The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 08, 1860, Image 3

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    ..Two young ladies, Misses Temple and
Williams, while crossing thallississiPpi at,
Dubuque, lowa, Q banced to step'iipen,a spot
of spongy ice, and each went' through: Crin--
, oline was of essential service; for it kept them
from being submerged further; than thk-waist
till assistance came. They reached the shore
in safety, though not a little 'chilled liy their
moonlight bath on a February night.' , , r
...In Alexandria, D. C. ,last Sa‘ttiday ,
a petite company of . military, : styled_ the
•-Young Riflemen;' ,with neat .uniform and
knapsacks, - prided the streets. Otla com
posed of lads from ten to fifteen . y,earerOf age.
A wedding took placci . in-4)ettoit the
other day, between an aged . remari of sixty :
five and a young man of twelity-one:%. They
Were cousins, and on uniting themsilyes id
matrimony, became possesseth of ten thousand
dollars by teepest.' The dobOr'd-thi4Yrrioney
had, upon bis 'Oath-Led, 'Akin tips
thousand dollars each, under l i -the crindilion;
that they were married iu the family.k
squ...e:S have i ncreased tei such
nn - extentiin the public parka to rnila4elphia,
that they base become a nuisance, and it is'
nowlproposed to banish theinl- entirely- from
the Squares. As the trees yield no nuts ma.
ny die during the Winter florn starvation,
and it is also alleged that they
_bare' riven
away all insectivorous birds, and that;_worms
bare so increased inconsequence, as to make
the rapid destruction' bf the trees inetitable,
besides extending the contagthn to all. other
shade trees in the city.
CaptaitiThomas Bell, an old wriuker,
it is said,,has obtained a patent for ;'a new
triode orconAructing' ships Without . frante4,
thereby dispensing with, perhaps, one third
of the material ordinarily used in skip; build
ing, and still preserving all the strength '43 ; ;-.
sends! to a large class of ma rine erltft, - A
,teasel, constructing after 'the new triode some
where on Long Island, wiil be !ready for;exam
ination in the Spring: ,
- wife ofJultus M. Smith, of
Concord, Mak,corile to , her Oath recently by
thinking a tumbler and a harcof whisker, in
order to have some .teeth extracted. An eff
ort at the start was made to basic bed. take
ether or chloroform, Which she itity4teil to
think would injure her. Shekrasa'bout thir
ty years old.
....The Siamese Tains are still liiing in
Sarrey county, North Caroliba. At i late
revival the wife oT Chang 4Rit Laptied....:.-
Chang and Eng.seemed to be!much concern
ed for thernselve•r,abd request4cl an interest
the faayers of the jtiirnster!
Mr. Thinnas•A'ilmarth r , I#2 yrs.
died at his firm iit I.:ockland station; near
Cinoinnati,_on ;he 22,1 inst. Mr. Witmarth
emigrated to Cincinnati in the year':lBos,
Iron] the District of Columbia.; -
t. a sale of real estatelifiLctnilim the
property 5 , _.14.1 at the 1..0e of ti,060,0 . 09 per
r.:ll See advertiNement of Dr. i . .3anford'S , Liver
'lnvigorator and" Family - Cathartic Pills, in
another column. - Sc 3 1r
Scholarship in any ofj the first-class-
Commercial Colleges in the connfry,
this office,at a largo discount fr.nt usualjates.
• Mexican Thistang
wonderful effects and consequent populality—
perhaps no article in the historlylof the Materia
ifedica, ever acquired the same r atronaa, was
subject to the same number of severe andOiffer
ent teats, and met with so the'
Mustang Liniment. It has justly been ;S - tyled
-a Panacea fur, all external Wounds.' Swellings,
6uts, Sprains, Bruises ; or Eruptions on Oan or
Beast. It . 13' so far a medicine of susprising,t,?irtue,
that Thysicians,are compelled tb• prosetibe it,
and from.some remarkable cures i3f G'hrortic and
Distorted Rheumatic eases.ii. 4:iturally attrac
ted much attention from the first 'serientl4e Minds
of the age. N 0 f.tmily can afforyio be wilhent
a bottle of the Mustang Liniment . in the hOuse.
ikrare of imitations. The genuine is. sold by
respectable idealers in all parts the world. •
febn cat I. New York.
Afflicted, 'lead. Coriit'Ourin
Sot.uTtott for the PILES, is ,VarrantediLtb -ef
fect a cure in every case, and in . 411 stages of the ,
disease, or the Money Hill be r4fundeiL
diretions accompany each bottle.' -
Abel Terrell, Montrose; T. I. Babcoelt;Dim
ock ; Q. G. Hempstead, Brookly2 „: 1; antipiaJ.W.
Lyman, Tankhannock, agents. [decl ly
111ollars Life;Pills.—The high and
envied celebrity. which this pre-eminent
eine has sequired'for its invariable efficacy in
all the diseases which it profesi4s to cure; has
renderrd'the'usual practice of ostentatious puffi
lug not only unnecessary but unworthy of them.
, They are known by their fruits ;, their :;ffuod
works testify for them, and they •thrive niit
; the faith of the credulous. 'ln all'eases cif, cos
'tiveness. dyspepsia, bilious and liver affec-tliins,
piles, rheumatism, fevers and ag,ites; obstinate
headaebcs,and general derangements of health,
those Pills byes invariably proved:a certain and
speedy remedy. A single trial plade the
Lire kills beyond the reach of competition in the
eselm,ation of every patient.
Dr. Maras Phtenix Bitters! will be found
equally efficacious iu al teases of nervous debility
-dyspepsia. headache, the sick-134s incidipt to
females in delicate health, and eWery kitid of
weakness of the digestive organs. For sale by
Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Broad Way, N,
by medicine dealers and druggists generally
throughout the country. I y
F. D. WOOD, with hia is . F:s ouce
more located on the GREEN, opposite to the
sill cheerfully wait 'upon all who may -Lfaccr
him with a call. °
Pictures En good Cages, 50 cents: Liberal
dedoetiOns for Fainiliel. : All work, warranted
not to fade. [Montrose, Dec. Ist, 1869.
Diseases of the Chest Langs.—.
These diseases are 'too well known, to require a
description. How many thousandS are every! year
carried to a'silent grave by, that dreadful scourge
Consumption, which always commences with a'
slight cough. Keep the blood pure and-heilthy
by taking a- few doses or JUDS9N's MOUNT ,
AIN • lIERB, ) PILLS each week, aiod disease of
iny,..kind is impossible. Consumption and-Lung
difficulties always arise from particles ofeorupt
matter , deposited in the sir-cells .by bad. blood.
'Purify; that stream of life and it' Bill cerj soon
carry off and destroy the poisonous matter; and
like a crystal river flowing through a desert will.
bring .with it and leave throughout the body the,
elements Of fertility in its course,eausieg the be
fore barren waste to bloom with flowersi and
fruit, so pure blood causes the fraine to rejoice in
strength and health, and,bloom iwith untSding
beauty. -
Chills and Fever.—One bf the greatest
remedies that has ever been•laid,fiefoie the sub.
lie, for Fever and Ague,.and which hays tw'yd
• the highest, encomiums - from the;pros and the
TED BITTERS. Wholtarould endure this tore
tures arising from this - teirible disease, when it
can be SO easily cured 3 Who would endure the.
sleepless nights, burning fevers arid Icy chills,
'alternate''', when a rinedy' can . be , obtaintid for
a mere trifle! And yet how many familiei
ger out a 'painful exiskenne tinlr - this deadly
blight, and do nothing but gulp own quinine,
until it becomes as common as, heir daily meals,
and yet they are not relieved. lione but: the
foolish and weak would 'Hesitate to -procure- the
valuable Bitters, and save thee:lL-Ives intense
agony. For sale by dru&igist B everywhere; -
Read AdVertisement on 4th •e. ph
' McCollum tit Seailo, • ,
11i. Montrose, - Pa. ',Office in Lithrops'- -
buildieg, over the Bak: • - febb3
J. B. recor.t.c.v, • . '
111180 -
• In_ Brooklyn,i Feb. 15tb.'CATHARINE,D.,
Wife of Rev: IN. Doolittle, aged 53. , • ,
•• In Franklin, IFeb. .9111, JOHN 'PHELPS
I 'DUNN, aged 40 'years. • •
In Bri4ewater. on i the 23d just...JANE G.
:(laughter of William D.l and ,Mary C. Pincher,
vged I year and l 3 months. - . '
• ' , St*
111ESPrlT0 TFIIIi'. f ti' ' nth el -
o penen'ONDAY, Apri 2d;to continue
11 weeks. NU* affiliated and pationagd is
again solicited.:;Terms - of tuitioiohe. same as
heretofore. /inii- inforthation will be rendered
by seeing:or addressin" l ...' • . ..
febB 3w: ;E.11.11.AW.E.,Y, Principal.
Clcrtrer. 'seed it .
• anc(.
011110 ..11EDILU 111 .
Ti lill' Otb y
- 1
• 1
• • I
-SEE). - ,1-IEATis •
Store. of De WITT ik, =MY,
ily . i C. D. LATDROP,
Montrose, March 5t10860. • •
R. HI CDiarketn.,
• • .
and Home -
Guide, and Happiness.
, MOOEE, WILSTACK,,II26YS,4Sk CO:, Cincinnati.
. ;
1.71.7" 'rho's° dcinirlifizjAgencies for the see of
the nhove namedlWorkyan see Mr. Curinpn.nt
his Oflice,' 51 Cowl Street, Lop stnirs,) . Bing
.Is/.. Y., friim thy, Ist to, the. lsth,•and,nt,
16 filled. lotel,l New 'M turd, Pa., from 20th
to 116th "liars •ot each 'Month, during March,
April and May.-; Direct !quern to Bing.
hatniim. • ' . .thhB
. ,
‘.:. We. sotbscriber haying sold .
0,4' his farm; will sell at Public t .- •
' Irk Vetiduc, on StCH
24th, commencing at 9 o'clock, a. in.,—the
lowing property :[ one.span of working hdrkes,
3 car?, s.Reo year olds-5 yearlings, two hogs,.
lumber and lig-lit
. wagons'and harness, sleigh &
cutter. Tirwa fin ning, mill, dog churn machine,
plows and:riarrowS, - pikes and chains, and farm
implements of atsorrs.
TERMS: Nin3l' months 'approved credit On
all Sums over
Bridgewater, Mara 86,=186.-3w
Orphans' -- Court Sale. •
171' virtue of an order duly-. issued out Goethe
Orphans` Cf.urt of Susquehanna coup ty and
to me direeted,%vill be esposed to public sale
to fhelhighest and best bidder,coa
Friday, tlioOth day of :Ilarcit,
inst,. (A. 1860) Ott ONE, o'lock, P. M., at the
Courta.lOuse in Montrose, all _the right, title
and interest of J. V. Whitfor'd, late of the town
thip'4 BroOklyn - ;;Accea•ied, in and to all that
certain piece on parcel of land. situate partly in
the township of f(nsh, and*-partly in th town:
ship of Jessup, in Susquehanna county afOre
and bounded h 4 follows to wit.:
On the North 13# lands .of Noble Stewart, B.
Stewart, and C. Carina!t on the West by „lands
of C. Carmalt: on the.. South by lands of -E.
Morton, and 1. D. farnhatn, and on the East by
lands of . Drinker, and B. Stewart, eon,
taining one hundred (100) acres or thereabouts,
with the appurtenances, and improyements—a
framed 'house, a stall barn, some fruit trees'and,
1 -
about twenty-five heres cleared,
• Terms of payment made known-at the time of
eale. A. S. WHITFORD,
Ad•ninisfratrix, etd. - . of J.•V. Whitford, deceased
Montrose, March Bth, 1860,4 w
BY virtue Win' order dnly issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County, to
me directed, win be- exposed to pub lie sale to
the highest and best bidder, on
• Friday,, March 30111, 1860; •
'at 0110 010C1 , p. in', at the C :tirt House in the
borough-of Mantrose, all that certain niessuvr 's e,
piece or fat - of land. situate in the borough of
Susquehanna-Depot, 'Susquehanna County, and
boundedand - deserib4 AS follows, to wit:. -
Beginning at the . ; north east corner of a lot of
land .formerly by Nathaniel Hill; and thence
southerly by said Hill'a lot, to the fence in the.
rear of said lot,' about 12 feet; theneevasterly
along said fence 30 feet to a corner ; thence at
Hight angle. northeili; to the road ; thence
oolong the south side of the road r 3o feel, to the
place of beginning; being part of a lot known
and described on the Map of survey of lands of
the New York and Erie Railroad Campany aL
Susquehanna-Depot, as lot No. 29 ; and having
thereon a
,twoitory dwelling house, now occu•
pied oy J. T. . Cameron: and latc.thuestate of
FrederiAt Pickering, deeased. -
Terms of 'payment made known at the time of
m!8 4w • Administratrix etc .
. - vpr]D,
Nos. 103,105, rind 107, North 2nd Street,
WE are now #bout'receivin,g our SPRING
STOCK, w h 4:1 will comprise-a large"
I and desirable assoftment.'of all kinds of
Our Stock' f ri3Owkijas and RUCHES,wiII
be unusually 'large! this season, and we. would
invite, your special 'Attention to that department.
Please call and efaminti them before making
~your purztiiises.• j [mhB Imw
- Youql,i•espectfultir I ti. WAItD, - •
Nos. 103,.105 and 107 North S4COND Street
. . . .
P irtrite, dud La'bor . Sayed!
• -The most simple, economical, and durable
article.ever i)ffesed' to the, public to alleviate the
discomforts of ' wash-clayl
. ' Dscription. - i
It consists of a !metakcylinder, with ribs on
.the inside, and'.ani interior_ Cylinder of wood,
with ribs, There is n apace from six to Tight
incheti hetweenrthe two cylinders .' One crank'
,tarns both cylinder'. at e same time in opper; ' -ALPHA EPSILONS
site directions, rapidly :creating a,snds, forcing
the water., through !the 'defile; and effectually TAKE. -NOTICE.
removing the dirt: The action of the water , _ ' . 11.
does the .svoi'k quiekly,,spenses !entirely with ~ ,A T a meeting - of the. ALPHA EPSILON.
rubbing, and thus gases the wear of clothes. SOCIETY of HARFQR.OUNIVER:SITy,
1 - JAMES .R:ICODGE, RP; , held on'the oth ult., it wa4on- motion'
-,104 Jones. Airey,* IlhiCis Agent for' Penn. 1 Resolrecl, That, as many ?5f the Books of the
SULLIVAN & iriTATr,. - Prop'rs, Society are gone, and a purer wer?!taken un. ,
der the, mistaken idea the the Society was to
' -..--: 64 BEE/ f MA- r ii' 'ST " RE ''' v v - DR-- v • be discontinued, we request all personis having
N. B.—State 'andpounty Rights for sale, and bopke belonging to: the So'ciety to return tkem
pUrehasers supplied with, Machines at wholesale without further notice or delay.. ,
on liberal terms. ' i 1 • Pal:dished by °vier of the A. E.'Society.
- rirA Machine [sin operation by a Isuidiiis . C:1;), Turor4r.. .
. _
daily, at' our sales nom, i 139 Broadway. • . ,ian26lff) 'E. E. LYOS, t' - . Committee.
, v.„ v. n
jc co -. i • 1 - - Etihe ettiV6l32 - - ' ii, R. ,FL:Cliqtl,looif, ,- . - '•
, , ..
Tila subscriber will inn' at AUCTION, at
Wm K. Hatch's in Montrose on
Friday, the lUth day of March, big
This Rell was bred by HARRY -SMITH of
FRANKLIN, and will he two . yeani old on the,
29th of next April. Hmis large—measuring 6
feet 2 inches, and Is perfect-in form and color.
Ho was exhibited last iikt. at the Wyoming co.
Fair, in competition with A large number of
bulls, [two , of which were bred by Mr. Pritchard
:of Springyillod and toolt the Premium ae the
best bull of any age Oebreed. -
Abso,will,be sold ,atthbaame time and place ;
,two or, three good Cowernativesj with calf by
the 'above named bull.: Oale to - •commence at
half east . ten--sale • pritsitlye4 • •
Tunkhatmocli, - March 604,1860.25 t
. , ... .
- 4L. 4 A tk fltlP - AYSII TERM OPENS ,
ellY - X -1 / 5 .71.) , both April
,13iii, 11360.
Board &Tuition IFourteen Instructora.
14 Weeks at -Or Lndi s ei deairing 'tti
Illiiim River lostitir e, l lot.h, 'furnished 'placer.
Chwerack, Cot: -Co., -11Vrite/in.:a Catalogue:
New ,York. " - r Rev. A. FLACK,
thatch ISt, 3860 4w 1 Principal.
pHIS SCIIOnL will be o'pened for the reeep
lion of Ladies end Gentlemen, on the 29th
day (Wednesday),of February,. 1460.
. TErufs OF ITVITICS. •• -
i •
Primary Branches per.Qrtr of 11 . weeks, P,OO
Common •" •- - "I- " • " 3,50
Common antl fligher„,.:"! " 4,00
Higher English, ' "; . . 5,00
Lesson on Piano, " " 10,00
Use of 4 " " .9,00
Ornamental, and Classit..l.DepartmentS, - extra.
The Principal' has had much experience in
teaching in NeW York and Pent'a for the WA
ten years, in Common, as ,Well -as Select, Graded
or. High Schools.. References given if required.
iv.l3 —Roard'at the b4arding hall, two dull's
per week. Lights and washing .extra.
-Payments to be made 'quarterly in advance.
mhl ly E. W. ,ROGERS, Principal. • .
EM AINiNG in the Post Once at Montrose
-11,,Pa., Feb. rstb, 1860 .. • -
Georgc N Addison I Hickok
S F Basset " I b. N Heaton •
Miss Jane Bell 2 1 'Henry Hamilton
Mrs, Augusta Brown Huldy Haight •
Clurt:!a H Brooks 'Thomas - Jackson
M F Cooke - H Loomis .
Emanuel Dade l. Miss Jane MeAd.mos
Jacob Denny . • A A McGill.
Mrs Anna Dentia.m Moses Reed •
S I) FelPs ; Read tC Nicholson
Mrs Lumina Gordon - Sanger ,• •
Albert Goodspeed:, SAll<ShorMood
Persons calling, for . the above, letters please
say advertised; J. WEBB, P. M.
• Administrator's Notico.
LETTERS of administration biting been
,rfrantedupon the Moto of r.dward Corn.
wall, Taie of New .31ilforai dee'd, all persons in
dohit.d to said estate aro requested to make im
mediate payrnpnt, And_ nit'hnving el-aims against
the sainetu present them to —•
febn ft*_ joiftisnr; A. CORNWALL; admin'or.
HU,VG.4II?/AN Gtl2-I.g.S -SEED,
and Sol: ED W sold ty
Montrose, Pa. .11A4M IN & ALLEN.
At ipormop4, ;-•
VA TILL commence 114 r -eh sth 1860, end con
V V tinne ten weeks. ' .
e reackLerts:
B. M. STONE, Principal 4if the Academy. •
Prof. E. B. KNAPP, of Slieneateles.
Prof. J. M. WATSON, Elileutionist, and otherS.
L'ectu'res wilt be given dining the term, on the
science of teaching, and Other subjects, by dis.
tingnished men. The,..titijo has been changed
from March 19th, to the sth, Order to procure
tho•assist.ce of Prof. S. W. Clark, Principal of
Cortland Academy,.and author of Clark's Gram.
mar. lie will be here at! the commencement
and give the teacher* and thoic preparing to
leach, a thorough drill - in; the science of the
English language.
The Institute and Academical Departments
will separate thet Pras.'devoting their
time to the themters of the Institute.'
EXPENSES-Tuition for • Institute, -
For. Academy same ratelas heretofore. •
Board, 81 50. to-817.5 tier week.
Those wishing board, or:rooms to board them.
selves, will be provided fq by calling : on, or by
addressing the Principal. Lain out of town on
Saturdays,. . W M. STONE,.
Dimock, reb.l4th, 1860.4 t Principal.
j efag E MENTS
- .AT THE •
E - extensive Furniture. Establishment of
Buomens,hafing been refitted end
greatly improved, the prpprietors respectfully
announce to. the.citizens or Mootroke and yicir
ity that tbey are.ecinsiantV tnnkinzand keep on
hand the LARGEST andOJEST assortment of
TO be found in the Country.
We give the following list of some of the at
tides whieli we will sell nt greatly reduced
prices, fer CASH or READI PAy :
Bureaus, Walnut or 31:11lugany, • with glass,
;from $l6 to $35. .
BuYeaus with marble orihroentellestops, from
$lB, to $24.. And.a largoiassortment, from $B,
SIO.'IL 14, to $.lB, •
'Wash StandsiCard StaasXvrner and Square
Stands, of all varieties and',prines, from 75 cents
to ten dollars-
DeArs, Divans ,Towel Racks,Tootstools,Otto.
mans, Lounges, &c. , • .
Centre, Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitcitaa,
and -Extension Tables.
Chairs—Cane and Wdoil ,Beath, Rockers—,
elid,. Flag, and Woed FAats, of - every variet y
and 6tvle. a .
Sofas, tetc a Wes furnOed at short notice
at New York prices..
N. B. Ready made
. coffins on hand or fur
nished at short notice.-411tirses always in
readiness when deitired.
We misplay rroae but dannrur. and EXPERt-
ERCklik WofI,KMEN. We intend to do our Wong
WELL, and sell-it as Low is it can be afforded.
. • .11
• Montrose. Jan.-I Btb, 186.—t£
NEW moot's - paw itqapsi.
6ttilenbtrg, 11.osenbaum,
Blontroge, & Stisq'iDeimt, fa
rinpg undersigned have provided ittieweelvee
Orith . n
• - which they ifipittof beinOfte
in this section of - eountry.
They . _ also flatter themselves thr l. they hale
the beat facilities of obtaining •
600 ts fris' front Vltirket )
and are. determined not'to be undel43ld by 'any
firer this side of N. Y: City. In regard:to -
we would say. that being in this businj* largely at
24 Dey. Street, New York City
We can offer the . public bargalnirrint surpassed by
aziy retail dealers in this section, as *e can sell
here at retail prices'ae. cheap as thdse who go
to Neiv
_Ybrk rind purchase at whlegal . ° and
then bring them here, and.hvae to ma e a, profit
Over that whiCh they. have :already aid' them
selyezi. .- Call and see us and we rill pre-ca.
the facts_
6 * utititbergislgosenbamn,• Co.
• Montrose, Pa., October 27th., 18 . 59. •
H. 331CT3ELliarrir
Is just rPreisjitg a large stork of NEW stoves
including a full assortment of .1•
Cooking, _Parlor, bffice, and Shoi. - Stores,
for Wood or Coal. "!
Also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Stove rubes, ttc.
assortment will include .the mostlselect and
desirable stoves in 'market, and will* sold at
Reduced Prices for Cash. or .:Preimpt Pa y:
Now Milford, November Ist, 1859,1
. . .
. .
BUPAING'FLUiII, White and Cod Fish,
. Ladies Kid S. S.
.11nols, and ,mgrs . Gqitets
from .58 ati: to $1,75—a1l at TYLER'S.
May 19th 1869.
frAltilY not by the wayside—butlha.ten to
JL the Iliad of Nayigation ona get
40 0 .313.0 17:1.4:=•1181. , P '
Jinn...ran be had at any BEER SIIO in,Peri'a
1 am - bound to make it an object for CASH buy
ers to !Faro their shilling with ,roe, aMI not
spend them - for trash—stuff—the fad ends
of Peter Funk Auction Shops—which, make - a
Big Show . on Ma- Bills. Don't be humbuged
by, three cent : handkerchiefs, Sod only to bleed,
but come-to the • I
.one door below Tarbell's Hotel and Limy your
Goods at Newlork Prices,
Calicoes, Detains, Sheetings, all gocid Goods.
Excellent Teak, 40, 50, GO, and 73 cents. Bing
hamton price 45..55..65. and Bs. 12 1.1 pounds
nice dry Sugar for $1,00; Box RaiginA,.ls. Soap
Starch, Tobacco, &c., &c., all of which I WELL
sell to •suit the closest buyers.
January 25, Ml] IiENRY C. TYLER. ,
N. B.—Don)t forget the place; the ONLY Store
Auoe Mulford's, No. 2 Peislie Men* •
ATII CRS and :31otheii, Brother:
And Sisters, and all others interested,
xill pleaae take ranricur.ere•notieo that
the fellow that comes round once a year to tickle
the children, is expected along soon, and has
agreed to call at Butlard's Book - Stord where he
can find
•- A nice . I(if of Toys,
For Girls.and Boys. . • ••
Also, a fine lot of Gift Books and An4uals, &c.
such 'as old Sanfa Claus will surely be pleased
with. •
• Please•remember that the old -fellow will he
round a "few days earlier this Year than usual,
as Christmas comes on Sunday, and *Wiry to
finish his travels' to all the. little. Girls l and Bays
Saturday night. At the Montrose BMA Store.
Remember. n . •A. N. BPI4,ARD.
Montrose, Dec,)l2ll), 1859.
' . THE :NEW _
Ready Pay and Small 'PrMi.
fl BURRITT has now in St re and is
. making large additions .to bis Stock of
would invite the attention of cumin PATTCG nuy.
ERS, embracing the most desirable: varieties of
In New Styles of Rich:Fall Prints till Plaids;,
In Del tins, Ducal-Plaids,'Plain and- P, aid -Meri
nos, Mohair Cloths, Gingharni,nnd Silks; Broeho,
Stella, Cashmere, Silk, and Wool Shalls; Rich
RibbotA, noticti, and Flowers, Net floods, La
dies' Cloths, ldroad Cloths,' C';ioiiiteres, • &c.
With a full assortment of ' •
Staplo and ranoy - Ciiioss, •
, es usual; including 1
Groceries, Crockery, • llardware,
• Stoties, Iron, Steel, Nails, ,
• Hats atul Caps, . 1, '
• Boots end Shoes, Carpeting t Floor Ipil Clothig,
Painted Wiadow•Shades,.Wall Paper' .. Clock,.
Drugs, Oiis, Paints, Furs, Soffalo,Robe;•, &c., &c.
•1 -The entire,stock, being large, Wad bought for
Gash, will give a aneriocOpportnnity for choice
ns •
Aeleetioand will be sold for Rcatpr•PAY 1.0
to 25 per cent below regular prices. An ex.
aminatiort of the STOCK will be found Profitable
to tho:fi- ikho wish to buy. . •1 • .
' N. 8 —Fleur and Salt constantlY'on hand.
• New Milfoad, October. 1859. • 1
C.4L - FL3O;
To Merchants and De .1
ITAKE thin method of informing,
kind and - generous friends and c
thti have changed my Interest in the
Busineis, in New York from thehodse
Hunt, Thomas & Co., and - lately I. L.,
215 Pearl street, to that of
;- 23 Parlsßpto . , opposite the Astor !+
Where I .would- most respectfully invit
pew friends to call, or send their ardi,
will be gratefully received and prompt
111 v address, will be at ontroad; Pa.
Ist of . and,from that date till J
6rabove Houk+, orLawrence, Griggs •
liary 46 Courtlandtistreat, City.l
`'m3l* • N. C. -TT
Auditor's ,Notise.
1H E undersigned trill make distri.utiOn of
the assets 'in the handset the administrator
of Abel 'glee; dec'ff, at his office in Notitrose•oo
fiettirday, the 31st, day of Merck : neat, at one
o'clock, If. tu.,arwhicb time,and plaPci .1 I Persons
interested will present their claims, or be for.
ever barred from corning in upon-said 'and.
nth! 4w 17,ANKTAN.TRASER; Auditor.
jest return ed from selecting and Per
chasfug, and s now receiving one of the
largest and bat assortments of
* 4 ::; 0 2 ; 16 153 3 i
ever Market: The . quality of
Demi, good; - and all warranted al
leprous. . As; ready - ash and low prica.
Some genera, ma of the stock may ton formed
from the following - enumeration:-
I DRUGS; atzinonize;
- - Chainicals, Paints, Gib , Varnlahei, - •
' Window . Glass, Dye Stalfk, timeeries.l.4ma, •
Glass Ware, Crockery, Mirror., Clocks, Wall Paper,
'Window Paper, Window Oil Shades, Fantry Goods,
lelmicat-Instrtummts, . Jewelry, : Porfumeri,
Steno Ware; Brooks, Itimsbes,Wkipp,
-- ,timbrallait, Bird Cages, Pocket !'
/Lnives, Gams, Pistols, .
AMMunition,liquers,Trassei, •
Supporters, Port-mom:fates, Shonlder
' Braces, Spectacles, Silver and Plated lipoons,r
Forks, &a, Oold Pens, Stationery, Violin, Oniter,*
Base Viol Strings, Bows, - Ac., Porcelain Teeth, Lith
ographs,' : Artist"m Tube 'Mats, Brushes i
and allthe popular Patent Medicines. •
• Also some Dry Goodi,Wooden,
Hard &Japanned Wares
. • •
•. 1 Fluid and Oil Cans , Camphene
• Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpontlnn,
Lamp, Tanner's, NeitFoof,Lard,Olive, Castor,
Boiled and Baw Linseed; and Coal OILS, White
•Lead, Zino, ant - i-all kinds of Colored Paiute, Vino'
• gar, Canary Seed, 'and other. things too_
mimerens to mention.
As it Is iMpraeticabli3 to give - more than n gen.
eral outline; oi my stuck through the NewSpapers,.
every ono Wishing goods la invited •to Salt and
examine. Customers on entering the Store'
must not
ekpeet to fi nd every thing in sight; but
nearly every article wanted will be producei
-by inquiry: Thdakful for the liberal patronage
hitherto received, I hope to merit, and r e ceive a
faro increase 'of the same. i • •
Montrose, Pct. 5,'59. ABEL TURit ELL.,
i Ca.,
WM. B. 'SIMPSON •••-
'Ft if ITEPIII{Eff
Shop in%Boyd & Trebeter'l new 604iing,
nest clOor above Keeler 4: Stoddorirs.
worded for the past .nine yedts
LI with tho most skillful workmen; lie. feels
eonlidCnt that he can do the.mobt.diflienit jobs
on short ncitiee: •
All Work Warranted to Giro Satistactimi.
W. B. Spasm' has worked for me for sometime, nud I can recommend him as a careful and
skilful workman, coinpetent , td do as gof:4 work
as can be, the cnontry, and wory .of
confidetrco. • - Wm, A. CIIIIA/ DE la.
—Towand4 JUne 10th. 18581 i •
,:- -, ......_.....,:—..—.-.........„. . t - , -
• :
. Refirs tol—W m. Elwell, E. W. Baird.. L. D.
Montayne, E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingabury, Towan
da; - B. S. Bcntley, L. Searle, C. D. Lathrop,
J. Wittenberg, Montrose. ' . - •
* * *Jewelry -neatly. -repaired - on short ( notice ,
and on reasonable terms. 'June 15th, 1858.—tf.
,--_-,- • SALAMANDER Seei.—EVANS
_:..., - --, & Watson, No.. 26southl fourth
11 , :r e ! - 4.1 street; Philadelphia, have now on
I! I hand a large,assortment, et Fire
'_7 ~ and Thief proof Safes.,l Also.
'' Iron doors for banks, stores, Iron
Shutters, Ir f on sash, all makes of Lvekti r equal
'to any in tho tioiteisiptes. • l''
Five Safes, in' one MT.. . 1 :411 contiout [Rigid
with] . contents .in good condition.l
' CV'.- - ..-11.NS 4: - WATSON.,.. i•.
Have hail the surest 4 - ernonstration - In • the
following- ertificate that their 'manufacture. of
Salamander; Safes hail at length fully warranted
IMe reprisetitations•which have been made of
them as rencleting:an undoubted. security against
the terrific 'element : • .
. d Philadelphia, .April 12th, 1856.
Messis, Evaxs-& WATemr. -- Gentletnen:". It
:Adds us the highest satisfaction to state . to
you, that giving to the very .protective gnalities•
of two oil the Salamander Safes which -we
purchased of pia some months since, v 0 saved
a large - portion of our jewelry;and :di our books,
papers, &c. ! exposed to the . calamitous :fire in
.11.anstead P lace, on - the morning of the 11th
inst. ' - l .
When we-reflect that-these Safes werelneated
in the fourth story of the building we ocCupied,
and that they subsequently. fell into p heap of
buning.ruins,-where the -vast entice-titration of .
heat estriell the brass plates to melt, we cannot
but rcvdt,4l . the ffeservatiou . of their valuable
contenfi:Cs most, convincing prost of thC great
securityfplTdrded by your Safes—
We slitd-b take much pleasure in iecommetid
in,gs, thorn to men of business as a sure reliance
against fire.! •.
G E 012.13 IR W. SIMMONS dz. WO., Jewelers,
Who hate purchased Six largo Safes since - .
Dr. , •REMEDY.
Genuine- .Preparati'on'--of the
01 Lime andof SOda,
pladefTom the Formula of Dr.. 3. Chtirchill,• "of
Paris,) for the prevention . and_pre of
-Also for all ,Diseases of the i'VerroUS and -- Mood
System General Debility,ross of Flesh and
. Appetite, Scrofula, Asthma, Bronchitis,
. • Pardlysis, Rickets, -and the COM- '
- ;.plaints of yonien.•
• - .
' , Winchester's litipoptios4ites are unexCep
tionable in their Preparatio n, Druggist.
' •S
Tho success of thiS /Extraordinary Remedy,
since its discoiery by Dr. Churchill twq years
ago, has no'-parallel in the annals of Medicine.
Its invariable ellica,'y in s.ll . stages of-,ColAump•
Lion. as tvelras its wonderful power in rot toring
theServouslnergy-and enriching the . Blood, in
all cases of General. Debility or Nervous Pros
tration;stamps this as ono . of tno. most valuable
reniediat agents ever given to the world by
Chemical bikini:lmi.
no.single instance havo I found dhorßem
edy to fail."Dr
'TheliypiThospitites possess the pow'e of in-.
creasing lierye force, and promote the functions
of nutrition they tend to produce the tubst re
freshing and renovating rest?-Dr. V.Nitwton.•
"Cases of confirmed Pulmonary Consumption
era uniformly bettetitted by. the free end doittitt
ueil use of the Hypopliasphites.'—Dr. F.W.Clark.
'.Are the Mostappropriate Remedies in a large
Class of affections, resulting-front a loss tit ner
'vote force." Roston Medical and•Surg. Jour. '
"Mr. %Yin Chester is worthy of all
and devotes I : himself enthusiastically to hthese
preparationsin all their variety, of combinationst,
'Prepared strictly by Dr. Churchill'a metNad."—
D. Meredith Reese, M. D., N. Y, City.
rNitrrii.trii •
. •
My "qentiine Preparation of the Jivpophas
phites of Limo and Soda" is now placed Within
the reach of all, being put up in - New Bottles,
containing 10 ounces (n-pint), at $2 per 2totite;
also a New size (7 oz.! bottles) :4
oneMollar. Per Bottle. -
The bottles have the folloWingblown in glass;
ellypophospidtes of Lime - and Soda. Di... 1. F.
Churchill's Specific remedy, for Consuniption.
J. Winchester. Ne Sir York: The tuba& wrap
per is printed with a PlDK:tint, 'MIA the Word
'Genuine across the face: • Ilse'no other. .
my many
. Hunt, nt
old and
[;, which
until the
ne, care
• Kings-
This offers a more ample guaranty
against the many Impure and deleterious prepa
r.atiolle Palteitt uhdeSr t • name of Hypophow. ,
phites, which are spuH.. • fraudulent,and -cal
culated to endanger the health and lives Of sot:
torero. -The thousand's who wish _to avail them ,
selves of this Renie4y; prepared after Dr. Char=
m'ethoii,nan now obtain it in bottles heady
double tfie..sise of that heretofore sold- by me,
making it the ehoapest, De well as the. molt dn.
cacions treatment for 'Pulmonary and Nervoits
Diseases now known to medical. Science; Bi
ware-of.ALL others, no matter who offers them
to you, "arid lays they. ire just as goad as inine.
My fac.alrr!!l* - fa on boOt !Abet aid wraliper.
0/ THE
. 1 1E r ina,t1. 2
-.E.1 Agents, Ere now opening the mnit enor
mous Stock of
..11A.T.S& CAPS, .. GROCERIES, .
WiltV ki-AO ROVit t ig,
JEWELRY, & d: C.,
evet,t , rought: to this end of thit State.l - Bought
in Now York and oC the Eastern ;Sfantilartureri
FOR CASH! and whieli We have naarited.auw a
At Ar..tnaltsaii- Low Pnicss!
As-We feel confident in allwe assert.- The day
of large profits has gone by; ,and We'hiivs good
The success of our house has prompted
,1,0 GIS
• „
to filch from us our, good name. We cannot
prevent, this, of course, neither do we fiesire:to;
and have no apprehension of any efil tetDl: tp
our business.
„ .
aellmuch lower than any othir . eainblishinon . t
in'thie part of the Spite, and wo-will alWays
maintain our reputatFen for -
STYLES the Most Fashionabte ! •
Qgalitica the Most.Reliabli !
--•- - •
&rood Vaide ! .• Quick Relurnt . ?
. Our system of doing business creates much
jealousy among, Old Fogy Merchants sielto have,
as many prices, on the same goods as they bare
customers. •
pleases our old customers and creates manymew
ones; we intend to continue RemeMber and
call beford you buy, -jilt is nothing more than
to keep well , ' posted up. -
We possess advantages for purchiudeg
goods, over any house in this section;; and the
Unparalleled increasctof . our hales for the past
year warrants us in saying that wo ...never were,
and never will be undersold. 'We fear ne com
petition. flour and Salt always on hand. ,
Every kind of Produce taken in exehange for
Goods; , Cash paid for Pelts and Fars.
Milford; Pa.,lon. Ist; 1860.
• I
The proprietors and hirtitiftieturers of 1:0S-.
TErfEit•S CEbtalll.lTLlP
TI:ItS •tiati appeal it ills - per'fect ,conthreime to
physician and cititram generally-id . theXiiited
Suites, because tIM article has attained a repu
tation heretofore unknown. A few taeis uptm,
,point will. speak nitre !j inn
volumes.of bare assertion or bLizoting Puffery.
The eviistimption of lio , ...tetter's Stornaelt.Lit
ters for the la,t:year ninon:Act{ to, ovely half
million bottles, awl' from its Manifest ltcndy•
increase in limes past:it li - evident that.during
the corning year the con,umption, via reach.
near one willion.bottles. This inuaense
could, never been, fold 'hut for the rare
meiliAinl properties 4‘ontniiied'in the pippara
emit• and the sanction 'of:the most prominent
physicians in those; sections cf the
,eountry .
‘ where. the article is sest knoirn, who not only •
recommend the Bit. ers to their patients. but .
'lire ready at till - times iO4:11 - 3 Er:SC . 1111011131:4 to its
Cffießey in all eases kstinnachic deraniontents -
and the 'diseases ret.ulting, therefroth.
This is tint a tettirrot.ary obiaino
by extraordinary efforts itt the vuy of, trurn.
peting . t . htl: qualities i.f . the Litters, but raid
estimation oft n invaluable iv:edit:inc.-1i hick is
.destined to as midi/ring as rime itself.
llostetter's St.:mum:li hitters' litre proycil
a (3,,dsonil to regions where fever 'mid the
and various other •bilious barn
counted their victims 1.. y hundreds. To ho
abi - e - to stn•ei confidently the •'a-itter,"
area certain cure for the ltysperSda:niul :
diseases, is to the 'proprietors a emcee of un
alloyed pleasure. It'removes allllinthitiMatter
front, the stomac h , purifies the blood, iind .
imparts renewed vitality to the nervous System, 9 .!
gr.ving it that tone and energy - indispem l able
for the restoration of hralth. It operates upon
the stomach, liver, and ether digestive organs,'
wildly-but. powerfully, and soon restores them
I o a cunditina c%sential to the healthy discharge
of the functions of -nature;
;Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as
dircetions - on the bottlo,, and they will find
to it.a stimulant peculiarly tultiptitt to comfort
declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate,:,
' invigorating to the bowels, excellent - 3i, a tonic,.
and rejutenating . generally. We have the ell-.
deuce of thousands of aged teen and-firemen
who have - exPerieneed the beuetit of using, this
preparation while tttlrering front stomach tit--
, rangentents and general debility; acting under
the advice of physicians, ti ey,have abandonc4
nil •deleterimf drugs
,and fairly tested the
merits of this article. A few' words ;to the
gentler sex: There are„certain periods
- their cares are as harassing that many of film
sick under. the trial: The relation of; mother
and child . is :F(/ ttbsorhingly tender, th'ut the
mother. especiUly if she be yonrg, is apt to
. forgot her own health in her extreme anxiety -
• for her infant,: should the p - criod of maternity.
active during; the summer season, he _wear of
body and mind is generally aggravated. Here,
then, is a:necessity for a stimulant t i reenpe
rate the energies of the system, and etudige the
mother to- bear up under her exhaust ingtrials
and responsibilities, Nursing' mothers:gene
tally peeler the titters to all ether invignrs
tors that receive- the endorsement of physi:
clone. because it ii_aireeable ; In th e taste as
well as certain ter give' a permanent increase
• of bodily strength.
AU those pet sons, to whom we'llave parties-.
larly referred above, to wit: suffercri front
fever and agne, caused by malaria, diat!ritu
dysentery, indigestion, loss . of appetite, and
all diseases or derangements of. the stomach,'
'superannuated invalids, persons.of sedentary.
occupation, and nuesing mothers, *lll chnsult
their, own physical welfare by - giVing to Iles.:
'tettet•'s relebratecl Stountelt "fitters a trial.
CA nit/N.—We enittion' the public against
using, any of the many imitations or counter-,
felts, but ask for 110STETTEV'S entrnttAvrn
Svostacit Iltrrntis, and see that cad' bottle has
"the words 0 Pr. J. liostetter's Atomach Bitters"
'blown. on the side Of the bottle, anti stamped
on the 'metallic cap covering, the' cork, and
observe that our autograph signliturelis on the
63- rrepnrcd and sold by ECOSTETVEIR
SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and 'sold . by all
druggists, grocers, and dealers generally
throughout the'United Stet,* south Arno-.
rice, and C ermanY. •
Fir For sole in Jlontroso by, "
janlfi ly ;••• . ABEL. TURRELL.
k_;:uk..i\luslcAl • 14',R1T.N6.
A Rare Companion fOr the Winter . ninths.
Every Pianist, , - Should procure this Weekly
Every Singer, - Publication of Vocal and
Every Teacher, ."" Piano Forte. Music; cost.
Every Pupil, ing but 10 CENTS, a
Every Amateur, number, :and pronOuneed
By.the entire Preas of the Country, to be
"The Best and Cheapest work of thelkind in
the World." " .
,Twelve Full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano
Forte Music .
c>rb 14> Cente.
Yearly, $6; Half-Yaall.f, 82,60; Quarterly , $1,25.
Subscribe to our a Musical'Friend," or order
it from -the nearest Newsdealer, and vciu will
have music enough for your entire family tit an
insignificant cost; and if you wanMilutde for
the Flute, Violib, Cornet., Clarionet, Acecirdion,
dre.,,dtc., subscribe to' the
Containing 12 pages, costing only .
10 c. a Number; Year15 , ,82,50; Half-yeai1y41,2.5.
' All the Back Numbers at 10 eents, and hound
Volumes, containing 17 ?lumbers; at 62,59 each,
eonstantly on hand,
. • C. B. SEYMOUR & po.
. 109 Naomi St.. New York.
.. ,( , ) // ' (.,/N ' • > Ot
. • 7 (7 • ( ---- !,• 7
cheapest,: Best! lairgestl
-10.130,40.0' ••
,Psys-for Tuition in Single and' Dciuhlo EntrY
Pook-Keeping, Writing, Curnaidreial . Arithroe- -
tiet and Lectures. " . •
Board S 'creeks $2O, Stationery try
• Tultiott $35, entire expenws 86111..
- • • .
- Usual lime .
:from 6 to 10 weeks. Elveri,at.o.
-dent, upon graduating,-is guaranteed competent
to manage the Book. of any Bu.sineas,
ified to' earn a salary. of from "
$5OO - TO $1.000.•
. Students .enter at . any Vacatiott.-- ,
- Review'easure; • ,
for Heist gurines* 'Writing for
18 . , .# 9 ,!eceivett.Pittsburgh; PhilndelPhioeanit
Ohio :-:tnte Faint. logo, ftt: the. principal Fain/
of the Union for the past four years.-
Sr . :klinistttrs' Sons rOceiViid at . 'hilt Price.
* * *For Cireularm, - Spceiwen i , and Embellish,'
ed . Views of the Cot lotto,
in •le o five.
, 8
8111111 . 1) ti)
.• •
W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh ;
January-19th.-1860.-1y- • • •
• An aperient and. stomadhic preparation of
. IRON purified of Oxygen and Cirbon by com
bustion in HydrOgon, of Lig'i inedical•author.
ity and •ettraordinary. e f ficacy in each. of the
foNowing confplaints,
THE SKlN„cte.
'The IRON being abs
thus circulating throw h the whole , system, no
. part of the boy can es - ipethcir truly wonder
ful infihenco. • . - - "
The experience of the', .and 3 daily proves that .
no preparation. of iron can for a moment be
compared with it . Impurities o'_ the blood, des. -
pression of vital energy, pale and. Otherwise'
sic cly compLxions indiCat3 its necessity in al.
mast every conceivable cam. In) all cases of
fenialo debility Mier albas, chlorosis, etc.% its
' effects are delightfully renoTating. No remedy-
has tiVcilbeen - discovered, is therl:hole!kistorr
of medicine, which exerts such primpt,
and ffillyrestorativevifccts. Good rippetite, cora
,pleto digestion, rapid acquisition of strength,
with an- unustial disposition - for `active and
cheerful exercise, immediately follow its nae.
As a grand stomachic and general resktrative
ithas no: Superior and no schstitute.
Pnt up In sreat.lflat metal boxes containing
n 4 pill., pairs .30 cents pre box t six holes,; one 01;1,11 b..... CI. 00." For sale by
-I )I I ATAInte - gelierally. Will be tent free to
any uticiress Olt ter rip( of tke prier. All
"ttr*, orders, rte., skined addressed to
IL R.:LOCKE &C 0.,:
• "
• - •- Gq - neial Ags,..t."nt4. •
N Y.- -
N, ILL,The above Is n. fbc-.ltrale of 'lb. •
1.31bel ors 'eaelt box. . '
sale ; ifr Montrose by G
decls ly AMU.. 11.71:11ELL. Avent.
• r... 7 ;
• 4- !••••1:'
'•!••• • •
ti,;l •
i r ; 4 . .
I,ify.:-`,7./.2._)wye-J R.,I•P;
-0- •
• . 7
- •
linLow A y' r s
ipq J;L 8: • '
.rpH E BLOOD is the I i stz,ioin g dgen t..
furnishes the components offiesh,line,naus
cle, nerve and,intcgument. - The.stOinaoli is its
manufactory, the veins its distributors. and thei •
intestines they-channels thi'r;'itglt which th'e. waEte
matter rejected in productions; is expelled.
Upon the stomach,the caculation and the bowels,-;
these - Pills aci. sire ultaneously:.
tion'i'ptirifying the-fluids. and regulating the'
Dyspepsia is the itio,.l comtron disease among
all classes in 'this eonetry. It assunies n thous
and shapes, dridis the primary source of innum
erable dangerous msladie;; hilt whatever its type
or symptonas,lrowever . obstinate its reslitanceto
ordinary, preparations, it yields readily rind rap
idly-to this searching and unerring remitdy,
. 'BILIOUS AFFE 0.7'10N S. .
The qUantits of the bile" is of' - vast imPortances .
to health.' - Upon thdlit•er,the gland which re
eretes this fluid, tiles() operate - speOtic.illy,.
infallibly rectifying, its irrcgulaTitirs, and: effectu- ,
ally curing Jaundice, Bilious ItemittAtits. and all , .
the varieties of disease generatpd by.alttionatu—
ral condition of-the organ. - • -
Utilots the bowels pc forty their:functions prop
erly, the whole body sulfets. Tens of thbusands
ditarinuelly - Of Dysentery, • Diarrhma,Chrouin
c wi pat i on ,- 13 , r ,d other 'E.t.a-ie.-4 of .thetio _waster
pipes of thusystein. Theidrect of the Pills upoD
-all intestinal disorders, Whether i-asuel opi,:
demie, is a phenomenon in medieime. By, follow
'noire piloted direytoins, the most alarming:ea
ses of bowel complaint are proMprtly controlled..
A If r ok.D TO FEMALES'. . -
1* • '
The local debility and irregnbrtities which ever
the especial non - queer..s of the weaker sea, and
which, when nefzleeted, always•shorteri life, are ,
relieved fur--the time being, and prevnted:io time
teeome,by a course of this mild, turd alterative.
11S1lois'ay's Pills are the best eenzedy,lat ! ni.n in Iha.
world for the fu:loteroi . •.
• Asifnita Chest Diseasioi Fever and Ague
Coughs Bewel Complaints Female Compbtintit
Colds Costiveness 'Wcatrriiiss . l
Diarrhcea Headaches Liver Complaints.
Dinpsy Indigestion- Lowe e 'CI f Spiting
Debillty Inflaniniation . Stone and Gravel
Influenza-Dyspepsia' - Secondary' Symptoms
Piles Venereal Affections %inns of all kinds
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4 4* Sold at the Manufactories of Pr ' ofi;ssor
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and the civiii4ed world, in boxes at l:!.5 eeists,
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There considerable saving by taking
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S .H GE'S:
ALARG,E KIT for men i'open arid e.ta:Wren,
, just received, and for sale it the very low;
est:rates, by. • & §I)N.
VOOK Beeke, NO !Raper;
1.11 Pamptdets. Mag.lzirice, etc., bound up on
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b 4 by , the 'blood e l and