The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 31, 1860, Image 4
JUDSO.7I” S Mountain Herb Pills. Apure, we present you with a perfect thence of Temsco, a chief of a tribe of the strange Astre liation, that one/. ruled Mexico.. You trill find a full account of him and bit people lo our l'ampblete and Atutanace—to be had cretin, from the Acetate for tbeee PIIIa The inreator and manufacturer of " JElson's Henn. lain Herb Pale," his epent the greater part of his life he 'traveling, having called nearly every country in the world. He spent over eta years among the Indiana of the Rocky Mountain* and ot Mexico, and it was thee that the • 4 . Ilocrrats MOM Pau" were discovered. A .very interesting account of hie adrenturee there, you will Cad In our Almanac and Pamphlet. ", It is an established hick, that all dialidlaiSide from IBIPVELE BLOOD: The blood le the life t and when any foreign or unhealthy matter. gets mixed with it, It I. at once distributed to every organ of the body. Every nous' feel, the poison, and all the veal organs quickly complain. The 11.11311 Ch wilLnot digeet the food perfectly. The liver emotes to secrete a sufficiency of bile. The action of the heart la weakened, and ea the circulation is feeble. The lungs become clogged with the poisonous matter; hence, a tough—and all from a slight imponty at the fountain. head of life--the Blood 1 As if you had thrown some earth, for instance, like purtvepriug, from which ran a tiny rivulet, in • few minutes the whole course of Lb* stream becomes disturbed and discolored. As quickly dose impure blood Ay to every part, and leave Its sting behind. All the .paasagee become obstructed, and unless the obstruction ie removed., the lamp or life soon die. out. There pills not only purify the blood,--but regenerate all ibe secretions of the body , they are, therefore, unrivalled is a CURE FOR BILIOUS DISEASES, liver Complaint, Sick Readiehe, ice. Thtl Allini-Bidious Iledicire expels from the bleed the bidden .eels of dia. ease, and residers all the ditids arid secretioas pure and doent, clearing and resuscitating the vital organs. . Pleasant indeed, to it to os, that we an able to plate within your reach, a medicine like the " Lorna= Max Vilna" that will pass directly to the addicted parts, :through the blood and fluids of the body, and cause the sufferer to brighten with the flash.'of leant: and health. Jildson's Pills are the Best Remedy in tridr once for the following Complaints: Bawd Complaint, tkebility, --' inward Weatneu, Conaks, Ron and Apse. Lion Comp/dints, Chide, Thnale Complaints.Lmesaa of Spuds,' Chest Diseases, 4lecniackes, 'Pea, Metirea, indigestion, ''_ ` Same and Grand. . PIATeI 4I4 , byluensa, gazadary Einsi, Diantuza, /rLdarunation, tam • DR:7434 • i • • • • GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! Females who value health, should never he Without these Pills. They purify the blond, recto,* obstructions of all kinds, cleanse the Ain of all pimples and lolottlites and bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek. Mr The Planta and Berta of which the.. rills are made, weredueovered In a very surprising way among the Taucans, a tithe of Aborigines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with delight, the very interesting &recast it contains of the " Gaut thoteess" of the Amen observe.—The Mountain Ilerb Pills are pd up in • Beautiful Wrapper. Each be. mattains plias. and Read at 25 anis per tote allpostoine, Mitetkt rignstars of JUDSON se CO., on each tar. - B. L. JUDSON, .4 CO. SOLE. PROPRIETORS. No. SO Leonard Street, . NSW YORK. alr l ionts wanted alwaye—Address as ►Lon. iLip, SAY RE & BRO , Agents, Montrose. (dec22 HOSTETTER'p\ STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and munufactnre‘of BO& TETTEWS CELEMIATED.STOMAteII 131T ..TEES can appeal viih perfect, confidence to' plysician,aud citiz ns generally of. the United States;because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore lit:known. .1 ftw facts upon this. Nino will Fllclk.'Lliere powcrfully than k voltlmes of bore tn , , OF ton 4a. LI .7oting:puffery.-, The consumpt•en of lb er - s ti tennic i, wa ters for the last scar onlolll.led t o over admit% million bottles. - :.nd ft ota - itg Manifest 't,tealy increase in ekes pa -t, it hPevidet.t that during the contimr, year the torn-umption reach r,aar one milli, a bottle , . its atno r unt could never have het n Eldd l o t' for the rare medicinal pr,perzie , contained iu the prepara tion, and the sane-lion of the most -pr . ni n inene phyticians is thosl, sc:.:01.0 of the country utiere the article is be 2.4 knonn, .who 'not only rceemmend the Bitters to theirpatients, but are ready at all times to pre testimonials to its effieneyin all cases of stomachic derangements And the disease, resulting therefrom. 4 This is not a temporary p• pularity. obtained ° by extreteirdinary efforts in the - way of trum peting the 4ualities of - the Bitters, but a solid estimation of nu invaluable medicine, which is gieStilipi to be as enduring-as - time/itself. llogetter's - Stomach Bitters have proved a Gods:Ltd-to reigions where fever and ague and various other 'bilious complaints have. counted their victims I.y hundreds. To be able to state confidentir.that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It renmves all morbid matter from the stomach, - purifies the' blood, and, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous.sYstem, giving it that tone nail energy indispensable for the - rest oration of healtii.„ It operates upon the stomach, liver, and otheY digestive organs, Mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. , Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to cot:dein declining years, as it is pleasant to the palite, Invigorating to the bowels,.excellentas atonic, and rejuveuating generally. We hive the evi dence of thousands of aged Men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation . while suffering from stomach de rangements End general debility; acting under the advice of physicians,. they Lave aban4oned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this-article. few words to the gentler _sex. There arb certain periods when their cares are Ito harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of-mother, and child is so absorbi ly tender, that the mother, especially if t•lt be young, is apt to ' forget her own health i her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity frrive.dttring the summer season, the wear of body'and mind is generally akgravated. . then, is a necessity for a stiMultint to recupe 'rate the energies-of the system; and enable the mother to bear tip under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nnrsing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to -all other tors that receive ' the endorsement of. physi , clans, because•it is agreeable to the taste u well WI certain to give a permanent increase of 170 , 1'113 . ..strength.. All those pct sons, to whom we haCe particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and egos, caused by malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalid*, persona of se d e nt a ry occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to. 4OP. • tatter's Celebrated Stotbneh Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against ' using any of the many imitations Or counter feits, but ask for HOSTETTER'S CELI:MATED 'Bronson HITTERS, rind age that each bottle has the words "Dr..l. Hutettees Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped en tiie metallic cap covering the cork, and ehserve that our autograph signature icon the - air Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER. Infrhif, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold 'by ell druggists, grocers, and dealers generally tbrciughßut the United States, South Antis , rice. and Germany • I Fur sale in Montrose by - • janl2 ly ABEL . TkURRELL OLD DOM. REAMS BOWE OF TRAVELS,e , a Wand. great discoveries of the - JapanneW I sod East India SI edichiep, with foil directions fur the certain cure sar consuilipi ion, bronchitis, ca- Litrrb.cougbe, co ich ast finis, fevers. heart _3 isease, meta is, c incer.dvapepsie, liVOr comPlaint,grayiel • and urinary deposits. female complaints, Ate.— : Illustrated with hundred. of trtificatef orcures agid.engr avings. For the purpose of rescuing as tabby suffering fellostcbeihgs as possible from a preinature death; it will be Pt'fit to any carter the continent by sending 25 eta to.DR. REATH, oc 2 Orl 647 Broadway, New ,York City. Bold also by A. Turrell, Montrose: Hayden ' Bros, New Alliford; C.P. Matbews, Scranton, N,EW GOOD: AnatviiNG EVERY SiZeLTAr l d at thI.LOWEST LUID AND C AMPHENE, qualithis, at 60 rotas per gal l ?dont r4is9; Pc]. • ABEL, FARMERS, LOOK A .. THIS . BEAoii's' NEW P , TENT 11 nn PI RA r 1 : :WHEEL: - ,n . 0 aa E. nil E I • -. VOR RAKING HAY AND G AIN, is pro. K." , noutici+d- by GOOD JUDGES to be the NEAREST MDT of ANY IN'USE. .8071 e of the adtjaitages of this Rake are that the workman isecnpies a comfortable seat while raking, le teed of having to walk, and that its consultation is so simsdeibstany part of it may easily be taken apart and put -together again. Four boils; are ail the blacjismith work, required. Farnse ri ) ;-please MI and examine fpr yorselves. Lumber,yill be taken it, .pay for Hakes fof the i right kirtd.iand fetched in time. Nonebut those ordered wiii be made at-present..! ' This machine wakinvented by he ea who reaide's I 1-2 miles North of Mon. the' Scakeleyeek Road. ' r:r r . LORENZ Itiontnaae, April 24th, 1860 .r+._ H LA. Car Dit - ,. 0. V. Tll/4.7 . -4) t,he BINGHAMTON wiTE .. cullto 1 IVli,i)e at NEW hIILFOR o on 18-IDAY, A li iir3l 2714, at 114rnuni's Hiltel.•ikliio will be at. S.HSQUEHANNA on ttie FIFTH of each month daring' ihw Spring kind - 'unitit/ir at Nicols Hotel During each visitation he vile give Free .iictures to the•Ladiea ht 2 O'clock, . m upon,aubjecta of the first iinpOrtanee reiativ to the atie'cial -.diseases and hygioine of the ilex revealing the causes of auch:maladiea a ii those moat prevalent and subtle vielatidne cif ii ski logical „laWs which reault in the prematurt de cline ofjAmerscan Women.: I • • , - - lovalidn will find it to their advantage to g .e him a call.,i i. '. Binghamton Water Cure,'April,lo, liB6o.—tf BOARDING SO 00/., ". - AT GREAT BE D - PA • HIP . !CHOf I I,WiII be °Pen for the recep. lin of Ladies and,Gentlem n, oo:the 29th_ day (Wtldneidav), of Febioary, 186,0. Tenon OF TurrtiAt i Primary'Aranchea per Qr'tr of] Commott ." u Coriamoit nod Higher, " . " Higher enelish, " " Lessomai On Piano, " Use of i " ‘4 Ornametital, and Chemical Dept] The Prineipal has had mnehl teschinglin New York mid Tog ten_yi‘arli,in Common, as well as or High l 'ißehoots. References gi , N. B BOard at tho boat:ding] Per week.! . Lights and washing Paymeits to be' made quartetlt mh E. WAtOGER,I, . . (-) - • Cheapest '! Best! Largestl-. . • 4 ." 1 $30,0Q :Pays f..r Tuition in Single and Double Entry ~ Book.Reping..Writing Commercial Arittne. :tict and 'Lectures. , ' ; Board i S weeks $2O, Stationery 87, Tatitimars3s, entire espetWel, 6%2.. • Usu.!' time from 6 to an weeks. Every stu dent, upon graduating, parauteed competent manage ttfe Books of any Business, and qual. ified to warn a Salary of !roe • $5OO TO $1000: ptut;t.nts enter at'any time No Ilstration— lleviewl-at pleasure. ' FirstiPretnitne for Wst Business Writing for 1859, ri.Ceived at Pittsburgh,.philadelphio, and Ohio Slate Fairs. Also.. at the] principal Fairs lof the Union for theipast four years. .IRar' , i!inisters' Sops half - price. I I IFoi• Circulars.. SPecithens.innd ed- Views of the College; inclose five letter istarnp4i F. W. JENKISS, Pitts - ballgh, Pa. TH . . 11EDICItI of th@ I MILLION. PHELOSOPHT A2iD FAT. TUE EXCITING CAIIIIE OF SICKNESS.• T".I L I11.001) 'is the life - r susttiining agent. It fonishen the components of fiesh,lione,mus cle, nerve and integument:, • The •stomach is its mar-u*tory; the veins its:distributors; and the intestines the channels thrOngh which the Wafte matter] rejected in its proliuctiOns, is !expelled. Upon the stomach,the circulation and the bowels, these Pills act simultaneously, r l elieving indiges tion, Pp'rifying the fluidsi and: regulating, the, excretions. TVA NATIONALICOifPLAI-VT. Drigicpsia is the most common disease among all classes in.this.cotiutry. J It assutneS a thous and shapes, and is the priMary source innum. .erable datsgeroPs.maladietc,, bnt whatevrr its type or sympioms,how ever obstinate,' its resitirince to ordinary! preparations, it yields readily land rap idly tolllis searching and Unerring remedy. :BILIOUS AP.PECrIO.VS. ---- , ''• The 4tipntitv of the bile ; is of vast importance to health.. Upon the liver, the. gland :which re creti3s!this fluid, these Pis operste.sPeeifically, infallibly rectifying its irregularities, and effectu ally chringlaundice—Biliona Rdmittants, and all . the varieties of dieeale generated by an unuatn ral condition of the organ; BOWED 'CO3IPLAIIV7S. • Unless Ow bowels. perferce their' functions prop-1 erly,titCwh - ole body sufferk. Tens ofibousands ,die anntislly of Dysentery, Diarrhcehl,. Chrouic Constipation. and:other diseasof these-waste' pipes - pi; the iyhtem: The effect f the Pills upon el o all, intestinal disorders, whet,' r casual or epi dCmicilit a phenomenon in medi ime. 13. i, follow ing the - Printeddirectiobe,46e moat alarming ca eca of bowel complaint are proivptly ilttntroiled. • it_lA wiiRD,Iv.F.E./WALkS.- '- !. i , The local debility and irregn i uritiel l i whiCh . are "the estecial annoyances er.tbeweaker sex, and which, when neglected, aliorlys horten life, -are ' relieved for the tiine.being, and prevnted in time to.cortie,by a course of this mild, tbore';alterative. -14 :. . 1 • ; Hollotody's Pills are the brat midi known in the . world for the folloicingliseas , s :') . • I Arabi:na l Chest Diseases ' Fe d er and; Ag,ne Cough& Bowel Complaitita Feria Complaints Coldit l i Coetiveneth • • In and Vireokness Diarrheas Headaches '' Liver Cothoplaints Dropsy l . Indigestion I. 4 ,,igess Uf Spirits ' Debilit Inflammation • • Stobe and Gravel ' loffueuin Dyspepsia - - ~.t • Seeondary Bymptotis Piles . ' ye C e r e a l Aff e cti ons Werms °fist! kinds 1 • " s + - Spla -at the M a nufacto r i e s off Protease? • HollOws,Bo Maidekiaine, New Yo ,k, and 24 Strand, 0 ndon, by all reapectable Diuggists & Dealctre in Medicine thro'out the United States •and • th e civilized world, in 1.2 . 4 cents, es 14 4nta, and $1 each.l • i - orrherehtn conaiderahle envinllby'taking -the larger sizes.. . . • ' - N. 13.-rDireetions for the gai4oce 1 f patients - in otrery dipontar •ari ;affixed-to each i - - • .• ~ • jap3lo,l WM. B. SIMPSON, WILT CR -111 - FLIRES - Mop •in Boyd ck" Wcbiter's-steto building, - nett door above Keeler it Stoddartr4., TjAVING . worke4 - for - the .past eine'tearis JL.I. with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that be can do the moat difficulejoba -on short brake; AO Work Warrantee to Givelatisfarticia. 'Elill,2 1 1 PRICES! the BEST for kale by lURRELI.4. W. 8.. SIAIPSOSI - has worked for me for some time r and 1 can recommend him se a Carefu) 'and skilful-workman, competent to do aa good Work' as can be done in the conntrsi, and worthy of confidence. • W. A. CHAIIIIEttinI. -Towanda l June 10th, 1858. Refers'in—Wm. Elwell, E.' W. Baird, E. .D. 3/ontayne, E. 0. Goodrich,ll3. KingsbAry, Triwam de; B. S. Bentley, 'L. Searle; ;41 D. Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, Montrone. ' . I * * *Jewelry neatly. repaired on abort nOtice, and on reasonable terms.. [Juno 15111, I 858.-itf.: . • S. M. Pettengill.496 Co.; A dwerillislass. Akeuts, at 119 Nassau -et, A Nevi-York. and 10 State-at, Bostonl• are agents for I,7'Ae Montrose Democrat, a nd are au thorized to contract foi us at our lowest rates. I , bscribor , ruse, on qIANGE OF TIME— WINtERi44R .R.ANGEMENT—L P., L. 47. *1 EMIEMERMATIO. N and after Thuraday,Dee.-lst, 11359;iraina O will be run as follows : EXPRESS PASSENGER •TRAINSe—MOI7ing EPUtb, The night exprese train on the . N." Y. & Ea.R, strives at Gt.. Bend a 3:28 m., and•conhects with the express train leaving Gt. Bend for N. I'. and Philadelphia at Due at New Milford - - 8:17 - Montrose B:3G Hopbottom • . . 8:59 -Nicholson - 9:16 r Factoryville 9:40 Abington - .- • 9:57 Scranton' . - 10:30 Moscow - :14:17 ' Tobybinna . - 11:53 - Stroudsburg - /:1.2 P4no Water Gap - - - 1:3.1 - Columbia —1:50 Delaware.,(ls minutes to dine) . Hope (Philad'a connection) 2:35 Bridgeville . •. 2:40 . . Washington -' - 3:13 . .1 Junction •• - • - 3:30 New. York . " - = 7:15 Philadelphia . 1 , 8:20 :I EXPRESS TRAINS SIOVING NORTH. Passengers from New York, leave Pier No. 2 North. River, at . ' Passengers from Philadelphia leave Walnut street Witarf at - 6:00 -Leave Junction .- 11:10 .Due at Washington - • - 11:28 - Bridgeville . - 12:01 Ilope(Philatta connection) 12:05 . - Delairare (15 minutes to dine) 12:20 • Columbia - • . 12:20 Water. Gap - . •• - 1:01 Stroudsburg - 1:15 Tobyhinna . - ' 2:45 Moscow - . 3:19 . . Scranton - - 4:05 Abington - 4:42 Factorvville - 4:59 • Nicholson . • - - 5:19 'Hopbottorn ,„,• • - 5:42 MONTROST = . '6:04 New Milford 6:22. Great Bend , - '6:4th • - Con.tecting, at Great Bend with the ; ' Night Express going West at 1:45 m An - Accommodation train leaves Scrant in fur Great Bend at . 10:35 - a.. m. Factoryville 11:55 Nicholson - 12:35 p. .m. lon , rose ' =•-• - 150 Arrive at Great Bend ; 2f513 Connects with Dunkirk Ex. West . 3:39 and AecommUdation train West at 5:33 -Accommodation traiii.,:rmurnin,g leaves ]. , Great Bend at . - 3:10 '; Montrose -; • - 4:05 • Nicholson . - - 5 . Factoryville - 5:15 • Due at &Ironton - • - 7:15 2 The -Accommodation -.train does not , leave Scranton until atter the arrival of *the morning train on the+ackawanna & BlOomsburg, It. R.," thus g iving passengers from the WyerningNal adirect connection fur tho Wtst by the • • morning train. a For the accommodation of way travel•hn the Southern Division a Passanger Car will be at tactied to the Eipress-Freight trains leaVing Scranton at • - - 4:30, 's.'m. Due at4iloscow - • . 5.00. • Stroudstoirg Junction • - - • 2:40 p.'m. Returning will leave Junction m. Due atStrdudstutig at - • - - '7:45' Moscowl-10 -.. . . - Scranton- • - • 2:35. weeks, $3,00 3,50 " - 4,00 " • 5,00 • 10,00 ' 2.00. tittnerits,.extra: experience in t'a for the last ' ! 'elect, Graded n if required all, two doll's extra. ti in advance. , Principal Passengers from New York will change cars at Jirriction. To,and fom Philada;via leave or sake cars at Hope.-For Pittston, Kings ton Acid Wilkes. Barre, take cars of Lackawan - na, & Bloomsburg R ft. at Scranton. For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take Snail attScran top. Tickets sold and baggage checked THROUGH. - JOHN BRISBIN, Supt. Wu N. JENKS, General Ticket Agent. E T l ritr RESTOIAD aidtbrAtt An aperient and declinable pregaration. of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by cora bustion in Hydrogen, of bigh medioal anther .ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaints, viz:: . DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, OW . CATION. DYSPEPSIA. DIABREIF4, CONSTI; PATION. SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM. SCURVY, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINTS . RHEUMA TISM.` MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES larrErr • FEVERS, NEußeLow.anwria HEADACHES, FEMALE VirEAMESI3,,. MIS MENSTRUATION. \VMM, cHL911.0511, eta., PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ,ROUOBllffill 'OF THE SEM etc. - - • The IRON being absorbed by. the bleak' end dm circulating through the whole was* no part of the body can escape their truly wtmder ful influence. • ' The wetlands of thousands daily previa that no preparation of Iron can for a moment be compared with it - Impurities of the bloOdole ' premien of vital energy, pale and otbarwfn sickly complexions tidies% its necessity lin al most every conceivable ease. In all cases of female debility Uhler elbus, chihrosis, eta.), its effects are delightfully renovating. Ito ”mMy has ever been discovered, in the whole history of medicine. whicli exerts such prompt, happy, and frilly restortiffe effects. Good appetitS, - cam-. plate digestion, rapid acquisition of strength; with an unusual disposition for activb sap cheerful exercise, - immediately folio* its nsa• As a grand stomachie and general restorative it has no superior and no substitute. Pat up in neat wet metal bezel oontiltildg 50 phis. Wee 00 tents per batcafe Oozes, " $1 60; one dozen bases. SO 00. Potable by =lard g s da enerally. Will be sent free le on reeelpt of the ;who. AU lets tan, orders, ate., thotddhe aahlreired to R. B. LOOSE Ar. General Agent& 239 itIOADWaV,'III V. X.11.-Frbit above le a swamme de tie 91219% as_aar,.l. bob. • Poi sOe in Montrose. by decl6 17 ABEL TERRELL ! , Agint LIIT MEMORIAL& "I WOULDN'T TAKE- A WORLDIOR THIS," a lid) , remarked to us a day, or two since, is slte exhibited the portrait'of an only child; gone .to-the - 9 8014 land;" which , was one of • "1 1 117333361'; IMIMITABIE jimolloTypEsi "How I 'should regret it, lied I not secured this precious., -memorial' of that dear one." So thought we. The . loved ones.'are not always with us, and while we can.call_ them -ounc -, every one should secure such a memorial; especially since they can have them so truthfully taken by that successful artist, A. B. TUBBS, of 'Bing• liamt on. - deci HOLIDAY PRESENTS. • he subscribers linve this day received another .I•lnviiice of Jewelry, &c., direct from the manufaetorv, nod sq .. e now prepared to show to their fribtufs the best assortment of goods ever before offered in , this market. All persons wislie ing,to make their: friends and fatuities Christmas Presents, are 'invited to call examine. , dee22 EVANS & ALLEN. Odd Follows' llnll,Binghamton, N Y.+ VEEDLES.—Anne and Wood Tidy Nee. dies. Testing Shuttles r Crochet Needlys, Sewing,'Darning and Knitting Needles, ftit sale by Eva as & ALLEN. LEEVE.BUTTONS AND STUDS.—The tJ bestassortment of Sleeve. Buttons and Studs, 'all prices and qualities, or sale by •EVANS di; ALLEN. PECTACLES.—GoId, Silver, Stekl and • 0 German Silver Spectacles, of all - ages, fur sale by EVANS &. ALLEN.. , . 1 1ITATCHES—A larg e stock of gold - and ail- F V ver Watches of the hest makers, many of them of our own 'importation, at prices much lower than have ever been - sold'in town,—Wars ranted good time keepers. E. &A. - —Also, Watch Chains, a fitst rate assortment of GOLD rob, Vest, and Guard chains. OCKETs-a very fine assortment; GOLD and Plated, 1,.2, 4, and 6 faces. I LVER. Ware--a large stock of sterl;ngsil. ver ware, consisting. of spoons, forks, ladles cups, cake, pie, ice cream, totter, & fruit knives, childrens setts, napkin rings, Bard cases, etc. , Do LATE D Wnie—Ca.sfors, cake baskets card receivers, tea Fetts, ice pitchers, str2ar bas. gets, Salt cellars, forks, spoons, toast racks,.gob ' lets, etc now 9 No.,2_Clifd Pillows' Hall, Washington ut NEW FIRM. 7:30 tt.'m flour, 17t6& Vrobfs!otisore, • 'As MONTROSE,- Pty., ONE door below J. Ethridge's Drug Store, on Public Avenue, .where will be found constantly. on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES: Sdch as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee - . Alse -the chroicent broods. of FAMILY FLOUR, Meal, Lard, Pork,. Hams, Fish,- Candles 'lke. We what a share of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves-to fro the Mir thing, hoping by each bargain to Secure another. ALFRED TIALDWIN HOWARD ASSOCIATION, .PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent - hotitution established by Spe., einl Endowment. for the Relief of the Siel and -Distressed.- afflicted faith Virulent and, Epidemic Diseases, and .especially fur . the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. IVIEDICACADVICE given gratis, by; the -1.11 Acting SUrgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition. (age, area pation, habits of life. &e..)., mid in cases (ilex• treme pov_ertv.mcdicines turnit,hed free of charge„ Valuable. Reports on Speimatorrhica, and oth: er Diseasq of the Sexual Organs, sent to the af icted io scaled letter envelopes, free of charge Address; Houghton, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South 91h-st:, Philada, Pit. By order of the.Direetors. [pa . HERRING% SAFES. FARRVL, 1.1 EICILING &Compass) ) . No. 629 Chestnut Street—JAYNE'S Hall—Philad'a; ..........- ONLY Manufacturers in this state I _.-.,-...-.-_iriroof&rißeurfrlVProaotfegtifelEsZged ; 5! , ."--". 0 I with Hall's Patent Powder Locks— , ILL I. .frtil ' ii T ellg i , LOntiiiNggitid the . • ' World's'Fair in New Y0rk.18521. More Than 11'wenly-illiou•aiod .-licr i ring's SqLies have been sold, and are now la actual use, and nearly 400 have been tested in accidental fires and have never failed to preserve their coutenl,l. We also keep, on hand and make to order . — Dwellirtir. House Safes, " Sideboard and , - Parlor Safes"—(imitation of handsome• furniture) of • elegant design and workmanship. ' - Also Burglar. Proof Safes for Banks, .Brokeis and Jewelers, Vault Doors, Safes for Specie, Silver Plate, &c.—The Rurglar Proof safe-in use at the Treasurer's Office, of Pickaway Co., 0., (at Circleville,) was manufactured by oil, and is univerally, acknowledged to be the strongest safe in the WORLD. Persons wishing safes will find it to their in terest to call or send for our catalogue before purchasing elsewhere, as these are'Oe only safes uMichhareProced themselces perfectly Fire Proof and free from dampness. . B'l,ooo RE-WARP will be paid tiffany person thAt can show that's Herring's Patent Champii.n Safes ever failed to preserveirs contents-in en aeciderttal fire. " . ap4 3m c - F11111:11# MONTROSE, PEN iyA. • rpHt subscriber having purchased •• 11 A- refitted and newly furnished thf 11 1 1 :1 t. above, ell known and-popular Hotel, -- - 0- 1 is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in tirst.class tiousea. No effort will -be spared by the Pro prietor and his - Assistants to, make the'Hotel Opal in every point to any in the country. The Bar supplied with the Choictst The Stables, connected with this House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hustlers are always in charge of them. J. S. TARIIELL. •M EAT MARKET. On Palk Avenue, near Searle's HOW. EEP constantly on hand:a good supply of MEATS- of all hinds." CASH paid 'fop Beef Cattle,C.alves,Skeep;Un4anibli. Also for Hides ad all kinds. N • 'HENSTOCK d..:IIAWLEIr; a. T. HEiSTOCX. ' • N. 11A WPEY: •MOntrose, Maich 30th, 's9.—tf. - N - . BILLINGS *STROUD; FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENT . „— Montrose, Pa. • TESTIMONIALS. WE, the undersigned, •certify that wo were insured in Fire Insurance Companies represented by Mr. Billings Stroud. of Montrose, and that, having suffered loss by fire - while.sO insured, we were severally paid by said companies to the full extent of our claims; and we have confidence in him as a good and effective agent. he. . DEWITT., ZIERON Coun, - & DEWITT, H. J. WEBB, F. B..CIIANDLES, J. tithes do Hof-, BERL GLIDDEN, LEONARD SEARLE. Montrose, Pi: November 9, 's9.—*y • WINCHESTER'S H YPOP H OSPH [TES of , Lime and Soda, for Consoniption; . Hol loivats Ointment and Pills; J!ndson's,litritintain' Herb Pills, and nearly all .the Medi...Mg* adver tised, or in the market, aro for Sale by liontroee, Jan, 9, ABEL TURRELL . EVANS & A LLEN &c, &c.; &c BALDWIN & ALLEN. • Wm. L. ALLEN DR. 11,. THAYER • - A. 1 3. TURRELL PIFIYMICIAN and Surgeon, lti Office in the Farmer's Store. ontroke, Fa.-- • est returned from selecting • and pur , 1.1 ebailog and is now receiving one of.the _ I • n Vassortments o EW - , GOODS , ! L'uffi 4 la 'tr • r • • • • 11:10 La ndlleCitrß . 4 .Ryer offeredfn . this market. The quay of WALL Pripet,;VVindosir PaPera andlßisrdses; nearly every thing good; and all warranted na .T V a very large stoa this dav recejved, by represented..; Terms; ready cash and low prices. April 11th. • R KENYON, JIL CO.. Some general' idea of the stock may be formed from the following enumeration: DRUGS, xmacirrEs, Cho, miCals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Windowlilus;Dyta Stuffs, Groceries, Lamps, Glass Ware, Croikery, Mirrors, Clocks, Wall Paper', Windovir Papa, Window Oil Shades, Farley Goods, . XuSical Instruments, Jewelry, Perfumery, 'Atone vars. Brooms, Brushes,WhiPar • • umbrellas, Bird Cages, Pocket • Knives, Guns, pistol , Ammttition,Liquors,Trussas, Supporters, Part-monnaies, Shoulder • Brice!, SPiactacles, Silver and Plated Spoons, Paks,:tlut.: Gold Pens, Stationery, Violin, Guitar, & Bass Viol Stringe,-Bows, Porcelain Teeth, Lith ographs, gstist's Tube Paints,' Drub% *c., and alltke populai Patent Medicines. * . . Alio some Dry Goods,Wooden,.. Bard &Japanned Ware, . Fluid and Oil Cans, Camphene, limning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, knits; Tattier's, Neat Yoot,Lard,Olive, Castor, Boiled and Raw Linseed, and Coal OILS, White Lead; title, 10 all kinds of Colored Paint 4 Vino - gar, Canary Seed, and other things too . I numerous -to mention. Aiiit in impracticable to give mole than . a g!'n. prat ontline m) stock through the Newspaper's. every . 'one wilshing goods is invited to call and examine. -Ciottoiners on entering" - the St/ire must - toot expkt to find. every thing insight: but nearly!: every! i article wanted will be produce.] hg ingpiiy. Thankful ,for the liberal patronage hitherto recelved, 1 hope. to merit and receive a large increase of the same. • - _ Aron t rose,loc t. 5. '59. ABEL TU RE ELL. hallis, si:ks, Litt . its rind e ilieees, an in:unease Cr variety, by ;; R. KENYON, JR. CO. EVERY style at:otter'Pant Goods, eta. this day reed byR. KEI.STYCN. JR. sr. CO. SILK, Brwills. 4fid Cishmrre titock, LOW. R. R. KENYON. /ELI'. CO. 1911BL8. TOBACCO this Ovid en d ~ .d fur sale lower than elsewhere 14 Swigs a 10001,13 S SAI.ERAtUS_ in%tOro and Kille by box or lb.' AR(tE Stoelti . FANCY . Dry , dog& far la sale by ' R: KENYON. JR_ I& rvEA Setts,-Five Eleont, mpletP 1 from stn $5O. It KNYOIST,Jic.& CO. , LttwAville Centre:Pa.. April, 1860: HORATIO OARRATT I • / Dealer in FLOUR. GRAIN.- GROCER PROVISIONS.- . DYE WOODS. Staple - DRUGS, WOODEN and STONE WARE, ALL KINDS . of HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES d YANKEE - NOTIONS- IN GENERAL. 7 -one. dO'or , North of Barnuin's Hotel, New-Milford, Pa r , WOULD be Pleased to see 1111 his old friends and many; new (nibs at his NEW Store fronting the DEPOT, where he is prepared to show thein such n stock of . the above artie es as .New Milford has long stood in need of. • Division, of trade has. as main - advantages nit division of tabor," ..Any man confining himself to one branch of business, giving that branch, his whole Capital'andattention can keep a better assortment, bay c h eaper and•SELLCHEAPER than it• the same -means and time 'was imploied in a gt•neral trade .If you dndt think so, call on the subscriber - and he convinced. The sound principle of • . SMALL PROFIT AID PROMPT PAYMENT, will. be strictly adhered..tri. Dialer, and r other Produce forwarded to New York to one lot the beet commission houses in the City , and Prompt payments guatimiced. 'HORATIO - GAItRATT. New Mittord, Sum. Co. Pa., April:lB6d =V. CATARACT VASIIIIG MACIIIIF, Clothing, Thase,And Labor Saved! INDISPENSABLE - TO HOUSEKEEPERS. .. . . The most. simple, economical,- and .durable Article ever offered 10 the public to alleviate the -,-. diseomforts of otamh•day. . Description{. It consists of "a metal cylinder, with ribs on the insi6, and an inteiior cylinder j of wood, with ribs. There is a space Prom six to eight inches - between the two cylinders. One clank' tarns both the 4me time in oppo. site directions) rapidly' creating a suds. forcing the water thrnech the clothes; and effectually -removing. the dirt. The 'action Of the wa:er does the : Fork quickly, dispeni3es entirely with rubbing, - ind thus saves the wear of clothes. JAMES..B. RODCERS, , . 104 Jones Alley. Phil is Agent for Penn. SULLIVAN .& HYATT. Prop're, - 53 BEE - A MAN :ST., NEW YORK N. B.—Stale and County . RiEthis for sale, and purchaser 4 supplied ‘vithslaciline ❑t w.holisale on liberai terns. FirVi Machine is in operation by a laundress dgily„atl.our salvsroom, 439 Broadway. OEM I : .3OMIZEC:I7I7,..A.Mais O. F. FORDHALTI. 1 H— AS removed his shop 'across the st r eet, to the b - uilding one door:be s low K..eler dz' Siliddard'a, which he has fitted up otpressly.for a Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop where main be found all kinds of , • . 3EI 7 .IMELIVMSIS; • from The hedvicst team, to the lightest trottino harness, anti trgenerat assume - fit of trimmings,. which will be Made up' or sdld very low. Oarriage-Irriminizigsv . A good assortment on hand, which will be Sold .very low; alt trimming done, cheaper than' else. - • OAK LEATHER .on hand, from Which harnesien will be made and Warrrecriteci... • • * * *Customers %ill please bear in mind that. I wish to. settle jup once a year. Those' having unsettled accounts, or notes due, will oblige •by settling or making payment without further delay.. G. F. FORMA M, Feb. 2t_:ith : 'MontrdSe, Pa. IV4COTICM. ZCOBB would respectfully announce to the . public that he may still be found at the old stand, fully prepared to 'attend to the wants of the community. He will keep on hand a good stock of • ..• - Groceries StId . AAIS, TEAS, COFFEE. SPICES, FRUII. FLOUR and SALT (by the 'sack or barrelj Nan, and all aitirles found in First, Class Gronerie%. No would ptrticetlrly call the attention of Farmer's ,and other:l — to the 'fact that—he is constantly'receiving-fresh•Supplies of FIRST RATE FLOUR. I . - 'also rood and . Medium qualities, which . will 111- sold RIGHT, for ready pay, in quantitiesto - suit the purchaser. • • tiash Oid for Potts,..Deaeon, and Veal skins. KEYSTONE HOTEL, ,At Montrose, Penn. • , • VITIVLs.II: HATCH, Proprietor. PHIS nevi and cenimodioutt. Hotel situated _l on Public Avenne, near the Court Honse,and nearly in the centre of:the' business pitrtiotf.of 51ontrose,•is nOw Tu ly completedand furnished, and was opened ou - Monday,: the — 27th day of September, 1858, for the accommodation or the public and . tiavelera. The Proprietor feels cpnfiient ihut;he is now. prepared- to entertain guests in a manner that chnnot fair to Bide:• • ' Complete Satisiliction., The Hotel and Furniture. are new, and - no ex. .pence has' been spared to render-it equal, if not superior to any similar establishynent in this part ' of the •Staite. ' it is well supplied. with all the recent improvements and comilartk and obliging waiters' will Byways be readyto reap* to the call of gustomers. - • • Thelthades connected with this House are New. and Convenient. . : . The Pr..prietor re:pet:tinily goliefts.the patron age of his old friends, and' the public - generally. • " • WM. K. I ATM N. c Satt, halt 1 i Milt 1.1 , - a%crlnit irilaßE, • WHotESALE - SALT DEALER, 201 Washington-sty • (Directly opposite Washington Market,) N Nevitr N Y,cirls., ' sTILL CONTINUERAo offer to the city and COIDsrIRY trade, aDkiudA of FOREICN Coarse and Fine - Elevr, at the very lowest figurei;* '4OOOO sticks and bags, conaiating , in part of Aith ton's celebrated bran& for table atid,dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy. Maishill's, Brownlow's,ll.e. and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Donaies; Co riteoa; tit. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes; Rtes all el which will be sold- at liaTain Prices from vaasele, atm* and atoiehnusea. Any purchaser .wishing t. select frours good assortment Will find let° hie call. N. 11.-,-Fina table salt-put up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship: - ping order. .Also a splendid article• of Rocic Ground 'salt, hi quart bozes,'put up and for bale. by the quantity, in cases of fad dozen tieh. • (7, " W/f.: COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. COCATED , oVi i .R THE SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY BANK, • -EH N G.H A MTON N. Y. . Itonnis opore fur Instruction from 9 a. tn. to 9:30 t P . th.'! • .- - , - ] 'FACULTY: D. WI LO*ELL , Principal, Professor of ,the Science. Of Accounts,' Practical Accountant. Au)hor oil Lowell's Treaties upon Book. Kt cp . . ini„Diage,ams illustrating the same. JonnltasFirr. Commercial Accountant, Profes'r of nook IFeeping and Practical Alattiematics. •J. J: PURTIN, Axmistatd Professor in the flook Reeping d epartment. A.4. • WARR, Professor of Practical and Or ratpenta,Penmanship, Commercial 'Calcula tions and I Correspondence. • ' . r LECTIME7IS: • —• Hon,Danie S. Dickirson, Lecturer on Cotntner cial Law and Political Economy. Ransom , Balcom.'Lecturer on Contrltcts Pronlissry Notes , and Bills of. Exchange. Rev E. Andrews, Leefurer 'on 'Cowmen:la. - Ethici.l • • i EXAM:YUNG COMMITTEE: tion.; . SherMan D. Phelps, Wm. R . Osborn, Flsq., Tracyß.; Morgan, E.g. - The of this College-is to afford to all an iipiiiirtunity of obtaining a thorough Business Edueation... The Bo4s and Forms are cat - Jolly arranged by emetic:) •aeeountatts expressly for this In .stitution and embrace all the rozent improve ments. mLS ena•6m . The cbuise of instrtictinn e.mpriges every department of lan4iness. -* The' learner will be thoroughly' - taught the science and practice of Double Entry Book Keeping as applied to the folloWing kinds of busine,,s, viz: General Mei , chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis. lion, Steamlioating," Railroading, Furwardidg, Freighting; Foreign Shipping. &c • , Ladies -Department entirely separate from that' i 1 the gentlemen. Students ran enter College at any time and receive individual instrtiction. By this arrange anent ever t student is permitted to progress as iapidly.lisiw enterprise and ability will per miti•and whe n -through, perfect and complete. willireceive - a Diploma which: - wiii ena bl e kith to review at . pleasure. - ' .-.Tilie,to ! cutuiplete the course.-6 to 12 weeks. vacations. Board. $2 to $2,50 per week. r^ • • 'For Book. Keeping, lull accountant's.-course. inc.kding,:!Praclieal Penmanship, Commercial Computations and Diploma, (Time - !•, - . - . - $35.00 sane cotirlie for Ladies (separate) . 201 00 PennOnsl4 grid Arithmetic, , 10 t.O Teachers' course in Penina:uship; Pruett, • cal and Ornamental, - .30 00 Twelve: leisons in PractiCal Penmanship,, 2 00 'Or Oebaitonal classes will be formed in Phonograk, , For lull. particulars send for a circular. j _- oel3* . . -MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS . TOR I 800. GREAT. ATTRACTIONS TFII _ AT FOOT or MIN STREET. TtiE kxtensive Furniture Establi4unent of Stalin BROTHERS having been refitted and greaqy improved, 1110 proprietors respectfully anneutareto the citizens of Montrose end vicin ity thitt tliey'are constantly making and keep ' -on hand the- 7 1-ARGEST and tiEST.nsmortment of ' F,THINITURE To be found its the Country. • We giiie the following list of some of tho. ar ticles %Nell we will sell at greatly reduced plPielotr, for CASH or READY. PAY: • SureaucWnlnut or Mahogany, 'with glass, Coin 81610 835. itureaii with marble or bmeatelle tops; from 818 to 804. And a large assortinene j - from $B,. .1 $lO. -12, IC to 818, Mash Stands, Card Stands,Corner and Square &hods, OAS varieties , sod pricei, from 75 cents ,to ten doilars. Desks, Divans :Towel Racks, Footstools,Otto. mink, Lobnges, ' Centre', Card, Pier, )Toilet; Dining, Kitchen, and!Extepaion" Tables.! • Chairs' Cane and Wood Seats, Roekurs-i- Catie, Flag, and Wocd Seats, of every variety and' style!. • . . - Sofas. fete a tetes furnished 'at short notice at New urk prices.' N. U. I Ready made. coffins on hand Defoe._ -Melted at. short notice.—Hearsei always in residinesil when desired. - We. employ none 6iit CAUEFUL and Expect- ENCED, Won - tuts. We intend to do our MIRE -WELL, and bell it as Low Its it can be aft.rded, IN..15:11 mu, 1 • A. SITI I rev, JR:, I I • E. R. szniTn. • Montrose. Jan. 18th, 1860.--:tf. - WOOL . Plllllllllk • jiIUUL tanuinti.. rTIHE subscriber continues the above builiness; .1.1 as 'usual at hie old stand in Brookl,p Thankful: for plat favors he would solicits a share ()fps public patronage. i• • A. G. REYNOLDS. • , Drilnklyn. Mat , 234, 1 R69.—if. SIMPLY OF. WALL PAPER. . • . IRDERINti WINDOW PAPER &.C., &C. j NNW tilJek l i t Y,Aunt, arrived. and for Kale . ghelttp, by • -A. TURRELL Pponit,ose. March. Isth. 1860. 110A1P1 rs AND OILS, • Af FILIST,,RATE :ASSORTMENT, and of .0..11, beat qualitieei, at lowest maeket Prices.. MonOoee, May, '60.) A TURRELL. TERMS: ' MAKE ttOME PLEASANT.- • 0' . More thati butfding 'Moly mansiourt,—. - More than dress and fine-array,— 't - More than doMes of Jolty steeple - a— ' . • • 1 Morethanstation, power and sway: - ' Mate your Dine your home both nest and tasteful,' • Bright and pleasant, always fair, Where each bulk shall rest contented, • Grateful fur l each beauty there. . • ' More than.lofiy, owelling.titles— More than fashion's lurid . elarb— More than mammon!eiild4 honors-- z • . More.than bought can well compare, See thst:homel'lsi made attractive . - . Dq'surrounding pure and bright. Tees arranged with taste and ruder, .Flowers with ell their esSeet delight, Seek to makiyour hnme met Let it be a ittniling npot,. Where in tiwilet; eontealtent"tenting, Cpre and enr r row are forgot ; Where the flowers and,trees aro-Waiving,. Birds will s in/ their sweetest songs, • Where the pirest thouglit., will linger,. Confidenee l . ond love bel alga. Make your home a little .Eden, • .. • • Imitate her smiting bowers, • . Jat a neat and simple eottaiio... .• . . . Stand among - bright - rrees and flowers ;-. There. what fragrance and what brightness: . • -Will eaeliblocmirg roan display,: - - MI , a isiniployine.elnd arbur , ' • - - Brightens hough each I I summer day . There each Bart will rest contented, • _ - ' Seldom wi, hing far to s Toattr, ".' Or, if roaming-still wilreherish , Ildem'ories - of that pleasant home ; ) 1 . Such a 1 - umeithakos -men better, Ptiie and lasting its cmtrol— .. Home with brightind pure surronnd;pgs , . Leaves its impress on the soul. ------ie--•01.-00.---..---- . A NICI r- Bi- FICE, BY READ THORNTON. • Sweet sletpfpli child! Ii .w doubly blest ! Soft pillowed ou thy'mother's breast, That swells with slimber's balmy rest. A deep o within _a dreamy deep!"' Iler arms enfolds thy cherub .sleep, And both, God's ivardian . angel keep! So by some fair Floridian stream . - The . crange..tree. as in a dream, Cferbendink moonlit banks: may swil` Where goldfn fruit and budding blow, Both on the bong together grow, - ' . MI mirrort;die the [leaven below! HAYDEN BROTHERS, DOLESAII e y. Dealers in Buttons,Tornb., W .Suspenders, Threads, Fa.nery Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. en t , erg. Fishing Tad; le, Cigars, &e. Neal Mil ord,. Ps. getchants and Pedlars, an p1,14-d . on._ ibera 'terms. : • ties *DR. CIIIMCIIILUS • CURE FOR'CONSIMPTION. HiTOPHOSPRITES OF..LIME ANO OF SODA. rpHAT F4TALlse ! ,tirg. of the human Avp- COnSUMption—Can now he -.prerented and cunt% with the same ..CEKTAINTY a 4. any other diat-aap. 'riten4.w Remedy di.vik:pied hv- Dr.Churehill of Puiis,.ita" . prrf,,rmeo inure enre4 of . ennfirtird Consuniphimi in a sibviesy,•ar than found in the records of nedical . in the part centuryl * - Pad thf following Testinzoni4s..,gr Cure of a can in'the Gast Stag!. —lf you waot facts, I can gitte them atamdantlV, th , t. the .11y.- -pophosphites is the only Rettosly that ,tanTiture corsemption: . Read'wtit Dr. Powers say's : J. WIYCHESTER, E t . q —Dcar , sirti am an ;why, of thirty, years practice, ih Western New . ; York. My first trial of the llypophosphites was 'Made a year ago Deecteber, with great succFss. Miss E. C:. aged 2.5 years; This was trZilv hard one. iThe,patient hid been pronounced a consumptive for six years previous to the ning.of the treatment. She . evidentle was i n tb, 3d and Last statge..;tnberelas i,t the stryre in each I.ung; several cavities in the Left Lobe, showidg' cavernous rates ; a tngst incesmntt cough,; pulse too friluent•and - weak to eonnt:- With, these sfmptotrig of confirmed having . in. any remeilitts I had ever fore used; I wrote to you and obtained 3 Itott.lcs of the Hypopho.phites. On usin:gt one. her syrnp.. tomsimproved . ; and during tim use of the 11th and sixth, she' was strong enough to waik half a nide. - From then," up to this week, when I saw her, she Ivm.been at work: This remarkable cure. I mist in candor, say, was effected , :hy the iliteoPuotinerEs. • GEORGE R. POWEff 8, M. D.' CHINA, Wyoming Co.,N. Y.; March I'4 180. STILL MORE REMARKABLE CURES! The following littler from an old physician in Chester Co. must satisfy all wfer !me evor donbted the efficacy of this 'Wonderful Remedy: . CITA - MA . SI, 3d Month, 261 h. 1860.. FRIEND_J. WINCFIEsTER: * * Thir persons have obtained the -median) from me.; twelve of whiCh ; have been-under my 61.1.1 i care. Five of them were: my opinion, and thi-Judc.f. ment .of -other physicians, hopeless. - ewes of Phthisis—irritable - cough, copious .expectora. lions of a peruleut character, nkflit sweats and • ernacipation. - These cases were from one to three rears standing. Ausetilation and °nem/is: siort developed soends. which, taken in . connec. ion with other•symptoms, gave evidence of a 's condition froth which I have never, in 1441 : eftt....P years practice. seen-a single case recover by :My other treatment • * * *.- Under the tri,t-- ment of the Hypophosphites; all the bid .syrnp toms ceased; and they have Lrained•fle4i and strength, and healttie . —seme of them better - than . they,had.enjoyed for seven years previously, Theother mites under my rare were in the incipient stages, and-in them all symptoms :MA • traces of the disesse have dimapoared:s . Of thou' who were not under My enre, I bd. o not be-.rd of a cinch' patient v. ho did not express hintse't boiefitted by the-use of the Rom-dy in 'Homo . of thentihe diseitse - was too far ad winced to admit the, possibility of Ter briry. I presume I aril air skeptics' in medicines, Or specifies, as most physicians; yet, from tho ..Ix perience I have =had in tin use Dr. J. F.- Chere.' hilt's Remedy for Torb-hmlosis, I - would-say to all woo hove ittendeney to that dise:P4ii-T4rlie. i'.; and the sooner the better,-before.there is . . disorganization, --* *. • IW. w: TOWNSEND, M. P. • Watiellterttei's Gen tti •ic H plio 0" plaltes-ACT• WITII .1 2 RO PTNI ESS ANU CIiRTAINTY.In• every. or ( - NASD ‘IP TION, •and with invariable efric la in . all . 1) - e-. rangeivonta Hr . Nervpiot and Mosa's‘,..iieopi, General Debility. Dyitupp4a, Iticketn,, Female CiimplUints, Sperinaturrh, iu all lk ordera- dependent- on iniperfeet nr impnind-ou tritinn; and in gill caaes•of local or debility. They- increaao the nervdos or viral energy. relipeo•Cooo, cheek Night . :4We:it., ',lid dlniinish Expeetoration,:' inprove the appvtite, arrest Diarrheda, - promote refre-thing,sleep, And. create new andi Iltlalthy . Blood. • - • • - rA FAIR TIAL IS A CERTAINiCURC! Tand 19 ounce bottles, 81 - nod 53. Do not confound , this retiteo .with he Ploi-- ,ithateit or ChertWal Food, thiware ~i 1 ;,:,- wallow% etistaiinieglron, the wit) of' %OM', in Consumption, Ts pronounced highly and criminal by eminent medical ,nuttpirily. Send for-inv new Circular, -.Which' 'gives only reliable liFormation in regard to,Dr.Ch arch •ill'a Treatment. Inqiiire =for end ;u.e - on& '-WINCHESTERB GENUINE PrIF.PR ) tATI"N,," 'and which may,bs hud - ot all respectable Dineigiata, and Wholesale and Retail at the sale General D'oput,ln the United-StUte s it, hyi J. WINCHESTER,- *tjlyl] ' -. -43 Juhn street, Y. For sale by ABEL TURRELL, Montrose,