.. • [ DErCRATI.O CONTENTION. questio4on thegrotuid that theyare.par - -z.-,• . ties interested. : . '' I 1 ' - FiliST MY. , The VOie to Ins- the resollition on the' ,Cli A ULESTOY, NHII '23.—Li accordance - table Was " 3` hen demanded • by states, and with the call of 'the Democratic Commit-,.'resulted4 , ' Yc'ias, 259; Nays' 44.1' ... I tee, the Delegates-to the National Convert- i The • rolt.was then called, ,s taid,•'two cern- ' tion assembled at 12 o'clock, M., .in the 1 mitteeS, eacheenalow . consisting one i . di.'‘legate Hall of the South Carolina Institute. l front eaciOtate were selectedt on pe.rnaa: • Hon! DAVID A. SMALLEY, (of tpc Ver- , & organization, and on :the -I ctintested mom) .Chairman of the Democratic Nar--1 ,eats froth' ; yak and mi nn li, , • tional Committee, called the 'Convention Mr.. 5.41, .Euskirk (Ind.) tumid ' the foil. to orddr in the following_ Words: _ •lowinit: ';'; - .. • - Il' GEN*LEMEN OP TIIE !jONVENTION : iCie, ' .. - .. ~Rts- o . l iTr i li , _That the States be. called• in are assembled on this occasion as the Na 'their orderthl that the list of Idelegates tional Pcmoeratie Convention, called by froth - each State be famished to.tbe Sectie the National Democratic Committee, Par- . - • I • 1 b y i tari . ;,. audi whenever there is i a cm,ntest, sunlit tb the authority confided in them the papets relating to each be referred to the CCMvention assembled at; Cincinnatti I 1 to nominate candidates for the Presideneyi the Comiiiittee_on Credentials. . and Vice Presidency of the United States, i -,.- Adopted, and the' list Of I delegate's and to Itransact such other business as the ' II handed to the Secretary by the President interest' ef the Democratic partYmay die-11 of the didereat delegations. -, .. • tate. INVliat is the pleasure of the Con-11 .. Mr. LaWrence (La.) moved as an amend yention ? • 1 1 _meld - , te.idd at the end, of the 'resolution .' 31r. 11. IL Jackson:(Georgia) nOminad that. the; leoinniunicatioti from the New ted Francis B. Flournoy, of Arkansai, as _I York , ffintesting delegation in,the hands President "of the Convention pro: tern..j of thb Cljairmam be read, and then refer- - Carried unanimously. ' . I red to.thelConimittee on Contented seats. . - 31e+ It s. R. *Jackson (Ga.) and e..-. Mr. I , ~Clichrane moved'to amend, by-rd .W. 310 Cook. (of Ohio) were appointed a j ferring- the letter without ' reading, and coramittee to , conduct the temporaryEre.4 - ealled the; previous- qUestion, Which was siding, ;officer to the Chair.. ' I ordered. • - - ' • - •Col.! Ft.ounNov, on taking the Chair, 1.. Mr. Caehrane's amendment was' adop said t• , 1 ted, .andl ithe resolatian of 3lr, Enskirk GENtLEMEN OF VIE" CONV:EN-YION : II; amendeit So as to refer theNeW York , , let thank Yon must sincerle for thelionor con-Il ter to trip committee on Contested Seats,. ferred Alpon me, and I shall endeavor to {.without reading, was then agreed to. I demean myself so as .to bring about a I The kill of States was then Called, and .speedy orrinizat ion of 'this body, and, I LI the-list (ifiDelepiatespreaent Were handed ,hope in ii satisfactory manner. - i in. .il : - R n 1) . . , The Rev. Charlesinckel, D. D., of i Mr: IV .L. Taiwey, (Ala.)%Moved the , Charlestondelivered an iMpressive prayer, following the Delegates rising and standing during' Reso l e d, That the COMthittee of ar _ . . . ~ I , its delivery. - . .• . i arratignalths he reqabsted to obtain lea're Mr., Fisher (of Va.)—W - e . are not or-16f the CitY Authorities to . have Ithe street ganizea; as I understand, nor has a Seere-, irifront ii the building eoveredjwith saw; Lary yet been appointed, I therefore pro-, dust or-stFaw. Adopted. -pose the name of William F. Ritchie, of Mr. Priiie.(ollio) moveda ''C' r ounnitte \ irginia.. as' temp vary Secroary,of the of one liinn each. State on Resolution's COn vent ion. Carr A unanimously. 1 and that all resolutions relating to tlie' _ , . Mr. Fisher—l in v ask the presiding oflci platfbrm',The referred to thatto - mmittiee fieer to,read a let-te which I mill send to] , .on preson ' tation without debate • hie Chair, and in c( naection with- \chichi - - P.eniiiii4 the question on t.lie resolution I have a resolution to offer. ... I of Mr. Piifne, the Convention,•on Mai MI • Gov.'.T. A. Winstone (Ala.) objected to! Of 31r. til;sna, of Pennsylvaida, adjourned the reception of ,the communicati4 until' mita 10 a. l m. , • .1 the 'Convention was permanently organiz-II - - ~,' ' . . I. . ed Mr. Fis.ber4-The letter relat6 to awl orizan izat The President—The Chair decides that] if it relates to the organization ,it is in or : ! der. Mr. Fisher took the' Sderetary's stand,. and was about to read the ecimniuniea= tion, when • • Mr. John Coebrane (of New York): elaitned to be heard before the letter was • -- The Chair—The gentleman from New York (Mr. Ceehrane) has been awarded , the floor. Mr. :lobn Cochrane—l move, Mr. Presi dent that the rules of -the last National HitiOn be adopted as the rule to gov ern This . body. [Cries ` Question ! ques tion !" and great contlision.] The Chair, put tlnd question on Mr. Coehrane's , p tion. mid it was adopted by a large affirj. mat ivt4 vote. Mr. Fisher—l now ask to read the com; -niunicatioh and the resolution which t Q uircr The Chair—lt has already been decided that this subject is not in order. The de.l vision of the Chair. in that respect, has been sustained by the voice of the Conj. cent ion. The Chair is therell4eompelled to rule the g..entleman from V irginisagain .out ,vf order. Nr.(...b.‘orge 3leCook (of Ohio) offered the t:3llowing.; . , . R : , , l,cd, That a cointniftee of one front each State be selected by the respectiv NlZ , le , ;ations. whose duty - it shall be to se! lest permanent officers of The Convention; :Mr. Barksdale (of Miss.) obtained the floor. and moved ,the following as a subi. stitnt e for '3lr..WCook's resolution; ' • i Pev , ilvf./, That a Committee on Oredenl ti : als be appointed by-the several Delegai t i;; lis rp.:pect ively, to be comPosed'of one fr6men. - h State, in' which there is no dish 014,1 1) , .1.4ati0n, whose duty it shall 1.) tq i - oport to the Convention the Delegates Om :u4t• entitled to seats on this floor. -' llr. Ri,•harde4on said i Mr. President—i 1:,:tle rny frietid - ffrom.Ohio will accept the ) alto:l...intent of tin; t entleman from Misl . ~) .ppi, • 1 .51 . Mr. l'oili_ ; (of Ohio) desired that this resolution shotild - setforth the States front which there are:supposed to be contested McCOoh—l c ticeept the amendment the gihtleman from Misbis r sippi. with sthe,unklrsranding‘ that it is to be cimlined to the Delegates whose seat's are contested entirely. lilt is - so modified, accept it. • • • Mr. Cessna (of Pa.). moved to amend Lit-striking out all after the enaCtin7 cl:i:isz. 3n the original resolutions, and in serting as follows , That there now shall be ail pninted two committees; each to consist of one niernh6r from each State, to 'be se- lectcd by the respective Delegations. there "f : one Committee on Permanent Organ- . iptitin. and the other on Credentials, and . that . in determining... The controtersy lit reward . to the .disputed 'seats in Ake, Illinois Delegation; the members of the Committee on Credentials of- that -State sil::11 not .be permitted to vote thereori, and M determining the.rOntroversy, front thk; State of New York, the members of the Committee on Credentials from that Mate shall not be per Mit t -ed to tote. 31r. Ce , na moved the previous ques-,: tic,n",whlch being ordered, the vote was . tak l / 2 1 on the above substitute by StateS, and the same was Adopted. Yeas 2.44--7 nut's 51.. Fisher—We protest 'against the , 116te .of the State of New York being—re c'eived :mil counted here: - The Chair—The protest is : not now in • Mr. Fisher—We desire to enter it on the journal. • The ori g inal resolution, as amended, Was then adopted. Cessna Inoved to. reconsider- -the -vole. and to lay that motion-on the table. Agreed to. Mr. Matthews (of Miss.) . offered the fol s• • lowing:. • That tbe.Delegates from-the States of New York and Illinois,whose • Feats-are contested, .be requested not to participate in the proceedings of this body.. nntil the` committee on Credentials shall . *nave determine'd , and reported tothe Con vention which4f said contestants are. en titled to seats. _ Mr. Clark (31o:) raised the point of or der that a similar motion had been offered., • and the Convention had virtually rejected it. . - The Chair—The! point of order is nick well W.: ' •: Mr. Cessna Toyed to lay tbe'reiolution. on the . • Mr.. Clark (of Miss.) . objected to the tielegatiow frona,New York voting on the -, - 1 SECOND DAY. 1 , ~-,' _ .: j . 11 : 1,11.1;n1.1;srow, April- 2.4.-;---The Concre tiont re-:niSembled at AO o7.cloek, in :I q Hall of tll'e Institute. The rrallenes we e tilled, the: north gallery - b s eing reserved exclusiv(4 for ladies. .• •1 . i The President announced that the bu siness iffirrder was the report ( 1 ;f connuit tees. 4.! . .. • , . Mr. John:Cessna, (Pa.,) Chairman of the' Continittee, 'reported. litnli. CALEB .CUSIIPS6 for President, of Ih t e Conven"- tion, togk4her :With .a list Of irice,Pre.4- dents and Secretaries; consisting of one from each State. r.- - 11111110 . The anouncement of the name of the permapeni President was recOiyed with Ipud ail-4:hisp. , • 1 1 - - The COMmittee further recomn'ieini. that I • the ruileand i regulations adopted by the National, ConVenttons of 155 and I Ssti,: be, adopted by this ConventiOn for its 4);ivernimnt, with the additional rule: . . - • . , That pt any State which has not prO vided orlOirecteeby its .State ClotiventiOn how its Pie may be given,. the Convert-, tion .3V IA fecognize the right of each Dele-' ;ate- to cast his individual vote: Mr. Milcook '(Ohio) moved tr Oe the re port of Committee , be. abc pted,. and 1 the Con inittee aischarll T d. *Agreed to. l• 1 Mr. *Cook moved that the. report Of the Committee be adopted. [ • !I '' M. Chid: - (Miss.) stated that } the addi tional ride had been •added by the CoM-• mitree_Without the consent of a majoriiy of the members. - The questiOn . on iis wioptioz4lwas brought ; before the CoM. mit fee, :alai voted . doWn . on a c:ill,of tip States. 1 1 1 , Mr.:Ca4sidy (P 4 'roSe to apoint of or der. ThiS report had ,been'adolited, at O. 'there*waiil no gnestron before the Conven tion. . '' - , - - 1 1., ~ 1 • TheAiii'r—Tilte point of order, is n l Ot well tak'tn. . ' . 1 • l e r ~. . .31r. Chiik=-The report has been accept d, not adoPted. The committee had retie; .(1 to alter ;;the rule .of the former Conven tions byllie adoption of the. rule now. re ported. 1:1-le moyed that. the proposed ad ditional rule he stricken from. he repoil. 31r. bibbock ..(Texas)• made are expla nation 6t - the, action of the comniittee. They had ;'spent some three hii - tirs in ses sion, at Which this subject was fully, fiiirly and freelk discussed. .The resolution now propose(, ! to be added had been Voted down: 'The .Chairman of the Commite had called ameeting this , morning, in order, as it Wlis• understood,- •to receive he names off- , the Vice Presidents' and See retarie,sAt reported at the regular nn. et ing. ..Ithis adjourned . meeting, when many - Members of the Committee *re absent, the alteration hid been made; f. . Mr. C4sna explained:that, as Chairman of the Ctitrimittee on Organiatien, lie had lal i Yoredihard-to get the.whole of.the CAlm mince *ether_ again ; to, consider this question tof rules. If he hard failed, it had only been been I)equite,of the .limited time. ;. ". 