The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 29, 1860, Image 1

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- - 17;+isil1oNABLF., TAILOR, Mork6sr, Pa.
Shop in the Brick-Block, over Read ST, Co's
titorr. • All .work warranted,-as to tit and finish.
. .
`2-1 . Ivibntrose, Ya., will attend •to alishdikipess
entrusti4 to hitn, With fidelity and,deffi.itol.,,
• '3lay be f_und at the olliee. of W.' & W.
. .
S. H. Sayre* ek Brdther;
ANuFACTURERS Cas 4 ,tino,and
Castin. , s of all kinds., Stoves; and
ShCet Iron Ware, A,gricultartii IrnNement, and
Dealt rs in Dry Goods, Groelriea, Crorkerti, &e.
Mantro,me, Pa., Novernber,,
:. - GlittetOorg, Rosenbaum- & Co.,
A LERS in Ready made Clothing;
,1101 L, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, etit , etc.;
. •Stones at No 34 Dey-si, New,Tork CitY.tind
TrAyanda. sfi!ntreote, and•Susq'a Depot. Pa'
I)IEPAIRS Clocks, Watches and Jewe,l'ts, :it.
..LL shaft notice, and on reasonable terms,: All
vi•otk warranted. Shop in Chandler& .16: , np's
store, MontrOse . , Pa. • .loc-11,5t I.
LT Av!Nt; permanently located in Duisd,uff
.11 •
offers his professional segires to nit whti
may require thetn. Also, keolts constantli oR
.hand :I'6lll stock 'of Drugs and Medicine~,
Pare WiIICS and Liquors for :11i!dical
mirp, • ratt7—thns
' Drs. Blakeslee & Brush,H
.:M'; associated themselves for the iirose.
eution of the dillies of their prob.:ib - in.:lnd
resizeetiully litter their professional servii!Os to
the invalid Public. Office at the rpitie9itq of
Dr. Blakeslee, midway between the villages of
Dimock and Springville. ;ap`2,o y.
A. C. .EL A K EsLEF P. E. snuiii,
A - 7 lIOLESA LE Dealers in Muttons,
.V V ,Suspenders, Threads, Fancy doo..
Watches, Jewelry, Silver and l'ldted
!cry, Fishing Tackle; Cigars , &c. Sze,,
I's. MerehantSand - supido . on
tersri.' • .wa,tf
A "Films EY t And cot) NSELI.OII at LAW
in the Union Illoi;k—Toi.vand
H. SItIITH , '
Q 1'11(1E0N DENTIST, Resirtenee an'rt of
tiee:opposite thu I.lsitistilturch (nortfoilde)
Montrosze. Particular attention w . lll . he tilVen
to inserting teeth on gold and silver pf4te, and
to tilting dec 'yin , ' teeth. •
DEALER. in Drugs, Medicines—CheinieaLs
DyoStutrs,Glass-waie, Paints,Oils,Varbish
Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy -GclodS:Jew
elry, Perfumery, &e And Agent for all
moat popular Patent Me'llicines. 'Montrose. Pa
ItADUATE'of y the'Allopath;c-and Mons°
kJ . puttlic Colleges of Medicine, (it. Bendy N .
thlior. corner of Main and bizabelit-sts.
oppoNite the M..t.,130-dist churi‘h
Wm. H. Cooper & Co.
ANKERS, Successors to POST, Ci
& CO., Montrose, Pa. • Office L
new Turnpitie - S:rect.
41[A STFACTUR:ER OF BOOTS & 5119 E ,,..
: I
Mon:r o s e , Pa. stop •ovee Tyler's &ore.
`Ail kinds of work ma d .to order and
(lime neatly... • j 9
. ,
W &CO •
f AillN ET And CIA& MannfneturerA, fat
ht met: ati(r•P'
- .301151C1AN and Surgeon. ()filet. nver Wil
fu•ns' •tor, f , 14 . 1
o, ,, ina- at St:arle'',l 1100.
VSlCkl,ti z . :lrgeon. 011iilt on Politic
1 A ren pe. opnoeiLo Silnrlt•'s tlote). ont insp.
:Ind Surge. n. Montrose P 4.-1-•
I Wire in•the Farmer's Store. •
rASIIIONA BLE Tailor. Shop near. the
Baptist Meqting House, on Turnpike at rivet,
:11,..ntr,se. Pa. . , , - nuz if.
NEW . OFFICE. ! i .
TOIIE New York City Illustrated Newer
Magazine etf etc:At sale at the Montrose
Ii k store. by _ A. N. BULLAhf).•
-181-IIONABLE• TAILOR, Shop in', base
ment of Searle's Hotel, Mtaitrose, I
PIEsiDENT;DENtirg; Montrose, Office
at the*Frnnklin Douse, rootnN O. 3. Fill.
ing and Insetting teeth on Gold and Silver Hare
done in • the must approved Modern My
Plat,eu are - absol wets/ watertight,—no iniertitiees
fond can lud2e. '
- •
DAUBER, and Hair DreFo,er. Shop No . . 4 . in
1.1 1ia.41-nient of Seprli.'w
On Public Avenue, near Searle's Hotel.-
'I EEP nonsi.:intiv -baud a good supip!y,of
11 MEATS of all kinds. CASH paid .for
Heel Cattle t CalveiN,Sheep o nd Law fm.
Also forliides of all kitlda.
11ENSTOCK.& 112yWI,EY.'
N. T. lIENST,,CK. H .
:%1 on:rose,- March 30th.
-.FLOUR, GRAIN . 5ALT,:.&0...,•
NEW Rrr VOllllO, PA.Sale Room, PRATT'S Otrtte.
%S T ILL keep constantly on hand , th . best
brandsof PLOUR—bv the Sack cid !Inn.,
dred Barrels—at chi! lowest markek prices.l Also,
SALT--by the Single'lltrrel or Load.
Allorders from Merchants and Dealers will
be promptlf attended to. • , .
*.* Cash paidlor Grain , Wool,.Pelts, Hides,
and . al I Parmeis'Produde in their season. -
WE, the unclersig4d, certify that we were
insured in Fire Insurance Companies represimted .
by Me. -Billings Stroud. of 51outrose, and that.
Laving suffered loss:by - fire while so insured, *e
were severally paid by said companies to the full
extent of our claims; and we have cOnlidenco,id
him as a food and effective agent.l
DcWlT'f, Z1FR0.57
k. B. CH). INTLFEL, J. Lvoss &
- 'Montrose, Pa. November 9. '59 —*y ! •
Patronise those that advertise.
•-•••• r •••• •••
gO]n O f ILI F IZ2LIZa VO i al Tmay Dolt - no TMI T2;Blh arn
a riz o VIDA OT Tritrail, ,,
_ _
Fold thy hanitr l;y -wory:js over!
''Cool thy watching eyes with tears;
LetAhy.poor halrt, o'erwearied, .
. Resi'alike from hopes and fears—
Holies lhat'..ealt with sleepless vision
- One sad piefure fading slow,
Fears that followed vague And nameless,
Liftingbalk, the %%ilea .otsnow.
'iFor thy brave• One, for thy lost one,
Truest heart of wornartWeep \ !
OU"nirig, still the love that granted
Unto thy .belove.d sleep. ,
• • .
• Not for him !bat. hour oilterror, _
When, the Idnil ice•battle d'er, -
In the sunless day his comrades
• Deathward trod the Oar•shore.
Spared the cruel cold and famine, s
• Spared. ths fainting heart's despair--
1 , What but that could mercy grant him?
What but that has' beta thy prayerl
. •
Dear to thee that last'memorial,
• From the cailm Vide, the sea; ,
Evermore the *nth of r,ses
Shall be sacred time t thee! • '
I • •
.Sad it is the mournful yew.tree
O'er his slumhers'maot wave;
Sad it is the English daily . ,
May-not blossom on. hi grave.
But his.torrib si.pll sterol and winter
Shape and fashion ye.:4 by year,
Pile his.nighty mausoletim
Block by block and tier' ontier.
Guardian of its gleam g portal ;
Shall his stainkss4mor ; •
ti'hile'thy-love, a sWeetjnimortal, _
hovers o'er the winter e t t
- •
Nay, speak
.na• ill, ! a kincil l y a•nrd
Can never leave a sting, behind;
/ And oh! to brva:M.‘ each tide we've heard
' . is far beneath a- nsb!e mind.
Full oft a better :iced is soivn,, •
By choosing thus t b o kinder Dift ; •
Fur if but little good be knhwn,
Still let ps speak the be!st w•e can.
Give. us the heart that fain would hide,
• Would fiin anothef s faults ence ; -
IlOw. can it please e'en htrnan pride
To prove humanity but base ?
' NO!"let us teach a h i gher :mooa,. •
• nobler sentiment of man;
,Be earnest in the 'search of good;
And speak oral! the best we can.
Then speak no ill, but lenient be
s - To others'iaiiings as your owe;
If you're the first a fault to see,
Ile not the first to wok:: known.
'For life shut a 11 - Ik,s!ng.
I No lip;"in:ly tell how brief its- span;
Them &i?' thi; Gttta tlinewe stay-.
Lecs speak of ail the best we can:
The Old Rouse in Juden Strasse.
HE~Rti nri~KEi
i ..
1 •
__ r,..
Is one;Of the tn , ,st distingtshed quarters
of Frankfort-On the-Maine was the street call
ed-luden Stias'i4., or Jews' Street. AlthOugh
in the very heart - of the oily, it Nay quiet
and . retired, and presented but a small -num
bet of the busy resideets.of.Frankf,ot.
In .one of - the hotles'dwelt!a Jew, whose
loge of gain—if, indeed,, such a pasion had
enteied 'into his soull-was under" the full
domination of his tion , -sty 'and integrity.
These were j.iwel which - he prized far above
the gold and precious 'stones with which _his
brethren ,ought to solace theinlelvesfurtheir
outward pu% erty . of appearance.
I will not say thatt he. was
seeking for meaus-tii provide s
' - contingencies.of •fortune, ;
somethingrfor the little ones w
his board; but high above all
thtoued a .pure nciple of bon ,
perferttly incorruptable td the
wealth and honors could hot
city ciimpel hilt)
The wife of lieu ileber.Rallq!.ll/1d was a
at companion for such .a man. • Stately as an
Eastern hincess, and •.lu•autiful As only tier
iiiiiva race car( be, inNtle : aualth and brilliancy
•a her deep black eyes and rav'en . hal' r—di
iiuguiibed for the peculiar pu ple. tint that
Sawed over all in the . suu!'s ray as the
gleatai over the iin„,i , -duve's neck._
Sarah Roth,
schild was as good as bho wasleauliftil.
Their house was neat, and'heamifully..or
.dered.; although odic furniturcl 'was all of a
-ample form, it -was tuade•of rife - old wood,
that would pow. bring its weight in gold.
One closet 'was devoted to sell of different
patterned Dresden china, the .heir-looms of
families Who had been iMpliverished, and who
were glad to let them•liU in OM Jew's closet,
while they .lived upon the ruodey they
bronglil. • Ab 1 ...h0w few could redeem them.
This closet Vil4 often exposed Ito stlan„,, , ets,
and its wealth of heaujiful cuirs and plates
was the 'theme - of tuarif lips, - as it was the ad
miration of the children of Bei, Reber. Thei.,
iudeed,.'Weie' never tired :uf gazing on the
paintings and line gilding That' enriched the
. • ' -• 1 : -
Although the , outer clotet ivatt thuti•fear
lesslyexposed, feW would have iinaginod - that
behind tiro seediingly 'scc.uie back there was
an inner one that contained Princely tither]-
: tance, in gold an I diamond,. _lbis was the
trust closet, so constructed' that-; the- clotest
inspection would not reveal its existence; and
- . .
tu it were bidden, nut the:treas l- ures that ex- .
travaganc e had pawned and for, which the
worthy Jew was receiving Pro 6 s, but simply
those which had been entrdst •to his klieg , -
e i i
rity to keep, and fur which he - would never he
-paid. - ,
. - i
OaJnigli c t when the family .wax about t-13
retire-to rest; a faint knock wai'beurd at the
door, and 'was itinsweredlVY the master of the,
house, - A gntleman, plain aud {simple in his
dregs, and citifying nuthing;.itot even his
cane wherewith to defend himself, appeared
,on the , teps.' His, peoou waa -ivholly un
'known' to the Jew, and" - itisierded that his
was equally so to . tla.aiianger, for be - was
particular iii asking foi' l hini by name. .
lie ushered, his visitor to lint room- where
his-wife was still setting as he-left her, in
. front. of the famous . elus h t, which stood with
its wide glass
. doors ritritlls open. ,At first the
. stranger seemed :half dispo;ed - to object to
the presence of the loved' Jewesi• ' but when
. She turned her superb herd and acknowledged
.• his presence by a bow, While her grave and
serene countenance relai.nrtinto a. Smile, he
seemed content that she 'should stay and
witness his tru t hless with! her husband: - This
• was soon. unfolded. , The visitor was a Ger
. titan. prince;,w - lia, for swim politMal or per
sonal reason; was forced tOblen from Frani: 7
ford. - Ile - had heard of the 'Purity and. up
', -rightness" of the man with - whom he had
- twine to dead, - and lie . wished to place - all he
had, in the world urichir . Uri : charge, if he
would aucep . t .the tru4 - . L.
" I wish only," - said . the *ince, "to retain
enough for my expenses to a foreign land.
\ Once , there, it will go halal if a prince.eannot
IM,I something' n a friclil,ti exercise his wits
sulliciatty. to obtain alliving. If nothing
. offeNrearer, I shall shape my course to that
land toward the setting yen, Where, I urn told,
theitlisriite - tions of - rank vaniSh, and where
every ruan'is as good as ibis neighbor.". •
s ,' The Jew - promised, and. asked when he
Naar ki _ bring hiktreasurris,,so. that lie might
In able i to appoini\ pr,ivate mewing to ta- .
•ranae their . business. ‘ , I . . . -
'1 have them lierL.,"‘snid the prince ward-
Furs from beneath dint vesi, , wide girdle. On
. e
examination, it was found to.,press apart with
a secret spring, And
, in' its ;eceirr, ,, s, which were
deeply lime d with s oft wool ; waiNfournia col
lection of the incrq li t -eel - cars niKdazzling
stones that ever giceted the eyes of the Jew.
Diamonds, whose InStre.W - as like a Star,. ru
bies and saphires, each of, Which was worth a
principality, were in turnarlaniresi. and eorn
mentA on, and :taken hes:gent of. It - was
past midnight when the Oxanrinotiim ended
and the aceounts••finishr4 . -
."Now,''• said
-the- Prince,. "'I would fain
see where my . treasure-ii?•to lie,-that, in C 3•50.
anything should . 11:ippen to you He I your
wife, I might know wrier/ to seek it.:" • •
- "That. i's a. precaution of only tornmin
prudence," answered • 1110'1 Jew.
,•• \'6n shall
yourself ;behold it - put la a place of safety,
from which it aill not. be!reinoved uirtd your
return, save by circurn-talwes in whiCh even
the -sattrtice 9f my life ma'v be dernanded."
Tee shu,Ver4 were c14.-ed- to prevent all .
"prt ing eyes. The Jew -arid his wife removed
the china ,from one,i - ;.q of the Closet; and
then carefUlly slipping. ;aside the pannel, ,
which had been so berraifollv fitted 'that no
one ignr.ratit of the seeret '!crttl,:l have detected
it, the girdle .was lowered into a receptacle
beneath the shelf. In a inoment, all was r -
.. placed. The Princ.e Iroao his thanks, and
-shook 'bands with his ne'w• fri.end, and was
soon on tire road, flying (trim puts rits
Months; passed into ,bears, a . nd. the st ew
worked early and late, The. beautiful Sarah
watched the cradle of he). children With a
mother's temler affeetinn. I: Iler ambition for;
-her sorts was not that they should becom
`great, but good men,-thotfgh she hoped they
would become a little more successful in lite
than t ll • e:r,lodding, lahori.Ous Talker.
ThSn exilic, the- terriLlO French invasion,
and those revolutionS wiiiwir convulsed all
!Germant. - Frankfurd, liirntirg, arid,..l3i-e
-:Men, felt :tlie
_shock; null the poorydews,
hunted, .pilaged of their !; ;;wealift, (14ounced
and persectred, were scarcely able - o esca pe
with life; while the horrible cry o-." town.
with the der- - s," prevailed4er all ottie 1 sound,
and deafening the eara z of ; ,the , noorlfebreas
~.- •
themsi.'ilve• - r. r • \
_ . _
-In this`time of rilarahrd confusion,
P.otliSchild,l'ept n brave wbman's heart with
in her•hoi Sne did.-Ot blanch from sor
row, but -grew n - wre gloritiusly beautiful and
ststely than ever. A molter and a wife, s'm
imit sight, of herself -in Wroie. love Tor fhe
dear objects of her ritrectiviV. - The house was
ransacked and pitlaged-4verthing --of value.
was 'taken', by the lawle;s French soldiery,
wha scornfully-reviled [Jerihusband for keep
ing such a magmficent. woman In so poor a"
cage. The persecution di4 not ce-use here.
Every Jew who put his head out of doors Was
required to take of- to t i-e Christinns ;
'and ff tie omitted this-act"!i;f humiliation, be
was stoned and - at:nisei:Li :And the pitied
spirit of Sarah chafed ro s i see, her husband
and the brave, betutiful'ho . ) - -s, who-dared to
rebel against the .multitud e, receive insults
and threatenings from; even the children of
the 'Christians'. •
Y'ears went ''by. The? Prince returned.
Ile had seen both troubles joyous times
in me far: countey. which - h hAd flown to as
a refuge; and now with renewed health and
strength, and a brave, strong -spirit that was
deterimned to fake life "as ) . t came, and betir
on- wiilmar• murmuring. be settled quietly
down near Frankfort: All around hiu3 wore
traces. of the recent strugle with a for
eign power; but as' : .-the grass sr . ifings . up
Mastic from the foot that ireads it down, so
does a. city or-nation rect4er itself after the
opprsor has been trampled its bor
ders. - '•
gstinst the fu,
Ind to lay .. Up
ho, sat around
there was en
!d• and jiistioe,
o:zs of which
ribe, Liar pov-
• .
•ff •
The Geiman prince sometimes thought of
the measure he had comr4itted tolthe.Jew f
but he knew. what his olastwas.reported to
have suff,red, and felt tlikton those times of
extremily,..buman.integrityi mkst • fal l before
the absolute necessity that surrounded •the
unhappy Jews. - lie comfoited: himself that,
least, the higlf-bred_ snit• itiiely jewels
apl. her husband might; haiie - been most.-es-`
4entially benetitted by, thil deposit he had
left. with Ahem and thus th;l3,matter rested in
his mind.
. • .
. •
Oce morning *Li)eibel'rince *as at break
fast, Le Was told- that a "Perica wished to see
LIT on ,business. -11cAltsiied his presence
in thebrakfast room, and on•hiseutraace,
was sutPrised aiRl gratified by the sight - Gi
llis old th d , tie
.1 came," said b'e t - 4 :rto',9xtaii atiodt rthss
prop6rty.Jeft. with .
"Putl'!, Miud That my friend,"
tempted 'the Prince,'." but come and. take
breakfast with me.• Nay,) insist and pray,
do not mention . the affair. I 'rejoice that it .clo - you service< in a time when
you must have needed it'so Much. "Sit down
and in this admirable coffee. we will ilrink
away its 'remembrance altegirthe6 •
The Jew took the protre,r4l chair. ••
.."13eliesce me, Prince,- yolir treasurefis all
safe, just as I told you.. The closet was'search;
ed avia and again, and eve_ seam examined
without succa-ts ..The firm* ohina, and, in
deed, all otir \ posr.essions were sacri fi ced to the
plaudering,propensitY- of-the• ;enemy; but,
'thanks to-tlre name of isra:irs God. we were
enabled to keep morel, the trust you iepcised
in us. Your property oielyi . awaits your or
der to le restored to you atiyou gave it:' •
MONTROSE, PA., M4F3C4 - 11866.
The Prince was astonished. -•'
"1 bad scitrcely believed 41 such virtue.
my friend. You have taught-me that a man's .
• -.
intevity may be incorruptable; and hence
fortt#l shall have increased faith 'in the dig
nitpand purity of human dature.".
• A f few Jaye eller this the Prince cafied at
the loose in Juden &rinse, and received his
girdle ivitli not a stood In that'
"very house the children of Ben-Lieber were
educated in the piiiiCipleS of honor an jus
tice. Ea erywhere the integrity of their la
ther was sounded abroad by the Pirtle/'l;4/hr)
deemed t hat
‘ his thanks and, pre.ents alone
were not sufficient. The. world" beard the,
tale, and_ the humble .Jew received not nnly
the trust tut-the companionship_ of princes
and nobles. 10-all parts of the commercial
world men heard the Tukrne with veneration,
and at this day his family arr3 i scattered About
in the grande:st cities of Eurpe,' the mon_
arch of finance, the arbi.ers. of the-money
market, the successful, because 'honorable,
Controllers of the wealth,of nationi.
- But though frequently iirged to make her
ileum in une..of the princely palacesin which
they dwelt, _Sarah . Rothschild passed . her
peaceful old age in the old house iu the Juden
Stra-se.. When hersmi,• w 1 ro were princes.
in their own right, and noble by.thejr- court
try's 'gift of nobiity—given; too, to merit
rilone—who they visued her, she received
them in the ,
same room which they had
received their lis.lsona of truth; and the state
ly woman rose up with a grrice and dignity
that would. seem to belong to a queen, and
laying.. her- bands upon their heads, would
bless them it the name of Israel's God. •
"May thy *Am increase!" is- the heartfelt
th3tight of all who know their worth and .in
tegrity. Such ie a titie:,sizetith of the - reat
house of Rothschild. 4`.4 I • •
"Girls, said Mr. Martini to 'Lis young
nieces, as he rcroe from his dinner table, olio
warm sultry ea - y, ;if you wanti some delicious
rasphe.rries, you a ill find any quantity 'in , the
posture back of. the corn - field--the bushes
are red With them," -
Jennie, the ehle , t of the two eirls,' uttered
a cry of delight-; and etclaiined.'as she follow
ed her stalwart uncle. into Cie rose-a readied
"OD, inav , we not go to the pas:ure now,
dear Uncie * John 1" • .
But her aunt interrupt•td her by, savia7,--;
" Marsy sakes! you'd roast alive ! Watt.
un it the middle of the aftertio'ort, and then
Betty can go with you."
" Yes," drawled out her sadolent sister'
Maud, as she threw hei.selr y scith a yawn;
lounge beneath the window, where the
faint breez., laden with the breath of clover,
came in a'ud hoed .the WO .her glow
ing cheek,—"yes it is terribly, "abominably
Jeonie-! I never could endure tramping
a. dozed-Miles through .hogs and brakes such
a Vay"- I —you and Betty can go.t
"Oh, pslia,wi it is very corafortablei and .
yea would think so too, if pool were not so
lazy ! You must go with us, Maud;,:for-ther'e
are so-taanv betties. that lettyiandl I could
Dever pick them alone." * •
Nonsense ! I hope you don't flitter y,birr-.
se:f that I am going to scratch- my' bands in
a wilderness of btiais fur a.f e w berries. clf I
- go, I shall not'thint of Ockingr •
- " Very well, then,. you can sit down and
keep...quiet, providing that , it does not soil
your hands; -Come, come, MaUd! I. will go
And get the sun-bonnets and all readit . ."
. After much urging, Maud . wits at leng'b
„induced to rise from the lounge,--tie on: her
pretty hat, arrange her curls, smile complai
cently at herself •
pt the glass,l and saunter
Moog after theplitht, fleet-foots d Jennie and,
the s hot t, thick figure oraiberhia's tldtgli ter.
Jennie kept up•an incessant talking , plied
Betty with a. tlitnsatal_questrorls--,Culled ev
ery drooping blossom which 'came in. Bier
.path-r-and,-usunindful of the weathei '
ed f, ard us ninthly as a wild-wood fawn;
but Maud deigned not a word So-either of her
coirtpartions nutil, codling. ahrutply upon a
tall stone fence which. stood formidably in
their pith, -Jennie eiclaimed—"l'm over r
and suiting the action to the - word she gave
a light s,pring and landed safely on the.oppo
-sire side. Betty-followed; hut Maud, with
aliorror=striokeu air, stood aghast, and in
mingled_ rage and despair, ejaculated— • .
" Good gracious! do you expect me to
climb that I should as soon think of
ascending the highest peak of the
ya I lam .goirig•bact." ' • •
4 0h, you lithe ;pose !, de come along !":.
replea the impatient Jennie. "We will-help.
you over. Wtiy, it is jUit as easy.--"
"It ss very easy to you I presume, now
that -you are on the other side;"but I am not
accustomed to scale walls a mile high I"
." Well, well,Mias•Maud,"' said -Betty, "if
you caul jump it with our help,. I'll call a
young gentletitan that'ernaking hay. over by
the 'pasture. lies Mighty handsome,
with lots of shiny curli, - and drefful nice' and
dellspok-en." ,
" . bu*liold yoUr tongue, Betty ! Give me
your hand, and Di dispense with the assie•
tance of the gentleman."
, With Much effort, Maudithicieded in .sur
mounting the" bartier,'and walked on" by the
side ofJennie tip the'llill, and into a rocky
tract of land that joined the Cornfield desig,
nated by Mr. Martin. • Before reaching the
coritfiel'd, however, 14hete the land eloped sod
denly downward, there w,as a "swampy piece
of ground, with a noisy brook running thrci'
its centre, which the girls were obliged to
traverse in attaining Their destivation. They had reached its border and were waiting for
the irresolute Maud to decide between pro.:
ceeding orrettirning home,'wben the - quick.
ear of Betty detected-the transping:9f feet •at
no great distaucse behind them.
~Sh- e looked
qujeltly round—add there, courier . on with
the speed of the wind, was an old rahridfull
pursuit ! Betty screamed, Maisd's voice drown
ed it—and making tragical Iritsh forward,
'she sank deeply its the sult•mud and bad' it.
not been for the timely imerference of Betty,
would probably have fainted there.' ' .-Jennte.
was far ahead, laujibinvnerrily ;' ISM it was .
no laughing matter, for poor Maud, and on
she dashed :with hia ',impertinent lordship in
alose proxiibity while her voice, with• Bet
ty's powerful shrieks, Ivatx making the air to
resound with hhoes: •
, . ,
I wig' berries . were in pargatory ?"
yelled oho liantiit . g Betty, as ehe reached the
fence that divided_the paaturcaud , oorriteld,
and_ dragged Maud over after her. ;"Atid
DV MA; ' I
was me dist!. did 4e au alligator a -mile long
in that bog-hole, as well as bulta . dozen rat;
tlegnakes !" - „.
Oh, Betty 1" cited the iiicredulotis Jennie.
y e s, 111 i-s Jennie, me own eyes did
see them=besisdes a bull=frog as big 'as a tay
kittle, and a turtle es large ha !neself, right .
uti,dei-Medd'a rut I"
°' Oh, mercy !""shrieked Maud. • • '
" yes; it : waa - a great inercy,""to be • sure,"
continued the intoir;giblelletty ; "for like.
enough ye'd have been smothered-in the mire
if hbi old
.back had njt kept ye. uli ; but •not
a slice bave I got to
.my - fttt.. Lleft 'em io
the • b.igs, an by. this 'time . - fbe. rattlesnakes
havecarried them off. k'aith,, what am I to
Betty bp her - shoeless, middy pe:
dais in blank dismay, but Mstrd was too - se
verely frightened to syinpathize with her -in
her orisfortunes, and cried out anew— '
"Oh, tsar horrid old-Sheep I Do run; Bet
ty—never Mind your: shoes—that wretched
barbariarlut climbing the fence.!"
The gitlsicormunuced their flight— again,
.and paused ; not once to look behind them
until they reached their El Dorado, the rasp
berries. • Here they ventured •to glance
around. The coast was clear, his fleecy mai
esty had vanished-; and before and -around,
them hung the-tipe red fruit in prodigal con
fusion. The girls uttered a: cry of, joy, grid
poor Betty The
forget . her shoes_ in view
ing the rich treasure. •
"Oh. this is glorious!" exclaime , l the en
raptured Jennie, commencing an assault up
on the berries so rigerous as to provoke. the
laughter of Maud and „called' down the-ap
playse of Betty. * MUT-the fiistglad surprise,
Maud relapsed into an indolent indifference,
reduced the berries - 'tow premature
her gloved hands, or lodge'd• them in the
puss- instead of her-basket;' and at last,. di;:
couraged. she sank down in the, shade of
11/0 4y clam, and fanurug , herself violently:
'with her hat, :exclaimed , • -
•• Oh, dear ! it's an awful day ! 1 7 1 rate the
country—it's comprised principalbr of snakes:
Mud, and Ishrthing wotthi tempt - me
to lire in it.' '
"Nothing !" said Bette"... "Olt, Miss 11a ud
. 1
coy hate nr•t 'ecri thelterritx - nround here 3'er,
aid fitiq h, they do - Vi look , Mardi like your
city dandies aurY`good-furnothing counter-'
•' You ale groniug, eloquent," said Maud,
with a— leer. lam aware that thore e'xists
a tpoit: -difference beta emt your 'country. hump- .
kiii and' the geritlem'en of my. acquaint
ance. , 1
" I should not wonder if you marled sortie
sprueo'young farmer yet," purrmcd Betty.:
" Marry a farmer !" replied, Maud, with in
eff4b!e disdaird. "What ! rnafry a dian ri limm
whole conversation concerns, hreetle of cattle'
and droves of *swine I Why., the mere idea
is - enotigh drive one intolysterkrr. Mar 7
ry a:farmer, indeed !"
"Ha, ha!" laukdred Jen riie
happen in this wSrld•!"
. -
'• Don't, be. so I.e.urtl," 'pet tirdily rejoined
'MAJ. "If you entertain so flattering an .
opinion of your tertiart - Youill? farmer; in blue
frocks and cow=hide. boet4, I -aril • perfectly
fling:Ly that you ehrruld have:one any tim'e.
As for myr-elf loolChigher, arid 'shall4Ye
my hand only ton rich city gentle Man."
t: Them that..look.high alters !".
said Betty..-- •
r " You are inpertinenti".eiclairned
with an angry , frown.. • " Come, . Jennie, are
you not ready to return? I shall rolsi alive
If I stay - here 'loniter."
" Yes, wt now," answeieJ if her s's-.
ter; " our baskets are filled."
. .
- Maud slim?, preparatory to tlepartihg, and
then. Suddenly looking around, she uttered ii
loud 'shriek,' and 'sprang towards her, coal
penhui.; Betty sweetned in puts . Sympathy.
end the surpri.e...l Jennie turned to discover
The cause of ''-'this : "new alarm. There, close
beside them, with ri malicious Jeer and an air
of secret setiefitotion, - stoed the old rain ! " This
was a terlible predicament, and Jennie. could
,but one avenue of escape. 13.thied
them was a thick brush fence, and if ilret>
could manage to "reach and scale it;.they‘
would *be safe, but Mt-retreat in adiontewito
- was .entirely cut ,off. Maud was
stultified uith:horrror, and stood clinging to .
Betty, who hail mounted a huge . s"puip, "and
was surveyin i g the old quadruped With iadig•
na`ut avonishment..
.A basket of berrh-s was
before him ; 'and as •he advanced with one.
eye on the' girls and. theother on the berries,
Je,unie excleWied: '
" 0, Betty-don't let, him eat iketn—de
sate the berries—do driye him off." -
"Lardy missal hOw be 1 goinete route
hi'm 9" answered Betty. "He's bound to
have the'herries. - Just see buiv the old vil
leie puts in."
"Oh, I wish I had not Come; he. Will be
the death of toe," cried poor Aland. '
" Well, faith, me that's not afraid of
I him," said Betty,stoutly.; andspringing from
the stump; she caught up a decayed branch
r that was lying near, and prepared, to• give
the enemy battle, But; to her infinite sur
prise and discomfiture, Tammy anticipated
the Movement, and upon his sptinging
idly forwald, Betty was precipitated fist upon
the grass, and Ltie animal 'began his vigils
over her in a .dangerous
.proximinity, and
checked 'every effort of poet Betty to arise,
by movethents peculiar and exceedingly inte
resting, especially to the one against whom
they were direCted. Lucklessitetty; her at
titude svould. not have forcibly - impressed an
artistitt:Ta-te as one of gracefulness or - beauty ;
and Jennie stood trying to thi .k of some
.way by which she misfit extricate her pros
tratecompanion from her position.
She knew that if she attempted to advance
and as,iSt 14,- she would but Share her: ;.
autk so turning to gaud, she bado'her remain.
on the stump while she gained and mounted
the fence; and obtained aid from the OCOU:'
pants of a hayfield that lay tin the oppaiite
side of it.. Maud' was too helpless to-object, ,
and Jennie stepped down front the rocks and
"made" rot the. knee; but •no sooner did
Mammy perceive her: intention than be
abandoned Betty; andid less" thin
.a moment's
ime, bad driven her back td her old station,
with a tinge her dress and a counte
nance• of despair:. and before Betty,. could
gaid berfeet,he bad returned to her side. to re
nevr•his close attentions to
"0, you old, deVil r muttered Betty- 7 "U
I get off alive;.l'll be theileath of yei" . -
And Jettnitisigliedi
Ob, dear, nerßettY Oh, look at tlimbert,
ries Wha;Adrall we-do-l"
_Maud -answered with a dismal shriek; and
Batty withFdiauhal I/roans;
'• Suddenly they . heard voices =and shouts
front thnhav field, such as-- ; -- •
Oh! Go it, toys! ;Quick !
• They ,Mie-uvunin the pasture!" ;;;;
And as the-giris turned, with a cryl-Inf joy,
".hult.dozen young fellows,• with ta46B and
pitchforks st;11 in ;their hands, boundo nima
over the fence, aml hair,etted to tile las-.
Cue. -• • =2l.
-; A brow from the ralie.of the ; forernoat; sent
. ilamtnylgalloping over the Ulla like .a:jelif in
a gale, and then a young man`gracioaely as
sisted . ]Petty from her s :• unemnfiirtabie bed,
and extended his' hand' to Maud, to de
-1 seending from her perch. Poor Mauil \ look.
r; •
ed at the stranger, on whose haulsotnefitce
aqirrept l essibleernile:played—blushed iieetily,
Jest all self-pinsessiom and burst . tears. t
Iler eruption checked - the laughter,';of the I
young fellowk who Were all aegnatniefi with
jeunte-Jsave the one wire has been! more
'par.i.culittfy mentioned,' and .who . wartiafter
wards presented to her Las Mr. Morton!. lie
was tall,_ slender, and elegant,
curling hair, large, dark eyes, a winning ad-
- dress, a clear, dark complexion and 4gular
features and Maud - frankly owned tbat no
s shade of;eoarseneas marred hisprePossirig ex-:
teriur onhis conversation. • ti
• i;
After Nand had conquered 'her • ernotion,
the baskets were gathered tip, the rakes left
as superfiuous, , aud Jennie, lietty,,atl-A Our
young gallant turned. towards b9,nre, leaving
-Maud to; fulkiw wit — l:J*Brd )lorron.
ant ignorant whether , Miud'enjoyed that
walk or not; but I do now2that shOerreit
id borne; about an hmir aft6'Jennie an d our
companions bad ailived, although they all
took the; same ,pitilt,snei; her did. blie allude to
their ativeattries with angel or regret. . .
The nett inornicig the two girls . mr4nnted
theirr z iaMies for a race over the hills'. 'ilVey
- ha,d - not.• proceeded. far beforethey Met Mr.
;Morton, seated on a fine black.• - steed, : ; m-hose
fleet-foot spurned the sod with a motion as
light as the winds.. lie j:Attedrlterri, and did
,them till they reached to old! farm-
house again. •
'After that meeting, .Maud suddenly] took
a great fancy to morning rides, and alwa3 a
•looked Particularly gratified . ' w'r t en
couid not. accompany •iier. Mr. Mtotaq, too,
was seized with the same mania at thatiideu
t cid time, and—try chance!—they W.:UM met
iu their„;•esquestrian . , excursions. Tit truih
was, that: the young 'and' handsome. tartner
was besir'ging Maud's heart with Whbik , ft-ti
succe'ss; ;and ime'bright evening,the frirress
capitulated. ; Jennie was a; anding ou thetg reef'
lawn-in the shades of the beautiful twilight,
:when Maind approached her and said :
• " Won't you come and Walk with me,
~ I thought -you was too, lazy to
said 'Jeanie, as she follywee her
through the gate. -
• " Well, the evening is so beatitiful.tlial it ,
is a Ishanie. to remain in -doors,". rejoiueil • her
"strange things
They had walked but a • 4104 difrlance,
• when Jenhie di:.coveted that the.powertul
ttaction which had dtawn Maud out wits not
altogethee, the beauties of the'evenihg ; and
as she perceived Edward Marton walking
ctrelesskrioward them, Jennie .saddenly re
membered that Mrs. Martin stood in need of
her society„aud very altruiPtly returned to the
Lowe; leaving the lever to talk " mouttlfght"
under the bending maples. •
The ensuing Morning - Jennie receivelLan
inv c itation to ulliciate as bridesmaid 4 th . e .
weildiug of Maud and Edward - no-ton.
" Well done_ excl.kimed Jentiie. "'pow
eon you marry It fariiier Maud r
" Because lam in love, with one ," aasi eyed
Maud, softly.
"An excellent ,reason," laughed Je l nuie.
• r;
"May . yeti be happy !"
- She is happy,. Pes t in her lovely cottage,
embowered in Ilowets and trees, rind cloise to
the dwelling of Mr. Martin, Maud dreamis her
life away, in sunshine; and 'has never 3;4 re=
The young wotrians. , who was "driven to
distritetion,". noim fears that ELe will baYe to
wall• (ick.
The barber wi) 4tre,sed the -head fof
rel• has been engaged to curl the locks ot
a canal. • '
Can some of oar f.p.hionahle
why the Lord, when be made .t:e frond one
.of Adam's ribs,. didn't make a hired - giH at
the lame tim? •
At a late military master in Kentuak, \ a
big keg was used as a drum. It ther e (w a s
anythingin the keg, we guess that the nlen
rallied at the tap.• • •
Tommy, my son, what is longituje r
4 . A clothes • line, daddy.", flow- do
make that out? " Peetuse.h stretehei from
polo to Pe." • • . •
A hoy was•arked one day what made :him
so dirty, and, his reply way, " They tellthe
that lam trade _ of dust; and s'ppose it'srjust
working out
A .gehins out in lowa has just invented a
wooden horse that 'will jump thirty`tniles an
,hour. The motive power is a bag oflieds.
Since the
wedding, it has been
proposed that an ' Application be made to; the
High Court -of Love to have the name of
Cdpid aaliged to C,upidity.
Bryant says that 'groves were God's first
temples."' A good many- young loversslun.
questionably bud them, delightful meeting
An old soaker, down •-ens!,,.secountsifor
hii "everlasting tbilstine.s" by 14 fact that
was weaned on salt fish. •
Partidgtoo says that Lonti Napoleon
is•'succeefing beyotni her most sanguiriary
expectoration% .•
•. A writer called at the "printer'ai amOrc
cuied the compositor of not . punct.natimOiia
poem, - when the typo earnestly 'replied,. I'm
not a pointer-I'm a settee.
A Recto.=The Richmond star say ' saneth•
,or reliu was found in that city, being a dog
collar supposed to . have belonged to Ju ion
Cx'sar, (ruin the fact of having his, namet en
graved upon it !".
The most amusing man in the world 4s a
Frenchman in a passion—" By gar, you Call
ray vife a woman, two three several dines
once more, an'; vill nnll yen the vateh-honse,
and blow out your brains out like ii.cantily.7
Mrs. Partington told Bernet the other
io confidence, that a,yOung . man had coniipit
ted infinticide by blowing his_brains up in a
- stite of delirious, remendous, and, quoiv(aar
was boldin,i a conqueio4r.hil ,
Wit and Humor
Inauguration of the - Waehingtori
' . Stgtuo•
gieat Brestrian Stalue of
ton, by Clark NAM'S, was inaugurated with
impressive,and imposing Masonic ceiensonfes,
at WA:4II4IOCM, on the. 21 , 1 oft,' The Jnafig'
mal oration, which -is saht to have been very
eloquent, aras deliver4d by [lra. Thomas. S.
Pocock, of Nott.iAstanding the
exceeding inclement mate date weather, the
procession was an. ft:nailing4Ra made so
more pustieulatly by the ise7ence" of the
`seventh liegiment . (Natiorad Guard) of.NeW
York, which . numbered about seven. hundred'
men.• •
The closirig addrs-n; was _made by - , Presi•
tsdent Buch - anan,..whiiik We annel..._
- ,
~ .• . ~
rii4.ow •Cistzemr:—; accept the auspicious
omen' tiow presented-to us' in this' calm Sull•
set alinsah without's; chitid-: .The early part'
of the day wart-hOlsrersms. Many -accidents
also - occurredto:detay the progress • aiid the.
completion of.44se ceremonies. Put . these
occurreOces'have tinated as, thank G0a1,..
alWa'a / r Ills been thectree in history. If
,storms and tempeSis beset us in the 'Morning,
the end of the day is sti_ll `tie's, bright and
pinimating. Such, I trust, 'til ever iiu the.
issue of the.ilnom and darkne...that ,for a
season appear ;o•envelope us. ---[ApplaUsej—• •
This honorable and important duty has been"
'assigned to thecrf, dedicr.ting: this statue of
Washington, which is 4 . tnoble production of
riattve •Arnerican'genius. This welcome and -.
grateful task I now prpceed to perform.—
Stri . nding4 here on thiS beautiful and coin,
mantling position;surrounded by the §ertst ,
• tors and Representatives did(
_the 'Stst-s of
the Confederacy,,Ml by a vast. assemblhge .
of our. fellow eitizscs, civil - and, military, arid -
in.full view of the noble Petornact, which _
-Washington loved so well and of the shores ,
of the - ancient. Cirmmonivealth which, gitve
him birth; I no"w sulemlrly dedicate this stet.; -
ire to. the. immortal meMory of the Father of
his Country. [A.pplausel I perform this act
of pious devo(ton,-m4, in the name of the peo
ple - of the North, or the-. SOtitli, .the
gait or the, West; not ill the • Same 1 -of -
tht se:who dwell on the _waters of.the Atlan
tie _or of the Pacific,, but in the name _of the'
whole Arnett - eau people; of thgt United States, •
one and indivrsable, noWand fortiver. [Lund
applause, an i Mies of"Llarrah for Old Buck."} -
May tire -God •of our fathers preserve the eon : ,
a itn'ion and the Union for ages yet- to come.
May they- stand like the - everlasting hills,
against which the tempests from every quar
ter •Of the heavens shall beat in vain. It: a
word, may they endufe so lung as the name
of Washington shall he boomed and 'cherish-,
ed among the children of 'Men* [Renewe'd
and prolonged'applaLi sej •May.'Washinglyii -
city, which he.founrle - , irentinow throughout -
many generations to le the seat of -got ern: , •
went of a great, powerful and united copre,ie : '
racy.. ShouJd it ever become a ruin by a
tlissolutioti of-the Union, it will -not like the
ruins of Balbeek and Palmyra, be merely a
monumerrt of the vanity of human greatneas;•; '
but it-Will teach the lesson to all the dwellers
upon earth that our grand politicak espeti- - -
went has failed, and that twill is incapable
of 'self government. May such a direful dis-:
aster to the human race be averted, and; in -•
the langua'ge of Solomoi, at : the dedleation' -
of the Jewish 'temple, "May the Lord our God .
be with ars, as Be was with our fathers..,- Let •
him not leave-us, or forsake us.' [Applause . ] •
May Orli he the prayer of all present, and
may each one return to his home •in heart :
wore ardently patriotic and more determined'
to 40 his "tole duty to God and his country
than when Werassembled here today.- I
The distinguished speaker took his 'seat'
amid general and most enthusiastic applause.. -.
,-._ .
. .
Johnlland-Olph's Sarcasm•
itandulph's varcastu wrts always withering
and sometimes-his very look, or even silence
was annihilating. The anecdotes told 'of
him are almosti innumerable,- - and some of_
them are duubtlespure inventions. • We can
nut vouch for the tt u• 11,:of the 'follow ing,' but
it is charncreristic of the; than: -
gentleman once related•to - - me an anec
dette'-whie-h- I. have not seen;ii:pritit - . A
member of the lower HoussOcan • Virginia,
had .renently died. With this gentleman, -
Ranc.d , pb. was. On yery friendly terms. His
successor was elected iu part, - as .wassaid,
from his holding up the idea that if elei.ged,
h e would , "chastise John Randolpltinto his
sense...7_ This braggart had been in his-seat -
but e few days when ha , sought go redeem '-
his pledge by - making a furious attack on
the gentleman from Roanoke.
.lle was in
the fall tide_of angry declatuittion when the •
object of his obi se entered the Hoare.' 'o,n
taking-, his seat he. Lately glanced- at the
sixs..ker, and thou - began a lutsly perusal of
the newspaper and documents on 44 desk.
MI expected a reply, - grid rare sport as a mat._
ter of .course,_ but the were, for -that time,
Same - days after,. however, '
when .the House, the lobbies, and galleries
were "full, It mdolpli. obtained the floor t',
s p e hk. upon - some resolutions then under
cnnsiderstion. the course of his remarks
he took Occasion to. Oleic in, the most coon- _
plimentary terms - of his friend, the -
ed freini , et; w bete seat "as thelaoccupied by ,
his successor, - Who, w,as a large portly man:
With inimitable eleociitiou; ethic!) hushed the .
House. into the most profound- silence, he
turned teethe seat. occupied by his rude- an
tagonist, and said with his blandest but most -.-
seorching irony, " I allude to
_my esteemed -
friend from Virginia, lately deceased,.' and
whose seat is still VACA7iTI 4 " , As Lis- iticom-
parable emphssisfeH on - the - word vicant,"
the - death like silence was disp;el*l•l4 the
most tumultuous laughter, del') lug all con
trot,- and in which` - friends 'mid foes alike
joined: . It was told a fact by. a intel—
ligentinformant, who bad it from one who
pretested. to he personally acquainted .with _
the facts : : that the effect of this admit inueado
was kid killing. to the principal iactiro, that
he re‘ignid his seat in the body, in , which he -
lie boldly proposed to chigtise John Randolph '
into his senses; ,
rgr - One - hundred yards of tee raw silk. of
the silk-worm Joes'not weigh a r a i n , an d it,
has to be doubled and twisted.many time,i .
fart a fine • thread for domestic toe. Still
finer are
.the fragile thriadi of- the spider.
-whicb, proceeding from 4,90 g holes in the
;little:animal, are all twined. tnge:ther to form
otie alight go mar line.
For rights bui:never reply to au
wino blitekguaid. , .