JUDSO.I •I S - Mountain Herb,Pills. gent ion mount you with a portent Mumma of Tomes, a eh*t of a title at tto tartar Aston 'Natiaa, that sun ruled Nsaion. Yna dad a fall atenvat of him and M. mats In mar Pamphlets and Ahnanaats to had gratis, fman ths Agent. for thaw Pills. The ineentnr and' Manufacturer of "Jaison'a Watt- Lein Hare 1.111a.' 4 has spent the vestry part of tita life ht trseebon; having violent Dearly every country hi the nrc,rll i3n .pent corer sir years smog the fodiaioi of :-- (lei Rocky Mountains ao4 of lleatee, aunt it visa thou the • ii.s •• iloryrnis Um Puts , ' were discovered. A rely arsount of his st4resiturea %bale, you eat Owl In our AiltlialAt arid Pamphlet. • ft in an established fief, that all deeming Jill No IPTIVRE BLOOD t , ' The blood le the ure I and when any foreign or unhealthy nutter ply raised with It, it la at pace distributed ta •rery nof tba body. Every nerva•feela tliepoiron and the sral organs quickly complain. The stomach: ,in net ati're.4 the fowl perfectly. The liver amuse to •«::rtte ■ euiliciency of blle. The action of the heed is evkenett, and on the circulatioa Is !vette. Ttle loop b,onnte elnued with the polsoanna matter; beam, it tough--and •all from's, iteptirity at,tbe fountain. lined of l ife tbe Mood ! Al if you bad Matra mom earth. for instance, in a pure spriag, from which raa • tiny rirulek in lk fen imitates the whole mune of the • stream been: ma disturbed and disoolwad, gekkly dose tmpare blood dy to eerypart...and laza IL attest behind. All the usages become obatineted, and nukes the nbaroetion is reinove<l. the lamp a* lib soon dim out. ' These pith not OM V purify the blood, butsregeoerste the Negations of the body; they are,'tbsandots, unrivalled u • CAME FOR EILIODS DISEASES, Liver Comytaint. Sick Deediche, &c. TAU Anti-Dators Wylie:Me ekpyle from the blond the' trideen erode of die. OM, enkyendere all the fluids and aseretioue pore sad Jaen o ,L ekering and remecitatinekbe vital organs. lieserant indeed, is it-to na, that we ere Ole to plea within your reach. a medicine like tie "Mocirent Hof huh" that will pus directly to the idilleted parte, through the blood and fluids a the body, and earns the sufferer to brighten with the Cob of beauty sad boat lb. Judson's Pill are the Best Pemedy in eclat eller for the following Complaints: Baal Cayktiatt, hord limber, /ter and Ara, Lien Cbuiptainia, Cfmkts. Ftmak Ccatplautelouseuff Spiraa, Chat Meow, Headache*, indigedan, Stan and Gravel Clapepia, , Wham= Secondary Simi Diarrhea. byteneuitiass - Um. , DMA'S. • • • II • • c);i4.llkll4l'...lA:CiAt)(eltdrillll ?males who 'value health, about! =vet be without ewe rills. They miry the blood, retrieve °Detonations of all kinds, chenee the akin of all pimples sod blotched and bring the rich color of health to the pale dwelt. alr The Plante and Herbs of which ttiee' • fill are ramie., were dais:mend in a very sorpriehig tray strong the Teverins, a tribe of Aborigine', in- Mexico., Get the Almarnae of our .Agrot, and you wilt reed 'filth delight, the very interesting. &avant It Oolitisingef the “GIISAT . thaiccur" of the Aztecs. Obserre..—The Moseptaat Heti - frab ma lad ay is a Beautiful Wrapper. Berd bar amfaiis-40 pint. earl Retail at 26 cents per bar- 4a pawls.% 'um Oa sigiushos of B. L. JUDSON CO., cm tack boa B. L. JUDSON, & Co, SOLE PROPRIETORS. „No. SO Leonard Street, NSW YORK. treats wanted 4.1kT1--Addrees as stove. 4011 SA) . it r. •6z. hitt) ;" Age!' Us 41 ma r-e-. (d..c.22 HOSTETTER'S' STOMACH BITTERS, Tbe•proprietors Rod Manufacturers of HOS TETT'EICS•.ELI.:IIItAT-I:Lt, STOttIACII BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physician, and eitizi ns generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation:heretofore unknown. A few facts-upon this point will speak More powerfully than. volumes of bare'assertion or 1d -zoning puffery. The consumption of Bost et t er's Stomach BitL ter' rot-the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and trom its manifest stead, increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount • could never 'have been soil but for the, rare . medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the afticlo - is best known," who not only • reconnecnl the titters to their patients, but are ready atalr i iinics to give testimonials to its efficacy in nil cases of stomachic derangements and the dis - eases resulting therefrom. -This is note temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary cfortS in the way of- truin peeing the qualities of ;he Bitters, but a solid , estimation of an invaluable medicine, which i. destined to be - as enduring as timejim.;l_ i., Jr.^ 'Hostetter's Eton:lnch r - ~ - A vi. •i .•i -bc 7."11F IM toi a Godsend to regions wile . I t t., n , --1 various other bilious have proved counted ilieir victims by .;., ever and ague • atio to state confident], complaints have ere a certain cure 'for tit hundreds.- To be di.eases, ii to the pros that the ..Bittefa" ‘-z.l pleasure. it .' e- Dyspepsia and like •',e stom , eh, -ictors a source of tun ailo,l4- A".x%ed vita, moves all morbid matter • front "C": 1- :' ; ' - -"...."'zl,o 11 .2 :purifies the blood, and imparts • ' , .ty to tbe nervous system. ... g.ving it 'o,s—An-ed t nere•--• Mdispensable for the • s.on of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver,. nod other digestive Inane, miltry but powerfully, and soon restores them to aeondition essential to the healthy discharge of thekunctions of nature- Eldßly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they Till find in it a stimulant peCuliarly adopted to conifort declining fears, as it is pleasant to the palate, Invigorating lb the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the Cid ' denco of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this pierotration while ruff. ring from stomach de rangCluente and general debility; acting under the advice of ph} . sicians,"they have abandoned - all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article.. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of-them sink under toe trial. the relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if ehe be young,ls.apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety 'for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive daring the summer season, the wear of body and - mind is' generally aggravated. liere, then. is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system; and enablethe ' mother to bear up under, her exhausting trials 'and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene prefer the hitters to all other invigora . tors" that receive the endorsement. of phyel tiani, because it is agreeable to the tweeze well as certain to gise a permanent increase of bodiy strength. 'All those per sons, to whom we hive particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestionc loss - of appetite,and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, -superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary .occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hoe- Setter s Celebrated Stomach Bitters t. trial. CA-111101C.-7-IVe caution the public against using any of the many imitations or voutpter felts,. but ask for LIOBTETTEIeII CELEIMATTII 6TOMACH.BITTERd. and see that each bottle has -the words "Dr. 4: Hostetter's Stomach Hitters . ' blown on the &de Of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the. cork, and _observe that our autograph signature is on the label. -- Prepared and sold by/Wan:TT= & 831Pl'H, Pittirtnirgh. Pa.. .ad sold by all druggists, grocers. and dealers generally threw: ;bons. the United Bums. Bomb Ante' ties; and Germans. g:Br Ftii sale in Montrose by' jams Ant. TURILML.. sookUIThLTZLINgs r , of .the japatieseigif 4 Nvl/1741;, irotiottter , with full directions , fur .C. 06 ,4,, - .stre of eonauroptifin, ,hronehitia, ca . awiworoaalts, colds skims, fevers. heart Jimmie, acnorpika Aseicdropepaia, litter cotoplainiceavel and Arlarter deposits. female- eomplainte; ite,...- ' , .z,libassiasad With handredeof eertifiratea of cares and engravings. Put the purpose of rescuing -as intutYsofferinglellow.beinga as possible fram a prenvittaie death. it will be ..ent 6. any p ar t of the continent hvairisd etw 16 eta . to PQ. HEATH, °e 20 3 3. ] 647 Broadway; New York City, Hold also by A.7.770rre1L. Mantroas; 'Hayden Eras, New Milford. C.f . Maskiews;Sandon• NEW' G OODS t 16V Egli * 7 EO k" SELL4VG 64 . 04 LOWEST PRIG S! LUII) AND OAMPHRNE, OF the BOiT I! qualities, at AO tents per gallon for site by filootmee, Psj ABEL TURRE!..L. FOLMERS•IIOOIC AT Tiasi BEAuH's lEW' 'PATENT WHEEL . 11 ORS c'atio..t.A.Vl,T I Z ALAI% GRAIN,to. p be ro. e NEARFST R164-1 4 P of. ANY IN USE. Some of the. idvantates;of this Rake' are Unit' the workman occupiel l a comfortable seat ?while raking, instead aving to walk,* and that its construction is do imple thatany part!of It may easily, bd taken , irpart and pat together legate: Four twits are ill- the blncksmith work reluired. Farmeri, plense ! ;Caß and eXaMiQe for yourselves. Lumbrrlwill beliaken in pay for Rakes , if:of the right kind andfet4ed in time. Node but those °sterol !will be . made at present. This inachind,was invted 4 by the subscriber who resides I -12 'miles North of Montrtase,'on the Snake Cree kßoad. I I.ORENZO. BEACH. Montiose, April 12.4 m, 1860. , • 4 3 4,.. "Cara. i• - 1 DR. 01 V. Trifiellai. -of the 1 N • , . v .. lulull4, be atli SW SHLFORD;on FRIDAY, V V April 2 1 7th; lit 11. - rnum's Hetel..Alao will j beat SUSQI/E1 ANNA on the. FIFTH of , each month Burin :the Spring and. Saimmer at_Nicolit Hotel '' each visitation he wile give:Free Lectilie - to the Ladies at.,2 o'clock, - m. upon aubjeas. of the first importanee:relativ to the annelid iiiskases and _hygimie of the sex, revealing the elitist's of inch maladies anti those moat pievalent-and subtle violations of Physio logical 'laws which result -in the premature de. cline 'of Ainerican Wonieti. - Invalids' will'fin i it to their advantage to give him a call. . 1 • Binghamton NV ter Care. April 10, 1860.—tf 31041.11D — ING BCUOOL, AT - G HtIAT BE ND, PA, CHIS Salbrit. will be opened for the recep tia6 of Ladieis and-gentlemen; on the 29th day (Wednesday), of Pebrklary, - 1860. • TER MS , OF • TUITION. • • Primary .firanclteti per Qr'tr of 11 _weeks, 83,00 CommOn "i' l " " 3.50 Common and nix er, " .-" - 4,00 HigheriEnglish, "•" " • 5,00' Lemon's on Piano, •• "• " 10,00 ot It al • 2 ,00 Ornamental, and Classical Departmgnts, extra. The prineipld haiv had 'mach exiterience in teaching in Ntlw 1Yo;-5 and Peon'a for :,the last ten vein., in CBmtnon, as well as Select, Graded or Fligh..Sehools.l References given if rguired N. B l ,—Board at the boarding hall, two doll', per we4k. Light and washing extra, , Payments to be made quarterly in adVance. mh • E. W. ROGERS; Principal.: , .., .0- -i,r, . , 4// . 4 1 , 7 " . ‘,./ 1 , . r.,. , , p,,,, • -•,L...... -dr- Chest ' I Best „ ! Largeirti ~ ' • .`" 04 4 3070.0 Pays ft.r Tuiihin! in Single and Dnabli Entry Book-Keeping; Writing CorhmerciAl Arithaie tict aid lectu res. :. , :' • • • 1 Roaid,_s:weeks $2O, Stationep4 $7, l Tii!iity r , ---411162. in 035, entire expenses $62.. Usti's! time ',filial 6 to 10 weeks; Eery sto. dent, Upon graduating, is guaranteed competent to manage thejliioks of any, BOsiness,l7ll quaff. ifred to earn a salary of from $509 TO $4009. • Stuilents e l etr at an y time—No Vaeatioti— RevieW at pleiasare. ' • ' - Fitut Ptemiute foe. Beat Bosinesi Wnting for 1869; 'received 4 Pittsburgh, Philadelphto; and Ohio State Faire. Also, at the princi al Pairs of the!Unioti 'for the past four years. • Minle4'Sons received at hal puce. - * * *For Cireuiars. Speiimens; and .Embellish. ed Views! of the'. College, r ose fire letter $ $ - . 'stamps to $i • 1 , ' F.; i %V. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa. THE BIELOI,CIIIE of th e I-Pin:L.os°par Arm FACT. 1 ' , •, J9 . , ' 1 ` nt ` litte n't. /4. - -:... 1- ep-1..0 ,a. - I . " ~. wwc % . , 7 ft. . ~k i., „ ? • 4:lt 'rf' %- V ° 0 - 9 % _i 'ler '• t-0 vv , :,: e:ek v p .., t ,- i. t , pt t , 1 i) .2,i 1 / 4, :4;. • • i- v , •,- '..r,:r ll' ''t • • I If Q. t . LANir AY 'S PII4 S. 'PHE PIPITING CAVES -OP SICIEN22S, T"Klll.OODis the lifeaustsining agent. It flirnislieri the components of flesh,bone, mus cle, nerve and ihtegument. •',The stottlach is its mar.nfactory,', 1 e. veins its distributors, and the' intestines the e anoels through which .he wietir. matter itjeceed in its Productiona„..is expelled. Upon the stoinseh,the circulation and the bowels, these Pills set • eltaneously.thlieving indiges tion, pnrilyin . the fluids, and regulating the excrptintoi. L ,, . THE NA lONAL COMPLAINT: Dyspepsia-is the moat common diSeAse among all classes in, this country.. It Assumes a thona l and shapes, and is the primary ionic* Of innum4 enable dabgeroes maladies; bet whatever its type or ay ileums, how efer obetinate its iesistence to ordinary prtiolations, it yields reedit:Vl and rapi idly to this searching and unerring remedy. BILIOUS AFF:E,CTI O I NS. .. , The quantity of the bile. ie of fast importanct to health. Upon the liver, the gland which raj, crates. this fluid, therm Pills operate specificallyi infallibly regtilVing iteirregniorities, aid effecter ally caring Jaiiidice, Bilious Remittanta. and all the varieties; of disease genereted by in innate. ral Condition Of the organ. • 1,- . BO*EL COMPLAINTS. . - . • I Unless the halals perferw. th eir t int prop. * erly, the 41 body suffers. Tent of] thousands annually f Dysentery, Diarrheas, Chroni c • Constipation..Ond other diseases of theta waste. pipes of theiaistem. The effect of the Pills upon all intestinal disorders, whether casual .or epi , demic.lis a p%tbornenon in Medicime. IBy follow. tug the priitEd directione, the most alarming ca. eels of boifil complaint are promptly controlled. : - AWORIi: TO FEMALES. - , . The .locil debility and irregularities Which are thiespecia 'atmoyances of the weakeraex, and which. wheti neglected, Always shorttn life, are relieved 5606 time being. and profited in,time ' Up cinne,by A Ours. ofthis mild, Thoth', alterative. Holloway's IPS2s I are the best remedy k nown in the . - , •. uorld t fof the fo ll owig &vixen :- ' 1 Asthma dh est Diseases Fevre - end Ague ' Cough 4 144e1 complaints Female piimplainis Colds . . Ciativeness llnWard -Weaknete. Dist:dies Headaches : ILiver Complaints I. Dropsy, Indigestion . Liminess of Spiiii• Debilit.. reflamarstlan • • Stone aid Gravel I, oulleenta Pripepsis — •••••BeleonderY Symptoms Pias ;Venereal AffentiOniVeaslall kial l *** Soldi At the llisißditctorien Otal.Pmfembr ThrlowaY4lo, Midden Lau, New Y i ris;':nd 24- filtiod urideri l . Lo in tid oliz On te . bac k tf ro nmpec .outtha table' i g 13 . --wit sad lthiL i eliCiiled wield, in boxes la 25 • :11182104.+ ultainliieodlll 3■Tbefaleonsffiideribleve'saei- b N.oMassc. ,,tngy.t akin fentioi for the ifi ptien-s.S: r are .•' 1- - ' ' •3el / nee pe4 Bll *.t4 aza girt to *iii °See kr the Pante e re. .SUMMER . ARRANGEMENT.. ela. Lacks. do Western Railroad, IMPEIRM Two henna earlier to - New York. One hour Smaller to Philadelphil.' • N and after Monday, May 28th, 1860, trains 1.." will be run as follows : • • ExPRESS PAI!SZFOER TRAl.*—Koving South. The Accommodation Trai n East, on the N.. Y. &E.R. R. arrives st Gt. Bend at . 6:38 a. m. And the,Cincinnetti Express at 6:03 . Connecting with . the Express Train leaving Great Bend for New-York • end Philadelphia; . - .7:10 Due at New Milford -.. • 1:28 • Montrose - •• '7:46 • Hopbtittom • - • 8:07 . • Nicholson .. • 8:23 ~ Factoryville . 8:47.'. Abington ! - 9:03 . • • Scranton . . 9:35 . Moscow • 10:20 Totiyhanns ••. itcs9 Stroudsburg . 12:17.p. m. Water Gap - - 12:31 ; • Columbia- . 12:45 : Delaware (15 minutes trdine) 12:56 . • Hope (Philsd'a, connection) 1:21 . Bridgeville • . 1:25.• II • Washington, • - - 1:58 'Junction • • • - - 2:1,5 -.. New York • - 5:15 • •Philadelphia - • -a - :7:15 - The Express Passenger Train; South, con . fleets - at Junction vith 3 train on the Cen ,tral Road for Easton, Bethlehem, Manch Chunk Reading, Harrisburg, &c. Di OVING .14/ORTR Pasieni64 fmm New Yorktienve Pier No. - 2 North - River, at 4 7:30 a. m. • Or foot of Courtland street ' 8:00 ' From Philadelphia. . • . . Leave Kensington - . '7:15 Leave junction - • .• 11:15 Due at Washin , rton - . 11:33 Bridgeville • ' . p. .m Hope(Philad,a connection) 12:13 • Delaware (15 minutes to - dine) 12:26 Columbia 1:00 . - Water Gap ' . < 1:14 , Stsundsburg • I:28 - Tobyhanna - • • 4:46 , Moacow • - . - 2:21 Scranton - 4:10 Abington . - 4:47 - Factorvville - • 5:03 . Nicholson . • - - 5:22 <l - lopbottont • - 5:43 or MONTROSE - . 6:01 New Milford • 6:22 Great Bend- 6:40 Connecting at Great Bend with the, Mail train 'Vest at .• - '7 W :24 and the Night Express at 1:36 a. m. The Mail Train, Wetft, which leaves Groat' Bend at '7:24 p. m., is a through Train, and reaches Dunkirk at 8:47 a. m. • Acci)temopertoi TRAlN,—Moving North. Leave , .Serant.m for Great Bend at . 940 m. . Factoryviile 11:00 . Nicholson, - 11:30 . M onl rose . - 12:45 Groat Wed • - • e 1:50 Connects with Dunkirk Ex. West it 3:00 MOVING SOUTH. • • The New York Express, East, ar- rives at Great Bend at and connects with the Actommoda. Train which leavel Gt. , Bend at 215 Montrose ' - • . •-- 3:10' Nicholson 4:110 Factoryville' : . . • - 5:t.5 Due at Scranton, - - 6:40 The AceornmedatiOn train does -not leave Scranton until after the arrival of the morning train on the . Larkawanna-& Bloomsburg R. IL, thus giving passengers from the Wyoming Val ley a direct connection ,for the West by the morning train. - For the accommodation of way travel on the, Southern DiviSion i Passanger Car will be at-. tached'to the ExprenFreight train— Leaving Scranton at . ." 