rioLt.olv.ty's suffer froth ilicoe peculiar dtatutha s:vstern incident to the gont!ov!.,-x! theFo Pills a safe remedy the disorders owls: which the.;,' may inz upon thi. - ,• local ..j ge: , .rAlly upon the . - syquEn, fir kinive r Fe.i:v.ftly Rill F,iniultanne the i or sufrkitiog., rivo :,:1` 0..26 otgans which syr i ptitil • ill r e ewn 1. I inosy I.l;tt.sez of female exi tlia t,a.=n of 4 .- .n u ond litx, a 41t is lerine.d "Abe the ni'erativo *nd.rer.turati%e p , the.e Pills rend?) indigpens: Gybler RT rii BEE?'—la ' ', ll(.% motto §f every suotsssful If lial*e sons to educate - fur business the srhol canvass , tefor the Cuturnc-reial Set ink the has tulrattta,ges for acyoil tit•al business iduchttnn ; ben it Halls of the iroitCity College, of I Pa.; are coast: miry tilled :with ; stu 'every !Station of the Union. rff-The hills for printing the .I blanks were opened at Wa*.bing 21st. Mr. Cowell, of New : - .YOII. execute the work for ninety-tore Thorn_as, 9t.Butlato, for ninety-fon cents less on the dollar than the has heretofore paid. '- after the w 4 and Mr. Thomas finds himself mini apply to Congress for the defioien will be granted,"of sonise. 'The, municipal election. Pa., r-botot a noble IZemoefatiogairi; 'Lett year the Oppositbi,nttiumphed byla Majori,y 0f'944.--theynow barely escapediefet,„ ktar rying the city by 0n1y"135 . ms3otyy, , i Dem ocratic gain 809. The Decnocratsilelucted their candidates for constabit s -by `p . o3 tnaj6l - and also gained four council Met - - - According to the %tabhio4toti,, , cotro. rondencei ofthe New-York he RepubliCan candidate for Goreinck of Pie, who-has recently been in Washirgtoh, btates his conviction that if Seward is. n!1 Chicago . , nritber be (Curtin) not carry tbesSt-Ate, lleLysnis'm few thrtliwho ins peddling'. " in Vermont, was attacked anti b by'a faithful watch-dog. The dpgj after nine days, and soon died. Ifving yet: .. • ' I Mr. Edward Ruffin of•4irginia ed fifteen of Capt. brOwn's pikes t to each of-the Alve States: Each bear this'inseriptir : "Sample of designed for, us by out,Northert Out of tLis nettle, - Dangcr,we - pltut cf Safety" • _ AsErtnort.--It is said in Washi. there k no foundntionfor the asserl New York papers, that Spain had,.l •ell Cuba. Ouc minister, Mr. Pre. gsged in settling certain clairria,,.' rise to the rumor. tThe opiter aleep,E. A, Jo Neke Fork on the 15th, with a cap. and t hands on board,. foi Virginia, to take •on a load amy l p her trip the mate murdered robbed the versel of time t5OO, ashore. He was since arrested an oned. The. Albany Atlas and Argus sa two divisions of the Black Repot)! bra beat di.tioguished _as the xlid the titepro , i3atei . ." ,The fu no principles } whatever, and the that %ilia Mr. Seward allows th :lA.T.AslatcATlos--The itort that Dani O'Connel,.the,great Irish rtzert vagrant ' = .-• Jury List.—(ioart comitnenc 4:14y, April 2d, and continual two It Auburn.— Aaron Bunnell.: .1, - , B r S imuel Brundage,t Jonas Cart4r,f Font George Ilarri;,f J. A. Kirkbu Arnrat„—Dunfotd Walker,: Sal liame Apolacon.—W. 1.10u53. It.;idgewMer.—Spencer Waitrol 111 c u,Jlan.t Igaac Brooklyn.—S. W. liteed.l. Conga G. W 2 Palmer. A. C. Quick. Wm. Jtzlinson.:. ,Edwa Caleb 13urtlick.f John Stapben, topber fettp,t Ezra Coleman, J. G. Choconut.—Martin 13aban.: L. bet lin,t - o.'lX.Keef.f Ditnock.i—Wm. g. Lartne,t cock. ,Froklin.:—Reuben Cltiel4er. Forest I:,ske.—A. 13. Griffiz.,t Towne,} J.S. Birebatd, E. E. Cole, ker. Set b' Warner: Great Bend:-13. B. Tatl:lll,t Davis.t:A. T. Tron Gibson.—Vm..• W. Willliarns.l Cliarks Ltelme,t Charlis.l.lolines n t N. • Herrick.—Ziber BrirnF,t Walt Lyons..t • Aitemro.Carrenter, 0; A. . • Hxr ord.—Collins Peck,t .Int.ech e irlPuji:ers,f . 0.13. Titus i t D. E. Whitney.f ' J. .Jackson.—Eli A. Page; .331nirles1.11:1:4-. zen,t Erkar Fuster4 Calua. glson Fiencli. . • _ . Lenox.—A. L. IJffera,L . S. 8., C. Vebt:,f L. N.L,llirdy,haac Knapp, J. T. Rod •,..Ny.Tower. - libertv.—Bela Jones,t Alarilon .• Lathrop.--L.E. N. Lord, L.A. New on, 3 W.m. Robinaon. I. Itlidtiletown.—Nrhoo,Carnp,:B.• field_t •• • . • ifuntrcse.—C:l). Lithrt..p.f N's l S;PB g e 't 3ul Y Norman Tinglet Archibald ni14,1 Beony, S.Pat r ,re, .41 SEM t!!.. OaklBl3d.--Itaiall Moore.T.Jolan Rush.—.-Norman Granger,T. T. U. Bafrer,l A. L. Eddy,t Burton Tupper.' • Suiluebauna —Beojam I n'Gre,..itor . .:: U. . W. Foot, Samuel - .Noiwood,'D. W. Norton.: Silver Lake=Ely Meeker .t • ''• Spiing Lathrop, J. Switli; Jr. Thomson—A braiiam Coon,f. - I Syls+ . ester Kinzt Tony Whitney,f M. T. Whicney.t [Grand - Jurors marked tb tisV 1401.1 oidi.f • Agricultural.. Society.-ssThe. meat meeting of the Sesqueba nna Coo Fay Ag . lieultural Society will be held at the Court House on Tuesday evening, Apr:l a ; soo, at o'olock, the That' sy s eek of Court—,at vetit:h meeting tbe.lievtaed csn ititution will be presented. Wm. IL Jesse 0„ Secretar#: Notice.--As lam frequently asked What I would ask for - crying goods and chortles tit AUCTION, 1 take this meibod of_ssing , that I will cry goods or cbartlesfor two lair cent., in from three to five *dollars per day,laceord ing to the amount of ,Isrbor required; af:any distance witbib the limits of the Coisirtyt for all wisbiug my services in that line.:, • • It. t/1.6.YE1t; Jo. • :tf.;nr-r)fx;Mol.:11 ell. ro#lwho nee-, cf - the. nil in r: vi I • i• ; is .gvinpr;•= t • itilye-mnoirn -•-• -isEN w INS ,TAIL: AND -`WO D.. NAPTHA .0 I- ',the deg-Medicine in the, ,ild fiir the cure of 1 Coghs and doidl;,.'cronri,' :tiOlkitia, Asthma, i Difficulty in Breathing, Pa littition, of ttiolfeiii, And for I,e relief tjpaqenis : intquitn:eed !inges uf IConsurtiiitioia t ogo!kor vitt?, slillkwisa,tai bf *oat 1 and Chest and which predispose to i.otionnaption i • L. It the rout of dii , ensei , atiiirUaLes 11w fell clestiryer &ucciont to its i +tenni.. :i It cawro p. ji dotes free earetnrution; a d ityluce s heUllay . ac. - lion in ihe ei4easci.2l/ucous tentbrani and iismes his peculiarly adapted ,the radicil citit of - • (- _.' : - '-, ASTH ,' tt - ' . I;ven three %1z; twitti ng, of 10, otqtr ties of :tblif. to flle Lt3~ivq- ii s4nt-rord ng;n prac. is Onithe t.-.oli -from One 40 st .01 Cas ihraluab ease and eonseipierftl:y sleep mitt/re of this clislnse den ant to the taste, and prompt and be eonoliteal that it is _of BRONCHIAL A Price 60 cents • Prepared onlyby A ES F. W. 'corner Ifintb 4.P0p1. ost• Ofßee at on Abe tra to. Mr, Narol-,n-haif 'l.o‘tontnerit Irkls done. • ns; , : be Avlll and 11.,1 . FRENCH,_ .R1(711.• General Wholtsale Ag ar - Torikale in l UentrOs. mhl9 y*/ , 411 E!.; T A ppeintmentßel in the . UniversaHat -Churci second Sunday !in'Apiil -(8! The Sehe . ol Direct will meet in. Monfrose on at two o'clock pm. ' By or d 11,..8REW idisk . Litetti ihis-season will byrtielivert CHAPIN of Nesy.Yotk Cii ten's'Literary Ahioniation on TUESDAY. etiening, A, • Sittljcilt-3101tERN:C11 C. W. TYLEI4%•,' •A% , . 7 ,. ..! •77117. r . ,- , -r +. 0 - ii--. • • . - ~ : . : t• - ;:: tAI \:. ' •- . 11:30FIINVS , - 'V - I 'AP,i MEDICI MI; • ;41 (rr v. ii: A 1 , • 1 - STAND ItTtp - rti:::m. -- ......c.rns - . litigated at award can did bit - en mad ili4eddier b tht is ,-,ivqt Apul..r.ty Aigle3::,: .11 tahled • ih" 0 0 p.' 3 • . • N • • EITY::7 r; u!Lr I. : • t a:procur . Fe nd 4 one rikeis 'to fayors thOlocrcr P•C tr,:qa ',IL-ca - 3,r4 -Z•f 7%. 1 2,01Y mph, 541 1 ;z. 11:11S, ASS Ant. agten that 1: ttonlin the 4ed . to -tooije ; en - I hie,ti gave 17 .11 . e9fland' s Ilids;31111C 'Cordial Ca 7.4114.. 1fca7r7rtevr..71.7f,i.rr.:7i7...7:71-"latura. .7 . 2:7=onia, Incip!!.nt C0rimw.:771977, .7.7 t: Ls, p.:7 4 ,.t71it..171:.•• rot! ;117,7... , .7 ka..7.3 • .. CONFt.R." . EI) CON Fit:7I.:PTIO.V Co: t , t 77 .3'77 tt• t ',al,. • no - 13,• left p l ain; aid' ma;e ' lep eek, tort, i ana • 'ill li rid., midi Went d iinpli,- HOOFLAN9'.I3 _GEr_f4A:l- PILL, • J L:r3 1 , ! : 1at4? ..... - AN , ATO Z/ Cathr.r:;, k. . • Tho4c metlicinzt• 4.y• rr. C.' • sllct dealt: ~, ue.tta, of C SI. Jac I t the MEM - In unr" ErrryGel. I aria finCtentielUnly rang ul t4e eouutr3 l Ana nur ngrra-6. ritker only tu Car For sale mh29 N-A a ni e ce of ralor was- Scholarahies in any -I t4 the first-class . - . . . _ Ccirotnerciai Collegea in the conetry,furnished at Adnuni ', - • strators" Notice. this office, at a large discount from usual rate,. ' I \TOTlcbis hereby giv4n to all persons having ... 1.1 demands against the estate of B. 'A. Butter . Afflicted, Itead.—WitiTA:as' CGatrostos - fi e ld ; late of .Briktowatet; de-ceased, -that the Soismos for the PIL.ES, iz. ,varrantd I o ef• ' same MU6t lie presented lb the - undersigned, and fret a cure is every case., atd r; all stags of the ' all ireiebtsli to said esaatejaredrequestul to make disease, or the mese): will be Irefur,&d. Full inns -alit. ; p..yment. iTY4iA BUTTEEFIELD, dirctions accompany each btAt Fe. mh2i). 6w . AVX. I,l4siontcz, adm're. Abel- Tnrrell, l‘lontrlise .:I'.! J. Bahozli,Dial. __ , _ sel; ; Q. G. liempteadf,troOldir,; and'Dr. JAY 1,ym.14, Tunkhannock, agents.' _':it.e y s•oti_M h. eel:+.• . Rot;in,,l - uel Wil-. s rt.rm • 171offaVe • Life-IP'illi.—i-The high and envied celebrity vi r hicfi this' pra-e-ininent medi. , 'eine has acqn;red 'for its invariable 65,eacy is all thcd'seases..,Which it - profeSses zio cure, has tendered the u•Atai practice tf cistentitirms putt . - •ing not oaiy unneeessary but u4worthy:cftaetn.. They ere- known'iby their tniits ; 'thloir good work's -..erlc:. testify f6r hem, and they- thrive not by ijhe faith of the cr,edulous. In all cases of ads= rtiteness, dyqmpsra., bilious end Frey affections, „piles; rheumatism, fevers end agues, obstinate heed.Selms,and general derangements of health, these Pills hyvoltrariably!Proved a certain and speedy Tr medy. A single ',trial will place the Life Pills beyond the reach of cOmpetition in the estimation of ever y palient.4 • Dr. 11.1ofrat's Pfnunif Bitters will be found ! equally effieaciousi i caeca of nervous debility dyspepsia. lteadin,he, the Elieknebs incident to females in rielicatC health, and every. kind of weekne;ss of the digestive °fear's.. For stile tvf Dr. w. B:SIOFFA.T., 335 Broaiivraf, N. Y.,ita by_medicine dealers and druggists generally. ; throughout the country. r decB y Otatn- S. Ikb- °Um s. •_ 'A Card , --rtrofgealljnii; ha'ing disap pointedme 'in rtgardlo the time of hircom• log' to this euunt V. Lam cOmpelled, to deco the iv.situtes pr'elvioutly advertised for few days. The changes appear in the rfolied be- 1 lu w. - 13!,. F TEWEMIRY. - • Teachers' crsi tate.— . = -Teachers' Insti l cites will he held as fuliewa: At Glenwood ( . Schtiolhoese) en Thursday, and Friday , April sth andllth—totommence 'on Tbursdrty at 1 o'clock, p. rh, lit Clifford, at Ibe City, (Phinch) en Satur day Aptillth, ' • At UniOndale (Ctinreh).4l3 Mondry, April OM, at one o'clocic,lP: m'; 1 In Ararat, at Me Clr oa :Tuesday Apr. 10. th, at one o'clock p. m. In Tb.orot.on Center, at the! Church :(if - it can be procured for the ptirpeae,)` ea'Wed'. cesday, April I] th, at one' O idoel4 p. , ltf Jackson, at Ihe Church near lir. Jame!! l'otter';, on Tbuks•lay, Apia 12th, at' one o'clock, p. in.j Prof. N. A. CApvist, New Yolk, 'sill be pre , eut at all thelabove Iristitutec,"and L lec ture ,both day and evening 'The teachers,- directors, joining -towns ate; eargiertlY and those in the tow:1841i, are expectd to l presen' course: those who have met Pr I hap} to du be Again, and him op ocelisious:fiz-, never regret ha% hig done s B. F. TWESIIURT Brooklyn * Marl' h Oth, 1:j A Card,--Tie stibFcri' rl loss,4lire . on Ithe 10th 'urea b); empapi i t*of n•bi l IS agent, can state 'that the fsetotily adjustel;,an4 ea p l companies as prottipt *and gives which the. particular - • - Arm. lt is very pleas . tst itt deal."( Try it, nyaluable in the cure FECTIONS. r. Battle., . N WEI PI, Druggist, streets, Philadelphia. RDS & nts, Philadelphia. - IfiRELL, D rtgg Ist C Clark preachem .1 irk Montrose'on the lih) pt usu-' ual boors. firm of Brifig.ealtfer ' Saturday . April )4th c(t at Seercary.' . - re Icf the course for .43 by the Rev. E. H. ty before the' Young n,' it the Baptist C'h, Ain't 10th. ..- !141.V.ALRY7_ N: BULLARD, halt,•111.1i 1 .• C6 - I.tOt Ea t% 1i112.11152 IrIIOILESALE Sit ILT IiESLER, .201 . Watsloingtost..:4; I;Direetly opposite Wnshingtun Market,) . Wow * "Iroris.., STILL CONTINUES ict offer•to the city aid. COUNTRY trade, all kluds of FORT IGNI Covrda and Ellie Saul', at : the verylowbst figures; .40000 sae):S and Liga, cousisting To part of Ash.- .. ton•ahLlebtated brand foc table and dairy. use; • Jeffrey ditljarce, ltarsbail s, •BrOwnlow's, &e. and 50060 busliels Turkils!add; . lichares, CL. raeoa, St. ULes, Lisbon, CAdii., Ivica, N.; u &e.„ 1 all of a Lich oil! be ,old It Lavin pria'a from vessels, store and sturehduscs. .. • Any purchaser o - ishin4 to select !nun a good find tot * • assurttnunt ID efts. to craft. N. 9.—. Fine tAle salt jut up in - stria bags of different . sizes,.end eunst4htly :on hand 10 ship. ping order. Also a, splendid attiolo of Rock !`Ground salt, in (Lunt boxits, pet up and for-sale by the quantity. In ,easeS df five dozen eieb. rrlic::tail.• a. zlt in •by EL I'ITERELL, Druggi ntf people of ad invited to attend, 'rP they a'e held oe .a matter of ; 9alkias will lie tbcisk who meet • be it'd tliateeill 'Cody I Sup't 6Q., - )ir he a ring saffsr- FeWuliy,.ankl in , Billingst;roud • !alio been -cads trecommend said eliable. • ,JAB,irt, Dewirr. - - . . 1 7 . H. AVOW), with Ilia CAR, is once,l [ more toilite3lon the - CIREEN. - Otniokite to the i - COURT HOUSE. in NIONI'ROSE, Where he I will cheerfully - wait ItOn .nilNwho may : farc.r 'illitn with 3i call. - - - .1.• . . • l ,• Pienirea in .good Cipes, 50 cents. • Liberal 1 deductions for Finiliet4 All work warranted - 1 not to fade.. - pl3t.titrose,Det - I‘d, 1859. I Di4alif6* of the chest and. Lungs.— These - pwa Nei are too / veil isnowdtti require - a description; f low many ,housands are ecciry year carried to a ailent gravetby,ihat dr - cadre' scourge C.lnsutoittion; which alTiays-comminCes with a slight cough. Keep.the:blooil purOand healthy taking a feu; doses (if JUDSON'tOIOUNT- - •A - IN "Ilb:itB PILLS etkh week, arni-disease of any kind-is impossihle. :Consumption-mid . Lung olilietthiei always nrts4rom particles of corupt niatti;i'depositecl in theinir-cells by bad blood. Purify that stream of lite and it Will eery- scion carry Wand .. destinyth poisnnous matter;:and like a crystal river flowillg throath a desert will bring With it and leave throughout the body the etemenis of fertility initit course, causing the 11c fore laTen waste to 100111 with &Avers and fruit;sel pure blond causes the frame to rejoiee,ln strength and health, and bloom with unlading bcnitt:V:l • • t - • mh '. •• 454,41. At t. ) o_ Ediltra s s thin i e." n Great Dena, on ThurM y th04..9.d inNtAy McCreary; gr. Wm S. LEt?IIEISI of Gt Beni, Pa, norl . llliss .MAGOI.-.Bni s nii. of Windsor, New-York. .in Sp ingvillo on the :2114 inst, by Rev. A. O. Warren Mr. LADowICBAILF.Y. Jr.; 4 . 131.44:- 13 nto isi LoursA A. 9145; of Springville. fn tn. Middletsiwn, on the 7th, Emma C:oged ye4rs, 5 months and and on s the 19th. .Asnlv Jai ms; (only io) aged 6 rears and fire months—children or.Jalnes and 'Jane M. Joyce. At, ,Springvirle;Disreli. '2sth, in the 67th year *of her fgt.., Mrs. Susan . 4 ft:err, wire -61.31 r. Jere:,. • Mrs. Scott was one cif the happy few who lice beliwed and die laMented by All who know them. Such was she deadness and gentleness of her nature, Which Wes chastened and adorned by di%ine grace.; And S 4 kind Was - her demeanor •toWards all, that she co:Atmanded.Aniversal res pect, end was (generally behoyed. n wife, mother-arid friend she l'was almost perfect, as her hushand,,ehildrenand • acquaintances can truly testify. And mine will du sotnoro heartily than the writer of this notive. She was long a .wotthy member of the - 1 • Protestant Episcopal Church; in the comrounih.' of Which, and - is tho faith of Christ she died. 11 She even " shoWed her faith - by her works arry, wAs never "Weary in, well-doine when 111e:111k and - means 'permitted: Her memory is bles - sed;; l among the - Cliesen. and will long be cherished th - y these who now feel the loosof her presenc4, ::Btit though we,now lament her our gHof is alleviated by the blessed -assurance that Sal hath morning on which sho departed this life-Was tether the cif-, trance, through our divine Redeemer," into that rest which remaineth to the people, of God. *** LADIES',GAITERS A NEW LOT - jest opined —g oing CHEAP . for CASH. LYONS &SON. DARDEN SEEDS 84 ONION SETS. use. OPENED acd foi sale by e .- JM:arch 28. LYONS & SON Stock Holderg' Meeting., The Stock I!o)der, of.the, -1 -tt:A'NWOdd 141lowW 1411 aLlun hold their anAnAl meeting for the e ketienotTiz,r; and tg. transaction of rather btedn6e, on TUESDAY i:ve, April 3d, at '7 1-3 at the Hall. 1). .BREWSTER, 31entroe, March sth.-3:y Preeideht. • p E,hITISTRY.- Dr. 11 SMITH I . & SON ; QURGEON .DENTISI . 4, have removed their 1 ! •, Office 11 Lathrop. n'ew over Vrre }Linking office of Coopett,& Co. ' All Dental operations will be perforated in their mAntl fzood bt.cle' and warranted 7. * • • .( '• • Montro2e. March 4.01, 1860. - - - Orphans' effurt Bate. BY virtue of un order 4aly- issued out of tho Orphans' Ctitrt of Soiquehanna county mad to me directed, beseipused'to puirdir rale to the 114;11ot-tin?. test biOder.;on,, -• rldixV, the 3011 r atifklf Mairoll, inst. (A, D, 1 1§60) e]oek,.P. 11., at the Cvyrt - llolise in Montrose . , all 'U light. title nd iht&lsP t of 3. V. 1 t..q,tlLrd. late of they town aitip ot:-Brooklyn,,oeee.I.4, in and to A that ;eritaln piece or parcel rf . land situate partly in. ;the township of Rush, and: platy in thatown iAtip of .l x •zsaup. Sitaque: • Oaniaa eountr afore= bmindo3 mi•folloo3a.'to xit. • On the North _by lands of Nuble Stewart, 11. 'Stewart, and C. Carmalt ; the :Vest by lands of C. Cartnalt ; on the Sduth 11 - • lands of E. liurton. and- 1:0.-Parollini, and on the East by :wadi of • - Drinker;tand ft. Stewart; con taining, one hundred (100),seres or thereabOute, with the appult.enanees. sad improveasents—a 'framed house. a email barn/ aonie fruit trees - and about tweraq•tive acres ele'pred. . Terms of payilient ruade*nuvro. O. the time of sale. A. S WIIItFORD Ad - ninistratrix, etc. of I:17i Whitford, deceased. 'Montrose, March Bth, 1860.Jw• • - „. ORPHANS' COURT Silt Bvirtue of an order dilly issued out of the pOr haus; Court ct Sutiquehanna County, to Y me directed, be expoied tel public ssio thO highest and host bidder; on Friday, .11arch3TOth, 116410, • • et one Block, to., at thole Art Hous4 in the borough of Montrose; :ill that certain measuace, piece or lot of lapd situate in the borough of Sut.queharina Depot; Sunqiirhanna Comity, and bounded and dscribed us r 4 pfloes, to wit 4teginningatthe 'north est corner of a - tot,or. i .fand formerly Irf Nathuoto: Hill ;and thence southerly by enid Dalt lot, to Vise fence in. th.. • rear' f said lot, about 1:1 feet thence easterly : [along cstd ,fatce 3Q feet u P eorieri 4henee at • a right atirzle-:7 nortnerly al, the road -- ; thence , along. the south side of ruati,3o feet lifthe . pisee.of,begioning; helot; ism of a lot knownl und'desoribed on the map Of ettrvuY . o( ines 4 of tho New York and. /kilt ilisitruad ,Company Susquehanna Depot, as lute No_ 29 ; and' having - , thereon a two story dwellio„fr - hOW:10, now Deco . plod 4-J.,T, Cullom:1: a, late theestate of ; .Froderi:k Picheriug,deseased. ;' ' an Terms of payment madeiknowo , st the time of 1 - 3 OOK . BINDING.-4Hd•ltooks,.NOwspaPers, ' , T;tvestlllti'freah - ground.: Molitsies and . SO- I FRANCIO PICKERING, ratupet,o, Siaguzimta, • Mo., 'bound-upon gars, theap.e Juat reteited acd far itaitthy . inS6 Adminlitratrtsy etc. I ebnrt wittet. - -J. Ir.& SON. 1 .In - `2lth:7 i 3. LYONS & SON _ IVC:IOwirIC,H. DealPrs in Meiehundise riru-Susq'a cou ray.: 1 . . , , .. .., . . ' 1 N' pursuance of the several Acts of Assiembly 1 1 o.t . LINSEATIOtANOS IKSIISQ,v:COUNT . Y: 1" of this Commenwealth, t, provide revenue, INI cm7cr.. is trrebr'fiven, that 'according to meet meet the demand; upon the treasury;- and for. 4- the Acts of generalABlWMWY-otthe Cora other- purixtisots, the undersigned, _Appraiser of 1 nionwealtli of Pennsylvania; directing 'the" nfodo Mercantile Taxes foemam•tvaticitv, haa.prePared ',of sCWlng,unseated, lanai fur taxes, :the-I'olow, a list of Merchants. trading iiiisaid county, hod ling tracts and partyor - traits:Of - uifseatedianch , , , placed each Merchant in that :chum which to him•l'of " which the namet of the wurranteei.or owners appears just and right, .according :to the Acts. di' or , Ihe - uutlib° l3-I r4 * n _. • . r Assembly, to wit:;- • •1 .• •-- •- • -'•: ; • i miltlicvendue, •onith b e el s ° eceo g n i d "' ll n io w n i d il dy ik; i u J i t (i tn ri e t ; Auburn:,:n:, cfass.l " i ' . Montrose ... - ;1 1860, (the' eleventh.) at' the : Court - Ilomm in' J; 1,1 McCain, .-• -:.14 BovdialW e hig a i, 1S • . : 1 41 Montrose, for. arrtiaragcs due, and tito.cdst cc- Waltman & Swisher, do C..N.toildard, - Mr },cruel on each tract respectively, nelitss the same R. W„ He . sli, .-' - do C - .11:.i1l1olt,. .. : .....4-: be Paid on or be i llito the day of wale.. The - sale , - E.-L. Adams, '. • - do I. N.' Bullard, *,' • ",do 4 to commence :it telr d'eliack in the forenoon._ • . ' Brtioklon. - . .111. S.lVibiort & Son, 12 Ararat..-Wm Forbes .301-neres; taxes, 83,43 Amos Nichol e• ' die Abel Turrell, P. M. 4 c • Lambert cadwalader 71 " -".'-, : 7 01 E. S. Kent, ' - 131 c W.I. ' ' •ri George Cninpbell 1 200 , 18 90 . i "•1 ;s ' ../ • -11cmpsle.d &Rogers, di., Read,. Svatrons & 1 Jonth, Sergeant se pt /56 1.2-(2 tracts' . 1 , 1 74 : It. T. Ashley, •• 14 Fteiter; P. 51.4 e., 'l'l Jo : nth Sergeant. irk .. . 301. ••• '..-- gs 43 E. S. Hinds &.n., di• G nttenbere„ • Roam - Auhnrn -Andrew Bitters 100 ' :f 70 LT. Romengrant, 'do biatim & Co., .• 'do CliffordiJOhn Beach pt' -85 ' - . -.:3 41 • . cifiroir). ~_ IDeWltt & Riley; - do- Philip Beach pt . 1 . 50 - •• •.-• 3 76 John Halstead, ' dill Vost Brothers do Peter Beach pt.' ~. 115 . ' : t.3 63 - 1' • ,1 , '' - ' J. N. Baker, • do W, N.; Wilson.& Co.; 14 Geririo - POrterjr - 20: - • 7 1 50 : 11. W. Johnson, . tiolll.-.1. Webb,. •. - do Eliza.beth-NeWphit pt . 3O ,:1 -'-. -3 25 - • . - Donde'. •• J.:handler &.• Jessup, do rorestEllte.Calebf.larmalt 2.97 ' '' ' - 12.81 Church & H.S. !Thin: !J.. LyMis & • Son; do IGreat Bend-Ldon Butler '269 • . -.20 56 'Hey, - 131W.J:& S.ll-Mulford, 12 i Matthias Brooks, •'- •;50•. • • .' '3 85 . . .. . T.. Arnold; ' del H. C. Tylioi. • • 141 Truman Baldwin •;460,. - - 2132 J. B. Slocum, . -,: 147,. Cobb, ,• - du ' Charles Butler ; 433 ;24 IS E. W._ Wel is, dOl.B. Lattgdon. ' do ; steEt w o e David '- • -.40 - ; - • 308; Dinock. •.1-: H. SaYre & 'lirM. do', Deuce. •Ritfyea - , - - 7289 21.21 L.:II. IVoodrulf, do 'J. Ethtridge; ~ do Oliv er T r owhi•jrig o .' , 200 , i IL 55 . Wm. II: Tha)er, .4,,!8 ildwn &. All e n • .12 -1 w a t emo S amue l 't, ae t,. • 1750 ~ - Int 05 T. J. Ilsbcork„ .- delancen i & Weeks, . •„11 Fa Ikenbury & -Gregm - - .1600 ••-: • - 9-2 40 l:ranktip. .. IA. N. !Bullard, •do llormonv-C L, Ward • 196 . .10 S 8 • Edwin Summers, • - d01.13.•13. Lyons & Co-, - .dol.Ruhert, Trail ' - 1 . , . 108 • • . ' • ' 5 641 J. 1.• Mer) - iman; •2 . 131 Petrick. - &llogerti, do 1 Prederick,Bartholdi - ' .300 - •13 20 Fo :esl Lake., Woodruff& Searle, do 1 J;iftcpit Marton Pt 1•• 7 - 6 55 - ' , • .. 2 ad; Dayiii:L.rsleciter, 14 C. D. Lathrop, -- • 'do v l Daniel Rus . . •-•1 - : _ 412 - 22 24 Marshall L. Ball, . & 1 O: 51. Clone. - . .do - '1 David - Buckley, .-„1 . • 404 . •-21 82 Friendsrille. . 1:•:.1. S. Mott, • . .do Samuel MeGalleyl •.' ;50. - • •'2 70 J. Hosford, ' all Aleut Milford. , 'Jacob Titylor - ; 1.• • ...Ho. -.• •- • ..-,; 00 Win. Worn, • . 1311oung & Smith, 12 Graham -& Rernevitn * • . • 896. - - • . '15:23 Lewis Butrum, 111.1. Moss* Brothers, 14 James Comfort -1 ' - '36 - - ••'. • 61. • • Gibson. , 1 tlayden Brothels, ' 12 Henry - Sampson ~1 - • :15 ' - • .'•• :25 •5. S. In,galls, - lii H. Butiritt, • • -13 Herrick. Roger. Wylie pt 35 •• , -.- 4'oo . C.. P. &'). 51. ilawley;l3lJ. Dit lerraan; Jr., do Georme Payne pt .li .. 98. • •;., : 731 ~. . N.E. Kennedy, , do i ll. Glacial, 14, - John qayne pt: 1 -. '247 • • .. , 18.84: I). M. s m il e y, . 4, Weed & Ward, ••13 ' Solomon Rink pt; •. ' - 1 . 6 - - 1 - ' ll G. W. Walker, 141 1 . - Rush ' ' James Rink pt ' , •40 .- - 9 0.3 j - Great Bend. I Alansdn Lung, • 11 ~ Samuel Rink pt : :93 • - •- 674 'L. S. Lenheirn.'w. &1, 121Norinan Granger, ` do' Henry Hill • •• • 323 • 21 15 Scudder & Taylor, 141JustusIlliekok, . AO Thomrei CadWalader pt 103 • John Colsteri, - • - 1301 E. AtWater, .- do B a ml Meredith' - .. 1 • •.50 ' 11. Crane, . • '•dol : Susquehanna. . • 'do ' . , •64.' .. •'4 S 3 J. H. Dtfsenbury, 13,A. J. Seymour, do',A Torre(' - .. • . GO- . . • • •• -1 53 1-Reckhow & Co., - 14111Cury,iliall, • - ; do l'ohn - Cadwalader : - 301- - -• -• _ • •,22.12 , [H. P. Doran, . - dui Mrs. EL W. Forbes, • do' Jacksont'-Semuel Norton 105. :. ' 703" J.T.Carlisle, eit,.C - 0., lb Periine & Son, .do Lathrop-John Dorsey 102 , • : ' .S 20 wine ,and liquor, do Wm. Shrinipten, . .do John Graft(twa tracts) . .. 107 '• • : - 6'36 .do` C'reegart, •- do Andiew "Tsbout C. C. Hamlin, 200' : -. 12 30 Henry McKinney, 131.10hn Tierncy, do Ge'erge KriPler •-• . .2 . 00 • . .' - .12 30 `D. A. Dayton, ' 141 John Ilalleman,w.&l. do Matthias Brooks ,-. • .50 • * 3OR S. 11. Dayton, • 13151ichael• Doyle,'' de Lenox-GeelTc Kepler,' 29 hl:Creary &51Intosh,11 1 •Wert WignforC, • Herrirk. " , Gaylom ,Curti,,,, s - .1 1 :A : 3 L T i a b l e t r i Brooks l i No6ll4 - 8 ‘2l 3- . 5 3,1. t 3 'l3 . r • ' : !-.. 21212 John 1111lery - do' C. S. Bennet, 1 : 13•• No 67 GS 75 7)! , • 400 , . - • .1770 5, L. Brown & Co., -11 F. Reynolds;- •• • 1.1 NO' 1. " 43 3'-St 500 - . G3.33' Harmony. . BarlteylSheridert, •' do . . No - 8 - • ..• ; - • e 0 . • 391 . , . . . S. A. Lyon: • . 14-i. C. Conk,. • . do ..!sIo .35; ' • • - inn - 560 • „ Wm Tromnin &' Co ,13 A. .W.ll3Mnsnri, 1-31 No ' 26. * ' dr) • •-5 . 60 Brandt & Schln er, 14 Janes Tell,- . •do• No 53 .••: . - ... 1 .. do '7";7. '' . 7 . * * 7 licerford. . _.- H. Cohen, • - - • 'l4 No -61 . ' 50 , - . .-. , 433 P. Carpenter, • 12 D, and Ido No - ,58 59 60 71 •; • 800 -• •.69 30 ! C. S. Johnston,,., 1.1 A. W: Rowley, '.. do Jolift.SulliCan , s•- 25 -.. . :9 • Zeralt Yin's, • ..I'do S. R IVest r p • in? 4, do ,Gertrire Fornli:mi .0_ Payne, . '-;doo.W. & J. C. Foot, do Middletoin-C Citruialt . ,rio.• ' • 21 601 'Whitney & Mosley\ 131'. ; Ingstruni, - • do •C C Wright -.- : • .. 60 . • 486 Jackson. . Edward Carlisle,w&ldo. Samuel 'Merrick ' - 150 - - •8 10 Chauncey Fletcher, \ 4 Wade & Shotia;• - •‘" do New Miltorti-L-No 204 .• 130:• ~--1 25 Jessup. ~ (wino and liq. pat. - 111. 4) Solomon Finley •, - . . . 80 •. .2. 96 James Martin, .. o Norton Brothers, 'do Lot sold to Roach' , 90, ''. ' 3 331 m John Hancock, • u;S.'Bryant. , - :do Solo on Rink pf 1 • ... ,117 , • ' 7 4.321 Lenox. - . James Higgins, do Andrew - -Ptle; ..... 513 '.• •- • 1 351 i Schultz, Eaton &Co 3 Guttenberg, Rosen-en- ' Johouthan Hancock, 181 •• •• •• - 6-49, Grow & -Brother,' _ 13 ' haunt & C 0.,; 12' James Chapman et al 311 '' • ' 41 72' O F.• Gunther, - 141 Silver Lake. -. j Solinnon Rink' et al • 93 !- '-•' 3 63 • Liberty. 1.- Brackney;"' - 14 - Matildm4 : l3roolts et!al l9 - • •• . 2 92. 'R Kenyon, Jr., & C0.,13 Timothy Sullivan, •dui Front F5l Williams ' 300 • 14:10 Z 1 Blakeslee, .. , 14 Daniell'. Phelan; - dir .Salisbnty &Co - ,' . 200 •' ' -1.40 Little Meadows. . . • Springvili . e. .Oakland-Wm Potts - 200 . 1.0: 0 . 7 , 'Harry Barney, E. B. Beardslee, : ",110 'Henry N. Sherman, 11 i M.'in Henderson' '. • ' 220 • ' . - ii tit , - Lathrop. -J. Smith, J., &-sn, do i.John Boyer . • 1 - 55 .- •:. 2 . -1.2 - Acuos B. Merrill, •doJ. P. Lambert, •. do G W Gregory - 100 , ''.' .2 31 1. A. Newton, ••• :do N. P. Loomis, de 1 Samuel :Dayton- _1 , ,50 ' ' ' : _ 8 'm ,- -; c E.* T. Bell, du - l'hontson • Ptail.•Kao ler • - 465 - ..:. 2 tri• ' Middletown. 'E. W. Lewis, • • do '"beery Boyer . .- • ' _. 290 , - .0 21 John Dyer,' • do 11. T. Haffiaway, do.lßush-Wm pi t i o l ie n 10 0 • - I '7O Elaislw:p & Stevens, -dp Choe . ortut.: ' Thomson-!sane Miller do •• 12.60' ID: & 4:Donnelly do ThOtnits Harrison - ' • do ' -do • ... •I Jes•.:4! Brims . 420 • 52 92 -GeorgoStowq • ' :210' . ' "k"3, • Matthew 'Shaw -• -' 102- - ' .. ,- l3 tt; - Peter Snyder . ' lOO .. ' 12 •60 Samuel Hotigdon - .53 . . ;,?,:s . • . D. W. TITUS. Treasurer. • Treasurer's Office, Montret4e, , March 21, 1560. Beci 'louse; Restanrauts,.&c. Illtuag.s.\-N'::—.l S. Adams. DUNDAFF.—E. Y. •chamliers.., - FBIENDsvu.i.E.—J A. Strttpler. Garai. Paintin, Cuble.• - Gousoti.=:G. Entrot. - • Harm,4l.—S. Smyth. - • LENus...4=-Geerge Sissen. C-Baldwip, S. S: gott, Cobb - , 0. Nl:Crane. Bab & Weeks, J.tek,un Chamberlin, 1. N. ilellard. New N. Brant.. • • • St'SQUEUA 11o*arth, D. A. ittin son,-W. C. Wheat, Charles Mills: 31artin .Cun ruy, Dennis liamiv, N. E. Green. . Billiard Table: *Sue , tur HANSA —Ruhert Nicol. • • CLIEtonl).-ICno. VIAL Ly.r.strv.—A. plc Alpin. SILVF; . I: LANE.—Edward-Kiernan And the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said county will hold a court of-appeals in the Court Must, ii Montrose, in antifor.said county, on I.l 7 eduesda, the 19th day of April, I'B6o, :it 'p. m., at which time and place any of the merchant- tic-cribed and classkl as .afore, , iajd. their sgyrits nr at forneys;, may appearrund appeal from ,;;:tid assoN , tuntit;,,,they think proper. •- .D.fiC. BRUNDAGE, , ftrercautile Mtireh 1::t1., 18;J. _ mcrasr, NOTICES. .IVO.TICF: hereby z.iyon that in pomonee 4.11 r d ti)E ~f Assuibly„tho fol•lowip.roarned havf; t-. 101 ..hvir petitions with So .of the Conft. of giLtrter Seseien4 of the Petlee for the Colint , . r!fSusqualgitina; .for liceh•su to Leep "laid county, which peti.tioris will - Le presented. to the Court on the tirrt Monday !the td day) of Al i tertn, 18(30. L AdaIIIS James" Bullard, Jacob Kimble'. Thomas Clarh, C. D. Wilson, • Otiiliaso„ Edward Ohm, Benjamin Ayres, E. B. Gates, George W. Leivis. Edwin Bliss. C. B. Jackson,. Joel Steabaek , E. W. Fish; C.. M. Simmons, !Gory Langley, , S. S. Carpenter,. Smith & David I'hotesis, John M. Myers, Alanson Thclen,• Jatues - J.:Turner, Jack Won _A. FCSnover, -• I,enex' David Virifinarth, , Lathrop A: Beeman; • " Liborty • I"' • B. L. Canfield, -. Middletown. , John 8: Tsrbell, Leonard Searle, Montrose ,biiroug,h. PhilanderPhinney, New. Miaoril .1 Elijah Barnum, • - " -• Williaus H. Sherwood t -ausk ' to vnihip, Nicholas D. Snyder •• James M. Valeran, Sustin'a Depot boro, Thomas Carr, - - _ - Kober* Nicol. Daniel P. Phelan, Silver Lake township, Hobert Gage, • • • " Spencer Hickcos, • Syrinkvilie_. " Chandler,. .I'nurnaun •'• ", LIQUOR,. OTORISI Jac 'Noon Chimberlin, blorough., Dennis McDonald., Sam's Depot tali 15 . - WADE,. ClerC. • tnixtnthip Brooklyn Chuvonut Clifford, ' " •v i ' - et DunilMF ' borough Dicnock; township k'riendmillo borough: (iibson - toivtinbip Great Bend '• lierriek TREASURER'S SALE .1 -1 - O/) ,( 7 -- ' ..\ . ./or • • i.A%?(:;:f COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, LuCATED OVER THE EUStit.:EHAN.N.i. VALLCT 1%.1.1NR, • BINGHAMTON N. Y. Itoom3 open• fur Inetructibti- from 9 a. m. to 930 FACULTY i D. W. LOWELL, Principal, Profebstir. of "thF Science 'of Accounts, Tragical Accountant. Author of LOwell's Treaties upon Book-Keep.. Mg, Diagrams illustrating' the wine. JOIN RANKIN, Conknercial . Aceountant, ProfeN'r l i rit Book Keeping and Practical Mathematics. J. J. CURTIS, Assistant Professor In- the &Ail; Keeping Department. • • • / • ' 111. : utsgrt, Professor of Practical/and Or narnental • Peninanship,Coruinercial thins and Correspondence. /- LECTURER'S • Hon. Daniel _ 8. Diclivirison, Lecturer czi Gunmen. dal Laic and Political ,Econorily. lion. Ransom Italcont(Lweturcr c,n C,,ntract3, Promissory Notes acid Bills of Ezehuni.pc. • itev. , Dr. E. Andrews. Lecturer on coup:len:l:U Ethics. " EXAMINING COMMITTEE: lion. Sherman D. Phelps ; Wm. It. Osborn, Esq., - Tracy S.: Morgan, Esq. '. . The object .of:this College is lo ttord t s i :111 an opportunity of olitainiqg a thurougli Susiness ,Education. . . The BOoks and Forms are carefully,arrang,e.d by practical accountants expresslc' for this hi: stitutioa and, ernbraie all the recent improve ments. • • The course of instruction comprim.s every, j departmeht 'of business. The learner will Lel thorpughly. taught the aeience.anci :practice oil ; Double Entry BOok•Keeping as applied to the following, kinds_Of business, viz; General !dor— chandisurgi Elunufatturing, Banking, Cononii lion, Steamboallng, Railroading, Forwarding • Freighting, Jooreign Shipping. ate. • Ladies Department entirely separate front 1. - that of the gentlemen. - Studs:intim:an enter . (lollege at'any time andl receive individual instruction. .By this arrange ?"went every stunnt is - permitted to- progretss-ce ; rapidly as. Iris enterprise And ability will per. i mit, and when through, perfect and 'complete, will rebeive *a Diploma wirich will enable him ± to review at pleasure. Time to complete the con rsc.-6 to 12 Weeks. I , No vacations. Board $2; to $2.50 - per week. • TEUNIS: .For .Book• Keeping, foil nacountant's nenrsP. incudiug Practical Pentnanahip, Commercial I Compittations"and Diplam3,;(Tirdo • untituit= cd,) -* • - . . _- 8 35 00 Same cetinie; for Ludien Iseparatc) 3000 Pennoatnthip and Arithmetic, • )0, CO Tvnchera' come in Penmaushin, Pradti•: - . • eat and Otomumatal, - 30 00 Twelve liireaue.iii - Prasuleal Penman/ship,- 0 - 0 r *easionsi:relasvee.: will be fortheii. in Pheepgrapy; fUlf:-TeMieulars seta fur a • • 013* MEEINII , . ••• -•-• • •-', -- I:. _ tr'ourte... .. „ - 3E 1 1... -IP--.11- - 4 1.011.111X14151t7C1.- i • - 1 4 irv t k 4 la ;Ftlr'' (.::dies des'ir.• ~. • ' I r • '. rotimnAt, AursT. For. ~ •' • •r CH:vet:wk. Col.: Co ...-.ll.rih: for a gar BEACH'S, rAMII Y- PHYSICIAII,I: - - :-N., - ,./ydri, - -. - 7 I .•:,tcv. A, VAN,' • •.. . • t• • ni,-,..11 1.? is#.o i..t. •. Princifei"-• and ,14bmg Guide to Health _end ijappinesvr' ---• . r .. - -. :l• • .. . t. - •rnarztArfrfo ny • ,-. . • 1.-- 4. nun - 1' r 1; . .. ' ~.....-, iiool3,l' WILSTACIT,•=B, It CO C ncinntati.. ;. ' 1. 1 „, L „ ti t , t IM 11.11 .„.. _ ~.,..v + Thotio denirint - t•Agencies.f or th e Tali) of''' . ".• • 4 """""1 .•. '• .... , t Ito ii.4ve named_ Work, can eel, Mi., (,: i. .,, • ,,,. tic I . . . .„ .. his 01 - 116 , . Al Court, Sir-Pt, Op Atl.frA,l nin,4. 1 BRADFORD CIUNTY LARGE, AND:WIE011 ! ):: .. itallit.o6, N. Y., froot ito•• Ist 1 , , ine I ttvi, and at . • • Bat nuM's I lotel. New Sul ford, I':t,, from 20,1 1 1 . -• , °Teha l d. P ,-10 4 . Top, mad • .to ori! l h davY - 0 ( eselt month.. d t o.iii.. f Jar-l il - if U.,N11.,1 /," //IN' (117.:1.98 ,' - :' . t/,''i.-'.;.',(l,''- April pod Air. • Eq' 1 brev: 1 "I!‘-';' 4 t" 1 1 4 '4- i on4l • WV.:I - I‘l o IV. 5 1. Ve o ll ikT . t .;:'•• ,& : 1 haniteti. : , • . - . - rah' 2.W 4 • • ,, 1 _ ___ - 'r I • . _....._... ,:k . • .1.• .' 1 ar ''4, 4 1 1.3 1 3.Thre1• - • MaltiooXri i• ' '7.." - r• • -,-- 17 7.• - 1- - . Dci• ... •• . ...... . 11... - 1 . .AZ:B... V .......W . 71.1.. ,9, . •I . ' AfrT•G REAT B E N L- • ;. • - . Al A , :1 - .1 . : - 71::: iit Art) brat -to? I' l - 1 ''' . 1 -.., • . ' riiip - 4SCIICOL Will he opened fot • • the rerepl ,L,T R A . vc ~ ( 7 4.4, . 14 - 1 4 )•,...-__, i win of Lodi , . aril Gentlemen, tin the 2,9t1i - ~- . - 7 - 1, -.• ‘••-•":. ' • ~ ~ day (Weiit,, ,, i4:is , ), ;if February,. I 9f4). ~ A r:s.- 11'1:1 r.• 7,. 4,, , .1, I'o'7, :Vora 24 1 ~ . _ .. 1 . 1 ., n . ~... 7 , A.,..f nr• TUITtr , V, IF% •• •I - r. 3 a A11ic . ...1'..11, i n laie ll iTil.A •. ' Pritnary nranehes per,Qr*fr,of 11 ta:fk.s, $3.60.1 - 11 1 ,r r, ~.,r,,n ,i t, l y :dom . ': rr , ...civitoz-„or. - 4 :".111t'' -: . - . Contrat l m'• . ro • ..1 ,501 -,/ t r •,4 1 ..r0r5.,.. ,••,;:;.-1 . Wilt V9olpliA , • 1:,•!,,. Common and Higher. . 4 " • • ..g. • • 4,49) .! :go; 4..t,-.1,4- ~ , , ,- 0rt0,„,;...c. : *;! Itindsao: Highr' Cruil , ll, • . t% 51 19 0 -' ' '' .! ' -- t' ti-W . `i: •-& I...ivt:r -.. UP .. 1 1-- • 1.,,,,„ 1 ., on' Pi•rn4, • 4 , " ..!.• ' 0.0 ~ . .t.s. .... . . ..- ...• . .'. :1-1". 1.... : '.. :..-/. :...... - Use. o t i o - ~•." _ " ~!. -._ ..00 Car,Stoek. a 1 - ,1,11,0.V43 and RUC 11E:5,-, °ma:venial, and qessieal Depar - tirtlints..e.xtra.. I he. untisuaDy lortiti illi4 .o. i•on. and 'w•; , . w....- . , r , ,,,,1.: t r r i,.i i. ,,,i h.,4", h a d p inc h ex i tierionee in I, ins its p i -or ••;ith. , •,•4.,1 attr.ati , e; (.1 i. 1 :'.0. d'evon.ll.: •feachin •• in New Yotk and Penti';llfor the last I Ptc,;,.. e ad.und ~...t . ,..n h .,,., t h.- ri b,.(4,, , r ,i,.- . : , ten ernes, in CruniMtn, as it-elf as SeVet; Grided I Nur rut:it:Nit:4. - - • rni:iii h.. • 'or Diet Sehmthi. It elerenees given t . f rerptired. , . ‘.' . 4oiri. re-pe.;11111'.',.. 1..1 .• • Witp.ll - .. N.ll E.--I,lhard al the boarding hall,;lwo., gull's • No,', 101 105 so f it); 1 ,ci i 5,,;( . :1, - ;, • ) s.. per week'. • Light.l" and washing extri. , - ._ ! . . . Pay'ruenta to he . made ,sturtertv inr.dvanee. '1 . . MORE. NEW ARRANGEMENTS ; nth vs . F . W. ROG Eits;-11rireipat. ; -• ; f.'4.11:. 1-S,OO. • i - . • -1 - ,- . - - 11,. ii 4 - - n - r - e to , me i - si. - •-•• , ; • '' GREI-NT• • ATTRA Tr lot- i,.. .1.... r. .2 . ~. • • i . . AT Titti • - (it ) --- f i r i5 - * ', - il In:, 106 • 131+ 111;,:v ..(el t .1 . . • _ • I ...s. :.s. . . ' 4 ' - • ' I ; .. • . . .. ,- ~;••• • • T.'0.7 , Dankly/mat • finkes. i_17111111.; 1.X1.-11•IVI . ; P::11/110,TV 1-I,t:thii•be , , " t .11.. I:::niirtf ( gOT111::::4 hatin , nrileuti it tilt, , • • lttor.t . ' rl ot;e, ra. BALDWIN ‘'...,':..&1.1..EN, , gwa..y ont,nov,d, II:e." propriet(44-r .. . , 1 ,, i • -•--F. , .. , • 1 , , ' - 'arinouro-o tO the riii4er, 4of Mont-r . !•sci and ..... ~."- i drniniatrator's,Notdce. ' ..., itY 11 + ,4 Ift'Ymse e" ,, '' ,, i4r v ~,a kifl utt'l '''.' -.€,-. • . - , • • i hand the LARGE:4'Y anti It EST ass'ortme.i ...I ILE7I.I'ERS of ,adminrs.tratiou iLlFrin,," been 1 1 - ~mranted 'upon the estate. of 'l:Atka:it Cora. : • 1 - 11 T I ) Nir_VTLIRT J • 4.., - , t.I - - ' wall late of Kow Milford dee'd attlierso • tis 'in. 1 - , . . 1 -.• et) - 1)4.9 14141.3i1 ill the Coii-viar., -- i dolit.d to said estate are "(quested to. Make im• , : ~,. _ , • i - ' win. .. of some o r -• ••• ' t mediate payment,' ani s t all hating el;iiinsi n•sainst I "'a else II!" f". 1 ., -" 1 • • ~_ • I • tite iatni: to re:sr•nt the:min . :.,I .. .-. ticks vi'll'eh we,. v, f•l'. 5..11 at. Ezi . ..:ll)y . re,.. I feb 4. 3 th.,* • : loft•zto:l , .A. CenswAr.t.inlinin'or. i l';•iy•-' 4• • r''r • -t 7 Asli or - itn • At'Y P• l7 ; • •-•- s -... I ' . ---._ _. ~-. ; Itureno . 4,Vl t aitint or :Mahog,any, With. e. ,• , • I . i 0a...1 :71 M0D ' '' ' ll f • . , ,- um $lll to i3:4 - it • , .. , . .• • ' • 1 F• , , 4., Bureau.; with tnaible or brectileilelt.-V:, i . , ~., I, • To' ,111.prcirants. and Det - ders., •:,,,, , . ' '-•_-• ~ to:-. 5 . , t: And a tar , o ,-eatine•l4, tml ~„.." ~ . - • , , 0 r .l :1.1).E• int.,s . ntelaryt 1.1 info[- tnin4 mr many ' 'attt , ,, , 1,2. 1 , •1. - tu,t)1 , ,.: „ „ ,i , . ... ~ • 1. kindawl generous friends rifi , l• . j.t tir.lonst•r; 1 ,. ,•• ‘t a t il • ••. 'i a / • ' l '` , . ( -" Q ' ''t• • “ l-I, ' ,C urne - r a to l -'' : '.'• • that I have el.:Ingo:11u interest inJli4 IlardwareitStaatk o f :al t rartt;,...i..4 prices, freuri". a,.., •, Busine...!fi, , ia Nett York . from the honer f o c t i lor ly fto len •loPars... •„ • ..,- _.--;-•. , • .k ' , flunt. Th'omi,l L-. 1.70., and lately I, 1,. • I ['nit, i.t..i . 1 ), ;- ,14 . 4 , 1-) iar ,- :1 ,-- ovlln;'F 1 4es r ‘ aatstooll,'• .I k. 2.lfi Pearl sti. et, tu that 01 . ... • ! ...mans; .1...,,en . ge5, ',..::-. • - .. , IC , ..niCe, C. 4.!.. 1 3 :er, Te1......1,. Dining. Ki.... 1, I, - M9BIFY 'COBH & • COEIPAiIY .--- ~• 1:x ,,,,, imi T•vv-„". ...-•„, , -.. , , , r :tan, --Cane ith. 1 • 1;,-.. ) I r si.,,t .• i tc,er.. , . . . 1 T 3 ,f, ) t, r?: nor, opposite. ihe,,lcatorlylotT, 1, ( , ,i ` n,.. 1. . 1 .,., , , ~ i w .1 Si t . t . . •. . ~ .. , , „,, . r.,• ,J( f ~,.3 A. L. • etp.) . I %%here Ii woo hl most respietfolly invite 0111. nod ; mat - .,,t) 10. -.- , - , ... . . , new frior,dA' to call, or send their order , , , ,•which 1 : Sofia•.. tern a tetes furniilted".st, ehort . Cc.... -..• : ail Ibe irratefully reueitta' and - proruol,; rilloi . , hat New Vint; Prlces: • '- I . , 31' v address - will he at Montrese,,Pa. until the', • N. 11. ,Ready na ale - eotTins on: hand -rt.. : Ist of A'pril, mid from that date till:Thule. ear( 7! nisti'e•P at short. rattiee.-I.l9nosos ~1.1.,:..; s ,• ,• of ÜbOVe,' tiouse, or Lawrence, Griatri & Kings - ,-r. aiiin,s, v. ilea tie:a red. . - bury -titlEourtrandt strOt, N. V. City. ' 'I. i_ We etupl.ty none but CAr.urer.. and ET.--: i • tuhl I: -; 711.. C. Iry Lr.ii. -• .. wean W...,n1.1;La.. r.'t; iniltfili to, - 30 our' c . o . _ .. ~. • . - -. ' . ';.AVE.f.t.. ara.l sc.; it Zs 1.,,,,...C01it can . he .„0•.,..,„ 1 - itutitor's . Notici%, , • • • - . - tv•J W: S3ll . .rk 7 , • 1 '\ - i - . - . 4. • '...4 . ..53/1111713, .p --..... , , rpm pnderoigned will make dttierlitli . lotl.'ta • , .. - - .E. it. smity.t.J.. - 1 L•• at, kts:it.6 in the t t ai,ds of the udininktratar 1 ”' Montro-e. Ju n. vitii,,JSl.V.l.-:-If. - - • of Atte; Mire, dt.6l. at hi; •uniee in 3tliiitrase on I, - ; SaturdUii the 31st, day '5l. )larch riqst, atone" f, . .• • , . ' .ALPITA Err - SILOMS * . o'clock, 0. whirl, lime mat place ',11.1--persons V - .i . ' • • -- inter'estell will ',net:NA their etaiiii . .l - lir he fr-r- i.T .‘, Je d ..-.-\ t 7 01(' - ' a. r.t. .. . t...a-r ba4c-it froth cone)', - orritt.opnn saill,fan'tl. - • i . '-. 1 •-- .-4 • .- . ~_. ... , rpit 4,7 1 1. - •*”..‘NICIAF4 I'll:lSER,lAurt•tar. ' ~k I' a oes:tirPy of- tile A1:1'11..1 Ei...-,11 • J.: 7 ------ ! - - --------- . ----- 1 . - :21 sfit;IIITY 4.. t. lIA It FOICD UN 111:ft .. *. IT.CIi/OilllM & Se^•rico ' • ! - ~ a- - ~,. . --,,,!. on 1-,..; 9.11 ;•.1!... 1: wa.-:, oil - loot ttior . 1 4, T•FOR.NES*6 if. cpu_NSELl.Oris at Law, i 11.e, , ,1r.,,1, / hot. as int,lir or lii ) BUl,',::' •, • - - J, /A •Muntru•st`. Pa.' Gilice . .in Latlh - op-' lil4 : :..",,....ILAY are p:t;ite, and a iitlfilef%verti.t,.:., • buihralt', as et: Ow Dar .I:. , • ' :. 7 . Feb 23 , .t..r . the • ntiztat“ n hteli that 1-he Sr.:ILO: -v . I .I.a. m . co.r.LON, ' - 1). IV.:iiiit.t.:: i . e . , he. di-contintb.d, w e i.gpest all riergor,h'.. - ~-.. ~ --,------ ' Looks hooregirn! to the Sr.eiefy to reitila ".... I - • ‘'''l l 0 :_i? ' -., - . ~..iti„,....,in00.,- ~.k.,,,i• .1.. ! 1., } , 1 • '. 1..) _ I - .- 1 L. 4.• - . . hi ord,T - of t1e,..5. E.'5,4ii.rt..... ;' .' - r ', i• A I.Altor, LOT for melt women anti eloalrru, '.,. ' • ' A' D., Tl:.•.t-t.i. ')• -- .....1. just. rt eiive . 2., ana P.n . ' sate at tilt) i-, ry lo .e.- t- ja:••2`.7:1?)• - 1.?" - !: -1.7 -, •: , , . - r•(' " -,:• , •'.:, t . cal rotes: b y J. I,Yo.Nt; k ir.':.. SON. . • • - V.. 'ar. it tr1t..,1: n ., r.a. V. .,„ A SUPPLY Or _WALL PAPER. I Dr, eIIUIVJEILL'a liEiflE DT . - - 4 tit ?) / rig •or eraitc.i.4,.;;lT.(.l.l::S' `ii%.,- -.- q t it • fur at 11it.,) i• , Ct. ' I • ' • v , sr al tat . •ntlil , Cl ._ t ri. parati.ut 6:,. tn. , • ! ; -BORDERING,. WINDOW PAPER ILO, &-Cs. - I , HYPOP'rIOSPH It '....---. 3 . . NEW 61.71'1'1.:Y. -just arrived; arid for sale r --. . of . q " me a ., iti of ~ , .....9 . 6 :, , • : .../.....,eiteap,l , y - - A•TuPLELI.4 1 - • - . • .. _ ~..',...datie frehilite 1%•:/1.4..i et Dr. J. Cit%l.• , ' ill•ri,tro:•;c. •.larch 1: -- irit. 1a.i60. 1 1' ,I - • 1 1 l'': !:I,:d iin . (tit ii-riv •• :',,Ati , .-n anti.eut... p; t fi - 1 se a i 1 1 OVL ' ll 1 .6 & i i r ioTHT f..ksiEß : , t:".......F..1 . :. - 2.. - x2. - 4.7 - t.1 . ..e.::::::.:. x. , • • . !:4 ...! y', ..ti.o, t ,,,,. ,:z/1);:ti.:,,,,.. ,1 o'it• - .Vt.!l:f bus N:11,1. 1) ... . i I For s•ak , by -' . --• LI, EUttRITT... ; • ..5r.../..ra ti..i.•••/, , / ,I:r.t.i.iire - rosy ri - fie, , i r , ••, ' , Now :4 ilf•trtl..P,t - ,7,1-1 rch (.411,• 13 631 1 i .Ippet ire. 5c.r...0 a. 4.stiinan, firbrict.2l,;, 1 - . - • i . . • - - - - -----4 ! - - ear..ty,il. I:i.ckey, are the (J ou r. 1 , NEW ivny ro u n ,• - •• i i-ii_o.,•:,-/ Women.. " • . .- .- . -. . .. ! Eizlii f•tt - ,.,1 n Cit, i llo(ji I ... , \Vin,•lie,an•r A I 1V%0ph0,L4:1t, , . , , .. r , ~,,c -,, I t'-.' -- 4 - . /`:--. ' '' . 4 . . I * . tit , nal - b:ein thelr Pr..i.arlion''."—.' Am:: /1,-tr,;,..„... ... 1- r 1 11 J S - PRINGThEIbr of this - .i'll,vil will.' --0.' , ..... '' - I . . 1 • • •, I I.• ripen on Iit MNDAY, April 2ml, ti,s coin . ..hoe I Tha =•-",,,---,••; " 1 " '!I•i - . I :xtr-"'"ln"r_it!'"':• -': i • ~ , , 11 recess, : i 'twit ,. eiteritioq and . ' pa r .e . ma .4.,. i,., :. sioce it. , di,..ei.s. e r rly Pr- Ch u r c hill . 1 , 0 -„., • Fagain solicited. Terms of tuition tite.....ailie o s. a... 0., .11,,s ni! par.d'ei in Cite auhais of mini .... • heretofore,. Any information will 1.01:.; roistered I Its it - kr:triable eiliete-y in ail sieges 0i 4, • by •s'etsi • rto oraddressinn% , . - .. ` l', / . ..tiort,..aa well as its wond,rfal pftkief in r,•st.,:t. t, febB 3 7v _.- E. - 8.. - HAW LEY. • i the NerVolli Elle) g-,...ami etirichino. ihe'lllf. ;.: . '—; • - ~ •• cases -I ni cases- of - - i ., , [. . -Register's 'Notice.; '.... . - -; tration, - strnap•i this as one of tne.„.m63t er : i...! • • t XT ovcr. is hereby. given'to all peisons c'irt. ' remedied v`2,-”ald o't r..",ivrli to th e W•'"' ;1 • •11 trenned in ;hefollowing- eattite9„4ii t - '• Chi:tn . :vat Eileen, • • . • - Estate 0/ Choler Fealborougli, hut O'A:4r:A .• . ' TA:S77:IIi - aNIALS-• - ',ed, ford Rine. Adminiktrator,e. I. a. 1 . -I n ho s';rigl•• instanee have I ftkaud the. R .!:,- - Estate-of James S .111tottloil, •late Of Jet-hp, i t al i to fail."--Lfr . Chart-hilt. -..-. -• deed, S. S. Mott and Hearty Illaidelli rairrers. h • 4"flic Ilypopile-phites pno-sc. ~ 3 t. .. power ••: 1 • Estate of Andrew 'Rooney, tato' Ip . Anburn, ; ~•t y ,„„;,; , ! .1, ,,-; , ,, f ,,,,,,,,,,,; : n d fur , m ,,r,,,,rh e: t nr .,. l . dec',l, Catherine %Vaitictialare itooary I o,lla'r 1 uf nittrition . : t' . j teal ti proda:J Oil run-. • . ' 11,tate of Noble 11.. •Stowart, late of Jesse:,, I frt.,lthig and-i - CooVrttirt , rc.f.',-Dr. IL. V. Ni. 'y , i rlee'd,_Charld t 6 SfewOrl,: , dmr• ' I ; . - ;, ' olse., of .ci''P.imiohary',Cun.. - . - .stir.. P.shtte of John Gillett,. late of Gibi r .a., de'e'd, 1 :if • 011ifOndly brirlt fittlA.l Ly_lii.l tr.- onii t o ~ , Jacoh . , L. Gillett; atimt. - , • ...; ued ii•ei of tha llyp ..ii"...,pittles'-Dr. WA' A.' :.i, F.s•.afe of B. B. ,Jay'ssolt, 'lido of "Brooklyn, i .A le ibe iii.2',.4 s: ph.rinLeßelhetilesir , ia :Jr . ,. - clencanfJti, i,-:! Ftriti arA E. :5. I.VeaC"iiri.`Alt , "'•• .1 l.:l4‘brf 01 aiie:ql,ims. resettle:l' from la Io:s 4•;-1.,, Estate ut. (.Titian Knapp, kto ' , T . of Si , l'in c . it.trt 1 force.'' —'pbstr,i; Medie:ll andSur! .. 4-. .1. r.r ~ . , votei - dee'd.Jatro, quial:, ado - tr. - - -i 1 “Mr. Viintile,,ter ii v‘or:fly or ,11 cottti . .; , •;•-• - E".fatn of Mirimal .i.41'2,', -lute oritlsii, deed, t rtrol : devotts ittot,e:f rtilltusta,liruliyAo...:t„. James Logan and John . McDeeniut, atinns. ' I.:preparations in nil 17.,•ir %..riety or iorabliu.• .• , li,late ef*.titepilen J. Mitlard i late Or 1.,en0 - N.l- Prepafreil i.dr:eiiy by the. Courciiih'is -meill..'„'- dee'cl, Poßy Millard and Edward Roberts, n; : irla ,, ID. Mt.italillt fit.- s: , M. D., N. V. (111 y, . • Esf;de of Wm 11. Her.stockJato of 2Montresir, e , . . • - i -.. • g dce'd, Anna M. Herstorir, ::date .• .1! -' , E -- 67.11.-1,..t(71: , f .5' 7:,..K L E.--- 1.. V P OAT .i. Estate 6t - La Fayette Wiltoorth, Lit, of Jack- I -' - .1% . ;0 -1 1. 1 - I IE E 1- - ; son, dec'd. Y. Golotiion, ado* d. b. til . . , . , . Estate of Cordelia . Smith, late of Weat Bend, ' I Altr - t Gesatirie Prerarutinn Or I,IW iryt.'.....,.. dee'd,' Peter Smith, ex'r . . - • • '. • . Vitil...4 et Lane and Soda" is Saw plieett .. - .J.r:• Estate of - Daniel Brownson, late oe:Fratiklin, 1 th reach .4,1 i it, , ,0 , - , grit up icl - New'. 11;••ktd. . , .I ."'- • ' ' . • eku'd, Abijah Wilmot, ex'r. . • 1. - , 'et.1113141;1114 16 itunees (..a pint); at - tP2 liar IAO Filial (count of Timothy peptic,. go:irtli4i, of t Ittuo•o 5t.,;...,,izi, 17 oz. to - Jokes) nt • . I • Josiah Crain. -- - -• -• - " 1 . • , ' - • - • . • ‘ - Ono •Dallz.: Per Bottic. . Vill:l'at,..'eunnt,or.Ainbroo Benson, r ge.irdiaa 1 -- • , • . J..,i• Mary L13 ,, y. ,. nt,. .. , ... ‘ • .. .. 1 „: '' I The•bottics bite tile following blinilist; v .': .. , 1 • - '•• I.lvpopliw.inhltc-iuf I line 1 - ,pi • Sodi ' It. I . That tho i,Cenutitants haveksettied theoluecountas I . •••• r ‘ •- ''' - - .4. ''. in ' the - Register's Olfiee • in nod .fer the tounty el„., C11,,' 1 ,,T,0 •1 !/'sn 3 I: • ',f l ' , r,'ll,ely for- .- I t lif .' : • ..f . I•fu-muchatiao, and that the maae will be present. iJ• 44 1ncni.',.5. 14 ' IN , '-uv 1‘ . 0• . 1 tie ea ,ad : ... Led to th e Judges of the Orphans' Conn of s aid s ( lndr -;',.. • Pr itc , --m i11i...; i•ielit .., and the ..,.., 'Jaunty on Friday the thirteetriii day 'la A pr it.rtit , l2l.6llo :tyros , . the face. lirse no ..,thei . 161.10, fur confirmation and allawanCe.. i •- , , ; I ni‘ new: I Yie offers a Jbors• alique t . d l.- 4 , , mune '-irittotra ariddeleterioui ,• .• CELIRLES NEAL4,'/{.gis . tei. ! I tqf.,"11)81 t h e, ,-„. . , f ,-, -.ll . egister's Oftice:Montrose. 'Mardi It.3th,-- tic* ! 13 `!" - I's Paanau "11. talta•g the Ilyin..t.:M : ...---- .-..f.--,--- --:--- -.... . '; . . t 4 , 1111.1,5 r., spurious.-n 110 4 1,401701 0 . • is,,ee ia , I vitiated to endanger the he a lth bndfi v i. A.r • „.;• . . • ! ferert. -The-,ll,bitr., P4o witqt to 0131; .....r" BRADEoiti) , LAAGF ! ,: ,4 . l l ,, l cs u i , f , t i l l .::. (l ß ,ei t ru, i.d r .:' ; ti )b rt t • al pa u re it d in iifte ,o r t - i l t ) o4 f, ..l' : 7 . . • • I ,_'; doutda, the s i te a that heretofiire:atilut .2:: :. . , . .. I , _ . , _., .., -, •. , - -I " , Joaking it lip: cileatoi,t, :Is w e ll, a y 0. 4 . 14 ... and 0. tik.l.4a Ailk.lloll.llll ... . . r-=• 6 ' • . - - -lat.:loos trstilnitint, for Pelnionary find- 11: - . -- ,•••.',•., . r • . it: -l( "0 t ... „ ...,,,,i,5,...,..„..,..„„..,„n to loccli,sal Sqi4u.e!)• ''.. tter who Wier 2 '. ... ...t m' , ' , 3 ) r-'3 oktt i r l i .t rit t l A si .( l 4 a 6 ll.7e ' v ri i ' t ) re in rust tit good a', 1.1,:i f, •• 131 y faU.slwile is oft built labelW.ld Wrapper. - • . . , I . .: . . Asso Ir . • 1 • CHURCHIL'S MAK CONSUMFIC: . 110NGIR ... : GRiss .stiosi,,:i3 now r - e.olv;:inied 14 cunt A now:icir, • !lust issiwil:•contuitiritt• votopititt. regiud to - thia uov irvattoont, srat.gral,.; StED WHEA - ; all. inquirtirs, 1)olay not,--wiito at 6;4:2: and 'r FOR oAtit. AT tun All orders and inquiries olmiptle atteridee Atifirowi 3, WINCilFl$ll.3e. Store . o f De wri . r . ai """"!'"` , Solo-Gittoorul in - United Sint , , By -; e• ILATIIII0 11 ". • fluty)] • %I 3 1 , •:• 11:4root;1 4 4.. Y. Mci_nlawe, I?9U, fi" tt.;..ELL, VS , . TEi47l'"opt - . -7, :t9,l)ril 431 . 11,111.. Pliant:en instal'•'•