The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 12, 1860, Image 3

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    - Sueq•a Co. :.4gricatittirali.ocikty.
The Society met At the Court lioun'ades
tiny evening. April 3d, ISO ;. Abet Oissedy
in the Chair. . , • .
The Minutes of the' last meeting were read
and approved: .
_, Mier this the Committee ttp-•
pOinted to revise the Constitution grid 13y-
Laws of the Society reported, and, thetr.ll`l3•
port , after: a full , discus,iiin and F - oriie few
amendments was passed and laid over air anal
action iitithe Auoust:aeeting. • I.=, • .
iiii. s •
The _Executive l'iimeiittee then Marks — the
_Report in reference to Fartil Pro=
ducts. • I
_The Executive Committee big 10076 to
report that they havtLexi alined the repOris on
farm productions and have. awarded rit's tint
premium, to Elijah . l.34l - lard on the folkiiving
te • I'
This is to ceitify that -Itt foNowlnV - P l ° -
dilutions wee raisedson the farm-of the'', sub
ser•itur in - the township of .I.3iidgeW4Cr, in
the year 1859, vie— . .
60 hu4is. of beat at 61.25 , pot buitir.‘6'
330 bustis. of oats at at ca. per bu5h.,126,00.
'6O bu4as. of rye at Oft els. per, huh.. 140.80
•,13 b.' of bi ck heat ,cts. per .b., 1,50'
1100 b. Of, corn to ear at 25'cis. per b. J 5,0 0.
130 b. of potatoes at 38 ers. per bush.• ;FA9,40
543 ,lbs.'of butter at 20 eents - : ; Per : lb. 105.60
250 lbs. of cheese at 1"2 cents per. lb. $6,00
1100 lbs. of Pork ai '6 eetits per lye , 42,0.0
And 3 pig' for • .. .-- • 4;00
40 pounds of 'wool at 40 cts. per, lb., 16,00 .
70 dozen of egg at 13 els. per doze'n... - ?.. 1 .9.00
6 tons of bay at 68 per ton ':" 45,00
9 ton of straw at.6l3,te? ton -!,.27,00.
Corn stalks - - -
3 bushels beans
Anil pastured one Span of horyes, foril.ows,
two yearlings, ani.L'twelve sheep = —fin iforty•
five acres of improved in ncl.
• • (-ignerIX . ELIJNEI BM-11AB1p;
Mr. G. L. Willialoi-repcirtnsoi followil: I
have rai,ed on 1.14;4. aetts
_and oneptiirklied
tbirti-four perches-- • . ;!•,.
7411::burdr.l. of wheat at 11;25 per lmtnli. *2 8S
82 bughs. of rye at 68 ors, per bm.b. /55,76
:145 bu)lis. oats at 3G cents per bm.h. 14'4,20
25 1 , „ buirkwheaf at 50ct. per•bush. 12.50.
Itrifir_T - of-heans RI *1 per birOoll ;1i Oo
25 busks: of corn at 775 cts. per bothli
3 tons of bay at .$,B per top -• h 12,00-
Five 'head of cattle kept ontne place.,
(Signed) G. „L. W I 1.14. AA.
On motion, alert:l.4.ln vra ,,ipt c d aia` aye
Prerniurns-ordered to be paid. -
On motion of W. Se:stip diefidi+ni Mg,
resolution was unammouly adapted: .
R.e.olred, What a
_coma: ilSee of f,,4i hr
appointed so make Sarrangetnent4
Society fully - repres M
the -Ntkate
Fair at Wyoming, and they
expend fore bat rpiii
in s ;one hundred and-• - dt , Pat , , nnt*ltat.
they tale suds portion' ot the lurid, heat;sitl:
for that purpose by z.7ii!":"iipiion t a they-4:thty
be able.. ,
The 11:e t"ufirf it
gen drown a . , i,t301
Je,:•tai), S.i!tie! F. Cua malt, ..4iLd
Lath op. - . i .
On motion the - Sovic ; 'l4ljl)triTlC:(l.
Teachers' Exaniinatioe.%--l'eMic , r,'
examinations Gill be hal in the dittcrent
shit s. at 9 'o'clock'. a. m
~ :'hso-s:!.
Harmony. April 3oth; Oalidand
and Susquehanna a2pot, May Ist, Eastilfill
Schoolhouse; Great 'Bend, Lodbritil lc
Schohlhous,e; , Brookiiale Sc4'ool.
house; Silver Ld e, 4.lh,dlr:tekney'Sidiri , ll4,6s..;
Chocohnl, sth, Clal:'l;'s SchoO:house ti,
Silt, South Schoolhouie;
. I'slew Milford
rooi;11,. 9th, Grole'd Sch:ool Ilarford,
10th, Villatto;•Gdison, 11 Ur, union Hill ;
son, 1901, Nu. :2:.Ttionisrin; I.lth,cerder;-Arpeat;
15th, Church ; Herrick, 16:h, 14 i. nda'e ;
ford and 'Thinclaff 17th. Cit j 4 ; Lenox,
Gileuwood Sehoo house; Lathrop, 19th, Hirl--
dale Schoolhouse; Brooklyn, 2. 1 C4nter
Schoolhouse! BridgetZater and .5i0ntr05e,412.3.
Free SehoolliotiS,! ; Dintnck,. 23d, cilep erS.
Schordhousof:Spring'cille, ;2-11h; Hi:l4)4s- 84001.
11,11.,,e ; Auburn, ;23111, I.c Schoolhouse; itipih,
26;h. Ch,tripion SChOOlhOil , I . CSSA),
Bie Schoidhous c ; I.r:ko mid p.
man, :1901:Towne ; .:11.diBcti.wrr arid Briiljois
vdio, 301 h, Baldwin's Schoolhouse; fipolalnin,
31st, Graves-Srlioolhousc.
It will be required of ail- tozel.ers that tact,
engaged scho sk (either poitivery or
that they .h;l l he examined in tlitim
help whare such Felscsr t la are ltim teri, ;altirsr
having, ersgaeed selis is in the ttsvvn,hip
the c-re‘itle.
Each.teacher will plerl.e4(ll.nly . .
two or. more sheets of foolscap iscpZ.r, pen, ?and.
The exam'nation w,;11 be the i - ittr'n Onito7.ll
nietheda ("011itljnett
C •
• Al! inicrested-arcinv)ted to.4‘ten , i.
B. TEll . "K•EtfilY, SI4P.
Brooklyn, April la, ISGO_ -
Tun IlmoN COlcvEsrfox.—The N-01 , Dryil
Cornenlion; to . , meet in'
the 9th' of next month, ha . . - .secured the 15iur,t
Skeet Theatre fire—days at. the .rt'si,is •s.l",
$lOO per day. , Thefrotit tier of boy- , ?,,
be devoted exe!niively tathe use ( f the 14ssi.d.
.st bo may , t%i-ds to be preterit.
The Resit:tin IL:9atiecticat.i,
The Reptih!reans are ease at_ diet: re
solt In Conneerieut. The core is sirigal:y
against IttpublicanirAn, and the effect !loth
.within,atid without the Slate, has been trier
ally4tid politinally, that of a decided Mitno
eratin i‘sietory. Tire,'grrl,:bint De ineerais of
Cannti:itinut, indeed, ,So far frugt feeling
grin at defeat, are every where j ;net lapd
,of couragn„ Theeneourr:er has: 4trhirs.e4
"all their energies, and 06. nie actively and
zealously preparing for . li'.firral Kid more finer
g,etic effort to r-deem . thir'State frnar
grace of aohtionasna. The "Hart =
fird Titers of Wedueslay hris fibs fJiloiiino :
. „ .
RUOSTING LowElttil.ND LOW L . :lt. F r jeers
ago tbo.llcmocra2s bud over116:000 luaji•ir;ty
against tietn in 'CoanecticuL • - • '-
Two - years ago, -theyl ! ad -about 31000
against them. i••
. .year the Abolition figures • were cut
down to LB7O. • • • -
This year lon n poll of BG,OOb votes rilibey•
are reduced to. 500: ' .
The Reruhlionos Itro nOw t'oostiisg on the
lowela. loatiult, and the nest deioent• mutt he!
to he ground! :,..• • 1 1
who have been taught to b e lieve that (Imre
is nu retne4 for cancer but..the knifei •rire
invited to tend, the following ktatemeSt•—
iteuben Wituers, litte of Brooklvn, natl. now
iding Caltfornia, was for
several months 'trsatod serundent- artene; by
tein physici Ins, for' what they - pronoun - x:0 to
rhsa cani.terous tumor on the left breast. Fi
nally they recommended - ",eleisita, but the
pittient Itiveini - heard much of the clraacy
of Holloway's Oin trout! I, io Aicti cases, xes4)ited
to try its effects • b.f.,te submitting his fle-h
to the steel. lit used it: con - fortuity' iviib
the directions, for two months, at the 41 of
which' time the lump bad'entirely disapeSred,
`and up to the data of his 'Jeering for ISau
- Francisco, in Augustiast, an interval of four ,
teau weeks, no symptoms of its re apperence
could be discovered. The Pills 'am eoally
. effioacioiu in eli . internid diseases. - 0-
Gov. P4CKER, has vetoed the Philadelphia
Police Bill, n the greond t at it ',vas a par-,
them enactn ent e l meant to l perpetuate in of
flee the l'ue.ent peliee'oto. matter what 'chan
ges might. t Wade id the thuttiotPo perlitios
uf the" city in. this Iteie• five years. The hill
was tory: •
For the ::Denvirat.
steamers are-anlßu.aeed
the Clutheston COnyentio
board during its tlessitin at tl
—the S. It.. Sprudllog,
for the routid•ttill,; the'Keyel
delphis,lBo; the Yof ktoivo
.?50; the Coatzacoaleox,fros
the Aug usta, from Savinn
extra ch arge ortiil j so"per d
that the session shall cont,
H.tratisnuno, - 4pril
33 iuns*as tired thisTeenir4
by the National Deanocrati4
oration of the recent victo
Rhode •
A Card. The subseri
0 !ass by fire on ;the - 10th
silted by companies of whiti
is agent, can , slate t6At the'
(sant ily adjustoi-and can
Companies as proMpt and . re
- .NOtiCe.;,lAs I am freq
I would ask- for c sing goo
AUCTTCIN; I .take -this met
.1 will cry goods or cluutles
or front three to five dollat
log, to the, amount. of dab°
diatnnee within the limitd - c
all lrishitig my ... rvices in
I 1 $7322,D0
mern•loiated•en the qREEI
sill cheerfully. wa
him with aeall. •
Pictures in , vend Cases,
deductions for Fat lilies. . A
tint. 4o fade. Mu/Ares
A filleted, It eAd.—W ILLIAms' ComrouND
SOLUTION For tho PILES, is warranted to ef
fect a cure in ever) ease, and in all stages,tif the
disease, or the mniiey will 'be Wooded. Full
diretions ai:eomparly each bottle:
Abel 'CUrrell,...tontrose ; T. J.llabeozit.Dlm.
ock; 0. G. lletupstead,=Brooklyd; and Dr. J.W,
TiinkhannOoc,,azents. [dee y •
Riot fa .Li PII Is.-rtie high and
envied celebrity
,which this lira2eminent
vine bus acquirea thr- its • lay in
all the d'aelses wltieh it professes to cure, has
remiend the usual iiraetiee of ostentatious t.O
ing not only unnea,isiary but unworthy of them.
They aro .known. Uv.• their Aruits; their good
eestffy for them; ar.d ILey. thrive not by
the faith of the ere,ulous. .1n all of eus , .
tiveness, dyspepsia,, bilious, and fiver affections,
Wes, rheumatism, fevers and agntis,.obstinate
hemLehes,and general dorangentents of health,
these Pills nvva invariably. proved a certain and
speedy rt medy. &Ingle trial Ware the
Life Pills beyond the reach of competition i i ?he
estimation.orevery patient. . .
Dr. 1110filit'n
.111,0 its Bitti.r' will be found
equally (Zeal:icr:4 i4all eases of nem - 0113 debility
tiv , pepsia..,headaebe; the biekri:phs ineldrnt to
fjoinks.iti delicate health,- and every kind of
,teelkn.ess of thedizr.i!stiye organ;: For sale by
IV-13:-'510FFA1:', 335 Broadway I%,ana,
by medicine and druggists generally
ihroughout the country, 1 deeB
A Family 11i.t
,tatentent• :speaks 'I.
it ,- ing the kettleTfo
,e,dclud • lay hands an
land altno,it to a "ert
I,t arable . . It w:ns At .
Kit. - -a L
the rain alitost; itinn
.And• left: ns! sell- Of a
•I'LO-Broad Slrdl,
, wonderful article. •I
tit'.fr 'Joints, Eruption
For it,shoul
One dollar's worth
,aved a 1 - altintile har t
killatilons. Sold in
Globe. B
in 1126 em smr
Heal the Slc*,
and- Vwels .4re alw: r !
<rf hurtful tuatter,•le
those itneoltarit urz.
terial in this vitiated
makes it too weak
the "channels,
a r. ry tpalj o purtion.
terr, colic, eostivenel
stormicli, etc_ Tu et
the Fife," ,and•tnustl i
thisn vo-4 c nnot be .1
.Vou will feet
power, and be
of the trtilyAtt
POT s,:le by nll Ikl(;iffi
Aae. Great DE
fir:11;11g to the extreri
the Ferer.and,Ag,ue
eases. .Ever} day
by this disease-and
nitlemt a6y
id. the great demand I
has preserii - ed
eases of the stomach;
knowlaged. The
experience and deep i j
Niobium-3 of the most
8 . 4 all class - seg, from ,e
To thost,. - ho doubt
can say is to try them,
re:Teo:let:ly. Fur. ca
,vnerally everywhere
Read advertisen
IG 11.- 1.• - ... :,;T
. 4 ,
of the present age, hare cieined theu - great popubulty
only through your, of nut trbounded edsefsetiou
' ' lls rendered 3 them iii all Caere. •
14 "'
. .
' " ' • '
.: 1
.11 00 te T., A. lir D' S . •
wut. rkrzirina•err. . .
Liver Complaint. Dyspcpnla. de tunee. Nervous De-
WIRY. "'pierces or the Kidneys.
; -%-rul all diseuses urndng 'runt s d.ndenui liver, Or weak.
1 ,, noes of the En....,. I, and nitestiee Organs, .
i , sup WILL nosru er=
rrts int
&e our Almanae f.,e pert * rr.i .75 cents per Bottle.
1 •
lloofland's BaLsaric Cordial
. ,
, Congbs. Colds, or llea.:rstness, rerehltle, Irilneneal
Croup, rneumm...m, Tacipler.t Canstunytion,
and . bm. 1a...f0r Inmed the steistonizbln;rureiever known -
As a Dlarrhcea Cordial I Is mem ailed. Pmet, 75 seett
r bottle. I
. '
_ .
.LAND' 1 1. CERm'A I N PILL, s
being well known throui; Mut Europe sod America, needs
• DO mmtuendation here. They are purely regetal.lo, are
• prepared with great mac Ouse. and are Sngar-Coatcd. No
better Cathartic Pill can found. I Nue& II etc per i5...{..
These - medicines are Predlby 1:Q. C. kt. Jacesott k
Co., ~ PldiddaPtlia, P 1... " St- Ltndi , 1 14., end ars sold by
' druggists and dealers la edielnis breriwbere. The eig. ,
' nature of C. ;IL Jansen* all be ot tkiS outside of oack
bottle or box. .1 ,
In oar "Seerybody'ssitesonoc,P published Annually, yciu
' will And testimony and eummendlitory notices from all -
parts of the (unary. naiAlmatistu tiro Alvan away by
an our agents.-. 1 ~...
Ellr Vur sate WI Montrose by
u31129 - Y" sr • ABEL TURRFLL, -Dr uggist.
1 - 1 1
pr itself :—(Extract.) " hn
m the *fire lit caught and
d person ver,y screrc,l)N-one
The frirturo .was'
aw?ul sight. * ,Tho
raiment ai , pdared to extract;
, thaft4. It healed rigidly
S:dunt• effitutts POSTER. is truly a
cilie snylease of Burn,
.1 never he - dit+ensed - wilh.
of Slnshing has frequently
se.,lt 'cures Galds, - Sprains,
anti e'ounuers... Bcware rJ
'all parts Of the habitable
.—,,,!Of the stoomo
vs caused Marge deposits
by bad !or impure
t o+, Laid Ithe : ponous Ma•
loud, acting on tho',yEtem
u throw off !this-tn.:ller oy
or if any' is.carried off it is
t.:40 'arise diarrhm,l, n
.s; bad breath, indige.44o9,
te, wind ‘ of - the
re till theme :" the Mood I,
e perfectly pure 'and clean,
ick -A short use of JUL).
HERB pi Lbl i will . delight
ith surpriSe their mighty
to sa s v n irh the red men
y r ru tlxe •-daiglity he ter."
inn f),-iiicrs . rp
mr - biair4.. i.o persons emi.
he sbuth and we,t, is a fear
lthe. of, all dis
f poisons attacked
lade helpless in a short time
aqitidia,,a• re ler. In view
Or a re medy; 1)r. Hostetter
! unitive powers for 'all dis.
11 have ben universally ac-.
preplired..after long
have received the en
enainenv physicians, as Well
evnry: part. of our country.
their. niany virtues. all we
anajudge fur themselves
le tis druggists and dealers
ent inlinfith(v column
NEDlcb ir '
, The New Orleans_ Pietiyune or Tuesday
hit Capt. Swaney tor the ship - MaseOut•
-omo from -Liverpool" epl)ris - that on the Bth
of...Maret4while he was passing off Cuba,:be
was ehaS'Niand fired •at. 4. a war steamer .
carrying 'Spanish lip hov e . - to, and
was • .thi3m, whether be was
bound. - IThe . steamer tho sailed away with
out ,giving any explanation: - The islas i co
:Pomo. WO Amerman coins - 'and private.
nals flyirig ails thei time. ; •
1:bo following
1 - (AG visitors to ,
; and to finnirth
iutuf, stipulated .
In • Roston; 6100
'tone, from Phila
frtml Richmond,
; New Orleans, 60;
1) $3O; n id; ail
uv for every day
nue beyond one
ti' . - ,
.. I.v . " 1 - •
- • . The . supteme Coutidil.of.• Pied Masons,
composed of. th.oso only isho- haTti. taken Jhe
tbirtt;- ‘ thitd degree—this liigliest in the Order
---escotted by di? MlloE.Templer& of the
Dlslriet of Colnrobia, sdsile& Mount' Vernon
last S:attirday,:an . d.lopemid the Sotrow Lodge
lel the giave of .Washington in honor of Om
1 Inerno,ry .of that. departed t.illieftain and distill
; gui•bed 1110Ori, • The cetemou.y is .desclitJed
las imposing end effecting . . .The .addyesati.iis
, delivered by the LlOn.Cl4iles Scott of Vir
. putt.. • -r. - . .1 .
.„,..„.— . .„„____•_.2.-____.4._, H _,_._:_______
. ..,9 . -• 'I tt. - - Pi 'h 9 -4'. q.
- . • ESENWILIVS -. .
. - v
!aktio . nal inluto cf
fiornCiipitol Hill
Chi bri it cothmetb-
Icy in the State of
er having suffer!.
'ehruruy,, and in
h ,Bitlings Stroud
hnre been sal6-
rennm mend said .
• Is tltelfest .. .ifetlicinein theitcorldfor the curd 4,
TOrths and Colds, - Croup, .Bronchitis, AsthmO,.
Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation Of the Ifeert.
A - nd for the rellifif iatienti r in ativaneccl i stagef 4
Ciinsuniption together withtall -Diseases' of Throat
and Cheer and which prediSPoio to Conswiptii)n .
Ii attacks the root of diseitse, and the fell.
destreVer succumb . to its influence, It • also pro
ducts free expectoration, atul ,Induees he'abhylac
lion in.ihediscasedMucous illem bra rze anii tis Ates
,It is peculiarly 'adapted t4the radical cure of!
'ieritly asked what
,'s ;Ind chartles at
iod of saying -that
I fur two per I:'atit.,
.per day, -accord,.
required, at any
f the County, - for
hut Lim..
3is :CAR; is once
IN; opposite to the
I'ItOSE, where ho
who mar favor
One dose.o/Ais,inralaabfr SYRUP clipz
asc and,consetpiently_sleci4 which the iarticnlar
nature ef this disease denic.i It is .rypleas
iint to the taste, and promptlin its ffects. Try .it.
and be, cOnvinced that it is fnralnahle i>i the cure
Price 50 - cents :per Botaz:=
O 'rents. Liberal
I wort: warranted
Dee. INt, 1859..
Prepared only 4 A. ESENWEIN, Druggist,
N. W. corner Ninth k Peplntl : streets, Philadelphia.
General- Wholesale Atf,nts, PhiladelphiaL •
For sale in Stontrose by
ni1129 y*/ ABEL TE:RRELL, Dt-bg67st
Democratic. „ Dentoe - r::ific
Club of t.:zustfa 'County meets Avert, Monday e,ke';
at leir room over N. Builiird's Store, in 31(in..
, . .
1.9 n theAth, by Rev. J. B.lMecreary, Mr. Wm
C. 'Mclntosh and Mks Oiivb :both of
Bend, i'd.
In 'Montrose on the .51. h by - Rev. 11. A. Riley,
Rev. R.critte,nden of Syravn,e, N.
Jennie E: Rout of Springville. -
. ,
i In Rrnoklyn on the . Slh, 1v Rev. N. Doolittle, 1
-- ..11r. Fdtt?arti E: • Thayer and Miss Julia- Lord,/
:ill of .
In J - essup . on the . 7lll b, key. J. K. Perk, Mr. i
Japer W. Rundle 011l i ld.iltilOwn, N. Y_. to :11:.+s 1
Dru Ola Depue, danghter of Timothy Depue. .1
• -At Ilarfprd, by Rev. A, I:tlilfer„,,- on the W.ll
inst, Mr. Wm. T. Gillispie. df Gt Bend, late of
Califourtia t and S.Ces Mary 4, Leslie of Hayford. I L
• In Harford, on the 2Sth Wt. 11.R.c.v. Lynian*,
Richardson, ,Nli. ROmulus Wild of. Ottawa, 11l , 1
to :11 . r,s Franck M. Howe . r I fairord. -
' In Rusli on the 7th by Rb J. K. Peek, Mr. i.
Ncirmatt Eterling of Aubutin to 3liss Delpheno I
L. Dunmore of Rush.
... , .
In Forest Lake, on th"e
.G h just., JAMES E.
STONE, az,c , d forty years.
•An Ltrectionate compauinmb kind father, and
useful — ollizen has uuelPeettidly departed hence
to be here no tnore. Ills !osswitl be: deeply
f.ilt by a large circle of rnlativest, but, especially
bY his bereaved wido‘k ,Lndtchildreit•;:: to whom
he Zia S endeared by thetuta ,4 . y kindnesses that
make home happy. . . •
At the residence of his (;ranii father 'Batj.
rat ke in Itimottk ItiWpsttip,thiskounty,
on the mottling, jof the 2P;,11 ell,. BENJ IN'
I;liE son of limy Eunice, and John S.
*Detwe.ltz, aged 5 rears and
New Yolk
. _
i The death of ri.etrild, a gli lt-h7ra a ' e,otomorr
i.JOrlFe:;rrenee,: is yet one el tL trs
e orit'belrl-rend
- riu.. , sdilietiorra that pareutsi n . ~.114.entls . can
st.ffer: To see budding, lOelinesS and pcicu
liar promire of .usefulnesr Cut utt l I.Sy the un•
Ifeeling destroyer ; to commit - to the - grave
the ch:ld of purhcars deafest H&c. tions the
rriel.esttreasure of urifoiding hope and prom
lli,e•ii the keenest pang that heart can feel
r hOwerersirorig-tlie faith that assures the be
reaved.that the child has I.rien - a
elio,zen icirnh into the fold of the Good S'ilep-
Irlierrl:; pereliande transTorrned into a inini
c tering arigii-ed watch over, thoso Who loved
1,, him here. The bereaved in this care have .
l ithe freartie-t, s; Inpathy of 'rill who knew their
I darling and preeoeious - hoy. GLai gave Lim
I to be 'Strained for Ilia. Ile- Saw Ilia be
wasfitted fur ll..aven, anl has taken lira
there, I ' • i
"As Spring was putting forth'its flower's,.
And leverything was fair.:" . . „.
• 'Yon have lost-ene lie to earth, and-, s gained
one to Ileave . n. Your...add -is an ' - augel !
LI oIY .ey ek_ w a tell thy foot r;teps, and wait thy
coming to'a home where neither sielmesS or .
'`death, nor sin the - parent :trf all sorrow: : and
afflierion le-in ever enter!! .s
.NEW ' . GQODS !
9P.K.S..TOBIACCO this day received and
1+ for rsale lower than A.lsewhere in Susqu'a
county. 4 ; •R. HENVON, JR. &
10 00 L f l3 r a § s ' LEf h t:A:E US in store and'
by p. box - or tb.
LARGE- - Stock •o f PA N . O Y Dry Goods for
1.1-sale by •
.R.,KENYO-1-ti, JR. & CO..
. . . . .
Setts—Five :Elegant gtvles, complete—
from stp 850. B...tigNYON, JR. S. CO.
La,wsville Centre, Pa., April;lB6o. -
_ .
, •
• , WOODS. Staple DRUGS,
North of L'Ormqtes Hotel„Neto Milford, Pa.,
, - -
INTOULDbe pleased • Waco all his old frier.i's I
V V ati'd.many new onei at his 'NEW Sto l e
fronting. the DEPOT, --where he is prepared to..
show them-'such a stock Pf the above artie es
as New iililford' has long }nod in nerd of.
" Division of trade has as many adiantagee
division of labor." Any man 'confinin...a himself,
to One branch of butiness i giving that branch
his whale Capital and;atteniion can keep _ a better
tis , tortntent, bay cheaper and SELL CHEAPER:
thim ifiho same meant and , time - sasts employed
in a general trade. - If you dont think so. call
on the 'subscriber and-be crinrinced. The sound
principle of L . •
will •be strictly adhered td. .Batter cad other
Pioduce•forwarded to New. York to one of - the
beet.coletninion hensee In the City, iini4 prompt
payments gaarinteed. . r f •
Newlditford,. BOK, Co. ea. April.lBBo.-101
4g4IVAXX32 t
in•Nelv• ugland;
• The late•eleetions in Now; England prove,
theta reaction 4.4' begun i in the popular
Wind there, which is the forerunner of &great
political and.:motal revolution in this coun
try.. The union that
.luts been oonsinnated
hetWeen the Abolition 'fanatics and the•pelit.
ical rogues, and tho inanile tendency Of
their ebbs to'snp the gitaritifteekk)f the Qou
stitution and "destroy the '..p . on4ratty, 'has
»hunted the begnt ow awaken the
oonFetvatike feeling evetywhere:•Aew amp : .
shireli too remote fretn : • the great die,s of
Cenititercial and: i.ndttspial interest, to have
oiperteeced the effect . of 'the new danger.-• . =
llut.onnectieut and Ititodd'island are. in
close contact with tho•colnteerci;ll inetropo•
li cf the Union, and in them tale 'bonds of
interest have ittlea4 bgun to . ' flia w. The
iesulisere that we have total pop-tilr change
of nearly 14,000. votes in - au aggregAte of e
little over 108,000.*
Scholarships • in any of the fist-class
Conineicialtelh.ges in the country,furnishett at
this Ace, at a large diseount ; troni gsua.l.rates.
. .
lit?ligfolis 'Notice g —Re/ .: .. Doolittle'
I . ,1
Rill, preach at the Davia Sehnolhe'phe the third
Sunday in April (15th) at 10i cieleak, a. m., and
in. New Alilford..Borough. instead of the Brad,
ley Schoolhonsn, at 3 and 7i o'elfieko). ni.
See advertisement of Dr.' Sanfortra 11%*
Invigorator- and Family .Catlia'rtic„
_Pills, in
auotatir cOlumn. • • stipB y
The Sclit'ool Directors oft ;Bridgewater
will meet in 'Montrose ton 1 &turdll:y April' 14th`
:It two o'cloel p )o. fly order of .I)Oard. `-• •
td. .. M. BREWSTER,l§'ecrethry.
CP OFFICE:, on .11 - AIN-st, 013pii'site Western
H ouse . IGrent Bend, April 4th, 1:160.-tf
Stock Holders' Meeting;
The Stuck Hoidens of th
Fellnns 11a11
at i,, n will hold their annual ,meeting tor the
electin . n Of rs and the transaction of other
business, on T.LIES . PAY eve, April ; 3d, at 7 1:2
O'clock, at the Hall. D. BREWSTER, •
.11 ontrose,ll sth.. 3w Pr6.sident.
jar Tho above mectin;f4ttijouttied 3 weelts.
NEW LOT-just ppetwd—doing CHEAP
f•.or CASH, J. '.LYONS & SON.
Just OPENED ay.d for s4le:bv _
.)faroh J. LYONS & SON.
'OV I S . il SAT: !A COVNt r iini . •
Cl_ EN TLEM EIS :—ln pursuance - alio) •-13 . rd
moil :section ache Act of Bth May: 1851, you
are hereby notified to meet in convention, afthe
- COURT IiOUS.E, in :\lontrose, on . the FIRST
MON D ~\ V in MAY, A. D. 1860, it being the,
.'SEVEN'I'II., day of the month, at ONE o'clock,
in ti.gatlernoon. and select tied 7 . of e, be a ma-
jority of the whole climber of ,iireetqrspresent,
one person 0 literaryand scientific acquirements, •
and of kkild and exper;ence in the art of teach
ing? asCou'nty Supernal mieut• for the three
succeeding y.eari;_ deteruune the amount of
compensation for.. the stdrie, :Jed certify the re:
sult•to 'the State Superintendent, at ijarribarg,
at ill wired by the 39th and 40th sections of the
said act. B. P. TEWKSBURY., - .
-County Superintendent of Susq'a Cotinty.
. Inetttklyn, April din, 1860:-6wr
- -
____..._ •__
- 1 -. F.IIViAINING in the Post Oilier: at 11enire3e,
Vini 0 Briiint; Tsape Biker, T M Beebe.
Thomas Connell, Ann C'unntrghaln,.l.l Cale.
James Egi‘rt. Mr•, 1. IrG;iod,O.
Emtn (3 Hair; en, Jul', n I Mi-s
sari 4lallimn Solomon 11;:rt. 'tVillinm Lance.
Murray 3lurfy, Wm Moryan, Edward Morris.
M Newthan. D.,vid Rincen or ItrUcan, Ch's
Roseneraulls Rus•inna Randall.
11 r 3 Ellizab , qli.Slierwood,MrsSlvira A ..weet
1.1 It Si,k,'S Stoat, • J Singlet'on; Aaron
Slrin;:, Emma V Snell Edward Shuson..3. , .
I 3 II Whit...tali, 1V P %Vsait,3,
:llrs 1' It Wilson, Anna Ward, Wheat.
Ohm. Young;
Person. calling fok the-ablive Letters please
say advertisi•d. 11. J. WEBI3. P.
FARREL; Ili Eit EVING & Compaitiy.
No: 629 Chestnut Strcet-JAYNE' tr , lll--Fhilad'a.
,--..,.........,. ONlli u Mattufpwrs n'Lis lrri sti . ..t n a
--7.. ITif ' : -.- Firoe'&-beurrrigUrs.Pro-ot Pat ent
secured o '
with Hall's Patent Fowder-Looks
'l - : • ' both of which ree'r'd Medals at the
4- .
World's Fear, London,lBsl 'and the
/...••••--••-"••• World's Fair in New YorltelBs3 - 4.
-:-.. V-. 5....- .i2,,-, More Than
T its . -1 Es o tOatztl H n
err:Ws gafem
has'e been i)!( , , - :ind are now in - ritual Use, and,
neartr -too h.:ve liven le-ted th ae&dem'al * firi.s
and .linve never : failed to preEerve their'contetity,
.We akli Itiiepon 'band and make to order-:-
Dwelling, ri.,l,:i. Safes, 4' Sideboard and ,P,irlor*
Safes"—(irritation of handsome' furniture) 'of
elegant des4.rn,and workmanship.
Also Burglar Proof Safes fur Bank's, Broker
and Jewelers, Vault Doors, Safes for Spt.eie,
Silver Plate, '&e—The Burglar Proof safe in
use at the Treasurer's adieu of Pickawny Co.,
0., (at eireleville,) was manufactured by us, and
is univerafly actinowledged to be the strung4.l
safe in the. WORLD. • . .
l'crons-wishing ! , afen will find it,to their in.:
terest to - call or tend tor our catalogue before.
pureha,inrj, elsewhere:as these are the only safes
taichliare pro red ihemselres j trfec[ly Fire P•rour
gad free from dampness.
$),00 ItgWARD will be paid to any person
thal can Wow that a Iferrines Patent cbanspion
Sates ever failed to, preserve its 'eontents'in an
accidental fire. • np.l3cri.c
• (Established in 123) - .
" 7 . 0 - ..29, 511 5 1.113 C, t 3.92 'T.
174 HE silb,;3 will be happy to furnish to
.11. purchasers of PRINTING Materials with
Plain t S Ornamental .TvPrs,Rules, , Rorders; &e.
Also, Gev'mans, Greeks, Hebrews, and a new - &
elegant Pont. of As Music Type, from w h re, h
"Musical Review" and " Friend!! are printed;
with Presr.e...,' and every article required for
Printing, at the very lowestpriees, for cash or
approved paper.
0:d Type taken.; n ekcharme fornevir at ten
cents - per pound Second-hand, Presses grid uten,
rails and a tfompltte stereotype Foundry, with 2
shaving mai - lines for sale cheap.
4 * * Printery of newSpapers puPishing thil•ad.
vertisetnent (inelud:r.V.his notice) Ithree litneS
before the first Of July, MO.' and landing me
pne of the req4is;will be paid for it in Printing
Types, When they -purchase four tithes the
amount of 'Their bill. PC. CORTELYOU.
K F PT on hand in laige:laaniities, an.d sold
.nt the lowest prices, for six months notes
or east, at Bruce's New york-.Type Foundry:
ItornSn feels 'of modern styles are.: always tin
the selves, ready for - Iminedite delivery, in,
fonts - of from 56 to 10,000 lbs. ; ' •
Nine cents will pre-pay the postage on a pam.
phlet Alf" Priced apeeitnens of Fonts," and other
sheetii;;which will he mailed to all printing offices
sendire..mettheir address. •.,
Any publisher of n news papeiwho chooses to .
publitify.this advertisement, including. this note,
three times before the . first day - .of Icily, .1860,
and forWrrdtne one of the papers .eentailiino
ifl.!l be alloirek his bill, at the' time . of making
a pirchase from rue , of my 'own manufactures,
offive times the amount of.aaid
A*lrees GEORGE. BRTJOE, Type Founder,
rirpl:3m• 13 Chnsoberseareet, New York.,
NOTIOE is hereby girett,.t hat !tenoning to•
the Acts of general Assembly of the Cora-
Monwealtli of Pennsylvania,.directing the mode
of selling unseated lands fortaxes,l the follow
mg ' ' ' r ' te tracts and parts of tracks° vasesd lands,
of which the'names of the warrantees or owners
or ilea numbers are below givan, will bo sold at
public vendue, on the second Monday in June,
1860, (the eleventh,) at the Court House 'in
Montrose, for arrearages due, and the cost ac
crued on each tract respectively, unless fhe same
be, paid on or before the day of sale ; The safe
to commence at ten o'clock in the forenoon. -
Ararat—Wet Porbea - 301 acres; taxis, 828,43
i Lambert Cadwalader 74 " " 701
George Campbell . 200 18,90
Jonth ' Sergeant sr pt 156 1-2'12 tracts] 14 74
Jenth jr'SergeanC t 301 28'43
Auburn—Andrew Bitters 100 ` 1.70 .
'Clain—John Beach pt 85 ' 641
Fltilip . Beach pt 50 ' ' 376
i Peter Beach pt 115 s • 8 63-
i George Porter jr . 20 1 50
Eliz'aleth Newport pt 30 325
Forestry' k e.CalebCarrnal t 297 • 12 81'
Great Bend — Jon l Butler 269 - 20 56
Matthias• Brooks, • -50 38 5.
Truman Baldwin 4OO. . 2332
Charles Butler " 433 24 79
itleElwee David 40 ' 308
Denne Ralyoa ' 289. ' , ,21 21
Oliver Trow,bridge ,'• 200 ' '•
... 1,1 55
Watson Samuel tract) We)
. _lot 05'
Palkenbury & Gregg , 1600 92 40
flarmenv—C L Ward 196 110 58
'Robert Trail - 108 . 6 8.4
Frederiek 13arthold - 1 300 l6 20
Joseph :Mason 2 t ,• 1 55 2-96
Daniel Rita .r . 1 - 412 .22 24
Diwid Buckley l 404 21 82
Samuel MeGahey 1 1 50 - • 270
Jacob Taylor , , 500 27 00
Graham & Rereectin 1' 896 , :L5 23
James Comfort •1 36
Henry Sampson 1
Herrick—Roger Wyli,
George Payne pt 1
John Payne pt 1
Solomon Rinkjot
James Rink pt''`
Samni4 Rinkl
Henry Hill • "1
Thomas Cadwalner ji
Saint Nletedith
do • i • •
A - Ttirreil 1
John. Cadwalader
Jaekeon—Satnuel Nor!
Lathron—John Dorset,
John Gra f (two tracts ',
Andrew`' ybopt
George K pler
Matthias rooks
Lonna—George Kept
'Matthias Brooks
Liberty—Vo 69 84 8i
No -67 68. 7.1 76
-No 1 2 43 52
I . 15
e pt 65,
1 98
16 •
t 'lO3 '
64' 'N
) 107
2.00 -
- 200
1r 22 -
`63 '
400 •
No 8 393
No 35 • 5 60
No 20 . _ • 5 60 .
No, 53.... ' 7 i 7
No 61 - :#••4'33
No • 58 59,, , 66 '74 .69'30
John Sullivan - . 1 -- 79
Geor , m rirnham ' . 15 - 90
Middletown—Cram: 21 60
C d Wright; ' -. • 4 86
Samuel Merrick !r. *, ..8-In
New Milford—NO 204 4 - 25
'Solomon Finley . ; 2.96
LOt sold to" Roach 9 33 ,
Solomon Rink pt . 4 32
Andrew PVlo • , - 1 85
Johnathan Icaocock 6 49:
James Chapman et al
Solomon Rink et al
'3Fat.thias Ilfook , i et al 49 - 2 .1 9 6 2 1;' •
From F M Williams t 300 in 10
SaliShllry & Co,• 200 . ! 7 40
Oakland—Wm otts 200 ilO. 07
.Win Armstrong .400 21.07
Wm. - Henderson. - 220; 6 02 .
John Bo Yet - • . 55. 2 42
G %V GreLmry , 7 .. 100 - ' 2 31 1
Starnm4 Dayton' 7 150 ; . . 8 23 '
RR)! lin:iler ' -65 " . . 2 01
Henry foyer ' . - 290 9 21';
Rush.--.Wm Plunkett 100" • . 1 70:
'Thomson—lsaac Mille • do. • , ;12 60
Thomas Harrison do ' - .i , do
'Jesse Fv-ins . ' i 420
. . ~, . 52 92
_ .
tore Stovo, ' : 210 ' .24 36..
Matthew ShaW . - . ' - .. i• 1 3 .86.
Peter. ! Snyder" 100 . • 'l2 GO
Samuel Hot:gdoo .58 . ' •-•;. , 732
• • D. W. TITUS. Tiensurer.
Treasurer's 0fr,,,,, Montrose.. March 21,; 1860..
• do
5 , 0
It do
- 130
.11" k
. 50
• .98•
Rooms open' , for lastruOtion from 9 a. 'in. 'to 9:30
D. W. ',DWELL, Principal, Professor :of the
Science -of - Accounts, Practical Accountant.
A utinir of baweles Treaties upon Biiok;Keep
inm,'DiagrJrns Blustra lino. the same.
JOHN Bastari, Cotamerciat * Accountonf, Profe . s'r
ot :Book Keeping; and Practical .11athct u ntics,
J. J. Chars, Assistant Professor in the Bouk
'Keeping tl,qartninnt., !! ,
wAr.NER„ - Prgressor of Practica l , analir,
nambialo, l'enmana,hip., Comttierciali
ticins lin4Correspaadence. • '
1. •
• _ _ '!
Hon. DaiPel Veiiirson, Lecturer on C'omnier,
cial - Law gi tlfutitical Economy.
Hon. Rki . soni Balcom, Lecturer On Contracts,
Promissory Notesand Bills of Exchange.
Rev Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on ComMercial
Ethics. E • ,; -. .
Iron. Shermati43. Phelps, WT. R. Osboin, Esq.,
• MOrgan,&q.
The obj.•ct of this College is to afford to all
an opportunity-of -obtaining a tlterough 4usioess
The Books and, Forms arc carefully arranged
by practiesi accountants expe;sly-forthisin-•
stitution and embrace all the recent •irnprove
tnents, • - , •
'Tho c ourse - "'of instruction enmpriiies every
department o business. Thh- learner will be
thoroughly taught, the science and Practice bf
Double Entry Book 'Keeping as applied to the
following kinds of-business, viz: Deriend 51er
chandising, Manufacttiring, ilankinz Cpmmis
sloe, Steamboating, Railroading, forwarding,
Freighting,-Foreign Shipping, &e.
Ladies Department: . entirely separate from
that of the gentlemen, -
Students can enter • College at any -time and
receivelndiiidnal instruction. By this nrrange
Meta every student is permitted to progress as.
rapidly as his enterprise and will per
mit, and when through, perfect and complete;l
will receive a Diplonia whie.h.will enable - him
to review at pleasure., - • - . •
Time to complete the course,—t3 to 1 weeks.
No vliations. Board 432. 5 t0 $2,69 - per week.-
TEnrasi '
For Book-Keepiog, full- accountant'sicourae,
ifiC:oding- Practical Penmanship, Canitriercial
Computations *and - Diploma, untimit.
ed,) . - 435 00
Same course for Ladiet;(separate) .• 20 0 0
Penmanship and . • • • = - 10 (.0
Teachers' course in P6nnlanship, Pracaz
cal and Ornamental,. = 30 " 0 0.
Twelve - lessons in Practical Penmanship 4: 00
(kcasional climes will = lie formed .in
Phonogrspy. — For full particulars sen 4 fur
circular , . - - • or y
•Wir . RU P.. II .11 1 P ,
'or linakorheat
_ Atoutroise,R., BALD WM' ALUEN.
joy virtue of sundry.Writa4;sued try tits Court
-LP of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County.
and to me directed, 'I will expose to a,ale.. by
Public vondui, atAhe Court Hcruse,in Muritruae,
on Satnrday May 5 th;1860, at one u r elock,PAlL,
the following described pieces or pateels of
. .
land, to wit :
.• • . ;, • .
.ALL that eerta 'eon or parcel of land air=
unto in the towntr4
of Spring‘ide. - .°Ourcly and
State ofj'a., bounded ond &seethed us:follows,
to wit •: - •on the north by land of Ira S:c4ti; cast
by the turnpike road, south by land 6 , rnieily of
Ww W. Pride, and west by Bind of S. Virkox,
containing about three.fouttbm ofan acrelbe the
me more or lea's with the appurtenanc:os, and
fiarnad dwelling house, barn: shoe rdiftp.Onclqd)
improved. Taken in exerution ut the iSuit of
John Blatnling vs. A. M. Scott. • ,
• • • i
. _
- that certain piece or pareetOf land .
situate in the township of Lenox, 8044..c0. Pa.
bounded andsdeseriibed ns follows. - wio north
by the pa bliel igh way lading from bien wood
to Olentvoodi,switek, east by the To d 'lending
from Nicholson station north, tomtit by lands of
Noah Phillip's, and west by land of Is-tac !? Satith.
containing about &a acres, be the samo More or
less, with - the apPurtenances. a house parity lap
'and partly frame, a f nine barn, a Spring house,
a II:nail orchard, and shoot :35 acres ifnptned
Taken in execution at the twit. uf - Grow 13rus.
vs. Wm Clark.
NoTIOE TO PitacHisens,---6To preeenCadsuri
deratanditz,notieo isjierebv given that Purcha.
Sera at Sheriff's saki will I), required tar pay
the amount bidat the tint° tlto land is sd)d. It
has bimorne imperatively necessary to. adp'pt this
rule, and it,will bo strictly adhered te,•eicept in
cases where the purchaser is a lien creditor and
is entitled to the fund as provided in the Ist
section of the Act of Assembly, approved April
20th 1846, which is as folfeWs t— , Aykenever
the purchasers of redl estate at OrphausliCourt
or Sheriff's 'tile, shall appear frthn the ; proper
record to be entitled as..a lien Creditor,'lto re=
ceive the whole or any portion of the 'prbeeeds
of said sale, it shall beAlieduty: of we
.adininistrator, executer or. other person making
such sale,. to receivii the receipt of sticli
ser or parchattera for the :imlant wlkich•;;lhe or
they would appear, from thin record ;:s aOresaid
to be entitled to re'veive : Provided that titisStc
tion shall not be so.eonstrued as to prey' nt the
right' Of 'said Sheriff, aditinistrator, e..*eeiltor or
other person aforesaid to demand and receive at
the time of sale a sum sufficient to cover.ull- le:
gal costs entitled tole paid out of the pitiieeeds
of :said It, ale; and provided further, thatitiefore
any purchaser or purchasers shall receive the
benefit Of this sectiiin,,he or they shall produce
to the i. ,- .lleriti; or other person so mat:Frig said
sale, a duly certified statement front tliwprop..r .
records. Itindeithe hand and official sealEof the ,
proper officer, showing that he is a le in eretliton_'
entitled' Ito receive any -part 'of the proededs of
the saki laforesaid."• • `,"
JOHN YOUNG. .Stotriff.
Sheri s Offire, Montrt;se, April 11, 18.4 u—ass:
7 33
18 64
1 21
3 - 02
• 674
24 '75
, 377
4 53
• 2.2 72
7 03
8 20
12 30
12 ao
3 08
24 22
17 70
61 35
sra ors o YV ,
k • i• •
XTCYrfeE is herehy given to all persons ! li vin g
I. datitinl . sngain'st O. A..'4ltitter
tirld, I td l q Bridgewirer, , deceased, th it the
same npic,t. be pre,ateti to the undersigrO.d; ant
all indebtPd to .saitreslate dre r r qu,seetl t 4 make
irnmetlidts payment, 'JULIA BUTTERFIELD.
tull:22l6ty • W.C.' liatinnick,;Wctirs.
we (i t rf r ) e u a r, e i e b
L t .!
a p t he: t u ra l . ); . i i c iii t p it i
r the
piaci otert4f, • 11
and . nreltrepartd to:attend t. all cal Is in tiot
of their!profezqgion at all hour: when nof f ,Other
wipe 'ertVaged. ; OFFI CE—The
, one
occupied Lc Dr. Bingham: ' ,•
N. 13, Irtie book at i:netts c;I• Dr. Bin2ll:i mu4t
be icom4liately setae,' `uy notes nr .
. L. W. BINGIIA11..•
New M !ford. Mani' 2Ftth..
, 1 .-
~t i t - 'alt- T • t 2 - , ' . itt ll' -
~.... ~. . ~...., .. •
.A., ,
'.,-7,..rigits: A . , .) ( Li . L . . 9 -
—4 ' ' '-
- V. 7 E 101 J
. ; 1 201 IlVitsimitzglost 7 tor, - . ill.
(Directly opposite SVashington Marklet,) .
.WC>l." - 2---:'1 ."
.. . ..' t - -:, • .
c in iTlLli. •
'ONTINUES to offer to th-.. tot.: and
COU "I RY trade, all - kinds of FORM3N
Coarse an 'Fine SALT, at tho very leestli , I.:tires;
4,0000 sat! - s and bags, consisting in part If Ash
ton's-eclti rated-brand for sable and chili ' use:
Jeffrey "&11re;WnloWl atty. Marshall's, • , Sze.
and 500(.0 bushels Turks Island, Bonarrrs -Cu.
roma, St.; bets, Lisbon. Cadiz, I vica, Nantel
all of vi : hit i li• Will be -sold' at s bargain prices I. front
vessels, t 4 ire and storchou-es. ,ii
'Any pe i chasor wishin; to select frOnal:9 good
ascortmer4 will find it to his interest tog till. '
N. 1 3.—'- ?sine table salt pat up in small tygs of
different. .1 .- zes; arid cvnstantiv on hand ini ship.
"Ring order.' Also it splendidarticle of 'Rork
Ground sa i lt, in *quart boxes. put up and , ftir sale
by the qurtotity, in cases of tiro dozen each
, :,
/;--L'' . '
a . : ma y •
77 ---- , .
. 1 1,, Register's
_egister's Irotice: . . , i ,
NT OTIOE is hereby given to all persOns coa
l_ 1 i rd in_the following estates, vi, i
Estatel of Chester Scarborough, late of Arafat,
decerised,!Dariford Hine, Adininistrator t ml.-a„.
Estate* James S Blasdell, late of '.je,:n‘up,
deed, S. S. Mott and Ifeartyalasded. adn'is.::
Estatuii,f Andrew Rooney, LA of Auburn,
deed, Catherine Walthall [lato Roonerlielni'r .
E•datej l ff Noble B. Stewart, late of Jessup,
deed, Chit bitte Stewart, ad mr: I
-. 4 _
li '
'Estate' pf 'John Giffett, late of Gibson' deed, '
Jacob;illett, ndinr. . . • :!- -
• Estrdeicif B. -B. - Jackson; late of Beonklyn,
deceased [A,:a.Fish and E. A. Westomadinrs.
Estate of I.ymaa trnaPp, late - of Sprin. l nville,
deed„Ta dni
!sQuiek,tar., ' -• . - j i I - - -
F.;;.tatel Of Michael King. late of Riish,lden'd,
Tames Lo ~,:in dnd John Meßertoot, adinrrl .•
Eqtatej 0( Stephen J. Millard, late - of , ii,eno x
dec'a; NI rMillard and Edward RohertS . ,lllnrs
•Estat'd of Wrn H. Benstock, late Of Midatrose,
dee'd; AM aM. Benstock, vdmr. -. • !. I • .
Estatti of LaFayetto Wilmarth; late-1 Jack
.son. deeld,'P. Ounnison, adner d. Is: 6:
git.iitter Cl;rdelia Smith, late of Gre4 Bend,
deed," Peter Smith. ex,r.' . . .._ . , 4 1 .
. - EstatC of Daniel Browr.son, late of Frtinklin,
dee'd, Abi% ali Wilmot, ex'r.- . ki •
Final iii,count of Timothy Depue, gudrilian of .
Josiah Cipfut.: , ' • . ". ' • 1,1 I
"Final comic of Ambrose Benson, guardian
of MarylL Bryant.
• l';.1 . ,
That the, iiecoontanta hate 'settled theiraceMints•
in the Ireister . ' ‘ s Office in and for the citily of
1 Mr, and Susquefiaand that the same win Intl ireSen
ted to the ;Judges of the.Orphans!-C'ourt of said.
county.o , Friday the thirteenth day'.4i•-"tpril
1860, for ronfirmation and allowanen. 4..1
I ' CIIARLFS NE NLE 10 , 4txter. -
• . •• , -,. • •
Reghtter's Ortice.M.,ntra.6.-Mprch 1 , h -4%*
. ' 19.43nj inistratoes Notioa.
L'i . .
Etta ur adoonu.tratiou 11.0. - 1 Iwen
gratirci upon the esthie of Edtviif Ci rn.
wall., lat ,Uf New Milford, deed . ell pt.:l r pm'? le
debt. d tui,,Baid entate are rt quested to niake let-
Mediate pikytnent; and all 11 , tritq e laimil4pinht
4 ,
th 4 tiauttl to present them to - . - , '
-felvia 4 4 Joro
s.s A. , CO a s wlyr.. rlll .. wr.
. : . 111MITY OF. STIRS,
AN.Eiy-SLIPPLY, just arrived, und'! , ;olr i•tile
etiepp. by . , - ~4..'l'UltlLL.
DilntrOse, Alsych 15th. 1869.. • .
. • NEW' muirom) ,
HUM LI - S€llloo L.
VIIHE§ . PRING.TEII.If of tidi e 1 61 will
Open km MONDAY, April 2nd, to 'dontione
11 week4..l , Poblie attention nod-patriMago .is
egahl Kq i tted. Terms Ittition the i‘pme a%
heretofore. Any information Will bn.rt Idered,
by wino , pr addressing. • • •
- febti - E:_l3. HAWLEY-PO*4M.
Gap Faipp, FROM• WESTERN NEW YOrtir,
natitytti:s e tr AT fli'r ca co n a l l,=
11AILDWIN Ac ALidgal t bilre**o.
, 1 •
To - Pilexohan.ts and - Do aldr3.
1 - TAKE- thiS method inftirming my man/
.kind andgenenoll- frieiols :Mrl 111,4 , 111(treg
that 1 have ebsnierturtibterest intim I laidwaru
Bakin eb s, in New York from ihr hou-.4 formerly,
Thomas At.—Cu., and lately 11414 at
i Pear) stre . e . 4 to th it
- • .
1;3 Pork Raw. twpwite the Astor 1 flihe. •
%here I wf;ii-ld nint.t irv;te ulil tml,
new friend* to eall„or.send their
wil I be gratefully m:14%1.41.1;4 promptl s
31v address-will 4te nt .11ontra e, I'n'n of thu
1,41. of April, and - from that date till•Jisei.. Laro
ortitlovl, 'Lawrence. Gril24
bury h* 4Q,Cuurtlaudt strvo. ti.. Y. Ci ( r.
, tu -
AT . GREAT Bt 2 -ND; PA.
CHIS .!••:CtlenL vrjlt be openoi for thtiree.p.
.trinn 'of Itidie's em 09 !nth
day (W!..duisti.iy). of February. 13t10. •
• TERMS (4 . TUlTit,g„
Primary Aranchts per Qfkr.of xieeke:i 83.00
Common ' "" " ". .1 .3.50,
Commoriand Higher, " • "
" 4.00
Higher Ent!liuh e " • " "
Lensonn . Piann, ° : 10.06
tm . `t• •, 14 l4 2(.30
Ornamental, and Clamsical Departtnentp; extra.
.The Principal hin s had much experiimco M
teaching in NeW Yo.k and Penn'ai for the last:
len yenta, ir. CotniMm, welt Orddel
or Ifigh'Schoola. I{ete•renerngicen ri;nufted
N;11";—floard at the braiding hail, two doll'a
per week. Light? and wa.bipv extra. ). -
Nymentti to be made..quarterlv in advance.
m h . E.- W. ROGER*. Prinhi pa I.
•. .14..30„.3:)II • .:.-
•' . Orchard. Red Ttip, - iiid , •
AV kyr, s o ld tky
N';, n t rn .p. Pn . BAUM Irs . l-& ALLEN.
AT 1111.1 ; •
VSP: i•xteiedve Fornikure 'Fotgbl-ttitient of
mmt Einerm:ns hnvilt2 liren refilled and
fzi-en tly,•nnprovt.d. the, proßrietocs
anciounre to the ejtszena . ,of.lloot ro a
so nd rh,
ity that ilh.y . are h,.nsfant" v inakihu /m(114..1) 0 . 1
hand. the LARGEST and lrrleOt of
To be tisteisd its the
1 . ..(3 . giVe the folliti‘tint , Etit of •
ticicr.ahirh we will totirost
prit',•itti, f.rr CAYft or -READY PA :
‘VillflUt or. 51t.thogit
front :516 t 0.535..
Itu d rotptti with - mat-14 or t
R 2.4... • Ana. ItlaFgo tois - itr
t.. $(3. - - ,
‘Va.:ll.l St:lrldr - .CAJA Sta •tt.,...Ctirot.r A r i d •t. tittare
- 7.4.t ati d.t, of all i'ailetiek and iiree4, frt!in 75
to ten
nutn.. I...uruft:s. C .
• Cei,tre. God. Pier, Toitet,
and 'Exi.nsdon 'nib -
Ciuur,•—•-Cahe W.,0 I S.•:,t 4. Itcht.r4—
CanJ, 1\1:4, tgal V 4 ui d cat..., ut Every
antl ,t)
, S,)fus. tete n 'ft ni-hi:3 -hurt note
at Nvw.V"rk
N... (I.' Ready e..ffins t.n b:.r,:t.r fur.
uish(l `at short' /.1.1.4ye to
r(.,.iii;egs when tli,ired.'
,We ..vlpNiv nun° but CAT:ETCL ntld
-%Ve int: nd .ntr
'WELL, and belt
43 Lit Wa. it tt , 4 Imi nit:rdcd •
. .
. , Vt.
M6ntrn , e. lei .1 S: 11, I -31
Pro p t n!'
Of Little and of Soda,',
[Made'frorn the Fornpila a Dr. Chtireti;rl,'Of
• • Varisd fur thu'prcr.•noiu;) ut,(ltu , v 4'l
COCI.M.I-11.M3-13 1 t1C)X:—/
Atvifor all Di,cp:ri ihe
Gently:l 11(4)1111y_ and s
Appetite. Ner,fir
Parvlg.4i. ono I ha' Com ,
• 7 , gain's
-. . •
IlypoE4qsphite4 are tiri.x.N2p
ii6nble 511 their i'repara , ion." = •Ani: Dr u
• —o • •
Tho -steeess - 0( this Extrnnulin,lry
2.iiwe "difeovery by Pr Churi•hill
:WO, has' no pa .4* gl'eflit:ine.
Its invariable efEe.:l:y lit . affi•s Corfsume•
w . ... 11 wnitd,rful po%;er in 6 , ;4oraing.
the Nerrows gporgV'anil-e:nrichinaihe 8100,i, in
al'of General nobility or isiervott,
t ration'. otninps thi" . as one auto most •J
vain ibl
renierlial agents ertr --giv'rn to the world by
Chotieel Seionee. . .
: •;',"ln no nine. Inntntice hays found thp,
ed;. Churchill. _ • .
r", - .Theilypoptionpl.iten - plinse the'powei . of in ,
cti•aninß nevie fore., and iticrticrit
of cntrition ;
Grp, 11 , tvitled tile 111.41 re.,
freAltiit and renovating re.t.'—Dr. - L. V. Netyton.
-Canes of confirmed Pnlmonrry"Can+tl+i+t , tinn
31nifornkly brni filled by iho
nod use of the llyp..phiy.phiton'—Dr
, •A rc the most approprinto jlcm;diei hi 4 rargo
ernss otaftections, frtini pt tier:
.roun,foree."—llostnn 3ledical ;Ind Surg, jour.
%Vincliester in worthy Of all ei.ntithinci.,
and devotes theho
prcpulation variety rifcocibiiictiiini.
Prepaied strictly by Dr. Churchill's mptltod.".:—.
D. 111 - erCdith Reese, I)., N. Y..
CHANGE ffST)r . E.-131P0121t4:1"T
"NOrriCEi i s
, •Gennine Preparntion of the Tlepriphoq.
irhitee I.nno . trifil Sod.i n klnetNl,;wirhin
the renoi nil. pnt np
eantninfnalG onner-4 (31 p'n.9..nt e 3 pcil.tiottte;
nig° a P. , lrW oz ti•Ati.?4) . at • •
_ One Dollar Per . . V , Ottle.
• •
The hottioir h.tvo rollowird-bl.ovn trl
..1 Lintp-and Sod I P.
Chttreipli'sSpic tic rrtnerly For .i.:Onprinption.
WinChemer. New Yo'rk.v . t
prr'y+,prntrd with n Vi .. iiK.LiHt,.itrid If14'?" word
•(;enuine' Drro.y jlrr f ee. URT no "I hdr•
7 -
Tlibcflew Plyle f,fro : s a ttpipro Iturinoi
again•i, the nuanv ii more and tlekt,rioo4.rrEpt•
rati;ttei rnltutott , lT t1131..t Oh-name Il+phol
phit...4. whit+ frAmiutent, rot A:3l.
rullted to.'ettdsnvil. the lo•elth Nof fi% el 'of silt"-
11;!i•r4; t The tftrio.ratilA ev:.ll
het 424 Rottitliv.,- pr. igir, (I :it te , t• noir.
ehitt's inetteet.e.are..w 014:1:.n it ilAp.t.t.ti,' ?k ln e ., i ,ty
(tonlao the Ike pf that hereterore
tietkin2)t the elieiye-t, it% :P4 the 411 1 14 I ih
eatil;lllli tteettnent for l'atitlionarfuoil- N' e rv oo ,
I)i.h mes notiv ktio . ..n lu nieittieal
were of Li. otto.r., 4111 tiatitter who tiff -ris•tio.o:
to poi:tsittO No‘'S Iht.4 err jilst a r !owl as untie,
My fie:titintile ih a oti ht•th 1010'ivrai44l•:_
i., tiritt.ol4 rent; A ro.v Vri.war
jo4las'atli, containing rotaplefiy infor24,tioa is
riltiori to this! , ar i ve treatta...o, and At p;f,'.401 L - 4/
.all incorers:.' at" on.",tL
Alt ordprs atafiaquirles 'n.41 1 ,11%. nth:ni.4.ri
Agar° J. tt
ti-neral - Depot I th..:llbiltd
tjolvt], .I.lia Y.
Er r 4ale by ABEL TERRE LL, )ttioltusq,
. i,- •
~y, with! gLsss,
1,110 f . / ...n
latent, lrciiifosl,