4:00 a. m. - Due"at Moscow -- - 5.40 • Stroud.4burg, 10:25 - - ' Junction . &10 to. Returning, leaves Junction at - 3:40 a. In. Due at Stroudaburg at - 1:35 ' . ' Moscow • • . 12:50 p. m. Scranton - . 215' Passengers to and from hew York will change; cars at Junction. TO and fom Phila., leave or ske'cars at Hope.-For Pittston, Kings ton and Wilkes-Barre, take cars of Lack - awn:pc & Bloomsburg R R. akScranton. For Jessup,i Archbald, and Carbondale, take Omnibtisses at Scranton. Tickets sold and baggage checked TAROUGH. - • • . )011N . BRiSVIV "n! %Vm ougu , Ticket Agent. , cranton, Nay :23d21860. S. M. Pettengill & Co, Advertising . Agents , at - 119 Nassail.sti — New-York. and 10 State.st, Boston, are - agents for The , 11/ontrose Democrat, and are au; thorized to entortiet foi us - at our lowest rates. A SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER. • YkRIEFf 01 STYLES _ 3 BOtbEiIG,WINDOWPOIR &C. N.VV s SUPPLY, just arrived, and for sag> 'cheap,by ' &TURREIA. nnirose; March 15th, 1860. - 4-44. 2114jai ; RESTOSEDI thaltbtatt Vi 110.! _ -An aperient and o .2 . tomachic tion m IRON ptiritiod of Oxygen and bon by com. tuition 131 Hydrogen, of high medical author. i ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of that following complaint% , Durary. Nztvcnns Arnvriors, CIATION. DYSPEPSIA: DUREEFA, ctoron. PATION. SaIiOFDIA. SALT RHEUM. SCURVP,4 JAUNDICE LIVER COXPLAINIS INEUILA.4 TINA XEBDUILTAL OONISAMENCEII, AM= FEVERS, NEURALGIA. CS30110: HEADACHES. PHALLE WELSHES& 1011 , 1 XENSTEXTATION: WHITES, CELOBOUB. eta.; PIMPLES ON THE FACE, RINIMECIRMA THE SION, etc. . - The IliON being &burled by the blood: =di Wm circulating through the whole system, sin part of the body can escape their truly sonder- , , fel influence. The 00'11183m of thousands daily prom that Preperation of Iron can fors mement compared with it Impurities d the = ; --premier - of vital energy, pals and sickly complesicom indicate its neoesity iri ail Duet every conceivable case. In all cues of fouls debility opus, Mon*, etc.), iii Whets ars delighsfully renovating. _'lie reined, has ever been discovered, in the whole ikistory ' of auditing. which exerts Inch prompt, ituPP7i end fullyrestoratirs ends; Good appetite, cost , pieta ligation rapid acquisition of street _ with an unusual disposition for active . Awful ezeraiss, immediately *Dow its un As a grand stomachic and general reiterative it has no superior and no substitute. Pun le se meet Su metal Imes eastmishig 110 Wis. peke 80 cents per base are birsei, Sb iloj oft awn baste. as CIL rev este emp. •I, p i mi s= p a ( W i t p e g t es m e sAleon a ea'az: .1.8174 glityillin be siditillegil 33: l ift iCCItE &CO. , . was., Gonna AA 1- I t a • serstio mol, .1 i. S. • haat 614 L: &MIS bag" MEMORIALS: “i WOULDN'T. TAKE- ANVORLD FOR THIS;" alatly_remarked .to tnia day or two Since; u 'abe exhibited the port - Olt of an Only child, gone Li the • spirit land r whickwaa one of - . TIC7I33I3IEIy KI L MITAB'L 1 11BRouris I " How I should regret tt..had 1 not sec :red this precious memoesl of, that dear one." So (bought wa . • The loved ones. are not al ayis With us, and -while We can call them ours, every Ono should secure such a memorial; especially Since they can have them so:truthfully taken by (hit successful artist, A. B. TUBBS, of Bing hamton.' . '- * • Sec HOLIDAY 1111gENTS.. The subscribers have thisday received another invoice of Jecielry, du., direct from the manufactory. and are uow prepared to show to their friends the best assortment or, goods ever before offered 3n this Market: -All persons wish ing to make their friends andlamilies Christmas 'resents; are invited to call and examine. dec32 . EVANS & ALLEN. . Odd Follows' Hall,.Binghamtoo, N. Y 11V EEDLES,—Bone _and _Wood Tidy Nee, 41. dies. Testing Shuttles, Crochet Needles, Sewing, Darning and Knitting Needles, for sale by . • EVANS & ALLEN: ?Q. LEEVg-BUTTONS AND STUDS.—The best assortment ofSleevo•Buttons.and Studs, all prices and qualities, or sale by • • A. Erase& lAt.r.mr. PECTACLES.—GeId, Silver, Steel and it... 7 German Silver Spectacles, of all agSs, for :sale by Evans & Aittn. V V ATCHES—A large stock of gold rind sil l', ver Watches of the best makers, many of .them of our own importation, at prices murh 'ower than have - ever been sold in town—War-- ,Zraled good time keeperis. • L.& A. ' ; ?.—Also, Watch Chains, a first rate assortment !of GOLD. Fob, Vest, and Gnard Chairis. TT 'OCKETS-a very fine assortment, GOLD 114 and Plated, 1,2, 4, and 6 faces. ILVER Ware--a large stock' of Merl hlg all ik7.ver ware, consisting of spoons, forks, ladles ?caps, cake, pie, ice cream, butter, & fruit knives, childrens aettit, napkin rings, card case.s;ete. PLATED Ware—Castors, cake baskets cord 1, receivers, tea setts, ice pitchers, siigar bas ; keit, Mil Peel tars, forks, spoonrt, toast racks, gob -1 ets, etc. nov 9 EVANS 4 ALLEN Nn. 2 Odd Fellowt Ball, Washington at. NEW FIEIII. 1:Slour, ItA Vrobision G%tore, At •MONTKOSE, "Pa., GENE door below J. Ethridge's Drug Store; X,/ on Public Avenue, where be found constantly on hood a general assortment of GROCERIES: Such as Sugars, Molasses, Sytups, Teas, Coffee 4c., &c., &c. Also r -the choicest brands:of FAMILY FLOUR,. 1:17 m. Meal, Lard, Pork, Dams, Fish, Candles &c. . We isol kit reshare s of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves ' .to do the..tair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. - BALDWIN & ALLEN. - Wsi. L. ALLEN,. ALFRED BALDWIN • HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA: A Benevolent bptitution estab/ishod by ipe- . riot „Endowment for the Relief of the Siek and Distressed.'afflicted with Virulent and • Epideinie Diseases. and- especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. IVI EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the I Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occu nation, habits of life. and in cases of ex treme povertv.medieines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrheca, and oth er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, sent to the af flicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge Addresi, Dr. J. Skillin Houghton. Acting Sur. geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South 9th-3t Philad a, Pa. By order of the Directors. Lodi', HERRING'S SAFES. FA.RREL, 11,LKIIING iili Company, 1 ~1" clio-t ,,, t Rtreet—lAYNEB Hall—Philad's. No. 62 ,7su r faarr2s . , -of -.l..niti, - the snectst•su - - < . __ fINLY Manufsetn.rers in.this state —.' lfir o e f & H ß e n r r i gllr s goo .la rgfe e s ham , secured irg': , --tt with Hall's Patent Powder Locks— f I both of which ree'v'd Medals at the 1 ~.-.. World's Fair, London,llllo and the World's Pair in New Y0rk,1853-4. . ' More Than Twenty-thousand Herring's Safes have bora soli+, and are now in actual use, and nearly 4o° .have been tested in - accidental fire's' and have never failed to preserve their contents, We alio keep on- hand and • make to order Dwelling-House Safes, " Sideboard and Parlor Safes"—(imitation of. handsome furniture) of elegant design and worknitmslcip. - Also Burglar Proof Safes for Banks, Brokers and Jewelers, Vault Doors, Safes for Specie, Sailer Plate. dr..c.—The Bdrglar Proof safe in use at the Treasurer's Office of Piekaway Co.: 0., (it eircleville,) was manufactured by us, and is univeially acknowledged to' be the strongest safe in the WORLD. -Persons wishing safes will find it to' their in terest to call or send for our catalogue before purchasing elsewhere, as•these are the only safes which hare proved thimselve? perfectly Fire Proof and free from dampness. $l,OOO REWARD will be paid to any person that can Show that a Herring's P atent Champion Safes ever failed to preserve its contents in an .i accidental fire. ap4 3m c '1 • i'. Ffiliti 11E121 ... - i MONTROSE PENNA. . 3 - Fr HE subscriber haring purchased .1 refitted , and newly- furnished. th. above well known it'd popular Hotel, 111 II is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public and others-with all the attentions And • convenientes usually foudd in first-class Houses. iNo effort mill ,be spared by the Pro prietor. and his-Assistants to makethe Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. .' ' The. Bar .vAlf always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected with this . House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive "Hostlers ire always in charge of them i . I.S. TARBELL ME AT MARKET. • On .PUblic Avenue, near Secirle'e Hotel.. - EEP-conslantly on hand'a good 'supply of 11 MEATS of all kinds: - CASH paid for Beet Cattle;Catlres,SheeP,and ! l ambs. Also for Bides Of all kinds. • . HENSTOCK & HAWLEY. s.;. REASTSCIG N. HAWLEY. Montrose. March 30th, 1 59.—tf. - • BILLINGS STROM • - iRE and UFE INSURANCE AGENT,—, F Pa. . . we the ondemigried, certify that we were inspred in Fi re Insurance conipanies represented by Mr. Billings Stroud. of Montrose, .and that; having 'offered loss by fire while so insuri<we were severallypaid by said Companies to ;the full extent of our claims; and we have confide:ice in him ai a toad and effective agent: Jae: - R. - DaWrrv. - Draw Cosa, LATHROP & DEWrrz, 1L J. Wzzl, f F: B: Gammas, - J; LIM& Solv ElviL Gunnar, • Lamm) STABLE. Montrose, Pa. Novetillierli. lINCHESTER'SIiEPOPHOSPHITES of Limeittell Sedi; , _for Coostoption; liol loirlyithettoont and Pills.; Jabal'. Motettahf Herb P 1 li, end liberty - alkthe inesadvor ar in the toietet, ars-for sale by so . .Ph 'f+. 'ABEL TURRELL TESTIMONIALS. • MORE NEW 'ARRANGEMENTS . roe I 664. GREAT ATTRACTIONS - . AT THE. _ rocrr-oi. mum THE. extensive . FL:inhere Esta'bilalinisit Stairs Bitcrrlistut having been. refitted end. greatly improved, the proprietors respeetfullY announce to the citizens of Montrose and vicitl ity that they are constantly making and keep on hand the LARGEST and BEST assortment Of ":FURNITURE • To be toned in the :Country. We give the following list of some of the a ticles- which r we will sell at. greatly reduced. 'prices, for CAME Or READY Pay: • - Bareims ; Walnut or Mahogany, with glean; fiom $l6 to 835. ' Bureaus with marble or brocatelle tops, front' 818 to $24. And,a,large assortment, from sfl, $10:12. 14. to $lB, Wash Stands. Card Stands,Corneratid Squaie Stands, of all varieties and prices, from 75 cents to - teti dollars.. , Deske, Divans ,Towel Racks, Footstools,Otto- 1 mans, Lounges, &c. Centre, Card, 'Pier, Toilet, pining, Kitchen, and Extension Tables. Chairs—Cane end Wood Seats, novkorB4.- Cane, Flag, and Woed Seats, .of every varieiy and style. • Sofas. tete a toter furnished at short node at New York prices. - • - • N. B. Ready ,made coffins ott band or fijr. Dished- at •short notice.---Hearses always im readiness when desired. ' ," We employ none but Caner:rt. and Errant • sacED WORKMEN. We e intend to do our Woks WELL, and sell it as Low-as - it can be afforded. W. W. SIIIITII, I. . A. • E. g. SMITH. I • Montrose. Jan. 18th, 18601---tf. • • -1 . • NEW GOOUS. Lawsville Centre, Snag. co., Ile. WALL Paper, Window Papers and Borders, a verv.large stock this 'day received, 4y April 17th. IL KENYON. JR. !St CO rthallis, silks, las ns lad calicoes, an immense ‘,./ variety,. bp R. KENYON. Jft. & CO; , EVERY style of Cotton Pant Goods, MO. ti 'day reu!d by R. KENYON, JR. & CO, SILK ; Brochn, .pod Ctsiunpie shawls. alaige stock, LOW. R. KENYON. JR. 4 CO. I.2 "ts- TOBACCO this day reFeived . stid for ea- l e lower than elsewhere in Snsqu'a R. KENNON. Mt. de CO. 100 LBS • SALEttetTUr3 in store and k/ for sale bilhe bOx or lb. • LARGE Stock of : FANCY Dry DOI'S& ?for isle by R. KENYON. JR. CO. riIEA Setts—Five Elegant:styles. enoiplte ,ll from sto $5O. R KENYON; JR. & cp. Lawayillf4 Centre. Pa.. April, 1 8 6 0 .... • I, .NOIATIO GARRATT , Dealer in FLOUR. GRAIN, GROCER:. lES: PROVISIONS. DYE • WOODS. Stu pIes 4 ORUG WOODEN and STONE WARE. ALL KINDS of lIGUSEKEEPING • ARTICLES . & YANKEE I NOTIONS. IN GENERAL.—.oni door North: of Barnum's Hotel, New Milford, Pa.; WOULD tie pleased to:tee - all his Old fri4da V V and many new ones at his NEW 4ore fronting the DEPOT, Where he-is prepared to show them such a stock of the above artic ea as New-Milford has long shred in nerd of. " Division Of trade has as many advantages as divisiiin of labor." AnY man eonfiping hiniself to - ode branCh• of bu.iness, 'giving; that Iminch his whole Capital and:attention can keep a better assortment, hoy•chea per and! SELL, CHEAPER than if the same menniOnd 4iene was - employed in a general trade. If you dont think rimiest l on the subscriber and be convinced._ The sOund principle oL - - 44 SMALL PROFIT AND PROMPT PAYME I, will be strictly adhered lo: i Bolter and e t her Produce forwarded tcr New York to one ofthe best commission houses in the City, and prdmpt payments guaranteetb HORATIO GAFtRATir.. New Milford, Snag. Co. P 11.4 April,lB6o CATAILICT WASIIIIG IMMO. Clothing, :lime, and tither Savled INDISPENSABLE WHOUSEKEEPERS: economical, and data ble irtele ever riti t ' • he i discomforts Of washday. • DeseriptiOn. It consists of . a - mettl. c4lindei, with ribs on., the inside, and an interior cylinder' of at,ood.. with rifle: . There is a Spate from MS' to eight inches between the two cylindris. One yank turns both cylinders 'at thei name; time in oppo • - site directions, rapidly cresting a midst: forting the. Water' through the clothes, - and e ff ect;nally 'removing' the dirt.. The actio n of the Water does the work quickly,'diCpenseli entirely with rubbing, and thus saves the wear of olothos. JAM ES RODGEILS,.. - , 104 Janis Ml 9. Phil is Agent for Penn. SULLIVAN at HYATT, Prop've, '54 R EEKMAN ST., IVEW YORK - N. 8..--State and County Righ • or salb, and purhasers supplied with Machines a - • . ;Neale on liberal terms. 1 .. 1 WA Machine is in operation by tlaubdr , . daily, at our salesroom, 439 Broadway.- PLM3•IO - 117.41. G. F. •• HAS removed his shop across the aft t, to ' the building one door below Keeler Si, Stoddard's, which he has.fitted np expressly for a • I Saddle, Harness - and Trunk Shop where may-be fotintl all kinds of 1 BARN,MEMO, from the heaviest team, Co the lightest .qotting harness, and a general itesorment , of trimMings, which will be made up of sold very low.l Catriage i • A good assortment on hind, which will be sold very low; all trimming done cheaper thaU else , where. - OAK LEATHER • on hand, from illicit hargesses will be ma • • • WELrr i eitallted * * *Customeis will please bear in min wish to settle gp once a. year. Those unsettled aeco,unts, 'or litotes due, will by settling or making payment without delay., G. F. FOREllik Feb. 24tfid , Montrose 'salt -satt - .1 l• %C:lM[t WHOLESALE SALT DEA.LEII, 201 WasiOngtOgpsti (Directly opposite Washington Mar *A i ) Weriglir C)1 • 151. 7 Q.TILL. CONTINUE tooffer to the and 17 COUNT KY trade, 1111 - kinds of FOREIGN . Coarse and Fine Sat.T.et the - very lowestifigurik 40000 sacks and bags. ctonaisling in part of Ash' ton's telebrited brand for table anddairy tail Jeffrey & BroivaloW'a, &c. ari.soooo bushelit Turks Island, DOrtarna, Cu rates, St. Übes, Liiboni Cadiz, Ivica,Nan,&e.„ all of which will be sold at bargain priciest .fiom _vessels, store and storehouses. - I • Any pureluiser wishing io select froth strood assortment 'will find interest . - N. 11.-Fine table salt put up io small bags of dilrerent sizes, and constantly ooluinifin .ping order. Also-a" splandWartielie if Rork cround Wt , in gun, boieri;iint up set for silo the apuinfity, in cannot fire dozen, iieb • ROCKET ' DaRIESANDALMAN I I D CSIteri, 15011 .large' variety. - Mid' delible Pencils - for awitleitZweeriog apparel, arsaated not to fade' irviro out, for. sale by - - , • . • A. N. BUlPatt • /-- ‘ - ! - w,...:'✓ z 4 '40.1 COMMERCIAL 'COLLEGE.- LOCATED 04E0418 :5118QUEBANNE 4E4E4 HERE, - BINGHAMTON: N. Y. - Ro'oms open foli:lostrection 9 . 0 m 9 e.. 04 to 9:30 F . •. . ._ FAvIULTY: • D. W. LOWELL, Principe], Profesinir, of the Science of, Accounts, Practical Ac'contitant. :Anther of Doi/etre Treaties upoil :ing. Diagrams illustrating the came.: lons Reams, Cominercial Accountant. Protein' of Boole Keeping and Practical Mathematics. J. J. CURTIS, A ssistant , Professo r in the nook Keekting Depsrtrnent.. • A..J. WA RNER, tPrOfeNSOr or Practical' and Or namental Penmanship. Commercial: Calculs• tiona . sind• Correspondence. ; lE= Hon. Daniel S. Dickirtion, Lecturer on', Comiler cial Law andi Political Economy. Hon. Ransom IBa!corn. Lecturer on Contracts Promissory Sores and Bills of Exchange. Rev Dr. E. Aildrews,"Lecturer oarCbmmercial Ethics. • I-. ' . , • EXAMIIIING COMMITTEE: Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, Wm. It. Osborn, Esq., Tracy R. Morgan, Esq. . " The obj.ct of this College is tolkiford to all an opportunity nf "obtaining a thorough . Business Education. 1- The-Books and Perms are carefully arranged by practical micountauts expressly for this In stitution and eMbrace all the recent; improve. ments. - • 1. The course of instruction eompr,tmes every department: of business. The learner will be thoroughly, taught the science and Practice Double Entry ;Book Keeping as applied to the following kind* of business, viz: General Bier. chandising, M'anufacturing, Banking, COMMif. 4012, Bteamboating, Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, Foteign Shipping, St.e. Ladies Department entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. - • • Students can enter College at any time and receive individual instruction. fly this arrange meet every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as his !enterprise And ability - . will per mit, and. hen! through, perfect ind complete. will receive al Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure. - Time to complete the conme,-6 to 12 wieki. o vacations . . Board $2 to $2,50 per week. TERMi: 1 • For Book-Keeping, lull accountant's course. iric:uding Practical Penmanship, Conamercial, Computations!' and- Diploma, (Time unlimit ed.) . r $35 00 Same course for Ladies (separate).; '2O 00 Penmanship and /krithmetic, - . .10 LO Teachers' course in Penmanship, Practi. cal and Oinitmental, - . .30 00 Twelve lessods io Practical Penmaniship. 2 00 r Occasional classes will beF•formed in ,Phonograpy. For full particulars .send for it circular.'. - ' " ocl3* y cnvitcult.Os CURE OR- CONSU MPTION, • •HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME. AND Of SODA. HAT FINAL-scnurgs of the.-liuman race— . .tonsumptinn—can now be Otrented and CURED, with I,the game' CEIITAINTY as, any other diseasel he new Remedy discovcred'by Dr.Chnrchill of Paris, has performect more cures . of Confirmed! Cokisumprion in a single year than can be found in the -records ofMedical History . .in the past century 'Read 4he 7 r estimcipials.ja` Cure (fa t aagin ihe LaseStage4-If you want facts, I can give 'them abundantly, :that the Hy. pophosphitealis the only Remedy that an cure car sutaption:l - Read what Dr. Puerrs says. J. J. 3171fccilErrEt:Eroi.—Dear sir: I 1 4111 all pathy, of thirty ears practice, ih Western New York,`My first-trial of the HypophiMphites was toade-a year'AV December, with great success. el a Miss E. ed 25 years: This was, truly a ,hard one. The Patient had been pronounced a consumptive iferlsix years previous to the begin ning of the treatinent. She evidentle was in the 3d and Last' tae ;tniterclas in 11142 d stage in each I:ung ; !nevem!' cavities in th e Left Lobe, showing catiprrStus rales ; a Moat inc - essant cough, ; pulaU tqo frequent and weak to count. With tite4 `in xtf confirmed Phthisis, having no faith in any - remedies ) had ever be fore used, 1 , ivroie to you - and obtained 3 bottles befiypoPhogphites: On using one, her symp to,;›,.tativ..7ed r and during the use of the fifth and sixth, v ,Fmk.a4.F . g.... „ ng enough Ito walk. half a mile. Frew' then, up to thierittrilr-Eheri I saw her, shod ha+ been at work. . 1 This_iremsrkahle cure. I must' in candor, say, was etfectefi by the II YPOPHOSPHI7EII. . • GORGE R. POWERS. M. D. CHINA, Wyoiing Co., N. Y., March 12, 1860. STILL Di(!) REMARKABLE CURES! _ _ . • • 1 - - The following latter from an old physician in Chester Co. roust satiety all Who have ever doubted the effiracy of this Wonderful Remedy : ..: I Co'Nrumit, 3d Month, 26th. 1860. • FRIEND .1 , . lINCHENTER 'I * * :* Thiripsix %persons hive btaieed, the medicine from me, twelve of tablet& have been under : my own care. Five of them *re, in my opinion.*nd the judg - • t of Otheo physicians, hopeless cases of Phib it —4rita,ble cough, copious el:ix:eters: Lions' o' ' 'penitent character, Doh' 'sweatti and emacipat:.o.• These cases were from one to three yeare:stai r ting. Auaculatioit and percus sion develpped i sounds, which, taken in connec 'ion with Other symptoms, gave evidence of a condition front: Which I have never, in seventeen years practice,seen a single case recover by any other treatmen t. -* * * • Under the treat ment of thi: Hepophosphites, all the bad symp toms ceased: :Ind they have gained flesh and strength, and health- some of them better than -they had enjoy pd for seven years:previously. The.other c ater under my rare were , in the . . incipient it.agea and in them all nymptoms and traces of the disease have disnppearett. Of those -who were!not ynder my care, I hat e not hoard of a single pationt Who did not express himseif :benefittedlay the use of the Remedy; although in 'some ;Of them the-disease was too far ad vanced tif,adm I the possibility of, recovery. ffi I presume I as skeptical in medicines, 'or specifics, iis m st physicians; yet, [rum the ex perience i hav had in this use-. Dr: J. F. Chore. hill's Rediedyi for Turberculosis,' I would sav to all whd,havi , ii tendency to that disease--Take it; and the so ner the u better, - before there is divot-01140cm. * ' O , * .;. I - i: W. W, TOWNSEN D, it. D. : .i• ' , - , 1 Winchester's Gen tti no IllitPhoPhos• phitest PM, -.WITH FRC/WETNESS AND CERNAINT in every stags of CONSUMP TION, and . ith invniable effwsoy ' in all De ' rangemsnts of the' Nervous and Blood Systems, . General Debility, Dyspepsia, Asthma; Rickets, Female Comtainta, Spermatorrhea , in. in dis orders diiien at on imperfect .or impaired no. - trition, and inlet! Cane* of local or coast Rational debility. II Thby increase_ the nervous or vital eheigy. relievb Cough, check Night Sweats, and 'diminish I ExFieetoration, inprove - the ,appetite, arrest ptarrtion, promote refreithing.eleep, and create nen, atd 'Healthy Blood ' '- • - . % A.FAIB. TRIAL IS A bERTAIN CtIREI Tiitcs4irrY7 and )4 ounce beitles,.sl and $2. Do not Conftiund this remedy. ;with - the Phoe. photon t*Chimirail Fon& ' Beware of all pre. parations Co taloing • lnr; the age of which. in Consatnptio .'is_ pronounced .highly dangerous an crimi nalby eminent - teethes!: authority. Send for w new Circular.. Which gives the , onlytelhibleinforostioo to tegeid to Dr.Cherch: , ill's .Traetniamt. ' Inquire . tor _ and use only. " Wnioginits's Gomm . PitWomos." sod which triny be bed of all romestitble Dru ggist., and WhAdettile and Retail al. the sole General Depot iit thl United States, -bln -•-• • •" - . - - .jr- - ..g: - . - . 'l. WINCHESTEE_,.. otilyt). -; _.,. • . .43 Job" attest; N: Y.- Filr' For earn! AUL IIIRREI ! L, Moetroote, that I having oblige [further 11. Pa. 59,000 Copies air ady Sold. 'EVERYBODY'S LAWYER cotnistwat IM inravizse. •Iffy 'Frank- Crneby, OF THF. entlatrixtenis !Mt. It ells you How to draw upFartoofsbip Pa pers and gives general forms • _ • for Agreemente of all. kinds, •2' Bills of Sale, Leases .and titions. 1 It-tens you How • to drawl ep Bonds and Mortgages,'Affidavits, Powers - cif Ajtorney - .Notee and' Bills • of Exchange. Receipts and Re._ leases.. is 'liens you. The Laws foil the Collection of 9. • Debts, With . the Statutes of - Liatitathinoind amout arid-kind of property Bxemiit from Ex. • -. • • ecution in,every.State. It tells you How to triake an Assignment . • properly; :with limns for Com. position with Creditors, sod the 'wive Laws of every 1 Stater It. - tells you The legal gelation existing be. tween Guardian and Ward, • Master and Apprentice, and •, , Land l ord arid Tenant. " It tells yonyhat eorietitntes -Libel and Slander, and the Law ss to. • Marriage Dower,' the Wife's" • • - ; 'Right in Property, Divorce and Aliinotiy. It tells you The Law tor: MeChanis' Liens in every State, and- the Natural. ization Laws of this 'country;. and how to _comply with the ' . same. ; It tells you The Law Concerning -Pensions and how to ' - obtain one, and the !.' Pre-Empttan Levis to Public Lands. It tells yoU The Law for Patents, with ' mode of procedure 'in . obtain. • ! rag one, 'with Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. It tel4,yoili Hew to make •liinr Will, and how to Administer on an Es. briS i tate, with the lawand require. --‘;'• I invite thereof in every State. It tells you The meaning of Law Terms 'in „ general toie, and explains_ to • you the Legislative, Executive. - and Judicial -Powers of both the General w i nd State Govern- - . ; ments. It tells yoU How to keep out 'of Law, by - • showing how to-do your be. siness -legally, thus saving a • Tait amount. of property, and - vexatious litigation, by its ly co_ n s ultati o n. - - - Single copies , will be sent by mail,- postage 'paid, to every Farmer, every -Mechanic, every - man of Businest, and every body iu every State,. on receipt of $l.OO, or in-law style of bindingtet 5125; $lOOO ',ll. R can be made by enier. ,prising men everywhere, in' telling the above , work, as our induiements to - all such are Very liberal. For single 'copies of the - Book, or for terms to agents, with .other information, apply to or • address JOHN E 'PUTTER, Publsher, • j..7m6.1 Nn. 617 ' , :anson at.; phiv a pa, what; Everylbody Wants. THE. FAMILY'DOCTOR: SIMPLE REMEDIES irAtILIE 'OBTAINED, FOR TUE CORE OP DISEASE IM ALL FORMS. •. I - Professor Henry-S. Taylor, H. D. It tells To* How to attend upon the. Sick, ' • and how to cook for them; how • to prepare Drinks,-Poultices, • &c., and how to guard against • infections tram Centagious It tells you Of the various diseases of Chil. • . dren, *lnd gives the best and' - ! simplest mode of treatment , .during Teething, Convulsions, • Vaccin.ition.Whooping-congh, Measels, dec. • It tells you The symptoms Of Crcinp,Chnlent - Infantum, Cholic, Diarrhoea * Worms, Scalded Eleads,:Ring- • worm; Chicken-pox, 'Lt.,. and .. gives }ow the best. aemedies fur their. cure. - „ • It tells yOu The symptoms of Fever and Ague, and- Bililous. Yellow, Typhus, Scarlet and other Fevers, and . : gives you the beat and simplest remedies for their cure. ~ • It tells yoU The symptoms of Influenza, ,- •. Consumption, Dyspepsia,Asth-- . ma„Dropsy:Gookßliematisni, • Lumbago,Erysipelas, &e. and' • . • • gives you the best remedies - for their - enro. • - It tells yciti The a' mptums of Cho'era Nor ' • bus, Matignontplioler- Small pox; Dysentery, Dia . eases of the Bladder, Kidneys ." • and: Liver, and the best reme dies for their cure. • It tells you The sym ptoms of - Pleurisy, • Mumps, , Necualgi . a, Apopleiy, • Paralysis, the various Diseases of the Throat, Teeth, Eir and, • Eye, and'thelest remedies for . • , ; their cure. yOst The eymptoms of Epilepsy, Jaundice, Piles, Rupture, Dm= - eases of the Heart, Ijemor. • rhaie, Venereal Diseases, and • • • Hpdrophobia, and giies the bent renseilies for theie cure. • • - It tells , !ou The best and - simplest remedies ,for Wounds, Broken Bones:aid • • !Dislocations, Sprains,Lockjaw, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Wee's, Whitlows, Beils,Seur. r• vey, Burns and Scrofula._ It tells You Of the various diseases peculiar • - to Woriten„ and gives the beat . and simplest remedies for their tare, together with many val. • _ • - 1 , noble - hints for the preserve ' tine of health'. •. • • The work is written- in plain—language, free from medical terms, so as to. be easily under stood, while its simple receipes may - soon save yon many, times the cost of the hook. •It is, printed inia clear and open type;, is illustrated with appropriate engravings.'-and' will be _for. warded to;yoor addest*, neatly bound and post age paid, on the receipt of $l.OO. $lOOO.l YEAR can be 'made. by vitae- Prising men everywhere, in selling the atnive work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For.,aingle copiee of the Book, or for terms to agents; with other inforination, apply to iir address' JOHN E. POTTER; Publisher •• - je7m6l No. 617 Sansom St„;-Phil'* : 'WM: B. SIMPSON,': WITIII NEPAJOEL,' Shopritsi . Boyd cis Weipter's new building, net ddor above - Kesler ik Stoddard's. . AVING worked for .the past nine yeati with the. most skillful 'workmen, he feels confident that he can do the most jobs on short notice. • •' ' • r Alt Work Warranted tO Gi Satisfaction. •W. B; .Stitrecr has'; worked. for me for some time, sod 1 can recommend him as i careful and skilful workman, competent to do sts gond work wean be done in.the country. Ind worthy of confident°. - • IWN.- A.Ciii üBEHLIN. TowandkJnne 10th,! 1858. • . . , •• Refer:lo—Np; •Elwell; F.. W. Baird. E. D, Montay B. 0. Goodriahal. Kingnbuiy,Tliwon di; B. S. Bentley,'.!. Searle, C. D. Lathrop. J. Wittenberg. lduntrone. - ** * JOlrelly aeill repaired on'elinvt. antics, And on ressonstdeteinms. [June sth. 1-868.—tf. • •, PAINTS AND OIL , AIPIRFIT RATE 'ASSORTUEIiT, and of theibart qoalide4 l ,. at lowgt market prices, Noiltrose, Nay, 1 601 • A Jrußgrut.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers