CATARACT WASHING MACHINE. Clothing, Ti'me, and Labor SavCd: INDISPENSABLE TO HOUSEKEEPERS.' • The most simple,: economical, and dprable articlu'eter offered to the public to alleviate the di:Tearing of. wash-day._ Description. It , cronsiats. of a, metal cylltderovith ribs on the in.ide,-and an interior cylinder df wood, with ribs. There is a space from six to eight • inches between4he-two intlerit. - One crank turns both cylinders at, the same time in oppo- site direction% rapidly creating a suds, forcing ..the water through-the clothes,-and effectually . removing the dirt: - The action of , the wager does the work rinickly, dispenses cntirel.g with ' -rubbing, and thui mares the wear of cloth 0; .JAMES B. RODGERS, • 104 Jones iley. Phil. is Ag e nt for. P enn . - SULLIVAN t it HYATT, - Prop'rs, . • 64 BEEKMAN ST., KEW YORK N..ll,—Stateand County Rights for sale. and purchasers supiflied with Machines at wholesale on liheralterni ... WA Machine is in 6iveralion by:llam:tress tinily, at 'our salesroom, 43 1 4. Broadway . . JC CO ' , mhfl. entt6M ..-.--- TIE FIRST GIN OF THE WM:W. YEAR S J 1 AYDEN BROTHERS, TIIE PEOPI,F 4 'S it Agents, -- are now opening the not enor mous Stock of _ • -_ • TV - INTER DRY GOODS, BOOTS if; SHOES, -‘ hEADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS 41.- CAPS, GROCERIES, lIIVFF Xl,O — IsitOBIES, YANKEE NOTIONS. — WATCHES, (ta, errP.bmught to this end of the State. Bought in Nem York 'and el the Eatitrrn••Manti Mete rem * FOR CASH! and which 4. - e II:we marl dut,Ta at ALARMINGLY Lew' PRICES! ViTE DEFY COMPETITION! WE INVITE INVESTIGATION! -. WE . SOLICIT EX AM IN ATION !!! As we tbel contldent in' all we assert. The day of lame prate has goneby, and. we have cood GODS. 'HEAP for the .MII i LIGN! The success of our house has prompted . OLD* I' OGX to filch from us our good name. We cannot priNent this, of course, neither do we'desire to, and have no apprehension of any evil result to our business. "BUT WE CAN; AND WILL, sell much lower than any other establishment in this part of the State, ;and we will always maintain our reputation for PRICES THE LaitrEST! STOCK THE MOST EXTENSIVE! STYLES the Most FaShimullle ! • • •- Qualitics'the7 Most Reliable! OUR MOTTO IS SMALL PROFITS!' • Goad Valuc"! Quick- Returns ONE PRICE and NO DEVIATION! Our bystem of -doing business 'creates much jealousyamong.Old Fogy Merchants who have .as many prices, on the same gocds as tho have customers. OUR', ONE PRICE SYSTE M • pleases our old customers and creates-many new ones, w e intend to continue it. Remember and call before yon buy. if it is nothing 'more than to keep well posted- up.- E' - We possess - ,advantages for purchasing goods, over any house in this section; and the unparalleled- increase of our sales for the past year warrants us in saying that we never Were; and never will bemndersidd. We fear ne com potition. Fleur and Salt always on hand. Ev'ery kind of Produeelaken in exchange for Goutis. i ) . -Cash paid for Pelts and *stars; ISAVDEN , BROTHERS. New - 11i1fOrd, Pa., Jan. Ist, 1860. HOSTETTER'S' STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of 110S TETTER'S ,CELEBRATED STOII.ICII BIT TERs, can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the t. nited States, because the article has attained a repu : • tation heretofore unknown. "A. few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of 'fastener's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its Manifest steady increase in times.past, it is eviderd that during the coming year the consumption will' reach. near one million bottles. This immense amount :could never have been sold but for the rare Medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion,"and the sanction of the most prominent . physicians in !those sections of the country . where the iniCle ii best kitown, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to givelestintonials to its . efficacy in alLeases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. • - ' 9 This is mit a tempOraty popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation, of an invaluable medicine, Which' is destined to be is . enduring as time itself. llostetter's ;Stomach Bitters I have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and Tari9llB . other bilious complaints have counted their - victims :II hundreds. To be able to .state confidently that the' "Bitters" are a Celt/Lill cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies . the • blood, and imparts renewed vitality to tie nervous Systein, giving it that - tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon • the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly bur powerfully, and soon restore& them - t a.a condition essential to the healthy discharge of ihe functions of nature. .. , Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find • in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, • invigorating to the bowels excellent as atonic,- and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have ezperiencedlhe benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice ol' physicians., they have abandoned ....- all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the • merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex- There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that' many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she isei young, is apt to forget her own health . _ lartier extreme anxiety , for her infant. Should the period of =sten& arrive-daring the itnuimer seakin, the wear f body and. mind is generally aggravated: .11 , ~ then, iaa necessity for a , stimulant to teen rate the -energies of the system, and enable the Mother to bear np under her exhausting trials' and responisibilitles. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer tlaßitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi- TiAllS • because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase ' ' of bodily strength. • Ail those persons , to whom we bare particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from le% er And ague, caused by malaria, diarriura, dysentery; indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or-derangements of the stomach, • superannuated invalids, persona 'of Sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical 'welfare by giving to Iles- ' teller's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. 1 ('AUTION.—We caution the public against using any' of the 'many-imitations or counter feits, but ask for 116srarven's CPLEISUATEIr - STOMACH BITTET4, and see that each bottle has the words " Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, ant) 'stamped - on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature, is on 1110 label Prep.ared and sold by 31 013tgza - gz.B dt MITE; Pittsburgh; Pa. and sold by .all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally ; throughout the United States, Routh 21=0" rice. end tlarzikans.. • • . Ile" For &thin Montrose I; . y 1y , ' ABEL TURBELL OOK BINE/MG.-61d Books, Newspapers, 1) . Painphlets, etr, bound by on short notice NEW. GOODS! NEW GO HIT T.REN 1 BRANCO S . • - OF 6uttebbtrg, 'gastubaunt, 4 s AT DloAtrOsef&StisfraTep rnut.;uoersi g ned - have provided Jp_with 13 SPLENDID ASSORT RI ft 'AD - WINTER - MA . .4 iv kith they, boast orbeinff t o :•' HANDSOMEST AND CHE PEST .in this section of codlikry: • • •Theyt il,So. flatter themselves that they have the beat of obtaining - . 60obt rail from tlje n'arkrt • • and are thin side to be nnders Id by a 4 firm Alia side of' N. Y. City. In regard to ! • - ' • REAPHIADE . CLOTIIRG: - we would at that being in this busiues)argoly at 24 DOT Street r NeW York• City we can Offetithe public bargains not,sujpassed by any retail dealers in this section, as e can sell 'here at !radii Prices, as cheap, as tholae :who go to New IYellc and :..pnichase t wholesale 'and> ..th4n tiring them here 'and hype to:malre a profit over that which' they • bawd already paid them selves. !Cell and eee da and we will, -proVy the facts. , : • • . • • 011ittidag . ' '' ‘lcitenbaun, CO- Montrjose: i Pa., October 27th, 1859. DIED._} TE NOT HEARAT. MARaY hot by the hm.. ten to Head of itavigMioo and get MORE G-00D GO-ODS • 110 Dollar! than can 76 liad at any BEER SIIOI I in Penn'a 11 botind: i to make it an object f;fr:C,ASII buy, era to leave their shillings txith me, and not spend thin for slazy trash.--stuir-,-tht fag ends of Petori Funk Auetion Shops--whie make a Big Shadtc, Mad- Bills. Dot.% be ,huinbuge{t :by threeicent handkerchiefs, suM w. to bleed, 1)11t, cprnn t&tho ASH STORE one door Ulow'Tarbell's Hotel and buy you). Goodit at New-York Prices. Calicoes{ Delains,'Sheetinds, all, good Goode. seelknlTen -9; 40, 50, GO, and 75 cents. Bina: tianiton pried 4s. ss. fis. and Bs. 12 0 ponod+ pice dry Sugar f0r.51,00., Box Itnisinsi Is. Sirup Starch, I`obii&o, &c.,(Stc„ all of-which I WILL sill 10 sn it the close,,t Imverg . : January 25, 18601 HENRI' 6.'I'IYLER. •N 43.4-thin't forget the ',lack the ov..r.Store l Afitilfiird's, No. 2 Public Avenut STOVES":.! STOVE! . iItEMPUICEP •, H. .13T_TFLJELIT9P just ret . eivitig a large atoLk stuves including: a full assortment of Cooking, Parlor. °like, and ..cloP Store's, '•ifor Wood or Coal. Also, ,Stove Pipe, Zinc, Store Vibes, do assortment will include the mns't ferect and desirablii stiives'in market , and will be sold at — ""-ices for Cash. or Proinpt Noverbber ist, 1859. NEW . ERA: ' - 1 _ AND WIN TER- GOODS AT pIBEAT BARGAINS!! Ready Pay and Small Par fits. -RILtieBITT has now in Store and i& H. making large additions to hi Stock of 'FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to which he would inkitOheattehiion ofrnolerT PAVtSG stri• Ens. embracing the . inost -desitableN rieties Of B LADIES' DRESS GOO S, • In New Styles of Rich Fall Prints a d Plaid .in DeLams4pural Plaids, Plain and-I laid Meili.. nos, Mohair .Cloths, Cinghama, and Sit s; Brodie, Stella,'Onshmere, Silk, and . Wool SU Is; Rich Ribbons', Biinnets r and Flowers. Net loads, Li dies' Cloths, Broad Cloths, Cassineres, &e. With a full : assortment of Staple - • and-Fanby Goo,ds, - ;. as usual, *Wing Groceries, Crockery, lillaclu•ar, : .. ... Slower., Iron, Steel, Nails, l , I ...- lints anti Caps ! ' Bootsionii Shoes, Carpeting. Fmor O il Cloth. Painted IWindow Shndis, Wall Papet, Clock 4 Drugs, iliif4PaintA, Fur& Buffalo Robe s, & c., &e. The entire stock being large,.and 4oug,ht f t r tesu; 1011 give n superior opportunity] for choir selections, nod will In sold for .11Es1y-PAY 1 to 25 . per rent: below regular paves.. An e saltation of• the STOCK will be found profitabl . to tbosej who wish to buy., N. B i—lriottr and Salt eongtantl , - New Milford. Oelnbe,i. - 1859. • .. .. . • .-, . N.. B . .• FATlllllqns and notherty . E!rollier. and . kiiiitekw, -and all others nterested will pleasolake . PAntrcut.-An 'notice that • - .S4Fitita, .e,1.1143., 0, ' the fellow that comes round iDelf a year to tick!. 'the cliildred, is expected along soon; and ha! agreed th call at Bullard's Book - Stor where h ea findi : ' 1 . : A niee)Ot of Tops, j t, • -r For Girla and Buys. A n, a ne lot of Gift Booksand Annuals,.&c,. st -It as olel.l.3anta Claus,rnill surely pe pleas, d .th. V. -. i, i s I Please remember that flit! 'old fellcw will be round al few days: earlier,thisyear than usual qq 'as Christmas conies on' Sunday,' arid Will try to -finish - hill trkeels to all the ittle.Girit• and Boys' Saturday night. At - the 31nntrose Book Store. Remember. ~ • . - A. N. BU LARD. Montrose, Dec. 12th, 1849. - i WM. B. simPsoiN, EIT Shop. ih Boyd • & . -building rieztl - doOr - abore..Keeter & Stothard'g. ) LTAYIN:O I worked. for the piiStlnine yearii 11 with. he most skillful wiirkmen,heieel.4 confident tiint,he can do the mobt, difficult job . . on vihort " " . J Wev Wo-rk . Warraotrd to Giro Satil W. B 1 Stairsos ,has worked for mi time, an 4 reepuitilend - hicia as a skilful workman, competent to do as us can Ve done in the country, and • confidenlee. WU. A. CIL& • Towandti• June 10th, 1858. ~ R e f ent trt',--.Wm. Elwell, E. W. Montay, E. 0. Goodrich, B. KjQa b l iti da ; B. IS.. - 43erkley, I. Searle, C. D J. Wlttenterg, Montrose. - * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on sh land op reasonableterms. [June 15th, L._ • S. ,AL Pettengill' & A drertisiiitztAg,eut,at, 119 Neiv-York, and 10 'S late-st, :agents ?Or The Montrose Denwerat, .thorirlifito Uontruct for. US at our low: BURL ITSG FLUID, - White and Lndiet!.iliid S. S. BoOta,.and I from -56 eta: ito T May: 13 W 1859: L. SON as! ORE! . . . . . . .. ~, s.O ....,. !‘ ....„: . . __. / . . _...,•_, ... CheapeSt.! Bestl Largest ! - I . 1 601130,00 • ; i Ptiya for Tuition in Single and Diable Entty Book-Keeping, Writing Gomineicial Arithms tigt- and Lectures. ! . boardS weekti $2O, - Stationery st, Tuition $33, entire e x pen se s $62.i . , . = Psual time-from 6 to 10 weeks. Every stn. dent,. upon graduating., is guaranteed competent tolmanage the Books of any Business, and gull; iqd to earn asalary of from . . i t, Pa. hernial yea • I:8500.TO $lOOO. - 1 Students enter at rtny time—No Vaeation+- RyieA3- at pleasure: • "First herniutu fur Best RtminOst.Writing (fir 1 09, , rec Axed at Pittsburgh, philadelphin, ai,td Ohio State Fairs.• Also, ate-T _thrineipal. Faits oil the Union -for tho paM four.years. Ministers'.S:ons ieeeived at half 11;rtee.1 iy * *'For Circulars. nncl'Embellisi ed .of the College, .ineloso _ five . let* stOysto. __ • ' F. W. 31.'4k1KINS, Pittsbnyer, Pa. HEAL - Frra • . ; .1 An arrient and sfonaachic , preparation of. INUN purifithd of Oxygen and Carbon•by corn bustion in Ifydrol•en,.of high medical-author i ty and extraordinary efficacy in each - of the",; . following complaint 4, viz.: • DEIKLITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, EMA CIATION, DYSPEPSIA. DIAERKEA, CONSTI PATION. SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, SCURVY., JAUNDICE. LIVER. CO PLAINTS R.MUN.A. TISK. NERCUMAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER KITTENT, FEVERS. NEURALGIA. CHRONIC KEADACHES, FEKALE WEAKNESS, MIS MENSTRUATION: WHITES, CHLOROSIS, etc, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF TAM SKIN, . etc. , The IKON being absorbed by the bleed, and thus'circulating through the whole system, no part of the body can escape their truly wonder- T el influence. Tho experience of thonsanda daily 'Proves that no preparation of Iron - can for a moment be E compared with it. • Impurities of the blood, de , preseton of vital energy, pato and otherwise eickly complexions indicate its necessity inct every conceivable case. In all cases of - female debility (fluor tabus, chlerosis, etc.), its 4ffects are doh Ittfully renovating. No remedy t• has ever been discovered, in the whole history et medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, . and fullYrsttorative efTects. Good appetite;.com plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength; I with an unnsuat..dispositou for active And r . cheerful exercise, .immediatelf follow its use. As a grand stomachic and,gencral restorative it has no superior and nolmbstitute. Put nit In neat flat metal botei containing ,50 plll 7 , ;nice no cents Yer bolt: all boles, .R`sso: one dozed-boxestt4-00. For tale by Ilent-gl.ta generally. 'Will be sent free' to any athlrett on rerelyit or the price. All let,. tiers, orders, etc.., thatticllte addressed to R. B. LOCKE & CO., : . , . General Agents. .339 Into.towmi. N Y. :7 N. 13.—The above la a- favelmtle of the :f label on each box. - ' For sAlcia 4ontrose by . ! ~ ilecls ii• : ABEL •TURRELL : Aoent. f; NO WORD Akt• tAI L." 0: HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. , . crECULAR TO THE SICK. IF,fillst hospital surgeons and Medical pith. . /joists of Europe., 'admit the unparalleled. anti•intlammatoriand Reuling properties of th;ls' Ointment ;_gnvel meats sanctinn its use in thdir natal and •military services; and the masses this country•and throughout - the world.rep* the utnabst, confidence in its curative propertit-is. ft penetrates the sources of inairnmntion aced co r ruption which underlies the - external evi dpot,e,4 of liitiease, and ticutrulize the fiery er6 7 ments fttiql and eiasperafe the-malady.: Rheumatism, Scrofula, These aro among the most terrible and son nizing diseases of the Muscles; the. fleshy filtte and the skin; yet in their worst forms, arid when seenangly incurable, they invariably, disappear under a .persevering application of this soothing, healing, m6110(0.10. pain and. inflammation. ". - Salt Rheum, Fever Stakes, Stiff Joints. In all eases orSaft Rheum. where medical wa ters, lotions, and receipt of .the pharmaeb. isna have' proved. useles,s, The OintmenCwill a' thorotmh . cure. Fever Sores h• i i goicklymoder Vt.s. influence. and its relaxing ef feet upon rentracted sinews is truly wonderful. Discharging Ulcers. • A most remarkable and happy change Is pro. dueed in the appearaniie of malignant ttleerti tit ter a few applications of this Oinment. The stir. mending redness vanislfes. and granules ;of of, healthy flesh be,giwto t:ike 'the place of the discharged matter. This process .gr;es on mol-e. or; less rapidly, -until the orifice - re filled up with sound material. and the uteeryadittally cured.r. A Word toEhithers. The young. are the most frequent sufferg' froin external injuries, and therefore every 'mother should flare this healing preparation constantly AC hand. It is an absolute specific Or: sore breasts, and quickly removes the mierusted - soreS which sometimes disfigure the heads and 'faees. ofichildren. • • y on harid. Significant . kacta. ;! -This Ointment orilmard the Atlantic and Pacific whaling fleet as cure kr sttltbutic affection s and tot .the best possille. retticdv for wounds atwol bruises. Large supplits of: it iive recently bi...en'ordered . 4 the Sultin of. Turkey for hbspital purposes. • Beth•the Ointment and Pitts should be used sit ' the following cases: • Bunions, .Chapped Hands - , Scalds; Blereurial Eruptions, Sore I.egg, Chilblains, Rheu tnatietti, Sore 'Wrests; Fistula, •Ringworm,` Sore beads, Gout: Salt Rheum, - Sore l'hront;; Lumbago; Skin Diseases,_ • Sores ofall Piles, Sprains, Stiff Join t s; Ulcers,: Worms of.all kinds, Venereal Soro Tetter, - Swelled Glands. , • *,*Sold ai the Manufactclries of Professor tli t muntrey, 80 Maiden:Line, New York, and 24 Strand, London, by all respectable DrtiagisTs ttr4i Dealers in Medicine throdghoUt the Unitd States and the civilized world, in. pots, at ceats,•62 1-3 cents, and $1 each: • ; far There is a considerable saYin,;•4 takitlk the larger sizes. . 8.,--Directione, for the aidancerof patients I",e 'erfdiserder are affixed to each pot. I - . j9*y'l 23eow. for som. areful-o,n. .00il wor orthy BEHLTN. rd. E. D. Towart. -Lathrop, I.rt untiee 858.—tt • Nassau•at, tun, are' d are aa et rates. _ - 1 SPRING-SEED ,WHEAT ,1 GOLD DROP, PROM- WESTERN NEW YON;; ; i• CHINA TEA, a n d CATLIN WHEAT. MS 67 the BIIEICEL, andREIID CORN, for sal. BAIL DWIN & ALLEN, Moutiost.:l re C tp } i . te re LER'S: A RESISTLESS REMEDY 1% -- ,„.„„ LIFE. s..MEMORIAL&- I WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS," n lady remarked 'to us a day or two since, a& shq exhibited the portrait or an only child, gone to the "spiritiand," which, was one of 9[9:112113E1. 7 - INIMITABLE How I should _regret it, had >I not Bemired this precious zneWal' of that dear one." So. LI - ight we. - The' loved ones are, not always with us,and while we can call them ours; every ono should secure such a nteinorial;, since they elm have theni iso truthfully taken by that samurai artist, A. B. TUBAS, of Bing. hamton. ' Gee HOLIDAY PRESENTS, . he sultscrihers have this day received aboth er T inVoice of 'Jewelry,' &c., direct from the manufactory, and are now. prepared to show to their friends the best assortment of goods ever before offered All persons „wish ing to make their friendsand families Christmas Presents, aro invited to call and- examine, • dem32 EVANS & ALLEN. , Odd Fellows' Uhl!, Binghamton, ATEEDLES:—Bono and" Wood Tidy Nee. .s. dies. -Testing Shuttles, Crochet Needles; Sewing, Darning pad Knitting . Needles, fcir sale by , • & ALLEN. "[TAM PINS.-:-Blaek, red and gilt Hair Pins, 'II various patterns and pikes, by . . , - EVAN*: & ALLEN fIORAL.-A fine assortment of Curul Beads, Armlets, Necklaces, dte:_,_ by - .-.Berais di., ALLEN. 0 . LEEVE-BUTTONS AND STUDS.—TheO best assortment of Sleeve-Buttonwand Studs, all prices and qualities, or sale by EVANS & ALLEN. SPF I CTACLES.—Grad, Silver, Steel. .and German Silver - Spectacles, of all ages, for male .bv Evmis &.ALLEN. rrilißlßLES.—=•Crold, Silver and Germ:m.Bll , - 4i_ yer Thimbles, a godd stock, for halo by .. • ..- Ev i ass & ALLEN. TUT crSekerS and Nut Picks at EVAN! & ALLEN. PENS.—A first rate variety of Gold "Jr Pens - and Pencils, all sites . and qualities, by • • - • Eviss & ALLEN. rII ABLE. CUTLERY.—A • good snpgly .of 'figives and 'Forks, Carvers-and Steels, b EVANS & AELEN. nORTE :410NNACS and CARD CASES, in every variety—Pearl, Berlin Wireand Shell. EVANS & ALtr t, W A YTT Cl ja E l ' e S Z A O l f ar t i re Fi l e : s C t k' Lll Uf ak a e l r ) . l, l d many of. them of our own importation, at prices m u ch lower than harp ever been sold in twri—War . ranted good time keepers. E. tt A. Watch.Chairis, a first rate assortment of GOLD Fob, Vest, and Guard Chains. 1: 1 1, Rings and Brea'st Pins-,a beautiful ea a riety, in setts double - nnd single. consisting of Pearl, Jet v Carnen; Lava, C,;ral, Florentine. Mosaic, Brilliant., Enainel, and a.. 11 Ciuld , various patterns end prices. - "IINGtft Itinmi - -Dilmond Opal Pearl Em arnr4,7t.t, afid all GOLD, -a v-arioy from $l6 d.iwn. - /...OOKETs-a very fine rissortment,,CQUi A I ....1id Plitted, 4, and G dices. ( rn - Z HATA Warts.a large stock or uteri ng 1.3 vvr ware; censistin . ? of SpOlins; forks; Indtes cnps. ei:ike, pie,. ice 'ereit in, butter, & fruit knives, riiiicirenslsettst, napkin ring, , card cases, etc. • ZIA are--Castors, cake baskets . card receivers. tea setts, it)e pitcherS.,.su;rar tias• kess, salt telldr.s, forks, spoons, toast racks, dull• els, . p RACIST.ETS-- full supply', of every style,'— some very rieh patterns. „ CLOCKS—Eight day, and th irty hour clocks. a 4reat varioty,,warranted. . nor 9 • EVANS &„ALLEN. Nn. 2 Odd Fellows' Ball, Washington et. Cll.l AWE b 1 , 7:T131E--.TVIETER Ak R.(I.2IWEiII.E.ArTL—D., L. c&. TV.. R. R.. ~=~ ~`` (IN and miter Tfinrsdav , Dec. Ist, 1859, trains NJ' will be run as, follows : , • EXPRESS PASSENGpI. Taaini,--Moving, South. The night express train on tho N. Y. & E.R.R. • arri-tes at Gt. Bend a 3:28 a. m., and connect. with the-express train leaving Gt. Bend for N. - Y. and Philadelphia at ' 8:00 a. m. Doe at New Milford - 8 - t1.7 - Montrose - • 8:36 • _ Hopbotioni . 8:59 ' Nieholson 9:16 • • . ' Facteryville . 9:40 • Abington - - 9:57 • Scranton - - 10:30 • . Moscow- - .11:17 Tobyhannl a - - 11:53 Stroudsburg_ - 1:12 p. in. • • . Water Gap - 'Columbia. • - 1:50 Delaware (15 minutes to dine) 2:9i . • Hope (Philud'a connection) Bridgeville 2:40 Wasningten , - - 3.13 Junction - . - 3:30 New York - - 7:15 • Philadelphia - - 8:20 ExraEss TRAINS MOVING NORTH. Passengers frttm . New York, leave . • Pier No. 2 North River, at - 7:30 . a. m. Passengers from Philadelphia lea NValnet street Wharf at, - _9:00 leave Junction, - - 11:10 Due at Wmihington ••• . 11:28 . Bridgeville • - 12:01 p..m Hope(Philad,a connection) 12:05 Delaware (15 minutes to dine) , 12:20 Columbia. -• • - 12:20 Water Gap, ‘- - 1:01 . • • Stroudsburg - - 1:15 Tithyhanna , . 2:45: _ Illoseow : - . 3:19 Scranton • . !. 4:05 Abington - 4:42 • .Futorvvitle - 4:59; - - 5:19 • llophottotn 5:42 laf MONTROSE - 6:0•11 . . New MillOrd 6:22 Great 'Bend 6:40 Connecting at Great Bend' with the-. Night Express going West at - 1:45 a. m. An Accommodation train leaves Scranton for - Great Bend at 10:35 a. m. FaiAoryvitle 11:55:- Nicholson . ' 12:39' p. to. Montrose- - 1:50 Arrive' at Great Bend 2:50 - Connects with Dunkirie..Ex. West -3:39 - and Ac"commodation train West at 5:33 • Accommodation train-returning leaves . :,Grat Bend at 3:10 3loutrose 4:05 " •Niceolson. - - 5:15 Factoryville - . 5:15 •' Dyant Scranton . 7:15 The Accommodation Amin-does not leave Scranton until atter•the arrival of the morning, Aram on the Laekawannw& - Bloorneburg R. R., , - that' giving passengers from the Wyoming Vin 4,. ley a direct connection for the Mat by the morning train. • • _-For the accothmodation of way travel on'the Southern Division a Passong,er Car will be at. ' taebed to the Express Freight trains leaving _ • Scranton, t • - • 4:30 a. m.' Due at Moscow . 6.00 Stroudsburg - 10:40 Junction •-, - • 0.40 p. m. Returnintwill leave Junction at 4:00 M. Due atStroudsburg at , . 7:45. • 31eseciw - 1:10' Scranton . - 2:35 Passengers.from Now York will change cars. rat Junction. - To and fom philad4via BtD.R.R. leave or sake cars at 1.101)0 For Pittston.; Kings ton and Wilkes-Barre, take cars of Lackawanna'. & Blootusitrg.R , R. at Scranton. For Jessup., Archbald, and Carbondale, take Stages "'Scrim' son. • Tickets sold and baggage' checked THROUGH. . - JOHN BRISBIN, Supt. Wm N. Jams, General Ticket Agent • . RIENYOUIt.tT. -- WOULD rdspytfully.soficit the Insp ction of It new and very rich assortm nt of DRY :GOODS:. . this day received, consisting in part of as foilows: Rich 'Black Sliflre Antique Silk. 18s. pe yard; Foulard :in, nice style, 6s. per yard; W 4 Plaid Silk, the very - neatebtpatterns, -10s..pcti yard;. *Black Silk; 28:inches Wide, from Is. to 11i. per yard; splendid. Black from . $8 to •$ll, the Aust. assortment in Stiaq'u Col; ties invoice of Ginghams, at very Jew prices; also of Caliceeb; large Week of Denims, Mixtures, Plaids, rind Lawns; Printed. Shawls from :In. tb $5; .Broclia Shawls from $5 to $25; -Collarsi fin 6 ots, to 2 - 0154 Parallels from Ns. to 24s.. i i . ear;11; • Bennet,- a large, stock; • Ribbonsiand Fl wers; atso n:•w invoice of Gents. Shoes--Congress, Enamelled anti Call Skip; Ladies CongresS Gai ters,.Kid and Enameled; Misses Calf and Ennuis elled itauts;.Childrec Patodi !toots, Gaiters:and everything in that line.. They would al4o cif( atteotion to the` fact that having an arrangivnent with Kolb of the largest Inverting Itoulms -in New York they:will receive regularly New Styles as fast as they appear in Now - York,and wi(l take the greatest pains to please all who call and ice and wish to Furchame. Particular ettentiop paid to precuring.tine:goodm—ineVery "style- • • I • •• • 1 1 -11 M.A....5Le:: •••' = I •• • - A. new' lot this day received, and would-re spectfully solicit an exaniination of the (same.: Geed Tea at 3,-;;; city prices, also at 4s. ss. 6s. Bs. . • %%3C4.1115. _ COIL i:E...jaV3; Rio and Ground cotrce s 113 It A T11.1.-Jamea Pyle's.Balibittrled• lcinal, and Exeelaioi, NAILS, and•also a. :new stock of WALL PAPER and WIN- Dolif PA PEll;this day received. rAir.n. /NG TOOLS of the most approved patterns. s • Crockery ; ;7 7. • Gold Ritid, Shaded, Bliuelland, and all the new styles; as last its :they appear in Now York. • FLoun constantly on hand. SALT by the barrel or sack. GLASS, and everything else %lie want. I ' R. KENYON JR: & CO ' Lawsvilie Centre, Pie.; June Bth, 1859 . . . PriMAYI CP Ati. Ma • • G. F. F011.1)114311. • HASremoZhisßlicrossth-s td, to iheimi t ,- one t oorbtio : K Z t Sloddard's-whieh he has fitted up expresslv for a Saddle!, Harness .and TrunkSbop Where rnay‘,be - found all kitids of • 3E3.A.3FLIVM.eiSto - • . from the heavrest team, to the lightest 4tinz harness, and a generalassorment of "trimmings- . Which-will be made up or sold ve2ry . low .1 Trimminp: . A good assortment on hand, which will lie - sold very low; 'al I.trimming done cheaper thad where._ • - OAK' LEATHER v on hand; from' which harnesses be made and *- * *Caetelller3 will N7F.T.,,int-aotatetr*,„ • please bear in mind that I eri.ll to settle up once year, Those having unsettled set:punts, or notes due, will :.oblige by settling-or making. payment without further FORDHAV, Feb. 24th,i :ItiontrosN Pp. - . • • MkTsCPTICM. • 7 COBB would ri!spz:tful ly 'an nOuneel to the roil - die that he' may still, be found at the old stand, fully prepared-to attend todhelwpnts rtf the contnunity. He will keip on hand n good Aoe kof • . . I tiri ° 4:::3 o oorte.S .SVGA CS. Ti:AS, COFFEE. SPICES. F11.UP1,i ; %..C.UP.. and ,Al.l. (by the sack or -barrel,) F ISH, wud all :arti,les found in First Class Groceries. 1 lie woad paiticularly , call the:ltttentlun of Farmers . and . others to - the fact.' that Ihe is eenstarrtly receiving, 'freish supplies of:, FIRST RATE no g& also and medium Oalitios, which will b sold WIGHT, for ready: pay, hi . quantities suit the purchaser, tnrPeltk. Deacon, and Veil Skins. DISSOLUTION. 97:11E • 97:11E ,firm of. S. Sarni. 6?. Buns. is thiA - ciay4issotypd by mutual consent, D4Sayre withdraWmg from . the firm. The busine4s will bu Eltiried on as heretornre'upder the natne and style of S. li. Sayre & Bro. The notes and accounts will be in the. hands of I)..Saire for settlement, All indebted to the firm wili.iilease give it their immediate attention, as all the'a. counts mmt be settled. - . I S. SAYRE BRpS. • Montrose, Sept. Ist, 18.59. I. ,KEYSTONE: HOT,EL 3.- " At- Montrose ; Penn. I. Wilt E. 'MITCH; Proprie tor. rip.,lllS new_ and commodious Hotel eitliateil 1 on Public Avenue, near the Court nearlvin the centre of the business pnr9ori of M ontrose- •is now In ly completed and furnished, and was opened, on Monday. the 27th a:qt . . of September,' 1858,-; fOr the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietorf feels connient!that he is now prepNred to entertain guests ins manner that cannot fail to ftiv . e. • , • Completo Satisfattion.l - The .1101.0 and Fornivre are new', and be ex pense has-been spare 4 to- rende i r it equat.lif not superior -to any similar estublishmentin this part of the State. his well supplied with till the recent improvements and eilibtorts, and obliging waiters - will always he - readyto respond. to -the caViof customers. I_ `h e hlalires connected with this,,Hoti,se are . - • kew and. Convenient.; • The Pii.prietor reapectfally solicits the itatrou. age of his old friendF t and the public generally.: WALK. lIATOIL. ! Batt • -- t:IIDES3I. tjl4. Eaffil • IitOLESALP SAll . .l' Ele/CALEIL, , 2Ol• , waslingionwst, .1 (Directly'epposite Wishington MOrket,) • IV"ew "ir_cor3zl.l, QTI COVI'INUES-to ofrer,to the oat? and 1.3 COUN'IRY traric, all kinda-of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SALT, at the very lowest flgures; 400.'0 sacks and bags, consisting in. part cif Ash: Eon's cerebrated brand for table and dairy . use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshal's,: Brownleaw's, &.e. • and 50000 bushels Turks Island, BonareS,• Cu= racoa, tit. Chem,-Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivico, NanteA, &c.„ all of which will be sold at batigairt: price 4 • from vessels, More and storehouses. . • I Any pnrehaser wishing to seloet from a good 4ssortment' will find it to his int f orestto clan. N. 9 4 --=fine table salt plo up inistnaff hags of different sizes; and constantly .ort,hand ip ship. ping order. Also a splendid - 'of i Rock Ground salt, in qitattboxes. - pue , ep,nini for 'sale by the quantity. in easesof five dozen each litliii.. - 11111111 — . .' "II HE subserit t er having purehaiiumr • . ... it ••- 4. refitted and newly furnished thy, . II II .. " above well known ::nd poPplarpotet, ..,. A -__--- --, is prepared to riecommedatle the-trav eling - public and others with Mr tbe'atMiens and conveniences . usually - fond in fist-class Rouses. No effort will:be spared by Pro prietet and his Assistants to 'make Ih4 Hotel. equal in every point to any in the coubtry. The Bar will alwitys be snpplitd with tne ChoicesfLiquors. . - The Sthbl6l4 connected wilkOil House are large; roomy - arid convenient, aodktareful nod attentiveiiestlers*Ore alwaye4n charge of them; .1: TARBgI.I A HABD4 ZN FARM FOR. 'SAGE' - . SMATE JN dEfISUP., one mile:NUrth of .I..athrorns Lakes, containinglo2 acres; 79 of which are ito - prored. Famed house and barn. Price 81500. $5OO down; balance on time to suit the pirchaier. - of L. Steno.' - 'JOHN P. DUSHEirtE. Montrose, February 16th, 1860.4„ - ABET:`-LTRII - ELL lIAS just returned from selecting andptir chatong, -and is now receiving one of rho lamest and best assortnients of . • . . , - . , • ar 0 0 'T3 IS. A. ever offered in this ,market. Thu quality of pearly every thing good ;. end all warranted as represnnte4. Terms; ready, cash and loir prices. Some - goner:ll idea of the"stock may be formed froni.the following, enumeration: -' -,. - 'DRGOI3, NELDICIRES; • -1 - . - Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes Wirulow , Glass, Dye Stuffs, GrocerieibLalaPs t Glass Ware, Crockery; Mirrors, Clocks, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Window Oil Shades, Fancy Goods, Musical Tnitrumonts, Jewelry, Perfumery,. Stano,Ware, Brooms, Bhudies,Whips, - Umbrellas, Bird Cagle, Pocket • . - Knives, Guns, Pistols; • - • • Ammunition, Liqttors,Trusses, .- - Supporters, Port-marinates, Shoulder ' - Braces, Spectacles, 'Silver brol• fated Spoons, Forks, &e., Gold Pons, Stationery , Violin, Guitar, & Bass Viol Stings, Bows, &c., Pox elain Teeth, Lith ographs, Artist's Tube Pain ;Brushes, &c.,' and all the popular Patent Medicines. • Also some Dry Goods, oodott,' Hard &Japanned Ware,, . Fluid and Oil Cans, CallPhens. .- . Burning-Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, Lamp, Tanner'i, Neat Foot, ,Olive, Castor, Boiled and Raw Linseed, and Cal OILS, White Lead, Zinc, and Al hinds a Colored Paints, Vino ' gar, Canary Stied, and other things_tho - ' numerous to mention. . As it is-impvaatieubte to give orA outliner)t m) stock through everyone wishing goods is inf . ekainineat Custotaers on ent , must not (tilted to find 'every ti neurty every,artiele wanted v. 6i iniviiry.i: Thankful for the ' hitherto reeeiyed, Rope tO rol large itierentte.of the same. Montrose; Oct. 5,'59. - 'AIX pzikur LIVER lifiloo ' NEVETt DERI LIT. IT IC tom innimlral ...ttrelT'i • llloltiVroUil 1131 eal.a./.1,•11114 - 1, tt - 1 ad and eppill...l by all owl ati , d! t • stew! a a Iteedltiteseu lui p t at. tl. Lrecomi!,ett , .1. , • It b.ui tr 4 11 , ..1013,1.1 , . ! NI .10,1 n .obn Lad sited up allhoio,! !pi ~ ,,c I.K: • ciusolicitwlt.inttiratenito 111, I C., ti.,i, . • lbrdUee must be .19.1..0 LP. , 1" La: a birth hlstal 1.41.1cht4 It., ntt.l ill . It:4 lil s act ; t eddy ea the itesnes. I : Ict U,o dirt/ 01 - y...r i pom - Use of the.LIVED Iliel p i I VIG •olli cure Liver. Coin-'llel aln tacks, • Dyspepsia, ! toir 0 it'lurs! Summer ry,, Dropsy, Sour!. ISto Costlosinew, Ettol-' Ile, t• rsklilorlnti, Cholera !Inf l o leiter, tkst se tittle e, lt`cm ea, add stay be use t l sec , freenal ry Family --Metll-1 WI at ow v ILE AU AC II E, (a.', : !donnas o twenty minutes', If; I 'two t espoottfula sake. take' ' tiro, at curb. , • -At wh l o use It arc{ a. girls In i favor. ~ . I i •I MIX \VATEIt 111 TUE 31 tTIIE IXVIGQICATt/R; AN HOT/IL TOGE'rIIEII. • Price Out, Dollar pc • • -SAE/lion F lAIILY CATHARTIC • - ''." C4.llrllll:tlitti VRI Pare Veetahle Extraetil, 4.:1...1.itS CASES, it it' Ti 6111., tin star eitillitte. : • The FM1111113% Ir/1-1 • that 1 tic lint actlve Call...rid , lin tt hb bl nu bm IN isba!lb•tt m ,, : ,, .21 tier The inni-t aalv flier, aiing 1.11 &rant lint elm is ttatnt LIP, I'll4lA - 10 not I sit erprou hi relbrd to tb.dr.. — a taw, within tlia r.,c). or alb. t-. 41 - I - it.e rf,..'fr........ weir kris ' . 111. 11,11 ilrfeietit 'Cathartics act i,. I!I II Ken': It 1.1 . 110, ~4 I: kI-V 14.,1 el. , • Ibe P.1:1111.1' c 1-I - TiciiitTyc PII 1. 1.71/1. ulth In', ret,,,, ta. this r.lell f!! t,, been comport:ate I - &ant n ra vartet4r!of the,. parent Ve4e. table Fate/win, nvlitrli nn n 0 alike la ,every part of Me allinebtary cared. nn.l -irn VP! mutt bait snit la all e.... ea - a bane . a Catlt,tht I. E 4 ...,...1. , sin b ..a. 11,- ,ra,.gearii,,,,,, 14 ' 11, fl SI i/ to 41 4. 11, Sire; I.• titan, I.llllli/C 1,, 115,, It'arl 11 c rat( i• no, Coettveiii,.., Pa I 1.1 and 5(1•31,14,16 (IV., line Who I c • 150 , ty.,, , i t i 1,-....511.1,ien ,iiit. ‘0,1..h ti trepiently, if ,iteote id ._....i. , 1 1 al•at eimive of 1,,. ter.- Lau, tit- Aiip , --..tiN tltc,#,Crteliliig . ra ta/loot of Cold ever : r -"i ill,. lii'itiv lte.t lei,- ars., 11C11(141CIII , . ori ,r.l „„ i ..L i t , 1 ,1 1 11, , her ii .4 1 I..ig am ....I•iryl "." I)l.l7iiit, li`Vtiraia .4 Children or Acitt l tiiii 4 ,:ni,,..1....,. Ptrailier bf the tibattnil ci s. end 111 ly abn , ,a, in n 1..1A tin-h Is belt. Lao namenias, lall to =natant lu this advyrara, want. Vitae.. 1 ta 3. . ' I PRICE. TIIREE. ?Illu,iit. The Liver al ii rattail,. Ca.. thartle Pills are rt.t.1111,1 tly Drn: rink eener.,l4, awn 11,14 wholesale by the itailii In till the lab;re lairmi. s. T. W. .I.:VFO It 1) 11r. fl • '335 'it; o st :TV' ''. For onl . o Montrose by 5tp . 25:59 y .ABEL TUR T .SALANANDFA Safes.—EVANS I • .E.' & Watt iss on . ); 0.1 ;2ti wroth- t..•o r tt, . i .... -___ . street, Phtladeltalia, have now on l (1 hand a largo 01115611100 t of Fin. . r • ; :,.. . 7. 7- , and Thierpro,if fial'es. Also Iron doors for banks, stores, Iron situtteis, Iron sash, all mak&!tif Locks, ilua: to !lily in the United states.. I - I -- • - Five - Safes i,n one,Fire. All come out-Rigid , . • with eculterils in good Fqndition. TIIE SAASIAN . DEII SAFES OF FIIILADELPHIA ... AGAINST THE WO:111.0. , EVANS dr.. WA'I'SON, . • Have had'tho surest demonstration in tb, 'ollowing certificate tlutg their manufacture of salamander' Sato; has at length fully warranted ,the representations which hate been made . et them as rendering an undoubtetlisecurity against the terrific element-: . I . • Philadelphia, April..l2th, 1856. .Me-srs, tvais & WarsoN4--Gentlernen: It affords us the highest satisfaCtion to state to you, that owing to the very prOteetive qualities of • two' of the . Salamatuler Safes which we purchased of you sortie montlii since, we'enved a s large portion of our jewelry,and ill our hooks, papers, &c., exposed to the calamitous firs in Ranstead Place, on the mot 'Mg of the 11th' inst. 6 . . . When we reflect that these.. area were located in the fourth story of the building:we occupied, and that they subsequently fell into it heap. .Of burning ruins, where the ,vast. concentration of heat caused. the brass plates tit molt, we cannel) . but regard the - preservation •bf thi.dr valuable contents as, most convincing Proot of the great security afforded by your Surds. - We shall take much pleasure in recommend. ing them to Jaen of business as a sure reliance against firer,: _GEORGE W..SIMMONP Who have purchased six April 28,.'56—y. •• • ' ._ t.7l' ,isdUSIC Ai, li' itl 4\.;)... . . A Rare Companion for the l 'Winter Months. Every Pianist, I Should pr cure this weekly -.Every Singer, k, A Publics 'i nn of Vocal and Every Teacher, ` Piano orte -Music, cost. Every Pupil,' ' lag bi 4 10 CENTS a 1 Every'Arnateurs- • number,' and pronounced By the entire 'ress of the/Country, to be. 1 The Best and Cheopesi.ler'kpf the kind in - ' • - the World4' 1 .:, . . Twelve Full-sized Pages oti Vocal and Piano • - ' - Forte Ilfesie ; ', - For: 10 Cl i errtss. Yearly, ssi lialr:yearly,sii,; Quarterly , $ 1,35. . Subscribe to our tt dint:heal' k'riend," or order it • from - the nearest-NOwsdealer, and you will have music etintigh for your; entire family at an in:significant chq; 'and if yr u; want Music for the- Flute, Vielin, Cornet, Clerionet, Accordion, &e,., &e.,'Ruh.cribe to the 1 1 ' • SOLO WLELODIsT , 4 - Containing 12 pages, costing: ohly if - ' 10 c. a Nuniber; Yearl v,82,50) Half-yearly,Sl,2s. All the Back'Numbers at Ipicents,..and bound Volumem,xontaining 17 Numhtirs, ats2,so each; eonstatiq on hand, 11 _ • , C t B. SEYNOUR & CO. .. 107,Missatc t St., New. York. CARING. tt continues l tiE imblerbjr tabovbusin ess. e; lisosualat hisotdinoo b Thankful for' Pattt, favors tioL would solicits a littoro of the.public patronign.; A, iG, REYNOLDS. Brooklyitdday 23d,183 9 , 1 - E., . L,LOVilt v fresh grgund... 1 gore, ihebp. ,lush rei:e4v ALARGE Assortment of Lithographs `' and Tube Pallet's, just arrived, and for snle,"at,redpeed prices, by: ABEL TURRELL POCKET BIBLES,. DIARIES, : t ! CHRISTIAN ALMANAC.% CIIURCir rsAtmrsr, • SUPPLEXENT,. ,SMALLZ B 0 0K5,...4 C.. for sale' Gy. Dec. 261 h. • J. LYONS & SOY: . Also, Vq.TRE KEROSENE OIL.. 1 - I. M '1 4' ORE ItESIE Burning - Fluid, 1.2011, Candles. F Also White Lead, Zinc Paints, Linseed kuisins, - C - stree,ete: etc., just nriened sibd oning shOsp.. : , - J. LYONS & SON. 1 7 1our,t Ea* VrobisioniStort, At nurvir - Rost, pa., O(~ - NE doer below J. D rugEthridge's St ore , on Public Avenue r - vbere will- be found constantlyion band a general assortment of - Such as Siuiaro, )lohoeses,Byrups, Peo.;;, Coffee • &.e &e. ?ilea), the efwiresi.l:`lrands of . FLOUR,FAMILY Meat, Lard, Pork. Hauasjish, Carldle:* &c.. ' ' ' Wt solicit a share of thellubliepatronne, and pledge ourselves .to do Ifair'thing, 'hoping by each bargrikr to securo'a Aber. s. ' • • BA WIN & ALLEN...• t .:- W. L. ALLEN. 7 -- - note than a grn, ! the Newsp rptrs. rited to call and ring' the 'Store hifiOnsight; but •9I be prodncei iberal patronage eril,and receive si TURRELL ALFRED 11'AT:twirl PCRBT DIARIES . ANT . ' LUANACS for 11 tio: a large, variety: And Indelible Penoill foo :narking wearing apparel, warranted not to 'lntl') or wash 'mkt, fur salo by , • • A. N. BULLARD. g I 5 BATO. TF S. I A CHEAP and•easy remedy. Air the Piles and. Coro.. Try it. Also Mecers Rat and Mice .I.:sierrninal,or, sold by 7 LYONS & SON. INC JEST MYPOPHOSPIIITES of Link and Soda. fur Consumption; 1101: ay'altment. and, Pii in;in sion 's Mountain ievb Pill , and neatly all the Medi.!ines.aciver tbied, or in the market, aro tir Amin . by • . loiulrO4e. lin. 9. . ABEL TUR.R.ELL; % . 0111, GIMIIIII, .111 +i . .l !I, a wt fs fur ulluzy the liet two ye , r. IJ 1111 140 Aslll:urrlA.A IllisVtrAnirfit, of thy; tilL 40..1,14.1 ma to , .4t gul.:e you. ta Ihn Li1t.9.7:012, and '.t lan; Ill:loon At-: itl lc Di arrhor'n, '‘. tx, Dyne.. it . - 'l l ocli,llabittil • micro, Chol.: • .t .• Plato iple Wralsness=i Ily Rs an, Ord I on- It rnlnnreSKll7. . •nts .n tomity.) lo or I hr.,' Ton- - ~ 0.14.111.i.JCV.m....t, of 1g their terulmony (MTH bW.&LLOW Butllc. Junsoxls Mountain Herb Pills. I PILLS 3 . Altos; .we present yogi with a perfect likeness of Teristio, iii•:ohief of a tribe of the strange Aztec that once 'soled Mexico. Yoti *4l end mg full secount'of Lim and his people in our Pamphlets and Almanacs—to ;be had gratis, from the Arista for them Pills. • the inventor and matioracturer.of "Judson!! Noun. herb bas 'Pent the greater part of his Mr in traveling. ! harlog visited nearly - Uteri country in the world. 'He Spent over six years among this Indians of . the RoekOlountainsandotSlezico, and it war then that the ".itornata lima Plus"' were .discovired. A very Interesting amount of his adventures thank you will bud in our Alumnae and Pamphlet. LI loan Ostablished fact, that all diseases arise froth , IMPURE 'BLOODS • laud rut up In 11..tep I I r PI LT. E. p.n. U. popriwor koki tin!, • .t • A s , l4.trstwi nLLL iuLltscrA 11:c tko place • the blood Is the life 1 and when any foreign or unhealthy . batter gets mined with it, It is at - once diatributed ta beery organ of the body.' Every-nerve feel the poison;. ' and all the vitatorgin . a quickly complain._ The stomach will not digest th e food perfectly. The User ceases An - secrete a tufaciency of bile. The action of the heart is weakened, and no the circulation le feeble. The hritga bechme clogged with the poisonous matter ; :hence, a torigh—and all from a- alight impurity at the fountain , : head of life—the Blood i Am if you had thrown 'time earth, for •Instantse, in a puns spring , from which rad tiny rivulet;, In a few minutes the whole course of this stream beeomes disturbed'and discolored. As quickly does impure blOod Ay to every _part, and leave its sting • behind. AU the pusagra become obstructed, sod ales' the obstruktion la reesovedj the lamp V life boon dies out. Them' pills not only purify the blood, but regenerate an the so:retiring of the body; they are, therefore, turivalltSl • CUIIE POR ILIOIIS DISEASE", .; ilrer' Complaint, Scleltawhe,.lrc. This ti-riiitious Medicine expels from t4e blood the bidden seeds of dis ems, and teddees all the glaidi and secretions pure aid fluent, clearing and reenseitatiUg the vital organs. Pkasant,lndeed, Is it to ar, that we are able to plate within poor reach, a coodicine-like the " Motaxas bins Pats," that will pass . ..directly to the emitted parts, through the "blood and guide ot.lbe body, and 01111:110 the sager to brighten with the flush of beauty and health. • RELI., Agent • . : • ' . Judsoti's Pills are the Best Remedy in exist ence jowl con*ainis, Debili4y,l . • fmeard weakness, aught, 7 Roo* and Apes`` Liter Casiplainiti 0714 '• • Amide ConsplanteLoteness of Spirits, OW Dimxisa; Hanka* Ma, CogirauFt, - Indio:dim, ' None and GraneL AnDePna , .hituenz 4 ,- SicondarY.SYwV DiarrAaa r r Inficounatioe, ; font. Dropsy,, •, • - • • • • GREAT. FEMALE . MEDICINE!. • FellakW who Tale. health , ihould MYST be witbdut these - 10s. They . parify the blood, realm obetrueticots of ail kinds, chasm the skin of all. pimples and. blotches and bring As rich color of health to the pale cheek. air. The Planta and Herbs of which thine Pills are . made, wens discovered in a vary rorprising way among the Unmet, a tribe of Aborigines in Vezico. tat the • Almanac of onr Agent, and you will read with delight, the eery interesting account ft contains of thitA. Itsolomea”; of' the Aztecs. - Obseiteer-the Afaustajin Herb Pale are pod up in a -Beautiful Wrapper: Each bolarniains 40 pats, and Retail' Et 25 cods per ear. All genuine, Intee.hte signature ef, - a. z. JUDSON 4 CO, =lack bxs. • •• B. L. 417D80N, 804,E PROP-RIETORSI No. 5 0 Leonard Street, • •N NiEW • • . Agents wanted alwara- .drew Address as above. -so %. . S'AYRE:'& itito..; Agents, 31ontrose. (dee2l . 1 - 110 WARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA.: - 1 -' A Be . nencilent - Laskin/ion establish E ed by`spo.; 1 rid Endowment,f6r-the Relief ofthe Sick and Distressed, a ffl icted with Virulent and • f Epidemic Diseases, and,. espeeially;for the. -Core of Diseases of the Sexual Org ans,;` . . VI EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the I. Acting Surgeon; to all 'wlyoupply by fetter,' with a deac, ription of their condition, (age;-occu., pation, habits of life. &e..) and is clutus.iii ex. treme poverty,medicines I urnished free of charge. Vziluabie Reports on SpVrtnatorrhceti, an 4 oth. er Diseasis of the Sexual Organs, seat to tl e at= '' _ flicted, in Sealed letter envelopes,'free of ch rge, . Addri4, Dr. J. Skillia Houghton, ArtinliSur. geon,.Hciward Association, No. 9th-st, '. Philad'a, ria, By order Ofthia Director'. AocB • BRO., Jetcelirs, argo Safes A NEW BOOK BY WILLIAM YBUNG; M; Q. , ~;,;;,'; The *secret clue to couriShiw loVe & marriagb: with-the diseases inci• •p - ='- - t-„ dent to youth maturity and oidage; being lights and ehades of married life, its joys ,and sorrows, .hopes, • :4:kV fears andilisoPpeiniments. Let all married:people, or those'contemilating marriage and having,the least impedimeui to married life,, vend thiabook, Let every young man and - woman In the latid read this book. It Is full of Plates, arid diseldtsis secrets that every one should know:. little'kdowledge at first may , save It world of trouble irt after life. Send for_a copy (enclosing *acts.: tn; ' DR. in. YOUNG, : , ap2B yl tiLD BOOT. HEATH'S BOOK OP TRAVELS, - kfjand great diteotteriei Of the Japanese i - and East indja Medicines, with full directions for the certain cure of consumption, bronchitis, ca tarrh, coughs, colds asthma, fevers, heart disease, - set otitis, •Cancer.dyspeptlia, liver corn pliant,gravel and urinary deposits female contpiaints, t ilinstrated with hundreds of rertificattiOf cures and engravings. For the porpotse of rescuing as, many anTering fellow-beings, as pay4l 0 premature:death, it will be sent to 'any, part o the confident by sending 2.3 cts., Bk. H EAT 4, • ocilOy 047 Broadway, Nei' , York City. ( • Sold also by A. Turrelli-llonkreit; Hayden • Bros., Ne*MiJford; C,-P.•Mathewa,Scrliatoa: • Molasses 61141 Su ed, and fur sae by YONS IS& ' SON. iw- 1i It I. GROCERIES: MARRIAGE GUIDE. 416 Spr!ice-4;'Philadelpliia.