The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 22, 1860, Image 3

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    , , •'r
lion.Stmon tAI prgp. of
biltsituon will
may he struck by
tero.r be President.
Calkins p iny .dißa
A Card.----
pAuted me in tegaidth . e
in; to this county, I Itinl,compel(ec( to defer
t h e it,s,irutespievi.tudy ficivertiied l ,..for a fe,ts ,
ti.tys. The changes liplient. in ttie.itn,tiee b e :
tO 03. F..l'.lii;siitnir..
Diseases pillie Chest awl , lattispi.—
Thpse diseasts nre too.4:elittnown to requi,re a
de'seri;.tion. Ilea many thouiands pre every yenr
1: ' Teachers' liislituitili - r .:- . . ear . ried to a sitedt. grave y tilat dreadful scourge
- ::. • - 1 Consumption,lWldeli abottyta etennienee4 with a
' Tettelte - rs' instjtutes . uM be held ik follows; ,N I I . ,:th t eonsh. I Keep the blood pore and by,
At Glenwpod CSithoi.dbouse)- On:Thor:4l4,J by Lakin_ .r ft i w "toscsili t . ',WP.SON's MOIJNI'..
and Fridary, Ai'vil lirli'iMd6rh---JtooM 'nowt , SlN'' IiERII 1111.1..8 each e.t.a, and 'disease of
any kind is iniptisiblt;. ( ~ 7ouptiniption7ttnd -Lung
on Thursday at 1 . o'eloeit, p, rn, ! '.i':, ; .'
A i tlieultios- alWaYs arise
,'from . partiCles of eorupt
In I:3istl. `" , ' l2ll '''' C il Yr (ei 1 ' 6 4 94 Sa:6- inatliT dePositledl in the,air-uoile by bad blood.
d lay- A teil 7i 1,. at 1 0'c144.1, I ! trl' i . ... . '
Purify that streakr of 'll gaud it Will-,1,1 ry soup
At I.;:liondt-11 . .; (elturttb) on Nlonaav, April
calm o ant efdrov t t pomonous matter; and
9th, at one ricltick, p; nr. • '.;:. like a crystal . iver ttrwin - rr throurzh a desertwill
, ., ,
in Ar.;rirt, at ;he Church, on Tu'Oday Apr. bring with it ;rid leave Ihroutzhout the body the
10th,.at one o'clock' p. M. i iil . . 1 &enter:its of fertility in ith course. causing the be
!if i t ~tre _Jarrett -Waste to blbom with -flowere nod
Church f; i
In Thpin,on Center, :4 . the
fruit, so pug to rejoice in
can be procured f'r Ihei purpose;) : . 91) W e d.
nesdar, .Aptit 1 1 tiy;oat une n m clocic,!lb. m. strometli end I- nu tad i 0
beau.;}'. .
• In Jackson, at the Church neat. Air. Jatne,;ri . inh
Potter's, on Thursday, 'April, 12t11, at one „Chills he zreatest
o'clock, p. rn. :, . rtmediesthi re the pub
. .
Prof. N. A. Q.AtitiNs, 4f New 'Yolk, -will be lie, for 1. - ",ev( nave ree'vei
present at all the :Move ' insiii.fut'es and -ike. the higlrest er.„......rurs,irriTh the presk and the
ture both tiny and &ening. ; ; V • •
T111),1111'"I'EI1§% Wil'o would endure. - the tor
t i e: w ch n e 3 r a st re d e i ' a e l e n t : i lt , : . ";n n d: . - i :T e e d 6 l;:i ti e:' t f te ,7 l d : t e t . i l reVirising i' r o p . this
Ti trrildo.' rikense,.Whell it
t, so e. s asity - e , ured . Who would endure the
and tho-c in the towns ‘ t.ll:eiLia' re held
~. pless nighls,'•burning levers and.. ley.ehilis
are expected to be prei l ent as a., iiialter of alternately, Wien a retudy can be obtained for'.
i, . 11., ' a - mere trifle? 'l'i nrlyet how many
_families lin:
Thouwho have 'met Prof. Canons trill be ger out; pal. fr4,l trxlstenre wider this 'deadly
blight, and . 11, tt;othing;but gulp down quinine,
liappy to do o again. and ilior-e '.11,1,13(i meet
until it becntnr i sr ,. .as their daily meals,
him kra these fi.r the tianl will
and yet they Are wit r6liered. None but the
never regrethat ing doloi so.
'•! ' ' .' fooli sh and le4hlt would lo;sit,lti• to procure the
I. F. TEwKs 3 6LY , (7°"1!). Supt. . valuable 13itters, and arc thetnzelees intense
, Brooklyn, Mar,:ti 6 th, 1860. '' ' . agony. For sabi by druggists ,veryn here. '
Read Ad vet ' l l.isein en t on 4th page. rub
`Fury List. —eon, colume4eel k on mor;-
dAy. Apiil 2d, and continutis t.%‘'e n'atk.ii. '
A üburn: Aanm Ifunnell.t :Rohl us./
Sam ue I lirundagej J ris, VTtzer.f T;A:1
, ) 3 w.
sonj Geoac Ilarnq J. A. Kirkfiugi
A raw.-- Dunfotti Wall4q.l. • 84filuel
A poleart.— W. House.. ,
Wait.'yuglA I Wm.
11,010.1 an 1.;tac,11eKe0,3..• ••
13 rook ly n.—S. W. eed.t C9r;,,g .
Cr. W. Palmer. Quick:. I • -
• C:itr.,;,l. Wm. Jolmi•ofi,t Eilffnif ,l Deck,.
I; , ircilk.f John . t-Acplit..ll43f Cbris
topher Exta Colerimr, J. (jr'. Weilicqb..y•
Bahan..t L. 41-
Imq. 0. O'Keel.t
):Itivek.—WM. A. ,L•lll,ue,f
co, k. •
- fji-4 S.
'Comm.} J. S.,rd, E. E. Col, 1 P. -
k,r. „ .
, .
• . . • , • , -
4.;•,•at Beti(l.-B. B. Obatinev).
D:.%•••.f A. T. bri !ge. f . 44
NV. 1Villli.nrri•••.:;•'? Chalks
lit:11:.1.1 Holna•s EN.
W,lter'. Lao t,.:
AI kipa , Qtrieroer, c. A. 11.mling, •,! •
11,,rrord.—Cojliris Beck,f ,loseph Powers:l.
0. B. TilliNf D. E. Vtiliiiney;t
Ilarmnny.— M. J . tiFloi / •
PI A. Pagel pli'iirles,W. 113
z Elg•a• Fs'et.f C.dvin :11.drsNelson
- • i
L-nox. A. L. Jt•iTtlr. - .I 5,,11, C. A7e,t.f L.
M. 113Nly, hase Knapp, J," T. R Ny. c.
Lici'r N. Ld, I. A. Newiim, Wui
E. , I rl , vi
C4trip..t.l3: : 4, Can
fidd: •
Inn —C. it. kit:arc: l l.f. .•
S. P.,ge..1. Jobji•Wasjo
-1.1.1rn.:, N . ..)T111:11-3 Ti nrey.:
\Vin H. ,
0 0.-Jun.l.--h, M u 0r,..1 J ‘ ,l 3 n immgn
• 11.0 , 11.--Nf,rill'in Granger:l T. C. Bake:
A. L. E tun 'rurper.
s,i-,l,.Aili.tina--l3er,jarnitzGregrprit . 0. W.
Sarnriel N. rA ocd, R. 'K,
Sir t••• 1. L4ke—Ely Meeker.}
L.,tiFirop, Stilith, Jr.
'rlinin , on—Abraham Coun,f !S)lvesttr
To! t y Whit nev,t lt. T. Wh(tpe.y.f
-[Gland 41%-r.: mas ked thl;st-: first:*eek.l
Quarterly Meeting.---thei4'' i'lltr
te!iy meeting of the MHlht)lo. ..S,iciety fur
the Mi.)ntrpse chanre will Le on Sitni-day an,l
Sunday, March 24th their
Church in SJuut ,Preac:riingah t uttiay.
at 2prp , the Pre-i ding Elehr,•l4.v. G. li,
Blak.i.s!ve., mai on Sunday ni 11 arts
• , ,T 4 K:JPEctr.
