Nfrtat -- 1;HIT . garnead the medical Id of. Dr Wheaton in another c,oltuun. . . • m" It you Want •beautifull •l y finished, ace,drate and cheap pictures, C 1 at Mr. Wood's gallery, ner'ilre Cntirt-house. • # 7 -L-- --.0.-111.!-40-----i--4 . - • Messrs. Guttenburg, Ros7bturn & Co. , advertise a very choiceand e te sive stock 1 of staple aryl gar Th, , notwith. standing tl —*ins; look very flurishing. _ 'pi be a eery large yieldof \l* and mar . p than: an average; we judge, of the winter . grainA. Corn and Potatoes have come forwardrapidly, - and all that we have seen look very promising. Fruit trees of. all ko:l's are literally load ed, and ,there is now _e,VerY tirfiomise.that f there will be tv hirger yield •of ruit than we have had for many . years: 'll e observe by our exchanges that _'thesatliel cheering. prospects,ex tend throttgli the:whole coun try. • • I . .. A Poon TunNov - r.--iThe aholition dem onstration on Tuesda . }, cornpa - with similar shows of the last e,ampai n, was a d miserable.fizzle. When'Fremon and Jes • sie were candidates,-these wasimetch. en'. thusinsm- manifested,' hut the gnal de feat of the sectional p'a'rty in 1 q 56 seems to - have cooled their ador. There were very few people foolish - enough' to leave their work to attend- the meeting on Tues ' day, and the enthusia, was cheerless" I - enough. Like a funeral proces - gion, the ) idle crowd strayed away to, the woods some distance from the. to.wi Tie Band playing a melaiicholly tune. l i ,-We know nothing of the performsnee infthe woods, hut it is editain that the whole ffair was very slim and profitless. TRE CEN - sus:.—The D'eputy Afd this County are now busy at ir'cl king the Census. We republiSh 1 lisfof.part of the'questikms to he answer ed. The County his. bben diVii ed into four districts, a part of the C'en'tral and western townshipi' has been assigned 'to - Mr. Charles L. Brown, the", northern and part of tlke central townships to 'Gem Blanding, the southeastern tov(11 hip . . to Mr. A. J. Gerrition, and the southwestern townships to Dr. Lathrop. The; work will be prosecuted 'with all possible dispatch. i If permitted 'to do , so; !,,Ve :WO publish. some local statiitics , front the i.e Urns in ~,, the course 6f a few . days.l ' .; Faax I - sn.tarrAivrs:—Natite, ::a sex and color-of- every 'perscin their occupa tion, the value of thetr.real and ersonal estate, birth plSceonarried-Withiii t le year, attended school, Cannotl read '.o write, whether deaf, dumb, blind, insitne,t idiotic, pauper or convict. , , 1{ . • • MORTALITY. Ri ' 7, t'OßT.—Name age, sex and color, of every persott, who dkfd with in the year, their. birth place, tnenth they died, occupation, cause of 4eath,'and num ber of days ill. • , I AoIIICULTIL , RALI s nontx - hoxs.--ame of, owner, agent, 'or manager of acres' of land, improved and uaimproVed, cash vabie of farm, value .of iinplements, <Ed, . number of horses, asses, males, mulch cows,. working oxen, other cattle, -sheep,' swine, value of live stock, number of litaihels of wheat, rye, ; - corn; oats, pOinds of ,- tioe, to baccO, wool, bushels ofkas.arid be ns, po tatoes, barley, buckwheat, valnel of 'er: chard_products, gallons °fly - file, pounds of batterycheese, tons c4 . .bayi; bushels of clo ver seed and grass seed, patinae: l ot hops ; flax, bushels of flax - seed, pound'of maple - sugar, gallons of molasses,!pounds bees wax, honey, value of home made:manufac tures, value of animals‘Slanghtel-ed I during the year. , - I Paonrcrs INDITSTRY.H.NaIIi4e (of er- . 1 son or company Manafacttiring sirticles the value of 000 a year, name orbasineo • capital infested, quantity of nsed, inciading fad, fiitij - s, and 'values ; kind of motive - power; avetage•ninaber of • male and female hands emOoiecli average• monthly * \ cost. of labor of ethih, annual pro ductin quantity, kinds- , and . v alues. A• Guittors - Armatx OF STATIONERY.- We hope 'that some person will devote himself to ascertain whether - thefoLlowing,, which is credited to the Washihr,to cor respondent of the Louisville ,Couitter, is true or not. We are loth ,to lielioe that'. any.representative of a congressional dis trict omilty of such an iki: as is charged upon Araham Lincoln, repr o tire of the whole abolition-party, correspondent writes : t , - "The best thine , , however , I have heard about Lincoln is connected with his record . whilst a member of Coagres in 1 1 ,847-'49. As'yoti are aware, the General ..,,G vern ment supplies each repreientative . with stationery, usunlly consisting df aper, ink, envelopes,'&c., Sac. It is said that in the stationery bill of Mr. Lincoltil play be fotiud the following 1.. , 3 pair of boots 0 - - - I - - p? , I "It is the instance o'n r,ectltd4 be lieve where bags have been regatcled as stationery, and• when the Go t vertimpnt has supplied the - representativeii in, Cprigress with that desirable and highly userul;arti cle. Whether a further eaminati 'n of the stationery bill•will disclose the fact. that the Government suppliO.Mr.Lineoln with his , shirts and i l unmentionahleii' re mains to be seen." - I -' Will 'the black Republican- paperii n- - form us whether thia is true or not l'. rfitis not true it ought to' be 'denied, but as yet we have' seen no depial. .1 I . . . . TZLEGIZAPII To TILE PAmme.=Abili for the establishment of jit line of telegraph to the Paelfin Coast at San Frnrieiro is now before- Congresi: .Nest to . the Pa. cific 'Railroad thig-is-the most iniportant billmow before Congress in relation to the wettaie and interest of our rapidliin creasing settlements Mithe.PacificPCean, as well asour .entire"country. It i the duty of Congress to encourage thu), enter. prise by all the meanii• necesparlyHand which they hare the power to t r‘ grant. They_should. not. Be illiberal in fixing the , tariff of . prieeb, but allow the coinpaPy Iwile are willing to incur the expense roil:the benefit of the country in chargeiprices which will afford a, fair remuneratton for their outlay and -rink. :We bespeaks tor this enterprise the early cmiside.ration of • ,our. law Makers -at Washington.-41PJ' News. • - • A orarsomrifiwprohibiting the hn %gun of any tittle from Massaellu into Rhode Island pitied of the latter State. • - THE - RICHMOND CONVENTION. Rtogtioxn Ta.• June. 11.—The Conven tion-of the ennthern delegates tn-Chstim -ton IlSitemblefl in this city atnoOn to day. Gov.; •Lutniek, - of Texas,, wa , called to the chair; le returned thanks to the COn ientidn,-iind, deemed his selection as-Pres ident a Compliment to his State. 