CATARACT , - WASHING MIACHINE, Clotbir*, 'Thar, sitrd Labor Saved! INDISPENSABLE TO HOUSEKEEPERS, The triost.simple, economical,- and durable article eser\ offered to tie public to, alleviate the di,comfoits of waeh•day. Description. • consults of a metal cylinder, with ribs on the inside, and an , interior cylinder of wood, with ribs. There is a4space from sisto eight inche4 between the two cylinders: Ode crauk turns both eylinderit at the same time in oppo site directions, rapidly creating a suds, forcing the water through .the clothes, and effectually - 4, - removing the dirt. The action of the water does, the work quickly, dispenses entirely with rubbing, and thus saves the wear of clothes. .JAMES B. RODGERS, 104 Jones Alley, Phil. is Agent for. Penn. SULLIVAN &HYATT; Prop'rs, 54' BREKSIANST., AEU' YORK, .1 N. B.—State and County Rights for sale, and purchasers suppiled. with Machines at wholesale en liberal terms. . . • r,4tl — A Machine is in operation by a laundress Lily, at 'our salesroom, 439 Broadway: THE MST GUN • - OF- THE ? IV 3WIRW .9 5E 7 MIALIA.1 AYDE* BROTHERS, THE.PEOPLE'S .1 Agents, are. flow'oponiog tho most enor mbtis Stock of WINTER DRY GOODS BOOTS id: SHOES, • - READY MADE CLOTHING, ILATS & CAPS, GROCERIES, QFF Al6O 1t08V.% YANKEE NOTIONS, WATCHES JEWELRY, &C., &C:, ever brought to this endof - the State. Bought in New York and of the Easternlianatitturers FOR. CASH! and which we have marked down ALARMINGLY Lo .v Ratces! • • WE DEFY COMPETITION! 11 -- . P. DT 17 Tt:VESTIG A-T,10.71"?. - WE SOLICIT EXAMINATION 11l • As we feel confident in all wd assert- The day of large profits has gone by, and we hive good GOODS, CHEAP for.tke 2111LLION ' 'The sneeesi of our house has prompted 01.0 GX to.filch from us our good name. We cannot prevent this, of course, neither do we.desire to, and have no apprehension' of any evil result to our business. • . BUT WE. CAN, AND WILL, much• lower than any other establishment in this pajt, of the State, 'and wo will always maintain oar reputation for PRICES THE LOWEST ! -87'00K THE MOST .4 . XTENSIVEI 'ST YLES,-the,Most Fashionable! Quirlitics the Most Reliable! OUR MOTTO IS SMALL PROFITS! - - - - - - Good Value ! • Quick Rcturns • 0-17 E P liqi!E and 'IFO - ;DEVIATION / Our system of doing bulginess creates much jealousy among Old Fogy Merchants who have as many prices, an the same gee& as they have 41.0onwrs. • - i OCR Q-NE PRICE. SYSTEM. loose:sour old custolners and creates many new ones, we intimd_to continue it. Remember and e:)il before you buy, if it is nothing more-than to keep we'il posted up. ~ 1 _ 'W We posSes§ advantages for purchasing good., over a y house - in this section; and the unparalleled fICIT:IP of our •sales„for the past year warrant. ussin saying that we •alever were, mid never Will be undersold. We car ne corn petitien: ' Flour and .s.alt always' on hand. Every -.kind of Produce-taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for Pelts and Furs. HAYDEN BROTHERS. N I: w Miltard . ,"Pli., Jan. Ist, 1860. -- HOSTETTER'S STRIACH BITTERS. •11 , c prc - plictorq and at nunfactutTrs of -HOS r:111. CIh,EIILITI,I2 SITOMAC.II can lapuval.aqtli perfect cunfi,lence la an if. , encn,liy 111 , ,l'aited..l. , article has attained a eiru icat hereto ore unlnown: fctr facts tipott pUint snore powerfulry -Than , of bare a..,ttrtiou cr I.ltroniag puffery.. ,of llortet.ivr's S:ouniai thc, ear ii:::oulitc , ..l to over a half truffles, ::n.l front its umnifett s.teacts in times past, it is eride.t.t that clueing cun:ing, tear 11:e consumpli.)u kill tench •,r tniiii , nLa tic. This inaeuse amount u.