The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 10, 1860, Image 3
THE morrrßo - sz DEMOC TEENS-$1:50 PER MSlnt, ret avAxcE A. 3. GERRITSON' EDITOR, ,PUBLISHER,' END . PROPRIETOR: OFFICE OPPOSITE TilE POST-OFFRiE. orhiiii, .0.4 y l ad , f.e#o._ DEMOCRATIC 'NOMINATION. FOR GOWER'S OR : HENRY. D. FOSTER, Of Westmoreland tourity Circumstances oblige uS, in to get our paper out at all this week, to spend so much of.our time at fli6 that our. editorial columns arc entirelt neglected.- But as our timehas.been, in part; occupied" in making the improve ments upon, the Democrat, out readers cannot but feel satisfied with j' what we give them. i We expected to . issue our :paper this; week with a new bead, but ivhetiwe,went to press it was still in the hands .O . f our electrotyper. • - 11.0 W THEY SI:MINK! ; • • One %would naturally fuppose froin the fondness of the Republicans for In'Vekiga tionl that they would do all in their !Tow er, k ! oth individually •and colleetively to nid in euosing culprits, and bringing them to justice. But it,makes i vast diffet•enee *hose ox is' .gored. ...Look. at tht . duct. When a committee propose,to in= quire into the detail of a • Con - siilrady which culminated in treason, inSetri'ection and murder, they _interpose ob stacle they can by subterfuge' and 3iciftnee, When Republican witnesses.are.subj ne ed, instead of appearing ,to aus' er; I,What, do they do? Some :ran away to Cititadit • or Europe, ()thens fly tothe mad-4use, and, others dipappear—perhapsi go.;1 and hang themselveS.' defy all authority and resist legal process thripugh the medium orcoi:rupt; State, conrts;! and t aijiiied gangs of assassins, who throng the halls of "justice" to Shoot down,. if 'heed . be, the' officers of the governinent and who even attempt to murder, a peaeefiti artist, in cold blood, because he walked in &Olt of one of their dens, at mid4dav ; arid one of 'the most stubborn, thirating for notoriety, goes to jail before he tell the truth, as required. Why aillthis evasion-ofinyestigation? Because it NlfoUld develop facts to show that ,John BrOwn had "Republican" - backers at the North who deserved hanging far more thair be did. Besides: this they wish.; to develop the " irrepressible. conflict.". Itothi,not such law-defying ruffians destrOy the 'trial' ion if in their power? • „ ==MI REV. J.s.: HA RDEN.—BeIx idere,Mayt Rev. ,T. SJlarden, who wits yeiterday victed of murder in the first degreefor killing his Wife, was this morning broti`ght into 6itirt . for sentence. -He was g reitlY agitated, and could hardly'stand- When asked Why sentence should not be; tro pounced, he replied, with difficulty'; ".1 haye nothing to say." The .ludge 'then sentenced hint .to be hung on the 2:qh :day of June, between the hours of 10 a:!ln. and 3 p. m. DENOCRATIC T1:11:31Pil IscoNst— Thejltdicial electiou'in Wisconsin resulted eheeriing,lySfor the Democracy. DiOn, the Demaratic candidate, is handsonielf elected .over - his ,Repuhli`can competittir:, Throughout the campaign the RepubliCans assailed "Dixon most bitterly because,' as Judge ofthe Supteme Court he luukqe cided the Fugitive - •SlavelAw to be Con stitutional, but the _people came to vindication and the revilers of the C4n stitution and the lairs wefe signally :re bulzed. Vnll. done, Wisconsin ! • Et.EcrtoN The elec tion in Philadelphia on - Tues4ty last :re salted in the success of all the 'l3lack Re publican candidates. The most shamehl frauds were committed by colonizing Vo ters, scraping up the' voters out of the Alms-houses, and altering the returnsift ter the votes had been counted. 'ln the 24th ward of the city alone a differeri;ce of nearlyt4oo votes was -made, after; it was fouls that nufty for City Controller was was ctefeated—so as to elect him, All the officersiseats will be contested. Re publican is since last' Mayor electfOn 4000 voterS - ! Another such wvictory and Philadelphia will_be right side up. . • I . • • . • The ion. Fernando WoOd, capital speeches and pleasanfdeportme*; has really ma 4 himself very - popular our city,- among all clagseS. e heard'a gentleman say \ last evening that Won was a limps. .So says the CharlestonNeWs of Wednesday. - There was a trial .of skill between John 3.leKitiney and Patrick Kennedy, t wo blacksmiths of boy, last Ttiesday,* "331. Q 8 I aforgSaid, '; 4fliat the,price_for . a license for to which could make - the most horse shoes in ten hours. The -two sons °f .%a ii within !the }units .of the•BO f rough for any circus, menagerie, theatri went to - work, with' an assistant' each, and cal perforniance .orlotherxhibition what :a the expiration of the. time, Kennedy. .soever, that shall- be set up or- established. had made twenty doien, and 31eKianev t - for the pill-pose ofl making or receiving seventeen and a half dozen. -.- • • 7 ' money shall be as follows, to wit: for each is stated that. Virginia: 1 kas- a -and every Circus or mertagarieand for each ' length or railroad in .operation .day.the , same shalll be. opened the sum' of than any other State in the Union.' -- s -- 1 * 1 .ten . dollars; and 'for ',every other•exhibition has an aggregate of 1825 , miles of road in I as aforesaid of whatever . kind or nature, actual operation, .angl'including : thOse M,.. 1 and for euih day, alsum .not less than one course of construction, they amount t v 1 dollar nor*.more than five dollars, in the 2058 miles. The cost these rosads, -wit t -h 1 discretion of the purgess, or in • his. ab. the buildings -and equipments, amounts tt;! sauce of- the.Tveasurer, ..and in their ab over *43,000,000. It . cannet be -denied i seence of any two f the Town Council, that the Old Dominion has 'improved,ber -.! such licensi to be tz ken and paid. for be ways.' Those Who have had eTaperigTute I fore the commencementori any such 'ex, in - regard to the ! ,corrugated character 9f. hibition,° and if any . pers. or persons _ the "Old Virginia Ito'a4s," Will be g . ratl-- i shall get up any such exhibition without. tied With the mtroduction.of "the.raiL" -. :- i first having obtained - a license - therefor, • ...A new and short route by railroad I } e sons So - offending* shall , , sue t perso or p r 1 1 .p.,, 11'1, 'been ° P e Ped from Easton t° Wilke *l forfeit and ay.-the sunt of Ithirty dollars, Barre, via the Lehigh gap; _Bauch Chunk, to be'rec,uVered before any i .Tustice of the ,Weatherly, Hazleton, Wllite. Haven ; and 1 Peace Susquehanna ceunty, in the name Cobb's Gap. - Time, 6 hours 15 ---ri " —in i' te s•',` of the Bondugh,,as debts.oll like amounts •• • • 116 " °w " 's°13;71 "•:` - r• 111°Pir 4 are by - law I•ecoverithle, .with costa of suit.- -It is .dangerous .to suppress an alisoes4 . ..,. , . _,.... :i, ____ with the astringent 'ointments in - common- ' - - S DISORDiRLY' BEtinvlooll. - • • -use. Ilolloway's fatuous - Unguent operate:S . ' _. - -I . . ..SEc. I. it:shall be 1 the.duty of the Con on a different principle. It does ttottclose .the issue superficially, while: 'stable withr. without other warrant that "- j ! --- !li the' nuther4 herein contained to arrest . Foul corruption, mining all Fittlin : ~Infects unman; V : ' ' .i and take info custody any person or per , :.: r • - but purges the cavity of allacrid and in r l, sons behaving in a rtotous .manner, pub tlauunatory matter, and expls,every par . i'l I* using any profane, abusive or ••,iude ticle of the poisonous virus which generl cent language, Or. Indecently • exposing -tea the pue. Consequently there ;is nog their person,' or making a great or unusual. danger of thediseaSe breaking out iii-lan,',l noise to theldisturbanee of peacable citi-- other Place. The same l Principle applies in " zees, to. arrest such !,person or persons all eruptiveandglandular affections. The:!: .and take hun .-or het i before the 'Burgess,. I r i ms; which - are a 'certain . remedy for till or Justiec or the Peeee.for trial, and if on complaints' of the aid/mach, litier, and bow -.1 trial such person, or persons shall be.con els, may- be • beneficially used -as an "aperi--. victed. - Of either .of is the ..above . offences, eat medicine; while the ointment is remo- .such person:.i.'shall - liesenteneed to Pay a ring any external disorder. • . •-•.- fine for the-nSe - of the Borough of not less NEW ;MIXFOR I D BOROUGH ORDINANCES. Rpr.ATINGI TO' DO - C INVILILLS. SEC l 'Bel it ordamed by the 1 4 own Council of .the Beret* of New-Milford, and it Is herelXy orelaintd by the authority &title smile, hat' its all not be lawful for horses, n t cattl4 - "Pwine, sheep, or other domesti animals to go' at large in said I3orough, and if !any., such animals b'e Thirie at large within the said t _Borough, lit shill' be lawful for Any person to take uP, and it shall be the duty of the High Constabli3 to take up and impound the same, or if any suds animal shiill be Sound in any ldt or closii; it shall be lawful for the; oectipat or invtOr of said dose to take up and im mund,thb,samo. It is also made theduty of the igh Constable, at ii the request•of the own, r or occupant of said -close to, take npl and impound the same animal Or'animals • NGTICE]TO BE G IN" . :c WIT c IIOI.NDEDAC, SEC.: 1 2. And be it o dained by the att thority,aforesaid, Thad wheri any of the. animals shallhave ben impounded :Di aforesaid, it shall be th duty : of the High , Constable. to . , •ive pe sonal notice forth with to the owner :or owners- thereof if known; the-own rbe not known, the said Constable shall give notice bj . three-advertisements,. put up in. some con spicuous • places in sall Borough, and if the owner' or owners of bush Animal or anitual4 or some other 'person for him or them 'iliall . '"t Iwitinn I Wenty-four hours after such personal novice, or within. six dayS after notice by advertisement; pay the fees and charges ho l ein.after Mention.' ed, the littiges shall issue his-warrant to, the High 'Constable for tliat Purpose; in pursuatice whereof such animal or animals shall be sold id. public vendee by said Constable, afteri three day's notice of such sale * three advertisements put up as aforesaid, forhe payment of such fees 'atil clwrges, ail, the Surplus, if any, shall - f i be paid to the i owner Or owners Of such animal, or animals; but if na -owner can be found said sitrphis,.if any, shall be raid -to the , Treasurer of saia- Borough. to be used as may be directed by the Town CounciL : And in case of advertisement said;Constable'Aall funish the .necessary ,i food fir' such ithpoun ed animal or ani mals. , • i ' . FEF...S 04 , C9NSTABLE,AC r -- - SEC: 3. Aiid:lbe it.further ordained by authority afore Said,. That the fees of the High Constable-Shall bas follows: •• ' - - For impoundng' a horse 25 rents: , ‘ - ' ' neat cattle wi each 25 e,ts.• i • .- " ~' " s ne each 25 cents. . - ~ J 4, . " sheep each .4 cents. And all-Other . tniscbievints animal's each 15 cents, and for._ iving Personal notice as _aforesaid 10 cents in cal.eli case,. and for• notice by adveriisemen 25 cents, and a reasonable compensation for food as afore said. It', any amoral or animals a.s afore said-are taken orldriven to said podnd by any other person than siiid: Constable, it shall be the duty,'of saidltonstable to re ceive and.. impound the Same„and to. pay to stich person • One-half his fee - for so int pdunding.. IfanV dispute arises a§ to the value of ictid food and a••tention in taking] "care-of such impoimded animal; or - animals, the same shall r by refered tb the Burgess I whose decision sh - all be final. The fees of i the Burgess for issuing his Warrant to sell I shall be 50 cent's.: s . -'-' TCTIIKEYS . 4' FOWLS, SC., xor . O 1:1: - N AT 1..1 - 11GE. SEE. 4. And I; , e it further ordained by the,authciritY afor said, That if any turkey, goose, dOck, or.fowl shall be found in any barn, garden, or close in said Borough, it' shall be litwful for any Orner or occupant thereof to kill• and carry away such fowl, turkey, goose. or duck.' - • 'INJURY TO !Tule txtpuovimis'rs, a.c.• SEc. ]; Arid be it further ordained by the authcirity aforesaid, That -if any per son shall wantonly injure the - public pound .or. any other building belonging to said Bi3rough or fence or any public improve mentthereof; or shall break Or open said pound,' or shall take away any animal im pound ed..therein 'without the consent of the .11i0. Constable or'his deputy, midi person shall forfeit and pay the sum of itot more than twenty-fife dollars together with the duMages actually sustained with costs of Suit, to. beTrecovered before am ;Tusth.:e of the, Peace, as debts of; like' amounts are recoverable, in the name - of; the Borough, one-half for the use of the Borough and the Other half to the use of the High Constable or any other persOn • who shaN'Trosecute the same. SEC. 2.. And be . 4 further ordained, That if. any person `shall wilfully girdle, cut down, or injure an fruit, shade, or mita • Mental tree in said Borough; such person shall for each offelfee, on conviction thereof, r forfeit and;pay.a snip not exceeding twenty fire dollars. No person shall fasten a hOrse or any other anajrnal tO any fruit or orna mental tree under . penalty of one dollar, besides being liabl to the owner thereof for all darnages su:iained. , , •- - i --,-.:o:--- . • - EXIOLTIONS, AMESE*ENTS,, - ac.- SEC. I. Be it. oriairied by the authority tharrone nor - more than - thirty . dollars; witheostS of suit, Mid in case of refusal to pay - - sech -fine - mid costs, such per son or persons shall be taken to the -coun ty jail and there kept - for the space of - twenty-four boars for each dollar. of 'said fine and costs, or untilfiaidfirie an costs Or the proportional residue thereof shall be paid, and if any person scij committed as aforesaid is in the °Pinion of the Bur 'gess or High-Constable unable to pay his bohrd then the Boreugh' is to pay the same, provided always that - a conviction shall not be necessary #o justify , such arrest and detention. " ' . The foregoing Ordinances" were adop ted this Ist day of May, 1860. 'V I M. C. WARD, Burgess. Att. llouAno GARPATT., Seery. TRIENNIAL-CONVENTION OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. • The School Direetdts of -Susquehanna county met in convention a,t, Montrose on Monday, May,7th, Hen, at) o'clock p. m., and were, organized t)y• the election . of Hon, S. B. CHASE ; President; W. H. JES stip and Anzi„-Ckssnq, Secretaries, After tv call, of tbe ;townships and-the settlement-of some co4tesied seats, it was moved that.: the convention proceed to the 'eleetion• of County Superintendent; which wits decided in tie aflirniative. The following ientlenien were then noniinated for that °dee: F. B. Tewks bnry ..of , Bro,ooklyry A. 0. Warren of Montrose, J: E. ,Shoeniaker of Rush, E. A: Weston of Brooklyn,' Lyman Richard=son otHatford. i'• - N CATTLE ARE ,111.- . . . • The nominations bei,hg dedared closed the convention - proCoded' tO :vote . for County. Superintendent" with ,the follow in.-, result : '- , . 1 . '-' . ,-. . . . B. F: Tewksbury lia4 66 'votes. .A. o.,Warren had.. .15 " ' I. T'. Shoemaker 1uu1.....- ..1-1 "- E. A. Weston had.. a 5 95 . Lyman Richardson had.... 21 " • Whole number of siotes .. 11 6' Necessary - to a chiiice... 6O B. Tewksbury (having received a, majority of fourteen votes over all others) : was then declared (lily elected County Superintendent for 6;e ensuing term of. three years.• A motion to make to election unani mous. was then . earried.s Mr. L.- :14 1 . Clark of ;Susquehanna - then moved that the salary ! of the County Su- Iperintendent be fixed itt' seven hundred , dollars per . annum. • - - • Gen: ;Blending Of qarford • moved to : amend by stiking out f! " seven hundred"' and inserting "five hundred." A motion was then made to iltrther, amend by striking out " five, hundker and inserting' ",eight huddled." • The vote being taken on'the last amend ment, it was decided itilthe negative. The vote then being tiken on the amend ment, it was also lost j.. 1 . •. - •• Gen.' Blanding_ . then moved tn amend the original - motion I).y striking out "seven hundred" and iriperting "-six: bun , dreil." ' - - - 'The vote being taqn on this amend ment it was lost by a tie vote. •. The question then Oeuring upon the original motion fixing the salary at seven hundred dollars per anninn, the =vote was taken and it was deeifid in the: afiiima, tire. The . following resolt#ions were then unanimously adopted: ti ,Resolved,. That the-President.of this nv coention appoint a cqmmittei-of three to examine the ditre, rent khoot books now in use; and report whist ones in their judgment are best caldulated for .trsejn our public schools.• Resolved, That each Bard of Directors, at its first meeting after this' to . uvention, Appoint one delegate topteet In conven tion at the call of said committee, to de cide upon their report. ,The President then appointed R..A. Weston, W:Faurot, and F. Bryant such committee. . • •.. • • . • ,On motion the conv4tion, adjourned sine die: 'S. B. CHASE, President. W. E. .I".ESk:P, } • , . - ~> • Aii.EL CAS.SEDY, i Seeritaries. :. ..A.Republican paler advOtates the nomination of Sh'non Cameron because his initials Stand ftir, Sucassful Candidate. It should remember that S. C. also stands for Slippery Cheat, and Skunk's Cabbage. Another goes in for Salmon P.Chase, as his initials stand - for,;Successful I'residen tialCandidate ;- forgetting, that :those let ters also stand for Small Candidate,- and Slim Chance Candidate:' • - DIED.--.—ln Elmira, on t e 16th ult., Mr. CHARLES WirrEigazni- aked 33 years. At a meeting of 'Marren Chapter No.' 180 of Royal Arch - Maso:ns held at ,the Masonic Ilan, inAtontrtise; on the 3d inst., the .. following_ Resolutions . were unanimously adopted. .Whereas, We have heard with deep emo tion of the recent suddert.tdecease at. El mira, N. y.., • of Oar -worthy and much es •teemed - Brother and Chariipion, CHARLES, late ,of this idaCe (but more recently of Susqueliatina . Depot,) and a member of this .Chapter. Therefore, - -' Resolved, 'That we unite in the expres sion of our profound regret at this afflic tive dispensation of Providence, and our heart-felt sympathy witfl the sorrow stricken widoW and '.'relatives ' of the 4e ceased.; in their and (Mk bereavement; while we invoke the tileised consolation of that Almightyrleing whi " tempers- the wind to, the shorn lamb,'.' iand . who looks down with infinite compassion upon the widow and - fatherless in the hour of their desolation. - . ' . . i- . • • Resolved, That in testimony otour es timation of his worth and regard for his memory, these proceedings be prepared for publication in both the papers of-this place, and that a copy of - the 'Same be fot warded to the family Of theYleCeased. .'. Attest— J.. W. Canix.tiv,- Sec'ry. • Dinti.— Lynn; on Iheitth: ult., In . cit h i Asti, da owe - of Justusi l Knapp, Esq., „ aged ears. The health of the deceaseithad been de clining • for nearly five years; although she had not been confined but 4 feW. days pre vious to her death... She bud been• await irig'and expecting the Chancre, . and con sequently was prepared. Her preparation was - that of a death-bid. repentance. She infomed some of,-her nearest ,and dearest friends that near a (year since she had enibraced the ISavionr4and-when the, moment of her departureaTved she was atady, Peaceful; tranquil, anflhappy. Du ring all her affliction a murmur-never fell -from her lips. • Shehas left niYenemies, but a large 'circle of friends. Tire_ have - Rod. 1 reason to believe that . she ha:s gone 4i-win, the min - timbered millions in pie city of t th6 New Jerusalem. :4 have tvashed.- thiit robes - and Wade them white in the bfood , -of the lamb. ' . --- • ',.' ' [CON . , - - P. REYNO LDS,! ( FABHIONABLE TAILOR. ,iBliop In Use. inent - of Searle's llotel,.3loliti‘se, pc . • - /q . • AWARD* OF `COMMITTEE,. . . . The Cominittee of Award 'on'the Prize Oempositiim at the Eihibition of.of the .Susquehanna County•ClaSsieal- and 'lgor , . mat School make the following decision: Tina the First. Prize-(.3)' be divided by Miss Lucy D. Wainer and.MissFanny M. Seymour,_ and.. the, Second : Prize (s2ybe given to MisiTripbena E. Barnes. . • 1.4 '• A. L. - Pon, - • I'. B. STREETER. The- two best. Orations handed in for examination Were by D.ll.'Brodhead and J. M. Lyons. The fornier declining to compete for the-prizes, the First Prize (*3) was awarded to. the latter without competition. • H. BRODEEAD. The exhibition at the close of the last term •of the - Normal and Classical School was largely attended, sand passed oft in a manner,- highly pleasing to the audienccv: and creditable to - the partici pants. . - . -.. The next - term ;will -Commencc-on•Wed nesday, - the 234 inst., as per notice .else- . where. . • The, will of.Law . rence Janson, the . recently deceased Philadelphia type foun der, gives . 13,000 . to various •benetoicrit associations, proVided his real estate ho'd . prove to :be w0rth1324,000 one year after his death. F. D. WOOD, with his :CAR,.: is once more located on,tho GREEN. onoomito to the COURT HOUSE, in 51ONTROSE, where - he will cheerfully wait upon, all !Who may . favor him with a call. ' - - . . , grind e.:neek, 50 .;cents. Libera deductions for Families. .All well *warranted not to fade. [Montrose, Dec. Ist, 18b9. Afflicted, ficttd.—.-WILIAAMS' COMPOUND Soturion for the PILES, is, warranted to ef. foot a euro in every case, and in all stages Of the disease, or the - money will be refunded. Full dirctions accompany each bottle. Abel Turrol I, Montrose ; T. J. Pabcock,Di nt: ock ; 0. 0. Hempstead, Brooklyn; and Dr. J.W. Lyman, Tunkhannock, agents. (deo y Important National Work's, , Published by D. Appleton & Co , 346 and .348 Broadwiy, New Yonk. The followino• works are sent to subscribers in any part oftl7o court. ty, (upon receipt- of retail price,) by'alail or ex. press, prepaid : TEE NEW AMERICAN CYZ:LOVEDIA:--A popu lar Dictionary of General Knowledge, edited by- Geo. Ripley and Charles A. Dana, aided by ' a numerous selectecorps - of• writers in-all branches of Sciences, Art, and Litecature. This .work is being published-in- abbut fifteen large octavo volumes, each containing 750 tyvia;column pages'. The first eight volumes are now ready, each con taining near 2,500 original 'articles. Ad addi. tional voludie will be published once . in about three months. Price in cloth,s3 ; sheep, $3, 50; half morrocco, $4; half Russia,. -$4,50 ,each. The New American Cyclopredia is popular. .without being superficial ; learned .but not flea_ .dantic, comprehensive but sufficiently detailed, free from personal pique and party,' prejudice, fresh ye'L accurate. It- is a complete.statemint of all-tliat is known upon every important topic within the seope.of human intelligence. Ev.ery important article in it has been specially written for its pages by men who arc authorities upon the topics of which they -speak. They are re quired to bring the .subject up to the present moment; to state just how it Standzi now. All - the statistical information is from the latest re. ports; the - geographical acceunts keep. pace with the kitest explorations; historical minter include the freshest just views; the biographical notices not only speak of the-dead. but also of the living. It is -a library of itself.. A RUIDGMFICT OF TA . E DEpATES:OF CONGBEEE't Being a political History of the United States, from the organization' of the first Federal Con gress in, 1789 to 1856. Edited and. compiled by Hon. Thomai H. Benton from the Official .Records of Congress. The work - will be con]. pleted in 15 royal Octavo volumes of-760 pages each, II of which are now ready. .An additional. volunrewill be 'published once in three months: • Cloth, $3 ; Law Sheep, $3;50; Half Morocco, $4; .Half Calf, $4,50 each. • THE WAY OF PROCURING THE CYC . OP.EDIA OR OF.DATES.-FOrM - R club of four, and remit the price of four books, and five copies will be seta at the remitter's expense of- carriage; or for ten subscribers, eleven copies will be sent at our expanse for carriage. To AGENTS.—No other works will 'soo fiber• reward the exertions of agent. An Agent Wanted in this County., Terms made known on application to the Publisher. • • Teachers' Eiataiseations.-.Teacheri' examinations will be held in the different town ships, at 9 o'clock, a. m., as folloWs: Choconut, May sth, Clark's S.. H. ; Franklin, Bth, South Schoolhouse; New Milford and 80. rongh, 9th, Grided School Building; Htirford, 10th. Village; Gibson, 11th, Union Hill; Jack-- son, 12th, No. 2; Thomson, MN - Center; Ararat, 15th, Church ;. Herrick, 16th, Uniondale.; Clif ford and- ,Dundaff, lith. City;' Lenox, 18th, Glenwood; Lathrop, 19th, dale 8ehoolhouso; Brooklyn, 21st, Center Schoolhouse; Bridgewater and Montrose..22d, Free Schoolhouse . ; Dimoek; 23d, Corners Schoolhouse; Springville, 24th, Pillow School. house; - Auburn, 251 h, Low Schoollguse; Rush, 96th, Champign SchoolhoUse Lake, 28th, Bolles Schoolhouse ; Forest and Chap man, 29th, Towne; . Middletown an 4 Friends 30th,Baldwin's Schoolhouse Npolaeon„ 31st, Graves-Schoolhouse: _ . It will be•required oral) teachers that have engaged schools Ceither positively or condition. •ally) that . they shall be examined irr the town. ship where such schools are located, and all not having engaged sclieols_in the township where they reside. - .tacb teacher will please supply herrell with two . or more sheet foolscap paper,-pen, and ink. The examination will be the written and-oral methods coral/idea. AU inteiested aro invited to attood. B. F. TE‘iritslitluv, Co. Supt Brooklyn,April'lo, 1860. ".. qklikNk9 tt • ES EN W ELY'S •- • • TAR & .WOOD • NAPTFI •• :./ Is the best Medicine in the - world for the tie of Coughs and Colds, -Croup, Bronchitia, / itstlitia, Difticulty:in Breathing, Palpitation op the Heart. And for the r . elief ofpatients advaitced stagei of Co.usoMption together with all Diseases of Throat and Chest and which predispose Consumption Itattacks the root of dixease, nd makes the fell destri-yer succumb to influence: It also pro duces free 'expectoration, anti induces heathy Lion in the diseased Mucaus i Membrane - and tissues It is peculiarly adapts t o the radical cure of • V3lllll. • One dose ol this inyituabl A e SYRUIt, Oen gives ease and cOnsequently ikep, which thfi particular nature of 'this dice se denies Aim. It is very pktis 7 anC to'the taste, 9nd prompt in .its effeets.. 'Try it and be - cnniinegT that ifis intaluable;in the cure of:BR4S9VPHIAL AFFECTIONS: • / Price -50 cents per Battle.. Prepaed only by-A. ESENWEIN, Druggist, N. W. corner Ninth & Poplar streets, Philadelphia. FRENCH, 'RIC:HARES dr, CO., General Wh6lesnle Agents, Philadelphia. Eir-Porsale in Montrose by - - ymh29 ytl ABEL TURRELL, Druggist. A: SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER: I REIT OF SIM. BORDEKING, WINDOW PAPER Yi/ 80 4 &C. A A NEW SUPPLY, just arrived, and' for sale cheap, by - A.TURRELL Montrose, Mareb lbtb, 1860. 'MEAT - MARKET.. - . On Public Avinue, near &ark* EEP constantly 'Ott fUnd a `jood supply of 11 MEATS 'of all kinds:" -1L7./18111 paid for Beef eattle,Valvehigheeliyand Lambs. Also for Hides of all kind!. - HENSTOCK dr. HAWLEY. • N. S. T. BENSTOCK. - ' Afootrose. - March 30th. HAYDEN BROTHERS, : WHOLESALE Dealers in Buttons, Comba. V V Suspenders, Threads; Fancy Goods. Watches, Jewelri, Silver kid Plated Wate,Ctit• ery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars; &c. -ord, Pa. Merchants and Pedlars, supplied on therm terms. - .; watt S. H. Sayre & Brother, As ANUFACTDRERS of Alill Castings, and Castings kinds,. Siovos, Tin and Sheet .Iron Waro, Agricultural IMplethents, and Dealers in Dry. Goods, Groceries, tlrOeltei% dtc. illontroSa, Pa., November, ICth,-135p...wa. Roienba4m & .Co., DEALERS in Ready-made. Clothing, Ladies' Dreits Goods. Furnishing Goode, etc. Stoma at No 24 Dey-st, New-York City, and in Montrose, and SIDN'S pep ot, Pa. ••• • •:* - 'CHARLES. MORRIS .1 - -' BARBER, and Hair Dresser 'S - holiNo: 3 in %asentent 4;f Searle 'S Hotel, Montrose. * . HORATIO , GARRATI; Dealer in . FLOVR,• GRAIN, GROCER IES. ' PROVISIONS,. DYE -• , WOODS, SIapIeDRUGS, i WOODEN and STONE .WARE. f AL2 . KINDS of - ILOUSEKEEPING - -• .• ARTICLES 4: YANKEE-. NOTIONS IN GENERAL,—oni, doOr North of Barnum's Hat a , Nei a Milford, Pa., • GELD be plpased toSee all-his old friends yi7 . and many, new ones-at his NEW Store fret Ling, the DEPOT,. where he ii prepared to shovi. them- such a stock of the above.artic'es as New Milford has long stood in need of. • . "Diiision of trade- hits as many advantageka§ division of labor." .A 4 man confining himself 'to One branch of business; giving that bratiCh hie whole Capitaland:attention can keep aletter : assortment; buy cheaper and SELL CHEAPER than if the same means and time was Employed in a general trade. If you dont think so, call on the subscriber and be•conVinced. The'sound `principle of . , SMALL PROFIT. AND PROMPT PAYMENT S WII.I be strictly , adhered to. Butter and other Produce_forwarded to, Nevi York to one of the best commission houses in the City, and prompt payments diaranteed. - - ' HORATIO GARRATT. • New Milford, 'Susq. Co. Pa., April, 1860,= ty - FARMERS, EOOII AT THIS!. .BEACH'' NEW PATENT I WHEEL NOR S E HIKE 1 TOR RAKING HAY AND GRAlN,pro flounced by, coop JUDGES to be the NEAREST RIGHT of JANA' IN USE. -Sane of the advantages of this Rake are that the workman occupies a ,comfortable goat While raking , raking, instead of havihg to walk, and that its 'construction is 'so Simple thatany part of it may 'easily be taken apart and put together again. Four bolts are all the blacksmith work reqttired. Farmers, please call and examine for yourselves. Lumber will be taken 41 pay for Rakes if of the right kind and fetched in time. None but those ordered will be made at pritent. This machine was invented by the subscriber who resides 1 1-2 miles North of Montrose, on tho Snake Creek Road.'" . ILORENZO BEACH. Montrose,April =N o 1860 . * . • ATTENTION - CAVALRY! 'THE- FRIENDS-1;11.0 .CAVALRY -ARE " hereoy notified to Meet at the house of Col.. C. B. Jackson, in FriOndsville, on the second Monday [l.4th day] of griy, - .1860, at 9 o'clock, a. m.. equippul as the Iliw directs. ap2r3 3w • - VAILES, Captain.. NEW GOODSI Laweville cent r e, Susq. co, Pa WALL Paper, Wiwipw Rapers and 'Border's, 1' V n very large ,stoe4 dap received, by April 11th. R. KENYON, JR. & CO. Challjs, silks, leans and calicoe s , an immense y?rietj, by R. XENYON. JR. & CO. - LIVERY style of Cott!!kn Pant Goods, etc. this 124 day reed by R. IcENYON, 'JR. - at CO. •. S"j("Brochs, and Cishmere shawls. &lam stock, 1. 4 0 W--. R. KENYON. JR. & Co. • -I °BBL& TOBACCO, this day received•and .141 for sale lower than elsewhere in Sukqu'a county. - R . lENYON. JR. & CO. 1000 LBS SALERATUS in store and fur sale by the box or lb: LARGE Sti:ock of FANCY Dry GoodM for sale by' • R. KENYON. JR. & GO./ • IfilEA Setts—Five Elegant styles. comp i lke from sto 850.. R.KENYO.II,.JR.&ca Laweville Centre, P4lApril, 1860. - A t.rfa./* • DR. 0. V. THAVEIty Of the BINGIIimIoN , WILL be at ,NEW MIL F ORD; ob FRIDAY; April 271h,"ht 11!kiTitim's Hotel. Also will be ,at SUSQUEHANNA on the FIFTH of each month during the/spring § and &Milner,. at Niculs Hotel. Du r ing ' each visitation he will give Free Lectures ter th q .Ladies 42•Velooki m. upon subjects orthe first imps nee relativ, the special' di7eases and hygiene of the sex, revealing the causes of sitch maladies. and !hap most prevaleriand subtlti violations or phfsiu-. logical laws •hich resul in the premature ,de. clipe of American Wtsllletl. • • Invalid will find ir tn their advantage tdgive him a col. ninglfamton Water. Core, April 10, 1860.—tf Orphans' Court Salo. 'l3 Y virtue of an order (July issued out of thii Orphhi' Ccurtof Sdsqueharma county and `to 171.0 directed, will be exposed to public sale at auction, on Monday, the 14th day of May, 1860, p. m., at .the Court House in Montrose, the right, title; and interest of which Aodrew Rooney, late of the township of Auburn in said ceunty , deceased, 'had at the time of his deceaso, in and t 9 ALL that certain piece or lot of land situated in said township of Auburnel boundedbs follows : On: the east by lands' of John Reynolde,nn the northeast by Node of the said John end (if James Reynolds, on the west 1 by lan& of Win Bcnnett, avd on the south r} lends-late the estate f Put ick - Don I ita, deebas4 with the appurt(mances, containing 'abctittit acres, and having thereon 4 framed house, tv log barn,some fruit trees,and about, 40. acres cleared. • Terms of payment - made ,kbown it time of sale. CATHARINA WALTHALL, •i' apl7) Adat's Are., of AO. rew Rooney, deid. . . . : . C.4.3Er, -: , • To .Merchanta- nd Dealers. -' • T TAKE tMs• method ofiinforming toy many I. kind and generous fri rids and customers that I have etianged my inte l rest in the Hardware Business, in New tork front are house fernier!) , Hnt, Thomas :& Co. ' and Jately I. L. Hunt, at• Il 20•Pearl.street, to that-.ofi - 1 • - • . MOONEY COHU -COMPANY, • 23 Park Row, opposite , where wofild moat Teepee Dew friends to cell, or send will'be kratefully received a ftfy addierm will be at 3fo • Ist of April. and from that Of abrive.ffouse, or Lowre! bury 46 Coartlaudt street, • mb• , . 111 '69.-tf. RILL'S CURE. .FOR CONSUMPTION. HYPOPHOSPIOES OF LIME•ANO OF SODA. T HAT FATAL scourge. of the humanjace— Consumption—can now be pretrated and roam with the same CERTAINTY as any other disease - . The new Remedy discovbred by Dr. Churchill of Paris, has performed•more cures of Confirmed COnsumption in a single year than can be foinid,in the records of Medical History in the past century ! • urßead theollotaing Testimonials ..j Cure ,of a ease in the Last Stage.—lf you want facts, I can give I them abundantly, that the Hy pophosphites is the only Remedy that .an cure corsuMptiOn. Rend what Dr. Powers says : J: WINCUESTEft, Esq.—DPar sin.l.nm en Alo pathy, of thirty _ s ears practice, ill Western New .York. My first tr ial of the Hypophosphites was made a year agolDecember, with. great Success. Miss E. C.. aged 25.years.:7ffis was truly a • hard. one. The patient had been prOnonheed a Consumptive for Six years priwious to the begin- ning of the treatment. Shii3videntle was' in the 3d and Last stagb.; tuberCles in the 2d staoe in each Lung ; several cayities in the Left Lobe, shovaing. cavernous piles ; a most incessant cough,; pulse to fryquent and weilt• to count. • With these 84;naptoins of confirmed Phthisis, having no faith tn' any remedies I had 'eVer be fore used, I wrote and obtained 3 bottles' of the Hypoplipphites. On using one, her sy rnp toms improvyd ; and during the use of the fifth and sixth, .she was strong enough to walk half From then, up to this week, When I saw Prer y ahe'llas been at work. • This/remarkable cure, I must in candor, say, was effected by the H VPOPIIOSPIIITES. j GEORGE R. POWERS, X D. C 7 mlYa, Wyoming Co., N. Y., March 12;1860. / STILL MORE; REMARKABLE CURES ! The following letter from an old physician in Chester \ Co. must satisfy all whO hate ever doubted the efficacy of this Wonderful- Remedy : • CHATiute, ad - Month, 26th. 1860. " FRIEND 1. , WINCHESTER * * persons - haie obtained the medicine: from me, twelve of which have been* under my owc(care. .Five of them were, in my opinion, and the judg ment of other physicians, hopeless cases of Phthisis—irritable cough, s copious expectora tions of a peruledt character, night sweats and emacipation. These cases were from obe to three years standing. Ausculation and pfircus. sion developed sounds, which, taken in cohnec• ion with other symptonts,; gave evidence; of a condition from which have never, in seventeen years practice, seen a single case recover by any other treatment.* Under the treat...l meat of the Hypo hosphitcts, all the bad symp. toms ceased; and they hatto gained flesh; and strength,.and health—sot:no of them better:than they had enjoyed for seven years previously. The other cases' under my care werh in the incipient stages, and in them all and traces of the disease havedisappeared. Of those who were not under my care, 1 hate not beard of a single patient ram did not express hititse`f benefitted by the nse . of the Remedy; althOugh in some of them khe disease was too far, ad vanced to admit. the po‘sibitity of recovery. I ; presume I am its skeptical in medicineX, or specifies, as most physicians; yet, tient the ex perience I have had in the use Dr. T. F. Churc hill's Remedy for i'Forberculosis;would 83V - to all' who have a tendency to that disease—'Falico' it; and the sooner the better, before there is disoiganization. *' * - . • - Winchester's Genuine linkhophole. philter ACT WITH PRONIPTNESS AND CERTAINTY in every stage of CONSUMIk VON, and with, i aveisble elite:icy in' all De rangemerits Of theNervOus and Blood Svpteme, General Debility, Hysocpsia, Asthma, Rickets, Female Complaints, Spermaturrhes, in all die. - orders dependent On imperfect or impai,ied"bu tritien, and in all voiles of local oreoastilutional . debility. They innrease the nOiveus 'or Oat energy, relieve Cough, check Night Sweats, and ,diminish Expectoration, inprove ,the appetlte, arrest Diorama, promote refreshing sleep, and create new and Healthy Blood. , A FAIR TRIAIAS A CERTAIN CURE! -Pnws—ln.7. and 16 outlet, bottles i and $2. Do not confound this remedy with the PhDs phstes or.Chenti,i;al Food. Bewdre of all pre parations containing bon,. the um' of which;: in Consumption, is pronounced highly dangerous and criminal by - eminent medical kauthority: Head for tny new Circular; which ,gives the only reliable Information in regard to Dr.Churoi. ill's Treatment. Inquire for and use ` only "'Minuend's .Gianuss PAMPAWATION," and which may be bad of all respectable . Drtiggista, and 'Wholesale and Retail at 'the sole .General -Depot iii . tbe Unitedltates, by - • J. WINCHESTER, .; . I • 43 John street, ar For sale by A BE L TURRELL, Montrose. he Astor invite old sod i_they orders, which 'nd promptly :trose, Pa.' until the date till June, ears • Griggs dr, King/. . Y. City; •:t c. TirLEn. NEW GOODS! ATTHE - Rll a BRANCH STORES 6uttenbag, lansenbaum, Ca, AT Montrose, &Susq'aDepot,pa. TtlE undersigned have provided themaelvea ,with a I SPLEIWID ASSiki,TMEITE PAIL AM) WINTERTOODB. ;chich i they boast of beipg the I • HANDSOMEST AND. CHEAPEST in this section Of country. They ulso flatter thernselves thet they have the best facilities Of obtaining ;Ifob's ti : 4' from t'r .Daritot, • and nre determined not to bo,undersolci by - any film this aide of N. Y. City. In regard to • READY MADE-CLOTHING • - we would say that being in this busines largely at 24 Dey Street, New York City we can offer thelpublic bargains not surtimmed by any retail dealers in this section, as we can sell 'here at . retail prices . as cheap as; those. who go .to New York and purchase at wholesale and then bring thorn here-and have to make n: profit over that which they have already paid them. selves. .Call add hoe us and we will prove the facts. - I 05111teltbtrg, l goseltbaitm, - . Montrose, October 27th, 1859, • BOARDING. 13011004 AT. G R EAT . B E.N_D r PA. • pins SCHOOL will be opened for tfie recap lion of Ladies and Gentlemen, on the 29th day (Wednesday), of Febtuary,:l96o. , . . TERM OF TUITIGU. . ' ' ...-. • .Primary Branches per Qr'tr of 11- weal!, $3,00 Common " I it . .ii "-am Common and Higher, " " "; r ... 4,00 Higher English,' " . . " " j $,OO Lessons on Pia'no, - " " " I 10,00 Use of . "I " " "I - 2,00 Ornamental, and Classical Departments, extr/L The , Principal has .. had much experience in teaching in New York and Peonl'a for the kat ten yearn, in COMmon, as well . as' Select, Graded or High School'. References given -if required ; N.B.—Boardat th e boarding hull, tWo doll'a per week, Lig is and washing extra. , . Payments to e made quaiterlk inirdvance. mh y . E. W. ; ROGERS, Principal. i W. TOWNSENI3, 31. b TIME YlDlcliNE'iot the miLL;wl - 4. PII/LOSOTTIY AND FACT. • 11 TtE SXCIIIEG CAVES 0? UMBEL T HE BLOOD is the life.sitstaining agent. "' furnishes the components .of flesh,bu us. cies nerve and integuinont.. The ..storuach. is its matlafactory i the veins its distributors, aid the intestines thechahneti through Which the waste alittei•relectcd in its 'productions, is expelled. Upon the stotnaeh,th e circulation and the bovveli, these Pills act simultaneoualy, relieving indiges- . tion, purifying the fluids, and regulating ,the excretions. • ' TIZE•NATION.AL COMPLAINT. • Dia'Pepsin is the Most common diseiise.among all classes in this country. It assume s n thous. and olizipes, the primary source of [anew. orable!dabgerous maladies- ' but whatever Its typo or Artiptorns, h e ver obstinateit4 resistance. to ordinary preparatlons, It yietds,readilyand rap. Idly to this searching and unerring remedy..- BILIOUS AFFECTIONS: The quantity of Abe bile is "of vast importance to health. Upon the liver, the, gland which re. eretes . this fluid; these Pills operate specifics/1p infallibly Wearying its irregularitierr, and effeetu. ally. curineJaundiee, llilioua Remittanti, and - rdl the varieties of disease generated by an'uutiatn: ral condition of the organ. - . .LBOWEL COMPLAINTS. " • • Unless the bowels perform theif functions prop. erly,The whole bcidy mutters. Tene of thousands ., die 'mildly of Dysentery, Diarrhcea, Chronic • Constipation, and other diseases of . these .wanto 'pipes of the system. The effect'of the Pills-np - on 'all intestinal disorders, whether casual or . epi. 'aemic, lei phenomenon in mediciine. By follow.' ing the printed directions; the most alarining'ca. sea of bowel.complaint are promptly controlled: A. : WORD PO FEMALES. The local debility and irregularities which are the especial. annoyances ,of the weaker sex, and which, when.neglected, alwaya shorten lire, are relieved for the time being. and prevnted in time come,by a course of this mild - , thoro' alterative. • Holloteay's Pills are the best remedy knowiz in the world Jos. the following- di,seases : . • Asthma Chest Diseases Fever and Ag ue Coughs Bowel Complaints Female Complaints Colds Costiveness Inward %Vistaless Di'arrhcea . Headaches - Liver Complaints Dropky • Indigestion. Lowness of Spiri Is- Debit ity Inflammation ' Stone and ,Gravel Influenza DysPepsia - Secondiay Symptoms. Piles Venereal. Affections Wormsof all kinds v • * * *Suld at 'the Manufactories of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London; by all respectable Druggists & Dealers in Medicine thro'out the. United States and the civilized world, in boxes at-25 cenis, 62 1-.2 cents, and $1 each, , k' There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. 13,Directiontefor the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each-box. DR. THAYER, • • PHYSIC l i t:Sl and Surgeon;.)ldntrose Pa.—. Ofllee in the Farmer's Store. - - • 0 3133.C0Nta.1. - - • JOHN SAUTTER, TAILOII, OULD intiiim his old customers; and the vest of manttind," (what few there are,) that - he has removed hie Tailor Shop to reigns clic; I, N. Bulkr ,, s Grocery. Thank fillior past favors; be solicits - a euntinuance,"—pii•dgitg, hity aelf,to do all w . ork satisfactorily. • - ' 111ootroc. Pn., 31:9-ch 28th, 1860.-t1 MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS . FOIL I MM. • GREAT - ATTRACTIONS FOOT vri mApi STnErr: THE exten, , ive Furniture I.; , tabliAntent of Sitrin IlaosnEroi having been - refuted and greatly, imp „. roved. the proprietors respectfully announce to the . citizens'of Montrose and vicin. ity that they ore entiistartt , y mnkirtg and keep oa. hand the 'LARGEST- an& HEST as , ortment of FURNITURE To'be.touud hi the Conutry. • We give the folloWing list of some of the ar ticles which we will sell at greatly reduced prices, for CASH or READY PAY: • • BereatiA, Walnut or 31ahogany, with glass, from $l6 to .$35. . Brireaos with marble or brotsitelle-top4,?from $lB to $24. And a large assortment, from.s3, $10..12, 14. to $lB, - - • . W3Bh Stands. Card Stinds, Corner and Square slam:la . ,' or all varieties and prices, from 75 cents to ten dollars. - • . - • Desks, Divans .Towel linekil,Footstools,Otto- . mans; Lotinv,esSe. . . . . Centre; Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen, and Extension Tables. - Chairs—Cane and Wpod-Seats; Rockers— Cane; rag, and - Word Seats, of every 'variety and style. . Norms, tete a tistes furnished .tit short . notice at New York prices. -. ' • N: B. Ready made; eofftns on Band or fur nished at shod. notice.-:4l.r . ..irses always in readiness when desired. ..s.- We moploy 'opus but CAREttIL and Expent- EXCED WoRILVEN. We intend to do our Woßir WELL, and bell. it ,as Low as it can be . c afforded. W. W. lin ITII, • - . ' - -E. R. SMITH. Montrose. Jan. 18th, 1860.--tf.. —.- : ... HERRING'S . SAFES. -.- FARREL, HERRING at Conti/it'll'. No. 629 Chestnut 6treet—.TAYNE'S Nall—Phiburs. -.. ~. - 'ON o l,Y_Nanntactured in t ik a t it rVte . r H erring ' a Patent - 0 ---; c 3 .,„ 11, -- i Eire & Burglar Preof Seim', seciS -- ' with Hall's ratencPowder Loc - • 1 both-or widen ree'vrd Medals at the ......,.I._ World's l'a#., LoodonrlB6l andese World's Fair in New York, =Pt More Than • . Twesat y-OsOusasid ' flerri tat's • Safes have been sole, and are now in actual use,i and nearly...lw have,been te'ted in accidental fires %nd hire never failed to preserve their contents... 'We also keep on hand and make to oriler . - - Dwelling House Safes; "Sideboard and'Parldr safew"_.(imitation of handsome furniture) of eli•gaiit .de..iign.and workmanship. / Also. Burglar Proof Safes for Banks, Brokers - rind JeWelers, Vault Door Safes for Specie, • .Silver Plait er &c.-L-Trier Burglar.-Proof safe in -use at tlie .Treafturer's Office of Pickaway_Co. 0., (at Circleville,) was manufactured by us, and _ •is univerally:acknowledged to be tbe_ strongest • safe in the • WORLD. - ' " : - Persona -wishing safes will find it to theil In- • tereaL- to call or ttepci for our catalogue before. pnrehaiiing elsewhere, as these are the only safes whip's-hi:re proved ihemselyes perfectly Fire - Proof .• and free from dampness. - • , . st,qob R - EW &RD will .be' 'paid tit any person that can Show that a Herring's Patent champion 7 Safeis eier billed to preserve its contents To an aeeidenial fire. - ' - , apt' 36 c • . Billlift' 1111M MONTROSE, PENNA - - , /nut :subscriber hiving purchased -11 refitted and newly furnished the above welt known and popular Hotel, is prepared toAccommodate the tray (fling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found first.elase Houesi.. No effort will be apared . by the Pro prietot .and his Assistants to make the. Hotel equal in every point teeny in the country. The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest - The Stables, connected with this' House are large, roomy and convenienCend careful and Hcitlers are always in charge of them. • e J. S- TAILBELL. jel6*y 1 24eow.