The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 31, 1860, Image 3
TERRITORIAL BILLS. - • The Ilonse . of Representatives, most tut! expectedly, did a good thing in tabling tie several bills reported by Mr. Grow, front the CoMmittee on Territories, organizing -the five new territories of Idaho,-.Cliipkie wa, Nevada, Arizona and Dacotah. of these 1;:lls contained an prey vino, and tile,y Were doubtless introduced at this time tior no other_ ptirpOse than , te ailbrd material tbr the continued agitatied of the slavery question . by - Congress. But . singularly enough, Mr. GroW'A scheme met with a rebfitT from the republican side and . more singular 'still, the leader in the movement for the summary, disposal of hills, by laying them on the table, was one who has all along - been regarded as an ex tretne. reptiblican—Mr. Eli Thayer, Of _ Massachusetts, the Chief of the New Eng land. Emigrant . Aid Society. .The first hill rePorted, was..the one Organizing I4)11 Ito Territory, now known as ' Peak."' Mr. Thayer, • Massachusetts, itity mediaielv moved that it be laid OP the ti..l hle,-and was gl-eeted with Cries of tluffta ri , dit I" the Democratic_ side. . some dismission, the motion prevailed, the decisive vote of .10.4 *Os to fra'nayst The four remaining bills Were then stir; wessively tabled, on 'motion of ithe -sonic . gentleman, by about the smile vote. In - the course of. debate on these; 'Motions, Mr.•, Thayer took the zroundthat the peopleiefl, the territories were competent - to govern!, themselves, and should . tido alone . ; and frankly acknowledged that he wished ,to, remove the bone of slavery- emitentiiiri, from Congress. \ln this he ivas joined a sufficient number of ear: ry his point, in union with the Democrats .1f all shades, and the Americans. - The refusal of the House to organifte these new territories lit this time _Will work no\inconvenienee: at this-time. A rept Arizona and Idaho, they are all veilv sparsely populated-,--contaMing probabli , not over three hiindred inhabitants each ; and can 'do without, any Ritual govern ment for years to come. Indeed:to biir; den them now with the maehirlery of *- ritorial governments, would impose onthe inhabitants a uselt7zs trouble, and upon the General Governnlent 'a needless expense. The only and manifest object for which the bills were reported, with a slaverv-prP bibition attached to them; *as to keep up the useless and mischievous' sectional agi tation which has already occupied so notch f thetitne of Congress, with no practical g0,..1 effect, hut greatlyto the detriuieiit of the true interests of the nation. We rejoice, with every lover of peace, good- will and harmony in the' Union, that the designs of the arch agitators have beeMSO promptly frustrated,'aml that even repuhd lican members have had the independenet and patriotism to-set their pees againat-1 this attempt to carry on the r irrepressiblk confliet."—Reading Gqzette. i l'itEstnEN - hAL CoN-r*T.—The ination of Lincoln - anti litunlin does not tote heart of the bla4 republic:4l party. It• is evident that the acute and practiced niiinls which had built uji tlib, ar , anization have been set aide, and titit dangerous 'doctrine.: and fall i wies which they had proclaim - d • - as mere 1)4E4 watchwords have b.en adopted a: truths Lc their followers, who place tbernselvea ruder the lead of - inferior and less sacrii= vi,,qs ilitil. • . ...:, .; LiII:•0111 is the echo of SeWard Withont hi, pritctical acumen, the; tbllower iif Spooner with the rabid sPirit of ljelpei, :end the worshipper of John Brown with= at his' !dna. Animated - by the. sante ntiments, .but with a far different spirit t'rom that whioh sent Bpouin across t 4 Nis , inehatina, vauntingly proelaimed ui .11.1 of his speeclic_ iltat he "Aid mean t 4 g" on to the banks of the - Ohio and throe missiles into Kentucky to disturb 'them his their institutions." Such is the man whoni the fanatical black 'republic:U - 1s have bro',t forward as their choice for'-I'resident of the American confederation;and for whoa they have rejected every man with coif) , er vat lye tendencies, practical statesman= ship, or national Views, to he found withf in the party ranks. There can be but one.; re,ult to such a factious course. The par; tv deprived of intellectual powerand prUctg cal sagacity in leadeAlip, must , dwindhi ,lawn to the grasp of the intellect that bonil trols it, and both eventually '?disappear the pool of iemonstrated fOolishness.--4 Hergld. ' • Tnr LATE POST3LASTFIL—Mr. FOWlef ft New York on the 18th in the MoiCA Taylor for Havana, whence doubtless hi will go to Mexico or sozneiVlierein South America, to escape United States treaties for the surrender of criminali, and try to rei•over his fallen fortunes. How, froth the day of the announcement; of his deft& ration, Suudav:May 13, to .the 18th—five days—he escaped the UnitedStites Mar ' , hall and hik deputies, and how 116,giit in the Moses Taylor, are Net York p 4 zles which only the initiated Can unravel; The officers and ship men were ,unravel; blind, 'all blind, and did not See. _ Hence' he was kept in secret for-days in this cityi and . fotind means at last, in a steatn tug; ti/ join an outward. bound steamer,'. which 'seems to. have been expecting an illUstri 0114 guest. All such transactions of con* provoke comment,but we forbear. . Tur GROWING Cuors.