CATARACT .NASIII% MACHINE, Clothing,- Time, and Labor bared: INDISPENSABLE -TO HOUSEKEEPERS. The most . simple, economical, and diriible article, ever offered to the public to alleviate the discouiforts of wash-day. • Description. - " • ik consists of a inetiil cylinder,- with ribs on tholYbaide, and as interior cylinder of—wood, w 7 a. There is a space from six to_ eight insWs.. between the two cylinders. One c rank Aurt*Aoth cylinders at the same time in Opp°. site directions, rapidly creating a suds, forcing the aster through he clothes, and Mk:tunny removing the dirt. • The action of the w;:cr doesclhe work quickly, dispenses entircliwitb rubbing s and thus saves the . wear of clothes. - JAM ES B..RODGERS, 104 Jones. Alley. Phil. is Agent;for Peui. SULLIVAN & HYATT, Prop'rs t 64 BEEKMAN ST., NEW YORK. N. B.—State and County Rights for sale, and purchasers supplied with Machines at wholesale on liberai terms. IpirA Machine is in operation by a laundritss daily, at our salesroom, 439 Breadwity. , ; c co mhB ecrw6m TRE MIST GUN 'OF TIIE IV.IraNAT 'lnEl23,l=l. HAYDEN BROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S Agents, are-now opening the most error- moos StOck of WINTER _DRY GOODS, BOOTS &SHOES. - " • 'READ rMA D.E CLOTHING, HATS if: CAPS, GROCERIES, wurviviAo ROBES, - YANKEE NOTIONS, WATCHES; JEWELRY, &C., &C., ever brought to this end of the State. Bought in New York and of the Eastern Manufacturers FOR CASH! and whieh,we have waked dowa at AkansincaLy Low I:!mcss - WE DEFY COMPETITION!. WE INVITE INVESTIGATION ! ! • WE SOLICIT EXAMINATION !! 1 As we feel ebnEdent iu all we assert. ...The day of large profits has,gone lay. and we have good GOODS, CI4EAP jor+the MILLION! The sums' of our house has.prompted "'OLD FOGY% to filch from. us our ,good name. We cannot prevent this, cif 'course, neither do- we desire to, and have no apprehension . of any evil result to one business. • BUT WE CAN; AND WILL, sell much lower than any othei establishment in this part of the State, and we will always Maintain nur'reputation for P.grcEs THE LOWEST! STOCK THE MOST EXTENSIVE! STYLES the Most Fashionable / Qualities the Most Reliable.! OUR,' MOTTO IS SMALL PROFITS! 'Good Value ! . Quick Returns ONE PRICE and NO . DEVIATION 'Our swain of dOini business creates much jealousy among Old Fogy Merchants who toive as many prices, on the same gocds ns they have customers. - OUR - -ONE PRICE SYSTEM pleases our old . customers_and creates than? new ones, we intend to continue it. Remember and, call before you buy; if it is nothing more to keep well posted up. far W luivantages fa§urchasing .goods, over any house,in this sectioned the -unparalleled increase of our sales for the past year warrants us-in saying - that we. never Were, _and never will be undersold. We fear ne yetition. Flour and Salt alw,rys op hand. • Every kind of Produce *ken in exchange for Goods. Casts paid for Pelts and Furs; HAVRE\ BROTHERS.. Nev Milford, Pa., Jan , let, 1860 HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors end manufacturers of lit tS.- • TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TEAS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citiiens generally of the United ktates, because the article has attained a repu tation heretpfore unkrown. A few facts upon,„ this point will speak moriT'polverfully than Vuotes of bare assert i op or hi t zoning:puffery. The -consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit.; tens for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady - increase in times past,.it is evident that during' the coming year the leonsumtion still resat. . near one million hot tics. This immense amount could never have been sold , but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepare - - tion, and the sanction of the mgt prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only , recommend the Bitters to their patirnts, but - . are ready at all dimes to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of storoachic•derangoments • And the diseases resulting therefrom. -• . • This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in 'tile way of &um peting the qualities cf the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, Which is destined to be as enduring as'timeitself. • liost ett er's Stomach Bitters'have provid a Godsend to 'regions Where feier and-ague • 'and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims l'y hundreds. 'To be able to state confidently that the ••Bitterel are, a certain care for the Dyspepsia aqd like • diseases, is to the proprietors a source of unl• alloyed pleasuts. It re:nova all morbid matter from the 'atm:finch, purifies the blocal, and impartfrenewed vitality toile nervous system, giving it that tone 'and energy indispensable - for - tile restoration bf health. Iteperates upon the stomach, liver,•and other digestive organs, mildly but. powerfully, and soon restorm , them • to aeondition essential to the healtly.disebarge of the functions of nature. • Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining year'', as it is pleasant to the palate, -Invigorating to the bowels; excellent as a tonic; /. „Rai rejuvenating generally. We have the evi deuce of thousands of aged . men and women have experienced-the benefit. of using this' reparation while 'coffering from stomach ,de rangements and gismo eral debility; acting under *the advice of physicians; they hive abandoned' all deleterious. drugs and fairly tested the merits of thli article. A few words to the - gentler sex. There are certain periods when their ' CAM are so harassing that many of them sink under the triaL - The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if-she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for hit infant. Should the Period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the weir of body and Mind is generally aggravated. Itere, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the aystem, and enablethe mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene • rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endoisement of physl cians, because -it is agreeable to the taste mt . well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength'. - All those persons, to ;abortive have part larly. referred above, to-wits sufferers from. • fever and ague, caused by malaria,diarrhcca, - dysentery, indigestion, loss ofappetite, and all diseases or derangements - of the „stotnach,. - , superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing,motbers, will consult their own physical - welfare by giving to lies-• totter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial, . CAUTlOl`i.