• 1,1•1 anvor have f,con told ha for the rare propertie contained in the preparas, ti q.t. and the saacliou of the most prominent in those suctions of the _country e the article is best baoun,alto riot only, the Bitters to their patients, but • :••c ready at all times to give testimonials to its O.,l'aer iii all-casts of Ft allad:lc derangements a , . I th,s (,care reaulting•thercfroni. • s ;s is not 11 . 1oloporary popularity, obtained estraordinary ellorts in the nay of trout -1 e,:ag tic Gdalities of:the nElevs, but a solid . cstination'of till iuvaluatile Iveddeine, Iv4icli is .ics . itte.l to Le as twit:ring as time itself. 11os:ever's Stomach. Bitters have -proved (; ,, Lend to region* \there ft\ er and ague ‘.lrious oilier - b.1101.15 complaints have veautul tittle victims ty leuudreds. To be idio t to 1-I.lle confidently that the —Blum-3" .• tart a certa:n cure for ilia Dyspepsia mud like tilsosESvs; IS to the proprietors a.sourec of tin .' alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid Lueuer, from the stomacli, purifies the blood; and renevecd vitality to the nervous system, g'v(ag it that' tone and energy indispensable( tor the restoration of health. It operates upon tl:e , tomach, liver, nod other digestive organs, J , :JI y but powerfully; and soon restores them nconditieff es-en EMI to,the health; iliselmrgo cf ;Le funciions 'of-nature. ••1:1;i eddy persons max use the Bitters daily as • § er on the bottle, and they will find • .in it 'a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort e› ,- dicing-yettrs, as it is pleasant to the palate, las ig oratingto the bowels, excellent asp, tonic, Liei tejus . enitting generally. lye haVe the disc of thousands . of aged men and women win. have experienced the benefit of using this prepstiiiion while suffering from stomach de. rangenunis and getieral debility; acting under , i.e - : , ice of r hylicitu/s, they have abandoned . nit s drugs and fairly tested the. :tits if this article. A few words to -the irler ,cr.. There are certain periods when nri? SO harassing that many of them tusk tinder the trial., The relation of roollrer hi, 1 child i.s so absorbingly tender, thiftt the 1. , e‘recir.lly if she be young, is apt to . her own health in her extreme anxiety " for her infant. 6Loullthe'perioa of maternity arrive daring the wormer season, the Wear of , body rind mind is generally aggravated. Here, • thee, is a necessity for a istitatlautt.o.reeupe ,ite t h e energies urthe SVSI(111, and enable the stutter to bear up under herexhausting trials sari responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene- (ally prefer the Litters to all other iterigora - ii:rs that receive the etidorsement of physi ebius, because it is agreeable to the taste as wet; as certain to give a permanent increase of those pCrions, to when, we have particu larly referred, above. to wit: tbitTerers from Cr ard agile. caused by malaria, diarrheca,- Id) sen•ery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and -nil diseases or derangements of the' stomach, superannuated invalids, Person:Ler sedentary occupation, itturriurising . .Mothers, will consult their own playilel welfare by giving to 1109- tectes Celebrated Stomach Liters a trial, CA TiON.-- , We caution; the public against tieing any of the runny imitations or couiiter- • . fens. bat ask for Horn:rites Crinna'Aren °MACH Barrmta, anti see that each bottle has the words Dr. J. Hostettor's Stomach Bitters" . blown un the aide of the bottle, and stamped on the- metallic cap Cetering• . the cork, .and obeerve that our autograph sietiture is on the label.. - P.'s - Prepared and sold 117 11OBTETT.V.11 SMITH., Pittsburgh; Pa.,' and sold by, all druggists, grocers!, and dealers generally " throughout the V .. nited Stites, South Amor riot). and Germans... iar For sale in Montrose by - • - jiinl3 ly. • ABEL TERRELL. 13,00 K BINDING.—OId Books, Newspapers, Pamphrets, Magazines, etc., bound - up on rboit - & SON. NEW Gums! NEW °poops - - AT THE III:-BRANCH STORES • ',lsuttrnberß4lastitiqunt, Cr., AT ' iltiontrose, & Stisqla Depot, Pa: Tn nde!raigned have provided theinsolves SPLENDID ASSaTMENT f.AIiADIVINTEIt. Goa !whieti they.keast of being the I.HANDSOMEST AND CHEAP EST 'in this section of country.' Ttiey.also! flatter themselits that t ey have the bast I taiiiities of obtaining • mhB eow6m ' col ATtsl2 ,from Ballet 1 . ancj nre ileierrnined not to be ''ttodersola by any firm thjsisida *of N. Y. City. In regardrlil READY MADE CLOTHING we would saY.lthat-being in this hu'sitles/largely at 24•Dey ptteet New York City we , can ofror,the public ba ins not surpassed, by any retail de - tilers in this sec i 11, as wel can sell hero at retail prices as cheap as hose' who gh to New Yorit and prirchitse at whbleeato and then bring them here and hvae to makollt.profit over that, which they have already paid t selves. Call::itod see us and .we, preys the acts'., I- Titlttentßil,llos-ellballin 6°. onircose, Pit., October 27th, 1859. 1 STOVESFSTOYESI . ‘- AT 14,EDUCED I ' RICI S: IESPLELIT'ri I jtisCrecerving a large stock Zif NM-stoves i iecludisg -.4 full assortment of. Cooking, Ardor,. Optce, and,Syop A l S'tores, ,for Wood or Coal. I Also, SlocC:.iPipe, Zinc, Stove Tubes, - the. His assortment will.irclude the.mosi - ieleCt and desirable hic*s in market, and will be sold at Recluctd Pays for Cash or Prompt Pay. New siiirdia, November Ist, 1859. 5 TUE NEW •Elta. • NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! AT GREAT BARGAINS! • • n • •, • 1 • Read* Pay and Small Profits. - TT ' 131511tRITT bas now in Store and is • makiri; large additions to bis Stock of FALL ANplV)NTtrt GOODS, to which .he ,wolild invite the attention of .rnoairr , pur- Ens, embracing She most .desirable varieties of LA OITA' DRESS dooDs, In New S4.les of Rich Fall-Prints and Plaids; In DeLainS, Lineal Plaids, Plain and Plaid 'hied mos, Moh'air Cloths, Ginghams,and Silks:; Brod)°, Stella, Cashmere, silk, and Wool Shuns; Rich Ribbons, Bon-pets, and Flowers. Net Ilooda, L 3. dies' Clothscßroad • Cloths, Cassime,ties,, &a. With a full assortment of I .Staple and Fancy Good ) includjog Groceriei; ; Crockery,.,llar.illiware, .Stoy9s, ilrxsti, Steel, Nails, :Hats:and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Carpeting, Oi Cloths, Painted WiadOw Shades, Wall -Paper„iClocics. Drugs,oiis;Psints, Furs ; R-obes,dic.;&e: The entire:Stock being largeomel-bought for CASII, wiffigiite a superior opportunity fOrehoice Aelections,;ano4 sold. for READY,PAY 10 to 25 per aent •below regular. prices.• An ex amination of thmS•rock will be found profitable to those who. Wish to buy. N. B —Flaur and Salt constantly on hand. ' New Milford; October, 1859. „ , T I\ B: • - FAT." BILLS and 'Mothers, Brothers -randiShiernad all others interested, will please take PARTICULAR notice that -, , ~3a30L to alEtaios, the fellow that comes rounitonee a yeaiioliekle the dildren. ',is expected along soon, ind has agreed to ealo ; Ut Bullard's-Book Store where he calkfind 'A• nice lot of Toys, , 'Fot Girls and'Boys. • Also, tifine led of Gift Books and Annuals, awe such as old Snnta Claus frill Surely belpleastd with." • . Please remember that the old Fellow will. be round a. kw - ;days ;earlier thisleai than usual, as Cbristmas - comes on Sunday, and will try to finial his trai.els to!all the little Girls and Boys Saturday night At- the Montrose Book. Store. Remember. ! r; • • A. N. BULLARD,: Montrose, Dec. 12th, 1859.. WM. B. SIMPSON, WATtif WEPAIII F ER: Shop in :Rbbd if: Webster's - *new bid/ding, next' cfooi! , Oboy4 Keeler if:. S toddai• l d'a. . Ir_TATING :; worked for the past nine years , I_l with the - most skillfal workmen, he feels confident that:lke can, do the most difficult jobs on short - All Work Gire Satisfaction. 'V. I.l.:§tut;sorr has worked for the for some time, aud - f earr recommend him as a cireful and skilful workarrin, competent to do as as calf - be - dor:VC in the cottutry.;.and worthy of confrdeneo.! •"‘Vu.'A. Cmtragirct.itr. Towanda Jtine 10th, 1858. Refers tB---IVm. Elwell, E. W. Bai ,E. 'D. "illontztytie, E..o:Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, °Wan da: B. SAtititley, L Searle, C. D. throp, Wittenberg; Montrose. - *. * *Jewelrylleatly- repaired on short notice, and on reasonable terms. [Jo ne 1 sth, „1,855.—tf. S. iii.;:Pettensill. ati. Co. Advertising Agents, at 119 tiasiau-st.„ Hew-York, and 10 .State-st; Boston, are agents for Thh . Montrose Democrat, and are au thorized to eontraet fOr . us at our . lowest, rates. - - GtrLUID, Whit 6 .and bod •Ladieit Kid,S. 5 . ...80at5, and more !Gaiters from 56 cis; to:41 - 05.r11.1 at 'TYLER'S. 314 - 19th 109; • • .1 . „...' •i l (”) o,; i ( • >. 1.6/ ./.. , . ADO I W ._._ - ‘ • .- - " 1- ..;__Y _- . ( 2 6 ,- [ Cheapest 1 Best I i lasirgest 1 f . . . Sauvock. . i Paysfor Tuition in • Single and Doable Entri. Book-Keeping, Writing, Codufercial Aritbroel tict and Lectures. • - 7 -- 1 hoard S tieeks- $2O, ititationeri• $7 Tuition $35, entire ezpenses $62..; - . : Usual titne from 6 10 . 10 wiieks.• Every stn s dent, upon graduating, ii guaranteed compitleni to manage the Books of any Bkniness, and luttld -ffled ,to earn a salary of from_. ' . ~ i. t . , SSOO_TO $lO,OO. - Stnaents enter at'any thnel--No Vaeation- Reyiew at pleasure. First Premium for Beat Btrfiness Writing - I'4 1859,- received at Pittshurgh,Philadelphio, anti Ohio State Fairs. Also, at the principal Faire of the Union for the past font; years:. ..r Ministers' Sons received at half price. • f ? * *For Circulars, Specimens,and grnbellishi ed Views of the' College, incose Ave letter stamps to W:JENRINS, Fittfibmieh, PA itl;2 l 11E4142 1f RFAVOligg)l Qe Mit - • t (3? O (lid - 11111 1 ) tit int An aperient and stomachic preparation o IKON purified of Oxygen and`Carbon by cum. , bustion in Hydrogan, of highmedical author. ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaint; viz.: • DEBILITY; NERVOUS AFFECTIONS,-EMA- `, CIATION, DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA, CONSTI. • PATION, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA. TISM. MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER. MITTENT PEVEBS, NEIMALOIA. CHRONIC HEADACHES, FEMAIP WEAKNESS, MIS. MENSTRUATION. WHIFFS, CHLOROSIS. etc., PIMPLES ON THE FACE, .ROUOILKESS OP THE SHIN, etc. /, The IKON being absorbed by the bleed, and thus circulating through the whole system; no part of the body can escape their truly wonder. ful influence. The experience of thousands daily proves that t ,nd preparation of Iron can for a moment be r. compared with it. Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital energy, pale apif otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in al- moot every ,conceivable case. In all eases of female debility Older albus, chlorosts, etc.), Its effieets.are delightfully renovating.- No remedy t has ever been discovered, in the whole history f of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, coin- pieta 'digestion, rapid acquisition 61 strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful, exercise, immediately follow its use. ' As a grand stomachic and general - restvrative r it has no superior and no substitute.. • Put up in neat gat metal boxes containing t 50 pills, „price 50 cents per box six Mixes-, Ssl 50; oil° dozen boxes. ti 4 00. For sale by Dengabits generally. Will he-sent free to - : any address on receipt of the price. AU tens, orders, etc., should be addressed to 1- - R. B. LOCKE & CO., • - . General Agents. • 339 BROADWAY, N V. 111.11:—The above it a farsimlle of. the c label on each box. • For.eale in Montrose 'by . deets ly ABEL TURRELL• Agent. 'TIIE MEDICEtE of thO MILLION Pimbsornr ANT, racr. , . 't" , C-i N •61' - i' ' 2l IA - >--- 4 . k'iV. . t t i,c3N• s n.;:- T,. c,.- '4 l 1 : :,: -;:,.. i.,• 4 ' ',': -*,. :,:,--:' t i 4iil' 77- ': . r", 1-. 1 4 .71 " . ?A: - ~ ! t om ' E li t•i', ~i IT ; 1, 4N:or I ..1 X 5. - '...ii 1 . p... il i _.,,..:„,;• : ~..., F st .; ...* ci Y.,.'" 4- 1 - " - Cain -: Ai iit; ;' S. II OLI 01P .4 . 1 1L" S THE EXCITING CAUSE OF SICKNESS. - ir ti FtiE. BLOOD is the - life-sustaining agent. Ili .112 Tarnishes the components of flish,bone, masa, ale, nerve and integument. The storhach is its manufactory, the veins its distributore, and that intestines the channels through which the waste{ riatter rejected in its . Productions, is expelleee. Upon the stomach;the circulation and the bowels,i these pills actSimultaneoisly;relleving indiges- . 1 thou, purifying the fluids, and regulating _digsl4Ncretiolis. , 'THE. XATIONAL COSIPLAINT• t • : Dvspepsia is the most common disease among: all classes in this i t assumes a tho Us-3 ,• country._ . .and shapes, the primary source of innum4 arable daugerous maladies; bet whatever its typel d i r symptome,howeVer obstinate its resistance toy •qrdinary preparations, it yields readily and rap-t idly to this searching and unerring remedy, .f . 1 • BILIOUS, AFFECTIONS. i The - quantity orthe biro is. of vast importanc4 tb health. , Upon the liver, the gland which se e'retes this fluid, these Pills, operate specifleOly„,i infallibly rectifying its irregularities; and effectu4 ally mirio,g4aundice,.Bilions,,Remittuuts, and all; tile varieties of di-ease generated by an unnatu.l . 1 - 0 condition of the organ. ' : ..... . , BOWEL COMP LALVTS. t i Unless the bowels perform their functions prop. erly, the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands: die annually of Dysentery,' Diarrhcea, Chronie4 constipation; and other diseaseS of these waster pipes of the sygtern. The effect of the Pills-upon all' intestinal' disorders; whether casual -or epi. d'emic, is a phenomenon-in medicime. Byfollow.:',i in,, ,, the-printed directions, the most'alerming ca-', F. 0 of bowel complaint are .protaptly .controlled.i • A - .WORD TO FEN4LES. . !.. ! The local debility and irregutaritioi which arel the. espeeial annoyances of- the taker sex, andi. which, when neglected, always shorten life, are; relieved for the time being, end provnted in timel to come,by - a course of this mild, thoro'alterative. - Pills are the hest remedy k'neten in the world for the following diseafes : Astlitaa Chest Diseases -Fever and Ague Cough's BoWeirComplaints Female Complaints Colds . Costiveness Inward Weakness Diarrhoea Headaches . • Liver Complaints Dropsy ItidigeStion - Lowness of Spirits Debility Itiflamcdatien Stone and Gravel thficieriza Dyspepsia . Secondary Symptoms Niter . Venereal Agections Worms of all kinds • , I a* So l d at the blanutaetories of Professor }folway, 80 ,Maiden Lane, New. York, and 244 Straid, London:, bi. all respectable Druggists & Dealers in Medicine thro'out the United States no. the civilized world,in boxes at 25 cents, 6'2 1-2-cents, and $1 each. - I Itgy"' There is a ,considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.A.—Directions for the guidance of patietits 'ict every disorder are affixed to each box. ' ' jel6*tyl S 11-0 E S A . LARGE LOT for men women and children, 111 instreceived, and for sale it the very' low. est rates, by 7. LYONS; & SON. . McCollum & Searle,. TTOR.NEYS & COUNSELLORS at Law, Montrose, Pa: Wins in Lathrpps l new building, over the Bank. ' • ,feb 23 .1. ).• attor.t.r . st i . D, W 'tame.. • •' 1111: MEMORIALS, "1 WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS," a lady remarked to us. a day or two since, as she exhibited the-portrait of. an only child, gone -to the 'spirit land;" which was one of • 101:7333361' • . AMBROTYPESI tshould regret it; ba4i I - not secured this precious memor!at of that dear one."" 80 . thought we. The loved ones are. not-always with - us, and while we can call them ears, every. one should-secure-such tynemorlal ; especially since they - can have them so truthfully taken by that successful artist, A. B. TUBBS, 'of Bing. luunton. ciec HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Jrrite subscribers have this day received another J. invoice of letvolry, &c., direct from the manufactovy, and are now prepared to allow to their friends the best assortment of goods ever before offered in this market. 'An persons wish ing to make their friends and families Christmas Presents, are invited to call and examine. - dee22' ' • ' EVANS & ALLEN. Odd follows' Ilnll, Binghamton, N. Y EEDLIA—Bone and Wood Tidy Nee .l_l dies, Tetting Shuttles, troihet Needles, Sewing, Darning and Knitting Needlesjor ante by EVALICS & ALLEN. IJAIR PlNS.—Black, red and gilt Hair Pine, various patterns and,priees. by - • . Evsst! & Aims. CORAL.—A fine assortment of Coral Beads, Armlets, Necklaces, &c. 2 _ by • E • VANS dr: ALLEN, Q:LEEVE,-BUTTONS AND STUDS,—The bestissortmunt of Sleeve• Buttons and - Studs; aIL prices and qualities, or sate by E• , VANS 01. ALLEN. SPECTACLS.—:GoId, Silver, Steel and German Silver Spectacles, of MI ages, for sale by EVANS & ALLEN. rpHIMBLES.--Gold, Silver and German vet Thimbles;a good'istock, for sate by - Eyass & ALLEN. NUT Crackers and Nut Picks at EVANS-& ALLEN. GOLD PENS. ? --A first rate variety of Gold F'ens and Pencils, tilt sizes and qualities, by " -: ' Evans & ALLEN. I ABLE CUTLERY.—A - good supply of El O K R nives i:O rNl NN F A or l k S si 1 every va • t —Pearl, Berlin Wire and Shell, • WA v T er CI - . nod Carvers c CARD R a p n d Steels, CASES, byin EEANS. & AELEN. EVANS & ALLEN, Watched A of-th e st e o s e t k m ° a f" trrs id m an a d ay si o l i jr ............,,n,1t4NN„barb,4)......6 them of our• own importati ri„ „ at, ;prices much- lower than have ever been sold. in town—War ranted - good time keepers. —Also, Watch Chains, a Mat rate as:4 tment of GOLDFo,b, Vest, and Guard Chains. TAR Rings and Brant Pins—a'beautiful va. 4 1 1 riety, in setts-double and single, consisting of Pearl, Jet, Cameo i ,'. Lava, Coral, Florentine, Mosaic, Brilliant, Enamel, and all Gold, various p:itterns and prices. . , FINGER Rings—Diamond, Opal, nne], Jot, and all. GOLD,. a great•'variety from. $4O down. . LOCKEtS—a very fine asspdment, GOLD and Plated, 1,2, 4, and 6 faces. SILVER Ware—a large stock of atm-I:rig sil ier ware, consisting of spoons, forks,.ladles cups; cake, pie, ice cream, butter, & fruit kni4es, childreni setts, napkin rings, card cases, etc. PLATED Ware — Castors, cake baskets card .recervers; tea setts., ice pitchers, sugar bas kets, salt cellars, forks, spoons, tonstoracks, gob lets, etc. . -B nAcEttrs—a full supply, - of every style,-- some very rich patterns. CLOCKS—Eight day, and thirty hour clocks, a great variety, warranted. ' nov 9 . - EVANS & ALLEN,. No. 2 Odd Fellows' Ilall o AVashirig,tep et. 'CHANGE .OF TIME— WINTER 'AR . RNGEMENT-LD., L..ct. R.• R A AMEEMN—Mgrig ChN and after Thursday., Dec. Ist, li3s9,trains N., will be run as follows : , EXITESi PASSENGER Ti1d111.5,--Moving South. The night express train on the N. Y. & E.R.R. arrives at Gt. Mend a 3:28 a. m., and connects with the express train leaving Gt. Bend for N. Y: and Philadelphia at -- 8:00a. in. Due at New Milford - - 8:17 . • _ 'Montrose - - - 8:36 IlopbApaiti •- 8:59 Nicholson - %16 Faeloryville - 9:40 ' Abington - - 9:57 - . Scranton - - 10:30 ' Moscow- • - 11:11 Tobyhanna . 11:53. • • Stroudsburg - 1:12 p. m. Water Gap r • - 1:34 Columbia - - - 1:50 Dela Ware (15 minutes to dine) - Hope (Philad'a connection) 2:35 Bridgeville . - 2:40 • Washington - - .3:13 Junction - • 3:30 NeW York - . 1 : 15 'Philadelphia .- - . 8:20 ExPrtEss TRAINS AWING N0R771. Passengers from New York, leave Pier No. 2 North River, at • - , 7:30 a. in. -Passengers froth. Philadelphia leave ' Walnut street Wharf at - 6:00 Leave Junction - • 11:10 Due at Washington 11:28 `Bridgeville ' - - 12:01 p. .m Hope(Philad,a connection) 12:05 Delaware (15 .minutes to dine) 1 . 240 Columbia - - 12:20 • Water Gap ' - 1:01 Stroudsburg. _ . •• • 1:15 . • Tobyhanna . . 2:45 Moscow . - 3:19 .t• Scranton . • 4:05 Abington. 4 : 49 Factoryville. - 4:59. Nicholson - 5:19 .•••• Hopbottom 5:42 - far MONTROSE - 6:04 • New Milford - .' 6:22 Great Bend, - - • 6:40 - Conaeeting, at Great Bend with the • Night Express going %Veit at • 1:45 a. m. An AeCommodation train leaves Scranton for Great Bend at 10:35 a. in. . Faetoryvitle 11:55 - Nicholson - _ 12:35' p. tn. Montrose - . 1:50 Arrive:at Great Bend .• 2:50 . Connects with Dunkirk ,Ex.lV - est 3:39 and Accommodation ,train West at 5:33 Accommodation train returning leavers Dreat Bend at - 3:10 - , Montrose4:os • • Niceolson 5:15 - Faitoryville' . . Due at Scranton • "- 7:35 ' The AccoMmodition train does tot leave Scranton until after the arrival of—the Morning train• on the Lackawanna & Bloom/114mq It. R:, thus giving passengers from the Wyoming Val : ley a direct Connection for the West by the morning train., For the accommodation of way -travel on the '-Southern Division a Pakaanger,,Car will be at. Ladled to the Express Freight trains leaving , Scranton at . - • • 4:30 s. m. Due at Moscow . - 6.00 , Stroudsburg - , . . 10:40 Junction • • - 2:40 p. In. Returning Will leave JunCtion at 4:00 a. n. Due atStroudisburg at'• - 7:45 Moscow. . . Scranton'2:3s - from New York will change cars ;at Junction. TO and fora Pbilada, via B.D.R.R. jleave or iake cars at Hope. For kittaton, Kings ton and Wilkes• Barre, take care of Lackawanna 6t Bloomsburg It R. at Scranton. For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take Stages at Scran ton: Tickets. sold and baggage checked ivinouun. JOHN BRISBIN, Sept. 1 1 :: : Wm N. harts, General. Ticket Agent,- • R. KENYON JR. & CO. UTOULD respectfully SolisiVtho inspection VV, of R now and very richl assortment of DRA T tOODS this day received, eonsisting in part of as follows: 1 Mat Black Moire Antiitue Silk - 18 s. "Per yard; Foulard Silk, nice style, 6s. per Yard; Rich Plaid Silk, the very 'neatest ,patterni, los. per yard; Black Silk,2B inches wide, fromls. to 12s. per yard; splendid Blark Silk Shawls from 118 ,to $ll, the finest assortment in Sing's, Co.; new invoice of Ginghams, at very losi-priceir, - also of Calicoes; large stock of Denims; Mixtures, Plaids, and Lawns; Printed. Shawls from "fa. to sb; Broeha Shawls from $5 .to $2Ol Collars from 6 Os. Ao 20m; Parasols froin 8111 to 24a. each; ficinpet; a large stock; Mhoa and Flowers; also a new . invoieci of Gents Sl nes—Congress, Enamelled and Cull Skin ; Ladi i Congress Gal .ters, Kid and Enanicried;.blisses ,calf and Enam. elled.Boots; Children Pat odi Boas, Gaiters and everything in that tine. "They Would also call attention to the fuel - that-having in arrangement with ohe of the largest ImPorting, Houses in New York they will receive regularly New Styles as fast as they appear in New , York, and will take the greatest pains to please rill. Who call and see and wish to purchase. Particulair attention paid to - Procuring, fine godt—in ever} , style. • fi Ii M.A.M. A tier lot this day . receded, ;and 'would re spectuilly solicit an examination of the same. Good Tea at 35.; 'city priccs s nlso at-Is. bs. 6s. Bs. • • -St G ii. 11%. • . L'OFFEE......Tavai Rio and Ground Coffee. SALERATUS..James Pyles . ; Babbitt's Med. ieinal, and Excelsior, &c. NAILS, and also a new stock of WALL PAPER and WIN.; DOW PAPEILthis day receiVed. FARIS ING TOOLS of the most approved patterns. Crt=lol3.ei . V . , Gold Band;Shaded, Blue Band, and all the new styles, as fast as they appear in New Yolk. [LOVE constantly on hand; SALT by the barrel or sack. PATENT ItIEDICINESi GLASS, and everythine: else yeti want. R. KENYON JR. & CO, Lawsville Centre , P.a.', June Bth, 1888. • I Z AMMCONTA-i-a. r. FORDIRAM • HAS' removed his shop across . the street, to the building -one door below Keeler . dt S:toddard!s; which hp has fittedstip . expressly fora Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop where maybe found all kinds of - /-I.4963EtTgIEDASEIi;; from the heaviest team, to the lightest trotting harness, and a general assormentof trimanings, which will be made 'up or sold very low. - Carriage Trimmings: A good assortment on hand, whititi will be sold very law; all trimming'done ehea'p - r 'than else- • • OAK•LEATRER on hand, from which harnesses will be made and Wiari e fark:tedel.. * *Custotners will please beef in mind that I wish t settle up Caleb a year. . ':Those having onsettled ecounts, 'or notes dbe, will, oblige by settling or -nankin payment Without further delay . . • FQP..DHAM, . Feb. - 24th,1 Montrose, Pa. WC:01 14 7-P : M., , i Z I COBI3 would respecifulty,Onotince to the . public that be may still bmpond at, the uhkstarid,,fully prepared to attend t):),Oe Wants of the community. lie will keep en liaud.a good , stock of '. . ' 'arr