-L-The ;;tree which reaches us in - regard to the growing crops is generally of a cheering character. The late rains have been of haealculahle advantage throughout 66 North and West. In Illinois and Wig, the -farmers anticipate 0. harvest flit exceeding in bounty that of any: prexioini year. In Kansas there is yeit complaint of drought: In Minnesota wheat and corn. never promised better. In 'lowa the tte: harvest will be ripe hr June. The toaroit: Mich. -Adufrtirter notlices . some very fin , peeitneus of wheat and rye. *yer:ll otli r papers speak' of the wheat Crop as ing remarkably well: :In Ketitucky shore (Tops are predicted. Theadootintalryni Pennsylvania lead to 'anticipation of a 0 umisually large fruit' crop. The grain, are luxuriant; and wheat will mature • I . TlErt - m..x.AN! DiskrFiCTlOTire : appointment" and chagrin Of 'the Seward-', ites at . the defeat of their . distingtiished . favorite, is everywhere apparent 'in the , Coldness and indifference with which the: nomination of Lincoln is reedited, and .t 4. Open denunciation i of the aktion of thei Convention by their leading Men and pub;' In journals. A letter is published-in thy: Albany Eraiing Journ,ri, from obe °fa,' editors, which is exceedinglyi bitter and warlike. The Auburn Advehiser says *no time or heart for ci timent". or(I the` nomination, and the BoSton Courio 4 t l says the disappointment in, that city was' scarcely surpassed by the feeling ocAAL.' ed by I:t r ebster'S defeat. -• - The Trrm ne wants .a raige"wi g .;- wazn'l builtiu York—better make. . preparations fora large funeral, iays"t46, - Borten Port. Neywres X: -The Tvbeat (TO in Georgia is begin rang to ripen,. and h westNvill soon conk .- t mence. - 1 ). PI wit . deep . . tapp - ohat, —The IPresiden 1 hatireceignized. Hen- In A dit tit,the action of theOhmagoConven-. ry John 3ltirray, . - Ilritish ConeuLat tion in rejecting Wm:II-Seward, an able Portland, initie. . - i i . statesman—the man•, ,who pleated - and •'- bail theße üblican 4rt N here; tup p p . , y. ow - - , • / Allan in;the State of I\ en York,where it =A '.distressing &tight prevails , in Kansas territory, fr m t le Missouri river ts.this disappointment More keenly. felt to the Roakysitioantainst . —The Seward Republicans -at-Chicago visible gloom hangs diver Ithe.whole rank bitterly denounced Lincoln /onlyaa. - fit - / to . and - file of the Repuhlioan,!host, whatever _.,,,, ~ .. some interested leaders ;may say to the split rails. . • . „ .. . • A large company of ladies and gen- contrary: As for 3 . 1 r. Seward himself, there denten from Mexiao,ltravteling for Pleasure, is every reason to' believe that he will re tire atpresent in I%shin„,„ t. Eton. . • . tire from public affairs, utterly disgusted it-- The Seventeen- veiti, locusts arc now with an uograteful party, ,who - koew not . erforatiiw. the gro .nd In the ; Vicinity of how tO.appreciate his merits or itti 6wn iewark,S. J., in n nititudes.' • ' - .situation, Had he been defeated' by the —The annual con - ention oft)* general democracy, that would Ml' nothing. But . assembly' , 'of. the united Presb3•teriair to be so wounded .in the house of. his churl of North An erica met in Philadel- friends is-.political death. LThurlow Weed. phia on the 23d iiist. ! ' ' - : will probably sell out . the 'Evening Jouv ---:: A telegraph operator in Ohio died re- nal and retreat into privi4 life ;: and Many cently from the effe4ts ad shock oflight- of i Seward's', personal and iquential 1- ning brought. to hini - bylthe wires during friends will mtuntaitt,a sullen reserve. and . _ ';t late storm. • j . keep aloof front the part .while- the gen '--- Ad'ellOw name rlliratn Jenks, of Da- oral effect titian it will beithat the Demo , venport, lowa, null, rtoOk to kill his wife crats who at the time of Fremont's with, an axe in orde that - Might:marry his contest: Will' withdraw atM return to the step-daughter: •: • I Democracy; so that in a- hort time there ) ~,.. The legislate r Otirennessee has pass- will be nothing left of thelgreat .Republi ed a very Stringent laW4tgainst the' adill- can organization but th:e old abolition teration of liquors. Using poisonOus in- rump. i .. „ gredients is declare a_ - felony: . • , • Greeley and Blair intrigued against Sc - Heenan has or - 4 ere d a monument to ward because they could not bend him tti be erected, at his . i xpense, .over the re- their selfish views: The succeeded in' mains of Freeman, the _imerican giant and (worth rowing, him ; but with hint they have pugilist, who died hi London-some years overthrown the party ; 141 hose head and. ago. • , 1 front lie was. • The-RepUhlican manaoers, -L At WilliamspOrt; Pa.; the lumber envious .of hit superiority i and unable to merchants, { diming ;the late freshet lost. control hint, have teeredthim a sacrifice; sonic thirtY-seven ntillion feet iii low val- but they have lost everything and gained uerat two hundred fiftv-eight- thousand- nothing by the course thely have pursued. dollors. •• I- I . • They have lost his•abilityestatesmanship, -h-- The acre cost Of land on which Brit- and successful prestige in the It:mpire,'•ztate, -loll' railwaykare conStrizeted has averaged' and lost that enthusiasm which the name forty-three thousand dollars per 'mile—as of the prophet of the higher law would Much as the, aver a o4 colt making a rail , be sure to inspire anonfg his folldwers, way in the United States. - I while theywill tail to colicill:4e the con -. A - woman wad arrested in France servatisth - of the Middle States—the Os- - lately, who said, on bein questioned, that 1 tensible object for which ;they threw him she derived - quite a large Motile from rent- overboard. The obscurity. of Lincolo has ing diamonds and bank . - cites to persons been calculated upon as an eleinent of„sue- - ilesirouS of making a show. • cesA ; but it is known .that he preceded —The Mitedingilist,•Tom - flyer, was 'Seward in the announcenfent - . of the-" ir one of the Republican - delegates - to Chica- repressible more and his language go. -He is,an active' Lin .oln man, and was was;even more .violent than. that of the the leader of agrati pr cession at - Chica- Rochester -manifesto. Lincoln, too, is a, ( t ,I go, on theitight fell wing the nomination. man who would be More likely. to be driv . 1 Petitions , are ii cir'eulation in Masia- en to extremes-by his party, if, succesful, chusetts praying:6c GOvernor • to call an than William 11. Seward, those cool and extra session of the Legislature, to take .cautions sagacity would pi•rhaps restrain 'action as to'the alarming disease now pre- him within the bounds of pnoderation; so mailing among the cattle! in some parts of Soon •as he-reached thesuniinit of his.ambi that State. . don and be felt the weight:ofi a vast • re • .`The recent refreshing rains extended sposibilitr pressing upon his shoulders 'as over New England, ancllare said to have President of thirty-three Milted States. entirely changed the face °f nature, as.veg- •In fine, the liepubliCan leaders have etation i 3. start** up onall sides, and the done their party Such irrepcarable mischief fields . and orchar r as.i_wear. a beautiful ap- at -Chicago that it oily i•einains - tlm- the pearance, . . Deinocrats to unite" upon; a 4 1 .andidate hi lion. R. P. Fit nnikezr has accepted order to . have a ' walk civet. the course in the apPointment .o the United States this State, to say nothing if other North- Judgeship Judgeship in Utah, ind *ill shortly - leave ern States, and to curry the election in fcr 'the Salt, Lake country; accompanied' November by a sweeping majority. --- by his son, as Clerk... His residenee will be M Carson Valley - : • . . WILMOT AT CHICAGO. • . • . . r, lt The Springfield . Republican—of-the _ - ) i - labk party—admits thaif the opposition - .Wilinot got into hot water at Chicago. ,We Only tinkers of Government, to he The following passage frain the proceed- Called in merely when it - wants Mending. ingg will be found interesting : ' I Well, the'clinntrV• wants workmen now„ - 11 - w•I , .I t : I f b. kM. • • _ . r. . : 1 mot . atox e 4 0 i t ? el , .1e . al 3 - md.jui tinkers! ' ; ' • ~ : -. , - land, Kentucky and .1' irgioia m _addition 1 —The caShmere goat is now raised in to Texas, which 3fr. Davisi had oved t Tennessee. Tennessee. :Its weight in silver was ( der' ,refer haek alo • ne, In suppiirt of m his ino o ed and declined a felw- days since- fir the don, Wilmot said : r " The delegates' from phi goat himself. The blimd with one these States have no oonsiii uencies„ and I quarter mix produces wool worth eight • should, •not he alloWed a! full vote. :It dcll • •pound,' • ars pei 1 : . • - . would (b•inondize anti seem; up the party. —lt is now belieVed that Mr. Fowler, Tilly had been sent-here for that purpos e the New York'dethalting postmster', has and were in 'favor of soiree Northern in i left for South America, where he expects tri,zite:!, J to retrieve his ruined fortunes , and pay his This bold proposition wis received with debts through the :14 - 1 of his friends, who H . (:, 1.- •i• .• m ‘ ... . r ape cc., s,,orm 0 .1114 on.wits : t „. r. ,r -[; continue to show the utmost devotion to mour of Maryland. repellid the intima him. - k - • tion that Illollenti ,, ht influence the South. .1 .. 1 --It appears that :31r. Lincoln, the Re- ern Republicans hi:tin-or (Alan intrigue a 1 publican nominee, iS not only noted for insinuated by Mr: Vilinoo Ile - said the 1 splitting fence rail!;," but also for Voting ,m,,d - I eepablicans witre 1111piirehasa -1 against the', Mexi7 war, and against ' bi 6 and' that Pennsylvaniainioht put that granting one hundr••d sixty aeresi of land • , -_. in her pipe and smokeit. ! - Ito the ‘Tolunteers who participated in that .. 31r. Blakely said he voted in favor . o f J iorilliant military campaign. . Judge I 1 for Presithint, in BiS6, at I 1 The monster,gtin from Pittsburg was - Philadelphia and he (lid mit see why the ion Tuesday brouglitito the foot of the ' Cap- . o .. ent l eman ii - ow ; wished tip. - disfranchise itol, on Pennsylvania Avenue, for inspee- Lim. - • , - f don, prior to its being taken to its dentin- Mr. Ewing of Pennsylvsinia. ;expre,ssed , ation at the Fortress at Old ,Point Com - great astonishment that hisicolleague thus I fort. It required a large -team of oxen to'dared to enunciate such unfairgentiments. I pull it, and dirt very sloivly. - He thought lie did great ihjustice to the I , Mr. A.E. Burr editor of the n Bur r , ford Times, Was' on . Saturday presented -4" t• Southern men. [lmmensci applause, and hisses for Wilmot.] • t 1 Vvith a solid Silver_ service, which cost one - / thousand dollars. The presentatio w n as. Mr. Oyeler,;of Indiana, - trilled attention to the prospectus of- the Republican par- FI made to Mr. - purr by his political friends, t.,-, Which asked all parti4s to loin and . in consideration of, is services as Chair. man of the Demoer - tic State central corn- - • overthrow the Democracy! He said this (piston, could mint be raiseii. Ile made a mittee of Connecticut. - •- ' pointed ; though not - definite allusion-to - - A five dollar note - came into the pos-- "knr&e.s. and . hypncriteg," evidently refesr- Session of a citizen lof Washington, last ing to the People's • party,l under wh`Ose week, with the folloWing indoriementl— nomination Mr. Wilmot ran for Governor - "This is the last of twenty thousand dol- three Vears ago, and ~.und4: the guise of tars spent in gambling in 'the fashionable which he expecti to,reach the Senate this hells of WashingtoM Young men into fall. 1.17 said the. slave states could hot be. Whoselninds this may fall, beware of dis , excluded. • ration, drunkinm•s sand•gambling." . A delegate from Texas pitched into Mr.. I •••• Barnuth offers- One 'hundred- dollars Wilmot in. the most emphaOc manner; de- for a live speckled brook trout, uninjursid, nonneine• the •organizationwhich he rep weighingfour pounds, and at the rate of ,resented as fly;„ g , m d er 0„ colors, and twenty-five dollars per pound for what, it 'llein_ afraid to assume ift4 right name— • vyeighs more than foOr pounds. The trout afraid to stand on Repullioan principles; to be warranted to live one week iu a run- N it trying. -to mix thteni. withother ele. ning,stream of fresh Water. A large, price inents undbi the.banner of ithe "People's 1 Will be paid tbr trout weighing 3 pounds.. palsy, He regretted hat the mo- 1 . i —The man, AlbertHicks,-charged with •dorthad come from theldistiinguidied gen- the murderer of the captain and crew of denten ;:but • he ree•arded the action as con the sloop E. A. Johnson, and tried' for ter o ptibl e aim dastardly. `TAppl e, and aus Murder on :the high -ens; was last week, hisses for Wilmot. •• i . at New York, conVi •ted !of the Tatter-off. Gnisaav- Ca.vzy:—The 1 opposition of Greeley to then ominatioti of- Seward is,: enee. The penalty_is - death, and as mo,at - ! tempt was made to set up a defence, there., made an ekense by the fricituls 'of that as-1 .i no doubt that the 'extreme. - Penalty will ••- ,:, , r tl num tbr the, Most brutal at-1 punt,,. ,CII C . . lie inflicted. . '. • • tacks- on the Tribune, philosopher. The Mr. J. p. Green, whose exploits in Syracuse Journal,.one of dip blackest and - diving, withlor WitlkUt .olmiarine.p.rmor, most infatuated of the negro worshiping 'are among.the won ers of this age, .--i" 1 organs, says: - ' now in this city, a sadlytripple,d man, his I 4 dye are advised that those who have'. lbwer limbs havino•becd ie•*paralyzed . , ist,.. known., Mr. Greeleirlong and well, enter.. - his extraordinary'laboral to - recover . i tain fears that his peculiar habits of life iron safe of the.stean l ierAtlantics in-- Lake Erie. - He will prObably.,ner and. close application. have; inipaired Ms again be mental faculties, arid that hi? is in it eert:nn ,able to returifto the bus es toQubich 'hel had devoted the ene gies of his rik, . i l theta who . have so long bdnored and fol -The House:of epr sentatives .‘dtoett i lowed bim,as - an example!! ,and / worthy a sensible t4infr, on' 'in a- while.. It di&ilegderin thegreat,reformatdry movements -one on Tuesday. It histrueted the repor- onlie times to have eveQ ova a " mantle ters for the oflfeial,p• per, the Globe, not oftharity" thrown over.the otherwise un to print speeches th• t are not 4tually de- . aceountalpritical acts at the )iast few degree insane. •It would !be.:l relief to livered: This Will be 0. death .bleiv to Bun monthsmonths of his if e . 1 (. combe; which is g'reatfy to be rejoiced ht; I ------,.. iii•-..-- - hut, then, again, it . May hive an effect to aggravate the .eaecr i thes &Nue:t'll—which, ,being. t, bad enOuglrah.eadyl, would not be a thinnqb be • - rejbieed. at: I • • . i --,-- Senator Wilson', :of Mass.,. ha& been guilty of the ineanness - of nterpolating in sO a speech recently delivered, copious ad ditions which were never spoken, and those literpolationi, reflectg . unjustly and tin:- ci!y of truly upon the Judi r South Carolina. Senator,Hananiond, o . the)atter State' ..ei. losed,the unworthy. t; When -Mr. Wilson .st =2=e:ea oat 3.Z! '24s.vaiting - muff,. toms DEFEAT OFASNWARD. • - , • There is no thsguising the fact that everywhere througout the North, the Re iublcans are filled - , ith d disr- A SENSIBLE MAN.,Hon. James G. - Campbell, U. S. Marsbal'inrthe 'Western -District of PennsyJvinia, ha ii included the . Democratic Editors .in his list of Census Marshals, in almost every County -in his district.. This shows•him t 4 be a man of sound sense and diserimination--evinehag a desire "to reward the deserving and as: sist thi needy. Marshal Yost, of the East, ern District., does not seem to pessese the., same Spirit, as we have no,t, so far, seen . , the name of a single editor among his ay yei:tments.—Esstor Efath.,o„ From the H&IId /.. And there dwelt. in the Northin mul titude of these men. called RepUblicanites, and descended from a house of Toryisin o f old, a factious and rebe ll ious people. 2: Atid.they pretended great love for thenegro, far exceeding the love fortheii oWu brethren. 3: - And.there were tdany-Of their black brethren of the. South, in bondage; and. it grieved them to the heart. 4. And they cried- aloud, •and *abused their brethren of the South, because they refuSed to set their . negrops free:. . • And they sought to get. up a quar-- rel with the men of tht South- about. the negraes, and they fhin would Withdraw lieinselves, and divide the country, ulnae they could not- rule in the whole land. • G: And behold tliey weye demagogues and disorganizers, and busy bodies in mis chief. • • 7. Now there was a Republic:unite imam. , Horace, and iris surname .was Greeley,. and he said."Pather than tolerate nation al slavery as it now exists let the :Union be dissolved!" and furthermore' he pro- Claimed, I have no dotibt but the free and slate States ought to . be separated," andiagain, "The Union is not Worth st porting in connection with time Siiutb." j I . 8. And these are the _sentiments an reasoning of the leading men of the .N . mrth belonging to the tribe of the Republican ites. 9. And behold- the priesthood of the North waxed st•ou; in -wickedness; and they preached not the gospel, and they ex horted not the people to 'walk humbly and love mercy, or to dwell together in peace and godliness, but .rather ici eontenti9n and strife. • 10. And when they heard of the fate of St. John the 2d and those that were with him, they put on sackcloth and cried aloud " Oh, our brother,} our brothel., what... shall we do for our brother?" 11. And both the prie'st iwd lei ite can; onized him, and proclaimed to the people that' his gallows was more glorious than the cross. 12. AO they raised him . above the father of his country,and they vouched for his religion, his christian-lik,e morality 'and his piety. . 13. Now, howbeit, althbUgh St. John the 2d had stolen negroes and horses—kid called innocent men from their beds in the darkne4s of night and nnn'dered' them in the streets--,had made • war upon and shot down, and imprisoned men its Yirginia—that they, the .priests anti rites, should not rebuke the wickedness, 'mt . rather, by their teachings, say unto others, go thou and do likewise. 14. Men and brethren i will ye hearken to such teaching? Will, ye take up- the gallows and follow John Brown, or will ye take uP, the cross and. follow bettei• ex amples ? , sr 15. And. ehold, about the time of the hanging,,of St. John the 2d, there waw a meeting of the rulers of the Nation at the city ofWashington. 16. And there Caine tmrether from the North, and from the South, froathe East, and'from the Wqst, to. consult toge,ther, and to make lawi fir the rulinis‘Th . the people. - 17. And there was a man named John, of the tribe of the Republicanites, among the rulers, and he aspired to the highest. seat among them. • ,• 18. And the Republicanites said :mow themselves, "Go to now, let us have this loan as our Spokesman,, but they 'succeed-, ed nut. 19. Noiv this John was a Republivan, orthe. tribe of Helperites, and he in dorsed the doctrine of-insurre - ction upon the Sbnth, and a servile war, like_ unto . that of St. John the-2d. upon the white poptdat i On. 20. And there were sixty and eight of the -Ilepublicauites- that -subscribed and recommended the book of Helper, the In surrectionist, among the rulers of the'peo: ple. Art4l when they found that a major ity among law makers at the city of Washington were against the rising o! the Republica nites to nwsacre the . people of the South, and raised to excite the black servants of the Muth to cut the. throats of their masters, they were c*eedingl . y sad. • ; 22. And the 'tepid)lieani testhroughout the land were sorely vexed, and they knew mit what to do. 23. And behold thxre'Was a .voice ,heard among the Republicanites and among. the priests and thelevites, saying unto them,. 24, " Woe unto von scribes and phari sees' hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when, he is made, we make him two fold more the Child nfhell.than yourselves!" `25. And again," WO unto - .y=on scribes and pharisees, hypocrites 4 for ye are like unto whited• sepul'cheres, which; inthle(l, 6 appear beautiful outward, but within are full! 6f dead men's bones, and of all inn eleaulines:," _ . .f.).f. "EvCri so ye. outwardly appear ;.righteous unto men, but within ye are full iof hypocrisy and iniquity h" . • 27. And it struck them . as it were, • duMb, and they could nut Lfend their' in -1 iqiiit, nor reply to their accusers. I - • 28. But they show not signs of repezit amp, nor a shadow of turning from the error of their ways, though their . gitilt was upon them: • 20.. And they continually cry, "the 'ne gro, the negrol What shall we do for the negro.?" . , • g,r, 30. Now men and.biethren, hearken . ye to the voice of patriotism and wisdom, and obey the laws Of the land, cultivate the principles of.the fathers of our Repub lic, and live in peace with'all men. 3L" hearken not-to the priest - nor the levite that pregeh unto .you 'disobedience to the laws; or that say to their t)rethreic . of the South, who believe the same gospel, and. preach.frorn the same bible, "Stand . off, for we are more holy than them!" Follow not the example ofmen that Would tan to a flame the fires of conten tion, that, would send John Brown to in; wade the latufor their brethrea, with , the. sword and the faggot, to shed blood and todestroy by eimeggration. 33: Verily, verily . , I say - unto you, that stealing, murder, and insurrectien, lead nottco saintship, nor, when justice and judgment shall overtake the guilty, is the gallows on which they are hung mare glo rious than the .cmiSs. , . - 34. And now "tail ren, think ye of these things, consult „together end, , commune with yourselves for good, be not deceived, heed not . the - cry of lo here•iind lo there, by-men that Would lead you astray, but use, M coolness and discreetly,. the reason with whicliYoU are blessed, that it May be well, with you. 35: And • now, may pekoe,- bappineso, prosperity, and good worki, be and abide wha ;ma fortwer. THE BOOK OF CffitoNICLES. P:r.l4l:ii!} . - .lar We iee that 3fr. - j: . R.* Oidditioi the Ohio". Alxilitionist and c.tiltaibutort to the:Harper'sTerry, inyaiiion fund, wail in full !reatheeati ChtiengO,And was treetied .'with .aPplause..aiid - eheering by, his breth ren ! titssetObled in!Conention. - Reis afair example of the kind'of 'Men who are rnOst liopidar in the 4 Bepulilicae party.' :He is . a *ell Ingewn , Abohtionist t and an avowed advecate of neglio equidity. .• Ho hasjimg 'since declared his hostility to the estiali. lised laws, in?. Once.eXpressed the ' hOpe tiliat! he would "live Co 'See the day.when British bayonetsieliall• aid the torch of tihe incendiary, in waging 4 war oteitermkna tiou!.against the Soutili." But he c` is iiiiiiSidi a • " Republican," and' is lotiqly . cheered in ft.." Republican" Convention. A cotemporary may well. remark - thati - it matters little whO may be put in mimina: tion •at Chicago ; it 4i the fanatical lie§t "behind the nominee W ho. are insisting Inn, 'fnigerouS'inetistirea that makes the eyil ; and should the nominee, obtain po'wer' he can no Mofe::tes4t his:!paity in the. nation, than' Banks ' Republican Governor-of Mas sachusetts, couldresigt 'the punishmeni cif.l Judge Loring ter executing the- acts of Congress. Thud -will! sucii.noininee•b ! ear up ii• - standard . that is raised against 'the i l Conititution 'andlthe Union. ' Such i party deserves a • defeat that shall 'be.. a. rcitit. 1 The' ood of the i country requires its t dis: ' : bandineet, 'and it is passing .strange that patriotism_ and intelligence Fan for 'a ino;.• , meat i - ' i ' --:11.14.---,--:• '. r hZ. - 1" . " We learn . frOm the Sullivan Co.- DeMocrat that; Bdward R. 'Stevens - "i1:118 drowned in' the !LoyalsoCk Creek on S'ri; day, the .i 2th imsti.,..iti !attempting .to - Pry logs Off the rocks where they ' had lodged. He and '.Martha lorii4 were in a small boatwbich over turned. Morrisy was for, tutiate,enouglitq reach the shoiv,'but poor Stevens wascarried 1 doWn . the current.. .His body was ' foii nd soon afterwards: He was a young' n an respected by ail Who knew him. . '- . . - ! .. . . .. . • Az4rinEn.—We understand, that a GA some 14 0 or ,15 years old, named Williams, was knocked:off, a raft,lbetween korkgyllie and Hillsegrove, Atilt they same daY, and . 1%" - :is droWned. We did not learn, the particulars. . ' CURTIN ANL Gitanxbs.—The close iden tification of Mr. A. G.[Curtin, at Chicago, with Joshua R. Giddings, and other prom inent Abolitionists, 41 his active efrerts in the cause of sectientilism. is exciting', no little• remark, and no mall amount of 4p dignation among our cimsetvative citizens. Ile new presents himself before the- i)eo pie tel. an outand-out Abolitionist of `The most:ultra school, and as such atikOhe suffrages-of the conservative men of l'eian sylvailia. We are n6t mistaken in Sup posing that he will be lulignantly.rebulFed. The Japanese are overcoming their repttgnanceno female qoeietv, enforced:On them by the Tycoon. .1 At (en. Cass's re ception .a few nights-since, they, examined the jewels on the arms! of several belles, and shortly after a dashing blonde explaim- One of them kissed my hand gave it such a squeeze !first ! Oh,. he did it splendidly !" LIST OF. P.yEllI11:* TO RE AWARDED AT THE ' FQUETEgNTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE nz . q. o. g: it iiltnrui-c•%orietn FOR THE YEAR 1860. Regulations. • • The. IFair will hold 1 two . days.. Those competing with horses iwill bo on the track at 1 O'clock, the first, day. . Exhibitors wishing to compete for pre minim,. mu:it/have theipnimals or artiele.l entered on the Seereta:ry's•Book,•tla.4rst day i,f the FaiNif posliible; and a: Card, ,which will be received from the Secretary, Wm. H. Jessup, must be placed "on thE animal or article to . ehibited. They - mtisi •be on. the ground for exhibition by:10 o'clock, a. m., of the s'e'cond day, •or they cannot receive a premium. •No animator article can be removed!hefore the close of the eXhibition, , except! by permission] of` one of the Executive Committee. Mock can be entered ten days previOus to the!Fair by. calling ion the Secretary, Wm. IL .Jessup: : '.- i - ,! hay will be on the ground, and pasture convenient, fir stock. 0 - ernight. 11 . • Colts and mules must be exhibited in 'stalls, I duringthe exhibition. - h; l.. • No provision will l made for stalling stock•over-two yea - rS old. 7 -!1• Exhibition for-Itorsel for prethiunis iirill take place at I O'cloCl4 first day, and 'lll. o'clock, second day. 1 1 Sweepstakes exbibit'ioir at, 1 "o'cloel4 second day. . . No i premium will. tie -aWarded to aii:, persons exhibiting ar \ tieles or animals no entered in the iiatne!ofitbe bona ;fide OWn erg . of the same. - 1 . ; 1 - . Pretnium - LIO. Divisios - and Tares. Best stallion and one of hiS colts,Dp.and 2d best, *4 . • . 3d best:l- 3 Pest stallion which has!not stood in the County prior to this year, Diplo. and h 3 , Best Brood Mare and c01t,., . . .. ! 5 2d best $4., I .• . Vest, 3 Jud.oor : —N . Y. heet,[Friemi s iville; Blanding, Harford ; C. , Wa . rd,. N6v Milford: • . • _. •I ' • Di rysinN .H.- 7 •Honsts. = C l LASS H.—SinTle . • • : and - MatchedlHorsis; : ' 11 r 1 Best single. gelding or !nitre_ 'civer four d . I Years old raised m the County, ' ts.s 2d best t 3 " [ . •. 3d best li 2 L • 'I Best-ptir,of matched h rses, - (geldings) or mares,) ever 3 years oldi raised in - , 1 the County,.- i 5 2dibest, . ' ' [ . ' ' ; IBest1 Best piiir of' matched hOrses owned in 't l 3 the county, no (raised here, .• ''. 11 3 Jerdlles.- . —lsrael ' , .t stebbirs, "- Bridge:. I water; John C. 3forriS, Choconut ; Istige. .31..Hasbrouck, Gt: Bend:, , l . .. • •'1• CLASS Corti a-nd Males.. Best•pair of 9 yeaeold - tfolts .. Best pair of 2 you. old l e, ;AO 2 Beat pair - of yearling cots • 2 Be t-2 year old . . ... .. ....... 2 . Best yearling colt' 1 .Best pair of mutes, best, JadgeN.--li D.:. Bridgewater W. A. , Lartie, .Ditnocip, Arthur 'South worth; tibertv. , I . Drnsiex. Best , Devon bulli2Y - 'is old and,Upwards, $5 -f 2d befit,. . 1 , Best .do„ between' 1 .and 2 years, . 2d liest • • • Best d)., under, 1 year,. r •.- i !i. Best 08V . 011c01, 1 30..'rs old cr- upwards; 14 2d • • •-• .; 4 •• • ... ... 113 Best Doyen heifer between 2 . and 3 *3,.. best, 12 •Judis.-. 7 Dsvid . -Wakelee, .Springtrille • E.t.411 A. P. ;Stephens, ;(heat IBentl; Stcls:. Bridrrx . ater, I . I ", .. ... ...... .. ... .... - - ,--. . 1-7426-IsioNIV CsiTLE.-ciiiisli.--Difilinins.iljtvasio:i •Xtl - 11--Dimer,tii.V.,77 7 / 7 41;ire.1.. Best Duch ' bull; 2 years old and up. , - . For the best flannel, ten yards c 52, 24, 2.1 -• wards, it,e, -.- an i -,.. 24 best; 84 Bea fulle.l c10th,.5 yards, 82, . , 2.1, I ,Best do.,.bet, een:l and- 2 years, . . 3 .Best.Woblen carpet , I.s.yards,. 83, 2d, 2dbest,../. • • - 2 I : _Best rag Carpet,. 15 - y'ds, S,T, : 24; ', ' :' • Best dO., undei I.y ears - :. -1 . j Best i 'doz. p'rs woolen socks, $2, :- 2..1..1 • Best do:, co ~$ years old or: l3w ardi r 't ! Best 2 i pairs woolen mittens, sl, - - '2.1. -- 3. 2cl best,. - g ! Jirdy qt.— De - nj._ Parke, . rs. M.L.. Cat- - . 'Best do. 'bell' r between 2 and. 3 years ' I lin, Bridgewater; Mrs: Stephen - , 17ee , 1, old, - $3, .- . ..-: .;;:.:., .-..... .. 24 best, 2 Hrs. &nu Ely, -Brooklyn. - -.. •. :. . . ! 7udyres,,..4 ..P. Baker, Dimock ; j a i, -110.-! , DtrisioN . XIX.---.o.nonitsiul 'need let-1, h. Smith; Fratfyin; ,Jas. Sterling, BroOklyn.'.Best patchwork 'quilt, 83,...-, - 2' .‘s Dwisiolk V I CATrrE.Ciras 111. Griiided , Best,quilt Of an o ther kind,--$3; ' 24. 2. 'Devon.,. - -. • - .' 3 ' Best winter bonnet ' .. t • Best kill, 83 -'- • , 24 best, 82 t Best lady's sacque, .. -* - --- 1" Befit poi? ov „3 years old, ~. • 3 i . J.".ip-R.—T. - '1... C 3l a i :e, s G a i r b a g i o i 7 .11 ...8 ak 7 e ... 1 :: .; 24 best, 82 - ' 3d best, 1 I 7 i . 1i- .Sayre, 3lontrnse ; * Miss Helen Et•• 1•-. .3 rows, • Gib s o n i Best heifer b tween 2 and 3 Years"old, -• 2d best'B2 ..• ' ad beSt, 1 S P rii 'g ri lle• - ~ 3 L... .. .D . InsioN. .3;x. —_ PrnatrY. . Best 4 yearlittp, • . ' 1 i nest . fen!. turk. - n•s, cok - 'and hen; 52, 2it i .i:, ' 24 best, 2,3 d best, Best 5 calves • , . • Best 6 fowls 01,e1.1 year old, 52, 24, 1' . i . , Best 6 spring cliickerw., u,- ‘2d ..-. 1 • 24 best 82 . • ' 3d best, • 7 "Judger.--S ,W. ' Truesdell, Liberty ;1 Best ' 4 duels ' 82 •' ' .•. 2d 1 ttr p t . Bre! , Brooklyn; Ralph Birc_hard,l M. . .. . iwige ,, . 7 -5. A. Newton, Brooklyn; - 11. If Wells,Jackson ; C. C.Rals.ey„iMont- - DIVISION .VI. Csrmi..-Ct-tss 1V...... - Grade l rose- 1 . . ', •...1 . 1 .- Dm.sios xxl, • . .Durllnil. • -.. To the 'farmer whose, productions r r - ite the greatest,''(hay included,) in prop - orti.- ::- to the, number of acres under cultivatiin • taking - into account - the stock kept. on - }l7 farm (luting the season, 510. To the n.e:-.7., Best bull, $3. Best cow over 3 years 01d_,..... • • 2d best, *.2 1. .. '• • 3d best, I Best heifer bitween 2 and 3 years did • 3 -2. d best, $2, - • 3d best; 1 Best 4 yearlii gs, • - - .;• - 3 2d best $2, ' • • :30 . -best., 1 Best 5 .calves,.; - . '- - • - 1 3 • 2d best, $2, —: •'i 3d best; . 1 - • ..ludgeA.—Takeman C.llandrick,Jessup; Edward llowe,Brooklyn; --,--Tilden,For est Lake. -.• . • . - Divisuyst VII —Cmi.E.—CiAss V.—Arqiirev. BeSt bull $3, • -' 2d best, *2 Best cew ove 3 years old, . 3 2d best, *2, - .• ' 311 bet-; 1 Best heifer la tween 2 and 3 years old, 3 2d best $2, , 3d bst, 1 Best 4 yearlings, " -..- ' . l- ; 3 2d best, $2 ll . , • 3d best, 1 • Best 5. calves 4 . - • ! 3 • .2d best, *2,1 3d best, 1 _ . _ . . Judges.-LEri;Gregory.,Bridge,water;ino. S. Towne, Fo'rest Lake; W. T. Case,..,Gib son. • • DIVISION 17111 . --- CATTLE.-CLASS Oxen and Steers. • - ic:ruing oxen over 4 years • i the county, .*.5 . ; 2d best, 3; 4th best...• leers' between 3 and 4'yrs. - Ie dounty, 83; 2d best 2; Best pair of NI --- old raised i 4'; 3d best 4 Best pair of SI - raised hill' 3d best,. Best pair of s • raised hi tl --3 d best,.. Jadpev.;---T ville ; Reubet Summers, XP' Dxv Rest boar, $3 l - . 2d best, • 82 Best breeding; sow, $3; 2d best 2; 3d • be5t,...,1 , 1 Best 4 spring pigs, 82. 2d best, 1 Best 4 pigs less than 10 weeks old, . ..L.' 2 .2d best,. ' . -'• 1 . - J:ildges—J lin !Torrington, •BridgeWat cr ; George Wlker, Dimock; Preserved hinds, Silver take.. . . . . . DIVISION X.—Shcep. ! • ' Best fine wooled buck, $3 .... 2d best, $2 Best 3 do. ewes; $3 2d besf„ .. '2 Best 3 do. lambs• ' , ' '2 • Best coarse mlooled buck, -$3..2d best,- • 2 Rest 3 do, ewe s, $3 - '2d best' 2 Best 3 do. lambsl 'BeS t middles ooled buck, 83 .. 2d best, 2 Best 3.d0. ewes, $3 • • 2d best, 2 ti Best 3 do. la' Im, ,- l -1 Liccestcrs, 1 lakewells, &c., are `6lassed -as Coarse woo ed ;. Saxony, Merinos, "&c., as fine woolen • and South Downs, &c., as middle wooled. , • . Judge.,—E. G. Babcock, Bridgewater; I. A. Main, Dimock; Christopher Burns, Choconut. - - ' -.. . Drvistox-Xl.--Batter and OPext!. . . . Best firkin . o' butter mode, in June, Buttes' Knife, worth 83, and $2 :2d best,. ; .do ' $2, and 2- 3d best,... i .do • . and "1 . . 4th best,... - • .. or .2 Best fall buttr ; :".. knife worth 83-and 2 .2d best, I -do 2 and 2 .3d best, . - ..1. 1 ...... do• • 2' arid 1 4th best,...l. 1 ...... d 0...-. ;.2 or - 2 Best 10 IS of 'hater made by 4irls -nn . .. • •' ' -der 18 years,,knife worth . 2 Tor larget qtnttity of butter per con • fronrany number tows'; $3 ; 2d best 2 Best cheese n4t.dess than 25 fbs, !, 3 • • 2d be5t,..... f . •, Jadyex —J.' pickenn 4 ii i - 'jr., Neu' .Mil ford ; J. T. Langdon, Bridgewater; Amos NicholS, Brootilyn: • . . . • DIVISION Xili-Fruit and Vegetables. Best fidtapplet. not less tharrone dozen, %and at least 3 Nrtricties, $2; 2d, best;. 81 Best-winter or pies,' dO., $2 .-. ‘. 2d_bpst„ •.1 Tkest pears, not less than 1- peck, . •'- 1. Rest - quinces,. ; ' • 1 Rest and great st variety of .vegetables 1 d'adges•—Ca eb Carmalt, . Choconut :.G: Z. Dimock, 3 Ontrose; Isaac ReckhOW` Great Bend. • Divlstox XII ' Best cider vine,•.: ..• Best 10 lbs mal Best 10 lbs hoc • Jadyex L---F, F t - B. Streeter liams, Gibson. Drvlslox XIV Best exhibitioi l i - 2d best,— Best Carriage;i 2d best,.. All articles i tion must be e ' J. ,1, /4 —Mill C. P. Edwordsl Clifford. _ • ; 'Divlsrox X' 's• e - ers between 2 and 3 .yrs. e• ,ecqinty; 433; 2d best, 2; Lomas NiCholson, Spring n Harris, Jackson; James iv Milford.. , , 1.-HVinegar;.ll9.ney, cE SOctr f=ar not less than 2 gals., 41 . . _ le stigar, $2 : 1.2.4 best; 1 ey, $2 2d best; Bridgewater; . Montrose W. W. ,Wil- —Cabinet frrork Carriti . qcs. • of cabinet work, 8.5 single• or double, this dMsion for t onveii• terrod bytbemanufacinrer. es Prichard, Skine:ville; Gibson; C. D. Wilson, -:—.Parm La/dements • and lachaaithing..l • . - _ . .. , - For the best oow,. • • • Far the best idtivator,- corn sheller, straw eutte , power for churning, 3 ' "firkiiiii4 bore rake,-harness, Taal... 2. Best lot, of 6 horse shoes, *2 .; 2d best,'- I Judge,. —Wm. Jessup,•3lontrose ; Sam uel Tewksbur, Auburn; David Bryant, Jackson. - I . ~- - .- . . DI ri.rox XVl..—Seeda. 1. Best bnshel c.rn in the ear,. - el Best half bnshfl, winter wheat t - 1 Best half b4hel spring wheat, .. 1 Best half btisherve,.. .. • 1 Bestgnarter b steel clover. seed, 1 Best half hushe"timothy seed, - 1 Best half bnshel flax seed,. • 1 :Judges—F. P Grow; Lenox;.. Thtimas Johnson, Bridgwater; Urbaneßurrows, Gibson. , ' - ' Ihytstolr° Vll.—Leather. ci,e— ic Best 3 sides harness leather, 82, 2tid, el Bests side§ sole ;leather, e 2 . 2d best., :1 Best,3 sides tipper leather, liO, 2d hest, 1 Best carriage harbess, 82 2d,best, 1 Best saddle, best 'pair fine boot, " 2 Beat pair of coarse boots Judpest.--Reuben Chichester, Franklin; Christopher Perk s, Brooklyn ;' Win. 13. litsbdrl&, t'pr:m b :11e. 2d besi3l2 Report to be made' to the Executi. , , 6:nnmittee previous to the January mee - . ing. • • . -; S o ri e ti ev . Dzirjspas x"Yrr 'r A premium of 620 will be awarded the•TS*nship,Society . that makes the lar gest and. best exhibition atour next A:.- nual Fair. ' • - ToWnshipg inteniing, to compete forth , : premiUm will please gii'e notice to. the Ex ecutNe Committee at least 30 days befo:.: the -Fair. ' Myes L—iTem : y-Drinker; 3lontiose ; R. L. SOphin, Neri: Xilfbrd ; Joseph Ihr bois, Creat Bend: :• i ron-rstox Best 2d, ;44- ; 3d, .4:3 ; 4th ri-,2; sth., _ Judges and cori;mittee -Of Arrang-- mentl - to . be decided when place is agree:t upon. . , Dtvzsto.); XXll 7 .—Swep.,fl , l , s• Premiuvz Best Stallion, gelding, or mare Best bull, any breed . I3eSt enw, any breed Best . 'ioke of oxen, any age... Alt' animals entered for competition in 'this class will he subject .to..entralice' of orie dollar extra. The cattle in this class jwill be led .once round on the track J4dgi...—S. W. Breed, Brooklyn ; .Lathrop, Springville; P. 'Wells, Br:idge. I watq, /T9rxfs—Gen. C. Di Lathrop, bfqr.i/tirt. Colt/e---AreiY Frink. - Shrep.d, //mp-31. B. Be!me".. Cockayne.: . Vc i vet .L. 3lott!' F. ; Fitch; Mrs. •A. L Postr Mist Fanny M. Jessup. •• • The _Judges will please report :thern eslves at the Committee's stand that' they may be on 'duty a early as possible: All clergymen will be. 'admitted free ,charge. •-•--• - • Dile notice will be given of the time cf - holding ; the: Fair anil - Plowing Match. • - S. F. CAM! kLT • .! I. L. CATLIN, H A. BALDWIN, . . • 318ntrose, May 34, 1”0. .Lx Own: A' PROGRESS -THROUGH EGYPI •• -11401. AGE TO A GIItAT. . . . . . .: • • The "Diary of a Pysician,". by Dr. War ! rem, tlirilling and interesting-as it. has been considered, .is not more marvellous thitiT .the actual 'experience of the celebratt.l , l_, Prosesiior Holloway in the xarious couh-, tries ,he • has visited. While in..a spirit Of geheral philanthropy .he,- has devoted himself to the conservation .of the public health, without .distinction of .nation or' 'class, he . has been the intimate, friend o: ,princes - ,ana an. jionored guest, at the tit- - .-ble of kings; His courtlyniannersi . varief.l- .(information, and the. fascinating style in I which he gives his . impressions of - tli-2 1 countries and , - fiec,pres with whorn..-he travels have made him familiar, and render hiin the. most deligthful ef•-csm - ipanion . When in Egypt, (whithlPr he went seveii.r. {rears ago-for. the purpose 6f inYestigating the atiti - quitics of that cradle of learning and science.) he received n spec:4a! invitn,. : Lion .fl'oniAbraliiin Pasha to become his - guest - at:Alexandria, and that remarkable - man is Said to have offered him an enorni ous income as- an inducem4nt to become his physieran-in.chief. Failing - in that, he ordered a guard of honor to attend Pro fessor Holloway to Thebes, :and pfe:sented him with ii.special &iliac, addressed to all civil-. snd`military officer: in Egypt, c.em= mantling them to afford - '° the. friend of. Ibrallim.Pasha" every facility in the prose cution of his researches. Thus he jourhey. : ed, the guest of the nation, 'through, the realm bithe Pharaohs.. Nor was his pro cress simply devotedto antiquarian objects-- Travelling-as uguaNyith•ari ample supply of his invaluable remedies, he - was enable(' , to infinity of good in that nnhealthy. . ! region wittered by-the Nile. Wherever ' his Units were pitched, the sick- were ehn veyed" there. :Nubian and , Abyssinian princes bionght their sick wives and chit— ! dren • on. littdrs, sceniin 2; to believe that - he could heal - them with 'a tenth; and llohrs, i Cops arid Turks—in tact, representatives j of all the - races that inakeAtp. the "popula. 1 tion of Egypt, pied with each other in do ing him hii.nori He Inyl.little:oceasionlto ' use - the' Pisha's tirman, for the .cures he ' wrought-was a . passport to, all hearts—a sufficient incentive to exertion 'in 'his ger. . vice. -Even the dancinggirls who-came at - evening to:perform. before his- tent; at; various • places on the route, refused: the . customary donceur...Xlieyl.inerely liskeil a small supply of the which had proved go efficaCiotis. in the diseases of the . countrY,* and felt assurred, on. recerYing - them, that they possessed a talisman capa ble of Controling every species of sickness. - Benevolence, courage and perseverance, cdinbined- with skill of the highest order, . and all exercised in an un - elfisji. spirit for the geed - of - mankind: are .the main traits of this great mateil character. They have stamped his name - upon the of the . present generation and - given it a just claim tciimm,ortality.-13olas "41,bysinam". - ~ . • • Mr's Pitt.s.,-Persons of pletlurio_ habit, subject to a temporary lose iof 4buseionsness front - a sudden cleternain; aticin of the blood to the brain,.Will find great benefit from a course_Of lolleivay's. - Pills.,. Et - Alarm., apasmi, confylslonil, hys terias, palpitation of-the heart, and all aft"- , •ections arising, from disordered - action of the vitacular acid . nervous systemkare cur ed by a steady and perseverinr•adheremie to "this mild catha ic. • -It re;ulatas • the - action. Orthe.erea. -internal :organs,. au4 .- I thutieciitalima the + 7 0111010.2. SCPELZIN'T.NDn.NTS