—We caution the public against using any of the tunny imitations or counter feits; but ask for IipOTEITEIL'S CDLEIIIIATDD Sroween lltrrime. and see that eneh bottle bib the words "Dr. J. liostetter'e Stomach ninety'.' blown on the side of the bottle, aid stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our riutousph signature is on the label. • ;, • 1 ear Prepared and sold - by HOSTETTP.I tit Pittsburgh, Ps., and sold by all druggists, grocers, luid de4lera generally . throughout the Uni ed Eitat. south Arne- - rico, and Germany. -1 ' J For sale in Montrone by . janl2 ABEL TURRELL WK ti.INDING —Old took's, Newspiperys, amphlets, Magazines, etc., bound Upon *twit notiee. - J. L. & SON. _I46tIOODS! NEW 8001/S+ AT I.BRANCH STORES lOF -6Utfilbirg, OStOttUM ) Ca e l i AT Diontiose, kitisqtaDepof i Pa,... H: ft itdersigned have „ provided themselves SP NDID A,SSORTMENT PAIL AND WINTER GOODS . .1 n4bieti they boast of being the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST in this see ion of country. ri they 4lso- flatter them4.lves that they have the belt fSellities of obtaining 6'.(os'lrtsli from Ilie Ilitrktt; •.a • - - and determined not . to be uttdersold by any firm this Ode or City: In regard to • " NAN MADE CLOTHING- we woOdlav that being in this busines largely at •24 D ebie Strea, New York City we can l ottetthe,public bargains not surpassed by any2reiaiiiiealers in this section; as we ban sell here prices as cheap as those, who go to New i'. ; kulc , and purchase at whole Sale nailthen btink.;thern 4ere and hyao to make it profit over t l! atlAvhich they have already paid them. selves. , Oilhabd see us and we will prove the faciti.';-.1 • . • x i, • Outtrabtro, ‘ospbannt; Mortise& Pa.,October 27th, 1859.. ' . . DID TE 11111-11U11..1T1'. - T .t.%; ,. ...tbi1hv 1 ia ,s i id g e ;ii b o u t s it e i n g t e o t MOPE. GOOD. - .GOODS FOR. C133.e . liZicillar than can tie had at any BE' ER . SHOP in,Penn'a lam bound-to make it an object for CASH buy: ers - t9 likve their shillings with tne,.and not 6-per.d then] for flet4iPash—stuff—the fag enis of PeterTduk Auctinn,ShoPs.--which make In Big Sho - 0 on Hand:VlM: Don't be humbuged by three Vent hanilkerehiefs, aold. only to bleed, but comiao the - , * OASII STORE :one ,dookbelow Tarbell's Hotel and bity your Geode 'at New-York Prices, Calicotse.Delains, Sheetings, all - good I: Goods. Excell, ptl'eas, 40,59, 60, and 75 cenis. jling-- hamton Oka' 4s. Ers. 6s. and Bs. 12 14' pounds nice dry Sugar for 81,00. Box:Raisins, Is. Sotip ' Starch 'l"ibacco, &c.,.&c., all of which I wiut. -sell tef stilt the. closest bnyers. • . 1 1 • Januart2s, 1860.) HENBX TVIDER. hJ B.- =Don't forget The place; the 0:14Y Store *Bove!, Milford's, No. 2 Public Avenue., - I _ • TOYES! - STOYEST . Al . .REDUCED PRICES: • 3. 331:rEtMELI a r nr i ll . , inst4eeeiving; a large stmk of NEW stoves I nOuding full assortment , - coofiri r 4,:Parlor, Office., and Shop Sloven, j for Wood or _Coal. Also,i Stove Pipe Zinc,' Slove Tubes, &c. His aSs4tment will include4he nrst stleet-mnd 'desirablir: stoves in markt, - and :will be sold 'at Reduced Prices for Cash', or Prompt Pay. New i flilford, November Ist, 1859. • > ;THE NEW , Ell4ll NEW 411 AR,WINTER GOODS! ATGREAT BAR/GAINS! Itetidy Pay and Small Profits. I is . i t i i t ta U k i l n t a f a l r T e lr a has d.r now:i to n Store-and s l FA WINT4 07/ 1- DS ° ,. - lo ls which he of would i4ite the attention of 'PROMPT PAVING. BO ERS, embracing the most desirable varieties' of LADIES , DRESS GOODS, In li r wlt4les-of Rich• Fall Prints and in DeLiins, Dural Plaids, Plajn and Plaid Mq,ri • nos, pf Clotts, Gin,ghams?and Brocbe, Stella, Pashinere, Silk, and Wuol Shalls; Rich s ftiblicii, Bonnets, and Flonegr4Net Hoods, La dies Oloths, Broad Clotlw,. Cassimeres,. &e. With a;; • full assortment of ' • ff,taple and Pitney Goods, I. as usual, including • Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stores, Iron, Steel, nails, `1•" . Bats and Caps, • I BOotkand Shoes, Carpeting; Floor Oil PaintekiWiacioW Shades,Wall Paper, Clociks. Drugs,Oiiri,Paints, Furs, Buffalo Robes, &c. The intire stock beinglarge, and-bought for CAS:II, tieill give a superior opportunity for chc ice setc4tieus, and will be sold for READY-PAY' 10 to 01 . 14 r cent i - below regulir prises. An es iminatinn of the &rock' will be found profitable , to thostkwhO wish to buy.. , N r .fll—Flostr and Salt constantly on hand. , NeW . Nlitford, October, 1859. ' • 1, - N . ' B • - 1 . • - vATlNEASand,lilottien,Brottiek aiid Sister*, and all others interested; wilt pliiise take Panrrc o..A notice that , .ISCEtaatiii; the :fellnw that comes round once a year to tie le the ichirdren, Is - expected along soon, and • as agrfed lo call tit Bultara's Book Store where* contact I A nice lot of Toys, • - 1 'I ' 1 Fu r Girls and Boys • • Also, pfine lot of Gift Books and Annuals, sat 4, old Santa Claus 'will surely be plea. (4 'veil- - Pleafin remember that the old' fellow wilt roUtld'n few days, earlier this year than usual} ruCchrtittmas comes on Sunday, and will tiyi finiiti Ws travels to all the little Girls and Bnyt. SnOurdily night. -At:the 51pntrose Book Storni, ReUielftber. A. N. BULLARDi I Monitrose, Dee; 120, 1859. ' I . I ' WM. B. SIMPSON, , • !. knit. REP 11. lift' Sh pl,:?n Boyd & Weloter's new buildin., urzOt door above :Keeler - it' Stoddard's.' 1 TIAViIiG worked for the past nine years 11„. nu the mast skillful workmen, te feel's Confident that be can, do the most difficult jolis on eboit notice. - • ' • -"* 4 - . i All Vork yiarranted to Give Eatisfattionk B. Bustrsou ban worked forme for sOme tithe, Iced t can iecopimend him as a careful and eklifulL4'oricmitu, competent to do as good uttult aslcan:t6 .0 - One in The country, And, worthy! of cohfidimee. Wu. Ail CtianazaLti.:4 Tovianda June 70th, 1858. • ! • efe'rs to—Wtn. Elwell , E. W. Baird, E:f i 11 1 ) . Men tae, E. Q. Goodrich, B. Kiogebttry,,Toulan dal; : S. Bentley, L.. Searle, C. D. Lathtlep, itehherg.itlontroan.' f R lbwelry neatly repaired on ;short no cc, unite ,lieasonable terms. [June 16th, 868 - I rEI..M. Pottongi.ll &Co I - -1 Nassa u -at, datertialugAggpts, at 119 Nassausl 4 New-York, and 10 State-St, Boston, are itgentaifor _7 he Montrose Democrat, and are 4- t6Ortied to contract for us,ll, our lowest- rates. I. ~ . . - • _, 1 , UKNING FLUID, Wllte sad Cod Floll. li , radial Kid B. S. Boo ts and In'ore`G*lteka 'm 54 eta. to sl,ls—all at, TYLER'S. T . layaglb XE4459. • - . ' - IS . t'.l ~ . ' • - ' I L Cheapest *at: La;testi . 7 I . ;., Pays for Toition in Single and Double EnOy_ Dl:yob-Keeping, Writing, Commereial Arithine tist and Lectures.- t • _ I toird i S weeks $ a0, 20, Stationery it , , ,niilon .835,. entire expenses s4:l*.. 7 ;-• IJ, sus! Limo from 0 to 10 weep. . E very tip. dont, upon graduating, is guarauteedtompethnt to manage the Books Of any Business, and pial. iced to earn a salary of from $5OO TQ $lOOO. Stu,lents enter at any time—No Vacatioa— Review at pleasure: . I First Premium for Best Business Writing for 1859, received at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Uhio State Fairs.. Also; at the principal Fairs c4.the Union for the past four yeaps., 1 Fir Ninisters' Sons received al half pried. - * * *For Circulars, Specimens, sad Embellish ed Views•.of the College, inclose' five letter stamp!, to • • F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa. - R AEAvi, 4„Eiti -Z RESTOP" vse, erribbraft "'" An aperient and stomachic preparation, dt IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by ..corit bustion in Hydrogen, of high medical author ity and "extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaint!, viz.: DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, EMA CIATION, DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA, CONSTI PATION. SCROFULA, SALT RH:EUId, SCURVY, mama, LIVER COMPLAINTS. 'Wm. MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER MITTENT FEVERS, NEURALGIA. - CHRONIC HEADACHES,. FEMALE WEAKNESS. MB, MENSTRUATION, WitittS,.CHLOROSIS, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE SKIN, etc. • • • The IKON belbg absorbed by the blood, mid' thus circulating thrdsigh the whole system, no part of the body can escape thdir truly wonclet ful influence. The experience of-thousands daily proves tligt no preparation of Iron can for a moment be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, dis. pressen of vital Msergy, pale. and other** sickly complexions indicate its necessity in al. most every conceivable case. In all cases of female debility (Bmar' albus, chlorosis, etc.), 10 effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovcrek in the whole history of medicine. which exerts-such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects: Good appetite, coal.' plete digestion, rigid acquisition of strength, with an• unusual disposition for active aid cheerful exercise, immediately follow its nie. As a grand 'stomachic and general restoratiise it.has no superior and _no substitute. Pot up In neat flat metal•bozes tont/dub* 50 pills. price 50 rents per box • six•boxes, 01 . 50; one dozen boxes. A 4 00.. For sale by Druggists generally. WM .0c sent free to• any odd on receipt or thepriee. All. lets tiers, orders; ctn., should be addressed to t , - R. -R LOCKE &.CO ., General Agents; 339 nacomivir N N.ll.The above la a the-slmlle Or tiie label on each poi. For sale in Montrose by . decls. ly ABEL TURBELE, Agept 46 YO SIICIJ WORD AS FL.:" A RESISTI.tSS-lIEMEDri-,:j::: ?t4 4 zt * . L.,, A 7k. .• . ' .` 4 ,% g 1 HOLLOWAY'S, OINTMENT._ e# c ,. .. - -- -',5,. .) ~&:-..: fh /.sz; '' .N' t ,„ . 4 1 1 ;---r-likj..l:-.4.14\5? 4.9 t, , CIRCULAII. TO TICE • 11111 E first hospital surgeons and medical pub. • 1.." heists of Europe, admit the. unpara)leled anti-intlammatoty and healing properties: of this Ointment; goveinmerits sanction its use in: their naval and military services . ; , and the mas , les 'in this country and throughout the world Opfise the utmost confidence in its curative prOptrties, It penetrates the sources Of inflamn3atioo and corruptioil which underlies the exterpal evi dences of disease, and neutralize the Ger i } Ade. ments which feed and (;:tasperato the raidady. Ithkumatism, Ocrofnla, Ery s ipelas ; These are among the. most terrible and ago nixing diseases of the muscles, the flehy fibre and the akin; yet in tbeii"-worst forms, end:when seemingly incurable, they invariably disrivear under a persevering:application of this soothing, healing, antidote tri_pain and inflammnfiod. - Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Still - Joints. In nll cases of Salt Rheum, where medic/ 1 1 wa ters, lotions, and every receipt of the pilar'ninco• pma,hrve proved useless, the Ointment ,Will. tic eemplish a- therough cure.. -Fever S_orefi heal . quickly under its influence, and ke relaxing, - ef fect upon contrah r ted sinews is truly wonderful. . Discharging lacers. • A most remarkable and ckange is:pro Mica in the appearance 'Of malignant:'uleers af tera few applications of this Oinmetati Maur rounding redness vanishes, and granules of of healthy flesh begin to take the piece - fif the discharged matter. This process goes - oil morn or less rapidly, until the orifice. is , filled ufrivith sound.material. and the- ulcer radically Cured.: tt Word to Mothers. • - Theyoung nre the most frequent stiffOrri from external injuries, and therefore every Mother should .have this healing preparation constantly at' hand.' It is an absolute specific. foi sore . breasts, and qUiekly removes the encrusted sores . which sometimes disfigure tlip bead and faces of children. - 4pMcii*alwb ThisOintmentfisuuiversallyused onboard the Atlantic and eaeific whaling fleet as a..cire for scorbutic affections and as the best. isissaible .remedy for wounds and bruises. Large stipplieS of it hsve.reoently been ordered by the Stilton of Turkey for hospital purposes, Buih the Ointment and Pills should be ifsed in the following_ casei : Bunions, Chapped Hands, Sealds„ i; • Barns, • . Mercurial Eruptioni, Sara Legs, Chilblains, Rheumatism, — Sore Breasts, Fistula, HRingwortn, • Sore Heads, Gout, Salt Rheum, Sore Throats, laimbago,l Skin Diseases, " Sores of all kinds Piles, _ . Sprains, . • Stiff Joia t s, Ulcers; Worths of all kinds, Venereal!.Soren Teter, "- Swelled Glands. - • ; * * *Sold at. the 'Manufactories of Professor •HoLlbw • Atr, 80 Maiden. Lane, New Yolk; and 24 Strand, London,4 all respectable•DrOggists 'and_Dealers ,in Medicine throughont thepnited' States and the eivtliied world, in pots,yat: 25 eenta; 62 142 cents; and sl.each. . - . Tberp is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. - • • • ; N. B.—Directions for the geidaneo of patients in-every disorder are affixed te'eneh ,riot.! • . • : j9oyl 23e0r. • SHOES: ALARGE LOT-for iota liornen just . received, And for sale at the very low est rides, by . " J. LYONS, & 03N _ MBIORIALS. - . . .WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD MINIS," a may remarked to its a day or : two since,: as sbe exhibited the portrait,of an only child; gone to the "Spirit land;" which was one 'of . 11 1 1 1:734336P • • " ilow I should regretit, had I not secare this pricioni : inemonal of that dear one." - So thought, we., The: loved'ones "aro 'not' always with us, and while we can call them ours, every ono should secure such a memorial; especially since, they can have them so truthful)) , taken by that successful artist, B. 1'U1)1.1.9, 'of Bing. hamtoa. , . _ nee HOLIDAY PRESENTS. The subscribers have 'this day received another invoice of Jewelry, 'km:, direct from the manufactory, nod, are aow prepared to show to their friends the best assortment of goods ever before offered in this market. All persons wish ing to make their frinnds and families Christmas presents, are- invited to call and examine. dee2.2 EVANS & ALLEN. Odd Felloilo' Hall, Binghamton, N. Y VEEDLES.—Bons and Wood Tidy_ Nee dles, Petting Shuttles, Crochet Needles, Sewing,,Darning and Knitting Needles, for sale by • , • EVANS & ALLEN. AIR PlNS.—Black,`red and gilt• Hair Pins, H varigns patterns and prices, by EvAss.& ALLEN, ORAL.-4 One assortment of Coral Beads, G Armletsi Necklaces, &c., by. ' - Evass & ALLEN. QI,EEVE-BUTTONS AND STUDS.—The o:best assortment of Sleeve-Buttons and Studs, all prices and qualities, or sale by EVANS & ALLEN. • SPECTACLES.—GoId, Silver; .Sicel and German• Silver Spectacles, of all ages, for sale by - ' - ~ EVANS & ALLEN. friIIISIBLES.—GoId, Silver end.Gerinan Sil. ver Thialbles, a good stock, for sal6 by • • EVANS.& ALLLC, NTUT Crackers and Nut Picks at EVANtI &,ALLEN. et OLD PENS.—A'first - rate Narletv of Gold, 1 1.31 - Pons and lencilsi all sizes and qualities, by EVANS & ALLEN. rrABIJE CUTLERY.—A good supply of Knives and Forks, Carvers and Steels, by EVANS & AELEN. DORTE • S;CiNNAIS and CARD CASES, in every variety—Pearl, Berlin Wire and • •Frans & 4LIUst. . , AT CHE i S—A largest4k of gold and sil ver Watches of the best mak* . Ira, many of them of our bwn import,Atio, at,,Vriqcs much -lower,than have ever been sold , iioOwn,—War `ranted good time keepers. • E; &A. —Also, Watch Chains, a fir - Write assortment of GOLD Fob,' Vest, and Guard .Chains. : - T,:AR Rlllll5l and Breast Pins—a beautiful va : 1 ' riety, in setts double and single,monaisting of Pearl, Jet Cameo, Lava, Coral, Florentine. .Mosaic; Brilbant,Enamel, and all Gold, various patterns and prices. F INGER Rings—Diamond, Opal, Pearl, En amel, Jet, and all GOLD, a great variety from 8.16 down. OCKETg-a very fine assortment, GOLD 11 and Plated, 1,2, 4; and 6 faces. Q ILVER Ware—a large stock of sterl;ng sil- Ver cadre, consisting. of spoons, finks, ladles cups, cake, pie, ice cream; butter, & frujt-knivas, ehildrens setts, napkin rings, card cases, etc. , LATED Ware—Castors, cake baskets card D I receivers, tea setts, ice pitChers, sugar has. Ots, salt cellars, forks, spoons, toast racks, gob lets, etc. RACELETS-11 fllll,4llpoy, of every style, 8.. some'very rich patterns. • CLOCKS—Eight day, arid thirty hour clocks great variety, warranted. nov,9, EVANS & ALLEN. No. 9 Odd Fellows' Hall, Washington . st. CHANO.E OF. TIME-IVIYTER Alt R.ANOEMEXT-D., t•. W.. R. R. 1859, trii!)a [ra''iwilldlF-rftreurnTashlirfroy;sn.ce. 1:7 EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS,;—MOViIIg TEe night express train on the N. Y:'& E.R.R. arrives at Gt. Bend a 3:28 a. tn., and conneeis "with the express train leaving Gt. Bend for . N. Y. and Philadelphia at - - 8:00 a. ni. Due at New Milford - - 8:17 • Montrose - - 8:36 • Hopbotioin - - 8:59 Nicholson - 9:16 Facloryville .9:40 Abington -.- 9:57 Scranton - • 10:30. Moscow - • - 11:17 , Tobyhanna - • 11:53 • Stroudsburg - - 1:12 p. m. Water Gap - 1:34 C_olutnbia - 1:50 Delaware (15 minutes to dine).. 2:9J " Hope (Philad'a connection) 2:35 - . Bridgeville - - - 2:40 Washington - - 3:13 Junction - 3:30 New York • - 7:15 Philadelphia • 8:20 EXPRESS TRAINS MOVING NORTH. Passengera from New York, leave Pier No. 2 North River, at- '7;30 a. in. Passengers from Philadelphia leave Walnut street Wharf at -. 6:00 Leave Junction - - 11:10 Due at Washington. • . 11:28' • ' Bridgeville • - - - 12:01 p. Hope(Philad,a connection) 12:05 .• Delaware (15. minutes to dine) - 12:20 . • Columbia - 12:20 Water Gap . - 1:01 Stroudsburg - . 1;15 Tobyhanna . 2:45 • Moscow - - - - 3 : 19 Scranton . - - 4:05 - Abington - 4:42 • Factoryville - • - 4:59 Nicholson - - -. 5:19 - Ho pbottom •- • - 5:42 for MONTROSE .. 6:01 - • Neiv•MilfonA • . 6:22 - . . ' Great Bang, • - • 6:10 Connecting, at GreatDend with the . Night Express going West. at 1:45 a. m, An Accommodation train leaves , • 'Scranton for Great Bead at 10:35 a. in; - Fnetoryviilo 11:55 . Nicholson - 12:35 p. m. Moni'rtise - - 1:50 Arrive at Great Bend •• - 2:50 Connects with Dunkirk Ex. West .3:39 - and Accommodation train West at 5:33 • • Accommodation train repirning Jeaves • Great Bend at. - ano 16,0tr-ose - 4:05 • • Niceolson • - - 5:15 Factoryville - • 5:15 Due at Scranton - 7:15 . The Accommodation. train does not leave Scranton until after the arrival of the, morning train on the Lackawanna & .Btoomsburg R. IL, thus giving passengers from the Wyoming Val ley asiirect - connection for the - West by the morning train. For accommodation of way travel on the SonWerg Division a Passanger Car will be at beheld to the Express Freight trains leaving , Scranton at • 4;30 , a. in. Doe at Moscow . :6.00 • . . Stroudsburg 10:40 - Junction ' . 2:40 p. m. Returning'will leave Junction at . - 4:90 - a. m. Duo atStrondsburg at - 7:45 ' - Moscow •• • - 1:10 Scranton ' 2:35 • Passengers from. New York will change ears at Junction. To and loin Philsda, via B.D.R.R. leave or take can at Hope. For Pittston, Kings too and Wilkes:l3arre, take cars of Lackawanna & Blomlasburg &: B. at Scranton.. For Archbald, and carbandaleatike.Stages at. Scra nton. . Tickets sold and; baggage checked nr/101700. JOH N.BRISBZI,. Supt. Wat N, Jaaxa, General Ticket Agent. - .. . . „ - . SSA EPSILONS , .. TAKE . NOTICE.. AT.a meeting 'of the ALPHA 'EPSILON SOCIETY of HARFORD UNIVERSITY, held on the 91h alt., it was, on 6otjoii 1.. -. Resolreil, That. as many of the Books-of the .Soziety are gone, and a number welt, talon ma. der the mistaken idea that theSoetnty !was to be discOntinued; wo request nil Per.e, oll o l ndiig books belonging to the Society toleturti:tnern without further notiee.or delay.- :I- • Published by order , of the. A: E. Society. - '.. l.r. , • ' : C. D.:Ttior. • . j :,.... - ! . an2Gtff.) E• E. LYON,., . ' CoMmittee. E. K. itrettaanson, tf 1 ' -.'. WAS:ELZ , P; 11ANUFACTURE4 AND , IiEALEII. STRAW' 'GOODS Hog. 103, 105, and.lo7, North 2nd §lreet, • s MIA &la • • WE are new . about'receiving, our SPRING STOCK, which will -comprise a large' and desirable assortment-of all . kinds of ' gurifiW &LAZE UM_ - Our Stock of FLOWEKS and RIJCIIES,wiIt bp, unusually largelhis . season,'and will -would invite your special attention to that department. Ple'sse call and examine them before making your purchases. , mhB mw Yourx;respeetfully . H, WARD, NoS. 103; 105 and 107 North SECONDIStreet R.-KENYON - JR & CO. WOULD respectfully solicit the inspection 1 of a - new And very' rich assortment of DY - - G- R OOD. this day. received, consisting in part of as renews: Rich -Black Moire Antique Silk - 18s. perivard; Foulard Silk, nice style; 6s. per putt) RichiPlaid Silk, the sery, neatest, patterns, 10s. tier iard; Black Silk, 28 inches 'Wide, from to Il2's. per yard; splendid Black Silk Sliiwls % Nisi $8 to $11,• the ; finest assortment in Susq'a Ca.; nevi invoice of Ginghetns i at very low prices;' also: of Calicoes; largo stock of Denims, Mixture : Plaids, and Lawns; Printed Shawls ken'. 7s. to $5; Rroclut Shawls from $5 to $25; Cellars from 6 cts. to 20r.; Parasols from Bs, to 245. each; Bonnet,-a •Isrge stock; Ribbons and Flowers;. also a new invoice, of Gents .ShoeSlongress, -Enamelled - -and Calf Skin; Ladies Cong ess Gai. .ters,iKid and Enameled; Misses Calf and Enam. cllecl Boots; Children Pat odi Boots,,Ga'teis and everything - in that line.. They - would also call . .attention to the fact that having an arrangement with one of the [attest Importing Houses -in' Nev,York they will receive regularly Netw, Styles as fast as they.aiipear New York , and Will take the greatest-pains to please all who call and see and wish to purchase. . Particular atten ion paid to-procuring fine goods—in every style ; . A new lot this 'day received, and v specifully solicit an examination of tl Good Teh„ city pritcs, also at4s. t - COFFEE-.-Java, Rio . and Grouni . . SAlJERATkrii—James PyleN,Babb ieinal,and ExMaior, &C.. NAILS, a • . new stock of WALL PAPER an DOYff PA PER,thia day received. lING TOOLS of the'moat approved Gold Band, Shaded, Blue Band, and all the now styles, as fast as they appear in New N'ork. PLGER constantly on •hand. SA the barrel or sack. PATENT MEDICINES, GLASS,. and. everything else con want. • . R. KENYON JR.. 1 .41.4 CO. Law.sville Centre, Pa., - June.Bth, 18. 9., 3EI.3OIVIO'NT.ALL. • G. F. FORDHAM. jjAS removeirhis•shop across the +tract, to. 11 the .building one'- &Mr below _.'eeler dz Stoddard's, which he has fitted up egprissly ter a Saddle, -Harness and Trunk Shop_ where maybe foimd all kinds 3E3.1 1 11:11VM ..S) .5; frOtn.the heaviest team, to the lightest trotting harness;`ond a general aSsorment of trimmings. which will bc made up or sold Very low. Carriage Trimmings: • • A good assortment on hand, which will be_sold ~very low; all trimming done cheaper.' han else- Wrlere. . I OAK LEATHER on . hand, from which h — arnessea will be made and 77VP arm- ustaa;t e d... * * *Customers will please' bear,in mind that wish to settle up onee.a•year. Thdse having unset s tied 'recount s , or notes .due, oblige by settling or making payment withit- further delay. • • (LP. FORD! A:11;• Feb. 21th,1 • . I St ontrhse, Pa. - DiTC:WrriC3O l ZCOIIB would res i tiectfullyannoun r ce to the . public that he may still be found at the' old stand, fully prepared to attend to Ithe.wants . of the community: He will keep on hind a good . stock of Groceries , FLOUR SUGARS, TE AS, COFFEE, S PICES , , r 111111, LOUR and SALT' (by - the sack•or barrel,) FISH, and all articles found in First-Class Groceries. • He would particularly call the - attention of Fartners and .others to the fact that -- ho is constantly receiving fresh supplies of FIRST RATE FLOUR, also g ood and medium qualities, which will 1:•••• ,sold - rantrr, for ready pay,. in: quantities tq suit the: purchaser. • Cast' p•liti for Pelts, Deacon, and Veal skins. DISSOLUTION, . THE firm of S. H. SAYRE & Br.os. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, D. Sayre withdrawing from the 'firni. < " The bUsiness will be carried on as heretofore under'thp name and style of S. H. Say re & Bro. Tholtiotei and accounts will be in the hands 61 DJ Syro for settlement.. All indebted to the firm:will please give it tbeir limnedi.le attention, as I all the ac. counts must be settle. . • • • S. H. SAYRE di. EROS. sfontrose. Sept. Ist, 1859. • KEYSTONE HOTEL At Montrose., Penn. WM. H. HATCH, Proprietor. T HIS - new and commodious . Hotel situated. - on Public. Avenue, noarthe Court-HOuseond nearly fn `the centre of the business portion of M6ntrose, is now Nly completed and furnished, and. was opened oit Monday. the . 27th day of September,' 1858, for the accommodation of the . public and travelers. The Proprietor- feels confident that he.' is now prepared to enfertain guests in a 'manner that cannot fail to give Complete Sathilltation.. The Bawl itad-Furniturti aro new, and no ex pense has been spared to render. it equal, if not superior to any Similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well supplied with all the recent improvements and -comforts, and obliging waiters will always be seadyto riaspond Jo the call of customers. . I • • . • Tile Stables connected 'with-this House are New and Convenient. The Proprietor respectlltily'solieite, the patron ago of his old friende, and the public generally. Wfil. K. HATCH. • KUM lc • • /111 HE subscriber having purchased refitted and newly furnished the above well knotvn end pepular Hotel es s .• - —is prepared to accoremodati the trwi clink public and otitess with all• the - attentions and conveniences usually found is first-class Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pros prietot: and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country, The Bar will always be supplied with,the Choieett Liquors: - i• • - The Stables, connected with This Honbe are large; roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Thistlers midways in charge of them. -: • J. S. TARBELL. AI3,EL.TUIRELL AS just.returned fro nt lectiog and pnr: nod is mow eirkog one of.the' hugest aid best assortmentS + f • • Cr• -CO CO-30 O r ; • ever offered in. VIII .joarket.E.llo' quality of nearly. every thing pearled 'ill warranted as. represented: : Terms47eady eimb and low prices. Some generaLtdes of tbe stoek may be formed -franktbe follevving enemerdtion : t• . • • ' - DRUGS, MEIIifIIITIES, -• - Chemicals, Paints, Oise i Varnishes, - - • Windc4 Glass, Dye Sturis, ;Groceries, Lomps, Glass Ware, Crockery; Idirrori, Clocks. Wall Paper , Window Paper, Window Oil Hades, Panoy Goods, Musical instrameits, Jewelry, - Perfumery, Stdne,Ware,Brooms, Brimires,Whips, / • ` Umbrellas, Bird Ca g s, Packet g - . . • ~ ; Knives, Guns, stab, ,' : ' l Animunition, LiquOr ,Trussai, SupPoiters, Port;monnaies, Shoulder • BtaceS, Spectacles, Silver and Plated Spoons, to Forks, :, Gold Pens, StationerlY, ,Aliolin, Guitar, & Bass V ol Strings, Bounhlr.c., Porcelain Teeth, Lith ojrz Mrs; Artist's Tube Paldta, Brushes, &c. 4 and'all the populaiPateelledicines. - I Also some Dry Good Wooden,. - , - ' - Hard &Japanned:are, - • Fluid and Oil Cans, i mphene, ' - Burning Fluid, Alcohol Turpentine, • • . Lamp, Tanner's, .Beat loot,Lard,Olive, Castor, , Boiled anditaw Linsecd,,andl Coal OILS, White -' -Lead, ZintiOrnd all kinds ofColored Paints, Vine ` gar;- Canary Seed, and other things too ' - . • numerous to Mention. As it is impracticable:to gil+c mire . than a gen eral outline of my stock throlgb the Nowspaper.4., every one wishing goods Iv nvited to cull and examine:: -Customers on entering the Store must not expect to find every thing in sight;.but. nearly every otticlo warned will . be produced by inquiry.- Thankful for th . 3 liberal patronage. hitherto received, - I hope to merit and receive a large increase of the same. . . , . Montrose, Oct. 5, '59. A; EL TURRELL. • • - ,' • ; S ASO xi o , ! . D , s • - LIVER I tilitg tiIIATORi .... . Itir.VEIL DEBILii A TES. . IT Ic eillialliillltied COM rtli ' t firms C Irma, anl hanbeeo:no an et: 0 n:msed natt, a A a tard 3:o Lt.:;i.e tun .0 and, *ppm - . ed by all i .L v not.l it. tn e i 0 notr re.- aortod to ulthialultddll. in la u g!.:lptalen for 0 Lien ft is recommended. : ' It bas 'cored flurnaude MI Itithin, the loot tan years lido had riven up ail laytts' Id Ad rhilef. to , the nonaan. unsolicited certnieatedin my 1 ./1 'pl.steta ,,, The dole mutt be adopted; wt od ttn tenyetanent of the • g Indirtdual taking it, and 001 111 'eil rich quahn as aca to art gently on.the Bowels. I . { i Let the dictates of your ! 4 udfrnent gnide you in Ili, use elide LIVER IN -I A , %II:Oft/0'0H, sod it yin cure' Liver Com- le Jilelnts, Unions At tacks, Dyspepilo; t% illhironleDl errbiora,. ,8 aut . riter Coin- 1 5 15 ,1.,„,,i., -13ydentr. 'l7, D ropsy , Sour Sloulaels,llabltual ri Costiveness. Choi 1 le, Cholera, Choir- , ra Marone. Cholera ' . I st t tarn.. Flails-. 'knee, 4it I.IL nd I Cr, l f qrurele Weakness es, and tony'be ttleiHt rte...,, lee tdrutly na an Ord taw. Fir , Faulty Medi - t R iCOC: . It'd:lcon:SlCK 1 II E A p AC ix ii., - 001 ,ti n .,.....b, eau teadly,) In twenty otelstutcs, It, I tiwo or three Tea.. , stexinfauti are .ttatt.i roll at. commencement of. 'meet. I . ' s ' 1 II , . . " .. ' ' Ail Who use It arc aring their tenttinumy In ita favor. , I i 1 MIX iWATICIt 1:1 TIIE MOUTH 'WITH THE INVIOOItATOIt ' i AND 'SWALLOW HOTHTOGETII E It. 1 i . • I t ould to e 831110 9:65. Se !Price One Dollar; Per Bottle. • . S.A.NPOILD'S - ALSO,: FAIIIIFF • C AT HARTIC PILLS, CaMPOUNDF.II rfti.M Puma Vegetable Eitraelw, and put up In 'GLASS CASES, Air Tight, anti will Leap °in ally" climate. 1 1 - , The Fatally Ca-1....! hart le PILL is a geni tlo but. 'Mae Cathartic Dig widen the protector las ' used In his practice tour,. e s then to enty ),..,1 . The constantly' hicrealon MI demand ft not theme whit .h.e e k, oe ,thed the p1f,f,.., ... and the sat.f.tet!,,n a Lich all mores. In regard to the i r e'a tcl, Las Indme I :fain place them within the reach of all. The Profession well know r 3 t at dilrereiit Cada:llomA Cl, different portions of the Nave', The FAMILY CA- ,IIIIARTIC PII. I, my. w ith doe were., to thip .1,11 establi,rwd . fa rt., been compounded horn a n Tatiety of the parrot Ic,.- . Vege table Eltracts, which met nw alike tat seers part or the alimentary canal, and are, WI -{„(till and safe in alf ram. es , where a eathartl: . 1 E. 11 ,,,,A, sorb . as De . rattirement• of *het St omach, Sleet+. mesa 'Palos In the Bach and Loins, Costiveness, Pal ti anal over the whole body., • taln madden cold. a loch 1 frequenUy, If neglected, 'evil Inn long (Yana* of re ier, Loss of App..- M tlle ' a Creeping' aett• ligation of Cold over.g thebodr. Heatless-. be. Headache, a* sa r elFht to the heart,: e. all I n Bans in story Marmite Worms to Children hr Arlnlts, 4 itlieusnalls tat, a gnat Purifier oftlte Blood, s o, snit manyAlseaars to at hie h Crab Is heir. too nltatereual le tri 'aeon.m lit ibis adrerthe• . scat - i ' ) l r ii i /t1 TurtEi.: mu ES. `.. • The laver Invltiot ;UM- situ Volatile en- thartle Palo are retallrd by. Ilreaalatr generally. awl sold wholesale by the Trade In all'th:•Farge ton its, • S. T. W. S'"il'Fattn)'rg.Pf . :rupli,t.r -•. 338 Brondway,[ i trw are . ' For sale in Montrose WI . . ciep29,7i9 .# ABEL TIMRELL, Agent_ •- 1 . ,__.— -- SALANA Fa Safes.---24ANS •-•-• -- , - : - .6 taci --. & Watson,' u.' 26 south fourth II rq:9' street, Phila l elphia, have now on X___ hand a largo assortment of Fire ' and Thief: roof Safes. AlsO ' ••.- - --'• Iron doors ;It r banks, stores,slron shutterS,'lroa sash, all m• kes of Lock's, equal, to •any io the United states. - ' • Five Sufei hi. one Fire. 11 come out Right With contents in. go d condition. ; THE SALAIIANDER SAFE I . OF FIIILADELPIIIA 't ' AGAINST TllF.rOltLil. at. Ali ' EVANS ' Ii.TSON, Have had the: surest demonstrationr in , the following certificate thatitheir manufacture of Salamander' Safes has .at Ichgth fully 'warranted the representations which have been made of them as rendering an um:l444d security against . the terrific clement : .1 I • • - . Philadelphia, !April 12th; 1856. ' -Messrs, Evnas & W.A.Fsbx.—Gentlemen: It affords us the highest saHfaction to state to you, that owing r t,o the very protective qualities of two of the • Salamander Safes which we purchased of you some nibilth since; we saved a largo portion ot our je4lry,and all our books, papers, &c., exposed to- {he calamitous fire in .Ranstead Place, on the • Moraing of the 11th inst. • .• . ' WherCwo reflect that die i se Safes were located in the fourth story of tholbbildin,g wo occupied; and that ihey.subsequentl ; fell into a heap of burning ruins, where the Fast 'concentration of heat caused the brass plat ss to melt, we cannot but regard the preservalon of their valuablecontents as most convinc rig, proof of the great security, afforded by your Safes. • • • We shall take much p easuro in recommend ing them:to men of 'nisi ess as a sure reliance against fire. - GEORGE W. SIMM NS &-BRO., Jewelers, WhO have purchased six large Safes since. ,April.2B, 's9—y. • • • ~ . . • . (JUR .M.U.SICIL I.'RIEND. Coffee. tt'B Med d also WIN. AllH patterns. t • . i r ,..1iC1. - a ...4:_ - _ — : i,,;_-"s i ::;•-tyLf_-t--- L -- : :-=--n--- . : -_----_- ; ,-- 2 _- 2 .....,9 0.. • ' 1 • A•Rare 'CoMpanion fo ' the Winter Months. -Every Pianist, I Shoutl procure. this weekly Every. Singer, 1 Puhlication of Vocal and Every Teacher, PiatiO Forto Musk, cost- Every Pupil, . ing i 'but. 10 CENTS a Every Amateur, nu ber, and pronounced .• By the entire 'roes o the Country, to be - " The Best and Cheope i i teork of the kind in the W rid." • ' "`". ; Twelve Full-sized Page ; of Vocal and Piano Forte .3 usic..4. - P li Cla . . 10 1 001:1.t14. .. Yearly, Elh; Halflearly, Sa,6o; Quarterly, 8145. Subscribe to our " Mulikal Friend," or-order l it froni the nearest.:Nowl,dealer, and:you' will have music enough for Yitur entire family at an insignificant cost; and ifi you want 'Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet , Clarionot Accordion, 41. c., &c., Rub.erihe to thM SOLO MELODIST, Contiining,l2 - pm, co ins only • - - 10 c. a Number; yearly,fo,so ; Valf-yearlY,Sl,2s. All the Back Numbdrs , l i nt 10 centa,•and bound Volumes, containing 17 i limbers, at $2,50 each, i ka. constantly on band, 1 ' ' - - - : . ' C. B. EYMOUR & CO. • . , •. • 107. N lu St., New York. WOOl C PEanbscribor,cotiti , as - usual at his - .Toankful for past far share th e-public frau' , Brooklyn, flay 2341,1 Limoun, fresh gro .1: gabs; cheap. Just IYIPT 2 4h.1 • • ALARGE Avsortment of Lithograph.. and Tube . Paints, jut, arrived, and fof reducedßale, at reduced Oleos, by -ABEL TT/EMELT,: POCKET BIBLES,! DIARIES, CHRISTIAN ALMANACS, CHURCH PSALMIST.. r. . • 1 - • SUPPLEMENT, SMALLL BOOKS, &C.. for , sale by Dee. 20th.- .1. LYONS do SON. ./1/so,! I P URE - KEROSENE - OIL. . . LIGIII - 1! FRESU Turning' Field, lampoll, Candles. Also;;White Lend, ini-Paints,Linseed•oll, Obfrco, etc. etc., jest opened and going cheirp. • J LYONS & SON. Steriti .Pt TOVISiOIt Store r ,' At IfILONTROSE, Pa. fiNE 'door below J. Ethridge'a Drug; Store, lJ on Oublie Avenue, where will be found e'onitantli on hand a general assortment of - •• 'GROCERIES: such, Pus,rays, Mola.sses, Syrups, Teo, Coffee • - &e, dtc ate. • Also the-choiest: brands of MILY FLOUR, Steal, Ltid,-Pork, Mims, Fish, Candles iSto: • We solic i t a shaie of the public patronage, and pledge oiriselves to do the fair thing, hoping by each barkain to seeure.another. BALDWIN & ALLEN; Wm. la; ALLEN: ALFar.DJPA.Lnwri PDIARIES AND ALMANACS for 1100.: a' large . Variety. And Pencils for marking , wearing appa'rel,: warranted' not to fdde or wash-ont, for sale bri_— . ' • A. N.:BULLARD; A Cl-tEAIi and easy remedy for the Piles and Cdrns. Try •it. Alta Meyers. Rat and Mice Exterminator. sold by J. LYONS da.SON: WINCHESYER'S , HYPOPHOSPHITES . of Lime and Soda; for Consumption; Hol loway'sPinlnient abd Pills ; Todson's Monntaiti Herb Pills, and neAly alllhe Medi: ines'adver-- tised, otiri the market, are fir sale by: Ifontipse, Jan. 9. • ABEL TURRELL. JITDSOX , S Mountain. Herb Pills. . AnOtt we present you with a .perfect likeness of TexumN .a chief of a tribe of the strange Aztec Niktfon, that oboe ruldri Iloxico. You will and a full account of • him aml Lis people trinur Pamphlets and Almmums—do, from.the Agents for these Pillar ;The ,irlsentor and Manufacturer of ..tJudson'a Monn• brio Herb Pills," Lax spent. the greater part of Lim life in trsveltbg, having visited pettily every country In tic . world.ii Ile Spent eZver_stx"yennt among the Indiana of the Reeky Maintains and of Mexico, and it was thus that .the t.,klogs - rmx lixes Pmur" wore dlatoeered. A very Intermiticg account of his adventuies tbere,,you will Owl in nori.timanse and Pamphlet. . It ii:xn established fact, that alt diteales arise from The /bast is the life t awl whets coy foreign or rentt4 gets raised with. it, it is at,once distribute,' to every !organ or the body. Every nerve feels the poison, and all the shad organs quickly entnplain. The stomach dill tint digest the fund perfectly. The liver ceases tn . accrete a sufficiency of bile... The action of the beta In weaketred, and Nu the circulation Is feeble: The lunge become ,cleggrd with the poisonous,. matter; . lience s •a rough—and all from a alight impurity at the.foonteln. head of filoodt As if you, had thrown , mine earth. A for instancen a pure spring fsom- which rats a tiny rivulet, in a few minute. the whole miner of the stream bec omes disturbed_ and discolored. As quickly does Oupure blood ily to every part, and leave its stint; behind. All the paasages become obalreeted, and Unless the ode unction is reMoved, the lamp Or life soon dies out. Tliee piths not only purify_tbe blood, bet regenerato:All the secretiorot of tlic - rudy; they are, therefore, uarivallea ES ITeatiach - e, &e. This Anfi LllTious dteticine expel,* front the „ blood the hidden seeds of die ease. and crude all. the fluids end secretions pare and flueut, 'clearing and resascilatlne the vital urger.. Plearant lodergl. is it to on, that-ri are able to place within your nob, n mei:icily like The 't itorsaala Mara rola,'" that ;rill pass direetlY to the *Mated ;.-art.. tbrimMit the blood and noble of the iidy, and eau.. tho ourferer- to brighten with. the , ecish of beauty and .Juilson's Pills are the Best Remedy in. exist ence for:the followini - Pcmplairys: Axial Conglairstr, - innara "Weakness, eninAs, Ferer and Ague, Liter Complaints, alds. . , ittionk aropaisys.Lmenrst if Spirals, Chest .Diseases, • Iltrufaches, Piles, - • Coatotnett, butifFfion,- . Sone 1111 i Gretna pysiersia . Influenza, •Steonstary Sgisp Dieirrkezcs: Joitammation, lams. • - Dip, • • - • • • • j • • • !GItEAT FEMALE - MEDICINE! £einales who value- health, should new be without thud rills. They purify the blood, remove al:atm:idioms of all kinds, cleanse the Miami all pimples and. blotches soil bring the tieh color of health to the pale cheek.- • • a- The Plants and lierba of, which these' Pills are Triad*. were dm. ..veered in a revy , surprising way among the'Tezucany, vi tilts, of Aborigines In Mexico. Get the AlniSnac of our Ageat, and you will yeadivith delight, the 'very interesting.areount it eoatalna of the "GRAM itaA;clxl7 of the Aztecs. • , • Oisserve.—Tie !fountain Herb PITla - err, put up In a Buflit(jul Wrapper. Each boa contains 40 puls, and RdPA at .0.5 cents, per box. .411 genuine, Aare tAt ersatitTe rf JUDSOSd. CO., on each toz. . • 8.. L.AtnisoN, & SOLE P-RiDP.itIETOR 'Leonard Street, - NEW YORK' skir: Agents ranted slays—Addrus sE ab , rt BRO., Agents, tiontrose': . (dcc22 HOWARD- ASSOCIATION , • i PHILADELPHIA.- A Seiler°lent Institutian'establizhed by spe cinl En'olmen& for the Relief of the Siek . - and Distressed, allietid'toith Pirtitinj and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the . Cure q Diseases of the •Sexital . Organs. rutEDICAL ADVICE given "gratis, by the •171 , Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, erith!fi description•of their condition, (age, °cm., paticin, habits of life, &c.,) 'and in cases of er. trearpovertymediciries . I urnished free of charge. VU 'table Reports on Sperniatorrhcea, and oth; Sr Dil eases of the Sexual Organs, serf( to the at. ilicted in sealtd letter envelopes, free. of charge. Addre.iis, Dr. J. §killin Houghton, Acting Sur geori; Howard'Association, No. 2 South 9th-et., 1 Philifia, Pa, By order ofthn Directors. toe& • A NEW BOOK, BY .WILLIAM YOUNG M.1): - • Tha secret clue to courtship, love & maniage: with the diseases incl. /ft dent tc! youth, maturity and oid ago; 1 7'4 , d.5....75 being lights and shndea of-married .4,07., ,Si life': its joys and sorrows, hopes • fears and disappointments. Let all married . people:or those contemplating marriage andi,having the least impediment to married life, readithistalok: Let tieery.young &wand woman in tfie land read this book. It is full of Plates, and discloses secrets that every may should know: a litt le , knowledge at first may save k world of troUtle in after' life.. Send for a,.copy. (enclosing .25ct.a... to . • • '.. DR. Wm. 'YOUNG, , ap2B y] • • 416, Philadelphia. LD Doer; HEATH'S BOOK OF TR4VILS j) , urlfiqat . diseoveries of the .lOpaßeseN,lo and' vote India Medicines., with full directions for the °ash) curia of COnstimption, bronchitis, ;s -tart ,coughs,colds*hma, fevers, heart diiease, solo nia, carreer,dyspepsia, livereem, Pig4gravei end, prjnary.deposits, female com plaint!,: Illustrated with htindreds of certificates - dams snct bngravings..-For the purpose of rei4itiog as many'sofforing follow-beings as poesibte. from a pro Mature death, I A will be sent to-Krtßaft of thoiontinent by senttiing2frcts.. to DR. H . EATII,, 0420ivl .847 Rrott4way, New Wilt-City. Beld also by A.lTurrell.ltiontrossf liayden pros., ;New Milford; C.P. Ilathews 4 Sera:dots. , • ,1 - • • BDIMG. es the above business. dd . stand, in,Brookl)n ho would solidite nage. • - 11A. G. 11.EYNOLDS, 69.—M d. Molasses tind.Su pteived and fousamo by 'J. LYONS &. SON, NEW V Impunr. bi RE POR -BILIOUS DISEASES,: MARRIAGE GUIDE.
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