47,_ 'Whitney—l—Tall .for a 'division 1 of the question - on_the report of the Commit? tee. . . .Aftereteral points of order bad - been raised, Atr: Whitney resumed, as follows: Do F Iniderstand -the Chair do rule that the question on the adoption of the report of the Cbmmittee on Organization is "c -- - lie president—The 'Clmix, !io decides, the queidian is - divisible. A• defegate 2 --The Chair hasecided the question; ito be divisible: Th e question, Therefore i is on that- portion elating, to. permanent organization.. : _ - " ' The Previous question was th n ordered. The ~Piesident—The question now is on t - he-doiylon of the report of the commit tee namMg permanent. Of4cers of this Con= ventionil. t . ' __ - • • I - - .., The i,4,iport was then - adopted with one dissenting voice. • , ...; Seyer'ai delegate; -arose to ddress the 'Cliail7.- - 'j - The President—No blisibess is in order Until the. i permanent" officers now chosen. have takou their places; - 1 ' . 1 I. Mr. Sainue.ls.(Pa.) moved 'the appoint meiit of 4mi committee of two to conduct the peril - lane tit offieer to the Chair. Agreed to.. - !li.:i . . . . . . . Me4o.Clark.(Mis.)arid Richardson 0:114 . . , were appointed such committee. • ... The ;President was then' introduced to. the - CoiiVentiOn. ' ' 1 •. • 1 Mr.(...4istitiio was greeted with loud and . , 'long gtintimied , applause. 'Vhen the cheering bad subsided he spoke as follows': i • [Deferred till next week.] 1- - --:: . - Mi. garry. (Miss:) moved that the rule of the .D4inocratie Conqution Of 1850 be adop m t iw edlia;s h.e . pr the. question.e:pftilis,iid on tl'iis he • Mr. - frtiiissel (Vn.) called for the reading lof the IhttervortiOn of the report of Abe .1!: comittee Organization; a Lich vane read. ! - - s Mt. Stewart, (Mich.) iose to point of fir= der, - When the tempority Presidirig.f)f. freer left the tbe - • report of the ComMiitee..ett . .'Otganiztition was before the- Conventien, and .the Previous . (11'10109n was called-and ordered :": lAditikon of the question was called The qneitten was put on the first portion of the repOrt of the Committee on 9rganization,. and itwas adopted.. The . ptesent Presiding Oilleerl . then took. the Chair. The qnes- - tion now was 'upon the adoption of che latter-portion of. the repert. -• As the pre vious question had been Ordered, the bit ter porti6n must be voted upon with4itt debate or amendment. . . The President'aritiouneed .the question to be on a motion made before the Ore vious question was ordered, to strike Out from the report of the Committee on cot ganization the additionahrule. . The vote - by States At* ,- demandedOd the 'roll was called.. The vote was. announ6pd; and the mo tion:Ai) strike out. the' additional lost,; by a vote o'lol yeas.to.l9B nay 4 the request of Mr. Clark (Miss.) Vie the report of the Conimlltee on Org:ui i tion! was again 'read, and .aclOpted by glue almost unanimous vote._ I - Mr. Stuart (Midi.) moved to reconsider that vote, and - to hiy thetwolution on shc table. . Mr. PaNile (Ohio) called for the conto, eradon of the resolution for tbe, appipt went of a committee of one from each State to report a PlatforM, and that resolutions relating to a Platform Simlltbe referr6d to that Committee without de bate. Upon that resolution he called the previous question. .; • The previous question Nos ordero, and: the resolution adopted. Mr. Payne moved to treconsider that vote and to lay the resolution on the 4a ble.. Adopted. Mr. Burrows (Ark.) °tiered the fo-114W ing Besolveik That this c'onyention 101 -not :proceed to ballot forkt candidate fur the PreSideney until a Platforia Aall 1)A-el beeti adopted. The President—The ',first limiiness 21in order-will - be the - "call of the States, Oat the names of the ..counnittee on itesclu tionS may be banded in., The question _will them be taken on the motion of the gentleman from Arkansis. • - The Committee, consiStiidr of one friim • each State, was then reported:.." question then recurring - on, the ohition .of 'Mr. Burrow, a Arkansas, . ;i1 Mr. Mr. Bishop. called for the previous'eAs t - Mr. Hamilton:pid.) moved to lay the res6lutioiLmi the table. H . The vote was called by States, and _the motion to lay the resolution oil the table was lost bya vote ofia2l yeas to 2101 nays._ , *. - .• Y - i • E! The question .reeurring on the adoptiOn, of the resolution; the call for the 'previgns que"stion was seCouded, Mid the previ9us question orctero. The'resolutipn -was then adopted bpan ahnost•unauimomi vote, Only tivO.or thi.'ce voiees being.heard-in the negative. .11 . *i. Fisher (17:t.) moved.the Ibllowing: Resolved, That Jhe-presidine:,ollieett of the, Convention be, and is hereby *gil e. quested to invite the ministers of the_ , terent denominatiOnsln!this city to - ofmn -theAaily proceedings with prayer. Adqpt ed.! • _, . i. 1 .1,r. Whiting (Del.) Moved to 'adjourn 'until ]0 oclork, to-morrOw mornipg. • .S.' ____ The motion wat: , tempOrarily , Mr. Ewing (Term.) snggegted that the several reso%tions. to . he referred to the Coimnittee Platform-be lnuuled to the Chilli-num of that Committee. Agreedito. Judge Meek 43resented to the -Convention the natforin of iitite, which was.referred,•under the rule. 9n motion of Mr. Pe free, the Convpn tion then adjourned until 10 a. m., o morrow. „, CHARLESTON, April ...5.-Th6 Conven tion met at 10 o'clock. The gallery was crowded with ladtes, and, on motion, several hundred who wire crowding outside were admitted•to the floor of the Convention, lowasioning much good feeling. . ;-.