The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 24, 1860, Image 2
THE , MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. ESRMS-31:30 PER Alms. Ili ADVAM _ A. J. GEITITsox, EDITOR, PUBLISHER, Al 9 PROPRIE OFFICE OFFOsITE TILE POST-OFFICE oA,„emdei; 04 7 .24a,,/,‘,6. DENO CR TIC It? °Alf NA T 1 9N:. volicovEßNos: HEARN. D. FOSTER; Of AVesimorpland CoUniy. CAMPAIGN DEMOCRAT. • - . 1 As the extensive circulation of papers is one of the most-effective means of Call ing out a FULL ToTu, we propoie to offer our paper to such as may wish to Sub scribe dtiring the campaign, at very low rates. The DentOcratie nominee foiPies ident will be announced in June, and 4.he. campaign will fairly open about the first of July; and we suggest that elOs'he made up to commence with that date and continue six mont4ts—until the first; Of Januar,F, 1801. We make . the following low offer; For four copi - os six months - • 4-2,50 For seven copies - six months - - 4,00 Foe!,enicopies six months - • 5,00 . 'The chib papers to be sent to one Or: soli iri a bundle, And to be paid for when ordered. This offer is so extremely low; that We trust our friendi will ,exert them selves tiiget up a club in every beighbbr hood. • Postmasters can do a great deal of good in thisway, mid w'eurge them, and others, to take early action' in tuts import ant matter. _Cr•The Lady's Book for June, 'as usual, is:'fillea with that choice variety which none but Godey knows hOw to fit up in a:way to charm the public. It may be an old but it is only a more ful ly established fac that • 41. Godey's is the best." Terms $3 per year; three copies *6. Oar reader: remeMber that we furnish the Book and the Democrat for $3,50 a year, ' LINCOUX A..!CD lIAMLIN The ticket m tde at Chicago to be whipt in 'November, isxnot a strong, one. FOr President, men of talent, and resOectabk . ti, like Seward and 3leLane, were set aside, and- Abe 'Lincoln of Illinois, was nominated. If put upon the stump, among the. ex: citable Illinoisans he might make an impression ; brit now that he is nominated, that „ strength is taken from him. Out of the State his' strengtkis but neta'tive. For Tice President, Hannibal Hamlin was unexpectedly chosen. He lives in Maine, where Eider Peck spends the State funds to elect 4 1 epublican candidates. He is mostly notorious for having stolen his inatuzural address when elected. Governor. JESI.7P ON NATIONALITY: Judge Jessup.movecl; at Chicago, that,' the -word "National" be strielten from the name of the RepoWl •pn party ; giving as resins for so doing; that the word was only a verbal error, and that "it'd tiondi Bepublican party" was not the name by which their party was properly called. We ;have always claimed that that party was not "National" but sec tional ; and this motion -of Jessup—' ' agreed toly the .convention—adinits that charg,e to be true. This official repudia l tion of *_Nationalism makes that party no more sectional than before, yet it will I doubtless put a stop tostlaeir repeUted, but. false claim to Nationality. ° We well remember that Jessup's friends once called him "a big gun" on "Nation- , • al" speeches; and he used to advocate the YtyTitive Slave Law, theadmission of Slave Stales, &e., at Baltimore? and else where, when he could take the Southerly men by the hand and call them "Broth- ers." Some men do turn somersets with n-onderfid grace ; and it is -not surprising that such men as Jessup, when their heels are up, should stoutly affirm that they are s aneho_red, but that everybody else were Standing on their heads. ' :USELESS TRUCKLIN,G. The base - truckling of the managers at the Chicago convention seems but to have widened:breaches instead of healing them. The Philadelphia Inquirer, a leadinec' n servative Republican paper says: "Bat the resolution on the naturaliza tion laws is the - ro - ek on which the conven tion split. ,This resolution is looked upon hy s ille Pennsylvania and New Jersey del er,ations'as an attempt to conciliate - the German vote of the Northwest, and con sequently a • fatal blo:w aimed against the American element of the People's' party in the two States where the contest must be decided. The moderate portion of the Re - priblican . party has been driven to' the Wall by the4atiaties.." The corresiKnident olthe Inquirer says: "The WrommenantiOn in the Platforin not, to iroerfere with the naturalization looked up-41 l.y PennsyletUtia tires a s a 1-:: q p.oatell for foreign votes. "They - say it will lose the People's party the -Gbvernor. I f egislat ore, a nd severa l mem hers of Congress; they swear terribly; they corder= therirseives for sending Straight-Republican delegates to the Con xention insteaA of Natives. 'Wilmot is . working hard for Cameron." " " He" . also says that "it 'Was agreed among the delegates fiom this State, that the Platform would render is Eupossum - E. for except McLane, Bates, or Cameron to carry this State." ow as neither these men, or one of like stamp, but on the contrary a'rabid Republican - was' nominated, the State can but go Democratic. The Inquirer, Speaking of the resole= tioni; says: 'The statement that our republican fa thers abolished slavery in all the territo ries is contrary to history, nor is this doe- trine believed - by the mass of the Opposi tion in Pennsylvania. If Congress has the - power to prohibit slavery, as the-res olutions declare, it certainly has the power to introduce that domestic relation--the Constiintion being expressly silent on the ' I JUDGES ANtr JUKLEAS. • ' , Twp important ineideats have occurred 1 in thin section of the State,!:., recently, in I conne'etlon with the' .office of President • Judge,. to:which we desire te,eelljtartieu: lar st,teation. At' the bemoeratic min. ventic t lt at Reading,4Judgei WoOdward, of theyoming District, was - selected as . a deleOte to the Charlestoa convention. On hewing of his selection,. Mr. (.Wood ward promptly declined aeting;.bia reason for sc&loing Ives that is' a Ind* it was • improver for. bim' to take an , , active part in ‘politic: In this -Judge Woodward acted the pitt, of a conscientious J u dge, - and an honesCman; and his ~ Course caneot. but meet the .hearty approval of every man who 'desires to see the bench fre.e from • 1 . party !patience. ' : .., 1 . , . . . The convention at: liarrisburr_chosis JndgetWilmot, of this District, as a dela. gate at•large to _the Chicago!convention;' and if Wilmot had beempossiessed Of the . - 1 .1 honesty, 'and purity of mo tive that actu ated Jlidge Woodward,. he iwould have taken a . similar course----dectined cting t .staid at'home and attended t o th . busi ness which he wati.eleeted tal do, and for which h e is paid. But instead of this, he -,' went, to ChiCago (built his term of Court . at Tow . ancla,•to serve his pir. , . , The ctcoutrast between th , condUct of 1 these two Judges is striking; Woodward acted the part of an honest man, tad up: right .i]itdge,. aid receives. fori it the, corn mendaition of all 'honorable, high-Minded men, irrespective 'of pa r ty. Wilmot's . t - -- course ,fWas just the reverse. „ He played the partof slow, base demaogue, idesti- Lute ofiene spark of decent reSpect for - the perzitiot( ivhielfle holds, 'andlseeming to treat ii . i as a-sort of means by which to serve Other purpose's.- He is paid for it'avelia'g from one county to another, and he takes'. the opportunity to hold political meetings, and, from the desk erected for Judicial,purposes ,hurls. forltb, during ~ hours that he should beholding court, ,his anathenias against such Of tht individuals who co l ttipose the bar, jury, and litigants,. as do not agree. with hini, witsuch vin dictive Airy, and so lahitually,! :l that . a too cotamo6 idea-has _crroWn'.up, that, no t to ,- • 1 agree' with him, is to, appear . at a disad vantage during the sessions of court. Now, : he draws - his salary for attendance .at court; • bin is away at hicagoi to 6 the dirty work of Simon Cameron. In this he not p i ely applies the money he gets for service not rendered, to - party purPoses, but he gOes there to tieckle 1;) the - rapt. Catieron, that he may buy hi in Senat4ial affairs ; this virtually sl ing the Money of the people in tryiri pay the price of another office! In of "Prc4dent Sudge,"_ the teriii. •‘ of PolitTal Jugglerir"' tOuld corr apply to ?avid ' IVItMOT AND CAMERON; Ai is is ell kn - own; People' of ibi gion regyd Simon Cameron as a l'rm - ce of corr . xiii4oti ; and this ordnitio - proteins among the honest masses of the Republi can partgno less than with others. It is also an.;indisputable fact that Wil y has one great deal towards" spreading. l thatiopidon.. A few years ago he deemed th e the harg'e that he was favorable to Cam eron's eleqtion to the Senate as gross li el, anal, repelled the" charge,' with anger and , bitterness; Yet what do we behold at Chiago ?f. David Wilmot went there - nd r labored hard for Cameron's nomination •for Presicl'ent! Why - was this? Not a man-, in tilts region wanted him to do so ; while all hie Party friends were opposed to such, a votnitaatien. More than this, Cant erons not"-;fitted.for the office, forhe lacks both honeity an& ability, and n'oipartyl or combinatiAin of Parties could Induce! a • majority, 41. even - a respectableln inority of the peo`ple to vote for, him: The only I inference that Wilmot4ms been bought ; yet it hatellyts'eems .this Instance, for Camerllin - never buys worthless proper ly, unless, liadeed, he gets it vEnF-che.p, Which mu 4 have been thecase . now. The , question ioow much did - Simon :giye,'or .agiee to for -David 'l' IVTLMOT - AND THE: . SOUTH. David Wilmot, when at Chicagd, ob jected to Southern States being repre• sented, beBause they had no Republican . constittiefici. He claimW that sach dele-. gates would demoralize :the party; al though they Were abolitiordits, and some !orthena at the North; and appeared for the South, because Men of the right 'stripe couldl not be .found there to - . mis represent the people. " His hatred of the South appears to be so bitter. that be can fellowship ifith nothing frOm there, even ;Wit be a - brather nigget-wOrshippe i r. His objection was replied to bia delegate ,etaitaing to Represent yexas, who retorted that WilittoF,Ja objection td thembecause they had na Republican constituency, Fa me with Ond grace froni Penn*ylvarkin, where;the Republicans aaie not attempt to . nlaintain pa pure Republican Stlte ot ganization. l'7his home thriast cut David Co the - quickOrld he wilted'histanter. ' Or, A feW of the truth4espising Re publican paArs deny' that Harden, the Wife-pOisoneti was a Republican political preacher; and Wyly allege that he was Democrat, ti preached eigains! tle Re publican tkarii. He is :an aholitionist, and preached Pt'e . mont and - Dayton, in 1856, and then poiSoned his Fife-to make room or anoth e r , 1 5yeet-heart. He awned to think that:N: l 4h slavery site the Ma tie could be attolished, with repested l or preaching ;utd. arsenic. Or .%).Esina we can learn the cro . pg. promise- very! Well, in all ;parts Of the country; Easi ' West, North and '4onth. Prosperity appears to be IsTationa!, and exteae - to t ! • Sonth—even if a certain, political, part ;does not. _ , /tar See the A,tertisemeat °facet. Ssafbrd' largon hi tarandntny MOuutieMlK In another . 1 _ - car fleholsratiii in tbe Iron Bise, and ober Strit..elaili ccounnew tango motqaed aerobia futesau bola isso b 7 . A. Ji anatrrox •W a -' Te:bave in janrdraret an e,,b4un, ry notice -uninconitanied by either name' or date. Can the auttiat 'readily! guess why it stays in"„the drawer . John' - W: ~Granger iltas been ap poitited Post Master in Rush township in place of George Snyder, wile bas tnoved out of the place: Another _office w fll prob ably be established-at Q"l#eaiy]3atritt,' of, NeW iglirora; announees New to-day. Hip long established business reputation' is his best recommendation to the riubli; and in thing We could say would give him a Lett ek hold Upon public colifidenee than hOi . noW ha's. Go and Bei his New-Goode.: -web. i .Pr E. Porter Merriman, , lf.sq., scin of JoSeph L Mer'riman, Esq., of I.llpson ville,. this county, was adniiitbdiir practice as an attorney and counsello'r at laiv, 'at the recent session Of the S4rene oourt.7 for the Third Judicial Diitrict, at Albany, N. Y. Ho '-ivas_ a' graduate of the. Law School of the Albany University. Vitr,Late advices from 1 our dtstriet. Marshal informs us that the_. - work of tak ing.the census Must begin - On the erst -of June. Final instructions •fromthelnte rior Department are daily expected. - Per haps we can lay before our. readers, 3next week, such information as will- elm* them to be folly preparedfer giving prroper answers. An obligation hag_ to be taken by each Deputy;. and the Isw provides severe penalty in cases ; where pSrt4s re fuse to give proper answers—inchiding the•questionS as to . the age Of old Maids and-bachelors. MoogVsasok.—The foilpwing rims were vollected by Miss Caroline E Cham berlin, 'Assistant Agent of thC Mt. Vernon Association for the township . of Choc - onut, —and have beeit - thankfuliy and gratc4fully received: . •- • •Mrs;Byrne; $1; Mrs. C. Byrne, $1 .; J. Kimble _25 etS.; 'Mrs. T. O'Donnell $1 ; Mrs. W.GOggin, 30 cts.; , Reir H. Mangla.n, ej ; Mr.lli. I•Bekty, 4—55,56,, • " LYDA" C. SEARLEj Lay Aran'r qf - Ote Mt. Vernon Associcin, Co.i Pa. Montrose, May 186,-1860. • 5 FOURTH OF JULY—A 'MEETING .OF THE 'CITIZENS. k ' The citizens of Montrose - convened -in Mass at the Court House, Monday everting,. May 21st, to make an arrangement fit a regular Fourth of-July Celebration. ; Dr. J. BLACKMAN was. called tol the Chair, and Dr: G. Z. Dismcit 'was elceted Secretary. • • Wm. H. Jessim,. - Willis Deans, Wmi J.. Mulford,- J. W. Chapman, and G.Z. Dim ock being Appointed a .Committee to dkaft resolutions exPiessilre of the sense of ithe riveting, reported the following :- :Resolved, That the Fourth of .July is-an 'old and venerable rssyrrvrioN--therefore, Resolfwd, That it is proper 6 celeitte it in the old-fashion way, and therefor d, Resolved, That: we " will iAebratti it with thanksgiving,with festivifv,with ifPn fites and illuminations," and 47 • i aid >end g to iktead Rciptecii, Furthermore, that we are bound.tO have a " mighty good of tt.r , The following CorniniiteFB pointed : Committee . of General Arranreo2ents":—=A. Lathrop ; H. Drinker, B. .S. Bentley,lL. Rosenbaum, L L. Post, G. Z. Dimock alnd C. L. Brown. - . 3 Committee. on Finance.—E. L. WeOs, Daniel Brewster, S. A. Woodruff, Searle, C.' Gere. . On motion of A. Lathrop it was . . • licsoWed, That the Fire Companies aid Military Companies of ,the County be re quested to be in attendance and partiii ' pate in the celebra.*li. - On motion of W.V. &I S.s. Mulford; seconded by L. Rosenbaum, it ii-as ' . Resolred,"thg, the merchants,tnechamcs, and business men of Montrose -be rdquda ted to "shut up shop" and lend their tale and energies to make the day:glOrions and long to be remembered. . Rem/iyed, That these proceedings lie published. Adjourned. • • J. BLACKMAN,Tiesident. 3. G. Z. Diatom:, Secretary. . , • Committee of Arrangements met Toe's day, May 22d. A. Lathrop in the - Chait, and appointed the following Sub-Commit= tees: • ' _ Committee on Speaker.—A A. Lathrop, I. L. Post, 3. R. Dewitt. Committee od VocalMusie.—Saxnuel sup, M. . 31. Mott, B. 0, Camp. Committee on InstrumentalMnrle.---Chal. Foster R-R Smith, E. L. Weeks - Com. on AfilitargOct Ordnoare.-:—Gen. c. D. Lathrop, Col. C. M. Gere, Gen. D. Warfier, CoLJOhn W. BrickneY:, .on Dinner dnd grounds-4: Bald' win, D. R. Lathrop, A. N. Bullard, ,Wnit L. Cox, M. L. Catlin. - Coin. on Fire Works.—E. C. Fordharni J: P. W. Riley, P: W. Bentley. Cone. on Toaste.—B. S. Bentley, Van. J; Turrell, G. Z: Dimock, A. J. Gerzitsnp, 11! . H. Frazier, Corn to Confer with Fire Depaitinent and; Military.a. Z. Dimock, L. itoSenbaum; A. Lathrop. - • I Committelrs will report to the etrairmaN A. Lathrop, at their earliest oontenienee.. I. L. Post., Secretary. - • BlOGliAPiti OF Ha.V. HENRY b. FOSTEAL, •-•:.A Biographical Sketch of the -Hon4 Henry D. Foster,l. the Democratic can didate for Governor of ;Pennsylvania, has', been printed at this office, .by Edward' J. Keeman, and is:now ready for delivery. It is very well written and gives a concise and very accurate- account -of the public history- of the gentleman who is destined to occupy the Gubernatorial chair Of Penn sylvania, as also the Democratic State Convention which placed him in nornina , Interpersed here and there through 'out this sketch are appropriate comments upon the public acts of General 'Foster, and upon the different questions of policy or principle that divides the political par ties, the whole foiming an interesting and very readable pamphlet. It Containti forty.: eight pages of closely printed matter and will be furnished' at the following rates, 100 . copie s - $ 15,00, 50. - - - - 8,50 25 "• ' - = 1 4,75 10 " - - • ; 2,20 Singe, copies . •• - • - . 25 _ Arraniements .have been . . made with Bookiellers throughout' the tate•for its Sale.—Greensbarg,lVestmorelandeotinty, Pa., Democrat. - • .• ' -- Information has been Jeceived, of the 'death of Col. lease - ilfeldieicen., the', .& Consul at Acapulco. lie died orate yel low fever on the - 23d nitirno._ ,_.,..• ,: .k. NEW BOOK Protri, the Great ; bi ft nook Eititlisinneni . of G.l3,Ktratis. publisher, Nd. 489 Chest , : nut4treeti Philadelphia: The 'Lira or. , GrNimaiSksttritt. Ilousrox, the Hinter, Warrior, Patr iot, Texan Hero. The . ~o atabentic - memoir of. him everpubliihe .. -Otte volume ; 12m0., cloth; 40 2: pages, Wi illustrations. Price $1,99." And upon re -1 ceipt of the price and .21 Cents additional for postage, a copy of the book, together with li-bantisome presentyworth from .89 cents to iflo9, iyilrbe sent to-any address in the United states... • - LIFE OF S4Bet Housrox---.4. Evina, Philadelphia.- 7 --" There is no campaign in nmiderb intilitary. history which. for its ex tent; althoUgh attended With 'Such- distis; trona - results,. although eventually ending: in -the liberty of the Republic, than. that conducted by General- 'Simnel - Houston; -during the years 1836-67 in : defence of the Americans then settled Upon the frOn tiers of Mexico.. Iu 'a btief period, with . a small band of Heroes kaatily 'raised:en masse; and illy. armed and accoutred ; the brillafit . defence Of the Alamo, was made foreverglorious by the blooy massacre ; perpetrated by the Mexicans. . This tuifdr tutiate event which shoWed Valuable les sons and gloriona illustrations of the valor Of our - eittzen soldiers and the genus of the Great Chief .and ijero, :c . (nght not to 'be forgotten or hastily glanced over. It is believed that the Campaign: during the Texas war has not received fill justice in . -the narratives — which were published, the numerous merits of which were marred by serious errors. By comparing . these, various - versions, and by consultatien With' those ,Who played prominent parts in this event of. our history, it is believed; that' this, Biography of the Texan Hero, which is divested of cumbrous details-of military technlealitiea, is as faithful and - exact as it is practicable to render a narrative of this 'description. "The sole desire Of the author has been_ to do full justice to American valor 'and patriotism, and to present truthful 'and vivid pictures of that memorable war, and •of the, conduct of the Great Chief who springing from the people., a-frontier war nor, without Science, art or experience in, military affairs, was enabled 'through the smiles of -Providence, by his stout heart, his sagacious intellect, and ardent patriot ism,. to 'repel, punish and nearly destroy some of the most mercenary soldiers that' were -ever sent. forth by any power on earth. • Ought such deeds to be perniited to 'fade from the memories -of a patriotic peo ple.? No! it is- a reproach -to the present generation, that there is "not_ more spirit exercised by, our government in defading the right's of 'our. citizens and extending that protection to them which has ever • been ,sanctjoneti by every true-son of lib erty." • AddresS . G. C. Evans, .Publisher; No 33:9 Chestaut-Street, Philadelphia. ' JrSt P BLISHED The LIFE OF THE EMPRESS JOSENIINF,i - Wife of Nopoleoni. By Cecill3. Hartley, author of Life of "Col. David Crockett," "Col. Daniel .Boone, etc., etc„ with a &plena(' portrait engraved on steel.. - One.Volume . ' 12 mo.,.cloth, 377 pages. Price $l,OO. And upon receipt of the price, with 21 cents additional for postage, a copy of the book, together. with a hand some present, worth from 50 cents to *lO, will be sent 10 any addr6;s in the United States. • • •.. From the Ptefaee The Empress Josephine was one of -the most remarkable of all the extraordinary characters who rose into conspicuous pub lie positions in consequence of the French Revolution. Wonderful were the events of her life. With thelindnest and most affectionate ,of human hearts, she united. the sternest principles of, rectitude and a l comprehensive genius.. Iu political foyesight, her superiority to Napoleon is now' universally recogniZed. Had he listened. to her admonitions, his empire might have been averted. It is worthy of notice that this political for sight and ability has been. inherited by her - descendants—two of whom, Napoleon 111. and Pedro 11. respectively the present -Emperors ot' France and of Brazil, are among, the ablest sovereigns now reigning in the world. The . events.of Josephine's , life; and re markable traits of character which she displayed, amid the most amazing vicissi tudes of fortune, afibrd- not only an ex ceedingly interesting but a highly rbstruc tive lesson to all who read her biography. In this • respect her • career, taken as whole,_ may challenge comparison with that of any, other historical personage in 'history. . Josephine constantly -looked to the . glory of France - .and the fame of her hes hand as the two most desirable Objects. When Napoleon desired • to perpetuate - his rlynastigiv a second marriage which might yield him a malt heir. to-his throne, Josephine nobly sacrificed her own . feel jugs to what she was told might,eventuate -to the advantage of, France. In his ad- Tersity this true woman forgot all but . their happy years of wedded love--e -membered not that SHE had had been re pudiated;but that HE was unfortunate. . We have . freely drawn Upon various authors, who have recorded anecdotes and traits of ,JoSephine, as • related to them, -with the tenderregret-of affection, which, too,late, recognized her full value, by-Na poleon himself, in-his closing years, and it ' 3s hoped that the book Will be found re-: liable as well as entertaining. Full of Allah, yet it is the very . Romance of Biogr . raphy. Copies of either, of the above books, with a handsome gift; worth from 50 cts. to $lOO will be sent to . any person in the' United . tates, upon .the receipt Of sl,oo, 21 cents to pay postage, by.addressing the publisher,- who is desirous of calling. your attention to his -liberal method of transacting business, viz,: With each book that is his establishment, a Ares ' ent is given—worth from 50 Outs to'sloo. The presentsare of good. quality of the best mamillicture, and comprise a large ,assortment of gold and 'silver' watches, :slyer plated - wait; silk dress' patteins, .ew • .elry, etc., etc., etc., too • 'numerous to ly Send - for a complete Classified Cata logue of Bookii, which. will be mailedio 'yon free of expense, and one trial will as isiire you that thebest place in the country bay books, :the, large and reliable book: establishnient of G. G. Brans, I `,publisher, and orio e .lnator of the. GiftLllook Business, N ,9 .0.-43Chestnut-street;'Philta: . q Or The Female Orgonbatieniaoftettes hall as tha t tsf a tender flower.. Many of the smatter into marriage relations without being Old to undergo the labors and tli-• im Is Of maternity. In this country thousands of young and tiful *omen are sacrificed • Year from this muse one. nos 13 C 1 BR A TED STOMACII BlT 'will save m yof this class from untimely graves.. fa medicine has been used with greet benedt by Urge numbers of. pcnple throughout the 'republic, and the pra etors hive received grateful "commendations from 11l ions of the country. The BITTERS, will be'foinid to very pleasant to the taste, evenats ateverage4.ptompt 41.nd powerful in its effect as a medicine. It . infuses new . vitality into the frame, and strengthens the whole system ao that women who use are enabled to go through with Mora which would. without "ft, be certain to prostrate "itiero. Sold in Montrose by Am runnsu,. tmy r . . . . - ••• ' ;.,p # p {cifl).l $ ,7 H00)44!R*4 -.; : if • NADIC/*' - - , ' GIEVICAV: • '-' s ' ' . . .1 • • • .. , STANDARDRE MEDIES - -- Of the preepet age, hies acquired their giro popularity! only through years of trial. paboarkled satiafaction . , -•-,. •• la rendeisd by thesnJci in aim"— .. ..., - : ... . • . ti.OOFL - 41f[D'8. CERMAN_ BITTERS MILL PC4IT/YIT ma? • • iinAphitht. Jall;tiOer litarfous X‘• , Diseases of the Sidneara, - . and all diseases arising from a dlsoidered Ryer, or treqr• amei of the Ptemoeb and fig italre °rpm, • • amp ant. reeritvccr rimmte IMOIIII I IIIII, 111.1013 Mil; Ail /DBl All AUL ...See our Almanac to.prooL Paccr i p coati per Bottle.' . anal amie Cordial •• • . • • . mu.. Sonar r Cttl .170 tisuglii. Cada, sr Hoarsensa Brsachitii, Infltuass, Croup, Pacumaala Ia *it ,Consumptiss, - and Isks peifbrmod the'slost osisoishing cures over known CONFIRMED Coss;nrilmC: As a Dianhcei conll4 it Is =equalled. Piuss, 75 cads ' • . poi tattle. " • . . • 1100FLAND'S GERMAN PILL, - Win well known throughookEttrotwand "queries, muds no commendation hero.' ,Tliey are ;lardy vcgetithle, era piepared with great exactness, and it"e sugarcoated. No. - better Caihartk Pill can go 'Cala .Pivicr; 25 ets..per bon. , Tleese medicines are prepared by pr. C. 2d. locum( .11s Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Louis, r g ., and aro sold by druggists and dealers itremilltines 'everywhere, The shp nature of C. St. JAMESON will be on °Odd" of each Wttle or box. Inour," trerybodsii ALmanaer, publ idled "tumidly, you :wit and teetimouy and ounmendelory notlcei front all parts of the country. *Them Atlinaravas are given avisy by ell out agents. Inh2l) . I SIM. In Montrose. by ABEL TUPE.I.4,. Agent rir" Mrafrat'a Life.4llW—The high a envied celebrity whichtbiepre•eminentmareinebatn4qulrctifor invariable. efficacy . in all disepeti it professes td cure, has rendered the usual practice of ostentatious puffing not only unneces sary, but unworthy, of theta. They M.° known by their fruits ; their good works testify for them, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous; In all cases. of costtver I nets, dysporisia, •bilions and liver atTehticms, piles, fevers and agues rheumatism, obstinate headaches, and general derangements of health, these Pills hate invariably proved• a certain and epeedy remedy: A single - trial will place the LIFERII.II4 beyond the reach of competition in the esti fruition of everrpatient. `Dn. MOITATS FIRM% lIITTEMS will be (mind to he equally efficacious in all cases of dispepsia, headache, • 'nervous debility, sickness incidentld, females in delicate health, and every kind of weakness 011ie digestive: organs. For sale by Dn. `V. a MOFFAT. 933 Broadway, N.T.,and by medicine dealers and druggists-generally throughout the country. deed 15 6m* , 'far Dyspopsha„—This Is a very dl.tresslng complaint s , and glYys.the patient more sadering than almost any other disease.; in fact, it in a• combination of many complaints in one: The symptoms- aienuraerons i , and are of the na ture of almost all other coniplaintstereabined. • From this tact arise the cry many Caere where this disease is mis taken fur some other, and so.improperly treated. The let symptoma—indigestlon, flatulence, loe or appetite, .heart hung headache, etc., If iteglected,almpat always awaken come dormant disease, and,send the poor geneses to a pre mature grave. What you Must first do s elestist , the blood and regulate the 'bowels; do this with Ihe 't MOUNTAIN -HERB VIEVES,' and you mu hid defiance to dyspepsia. Montrose by S. 11. SAYIVR ‘ty BIM. [my - ice' The Mexican Mnitsing Liniment. The Itiestang Lint:he:a Cures RA ' SuMating * The Mustang ifnillient Cures Stqf Jolstis ; 7/,e Linim . se titres-1114ns and Wounds ;. „ „7714 , Jfustang L.inithent Curet , Suiir.' Men'. Caked !Breasts, Fore lajvies, Neuralgia,. Corns and Wail P. ir47'' IT IS WORTH 51,000,000 PER iiISINLMJEJ To the United States, as the preserver find restoritrof 'val uable Horses and Cattle.' It cures all Sicrains, Galds, and Wounds; Stiff Joints, s i te. Did you ever hear of any brill= nary Spre,'Swerling, SpraltvoiStiffnetts'; either'or beast, which the Mustang Liniment wotild not cure .Did you ever visit any respectable Drudgist in any part of the world—in Europe, Asia or America -whodid not say .'• it was the greatest discovery of the tie ?" Sold every where. Eve.ry family shodill have,it ; three sizes. my 3 3w] BARNES' t.t PARK, Propridlors, New-York. ' a" Democratic Club.—The Stieq. (lnity . Demociatit every 3feeday evaelng their , re•eat.,ovee• the Store of I. N. — Tinllurd, in 'Montrose. 1:111 are invited to attend. Memberstrinfree. , D. BREWSTER. Predident. TO BE HMO: TO BE HUNG. CO BRUSH,SCOUR, and CLEAN UP, to be ready fortht.'• LIANGrsiG, as can be witnessed eyed day In the vrcek [Sandays ' excepted] by calling at ;he Moniroso,Book Stpri, Al D. D • . D WALL PA.PEEPOT, andpurchasiror of A. N. Sullard'enough'chaapandbeautlial wall paper with which to hang ail your rooms. • Jim t Received: WALL PAPER BY TUE CORD, . At the Montrose t -BOok, Store Wall 17 1 ,Etr•exi,. wit viiim 4 -voloo ttiviAL 6 A, At A. N.I3IThiIARD'S. WALL PAPER and BORDER by the 11:i 000 YARD!, At thV 'Wide Paper Depot. • Wall Paper front 5 to 30 cte pr Uoll, and irplendid , border from Ic to setiopr yard. Wall Paper Bordering; Window Curtains and Plitt:tree cheaper than the *tame styles and' mtalkties ran be bought (oral. any other place in or oittqf • .110nrro4r., TOR TLIZ IMADY. A.. N. [BULLARD. ALSO—A new•and large asttortinent or SCITOOL Books and STATIONERY, Mixeclituternso Books end YANKEE NOTIONS too numeroue to mention, all or which will be„ sold upon the principle that the "nimble slxpence".is far baler than the " km- rhilling," . ,by Montrose, May 21„1.960. A. BULLARD. STRAY COVV . L!, LEFT the - premises of the subscriber, t Monday, a dark red cow. with nabs horns..- ft, advanced - In pears. Any noire lof • ;ob.; her may be left at the Democrat Office.. Xontivee, May 16. F.IP. Tptity, ! HAVE YOU HEARD THEiNEWS 111.ISS A. COLLIER, - HAs JKST ARRIVED in .lontrose, and located on Chestnut street,. first door above the residence of Wm .L Poet, where she has opeUeda stock of TAllminkra-tr•- MOID "•-• unsurpassed in beauty, richness. and taste, and Is prepared, to supply the Ladles of this county with Whet PARISIAN AND. CITY STYLE OF BONNETS Ribbons, Laces and all the. trimmings ulmady. found In a first class millinery Establishment, at prices surprlsingly. low. Bonnets cleaned, prepared and trimmed 1 stylise post beautiful and In an entire new mode. Itat a 41020114! *ft I am prepared, to At thelatifes with drettieet lasi well sungto witti ! tyl t Ar . tte ! tio.tho.bitebt and umic . ._maY 4 '°u. ' A. COLLIER" LOW .PRICES AT THE ORIGINAL ORE PRICI STO HAYDEN BROTH NEW MILFORD,. Pak, ARE . NOW RECEIVING. THE •CA. Beet and best Idea of Goods ever bronibt In county., wbieti we are boupd to sell cheap . forowh or pay, consisting of . Stnple' and Fancy. Dry Doodi, I Choice Faini . l.y Gl'neories; - 111103, Calk, Ready Dade , Cibtlll Crockery, -Wall Paper, . ..1 Skadeti, Flour, pork.' Fllshi knit,. ['Mails Oils,Glassi Flu • . Oral 00, .Iloop Skirts,' • • it I NED4I3 Irniikee Goods . JEWELITIVOSiIver; Wu e, Pails, Taps, Briioakit, Irotko, • Does, and Lots and Slacks' of fisSpeli numerniiir . to mestion. . • •. • I. E ARE - NOT OLD. FOGIF. e 9 t i iie W bitelnees; duoging a Dirge profit- and de r clitiF keeping an old eat of patrons who have not t at o r plieeer Weep how mach cheaper they can bgy;lbut.we in , teed co Dye up- to the mark; and believe In selling many GOWB and selling cheaper than' OLD FOGY-perchanta can bit thera. Now is the time if you want-lireave worm and Bargains Call at the ONE PRICE . STIMIL - • • IM" A large stotlfof Goodwin lime.? Yetlow -Bonk Tobadm always on hantt-cheap, ,very lab/Steak, retaiL_ • HAYDr , TB.RO.IIB. I- I`tevelltliferd. Pa., 3Li Mb, 3060. . : .21 spjus:friut, - ..-t., ovv, 7,.. READ .t. Y• -,,, LARGE Atip , FULL 13TOCK OF SAING & MIR CONS, 'ARE NOW BEING RECEIVED, 'AND BOLD - ION TUE MOST abonble [trots!! A' 1 L" bow i?i - t - t ems% . _ FOR. CASH 1:301. AP. PROV.O CREDIT. PARTICULARS, NE.k.T_.wEEk : •QR 'AP . PLYIIAT TU E STORE. BURRITF - • NEW 511 LFOR D, ti61AY22&1860.' - FATAL SHIPWRECK ! PART OP TILE CARGO SAVED, DAMAGED CONDITION S TREMENDOUS LOT OP GOODSI at :the t - BEE mvE." .3,solirds FIGURED BAREGES Partly Out,lged by Water, at 4,0, 8, 1-ftta pr yard.. %mit tatisni for 18% eizatt pr yard—would be CHEAP for 73 cents. • - . S .:ALSQ- A EA#GrE 1070 F ' AUCTION GOODS ! To be sold at the f0110w . 1itg , p ;.... r .. 1 ... " :17:128006 e5 ; : Gooit Sulamer Shawls, -0111. V .., • t , - 'Pine Wool and Silk Brooke • ...Handsome Mantillas 1;10 ery Rich' " 3,00 Good Lawns, fast colors Find Quality Lie Lathes _ ,10 Wool and Silk Barege‘. . Binges trAughtis worth . 31M • . . .10 yards Merrimac Prints, and trimmings..., 1,4 0 . Fine' Dress silks .00 • SattemelY Rich ' .10 - White Hose ' .00 Nice'Liale Thread Gloves ,05 Pure silk mitts - Watch steel spring skirts ' • ' .13 Good straw:Punnets .00 13eantital Leghorn - Rich Bonnet Ribbons ' -Freneti Embroidered curtain tousling 42 , 4 . Good Pants stuff • ,12S Better • " ' ll Oilier Goods Equally as EIIIEAP: . _ . Mr tu be rß.Ciaae that we will do all that; we advertise. Be sure to call before purchasing• elsewhere, as we 'WILL lilsl', and CANNOT be under sold-by any cstablishinent this-sitle of New Yolk. ILIRSCIIMANI BROPI, 4' CO. 'Binghamton, May 15th, 1806. - Wyoming-INSURANCE Compny, W (LK ES-1:M . 1 , i WE, Charter Perpetual; Capital $lOO,OOO. Surplus . $5,000. Or anized November . 2d, A.'D. 1857 VIIIECTORS G. 31.11o11enback, D. G. Drleebach, J. P. Denote, John Reichard..' David Morgin, Chas Dorrance, Sam . ' Wadhamg, R D Lowe,' S Roes, L Shoemfiker, Geo P Steele. 11 31 lloyt, Sean, - D. Si.'IIIOI.I.ENDACI, Prat, W. G. STEULING, ilea& • L.,D. SHOEMAKZR, Fwe Pre?. H. PAILACIMAN, I , Ifontrose, Pa:, Aaorii tare. (ia•qttebserne Cioantr. Al.BO POLICITOR FOR - • • NOLiTEEEN-FIRE & LIFE ..IS§LTZANCE COMPANY; No; j,r3lporgate . streeL London Capa1,16.9.,000 Annual ttevonne. $1.000,060. ;Wu GETTy, ..Igont, GLIA.DIDINADOS I.IOItSE PITOII.-FOIIK, .11ANUFACIIT BY S. BULLO(K.' ITHIS VALUABLE E PROATEMENT - pbsserees many 'important advaiitaces over all other Forks, among which are the followine : - The tineStming allowed to drop, to discharge its load, the tilting of the handle; as In other forks, is avoided ; hence, hay can be unloaded With the utmost facility' and cave iuto.stied win dows or beneath intrline beams, and other places where other Horse Forks cannot he used. Kean in all places be ,managed with I,Treater!euse than any other nom: Turk. It is equally adapted to stacking.. With this Fork, a ton of hal-may be unloaded in from 5 Co 7 mihutea. . Tr i eeitirn-Cflia — Its simplicity, tiumbility,,and perfect operation, as well as comparatively trifling expense, iecommende Its nse to the farmers.of out - country. A:11. Dtmcncsox. Decidedly the best lam acquainted with.--A, E. Kars.. A.valuable and labor easing imprOvement. d. RAPALONH. Genesee Seed Store. It possessed several 'advantages over the Horse Fork commonly used.. • . D. D. T. 3focuta. It will provsa 'wonderful labor saving machine. I be lieve wherever tried it will be found profitable. JOHN JOHNSON, Geneva. Unloading hay at the barriby horse power is such a stint pie operation that it seems wonderfnl-how a sensible man can continue the eiceeding hard labor of lifting it a fork= ful at a time In the stifling heat of aJulyaftennion.—N. Y. Tribune. The beat apparatur . for unloading tkay..weare Acquainted witb.—Genesee Farmer. 'Cladding's Horse PRO Fork is onaof thelabo`fsaving -machines which' will payto varchate.—Prairie Farmer. Unbiading In a barn by means of a Horse Pitch Fork, is - becoming (mite comman In some sections of our country, and will be prakticed every where as soon as the farmers understand the operation: The invention of C. E. OWN; is the hest we have seen in npemtloa—Ame. Agriculturist C. E. Oadding has constructed a Fork which after a late. trial tee are satisfled Issas importani improvement—Alba .ny Cultivator • ' . • • .311ir The above testhminials arc selected from many:the signers being generally known as distinggirshed agricidtu rims 'Ail who have seen It operate. agree in the above opinion of Its merits This Fork has. taken the First Pre- IDIOM at aveuv Fain tn which It his been exhibited, in eluding the State Faire of Pennsylvania and New York for - Mu; and New York; Illinois, Michigan, and Mated St's Fairs at Chicago for 18,V.t, and many bounty Fairs. Forks, Rope and Pulles's. $l2; State and County Rights for sale, by STEPUEN BULLOCK, Agent, Columbia Crone Roads, Bradford County, Pa: :C. D. t&TH2tOP, Montrose, Agent for Snag's' County. WOOLEN fIUORY. . . riurs inbeeribere' hiving rented the I estettlhartneat merly owned. by feeler at the Salt Spring Franklin,- are re red to take WOOL to manulbetnreintoVLOTll, PLANIVE dee., on elutree, or by the yanl, to , snit oar . _ . A quantlty , of .cloth on hand to exchange for woo Von fair terms. A word to the whse and prudent. 4 0ur eastOment may , rest assured that cloth made at our establishment is not composed of old tags, -dust, and the many other woriblees trutia, glued: .pasted, and pktir tered together as ia thegreat nuns with which Me country la burdened. - . - I Wool-cardingand Cloth-drawing In their Munn. will be executed with despatch and neatness, as satin, at ;" lira and let lira" - , • - ..-coaritlty of good tips... kept on hand and made to order. is expected that payment witi he made, in all outs, When the work in delivered, itressis, or salable produce. 90D In good clean grease; wanted in exchange. 'N. 8 .-- People (roma distance with wool, can ban it carded to take it with them at the time. .Hay QM, 18110.-.1e5 j 30.1V 4 1, EilfAindONT. 1 IMIGATFOR atso awLeoitn , s..zia ritintinnuegenetnnyari. inftiilited that Vlcint4tx. lIIBiTION givrn at all Want -or the day. of 'SEW GOODS of all ions, rl2:- Dress iJondli or Summer Print.., Poplins, Cludlls,.Latrus in pattrinas. chimp Rishoti Lawns. nffillants.. Book. Bard. Jaconetis noa Collars and Slcores, Dlntity, Marseilles. Ilforeeos, Yarn!. tarts Fruity, Renfocky.leana,Nankerns, Summon Stalls, Gents Shirts, Cotton Drawers, Collars; Crarattenkk-ties, an4l3lfspendtlrs. now and Jltr,7e Nt of LEA.TIIER-WARE; latch ea Oenta.Ffne Calf-o.outr itry ons, alga light Shwa, Splendid f.ndies Gastera from 5 to IS shillings warranted to at. White, Bniwii, and Black IIOSIRIAV: Pan:nada and thilln9laii, Band Mang and Work Ilaaketi. nuaft,A l ifjf 3131-1.1•r1-13:1g -39 7 3.13.J.cft and Sperm, Adamantine and Tallowf.'andlca.' lima,' and itapaned Ltinterai, • Windt Board.% and Coffee Brinshia., lied Cord. in P. ot long. a. hit Bad and spring. elolbet Pine. Pine anthCF:DA it Mils: hopide. a PILE or of V.iltatAr Q1.14%4 eyeryvnrletr. among which are Tnplro and Corn,Starch for glorious ptiddlngo, "-ram Tartar. Soda-Marc], Saleratna Caritor Oil, Kinitim Salts, Black .1111 , i el - 1,1 , 11. Snug, and lota of things which won't do to rral fr!,*),C hittplea.e exatuine - and about. Wenro ready and willing to vhow Conde. even though they may not; anal thittiknil for mail favors. . ' 11. C. TY Lf B. . 4CTS. bap' bottle Of.. tVtt 1 Al bent,' anythlnwever ellook op.. MONTROSE, Mny9tb,-INII. • ' CLASSICAL & NORMAL S Ciro OL THE TRUSTEEti . would inform tb.e4mb. that the next t.r.rti 9: this Meth ution open.on Wed nesda y, :t1 y . ~I !sae, This will be the last terra of Prot . rodln:aft's pninicilon with the school ; the faculty of luptructiou Is a's follows f . B. BROBILEAD. B. A.; Principal; and Profei,lor of ;Latin? French, and Rhetoric. , • • • S. R.' 11ARTWELL. 13. 'A.. (of Yak College) Frofessity of (Ireek. Book Kcepitn: and Mathernattoi.: Miss EM.11.1 - 131.ACKMAN. Ttacher'of .3fuslc. . . :de .111 CHARDS., Preceptrese of Primary Ilpat't . . The advantages than utrenal are not al wayt , and nuch a school is mart:int.! in it,strongest claim. for patronage. The prlerfor tuition the•Katne as formerly:-, Prirnaiy Branches— .$.1.G6 Vnlinh • Adiatnced English ,a.CII t Latin or (truck The buildin is tandnr repair. • Boom, can he,:ohtalatil In town: Kireharge for Jess than a term. •unless Eib.ent trom.eir.knesa, • 1V.%1. C.,: READ. Secretary. inylOtt DYSPEPSIA • AND. FITS: • . DR. 0. VIM. the great curpr.of Con4nmp- Hon. %VW , for Acrtral veaN barfly utilitted by bvio pepetla that for 3 part of tht time be Cra.• ertryfined to his beit tras eventually-cured bey a tae,crintion funifebeil 'him 17. y a vonng clairrojatit 'l'll. pr , :m!ripituu.;.dven him :by a ifiez.tyklict, white in APtateol ' inice.,. lvn cared ereivtiodv who ban taken It, nevvr havin.,-.1,11cd •It le ecfuilly tun: case! of Fist aA . An 'engraving' Is Itercgiven of-the principal he:bused in thill niWleine, and nil !il• the Itumfdisnt. are to he found In any drubratore, I wilt end this , rah:nide pre:ttriptioti to any person. on the receipt °lone staznp-to-rosy positive - . Du. U. PHELPS BROWN, - 21 Orand-A. Jersey City, N. J. - All of Dr. 0. PltelpatiftOwn's 11, , rnedles -arc for sale at Susquehanna Depot, ft., by S. B. AVEST.. [mylltn• Executors' Notice,. • ALL yienous inofebteditthe estate of Jos EPII - diceased, are hereby required to - make immedie.te paymetd. and those having claims acainst..aitt estate to prefletit them ter settlement to 0, S. • . Blidgeirater, May - 2. ISC,O4it. SALLY lIHEBE "' SETTLEMENT WANTED. . . 11Cid Eof my Patron -who have UN*F..TT LED Account* • standing uguim4t 311) , itook , i., are reapeettudy Invited to call and adjtp , t the same vi dhoti t delay.. Illio9liLY.N. May ...11e%M.: A. • RI 74 G 0011) - S 1, ror MAY,_I 86 0 - • 5 TUE subscribers relpectrallyinfprin the citizens of chid cuiptty that they are now ruzemng • • . . I iVELC sELEcrico AND NEAT STOOK OF 'BOOOBl, • especially adapted to the retail trail, 01; 1111 , ;"ticinity. will make It our especial bii,•in.s,.• to rupeilmend supply-- tn.,: the wanto 6f - tlioe who in:iv:l'33:or ti+ with patrnriaire, and we4nvite FARMERS...7:II , a 'I l A NIC,!