THE MORTON - 13 DEMOCRAT, runizslEirTlll7RBl4.Ys, SI: ; a ts : k.; 3. PrrerritetPla. (WWI ON Puppc AVM% MIME mons ABOV:13 SEARWEI #101X11L: TERms: 77 ,-. $ll5O per:-annomin ADii . ribNCE ,;theroipe 12 will be charged-and fifty eenta per =Min added to arrearagea, at the option of the Pnblialter. to pay papaw of collectiOn, etc. 4 . lorattes payment preferre& AnvErrnsvarracTS Will be inserted at the rate of $1 peesquare, of ten lines or leas, kir the first three weeks, and 25 cents for each additional week-',ln7 down. Merchants, and others, who adN',eriase by the Tear, will be charged at,the following rates, etc; • For one cubic ininsoreVr teals: ono year. with olia4.ei, $8 Arch additional cubic From, at Ow rata 914 . 6 rp credit given except to those of koo,wprtipo*sibilfty, A DREAM O CITY LH If : T. S..IIRTuUT NEAR tlie:quiet village of . Greehbank, lived Faiinyee. Tier mother teas h wid ow and had tiro children besideS Fanny. 'A little cottage, and a homesteadof a few acres, nuide" up the widows ppOseSsiOns.. The one gave slieltekO her little . : family,. and from..the - other she obtained; food to nourish their bodies and .somethihg Witiv which to buy the few . artielesthek needed beyond what the farm produced.) i .- . As tiief,e' Idestanny knew what it - Was to be busy. She Alma hp with the dawn, and often, when the daylight clOsled, her -tasks 'remained :unfinished. )34 for all . that, Fanny's heart Was as ligl4 4s; the 'heart of a bird. She was alway,s to be found singing at her ;.work. _ -f i More than a hundred miles away, in one' •of the great Ailantie _cities, dived! Mary Milton, a.cousin pf Fanny Lee's. 'Two or three times Mart -had come vi,; in the Summer time to sgpoil. - , a week with her aunt and C - 011111fk: Mn, these .OeCasions, Fanny had numerous enquiries 'to I make about the city; and Mary, very naturally sketched,' for such air anditOt,..inahy glow ing pictures: One summer, Maley came, t up to Greenbank and staid neartyl three weeks. She was pal, looked sink'; and had but" appetite when shela'riVe4. But in :the brief time she was . Xvith her cousin, she changed greatly. Ole' • color warmed in her. cheek, her appetite was re-' stored, and she could. walk miles "without experiencing fatigue; ' .. Yet, .for:thll this change, Mary grew tired of the ''country, and by the *end of three weeks, WAS sigh ing to get link among her pier city fri e nds. During this.'visit, 'Faniiy"l.4 ears were. filled, as before, with =bunts of what was to be seen and enjoyed in the, city. • • • - 4 ; 't Oh ! I should die in this dull place," . said Mari-one day, pear the•clos • of her visit. "Ilow in the4vo,rld do y'ou ; man age 'to live ,through the year ?" Fanny smiled; but did not-reply. "I wish you would-go to the eity with me, C 07." - , ;.‘ What could I dolhere ?" askod 'Fan- "Why, learn a trade; or get a;place in, some store. I know 4ilenty of gula who receive five dollars a Week." "Indeed! Sq. 'Midi?" .said? Fanny, struck with the mention of so large a. sum. " Certainly," replied Mary. 1• "It would take me a long tinde.;:te learn' a-trade?' "Oh, no. Many`, girls lear4 in -six months. Toil could het boarding iii some family, that wanted a little help,,torl what you could do about the house in the•znoill-. ing and evenings." "Do you think ! "I know it." - : • : . " What trade is .a good one iasked Fanny. , • " You might learn the• dresti making, or millinery business." • 1 " Could_l make five dollars a seek as.a dress 'maker ?". "No. ' But Toil ,would be .certain to earn 'three dollars a W,eeki and that's a good deal !" "I would be very well satisfied with three dollars a week. hardly see as much money in•a year, now." " And then," said Mary, - ! is so much to be enjoyed in the city: II go to a• dozen balls and parties every winter: and to such delightful picnics in the',:sunimer time. " , " I'm afraid I' , should -get tired° of sewing from morning till night." " Yon mit,dit at first. . . But :,yojed soon get used to it," .replied ary. "What is sewing to your slaviSh work ouf "here ;in the country. .I've, seen you cutting wood with the axe; and even digging in the garden; to say nothing of wasliing and ironing every week; and . cooking and scrubbing: every day.. Oh, dearD such, kind of work- Would kill me. Sewing is' nothing to it." i • - ' • - It did strike Fanny, that, all these things mentionedbyllary, were hartitiehar der than- was meet form young:girl to per-- form, and the faint desire for a city life, already experieneed. grew: stronger. • . "I've been persuading Fanny :,ito go to the city with me," said Mary to Mrs. Lee, a day or two before 'she was fe . return home. • • : , ..• . " To_the city!: Nonsense! What would ' Fanny do itv the city?" -returned Mrs. Lee in a tone of disapprobation. k • ' "Do as we, all do.: She can leant a trade and Supportlierself • "And die of.consqmption, Or 4.metbing worse, in less. than five years," .Said Mrs. Lee. ~ " Do I look as if I was going to did. of consumption ?" asked 'Mary. ' .• • "No, not now; thanks to out country air I But,-. - when you *Me up, yim looked as if you might drop 'off in lets - than a twelve month." - Why,'Auntl'anny!'exclaieled Mary. "It's true child! :I noticed it, and spoke of it." • ‘, • - . " I'm sure I was Perfectly: well, Aunt." "And I am just assure that :You were . not. Why, you could'nt eat arpiece 'of bread as big as My hand for bretkast,iior' walk a quarter of ainile, iiithont I setting rest. NoW, I wouldn'tliVe much fora loaf after yourappetite waajsatisfied; and yofi can run a Mile with "More ease than you could walk a fourth of the dis-: tance." - Mary htughed; and Aemurredin'arthis. But Mrs: Lee reaffirmed it, and ':'said that she had just as-lief seeFaiiny - in the little village churr.hl yard, as to ~ : gO away and be buried up ins a great City. So: pos itively did - the mother, speak, that both Fanny and Mary feltAat it WiiiS useless fo say any thing more on the 'Subject, But they talked it Over to themselves, dai ly, while Marr remained, and . ; When the cousins at length ,parted, it was , with a promise from Fatiny that she *brae to the city,if she could'possibly do so - with . her mother's approbation. After 'Mary had: gone ha:* Fanny's' mind remained filled, almost .to the email sion of every things else, with thoughts of Her a city life.. Oily tasks bicame irk some, and her t'oiee, which had carolled -from morning nntß,night, like the voice of I_ '• '' ' ' . . i • ' S ' . .. - . . ''' ' ' . 1'i: ...... : . 1 -1. •• ' 1 -. ': .. , _ . .. . - . . , . . . , i - • . , . . • - WE JOIN THE PARTY; THAT CARRIES THE FLAG, AND KEEPS,STO TO THE MUSIC OF THE UNION.,, vi:a t 17. } a bird,, rarely broke forth in song ; and when it did so, but half' its melody re mained. ' ' . . Fanny had a loveri He was a smart lad, who worked on a farin near .by , her! mother's. cottage. •-• Fanny had been much pleased with the' attentions of Peter Wit kinst-that as his narne—Lup to the . peri od other cousin's last • visit. But Mary laughed at im sotunniercifully, andballed • him so ofte a " country bumpkin," - that Fanny; from.first feeling a little ashamed of him,,was 'tato treat him with indiffer ence. Petet.•.was hurt at this conduct; and returned it with equalcOldness.' Af ter .Mary's eturn,.Peter, who rightly at triblited thechange in fanny to the mfln- I th ee of her prightly cousin, approached ! hiS sweethe - rt with something‘ of his old faibiliarity. I But Fanny's thoughts ...were still way ii the city,. and her conntry lov er, Uawelli as all 'else pert.einingjo the ;country, had but few attradtions - Tor her eyes'. Andisci she treated hint with even -greater indifference ; -an indifference, in fact, that-Peter be alnioit insulting. He was, inl consequence, offended, and, turned himself, in painful disappointment; from one whose presence had . always been like ray oi , sunshine -across his path.---:- 'Fanny felt this.chatige, and it helped to• make her mere unhappy and discontented. •-•- One,day, not many weeks after - .Iklary had gone back to the city, Mrs. Lee, see -1 ing the Changein Fanny, took, occasion to have a long -conversation conversation with her..ln this conversation; Fanny had a great deal to say 'against-' the country ; •-while she drew glowing'picturea of city life, and its advantages.( "Though she would not admit that there was s forcy in-any-thing urged in opposition by her Mother, yet some of the statements that were. made, fixed thenr= selves in her-memery, and she could not help thinking of thimtafter the excitement of the intertiew had-passed away. - - - 1 On.- the next afternoon Fanny was - left alone.: Her mother having occasion to go into the neighboring village, took the two younger children with her. While Fanny sat sewing. on a garment for.her brother, her thoughts - Wandered off, as usual; to the -City ; and so absorbed did she become in the pictures that !came before her hnag ination, that, in a little while, her hands were lying idly in her lap, .and her eyes : ' fixed in 'dreamy vacancy. Arousing . her- . Seltwith an effort, she- lifted her work and went on with it again;g but, in a ' little while, her hand's were still; and her eyes half closed in revery. Thus it continued for some tine, when she saw her mother. _enter the little garden gate, and approach the door. ft was iit least two -hours'earli- er than she fiad expected her to return,„ and she carne uniceompaniedbY the chil dren. -.,• But, the cirtunistances occasioned in the mind iof Fanny no surprise. .. ! " I have a etter from your cousin Mary," said Mrs. l Lee on coming into the- house, " and sln4 says,thatl she has obtained for you a goodillace inat store,-for which you will be paid four dollars a f sweek. You ingthust leave forl ' the City to-morrow -Morn ." :- 1 ! • fanny's heart bounded with , delight- at this intelligence. . Her work was thrown aside, and instant :I preparations for, the journey were :Commenced. -It seemed scarcely an Your ere the night !was past and the time; of separation had- • arrived.- Bat so elated was the mind of Fanny with the prospect before her, .that shit could hardly go through; the . decent forms of parting: Tough her cheek was wet with her Mother'.tears as the stage drove off; 1 there was-a znileution.herlip, and - ii warm emotion - of leasure at her heart. It was 4 day's journey to I the city. Night had fallen ere thy cats Jby ' which -Fanny - had come over siXty Miles of the, distance, an: rived at the depot Mary was' there to meet and to !welcome her.; but, somehow, ' the Welcorrug .wa.s not so cordial as she • had 'expecte. to-receive. Mary--said that ( I she Was ove jOyedlto -see her; but there was'nothing in thetone of her- voice, nor -in the.expre gob. iff her face, that a"teed with the words she uttered. • • "You muSt go liome v;ith me to-night,"eaid"Mary, said Mary, "land tO-morrOw we will find you boarding hii i use." And such 'a home as Mary's proved to be It was a narrow court, and the room she occupie, was a poorly furnished attic, the stifled ai of which, to. one • who had lived all her life among the sweet mount ain breezeis, .ould Scarcely be inhaled with- Out feelin of suffocation. Since morn- - big ; Fanny Tad taken no food ; but Mary I did not ask ' er if She bad been to supper, and. she won d not speak ,of it herself. So, hungry and aint though she felt, she re ceived no re r i i eshMent. - ' • "i have t go outl to-night, Fanny," said her con in, soon after she came in.— "So -youo m us t Make yourself at home here ~. • until .I rem. ." 1 i , ' , ", At hom !" Hew the words tent back the though of Finny to ,her own home, and the lovi gMo her from whom she had . parted. In a littl while she was alone in the great, strap e city,, hid , away, as it were, is a .garret, nd not a face to look upon. Thee wa a Murmur of voices be , lowl - ; butte wee the voices of stran gers, and eh i loneliness the more oppressirie. •It iv not long before she was in . Sad, lonely,. 'heartsick' she was, alread -, thinigh the earth had -not performed ne resolution Since she turned het face aw'y "from her pleaStuit home: -Hours went by; yet 'Mary did not, return. Overwe'ari • atlas; with weeping and thitikitt, F tiny threw herself " upen the bed. Vv'heS nexiconscious, it was;ilay ] light. had come home, and was by her side. - at br t time, Fannyjoked the faultily with whoa her cousin boarded.— The faces - sti met Were repulsive, and the donvematio that passed' liadninch in it that shock her ears. As for the fOod that was-se before' her, it looked and tas ted so diffe ent from What she had been used tout home;tbat it .was with difficul ty She could swallow it. And then, there was golnet4ing . so - offensive to her in the 4 _ atmosphere of the small close room where the badly °lied; meal was served, that it trade her lei sick. . -.-- - Alter ust, Mary took ,her cousin, io ‘ a dry g s store, where .a stern look iUg maa - ed her many questions touch ing her ali , "ty .-ttract in the capacity .: of a Baratta , Or souse she was utterly igtutast the Inanness, NOXTROSE, PA., THURSDAY, NAY 31,11860. afraid,..Mis, you Won't suit me,! .he said, indifferently. • - • "Oh, yes, sir,, he will. know she will'. spoke up Mary. "Only give her a trial." t "Ho* nauch•Wages. does she expect to receive?". iisked dip man. "You wrote foi# dollars a week," said Fanny, turning to her cousin.. ."Four billars week I!! spoke up the man, in Oiall anger.' •"'Fhe best girl in my store only gets• that, I'll give you'a. .dollar andlabalf tp begin with. And if you learn quickly, and make yourself use ful, increase }tit- Wages after a few months." !. "It willlcostlieritwo ilollarsra week for board," said Mary.; " I'don't-eare anything about that," re turned the; man.: 4 t What. I've said I've I said. If shelikes.fp . come for a dollar and a half a w,Cck, - whyl she can come. And if not, not." „ e - 1 Fanny looked atiMary. Her'lleart and -eyes werelboth full.; and she diffziot Nen -1 ture to.speak: F • . • " You',dibetter try it, Faini'`y,"said her cousin: don'tk l now of any other place, and, perhaps you eau get board for a dol-. lar- and a half." Fanny did not oivnse this, and her con sin, left her. Poml child So. overcome was she bi the strangeness and perplexitj• of her situhtion, that she covered herhice with her hands, and sobbed aloud. .. ".Come,l come," said the `shop-keeper sternly. • 'q want hone of this nonsense I .If you inlend .tolaccept the situation, .-• say so;. if not, youcan retire." , Fanny, Composed herself within strong effort, and looking up, said- she would take: his offer,.anddothe best". she could, Though it was early in the day, - customs ers had already been in, for a part of one of the counters wa4 piled with goods. To roll these tp and replace-them upon the shelves the.firstwork assigned toiler. Long - bellire she had accomplished the task, other, custom:era had called and oth er goods I!)een thrown, upon the counter. For hour's ;and honks she!•worked on,, and still the, end was as far off — as when ,she began, Her limbal ached with standing, and her back and from the labor of rolling 4nd liftiqg • the many pieces of ,goods she ;was reqUired to handle: Thtis through the day she` toiled 011, , andwhen night came, she found her way back as best she ccluld; to the Uninviting home' of Maiy; \ so weary arid faint that she. could hardly \stand. Thi - t woman with whom Mary 'bearded, atter - some persuasion, agreed to stake Fanny at h dollar and a half a ut ek,'the fail amount of the wages she was to receive lif she.would share the room_ and the& of ' her. cousin. After this at;rangetneht was agreed to,.Firtmv shrunk away' : into the little garret, where she spent the el - vetting After tea; a-young ninn called tot:lke Mary to soma place of amusement; thus leaving Fanny again alone with her own sad thoughtg.— Ana sad enough thq . Were,: • • • •At'the end of a!week, shop-keeper paid - Fatniv her dollar antta half, but at the same time toldher that she was "too awkward 4nd countrified" to suit him, and 'that she ndedn't come' bade any more. - Fanny Was jri despair at,this. '4- Whatshall .4 do?" she enquired' of Mary, whsin she, niet her in the evening, wringing hey !tan& as she spoke. "Fm sure I donit know,"•returned ka ry, "unleOs you go and learn a trad - e." • "But not receive wages while learn ing a trade.", " No" ," How" then can jl pay ray- board ?" "You Will have to go into somebody's work room, and stay - a •year for - your board and chance of learning." And get no clothes?" • "No." -•, * • ' • .1 The utterance ofFanny became so chok ed that - she did" not venture. to speak out her thoughts at thb moment. No clothes for a year. It was impossible for her to , go a yeari•withOuilsome additions to her wardrobe‘i Even' now she needed to, have an entire new set ef dresses; for those she had brought 'wid he'r from the country were in so ttrangeln. fashion that her mi.; pearance ,had caused' rerearks that were extremely annoyiog. * The , necessity for new clothes was fdt still more strongly on the next day, which -was the• Sabbath— . dressed herself gaily, and said - she was going to churbh. - ” But .ou mus'4t 'think of • going, Fan ny," she said, "in your outlandish looking clothes. They -were surely made in the year - one r' 1 - A thonghtless ! laugh followed- 'this speech. Mary, atter arraying hersdf in all the 'finery - she !had been 'able to accn - mulate, danced gaily before the glass, and then couriesying and smirking to Fanny, wished.her a pleaiant day, and went trip ping down stairs..! A saddbr day Flinn) , had' never spent in her whole life. 'Alone from the time her cousin left until near midnight, for it was , almost twelve o'c(ock when Mary return ed, she did little, else bnt think - of- the hap py home She had left, and weep. She tas ted no fored during the day.., , - On .316fiday morning one of the 'girls Who boa:rded in the house, told Fanny that she ;could get a place at .1 dollar a week to learn bdok-folding. In a little while, she said, too dollars might-be'earn. i ed, and then she (iould pay up the deficiet cy in beriboarding in the meantime. Fan ny went With the?girl after breakfast, and was introduced .by hex• in a lar . or- 101 l in the thita story of-an immense .warehouse, where about a 'dozen young women and as many men rere all busy at work... Here a place , was assigned toiler at a long table, and, she' as directed to I fold some- Vrintedsheets - of Paper in a cer tain manner., Diligently she worked at this for a' couple if hours, when the own • er of the bindery =me along and "examin ed what ' , she 'had done. Her heart beat aniionsly, but h 4 relieved her oppressed • feelings- by.savinir that she, was getting , gong very, welL rThen he Out, on-his had and went - away. 1 The moment the door closed after him, ,there was a hum of Voi ces throughout the ram. ..- Laughter and merry jesting followed _ ; . then work was abandoned,'and 4 game at romp began.— As V'enny with her folder in her hand, trying to perform, aright what' . she was-engaged in.. doing, some one drew her besdbaok and klased ber.--! suddenly. Startled and *farmed at such a freedom, sheLsprung Rem hor, - ehair, and while the room echoed with laughter, darted u: few moments she was in the street, hurrying she knew not whither.. What, Would she not have . giveniat that moment to have been safely back inthe . home she had so foolishly left 1- • A's ghewasaoviug along the street that . was crowded with strangers she met the man in 'Whose store she had beeri for a week.: - . " Ah, Fanny . I" said - he, with a smile, stopping and familiarly offering his hand. "Have you got a-place - yet'?" , Before Fanny could, answer;die added,. " Why, what's the matter,. child.? ' You are trembling all over like ajeaf." : - • Fanny, in answer this question, relay ted what had just. occurred, upon :which the . man appeared very angry.- "Come with me," said he‘ "mid rwill find you a good home and ple ty of work." Fanny's heart hounded w ten, the: man said; this. Trustingly she w nt With him. He took her through many . s reets;-and at . k laitentered a house where deasant-lady received her with kind words; and told her that shewould give lier °. home and every advantage, she desired. Then taking-her to a beautifully furnished•chamber, she said, with a:sweet-smile— • .., . "This, my - dear, is your room. Rest and compose yourself. •ILrou'have been un kindly used ; but that is past now. . A pleasant life is" . Saying. this, the lady retired, and left Fanny to the cheerful thoughts that began to flit through, her mind.. Slie looked around the charnber, and was surprised at the elegance and beanty of everything. A rich carpetwas -on the floor, broad mir rors glittered on the . walls ; and every ar ticle of furniture was costly and beautiful beyond what she had Ever beheld. Stiddenly, while Fanny was et gazing around her in Wonder, •a, wild. scream thrilled upon' her ears ; S and at the same Moment her door flew open and a beauti ful young•girl rushed in, crying as she did 60-7-. " Oh, fly! -fly! fly from; this dreadful place! Fl ..for 'your lifer . She Said no More, for the - lady who had but .a few moments. previously left the room, came rushingin, accompanied . bv theman who had brought Fanny to "the house. Her face • was. dark with :anger ;- and she-seized the JoVely• young Creature who had just uttered her frantic warning, -and was dragging her away by :her long dark hair, when- Fanny, half convulsed with terror, screamed aloud.. . Instantly all was .changed. She was sitting in her mother's. Cott:we,. and hq hands rested idly -in her lap. The sun. was shining down upon the little green lawn that lay 'in front of the door,. and making 'brighter the flowers; planted by her. owl) hands, .that graced the garden bord&s just beyond. And 'from these 'Bowers the -breeze bore-in to her urost ex quisite and refreshing odors. Nearly a. minute elapsed before the bewildered girl could realize that the present was indeed a reality, and the painful scenes through whieh she had just seemed to pass. ' but the vagaries of . a. dream. When she fully re,- . alized the - truth, she clasped her hands across her bosom, and- lifted her eyes, that Were now full of tears, in thankfulness to Heaven. • • - • Half an ur afterwards r pd while Fait .ny was yet alone, a short•bark from Lion, the house doe, warned her that some one . was approaching.. Before she had time to reach the door, A'pter "Wilkins . presented himself. ,He looked grave, and Fanny well understood the cause. " Is your mother at hOme?' enquired Pe ter. "No. - . She has gone over to Green bank," replied Fanny. " tnt f l expect her home very soon no*. Do. you want to see her ?' "Yes. I came 0):1 an errand from mi. Carson." - • . , • "Won't 2,-otr,Walk in-and sit down. a lif tie while? It can't be-leng ere mother is here." .This was said in such a kind way, and - with such a look Out-of Fanny's eyes. Peter felt that the sunshine had "come again. .lle did not wait for a second in vitation. It was. nearly -an .heur - before Mrs. Lee returned from Greenbarik. Long era that.time, the lovers were iri the best possible state-of good will towards each other. When Mary Milton came up, during the nest: summer; to, spend a short time with bOr - -aunt and cousin, Fanny whispered in her ear that she was soon to become; a bride. Mary had the same pleasant:news to - communicate, touching, - herselt. -She was to-be married to a young mechanic on the coming New -Fear's day.' • How . different looked the two young girls ! , Fanny's cheeks were !full' -and blooming; and her steps as -Hilt as thoie of a young deer.. While Mary's face -u•Ss thin. and colorless ; her form ✓ slightly bent, and all her movements languid. The one was a hardy Hower that lad'reteived the sunshine and the rain-in its bosom, and stood unhurt,. while it . ,gained ! strength in the storm ; the other was but a puny plant which had grown up white and slender in i the sickly atmosphere and feeble light of a great city. • Mary saw and... felt the dif ference. Her troubled dream was all the experience she asked of city life; and she tiirned.froin it with' a thankful :heart, and blessed the:pare bracing airs of her coun try home. -14.0 t _for ten years did 'the cousins meet again. - Mary came. up to.Greenbank once more., Alas! How sadly she sytis clang ed!! .Preirtaturely old, she :presented the wreck of,a woman, around wiMin gath ered three puny children, who looked 'as if the sun had never slione'upoatherri.As many more,: Mary. said, with. dim eyes, [had passed- to a bettor World; As for her self and all that pertained to' her, she hid but a poor account to give.- Her husband's health had never been very good, and he had been-failing - sensiblyfor..two or three . 1 years. SinCe.their marnage, the average ' of all, his earnings had :not. been over stn 1;dollara 4 week, for he hid lost a, good deal of time from sielmess. - !:- In .Dider to in crease their ;income, Xary, besides doing - all the_workOrthe family, hadiaken 14 I sewing, d - thus work eil herself - down, l'until she was little more than a Skeleton. .1 AI for the future;. alll6 . oked gloomy.— Theii little family-was growing, More ex pensive, sad the' health of toth. - Mary and her..hirSband was - becoming *Om'. ma (1- worse-evertday. - ~.- . , !:' .'. ' .!. 'How differ nt was, it ; with Fanny 1 She had became. the wife e if Peter Wilkins about he tin e : llkfary was married., Wil kinswas :,ti,- th' working on. e' farm .at a hired ma. vhich situation .ibe. held for four yearn !finger. ' AlVer 4. this! ' , he took::a farm on shares,- and managed it so Well, that in the course of .four years rnore,', he was able to buy it,; and pay down half the pkirchase - 1 money in cash. . ' Both he and Mary Worked hard, in time ;._but it-was atihealthy . work, ni . pure bracing air, and With light'ind cheerful hearts - ..= -Five at healthy). and, happy - children as were ever seep,. made glad .their dwelling, and death had: not once' fliroWn his shad psi acrost their..threshold.:. Thns it Was . when - Mary canto up to -: visit them. If, Fanny needed any further assurance of her. former errprin - washing for a . ..ii3,i life, she had it not v ; and..deeply - thankful. was the that her 14 had hid:been cast, among the pleasant ti...alcs and breezy hills of qiiict Greenbank: - . '• • - ../ f.-' • - - ; RiAtE • WITH 4. MILL • 1 Sonic forty Years ago,.the / Managersl. of a race course' near 43roWns•Ville on the Monongahela, published a notice of a race,. one Mile! heats; ori a particular -day,-for ajMrse of $lOO, "free for .anythitig with ;btu.. legs- on?? • - • . I A-Infinib i the _neighborhood, Bays, had a bull hewas•in 'the habit .of riding to - tiaill with bags of corn, and he determined to enter him . for the race., He said. nothing about it to any one, but lie-rode about..the track a-nuniber of-times, On several mobu liovlft nights, until..the.bull had the hang. of thegro l und pretty well, andwouldleep the right' course. lie rodelwith- spurs, which the bull considered particular disa ,greeableieso much so that he always be1., 7 lowed hen they were apPlied ,his sides; .1 . . ... On the,morning of the race„ Hays came upon the ground on .horseback--on'llis bull. InStead of a. saddle , he ; had • a dried ox-hide, he head part of•whieh - With the horns still'on; he had placed en the bull's 'rump.. He carried a short tie horn In this hand. He rode to the judgei' stand,' and offered td enter his bull for the race; but - the owne4..s of the : horses tha . (were ei4er: ed object.O. -Hays appealed to the terms of notice hisisting -that his bfill had "four legs and hair on,'' that . thefOre lie had a right to ii6r him. After, a g 0 0d.44 of sweating, the judges declared: themselVes compelled 'to de.eide : that the . bull had a right to 'lm; and he entered laccordingly. W-hen time- :for starting ;arrived, the bull and horses:took thew. places. The horse-raeers were out,of patience at'belnp• hotheredi With the hull,- and at the.hin-- lestpie which they supposed A as intended, —but th aught it' wocild be o'er as soon as the horses started. - • I' - . .i • When: the signal. was they did start. Hays give a blast With his"hprii and sunk. his spurs into the side of :tbe bull, whO bounded off. with a- terrible bawl, at no trifling speed, the dried -Ox hide flapping np.and down, and rattling at every ijunp,; making a toalbinatioa of noises, that had never been heard "befOrc. The horses- flew oflothe, track,-and every One see Ming seized•with • a sudden determination. to take the sh4ftest cut: to get out of Redstone country;. and none of them co d dla be brought .back in: dine to save.thetr distance. The puise wassil-en to" Hays. " 4 general row ensued but the, fun of the thing put 'the crowd all jti the :side of bull. The horsemen contended that they were sivindled out-of the purse,-and if it -had not been for Hays' horn ani which he ought not to have been.permited to bring upon the ground, the thing would not have turned out as it did., •_ - !' , UpOn this; Hays told Ilion that his... Imll could beat Any of their. horaes any hew,. and if they would put up $lOO against the purse•heliad'won, he would take. off the ox-hide, and leave flig tin horn; and fun. a fair race with them. - ; His 'Offer Was,ac cepted; and his money staked: - They again took their p'laces'•atthe starting post, and the • signal was given. Hays .gf. ye - the -bull another -touch with his spur,l and t he, bull gave a tremendous bellow. The; horses .remembering : the dreadful sound, thought all!the-rest *as - coming r.s.befOre. 'Away they; went again ; in spite of all the exertions of, their riders, 'While Hays galloped , his bull around 'the . , .., : . , - . . track again and Won the *Wiley. , I. 1 1 s T,pr; Il l 'irrrits or. A Ti N PA.i Al' TUE-END I OF A \ Dous Tin..—Wc,have beta jifform- by , an officer of.the linited:State army of a-most remarkable instance of4ingetim tv and presence of mind in a sergeant of the army, \ which occurred a few weeks ,ago, by which lie, saved his own life end that of is part . - ' .1 ,„ -A sergeant! with-about twenty-tive.sol diers had been sent out sonic miles from , Fort' Defiance, New Mexico, to 'guard I, some . stock Which were sent to graze„, When_ unexpectedly 'they feund that the 'party were surroimdedbrabeut four him dred hoitile 'Navajoe Indiana. The brave and skilful sergeant took\pesition on an eminence, and by a volley from the icing, shooting rifles of -his party at firstdr O ve off the savages, who howeVeri, soon ' al lied lied an were preparing to storm 'the small- p rty on all . , sides. Th:e sergeant, in tam his brainfor an ekpedient ?by Whieh to convey intelligence of the des perate Orli in'•which-his parqrwas-plaeed„ took.a single dogwhich had! accompanied the, parti, faltening to his leollar a dote written Iwith pencil, informmg the cern mande,r at the frt of his situation,- took a tin c.uplin which. he put _some pebbles, which was confined with as Piece of "cjoth over- the top, I fastened it with -a - string to the does tail, and started the dog loose, knowing that he would, ini his affright, run to I the ;fort. He dotted with his :greatest speed to Fort:Defiance; the note was diScovered and read. ".I StraighiwaY ! 'a party was sent to the rescue, and-ar rived just in tittle tp save the . lives of, the whole party.. The Sergeant 3ustly merits a commission which we hope will be giv !in, by the Presideut.—.Kentu#4 flag. , r wjf phagaluvpy is PrOperly- defined t o b 3 owe of nntiakmad, most, won2enUve an unecAlvooal title to be ofilaeoevd,w. lauthro .Asts, T TEE .. .REALITY, 'AND ' THE POETRY I, '" - • ' •OF FARMING. '•• ' -" .3 It may be truthfully said of farming - , 1 that there is much more reality than pall-, I try in it. We who labor in thelfield, and i' carry out our own plans upon the farna,- -can], speak- from experience, and, know some of the realities of the farmer'i life. Th 4 stone wall' that surrounds our farms, I andj those that divide - them into - fields and pastures, are evidences of the-real pains taking habits of our fathers. -Could the tong be estimated of these walls upon a single farni of an hundred and sixty acres, arid la, boy of twelve years old be informed that he must help lift, it all sometime tin ting. his natural , lifetime, ten ehanees to one 'file did not 'myn'a a natural inclina tion to go to sea, or be found on ;the road to Dike's Peak. It is a wonder to behold 1 the almost endless string of• wall on some of our l New Hampshire - farms, put up by a single family.. But it was done in the - olden time. It was done -when the - own -erg r` aimed" at farming; when they raised their own bread, beef, pork, and 'potatoes, arid( wore the manufacture of their Own• houSehold for clothing. Strong,' hearty men and women were they of those. days. Some few are still left among` us, standing like; Sold primeval oaks amid a crop of sspliug pines. As the woodman's axe bows the original and Stately forest to the earth - , to be socceeded .3by a more puny groWth, time with unsparing blows has levelled to the earth 4 large portion of the old hickory settlers,- and left us a kind of sapling growth, 'unable, °we think, to .graple With the realities of life. We must meet the-requirements of -the times, and let others attend to the - poetry of agr culture. •-• There is something, poetical in the idea of making the desert bl,osSonr as the rose, but; there is some practical labor " - to be performed %before this 'result can be n•OUght aliout. =. . . 'The man whose muscles does the work i_ _ _ sees no poetry is mud, gravel, or sand. 1-. . POLITICAL ROGUERY. Hedging and ditching are practical matters-1 The recent developemeuts of specida- with him. The spade to him is-the staff ' tion and dishonesty by heteteforepromin which brings bread-to himself and family, 1 ent and:respectable politicians and men of and! this practically is termed ". the staff of influence, are at this time extensively oc life:" ' . _ I • •cupyingthe public mind. - . Journals Of all kI "onest John Tompkins; _the hedger ! classes and,of all-politics are- denouncing and ditcher," hNs no poetry in his nature, !thispolilical r(4:stitry hi the terms, but! the poet, could - dingle his name andnand a decided abliorri:nce of it is minifes- Decimation in rhyme. There is poetry -in ! ted by the`ce-alinunity generally. We are the herds (;14' beautiftl, oxen roaming o'er.,l pleased't6 see it so universally . - disconn s green pastures, and recliningin the grove. tenanced and denounced; tint at the'same upon the hillsides, butiaway flies Pegasus ,time. we:would like to ask if the indorser ~ and poetry, when OrliCS.a dire ancf-fatal,! and upholder of such acts and-o€ the men disease!and sweeps off its thousands, - and I. who-commit them are not - as culpable as. a sovereign State takeS it upon itself to ;.the perpetrators and should not be as'gen slaiighter wholelerds of cattle. ' There is,i efany, and ,publicly cleno l anced.'aral• dis- - a realitv in the business. when a man like (2. ! u , nte i lan d ? - The mypiq,ls , :-, - er - T , ariv, 41eiiVon.lis' of 11assaclitn2tt.;, ttril.:::, , thrOtl:4i) their recent. Convention de:Chien doWn' with . his own hands . the oxen lie ;!ge, besCl -, wed Ile': highest honor in! their has !been yers inbreeding. The Spriaal , piilVoi-, -next - to ths„ iecn'dbaticn of. Presi- . .field Republican says :+. "Mr. Woodis isa i d im s o r Vice Pre,l.iden*, upon a- man.from you'oc: man of miabie Plock-, and his stock, !!Massacliosetts, woo test ideu'beicire a corn- _ like himself superior.. He is said to have vmiti r ee of - the .I.l6use of Representative's kneeked his favorite grade Durhams on the ! that he received from two to fourthous head with his own hands, father than see land dollars fur-aiding, while a member of any! one - else murder them, while, tears I the HouSe of Representatives or a lobby rolled down his manly cheeks.- . • ! at Washington,. the repeat-of the. , Almost every farmer has i experienced 'l'duties on. Wool. . To soinething of the 'like. A favorite horse; ii i e-Republican party indorsed and, ap.. ox, - or cow, .or a superior and petted 416`ck -- ; 0 7 0 N - 0 - this bribery and corruption - by . of sheep, are given up to' die, and his !,ei e e t i, : -,s Mr.` Ashmua President, of their hopes for the future blasted. A favorite IGeneral-Convenrion. We call, the atten- 4 1 crop is, cut eIF, and he realiies that human tin of, to this en -hopes are futile, and that his life is pia sl!dorseinent of the sacrifice of their interests - tical, both in his gains . and losses. T e!I by the Republican party, and ask. if they fein - lees vocation is eminently pra'cti 11 ,can longer sun tort that party knowing ~ and he who believes it "linked with p e" these facts? The dust and smeke the Re (2(, try;" should. ry his hand at digging rant , `publican press - is •raishig over Demeratic and composting manures; and when h I delinquencies is more * for the purpose of has had ten hours' experience at these, i hiding their own corruption than of produ let him - sit down - and invoke the. muses. — '.eing, - a healthy state 61 - public. opinion.— N. 11. Journal of Agricalture. \,\ . . -Democrats never 'yetraised a , corraptien ..[. . - ! WORK FOR .JUNE; •...; ~- , -fund for the purpose of striking down the - The hoe and the cultivatorlwould he a interests of the farmers or the . producing p . • .. , proPriate emblems !of the • work for, the classes.. •-• That political : roguery has-been, ; perpetrated only- by oar' opponents. -! , faint - this month. Vegetation.noW pushes r . - ----- . • -. tbrWard with rapid :growth._ Not on rr ly.if A lIE GREAT. F.Lxv.i.Ton A . .Soattern • are rthe staple crops taking firmer hold Ol gentleman at a Northern hotel, perceiving the soil, 40 ; expanding with cheering ,`that - the dining room servant, if negrO, was .• promise, but ragweed, daisey, dock, this- 'I be.itowin!!! his•attentionselsewhere; tobis • tles;!and 'EL numerous hord. of foul weeds neglect, called up John and accosted him - . also feel the quickening sunihine,and 'send 'i n t hi s w i se . -, . - ..., , . '-out their hardy roots to rob.the 'soil and " John, Thave ierrants at hothe,- and, VCXJthe husbandman. These are to b\e am Waited on as a gentleman- shoOd be.. Subdued; and, scarcely less important,.th I - am neglected liere,,and am tired of it. , I ~ soillneeds frequent stirring, to.keep it, iti'l give yoti fair notice-th'at • I will whip yott right mechanical condition.. The roots of 'like a dog unless you behave better." . plants require air and ;water. It the sure ,.The consequence was, John becanie ye- - face - become crusted, evaporation. is ob.:, IT attentive during the few- the gen - 1 . . structed, 'the- moisture from; the deeper ~ tlemau- remained. - On . going. away, !John I layer of the soil does.nOt rise' freely, and i was called up nnd,presented with a dollar - the! airs and dews can not freely enter f,-6r. olio, which-he thu.sackhowledged; from above. .. The organic matter tlecom- i " Thankee,. - Massa. :Southern getnraen poses lint slowly under such circamstances, • :trays so—lick us like blaze: if we :don't the plants arc stinted for nonishment, and 'tend to 'um :right, but dey aPays.gite us their growthis checked. Hoeing by hand a dollar or. so Tore - .(ley leave.. Bat * dese - or horse power,.is the remedy foriweeds abolishun gemmen mighty • hard to:suit, - and a: hide-bound soil. There may also and .require 'much 'tention, and when dey . yetl be vacant spots Lobe replanted With leave, shake yer hand, look up to de Sky, corn; or to• fill - with: other seasonable- and say, "God bless you, my unfortunate - crops. - He who has 'a mind to work,. will friend; an'• - elevate you in.the- scale of ini notV'find enough to employ him.,' ! s ,rtnanits;" or sometitig like - dat,:but . never - Earns and Sheds-:-See that they are in I x gib us a dollar to elevate us..' ' order beforethe busy haying season comes I 1 on.l Arrange the bay-way . ., platforms to ' keep the hay from the ground and allow , ventillatiOn. - If:hay has. spelled . remove , it to the manure heap. Examine grain bine, wool closets, . and. cattle stalls, fbr vermin, and cleanse if necessary. - - ! , ' Buttef-This •is one of the very best dattying months, both for quantity and 'quality. The new growth - of grass is plen taftil- and tender,. and the cows if well car' ' 'ed far, have come up to fall condition: ObServe scrupc_aisly Cleanliness in eicry . .detartment. Keep the, milk .and'eream! at temperture of from 62 6- to 656 Fit Ten-1 heist. Let all Mutter be well worked. See, , that the cows are 'milked - rapidly, and;" l'p e ifecqy dry. Let butter 'for market be pu ! up neatly, and _plainly . marked with; th owner's name. --.--- '.- . I - corn—King- Phillip or . othe v, r quickly, maturing - Yhtieties may be planted ; to re,- plaCelailureii or,otherwise:. .31antiring in 1 the hill Will giva it a rapid start. Thorough culture'. should be given to the growing creps this month, to'subatie , rites .and .• weeds before the corn-roots have extended farlfrom 'the hill, When . prin v ix : lg'ini ..raee ; erlyleiel. llOw not, more than four ,"stalks . to a hill--many 8=04631. grOwera .leave bit three: Ifth d e. pastur q e. ground is . 1 liniited, put in x ioouentlty acorn, !I l twettat, of in 4010, Pit feeding gzen. JOB PRINTING of ALL KINDS, DMA AT ItIF. oiTzcz OP nur: . PM7IIECOC/PL4IIII; 7:mATLY ANT Pfloxprvr, : : • AND AT Ai T.IVE A 2 D LET'Llre PRICES. .7.! - TFE office of the Montrose Democzst hastly been supplied with a new and choice atriaty.. oft eta., and wa are now premed to print pitmplgata pa., etc ., lo . tha beat atyle,'On shossnotlc, • handbills, Posters ; Prngrannnoi,i, and other kinds of-work la this Ilne, dons wording to Oyler: Business; Wedding; and Ball Gems, Tickets, etc., printed with nesttnese end despatch; , • Justices' and Constables' Blanks,' ntetc Dattisoad all otber Blinks, ero . haad, or piloted to eider. NO. 22. Hoeing will be the =in work.; of the. month ' .on many firma.- ,VEe horse power : e wher' the ground will admit of it.' ! • . Ma`nnres---ROadside. weeds, slid sods:. from Waste corners will add much to -the manure heap, if properly prepared. Keep. a the pig pen; and :also in the ! cow yard. They will absorb and save they liquid excresents, and wash from- the drOp ping...,lfan animal die, turn it 4o eccOunt, by. covering with a mound of muck or loam. . Tools, particularly, for Laying and har veSting,• should all be put in readiness.. - A poor irnplemen,t'waste the'strenth o does • poor work; and 1.54 constant discouiage merit. • Weeds - -MR them before they bud. A day's work in subduing, accomplish' more than double that , tithe I - spent after weeds - have become.. establish edtbesides the - better chance afforded to the'grewing - Catapillars if left, unmolested untilliow are plainly visible; their -nests disfigure {the trees, and their depredations-'on the leaves are serious. bestroy them at once. Mulching is beneficial on open soils, e's- • ' pecially for ne:wly . planted' tfees; and in.a drouth. Cover the Whole - ground, or as ihr as tile roots spread, with half an inch '. . , ofshort straw, fan bark, or other suitable material. - - • . ;ZP`' A discussion arose hia coffee zoom . -at Southampton, as-to the nationality of ' a gentie&an at the other end of tbe room: • ‘.Ws an Engliihman," !Said . one, "I know it by his head?' • ." He's a - Scoti:hman," said - anothero" ,1,7,87 it by his complexion." - j.He's a German," said- another, "I i know it by his beard." I •Another thought be - lo4ed like a Span iard. here the conversation rested • but— . soon one of them spoke :—• , "I.have it," said he, ." he's an Amerkin -he's got his legs on the table." • Wisconsini paper, describing a farm which the advertiser' wants to sell, adds "The surrounding couiptry, is the mast beautiful. the. God of Nature ever made. The scenciy is celestial—divine : also a . wagon to Sell, nncla yolte-of.steers." .61111. rgr =- Up to the -present time, Eeventp " five.thousand eight. hundred and ninety thiee bodies have been interred in .Green. - Wood Cemetery. It May well be called a - " city.of-the dead!! . Boston mtist fie well off- for law yers,. if all who walk up to tht bar belortg to that profession.' - . The skeletons of - a race of gianis are l ‘being exhumed on the Guano Islands of. Peru., recent cargd of GuanO receiv ed• Norfolk, Va.; were fonod the retrains of the vertebrce of a human being 'about twice the usual size. - Bones °kills de- Iseription have been frequently, exhumed lon the Gnanolslands, which seem to sbow that, at same' rernote _period .a race. of. 81- ' ants inhabited that part of the globe. 2'The frankiii,r; originated. in . England, in the year . 1700. tinder it members of Parliament used fo frank ' en tire bucks arid I>anki.of honnd.t.' In this country the pnri!ege extends to "gab. doo.r w:614:11, and r of opturts. k and Blanks, to be paid kir on dahrry.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers