THE ,morritosE. DEMOCRAT : •P flt qkn TIICKSDAYS, fly A. J. GERRITSON, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR, AT S1:50 PSB Antal ttt.ADITANCe. OFFICE US PUBLIC AVENUE;.OPPOSITE TI U F. O. sMONTROSEISIISQUEMINNA fi~UNTY I PA, 'Thursday, March. 29, /860. .Deif OCii'A:TIC- FOR oovv.ftsoil HENRY FOSTER,, or WESTIAORMAND t;OUNTY., Election fur Slate co 2 . 6? County Officers, Oct. i 1 FOR PRESIDENTIAL •ELEitToltr.; Electors at Lar g e. -• 4TM VAI7"I 1 GEO. M. KRIM. • . DiStrict Elecars." • • Frederick . Se'rver. t 14. Isaac Reckhow. Wm.O.Pattetson. 15. Geo. D. Jackson: Jos. Croekett. Jr. 16...1. A. Al 1. 4..1. G.- Brenner. . 17. .I.'ll. Pamer. S. J. W. JacoW. 18. J. P.:Omicron - I. • • 6. Charles Kelly. 19. 11. N. Lee. • 7.-O. P. James. ' 20. .1. B Itistell.• • S. David Scholl. .21. N. V.-Fetterman: 9. J. L. Lightner. • 22. Samoa:kr/trail:al.. 10. S. S. Barber. . 23. Wilßain Book.. 11. T. 11. Walker. 24. B. D. Ilamlin. • 12..8. S. Winclester: 25. Gaylord 13. Joseph Laubacli. 2 "('.residential Elec lion, November 6. 2. MLR° ATE!? 7p TIIE CHAT:LEM - ON CONVENTION. Dclepalcs at Larpe. ' • • •IT• .Itt.ussr BIGLER., •I JOHN Dawson,. - Wm. Montgomery. Joseph B. P1:0., • • -District Delegates. • • • • 1. William IL - Riler, L. • • 2. Josiah Rindall, C. DlcKihhen. . 3. - Hugh Clank, John Robbins. Jr. • 4. Henry N.B. Browne. 5: 0. Jones, John 11.)brrts. • O. E. Lt Evans, George Men!ttry. .• 7. T.. 11 Wilson, F. \Taman% • S. Heiater Clymer. F. I.Atier.. - ' 9. IL Smarr, ii. M. North; - TO. O. D. Gloninzer, R.. 1. Haldeman". 11. C. H: Hottenstein, F. W. Highes. . • 12. 11. B. Wright, Pe6l En,t.. 13. Richard Brodhead;--Asa Par,ker., — l4. C. L. Ward, H. A. Guernsey.. 15.--H. H. Dent, John Ross. le. A. 3. Glosshrenner,-Jelin INifenyder. • 17. John Ccs•Att, James hill. • • IS. A _ll.Coir,,th..loiin \\Viet', Israel Pointer. . O. John J. Slotterlv, .ktnet Lindsay. • • 21. . 11-i3y Paitet.4on,john • C. Dunn.. 22. James A. Gibson, L. Z. Mitchell. • 23. Thomas CUnningham, S. P. Jolmton. 24. A. rininer, . • , 25. W. A. Dmickson, Charl.••stan conre4zii; ., il assembles, April :3 IM' An apprentice is wanted at this office Apply in person during the present month. DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEETING. The Demonists of Susquebanna County Mil! meet at their ComMittee room Wallard'b Store, on the afternoon and evening, of Monday, April 2d, for the purposq of form. log it Democratic County Club.t Democrats frock' the ,County are invited to be rnsq.nt. tv order of County Committee. DANIEL .13nEwErrn, Chairmd4. Ceicart Comniences Nest Week, And we Lop' tbat all our patrons who are cot grpillr.! onsour I•ooks, it pail in advsnef., .1 will endeavor 443 rot ouk remember tine hintet,l,ut Bice h "metbin im a to ender t themselves entitled to a valued recollection,, on his part. To do.this, pay fur your paper We ask for 'motley because we zreqtly need it jr4f - Prof. N A. Calkins writes us from Ne - se •York, sa)ing that -he will 'certainly be present - at the .Institutes a announee4' by the Co. Supt. in anothir column. , - - .1:43r Y. M.L. A.—The 184 lecture Of the cantle w;11 be delivered by Rev-. K 11. Cha pin, at the Baptist Church, in Atioiatiose, on iTrefrley evening, April 101 b, i 1660. .S.uhject : t Modell] Mill - airy." • . ; Jr. Chapin.'s grest fame ns an orator end , tl.a 6itn to-n' full Lc)Use. "See tisviee the- . • , • Curtin Caviug In ; A. G. Curtin, the "Republican" Candidate fur Guveroor begiOn to feel the cold •chills runtliug over Lim uheady. Even the laiy,e roettir.,7, of hit friends in rid:adelphia, 1, by tiro way, ria., a spiritless affair is conipari- Eon,with thelkmociatie demonstration that , in - ,:zeoliately followed the nomisa:ion of C.Arn. -did - uot Sarre to antra Liar iLto the irclref IL4t Lis inu,peet% were of 'the-most. ti4ttedug lied. He evidently beird, a.url iu l'biladelphia to frighten Lim th,loaglii:i • fog_ tLe next wr hetir t.f hina is in eliere Le warts Lis Republican f.i,-L;:.,g.altnt ate newination otScward, and th..t .stiould the aoCautof the irre pressibletedliet beettealu as tile Republi can candidate, &feat _is inevitable ir. IA !wade, • Cut tttiu'Lt feats it:e well fouuduki. Sew abu'ite doutus Lim to defeat; tphila soli but gewardite 1;111. Iti't party eletw bere. T 4 rtepublicau -patty bat got thei wolf by the c;.r.; and to tilter hold on or let go, it cer taittly fatal. • TIM. DIFKLh:NCL.—Tike Velegtars - to the !leading Domoetati , .: State Couw•entiun, from' the 12-111 ClAlgrebkiopal Ui tY ct, übaulMota:ii recoMmoutled Huu. W, J. W 661 ward, J udge of the Courts of Columbia, Suiliiao, M o e° tour and iVyoming, ue Delegate,to the Chailestou Couveutiou. This poshion'the Judge •ii?ost uspectfully declines, upon t& high aid honorable ground that Et President Judge oughl not, to be au dptise particlpaOt in party • Iu the name of et erydeniocratt, and ali cou of liraCifuttl, we• your): eitl, that ont Judie,' the Hon. David .11 - ihnoi, would be gov.ertntri ty his example.: i lie is a - Reltzate -at aige Co the Chicago 'Convention;but will ye, like Woodward; an r itunest • Judge, decline to serve! W e f ear nut, We fear that to the injury 04. fuir (1) Lane as the Judge of our Courts, he will feel upon to yolluiertlie judiciary of this District in order - that be may bare.a 'hand in tumninatioa ofWrp.ll. Seward. 114 - , • ------- -----i-----.----------- - • . 1 " A inch 1 epublicou 41, `assert ' I The Vote for President in 1854. 'An otri: opponents sometimes assert that' H As another Presidential election is ?;ap they are' a Union „ party-4$ favor of carry-; proacting. the vote in 1856' Can not fail:t&he ing out tbe.compromßes of he Constitutioniboth -interesting and ;useful for reforence*e in go l od i ' pith, "iit. is well •oc.casionllty to note : give the .full vote for each of the three-i`an .soineteiltibitions of what kind of . a ITrtioa ;'didatea, in round numbers . - . ' we woufd breve, •if they once got controPof I ilinchanan at theNortb - ,1,228,700 , 1 a ll 1 4 rl:47,artmeqa of ourgovernment.! . i Buchanan at theSciuth,. 609,600 . A - ! Gerrior Randall of Wisconsin hai I:egu !oral !Fremopt suite N0rth1340.300 -1 • 'the sviort of :ilisbandin " "l't • • ' ' . i c g mil "3 e°m P fune . I Fremont at the Smith, 1200 - • i in that ;State, that are not 'under abolition i - • Total fur Fremont N.-rind 13.,-- . -1,94400 •I • , control..., y, a company are known to - be fa ; IFitrMore itt 'the North, 303,600 ,, • I voralile :t9' the execution of the laws of (4 Fillmore at the South, 479,400. .i- Unit d$ 1 l• IT tates, they „are 4once clieloinded l . i • -Total for Fillmore N. and 8.,--.. 875;000 --- If au bifteer 4eclares that-he would, if legal! 1 I — " Total for all the candidates, 4,0944800 ill its the ly if. th• Agit ' ---:- .._ ied upon, eleent ie laws 01 T , tion,.--WltiettGoverner Randall ii sworn In sii.p'r 1 porti-be is deprived of b4n/ eomission. 1 satis6edLsitlr : passing nirilificatiou. lawn real; perjury .is made 11 test,, by our unlos4oc , '? and "law abiding" R epubli r ' . r '>' -I, S.natOr Doolittle •of Wiscomin bold avos ' tls that they bare a tight to 'violate GI • Cotiltitui ion, if it does not suit - their fancy, o I .prefe'retiees. • I the , brother of CoPpie, one . * r e tlarpey's Ferri* feions, - was charged with participation in that: i,invnsion, yet the- Governor-of lowa . . violited ' f,the Constitutinn by :refusing to flint render the culprit upon the, usual 'lawful reL quisition. • : - Ger.Penttison of 91tio was Celled.utx;tl by`- I • _!.. 1 a relluisitiou to give up two -b the Harper' Ferr,r 'Mons, Yet refused to; basing his re fusa don the pled that the Constitution a Ohi saYs nothing about fugitives from justic 1 . horn Virginia! 'fhe fact that the c onstitu i L lion lor the t'n!.ted States, Which he swore to i !•upory requires.him so to do; is Of no eel- i count--*-that and his oath are alike violated. i Tte- now -deceased :Governor of Illinoisl„ (fli's.ell,) when called upo,n ft... the usual 1 le gal inoeess for ari emaped4bief, from Kenl,- '4 - ' • A , , I tuc y, .committe.. one •of the most glaring 1:!- frau s e.ti record. The thief bad, after - going 1 1, 1 fo! a lw ut i b i o ch riti b et 1 1 to I I i i n n o i l s p , ti committed son_ .i6e a crimek' y I . i:en i'e.ori to arrest the culprit and Waited upoit 1 icli : ifor their warrant, but tbiii abolition I do, instead of at once giving-it to. them, 1 mei them, a short time, 'ondo I r . proenc 'antng time to fill nut the paper-. , After, a li'sints delay he gave them the required; .' l i mits' for the arrest, as soon as l the thief, ddnerve out his term, but on the arrival 1 - le officers nt the prison, they learned-that Roil! shot of I he th e only carried four States. Republicans have been- misled into the idea that-Fremont would have bean elected, if the people had Voted direct for-President, instead of for electors. -This is a great erior,- 3rits no foundationjn fact, for not °ay was he beaten more than 2 to i in the Union, but there.was a popularmajority against FAmont at the North, and if the vote for Buchanap end Fillmore had beenabout equally divid4d be -1 tween them, - it. would .heve left Fremont be hind both—the third man in the race."'',' . The only point the Re'putilicans.can ?peke. in-regard to,the popplar'vpte, in their fa'yor i is that Fremont bad mplurality- (abdiit ]00,000) over Buchanan at theNOrth i yet the, poipular-1 majority agalnit Fremont at . the:North was', abdut three times as large (300,000) ;as his plurality over Buchanan. .If the Republicans cab fi ad any comfort in that fact, thiy .are ' welcome to it. • . - -1 ' 1 The "mass of. the . Republican party; have been taught' to believe ihatif Fillmore had not been a candidate, Fremonttwouldi have been elected. This also is an erroneous idea. If every vote cast for Fillmore bad been edunted for Freinont, there would still have been a Majority for - Buchanan- in the eletoral count. Buchanan carried enough Stites by" tnajoriiie:s over the combined vote 04 both his opPonents to secure an election. • ; ' -, • But had Fillmore 'left the field at a audi-. date, the -result instead of benefiting -Fre mont would have added to Bdahatran' ma jority—not only iu 'the electoral . . com 4- but in the -Popular vote. Buchanan would in that event have, at. least, received die vote of -Maryland, making li ; 4 majority Of the electors 16 greater than it was. . ; On the popular vote, Buchanan ',WOuld have gained still more. ; 11e would - hive re .ceived all. Frilmore's- vote at the South; and ray three-fourths . of it at the North.. '., the result -of. a . race between Buchanan :and Fremont would have been to incresie Be chman's electoral majority from 88 )43 84; and his, popular' maj4y from 50000 to 1,000,000 -over Fremont. - ''s ‘ . 4 . 1 • 01) 1 And in addition to all This t rum. re : 1 membered that Fremont cartie the :i$ stet' of lowa, New. York, and Ohio, by iuraltties ' , 1) only; and bad Fillmorebeen out of t ' vraY'i 1 \ 1 Wuchatiaa would perhaps' ave carried .'q of them, by, receiving a majority of the hill - more vote; 'at least be must have•earried some of them ; so that Ithe result of having no third candidate in .1836 would_ haVe been entirelY in favor of Buchanan. - ;. . .. . Baling shown that there was no issible way in ,ehich Buchanan could Laird been deflated in 1956, and a Republican elected, Relinion iI we now proceed to s Proscription.- . .. . enquire whether there is, hc•'Clicago Times ea s y a, that on the nightl any possible way of elec'tiii i t a Republican in of the election inChicago,the procession wllichl 1860. We are certain/ there :is not.t That , er),s celebrating a - Republican'triumpb,' pro. i party had all the influences then whi4b they ceticd ' to the neighborhood of the: Catholic 1 now have,and besides the it rongest Lear they , Clrch where they erected -a gallows find; then - bad is . now deitcl; (i. e. IticritasOP'Co;) i prc l eeded to Ling thereon an efts); of t.he-t..and there le - no new hobby which they can in . - clefgytpan of Girt parish; !. : ! - 7 1. vent . that will begin to l aupply its place; - _and io .ishow unmistakably,: that this outrage they must now . be content:to re-bash old 'nat i wals OM aimed at the ckrgymatt f,r any . of I tern--a mode of conduciing a catopagn that lcusive act that he has dune, but .4 the re-' Beier shas and .never can be a "successful one ligioltilof widen he is rt minister, Ill; wretchrtis with any partY; . dressed the effigy in the sacerdotal robei, - We do not, think any ticket made ist,Chi and thus exposed it to the jeers and insults of I cap can poll the full Fremont voted while the Mob, who peltedtt with brich-bats. 1 I the' Democratic riominee will certainly .re , 4.i part' that will commit,.or tolerate sich,i, ceive an increased vote. ttie.result, thitrefore, uutrige:4, Would, if-placed in poWer visit tail' can only be a Democratic sit cry; fir More vengeance uponeveryman who aew fit to, j edge trillaut and decisive thanl.hat of 1836. forl himself in religious ° matters, .or who was' /Ur - . sVPe again l i al i rthe attention of Deal not torn iu certain - places— Aud evil/.th i !'' !era Witte card 45iGeri. W. Mann, Salt, Deal party:.;.boa:Cs_ that they ; will .et.- control the 1 er,N Y 4gon.— ea4l4iiiC and foreign Vote! such bid:. are Fro 4.50; to be found in4nolber ..Cole" years Business„ qua i l/taut:* w i t h eel:Willy fittraetivi to those ts:lio .I . leleo weakthi mi , - we feel - , sate . in i se 4 4ment li nj i ....iito buy as to be sitOg by violence. . -1 '' ; ,I . Ib' - ~ • : i . _ l td)ust left ! Bissell had falsely-detained a add sent a messenger in ridvatice with I . h" Is tO the keeper to set the pris i ner free= I pg:ihat he would forward aparden as soofn as'pLssilde. Meantime the culprit; who was a, slave, bad - been conducted out Of reach on, the i 4inderground railroad r' road Ilad, he Seen . ..only a white man, and gOilty of any oil+ crime than mardering - i So 1 'bran, - be, wotild4erhaps, base-been gi'en ulp. ~. ''Sudli are specimets Of the acts of ".De_pn lican"4Ecials; and tteii illegal -onduct is not bebuted by tbepty,:anywhetie. ." . Suppose for a monient that this party got into p4w:er and begaialieridtnin stration iaf . . ioVerntrient upon such a basis; isl there any -postible :result but anarchy! .None. 'The Unionlwould exist but in name; Mad the pro, tecVolij that would be given to Ithe several ~e e .qtat;would :be. such as tlie wolf gives tit() lam!b.lDui there is .no - probability of any but aijDoliocial: being . elected ll're.ideipt . In, 841 Fremont bad all tl'ie inlibences tliat, can] o'er be brought together,.? and -yet ihiP popular .majnrily -against, him ' livas'greater, :shah' ids whole vote; and so it will be wits 1 .! anv cand l idate they can bring o'n't in 1860; I 1 1 or 't any future time. Democracy 1.4 not l t ' only aPtiring and unterrified, ut untmn -1 que'rable—because-it is RIGHT. . , 1 , Gcu4ackiton on Political Priests.. , ‘1 \Then General Jackqon was i'reside,t o , . theltOted Staten," :said , an Aged - laborer i - 4 I the!,•l"4sidential garden a few tl_aysirice., "he could dell an honest man from a- ilogne when 1 he pr:_ti4aw him. I remember &bat a clergyd mats 141 , 41 a, stiff,:white.choker fld an mil t terUittied suit of blacD, 4 ealled uPon him one ; . I morning when be was - oierlookino sorne work 11,/t. lavas performtilig in the garden, andlre• qu9 , .ed anappointmeat to setae-office, saying; 'Genei,al; I worked harder for your 'electiolf ' thaa Many of those upon whOrri you base ali lealy hestowed.offirie.' :You are a minister .of he Gospel r said Old Hiekory,inquiringly, `ll.s,' , lsaid the clergyman, .` I 1411S'a minister, 1 hot 'I I thought -I . couldldo-bitrey bY becoming a politician.' So I: stuMped the district. week- days 'for you` and pieacheil for the :Lord on 1 Suedais.' Old 'llichory, tiituing -Short I to' 7 wid him, add lookingLial.full itc:the face; I said; the D.'ernal, rf you Would cheatl i the 1 Lord you would.ehesti rho-eountri t I will I hate do with you, ni . ). With any one Iflte'you. Good Morning,' 'and; he walk ed 'rapidly:away. I shall never: : forget "the 100 -s :Of that hypoctitical clergyman. Bad j .. •tlic i lait judgment been s•A, and be before'tbe gro i at*llite throne, I doubt if be would have looker mere hhink 'and chop-fallen." . I Onuptate . legislature will, jeii . re'oe is. the iciest, weewetelile 11!- - iile:fr:ii r ts during, t DPlSitte. 1 [The vote of South Carolina is not incliMed, its her electors are chosen by the legislatirre.] A 'careful examination of 'the* above is re- I . quested of rill who take lia interest in Poliiieal 1 affairs, , and especially. of such as areTspeco ilating upon the chances of party candidates next Fall. From a careful aual3sis - ofd! thO vote for each candidate;Nortb and S o duth; we deduce the following facts, which we; ask every one to , read and reflect upon. ..1 There were- two NATIONAL eandidi(es— _ .. Buchanan and" Fillmore—they Having , freen largely suppciited in both North and Scluth ; I and one sectional . eandidate—Fremont4—LiS vote being almost exclaCvely at the Nor Ih. Buchanan received the: largest' . vote fever . given - to any candidate for Pres ident of the United States. • Buchanan's majority. over Fiement!'!.was greater than the majority ever given t 4 any candidate over another. • - - • Although the. Republicans have.ass red that.Buchanao was elicted hv the Soh— yet lte received more than twice us many . :otes at the i r North, as at the South:.--being Omit the'- ratio of population; proving most' con elusively that he wan-tvor'=the South, but VVl , lmost.emphatically a NATIIYNAL candidate. " - Fremont -received loss of the whole vote of the Union. The tots! ma jority against him was 2,713,300; beiitg Many times greater- majority than was'' ever given agaist a than - who bad any lieges 'of being elected: • - The thajOiity agaiiistFrentont'at the Srer , h Watt nearly 300.069; boing , s worse treat then any candidate ever before.met witri. It is mewl!, three times larger than the majority, against Cass in 1848, and much...largerthan the majority against Scott in 1852, whim Ite tar Grove mid 59, other ~"Ilepeliliuens" hare constnitted themselves to the if?ctritie of t 4 abolitiuti vir;levery eviny wbrre".). ',. retools' . .of 1000—Quemlions, to be „ . . Answered. . On the,6r4 of June, the Work,ot taking the cani?us commences. It is desirable- that it. be taken with great accurady, and to enable the' Assistant marshals who will be have in the performance of this duty to have their work well done, it his been. saggeated •that the 'Publication of the question s for all heads of familiei to answer; - would he - of, greet beriefit.._ With, this view wei publish the', following list tritialt we -- , In :the first place i't is mammy to" write rdoat the name of every ..penun whose •- • . place of abode on the fir:4,day of June, 1560, 1- wait in the family : ,• • • s The age of each, sex and color, whether white,. black of tnulatto.3 2 PrOfessien, occupation or-trade of each male person Oki. fifteen years of age. Value Of real estate - owned.- • ilece of • birth, naming ail State; Territory or couutry. Married within the year._, • ' - Attended school within the rear:. Pe'rwns over twenty-years of age that - mint ' read or'vcrite. Nthither deaf and _dumb,' blind, insane' on idiotic, pauper or convict. • . Name of 'owner, agent or magager of the 'farm. - • Number of improved:acres. „ - NUmber of yoirnprowfd NO) value of farm: - • Value of farming implements and machitieryJ , Live stock on band June fir4t, 18GP, number of bOrses, mules, and asses,. workings ! oxen, Mid' other cattle, svrtnei • and glee - Value cf live stock. , . Value of :minutia slaughteredkluring the year.l Pr i Oduce during the .year ending,June Ist, 1 180, viz: number of barbels of Wheat,Rye,' ladian Corn, Oals e ßeaus and-Pees, Buck-, ',Wheat, Barley, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Pota• toes; pounds of Wool and pounds , of To-j :bane - 0. " •N slue of Oro-land, products indollars, • • I Gallons of Wine, value of Produce of Nfarket • • ,Garden, pounds of:Bu tter, pounds of Cheese; , tons of Hay, bushels Of Clover Seed, and ,bmthels,of 'Gras: Reeds, pounds of Hops; 'pounds of Flax,busheli of Flax Bend, poundi pounds ofMaple Sugap, gallon s of• Molasses, pounds of Horiey and Beesivax; value of flon4 ; Made Manufaetureq. • Name of Corporation, Cpinpan'y Individual 'producing articles to the annual. value of $5OO. • " _ Name of business, manufacture or,prodtict.i - Capital invested in.. veld estate and iiresonal estate iii the business. ' Ran mate — dal used, includiag fuel, viz ;-quan. tilies, kinds, values, kind of motive power; machinery, strunturc or resource. • Average number of hands employed, viz • Male, Female,- average monthly cost of Male labor, ,average monthly cost of Fe, male labor., • • • . , . . . Annual product, viz: quantities, kinds, valass. i Name of every person who died during the I year ending June Ist, 1800, whose usual 1 place of abide Was is the family, the : age,. 'se* and color, whether white, bleat or mu : : :hitt°, married or widowed, place of birth', l naming the State, Territory 'or Country,. Abe month in !thichthe person 'died, prO 7 fe,sion, occupation or trade, diseas - e_ or cause of death. • • In addiCon to these, there are-a number of other quE•siltis,the answer to which can be - obtained now even with little trouble. • It is. hoped that every perion Who sees thisTequest - will, before the first . dayf June, make out the answers, .god in case o absence, leave it With the family-ready forte - he `.. Tivikei • I.i; appearance. . . ! By the act of Congress I ,‘proidding-for the taking. of the seventh and subsequent Cens9S of the lini!ed States,,ancl 'to fix the number Of the members of. the House of 4eptesen4 tives," etc.,• approved M c ay '23 Li , 1850, pta vides, section 17th, ';that the Marshals and their . assistants ate hereby authorized to trans tnit through the post office any impera' or documents relating to the census, by writing thereon .' official business—census,' and sub scribing the same, with the; addition to his name of Marshal, or. Assistant, is the,case • • may be. • , • . That no-unnecessary delay may - happen _to comytm nioations addressed to the United States. Mamba's iu. refereno,e to taking:. the census { the press will do a !erVicO by the publication of these , facts; for tho information of post ;master's throughout the Stite. • Henry D:-Fostvi. Tho Despatch,A.lican piper, say :, ":The Democracy at their Iteading - Con, vention beve oraifester mord 'wisdom in the selection of their gubernatorial candidate than is -usually manifeAed by State Conven tions. They' have selected as their nominee for Governor the strongest man to be foUnd la the ranks of their party in Pennsylvania. General Henry D. Fosteris a Man of Unblem ished reputation as a citizen and prefesiiinal map, and personally , popUrar with men of all parties." - • • The Pittsburgh Cbroniele, an independent'. Republican journal, says 11r,Fosteria, probably, the very Lest and strongest man; the Democrats could Lave found iu the State to be theirstandardlearer in the approachino , - campaign. Ile is itt• Greensburg laiwyer of-undoubted ability ; and _unblemished reputation: lie: has bad con 4iderable. political eiperience; is _unusually popular- with ail parties, is.a fluent Speaker, and can . most readily and harmoniously unite -the adherents of all candidates.' That "(awry•D....Fater is popular With' 1 - 111. . patties, and particularly. with .the , Democratic party, Lis triumphant electiAM as Governoi of Penueylvauia im the ise6o,6 , l'Tuesday 04- tuber will fully demonstrate, ° - i The Post Office Critutoittee of the liouSe alroostuaardinously iesolved io favor of the restoration of the 'eland- maitaervice, which wia.curtailed by. theYolsl, Office Department after the failure of tlieappropiation bill da ring the last Congress. , ' Ir the Republican party is "faulty, come i and help ma ke it better.—N, Y. Tribune. 'His - Betook, Highnesit might hold-Out AM" rameilOseements to settle oo '•if to , i but, cows io at d cool Sivtquitlannttia: Seminary: •It is aimputiced . dolt Rev. kleor r y Ward Illeeeber• letiture fob - the behefit:; of Sus, lquebanna Seminary, the Presiiverian IFhurch,atl3toghitintop;ooMoild” , pventeg, Apiil 4th. • : . This - Institution is represented., td ibe 'in a very. tiOurishing 'condition. .Tbe_ attendance during th 2 term. IttelY closed was upwerdi of One'.hnndred, and forty of: the ',students were.studying the langusges,,- TheiP is tio primary 'department.. 'Tbe fellowing appears .in the Bingfininton pars : SUSQUEIIANNA SEMINARY , . . The exatriinattot) at, Susquehanna Serislna ry, commenced, as was- announced, Monday 1 morning:. The nttendance on the part Of the towns people was good, especially en• Tires , day. • Unfortunately, only we, two junior Members of the , Examininw COmmittee, were present.. .. ' -:,:, .• : ,We are glad thitt the exercises, RSA whole, justify any amount ei*praiSe we feel like - be-, stowing. They certainly ,were creditable to any institution of lilt{ grade, exhibiting, as thev'di , l;-the'close schtillarsltip 'of piipils, and faitirfulness of teachers,. The accuracy- and promptness showed "intimacy with the ' teli,t; nod:thuroughness of drill in it. Wesnention the elasses in Astronomy, Algebra, F:enr;ll, Tiigonometry and Elochition, as particular3y fine. Itr Latin 'and ,preek, too, the filets Mks tered were-so drawn Otit inllie examination, Jra te prove to'theom,mittee that theTlutve 'been - acquired . in, their relations and syste, -matteally. Parti'culart individuals in these classes - exhibited rare analytic ability; as Well 'Rs breadths ofjacquaintence witli prinoiplesi ' Judging the Institution - Upon : the 'inade cpiate data, brought out M rapid Exatninatieti, we • are . sure that llinghamton, arid vicinity l can not be tod proud Of it.. Not •only 'does i \ it justify its present' patrpiage, but we feel that the ability and ieil of its faculty, be speak - 06 far more,libtl. - (Sig ned.) .• . 11. KELL° G,'Majdott, \..Y. ' .. .A.l3..MlLlJER,"Grotori,lklaas. The,next TerM at tim Seminary ivill-com tnenne Tutsclay , April d. - 4111 b. Viclorles. . N 4: 1. "The murder" of-John .I3roirn . by the legal nuthOritieS of Virzinia"rbeenume,he wa . giouriTy fighting in s:elfdefence."-- . N0..2.. "The destrhetion" otsome of John .nsSfstantsl.hlio - * s ere him to. nairj? out -the • RepUblicanism of the pre, , ent 'day - by - " letting stareikatolie where it exists by.a thnrily_cf Meal • .. . . . \:i. 3 . . "' . A r rest in g" ha . band of " - P;rliiots" at. Ihirper's Ferry, y(lio.'aecorlirg, to A: L. Post, and other RerMOicans i had - violated ism hyiv•or committed no erlrne. • , : No. 4. "The Whipping') ; ,maltresiting murdering'of a white, school master, by the runaway blacks in Canada' for this kirim hirEr self as - good as a nigger.- - No, .5. The unqualified ehdorserrient of "Efelper's abolition 130'4 by 7& Itepubli t iap Representatives, which lioo declares on page 204-of conipendiumiliat Not to be an Ab-: clitionist, is to be a•willful and diabolicalin strument of the devil." - - • No. Nearly breaking up a 11-thodit-t Conference in 'Brooklyn, Surfri Co. , by fa!: ing the rPresicting . Elder 'Out -of the -Pulpit arid putting him.on the political 'tsttintp to declare to the bungrr tbraar. "dint t h e d ec .. Lion Of James Duch:mail - wool() be • worse than a sbower'of klijire and Brinistone." The passage - of an Amendment, to the:Constitution of MarSachosetts Makiitg the niz:mers.far Superior white men. 'No. 8. The , CiSceiery. et the late Harris burg. State cons:entionttthat neither the - Re-, publicans" 'of.• the Tihnot Dixtiirt- or the "People" of Pen'nsylvania had any: pelititml . organuationin the State, but one Simon Cam eron, (a renegade Detaocrat,).owned and coh trolled the-whole Concern from 'firstlia last. No. 9. The wonderful announcement of I -”Notes of Trarel,Polititts; Am.," last week's' abolition. Republican by Orfal C. Tiffany in which be discoiers that the late Dembcratieu Sate. convention at'lleading was a two days' "sirozp." . "This is the-last ltepubli.can The people want Foster fr k i 'Governor. but the gear man - tilling s'qs they must have A. Curtain for Siinon demands it. A njt Between tlip- Eyes . . /.- .A."Gerrnan citizen Of Mat;satihusetts the' receipt of t. Republicau speech, wider the frank of lion. B.*F. Jenkins,_the.ociatsion fdr a few pr-rtinent rerriarkS iu rvitter to that gentleman,. on the 14 pocrief of :the Repob-. lican leaders and the deleterious effects of the doctrines -and teachings of .the Republican patty on the busina4 interests of the State, and the pence of-the country. Ile-concludes in this a i-e . • I • • ";k . reaction has already set in ;.'11)43 this . sea ofthe people begi ' n `to consider their-own affairs' little. In Natick, theitocnn of Sena tor Wikon, .five six hundred men - are marching through the streets, carrying ban ners, with insAriptiona- of what! -"Free Kan aa ' No more SinviStates,"-Fiee Soil foi Free Men?' No; sir. i •.firend for :oily' wives and . children!'" is Alio motto 'paraded before Wilson's sindows ;the speech, which. be sent on here , in thousands did not supply' his conitituents7witb ' bread for their wieus and children.' . Theyi ask for ' bread' and hi . gives theta 'stone.': They ask fur labor, and he sends his speed'. • These anti-slavery. speeches don't fill the/stoinacb; though they confound' the mind and drive a..vay.the there ur - toers who buy out' manufacturers. ..If there is an, avenging sl tt, - . these agitators will .have to answer for - a grisie offence . inalepriv, ing theirfelow men of their daily hrelid.'- . The workmen whci have been imposed on by -their Abolition eriployers, are begining to think for themselves. , , . • W'atcrrn.- - -;- ; 113e Republican Con: gre.ssional ExecutiveCommirtee at Washing ton, have, issued a very. pressing and esirriet confidential circular,leaklingup‘m the Repub.. Henn party to eontribute money individually, in -order that the Committee may bii ded with the.necessary means distribute the "Leiner book and other Abolition doco-= mews, preparatory - . to 'the. r!et-idential can vass. _ To the eirculat is."-appended. the fde simile of the signature-of each' of the Com mittee, and rimong,them Hon. John Covade, of PennsylVania, as Treaeure,r of the Commit teei:--Itoncst Jobn Onvode r wtio moved in. the House a resolution fora select"committee inquire ehethFr money. had been used Pennsylvania in the last Presidential election, andrfrom/what source it was obtained: . Tut: . PENIfILIXANIA. DiIIOCRACY.—The .uoatitiatiOn of Henry, D. Foster : fur Governor by the Democratic - State Convention of Pen sylvania, which recently . rnet at Reading, and the harmonious action of 'all the delegate at that Convention; has inapked the Denmera4 of the Keygone State with new life, and . they' are preparing for'a.vigorous campaign, with the- bright antitipatidne of a - glatious iri umph' over . the opposition, -,whitar, for two succeesive yeari have: ruled the State::--:(ine dillos,;(11r. Y.)2ytties. - : . . . . t The.liepublican. majority. io., New. Ilautpshire:is ,neatly :2000 less' than four yearsago.-,—The State election inConneoyicut, will he hell on the '.)(1 of April; It: I. on the 4th. , ' . . . . . . . . . -, kHERIFF'S. - SALES I ALSO—Ali' that eertitin , piece or parcel of VIII' virtue of sundry Writs issued by tii;C . court land situate in the hOrongh ; of Friendsville, in LP'