A. J..GEFIRITSISN;' i P~JBLISHh t. • P. LIDIE'3, • FASHIONABLE TAILOR, :.Mortroie . ; Pa. Shop in the Brick Block, over Rend & Co's Store.' All work, warranted, as tofu and Bnish. ALFRED HAND, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW, Montrose, Pe., will littoral to all badness entrusted to him, with fidelity and despatch. !• May be found id the office of W. &. W s Jessup, Esqs. 5...11. Sayre & Brother; lANUFACTURERS of Mill Coalinga, anii In—Castings of all kinds, Stoves, Ilb and Sheet Iron Ware, Agricultural IMplemenle, and Dealers in Dry Goods,'Groieries;Crockerr, &c. Montrose, Pa., November, 16;h, Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & CO, DEALERS'in Ready-mhde Clothing, Ladies' Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, etq etc. . Stores at No 24 Dey-at, New-York City, and in Towanda, Montrose, and Susq'a Depot, Pa:- . • . L. B. IRBELL o t REPAIRS Clocks , Watches rind Jeweky,.st short notice, and on reasonable terrnv All work warranted. Shop in Chandler & Jesiup's store, 'Montrose, Pa. [oc2stf. - -DR., E. W. WEX.LS' HAVlNG'permanently.located in Dnuilaillit offers his professional, serv:iees to alllwho may require them, Also, keeps; constantly on hand a full stock of Drug s andiinedieines, s, Pure Wine and Liquor,s for Medical purposes. • [ap7-601.. Drs. Blakeslee at Brush, • HAVE (associated themselves for the prose. untied') of the duties ortheir!professioti. and respectfully offer their professional - servieo to the Invalid Publii. Office at the - residence of Dr. Blakeslee,. midway between !the vi I Ismail' Dimwit and Springville. • aptlOy A. C. TILAKEAIEE..-... E. DETAIL HAYDEN-BROTHERS, ( WHOLES4LEDealersin Buttons, Crabl. Sospenderi, Threads, 'ancy %oda, ‘Varches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated WarpiCut• I e ‘ ry;Fisbiiig- Tack le, Cigar s, ford, Pa. Merchants and Pedlars, supplied on liberal terms. wa' HENRY B...BreKBAN, ATTCiRNEY sod COUNS - 1.10,13.ki.i1ih. Of ice the Union Block —Towanda, DR. H. SMITH, SURGEON DENTIST. Residence and of fice opposite the Baptist ChurCh (north Side) Particular attention yrill given to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate t and to filling decaying teeth. ;',: ABEL TUB,,R DEA.LER in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Dy eS tuffs, Glass-mare, ea n ti 3 Oi Is,Varbish Windo'w Glass, Groceries, Pancg, .Goods s eiry, Perfumery, &c =And AgiAt• for sfl ; the most popnlarTaient Medicines, 'Montrose. Ps: • DR: E. F. WILMQT , GRADUATE of the Allopathic and-lioniceo pathie Colleges of Meilieine,lGt. Ben4Pa Office. corner of Main and Eliza bci l th-sts., ne4rly opposite the Methodist chuteh. Wm. I. Cooper & i Co., DIVANKERS, Sucee,sors to POST, COOPER LP Sz..CO., Montrose, l's. o(tice . Luthrep's now buirding, Turnpike S:rei:t. • 1 IPM. - HErIiTTING COOPER RRNMY DR.JICR.EII. • C. O. FORDHANt. it,TA NUFACTURER OF BOOTS di SIPES. 1.11: Montrose, Pa. Shop -ricer Tyler's Store, All kinds of work made to order land , repairing . done neatly. • jet WM. W. SMITH, \it - ABINET and Chair bfaitafacturpra, fotk of Main street, Mon rose, Pa ! angl DR. _G. Z: DIMOCK, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office over Wil sons' stora; Lodgings at Searles Hotel. . • - • D8.,30.11'N W. CODA- • 1D HYSICIAN gad Surgeon. Wei; 4io Public Avenueopnosite Se . arle's, Hotel, 1114'n:trrise, --, . DR:' R s ., THAYER' , . . PIYSICIAN and Surget.n, Nfo:ritrose Pii . .== . Office in the Farmer's Store ' :7 • JOHN GN.OVES, . • VIASHIONABLE Ta it inOp near • the Baptist Meeting House, os Montrose, Pa. • • • I auglif • • NEWS OFFICE.- • THE Nea York City Illustrated Newspapers Magazines, etc. etc., for sale at Pte Mentrnse Book Store. by - A. N. BOLLARD: • • P. l REYNOLDS' • • f VASHIONABLE TAILOR. 'shop in baie. 12 ment- of Searle's Hotel,'Monti.nae. Pa. - C. D. VIRGI.1 4 ! . lI I ESIDENT DENTIST, Bfonrose.'.• Ale at the Franklin House, rood No. 3. Fill. int and Inserting teeth on Gold an Silver Plate done in the most approved modern style. My Plates are absolutely-water-tight,—Do interstices Valera food can lodge. • 1 , .novll4 CHAR, ES MORRIS, Top ARTER, and flair. lireaser. .show No. 3: in baaement of Searle'siiotel, Montrose. • MEAT MARKET. Oa Pubki Avenue, near Searle; Hol4. lEEP. Conslantly.on hand ti gdod.sippli of MEATS of all kinds. CASH paid :for Beef Cattle,CalvaySh eep,ind LIMOS ! Also for Hides of all kinds. - lIENSTOCK & FIAWLEY.: • li. T. BENSTOCK. • a. BAWL - tr. Montrose, March 30th, 1859.-4 • .H. GARRATT,.- --.: WHOLESALE .AND RETAIL LiEALER:JN. FLOUR, GRAIN, SALT, &O„- YIEW XILYOII.Th PB.—Sale Boom, P,RATT'S Wane. WILL -keep constantly on hand the best brands of FLOUR—by the Sick or Hun dred Barrels--at . the lowest market prices. ,Arso,- SALT—hy the Single Barrel or Lead.- - •'• All orders from 3ferchants and; Dealers +kill be promptly attended to. • !' -' ' * * *Cash paid Tor Grain, WOol,!Pelta, - Hidea, and all Farmers' Produce in theieienson. . ... • 1 ; -.,... BILLINGS - STltellTh i -j- FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE-AGENT ! llontroe, hi: • TESTIMONIALS. WE, the undersigned, certify ibat4e **re . insured in Fire Insurance Companies repreiented by ?dr. Stread, of folontrese, and that, having suffered loss'by fire while SS' insured, - isve were severall, paid by said companies to the full extent-of onr elaiins-; and We have-!kionfide nee; in bimas a' good. and effective agent. • NJes. IL DrWrrv, ZIPRCIN COIISt.i LATHROP & DEWITT, IL J.; %VELE, • F. B. Cnanitus., . J. LyONS Q. SON, • BED/. GLIDDEN. • LEONiQD SEAIitE. ontrose; Pa. November 14th, Palittaiae those that adveliise..lej Xl/1 T7t 41011 E 0 Oh i • come, 'Nei • • HoiN sweet t They n • og :troll , I That this is How bright tho 'Upon the no How sweet lb. On*God's mo, Oh! come 'tie We'll put ou And get our bill - For biessed It eeemo to me . 1 - Of heiven op l It seemelis itt 1 %!oie•sittingl • Oh nude, 'tis.Sandey morning. The best Of sill the week ; When we may go to Jeans; Asti Ma der Mewling seek., When God's own hoe is open, We'll enter hand in hand. And joiW to sing his 'praises, - A happy little band.. . 0! come, %la SdndaY inordini, Along lholatio and ivood, See an3iling_grOups,)ill coming , - To goTtrinoat bleed abode: • *i v We reel " all are b'ethrea, ' • 'Bound far jbet.tor. homes, • ::o!..should . eOa b 4 happy I When S i enalir Intlningtonaeaf 4 0! edme,'tia Shake off, the dust l of toil; f'utsby our worl dayi garments, Am! all theiria . molly soil. . Let's get our S4oday bonnets, - Our dresses cl i tean" and white ; 0.! may our hears purer - _.ls God's most holA , sight. • Come,;come, 'tie Suiulay, morning, . 0! what a bond orilcive Unites the happy household, • Whose hearts lard f i xed above! They cannot long be psrted— Death'only brings them home To the eternal SUbbath Where partingu.novpr come. smptua. H. E.C. 4 ..1 • A.. - I .1 . ' t- • , - - • Du7ing my travels in Asia Minor, a few years since, I was.inviied to!visit a friend who bad been for some time a resident otiSmyrna, and whose genercMs hospititlities have been bestowed on more than one: i Anielicati stran ger sojournlng in tit'at ltterogenous city, made up,of every tongue, kindred and nation in -the world. lle occjipie4 one Of-the finest re, ilences in the Frttnk.quarter of the city.-- "Our 114' unfurled i-s., protecting folds al- Most over ourheads, from the tiag-staff of the American Consulate near by,',inducing a home feeling so griteful to the litiw Englander, at': ter a prolonged exile frpm his native land. - A ming ,063... nu tuber; was .Ed ward Barring .ton. Jr., editor of a Metropolitan Journal and Magazine;—his father the Tataran Prince of Editors. Ile Was the idol of the .good-.old man, a severe student, - a stern -Moralist, 'an - ardent philantbropi-t, and I sincere friend. Suddenly, his bialth gavel way under the pressure of his. studies: and. his editorial la. hors, and the climate•of.Asi Minor was pre, ii scribed by his physician as e possible res'o rer of - his exhausted • energ,es. During the bouts of twilight and evening I was much iu I the habit of reading tol him, and - enjoyed in no small degree Iris kecsti and sagacious raid; cisms and' bis - polished ieady_wit. . - Jost., back- of the iavalid's!window resided Mr. Melbourne, a wealthy Eirglish merchant. Ile had no children, btit bad bought Mid ad= opted a little Greek gi rl;the only remaining one :.f a one numereus and 1 opulent - family on the Island of lick. - j During one of those- bloody insurrections some years ago, in the _Archipelago, when the proud'- Qreek made frequent and desperatel'stro . ggles for. , freedom from Moslem dominatinn, tu t th e midst of one of the most appalling tease/Tres ever known in Scio, little Garapbelia oat taken. by a mer chant Turk and carried Col, Constantinciple, with the intention of sllini i her, to be finally presented to one of the Pachas. She- was about -twelve, the elde4 of seven children.— She had seen her parents, brothers and sisters brutalifcut in pieces before her eyes by the merciless sabre of the Turk, -rind herself reserv ed for a fate worse than that of the loved ones of her childbood'si horse. But . a kind Providence seems to have directed Mr. Me!- bournea steps toward Constantinople Oust et a time to save the hapless girl, for a higher destiny. - Having occasion to sro into a bazaar one s day, for merchandise, l e saw what appeared 1 to be a child, sitting upon the floor, in a cor ner, covered with a heavy silk cloth, so as.to be althost concealed from view.. Struck wi h• her pitifuhaobbings, 13e inquired into 'the cause, - and tipon being abown . tbe little friend-. less orphan, and told' the story of her bereave ment-and her intended destination, bought . her for a hundred piastres, and adopted -her into his home and heart. . . At the period of our I visit s i he was nineteen, Justin the first litush q warm, rich, spark ling, Oriental beauty,,with a heart as fresh and pure asthe crystallfountains, of be! island home,-and an imMagination bright with Ar cadian -pictures ottlieu Lure. Mr: Melbourne educated her-atli - ctly in All ithe formitlas of the English church, and in:observing these • she had received -in fiefown way the Spirit of the Christian religion, in --its simplicity and effectiveness; and it hhd become her interior lore, spreading to every out-post and illumi nating every avenue tolthe soul, until the out er and the inner life w re becoming one by the glorifying' Wive ces of .ita light . end warmth. Unfilled - with this life,. all rituals and dorrmai become asi cold andiropotent as dead bodies. Like the impassive form of the R.uler'si Daughter, they must he warmed to life by the miraculous and quiCkeding power of Love. -, ' • . In 'Smyrna, as in mJ may 4salk over a great on the terraces of the streets presenOog s thronged irith*Abe mar both sem, flirting an' wavingof handkeirchie lover is recognized in„ Gtr `0 no Pi ,17 vim? mat noir analFr 114 imthß ADD akl*p4lo 'lO ?in talk OT.Mlilllaa" 1 ~%imZra4, horning. misty morning s ' o church bells Aims; d our dwelling, oly time: • , sun is shining, -mown hay; birds are singing .t holy day: • un4y InOrning; z toy+ away, _ .- .ka and pictures,- abb4il day.' ho Windows o wide ; .o angel/ by my side. )st. e4rtern cities, One [portion of the city up ;houses, many of the gala-day appearance, cried-and unmarried of '4 merry-making and ifs,,ts some friend, or t i be paseers by Long before _. we - were introduced to Mr. Melhontse, we 'had watched:with • knock in terest the beautiful GaraPhelia foil the ter-. race of-her father!s house; differing so much in every etpresslon of Ade and motion front, the simply indolent volulituoes,Griele maid en; whose time is spent listlessly between the siesta and the eensul bOindishments .. of co quetry. ' • She had evidently notified tis; and seemed to comprehend our relative positions -perfect-. ly, and often looked at :itny friend with a halPsympathiting smile, which he involunta; rily, acknowledged; . untilitt length bows of respectful and i frieedly reboinitren were ex changed. Pinally, - carne?alainst daily. a fan ciful basket, with the mrtesage e • "Would, the invalid accept 'the fruit and flowersi with• Pa . compliments, aid wishes. that •he may soon be better'," . . One. evening, hceompanied by tier :father; She came herself to bring the offering, , and we were delighted to find that. her converea tion,and chitmeter were ea delightful as her person: My_ friend, ere long, learned to watch for her visits, and seemedrefreshed by , : them, as - those soothing and harmonious interludes have only full power to do, in-the weary and monotonous life of the Valetudinarian. What a potent•spell do flowers, 'fresh flowers, weave around.his long days and• sleepless nights! _Shut out from green &Ida and Hosiery lawns, bounded by the walls of his room, as the ho-, rizon of his ;Tien, how . .affectioriately hoes •he welcome these little ,l'rierels, and never weaned of gazing upon - symmetry end grace of the curiously veined'and . many tint-, ed• leaves.—while their ;perfumes bring to him friendly messages from his 'favorite haunts in wood and dell,; by streamlet and river. And, more ellen all, how eloquently do they preach to' his sotil—these angel an nointed evaageliats—of all that mortal eye bath not seen nor heart.; conceived in the beautiful world they typify: It was not long before ive neticed the parq.eular attentions Of a handsome young•Engliehmau, its whom we ' recognized the sort . Of Mr. flarry, the English Consul. The cool, firm, studied, dignified movements of his otherwi'se lithe and grace ful figure, the seemingly Otssionless face; over every feature of which bb- had gained the most perfect-control, the ribeasionel and -rath er petulant toss of finely ;formed head, fie spoke him a'man of un'ielding obstinacy and pride, and impatient df opposition even' in his slightest wishes. Whatever may be the the intention of such chariteters in the out set, if they indulge their it, atural tendencies, unregeisted . and- enrestreined by religious principle, they soon . become suprethely and the Selfish' man is alnays accessible to liat:efv. • • . • • oecasiotially.watehtid him, as be sat. leaning .Ifgainst the balustrade, sometimes un hour, looking f.tendily :Into -G'araphelia's face as he talked, her colori deepning and ding away, and aa.readilyl rot timing u s if L e , wele•tryinglis power Upon the F. ensi tite Sear!, whose ebbing and flowing [ides' were too perceptible on the tell•tale cheek, and in the-deepeating lustre of .he'r duck and truthful ... . . . . 1 In one of our tailight nac6ds I had, uncon scioonsly to both, •dropped, my book . upon 1 rny. knee ; - an we- were watching, all.4brorb ed, their mov meats, giving ourselves up en tirely to'the our "arid the occasion. Sud denly, my friend broke the silence, by rather soliloquizing than . otherwise. "If I were a sybll,l should like .to read that girl's destiny. 'She ii - F. religious, Benet. rive and affectionate. In the frank and un selfish generosity , of her ardent nature,, she will be willing to sacrifice lierself :or the ob ject.of her attachment. - Such women ever do. this.. She has establish:o a . standard of moral rectitude which she can never attain, and certainly the.man -she inarries cannot. He will not understand it, and she will be dis:. appi'inted." - "Bur," I interrupted,: "her candard had better be high enough.' If not here, she will attain it in another life, anti", she will, at least, help . him. It the filet she • Will not probably admit any affection into her heart whi;h is not worthy to hoc4rie the form of the higher love, which she Chas long ago ac cepted." , "I don't know that," he Said. "There are an many speciOus counteifetts . that it is diffi cult for the beet, and most 'discriminating to etect,.. upon a brief acqunintance, what a longer osperiencemay-develop to their sor: row. Her love is a reality;!serious and earn est. A part of her life. R is' is apparently a matter-of selfish gratificatiOn ; the result of flattered pride. He will jest and trifle with her feelings; it Will pain her .and provoke hirn that she will nee Bohan t to his eiercis- Mg his love of'power at wilh We shalt see l" It was not long befOre we were advised of Garaphelia's betrothal-to P i ma's-Larry. An- _ Oita, an int eresting ward o . t our kind. host, brought us'the inteiligence,iwbich, she said, had occasioned much sensation in the 'gay circlesof.Smyrna. " She was ; herself, one of the belles of the city, and, eyerythinecambin *ed; a very attractive - girl Without being . decidedly, handsome, she hed a sweet face, self-possessed and.quiet in tier makers', with a figure and temperament sot:newt:tat lymphat ic, but aiih uncommon acuteness of percep tion end ready tact; accortiplished.as'a mu sician itild linguist, a retentive memory, and so accoratetaste,.which made her altogether a very agreeable companion. She had-been for a year engaged to a young Anserican of fortune, of high birth and ,pbstti6n, who had Only been waiting for her twentieth birth-clay 85 the earliest period at whiith her guardian would - consent to her union.`, with even Wm. Warriuer, the Man .of his and her choice.— Hieplans were all corriplett;ci for. a_ tasteful and elegant Lorne, 'to-which be might bring the ideal of his dreams, the encomplished mis tress of his heart . and his fireside.. He was honorable arid manly,-ganging every action by thai.tigidrule of right which' admits of no expediency. for a . merely Momentary grati., fieatien,-and repu diating all ;doubtfulmeans, though they promise never Aso flatteringly a desired end. Her vanitr.was-pleascd, aOd her ambitious views sure of a future realization in'the Tres pect of becoming. the wife of s princely mer chant,. and the arbitress cif his wealth and Ikis.destiny. Re was fully .'concious of her powers of pleasing, and stil(de,sirous to make the Most of every opportunity to captivate the gat Lothar& at the brilliant masquerades of tbeCassinno; She had-Mei Larry, and had ponetrated . sufficiently to the cold, indifferent and protid' exterior to scielliat, through the very weakness of his` pride' 4 he. would not, whatever were -his -obligations 'to - another, MONTROSE., PA, MARCH withstand_ the flattetin attentions otany irci• man who hatllbe-tscit tdappittink him with sweetaulitoissiveness to his love - of rule and acknowledgement of his sUperiority, though it ttab all a part . of the masquerading.. To conquer such a power were a vletOry worthy to beliiir last, though gained by petty arta and unscrupulousness. The summer. months were wearing away; ; buc Garaphelia did not forget the invalid, - but sent or brought the little'baaket with its grateful-contents; sometimes relieved the mcsnotony.pf his days by reading to him, and 'sometimes became bill companicm in a walk to some of the pleasant localities of the neigh borboOd, with which she was familiar. Yet we saw Larry not quite so puncaually at the wonted bour in their old trystin place on the terrace. She always seemed cheerful, tho'_ perhaps a'little less talkative and ;ll:nary. I found that ctly•friend had- become a less at tentive-listener when I read, and watched more earnestly for Garaphelia's appearance at twilight, evidently annoyed and uneasy if her lover was missing. -Plainly, what little faith the hactin him was rapidly &widish - ing. • . Having occasion, one evening, lo peas through, the lung, payed court which led from the street.to the house, I overheard two voices at one of the inner gates in - very earn est conversation, and -thought, as - I caught now and'thenl a word, that I recognized the sweet, subdued tones of. Annita's voice as I approached, saying in . the. prettiest Greek, "Yes, she is all youdmagino her," She has genius, pripaiple, and unquestioned beauty. But why does she not defer -to your superior judgement in those,:matters, and allow you. to act for yourself I You say you have told her that she must have more confidence in you, and allow you to hers unrestrained free dom of will and action.. For what does she chide you Frank I Skrcannot Surly, exact of you all.of yisur lettscre time; .and neither can shepipeat one of Our: character to be willing always to account for his absence Your manliness and iudependenee tbould soon be comprothised. You are mistaken, my gt?cid friend ; 1 do not believe that Garaphel its exiicts'this. 'I -know she Ii willing you should retain one friend, whore you may love', 5$ a sister. Mr. Larry, when I env married,...l I shall teach my husband that there are some affairs pertaining to each that the other has , . no g right to inquire into." . , I had, by this time, reached the stone atAir- Ose which led up to the.ball, and passed in to the house. This, then,. I thought, probably accounts for Larry's absence -so often ken the 'terrace. rielated what I had .heard, to my friend, who seemed every- little surprised, not doubting for a motn'ent its being Annita and Frank Larry. Helesolved 'to relate the' eircumstaneo to her, and ward her against arty intervention whatever in d _matter so nearly affecting the happiness of her if' iend. Ile•sidl so ; but with ber sweetest manner She promptly denied all knowledge of the af fair, convincing me at. once Of her innocence and of my mistake. I was a little ashamed of basing preferred a Charge implying so much agniust s lier honor, especially as, she here the wrong with such unfeigned amiabili ty. 'concluded at once ttnit our interest in Garappelia had made us to careful of the. rights of others, and resolved'in future to keep all such surmise,-.to myself. Particularly did it strike me as folly when I 'considered " that, as Anuita said, these intrigues' were of constant occurrence in the .daily life of the. indolent coquettes in' the neighborhood, -In the course of a few weeks, on .. one of those fine afternoons when the refreshing ini- bats were blowing up thebity, and the atmos phere and the sky presented that ,peculiarly, blue transparency so common to that country, my . friend BarringtOn,took iny arm for a stroll on the Marino, a promenacie which stretches along for some distance by the wat 'er's.side. Here you have an • extended view of the beautiful bay, alive and jubilant with barks, from whose roasts the Begs o every nation-are unfurled, and whose kee' s s have kissed the Pacific waves, braved the store king on the wild Norwegian coast, ploughed the Atlantic aurge,'danced with tbei, wealth Orinerchandise upon - the.lndian watery, be fore the spicy breezes of the East, I dashed through the pillars of Hercules up to‘the city minarets and mosqnes, anchored awhile amid the classic isles of the Egeao, and at lark dropped into till - a delightful _bay, unsurpassed in the tinted glory of its sunset sky, in every natural beauty' evert. by Naples itself...Tbe graceful calques skim over the waters, every: where daneinglike arrows around . and ' be -tween the stately ships; • the turbaned and calpacked Turk and Armenian; the gaberditi ed Jew, and the red-fezzed Greek, 'vending 'their fruiti here, there and everywhere. ', The street-is a picturesque rneeleyifrom the canto French girl with her flaunting fldwera and ribbons, the voluptious Greek with her .low' bodice and scarlet fez, encircled by her rich and ample braids of black heir, the plump, roiiy English woman with per quiet dress, and . the pretty. Jewen to the most nondescript of all; the Turkish mimeo,. wound up like a huge,roll of flannel du.lier long robe, inpene trebly veiled,lunaberiog along with no visa , ble signs of life but two black-eyes and a shuf .fling pair of yellow slippers. AorOss the bay lay Cam Carithourne, with . its undulating hills and sundy vineyards boyond, - andin, the background of the City the - limpet, OD whose Skit, shepherds were grazing their flocks, where may still be seen the traces . of a large amphitheatre, used long ago for_ games and theatricals. and on- whose summit are ivisable the ruins, of one of the seven ohurobes where St Peel's eloquent voice Was once beard.— Barri ngtonsaied upon the Scene. completely captivated - with its .nnvelty. His cheek and eye lighted up with almost unearthly radience, indicating one of those blight' stages du., the decline of e,onsurnptives .when the. glory, id,' the, inner world shines throtigh, and irradi : ates the whole face with such a play 'Of heav enly. light that they seem to be-almost trans; figured before tik We had stood admiring the scene 4idong as' thought it prudent fOr my friend to etnain, and leaving the street. turned - into a . narrow avenue not much frequented hy promittaders,' when Barrington was attracted by two forms walking - very slowly along, earnestlyscon- .. versing, withuut, seeming . to take „any cog nizance of whit : was passing, around them. Hit quick eye immediately detected: the fig ures -and movements of Annita awl Lary.' There was nothing particularly - worth a 'se cond thought in the - taere fact of their Walk ing-- in the !greet side by side, even in that unfregyeuteCiaarter, and yet I felt LW warm blood 'tingle in my cheek, and the puleatiode . . of mybear i t guickettl so instantae ~ .5. god indefinable are the instincts' which ferriewarn tie'of inipending etril.l, Far better wealth be for us, if there" whispered, premonitions f our W better ringe were oftener headed. , 1„ - s After we ;had: identified them, theta was not a - word ti'polrenbi - either of us,' butisilen t: and thbughtickare :pursued out way ,4loWly home, eachi perfect) i.aware . of the'llidughts - of the other.l ,Annita did not make 14t - r ap pearance atitbe tea-table that night, and in the course Otthe °veiling, While •re w te all assembled in the spacious drawing room, Garrapheliajand Larry came to pay a dimi ty Visit, andlto inquii•e"mainly,-as libel said, i• for Mr. BarAngton, wboto,- not seeing ;at his window atlittwonted hour, she feared might . be more ill iliao usual. During an indiffent conversation, I..arry qrned- to Annita Iv Eh . an - iticlifferent• expression and manner, a i r in.- quired if ante had been promenadin '' this lovely day, With .a eery sweelakid innocent i elnile she sad, ..lio,tliat she had been detain ed at home ll day . :.y her various, occupa tions.. .The? words cturght Barrington!s ear, and .14 inviluntarilyi stopped short, with an i t ;unfinished b mance upon his !ipso° confused As to be scarcely able to resume the thread of his conversation. !Re gained his self-con trol in a mdment, and-the visit pfissecl ;quiet ly off. Alati, for poor Garaphelia! Barring ton's prophecy seemed already in the pro 'cess.of its fulfilment. = * - • • : ..; • The next morning I foundtny,frienct quite prostrated. ;The walk hid proved toolong, and had otiertasked his feeble sisterri , and the event ot% the previous. evening h i ed so annoyed - rin*excited him as to induce livery 1 sleepless night. • He: did not leave his- i robm for several !weeks. Each 'morning fontid Garaphelia itdministering to his wants land enliving b+• by kindly words of kbeer. Annita al wart - dropped - in in the course Of the morning and wadela very'. winning in quiry as to , his health, and to , say thr3t, she . should be bqt too happy ter be of servtce to him. * Bartingto'n never seemed calmlwhen :she wa*in, the Tooth . , even though she only' sat ..qtretly iriusing in bey chair. Many per sons,are exceedingly sensitive and truthful in their instincts in regard to the true character of those aboUt them, even without any tangi ble manifestations of evil: Anil the delicate perceptions Of the invalid, as he 'approacte; the other world; are often attuned . to so fine a consciousness as CO render the content ex tremely painful. • . • : I Each morning that Larry was absenyroni Grraphelia was spent-by her either in reading to - the invalid, arranging flowers in his doom, or relating.sdme.of the adventures in her is land borne. ” *very dm-1 and act . of her life was an interekting•study• to Barrington and served„ to dirdct his mind from Lirrifelf. Often she spoke tol him of_ her anticipations of a dime with Frank, and of all she expeeted to enjoy in 'ru&ail l inistering to, his happin;,s and well-being. Once he inquired.if she "never. thought of )oisible ' disappointment when she was building tier castles of Fan'Cv. I ilco; she replied, that her faith.was entife w id the proioised reward of well-doing. - "13ut the reward does not always corns, as we wish it, for well-doing.- If your efforts are not repaid by.an adequate return, are'YoU prepared to lie content with. the only • . - in.well•doiogr . _. . "Certainlyi" she "replied . ; "there. is of real happiness itil bestowing . happiness on hose we love, far beyond that of receiving." . " • t Bar/into:l , said no more. i • In, the 'edema .of a few weeks, thron_gh quieria .d kindness of our hostess and Gera phelia, h: ~. ,_ able to walk once moriin the pourt, sh.r . .stances in the street, and in fine days to-sit u p on the terrace. On one of these mornings Niecolo, the ,Greek cook, cane to bring us, .as !usual, our lunch-of coffer! and I rolls.' Hu hesitated and lingered, as f he had something of importance to communi -1 cate. ' t t , " Well," I k now," "Niceolo, what is it 1. .; "Do' know," be replied, " th e Mr. Larry and M 4 Annita sit here almost every night, atterf , bverybody in. the house- is:in bed!" I said, "Nd , nor do you , know it, Nfccold." Yes, I dof I , have watched'-them. 1 Al ways when Miss. Ghraphelia is reading to . Mr. Barrington, and trying to do.all shei can• for him, thei aie op here,. and sometimes Miss Annita latighs because she is.so dreridful good. -They lhave . just got news thati Mr. Warriner is chniing.nore very soon,- on, busi nesS, and if 143 finds it . .out, and-Miss Gara phelia, there'll be a great dish of pilaf of ft." "Are you pure, l'ljccole," Barrington quired,'" that ` they meet here I" " Yes, sure .' • • • I, _ "This,-thed„" I said to my friend," is the poor girl's first reward for doing good. While she Imengsgdd in angelic administrations-to . the mac, he is suffering Annita to entertain him bi- appointed meeting, and thus neglect-- I log and'deceiViog Garaphelia." • t We decided; after talkieg.the whole . atrair I over, to - take 4 few dttys to consider updA ir, and then determine the Most judiciouicciurse to pursue in ftirthetance of her wellfare. at Wm..Warrintir was daily expected by Alinitta was 'duly, announced at the dinner-titble. We Concluded to await his coming, and see wthat changesithis worthl °fleet. • - In - a. few .days the whole household was astir in-conseltsence of the arrival of AnMta's lover. kir) seemed to • be-inspired with a de- , gree of animation and vivacity uncommon to her usually sober and smooth exterior, *War rirmer was a ;v e ry perfeet delineation of a b!earty; free arid buoyant spirit, 'one of . those genial, - sin c ere - persons , who never appear to think of but! one way of acting, and 'that from an honest-heart. Blinded by big whole soulediatachMent to.A,naita; be .was the:last man to susperit her of perfidy. I • ° Garepbelia land Lairy cathe to pay their° Congratulations td their friend„ . on (Mex. .pectert visit crow .her which' site ac- - koowledged. with ,unaffected grace and•apen; rent,' sineerity4,',.Seeing. teem together, !and understradingrthezharacter of each, it &Om lid as if .Cupid, had-been out oc a very;ron; licious.frOlieois boys an Fouith-of-July nights sometimes: mischievously _mismatched their neighbors' - - • Niccolo had, naturally enough , some Curi osity to watchthe ''pilaf," as ho teraied - it, in process of Preparation ; and from him we. learned that 4tlinnita still maths her excuse of ,headadies,fatiguei, ,a-pretext for eitrly ratiring„andifisteed met Larry clandestiriely, as often as circumstances would permit, with out enspiitiond . One evening our - kind hostel had .000nsiors to irisit the faintly. of Mr. BreWer, the Oen can Miasiones- at-Smyrna , and fi nding Mts. _ • I . . Brewer danderously ' ill, she tent a servant baCk to the-bouse for a bottle of Wine of a pe- culler : brand, and, with directions to - give .1 he keys of be wine magazine, is well , as the prder, to Miss Annita. •It was quite late in the evening, and Anuita had some time-be fore bade her lover an affectionate 'night, for the; purpose, as she said, of lathing, with a headache, .which, by this tima, had become alarmingly • chronic: He satratten lively reading in- the ilrawing•roora , When Niccolo entered with the 'keys and the.er rand. The shrewd old Greek told hith that heloundJliss &nitres "door .fast, undies he could- not arouse her, he was afraid that something serious might have happened.: Alarmed at , this, Warriner immediate i ly ac companied Niccolo, and finding that all st- - , tempts to obtain an answer were unavailing;.' 'ordered the servant to force the lock, which Nit:Colo 'wouid very promptly have don't., bur -that he was supplied with a duplicata ke i y, with which he at once opened the door.' alas! no Aunita.. She liad not been diattirbed. What could it mean I Niccolo suggeited a search through the outer rooms, and! as a deruier resort jroposod very deferentially to "Warriner to try the terrace. The: - irldr" de-' teckive" crept stealthily, up stairs, and ;War riner, unconsciously catching the spirit , rot; lorded" up in the' same way. Sure enough; there sat the Platonicfriends. Niccolo raised his finer significantly, fur him to stand atilt, He waited long enough to convince hireserf t by their affectionate proxicninity and cdnver z i nation, of the treachery of both. •It irl - erfdy for the sensualist's to mistake PlutOlor Plato! Warriuee came' immediately to us, and-re lated all the eircumstances of the diacovely. We then. told him what our 'suspicion's - and anxiety bad been, arid said everything in our power to cansolo him in hid hitter disapoiat -He could not be reconciled-to a' blow which had fallen so heavily and unexpedtedly upon his noble heart. It: is•very hard fur us - 4, to withdraw our affections even-rfrom an un-' worthy object that wit \ have inve.ted with all tbe attributes of intellect and goodness, which tend to,elerate character out of:mere animal grossness into a state of orderlsk pro gres%ion in the;seale of humanity. So cIo-ely 'has the cherished object been' interwoven . ' .with the past, 'n ith every'act and' dear asso-s ciation cf our every lemilisr haunt and,: pursuit, with other - dear bees, who,perchan - co,. have passed away tothe ether world, that, at first, we are almost inclined to' keeP, or. drop all; rather than make the effort:to disen• tangle them: In his despair, Wartine'r, be gan to see the natural good, althoUgh it may be, self-reliant is not self sustaining. When we learn this learn that -we are.to be born into higher motives and priticiplen than those Of - the natural man, which tenches - hire to act from himself and of himself,-then we be gin to emerge from the condition in which we see "men as trees walking," into a higher and mote heavenly state whOre we -see "clear ly." Happy indeed is it fur us, if our ,first 'affliction teach ns this! -The next morning when Annita eutered the. breakfatt , room, she found Warriner there, alone. As she approached him; affec tionately,. be bade her good morning ti , rite, cereurouiuusly,.'ancl looking steadily into ; her face,_inquired 'Vet 'her health.. With the most imperturbable sweetness die replied:that she•was quite sell, after her lorig - aud refiesh ingwight's sleep. . •" Did you gct! to - your4oorr, Anuita,.after you left me?" "Immediately," ' - "Did you notleave it afterwards?" • :" I did not," Was her decided reply. 'He then related to her - that ho 'bad seen on the previous night, and left-the hbuie immediately. _ ',hastened at once to.Qaraphelia ' to break to her what I feared she . might heir in a more abrupt lay. I gave•he,r a particular account of the whole affair . , which she head withobt raisingi her eyes, as. she sat, leaning her head upon her band, as if listening ,to a death-sentence of .her heart's dearest hOpes. .At length Ltbe warm teari gushed from - ber eyes, and her whole frame trembled withltLe intensity of her emotions. , She arose to leave • the room, simply saying; "I am Dot' wholly unprepared for this., Send .Frank to me." - I returned home and•dispatcbed a messen ger tolarry,with a verbal request from Gera phelia that he would call on her :in the4Ve . - ping. He came; and as it seemed he was a little more honest than Annita: Whithout hesitation ' be confessed the whole truth, and 'upon„his benaeci . knees . Would gladly_ have begged forgiveness of the noble woman wlioin he bad so wickedly wronged. put the proud_ man I could not 'd 4 'this. He;sat like • a marble Statue, without the slightest trace of emotion upon ,his face, although •there, was .a fiery conflict going on in every recess of 'his heart. Controlling herself in the agony of her • feelings. as, well as ;she could, without - cine,woid of reproach, she re minded. him that, not alone had he done! in justice to her, but to Awaits, to Warrinetand Himself; warned him lo atone for the past by repentance and a truer life in the futhre, returned to-him every memento of otherdays, and bade him a kind but irrevocable-farewell. - • Barrington dared not, . for Bogie time, trust himself to see Garaphella, his' sympathies were so keenly alive taller injuries. After a week, he started alone for the.dreeded. visit. On his way thither be was attracted by a delicately beautifril bequet" in the hinds of a little flower girl, and purchased it for'; hie . young friend.. As be presented it to berg be said,' . - . ! - 1 / 4 ,. ' ' . "It ie_ now , my nffice,.Oaraphelis, to bring fresh flowers to you. If they solaco, rind preach to you the salutary lesion they : hiive bejped to teach me, I shall be happy." 1. - "They will at least tell me, my kind, friend," she said, that, as they yield 'a sweet perfume evtio hen crushed and trim pled upon, so should orgiveness breathe frOm the wounded beirt, a fragrant and heavenly incense. . . Bar - riugton was Sur used to find he r; so. patient arid- uncomplaining nutlet her sorro , . She 'looked almost angelic to .hirn.Aier Calm, subdued, tholfghtfui face, from / w.hich the roses of, life's June were scatt red,- told low terrible had been the stru o and the. suffering. What must that igion. be,, he r ?, thought, which has so mirabulously turned the cyltal waters Of her o,iin hopes, her own Jib, and its first great L,o6e, Into that Ileaien ly wine, that has ,o(spiritualized helowliole being that the sill' of linayen, and her own, have become indissolubly and 'fiarmoniorisly one! i . . ... ~ Larry,vreak and 'meal s as he had been iof .• /-. • • /•1 • • , _ VOLUME XVII ) NUMBER 111' &red keenly with remora* and #elf-repiOach; tte'had really appreciated and respected Ga raphelia, as a peerless and incomparable woman; to be found but once in a man's life time.. It was only through the weaktiess- of his p"ride that be had fallen. His eyee were 'now -opened , to look uPoiCAnnita, and - al! . her bland intrigues and tergiversation' with" repugnance and contempt. He 14i - braked her as the. cause of his tniafortuneAtnd his disgrace; and loathed the idea.of 'rife who. had wantonly violated the vows of ie betrothal; and had proved -faithless ark' per fidous to another and a better man. How could he trust her. Ann* .believing Mist •once depoSed Nyurriuer's confidence her lost pow e r was irre trievable,* comMenced the task et - convincing Larry of he'r sincere attacniiient for hire, with the sam&irnperturbable coolness and weever ands that she had, found so iunceseful nt first. In Smyrria his-busiceie and 'domestic ex ! . pectations were forever crunhedi Ha had lost Garaphelia,"-and other women were pro bably all like Audits., She* bad a brilliant fortune, and ought, in duty to him, to make timends to him in this way;for what she bad been auiilary to his losing, as . he WM : sure she never could in ally other . He would marry her, take her to England.and add i pt as his rule 'of life towards• her, the tactics - she bad- "once insinuated to him—" There are some affairs pertaining to each, which the other has no right to inquire into," 1 * • lh the course of a_few Ilik)114115 - arrange- Meats wein all completed—the - wedding rings were exchanged retsacred•plageS be fore Heaven, :to love, 'honor, obey, protect, forsake all others, etc., etc.,-=-aed Mr: and Mrs. Larry were on shipboard bound ter an English home. * . . _ . Warrifier,•still , deje - cted and tormented. by recollections of the past, became our daily . vi,i tor. lie depended-much on Barringtoett; i r.l iethify. counsel and jnilasnees to sustain his .. i flagging spirits, lead him out of the past, and teach him to-accept rind appreciate theibles:B '5ii41,... ; 0f. today. He often tiret - Garaphelia on -hel-MiFsions of love to Barrington, which sha never, neglected for a. day, and sometimes Nlt 4 ; rebuked in her prolence; }then hiaaw - lierentirely, forgetful ..of self and her sorrows, 'in her unselfish devatian•to her invalid friend.' One day he inquired , of her, playfully, .*hat thaisysterious-secrat was which kept her at: . ways. contented and cheerful. She replied with acamile, "Go and .help others and pita wilifiOd it.":. After she bad left, he sat ati-. sorbed* in - deep. thought, - until amused. by some remark of Barrington's; to which he re plied, absmictedly: .; . - - • • ".I wonder. if that is the :secret of ihat '.. girl's philosophy 1" .- '-. • . - . ~ - "-his the secret of her religion," answered Barrington. _ • • - "If I ,gotild - find any one mere tniieteble . than myself, I belie:re I shoifld be inde.ceid to try 'it". • " - • " Barrington continued, icig. chiuvGne!y, you c.oameuce with Garttpiielie i bersdif." • • - •In the soar.% f a few weeks, • 'Waterier was obliged to leave_ Sr.nrua on a busineis trip to o,4esql, to be al.Autit for sederai rnerutitTi. ' We ezehatiged blei.tinga and fare.. velis, and parted. - . Co IVe.-ifera foSail anon in the slip Miranda, for BOston, its,Kr.Barrington-ras plainly stroettevery-, day, end .his physiniali" had adyised - his immediate' return borne.: 'lt was another severe trial to Geralihelia,.as her interest . iii bite had led r to. hope that be might-yet bejestoredto.his friends in com parative health. Alas! for . the ilatteliag promises ‘with which coasttruption daily cheats the . aching hears: that throb be , ide its belOved victim..; watching in every .chaege fulfdlineLt, through Inng days and wea ry Although our ia, was not-an 'unusuisiry lung one, 4-,et his gentle'spirit Pass ed away:a few days I,fure our ship. reachkd the Sewv England shore - - L learned from a friend whom I bad met ini tbAt Larry carried out' his plans per sereliogly, and lived recklessly, independent ly of Annita. , All remonstrances' as CO his neglect cif.,ber,and his attentions too:otlaers were always,answered in the words of ithe iron rule of action, which sbe had once given 'him, "Tilt:re-are some atisira_ pertaining to each; which the other he s sino right.to int:faint She' left hini, after a- time, and came 'to America to obtain a divorce; bOt Larry died while the case' was in prooess of licigatiorf.--, fle spent: the most of her fortune, and Isery .frequently meet her how, in hur street, with out friends o beauty, wealth or even reputa tion. - As Warriner found no friends among ;the strangers on_ whom to rely for support in 'his liciurs of desbondency, and being constantly occupied throughout - the day in the transac tion of his- bu;iness,• soon began to: BMI that useful emploment is a protty,-eitect;ual regulator of Ai "mind diseavd,",ruid to toider stand. something of secret. :Ali did not forget her counsel, hut,impideod 417, 3 . ry ()Onion to assist the sick, friendle4s *rid unhappy - . tie found Chat • thus cuing it lie of life upoq, the waters it riArnetl i to him in serene piece of mind, that. is tho !re-- suit only of, ohtdienceatj•self afine'gatioti.— On Ilis , roturn to Smyrna he visited Garaphel ifs, to explea4 to her his gratitude fur the 'se; met which had wrought such a ru;racle up oft his life, and happiness. In the eourso - of a year slid came . to Atroiriiia, the appy bride of Wm: Warrinor, and the luv • y intstressi - c>f hie southern , howls. .Durin , * he second year of their marriage I visited Them, and fuuud them io a - tasteful, elem it; and w4-ordered home,. nutria a - parte harmony of faith and action in tbil grey od and object -of life, thei reward, - both fur, and: io well tioitsg. %, • Jty'r A. tnot4e'r was instructirig - byr daugldet la— the duty'of pray 44., and the sure answer's giv eneelievlrs, and prone-clod .to repeat +he_ Lo, *s -prayer. Mien to : the chtuse,. 7"Give us this.day our daily bread," thrpliitle .. girl brikire_ out with, " 01, mother, say mike, say cafe !" - • • It may seem . a little remarkable that; ill Imo days, the graater part o[=white•irashing r, done with - printers - • ,fgrhfr. wis robbed n'par Corinth, Ala., on the 13thinv., Cotfotb iihßer-bays tbat,the name of ilia higbc.ayman is unknown, but tbeol doubt "thitt , was Rabin' Hood.' • ' - • . J, S. ..Fall,; editor, itsk.s.wben.wefibill get wire. thduubtealy before Fall, if e'Kett; •