TRADE AND 'MANUFACTURES OF • PHILADELPHIA. • NO. XV,. 'rim cc GIFT 1100fi.94 p,2031 . . ..--,. In our article of last Saturday we, .re, 'business marked that, modern usineas . enterpris. is exhibited in a variety, of forma. Nnw4 ' this, of course, assumes the fact that there is,enterprise in trade, that pecuniary trans ; ' actions are large, and that meatitna.islic longer a promin e nt, essential, feature or a Monetary career. That these assumptionh are simply truth, the history, preient• eio. tent position of the gift book establishment of G. G. Evans, 439 Chestnut seet, Phif adelphia, is a sufficient proof. -E Mr, Evans not many years a • was a l : comparatively poor man and unknown per-, sonage. At his first entrance into thebu4 siness with which his name is Tuiw ideati-I, 'fled, he encountered _much ridicule wild -...opposition, his trade was styled!" illeglin:, mate," and he himself regarded; as little better than - ,a cunping charlatan. - But having, as we may fairly infer, a firm faith in his scheme and .in himself, and as full, of hope as of ingenuity, Mr. 'Evans. perSe= • vered, worked on through-""the day of small things," gradually mereas4d his•fa.i cilities, became- known, was fairly fixed; and-has become at last thoroughly inc.; . . = - cessful. We have especial pleasure, .is the repre-, ...., sentative of a Philadelphia journid, in- call; ing attention to Mr. Evans, becairse coma-; mercially at least, he is a thoroukh Phila delphian. He has branch houseS in other; ;cities; but his headquarters are in our orrii;, beautiful metropolis. He has resisted all,' allurements to remove his establishment - elsewhere, and has determined to settle]' himself permanently in Philadelphin.;---1, Having_purchased the building he at pres,l . - mit occupies, at a cost of *5Q,009 (a fire`` Story iron structure), and havingLinvestedl several thousands - of dollars in improve- ) meats, (such as the spiral. stairca4e in the, centre anclthe "dumb-waiter," used for. conveying books from oue story to •- thei, other) he considers himself as ideated, 1,6.-1 nally. In' the basement is the "stOre room"; ' of the establishment ; here several hundred! - thousands of volumes are kept constantly] on hand, in piles extending fronilthe floor to a - height of several feet. Literatureis i here measuredhy the pound, andiluform,4- thin meted out by the square foot. With i the first floor, or sales room, Wei SlippOie II that most of our 'Treaders are practically ; acquainted. It is. thirty feet in *idth . 11 y, , one hundred and thirty deep ;- the Shelve s and counters are well stocked with boq4s of all sells, Sizes and prices, front ;91.90 upwards indefinitely. We should judge that in this sales-room there must', be fully one thousand shelves, or rather divisions of shelves, each containing from 'fifteen do .twenty volumes. This computati Hisses elusive of the numerous works in i e giais r. case to your left, as you enter, ;ad • also ; those on the counters_ in - the cent e.. In front of the counters is a show'wise-COii_-_ taming specimens of the various gifts dis pensed, and at the back is the apiirtment from whence the presents are distributed by the appropriate person. Directly. be hind this runs, or rather winds, the spiral staircase, which conducts you to the sec ond story. Here we were showna large closet where-the major part of the jewelry is deposited for safekeeping. Here also we were shoii-n the "letter register". and the mail bags... Hundreds of epist r)lary or ders are received and their contents noted weekly. , Several mail 'bags are in daily _ use; a perfect post office on - a scale of con: . siderable magnitude is here conducted in its various branches ; over $10,003]. worth of orders is sometimes received in a siiede week; and Monday's mail alone amounts occasionally to several thousand 'dollar& The books are sent in packages=ibe gifts are forwarded hy letter.. In the second story is also located the room of Mr. P.' A. Abel, the‘ adYertiAng agent, Mr. Evans, it is almost needless to remark, advertises very- heavily. Per haps no one in this country, with -.the ex- 1 ception of Mr. Bonner, of the New York Ledger, equals or excels him in this 'Par. ticular. Over $50,000 a year is paid out by him to the various journals, both of eit,V and country, throughout the -Union and through Canada.. 'Oftentimes wh_ble col umns, occasionally whole pages oflinfluen dal newspapers are occupied by his•adver- tisements. *1,500 was once , paid' for a single notice in the Weekly Tribune, and advertisements at the cost of several hun dred ollars have not been uncornmon. ; And we may here remark'et that the liberal newspaper of such shrewd bu- ' siness men as Robert Bonner and-G. G. Evans, are alike the prime causes [,of their . astonishing success, and the best proof df, the great importance, the immense advari-, , tages, the absolute necessity of free; fiber . al and generous advertising,, in ; making the public acquainted With your husiness,-, and foreleg them, as, it were, to pnrchase: .- In addition to-his dealings with news- i papers the proprietor of the establishment' we to-day describe, publishes - a vast nun---'1 ber of "catalogues." We were told that, nearly a thousandcatalogues are distribu- , ted daily, and that in Hertnon s y street near', Fourth a large number of females are kept ' constantly busy upon these 'catalogues alone., This kind of advertising amounts annualy to nearly"sl2,ooo. , Selling books is the speciality of this es tablishment ; but a considerable amount -,.. Of publishing is likewise attended: to. Mae! of T. S. Arthur's and Ingraham'* • works, with many others; hare been i - sued by this ; house. Several triouSalid dollars have been paid to, Mr. Ingraham for his popular series of scriptural roman ces, and other authors have experienced Mr,Evansliberality. Over fifty-six works have been already published by hinit Some . volumes, such as the Memoirs of the 'Cel ebrated Houdin, have had. *an enormous sale; on au average two :popular new hooks are got our by, this establishment each week, editorial copies of which are distributed from Maine to. California. I Some publishing houses, aye understand, regard, or affect to consider, Mr. Evans is an outsider, in respect to the trade, as do- ~ ing a not strictly legitiniate business, and i Alley, therefore, as a rule, "taboo" hispub- -isalth and ?are 114 " 1 "" mP erabie ' -ni tet , all fromimtloft" blood. andieations. This, we thint, to b azunwiimut:se:6T ntillereasohyandoutCourse, originating-in mistaken views.- l ana cleaner theseimpuritiestom tiro system that aee This praise, at least, can be' awarded . to 1.....4. ttut: ISO simple and innocent are the plants and the volumes which emenate from .439 it herbs that ea raPose than. US it la-aot "COMM' to hats , 1 Chestnut Stregt ,They are all of a sound themtit eager " In order 2 6 th" the stomachs can near moral tendency, are well printed on good ii=or yiti most Zte.hei, pill. ' sug ar SO' mai coated beeauste the paper,' and are strongly and elegantly I; Taidar.._ _time otherwise a delfoge ei 42l could iii 4-. bear ;an bound. Many of Olen are. ei fi et l y pun . r .„. TWIN Pills deal moth disi . as 11.:1B. and Win 110 t, ode and American ; the lives of liirebstet 1 ..... . 6 °V. ,r b 7 removing the curse; bat rill bald rip Ise Clay, Houston tte.; written by the most. :7 -- the bn;kell ctatatita t! ° m T . t* are wall who ~ ~are so trilled, with - their constitutims that they think popular authors. - . .. i medicine cannot help them Oa lot even:these despair. The remarks which we made hi OW M. I iscrdollty and iseeptleism are overthrown b' &masa of tide of Saturday last, in relatio n to' th e il testfmoti which Is troll . :At first the virtues gift' 'business -carried on 1 Granville !!!'"eribedi° the" simmudii 6 .. b Pine were long deem stokes, appiy ‘with eq ual truth to t h e n .ii; iledfibukaL ampleWiliam so often decayed they feature .of 3fr &ante e stablishment.ii7 il mod ath betels the l'eeLltheox:4bY their 415, , __, • with .. ...., .„ e coveter. Yet has saftliihde. attested Zvi witnesses or 'preikii given WA 440 Itt:rfUllell purchased tbehOist charactarasd natilfst, have proted, ail diminishes the amount ofthe post, but 1 lisPr'"ing each 4174bvitrillifie of Ms mi g ht y heider , crews litg- iLI 11. Wadi Jaw th en i n e. ,I TINT Mit bitisitabwooits powa asd. dicer a mew ber igo the • tait- total g ift i, els is 32?'!..adtet• Sad elay Is Nostra's by , ' i .law -- . - •. , ft IL SAM 0 DSO. beats a certain Sued '' ropOrtion to the to tal value of the vol es with which they are distributed ; and by I making ; all his e purchases iit - whol e and for cash, and therefore &imply, he is enabled to sell his taioks at a fair price, "ve a gi ft with - each book, and yet gain a • aying pro fi t; The presents are chieflyje, elryand watChes— , . the majority procured from New _York and the East,-but are i proportion rib, ii tabled from Philadel tua jewelerik Over 560,000 worth of gol. and silver watches have Been given awa in a few months-- gold watches watehes as. high as $lOO, silver ones upwards 0f105, - .and a great variety of mi nor jewelry are comprised: in the .collec-. Lion.. . . - The yearly expenses of the great , gift. book establishment of Philadelphia are, as may be supposed,•enorpouS. Twenty-five l hands (whose wages and salaries amount I to over $350 a week)i l are employed—but 1 this is a mere trifle w en we _consider the Money amivally efpeded for the buying of hooka by the hund i eds - ind .. thousand s from•other publishe . (this item reaches hundreds of dollars d "ly,) then the expen ses incurred for pape printing and bind ing its own paiblicati ns, I (these, amount' teseveral thousands f dollars per week,) and last but not least; the annual cost of the jewelry pur as gifts, (which av erages many thousands of dollars month -IY.) It is evident, also, tat the yearly-busi ness to meet ttiese ch rg,eS must hkeivise be Yery heavy. Two hundred packages t i of books are forwarded to their various :destinations betwe,ee sunrise and sunset. "Literally thousands of volumes are sold every twenty-fou hours. A locXl trade, i l averaging.s2oo per day, is carried on at the, counter, while the transactions by • mail and eipress with all parts of the Un it and North America, amount to many ti es this sum. The I annual business. is estimated at nearly three-quarters of a million ofdollars. [ • • - . In'conclusion, we can endorse Mr. G. G. Evans, for three.- reasims. This business is; as far as the world in general and -our— selves in particular can judge, legitimate in principle and honimiable in practice,— He is a man of undoubted and proved en-- ierprise---one of the h ost "moving" men in this go-ahead centary. Lastly, he is the head of a Philadelphia house which far excels (in connection with - its two branch ' es in Boston and- Baltimore) any store- of the kind in braggart New York, and is in fact the great 'gift book establishment ' of the world. r .11OLLCINAT'S :OINTMENT AND PILLS. - - .T . he idea that e .ancet- -is incum,bler cannot be entertained by perScins'who hare wit. ness . ed the -effect of these. remediea- on this .terribic,disease. The Ointmentpenetrates the, substance of tile cancer, and teaches its minute ramifications !in thciiifiesh, checking its progress, and gradually re storing the parts affected to a somid con dition, the acting upon the blood as a powerfnl,rdetergent, destroy the seeds of the-malady in the - circulation. The tetimony . on this head is abundant `and:conclusive. • • TOE Ancric VQVAGER.—Petersen, the :Artic voyager, who , accompanied Dr. !'Bane and Captain McClinto - ek's*Arctic ex 'pedhions, and whose 'services services are hand sornelY alluded to by Dr. HaVes in his "Arctic.Boatjourney," is now living in a small village near Copenhagen. His wife - half-breed Esquimaux, and. is totally blind. - Petersen has. been' cordially re , ceived by the "Icing.of Denmarlf since his return, and has given', by request, con versational lectures before gedgraphical and - other Focieties. • . . Hon. 3 ereni ialti S. Black, Attorney- General of the United Stat es, is spoken of in connection with the vacancy upon the Supreme Bench caused by the death of Judge Daniel. . Poirriox of GEN. SCoir .—Lieut: den. Scott, who is at AV,shington, has :mow eed hiinself in favor of the Constitutional Union nominations at Baltimore. • Notices; D . EMOCRTAIC CLUB!' The Susquehanna County Democratic Club Meets..every 3fonilav evening at their 1 1,room, over-the store. Of L N.,l3Ullard, in Montrose. All are invited to attend.- '3l.embershipfree D. BREWSTER, • 21IOND ;J am , EVENING. 429 Fire Company - N0..2. will meet Monday erbning, June 25th, at P. INL Nomina tion of officers. .1 . . J. W. P. RILEY, Forernon.' S. 111.-Wimsos,-See. f - _ APPOIN.TMENT.-R:r. •N. DOOLITTLE Rill preach in the Universalist Chu. ch, in 31Qptrose, -- con Sunday !the 24th inst . ..ut the usualbonrs.• - • t... , ONYENTION, OF • S9IOOL DIRECTORS.— ' The Committee oil Text-Books will report to the Convention to oinsist of one, delegate froth each Board in therCounty„ on Fri day.the 29th day of J4ne at 2 o'clock p. m. at the Court-House ii Montrose. • . By order 6f Cointnittee.. • ItexicAN mturroto Lninottrr. Barinale, virtue alone could .insure the success which this article has'attained. F.orilthenniatiem, Salt Rheum, Barns, Bruises StiffJointa orldaida, Sprain, poll Evil. it 11 3 weltnp upon Ilo6es, it hat' no equal. .14 person will •be without it WhO has once tested its value. ", And with reference - to the general eathiaidon i of the ithstang . Lint pent; I can choeitally say thatno article ever performed leo many cares in oar iicighlapthood as this. L. W. Smith, illdgefield, Conti. , S. Leikkrosq. Ilyde Park, yt. writes, " tha v te borne was considered wirthlese, (his case was the but _ free nee of the Liniment- I have ° at t i t d Vfa. Your .nee Is doing wonders up here." Such testimony is reaching its every day- The halfla not told. Every family sbonld have; it. BeVirs of Imitations.. The genuine Liniment la-aold by all respects ble dealers throughout the world. Jn BARNES it PAO: Prpit-Wore, New Tork. • Coictintormat, read thehdierthiement orDr. Churchlre . Ilymihosphites or Lime and spda, on 4th pap. • . . • . pl-fitfisil-4104 41.1; it r .•;: litOS 10 , .TRE ; . . 4 i 4311.. IFLIC r.. • - STANDARD ILT:MgDIES bf thopiosent oge, have acqatreii *kir yeti. yepulasity' veli qirooibleors of Wit. , Unbounded oulabetloo ronbarS Mop all awe. ',IIOOPLAIMEI GERMAN: 'BITTERS Liver Ciressieart._Lrirveinar. grain* Nerreas Witty. Losesees of Mdse.. sad all'iLereore made; from a dl4rierwl liver, or weak eau of the Stomach s .ad Dyeitive Organ, ' era ranni7 'oisme Mali mil; min mu l Ail mu Alp Alllt lier oar Masa= /Or proof. Pascit, Mardi pie Beitla Hoofland'slalsathic Cordial , Cosiki . , Oalda, at Blariil2•l6, irttwebttL. lethteass. , Weep, ItAsesesie; lastpleit Counuapthei, sad has terttrated the moat at adeatikdAe curCaraenr Itame ciaNymnizzi colufuitrrzoN. As a Illirthete Catillai it is nneviAlhei Puce, Te mite re• bottle. 1100FLAND1. GERMAN . PILL , beinirwell knows threinghout E and America - swede no connaeodation here. They ate ; purely vlzitetablo, am prepared ,with great imagine*. and*, itagarcoatcd. No better Cathartic Pill can - be found. per box. • These *allergies are• prepared. bb Dr. C. M. JAVISON 4c, Philidelpida,'Pe., and St. Lodi, Ma, and are sold by druggist.' and dealers In Medicinal imerywhire. The gig. natant of, C. Wilmot! will be 04 the outside or each bAtii or bog. .. in our .Igrerybodles Almanac," ptibllebed annually, you wilkboti 1 testimony and commendatory notice. from air pine or the country. Theme Alsot4ca are given away by all oar silentb b".nhl in Montrose by ABEL TITARELL, Agent Moffat'i lligh a. envied celebrity whichthis rive-eminent medielni , bairacqltiretifor invariable eilleacy in ill diseases it professes Ito cure, has rendered the uspal piactice or ostentatlons pittEing not only unneces sary, but Unworthy of them. They; are known by their fruits; their good works testify forltbetn, and they thrive not by the Stith of the credulous. Di all cases of costive ness, dyspepsia, bilious and flyer affections, plies,-fevers and, agues rheumatism, obstinite Iteadachea ; and general derangemeCts of bealthithese Pills 'tare invariably proved - a certain and speedy remedy.- A 'Seigle trial will place the LIFE-PILLS beyond the reach of etimpetiti.on Si the e'l.l - of eery patient Dn. MOFFAT'S BIT rERS will bp found to be equally efficacious 'in all cases of Oyipepsia, headache - , nervous debility, stances Incident to females In delidate health, and every kind of. weakness cirthe digestive organs. For sale by Da. W.- B. MOFFAT:I3S Broadway, N.Y..ali by medicine dealers and clruggiste kenerillv throughout the country. aecli ly 6m• O Important to Females. , zlM, Cheeserpan's•Pills. The combination of ingredlenta in the' s' e Pills are the result of a long and extenstve practice. They' are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, pain fulmenstruitions,removing all. obstritctions, whether from Cold or otherwise,' headache, pain ih the side, palpitation of the heart,whites, all nervous alrecttana, hysterics,fatigne pain in the bark and limbs, dlsturkied' sleep, &co which arise from interruption Of nature. c DR. C.II.ESE.WAN:f. PILLS wothe commencement of a new era in the trwitment of thosiirregularitles and Ob structions which have consigned so many thousands of the young, the beautiful and beloved to ti:rP.EXASUILZ. GI:CAVE. No fcmale can enjoy good health nnlhs she is regular, and Whenever an obstruction takes -pia,* the general health begins to decline. - . .7))?. CHE.ESEMAN' t 3 PILLS' aSe themoist elfecinal remedj everknowntor all complatatipemillar to Female*: To Mix-lasses theyare tnvalnahle , indu cing , with certainty, periodic:id re ' ynilarity. Th ey are !maim to thousands, who have used - them at different periods, throughout the coun try. havinglhe sanction of some of the most eminent PAY ricians in America. "Erplleit direction, elating when. #nd when tha should not be used, with each flux—the•Prit* one dollar p:1 - Lox containing o,to pills. • Pills sent by mail, promptly, by tr i pelos INg. s prlce to the 'Goners! Agept. For sale by Drnggiaeu generally. IL B. iluTclirsOs, General Agen, 20 Cedar St.. N. I% Dr.J. Tunkhannock,a4d ASELZURRELL, llonlrOse. Agents.. r .my3o ly YThe following is' a sample of the numerous lettars cow:tautly, receiving .or fostetter'e stomach Bitters; Camindaqya, July 15tirlit9. Menrs. 11 . 64e1f.;:r 4: Smith. Pitt.4lrg, Pa.--Genta : As we are strangers . , I herewith enclose ron twenty-eight del has for four , dozen Hostetter's stomach Bitters, which 0 , 0.4 foiward rt. Mohican Soathor. Railniad s Toiodcr, Oltio.-and Clii:tton station. I have ptlrchased several doz en bottles at Toledo this summer, bdt the sale is on the increase co lunch that I wi,b to opeh a direct trade with volt. I was induced to try your Bitters-by my physician for the Liver complaint, itra received such material aid that Lhav,etecommended It to others and have sold about two dozen per week cot some time. t 4 I have all kinds of medicine In my store. but there is tone that I can so cheerfully recommend as your Bithos, for 3. know they have helped me beyond my expectatiim. Yours resly, . Sold in Montrose by A..I)EL TLRIAELL-, Iglarriaos. In Jes Sup, .July 14th, by J. - Baldwin, Esq., Mr S: RonEnTs, iof Jessup,. and. Miss .Minrna LEONARD, of Rush. -At Great Bend;on Wednesdarthe 13th inst. by the' REY. J. R. .31'q'reary, Mr. PE TER SMITH,,and Miss..JANA V. 13..tnikk,n, both of Great Bend, Pa.; President On the 6th inst,.of con u nption, Mrs. 31Any AN.ST, - wife of Asa E. Townsend, of Franklin, in the 261.11- year tifher age. On the 14th • inst. in Franklin, FREDER ICK, son of David and Helo M. Todd, in - the 9th year of his age. . - • Mr.. ELLTAU NEWTON, tri,e oldest inhab itant of tedyard, New.Lohdorr co. Conn. died in that place bn Thur.. Way June 13th, aged 93 years.. His wife, tv . ::hose age is the same, survives him. .On the first day of May the aged couple celebrated the 73d anniversary of their marriage day. - gein 4h(ertitmtuts. . • C: O. FORDHAM, 10FA*7.qCTURilior BOOTS 4 SHOES. Montrose, .1.7.2. Pa. Shop over Wer's store 4 'AU kinds, of work made to order, and repairing done nfatly. ' Je2lyl.. CASH PAID FOR WOOL! ;,. PY • • ' Ayer ...g ap:l, June 1.1, IBC4'. 17710G1L4PHS,ARTIST'S fly - REPAINTS; Brim/L -.IJ ea ed .. Mkt! 6x.,e., if new apply , ELL. just re ceiv - alordrosi, jlune 21. IM ..OIEL TURR . - .4 , . " f None4i. to tioildem. mug Sa6ol Directors of Lenox tkkwnshtp will receive -I. proposals fur building a School house near Aaa HOW ard's, until the last Saturday in Jttn4, at which time they will contract with the lowest and heat bidder, at theplace where said house is to be built- riiie, form, and finish to be like a new one near &tinsel Roland. June 14,1860. • ' Wif..V. TINVLEY, sees , B.D. - REMOV4L. Dr. 3p..a..exPrXlC32r.. y r AS MOVP:i bls OFFICE to aroma on Turnpike !tree, .1 - 1. in rear of P.ost Bros.' store—lately occupied by Cooper & Co:as an exchange otlacp—a very elliblelobliou, ended' excellent place to receive moneyls , u offered) on old 'se aman!. • • fie may be conetilted at all bolirs in the day, when not absent On professional cells. ' . VW' attention _given to tteatment of dioceses and deformities of tbe.MW CLUB FRIYT,- - and all out:ice' operation.. aforilrvse , June IN-6to, CALLAT. THE .. CAR.. IF you tram it good PICTURE ; CHEAP - cell at the Ca: 1..0n the °tem Riving] oat reartuell'irom the city with alarre assortment of - P/C7C , R,C CASEB. I am now setlingthem'at nth prices u toinakb it an .obJeet for any one h.lng:a pkture, to ewe me a ttel beforegotng else where. • • .; F. D. INOOD. Montnrse, Arne 5, ' tf ' • • rtz 2 9- WOOL. . . D. 1411:11.140P, PlentiNese; WOOD iT9:42 11 7.17D 4 r 7111#,S 0171027 . . .. - .1 ~catl~~: =CZ N', - El7: - ,71 .- ;. - BOOBS! AT TOE t Y. BRICK-STORES igutipberg, Ilosenbaum, . AT Nontrose, & Susq'a Depot, Pa , The undersigned have provided themselves with a SPl.,lini D. ASiORTMENT SPRING &SUMMER GOODS! theywhich boakt of being the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST hi thi l kettoo or ottotry. They also flattet themselves met they hive the beet beilltles of obtalulas ' . • stoobs-$l - rs4 from thr.',llarket, and are determined not to to undersold b any flan ttila aide of New 'York city. In regard to READYMADE;CLOTIIING • we woad say that being to this largely at 24 Ley StreetiNew.Yerk . we min offer the publielargaltut not surpassed by any re- tail dealers In this section, as.we sell here at retail prl- Mt AS cheap as those Who go to New Volt and purchase at 'wholesale and then bring them bare and, have to make a profit over that which they have already paid themselves. Call and see nem; we will prove the fie*. Outtliberg - ,llostnbaum . Monroe, At. :lime 141h,1860. ABEL. TURRE - LL_ - T_l - ASlnet returned from selecting and phirclussing and is now receiving one of the Largest and best stock of it • ever Offered in this market. The quality of nearly eyer.p thing good ; all warranted as represented as represented. Terms: Ready Cash and Law Priem A general idea of the stock may be formed from the followinplaumeration: DRIMS, :Scoters:co, CHEMICALS,. Pamrs, Ono,. VARIiISIIIM, SFR:DOW GLASS, DYE STEW'S, Geocentes, CIIOCKERT • . BURMA, CLOCKS. WALL PAVER, WINDS , PAPER, WIND'W OIL SUADIS,YANCT GOODS, Musical Instruments. Lamps, Jewelry, Perfumery, ,Stime Ware, Brooms. Brushes, Whips, Unibrel's Bird Cages, Pocket Knives, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, 'Liquors, Trusses, Supporters; • Shoulder Braces,. , port MOODS'S, Spectacles, Silver & plated Spoons, Forks, .&c. Gold pens, Stationery, . Violin; Guitar, Bass-Viol Strings. Lithographs, porcelain Teeth, Artist's Tube paints, Brush apps, Also some Dry Goods, Wooden Ware, hard and japanned. Ware, Fluid and Oil Cans, Camphine, Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, lamp, tanner's, neat foot, lard, olive, castor, boiled and raw linseed Oils, White Lead, Zinc, and all ' kinds of colored paints; Vine gar, Canary Seed, also all the plapularYATENT htEDl and Other things tdo numerous to mention. It is fin:practicable to give more than a general outline -of my stock through the newspapers, every. one wishing GOODS ii invited to call and examine. Customers on entering' the store must not expect to find every thing in sight but nearly every article wanted will, be - produced by inquiry. • - Thankful for the liberal patrowe hitherroi received. ho hopes to merit a continuance and large increase of the same. ABEL TERRELL. Montrose, June 5,16t0. W GOODS ! EVAN% 'tt HAVING enlarged and remodeled their Store, have the pleasure of informing their numerous customers that they arc now ready to allow the best assortment of • CLOCKS, WATCHES, SILVER WARE, FIGITED WARE FAN , I' GOODS, - *GOI.II CU Tea l'rays,Brpastpia%,Fiap-r-ritspa, Hair Pius, Ex.trai.2%, QI 'y soap, Okr. air... • - • in this part of the State., They have just - returned from New York with h fall and ostensive assortment of goods In their line, which they have .purchased for of the manufacturers and Importers, and they flatter themselves they can oiler inducements both in style, variety and.nri. ces, notto be equalled west ot .Netv -rbru. peterunnon to keep up with the progress of-the age, they 7 have added to their tvuortreent many articles not previously kept agen eral utility and beauty. Thanking the community for the liberal patronage heretofore - received, they would solicit a continuance and increase of the same. Binghamton. May WM, 1860. SPRING" STYLES NOW READY AT GREAT BARGAINS! Rea y Pay and Small. ,Profits! ix. - 33 - Erptxti3sars • Is now receiving a full and choice stock o f SPRING. & SUMMER lODS, TNCLUDL.SGI a great variety of rich Prints to New-styles, Ginghami.Bnlliants, Lawns, Challies, Silk Dret'S 'Tis; snes and Bareges; Black, Fancy, and - Foulard Silks, very low; Poplins, &c., with a Superior Assortment of Silk, Bryche, Cashmere and Stella Shawls; Mantillas. Dusters, Parasols, Hoop Skirts. Rich Ribbns, Bonnets and Flow ers, Broadeldtbs, Casahneres, &unmet... Sul l y; &c., with - a large assortment of other ..STAPLE & FANCY GOODS As usual, in Groceries. Crockery, Hardware, Iron Steel, Nails, Stoves, Drugs. Paints, Oils, Fluid. Boots WA Shoes, Hats and Caps. Clocks. Carpeting. Floor Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Painted Window Shades, &c.. C -2, 17 The entire stock being large and bought for cash, anttlargely from manufacturers, and first hands, will give superior opportunities for cholce.selections and low-down prices, and will be sold on the must favorable terms fur cash, produce, and to Prompt Six-nionths• buyers. An examination of the Goods and price will be found profit able to those who wish to buy. •-- B. Flour and Salt cohstantly on hand. NEW MILFORD, May 31, ISSO. ' News! . News.! • HAVY You HEAED. The.NEWS? -IVIIATINEWSI TIM:At THAT-d. L. )IERIITMAN is :COW BECEIVING IV direct from New York, another of,ltiaehoictt stocks of embracin' in the Dry Goode line, de Laing, Challis, man tillas, Silks. Poplins, Prints, etc., etc—etc, as well u a full _ stock of Domestick, each as summer cloths, for men and boys' wear, Shirting's, Tickings, Denims,; Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp; Ruts, etc. Groceries—a full assortment:, ; Fish—Mackerel. Trout, Whitefish. Codfish; and Herring. Hardware, building materials, Nails, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils. Dyestuffs: Heady-made Clothing, theltftirk/1111111thip WARRINTED. Hats. Caps and Bonnets, of the latest style. Boots and shoes, worth from 12%c to 0. In fact almost every variety of Goods usually inquired for satiny country store can be found at the EXCHANGE, and It is the armof theproprietor to make inch disposition: alas Goods that neither his suee,ves nor his patrons will unoe.w." J. L. 711E8t3LMAN. '- Upsonrille, Pa., Jtme.l64.lkoo,—tf • ESEN CEIPS • TAR AND. WOOD NAPTRA • - klltatt2l, • Is the best edkine in the corld for the airs Coughs and Cede. Croup, - Bronchitis, Asthma, Diffieult Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart. • For the rette/41 pattesits its mfreneed awe! Consumption together with all Disfiasese. of the Throat and Chest and which . predispose to Consumption It areas - me root erlisame, and makes thefell • . etatroyerruceumb Us isvlusnoe. It alsoproda. _ as free expeeamsaim, inducer WWI., action , me &mad. Mucous 2Lorobrans atid tiseuee. Ii is prettied/ minpredlto the militia . : ', mire of - MUCK& • , 044.110ie Pf invaluableWlTUF often Ora caeca ,tte mh sengdue seana e e m rs p kep tn , A w L h s ch t c h ts e Ps f t,fruk -• unfur l Ilea c M r aury Moth read mat 'isvate'se in . eseowe t Useawry •. • . Bronchial 'illections.- - Pries efl ammo" Dora. Premered only by Dr. 4. ESENWEIY...smd adrift , ' A: knienwein, re Oa. N. W. corner Wand POPLAR amp, - PULwra. aaiss mAileigo.fesr• Alt& ..4"grin H . ' .. -'''.. • 'TII --, BE -111111111-- To' SE:-11UNG s;•' - '.. - o Blttigitsccitt; and CLEANiUP, • lks) tirte ready for the BANOINO,aa Main be witnessed everyday In the Week [Llundajd eleeptedlby Milliq at the I,lloltr°B6 .hook Storeis, ARID WA, .- ~_ . - • RAL . PIC PEIR, 43 CPOT: .. - . . aidpurcluulng of A; 21", &Maid enciugh cheapline tented wallpaper will' which to.hcig all your rooms. i - • Jatitilecelved s --- .' - • • - - - WALL iFfAP ER • BY TUE CORD.: .-. Atthelikintrosel3ookStote: 12i7 e 4,11 Paper, • - • • 1 - BYTILE - tOpo Rottl‘, • - - At A. O. DULLARD'S. , *ALL PAPERpd BORDRIS br ilia /o ' ooo YARDS, r Atilse:Wayl-- aptti Dejsot: "j . f; . . • Wail Paper from 5 to3o eta r Ro ll , and splendid border: from Veto bets pr yard. W i Paper Bordering, Window Curtains and Fixtures ellesper than the same styles and• qualities tan be bought for. any other place in or but of mcettrose,a.Oß TUT. RU Al DY. , . N. .BUI.I.ARD., ALSO-A new andla_rge a ortment of:SCHOOL hooks and STATIONERY, ..tattneous Boob and TA ATEE NOTIONS too numerous to mention; all of which Will be sold upon the principle that the "nimble sixpence"ils far better than the "slow abillint," by • - . Montrose, May 91, IWO. - -' " A. N. BULLA RD.ULL.N.D • ' I.a r .:41.1") FAS i . i r • , . HAVE YOU, HEA D THE NEWS t . . MISS.-4. - - dOLLIER; • • HAS JUST, • AII,RiVED isMontrose, and toested.on thestng r street, first door aboin the residence of Win L Post, wh she hu dimmed a stock of • ;1 . 5 An 111 .11 1 1117: — &DD c l,, - :- unsurpassed In beautyaichnetia, and mate, and laprei to` supply the Ladles of ttds tzlinty with latest . „ PARISIAN, AND CITY 4 TYLE OF , BONNE .. TS,' , Ribbons, Laces and all the trimmings usuilly found in a first clue millinery establiahmeut, at prices surprisingly' low. Bonnets cleaned. pretad- trimmed in- Styl es most besuttfuland in an eat new mode. .. DU nag 1 • , l ied . I am P repared to fit the Lad es with dresses ; I ifti well sunlit with styles .t patella the latest and most unique. Montrose, Nay 17, MO. ' . • A:COLLIRR. - DR. - BLAtItMAN,i 14AY BE 'FOUND for some rnontlis to come, at MRS. BARD'S near by the METHO P IST CHURCH. .It is very desirsiblr. that all indebted would be so kind as to ,--- but hold ! !Mr. Printer I It is °Slade ture to enlarge upon a suble_ct• so distasteful and rephlslve to most people. Montrose, May 16th, INO.tiar T subicribers having re ted the establishmerit for merly owned by Keelerut the Salt Spring In Franklin,. are_ prepared to take WOOL , ter manufacture Into CLOTH; FLANNELS, 3c.,. on sluwea,i or by the . yard, to 'tuft our customer's. A quantity of all-wool clot ir on band to exchange for wool, on fair terms. A word to the wise and prudent. Our customers may. rest that cloth made at *our establishment ig not compOses of old raga, dust, arid the many other worthless materigs, glued, -pasted, and pies-. tered to g ether as is the great mass with which the country Is burdened. ' r ~ Wool ; cording and Cloth-dressing in their season. executed with despatch and ncatness,-as usual, at'!` and let live" priCes. " Quantity of good Lath.kept icashaud and . mri . de to order. Irted • • I[ la expatea that paymentiwill be made, In all easea, when the wbrk is delivered, In; cash, or salable produce. 200 V, good clean grease wanted In exchange. ~ • N. B.—People.comink from a. distance with wool, can hare it cased to take home with them at the time. i • 1). 11. likk:LEit. .' May Bth, 1860.-8 M JOHN BEAUMONT. • _ • GILA.I3IO,IING 9 2s HOME. PITCII-F0111(.. MANUFACT'I) BY S. BULLOUK. THIS VALUABLE, IMPRO VEMENT posselises roans- imnortant advantageS over all 'Other Forks, stnong.whirfi are the following : The tines being allowed to drop to discharge its load, the tilting Of the handle, as in other forks. IRWed; hence. hay can be unloaded with the utmost tacit Ur and ease into sliedi win dows or beneath purline beatuK and other places tehere other Horse'Forks cannot be aked. It can in abidance be managed with ,- ..;:satter'ease [had nnv other Horse Fork. -It in equally adapted to 'narking. With this Fork, a ton of hay tufty be 'unloaded in from .9 to 7 minutes. Its 9implii . .4y. dttrabllity,..and perfect operation. ai well as comparatively, trilling expense, recommends its ti=e to the farmers pi oar country. \ A. B. DickissrAr. Deckledlvlthe nest lam actina htedwith.—A. E. EAST. . A %minable and labor facjng Improvement. - J. ItaraidnE, Genesee Seed St . ,__ ...../Ei., Genesee Seed Store. It POSEeSS9 * several advantskes over the Horse-Fork .tommonly used. It will prove a wonderful labor saving michine. a be lieve whereter tried it will be fpund prolitable.' by, J.OIINPON, Gepeva: Unloading hay at the barn 13,t horse power is such a sim ple operation that it'seems wonderful how a sensible man' can continue the exceeding hard labor of lifting it a fork , hal at a time in the stilling - heat iof a July afternoon.—N. T. Tribune i . 1.. , , The best apparatus for unloa ing bay we are acquainted with.—Genesee Farmer. • I Gadding's , Horbe Pitch Fork Is one of the labor saving' machines which will pay to purchase.—Frairie Framer.- Unldading in'a barn by means of a Horse Pitch becoming quite cm:ninon-in smite sections of our tountry, and will bepiacticed -every whkre as soon as the farmers understand the operation. ' Thy invention of C. E. Ceding is the beat we have seen in opemtion.—Ame. Agriculturist C. E. Gadding has constincted ti,Foris which after a late trial we are Batibiled is an important improvement—Alba ny Cultivator . OW" The above testimonials are selected from many, the signers being generally known is distinggished agricultu .rists All who have seen - it dperite, agree in the above' opinion -of its merits This Fork has taken the First Pre. miumat evict Fatty' to which It bad been exhibited. in eluding the State Fairs of Penn lvania and New York for 1858: and New York, Illinois, ichigan. and United St's Fairs at Chivagotor 1859, and Many county Fairs. ! Forks. R.ope. and Polk)!, l< id State and County Rights for sale, by i `STEP/MN BULLOCK., , Agent, - •, Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford.Connty, Pa: . ' C. D. LiTHIWP, Vontrose, ltegeilt for Sueq'a Coptity. ATTENTION, . • L I'HIS CELEBRATIO MACHINE ;has A. taken the First Premium 't various public trial,i, and is uneicelled by any other ma hine in the country. Ali who use it, ipronounco it a p Gtable, and labor-saving machine. Those unakquainted v . with its waitte..are referred to Latham lardner , John Harr! , ton. and F.M. Williams, 3 . Dridgewate • Stanley Stanley Lake ; J.. M. Wallace, Dimock ; T. P. Phlnney,Dundaff ; F . /Mb:icy. N. Milford;: S. D. Townsend, dirookirn.'and others who use them. For machines, or prticulars, apply to ' I • myn ;tm 1 C. D. LATHROP, Agent, at-Montrose. FRICtS , Wltl ORIGINAL ONENICE STO HAYDEN BkOTHERS 9 - - NEW itllLittillt Di , Pa., '. l 'ARE 4. 4 01 V RECEIVING. THE LAR gest sod beet stock of Goble ever bronght Ined this county,,which we are bound to WI chomp for tub or mady PaYcomelsting of Staple and Fancy Dry h Goothi - Culcil Fatal I y Groceries, . ; Hats,..Caps, Ready Made Clothipg, Crockery, Wall Paper, 1. • Window , Shad,l•Flour, Po rkf r Fish, Silt. Paints Oils, Glass, Fluid, - ". Coal on; Htiop Skirts,' !-- ~,. ,i Yankee Nolions,4FaticyGoosai ' Watches, JEW EL V, Sliver Ware, • Palls,' -TlabS9.lßrOullts irork%! 1 , Hoes, aild lots unit S auks of Goods; too raimer4,u,l to Ini•ntiso. • . • . - i WE ARE NOT 0 D FOGIES in !the •'T. inSiIIi:CLIS, "chStiM i kareeptont awl tescitsl l ol:l keeping an 1 51 d get o s wbo L have not tr ied_ at o ilier pieces to see how math chespaY the can buy; but wo in tend to live ; up to the mark, SL & b eli eve in selling many C 42 and selling cheaper than OLD FOGY - ,Oorettenta Goode tt y tlfinn. -- Now4g the ....• 'flea wont welyetnoney and get Bargains. - Call at • - l i r PRICE STORE. Mums stock.. f t ... *Bros.' Yens. Sank Mateoaltus on • lrAei wll m lsl n. . ri . * 3 ": 2l W4d• 144 . 014 P"' ' r- . -: ~; , Wattend to Ms °ld and new cuitomers se penal.— . n trooklett,how 1 , 1660--(f • • ntyigrratt - I :: !4E44.XIASEI Cfo 0 11 ' • plTEß.wk!te Lead, in u oll lep, ' per . p. • Linseed OU. tbsbarril UL. pa dal. d o E q ual • For sate by .15 Montrose, Jane, WO. - AsTnAP. h r .V. t i e NTlPATßi ls a l'. 6l: Te. trtiritholcaffll, l "c I NAREM FE ND nudity C. B. Suitor& & Cu;, =lnman street ~ ork. ; a l;rl a ii i etl 'per $o: ; seat by post. myieme • FATAL SHIPWRECK 1 PART OF THE OARGO SAVED, - IN A DAMAGED CONDI rtoN • -- ' 3,500 rdsi FIGURED BAREGES Partly damaged by Water, at 4, 6,8, 12cta pr yard. ' •, RICA ruts's. POPLEIIic • . . - for 111% cents pr yard—scould be CHEAP Air 75 ceXta. ALSO A LARGE LOT OF ' AUCTION GOODS !I. Ti. 'be cold at the following prlcie, : Good Summer Shawls, only . - $ .75 • W n ol e S and Silk tel B " oche • ? 1,00 Fine • 3,00 Handsome Manta . 1,25 . Very Rich " . • • • 3,00 -.. Good Lawns, fast colors ,00 . , • Fine I:Zl:natty Be Lain - • ' . - ,10 Wool and Silk Barege,lB).; Hauges d'Anglala worth 313( ,1034 10 yards Merrimac PO/is, and trimmings.... 1,00 - - Fine Dress silks • .50 Extremely Rich - . ,20 i • White Hose Nice Lisle Thread Oloyes , ' ,05 Pure silk mitts • • . „12..5i • Watch steel aprisig skirts., - .26 •• Good straw - bonnets , • ,00 Beautiful Leghorn • Rich Bonnet Ribbons • • 10 French Embroidered curtain mue ll ns - dig ' Good Pants stuff - ,iii . Better . - , . .10 Other, 'OuotlS Equally as 11;11 EA 11 ) : . , 3FLexiaenribers that , we will dO all that we advertise: ;Be sure. to call before purchasing • elsewhere, "as we WILL sot, and CANNOT be under: 'sold by any establishment 'this side of New York: iIiRSCHMAN. BIOS, &C 0... Binghamton, May 15th, 1860' Wyoming INSURANCE, CoMpany, - Charter Perpetual Capital sioo,ooo. surplus $5,000 . - DIRECTORS. • 0. SI. Hollenback, •D. 0. Driesbach, J. P. Dennis,' - John Reichard, Davidllorgan„Chas Dorranee, Sae' Wadhams, RI) Lame, • NFIn S ROSH, - L D Shoemaker, Geo. P Steele, _TI'M Hoyt, R. C. Satre, seey, • : G. M. iloussnecx, Prei, W.G.STERLING, Trio. L: D. SnoExArsr, Tire Pre t. H. P. BIACKMAH, - Montrose, Pa , 'myl7 y • Agent for Sacqdehatum County. - •ALBO IIOLICITOR FOR THE NORTHERN FIRES LIFE ASSURANCE: CDSIPANT, ' gl" ;Ind DOOR ABOVE 3ITLFORD'S. MBE PUBLIC generally are informed that a FREE EX IIIBITION Is given at all hours of the day, of NEW, GOODS of all sorts, viz: „Dress Goods of Summer Prints. 'Poplins, Challis, Lawns in patterns, cheap Bishop Lawns. Brilliant., Book, Bard. Jaconetts and .5,044 Mull, Collars and Sleeves. Dimity. 3farseilles, Moreens, Furni- Jure Prnits, Kentucky Jeans Nankeens, Summer Stuffs, and Suspenders. A new and large ia of LtATITER-AVARE such as Gents Fine Calf Boots—good *tins, al+e heavy and light Shoes, Splendid. Lathes Garters from 5 told shill Mut. warranted to•dt. White, Brown. and Black HOSIERY. - Parasols and timbellas., Band Boxes and Work Baskets. - • • 1.11.1 • 11131 g 3E711.1.31.C1 and Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, Bros. and JapauPd Lanters, Wash guards and Coffee Mills, White wash Brushes. Bed Cords 80 feet lora?. whittled and spring Cluthes*Pins, Pine and CEDAR PAILS, besides .a PILE of /141.4t_XAV. (140eRIttgst of every.variety, amor.e which arc Tabico and Corn Starch !or gloriouspuddings. Cream Tartar, oda-starch Saleratus Castor Oil, Epsom Salts. Black and Scotch Snuff;and lots of things width won't do to read about, but please Id call. examine and folk abotit. We are readyand willing to Show Goods, even though they may not suit ; and thankftff for small favors. ` H. C. TYLER. OrCTS: buys a bottle of the shilling Hair Teak.. It 1. Li beats anything ever shook up.' TYLER'S. 31ONTROSE, 3Lsy9th. 166 D. DYSPEPSIA AND FITS. DII: 0. PHELPS BROWN, the g,rest culler of Consump- Lion. was for several years E 0 badly afflicted by Dye. tg. Sia l l e ha w t a f a ci e r v a e gart o y f dw e ll i it: y e a he r p:As ep cia i nAn t e a d rn t i o o n him'by a young clairvoyant girl. This prescription, given' him by a mere child, while in a state of trance. has cured everybody who has taken it. never having failed once. It Is equally sure in, cases of Firs as OrDTDPEPSIA; An engraving is here given of the principal herb used In this medicine, and all of the Ingredients are to be found in 'Any drug store. I will send this valuable prescription to nny person. on the receipt of one stamp to pay postage. Dn. O.PIIELPS BROWN. 210mnd•st, Jersey City. N. J. All of Dr. 0. Phelps Brown's Remedies are fur safe-at Susquehanna Depot, la., by S. B. WEST. Jialy6mv FRIERS ! . . „. A - A SETII.MENT'WhINTED, frtIOSE of my Patrons who have LTASETTLEDAceoMits I. standing against them on my Rooks, are respectfully invited to call and adjust the same without delay. • . ' • -BROOKLYN, May 2,1.66045 t. - A. CRAMBRRLDi. T uSFUmm LnMcviLLrthe Pim ma . w ei V iin cUzensthis cl..T3lal=nv, . . • AND. NEAT !STOCK. OF GOODO I especiallyudapted to the ?dill trade of this vicinity. We will make it our especial business to superintend supply. Mg the wants of those who may favor us with patronage, and we invite FARMERS, MECHANICS, and - the "rest of mankind," tocall on ns. feeling - confident that our large assortment will RING OUT a Nrikol2le to everybody tabo arc fond-of making choice selections AT LOW PRICES. 'NO USE TO ENUMERATE Goolist,'. suffice it to say the stars in the "rag trade" of edict days have paled their ineffectual fires before the brilliant army of acitsonablernerchusdise which is now filling - the shelves of our StAirao: We have everything to sell, and at ' Pli IC DOWN TO.l'llE LOWE'ST, and only ask to show our Goods and tell how we sell them before you purchase elsewhere. Happy minas, then, are sere to follow! Never was there such grand combinations, viz.: the hearts of the old folks made glad 'the hearti of - "new beginners" filled with 'Joy. and the hearts of ail the little ones filled with delight, and everybody made happy dating the Spring and Summer days by calling at the Our shelves are gnyulHing ander.the weight oral" kliadis of. . . ail shad . ea colors I from the hue Of an Italian sunset to t h edrab of the staid Quaker, and must be Held. FLO*I. r• FLOUR! Choice.bmnde always on hand— un a large lot of pearly Made Clothing, Nate & (Mpg, Boots and.Bhoce, N 0. 1 .& 2 Mackerel; Ceddsh and Herrick Crockery.: etc., as chap ae eadbehed anywhere at ram. • With ibis we giving all another cordial invitation fo call beforethey buy; compare prices, and save moue). We will pay the highest price in Mule for all kinds of Produce. YOUNG &.SMITH. SUMMEMILLE, Pa., May let, 1910.4er - .4FFLICTEIY . REND•f • -_ , WILLIAMS'S LTAMS'S COMPOUND _SOLU- Iion for the PILO, blivuranted to effect a CM* An retry taw &in all laws of the dhamae, or th e money will be refunded . 'Pull filrectiOns accompany each bottle. Por sale. by_Abel Tiara Montrose ; no l Hempsead. T. riabCOCk. Mock,- Panel G. Wllllaais.Janimon • Z Ellccom kr:rig.,o3,l3opbr/L.-3.4l.eirit, Bersdczt. Dock flealbart pis to ciptber aclres: .CASH , II 1.4 - PAID FOR • TT V/0 At _ ILAYD - Mc BRO• 8/ NEW JUIPORD, PQ.Jane 4. tf TREMENDOUS LOT OF WET GOODS ! "the "BEE HIVE." WlLlii lES-BAlili Psi. Organized November 2d. A. D. 1857. , No. Moo gate street, London. Capital, $C,‘'..9?.,000 lnnnal Revenue, $1.001.000 !NV* GETTY, Agent. Philadelphia AT MIGATION MD! WiPltriG GOCIVISI For MY, 1860, A -'4V ELL. iI.ELECTED BUgINESS• CARDS. • 'DR. WILLIAM: IV.WILEATOIT, I,CLECYTC, PHYSICIAN 1111420 N : DENTIST:' WITH DR. JIMON 07DrATON, Mechanics:l and Statical Dentist. ree. 'crab of Blighaintod. N. Y. tender their to all who appre ciate the-j• }tett/ruled Practic e ofTbralc ;•• ,careful and skillful operationa.on Teeth:- with the most scientific and approved Styles of platework. Teeth extracted withOut pain and all work Warranted. - Jackson; June HU, ret(L. . • - - ". •L: B. ISItEII4 - • . iottudiii3 Clockk Wedeln, and Jeireiry di the AIL .hortd tnotlce,asdo reikaotabktarmi: All erotic warranted. Shop In Chandler and lemon's Montkopt; Pa. - : • • odd ft • • • WM. A.SNOW, - - TraTiCE or THE OEM:M.-direst NIA, Pa. tate ads street opposlte the 'Western Rouse. ripe • . . ; • .< -- P : . ' - - Pi LINgS . . . 1 . r l estrtollAtt.t Tiazoit. --atoi Lc:Oat 'Pc. SWF L. 1.0 Plunlx Block, ow score of and, Wat 2.0 4 .6 & Foster. ;All work warranted, u to Et and dbalsh. Cutting done on s.hort notice, in best style. -.1111,1130 DR: Vii. slirriu,t - SON, • • ,—M -- 0 tyROE4S2; DENTISTS, Oodles Lathrops' tevr building. over , • -the Bank. nfrDental operations will be ' ads. sa'a performed tri good style and warranted. . • 411..110:04CX ' D. it. sx4m." : • • IifcCOLLITM SEARATTTLE,LE, ORNEYSind Counsellor* at law.—Montrote, PL tllccla La th rop' new bond*, over the Bank. - - a. c, .n.sarriav ' • r s wavas. - DRS. BLAKESLEE & BRUSH, HAvtszo sisociatedthernselens for the ppeoatcation of the duties-of their profeasicrn: hapectfullpoffer thes is:n*lms to the Invalid Public : • Oiliee at theses:deuce of Dr...Blakeilee. 'midway between the villagel of Disnock . and Springville. • ap2o bty . arsozzAx - .. 13INGHAM & AgEY, . 'VOID announce to the public that they hare =tared IY. into JI partnership for the prutlce Of • . VIL'ItrINE dc..-StritGERY, and are pips dto attend to all-ails•in line - of their profession t sit hours when not otherwise engaged. OFFICE.,-The one formerly occ_upled bY D. Bl.nghatn: N. 8.-The book sicconots of Dr. Blngheni °twit be Imme diately settled by notes .31. °Merit - Ise. • - New 3111foix1;Bsrth. HMO • LW. BLNOIIAX. • HENRY B. McKEAN, . A•TTOFCCEY and ConnneriorAt Law:—Towaina Id, Office In cite Unionl3l9ek. J4Git/ • - • DR. E. F. WILMOT, GRADUATE of the Allopathic Roinceopstile Col ofXXleges of .11edleiae. 2 —Great Bend, ~Ps. -Mee, comer I m es of nearly oppo -- site the 3lethotlisf Church. H agg6 tf WIC LEUXIIISO COOPT.II 111:$112 DRUM M. WM. H.-COOPER & C 0.,. • BAlCKgßS,—Xontrose, Pa. Suctessorito Post, Cooper, It Co. r 02.1ce, LiOzops' new buying, Tampikerst. • -- NEWS OFFICE. rIIIIENEW-YOIIK CITY ILLESTEATED A TEWSI'APEES. MAGAZINES. ETC., for lee At.the Monrsfoic BOOK STOP.E, on .„X.a.- Public Arsame, A. N. Bt-r.throo. JOHN GROVES EIASHIUNABLE TAlLOR,—Mararcise, PL Shop J 2 near the Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike. street. All (inters filled promptly. in fret-rate style. Cutting done on short totiet. Ind warrani.t-d . to -ft. • • DR. JOHN COBB ; HYSIGLO AIDStRGEON.-3loaL-ose, Pa. WWI P On Public Avenue, opposite Seine's, hotel. rola • DR. G. Z:DIMOCK, - • YHiSICIIAN AND SUllGEON,—Montrose ; P. deka .orer Wilsons' Store; Lodgings at Searle HOW- .1 • ABEL:TnRIII., •• • - D.EAI.:F.R In Drugs, 'Medicines. Chemicals, Dye Glass Ware, Paints, 011 s, Varniab„ Win dow Glatsl,oroceries, Fancy Gods. jewelry Perfa mere, ac..—_Agent for all the most popular PATENT 31 EbICINF.S.—liontruse, Pa. awl if . WM. W. -& . • • CABINET AND camp. 31ANUFACTIMER.9.—rNit of Ma!o street, MoOtrase, Pa. • augl tf J. C. 0741.STEAD.:_: • J L. READ. . DRS. OLMSTEAD& READ. • WOL L ID'ANNOUNCE to tine Public . nit . they hav,e entered Into a partnership far the' braelice M EDICINE-&-Surgery, and are prepared to ettebd to all calls In the line of tbetr Orofe.sion l Dtime—the one formerly uctawled by Dr. 3. C. lmstead, in DUNDAFF. ' myl734ta ;•SAITFORD' - .4 • LIVER INVIGORATOR. .• . %EVE It ;DEli/LITATES. .-. IT It compounded entirely from Gums. ..La:l : b.. lootoine oI i to: ofi.t.r.l !Am. a rgllidarkt 1: et:rn re. known and epovvel ball" 11,...: llaTe ,mel ;1 . , .d1i.,... to. aortel to,vell coon - Acne.: u.. • 'ell the thaeato, for which * -; Es I ..... ...• .......... ___ who kola (lreu co all no . p.e. ~, I sreorr. a s 11,e noone.riits b eteltia. cern.; cttos ,a L - r, :C A !I . tt.--t,-, . L., • `.--• • 1 te must be a4ltpte: L - • It the temprrnro•nt Or Ibil liwllsidaal tnlanz 4. at,. I 1 .1 ' ..1 lu toJt ~ ,/itlues at b./ or , t,t act geallf on rho lio:r. ; . . -Let the Otototet of y rut . . g :julmr.rn: 0:11e yet in We nie of ; tLe LIVER I ti!,_ j „, [ VAGOItATOIL; and .t veal cure faller Com-, ihif ; plahitt, Ltillous At- Dirkl, Dysifeiolla;! IS , Clartmic Diarrhoea, 14 ant in ea Co no-i.,, ~„. tit*, Dysente. ry, Dropty," Sour. 'Stomach, !habitual. CosOvenence Chtil-t , us le, Cholera, Chole raMorb,Cholera; 1 Infaiitam, Phan. levee, Ja u nil I c e;,; ; /eremite Wenltnetwi ea, tad may I* roar bur.; I ceofii2y as an 01310 M. fy psizial I y ffiletll-i.l4lettoe.ll,4ll.eureS/Cli . - HEAD A.CILE tat 1 . itboutands eon testlit.) in. twentymtnutra, if: it tro:or there Teo, sycansfyils ayo trtk- ,en at commencer:int of atte,k..l . ••• ; ;_,,,,1" ' A I who use-it sari.... 11l i giving their te=ltcony la ha fatur. l 1 ' ./1111 !WATEIt IN . Tutu., m 1)1:TII WITII. TILE INVICOR-Ut Olt; )1!li D IS Ilir ALLIAV Barn TOGETHER.. , Price One Dollar per Dottie. =ALv s.aNron - D'S F.l MBA' CATHARTIC PILLS, . . Pure Vegetable Extract., and put up In' • GLANS CASES, Alr Tight, and will keep - In•anyvllmate..' ' " . - • . • . • m 'The Family Co- • • 'Mettle PILL ha• tie hat ...dare Cathartic tit which the pmptie'or has tared in Ittli practice more ..A1 than twenty years. , .. L The constatuly Inereeitog Ira demand from those Who , - „i . useina z usedthe pit,1„...1 .a-nod-Oar,intithetoot w 11.1ebt i. I MI czPrela:haredllnl In dieter • , Il use, has induced me toplaca ',.. them,withlit th e re teb of all 1 14 . • • TIP. ProfosslOn well /now .11 .. that .11C'erent Cathartics let ea differentprliona - of the Ir, 1.x...e1. ,• • • . - the FAM E ILY CA- - TIIATIC',..P I 1.. .1, ~1- has, wi th doe reference to „Ms swell estailillsbed fart, a - been tornpoundel „from a n .ar'el`br the Pun. , 7 •1(. 1- - labia Er.racta, which act, . 1 w alliie .41. - earry part of th e alimentary canal. and.arelig good sal wide Is all cu., es where a• Cailurthi in; needed, au: S' . at De.- " raagemerds of 'he' •St orm a e I.; sleep'. 11 ,I* nw Patna -11. Mev Hack at - Loins. Cootlvenes., Pal a asotioleoree over the whole body, frowsden. mid. 'which fredtmitir, if . tel.:erica. i end In aMc roar.. of Fe ver, Looft or App.--1 l lite e a envying ••em 'Atka, ottoter.over• theibodY. ricalleelw ace: r ...Headache., -i iii ....,,,h, ) ,. the head. ISIS I 11 . 1 S IS MI ha PI 'ary. ‘ .... 1)1 Worn,. is Chllllll`en or Ada/by qi ! it heo mei Iwn.• teen; . Purifier of the Blood iNN and many di Is II Lati n Beth Is heir, too numerous' le to torna...o h., tide ad reitha.. - twat Dow. l tel.. " ' . PLUCE- T 1 th T a h r e i 'L Pill s larer g sokhrbolesale by the trade • . & , • 335 .13roadvv traitor wad V`nrfilly Veil by nilladiCA generally. 144 In on SF° it 11, M. D.,. 11.nuf..1.1nIr and erveristoi% ay; - .14w Vark.. For sale in Montro by-ABEL TERRELL. Agent. • LEE & _WALKER , • .722 Chestnut Street, PhilAdelphia, 3 ublis,h9ra and impuriers of Slinie and Mimicat 'instruments - Xust • Publish ed.. Grobe's New 3letliod for the Pian6 Forte. 0.1 3 1.13.1100 Prieo, .. ... 50 Bound. it Moth, $3 00 THE there announccineiff - of the foithcomingo " - New - Method," by Cfarles Grobe, created an excitement throughout- Ulu country that haw , veer hem' equaled-in the world of music. Wo have received orders for tea thomond copies in advance of,lta pnblication; a tolerable evidence, we-think, of the popu'arny of the wither. .13e common connent- of tha Musical' public. Mr. Grobe in now first in rank of mus i cal writers in. this country. llis r u ni nacy has been recog nized a long time a go, iind. won for hint the general apphicisii of both teachers and pupils - which is never aw:erdvti but to. the rarest talents aral accomplishments. : Hs has that f)exibility,of mind widen is the guarantee _of continued lin— proyementfliis power deepepe and etrengtheils with riercise. la every form of triusionztvhich, ho has wide experinteuts tlieie is none in Whielt:, ha has not. suceeeded. No ono who - has over . perused' the productions of thispleaaingiand structiv.e rinthoi, • peed-lie informed of the beauty and, elegance that 1111 . pervades his writings, 43 art eiiiiluttt end unmistakeable. - - . • Copies Sent by free of poytage'oa ,t5l `receipt of 'the, market prroo. Ii can tie übtairied Inilarge oTantall quantities of 'nitric darters" and booksellers :generally througnout the-- COlte4 States end ,Cinaditek , ' , • LEE ISt, WALKER, t'ublisbers, jal4w - 1';) 722 Chpstgui St., Pr.u:doesiii.. t• t' ~