Gibson Agricultural Sbclety.
The Annual Meeting Of Via Gibskni!Atrrieut
tura: Sucik.t7 Nsill be held at Gitr , toai , fill on
Saturday, Mach 31st. 1860, rail clock pl
tn. A geno44attentittitee issolit it ,
W.„.„V. .Seeietary.
A Card. --- . The klbselriber,hliViii — k sitr....r
ed !oss by fire on the 10thFeb,rnas 4 and jn
f.ured by comes of which Bdfins S:roud
is afrf•nt., 1: an s't:izo that theyhar . a bii.n sali
facto,ily 'aejus:rd; and can rec.cinirriOid said
c.:.:npanie3 as I:,rompt arid- relishk , , :•:,. , , .
, • !• - JAS: WV:MITT.
See rtisement of Dr_ SitnNid's Liver
Invi;Torator and Fatnilk 'Catha'rtic , .!Pilifi:l in
_ .
Soho-Ltr+tteps in nnyof' the.;.,Prst-clasm
(70nunercini I_7.,,iirges country,lonistu.d at
this ollicc. at n larire di.tlntint from ufilal rntep,.
Sum:7loN fur the' PILES, is a-:irriitited to !I
li-et a cure in ‘•very cane, and in all stak'es °flint
disease, ur the.thrincy will be refunclW. Fiill
diretiung eeeompany.eaell bottle. 4.
Abel Turreel, Moretroe...e ; T. J.lialicbolc.Dim..
ock; 0. G. ileetiptiteall,llrookly4l
Lytn.m, Tunklumuilck. aLrenbt Lee y • -
-- , ..
'n n exica IT/tit.taipiF Linimist.—lts
wonderful'. effects • ithd cdnsequent potiularityt
perhaps no . artiele inthil hi4ory ot;tiftt 3/a/t-ria
Medina, ever acquired the sSme ll•ntron,lge, was
S u tjee 2 to the same numhercif sti•ere:tlnd differ:
ent tests, and met Icith .so few failuri3B an the
Mustang Liniment. It has justly bCsfn styled
a Pan:le r ...a foi all external Wounds, Swillin;;;:s
et`its. Sp,!'ains, Bruises. or Eruptions bin Man or
Beast. It is solar a mefficice of soliprislnt vlrftie,
that l'hy.siciMoc are compelled to prl esi:rib it,
and fro sortie tetnakkiible curer of eVqnif... nii '
Dist.,rted Rheumatic cases it. has rltura.lly altbc
ted rauChhttention froOlte first seientifie minds
of the age. No family c a n afford to b v.ithout
a bottle 14 the :11tistang,LinirM:nOn ttte liouse.l,
Bewareihf imilefiarv. Therge'noirte Ph bold by
rcfspen.table dealer:chi :di '
parts of thetwortd. , •
BARNES & PARlC.Proll.riettors,
feb2.3 4t cm New York.
I-' IflotfaVii Life . - eiii..—Tpe lbigh and
-envied celebrity which- this. pre•eminhnt .'ntedi.-
- erne bits acquired fur its invariable k . tl4cy in
all the if seises evkil:h it professes t - o eafe, has
fenderid the Usual p‘riketine of ustimieitious,ptilf.
l lig antoile unneetessabitiunuicirthY of thetn.
They are known by thuir fruit S; thiili good
works testify for them, and tl.ey:thrie not by
the faith et . ..the nredulouh. 'ln alt.etistes oleo.s
tiveness. dyspepsia ; biliutes and liver alfections,
piles, rheumatism, fevor4 and afzees, Obstinate
• headaclicsond general derangemehts 'Of health,
these Rills l'irvii invariably priicsd:a &et : lain-and
speedy remedy. A eingle trial -4ill::plitee the
Lif e Pills beyimcl the re:R-ih of competition in the'
- 6ticriatiun of every pal ii4t t..... , iii -
Dr. Moffitt's Phoenix' Bitte - rs ,Will4ie - found
(quail' , elliC.acions Lull Cases of nerve •Ut debility
dyspepsia. headache; the sickness 'peident to
females in delicate health, and cite , i t s kind' of
weakness cif the digestive Organs. 'Few sale by
Dr. W. B. MOFFAT - , 335 - Broadway, 4. ‘ Y.,ind
by medicine dealers uhd druggists-'generally
.. .ire..-ci••i;c..:t the country.' . ,e-kos y
, D. WOOD, with 'his CAA., .is 'once
Incnted'on the OR.EEN, opposite to the
I COURT 'DOUSE; in MoNTßosa, Who ho
gill eheerfujli Wait .up:M all who 'may i'at4.r.
him with a call. . .
Pietureala I good: CaliesiliO . cents. • Liberal
4eductions.for families! All work warranted'
not, to fadoo-1 Poritrose, Dee. 1.. t, 18b9..
0n..thn..1 th,; t Eid. W. C Tilden, Mr. Ilor
41CC TurtelF, andialit...s. Maria. Me Leand, bat-b or - I.ake. •
-,•,- . ._ .
1, New llilf‘t*rii,'en the 2.9.1/ of Feb,. Margaret
J. - Nt'kon. wire. ut F. )V. Boyle ? aged ::8 years
and-6 tuttntliad ' - - , ,
In Rush, (milli° Z3th inst, Gertrude, ynungeq
daughter (I'.l ilram and Clari ,, sa llewers, in the
14 ill,tAf . 1... c age. ... , .
.admiiiptrators" Notice. •
I°TICE to all persons h a vin g
d;..tnands::::-fin,t the estate (A . B. A. Butter- .
hale of kiridgcv;riter, d. rensvd, that the
8.1 m• mint be p' r4.;:ented to theanileysi , zto.d, and
Ind' btvd to is:iide'state :Ire 0 goestvd to irr4ti
ituumiiate. paylwent. • Jut.i:A.
\V. C..ll.minnlCK, nders.
Stock; Holders' IVleetint.
"*:,-... Thp Stock 11i,14r4 (31 ; the , ,,,•-
' . --- , 7:i,-;;Il. , : . "-A/dd Fell.str,l' hall AS. (16- ...
.I.iulli w P 11-0 H 'their nniitlil meeting lo,r tht
'election of ttl'in-•r-,-; and the i'T,:;•nsael•i(.ll of otlitr
btlinc••••., on TrESDAV eve, April 3d, at '7 1-2
o'c'ot-k, at .the Dail. • D. 13REWSTER,
Nlfintro;o, Ml:irch sth. Sty Presi4ut.
c-:. - 7:::: . DENTISTRY. -.
Dr. ; . Li, - SMITH, & SON ,
Q . .0
[Mt - If /Els/TI:',IS,-ha've removed their
1 ,.7) 011i e , 1,, lialthr,,i,_ nets bnildinir„ ovt-1- the
./s,hl;ln : t otiieti Jif .Ct. , • , per ez Cc , . Al: Dyntat
(lperro cur, will il: pt-rlormi-d In Oteike-ual good
,tyle and w:lrrtillyd. (jail
Moiltrmwi ,'.:41.1;;.ii 31!... 1-S111.). . 1
_ t ale.
E.V.lllsl:lilll`rWilr tltr? . r for 'ell c•,nt iucti n,at
1 hi-. et—bit:4cl , in Frani:lin:on Pt: e,day, 3 . 11
: rah, I Ifpnenving (4.11 tt'elnel:,.a.
foi!iiwinz prttftl..,rty,: I
01. e. ( OW, I und tudensive
Voz furniture e• n•••1••••:Ter chairs,
tald ; and a lot of i•nr.
j.,int-C- and 'whet. tools ; int-
Rletnentl tZartilin al r ;; fob:. barrel ,
band sheds, heellta'rrow .
, IPzes and
Ira of Hotti-dres'slit and other madiinery, and
other artieles. ' •
TERMS. 011 . :111 t=ilins over 820, one year's
credit: over SIP; 7.:tor,th.: over 65, flix mos,
wi:h urL-r0r,..! :
I.L•urh 1-Ith. 19.60.-2,v •
Orphans' Court Sale.
MT virtue order duly issueiLrut. of the
Orphan ort Susrrolir'nnit county and
to me direrte4 will,:e'd Lr ,pu bite side
to-the highat , and Irest bidder, nn
FOAL - fay, 11p 30111 cagy of March,.
inst. (A.'D.l,SOp et ONE o'clo,-k, P M, at the
Court Home ilt Mon:rose, all the rittht, title
rind inte,•at ofjJ. V. Whitford, late of the town
-hip Bro,..liiyn, ileeea.mrb,
_in and to all that
''ertain piece- Or para..; of 'llund sit,,nate partly in
the township of Rush, red partly in tire town : -
in tinsquelmena county afore
-aid. and baim.lei :13 r01i..,1 , 1 TO Wit.: -
Oa fhe Nort!li larrisint'Nobtr, st e .,e ; el,•l3 .
Stewart, and the \Vest by lands
of C..Carmalt the §outli by laude of E.
Horton, and 1. D. Farah trn, and on the East b\
lands of Drinker, mid ft, tlitew.rtrt.,.eon
taMing One lin "ilreJ (iliP): , vroi or thereabouts,
'with the appu'itenaneerl,•and- iMprOVeniente,—a
framed house, smail fruit tree4;and
about.twt-nty bve aeres
, Terms of pa meat known at the time of
sale. . ' A. Sr.WIIITFORD,
Adminiseratri*',, Mr. of J. V 'Whitford, de,Cased:
Montrose, March WI. 1860.-Iw,
BY virtue of-tin tirdiidnly issued out of the
()gill:111h' Gain .ot . .tiumluehantia'Courity,lo
ten directed, %yid. lie e‘li , iistd to pubJie szip , to
the higheNt and be-t bidder, oti •
Friday, Ma t•cin Iqs6o,
itt one .010( k, p In., et Ir.“ C urt House intthe
Jberough of 31imt; ,, e.ti1 - 44:tt`certain thre‘sti:iero,
Ipierc t•pr.lot ,of land sit; ate in the. lifrrotlol . 4.l
Sutquetnnir.l'Dep.l; Str,yu4-harla County, und
i bounded atid.desericiJed It, fottoxs, tn Nit :
1 6 tii a2' 4 t:: 4,. tinrtl ea 4 corner of a lot of
1401 f , irmurly 'by N,:fill . oivl ILI ; and tlion 4 e
sontli;rris ; by enb. iliir, : lot. t , ,; the . fr:ned in thel rear ofi,Ald lot, 'alr•iit 72 ; thence easterly
!Thing , still fence 37fitet to a vorner:;--41nIned at
I a right - an:do. hortherto the road ; thence
i alt;n:.r the. houth ;Ide. of the road, 30 feet to the
Iplec'e of beLintire,z;ltirigt..part of a lot known
land qe , eribul fm! ttk , moil of s6rvey of 'lan& of
. Netc:..York; and"' Eric Itai:rna to
-Susquehanna Depot as lot 'No. 29 ; and liairing
ttlereona 'two 'istory dwelling ' Ito nNe. noW need
; nip-d. ily J. 7 Faineion: and late the estate of
ret , ,(.oTur, th.c ased. . ' \ : f,
I . Terms of jni yti:1111. tnnt'e.„ltnoili,at the ritne, of
I 'sale. ! FRANd,ES PK:KERING'
naminbitratrix, etc
4 iv
° Clover
-1 es ill 0 Tilk FA
1 . C. D r 11 11*01,'...
5111,1:86'0. ' .
Sore. of
• ' CHINA ii,/,‘ „k azul CATLIN WHEAT. I
PEAS by'tho BUSTM.Li auTF.,'D CON,. for sale.]
LCA LDW r ALLEN, Niontroso.
- Of . STYLES.
A NEW t.;UPPLYI just arrived. and t'or matt.
• A. "111 ttRELL.
Mint - ruse. March Ir.. 1860. . .
..r. sul ? serit)er htvvinz, sold his fern, 'n ill
I sell at 1 3 . ublin Vrimin.e,'on FRIDAY, ,\YCII
23d, yonfinenning ,10 9 'o'clr.elt, m., thn
lowing propqv : 14n,heavyrking homes,
1 yoke - 4 years old ~tinrs,. 5 now!, 5 two year
olds, 5 year:ings, 1) hogs,- .lumto r and- light
1101V)118 and- li:trtii , 4leigh &:eot.tee,.fan
ning millMog On, machine,diatirine, thurnS, mid: pails,
and pans, 104. ken ar4 parlor htoves_ and pipe,
household fortoturt+, ;some Inmt;er, plows and
harrows,- yokes and ellains and larmit , utensils
of :13.1
_ .
TERMS: Nine 4nths lipprot;ed credit on
aR sum, user 83.9 v. -
F d - or sle by H, 1.31.111.R1TT.
Ne‘i• Mitroni 1 1 :i .It-tr;• 1 1 G:h,
_ • .
NEW luivronn
.11 5 1 1 - 01 . :01 this S.:Aloof
oprn on 110NI.)4tY. '20.1, to continue
11 tyrivits. ati,"l4litil and pntironagli . is
'.again (if initial]. the Kam.• :is
hisirdol'ore. Aro; i,:iff.hualioti will Its rendered
• •
Regigtei:'s 'Noticp. .
OTI CE i heri l givi , n to nil petinns pun.
riled frit:owing etitstris. -
fistzttn of Cluster l'ate of Ani,mt
deceased, P.infordJlinii„lilniinistrator,e.
Estate of James Si lilasdcil, lair of Jessup,
died, S. S. Mott and 81o:tiled, adifi'ps.
''Estate of- Andrew lioorwy, rate of Auburn,
Callwrino [l:tio lloonciy] sdin'r
• .E.,tstri of N1.1,1t, 'WV'S( arl,, Llte
:le of Johrohih,:tt, Into of Olbs4n,
Jaeoh 1.. all-nit. . •
of B. lf. .hickson, rale. ,of Brualyn,
dect,ed. E
Ez,tate of Lyman - 1:atl of :Spring lire ;
deed, hinesQir rl:, aitmr.
.Esipto of , 31:chaid 4:to.r, late of. Rash, - TIF:Tf,I,
Jamos Logan ate. Jima ndmrs.
st,•ph,,,i :41P.1..rd, late of I:; no x
l'o!ly 31:11ar4 nth) Ed v:v Roberts, Tofivss,
E,tate of %Val If. If ) . inte-of
:lee'd, Anna 1t1.'11:.r.5.:6-I:,*vetar.
'Estate of I al ayo.lt3 Wilnlarth, of .1;:cli
.oii;(l,c'd, P. thu,ni, , 4l. N.lnCr d. L. n.
I;,[,tt• of C.rdelia imiih , 111:tr th - Great Deutl,
01 Dili'. lel Bliownson,late Fran4lio,
dte ii, Ai Uiqi
Final ocoo . oili of Tiinuthy Dopue,
• Pin .1 ;:ecoii:it..;i
L Bryant.
;That the :le.'oin,l:./11sr ip!yo n ,ott,lod theit:l .:
the B. Otlis.' 9 . in nod for the count) of
:111(1 pr..eyo
.l.vcl. 1, 0:11it vc said
C011:11y eo the !lii . :rict
1360; tier
~ ~: ~333~~7'3Te7"'~Y1Y..~b
. i
- p(-)T ( )PFIdE DY.1 ) .1 !cl'•‘t ENT: I
i ' - AV. . ,z1;:“:14.N, Iket:inJ: T r 10,1850.
13 R();'0:AI,s, will Le , cce;...t.ditt the,Contr.tet
i _i_ Oilic'e th
id is lb:O 3
ar:meat until p. in., of
Saturday, :1;,;1..ii 41,t! 1860. tor uttnveyt,ng the I
walla of theLlcift-ci Slates fur four tears, corn-
t.nrunidni; July let, 1860, and ending, Jim°. 34nh. I
I 1864,, in the St-de 4 PENNSYLVANIA,, on
i the Ranee and by Ulf• schedules et departures
, I
i and arlivdls ii.drein spl•aititi. .. 1
• 'l./y.t.i . ,:ans an:/..rJac,;dl),'—'l.tuil 24, 1860. I
2313.5- ro-un Wavelly; l;c' W.. k il:4:;iltt and I
P,, e,t, / tty,(.ll,:ilwrid.l: 11 miles and back. /
twice a vta•tk. I..t , a‘i Wav , fily'• l'ut.;,atay-'al d
IS:au:day ;:t 4 I..;tarilie. at. Gletv4;etl he-/
l 7.p. - in; lit / me Glenn 1:..d IntiAly and Saturfl
I , 3 „,.. at 8 ,i / i y ti.. , „„ii e t' at \v„,,, / „1, b y . 3 I ~/,„. l
2....166 Froill llatf i ttd, bv Mont rc ,, it; Depot,
Montrose •Foii.t.Lilii: Sr. Joseph's, Fiiends
l'‘Ule, Little Mehdo‘Nej:and Apalacido, N. l'.,
• I
to Owego, 53 mil, is vin.t.liack, six times - a
week tcr-F.iend,villo,!aildthr'ec iilnes a wea,l
resid ti, wish an addi j Win I daily (extlept:Suri 7 l
day) mail between Mi)nlit)e . DopUl.. and Moo- I
trose. Leave ilatforiddai!v, except Sunday,
at, S a. in. - : arrive at triend : sille by 7 p. fn;
lea% e F:detids‘ ilia du k, I , exept :Sunday, at 8
1 / p: tn., arriv e at•ll.iifoo by 7- p. in.; proper
connections to he .flpd, with 'the railroad
Maikai ....11:_;:i'ro , Dt•iiut e butli wayi , . 'Leave .
1 Viierld- vin .M..itili ~ .PiVerine:•da v and I . ; id ay,
i I at 8 a. in:, arrive a: (I).‘ y : zu by a p. in-; leave
;Owego 'Tuc , day. Thiit s day and Sittavd4ty, en. /
i'lav iva I arailroad in4is,,ay i,t., tt-a. ni:, :.r.i%o i
a: Fri:nil:sr:oe by 4' -4;.. In ; le.fve • Monifos.l I
I daily, t.;:tat•p; Sunda3l„at 71- a. in.,- arrive, at I
i .‘kontruse:- Depot - by IA a. in ; leavtf.• :klvilic.s..! /
I I.);epot tiaily,; except litnylay, at 31 p. it), ar' . .:
ryc / u at Montieso idy 7i: p: in;
12367 Fitditllait'4l, by Gibson, Jaukt, ti, i
Ar:/orat, Thenip.; ,. .at,'_S;tatueea anti_ Ltne-bur
; ough,•l4, Sty:yield:rola li t yot, 31. n ile. a ntrl I,
back, i wil!tt la neck. ii... , ,..11: e Llath. , nl Tuesday
L airdSatu, at isa. fa ~ar. iVii ..t., i.....,.: ii:queb a a-
tia Liqlot b 3 4-p. to ; itYav u StYyteitan t ia Do; I
pUt .N.l.oetlity and Fri t;al. at 7 . a. ni niiir,. at
• ~
lharfi rd by 4 p...
la. il'iopei,ih-arz..inv:b..l. for i
la' thin - ! iieekly 1ii.,:.• 't.
... 24368 If; ota fitar4ea to Tallin.ansville, 5
l . tuiles atm batik, .tWi4 a wls. , k. Leave : .Star 1
1 , 1
: n e er Monday and i li rt j uiry at 2 p. in . , arrive at 1
j TH11:1111115 ilk: by 31' :p.m ;"' b-ave Tallitians- i
l i .ville•Motiday and Friday :k. 12 to., ariivu' at I
' St.arneutt in titne . to i•tnint.;.et with • thu wail
'flew Su-Lioerainiui Di , poi, -ay at: I'e p. or.
i t 2 . 360. Pr a m Broolik ii t o 'lip' Outioin, 5
miles amid back, 3 iiiiiea a week.. Leave
i liiiooklyti Tuesday, .risi,r., , iay and Satnrday,i
/, 41. 6 p.. In, av i re a t 0.), Button ) by 7A• p; nit
leave Hey Buitern •Tn., , ilay i Thlie.da e p i .pi
1 Saturday at 4 p. in., iardle-at i.Srooklyn by
1.51, p, iii. Proporlr ue jolted fur nix tiarer-1
lu-vvei4: reiviae. - ; . t
I 2370 :From St. J. -, %epli7s., by Choeikati.h,sSil
-1 ver L'ikp, liraekrii;,y iliild ilitivlevtima, IC Y.
I t0 ,.. 13:1,,gir,„,,,,i,, ~ , , 5 iiiiiks kind biet..,. three I
tunesa hack.
Leave, St.- ,Lise,pli'u Tuerdtiv,
, Tburs.lav aiii.iSat uri.kay, al t 8 A.s. in. ; arrive AO
1 ii ‘ iiigliaaiton II 1 p4in „;...leave 'Bingliaintion i
',ll.aiday, Wv.d.iierdav 'int:4 Friday, at ,
31 p. tu; I
arrive abSt.i.losepti'v, fliy 8 p, inn ' r ' I
t . 1 2371 FrUia Siii4pi+b - annA 1./es, : potoi'Y North 1
L Jarks , in .lackr'un Salilev South Oili,on and
Lenox, to Gieriiicw;),. 24 ti Ves ;tad laick, I
1 vi,4 b.e a Berk. Learn *11‘,(Illv./11111CM Olip - Ot i
- 1 ' !; . 1..11 , A.l Ed.lHS'•l;llld 5it1.1144 at 7.a. la., move at:
GiStriwueti. by -2' p. iii-;. -- ILetve Okn a - up,' Toes 7
day Ana: inlay at 8 it, en., attire at:5.6,103c
-1 ba l ini Depot by 3 p.;in.• .... . •' .
, 2374 ..Frui4 Swil'esi, by Uniul Date,-Pldas.l
iirit hitQuili,Caxivide . ; ItUak Lake, Presica and i
JeriAb, 16 Stockp6rti StuCiuti, 33 „miles and i
batik, -oni"al a wrek:" . 4..eave Siallay Monday
at .43 a..m., aiiiv'e rat Ituetiair.t . Station by 6 ,
`p. m ;: feave Stuckpo(LS(alion Tdesday La .8 1
R.-D . ., isrnve at Swilai, by '43 p. zr. . ,
T .00 e l l C) '• .
To Dealers iri Merchandise i s .&*?liq'a 'County.
1 N pit Nuance of the severnEActs of. Assembly
of this Commonwealth, to Provide revenue,
to meet the demands upon the' treasury, and for
.other purposes, the undersigned,-Appraiser of
Mercantile Taxes fur raid county, 'has prepared
a• list of in said county; and
woad each Merchant in find class-Whiel, to him
appears just and righti• accerding Au. Acts'of
. Assembly, to wit
barrii tonfr .; se :
11. J . McCain, , 14 Ilopd & 1 , Webster, - 14
Waltman Stoddard, ,do
It. W. Healy,. • • do U. W. Aloft,. do
,E.. L. Adams, !: do 1. N. Bulbtrd,•,- :• • do,
Br'ookh". - , SAVilson & Son; 12
'Amos , Nichol - 4 •-• •do AboLTOrielE, P. M. t'
,kl,••.s„ R e v., 13 1 L, ; 13
Ilempsted & Rogers. do' Read, Watrout •&•' •
It. I'. Ashle.y, 14 Poster, P. 111.4 c.; 11
E S.' flinds"dt. Co., :AL, Guttenberg, stn. -
L. T. Rosengrint, &•Co., do
Joimilalstead, Posk:Brothers, .do
.1. N. Baker, do AV; N:• Wilson &Co., 14
11. tV. Johnson, do H. J.lWebb, •• • • do.
'Donde: Chandler' &. Jessup, do
Church &fl s,. Pidn. J. Lyons & Son, do
nay, 13 W.J.& S.ELMulford
T. Arnold, dol EL C. Tyler,
J. 112 - Slocum, 14IZ . Cobb,, • - do
E. W. -Welk ; do S. Lifir4don, • do
Limock. - .S. IL Sayre & Bro. 'do
- Woodruff, - du J. Etheridge, do
Tha)eri Baldivin•& Allen 12.
T. J. 11 , 1Broek, - dk: Bacio & Weeks, .14
Franklin: - A. N, Bullard, do
Edwin Sutotners, •do B. Lyons & Co., du
J. L. Merriman, 13 1 Patrrek Itogiers,
l'prest Lake. . 11,VoMiruff& S,earle; do
David L. NI eeke.r, 141 C - D. Lathrop,
.du Ball, du O. Ciano. do
- Priendsvitle. • S. S. - ! ot t, - r do
J. llot,f,ord, . do New Atilfurd.
NV in. Butrum, . _ 131 Young &i Smith,
1.0.% . 14 & 13rotliers,
Gib son . -. 1110yden Brothers,
S. S. jqgalls, .. 11'1'11. gorritt,
C. I'. &;\,ll M. Hawk:6%l3 l i. kesfnan, Jr., -
N. F. do 11. Garratt,•
I). 31.Siniley,. dkAllyed & Ward, •
Wallier: 'll, • . Rwh
I.lianion lung,
Lenheien,'w &1, 12rNorfnan Granger, d
Sendd. - -r & Taylor, 141.1ust us Hiiikoll,. d,
Jolin Colsjen,. .dull E. oltwater, dt,
El. Crane, doI Susgurliiinna. • -
J. 11.1/o.,enbilry,A..L, Seymour, ' ,do
11,•thow & Cu., 14 Henry Had; do
1.1 .I'. Doran, dulcl rs. W: Forbes, •• du
& Co., ill. I,?yrtine & Sun, do
wiLe - aral liqdor„dolW4il - Slirimpton,
C. C..11:111. Creegarr, do
- Henry Alch . nnfiy, 1 14 1
J.l,;llnni il i lti . . i r t i . l ; a )c lorv.& -
1. do
D. A.
8 . . 11.. Daytoy„ Do . ) le, du
&.11'Intus11,141Win:Wipn ore , do
lerrick. iGaylord cortis, 13
John 31illcr, dolt. S, - Bennet; 13
L. Brown & 13;1 0 ./Reynoldm, 14
. larnwny. IBarltyv Sheridan; do
S. A. Lyon, - . 14'J. C: Co,A,
ytodin.& - Co , I 31A. W. Bronson, • 13 .
11r.aidt & Seldager, I.4fanies Bill = do
liar:ford. Cohen, l4
1...! 11, Donald. w and .1 do
-C. S.' .I•.4n.tun, . 14'A. St , '. Thiyldy, do
Zerah Very, (10 1 S, 13.1 West, p 4, do
P.:yoe, & C. Foot, do
W411i,F2,- & M 0.% ley, 131'. In•rstrutn it • do
lEd‘vl,/t'd Caflisin,w&ldw
Chauncey Fletcher ; 'l4' tA'ad,c & 4htit.ts, do
Ve.s , up. I(wince lig. pat. ti). 4)
.Izltilo4 11artlu, do,Nortpn Brothers,
Jotin Hancock, d•dzi. Be d,,
„ Higgins, • •do
:41.uliz,Est . on S. C0.,1:.,1G tat I pnlairg, Rosen- -
Grow & I . lrother:, • 13' 1 - katitii 4541 Co., 1:1
U. . 1-11 Silver tirie - .7
J. ,rrfy. fin,clotey, 1.1
I: &Co ,13 1 l'an4thy,Sullivnn, :
Z. 1.11,1"..h!Ce, VI Phelan. •
. L .11eadcovs. Springville. •
Hat.ry 13.•!rn - -y, o di., RN •&. Lathrop, 13
P. .I.l.l3:lardsdee,
• du I lenT N f Nhriul:io, Id
J. Snlitli; J., & son, do
Amo s . 11.11errill„ do'J. rl lambert, • do
1. A. tictv Kin, • du. N. 1 1 ,. I , . do
E. 'l'. I Thomson
lliddletozr7l. E. W. I.eitis e du
I,llli Dyer, • Hothantav do
Baldwin & Stevens, tt,, l Chocuuuf.
P. Lt.,. J. Donnelly do
,Bettr Ilotisif.s,-Ite•itqurants,
S. AdamS.; -
Dum.lArr.-1 : :.. P. -
Paiutiii, Goble: •
Ent rot.
11.11; TORP.—S. Smyth'. ' I
.1.F.N0x , --4,;,.f,rgip '.41,,-e•n: I • . '
Iki,N TR os E —3. (3.-B:11,1v:ill, S. S. 1 3 / 4 1.11, Z
Co6b, 0: M. Crani•, Baron - .5.1 .AVet.4;s, 1:1,1;son
Chan,linrlin, 1. N; BTithird. I - •
- Ni-k :11,1f014.1 —1:!.. N. Bra t„ _ - -.
it:•:'ilt:Eita NSA -W. M . . Hwarth. D• A. W e n.
,on, W. C %Vilna!, Cflarlas Mills; Martin 'Con
roy, Dennis Ca,ev, M. E..C,li.en.
- • . itilliard Ticble.
. Sth. , .ZU.IIANN..I —ltz , bert. Nicol..' . •• •
713 I sti I le iikts.. • •
Ci.n- - Fnnli:— Win. :11eCull 1 a
. .
TIE I:fr.-A. Me Alpin.
SlLvEri - 14KE. 7 —Edward Kiernan. •
And rho Judges of the Cou i rt acorn :J -11bn Pleas
of said eOunty will hold-a coilrt et appeals in the
Court Ilou,e is Nlontio'so, in acid forsaid county,
un NVedue-day, The I Ith da3 l of 'April,,lSfio,ot
o'clock, p; m,, at whichtime and place-any of tho
merchants de , 6ibed plits.Sce;is aforesaid,
their agents'or attorney's, may appeiirsand appeal
from said assessment if they think-proper.
Mer antile 4ppraiser.
Hat fora, March 1341;186 .
N(am.: is hereby :ziven h that in purshanee
of the Act of As.,mbly, the folloWiug named
persons have tiled +ilea petitions ivith the Clerk
of the Cotrrt of Qualm. Se r sio4 of the Peace
• tor the County of Sum l ttalnna, for lieenho to
taverns in said county; whiqh petitions will
be presented to.the Court •on the Monday
(the 2(1 day) of Apri! term,
, 1860. . •
E. L. Adams, Aullurn Aownshi t p,
James... Dullard,' BroOklyn
Jacb}i Kimble, Cluleonat !. •. " -
Thomas Clark,
C. D. Wilson, Clifford, • •
.Oils Williams, • 4, ,
Edward OraM,
llenjimin Ayres, Dun'daff' boronoi,
E. B. Gates, • DitnOek, township ,
tleorge W. Lewk
Edwin Bliss. . Friepdsville•horo'ugli
• C. B. Jrieksoo, " • "
Joel Steenhaek, Gihrn township,
E. w.. Fish, J t Bind . ."
C. 11. Sini.inonsi j 61
Henry Langley, •
Carpenter, j
David Thiamin,
Johh M. M vets, Ileritek
Alatison Tilden, - . •
Janes J. Turner, JrAson .
Snover, . Leno l x
.Da u vid Wiltnarih, Lathrop.,
A. A. Beeman, • 'Alicia)! .
.B. L. Caoheld,- Middletown •' 4
S. Tarhell, :t•
Leonard Searle, Montrose borough
Poilander l'hinnex, New Milford . "
. LGjah Barium,.
Wibiao IL Sherwood, Itish 4 t,... township
• ' Nicholas D. Snyder •
• James M. Tillman, Suiqu'a Depothoro,
• - Thomas Carr,
Itoliert.Nieol, -
Thorn" Silyer Lake township,
Riibert. Gage, .
- Spenser l'itekeet v . .
C.. Chandler, • Thinuson
JaelisonCharriberlin, - Montroio bdrc;ogh,
- Dennis MeDonafd, Susn'Oepot
miils ow GB. WADE, Clerk
FLOUR, fresh ground.i. Iltdasses and Su
l' :
gain, eltaap. Jug, re'neired and fur
Jcay - 21th.1 • J. J.SONS .
• . ,
- -moTwE is hereby given, that . accordi ng to
1.11 - tie Acta of general Asairobly.of the Con:
monwdelth of Pennsylvania, directing the mode
of seiling unseated lauda:for - taxes, the follow
ing traats - and parts of .trapts of
.unseated la n ds,
of which thane - 668'0t thoyerrantees•or owners
or the tutrubal aro below•givsn, will be - sold at,
public yendue: on tkie ageond •Biondsjr in June,
1860, .(the eleventh,) at .the Court -House in
IMont.r . On, for erre:triages dee, and the cost ac
erne:fort each 'tract roVecticcly, Ihe,stame
hu - paqon or befOre the day of sale. The .sale - comarienceat ten o'Clock - int he forenoon.
I A renit4L-Vllnt Forbes • 301 acres; taxes; $28.43
I.nrnbt* • 74 ”. 701
Gef.4ll.ld,CatuplB.ll 260 . - 18 90
JointhS'ergeant pt 156 1 . 2 [2 tracts] IA '74
I.Junth. ,, Sergennt jr pt . 301 , 43
i Auburn —Andrew , Bitters 100 • '• '1 70
Clitfork-John.fledch pt 85 6.41
11c6.) - 1 pt • - 50 - '76
t Peter Beach pt 115 . 1303
; - George'Yorter . jr . • 20 • . 150
j Newport, pt.- 30 - -3 25
Pyre:4l,lk e.Cadebeartnalt 297 12 81
Great•Bend.fon Butler 269- 2 . 9 56
i t Matthias Brooks, 50 • •'• 385
Truman Bald Win. 400 2332
Chariot Be tivr • . . - 24 78
McElwee David 4O • _ 08
Mintie Ralyea - •
i'Oliver. Trowbridge 2007 , . 11 55
Wattiotii Samuel' tract 1750 . • IQ I. 05
Fallienbur.ti & 0
Gregg: 10. : t
. 92 40
I ilarmnitc-0 .L• - %Vert :196 V 10 58
Robert:Trail. • 108
Frederick Bart!told - 300 : 16 20
Joseph,:Mason pt " .55 2 - 96
Duniel Itti's • 412 22 '4
David,,Buckley • : 404 2182
Snmnet•MeGrthtiy ~ 50. 2 '7O
Javoli , tay.lor ' 500. - 27 00
Ginhatti & Iforoevan s. - - 896 - 15 23
inmegromfort • 36 GI
Henry- Sampson - ,15 , 55
Herrielt—Rogei%Wylie - pt,G.5 ' 4
Genrgq' Payne pt " 98 • 7 3 3
John Plpyne pt • 247 • • 18 64
S"lotnitn-Riiik 'pt 16 1 21
James Rink pt • 40 3 02
Smut:lj Rink pt . 674
Iff , nry 323 24 75
Thonniirendwntader pt 103. -. - 7 78
Saml-Nletedith - 50 . 3 77
do. 64 , 483
A Terrell . 60 4 h 3
Sohn .301 • • 2"2'x3'
.Liekson—Samuel N64on 105 - - . . 703
.I.:itliron—John Dorsey •102 - 820
John Qi•oft (two tracts) 107 . , . 6 - 56
A riqtol.{: Tyllolo, ' • '2OO .12 30,
Geprvoli , plt - ,r.: • 200 . 12 30
Matthias Brook; 50 3 08
Lerioxi:—George Kepler 22 - •
I‘lntthilist - Brooksl , • 203 . -• • 3 :19
1. - oJertv , '—.Nn 69 .84 85 300 .P 1 22
NO 131 68 •'776 , -.400 .1770
No 2. „431 52 51 500' 02 35
No B a . - I s • 60 393
No :15 •. 100 .. 560
No 20 • • • do • • .. SCo
No •53 • do • 7 ;7
No 64 ' 50 • ' 433
No 58 59 tir 74 800 '69 30
John Sidlivan .
Genrsoil P:anharri• , 400
11idale1oWn—C f;urutalt
e C WriL , llt I • 60
.5..n0,u01;.-51erriek . 150
N e w Slllford-...Nir 204 ,130
SolorurM 'Finley) 'BO
Lot seta to Eloselt 901
Solomon Rink pt. .111 _
Andrew 50
Jolonitlon Ifitheock ' 'lBl
James 431inumne et :11 311
Solomon Rink 4 al 98
:‘,011111:1 Brookgjet a 1 • 79 -
Prorn . .t Rill nres ' 300. -
&Co - • . 300 r
0:41;land-,--Wm Potts 200 I
.‘l7m Armstrong ° x .400 •
Wm .41endrs60 ... 220, .
.1 - olin -Boyer - • .; 5.5- '
G \V Gresiory. '
Dayton • 150 •
Paul .1.1421er - 65
henry: Boyer '290 '
Rusll-4Win Plunkett 100 •
M'llpr du '
Thorreis Ilarrion do"
Jes,:e grans; . 420 52
GeOrfA . l SiOW4 210 _ 24
Mat thew Shaw '• - 102 l3 t
Peter 'Snyder - 100 . 'L2 6
Sarnmdilkit;gcloci• •-• 68 13:
w. T1T1.1;3, Treasurer...
Tre:Ntirer's Oirwe, MontrOse, lfareh..2l, 1660.
// 1 /1/;' . '"
Raomi open for Instruction from 9 a. m. to 9i.30
p, m. '
D.V.!-I.OII, I ELL, f'rofosicir 'of the
• Scidn'ee of Accotints, Practical Accduntant.
Author of l.owiAt'sTreaiieq'tipon Book-lc.t.ep
• in, Uinprm, iI I ust ran iig fhb
Jons l.asxrs , Comtnercial Aolzountant,-Prol'es'r
of Molt Keeping, and 'Practical , Mrithematie: , .
J. J. ('i,:nris,. Assist:ult Professor in the I3uuk
‘.K.c.0P412 , I), , partment. -
A. J. NV.l4ixEr.:, Professor of Practical and Or
. modental Penmanship, Commercial Calcbla
.•tiun and .Correspondence.
S'..Dicliirsou, Lecturer Commer,
ei,io.,aw and Political licorromy. • s :
'ilan,om Bulciaii, Lecturer on Cont-?aetm,
Prornis;:ory•Notel :pd Bills of-Exchange.
Rev, Dr. E. •Andrews,..liecturer on Commercial
Ettift.K.. '
1.; i X.1.11 NG; CO:171
116ii....titirtnan D.. Phelps, Win. R. Osborn, 1.1,1,
Tray R. Morgan, .Esq.
. Ttti= otiivet, ;or this ciAlgro is to afford to
rn opportunity of obtaining a th'orough Business
Ed .
Thi,•.ll4,oke and Forms arc carefully arran , rpd
by pr4etie;,l aceountnute 4.;tpressly fur thbrin
4titutifni and ettnnee all the 'reoent improve
meet 3-
'rho course of instruction- 4 .dwpri.tes every
depar(ment; of husinees. Tho learner will he
tilos-014011y taught the science and.- priletice of
Doubly Entry froole:Reeping - as applied - to rho
follqw:ing, kinds of busineSs, viz t General 51er.
eltandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis:
. learehintling .. , Railroading, Pore.ardin?,
Freighting; Foreign ShiPping,-&c. ff
Ladies Department entirely separate froth
that Of the gentlemen. ,
Stacnis ean enter- Voliege - tit noy timo and
I`l!:ceivil individual instruction. By this arrange
ment every student-is permitted to progress as
rapidly 4: : 1 his enteeprise and: ability will per.
mit, - and when through, perfect and .complete r
will rk.Teive a DiPlouta,whial will Vriable hint
to reslew,iit!pleaeure., •
Tinio to complete the,course,4 ic(l,2' . Weeks.
'vitentkon4. Board. $2, to $2,50 per week.
• •
17 % iir B9alt-KF.eping, tut) necoutilAnt's course..
inc:udjag Practical Pennainship, e01111111..ICI:24
Cithip s ittations and, Diploam, (Tim .unlintit.
- •. . ' • 535:00
Shinclrourse furLatnvs (separate) - 20, 00
PenaTusi-iiii and Arithmetic,. -• • ' 7 : 10' U)
•pt:ntilters' criurae in Penra:4l.ll4;Prtica:; A
tducation LI,LI nici4ed Elio d e .
gree pl . Bachelor of Arts. at rho : ilontral coin.
riienci'einent., • As he proposes it; hulas. ; ago.l for
a time. fn the business of teuching,holin di g e,foljj
re c orinrien.doil by thy- under:4;ooll'as a person
I well ilual.ft 4 d by. hi. sc {whir:dap arahltiuinaterim, -
• I.,by his chrispian chitrocter and d e lk4tinaat to be
Xttooks• - , Newep spend, 1'Hu,!,..4,43itil in the hattuetion and ziOrerrotteut
ties, etz,., bound upon ra "r110M43 A. 'l'.nicartt,
- 1. L. 'd SON.' .- i - Prot. cf I..atic.- •
cal iiidOrnamental, .
leisona in Practic4l Peninanilit
. will be
P . horzOg,rapy: . full pArtieA
eueul; r::
13.06 K BINDING. -0,
M1' T .'3EX 7. C12.3e1e r 43a.,:
GENEILM t AG r.:ix • •
and Horne Guide to' Hialitt ticl i i:lrupiiinev;.l
MOPE, NV/IMACII, XF7B, zii.,icincimutti:
"Mr' Thost dttniriv the sale tor'
This ;hove 'named Wark,..6 r i se e m r ii.
his Office, 1,1 CourtStr74t; Lint stpirt.,) Biwz
unton. N. Y.; from t-. i.4(3!Otit,
Batilt1(11'21 Hotel. New Pal; front ::0t
Lo 261.11 tlars of u:tch month, dnitilg
.April and *ay. , P. 141" Direct it tjers. g.
Initnton. 1
trHissclioni. will {Jo opened tor the
Ltian of Ladies ntal C ticwen ou ; thi7;24,th
day (Wetinabday), of rubruary,
Primary thatches Ter Qr . tr of 11 ,‘,•«4:e,.
Comnipti " " ' 3,5(1
efitfltrioil and 11;014.-r, " - 4160
Higher Enl2li.ll " " " 5,01.1
Lessons on l'Aano,` 6. .., 10,04)
Use 4,4 •••
. •
Ornamental, arid 61 - Asslea,l Dqp . artments, extra.
The Principal' has >hull in'
tetteliing in New Yol.liraid f•Jr
ten yeatii, in (:nut/nn, 4i (3r.16.:,i1
or 11i411 Sebool:;. RefereneeA gives if requireil4
N. B —Beard iit.the -boarding bail tWo Ors
pe week. LigliN :trobiero,bing ,
Payments to. be rn: - 7
writ,' irs advance. •
• rah y E.
S' • R TLI P 111' It i L g
For Eziclivltheat ekes.
.11Untrose, Pa
ETI'AiS tolfultii,,tratioq bokot
gtatittoi upon• t.ho esi r
:tte. of Elittwd Cote's..
Wall, lute of New 51, dee'd,
dvbi, d to said estntii rre mquestedl i to tints ita
troAliati...„puytnent, Xll lvtriogeritiois it ;:inst
the so t uo to pr.:sont: 4 - tbon .
fetrd3 lA* CottliwAtt..
31ZN •
_To Merchants .and . Dotilers.
ITAKE this metlititl
,uty many
hind and ;:telerotp-; friethin aril ep. , tettour.,
That I bay(' eltan;. , ,t: my intetost in the !lardware
B.usinot,s, in NI;%V . l'ori; front the 11 , 6. e fortneoy
Hunt, Thomas & Uo., :hid ut,
.:21b Poarl !,ireet, to or
.?4,0311EY, _Collit& _COMPANY
Row. rppw , ite the :Ist+
%%here f would- most :n•speetfullli, iilvite old and
new Iri. nda to 1011, or bend then" olfders. whieh
wit I in gratefully received :did protitylly
Jlv tldrt-,t , %%id 1.0., M0u1fu,(.,.1 , 8, until A d
.1,4. .Ipri!, and t . 1 ,1111 'that data till Juri:-, care
of !louse, or & Kings
bury 46. Court ',whit stri2et, N. V. City.
. nth* C. ICILE:I3.
1.5 9o`.'
21 GO
4 86
8 10
. .
Auditor's Notice.
undersigned still -make diLtribution of
the ;1-Fels itf the of the ildwitiktrutor
°Moe Itt:Montr....e ou
sltur l, tty, th, 31st, d,r of; Ata•ch 4)03, -"at
f, nt which time and pl:oip all rerwris
intere!, , t.tni wit! pre., , nt .o.tink or he for:
nv,r_l l ntrred front (.. „ minty. ;n•ttpon ford.
FR A NK. I .1 N. PI: ASl...ft; Aoiih r.
• 741.
Moritrese, Pa., - I.Bdo.
THE Trustees...eould preserkt-t,.0. •
cireuinsttinces. in rc , anl to
in col-tirinatiort - of it , ciainis - upOii the f.0.0r.1
or :kJ public: • • :
It, is not - a littirary institukion 1 i~.,uitfuj•rep
utation, but hr.s: ion!! c - j , ved the fat era: ;
tile ie.triiitage of tbe pabrie. fi
ft Is situated. rot amid Cho. Ji-cliractionis nod 1;
of a (.4 c...ror is 'it yel r',ltTived front
thOntliiences, of ri thud soviet',', fib! is •liii;ated
at hut County r , :eat. 31outrost-,.the,ii which few
places are more fitly supplied witli'whores'oUie
and tilristian influer.cwi - for
institution is.Tiow undtr tbif of •
"'nor. BRODlitall B. A., 1
a gentleman in Whose ninlity.learntittr,4lnd char !
acter'the utAnost confidence is wcrri. , nted.'bythe
accoMpari)ing tes.tittiordtds from :tiller:lrv- s'o Ice
than which titreis none.higher--tbe Prc:ddent
and ProlessorF..of Yule . Col I eg , -, ,'high
tution prof. 'frost : no:Ail is a'Ao an • 4filltma...i.
Pretis,iim will be 'nude in the et:suing term,
nr,t inererY for'une class of si but for
the dt..par ments tf,crithnuitt . Or tilassical edu
cation: for Nuitnar scholars in a sHeirate
fur children in a Prink:try :Depa-rttigmt-; and for
lily win pursue thu td.fill)•• cif Alusi_o,f
Erenftii, German, Greek - , or -Higher Math.'
Wv il
therefore lolly yeeommenciii ire Susitne-
Classi,:al and Normal School to the pa
, and -youtielt Clour tilate :Who take
an interest in the- adcame of •-
\Vi'd. JESSUP, Prat Boardlof Trustees..
C. F. READ', Secretarc. . • • -
• :
• • • •
Tim no:TA Term r. this instituto :l m with begin-
TIJ Et-i1).1 V, FEBRCARV 1 Ith.li4GO, at which
timetime;Lis expeted_ that ail the so Mlialts will' be
present. We aro prepared to -tit,:i.tuilents for
any clal;s . in ally _American • collegi...and
orEN .S E(•ii lee.tnres
on se rnu is subjects will be vit i• it week
during ball - the Tvrtil. ; bills.jugt pai l " ;
;.t. cud 010 e: eighth ‘<•eek.of the - rem. • Text., ,
unchangvii. • .
• PifiCE :KITION, per l'ernnfrif II week
Prim do., - - - • - 3.50 -
in Branches, and_Lptin orGreelt,_ '9,007!
Greet or Latin. each, • - - - I,mi
Freqh or German, - • 7 • -••••- • - 100
3lusiu bn Piano, - - - '• - .8,00
StUdents wishing to procure ronhls, or .hoarsl,
can lie aye onlinodated bir writing tee the l'uttlci: I
YAL, ‘ land ilMse wishing. to hthird 1114triselves I ‘elin 4
nhLuu'Stove, a rat. furniture from :411 , 55r;4. Satre
Brothers, on rvisonable terms. of Go: pl
from ! ,s 2,00 to per _
- 11. BROD!' EA
• Montrose, Feb. Ist, 1860.--:11.
-. • -
Vert; Col.Lti;
.Jung ,
...514 Harry firMilie'e!
.., a member I.f •
lately graduatea at 'Yale Coll,i'g l i, has
r. irk in ; the class as. a filr its
I am negnalnted with it, his moral !ellar;.eter, , and
, habitii are prom
,Bil L oo o nc P. . ,: rre; , :aNnt.
11_ 11 • • "
("nulled in
'send for A
oel4* if-,
- I '--,,,,,, 1 . 1- 0-0. •
~ .‘ " , sl .1 t, r1f 4 ,4.1 1 1. •....,...c.. , .LA
.1 - 1 , i 'LIU 1,4:2 - ,i, pt-14 °4,..:y, Iseco•
r Lard, tsi, 'Z'ttiticAl; Fui...:r.wlt'ii.:.;:c.ctori.
111 • • •*P.-I:qr... • '4:-i r -: 1,:.die. 1 ; desiring . tu.
JIOSIti Itir-r lw,7!tn . f.. ~ t-.: •••1,, f:7,'t:i , 114-1 pl..c.v.
!: CNaverLdi, Col ets -^ I:',-:!:•br i 4Cattotig,...
V 1 -Ne.! , ' 5...1-:•: L....V. ',
i , Imarc)i I,t. 1P , ;',..
I'.`f • •
- % ' - , Prinripu!.
fAI LII-.4 r''R - •
• and
.1" rift S ED ,
4 : 1 0: S' sold L:1
P ~.- I; 'II.IIA - 1;4 4 ALLEN. -
• ...
:,Z.VOS.. U4..1 , .r>. ft :(/ 1 07. .‘ .*- Ortit
: !SiA: l i •
411'9.119o:1 Tr.a . Voeill.4 our crr..x. t v
.k r t
T' jY "
.B) C`'`• . VOIV 3 ci`nri'prj:l4., a largo
kinds u.
Our st,.r.k . or FL/ P. o.7llES,will.
untisuAll; ,0).1
`in Plte cur
ne..l C.:',11 Lc
) ur
• Yialr,. re:Tt7.tlll' .
iiJi ,'ti!)
- -
- •
rt , "I,ATIVT ErtraET.
:.,1;11 1, 4111;erjt (If
I. s . .tirra
n•J , y • 1;.,..
ar,llonnO., to.the r.• :r-,;:t
th:tt. they k,,p 63
3:n,,.4-tne• EST
, 'l'o bG i'c~;ai~e! es _tts.:l`:?icitry'.
{,Ve 110 Ltr
t.lciri ;IC:ch . 1.1.0
Bureau?, Wal:1117. svit.h
fiorn "":
• Au ;13:11'12.: qr. hr. C.11 . 1,1;l• Uipt,
1 " :0:1
$10.1., 1-1.
and-, 0!" 75.
iu ttmi
t r, IJD . I; L*,
and E.x..L:',.'/41 - :
Cant', ti .:(4.;
awl . ',it ie.
ut..New - •
nrtiitii;tt -
Vie iLitt!,lloq...)
VV - r.LL, and- nett iLut. , tdr.t.l,
~ 1". W. :5;11 2'V KZ, •
. • _ .7:432 2
• •
Nt.rar...v. Jan. 0•1
aLrma =r?sTrziorgs
T A lcj, 1 01 7 ;7. 1 , 1 T CI ;074 .1
A T :., •,
i 9 SpCIETV f 11:%!;1,f,''...1:1.7i'.
f,;.,,;;, I,:
,_.~: E
' Dr. Ofigrli..:"l,L,L'i
- I'v ,4 T.• _
• •
H YP 0 FE.: 0 T E
c. _.:..
. ..
/,, : , ;.,,• r t r
ti„natrc iii I'rr:,
il_•v, n.. id 11.1,
ti..:e.a. - .t•t;l'i. it:r!
all iNk-i-2.4 Gi , nerai
IraC.m..siAtopi our: ef tird
ert.r, ,
-!xE5t . 11.1:c.:',..:;.7_ . :
. .
. ,
'lllO 11y1.011 : 1tt.:iti.ii , , , ,,•-- . .. --, :
.1 1
tml.•:,:tft ; :. - 1...rr, 1,,.. t :, :::, : 1.-, !" •:t
;:te;;;:tri . :.l,,•:: . li•, : y t,-: 1 ; t
....,-. I:
t;:,,ltittg ur:d it l :l;.%:tlit.:z rt.-1:-.1•
:, ttf vw.atok k ,•ll l ,,;;;; .. •. •
`r:r.• uti; tivnvi,ll,,l L, 11
ma't ' e 0111....: i1yp,y,...-;::
• I:Ie.:11,A :,ypr t .
class i)k.:11,-ti!:l,-
:Ajd,k v. t r,
'l.7,par;lti.'r, :.,
Plt•pnrei I.trici\
. j. r , A 1 rrail: 1,;
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CIL INGE I , ( ..5 T.l '. E. -.-.• I .;VP 012 TA-VT
~ ..
. .
.146 win. " z 1
1,1,1 t);
lei N.-tor
, t ,
1 '4l' •
:IFy "tllli.ll/1.1 Pili•ara 1111 a ''' . t, . L .,..! :. ~:, i ,,, p ( , 3 ,..
if 111!/ . , td1..11,.. , :in.1 p,) 4"•i;' i.i.letd \titLia
l'ii: re:t..;:'. ..:1 , :01,- 1,61,1:: I:,ltt up iii -N:i•%. , , 11.,ttles,
~:14tAitiir.;., . 16 v.inie.i,: . 4, p;t.t-: , ..:d. :73 . ..: 1.;,!‘• LoiLlei
. . . .
rt. ... ,,..t,• at. : - .- -
Op 7,1
The hilt:,
s 11:e' r0r.,, , A •;;:ags
oft• r. mrtly
•P 0 3 .1: i5..1.5
,4% ~ .
hill n:ttric tly
etifintetl to etiduni ; or es of silt%
ferees. Titre lbw's:mit. IA hii-5r . 0,11 to tik.2P t hem
rielve3 of thin Items Iv, krepared aft r Dr. Chit' t..
chit rt.; irlittuit it in' bottie-t nearly
the t 44,. of Unit Ijcrelofor,,t bs me,
itiakiie 4 it the ,iiiiiape•t,
Nvc , ,.„43
ki1 . 0 4 11 to 111c.iit.;:i
t•;:tt,i.iif Al.l. iitilerN, Ipl
£.(l' p.ll, and .n.qS the, :ICC as
'O3 on
is 71 ,, by,r0.idy,••p;.,,,,., t•or k ti,. -Itouv ci
fu r ,t, eoiituk.ii.-„,.....v0n:p0;t0
Iro r ;ootd to titi.v
all int - tirtni. 1)..1.1y 11; , :0--, , :ri! • • ""''''•
41 ,
1 - t.r=s :au! ;:rl. :-.h•a
\ Lli....l:E:'; ' / ' Etti
I 1 j 1.,•;•1 [, Y.
I .
- I ~ ~.
~~~ ~ :~'f~ ♦ ii:l \'it's
i , ......... t~ c...
1), - ..i.
611 C 'mist' (up
uy , sttv,iciable
we_rld by
L:at 7~tc lir'Ql-
• :.., - !1'or (dine
iu: a~~:~:in-
a a IA ogts