• &t 11 o'clock the resolUtion was adopted limiting speaking to fifteen minutes 011,,a1l subjects except the Platform, mid on that thrule 'of the Houle of Representat6•es will apPly, limiting each - speaker to hour. - I; ' - The committee on ; Credentials ,an nounced that they wOuld be'.readpi to make-their report this afternoon:.' The Convention met at .4 o'clock. The Committee on ,Credentials repoifted that the sitting delegates from New Virk; Illiriois, Massachusetts and Maryland (the latterT.M.Lanahan and Robertil. Brent) are entitled to their seats. The report Of the minority olthe C6m mittee N .was. preSented.l It is signetl tbe Members of the Cm-fir:litter, from Ala bama, California, Arkanstis, Teitts, Geor gia and Mississippi;-and recommends that one-half of each of the New York 46- teltants be admitted tAi the Convention, i!aell to cast seventeen votes. • The . debate on the report of the.CMn mittee on 'Credentials was cOntitinedFfun tit; 6 o'clock, when it lwas.closed b{' the previous question 'being called..- A vote was - .first taken on the Illinois question„ and the Doug l as delegates vi ere admitted..• - • The, vote was next taken on the Wry kind question, and 31r: Irent and Lan an - ivre,awarded seats. 1 . A vote was then taken byState* on - the minority, report of the Cornnritteo to diVide the votes betwe4n. the New fork delegations. • -• • ' -1, • The Statc,s that-voted aye were: North , Ctrolina 5 ; , -Georgia 10; Virginia 3i; Mis r soUri 1 ; Alabama 9; 3lississippi ; . T4xas 4 ;Tennessee 9; Califoriiia4; Arkansis 3. Ayes 55, noes 210=so the Dean Riehiriblid delegates 'awe . admitted and the ViT,Od delegates excluded. ; The death of. Gov. Robinson of Venriont was announced the Convention, aid's reSolution •of condolence with his fUtitily w.is adopted. It was also resolved- tOic coinpany the - 'remains' from the -Mills Huse to the, boat immediately afteii,•the adjournment. ; r rhe Convention at l'io'clock adjourned. FOrETH DAY pIARL ' ESTOIC, April .20. :The Natikinal Convention as - sembled this monting, a o'clock., The proceedings were o .pe'ned with prayer. • A•-dozen or more: reSolutions, re= gfn.d to slaves in the Territories, were f)re sefited from various 'delegates and referr ed to the platform committee.— - •:A number of tesohitions, relativq: to railroads to the Pacific iwere_also present ed and referreg. • - !bir. • SeWardof GeOrgilt, :present4d a resolution on the rightS of slaieholders.i, • describing a'snitable platform, and decla.r ing,James Guthrie-as the proper man to nominate for the . Presidency,. • • A resolution on-the Tariff being pre -, • conted,' • . . . - • Isaiah Wyndera, of New York, - propos ed to( include Monongahela whiskey m the . articles to be protected. - • • Mr. Ilayard,'-of Delaware,_ hoped the .Convention would not be made to. appear ridiculous before the country by • these sreiolutions, and mfiVed that they be -re ferred WithouLreading... • .. • Ilyaders said. he :desired: by his - amendment to put a--ctop - -iti: them, .and . had - cucepeileil. • . - • -The Committee on the Platform uothe ,ing ready to report, a motion .Was made. that the Convention adjourn till .was, p.- DI. The motion was withdraivn, to. enable Mr. Montgomery, of Pennsylvania, an op• portunity to present a resolution to :in struct the special committee not to report a National Committeettutil -the nermna tionit are made... . The subject was „referred to the.Com rnittee, At n'quarter of 1-2, the Convention ad jolnted till 4 o'elOelc. • AFTERNOON RESSIO'N. The'Conventkin re•assembled at four ,o'clock. ' The Chairman' of the Committee on the Platform stated that the - -Committee were •not yet ready to . report. _ Several resOlutions were offered. It was repeatedly asserted that the Platform Committee - Would be unable.to report at :all. It is tmderstood that three separate ilattbrins Will have to be presented ifthey make ::report. •• • A resolution was then offered instruct ing the Committeeto report what prog-. ress -they . had made at 10 o'clock to-mor row morning. . Pending the consideration Of this reso lution, the Convention adjourned till 10 `o'clock to-morrow morning. DAT - CHAI:Lf:STON, April 21.—The Conven tion met-al.lO o'clock. " c . Mr. King of Missouri prekepted a series of resolutions favoring theTh' admission of the delegates from Kansas,' who _claim . seats on'the ground that sire wilt be ad mitted into the Union before the election. Referetql to the Conunittee on •National _ . . . - An announcement was, made at 104 o'clock that the Committee .on Platform irould not be reatlv to report for an hour, and a.temporary recess or promenade was taken for that time. • 'rhe floor being uroWded - with ladies, as WA as the western galle:ries, .there is a clatter of tongues and peal after, peal of merry laughter going on. that is in strong• antagonism to . .the . suspended excitement ofthe Convention. • - . . . . . During the recess printed copies : of the majority atilt minority platform reports - were scattered over the:Convention. , One of the minority t'eports is swped by B. K. Butler, of 31assachusetts, on be half ofa minority; which merely reaffirms the Cincinnati platffirm, declares the De n ocratic principles unchangeable in their nature when appliedlo the same subject m atter;.and only recommends, in addition to the Cincinnati platform, y a resolution till; the protection, by the Government, of hll its citizens, irliether native or natural ized. ' The points -of this report are as follows: 1. They affirm the Cincinnati platform. 2. Remd ved, Tliat all the rights-of prop erty are judicial in character, and the .11e inecracy pledges itself to carry out all the decisions of tln - Supreme Court upon such a sukject. -.• - • Rcsolrr-d t . That ample protection shd'd . be afforded to citizens, whether. native or naturalized, at home ur abNad, • Se7olnett, That we pledge the gover mental Aid in building the racitic Railroad.. 5. Rexolved, That •we favor the acqUisi tion of Cuba, on terms honorable to oar selves-and just 1.0 Spahi, • 6. ReBG!red, That all State resistance to the fugitive slave laic is revolutionary and subversive of the Constitution; THE 3t,%JOHITY HEI.ORT The majorityreport is as follows':— R'esolved, That the platform adOpted at Cincinnati lie affirmed, with the fdllowing additional 'resolutions :--That. the Nation=. at Democracy of the United States' hold these cardinal principles on the subject of slavery in the Territories: -Ist. That Congress has no : power to abolish slavery in the Tcrritories. 2. That the Territori al-Legislature has no: power to abOlish slavery:in the Territories, nor the intro duetion of slaves therein.; nor any power to destroy by any legislation - whatever. Resolved, That it is the duty of 'the Fed-. eral Governnient to•protect, When neeess-. ary, the rights of persons.er_ property on - the:high Seas, in the Territories, or wher . ever its: constitutional jnrisdiet ion extends. At half-past eleven &crock the,Conven tion reassembled. Thd majority report it as read by Mr. W. W . ; Avery, of. North Carolina, WhO said he wasinstruct&l to say that entire nnaminity did not prevail on a portion of the resolutions.. The first and third, in relation to slavery in the Territories, and the duties of the General "dr orernment , to protect the rights of person and property, are -adopted. by a large' majority of the committee. The second .resolution, in re lation to the fugitive slave law, - and the .fourth, in relation:lo naturalized citizens, were adopted' unanimously. • And the-, fifth,. relative to the 'acquisition of 'Cuba, was idopted without, division. The two minority reports Were theippre sented by Mi. Butler, of Massachusetts, and Mr. Pay* of Ohio; the latter - sta. ting that his yepOrt.although a minority, represented one hundred and seventy-two electoral votes, whilst the :majority. Only represented one hundred' and twenty-sev en eleefor.it votes. After along debate, Mr: COchrane of New York presented a substitute. • • ZION. JOIIN Cocinta Nies SUBSTItUTE. !The foltowing resolution of .34., John Cochrane, New York, (which he proposed to offer as :a'subStitute - for all :the other propositions, in addition to the Cincinnati platform,) has just been circulated. Remlvd, That the several States Of the Vnion are, under.the Constitiation,.eijual, and that the people .thereof are entitled to the free and undistUrbed possession and . enjoynicnt of their lights .'of person and property in the common Territories; and that any attempt by. Congress or a Territorial Legislature,. to annul, abridge. or discriminate against; any such equality or. rights, would be unwisein - policy and repugnant to the Constitution; and that it is the duty of the Federal Government whenever . 00h:rights are violated,. to aff Ord the necessary, proper and Constitu tional - reinediei for such violations. • " . After further de,bate on motion, the, Convention ndjonrned till 4 q'elock, p. m. irrEnsoos smuoir. . . The Contentiok. reru3aembled_ at foil! o'clock.; : . j I - • Senator Payartl i . of beiAwaie,.,.pi:eseatS4 ed another series tit reaollnikuni, sui f ollows . • SENATOR EATAED 7 8 MATFORE. Ist. Affirming the Cincinnati platform. 2d. Resolved, That the Territorial ernments are provisional and I ten:loo=7D and during its existence, all citizens of the United States have equal rights toj•settle in the Territory, without,their .rights ei therof persoiror property being destroy ed &impaired by Congreseippaler Tpm todullegislation: . ' 3d. Resolved That it is the 'duty of the government tv protect the rights of lA.. son, or property on the high, seas, in the Territories, or wherever else its 'constitu tional authority extends; . I• 4th. 'Resolved,- That when I settlers'in the Territories have an ads late popula tion tn .form as State - Constitution, the right of sovereignty commenees, and be ing.consummated by admission, into, the Union, they stand upon an equal footing with the citizens of other States; .and the State thus organized should be admitted into the Union, slaiery or no islavery. The afternoon was spent inldebate, and at 8 O'clock, the Coniention took a recess of one hour. I " • ' t NIOIIT SESSION. • - The Co . liventiOn refisseiribled at nine _o'clock. An attempt was inane to di the .time for closing the - debate On platform, but it was unsuccessful.. • TIIF PEEVIOUS QUESTION 3foyi•Ei? 111 r. Bishop, of Connecticut'', moved the . previous question on-the platform. 'This-motion caused a tremendous up roar and excitement. - A dozen members sprang to the floor on the moment, shouting at the top of their voices. • The Southern members- deinanded that the Convention should now adjourn Lindh Vote be taken on the platforrnat nocin. to- morrow A vote by States was delmindel inotion - to adjourn. ' j During - the. call. of _the . roll the - noise and confusion was .unprecedented. • The motion to adjourn wtis •Oairied— yeas 1584, nays 143.. , The Convention then, 'al iiridnight, ad . jburned. SIXTH • DAY CIIATiLESTON, April. 28.—The Conven tion met at 10 o'clock. • 3,1 r. Bigler, of Pennsylvania,. proceeded' to address the'Convention in savor of rec onciling their differences, and producing Union and harmony, and preserving the integrity of the Democratic party. Mr Bigler then introduced the Bayard resolutions, hoping that they' may be the means of conciliation. He ' moved, as 'means of testing the sense. off the Conven tion,, that they be referred hack to the Committee, - _ with instructions to 'report the Bayard. resolutions_ to the Convention in one hotir. . • Cries ofthe "previous qitetion," and it Was seconded at 11 o'clock. • .4 The vote was- taken, resulting-, as .61- lows :—Ayes, 303 ; nays, 1: from Mary land). So the main question Was ordered. • • The question then recurred on the mo-'. tion of Mr.:Blgler to recommit the whole subject to the Committee. The Bayard-resolutions are as follows: Ist. Afiirmidg the Cincinnati platform. 2d. That all citizens ,have a right to settle in the Territories without rights of 'person or property heing impair-. tzd, either by Congressional or Territorial legislation.3d. rfliat.the Democratic- .arty Stands pledged to the doctrine that it isrthe duty of the Government to maintain all .con: stitutional rights of property;.of whatever kind, in the ,Territories, and .to .enforce the decision of-the Supreme !Courtin ref erence thereto. • . The fourth; fifth; Sixth and see ses cautions are the third, fourth, fifth and'', sixth of those reported-for the majority. The vote, was announced . as follows,- amid great excitement :—Ayes, 152; nays 151. So the motion•was carried. The President decided that the vote did not carry the instructions to report within an hour, and that the !vote would now recur on this part ofMrl Bigler's mo tion. • . . The vote was -.thew Announced as fol lows :.-Ayts, 242; nays, 47. i So the plat forms are all' referred back to the Com mitte witliout . instruction. •e A Motion to instruct. the Committee to report at .4 o'clock, was adopted; and at a quarter of 2 - the ,Convention ;adjourned to 4 o'clock. e'FrERNoaN SESSION.. The Convention on Platform - said they would not be ready 'to repoit until half past -five. - , M. Avery, of North Carolina, reported . from the majority of the . Conunittee: It is a combination on those of Bay ard of Delaware, Cochrane of New York, and Bigler of Pennsylvania. • ' Mr Samuels of lowa presented the mi nority report eschewing Congressional in tervention, and declaring that whether Congress or the • Territorial Legislature' have• the power to intervene 'depends up-- on the decision of the Bupremo.Court of the United States, which decision. .they pledge the Democratic . pariY to 'sustain and abide by. . Mr. Butler-of Massactois e - tts presented 'another minority report, signed by Minnesota,' Massachusetts and-Indiana, consisting of the Cincinnati iilatforia pure and simple, which he , offeredl ai a hubsti-• tute for both-the 'majority and minority reports. ' - • . Mr. Jackson of Ga., moved an adjourn ment. Lost: . 1 • — The previous question wad then order ed by.acclamation. 1 - Another motion. was made toprn o,- ad' and a' vote by Stateii do:milled... Lost. Mr, Jackson•rif.GCorgia . moved to lay all the resolutions and. platforms on' the table. Lost. •• • The eveniiim P was spent .in exciting. de bate., . • Mr Stuart of Mich. said Abe majority would consent to adjourn ifhe Was allow ed to make a motion to repon - lider and lay the motion, to adjourn oir the table, ' -The motion wag s put : ansl carried, and at 10 p. m.. the Convention journed un til 10 a. m. on lifoudtty. < ' ....The new lantern for Minot's Ledge Lighthouse, is:eighteen feetl high and ten feet in diameter, weighs Itf,ooo pounds, costs about $6,000. hlwill be ready to be elevated to-its position in Three or four weeks. • 1 ...The Postmaster deneml-of Canada has abolished the: postagel onAmerican exchanges going into that. Province. . „ ._Quite a number of connterfeit gold dollars are in circulation. They can be readily detected by the absence Of the word "Liberty," Which is on the genuine in-small letters mete Indian's head-dress. GEE. FOSVER'S CHARACTER. •-• , . . We'll - pike With tritieb 'Bu , rin and 'at-' tioniahatent; says - the York Gazette; ,the letter ill the State Journal, which-gave OM (a . the . following truthful ] article in the Patriot do Union : • - . i :. "Pzigoial, Orriuortosr4---.Mr:Curtin hitt 'protnized to : cciminet. this -camp:thin writhout;_periimalities; in". a, manner" 'be-. coming," ia -.Pennsylvania • gentleman, and -Mr: Foster' hag asserted his determinatix to confine the contest . entirely to the , , Utica! iiistietc",between the two . partio. These declarations of the respective c*r didates for Gover nor have -lieen-receivedr, with . pleasure bOill decent men, as Froth ising exemption during-the campaign from that syStetwofperional detV n. ion and.vi tuperatiowhich has tco-Oft - embittered and disgraced our-political ftrugglim. It . is, however,. worthy . of reutark that Mr.: `first political friends have been the , `first to violate this covenant of decencY, I and to; throw dirt at our candidate for Governor. - If there is a man in the State Whose_ipersonal • character ' , should have been protected 'from calumny, that man . is Henry D. Fester—but it appears that no character is so exalted as ta afford a pro: - fret:ion' from the poisone 1 4 : arrow of de: tractionand 31 - r. Foster. Mit ,ineur all. :the personal abuse that small minds. can inflict,upon a great one. -- I • " klate nunther'of a pa per called . the 'Stateloiirnal, published mr Philadelphia, 'contained a letter from Greensburg, West morehindrounty, written by some itiner ant vagabond whichaccused General Foa-' teraf being a "gambler," and haVing lost 'large-sums of money at theLgaming tabte. This correspondent found inm " lounging lazily, at - a tavern door, Unshaven, without crairat,- amid in dirty linen," and represents him generally as :an indolent, good-fort nothing idler,- telly incapacitated for the position to which the Democrats of Penn- , sylyania intend to, elevate' him. Where Mr. Foster is known an. attack so false -and base its' this needs nd reply—we al=l dude particularlyto the charge of immoral habits: The author -of the calumny is 'not a ritizen of Westmoreland county, for - no man in that region would "dare to in cur the - odium of "all parties at Ar.-Fos ter's Value by publishing such a wholesale libel. The fellow Wholdid the business was employed for the pukes° by his mas ters iir Philadelphia. As 1 for the very. grave charge against General Foster, that he was detected in " - dirty linen," it may pass for, - what it is worth among those who think the apparel makes the man. '. ."Not only was this communication ad-. 'pitted into the-State Jaunial, but the last number-of this paper defends and justifies it thereby showing the deliberate - intem ) -thin toiviolatc the ' implied Understanding that personalities shall- it t he dragged into this campaign, and to continue the fiaMe. disgraceful -kind of raisaults,- .We have hoped that it *mild - --lie otherwise. .The. campaign promises ;to be . warm -enough without this additiOn •. but -if the Republicans are determined that if must be , so, we warn' them in time of the'conse ipiettees.-.. The gauntlei'mtist-be taken up, and then we -would see who is the most "vulnerable." - '•• 1 .;_' . . - A *are liaSe and shain 4ess falsehood was never. uttered, than . that. which orig inated-;, with the venal correspondent of the -Stte - Journal, A purer man than Henry D-.. Foster ,does not, live; and his reVilers.kneW this; When -they coined the • infinions. slander against 'his, good name and character.: It is to be regret-• ted that in the. very -beginning of the cam-, paign ',the programme -marked out- by the. .Repuldican nominee; in his Philadelphia speech . , should be abandoned, and , a gross personal attack should- thu"C be made upon the Democratic candidate,' recognized by ' 'ir. Curtin himself as "Pennsylvania gen: tleinari." -The . approaching eatnpaign will, ' doubtless;be an exceedingly animated one, if only confined, as ww:ruat it will be, to r the!discussion of Principles ; • but if the Republican leaders 'insist' upon assailing the private character of Henry D. Foster, in the manner inatigurated by the corres pondent of the Statelournal, an excited.l state of feeling wilt , lie eneendered which should: 'never be permittl. to enter into the field 'of. political " warfare. We -know how match Gen. Foster himself would.de i. precate the introduction. f any personali ties inta.lhe present !cont. t. High mind ed, hOnorable and [eau ous -in . all his bearings, he- would" scorn, the attempt .thus to secure strength fh! himself. To him defeat would be fur .lore preferable,. ! than victory .piirchas'ed at such a price. If he. an .not triumph in affair, open, and inanlyfight, he mould rather, a thousand timei,, fall in the -titrimgle, for it would, only bedefeat, and not * dishonor. Years ..of personal intimacy; with him, -have as sured, Cs of the fact, "that While - helwould value ',:as highly as" any man the bright garland of victory,':he w uhf never wear it if stained with a single ishonorable or • discourteous- action i l - Prate; chivalrons„ and • gentlemanly, he willr:ronduet this campaign as becomes a t"ine man and a ,generous partisan.: He fears no' assault upon his private.charactol-- He has lived with NO lunch. nprightnes and integrity in every relation Of 'life' • that he well knows low . liarmleaslY\ s il i l the shafts of • malicious slander -will fall\ t his feet. - In his warn home - he 4. loved l honored and respected—and 'he 'has secured . -a eon& .denceand . a name 'among' . the people of this - great Commonwealth, which false hood cannot shake, nor perfidy steal ttaray,' His nomination was hailed with the"wild-. est enthusiasm:by . .the united- ,Detitocraey . ' of Pennsylvania; .and his . revilers know, is'. well- as we do, that Ins:election is as • cerfaiit..as -the rising, of "the sun on the second Tuesday of next October. '-, • THE "EQUALITY" DOCTRINE. The', Detroit FrO Press records the fcilloWing case of practical Abolitionism: A case of practical antaigimation„has just cometo light in our neighboring county of Washtenaiv, which isl its usual,-eeplete . With the disgusting features which ehar acterize•the.se affairs. A froung girl, sev -entee.n years of age, a • daughter of. Mr. Hiram Stout of the town of Sharon,. a day o r two since With a negro boy who was in the service of her father, and,' it is thought, has gone with . him to. Can ada:.'l:he sable seducer'S name is Bill Strong, and he is about tvtrity-three yrs. old: i'rhe girl islin intellgent, well edu cateir female, and nio,reas n can. be assign ed for her conduct, except that her father is an ,- Abolitionist Of the unadulterated a t t stripe, and taught, as the' repentant Jud. son did, that' a negro w a little . better than anybody else; • The arents ie near ly -distracted Over the °cc rrenee, and are making - every, effort to recover, their 'daughter. - Sch has Ow been lookedup on ',with - 'esteem and respect, and the whole community were taken br surpriie when the facts Were' revealed. 1- No suspicion wits excited by the conduct of the couple,. their live scenes" having They transacted Strictly in, private. They went at first to the village of Napoleon, . here they tried to get married{ bit-conld find- no _One to - perform the eerenloity, - From there they • went to unknoWnrlocutlities, and are sup; pesedi!reasonably- enough; to have made straight wake. fof the Canadihnteirito 'ries. sir. has alWalii preached the _ Abolition dogma.- -We imagine that he - will.eschew.amalgamation doctrines here. alter and join the- eiperiened Judson in 'supporting a straight : Democratic -ticket, Practical teachings 'ap.‘severe, -but-effect .•, • • Stiehl is the. result of the -ItepUblicart doetritie of the eqthiliti of all. uten,-'ulite lor -him*. Therbuly . whoz teach .it -should bemaide to feel its . curse. , TIIE EANSAS, AND. WALIOEE Turd of the inembers 'of the. Cabinet, Mr. Cobb and Mr. Thompson, who••bave been charged .with having used their inflw enee induce. the Lecompton Convention to . withhold the Constitution. from --the people And stab nit the slavery question alone, will be able to refute the allegation, I learn t from goOd authority, that it is a gross error, and that the ovode mittcele:utbe- Made certain that it is a -misrepresentation of • the fact, •if .their Choose to• make the. inquiry, Mr. Cobb and-Mr, Thompson both expressed thein selves I f ni opposition to Secretary.Stanton'te addiss, and toi his plan of _subin itting. the solitaiymneStion orslavery to the people,: That propOsition came front Mr. Stanton, and 14S repudiated by. the Secretary - . of the interior in the most direct t ernis‘ Ae did not approve of the policy of giving ad Much prommenee, to that one point lathe'. Constitution. ... . • It turns out, too, .that judge - Black. terly denies the Correctness ofMr. bel's testimony before the Coviide Com mittee: - The.statement.which Mr. Schna ble made, and which produced the difficul ty bet Ween Mr.! Walker.and Judge Black;-, is wholly erroneous... Judge Black • made no remark upontheletter of July i2th, 1857, which Gen. Walker produced; but that is a. very ifferent epistle froiwsubb a . one _as Mr. Sc nabel has described '.to JudgeßlaCk, an .the existence, which the latter 'denied: The President and the Cabin 4 all say Etb t, there was no' reason why- Gen.. Walker should not_ have'. pub lishedithe letter. of July 12tli at any time. -They 4tatid,upOn - alO . approve of it now, in reference to thestate. of facts .existing _ at its date. SO the whole or this rowi is • about iothing. 2 --:Jouinal of . Coininerce, "CAMPAIGN DOCIMENtS." ThelEvening Journal says if it is true that "it man isicnown by his company,". - there. M ust be 'many . in the Republican party Who are sadly misrepresented: The. Trilntik contains an advertisement of a iie.sir book, entitled !'Echoes of Harper's . FerrY; s i which is to c(*iprise."the best -,nt terances of leading minds in Europe, and Americi, called forth' y John BrOwrt's vasioiof Anteing the. minds so designated, Are Ilho'se' of Wendell Phil lipS, T o royd Garrison, Theodore Parker, / ietor Hugo, aid others. To" thes.e"ech=i oes" are added:an apendix, which contains; "a valuable article. on the value of Ehe ion tol the -North." • This, chartiiing -work Is advertised as a "Presidential Campaign . • Docuineiit." ' The party which 'permits such ii - voi•ks to !be circulated as exponents of its creed, can Scarcely- complai i n if the Soutliolijects to it a sectional,, and (Wen indulges in a few threats:in case it slinuld be suckeSsfill.l-The ails of John' Brown and the words; of lira Lovejoy arc not of the kind to iinspire tratvinil ' feelings among Southerners, ..Or to promote one of the objects of the Constitution—"the en-.. snring of domestic tranquility." . . • Hoi.t.owav's Pitt-s.—Coughs, colds, in- Mien* and asthmatic - affections are' al ways mere or less associated with h•regit : larities of the 'secretions. :The stomach, the bowels anthhe liVer, cannot be in a healthy condition white the lungs ilia the air passages leading to them are obstruct ed, and in all diseases of the respiratory organs; the JireTif of the Pills . ,.is highly salutary. As an- - entward apfdication . for Sore throat, croup, asthma,and bronchitis,.. HolloWtw's Qintment is' itiValualile:- It_ soon relieves the - irritation of the inneous membrane of the" tracea and the bronchial tubes; and removes that choking sensation so alarming, in eroupj and asthma, -T • • T 1 ttf - y6311N0 .CONFERENCE AITOINTSIENTS. • • ; - , vv - TALUSING LEE, ' r. E.—MontroSe,-.J. K. Peck, Mtilkey, Surt.;) Brooklyn, S. A. Wood G•ibsop, - D. Worrell.; W. 11. Garr4t ;- Le- E.. F. :Roberts ; Auburn, J. V. Newell ; Springville; E..Wilkeekenridire, o:Name.; Tunkhannock, B. 8.-Emorn . Skinner's Eddy, W. W.-Weleh ; Mehoop-.. any, I. P: Towner; J. F. - Wll 7 ber • Wyalusing, LID. Warren, ,(G. Lan don,' 8;104) Little Meadows, N. . Marcy.; Rom 4, 11..-Vanralkenbaugh ; :11, B. Thomas; Litchfield, J. W. - Hewitt ; Windbam, E. ; W. Judd ; Miss ionary to India. - ' • • . . To ;the aboe we - .add:—Susquehanna, 0. Mi MeDoWell LaneM)oro, G., K. Hare; Great Bend and Ne Milford, It. Wheel er; Liberty, L. Stevens. 113.1 T U !Another of our pioneer settler has gone „to the-Spirit Land. 'Joseph Beebe, of Bridgewater, died at his residence on the' 19th:inst. ! He was brim in New Lon don, Conn, or the 23d of Sept., 1.79 Q, arid. consequently at 'his' death, was ny.arly sev enty years of age.' He cable to Montrose in June, A. li:0;,!,1810; . was married to Sal. - - ly Tyler Sept., 24, 1813; whose litithfrit companionship_,and.affectionate initristra: non he enjoyed CO the end,oelife.: The funeral services were attrrird at his late. fesidence. large gathering- of friends and neighbors were present, inainfOting, syMpathy With the family, anti sincerere speetto the remains of the deceased. ER C.lBoomer! of Montro - s.e preached 'a ve ry appropriate sermon .from Ecel..VH, 2, and Wris followed in remarks by Eld. A. L.POst; some - of whose earliest and kind est.childhoMl!recollections ed with' the - deceased, and his now liereav ed widow, The occasion was ohe.of deep • soletimity and interest, and the more so fromiihe fact:that:seven:sons, and two of the three living - daughters (nearli all :of thenl, with their conipanionsana children) .were, present and grouped - in the Morning circle, with their - aged'mother around. the remains'of their flatten', - Those realaitts,were'buried on the.fitrun cleared up and OWned bf the. &Ceased while living---Peace - . , - It Play -be-truly. and to the credit of 3lr. Beebe said, - that he liveda quiet, :peaceable and ihduStrions life ; respected as :an hon est Irian, kind neighhor, and good Airie r tian,;.and died lamented by a large, circle of faxitily relatives and acquaintances.._ It is saddening to think the fathera,are B°r*PidlY:pM.iing away,: and so neat* pine, Well : : if their places can. be !Weil by. s 4 noble And hardy,a. race. Cox. ;