'He trust ed they! had assembled " fora triumph of p r i nc ipi e i and not for plunder—that if those ; Principles .are repudiated .by the Norgi. they wing'? before the count 7 as the true Deracicraticparty, with its pnnci plesiemblazoned upon their banners. • rrayer. was Offered -by the Rev. Dr. gur ppugh,B.4 _• The States were then called; New !York responded, cleating grey applause.. A list of delegates was 'handed in from that State, from which it appeared that they were appointed by the trustees .of the . I . ational Democratic Hall of New York. , • All the seceding States are represented • . except• Delaware. ' • . Mr. parry, of MississiPpi, moved the appointment Of a Committee of one from each State on - credentials ,and perni,anent or .Agreed to. ‘• - At one o'clock the Convention adjourn ed till ten, o'clock to-morrow. Mayor, Witiod, of New York, • has sent word here that the delegation from New York repreilents nobody. The imPres i sion is that there will be lit= . tle or no Iditictission in public. Everything will be . settled in committee, and all differ ences of bpiniim accomodated. The Convention will "doubtless -close its sessions ,to=morrow to awit the action of thi Baltimore Convention.' THE PROTEST OF THE PRESIDENT. - If anything were wanting to. demon ' strate that the President's protest of 111" ch '2Bth had done its perfect work, ',the con temptible manoeuvre of Hickman : last eve:rt ifig in.thc House of representatives sup plied that deficiency. • At a late hod. ) in a thin house ; When membersexhaustei by a long sitting,: had paired, off,. the worthy :ally of the Black Republicans sprang upon thOse,iol6 yet lingered in the Hall' the resolutions which were affixed to his re port, l as Chair Man of the Judiciary com mittee, dissenting, from the .doctrines of the proteSt and,by the instrumentality of the previous I question, forced • them to . 'vote. •.l • • - .1 rshalt in r 1 in th beinw a . . Net only was no debate permitted, but the resolution:Which the minority of the Committee (gessrs.liouston and Taylor) -proposed,' was not allowed to be brought before the Ronse. . , If the opposition can find any comfort in this signal triumph' over common cour tesy and !paryamentary usage by theii vindictive confederate, they may make the most of it. Such a procedure- . only shows that they feared discussion--that they dreaded the further,expositre which Democrats were prepared to make of the flimsy pre•texts;and wretched -sophistrieS of Hickman's report: But the manoeuvre will not avail. . iThe Protest will stand: Stessrs.;Houston and Tayler, - it will be seen, signified their sense of the uncourte ous and tMjusticonduct Of the majority by asking . to be aOtsed from further. service on the Committee of the Judiciary,—Con ,t stititutiun. • APPorNtxtEvis CONFIRNIE D.—The Sen ate; in executive, session, confirmed tie following appointments: John _Appleton, Minister to Rtudsia;• Mr. Prescott, Assis 'tant Secretary of State ; Mr. Mitchell, of South. Carolina, Secretary of Legation at St. Petersburg; Cave Johnson, Tennessee Commission to settle claims under the treaty with Paraguay; Sam Ward, of New 'York„ Secretary. and- Interpreter to the Conrmissiondr; B. A. kdos, Consul at - Pernambuco; Augustus Aler Coe,, Consul at Brunswick, Germany.• "Th e , Conference ComMittee on'the Pacific Railroad bill held a nmetitig on the I I th,,and the majority resolved to report a bill embracing the southent and• central routes. .T4rels a proSpect of its passage. = •.. td ? M l . - A. Bradley, Jr. Democrat,- BA''. 'NES & r. 4 g, /4 , oprfel>27, }!_err Fork. chosen May l or at the election- lield,,at•Avil2. Coxsuairristm, read th ,inicArth , ement of Dr. Churchill's tel;bUry, Conn. June ilypophosphites of Ltmc c 4nd Sod?, go 4tripagie. moommimump.- • - 1...\-7FOILMATION WANTEDr--MySteriOUSINT disape.ared,lfrom the Chicago Convention . ,! a gentleinan a little past. middle age, of prepossing appearance and . polished-man ners, named Wm. H. Seward. He held ' .a prominent position before the conven tion for some time, /futon the 18th ult., suddenly disa s ppeared ; since which time, "nothing been heard of, him in the Flo- . litical w0r1d;...:..11, is thought that he has retired to • hank up -his s fiddle; in..eonse quence of not being able, to come up'to the scratch; or he may haVe gone to Roches , ter to repress a certain q confliet '? with which he was fainiliar, though he former- . Iy-considered it "irrepressible.',' 'Any in formation of,his political whereabouts will Ibe thankfully received-by his heart-broken friends of the Albany . Regency. <•Address Thurlow Weed, Esq., any time betiVeen this and 1864.. , =• Vanity Fair. _ _ - "."4' The reason why the number of students at -nding the Iron City College is so much atger than in othei schools, their 'work his so complete in style and finish, and their success in business so uniform. aiid complete, is because each student receives the direct personal atten tion of the rriticipals throughout .the err:. tire course of study.—Daily True Pies& • .......-_-- - -- F - ~ -Arcer.vilEst.—Rev. - N.- Door.irma will preach iu• the Universalist Church, in 31ontrose, - --,01 Sunday the 24th inst. at the usual hours. • - , . : . . - IHrThe following bi a sample - of the numerous Musts constanUy receiving for Hoidetter's stomach Bitters: Nears. Hootetter ,Comaitflaria, July 15th 1559. Pitabtav, Pa.—Gtints: .As we are strangers, I herewi th enclose you twenty-eight do ll lace for four dozen Hostetter's stomach Bitters, which please forward via Michigan Southern Rallroad, Toledo, Ohio, and Claftoastation. • I have purchased several dim en lattice at Toledo this manner, but the sale is on the increase so much that I,wistrto open a direct trade - with you. I was indriond to try your Bitters bymy physician for the Liver comPlalnt,mnd received mach material ald that I have recominended it to others and have sold about two dozen per . week for some time. I have all kinds cif medicine In my store, but there is none" that :t cap eo . cheerfully recommend as your Bitters, for I. know They have helped me beyond my expectation.. Yours roily, Said in, Montrose by .A.S.E.L TU.IO2.E.LA ' Do Health and Pu.6 : Blodd are inseperible.—Recollect that all sickness Mises him Impurity of the blood, and that Judsonls moutdain llerb.Pilla will so surely null oat and cleanse these itanurities from the system that disease cannot exlat.l::,So,ahnple Itud innocent are the plantiand herbs that camposethent,4tat it is not necessary to hare them aggro coated In ord 4 that the etomache can bear them. In moat eases pflld are sugar coated. became the materials of whichlthey are made are sd malignant and griping; that otherwise adelicate stomach could - not bear them. There deli with disease . us it la, and will not only cure by removing the caw., bat will build up and 'restore the .htokeiconstitittion. There are many , who have so trill' ed mit 'their constitutions that they think 'noteven these despair. - 'thrown by *masa 'of At Antrim virtues were long. deem; often ey . advanced by thelidis. ideated by - what:saes of . 'w:have viewed, and • ingtitylualer.-L I ..tand. efficacy s• ttew (*roue by • %. I '47 & 'BRO. • v itoomurirs r 01 MEDI t 9, 4 lU l ' el * zt,c THE _ R 2i re Aric STANijARD REMEDIES or the present age, Imre acquired dialr great populsaity Cady tbsougb yanks Or trial. !abounded satisfaction roncthtid by them In ell cams.. . ' HOOFtAIiD'S GERMAN BITTERS atiO4 ; voiativiiv ens - ' List Complaint. traltelmiailatindioe. Mittman' ph` halt/. ;Mimics of the Eldnetth and all diseases ariOng from a diaordered liver, or week. , ham of thb•diotnath and Illioatiee Ornaite, POSMTM rammer. , • TIMM TM, 11190113 MI, An tints AMI 4 AUL l*inu-Alunianc f6r proof. Nu., 75' ecnti per Bottle. Balsathic 'Cordial • tabs POSITIVILT CMS . . CORAL Colds, er ileareenese, Bronchitis, IntheeniN Creul, Pneuxasnia, Incipient Consumption, . and helper *caned fl most astonishinircerviccer known • ; of • .": CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION. As • Diarritccs Cordlpi It is -Pnequalled. Plum 73. • ' per • - HOOFLANDI 'GERMAN PILL; known tbrlxighoutEnrope and America, - needs .. :no commendation here: They are purely vegetable, are prepared with great drachms's, and are sugar-coated. No better Cathartic Rill be found. Paict, 25 cis. per box. ''These medicines ate prepared by Dr. C; M. JACKSON co., Philadelphia, P•l4 and At. Loule r kfo., and are sold by drnaists and deilersti medkines everysit;ere. The sig nature of C. M. Jacrikeis will be on the outside of each bottle or box. . In our Almanac," published annually, you teetimony and commendaiOry notices from all parts of the country. These Ainnumesitro given away by alTour agents. Stild in MontrOc by ABEL TCRRELL, Agent: Or :karat's Life4ills,—The high & envied celebrity whichth pre-eminent . tted 'eine has acqulredfor invariable efficacy in all, diseiseadt professes tct cure, has rendered the practice of bqtattatlous pufllng not only unneces sary, but unwoithy of them. They are known by theirr fruits; their good -worlts testify for them, and they thrive not by he faith of the ei?edulous. In all cases of costive ness, dyspepsia, bilionit and liver affections, piles, levers - and a.qies rheumatisr4;6 obstinate headaches, and general derangements of healthi these Pills havein variably proved a certain and speedy rethedy. A single trial will ,place the LIFE ; PILLS beyond ih reach of competition in the'estl mationof every patient! Da. MOFFAT'S PIKENII BITTERS will be found to be equally efficacious in;all cases of dyspepsia, headache, • nervottii debility, sicknst, Incident to female* In delicate health, And every kind of Wiii.kness of the digestive organs. For sale by Dn. W. B: 3tOFEAT, Mit Broadway, N.Y.,and by medicine dealers anti druggists generally throughout the country.. decB ly 6m* 'lmportant MFematei.—Dr. Cheesoman's Pills.— The combination of in,grpdlenti in these 1111* are the result of a long and extensive practice. They. are_mild in their operation, and certain ficarrecting all irrelpalarittes, pain falmenatruationa,remAng obstructiudfs, whether from cold or -otherwise; head4he, pain lathe side, palpitation of th'e heart,Whi tea, all nervosa affection*. hYmeri Cl 4, fatigue pain in the back and ibibs, disturbed sleep, So., which arise from- intemiptiontir nature. - DR. CHEESEMAN"4.-PILLS was the commencement of a new era in the treatnnt Of those irregularities and oh structions which have consigned so many thousands of the young, the beautiful and ;beloved toy PILF.MATIIRE Onavt. No female can enjoy pod healtrunless she in regular, and - whenever an obitructio4 takes place the general health begins to decline. . ' DR.' CHEESEMAA"4 PILLS arc the most effectual remedy ever known foran complaints peculiar to Ffinake. - To all classes they are iti'vldnable, inducing, with certainty, 'periodical regularity. Tliey are known to thonsands, who have Used them at..differept periods, throughout the corm. try, having the sanction Of some of the most eminent Phy- Aid-am in America, Explkii-direettow; Melina when, and when they shindd net-be taed, with each Bo?`--:the Price onetdollar per bar containing 40 pills. `PIN sent by mall, Imolai - 41y, by entloslng`price to the General Agent. For sale by Dragiista generally. • IL B. ID:ITCHING:3, Glneral Agent, .tV Cedar at., N. Y. Dr:J. W, Lyman, Tunkltannoele, and ABEL TURRELL, Montroxe, Agent.t. my3o ly MEXICAN BItISTANG LINIMENT: Intrinsic virtue alone &ild Insure the success which 1 this article has attained. iFor Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Barns. Bruises. sturJoinlicor Golds, Sprain, poll Evil, & Swellings neon Horses, it. has no equal. No person will be:without it who has ()ripe tested' its valcie. " And with reference to the general istliustion of the ...Ifustang Lini ment, I can cheerfhlly - sn that no 'ever performed sis many cures In our nelethorhood as this. L. W. Smith, Ridgefield, Conn. S. Leitch. Esq. Hyde Park, Vt..writgs, "that the . hor;ie was _considered worthless,l (his. case was' spariml but since the &of:. r uie of the Liniment I have sold him for $159. Yourt Liniment is doing wonders up here." Such testimony is reaching us every diy. The hair is not told. Every faipily should haVi. it. Beivara of .The gequine;Liniment is soldhr Parages. In New York, •on Tuead4 June sth, bythe Rey. Theo dore D. Woolsey, PresiOnt of Yale College. 5A...1117EL FISHER CARNAL T, ofOukquehanna co. Pa., and Hiss ANN ELIZA, danghtet u the Late William Cecil Wool sey, of that city. \ cffttu Abkrtistnituts. - DR.. VVILLIA. W. AVIIEATON, ECLECTIC PHYSIDIAN '& .SURGEON DENTIST. • wrrirDß. mta ON W7IEA2 4 ON. Mechanical and Surgical pintist, recently of Binghamton, N.Y. tender their professional services to all who appre. date the "Reformed Pratice -of Physic ;" careful and skillful operations on Teeth:: with the moat scientific and approved styles -a platewOrli. . Teeth extracted without . pain and all work warrant' Jackstm, June 14th, - . Iyi _ Notice I Bnilders. • malt School Directors . o)' Lenox township will receive proposals for buildig.h. Sehool House near Ana How ard's, until the last Saturday in June, at which time they_ will contract with the lowest and best bidder, at the place where said house is to be built. Size, form, and finish to be like a new one near Sallied Roland. June 14,1!300. . • ism ! . E riNGLEr, Bec'y .2L-Nilir n_ ‘ 0 2 1 , . AT THE N. Y. BRANCO STORES • -- 54ttenb;rg, litisenbaunt, k. QT.1.1.; Nontrose, & Siliq'kDepot,-Pa• The anderalgned have proved themselves with a - §,PaNDIL) ,tiSORTMENT • . - SPRING 01.11 ER GOODS! whitb thq,licti4 of being the • •HAHDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST inthls seetlozi of country. They also Baiter themselves that they- I lave the best facilittes of obtaining' • I .cobs sris4 . Market,. and are ieterinineei not to be.uhdersold by any Arm this side of New York city. lb rsard to READVIIIAll11; Ct . we - would saythat bilhig in this largely at • 24-Dey greet NOW York City we mineffk the public Naga/menet well by tihy re tail dealers I n Min section, as sve am sell litre at re - Maps - I-- ma as cheap -its-lbw who - New Yerk sad purchase at wholesale and then bring Mehl here and have to - make a profit over that which they b4el already oaldthemselvea. Pill and gee as and we will prove the beta. - • ' .4Suiteitbt tt oseriba R I k er. Ifir(rime,,Pa. ' • ABEL. - 1U- REL hol Ustre , tug ohs otr iwir . .4. 'N. . - .. ever Mimed in We Market: The quality of nearly every thing good ; : all warranted AS represented :es represented • Terms: Reddy Cad Ma Low.-Pricer.- A general idea of the stock may be formed from the following enumeration: „ • MADICIDES,, CDAYICALS, • c ' Rulers. Oita; . VASADDIAS, 'WENDoir. GLASS, Ors Svirrra, -Gatimemmr,... • - Chris Wane, Cnoetnnr, • - IdirrOre. CLOCKS, WALL Parra, WDiDAr PAPER, • WUTD'It OIDAHADZS,FANDT GOODS, : Mualati Inattnnientsjamps, Jewelry, • Perfumery . • Stools Ware , SIMMS, &label', Whips, umbrepa. Bird Dages, Pocket Knives, Guns, Pistols, Amnionition, • Liquors; Trusses, 'Supporters, Shoulder Bracers, port monnals, & . ,Spectacles; Silver plated Spoons, Forks, &c. (kid pens, Stationery, .. Violin, Guitar MUM Viol Strilign. Lithographs, porcelain Teeth, Artist's Tube palots,Mrush es, &c,,,kc. Also some-Dry Goods, Wooden Ware, hard. - and japanned Ware, Fluid and Oil Cans, Carnphine,.Coal 011, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine,. lamp, tanner's, : neat foot, lard; olive, castor boiled and raw linseed - Oils,- White Lead , Zinc, and all kinds of colored paints, Vine gar, Canary Seed. also all the popular PATENT' DEEDI— ciNEs, and other things too nurucrous to mention. . It to ImPracticalile to give more than ageneral outline of my stock through the nevrepapers..exery one wishing GOODS Is invited to call. and examine. Customers on entering the store must inot expect to end every thing in eight ;' but nearly every article wanted will be produced by inquiry. s Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto received, he hopes to merit a continuance null largo Increase , of the MAIO. - • • • ABEkTURRELL Montrose, June 5, INS. . • TOOL CARDING ; AL. .TILT, attend to Ms old and new customers as unual.-L. Brooklyit, June 6th, 1860—rf • my23.59tt I =P et.1.31:t CfC C: 0 11. - P URE White Lend, in oil In kegs, = 8 cents, per lb. Zinc Linseed 011, hy the barrel- .10 as. pergall do do For sale by - • ABEL TURRELL. 'Stontsome, June, 1860. . CASH. PAID roR WOO L. At . NEW MILFORD, Pa. HAYDEN EEO'S. • ,Junes. 14. t • CALL' A'l . THE CAR• IFyon on the e r e a n good tas Clir tm) FrCia "L e E d4r. , m ci:L t il ifdt .h . e w C it a r a large assortment of rfCTURE rn OASE.4. .1 am- now selling them at each prices as to'makc it an object for any oqc wishing a picture, togive tau a call before going else where. F. D. WOOD. - gozyrose, June 5,1860. if • 111 111 - GOOD ! • EVAN% 8c ALLEN • lIANING enlarged and remodeled their Store, .nave the pleasure of informing their nnmenms customer% that they are low ready to allow the best assortment of • CLOCKS, WATCHES, SILVER WAItE, PLATED WARE, FANCY GOODS, • GOl.ll Villl.lll l • Tea Trays,Dreatetpino,Finger-Irlngs, Hair MIN I Lnbin''s•Ext :Lek Iloneyi Soap, Vic. e, 'in this part of the State, They have just returned from ;few York with kftdl and extensive assortment of goods In their line, which they have purchased for cash of the manufacturers and importers, and they flatter theniselves they can offer inducements , both in style, variety and pri ces, not to be equalled weal of New York: Determined to keep up with the progress of the age, they have added to their assortmentmany,artleles not previously kept of gen • eraLutility and beauty : Thanking the community for the liberal patronage heretofore received: they world solicit a continuance anti increalq, of the same. • ..//trighoodott, Nay 3f1th,.1860. L. B. ISBELL, , , • .IIDEPAIRS Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry at the 1.1, shortest notice, and on nsattonable_terms: All work warranted. Shop . in Chandler and Jessuy's store, Morynosn, Pa. • • • , 0c.15 If • • REMOVAL. 11:31*. P.A.M13EL1G432c... 'r7 1S moved hie f/FFICE to a room on Turnnike EtreCt, 13, in rear of Post Bros.' store—lately ocen pied by Cooper Co._. as an exchange office—a very Oigible location, and an excellent place to receive money. 0/ hen offered) oh old ac counts. • . orße may be consulted at ail:hours in. the day.. when not absent on professional calls. ." . ritr" Especial attention given to treatment of diseases and defortnitieg of the EYE. CLUB FOOT. and all surd„ cal operations. ; - .Vontrose, June lel-61 . • SPRING - .'STYLES NOW READY. • AT GREAT BARGAINS Ready Pay and Small Profits ! Is now receiving a full and choice Stock7of ;SPRING TNCLUDING a great variety of rich Prints in New styles, .1 ; Gingham*. Brilliants, Lawns, Challies.Sllk Dress Tis sues and Bareg,eft; Black; Fancy,'and4o4V-r r •Siinktior Assortment of Silk," IlrPrile. Cashmere and Stella Shawls; Mantillas, Dusters, Parasols, Hoop Skirts. Rich Ribons. Bonnets and Flow ers, Broadcloths, Canimeres, Summer Stuff, &c., with a. large assortment of other . . GOODS As usual, in Groceries, Crockery. hardware, Iron Steel, Nails, Stoves, Drugs, Paints. Oils, Flaid, Lloyds and Shoes, Hats and Caps,- Clocks, Carpeting. Floor Oil Cloth, 'Wall Paper. Painted Window Shades, Fir The entire stock being large and bought for rash, and largely from manufacturers and firstbandi, wilLgive superior opportunitiesior choke selections and low-down prices, and will be sold on the most favorable terms for (Ash. produce, and Godsmp SMouths' buyers. An examination of the and prices will be found profit able to thope`who wish to buy, N. B. Pour and Salt consiantly.On hand. NEW MILFORD, May 81, IWO-. :)Iv@ w o w ;fry, . PAID FOR WOOL,. C. D. LATHROP, Itlontroite. News - ! News ! HAVE You'HEARD The HEWS WHAT NEWS? WHY THAT MERRIDLIN Is NOW iVING Y direct from New York, another of his choice stocks of it IG it , 1 #7 as .:09 a GI embracfng in the Dry Goode line, de Laine, Challis, man, MIAs, silks. Poplins, Prints, etc., etc"etc, as well as a full stock of Domeetick, such as eummer cloths, for map and boys' wear, Shirtings, Ticking,. Dodd's, Cotton Yarn, Ostpet Warp, Batts, etc. Grocerles—a full assortment.— PM—Mackerel. Trout, Whitt:Ash, Codfish, and Herring. Hardware, building materials. Nails, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffe. Ready-made Clothing, the workmanship wepameren. Hate, Caps and Emmen, of the-latest style.' Boots Sod shone, worth from 1212 '/,c to $5 . In • feet almost every variety of Goods usually Inquired for at any country store-Cm:the fount at the g I UPSONYIIII 'IIOIINGE " and it le the aim of the proprietor to make such disposition of his Goods that neither hie anzavta nor Ws - patrons will "(noun." .1. L. NRRRTIffA It , Upsonvllle, PL, June Ist, 1860,—tf usutwours TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA 2119Y01121, . Is I.7l4.beet , Mectielne in /As teark I for the curt' qf • Coughs aid Colds, Croup, - • • • Bronchitis, Asthma,.Diffieult Breathing, ' . Palpitation of the Heart. _ For the relief of ottani!, in advanced stages Copumption together With all•Diseasos of the Throat and Chest and which predispose to Consumption., • • IC attacks (be root of ditecuie, sad makes thefell : • destroyer eurrumb to Us tOuenee. iintssProda; catree exPodornaolkd heatuty action tho diseased - iftionts Membrane caul denim. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical • • ' cure of AtiTalid." . • 'One dose al ate Imortaddo SYRUP Oleg. gtaei. ease and community *vocalic* Me particular . , natursereassuroweewss • Itirampleasant, to the tat*, amtpromPt.da*sardaL•• IVY e caneinont that it is s •wweass . in Oa ang Affections. - Pricei asslipir r ,Prefgrrid orgy- by , .or. A. E$EN.W,XLNAndagti by A. Ramtglis, ' et ai., N. W. corner 9th and POPLAR amigo. Philatra. Pa. Air sals is Smarm yi - roArtleloo 431WITIRRNI10. r .TOI - fite. HUNG i TO I BE_111):NG.: 0,0 iiR17,411, SCOUR, a . nci . C . LEAN UP, o, a/to readyi for the LUNGING. sa; ttetui biwitneased every 47 In theiseeFk thandaYs eic9 ta t by a4Ung at the' F almitroie. Boikistore, • 'W itt ILL A PER, D E epr. . and Fur:basing efli. N. Btthani etough l eteapind heantihd Pal! paperyHthlWhith to hang all year „rooms. Just Recioved . WALL pitimpit BY *OE . CORD, . . At the Montroie Book Store. WEtil i 3 BY T gr." , 1000 itittAA • -Bt. A. N. iItILLAXIM - 'S. WALLPAPER' land:BO/02A by ihe'lo 000 YARDS. 4 • ,At th}Pal l Piiper, pepat. -.• \ Wall Paper itoin 5 to 30 cis pr Roll, sod Fplendid border from le to Sete' pi yard. Wall Paper Brdering, Window Curtains.nod'Flitures cheaper than thp same styles and qtadities can be bought' for at any other place in or out of Hontroge, TOttl, BrADY. . A. IN. BULLARD. ALSO—A new , and htege assortment UfSCHOOL /kaki and STA TIONt Y, Altscillancous Books and EANKICE NOTIONS too o merous to meion, all of which wll sold upon the principle that the "nimble aixpeece" 1s f ar' better than the " idow shilling," by 1 ' _ Montrose, Mayl2l, MO. A M. DULLA RD. - ‘l-N4L-11DIMfEi , . ..• HAVE -Y OU HEARD THE NEWS T * MISS A. COLI4ER • H AS JU S T ARRIVED m 14ontrose,'• and located:On Chestnut stroet, first door above the resitlenee - or W m L Post, where she has /polled a stock of . • 2111lialff a(l)@D unsurpassed the in behnty, richness , - and taste, and is prepared to /supply Ladles of this county with latest. • • • • PARISIAN AND CITY STYLE OF BONNETS, Ribbons, Laces add all the trimming, ttuailjt : found in a first chuMmillinery establishment, at prices surprisingly low. itonnets cleaned, prepared and trimmed in styles most beautiful and In an entire neiv mode. • • .Th4lat+o6 mamma. am prepared to lit . the Ladles with dresies ; I am well supplied with style . sk, patterns the latest and A Iza v os i t i nAre. utrate, may 0660. - - • DR... BLA.CHIVIAN, iyI AY BE .'OUND, for some months to come, at MI 4 t, HARD'S; near by the 'METHODIST CHURCH. It Is 41ry desirable that all indebted.would be so kind as to but hOld I Mr. Printer I - It is of little use to enlarge upoi a subject so distasteitd and repulsive to most people. Montrose, May 16th, 1860.-1 w "WOOLLY FACTORY. • • 1 . LIVE subscriber 4 having rented the establishment for merly owned By Keeler at the Salt Franklin. are prepared to take WOOL to manufacture into CLOTLL 'FLANNELS, &c.,"-on shares, or by the yard, to salt our customers. • . • . A quantity of all-wool cloth on hand to exchange for wool, on fair terrnii. A word to the wise and prudent. Onr customers May rest assured that cloth made at our establishinent is net composed of old rags, dust,' and the many other worthlfss materials, glued, pasted, and plas tered together ,0 . 5 islthegrdat mass with which the country Is burdened. ' I Wool-carding and Cloth-dressing In their season, will be executed with despatch and neatness, as usual, at " live and let live" prices,. Quantity of goodi Lath kept on hand and made to order. 'lt is expected that , payment will'be made, in all cases, when the work is deli veterl. in cash, or salable pfoduce. - 5)0 lb good clean grea.iwanted in exchange. N. 8.,-.People coating from adistance with-wool, can haxelt eared to take Some with them at the. time. • • D. 11. KEELER. Mayfith,lBdo.-Zm i . JOLIN -BEAUMONT. GLIkIIBI%GI 9 3 ITORSE PITCII= , )lANUFAOT'D BY S. BULLOCK.. 1111 - 1 S VAT:tiTABLE DIPROVE3IENT PeeSesses many important advantage"' over all other FOrke, among which are the following • The tines being allowed to drop.toldiecharge its load, the tilting of the handle, as In other,forks, IS avoided ; hence, hay can be unloaded with the limost facility and ease into stied win dows or beneath, pqrline la - alms„ and other places where • ether,llorse Forks cannot be used. It can in all places be managed with greaXer case than ativother Horse Fork. It Is eqdally adapted to stacking: , With this Fork, a ton of hay may be unloutittd, in from 5 to 7 minutes/ .. Teat..l.333.tiOrl.l.ELlSi. dniabilitv. and perfect operation. as well as comparatively trifling expense,' recommends Be use-to the farmers of our cOuntly. ' A. R. DICKINSON., Decidedly the best; lam acquainted with.—A. E. KAPP. S valuable and lahor saving improvement: • IJ„RAPALGEE, Genesee Seed Store. It possesses several advantages-over the . Horse - Fork commonly need. .1 D. H. T. Moon,. It will proved Wobilerful labor wiring machine. I be- Hove wherever triedit willte found profitable. - Joins Jon. , :soa; Geneva. Unloading her at the barn by horse power is such a sim-* pie operation that seems wonderful how a sensible man I can continue the eireedirig hard labor of lifting It a fork ful at a time in the sliding heat of dJulyafternoon.—N. Y. lTribane. The beet arm:mins for unloading hay weare acquainted I •with.—Genesee Farther. • • s. • Cladding's Horse Pitch Fork le one of the labor saving wilicay to purchase.—Priiiie Fanner. • tnneolbes' Ear • '01u...0f a Horse , Pitch Fork, le Unlo.stling in a barn by lueaKir... t eil'ig,—.4-oinitty.. 'becoming quite common in some sectfobsoi and will be practiced every where as soon as the understand the operation. The invention of C. E. Gading Is the best we have Seen In opemtion.Ame. Agriculturist C.E. Gadding haelconstructc•d a Fork which after a late trial we are oatistied is an Important improvement—Alba ny Cultivated P 2 . - The above te4timonialsare selected from many, the signers being generally known (1.4 distinggished agriculth. nets All who have seen it operate, agree lathe above opinion of its merits; This Fork has taken the First Pre mium at event' Fain to which It has been exhibited, In eluding the State Facts of Pennsylvania' and New York for lies; and New York, Illinois, Michigan, and United St's 'Fairs at-Chicago for 1659, and many county Fairs, ' Fortis, Rope and Ptillers. $12.• State and County Rights STEPHEN BULLOCK, Agent, Columbia Crfnqi Roads, Bradford County, Pa. C. D. LATH/LOP kontrose, Agent for Susq'a County. ? ATTENTION, FARMERS! - ANN VS MOWER &;11EAPER, • WITH WOO 'S IMIPILOVE3IENT. r rHIS CELE4II4TED taken the. First Premium ut various publicirials, and. Is nitexcelled by any tither- machine in the country. All who use it, pranounc4 It a. profitable, and labor-saving mactairie.i* Those =who:tinted with its value: are referred. to Lathadi Gardner. gohn Barrington. and P.N. Winihn", Bridgewater: Stanley Trirrell,ForestLake; J. M. Wallace, Litniciek; T. P. Phinney,Dondaff ; F. Moxley, N. Milford S. D. Townsend, Brooklyn. and others who usethena. For mitchlues, or particulars, apply to iriS•l7 2m C. D. 4ATIIROP, Agent; at _wont:fuse. LOW PRICES WIN! 1 17 THE ORIGINAL ONE PMEE SlOllll HAYDEN BROTHERS, Ai EW lIIILFOICD, Pa:, . . ARE NOW RkCEIVING. THE LAR get and best stook of Goods ever bionOit Into tbis county,..whieb we are bound to sell cheap - fur 50.13 or ready PAY. ,eonsistlng of I . . -, . I! •olatile and Fancy. Dry" GOnds, 1. Choice FamilYGrocerins., Illaby Cape, Itiuly Made Clatfilug, • Crockery, Wall PaPe_ e'. ' •Window Siduid es, Flour, rnrk,,-. Filth salt, raintsoih, G lass, i i 'Fluid, , coal 0 0 . 0, Heap' Skirls ' ' Yankee Notions, raneyGnads,: 1 4 WA telies,' JEI .1k:11. It Ir, Si leer , Ware, Pails, Tub Broom s Foe,ks, ..• Hues, and Lots. - nd :Stacks. Of Goods too numerous to Enrolled. '. ' fl-, WE AitE . NOfk, OLD EOGIE,I in the -• a :busb3oss, tbarging a large prat and dependitsgon keepiazan old set of - Atrons who taro not Wed at Mier ogees to see bow much aeon:4'aq. 0333 bu y 4 bat w e, i n. [Podia live up to tho mirk, and believe Iniellkdr many Goods, and selling aaperthan OLGFOGY .tar --- - - can buy that. .Ilow tribe time If ran want to* and get Bargains: Call' Mina ONE PRICI ST idtxt ursoikA. W'r large of X:toodwinib ilzl. d TtAtroalwrayttr .., e 4 alta t c rrad i..l '1 • 7 - -_.. ...*I J _ ••"' 1 . ' ''' l'-' c~~ ~ E ~~~ a'+T,: .. DYSPEPSIA AND FITS. . 1.1 . 111E1.PS BROWN, the great carer of Consump ton, ;was for several y eats so badly afilicted by Dys pepsia that. for a part of the time he was Conlin - 0 to his bed. Be %Vas eventually cured by a prescription furnished . him by a young clairvoyant girl. This prestription.viven him by a mere child. 1% bile in a state of trance, has cured evervbodywho has taken it, never having' failed once. It Is equally sate in cases of Firs as of Disstriza. I. • i - , • . . • Au engraving Is here given of the principal herbused - lia this inalicine, and all of the Ingredients are vibe found la. any drug store. I will send this valuable. prescription to any person. on the receipt of one stamp to pay postazy. Da. O. PHELPS 8R0W...A, 21 Grand-st,-Jeraey City, N. J. All of Dr. O.' Phelps Brorrt's Remedies 'are for sale at Susquehanna Depot, Pa., by S. B. WEST. [mY 6 ai7 I Executors' .Notice. : LL pet;uns indebted to the estate of Joiirn BEEBE depeased. are hereby required to make immediate payment, told those having claims against said estate to present thein for settlement to . 0. S. BEEBE'. Bridgewater, May 2, 18U0-61. SALLY BEEBE c."'n4 T WANTED. fintOiE of my Patrons who have UNSETTLBD Account' , ' , f , iar.galafignAttishetmthoensamaymincrwtitucaintlelk ... sPectra7 BROOKLYN, May 2, .1800.4 t. . ruff SuOMMERSYIII[,. comity that they alreeftloNwilrefeenriaZTthe citizens of this • •A WIpLii.SELECTEp AND NEAT STOCK OF. GOODS! especially adapted to the retail trade of thisiticinlty. We will make it our especial busineds to superintend supply. , ing the wants of those who may with patronage. And we invite FARMERS, MECHANICS, and the " rest of mankind,T to call on us, feeling confident that onrlarge assortment adilltlNG OUT a welcome to everybody who are of Making choice selections AT. LOW . NO USE TO ENUMERATE GOODS mfilce it to ray the stars in the "rag trade":l;if other days have paled their Ineffectual fires before the brilliantarray of -seasonable merchandise which•is now filling: the shelves' of our Store. We have everything to Sell, and at, • PItICE DOWN . TO THE LOW E ST, and only ask to show our Goods and tell how we sell them before you purchase elsewhere. Happy restilts,..then, are sure to follow! Neverw as there such grand combinations,. viz.: the hearts of thelold folks. made glad ; the hearts of "new beginner*" tilled with joy, and the hearts of all the little ones tilled with delight, and everybodytnade.happy during the Spring and Summer days by c:dling at the 11111141112. 1 / 1 11.1. STIIII Oui shelves are groaning under the weight of all kinds of SPRING GOODS all shades t all colon J from tee-cerulean hue of an Malian sunset to the drab of the staid Quaker, and meat be sold. FLOURFLOUR! - Choice brands alwaya on hand— s a large Jot of Beady Made ClothMg, Mats k Caps. Boat and Shoes; No. I k 2 Mackerel.' COOsh and Herring, Crockery, etc., as cheap u can be had auysrhere at retail.• - With this . we 'close. giving all another cordial invitation .to call before they boy._ NOpare prices, and save money. We will pay, the hlpea,prlce in trade for kinds of Produce. YOUNG & SMITH. summEß.syulx, PL. May let; 1860.4 w - - " -. 4 * • ; ..0 • Op el .;:AFF LICTED, READ ank W ILLIAMS'S' COMPOUND: v ties for the ITL3OI, is warranted to OSA Cate' In emareaseoltslin 11l stages of the disease, or the money reW•d. • Full directions accompsoff each bottle:- r sale bLAlsel Tarrell;.Xcetrxlil "atelnlAteatt Fo ' Broo o • T. J., Ha Maack t • Peseta Carpenter, b R e iy • . o.watismsjackson • LB. Ellocota. /WNW: lC T lieptottoto A. .I:*atrin. aninktn. Qa - ror the INSTA.VT REM? ml 4, • tAr n V g cz, N pp it i hTl o C tUu nomp w . 107 . aura street . ark. Price Al per bit ; seutpea bl pot. Por sale at all Druggists. . /*Pons FATAL SHIPWRECK ! PART OF THE OARGO.SAVED . :11%, A DAMAGED comim . rto3i i TREMENDOUS LOT OP WET GOOOSI d'oe "BEER-IT-E." . . 3,500 Y'ds FIGUIVED . 13AREGES • Paytig damaged by Water, at 4, e, 8, pets pr yard; . . . RICH IRISIIII POPLINS, for 18 cults pr yard—Foald be CIIE:kP ter 15 ecabf. SO' A LARG . E LOT OF . AUCTION , ' GOODS . . . • 1 •To Itie . sold at the following pliees . , • °aid Summer Shawls. only $ .75 Pine Stella ••• . • ' ' „p1. 1 :0 Wool and Silk Broche ' - Handsome Mantillas • 1,25 • Very Rich " '• ' • - ' 3,00 Good Lawns, rut colors • ,03' Fine Quality De Latina ' - ' ' ,10 Wool and Silk Baines • .13,V, • liartires d'Aulais worth 313( - 118 X 10 yards I , lmic Prints, and trimmings. . . . 1,00, • Pine Drees . Extreniely Rich • - - .70; • White Roue ' • ' . • 416 , Nice Lisle Thread Gloves - , Pure silk mitts • - ' 12,4* - • Watch steel spring skirts . .95 i \ Good Straw bonnets ,3; ' Beautiful Leghorn . . 470 Rich Bonnet Ribbons . ' • ,10: ' ' French Embroidered curtain muslins ,12X Good Pinta staff • 123( 4 , Realer •• ' -... other, Goods Equally .tiS t;iIEAPS \ 1 • .Mf-I=l.ememialcoeis that \lite will do all that we advertise. Be sure to call befote,plirchisizig elsewhere, ar we':,wria.zrar, and CANNOT be under sold by any establishment this side of Neiv Y.orCi r IiddiSCHMAN. BROS; & . Binghamton, May 15th; 1850: Wyoming INSURANCE Company, WILIKES-BARIRE. Pa. Charter Pdretual. . . Capital $lOO,OOO. girplus $5;000. Organized • ,Novgniser . - 2d, A. D. 185 7 - DIRECTOIIS. • 0.31. HolTenbatt, D. Gi . . : **Driegbacb, J 2 P. Dennis, John ReitbartL . David 3f0r0n,.. Chas Dorrance, Sam'l Wadhams , R D Lacoe Wm S Ross,L DShoernaker, Geo P Steele,- 11.31 Hoyt, R. C: SnTrn, &c'y. ' G. 31. flo&tmcsamt. Pres'4l- : IV. 0: STERLLNO, Drdaa. L. D..Snottaxiiin, rue prs'e. H. P. BLACHISAN, Montrose, Pa., • 1E417 y. • Agent for Susquehanna County„ ALSO SOLICITOU FOn V 1 N . :NORTHERN FIRE Jt.urt ASSURANCE COMPANY, No. 1 3foorgate street, Londcin. • _Annual Recenuei $1,000,000. Aylt GETTY, agent, . .. Al Hill GI TIAN HEAD I ' 2nd DOOR WILFORD'S. _gel fr HE PUBLIC generally are infoimed thitt-a FREE HIBITIO sorts given at all hours of the day, of KEW GOODS of all,.viz Drees Goods otSummer Prints, Poplins, Challis, Lawns to patterns, elleapilishop Lawns, Brilliants; Book, Bard, Jaconette and Swiss Mull, Ladies' Collars and Sleeves, Dimity, Marseilles, 'Stomata, Furni-. titre Fruits,' Kentucky Jeans; Nankeens, Summer Stuffs, Gents Shirts. Cotton Drawers, Collars, Cravats Neck-ties, And Suspenders. A new and large lot of , ' LEATHER-WARE .such as Gents Flue Calf Boots—good 'rtrui, _alas hea%y and light Shoes, Splendid Lathes Gaiters from 5 to 1S shillintis warranted to ill. White, Brown, and BlaCk HOSIERY. Parasols and,L:mbellas, Band Boxes and {York Baskets. • 33 1 1.1.1"33.131ag and Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles. Brass and Japaned Banters, Wash Boards and Gaffed Mills, White wwsh'Brashes. Bed Cords SO feet long, whittled and spring Clot4heanl3inel/LT, Pine and CEDAR e PAILS, besides a PILE tIRO of Ift, of 'every variety, among which are Tauten and Corn Starch for glorious puddings, Cream Tartar, .Soda-starch Saleratus Castor Oil, Epsom Salle; Black and Scotch Snuff, and lots. of things which won't do"to read about, bit( please to call, examine and talk about. We are ready and wiling to show Goods, even though they. may not suit ;"and thankful for small favors: , . OCTS! bays a bottle of the shilling -Hair Tonle, It .11_ Li beats an thing ever, ' 'MONTROSE, May 9th. " - SPRING 0001),S kor. MAY, 1960', BUSINOS CARDS: • --•*• WM. A. SNOW ,. • Tiwrici-or rn PDA 6 E.—Greatßend, Pa. oxen el on Mani street, opposite the Weste rn Dow - 'apt P. LINES . . MIABHIONABLE TAILOII,-.lLOatroi Fs. Sbeqf lln Phlealx Block. er store of Bet Watmus '& Foster. MI wort sratranted; As to Itand dalsb. Catlin dotie'oo s • ort notice. In best style isra'Bo DR. I t SMITH At- SON; StrasnoN rimma Pa. Oftlee iniathroPet hew MUIR, ont • • the Bank. All Deduaioperatlosta will be performed to good able and warranted. - i .r. lecotterx tri _ MaCCiLLUM - 41 t BEARLE,i. AA TTORNEYB and Coat:m.llon at.Law,—Moatrois, Pt. once In Lathrop' . nen. boildig, over the Bak. . .. • A. C. ZLAZ.Znitt• - P Z. amt. DRS: BLAISESLE.g &BRU§II, logrAithtll . associaitd themselies regale non pi, Ea the - duties of thelrpiofeaton. res . 7 offer their iiervizento the fSvalid ynblie.. Dalai at the residence of Dr. Blakeslee, nilffwiy between villages Of Dlmock and Springv ille : - ~ ape) hey 1.: IP. 3170144 : D a axzr:' DRS. BINGHAM • ANEY "WOULD announce to the public that they bare sidarist. into a partnership for the practice of .- `26ED/Cllietulk stracautv and tre prepared to attend to all.falls in th e line of their profession at all-honrs *hen not othemse e OFFICE—The one formerly occupied by Mizypham.. , N. B. The book scam:its of Dr. Bingham must be Emma. dlately settled by notes or ottentise. New =ford, March, 1660. . W. BINGHAM: HENRY B. 31cirEAN, .A TTOILVEY and Couniellor Lear.-LTotrAir Once in the Union Block. tf • - DR. E. F. virm3ro'r, - GADITATE of the Allopnthidacd Honneepathie Cot. lege, of lleateice.—Ornat Bend, Pa.. O ce , corner of Blab and Elisabeth-eta, nearly opposite the Methodist Church. " :** Itp66tf 'I II, IICNIIXTIMIN CCIOMIt • alprzT DMUS, . • W3I. H. COOPER & CO.; • B. ANlCEllB.—iiontrose, Ps. Successors to Post. a Co. Office, Lattuope new balding. TaznpikoCcr NEWS OFFICE. riurE rzwrintic cfry nitrarßxiza . . 1. NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES. ETC., £lO for sale at the Montrose. BOOK STORE; on Public Avenue, by ,A. N. BruAnn. • JOHN GROVES,•. • : • Fr L ION'AI3LE TAIL se OB,—Montro, stro p ar e. is th Baptt Meeting Holm on Turnpike . street. All orders filled promptly. in first-rate style. Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to At. -.DR. JOHN W. COBB; . , POYSICLANX.ND,SURGEON,—Montrose, --Ma on Public Avenue, opiSoslte Searle* Hotel. mbi - DR. G. Z. DJ MOCK, - - ' DEIYBI6LAS AND SUBGEON,—Montrose, Pa. Office over Wilson? Store; i.,odengs - et Searle'sliotel ABEL TURRELL,•• • DEALER. in Dings, Medicines. mica Stuffs, Ohm -.14 are. Paints, Oils, • • - dow Glass, Groceries, Fancy Good.; -14 ry. &c.—Agent for aU the most pope • 11 $DIMES,—Montrose, Pa. •t. •; • WM. W. SMITH 0, CA.DNET AND GUAM MINUFACTUREII:9.Lieof of *tin etreet, Afontrose, Pe. - age If J. C. OLMSTEAD DRS. OLMSTEADA READ' -WOULD ANNOUNCE - to the Public •-• . that they have entered Into a purtnerandp for the Practice o; MEDICINE & Surgery, and are prepared to attend to all calls In the line of their profession. Office—the one formerly occupied by Dr. J. C. Olmstead; In DUNI/An:. ngti Ens, LIVER INV !GOMM . : IT larom pen,. derlfen i trely from Crwris, mei lusbecouie.r ; rt.rar: t ad L....set...ern heslielue. Wows arid 'spin... by as thdd , Lstr,needa, and Is near re sorted to with eoofidesec in, ,all Writ:maws for rildel. Is tarotommerided. It Ma eared thnenands mi n o‘ iibin the Int tresWars er to h. given up ell hudia.: TO i e.( isef. et the nureerelle usso:icited CCILL:te-it, tny ;Le ,i,or.Ort *low. • . 3 bed°. nossCoeslgnel G. , In the Inn er:anent of tin ladirshul t...nia-a, .4 us 1 Ina lb ascii eineatties as to • set gently on the liorrels. ' : I Let tee. Martel of yocr` ! guile you laths use of the LIVER Ili-... 1 VILitiItATOR, &octet llwirewi Liver Com,l ihi, i plaints, Bilious At-. tacks, Dysimpel it ,1,3 ittli rustle Dia rehabs', ' Bu m liter Cu In - ilsl ;Oil tits, Vyeels4e* f ry, Dropsy , Sour Stomach, liabitual Costiveness, ChM.' r i Ir,: ( holes, Choler. ea Morbus, Cholera! I irferittim. Flatter knee, Ja u std Ic r, IF:volute Weakness.. es, and rosy lie used i.e. .. eessfally lis an °wither. i .. .y 17 Fan. 14.41-.14 ,Iri 21 r• it will curs SICK fi HEADAC II , lg.; rowed, ems testify.) -In twentytillitutCri,tri • -•t.... or •I twee Tea.• Spoonful...are ta1t371 64 len at creciMacorreat. of week, 11 tarwho use it stie l i4 4,..,Pring th eir Lestilmooy la its or. !' I- - DUX 'WATER -TUE MOUTH 1i714/1 .TIIE EN VIGO RA I OR, ANSA ti WALLOW 110T/1 TOGE'llik;R: • • ' i i ilca Oine Uot er per Mottle; . .. • . '••• - ' FA 3111. if ' • . . C,,_A - T.IIART I C . , PILLS I _ : .. 7- - 3. - • - ` 6 ' . ••••, ' • LED Cu... 31 . „.„ s 2 .. - • `,E- ‘ , .itrnrilm.".a.tif put spill Pare Vegetulls ' i It .! i ii ht i' '° ''47l ll / il .B iir . GLASS CASKS," ,_ • I Ihpegie PILL he area in st. 4 ), climate. 5 .i.,:i„ the PriiPrie.Or bee .. The Pa ntil y• Cn thee twenty year.. • • Ile but acute Cathartt• demand from those erbe. Et.e 4 In ht. practise nlnt tat the ameramon Mitch • The ennstantto huve Ateng , nae s Lay roamed me to ogee hare long usedtbe PILL • - _-. • - ___e• all express lumear•l In their ;at different Cathated. 9 l4.Nier✓- Mein within th e reach nt mt f a -• tc,,,ci„ 'The Prof•stion • os:i arra. ea. 'if AftTi C s e t lt,irL • on different pnctt.ts n: cal i iel .b.• , a ell Mat.. - the FAMEtia C.t -' vt , rErt . T•Or thet E I 1.1. Itse with due reference tnt, ar. le t2L• , fahm r.,t, been conipoundei h-oni :I g too vi E Jrvita ray. table Enact, which sm I. _ •••• . part of the alimentary canal,- ant ore; P4l .. f406.110/4- a ltiall es where • Cathartic- hi CI ntolvd, Inch -aa . De.. . I ra..gemeni• et 1b.... 7 " St ODO lac h. Sleevi. .7. - .nee., Pains la 1 Hoek - a orl Loins; Costive am., Pa la the whole body; , from sudden cold, width , . frequently, If neglected. end In a long course of F... - ve.. , Lois af , App.--1 .A I te, n Creeping Welt. leatiati of Coil. over ; el., heylly Beene /m.l ' leett. Headache, or •• elghol lii r_he heed, LII lee 11 ain ma toe,' .- Dist Ilse.. Worms. In e Cidldren or Aria I in, Ithetaanalls in. • greia' rnriner of the _Ulood pl and many dbeases lo Wide*. Gob is heir, too numerous lye ID mentloveln that advert*. Leal. Dewy. I Int. . . . . • .. . PRIDE •• THREE Di3TES. ~ . . • The LI war ',tig . I y 4 Hr surf Faaillr. Cai.. thartle PH Is are rem by Drucetsts getteraltr, soh sokl wholesale by the Trois .4 au the large town. - - . ... S. T. W. lIANPOD H. ?K. D..; _ • • .7lttriateturer an , l Propsieter, •, 3135.1tro•dira y, New York. 'Tor asle in Montroee by . ABEITTIThiRELL; Agent. • N LEE & WALKER, • , 722 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PubliApra:and linporterl ilqic and Maio& . Instruments. Artist Published. drobe'i New Method for'.the-Piano Price; . ... ... , $ 2 50 Bound in Cloth; 03'00 . , . . : rrtHE mere announcement - of •the forthcoming . i 1.- - New Method," hy. Charles Grobe, created an Ocitement throughout the , country that haw neve been eqnaled in the world of music. Wo - hay received orders for ten thousand copies in Ildril ce 4 its pub:ie . :lo*ml'; a tolerabfo evidence, we think , of the. pope'arity :of the autifor; Sr e l common consent of the . &laical public, Mr. : Grolier is now first in yank of musYeal writers in this pountry. , His eupromacy , has been .rerog- . nixed a long time ago, and. won A•r him ttsw generat.apitleuse of both . teachers and • pupils whichts Defer awarded-lint to the rarest talents and ses,omplishments. lie has that flexibility OE: mind which is the guarantee of eontiaued itn provement ; his power deepens and - strengthens 'with tlicreive: la every term.of tnusiiin whiCla helms made experiments there ie none in which he has not , auceeeded: No nests Who has ever perused the productions of this pleasing sod in. Anwar(' author. nef t ri be informed of tbe bosuty and elegance That pervades bin writings, all thay are evident, and ft n tnistak u..bie. . . •• • . Copies sent by 4:lair, free , re/ieipt of the market p:ree. • .... 6 rffe or srott quantities ei neoas.t., States anCt" a "es4 l 4. ll Y throut i LEE ar. w-„„ 14 , :v. •tw I.] 7 . 22 Chestnut,' • di, easltt - ini!Andital to le of the real legid relore eed,i willattentl v. Non/ rose,. at-which present their , ; in upon said IE4 Auditor. . - 1 • WOOD .WA T . THE -"-DEMOOIIi May, 31st. ~ • - IDR. R. THA , . : PHYSTCIAN'and Stirie• n Winn in the Ferraee• Elm J. L. EGAD SILIVPORD'S MXEIt DEIMATATES. s4Nron,w,b ()PUS lido . NPA TffiIT NF . atiglU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers