The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 01, 1860, Image 1
A. GiRRITSO , PUBL-114 N -ER: • P. LINES,• FASHIONABLE TAiLOR, M 11 . 14 " 8 e. . Shop in the Brick Block, over Road & Co'a Store.- All work iivarranted, as to Ai and finish; AT.FRED TTORNEY. and COUNSELLOR at LAW, -CIL Montrose, Pa., will bwiimit entrusted tq him, with fidelity and a:A:latch: . - May be found at the office of W. &. W. H. Jessup, Esqs. . S. H. Sayre /c Brother, -- ,ANUFACTURER. a Mill Castings, and M Castings of all kids Stoxes, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Agricultural Implements, and Dealers in Dry qohd%Griaceries, CrockeryoSut. Montrose,Ta., November, 16th;:::1859.-wa: .Guttenberg,` Rosenbaum & Co., EALERS in Ready-made Clothing, Ladies' D Dress Goods, Forniiblog Goods, .etc., etc.' Stores at No 24 Dey-st, New-YOrlC,Cily, and in Towanda, Montrose, and usq"a•Deilrit, Pa. L. 13. ISBELL, I)P.PAIRS Clocks, Wttlehes ankiewerry, at short notice, and on ‘Feitsonatkitermet. work 0.• a:Tante& Shop in Charidleij& Jessup's store, Illontrose, Pa. loc2stf. DR. F. W. ! . I HA V 1 2 . Gr permanently located iti": nudieff offers his professional service - , to all who may require them. Alsci; keeps ceihstantly on hand a full alock of Drugs and illedichsea, Pure Wines and Liquors : ler Medical , purposes. .• j lap7-6m. Drs. Blakoslcie & Bi AVE associated 14mselves .li)r the 'Mose l-1: cutibn of the dutiesof their RO:ifession, and respectfully offer their professiouoli services to th© invalid Office at the4esidence of Dr. Blakeslee, midway b i etween tfie villages of Dimock . and Springville. 1 • spilOy A. C. BRUSFI. HAYDEN BROTHER • S W. HOLES A LE,Deaters in Buttbits,Cemb4, Susperders,„Thiiads, F4ey Goods. Watches . , Jewelry, $i IYer 'and Plateit Ware, Cut- I err, Fishing Taal Sze : &#-., New Mil ford, Pa. Merehants&in4 Pedlarsiikupplied on liberal terms*. wa tf HENRY B. slcloEliN, ATTORNEY and CO l O NSELLOR at LAW. Office in the Union Etlock—Tcii.Janda, Brad- DR• H• ITit.GEON EtNTISTI. Residence and of -43 fice•opposite the Baptist Church; (north side) Montrose. Particular attention given to inserting teeth on gold '28,1 sili.eY plate, and to filling deenying teeth.:l _ ABEL TURRELX,I, . • DEALER in Drugs, Medicineo,:hemiesjs DyeStuffs,Glass-waiu; PaintsPits:Varnish Window Glass, Grocerids, Fanev,cloods, Jew etry 4 Perfumer y, &e.—And Agent for all the most isPatent Medicines'. tki:Uatrose..Pa. DR. E. F. WILMOT, • . ("`±iIADUATE of the 411Opath;cabd }lmmo p4thic Colleges of Medicine, pt. Bend, Pa. ()dice. corner of Main and Tlinabit,h-sts., nearly (:;pittisit(i the Methodist church. I • Wm. H. Copper -&co., IDANKERS, Successois to POST, COOPER & CO., :Montrose:Tn. Oftlith Lathrop 's now building, Turnpike Etrcet. Wlll. IfUNTTING DT:INETTI. C. 0. FORpHAIC • r A NUFACTURER QF BOOTS dif:SHOES. it 1 Montrose, Pa. Stipp over Iyier's Store, All kinds "of work bade to order Land repairing done neatly. ; .iel WM. W. SMTTH; . 41 1 .00. i CABIN I.IT and Chnir:Manufaelurers, foot of 31a.itr street. Montr Pa. . nng ltf DR. G. Z..DIMOGII, 1100HYSICIAN and Surgeon. Og*e over %Vil I :sons' store : Lodgings it Se4le's Hotel. DR. JOHN W. COBB, PHYSICIAN and Ei•argetin. 1).11 Pgb!ic Avenue, opnosito Seprie'sll - 40, Niontrosa. DR: R. TRAYER, - DUSICIAN artd-Sur'ge..n. Miintrose Ogict-in.the Fainicir's..stor6 _ ... - _JOHN GROVES' . . FASHIONABLE Tailor. .Sttop near the. Baptist Meeting licihse, on Tninpike street, Montroae, Pa. • • i :1 i siuglif . NEWS OFFICE . . THE rII.IV York City ' i lllnstratia Nesiapapers Magazines, etc. etc.,ror sale ati the bibutrose Book Store, by "r A. N,. BULLARD. . P. REYNOLDS, g3FIIOL ABLE TAILOR. .-fibnp in base ment ofSenrle'n Mtpl, Nonirose, *n. • C. 1)4 - VIRGIL' R ESIDENT'DENTIST llotitrose.: • Office at the Franklin Helnse, root:6.N°. 3. in and Inserting teeth On Gold add Silver Plate done in the most-appr4ed modern Plates are al;solutely water-tighq-interstices where food can lodge. I•• I. nov24 CHARLES I - MORRIS BA.LtBER, and Hair. Presser. No; 3in basement cf Siarleta * MEAT MARKET.. - On Public Avenue Ipear ,S 4 eimle's • Hole/. , EEP constrintly . on hand . l , good supply of 11 MEATS of all kinds. CASH paid for Reef Cat,ll,talives,SheeSarld Lambs. Also forlilides °kali kinds:j- HEN I STOCK oIt]iIAWLEY: 6. T. IfEIVSTOM. - HAWLEY. .Montrose, Mardi 3411, • GARRATT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER AN - FLOUR,GRAIN,SALT,-&C NiW NIELFD, PA.-410 Roor.4•Pearr§ . l3lfice. TILL keep constantly on •‘`i . 'hand the_ best brands of FLOUII--by.the Sack o f dred Barrels--at the loVest maileet prihes. Also, SALT—by the Sirikle Darrel or*Oad. All orders from 3f:erehants mid Dealers will be promptly attended . * * *Cash paid for - Giain i Woril,;Pelts, Hides, and all - Farmers' Produce in theii season. ( BILLINGS• STROUD,. F ir E and LIFE IN§URANOE Montrose, Pa. - , TESTIIO.O7IIAi* WE, the undersigned, certify! that. we were insured in Fire InsuraisCe Companies represepted by Mr. Billings Stroud, of 'Montrose, and that, having suffered loss bylfire`while so insnred;sie were severally paid by companies to the full extent-of oar claims; arid wo have confidence in him as a, good. and effective sgeht. Jas. R. DeWrrr,i - ZIfiCON gORTAI LATHROP & DEW4T;T, HA. WEBB. • • F. B. CIIANDLER,'J. Lv gc c s &Son, Bess. GlAnnis, I . LE4FAED SEARLE.. Montrose, ea. NoreMber 14th; 1859..- • , -.-1 - Eyr Patronisetboseest savertise:4E! s _ Its iOntitaMito 70 no aiAgdiu umav - oom no? &nriftr Trapt. rtaqm LIED TEMP VIP lao 411% EOM OR Till unag&l " W.Tft sysvixAxx covxzy CLASSIqm. & NORMAL SCHOOL, Montrose, Pa.,- - 1864). TfE TrOstees_would - Present tfie W-lowitg circumistances; in regard to this Institutfon, in confirmtaion' of! its claims upon the !Ivor of the public:_ It is not., literary institution of doubtful rep. utaiion, buthas long enjoyed the most favors , ble patrons ° of the public.. • i •It is-situ ted, not amid the .distractions and dissipationsiof a Icily, nor is - it yet removed from the inflkences, of refined society, but is located at the "County .Seat. MOtitrose,- than which few places are more fully supplied 'with wholesome and Christian influences for youth. - The Institution is now under the direction of PROF. I 11. FiIIODBILD. P a A., a gendemou in whose ahility, learning, and char octet the 'utmost confidence is warranted by the accompany i g teltimonials from a literary source than- which there is none higher—the President and Prole ors of Yale College, of which insti thtion Pro 13nonitEAD isoclso an alumnus. • Prorisio a will he made in the ensuing term, not merel y for one!class - of students , but-for all the depart c ots - of a common or ellssical edu , cation ; for Normal scholatic in a separate class; 1 for childre in a Primary .Department ; and -for any who . esire to, pursue the study of Music, French; German - , Greek, Latin, or [fisher llafh ematics. H • 1 • • We therefore fully recommend 'the Sump°. A anna_Clasicical and Normal School to the pa. rents and youths of our State and all who take an interest m the advance of education. WM. JESSUP, Pres't Board of Trustees C. F. READ 4 Secrotiri. The nett Term. of this InAitution will begirt TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1860, at which time expected that all the students will bo present. We afo Iprepared- to ro students for any class in 'any American College, and wILL oral' A spacial.. cr4s Fon TgacriEns. Lectures on scientific subjepts will be given each week during half the Term. Tht. bills must be paip at the end of the eighth week of the Term. Text Books•unchanged. , . • PRICE OF TUITION, per Term of 1 I s weeits: Normal Department, 800 Primal do., 1 - . - - •.• In English prancli e somd Latin or Greek, OM Greek orlattin, each, •-• . . 4,00 French or german, - - .. • 3,00 ymie-. 8,00 Studentsiwishing to procure roonc ' s, or-board, can be accommodated by writing toithe Falser. PAL, and those wishing to board tliOnselres can obtain stoves and fitrniture fr'com .Atessrs.' Sayre Brothers; op reasonable terms. Price of Board from 82,00 to $2,50 per week. • d. BROD,DEAD,Principal jitlontroO, Feli>Ast„ 18611—It. _ . i ' • I • i TESTIMONIALS. I 1, I I 'AL Cor.t.tvE, June !ROSSI • , . Mr. Harry Brod emi, a member of the class lately graduated t Nate College; has bald -a hi, rank in tho'Oass as a scholar. So far as b I am achual . nted vl•fth; ft, his mprarebaracter, and .habits, are_Freprcichable. ' Timormar D. WOot-SET, President . Mr. H. Srodhead. who belongs -to the gradu ating elssi of IMO, bas shown irimaelf du ring the tw l p yearelof his. connection with the college, a capable nd successf u l scholar. Stio'd 'he apply h'imself.l. the' work of instruction, I ii i have no dqubt of his ability to justify the confi- 1 deuce and satisfy .the.exocetations of any who I may avail themselVes Of tiis services. ' - - J'als. ilant.r.v, Prof. of Greek. -11r.11. Brodhead of the class of 10511, in Yale - College, ie a good; scholar, and has , a superliar mind. I live Mills doubt he will make an efft.- eient and. .ecessful teacher, andcarirerommend him with great eneftdence that he will not.dis appoint his patrons. . Nomi PORTER, Prof,. of i. .i Philosophy and Motaphysm Mr. W. Brodhead has just finished his course 1 of collea4to -edneation and - recieved the de ' gree'of 13chelor of Arts,• at the annual cot Meneemen . .%s be proposes to be engaged for a time in t e business of teaching,he is 'cheerfully 3 recommen ed by the undersigned as a person weltqu'ali fed by his scholarship and attainments; by his elmstiartebaraCter and deportment to be successfullin the instruction and government of• A school. 1 I' [ TllO,lAs A, Tisscnsn, . [lra.' of Latin. . 1 - NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! IT THE RA BRANCH-STORES • I. 1 1 OF ibatteOtrit, liloscubaum, Montrose ) , BrSitsq'a Depot, Pa- • Hidersi ga ed•hare provided themselves T SPLEI\IDD ASSORTMENT or PALL AID -WINTER GOODS • which they. boast of being the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST in this sention of country. 'They '4l - so &Hof 'themselves that„ they laave the best tarilitiels Of obtaining - I . fooslfrr from the Illarket, and are dotermi ed not to be undersOld by any firm this side o.N. Y. City. In regard to READY MADE CLOTHING • - 1 - 1 .. , . . 'we would say thalbeing itrllds busines largely at ~ I 1 • • - . 24 Dey Street, New York City 1 we can offer the' public bargains not surpassed by any retail dealers in this section, as we can. sell here at r 'tail prices as cheap as. those who go New . 'ork and purchase at wholesale and then brie thetri here and 'hvae to make a profit r' tail that which they have already .paid them selves. talland see us. and we will prove the facts; ' 1 . . . - Gutta I tbent Itostubattm r 1C,4.4: , . .Mcintroie, Pal, October 27th, 1859. . • gTOVES! gTOYIS Alr REDUCED PRICES! ' XE.I 313,1=LI=LIWIT , - it3 just receiving a large stock of Nr l yi f t :Oyes JL including a full assortment of , 'Cookin s r l , Par !or, o . gee, and. Shtp Stoves; • , for Wood or Coal. • • Alio, h ove l `Pipe, Zinc, Stove Tubes, Hisossortmenti willincludelhe 6)3C:select and desirattiOntoies in matket, and will toe sold at Reduced :Prices -for. Cash. or Prompt Pay. Nov! Milford, November Ist, 1659. B d Books, Newspapers,- J_ll Paitphtets,, *wattles, etc., boost' op on abort Police ; - 1.0. do EON. _ Courtship'-*L -the Rum Jug; • The substance, iii. part; of thisiiiie story, I obtained horn my ienerable friend Dr. John W. Dorey, of lfaridand, and the hero of it was a lieutenant tinder' the brave _Commo dore Winton. Ii tiximplifies the influence of the rum jug _in riot only blasting Moral character, plunder)ng the _purse; destroying health and , happiness; and • in the production of crime and wretchedriers,,but in debarring men' from. accomplishing designs which might .eventuate is an increase of - happiness and respectability. Lieutenant GraOille beldnged to the squat droll of Commodore Trustee, aerie braver Mae never woke the thunders of freedem on •the mighty deep. ,Not only did he possess the animal "'quality of braverY, • bnt• he was endowed with higher attributes-of the mind —he was graced.;With talents • that would hairs shone brilliantly in. the halls of legisla tion or the councils of the country. Ele gantly, educated, !hnd hating whafllorace calls cacothes logitendi, of itch for talking, be would •have diatinguislied himself in the forum as well as in - the field—in 'the Senate as well as on the sea. • . But alas - I our 4rci contracted a love fur liquor at a very 'etirly age. We all remem ber the period when the custom of sweeten- . lug the fawning dram was universal and the youngest membersd the family were enti tled to a shirre, .4 was thus, la childhood, that Granville Lail contraCted the habit, which grew with ibis-growth, and strength ened with • bis stietigil. ilis society was universally 'courted, on account of his droll way and hurnorouslpranks, as well as his wit ty sayings, by which he often " set the table in a roar." .- . . . The Lieutenant : was not wealthy, and he , often said that the easiest •way to - acquire I wealth was td-- bear -do;n and board -some I rich craft-6y which he meant to marry_a rich lady.. Hp had mader.several attempts at couriship, but hadi failed, on account of the unfortunatehabit to which he was addicted. 'lt was thedelight of the officers on board of theship, when, seated over .a 'flowing can at the evening hotq, to listen to the stories, of Lieutenant GroVille's couttehips, which were related in 6i) quizzical a- manner; and contained so mantludicrous incidents, 'that all hands were thrown into convulsive fits of laghter, for -he ''soon collected a crowd around him. i! . - • 'Well, Granville" said the surgeon, one evening, when a party of officers. were seated together on deck, ';'you have never given us the history of•thatouitship 'of yours: , 'Sure enough,' ieturned Granville, with - it quizzical leer of his eye,'• ' and a prettier or more trim-craft I `never ran ,alongside of in my life. Oh!' but you bad aught to have t3e.n her rigged in in her flying jib, and. spanter, with her otreamers flying, and every thing inihape ; i:end - you'd, have lunged to come to and cast anchor alobg side, as I did. !But go .on with' yonr story,' Mend the I sor_geon.. ' -, - • 013 7 e11, you ee, I obtained from the Secre tory 'of the , ha furlough to go to the \ East Indies; ;when I returned to Wa-h -ington, I resell% 'to cruise about in hopes I might fall in With borne trim built craft, and take her, as a prise. ;Veil,-you Fee, I hada% cruised long befoe - I heard of a rich young widow, who lived .hbout eight miles from Washington. Clear the -deck fur action, says I,l'll board ?her at all hazards. So I : 1 , hired a horse, set' sail, and 'how far . do you ~ think T got the fiest day I .. -- ' To the widow's house ; of course,` replied the surgeon; ; . 'Devil a bit of it. Three miles broUght me-to the tavern digit of General- Washing ton, Where I hevO to, dropped anchor, got drunk and staid !all night. The next mor ning I got up, and piped' all hands to 'splice th main brace fillOV, with a little'of the Bor ic, particular. .iWell, yon see, when' the 1 1 landlord madeibi4 appearance; I took a snee zer, ordered my tiorse, put out again, and in less.than', four mites ran foul of another tar ern', the Sign of Which _ ivas a good woman with a bad, heatl4-'you know all women are good without triads, or tongues, I should say. Here I an'cliored, of coulee, stowed away my breakfaet,.arid got: drunk too ; 'and there - Sou see witi one drunk, on• top ofth other. Well, yoh see , about 5 o'clock Ito a fresh departure; for ; the young .widow's, in along lane pas thrown overboar tremendous _surge, into the fence . where I lay at autibor until morning, I woke I taw nOthing but a Chi/ had snowed in tright,.l was coy two feet and my' breath . formed k , ad, r by a When aey. It' J ered - about .4 this ctim i, . 011 of tba of- Jf .I y. 4 • /42 d ney, ' Well,'lrliat then ?',inquirer ficers, laughing. r; • . 4 Wky,earter some difficulty, 1-regained my feet, And, lookin4 moo od,/1 discovered a cab in in an.ols fieltaard ; Y . , and • feeling like a man of.-War aftet• n'h rd battle, I made e all sail and hauled into ort, where I was a4tit te:d by the old winn o and her little datig,h ter.. Madam, 1.1a . d 1, 1 am a .poor ship wrecked marin4L-have been hanging to some fence•railAil night during the pelting of thepitliles 4 Siortn, and 1 beg -of you a blanket to r I rtself' in before the fire, as I ammearly oxen : and if I had a. little rum. ) /it would ssist- pie in thawing the sooner; .when—rest gins i.,- , the- old womansaid i g that t e•Leier 14pt the article.. Here was a bro nde that:utade my iinsbets shiver : again; 7i foe though I was wet as a rat, I was dry as a powder born. - But, to my inexpressible jay, her little girl said, as. she started up • from her see:- -f , . 'Mother, I will geeto.old T otu,Bewlin's and g* some rum;f4 the gentleman: . • 'And, sure. ittough, in a • short time here tilie comes with king full—,God bless hod= of which I drank freely, and in three hours after, half seas byer, put out to- sea and steer ed for the wino's' , , ~ , 'Bat sellY didn't you carry 'your liquor on board r inquired a midshipalaiWas you were so often on sho# allowance.' : . Ildayliil didji I saw in the old woman's 1 oupbOard one oetkose tbin,*ight ounce rnedi. nine phials ;so t bought it of her, and filled : ,it with. the 13d ton. particular,- by way of keeping My spirits bp while popping the question - to the Widow, for 1 didn't expect, to get any there, and it • wouldn't do- even to. ; • u menonium. .i. l , . ~ . . - - 'Well, goon with the story ; said the sur geon; 'did yougo Ahem - I' - . - - 'Yes, with s tbi phial of rum in my- pocket I dropped anchor; after being politely towed into the,parlor by the young •widow.'Oh ! bow it would Ire made your mouths water just to limbo's' that trim built craft, with MONTROSE, PA„MARCH --- her curly_steameti flyrng, and-her two bright :Oft'. holes flashing fire at 'you every glance! The very first broadside from her eyes shiv ered my heartitompletely to atoms: • '‘Go ou,go on,' said several Voices. 'Well, as I was: saying, I was about half seas over, three" sheets in the wind and the other shaking, and I couldn't •ri plank to . saye my soul. My lingua l was so thick that I couldn't hire spoken the words ithive thin saplings,' if my life liad• been forfeited, and to hide matters .from my charmer, I hold of the chairs and tables when I moved about. Alter getting thoroughly thawed; I . cleared the deck for action, add made prep aration for popping the awful question. I had. to keep a lookout that I didn't break the bottle in my-pocket, fur I knew thatif I got a lee lurch the bottle might go by tfie . board and betrAY tne. 'This -I dreaded, for I' was gettitg;ou swimmingly. So I watched my opportunely, rose. up gently, see r sawing like ship in the trough of the sea, and held on to the back part of the - chair. 'Madammadam, said 1, having heard of your fame, goodness of heart, and, abCve . all, your bank stock-1 mean yon ---your beauty, I have visited you for the purpose of ailtior, von whether you" would ,:accept of 'one of .Commodore Trux hie Trux hie—ono of Com modore Milton's lieutenant's as a companion for life!' - • . . ' 'Well, what do you 'tidal?. I got I' 'Why, she struck her Colors, of course, and surrendered,' answered a midshipman, a itli a coarse laugh. , - 1 'Ptl tell you . what I got—l got a flat /Without a paddle to steer me home. ' What then.? inquired the Sorgeou, as all hands buret into a loud roar of laughter.. 'Well, I followed the advice of the brave Lawrence, awl didn't give up the ship. But confound it, what a blunder, I made-With her bank atocki! She smiled and simpered, and invited me to dinner. and I ' my Thinks i honey, I'lrgive you another. b oadside before Isurrender. SO when, she w tit out to tell the servant to bring in dion r, I whipt the eight ounce phial outof - of - my picket, and toot: a little comfort, hut, by the holy,- sit-a - ons, she came very near catching me in the act. 'But the dinner, the diener; give us the dinner,' roared out one of-the' officers. . , you see, another drink made me glorious; and, as. good leek would have, there wasn't a acul at the table but her ship and-your humble servant; so I had a first rate opportunity to pop' the question 'again., But 3 thought I would flourish awhile, by why of coaxing :her over ; for young widows are wonderfully susceptible to the'tender passion, and the last drink he'd male me Otte - - eloquent, save that my tmiguo was rather thick, and an occasional hiccup spbiled some of my most sublime ef forts.' 'Madam ; said I, gbiin,,,m ...,her what . I call soul-cheering glance, doubt 114 eyes here red ',and sleepy, - Madam, this fiirk I hold in my IlUnd is not more firmly pltiteci in the breast of this i.:hicken than is th dart of love shot from your bean— beau r -hie -- beautiful eyes fixed in my breast.' / 'She smiled bewitchingly, and, ent:ouraged, I proceeded. 'Dearest madams, there is nos(hieg I prize so highly as yOur hank—l mean your beau ty ; and if there is anything.' admire more than your personal charnis, t is your money —I beg Pardon; I mean yo r per—per-what. 1 7 Was I saying, madam 4"/ : . ; Ttiti widow roared o t iu a hoarse laugh; grid I.was• so confused that; seizing one leg, of.the chicken with y fingers, I sunk down' in my chair and e mmenced tearing-it' with my teeth like , l a h ngry wolf ;"and the truth roared o I,od eatk! nothing since the day he, fOre. rfell id. a perfect reverie on the ill effects of drid7ing rum, and when.tbe widow . kpoke, I std eld as if there. had 'been a sud -1,--den clap o ' thunder, upset my plate with two [ s a f e g gs upba it, in my lap, over which my' handle chief was spread.: To_, avoid confu sion, rolletrnp the handkerchief with the soft eggs in It, acid stowed it away in'my po -et.. Thelplate fell to the door, and stri k. ,g- on its '4lge, rolled clear round the te .le into the rite. This Was too tuuctt for this gravity of the' Widow, and she broke Out into - another hoarsii laugh. .. 'Well, howl did you get on after that I' in , coired the su4geon. - : Sad enou li, god knows. . It seemed as if everything conspired against, me., After. my confusion ' was- somewhat over, I again • broke forth into, praises of her • beauty, pre paratory to popping the question a second time. Seeing that her plate .wa's empty, I . rose up to help her 'tq. another part of the chicken, when, getting a lee lurch, I attempt .ed,iii get hold, of the - - table, but missing it, I -grabbed' the table cloth, and should Nave fallen spr : awlitig On• the floor, besides . drag-, ging .everything_. from the table,' had ,not the servant,'a latgelat colored woman, who bad jdst come ,in, caught .me in her arms. I slitiddered,,qor if I 'had fallen, I should in evitably ha've broken the bottle in my pock- I et." , • i , . 'Capital ! excellent ! well done I' cried, Say eral, while another loud laugh broke•frern the amused Officers. • • . -.Go on, Granville,' said the surgeon, ith; denouement will be rich, I have no doubt. 'lt max belrich continued 'Gran ville, but it was poor fun to ofie;. lois° con fused was I that I staggered.acrossthe 'room; sank down op one of these cane-bottomed chairs, and my coat tail being under me , oh, heavens ! splashed the frail bottle in my : pocket, and the liquor Went trickling I.brringit the bottom of the chair to the:floor.- Was more than I could. bear, and my eyes : gliftred upon i the confused widow as if she' had been a ghost,. while, the, servitnt stood tittering at trly - dilemma... I would 'rather have faced British Cannon at thatwtOment, for I knew riot what to .dti or what . to say . . But my calamities were not at an end, feet° cap the climax Sand hide my confusion, I drew out the handkeecbief, forgetful of what bad °courted, and applied to my face. Oh, 4upiter ! The first slap. ,filled my eyes, and, bediubed my faCe all over With the yolk•of the egg s , and such a looking object never av pearedbefore a "lady to pop the .qiiestion. The widow rushed, laughing .into the kitch- - en,: followed by the fit servant, whoever and anon turned • around, rolled', up the white of her eyes and shook . her iaides= with .laughter at my truly ludicrous and ridiculous appear- • 'Well, bow did yon come out in the endr inquired the' surgeon, • • • •E(ow did I come ;out 'I Why, Ica* out at dui iitde end • of the horn, 'as-the az is. MEMO 7• 1 7 - 1 77- 7 — . - --- --- - .7. - , ------ - - ---:.--. I weighed anchor and put out to sea as luick-as the I.9rd Would let me ; and - from that day to this! I ha l ve never bee on a cour fing cruise, ant whenever I see aiyoung wid ow f•can,:t hel thinkiog of seft, eggs and bran rum yip. Fr o m this. time- .to , ail. eternity, my advice! is ,to young men Who wish to court +161.1 ayoung spinster or a j Widow, tn, let the ruinug ajone fdr I have , no doubt that if I bad • gone. a sber man to see tho widow, X might 'now. bet living in a li line bouse,.and`riding in a coach and four.' At the Collei sion:of the lieutenant's story the ofSeers pu led cff their. hate and gave three hearty cheers fOr'the courtship, which were fellowed hy. another, longdoud roar of laughter. - . ' , . Y OF A PROVERB; THE STO TEI6 BETTEit HORSE." GRAY ; - Ina certain .l hirein England, 'a 'a nebleman having a marriageable daughter' whose per- I sonal attractio s, ,pesition and ifccomplish-. it ments, - were ea culsded to inspire attachment, t was.applied to for her hand, by a ; young gen tlenizin of equally good family and ~preterit iondf her own onsent having beerafirst ob tained.. The 'f Cher. found no cantiei . for objec tion either-in the fetidly, means or character of the young ' , intim:nun who a un ion with his family by tnarrying!his daugh ter ; and the course of true luve ren smoothly / until it eulmirqsted in a merry eal Of weti. ding bells. 1 .. ', 1: i l The happy couple, set ep an establish ent of tligirown under the most auspicioti cif , : commences, after the expiration of -th usual honeymoon eXcursiOns and visitin , com menced their career' in the domeitirrelation of husband and . wife with its actu experien ces: ces. ~ . , .. ei As-tne novelty oil their pos . - ion and' the rose color of mineral's wore off Oclr began to . think, speak arai ant accord;the g to spirit and temper whiehite or she had: inherited or ac9uired by education, leaving the character of lovers for the more st id 'relation. - Unfortunattity it Wa noti long before the / yOueg gentle an. t ought be klfscovered a tendency on tile pas,, of the .ladY, to abridge 1 his liberty and to / assume the eatire-controt of the hou'iseh4ld/as well as of her own ac tiont, without le nstittitig his views or wishes, or deterring t _them When knowh. • - . • ' At fist hiwas merely surprised at, this assumption f tuthority, but, at length.became indignant .. and, finding expostitlation- - una -veiling,' nd liegara 'seriously to meditate a -separation, anfl waited on herlather with a regoelt that he would take his d aughter and dowAt back, Mogi his , reasons, for Making theregaest, to which .the litter 1 listened- pa tiently and ca p ly, and then replied : ' '"My young friend, the fact of your father having died clutingi your Wendy, and your mother Navin,, remained a sviddsv thereafter, must he your excutio fot.a want of knowledge .of ibu preetic it opdration of married relation, which the dis l cretioit of the parties interested , usually proini.ts them to hide from the unini tiated. Your cuse4s by no means singular. In my own -libu 7 o Your highly respected mo ther in jaw rles AY 41f Undisputed, anii there- . fore, silent swny,;'and such I aor satisfied, is • .the case in al- the houses of our, married sic *q usi atanc,es. ' ' The paling gentleman was astonished at • the revelation, andlventuredto doubt the ac-,., 1 curacy of =lds lister in law's , conclusions, when the fa , b r ay rep ied : - -' "In order that you may- satisfy .yourself that 1 atis no 'cnitken, t will make this agreement w th yo . My four !coach horses 'you knew to be-highly valuable—tbese you ti may take, an a hasket containing - five doz ens of eggs, nd -commence a ,tour of inspec tion for yourAelf, calling at every, house and making suchlniquiy- as ‘ shall satisfy'. you re garding the flint asjto which is ruler, the lius r band or the wife. lAt each house Where you are satisfied that the hu - bind rules and the' wife submits - lwith!defer nce • and respect to his wishes, leave ore of t e horses; if Imam. er, you, ascertain the co trary to be the case, I Leave an egg If the horses 'should all be giv en away befOre the eggs are exhausted, you are it liberty ito.ret'oro my daughter, and I will receiveher according to yotfr wish ;;bat if-the eggs should ,he first disposed of. • you must return the retuaining horses to me and, keep your tdife, treating her well, Satisfied that you are. my sharing the lot of nearly all • mera - who ha' e entered the married state. This prepositioraseemed so highly favora ble that it wei-at Once embraced-by the dis eatisfied..sorain-lasii, and the horsei and eggs were both forthwiih consigned to his charge, when hracornmen4d his kur of investigation concerning reatrindoniel rule ' • • At the Brat borate at which 'he Stopped he hliard the 'wife ordering her husband to open the door to gee what was wanted. He gave' the obedientiman en egg for his: trouble, and, without waiting 'to explain the transaction, ,took his departurrafor the next house. Ilere, upon. making inquiry for the ;husband the wife said : , I. ,I• • . - 'I seat bi'n to the grocery for soine arti cles, but if iou will sit down aria • wait a few minutes beill 1+ in; for. I told bins not, to s stay talking t to any one by the' i r waY, but to haryback fastias be could. `The-inquirer, however, doelieed;waiting, and left with the astonished sioniati r an egg. . ' At the tier. place he ;found th'e gentleman, abrait leavinhothe, and his, wife, in-no very dulcet tones insiticting him not to bring any r one Lome to dinner, as she ,expected her mil-, finer to call Ito receive directions' regarding her new botMeh; and - could not give attention . to company.!„ No further investigation was' made, but ali ;egg was laid at-the-door. • At.each sneceeding house the :result was the same, untilnsOre than half ; the-eggs were gone, and as yet.nraopportuuity, had occurred, for leaving a horse, when a blighter prospect appeared about to open: • ' , . - • , Arriving at a respectable mansion, he wits informed, that the gentleman was out but was expected' to return momentarily ; and he, was invited to await his -return' with-so much aifability.hyi the lady, -that hulook thikliber ty of stating-1,6 her thathe hoped she would excuse . nivq : alleo, appear to be • an ioperti neat iriquity, but that he was, &airbus of as dertaining whether she or her ihusbaud mr. cised the pircigative of government in their btruse: and' hi their relations as; husband kid wife, assuring her that cogent reasons alone prompted the laquiry, Mid than inanawa6pg it tbey might be henefitted,. but would. not sutler any detriment or injury. • The ladyiblus* sand ez_prossed• surprise at such an inquiry, but atatedithat t.t bad al •, . . ways been her pleasure to deter to the wisk-. A.CURISTMAS TALZ.—WbiIO the last een • es of her husband, and to give her assent and /ury Was flourishing, there dwelt in whit is concurrence to his acts; and she was happy now a famous nay, nit a mile - irdm.. Bost* to row that he never exacted any compliance an opulent widoW lady, who once afforded 'a I. fr;)m her *Veil she could not freely acce(rd ; queer illuctration of that cold. comp.:Mod of with, as she; always respected the superipity i incompatibles, called "huMan nstiee.' ,', of his judiment and was governed by'it.—.l , It wasa Cliristrnas Eve of one of those old , h The husband arriving about -the .;sarn time;,l fashioned • winters which were so bitter cold. fully corrbborated the ; staternent'of is wife; IThe oldlady put on,-an extra shawl, and •as and such 'was the anfiability..of.!4,efr Semi- i.shehugged her shivering frame,' she : said to /1( ments regarding 'each other as ; Yr) lead; the her faithful negro servant-: ' . . • young gentleman into an . explanation . of thel "It's a terrible mild night,' Scip.. I am nature and Object of his visit, .by in- I afraid my pooteneighbor, , widow green, must voting them ;out to look at hit( hor,ses, any one be suffering. - Take the :wheelbarrow-, Scip. of which they were at libe/tv to select as .ai Fill it full of wood. pile.on a good load; and free gift. After some hesitation' On their. par t tell the poor womatr!_ti) keep • herself . warra and solicit - alien on his/they' consented to' - and comfortable. But before you gO, Scip, make a salectiOn, andfidceeda to vie v the put some more'woorimi milire, arid .make stock.! The gentleman selected . a fine black me a nice mug of flip." - These last ordera . horse, and asked theiady's approbation or his were-duly obeyed ; and., the old ' lady was 'choice; Uut she w i gs captivated with the ap- thoroughly warmed, both inside and out.— pearance of a grAy mare, which InnsequentlY And now the trusty - Scipio was about to de claimed her preference:. • Each seenderkunwil- part on his errand of mercy, when his consid ling to abandOn the object severally chosen ; f crate mistress interposed again. . - and after!a /protracted: discussion the lady "Stop, Scip. You need not go new. 771. said very s ldeciciedly: " . • - • "Well/coy dear., you may do as you please, ----..........1 but I a confident that the gray. mire- is the better orse." , . siti 'i th a e ntLo s t b c a o n n d c , u , r ,t; i u n t y tl o e u v r ei v ib le e ci le , s _rn , y ia d o e , a d r e c t oblige You, I will take ' th e gray." • ' .-'• but I me to say," obierved=, the. - disap: pointed purveyor' of horsis and -; eggs, A dv., yuu cannot • have either.the black; or the gray ; since You) have ' demonstrated that you , are not entitled to either, but mast - accept an egg; - whilst I shall return thelrorses and the balance Of the eggs to my worthy and" dim.: . creel, and conform to th a require uients of my-condition by keeping my wife; as I am fully' satisfied,-from •the ettser.vations -already made, that, 'should I continue my in: quiries until doomsday, I shOuldrstill find that I'the gray mare Was the better hOrse.'" thoitest.--Higher is The word •of nohle meaning l i—the inspiration of all good deeds, —the syyripathetic chain that leads, link tip link, Ebel impassioned 'soul to ',the its glory,land still holdi its tny?feriOus object . standing and glittering among the stars--- Higher! lisps. the infant that clasps_its mother's knees and makes its efforts to rise from the floor,-.-it is the first inspirathiti of childhood-to burst the• narrow confines of its . cradle in which the sweetest 'Moments have ' • passed forever ! higher! laughs the proud !schooll.i‘oy at his swing, as het climbs the falles't trees of the forest, that he- may hicile.•down on hit less advenkurous companions with a flash of exultation, and abroad over the fields and meadows of his ntive village.- lle never saw, so extended a prospect bef;rit. • Higher ! earnestly breathes the _student, of • philosophy and nature; lie'. has a host of rivals but be. must eclipse &ern all. The midnight oil burns dim, but finds light and 'knowledge in the lamps of tataven, , and his soul is never weary When thelast-of Allem is behind the curtain of ,mozzing. And- Ibigher ! his voice, thunders forth , when the dignity of manhood'i has invested his Cori - 6 i and the Multitude, is listening with 'delight ; to his oracles, burning with On ciuence and tinging like truce) steel in the cause of freedom and right. And when time had changed -his locks to silver, -and world wide in his renown, when the maiden gathar \ mtv flowers by'the - roadside, and the. boy in the field bow in reverence as. ho pass? es, and peasants look to him with honor, can hfi breathe ft,rth7rotn•his heart:the fond wish of the past? Higher yet .11e•has reached the Ap6x of earthly honor, yet his spirit warm as in•youth, though with a, pater and steatqes light, and it would even borrow wings and soartup-to 'heaven, leaving in its tenemet to moulder amotigthe laurels he has t • voprid_riround:it, for the never-ending glory to be reached only in the, presence of the Most .High. • • • CIIOATE!S COOLNESS.-A 1 ltd . time of Mr. Choate's great'speeelffor: Buchanan' in Low ell, Mass, there was 'a Kidded' settling of the hull where they v.-ere. A LeWell gentleman, (gen; Benjamin F. Butler) well known as a lawyer and politician, volunteered fotge ont and examine the supports underneath. did so; and, to his sorrow, lie ; found them:in . such a state that if there should be the !oast rush of the audience they would inevitabli give ,way, the roof and fipor would go togeth er, and they would be involved; in a common ruin. With great fortitude he, went quickly. back, and, to prove there 'wasolo danger Walked the whole length 'of the crowded hall up to the platfoim where the apeaker and presidents were. As he passed, Mr. Choate leaned down and - asked him if he found.' danger. The gentle man, keeping his fabe'perfectly unmoved, so as, not to frighten others, whispered into , Choate's ear with characteristie abruptness. "If we can't get this crowd out quietly, we' shall all be in in five ,minutes.' As might rave been expected from so blunt and terrible a communication Mr.. Choate 's fate became ashy pale; but he " controlled himself .nuil/sat perfectly steady. The gentlernan mounted the stage 4 assured • the people theri was no, real danger, but to guard against the mere possibility of danger, he advised them to withdraw quietly, eery quietly into. the open air, where the speech would' goon. In five minutes the - ball was clear: Dreadful its - had been the moment's .shock''' 'to his feelings;lfr. Choate's _burner did not even desert him ;, for as :he stepped froirithe hell himself Ire said to- his- friend who had made the announcement- to him : `Aud . did you really think; my friend, jest' dow, that I was bound-for the same place:with you! • - -irfrOld Maids after all, are more. sinned against than Ei tri ng. Leap ,year--the only, time when they•can be supposed to have any privileges—comes hilt once inifOur 'years, and, under ordinary circumstances mean "yea" When they say .!'no." . In -this :view of • the case, we can't be responsible.fcir the following: A Virgin of twenty-three sumMers was lately . throwing out some - affected sneer at rnatrimo-s py, when a friend in the company:made (the remark, "that marriages were made in gettv-' en." "Can't you•tell me, my; dear .sir," re joined the cunning nymph, ."why they are so slow in coming down l" Ileory Winter Davie, of Maryland, was burned lit efiigp by.the staideots 'of George town College, a day or two since, for his re cent political c urse.itt the Souse - of Repre sentatives., - " . . VOLUME XV,II, NUMBER.. 9. • Tale Bearing. Some,-from- - a spirit of mischief, and some - sheer ignoranCe- and idlenes - s„ are le-, • -tr,ayed Into- the vice which -is 'bete con deninech -When it springs from the-first, U. , : is . atrocibus;. and is id - entiCal with slander, Making light of a neighbor's reputation and peace of mind, and caring little whether this-- evil. report it circulates true or false. When it-arises from an idle spirit of gOssip,it. may have.lessatrocity r but it is still criminal, and in its consequences may`be equally atro cious. The love of • news is, with mapy, besetting sin flue.bearing or communie.ating — Of which constitutes,_ with then; thd,spicite• . of life. In the neglect of personal and family duties they will gad Oboutitoto neighbor to neighboi, and .what thus gathered;- - partic'-' ularly if scanda loos, will. be as liberally re-. tailed. 'Time.nnd labor are freely, erpende4 in giving currency tcr . .an evil 'report., 'What.- havoc is made of reputation at little coteries of such people; with. What'-zest Will they - pioclaina the alleged' failings of neighbors;.'feebly attempting to palliate tbe , iniquity of-, the act, by the lualification of hoping, that th'e - lumors are tinfOtanda or that they can - - scarcely be true. They care- little about au thorities-, and, it is not a prat of - aleit,•policy to inquire into the truth or abut they have -- beard, the kitchen is . a.,good authority with them as the drawing room; a notorious falsi fier a - sgeod . as a;creditablp witne,s. . AVe, to -. the individual: who falls,into their hands,‘nd • is left to the tentlertnereies-of such invcter.. .newstnongers and gossips, He -may expect lie innocent actions to,be distorted, his nio tiVes` misrepresented, Lie mosttrival Cc:Clings magnified at each' suucevsiii-e repetitio - n,so that his own portraVas drawn- by theta, would:; frighten him: Every. village and 'lncighbar- I hood embraces lairsone of this character, aid . / Whom'it is unsafe to iniv,e. interi-otwe. - Tale- - 1 hearers seldom - have much regard for the rtrUth and freely draw on their imaginatit - ms • I Corti:6 etilbellielinients•of their stories. Never J • tale bearer secret t o t such for ' a bearer -- ,revealetb •secrets,• although many -friends Ore thereby st.-parated. A. domesti c or sock} strife is to them a deli treat, and the (lie -will not go out while'• they eau feed it with fuel. Reader, would_ volt strand aloof •, froth sorpestiterous a vice? keeper at borne, no busybc4,irt other- Men's !hitters, .but atteative to d6tnestic'iluies and the-cul tivation of the ,ocial offectioni. -My soul '. avoid the•mean 'and - dangerous Ake of Lao healing; it • wcnill Le spread a Calve - . report to- the - injiir - y • of-thy neighbor, r and it would'paiwthee to -hear a tale one to his discredit. Flee the society of tattlersi . that thou mayes.t ely.iape the infectionottheir . discourse. . _IIOLLOWAY'S . 01:5 , 174E!:;T AND 1'11.1.5.--En erulied Sore.—Few external disorders are mere . loathsome tharrthis: It is; however, very comthon, especially , among children. Sometiarea „the face, sometimes the hiad; - iind in-Many, inkances the - whole Surface of -the body is covered.with scabious ulcers: Scrofula - is -- generally at the .root of. this'disgusting complaint; but whatever their origin, these excrescences are speedily removed by the regular application of the Ointment. Scurvy frequently developes itsetf in' the - same way, and therefore -no vessel should leave' port without a- supply- of - this match fess preysra-, tCon. The-Yids, frorn,their powerful detergent action upon the animal fluids, facilitate. the cure of •external diseases, and for ell corn-! plaints of the-stomach and its depeudencies, are absolutely infallible: • A SIIORT SRRHON GOOD Qa - i.—rue Rev. Dr. noted for brief sententious sayings in the polpit:ziand • out- of was coming dawn Chestnut street the other day, a gentleneae asked him, "Sir, can you. tell me how to' find -the Sheriff's 4..11ice sir,' was' the reply.; "'verb - lime yoli earn five dollars spend len P . ; Sayng, . this: the doctor walked on, Paying hi; questimer gaping upon the .sidewalk. .I.le was a stran ger who hsd come to . town on: hoinesr, and. asked for information ; but. the :Moro he pondered.on the reply the More i t s :was con• vinced that his .ttnknowp iisfOrmant had an swered him wisely. • A witt'y_ lawyer ones' jocosely asked a boarding house keeper the. following ques: lion :--; . *.- • • "Mr. - ' if a . matt - givea 'Yols fi . re tired do3laya tokeep for . . - W h a t. do - you do—doyctu pray ftir him ?'. ' 'I pray for. another like. . Jenkins : emnplained is the even ing that tha turkey stie had eaten at Thanks givinidid !not set well. "Probably," sail Jenkins, !it was net . a hen - t rkei."• -got a glasiiof water in his face. • - jrone day Jerrold was aiking about, the talent of ti young painter, when .panion deelared-that the youth was to 3id re, "The very worst ochre an `can set to work with," was the quiet reply: JlNlr"Friend, the Bible tells thee a to •swear not at all.'" "Oh,-well, don't swear at all: I swear only at those I • am mad at." ,ILV" A young foy about starting down to New Orleans, props:rid to purche - % a fif e preserver. 'Oh, you'll not , WAD t it," suggell tvi the clerk, 'bags of win& don't sink."