k.TTU 1.Z41 Court appointed D.:W.. Ilagan constable for the Borough of New Milford, tt place. of J. P. Miller, 'emeriti from said.BorOugh. Commonwealth vs. E. T. Tiffany;44 . Assitult and BUttery. Not Guilty . ; , -and MOiris:Shee• ban, prot‘cutor,,pav .the costa'of F4secu lion. - In-the matter, of changing! the place of bolding elections in the township' of Herrick. pn petition and motion Cour, ordeian elec tion to be held. in said Ttitinship, - cin Friday, the lltb day of May nev,between.kbe sours tif 8 a. m. and 7 p. m. to decide "ori:ihe -ques tion of such change. ' 4 t ] - Commonwealth -vs. James Partriaier ,and .)Jary Pierson. Larceny. Jury 66d James Parmeter not guilty, and bLsry Pitsou Ma - ry Pierson senlenced to re tore the property stolen, if not already done,;:' FAY the. costs, dm., and undergo' an impris4ment 'in • the county jail fur ten days; ' • Commonwealth vs. John Button 4 Arsaislt ...and Battery. NOE guilty; defendant to pay the costs of defense, and prosecutor, M. Ili nk • ley, to pay the costs of Prosecutio4.- Commonwealth vs.....JOhn CatnerOn. -In ' dietment, selling liqiior on Sunday. Defend ant pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay refine of $25, undergo imprisonment in the county jail - fur thirty days, and pay the coal of pros ecution. • Commonwealth vs. Stephen .;Itidict snent (or Larceny. Verdict, not gtillty. l • Arin Jane Brown, byler next friend. Benj. Lindsey, vs. John Brown. Libel for' , divorce; /Divorce decreed by the-Court.. • L. L. Barton vs. P. A. Field. - liefendint withdraws appearance and plea; , Whereupon verdict for plaintiff f0r.5144,42. 1 • In the matter of the School Directors of Clifford Township, Court grant al rule on Francis BUB, John Boliou, 'Aaron cliairver, .ana M: S. islwortb so School Directeki . to shew cause why they shoeld not be- renidved from offtce. • - On motion, Co - urt appoint B. F. ritandricl f t Supervisor. of Forest Lake townshipOn place of James E. Stone, deceased. • On motion, Court order that a cohnnissiott de Zunatico‘,inquireario issue in their case of Charlotte Allen, returnable to next \Vm. L Post, Albert L Post, Isit'!ui L. Post,. executors Arc. of Isaac Post, dece:iised, vs. John Nichols - and James •Numford t 'l Eject ment for lands'in Thoreson. ri Velvct fo . - E. Burghart vs E. Barnum. §2t i tled _by the parties and judimdit—entered far &feud - eat accordingly, fur $62,50, and .e4O pally Ropey his OM trk! costa. - 1 • 1 Franklin Barnes vs. 13. F. Eaton. Appeal. 'Jury disagree ,aud are discharge,d by Alto Court. "E. G. Babcock vs IL Thayer, Jr:` Appeal. Verdict for plaintiff for $6,54'.• .1 Joseph Button vs. JaMes- Button RA:title to chew cause - why, judgment 5h0.:14; not be opned and defendant let in- to defense. Rule made absolute. Verdict for decendent. Commonwealth, at the instance of:!:Willairn Slater,Supervisor of Forest Lake To wiship, vs.. David 4. Meeker. Verdict for plaintiff for" $4. Bill of exceptions filed. Fanny A. Willaims vs. John W. Stone. In case for Slander. Verdict for plaintiff for $lOOO. 'RepOrt of the Toartg !lea's Literary • Association. The Young Men's Literary AsSiiciatibri make the following statement of toe result of their Lecture course just.olosed. Receipts of Lecturer, - - - 4ie486,75 Paid to Lecturers, - - - tk396,0011 Hotel and Livery Bills,Light - Mg arid Heating Church, Piloting. Stationery. P. tage, Leaving-a balance in Treasury ii s r $37,5321 . W. 8.-Dzati-e.Trecknrer. At a meeting of the Assciciation, Tuesday, April 17th, the /follciwing resolutlon' was unanimously adopted: • - • ;•,• • . Resolved, That the thanks of this*ssocia lion are-.due, and are herahy tendered to the Djitors of the Independent Republipan, and Montrose Democrat for • inserting •' { Lecture Notices, making generous deductiuns tn. rioting bills, &e. A, N. BULLARD, Preillatt. , .. C. W. TYLER. Secretary. - . • Editor of the Northern Pennsylvanian+. Dean Stn:—Some two years ago *bile as slating iti r ai sing a building I :fell korn the top of a bent, and although not sariiinsly in jured, it was rumored that rivas too badly hurt to recover. An account of th&nircom stance was published io yOur paper, in which I.svalispoke)i. of as a respectable citizen. - Wm. T. case. - made .a correCtion, insinuating !that if I bad been a respectablekitizen I• - would not have fallen from tie cause under;) g "tbe - influence of which. -I- fell. Nem , there' ..*R3 been another fall in Gibson. A ;than al though he ,glade . an extra effort juit before Town Meeting, was defeated iu the Republi can caucus, -for the office ofJusti4i of the Peace, add although he was-a pandidate - for auditor be was defeated at the elention, a Deinocrat being electel -over hinibg a vote of two to one in n town_ good for a.buudred Republican msjority. .This is a reilectahle fall for a man who has been Coutil CoEn-. tuissiorier. What was the cause of that falls? You published an account of my Caning from the 'building, now. please publitib an !icsount of ibis fall. Respectfully Yours, 1; 4. W. Grum: Tr _ - a'earbersr examinations will be Meld in the diffefOt.tovrm ship, at 9 o'clock,, a. m, as follows: ;; • Harmony, April 30th, atLaneitboro';:Dakland and Susquehanna Depot, May Ist, !Jest Hill ,Scboolhonse; Great Bend, ' 2d; , Lodersville .Bchoolho'rase ; Liberty, 3d,' Brookdalet•;Sehool house; Silver Lake, 4th, Brackney SchOnlbonse; Choconut, sth,.Clark's Schoolhouse) Franklin, Bth, South Schoolhouse; New '3lllforlftand 80. rough, 9th, Graded School , Building ; "Raiford. 10th. Village; Gibson, 11th. ; Jack'. ion, 12th, No. 2; Thotason, 14th, Center; Ararat, 15th, Church; Herriek, 16th, Uniondite; Clif ford and Dundaff, 17th. City; Lenox, 18th, Glenwood Schoo bonne; Lathrop, 19th,•Hilin dale Schoolhouse; Broiiklytt, 215t,1 . 4 Center, Schoolhouse; Bridgewater an.d Puontrene, 22d, Free. Schoolhouse; Diwock, 23d, -(Corners Schoolhouse; Sprirwille, - 24th, ffollowlßchool. bonne; Auburn, 25th, Low Seboolhou; Rush, 26th, Champion Schoolhouse; ifessOle, 28th, .Bolles Schoolhoune ; Forest Lake Mid Chap. Towne;. Middletown nod - } - "riends. vilie,loth, Baldwin's Schoolhouse) APolacon, .81st; Graves Schoolhouse.. - • f rit will he required of all - teachers that have engaged schik.ht (either ponitivelv eflndition. ally) that they shall be examined ifr the town. ship where such schools:lre loested, - arid MI not !Acing engaged schools in 4he townstfip - ittere they reside. Eachteachei will please suPply ,berVelf with two or more sheets of foolicitpaper, Pin, and ink. _ .Tbe examinatipn vi ill be the written. o'ral methods combined.. - 1 . • . All'interested are invite& to attend.: B. F. TswxsnuitY, CWSuft. IL Brooklyn April 10. 1860 •• • Demberatic Cla o--The Dttlutseratin Cob of Susq'a County meets every it*lay eve, at their room over I. N. Ballard's StOredin Ho& !zone. . - . 'to_" Et 1131111310- • • h Harford, on the 12th inst., by Rev, A. Miller, Mraogir C. nasal& and Miss 4 ANNA ::!..The Freei Ba king law which - Gov. Packer has jest apprOved,is deemed by ma ny-so defective and imperfect as•to ren'er iyf access doubtful. Ai?kong other 'objections it contains no _provitoom that hereafter •no new bank* shall be. chartered- by the Legisla t4red the Legislature is to continue to . grant charters at every session . ,_ the onerous conditions of the general law will 'prevent its ad'option. ;,-.F.,l s nator Hunter has : emphatically de nied the troth -of the ifespatch from, St. Louis, charging that he had! whitten : a letter' to spriogfield . , Illinoitit,..uiging the Cook dele gates_to attend the Charleston Convention,- and intimating that their eipenses will be paid.l- . • A large Panther - was killed one day last week, by two b oy s, sons of Rollin and _ , Benjamin Wilcox,- in-Albany townshi fora- 1 - • - Aftlic S . COMPOUND SotOtott tot; the _PIILIES, is warranted to‘ef. feet a cure in...everi:cai4,, and in all stages.of the: disease, or the money. will be refunded. - • FR!' dirctiOns accompany each bottle. • Abel Turrel I, ontrose ;T. J. Babcock ,Di m• bek ; O. G. Hempstead, Brooklyn; and Dr. J.W. •Lym.o, Tunkhahnock, agents. (dee y Alioffal's Life-rillis.—The high and • envied celebrity' which :this pretenainent meal-, cine bus acquired for its' invariable efficacy in all die diseases which it professes to cure, has rendered the usual practice of ostentatious puff ing not only unnecessary but untvorthy of then'. TheF are known by their traits; their good workS testify for them,) and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous: In all cases of cos tiveness, dyspepsia, bilious and , liver Affections, rheumatism, fevers jind ague a, obstinate headackcsiand geneial , derangements of health, these Pills hvve invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. A single trial will place, the Life Pilltibeyond the reach of competition in the estimation of cvery.patient.-` • :Dr. ,itoffat's Phenix Bitters will be - found_ equally: efficacious hall cases of nervous debility dyspepsia. headache, the sickness incident to females in delicate-health, and every kind of weakness of the digestive organs. For sale by Dr. W: B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, N. Y.,and_ by medicine dealers Arid druggists generally ihroughout - thn countri._ decB y • A:.Fainily .Nticessity.—Tho. fallowing statement speaks for itself :---(Extract.) "In lifting the kettle from the fire it caught - and scalded my halide and Jerson very se.verely,-one hand 'almost to a crisp. The torture was un bearable. It was ateawful sight.*,* * The Mexican Mustang Liniment appeared to extract the piin almosiimmediately. It•healed Tepidly 3 and left no Ar braecount. CHARLES FOSTER, 420 sroad S red, Philadelphia." It is. truly a 'wonderful a t isle.-It will cure any case or [lure, StiffJointa, Kuptinns,itheuinatism or'swelling. For Horses, mould never be dispensed .with. One dollar's worth of Mustang has frequently saved a Valuable horse:, It cures Galds, Sprains, - Itingbone, Spavin, and Founder's. Beware of Imitations.. Sold in all parts of the habitable Glebe, .' Banns di,' P..yx, - Proprietors, mh26 4w cm sm. ' 'New ]ork. Heal the Sick:lliseasi:s of the stomach and bowels are always . caused by targesieposits of 'hurtful matter, Melt Ity bad or impure blootrici those important organs, and the poisonous ma terial is this vitiated blood,. actin g on the system makes ft too woak .to thrw off this matter by the natural channels, or if any;is carried off it is a very small portion. ..9.2 arise diarrhcea, dysen, tery, colic, costiOneha l bad' breath, indigestion, nausea, loss of appetitt,belching_o: wind of the stomach, etc. To cure all these " the blood is The life," and must be4erfectly-pure and clean, then you cannot be'siek. A short use of MD SON 's MOUNTAIN HERB rqui will delight you. You will feel . with surprise their mighty power, and be willing to say with the red men of the west, truly they are the "mighty heater." For sale by all Medicine Dealers. up The Great Drawback to persons emi-- gratinglo the extreme south and west is “ear the Fever and Ague-the most direful of all . dl* eases. Every da'y We hear of persons attacked by this disheeSTid made helpless in a short time without'any means oflrtfording relief. In view of the, great detpand , for a remedy, Dr. ll:Ost,etter has presented his Cbl.Ellit - ATEII.) STONIACII BITTERS, w h ose curative powers for all di*. eases of the stomach have been, universally ac know4:dged. The Bitters ; .prepared after long "experience and cletriNstudy, have received. the en: comiunts of the must eminent physicians, as well as all classes, from every part of our country. To those Wift 0 doubt their many virtues, all we can say is to try them, and judge for themselves repectivelye- For sale by druggists and dealers' generally everywhere.ap . 'Read advertisement-in another Column. 53,224-4t9,22 CUOVU§kkkU Assridusps AtO MEDICky STANDARD REMEDIES ' • of the present age, have auptired Omit great ixpubdity , only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfaction is rendered by them in all arm GERMAN BITTERS: Ore, POEITIVELT CTRL i 1147 tbmDlaiat. Dyayepais. Jam:dim Nerve:is tai _ • rdOty .4 Disease. of the Sldnesa: • and all a: caw tram a 111.2rdem4 lirrr, or Fmk . . •• 1 note of tlia Siomaeb and tdr,ratlre Organ s , . • • . awn 71.1, rosrarr.r rarrrat - : Mtn ; *um rffai, AID MU AID AIM /tweet. Almanac fur propf. Tr.ics,l7, ante per Bottle. • Hooflandts Balsamic Cordial Conks, Colds, Crloaminess, Bron&tis' , Inettemei. 4 Croup, Prititunsonin., Incipient Consumpticii, and his Performed the meet astonishing cnrea eier known ; ' ' •of • • CONRIRRIED CONSCRIPTION. . As a ):! iarrhosa Vital it is unequalled. Pzier., 7.. scents HOOFLAND't GERMAN PILL s , beingwell known theatightitfEnrope and:ka(erle,L, needs oirnmendattol bete. They are purely vegetable, are prepared withgreat exactness, ablate supr-eosted. No • better Cathartic Pal can be found. Paws, 25 eta per box. These medicines_ are prepared 'by Dr. G. M. Jiceses k Co., PhlladelpidayPa., and.EL -Lonts,3lo., and are sold by druggists and dialers to medicines creryerlere. The nature of C. M. ,liessOx will be ate the oatelde of each. bottle at. bOx. • iittr "Xestybody's Almentze,. "Pu141811. , ;41 annual'. Pm. . 'will find testimoity and commendatory notices from all • 'perts'of the country. These Almanacs ire iirea - away by ail oar agents.' .1 • Eir Fur sale in Itnn , ..roAe by mh29 ABEL TERRELL, Druggist: ESIENWEIVS TAR' AND. IyOOD NAPTHA - - Is the . best Medicine in the - world for the , cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Brenchitii.-Asthreat. Difficulty in Breathing, Balpitation of the Heart. And for the relief Qfpatients in advanced athges. Consumption together with all.Diseassa of Throat and Chest and wbieh, predispose ty coniumptiin It attacks the root of d isease, l and makes the,fel l . dealt - err succumb to its influence: It also 'pm. - , aces free expeclaration; and tad:lces healAy ae. Lion in the disectia Mucous Membranelind tissues It is Pr:Ailiarly adapted to the radical cure of • One dose of this inn:a/table SYRUP often gives ease and eonseimPitly . sleep, which the particular natureVilifs diaerise dePies him. it is very pleas-. ant to the taste, and Proihpt in its ' effects: - Try it and be !convinced that it is inraluable in the mire efDßOArclilAb AFFECTIONS. Price 50 cents per Bottle. Prepared only by A. ESENWEIN, Druggist, N. W. eoraer)Sinth *Polder atreiti, Philadelphia FRENCH,- RICHARDS & CO., General• Wht;leaale Agents, Philadelphia. • Eir For sale iii•Montioae - by • - m cahSi9 y*l AIM!), TUftREEX, Druggist. 4- HOOFLAND'S L per bottle, Houoviers headache, and all affections of tt* System which tesult from's° insufficient for immoderate flow of bile, are at once reletved:-by the operation of Pyspepsie, and liver dis ease are inoperable; D yspepsia , and the liver! always , sympathise, and as this great medieine acts powerrelly Open both these im portant orgine, it preforms the work of cure with: precision,' rapidity, and thoroughness which have uo paretill the records of med ical practice. The pills may be relied upon with the utmost confidence , in cases of diarrhea, dysentery, cholera tit . osjbus,. spasms . x:st the stomach, cholera infahtum, 'and all otber dis orders affecting the digestive organs and the bowels. • - A C3ar d. - DR. LO. V. - THAVIDI, of the* BINGHAMTON WATER-CORE, 'WILL be at NEW lILFORD, on FRIDAY, '• A pri I 27th, at Bitrnum's Hotel. Also will be at SUSQUEHANNA. on' the. FIFTH of each month during 'thy Spring and • Summer, at Nitiols - Hotel. During each 'visitation he will give Free Lectures to.the Ladies at 2 o'clock, .p m. upOn subjects of 'hi finst , importanee relative to the special disease and hygiene of the sex, revealing the causes .of.such maladies and those most { prevalent and entitle:violations of physiii: - . logical laws which relied in tbelpremituro de cline lof American.' Imialids will find it tt their advantage to give him•agall. - • Binghamton Water Cure, April 10, 1860.—tt' Orphans' Oonr.t. Sale. . • virtue of an order duly issued mit of the B Orphans' Ct.nrtorSusquehanna county nod -to me directed, will lie exposed to public sale at atottiou, onMend,o-Y, the 14th day of May, 1 , 860, at 1 o'clock, p. at, at the Court House in Montrose, the right, ,, litle and interest of which Andrew Rooney; late ot the township of Auburn in said.contty, deceased, had at the time of .his decease; hi and to ALA. thatguano- piece or lot of land situated in said township of Auburn,-'—, bounded as follows Oa the east by lands! of •John R4noids,on the'riorth-east by lands of , the said John and of . Jamei Reynolds, on the west by lands of %Vm Bennett, Red on ' the south by lands late the estate a - Patrick Donlin, deceased, with ;lbw appnrtenancOs, .containing about 5:1 acres; ant having thereqn a fraded house, a leg barnsumelruit treel,arid about 40 acres cleared. _Terms of payment inade -known at lime of sale. CATHARINE WA LTHALL, 4171 Adra'ir &e., of Andrew Rooney, nrsl. NEW GOODS ! I B (o l3 l. L s S a . ie T e tß w A e C r t e h t i .s s eu cily er r e e i c n ei , Le nq thsi r eceived and county. - R. IiENTQN,,JR. 4 CO: -1000 LBS SALERATVS iri‘atore and . for alai() by the box or lb. ARGE Stock of FANCII ) Dry Goods for .1.4 sale by R. RENYON, JR. de, CO. ITIEA Setts—Five klep:aht styles, entoplete- I. front - 5 to $5O. It. KENYON, JR. & CO. La , ksville Centre, Pi., April; 1860. . DR. CilUittcrtiLvs VIRE . ' FOR CONSUMPTION: • HYPOPHOSPHITES ME AND OF SODA. -rpliAT FATAL stobrga of the human race— JL,Consumption—cati now be prevented and cvasn, with the same CERTAINTY_ as any other , disease.: The new Reinedy discovered by Dr.Cburchill of Paris, Ras performed more cures of Confirmed Consumption in a single year than can be found in the records of Medical History in the pasyeentury ! • tiVr7 Read the followfng Testimonials, . • .CUre of a me in the : lastStage. 7 lf you wan facts, .1 - can give theta abundantly, -that the Hy. pophosphites is themtiiiTYflemedy that can . cure corsumption. _Read what Dr. Powers says: J. WINCTIESITA, Esql-bear sir: lam an- Alo pathy, of thirty years practice, ih Western New York. My first trial of Ille Hypopkosphites was made 'a year ago December, with great success. Miss E. C.; aged 25 years: This was truly a hard one. The patient‘ had been pronounced a consumptive for six' ye4rs previous to the of the treatment She evidentle was in the_ 3d and Last _stage.;.tu4rel.is in the. 2d stage in each ` Lung ; several vanities in the Left Lobe, showing cavernous rates ;' a most . incessant cough,; pulse too frequient and weak to count: With those. svmptoths of confirmed Phthisis, .having no faith - , in anylrethe - dies I had ever- be fare used, I wrote to ydy and obtained". 3 bottles of thii Hypnphosphites.a.On using one, her symp .toms improved ; and during the use, of the fifth !and sixth. idle was strong enough to walk half ! a wile. From ,then, .up to this week, when I saw her, she has been at work. This remarkable cure, I must in candor; say, was effected by the tifecolosrniTi.s. • • GEORGEI R: POWERS, M. D. ettths Wyoming Go:; N. Y., March 12,1860. STILL MORE RE.MARRABLE cURES ! The following ittteilrom an old physician in Chester •Co. must satiety all 'who, have ever doubted the: efficacy of this Wonderßi Itelmedy: CusTnisf,4d MOntb, 26th, 1860: - . FRIEND 3. WllccuEsi,En: *. * * .Thirty-six persons have obtained'i the medicine from me, twelVe of which, have ! feet, under my own care. Five of them were, in my-opinion, and the jade. ment of other phytNians, hopeless eases of Phthisis;—irritable cough, copious expectors tiots of a perulent chnracter, night sweats and emacipition. These cases were , from one to three yeirs'standing, Auscukation and ,percus. sion developed sounds,whicti; taken in connec. ion with other Svmptbms, gave evidence of a condition from which I Ease never, in seventt!en• years practice, seen a Obgle caserecover by any other treatment. * *. Under the treat. ment of the Hypopbolthites r all the .bad, symp toms'elistd ; and, the fifth have gained h and strength, and bealth—SOme of them better than' they hail enjoyed for sCien.years previously. The other cases under my cam were in'the incipient stages, And in ithem all symptoms and traces of the.dfsease have disappeared. Of those ho Were not under care, I-hat e not heard of a single patient who: , ,did not express himse'f benefitted by the use of the -Remedy ; although in some of them 'the fiisease was too fat- ad vanced to admit the potsibility of reeovery. I presume 1 am as skeptical in medreines, or specifics, as most physicians ; -yet, from the ex perienVe I have had in the - use Dr. J. F. Churc hill's Reinedy for Turhetculosis, I .would say to all who have a tentleticy - to that disease-Talie it; and thesboner the better, before there is disorganization. *. *l . *. = W. W. TOWNSEND, M. ft - -% -r-- -.- Wurichesior's Gall nine ilriphophiis. Obittlis ACT WITH PROMPTNESS AND j CERTAINTY in every stage of CONSUMP TION, and • with invariable'elficacY in all Do rangellients of the NetinusAnd-Illood :Systems, General Debility, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Rickets, 1 Female Complaints, Silermaturrhea. in all dis. orders dependent on imperfect or. impaired nu trition; and in all eases of local or toast itutiUnal debility. • They ,increase the nervous or vital energy, relieve Cough, Sheet Night Sweats, and 1 dlminiah Eipectoration ipprove - the appetite, arrest Diarrhcea; pro:oche refreshing sleep, and create new and Realthilleod. • ..1 A FAIR) TRIAL ISA CERTAIN CURE! PRICEID 7and - 16 dlince. 4044.1 and $2: Do 'not confound this iemedy.iwith. the Phos. photos or Chemical "Foiid. • Beware, of all pre. parations Containing Irdn, the use-of Which, in X.:onstini , ption, is pronc4tneed ; highly dangerous `and criminal •by• eminkrit . .medical - authority, Send' for my new tininlar, which gives the. only reliable_ informatie" in regard to . Dr.Cherch. ill's Treatment. 'lmpst e for and use ~ only t lt " Wnteuzsraten GENII E PREPAZATIOS." and which may be had of all respectable 'Druggists, and Wholesale - and Retitil at - the sole General Depot in the 'United Stittem by . ' • 1• WINCHESTER, •-• "i ~ 1 1- J ohn street, N. Y. - . Er For safe br ABEL TVRRELL; Montrose. orarablipela stay - of We Brat-class Comm3r,eial Colleges it the ef.mn ri,farbished•at this o ffi ce. at a large discount fr. m! &sitar rates. 3:1! xl 'ITo• Moral obi ant.' Galen'. T TAKE • this tnet dof inforMlng mysinany .1 ,kiod and generous friends 'l' nd •C - ustomers thata have changed 'ray in. rest hi the { Barthian+ Business, inAew . York Ire theolut r e formerly Hunt, Thomas ; & Co.,Co i .and lat ly , .I s.. Hint, at 2.ld:pitall street, to that , of '; .-.,1 --. " & MOONEY - COHU'COM ANY, . 23 Park Rom, opposite AO Astor lo se, where I w.uld moat respectfullylin i vl el and new friends to call,. or send theiti ord rs, whk will be gratefully rece ived and promptly Oiled. My address will , be atAtontroae, Ps i until the Ist of April, and from that date itill une, card of above House, or LaWrence, Gr ggsi& Kings bury 46 Courtlandt atreet,.N.! Y.. City. • -. • mho,. .. . - • 111. Ci 11111.LER. . HORATIO GARR4IT - ~ -,Pealer io .FLOUR. GRAIN 9 pm?- ' lES.. PROVISIONS. IDiYE • WOODS, Staple - DRUG . ,' WOODEN and STONE W,ARE, ALL - RINDS of HO USER - EATING ' ~,ARTICLES & YAN EE • ' - NOTIONS IN GENE)? ,--- i one door North of Barnum's Hotel, New , ilford, pa., IX TOULD be pleased to see all hii 41. friends i `V V and many new ones atbi NEW Store fronting the DEPOT, where he i prepared to show theni 'such a stock of Ate abol.e artic'es as New Milford: has long druid in need of. all his of trade has se man y advantages as division of labor." :Any man .confining himself to one breech of business, giving that branch his whole Capital and:attention cart keep a better assortment, buy cheaper ajid'SE4 CHEAPER than if the same means and time was employed in a general _trade. If dont ithink lA' call on the subscriber and be convie,eed. 'The sound principle ,of . , , 1 1 SMALL PROFIT AND PROMPT PAYMENT , , will be strictlT adhered to.. IB' , etter and other Produce forwarded to New York Fto ono of the best commission houses in the City, audprotiipt payments guaranteed. 110RATID fIARRATT. New Milford, Susq. Co. Pa,. Aiiril,)B6o.-,bty LADIES' GARTERS f N o ' r EV AVI T just opt:ne . d, 7 ,- .. g ii . :ig C H E AP s(. J. Lltl op . GARDEN SEEPS it ONI N SETS. Tait OPENED and. Tor sale by[. , el March 28.. J . TO. , THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS - OF %V %Ille M. V, Ot NTY . 1 GENTLEMEN;--In purstiange of ',the 43rd section of the Act of Stli Af#, 1854, you are hereby notified to meet in ,cowcention. 'at the COURT HOUSE, in Montrole, on the FIRST MONDAYin 'MAY,' A. D. 1860 c it being the SEVENTH day of the month, at ONE o'clock 'in the afternoon , . and Detect rica r"oce, by a ma jority of the•whole nuinbei of direCtorkpresent, one person ofliteraryandsCientific acquirements, and of skill and experience in thel art 'of teach ing, as County Superintendent f , r the three succeeding years ; determino th ' antount. of compensation for the same, mad ertify the re sult to.the State Superintendent, 0, Harrisburg, i as : required by the 39th and 40th sections ol' the said act. B. V. TEWKSBURY, County Superintendent of Susii'a Pounti. Brooklyn, April 4th, 19604 w ' -. • noiumma KrGR EAT BENI • , (IBIS SCUO% will be opened lion of Ladies and Gentlemen day (Wednesday), of Febrnary, TERMS - OF TUFFIGAT. Primary /Stanches per Qr'tr of 11 iweeks, $3,00 Common " Comrain and Higher, ." •" 4,00 Higher Eng/Wl, ' " -" • 5,00 [Assets on Piano, •• " " " -10,00 Use of " " ,t • ta 2,00 Ornamental, and Classical'Delar rnents„ extra. The Principal has had . much xperience. in teaching in . New _York and hena'a foi the last ten years, in Common, as well Its Select, Graded or High Schools. .:References given ifregnired N.ll —Board at the bearaing,hdll, two doll's per week: Lights and wdshing extra.' • • Payments to be made quarterly lin advance. roh y - • - NV. ROC4RS, Principal. -'- HERRING'S * SAFES. * . FARREL, HERRING &/Qtasimpany, No. 62L Chestnut Street—JAYNE% Hall=PhilaiPa; -_ .r - ONLY R llanufactareis inihis state --- ' --- .o.iril -- ; Fire of & B e gtrtfr l Pr i gittes Ch fd mPio e l ii I 0 1 1 . 3 . - _ • with Ball's Patent Poßder - Looks-; . ( -- f both of which reo'v'd medals at the ....,-._,. World's Pair. London 1851 and the 1 World's Fair ' in New _York, 11153-4. More Thal' Twesstysiihisissand Hereing's Safes have been sold, and are now in aritual use, and 'nearly 400 have been"tested in aCeidental fires and have never failed to preserve iheincontents. We also` keep on' hand and make to-order— Dwelling-House Safes, " Sideboard and Parlor Safes" 4 —:(imitation of handsome -I furnitur - o) of elegant design and workmanship. I Also Sorglar . Proof Safes for Bnks; Brokers' and Jedielers; Vault Doork, Sar4s for Specie, Silver PI.Ae. &c..—The Burglar proof safe in use at the Treasurer's Office:of Pickaway C0., 0:, (at Circleville,) was manufactured by us,"an is univendly acknowledged to' be the strongest safe in the 'WORLD. . 'l • • - • Persons - wishing safes 'wlll findlit irk their.irr tereit to call or Head for our catalo„inic before purchasing elsewhere, as these ars the only safes which hare proved theinielcesperfi l ly Fire Proof and free from dclinpness. . r . $1,00121 REWARD will be Paid ito anv person that car sbow that a Herring's Patent Champion Safes ever failed to. . preserve its Contents in an' . i accidental fire. - . , , ap4 pm c- TO 'PRINTPIS. CORTELYOU'S NEW-YORK TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS' %VAREHOUSE. ' (Established in 1923.) - • l`O. 29, , .5Y.Ri1C11 %T4ll. rr" subscribers will be hippy to furnish to purchasers of PRINTING Mateiials with . Plain & Ornamental Types, Rules, Borders . , &c. made from UNRIVALED HARD METAL. Also, Getman!, Greeks, Hebrews,land a new & elegant Font of Agate Music Type, from which "Musical Review" and " Friend" ;ire printed; with Presses, and every articlei required. for Printing, at the very lowest prices, for cash or approved paper.. ' - Old Typo taken in exchanges for new at ton cents per pound. Secondhand Preens and eien. sill and a ecimplste stereotype Fo4ndry,, with 2 shaving machines for stale cheap. • - 4 * * Prinkers of turwepapers publishing this ad. vertisement '(including this notice) -three times before - the - first of July, 1860,1'and sending me one -or the papers, will be-paid ;for it he Printing Types, .when they purchase four times the an - fount of their bill. .p..c—UORTELYOU. PRINTINQ . .Ty, ygs, AND All. OTHER PRINTING MATERIALS WEPT on hand in large quantities, and sold :.11)14.. at the lowest prices, for 6ix months:notes or rash, at Billie's New Yorkl.Type. Foundry. Roman fonts of modern - styleis are always the shelves, ready for immediate delivery, in fonts of from 456 to 115,060 lba ; Nine cents will prepay the postage on a pam phlet of" Priced specimens of E'opts,", and other sheets, which will be mailed to all printingoffiees Sending me their addrea% •• ; ' , • • • Any publisher,of a pewspailer Cvho chooses to publish this advertisement, includieg this note, 'three times' before the first day of July, 1860, and forwrid me one of the pape,rs containing it, will. be a wed his the;. time of making a parchfrom me of my olin Manufactures; uf Rye gales, the ameant of said bill. : • Address GEORGE BROPE,;Tytm Pounder,. api 9m ' 11 Chambers stoat, New York. .- . . TREAWRIfirt BALI' . . .., . OF.UNSEATED LANDS IN SUSQ.. COUNTY. .. . . mO.T.EcE is her . eby.given that at;tording to .4. 1 1" the Acta of gene* ilks;akiably- of the:C t om-; monwealtb of Pennsylvania; aireetluithe mode of selling unseated lands for taxes, the foll6w. ing tracts .and puts Of_ t Matt of unseated lank of whiehithe names of the wainintees or owners or the numbers iteWbelowngivan, will be sold at public vendee, on the second Monday in JAN 1860, (the. eleventh,) at the Court Mesa in Montrose, for arrearages due, and the cost ac crued on each tract respectiiely, unless the bikpaid on or before the day of sale: • The sale to commence at ten o'clock in the forenoon. • "Aixtret—Wm Forbes' - 801 acres; taxes, $28,43- Larnbert Cadwolader 74 " " 701 .George Campbell . 200 18 90 Jonth Pergeant ar. pt' 156 1-2(2 tracts] 14 74 t 6s, Job ' h Sergeant jr pt 301. ' - 28 49 Auh --Andrew Bitters lop - : . 170 ...- al Cliffor " oho Beach pt , 85 - •.6 4,1 PhUip Be hpt . 5O -..- ' 3,76- Pefer ileac typt - ~115, - - • .8 69 George Porter* _ •20 - 150 Elizabeth New' rt pt, . 30 ' - 325 ForestLike,Caleb rmalt297 • 1281 Great Bend-Jon B ler 2t ip - - -20 56 Matthias Brook . , 50 ' - - ' 385 Truman Baldwin - - - \4OO -.. ' . 2332 Charles Butler , • • '43,p • • 24.78 .... 16cE1Wee15avId . 4(1-- .3./15 Dunne Ratyea , = 289 , • • • 2121 Oliver Trowbridge' . 2OO .. - 11,55 Watson Samuel tract 1750 * 101 05 Falkenbitry & Gregg .1600 • . •92 40 Hart:dopy:LC L Ward . 196 • b5B Robert Trail- . _• ' 108 .- • . 84 Frederick Barthold. :300' . ' '-16. 0 Joseph Mason pt • 55 ' • • - 2 9 k Daniel - 'Rue`-. ,412 • 22 24 David Buckley • 404, - -21 82 Samuel • McGahey , : •50,- - 2 7(1 Jacob Taylor . • • 500 ',` • .27.00 Graham & Rernevan ' 896 •' - 15. 23 James Comfort : .36 • •• = •.• 61 Henry Sampson • • :15 - . 25 Herrick—Roger Wylie' pt 65 ~ • '= ' 4 90 George Payne pt'. ' 08 . ' ''• 733 John frayne pt' . • • 247- • 18 64 Solomon.-Rink ink pt • 'l6. • • - 121 ?amen Ftrok•pt - 40'' - 302 Samnel.Rink Pt • • 92 • •.6 '74 Henry Hill il= • -:323 •• - :2475 Thomas Cidivulader pt . 103 • . • 778 Saml Met - Ojai • .. 50 --.' . :. 317 d 0..." 7'; • 64 - 483 A Tuf?ei 1 • ~,.••=•. -- 60 John Cadwalfi'der ' 301 =' 22 72 Jackson.—Saittinel Norton 105' . 'lO3 Lathiop—Jobn:DorseY - • 102 1 8 20. John'Graft (tWo tracts) 107 - , 656 ,Andiew Tybout . 200 • • 12-30 George Kepler . --• 200 •• 12 3.0 Matthias Brooks' ,50 3 08 Lenox—aeorge..Kepler 22 -." 36 *Matthias Brooks ' .203 . • ' ' 346 Liberty—No 69 84 85 - 2430 • ' 2l 22 No '67 ~ 68 15 76 = 400 . ... 1110 No l• '2• 43 52 51 500 ' 62 35 No 8 . • : 160 '. 393 No 35 . ,- = 1 - 00• , • 560 ... No 20 . - do -5 60 No 53. " . do .• 717 NO 61 .- • 50' •• • -- 4 33' No 58 59 66. 74' -• 800 • •- . 69 30 John Sullivan • 25 . , .19 Genre Farnham - • . 400 : , 15 9 0 MiddletowO—C Carmalt- .do , ' 21 60 C C Wright . ' ' 60 .-: 4 8.6 Samuel Merrick ' 150 • • 8 10 New Milford—No 204 . 130 ' . • 425 golo'mon Finley ':. - •.80 • 296 Lot 'sold to 'Roach' . • 90 , = • .3 33 Solomon Rink pt 117 - 4' 32 Andrew Pete .- . . 50 ' ••=1 85 Johnathan Hancock - 181 " 649 James Chapman et-el 117 , - '- II 72' Solomon Rink et al 98 . 3 63 Matthias Brooks et al ' '79 • . •- = 2 92 Prom -F M Williams 300 -=. •It 10 Salisfrory &Co - , 20 1 0 ' • . 740 Oakland--Wm Potts - 200 • , 10 07 Wm Armstrong ,400 21 07 Wm Henderson • ' 220 6 02 Jobn Boyer 2 42 G W Gregory • " 100 -'2 31 Satnnel,Dayton - • • . 150.' r.. -- 13' 28 'Paul Kugler .65 - -2 08 -, Henry' Boyer - • .290 . - 921 Rush—Wm Plunkett .1 • 00• - . 1 '7O Thomson—lsanc Eller do . 12 60 :Thomas Harrison do do Jesse Evans = ,- •• 420 ,- - . 52 92 George Stewe . 210 . : 24 36 -Matthew Sha s w -, • 102 >, 'l3 86 Peter . Snyder • JOO = .12 . 60 Samuel "Hodgdon .. - .• 58 . .. '' 732 • •;• - -; D. W. TITUS, Treasurer. Treasnrer's Office, Montrose, March 21,'1860., 'au • f l dr the reetip i, on the 29th Its& X ) „COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. LOCATED OVER TUE AUSQUEDAKErA VALLEY BABY, BINGHAMTON . N. Y. Rocims open reL. Instruction from 9 a. m; t09i30 p. •, - . • • FACULTY: • • .13. W i LOWELL, Principal,' Professor 'of the Sciente of Accounts, Practice Accountant. Author of Lowell's Treaties upon flook•Keep• ing, Diagrams illuitrating the !time. 16:tx RANKIN, Commercial Accountant, Profess of Book Keeping apd Practical Mathematics. J. J. Corns, Assistant . Professor in the, Book 'Keeping DepartmenL J. L WARNER, Professor ;of Practical nod namentil Penmanshiktommemial 'Calcula tions and 'Corresponded:M. . - • - LECTILIREnS: Hon. Daniel S. Diokirson g Lecturer on Comtner -eial Law and Politidal -Economy. ' Hon. 'Ransom RalcoM, Lecturer on Contracts, Promissory Notes and Rilfs'of Exchange. Rev.. Dr. E.'Andrews,•-Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. , EN4I,IIItINING CQ3l.llill i TE Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, Wrn. A. Osborn, Esq., Tracy 11. 'Morgan, Esq. • - The object of this College is to. afford to all "an opportunity of obtaining 4 thorough Business Education. The Books and Forms ere earefully arranged by practical accoilatants expressly for this In stitution and embrace ill the recent; improve. .. • • The course _of -instruction ‘dempriskee every &pertinent Of bus nest. The.. learner_ will be thoroughly taught the science. and _practice, of Double Entry: ilook•Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz: General Mer chandising,' Manufacturing," Banking, ;Commis- - aion; Steembooling; Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping, dtc. ladies 'Deportment 'entirely; seParate from that of the ,gentlemen.. ' StUdente can enter College at any time and receive individual instruction. By. his arrange ment•every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as his enterprise a nd ability will per. mit,.and hen Orough - ,-perfeet and complete; "will receive, a Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure: - . Time to complete the course,-13 to 12 weeks. No veeatione. Board 10.' to $2,50 per week., , • korß,ook-Hecipingi, full arcountant.ifiourtie, including Piactical Penmanship;. Commeinial Co - reputations and Diploma. (Ilme unlimit. ed,) .` • . $35 00 Same coarse for Lialies (separate) . 20 00 - Penmanship and Arithmetic,- . CO Teachers' course in Penmanship, Petal!. • - cal and Ornamental, . . 30 00 Twelve lessons in Practical Penmanship, 3.,00 Occardonal classes will be formed in 'Phonograph For 'full particulars send for, circular. . • • • 0c.13! Veil A. SNOW, TUSIIICEbf the PEACE. GREAT BEND,PC: d oFfIcE on SAlNitt, opposite 'Welitem Hotiee. !Prost Betel, Nei! 4th, 1860.4 f SHERIFF'S - :SALES. BY virtue of sttralry writs jsrakby the Court . of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County r ani/to itto . directed, - I will 6:pogo le sale, by public vendne, at the Court Hues* Montrose, On Satfirdai May 6th,1860, et one 'o'cliatliftitt” .Ihe following described: piece's dr ...parcels of land, to wit,: • . ' . . ALL that; certain pieee or parcel of. land sit unto in the township of Mpringville. County and State of ps4 bounded and described se follows, to wit': onibli north by land of Ica Keen, east b y t he turnpike .road, south by land formerlyq. of • Wm W. Pride, and west by land of 8; Wawa. containing about three-fourtratof an seri, be the same more or less with the appurtenances, one framed dwelling house, barn, shoe then, and 'all improved., Taken in execution at the Suit of John Blanding vs. A. ).Scott. .. .! ALSO—AII that certain piece or tinrcel of land situate. hi the towirahip of Lenoi, Susq. Co. Pa, bounded and described as follows, to Wit: north by the , public highway leading:front Glenwood to Glenwood switch, east by the road leading from" Nicholson station north, sontli by brads of Noah Phillipifi, and went by land of Isaac Smith. containing about 8b Acres, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, a 'bowie partly log and partly frJame, tif Nine barn, a sPring.ho.use, a small orchard, and abort 2.5 acres-improved. i Taken in litebution it the suit of Grow Brea. ve..,Wm Clark. .. ~. • NOTIuE TO, I . D oßcHAims.—TO preient mistra derstanding; notice is hereby given that pureha. sera at Sheriff's sales wilrbe required to . pay the amount bid at the time the land•is sold: It has become imperatively necessary to adopt, this rule, midi it will be strictly adhered to, _except in cases where the purchaser is /1 lien creditor and is entitled to the fund as providedrin the Ist . CUM of the Act of Assembly, approved - April • 210'18#, which is as follows :--- 4 Whenever thePnrehasers• of real estate at Crrpans' Court Or Sheriff's sale, shall - 'eppear from 'the proper record to be entitled as alien ,Cre itor r io .re ceive theiwhole or any portion o f 't e proceeds 4: 1 of said sale, it shall be the raiti• of ',the sheri ff. administrator, executor or other person • .making such sal ' to receive.the receipt - of such purcha. . • see or purchasers for the amount which he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid tolae entitled to receive: Provided that this sec tion shall not be 'so coagtrued as to',prevent the right'of Mid Sheriffoidttliniatrator, execii tor or other petion aforesaid to deemed add rece4D3 at the time H of sale a sum sufficient to cover 'all le: gal cost' entitled to be paid out-of the proceeds of-said sale; and provided further; that befere any purtaseraer purchasers Shall :receive the •benefit f this section, he or they shall produce te 'the . Sheriff or other persou aci ; rarikintrsaid sale, a d uly certified statement from the prhp‘ir records, - trader the hand and official.sear of the proper o fficer, showing that he is a loin creditor entitled I to receive 'any,part 'of theproCeeds of the sale aforesaid." . , - _ • . _ JOHN YOUNG. Sherif' s Office, Montrone, April I I, 1860—ts AdministretOrs' Notice. . ATOT4CE Is hereby.ptven.to all peksons having I.' demandis against the estate of B. A.. Butter. geld, fatia of B, ridg e water,, deceased, that •the same must' be presented to the tUidersigued, arid all indetited to said estate are requested to make immedia!ie„payinont. JULIA BUTTiRFIELD,,,' mh22 6w "N. C. HANDB;ICIC, - adm'rs: I • ORS. LW. BINGHAM &-D. , ANEY- • WOULD announce to tho Pubic that they' t• V have Lentered into a partnership fur the practice of • MEDICINE & SURGERY,. and are 'prepared to atlena to. all calls in the line of their 'profmisien stall hour's when, not other wise engaged. OFFICE—The One formerly occupied by Dr. Bingham. • • N. B. The book accounts of Dr. Bingham must be immediately-settled by notes or otherwise,. L..W 8iNGH.451.- New litilford, 3larch 28th. 1860.4 - _ • 51ti- n. • calt I UlrYtTil • WHOLESALE SALT ' DEALER, . 201 Maslaington.st, (Directly opposite Washington . Market,) New " Srarirsh. • 9- -.STILLO3N TIN UES to offer to:the env and COtJN'l RY ' trade, all kinds of. FOR EIGN Coarse and Fine SALT, at the VeryloWest figures; 40000 sticks and:bags, consisting in:part of Ash= ton's cerfebrated brand for table and dairy . use; Jeffreyrdt Darcy, Marshall's,. lfrow,nlow's, and 5000 bushels Turks Island, Bbnares', 'races, St:Jibe:a., Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies', Nantes, &e.,, all of which will be sold at bargain priceS fr9m vessels, tore andst . prehouses. . Any 'purchaser wishing to select front a good tisiortment will , find it to his interest to call. N.ll. -',--Fine table salt put'np loin:tall - bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in•ship. ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for sale by the , quant4, in cases of five dozen each. A - SUPPLY OF WALLTAPER. -I,YARIETY •p . STILES. BORDERING, WINDO PAPERAC:, &C. NF I SUPPLY, jaat. arrived, and for !sale cheap, by - ' A.TORRELL, •• Mgntrose, March 15th, 1860. • I = Lern.crvral. :30111111 SAMMIE% .TAILOB I WWOULD itiformbis old custmiets; " and the • riiit of mankind," - (what few there are,) that ho, has removed his Tailor Shop to rooms over 1,14. Bullartre•Grocery.- Thankful for past favors, o solicits a continuance- ii!edgilig him self to do all work satisfactorily. • Monqove, Pa., Starch 28th. 1860.4 f MORE. NEW ARRANGEMENTS • I FOR , tOO% GREAT ATTRACTIONS r AT THE • FO r Or main Ammer. Prextensive Firniture Estatili.hment of. S Fru Snot:Rens hay . ing been . refitted and greatly limproved,. the proprietors .respectfully announce to the citizens of Mootiote and slain-. ity that they Ore constantly, making nod keep on hand th LARGEST and BEST.assortment of TURNITURE - . Toibe betted In the Cotintey. • We gtve the folloWing list of some orthe ar ticles which we will. sell at greatly hilt:iced priCee, VFW CASH or READY PAX: - Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, - with glass,' from $lB to $35. , Bureaus with marble Dr VroCatelle tops, from. 918 to $24. And a largo assortment, from $B, 910, 18,114, to' $18; f J • -- " Wash; Stands, Card Stands, - Coiner and simar Stands, of all varieties and-prices, from 75 een4. to ten dollars.-- •:. Desks, Divans ,Towel Racks, F.ootatools,Otto. mans, Lounges, &0., • • Centie, Card. Pier, Toilet, Dining, ,Kitchen, and Extension Tables. • - Chairs—Cane sad Wood Scats, ,Rockers Cane, Flag, and Wocd Seats, of every variety and style. • . . Sofas.ltete a fetes furnished at short notice at New York prices. .. . - N. R. j Ready made coffins on hand or fur nished at short notice.— , Heames -2' always in reidinesi when desired: • • We mbploy non, but CiXtEltirt aid EXPERT ENCED:WiOBVIEB. We: intend to do our . Wont WELL, and sell Ikas Low• as it can be. affotiled. W W 9111 MI A .sturru, • - E. S. 151110T11. Montrose. inn. 18th, 1860.—tf. (lOYER AND TIMOTHY 331 3111 a. BUDF,011) COUNTY.LARGE, AND: MEDIUM, • Qrchard. Red Top, and - HUNGARIAN GRASS.RHED, and $410,41031 sold :by Idootrone, , ,Pa. BALDWIN Br..ALLEN, NOW READY. THE PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID ! THE PRINCE OF THE. HOUSEVF DAVID ! THE PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID . . -"•• By. the'Rov. D; A new and revise gi edition,•wiih 'the author * Went corrections. One yolornr, 14tno, cloth, 472 pages. Price st; 85; • . - Published by G}Ott&E G. EVANS,. • No. 439 Chestnut , Ntreet,Thilildelphbr. ' * air ffl i att7tt Etat stEtS2s'5 t EtS25' MEttZt ) : , \- A literatranelation . in Germatrof 4her • PRINCE:OF THE 110U,E OF DAVID; On volume; 129 m. eloCh. 475 pifes. Price of Verlag ton GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Clufstnut-Street, T/LE . P,ILLAR. Or FIRE,'? ". - at, ISRAEL IN BOBDAGE.- ' ' By thejtev: J. H. INGirM-Pi1f, 3 .1,L, D. One volume. 12mii, cloth, f',OQ pages. Price ii.c.blished by GEORGE: G. EVAI4g, ' No. 439 Cheitnut Slreet, .ICCi)ft DS, OFTHE' - REvoLUTIONARY_INAR: . - Containing MILITARY Finanei . A' COR'ESPQNDENCE ORDI TiNGUIRE D .CFFItER: General orders ofW4sittacamt. Lee andGrcene, - Names of the OHieers•end'Privatea, with. the Dates of their CoMmisnions and ' nlistntents, with n list of Distinguished Prisoners of War; the time of their Chorale, Exthange,'ete. etc.; to which. is padded the Half•yiv Acta' of the Con- - (Mental Congress ; the Revolutioniry.Pensidn Laws; at a list of Offieerihd,the Continental Army, who - acquired the right tifllall-payjCom.. • mutation; Lhnd 'Warrants, Ole -!•. • - BY - W. T. B. SktFELL; Cjtunselley and Agent forßevotutionary Chains. Ono vol., cloth, 515 . 4. pp. Price one dol; .25cti§. S. A.RT111711% -?opularForka True Riches. Home •Seer.es;. Golden.Grainc: The Martyr Sparing to Spent r,i c _ . Angel anti the Demon, Three Eras in Wont -, an's Life,. •Ten Nighty. in a Bar - Tales of Reat Li4e. Angel of thrHouseltobt- The Old -Maris Bride - The" Hand but not tAe The Way. to Prosper Heart. The .Witltired Heart. 'Heart Histories. and Tate of Married Life Life Pieturei, •=• Steps Toward Heaven The Trials of a House- What can Woman do? keeper. - -Totes of Domestic Life. ,Leaces from the hook Good Time Comittii, ' o/Hamcin Life. "In th'o union of thrilling - dramalle' incldenb;, with porn' lesson* of the highest- importance, these work* of T. S. "Arthur staid forth pre-em inent amongst Modern nottrors.r" . • '" They have been introduced into-the District, - Sabbath, &hoof, and carious otheil Libraries • thronahont the country." ' : Each of the shove-Ent-3(A contajns Catalogia • . Addles_ GEORGE 0: EVANS. Anbligher, j 26 439-Chesinut `Street. fa. , , ',flee advancement or Dr. Banfad's Liver Invigorator and Family Cathartic; Pills, in amither, column. • . - I .sepB v . 11).. Woolll,'. with' his . CAR 4 • is :ogee tante located on the , GREEN. opoistile kr - tke WORT HOUSE, in 51ONTROSE, Lsrltero , be wilt cheerfdlly. "wait, upon all who in ay : favor him with . • - .„- Picturertin good ;eves, 50 rentrU' Liberal &Auctions for funnies. All work irairrnoted n c l, to Litontro rf Dee. L'4 18.54...