R . R. at Scranton. For Jessul).
Archbald, and CarhOndale, take Omnibuses at
Ss•rantoti. • . Tickets sold and baggitge iiheckqd
THROUGH. • JOH N 4 fIitISBIN, Supt..i
. .
JENKS, General Ticket Ageut,
Scrnnt. , U. Nay '23d. 1860.
. S. Mc Pettengill .
Adeerth 0
ing Agents, at 119 Naslan-.
New-York. and 'lO , State,st. Bodon,..ate
:igent.q far The Montrose'Democrat, and are' 130-
thOriZe,d, to contract fur us at our lOwest
A NEW SUPPLY. just arrived, and for .4
cheap. by - A. TERRELL.
61•Introse.• March ,15th. 1860. • t
E1E427 11 RESTOM
)R. w.]
611.alake,a# Vikl
A., aperient and stoniachia preparation of
IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by cm- I
buston in Hydrogen, of high medical 'author. .1
ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the
following complaints, viz.: .
arrtrzwr FEVERS. NEURALGIA. amino
THE 13STif, etc.
The IRON being absorbed by the blood, and rj
thus circulating through the whole system, no
part of the'body can escape their Only wonder. I
ful indiums. •
The eireaienee of thousandidallf proves that
no preparation' of Iron can for a moment be
compared with it. Impurities of the blood; de. ;
preancm otaital energy, pale and otherwise
sickly compladons indicate its neemaity in. al-
most every `conceivable case. In all cams of F..
female delkility-(finer chlormis, etc its j
efrectiture delightfully renovating. No remedy g
has oder, been discovered, in the whole history t
-of medicine. which exerts such prompt, happy,
indfullyrestorativesffeeM Good appetite, cons.
piste digestion, rapid strength,
with en unusual dhpeeltion for active and .
cheerful exercise, inaediately fellow its , use.
As . a grand stomachic and general inattentive
it has no superior and*: substitute.
Pot up In nest flat Meta 00 5 e•
pills, prier 00 rents per Per eeneme
001 ens down boces.l4 00. age by
-lona be sent flee to
e i Ty l W i rens neelpt of the prise. 'An /Os
Lem amildem, etc, mhos* be aildimossa . t. I
-.R. B. liOakE tft
Genero4oll l / 1 .
_ - • eee =meow/Lt.'s t.
Owe im o abaillido a/ aim
Libel bit amdt psi _
Forsaisiu kloutioee
dec,Lt it B -TURREiL
a lady renntrired to us allay`or two • since,,: its
she exhibited the portrait only child, gone
to the "spirit land ft whialt - Wais oneof
• ,1 1 1 1:7133ENISP• .'• •
now I should regret it, had I not secured
this precious' memocal of thAt dear one." No
thought 'We. The lot'ed ones aro: not elways
,as, and while we can call : them minx, every
one.eheuld secure'such a Memorial ; especially
since they can have,them so. truthfully taken by
chat successful artist, A. B, TUBBS, of Bing %
hamton. 'nee •
110111DAt'PRES010, - ,
The Kulistiiritiep+ have this day received another
invoke of Jewelry; -4c., (Vert from the
manufactory, and are unit' prepared to show, to'
their friends•the beet askortment of goods ever
before elTeredie. this market, • All personswish
ing to make their friends and families Christmas
Presents, are invited to call and examine.
dee'22. EVANS & ALLEN
.Odd F - etlnirs' Hall , Binghamton , N Y.
NTEEDLES.—Bnne and Wood Tidy Nee.
'dies. !rating Shuttles, Croehot Needles,
Sewing, Ditrning and Knitting Needles, for sale
- ,
beit its..ort turn t of Sleeve :But and Studs,
all prices and qualttieis or sale by
EVAtiti & ALLEN;
SPECTACLES.—GoId. Silver, Steel and
German Silvia Spectacles, of all ages, fur
sale by EVAZS & ALLEN. •
ATCIi ES.-A !liras steel; of gold and sil
ver WarehiN of the hest maken4, Many et
Them of oar .own importatinn. at priers murk
- lower than liwie ever been sold in ti . .ws;--War•
ranted god time keepers.
.E. & A.
—Also,.-Watch Chair:s. a rust rate-assortment
of GOLD Fob. Vest. and Gdard Chains:
, , OCKETS—a very fine aseortuteab COLD
: Li slid Plated: I, 2, 4, and 6 lacen.
ILVEtt Ware—p..lllTc stock of slerl.ngeil
ver ware, consist inv. of spo,ths. forks.
caps. cake, pie, iceerea in, butter, & fruit: knives.
einkfrens.setts, napkin rings; card names, etc.
. .
- D LAT ED are- , —Cast ors, cake baskets cnrd
receilkrs. tea . petty, ice pitchers, bns
kos,•salf-cel Wm, turksoiperons, toast raelts;
I ets,
nov9 • EVANS & ALLEN
No. 2.0(14 Kflowaiiiall. Washington at..
11 11W Vl.ltll,
lour; r 6 k Vuttliion 'tli-t,
TINE dOcir below J Etliridge's Drug Stoir.
ll on Public Avenue, where will be- l'ound
conbtantly on band a urneral assortment of
Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee
• . -- &t: , &c.. &'u.. -
. ,
Also the rhoicest hrandtimf
Meal, Lard, Pork, llama, Fish, (11!_ndles &c.
.Vt. solicit a share of the public patronage, and
pledge . ourselves to - do the fair thing, hoping bt
each bargain .to secure another.
. ---
Drnerolent .Intittelipn established by ,Cpe
'riot Endowment for The -MTh/ of the Sick
and Distressed: ollie.ted, with Virulent and
'Epidemic Diseases, and especially. for the
Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Oryans.•
EI)ICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the
. [V.I 'Acting Surgeon, tc all who api)ly by letter,
with:* descriptiiin of theii condition. (we. occu
nation, habits of life. Stc..) and in cases ex
tiremeitincerty.medicities furnished free of ch:irge.
Rcport l vio t3r-rtimturrlium, and otle
er Diseasc4 Of the Sexual Organs, sent to the ar
iniseAd letter envelopes,-. free of charge
Address. Dr. .1. Houghton. Aeting Sur.
Howard Association, • No. 90.. South,
a, P,A. Byprderoftiat 1.(4.8
No. 629 Chestnut Street-JAYNE'S Hall-Philad's.
ONLY Hanufactarers in this state
of it - i g's'h =fM.Z - Firedurgargof Safes, e
1 1
with Hall's Patent Powder Looks-
IT( both of which . rec'v'd Medals at the
......... 'World's Fair, London, 1851 and the
' -• : ' Warld's Fair in New Y0rk,18.51-4.
s More Than - ' '
I vveni) , thomasid Uerrines Safe%
have been sold, and are now in actual use, ai d
n,arly 400
.Irivei been tested in accidental fires
and have never failed to pret;erve their cordepts
;We ale, keep on hand and make to order—
Dwelling Ui,nae Safes, .• Sideboard and Parlor
Safes"—(iniitation of handsome furniture) of
elegant design and workmanship. , . •
,Also Burglar Proof Safes.for Hanks, Brokers
and Jewelers, Vault Doors, Safes for,
.SikierPl...te. okc -The Burglar Proof wife in
ii:je at 'the Treasucer's Office of.Piekaway Co.:
O_; (at Circleville,) was tuanufzietured by us, and
i . A . sniverally 'acknowledged to be the strongest
sari, iktlio WORLD.
Peniouswishing safes will find it to their in•
toren. to call or sti!id tbr our catalogue before
purchasing elsewhere, as these are' the only safes
Mhiehhare proved themselres Pettedly Fire- Proof
and free fr o m dampness. .
$l,OOO REWARD will be paid to any person
Ii , t can show thata Herring'. Pati-nt Champion
Safes ever lailed•to t pretierve its contents in an
s. coi..roal fir.. " • ; ep4 3rn c
Hitt 1111 IN m 0 NT ROS E: .PE NA A.
rp HE subscriber having purchassu.
•••• refitted and newly furnishedshed
jj ; above wall known and popular Hine ,
is prepared to accommodate the tr:la--
elf:lg public and others with all the attention
and convenienerea •thmally found in first-claw
tioUses: No effort will be sparedsby the Pro
prietot and his Assistants to make the Ho e
equal in every point to any in the country.
• The Bar will always be supplied with tni
Chilicest Liquois.
.. The Stables, connected with this Holm
are large, roomy and convenient. and careful - 4m
attentive Hustlers are always in charge of them
On Public *cane. ; near - Searle's Hotel.
EE .constantly un hand's goo 4 supply of
1.1 MEATS of all kinds. CAMS p.dil for
- Beef Citttle,Calves,Shei!p,snd Lambs:
Also for lilides-of all kinds. • .
Montrose, March 30th.
BlLL'Ncts • wrßotrD,
, BlAtrose, Pa.
We, the undersigned, certify tbat.we; were
insured in Fire Ins - uremia Companies represented
by Mr. Billings Stroud.-,of Montrose, and that.
having suffered !omit - by fire while so insured, we
were severally paillby said companies to the full
extent or our claims; "and we have confidence in
him u a gond and effective agent.
ha. R. DEWITT, Z
. 1E011'0133.
Larattor & BeWtre. fl J. Wise,
F. B. Cautmeit, • J. Liotts &Sow,
Montrose. Pa. November:9. '69,A,
Lime and . Soda; for Conenmption ;. Hol
loway's Ointment and MiteaudsOn'ellountgiin
Herb Pilleouid nearly ell the Medi: Ines adver
tised, one- the market, are fin We by.
liontreetii JO. 9. ABEL TURRELL
Fon. 40160.
~ • "
, AT •111 S , ,;
roarozimuzl •
THE extensive Furniture of
. Slll7il Baontuts•hairing been refitted and
greatly ;improved, the pruprielora
announce to the,citizens of Montrose and I,icin.
by that they are Coriatantl making and keep On
.hand .the 11.ARGFAT
' tat'
To be found' ha Vie' CianailiT.
We give the folkiwing list of some oftlie ar
ticles which we will sell at greatly reduced
priceis; for CASH, or READ* PAY: j
putpau 4 iWalriut or Mbhogany, % xvith glasei
ham $l6 to $3B. • .
Aurelian With marble or broratelle tops, ifroth
$lB to 924. And a largo assortment, frail $B,
810. 12. it to slB.` *.
Wash Stands, Card ~Stands‘ c orner and Square
Sint+, of all varieties and , prices, fromls rents
to len dollars. • • 1. • •
De-ka. D.vans ,Towel . R:acks,fochetoolstetto.
mans, bowies, &a. -• 1
Centre, Card. Pier, Toilet,.*Dining, Kit i ehen,
mut Extension Tables. - -
Chairs•=-Cane oriel Wand 9eati, Rocl+rs—
Cane, Flag.' and Word Seats, of every vbriety
and style. - ' •
Sofas. fete a tides furnished at, short notic
at Now York- prices.' ' *
N. 13 fteady made! cOlins on Ifand r fur:
nisbed ati'short neticellsesCs always in
readiness when desired. • - -
W e esiPloy none but cannirut. and EIORRI-
Escen - Wonnexa. .We intend to do our VVosx
WELL; and s :sell it ass Low as it can he-afrirded.
• -
• - . rni,
• • , E. 111. SnaTIE
. Montrone. fan 18th, 1880.•=tf. •
Ltatvaville Centre, co.,ll"si.
WA , er, %Viathiw Piipersatid Biirideca,
aV P ervlaripg eitoek day . r;qmived, by.
• April 176. R. & CO."
!ii.kes; lam tv. arid e an immense
C varietydw. R KENYON. JR.. 4.t.
VERY st}l.3,,frottiiii Punt Gbodm. eft this
LI • ay.ree'd hv • R KENYON. JR. & (co.
SII,X, Rrochn,. and C o,hmere shawls . n :argo
?stock, LOW. R & CO..
1911131...5. 'I 013Af CO ithi. day receive. and
ad.lor sale lower tininl el4ewherp in Scfrqu'a
county. It K.-INV . ON, JR. &
00 l i fl r Sj e tt . A b T o U x .S' or ii9l)sfor
LAR(; Stock of FA,NCY Dry emndst - for
sal e bye RKNYON. Sit. da ,*O.-
fr EA Sotts—Fivo stvlopt. immOlpto—
i, from :5 to $5O. R KEN.YON, JR. &I CO. , Artmtro. -
Dealer in FLOUR GRO
a- WOODS.- Staid.. DRUGS,' •i
irprik of Bikritunis Hotel, New e l ilford
WOU LI) be pleased to see all his old f
• and. many, new ones at his. NEW
fronttng the HOOT; where he is preps
show them such -a stock of the above a '
as New Milford has Tong stood in:need i.rl
Divkion of trade has !nti many advanta
division of labor." .Any man confining,..b
.to one branch of business, giving that
his whole Capital and:attention - can . keep , 1
am•OrtalPht, buy cheaper and SELL CUE..
than if the same means and timo wai em.
inn general trade. If you • dont think K.
orkthe subsctiber and be convinced. 'The
principle of
w ill be strictly adhered tp. Batter and
Piotuee' forwarded to 'N. ew York to nue
be4t eonitabodon hones in the City, and p
pa)ments gu,iranteed
- SINT Cu: Pa.. Akil.lB6o
At TilontroO,
WM: E. ' HATCK Propri
rills new and commodious Mae' si
onPuhlitt Avenue. near the Court Hon
nearly in the eentre.of the -honsihess port
Mentro:4l. is new fu Iv completed and fur
and was opened- on Monday. the 27th
seinenliker, 1858. for the neeommodst
the public and traveler The Proprieto
eonfident that he is n.,4 prepared to en
guests inn manner that cannot COI to
Complete Sidlelhation.
, The Hurd Furnistire are new; and
pense has been spared to render it equal.
superior to any'similar eStablishment in th
of the .State. h is :well.supplied s with
recent improVements vont ortu. and n
waiters wit) always be' readyto respond
call of eustom . erB. '
The Ntsble'n ennnnetri) with thin ant
New and Convenient..
The Pr"prietor respect!ully built:As tur p,
ago of his old frieodN Dad, the public gener4
W M. K. I lATI
•• . •
G. F. roitnizAm -
j AS removed his shop ,eroms the sir(
the building one door below K.
Sioddard'f., which he •bas :fitted up . expreetsll
Saddle, Harness and Trunk
where mat found all kinds of i
from the heaviest Hunt, to. the lightest ir
tmrness, and a general aastirmetit of tritn
whitlh will be made-up rir mold very
Carriage Trimmings:
A good assortment on lilted, which wilt L
very row; all trimming done cheaper than
where. .
on hind. from whiLlt,:will be ma
. NATEtrispaate . cli.l
* * *cw,u,,,,ers will ploialse . boor in minerit, ,
wish to !fettle up once IA year.' Those- twin;
unsettled accounts, or inotes due. will - loblig.
by tkettliog or making pri)ment without further
delay. '_ . O. F. POILDH/4
Allonirrewk.l pa. ' .
Frb.. 24th;)
- Sall, . Sat:t! ' satt - I-I
. a.vgßal T.7.'ELIBI ,- :
201 WlFultii!egtonost, ,
(Directly opp osite Wash ington . fifarkeit,)
New- . 7 7Ararir&l i
. STILL rONI'INUpS to offer to Op' city and
*...3 COUN't RY trade, all klnds:of FOREIGN
culartf9 and 'Pine Sari, afthe very, lowest fi l i.lures: .
40000 sacks ind bags., consisting , in part of Ash
ton's celebrated brandifpr table and • dai nee;
Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall'a, Browning,' , &c.
and 50014 bushels Turks island, Bpnarea, Cu
rgvin, SLUbee,Liabon;eadiz,lvfeaiNantei.tic.„
all of which Will be sold ht,batrain.prices from
vessels. storOand storehouses..
Any ptirehaser.Wishing . tty select froml
assortment will find it to hisinterest to will.
N. fi:•—Pine.table salt put nip in *mall bitgai of
different sizes, and constantly . on hand Id, ship.
ping order.; Also a splendid: article of ;Rock
Ground atilt, in quart trotea;•put - up uidt For sale
liy. the 4naiitity; in cat's/ter GTO doZOII4IIIOI
IMO •.at varieo. ,
Pencils for auirkinglrelifint alPiroti ) 1111 t4d,
Iloilo fade - or waationt,l'ar_asla by
PHYSICIAN and &opt'" - Ifoinfose,
Office in tha Partner'siStord: '
• -77 p
Roonis open fur Instinct/on Trom 9 a. m. 'to 9;30
.>. FACULTY: - -
D. W. - 1.6 W ELL,
.Principsl, • Professor . of the
Science Accounts, Practical Accountant.
Author OF Lowell's Treaties upoti fklok•Keep
ing. Diagrams illustrating_the tame. -
Jona llitiittne . Commercial Accountant, Profea'r
of Ronk ;keeping and Practical Mathematics.
J. J Curtis, Assistant, Professor, in the Book
Keeping' Deparnnent. -, •
A. J. WAIOER, Professor of Practical and Or
- nninental Penmanship, Connuereial Csicuta
-' -Lions end Correspondence.
Hon. Vinial S. thekirson, Lecturer on Commer.
Mal Law and Politieni Economy.
Itanimm Baleom. Lecturer on ContractS,
• Promissori Mites and Bills of Exchange.
ger Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial
Ethics. , •
, ,
Hon. Slierinan D. Phelps, Wm. R. Osborn, Esq.,
Tracy R. Morgan; E-q. i -
The of this• College is to, afford to all
an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Bthsiness
Education. .
The Elo.ks and Farms are carefully arranged
by practicSr acciontants expressly .for this in
.stittition and embrace-all the recent improve
The course of instruction ifimpris,,es every
department, of bus'itess.• The learner will be
thoroughly taught -the, science and practice of
Double Entry Bokik Keeping as applied toihe
hirlowing kinds of business, viz: General .filer
chandising, nantilacturing, Bankitig, Contralti..
siert, titeamboaling, Railroading„ Forwarding.
Freighting, Foreign Shipping, &c • •
Ladies Departmrnt entirely separate. from
that of the gentlemen.
Studenik enter _College at any time and
receive indlitidtial initruction. By' this arlatige_
went every student is permitted to progress as
rapidly as his enterprise and ability will per.
mit, and when through, perfect- and complete,
will reerOu a Diploma which will enable him
io review at pleasure.
.Time to complete the course.-6 to 12 weeks.
No vacations.- Board $2 t 0 ,82,50 per, week.
For Book-Keeping, arcountant's course.
ine.udirrg Practical -Penmanship, Commercial
Cranputatiens and Diploma, (Time unlimit
ed,) • - - 6.15 00
Name couNe- for Ladies (separate) - 20 00
Penni•an t hlp and Arithinetie, - - Iti
,Teachers' course. in Penmanship, ( ) mai-
cal Ornament al , _ -'• •,- - 3b 00
Twelve lessons in Practical Penmanship. 2 00
Mr Occasional classes will •be formed in
Phorrograpir. For'tall particulars send for a
circular. . • oe I 3*- y
V HAT!FATAL sconirg,.,of the human.race
-11 Consumption—can now be prevented and
cnnED. with the same CERTAINTY as any.
other disclose. The new Remedy dissovered by
124.Chirreliiirof Paris, has performea more cures
Confirmed Consumption in a single veer t han•
clin:ber found in -the records of Medical-History .
in the gist century
''Read the .following Teslimonials.A .
led to
tic ea
~Tee as
• - PER
.I°3( d
Cure ofa. case in the Last Stage:—lf yoU want
facts, lean give them abundantly,' that thofiy
pophosphites is the 'only" Remedy that can curo
cm - sumption. -Read what Dr. Powers says :
J. WyccfrESTER, E-q.—Dear sir: I am .: .1 1 1 Ate,
pailiv, of thirty years practice, Western Now
York. My: hrSt. trial of the Hypephesithites was
'made 8 veer ago December, with - great success.
Miss IC.. aged . 25 years; This was truly a
hard tote. The patient had been pronounced a
consumpti‘'e for six years previous to the begin
ning-of the treatment. She evidentle was in the
3d and Last stage ;.tubercles, in the 2d stage in
each Lung ; several cavities in the Left Lobe.
showing, cavernous rates ; a most incessant
cough.; pitlee too frequerit and weak to count.
With these symptoms of confirmed Phthisis,
having no 'faith in any remedies .1 had ever he.
fore used, 'I wrote to you and obtained 3 bottles
of - the Ilypophn , phites.. Oh using one, her symp.
irons imprOved; and daring the -Use of the fifth
and sixth, Idle was strong enough to walk haft'
a mile. Froth then, up to this week, when I
saw her, she has been ut work: -
f the
on of
nn Uf
iTnia remarkable cure, I mu4t in candor., say,
was efreety4 by Ole tiYPOPIIIMPHITES.
GECIRGE R. POWER 14„ M.. 1).
CHINA, Wyoming Co., N. Y., March 12 1860
1 o ex.
if not
Is pitt
II the
i . .
jo the
The following letter from an old physician in
Chester !Co. must sitigfy ell who.have• - ever
doubted the•effustey of thin Wonderful Remedy:
-• CHATHAM'. 3d Dlonth, 26th. 1860. •
FnlEltl 3 . WINCHENiER: *. * Thin:y.l4X
PP - rinilii have obrained the medicine - from me,
twelve of which have been under my own care.
Five of them were. in , mv opinion. and the jutig
ment •of other physicians, hopeless cases of
Phthisii - -.irritable cough, copious expectorm
tions of a peruleashOracter, eight swats and
emacipation. These cases were. from one to
three years standing. Auseulation and percus
sion .developdd sounds. which; taken in connec .
ion with' ; other eynptoms, gave evidence of a •
condition fronyWhfch I have never, s in seventeen
years prectice. seen a single case recover by any
other treatment. • * * *_ - Under the treat.
meet of th e Hypophosphites, all the bad symp
lonla ceased; and they have gained 'flesh and
strength, and health—Slime of them better than
they had enjoyed for 'seven years previewely.
The other cases under my care wore in the
incipient stagetc, and in them - all symptoms and
traces of the dieense - hayed isappeared. Of theme
who were' mit - under my esre, I ha o not 'heard
of,a single patient who. did not express himsePi
benefisted by the use of .the Remedy ;. although
in some of theM•the disease was too far ad
vaneed tmadinit the possibility of recoitery.
I prestime I s m am skeptical in medicines, or
specifics.m as oat phyideians; yet, from the ex
perience 1 ha 4 had in the use Dr.l. F. Chltre
hill's-Remedy for Torberculosis, I would sac
toall w in have a tendency - to that disttase•-• . -Talt:e
i'; and the - sooner 'the better, heftire there is.
disorganization.. * *
• W. W. TOWNSEND, M. .
et, t+•
let '
' for
• Wm etelhOst ees G evict I tv ph oplit aro;
CER in every 'Asp% of CONSUNIP
'PION, and with Inv triable efficacy in all ,/:143
rangemmts 'of the Nervous and Blood Systeme,
General, Debility; Dyariepaia,,Asihma. Rickets,
Feuisie Colnplaints, SpermatOrrhea, in all alit
orderw dependent on - imperfect or impaired no
trition. and in all cases - of local or count Rational
debility.. They increase the nervous, or vital
energy:renal/I Cough, check Night Sweats, and
diminish Expectoration, inprove' the• appetite,
arrest promote - refreshing sleep; and
create new and Healthy Blood; - •
Patce--In 'lend 13 ounce bottles, 81 and 82.
Do not confound this remedy with the Phan
',betel or Chemical Food. ' :$e ware of 411 lare
p'smtions containing lion, the 'nee of which, :in,
'Conmumption, is pronounced highly dengernul
and erimi
t urEll .erninent medical , thori ty.
tiend for my new Circular. which givei, the
only reliable information in regard to Eta' um&
ill'a 'Treatment.. Inquire for • and mae \- only
Wticiinana!s%Ggitout3, Patresastoit." and
which may be tad rat alLrespeetable Drug.
And Wboleade and. Retail at' the sole•Geuerel
Depot in.tho United States. by' •
*jlyt] - •43 John. street,l3. - Y.
Fir Fir ielibiltßEL TURRELL, Piontrpee.
top ! oo * !)Cildes:a i lresidy Bold.
Ity.Friasak Crosby,
It tells you Hew to draw up Partnership Pa.
. - 1 2 pers and! gives general. forma
1 . for Agreements of all kind;
• • c'. ' Bills of Sale, Leases' and Pe
' • • Miens. .
It tens iOn.How to draw op Ronde and
_ • . fitortgageig, Affidavits, Powers
. of Attorney, Notes-and Bills
of Exchange, Receipts and Re-
It tells you The Laws' for the Collection of
Debts, with the Statutes of
•' • Limitatioriated amontand kind
of property Exempt: from Es
' ; ecution in every State. - '
It telli you How to make an Aisignment
properly, with forms tfi. Coin•
position, with Creditors, and
the Insulvent Laws of • every
State. • ' - • . .
It tells you The legal, relation existing be.
tween Guardian and _Ward,
.Master and Apprentice, and
• . • Landlord and Tenant. r•
It tells you What conatitates . Libel and
-- Slander, and_ the taw as to
• ' Marriage Dower, the Wife's
- Right in Property, Divorce
. . :and. Alimony. , . - - '• .
It tells you The Law. torliftehanie Lleil ‘ s in
• .., -,-.
every. State, and the Natural
' - - azation Laws of this country,
• ;
arid-how to comply with the
same. . . .
It tells 'you The Law ,Concerning Pensions.
. . • and how'to obtain one, and the
. ' Pre'Ecoption Lai, to Public
• - _ Lands.
It tells yisn The Law for Patents, • with.
. mode of prin -obtain
. ing . one," to rferences,
Assigninents' d Table of
u vn
• ' . ' Fees. - ` . * - -
It tells ion How to make your ;Will, and
how to Administer on an Es.
1 •., ,
` tate, with the law and,•require
ments thereof in every State.
It tells you Thu meaning of Law Terms in
• general. toie; and explains to
you the LegislatiCe, Executive
• and. Judicial Powers of both.
. • . the Gerkeral and State t'uvern.
It tells ion flow to keep out or Law, - by
how. to do' your bu-•
. • .sinews legally, thus saving a
vast advent ot property, and
. vexatious litigatieebrits time
' ly consultation.. ' •
Single copies will be sent 'by - mail, postage
'paid, to every Farmer, every' Mechanic, every
m,in of 13nsicies., and every body in every. State,
,iii receipt of 81.00, or id. law style of binding at
$lOOO A YE th can be made by enter
prising men everywhere, in lelhng the above
wart:, as our inaueements to' all such are. very
liberal. . • . -
Fur single copies Of the Bonk, or for- terms
to agents, with other information, im ply t o or
addresft . JOHN E PUTTER; Publ,sher,-
j.7m6.1 •• N 0. 6 .17 h 4 nriBn st a Phit'n l's.
What tberyboly. - Wants.
Professor Henry S. Taylor, N. D.
It tells you How to attend, upon the sick,
and how to cook for them; how
to priipare • Drinkit, Poulticet,
&c., and Itow to guard against
infectiorts froalCcutagious Di
It tells you Of the - various - diseases of Chit
. ' dren, and gives the beat aha
simplest • mode of treatment
during.-Teething, Cony ulsinni,
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