•••• and the of tnaoltind." to rill CT) cr. r 4 .1,4 , 11 t. 11 , at otir ittrt:l3 assortment will lt tirT a %.64,1,1,1nr. to I,,rvilndi who are Tend of making cholcWteectfoa, AT Lust' ITIcF:s. NO I'SE TO F f HitiTE GOoDS! ettlllreit io Fav the aan ln VI , ri r t ride" 14 id her clArq hnnerstrel their Inenmt not Fr.., ‘ trlo heiribuntrray - or. sea:fon:Age Inerchandl. , e of our Store. We have eieryi;dog 1 , , :,11; 'at PHIC,EB 1)0.11rN' To - TFll , ,' LOW FST ana only nAc to show our 600 d ., and tell bow we before pot pureha.e Cltewherv. Ilappy r , -;ttltr4,•theil, uro %tire to follolv: Never woe t h corn blhut hike. viz.: the, hvartt , ....of the old, mad:. el:ol; the heart new bezinnerm" filled with joy, and. the hcarts of all the little one , filled with deli!,,tht. and ever:, bode Instde happy during the Spring and Slimmer dap by calling at'the „t VILLE ETU fIE Our sheliea are groaning under the ‘celght,of all kinds of SP. • . all Phadeli! all colors ! from tls ci:inlean hue oft , Italian sunset wilt° drab of the' paaid t/naker. :dal must he cold., FLOUR! Vhdice brands always Oft harid 11,01j1i, a largelott ltcady - Made Caps. &1nt...4 and Shoes, Ni,.N I Mackerel. f'odrish and Herring, Crockery,.ete.-, liSichealia, can be had au AA here at retait.•l • With thib we chine, giving all another cordial Invitation before, they buy. tiont - pare price.. and sac,: money. We will pay the hii;hest..price -in trade fur all kinds of Produce. : YOI'SG &• - smrru. SURSIERSVILLE, Pa., May let, 9f.4'.0.-f,w • - Audit ors Nottice. - In Me n4lter of Me Eetat r e of Ezekiel Bar»eft, deaf:mot rroix nutlemighed bavizq been appointed an Auditor-to distridnte the funds aneing. from WM sale of the real estate of lu . sid - deredent, among the heirs and le,Tal ftptvi- Eentativesof the said F.a.eldel Dinar.% decensid. will attend to the duties of his appointment t hir office In ..IfOntroxe,. on Friday , . Jtine ock. IFM, at I o'cl p. m.. at which time all.per , ons interest -d are requested to pre:=ent their claims, or be forever debarred from coming In upon said fund. Mr 2.149.• • - -T. L. CASE. Atatilbr. . , AFFLICTED; - READ I• c l . • • r CO3IPOUND SOLI?: V V flott for the furs,. 18 Warranted to effect a Caro In every care and In all ,•tegeft of ate dh•ea,...., to the money will be refended. Fell directlonr.aceonkpany elich.bottle. For tale by Abel Turrell../lontroset, 0, G. ilraipt Brooklyn;.'T. .T. itabeoek., Bintork Pelmet Carpenter, Rarfo ;.(1.• G. Willinmr,Jack.-on ;Z. B, "Slocum. Dtuulatf; A: B. Mernlll, Ilopbottom ; A. J. Merrill, Screnton.. de SI~Y~OXD.' - S • „ , :LIVER' INVIGORATOP i i . I NE:VER DimuurATEs. • TT It reimpotinttect els (fray from-Gunn., aryl .a,' toot ;woolen. fact. IL,t in.! Is 1 Ile I,r;oe, k0n,...a . and 'appnlve4 by cl thou, , ,h.are. aces lt, 00.11.....,,..- ft .fortn3 to with.cooldeac.t is, i 1 4' [all ILe - fus - vur_l4 It la recommended. • . I It ,12. A.• emelt ..therhsanal,, ,Ivllto tlle 1•. toll T ..,-1. , , a tie act given np a11a11hi,,,d,• , 1 ',/.flef. 7,11 tee nomerous luau:lettere certnicates iti iuy • C.... ,i, ~..,,,...1.f.,.. I be dose mutt he abkipbtii r MI Ira till teroperi.rfnt nr :1144' ltuilvklUall,aking IL 111.14 11.6.1 :s.a ill lath cti.....L1...1 as t. act gently ott the IlOwels. - -.1 t • . - . Let ther.kllttates of yowl pn,lonent Vzitir you in the useof the LIVER It-, " i VIGOICATtut I 4.4 . 3 2 .... • • wineure Llrer Cont-litt 'plaints:l3lllone At tacks, tilyanepala,% fra Ichronte, Diarrhoea. II lam nt er Co in -1 - i in plaints, • Dyaente, . ry, Drapar, Snarl iSid aelt,llabl turd . coallytiteica, Dlini-:. ir, Choler*, etioie -ra Dlorkica, Cholera 1 I ors It WM. Fifittl. 'Attlee, Jr st *lndic t.i . Iron' ale Weaknesa7 es,and 'ugly be used stic-l'• I cessfuLty Its at tic -glint.. ry -Pal:ally Dyed! ir e cote. it wincuie a ICK • 111 A 0 l AD II ki, ocl . id e rlioxcis can tnUty.) In twenty . Inuter., It' ti*o or thre*Tea apoosafrala are' tak- .n at coccccencemel..l of attack. - „' A.l w h o us . e it citric LI ring' their teetercoar 11111sta:roc. ; MX WATER IIN TIIRPIOUTII Wllll, , TIIE 'INVIGOIt Al Olt, A.VO SWALLOW ROPIL IOGETDEII. - • -' - : Pilot One Dail ai . per Bottle. - " I=!a=l SANFORD'S EZEMEI . CATHAITIC POLLS, , . _oltroustmo vir.,.g . Pure VOgetable,EstraciA, ft•toll rut BP In lialr.M.lS cAsKs, Ale 'llght. atoll mIII loelp • - In any el,lrmite. The _ FoLnd Ce.l ir • • ettortfe 1•17.1.1 . .5g,„, tie bet. settve etithartle 4 elth-tr. the metric or bss used-to his prodlee more e/oto to etoy ) e.tes. rued-to lormotiog dt.tottn,l from „, tt,ree whe haveloolf useflthe PILL. Ea, sot the motafoettest theft all express Itereennt to their •-• use. trod !Mt tleee mete place Oteronrlttdo the reach of all. g 4 ~ 'I be Prefeluilett well know IL, !Tat altrtreLt Cattle:llo net %on different R.,rtlonsttf the , ril ,f,..ets,. . ' , - , the IF/1,11 - 121r CA.: TIIIA VITIC o'l4 1. lots, with ark reference .t. . - Ales well ettatt,Ltsbed fact , been sot a rk r eam a ri- rt tiety °Otte turreft. Vett.e• table iVlttrat6,4 which seti.._, ,, F -s/Iks ett sect" Dart te.The id,,,,,notey 1%t0 . a1, eel Reel 1191 gootinntl sate La all cas e. whets e 1 ca 1,1 E 4 needed, sech - as Ite. rvmgentetsits of Owl - St tom sa eh . tgeepi. nes- Pahts In thrl ' Beek , ill • I.otes, ...coesiveeeiss., Pa I o . .n mil Ncereee.% aver :,,Illte whole batty; recoil stleotto et , ht,, ir e. -•oeatly. If neelectel, • vottl IA shun two, ot, re- I .• Ill'. 1 . 0 •••• 01 ' £0 . 8 11 . - • II te, u trteeleg see 'ellen of Cold 'over tb, boils-. et vdtcv.- " ee ."! 111" " ach .T , o r - sveight Iti •he head all ." g ai n " , n....rY ~ ,.A - I Ilst'ettop . Woe mu tti . fAlTargfloVal ~,,,N1.91;1 1 7:. , 1'...g..":T:Mt 1.3. ls heti: numerous qt., to tre,a - .3 to this adtertlie,, . ascot. - Il.kga 1 trot . - - PRICE TurizEt- inlikil4: - - The Liver .Inv4-srat...r , nett Family Ca. thstrtile Pills are retulled by PrtteetO• e•ltera/1,1: .1.a3 1011 'higeolkib7 the all the lama towns. , 11 jT. W. SANIOit D. :11.11'.. - • • )land_ t•lfer OM rrorrietar , . . 335 tit ack ro? 'fele in l ?trontrofe hr ABEL Tufatu., A.,7enr,