Till 'FIRST GUN YEA:!! wvsrm • . AYDEN BROTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S JUL Agents, AM now opening the' most enor mous Stock of • ' • WINTER DRY GOODS, BOOTS. cf: SHOES: READ r MADE CLOTHING, HATS cL 6 CAPS ; ' GROCERIES, . Virk.l6o ROBES, YANKEE NOTIONS, WATCHES, • JEWELRY (ka, ever brought to this end of the State. Bought in New York and of the Eastern Manufacturers FOR CASH! and which wo have marked down at ALARMINGLY Low PRICES! -•-- - • - • WE DEFY- CpPETITION! WE IN.V.L.TE - - IN .ESTIGATION 1 ! r - WE SOLICIT . AMINATION 111 As we feel coefidonti all . wo assert .; Tho day of large. prate has go e by, and we'have good GOODS, OHEA for Gie - MILLION! The success of our hoiMo bas prompted OLD. F 0 Wit WI - • to filch from us our . good name. We cannot prevent this, of course, neither do we desire to, and have no apprehension of any evil result to our buliness. • • BUT WE CAN, AND WILL, sell much lowei thatkany other establishtuent in this part of the State, and we will atAnsye maintain our reputation for. PRICES THE LOWEST!. , STOCK THE MOST EXTENSIVE! STYLES the Most. Fashionable ! Qualities the Most Reliable! OUR MOTTO IS SMJALL PROFITS! • " Good Value ! Quick Returns ONE PRICE and NO-.DEVIATION! • Our system of doing business creates mudh jealousy among Old, Fogy Merchants ; Who have Ks many prices, on the -same gocds . ui the have customers.. '0 UR OXE PRICE SYSTEM pleases our ohleustamers and creates many new ones, we intend to continue it. Remember and call before you buy, if it is'nothing more than to keep well posted up. ar We possess advantages for purchasing goods, over any house in this section; and the unparalleled increase of our sales for the past year warrants us-in saying, thatlwe never were, and never will be undersold: We fear ne corn petition. Flour and Salt altrays•on hand: Every kind of Produce taken in exchange fqr Goods. Cash paid for Pelts and Furs; HAYDEN BROTHERS.. Nev' Milford,:Pa2, Jan. I§t, 1860. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH. BITTERS. The proprietors - atol manufacturers of HOS TF.TTEII'S CEI.F.IIP.A.TED sTom.-ten BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicianstunf Citiiens generally of the United !States, because the. article has attained a rcpt -, tatton heretofore unknown. A fat - facts.upom this point will . speak nfore powerfully than Toluntes of bare assertion or Ida iouing puffery. • The co-sumpt:ou of Ilostet tees 'Stomach Bit tcts for the loot ..v . enr amounted to Mir a half million bottles, and front its manifest stead - 37 increase in timc< . pact. it i.s . rt dent that during the coming year the ernsumptiou will reach near one million bottle. Th!s immenseranount em it' nerd , h a r e b e en sold hut for the rare medicinal pr- portico contained Un the.prepara don. and tile sanction , f the Most,promirient. physicians in those se,tions of the coutitCy where the article is; IA .t kitown; who not only „Teta:maim& the Bitters to Their patients. but are ren.iy at all times to give testimonials to its • effivacy in ail casts - of -tomaeldederangentents stil the diseases resultinetherefrotn. .This is not a temporary popularity, Obtained byiexfraordinary efforts in the way of !rum ' peiing the qualities of fate Bitters. but a solid estimation of an ha:du:dile medicine, which is destine l l Jo be as enihiri4 as time itself. Bostetter's S!OOICil Buters' Lave proved a ilodsend to regions where fever and ague and 1111..1017S other bilioin elmiplaints have counted their victims 1:y hundreds. To be aide to, state confidently that: the "Bitters” are a-certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases. is to the proprietors a- source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes ail Morbidniattei front the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the riervoim system, - giving it that tone and energy indispensable foi' the restoration of tealth. It operates•mpon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but po'werfully, and soon .restores them toacondition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of, nature, Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort deelinieg years, as it is pleasant,tothe, palate, • invigorating to the bowels. excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating. generally. Weliave the evi dence of thousands of -aged men , and women who have experienced the benefit - of using this preparation while' suffering from Stomach de rangements and general debility acting unite the advice of physicians, titer have abandoned alb deleterious' drugs and tairly tested tne merits of this article. A .few words to the- gentler sex. •There are certain periods when their cares srp.so harassing that minty of them sink under thVtrial. The' relation of mother and child is so absorbingly?,lender, that the • mother, especially if she be young, is apt to for:goiter non health in ber2ex,trente anxiety 1 for her infant. Should the - period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a pei-issityfor a :st it:unbolt to recupc- ' nee the energies of the system, and enable the - • mother to bear up under her exhausting trials, and lesponsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Pings to all other invigora tors that! receive .the endorsement of physi-. chins, httcause; it is agreeable to the taste as 'well as certain to give a pertuanent increase • of bodily strength. All those reasons, to whom we Lave particn , ltirly; referred above, to w,it sufferers from fever and ti .caused by malaria. diarrlicea„ •, dysentery, Indigestion, los,s of appetite, and • all ditleases or derangements, of the .stomacto superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary . occupatititi, and nur . sing•ruothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giv i ing to Hos letter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters tl trial. ~A CTION —We caution the public against u.ing soy of the many imitations or counter - feits, bet ask for IioSTT:TTER'S CELEIIIt ATED STOM Ac It &mos, and see-that each bottle has ' the words "Dr.J.ltostetteeaStomach Bitters" blown on the side-af the bottle, and stamped :on the metallic cap covering the Cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. . Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & .SMITH, Pittsburgh, Ps., and sold by ill Aruggiits, grocers, and' dealers generally - .throughout 'the United States, South Ame• siee. and Germany. "Or" For sate in Montrose by. - -- janl2 iy ABEL TURRELL OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. .4-7 6 k -4.1 • • - MEd A Rare Companion for 'the Winter Months.: Every Pianist, I Should procure this weekl weekl y, Every , Sieger, Publication of Vocal - and., Every Teacher, • Piano, Forte Music, cost 'Every Pnpil, ing - but 10 CENTS a l : 1 Every Amateur, number, and pronounced' By the entire ress of the Country, to'be ' f. "The Rest aid Cheapest zeoik of the kind in ' the World." .. Twelve , Pull-sized Pages' of Vocal and Piano: Forte 'Mask For 10 Cent. Yearly, $ . 5; Half -y early, $2,50; Quarterly, $1,25 • - Subscribe to our " ktisiCal :Friend," oi. orderAi it from the nearest Newsdealer, and you will have music enough for pair entiro family.at a&. insignificant cost; and if you want Music'foi r . - 'the . Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion;,!' &e4.5r.c., subscribe to the - -, SOLO 'MELODIST, Containing 12 pages, costing only 10c. a Number; Yearly,B2,6o; Half.yearly,Bl,2s,: . s H• 0 E • 'S • • _ • All the Back. Numbers al 10 cents, and hound' A . Volumes. containing 17 Numbers, at 82,50 each, LARGE! LOT foi meri warner' and children, ' constantly,' on Mnd. - • :: ,11.. just received, and for sale at the very low - C. B„PXY:IiOUR & CO. ''.'i est rat",-b7 IJ. I.:YONS, & PA/N. .;. 107 NrASIU St .. New' York :-' PFP B ' . . • I 1 I e 4 .16/ 1V 4 '!I . ---:,' • - . I •':1 • I. .. - ' ll Cheapeit: licisti Larg , . - .1;1 ti ; • 1 , 85 9 f t, o ,_ . ' Pays for Tuition- in • Single and D ouble E nt ry Bnek.Kei4fing, Writing. Commercial Arithme tftt and Lectures. I gourd 8 weeks s2o,lStatlon ry $7, l'liitiost $35, entire el& $82.. , Usnal time from 6 to 10, weeks. #very stik. dont, upon graduating, is guaranteed ompetent to Matutge the Books of any Businetts,anokacal ified to earn a salary of [rote. 1 ' ~1 $500.T0 $l4, T.:, 090.-. ...:ptudeots buter at any time 7 -No Vacation -1 - Review at pleasure, • ' 1 ,! First Premium for Beat Business %Milting for 1859, received at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Otilo State Fairs. ,Also, at the price pal Fairs ofithe 'Union for the past fonr years. ' ..., • Filir Ministers' 'Sons received at ha :f price. : . - , io,l'For.CirCulars. Specimens, and Embellish: ad! Views of the College, incloso fire letter stamps to _ . , • F. w. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa. '7aounry 19th, - • alts --c-711r RESTOS= tlaitinlittlillo '. ' An aperient and stomachic preparation of ' IDlON'porifled of Oxygen ai,el Carbon. by conk - I bustion in Hydrogen, of high medical authot- . 1 ity and extraordinary efficacy in nob 'of 4.l‘e 1 following complaints, viz.:, j ' - • J j 'DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, MEL:: CULTION, DEEPEPSLi , DIARRHEA,ICONSTI. 1 PATION. SCROFITTA, SALT RHEUM, SMVY, 1 JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINTS • EFIZOILA TISM, MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES INTER., NYTTENT FEVERS, NEURALGIA. CHRONIC HEADACHES' FEMALE IWEAICRESS: MIS. XENSTRUATION. WHITES, CHLORdtHE eta, PIMPLES ON THE FACE,'ROUGHNESS OF THE SUN, ete. J f The IRON being absorbed. by the blood:and thus circulating through the whole t no part of the body can escape their trill wonder ful influence , The experience or th'onsaids daily pr vas that no preparation of Iron cap for, a m went be compared with it. Impurities of the b ood, de; • , pression of vital energy, pale ispd _Otherwise sickly complexions indicate its n&.'ty in hl. most, every conceivable ease. In allj cases of female debility (Mier allms, claorozis, late.), its • effects are delightfully renovating. NO remedy j has ever been discovered, in the whole history i of medicine, whiclrexerts such primpt z happy, an d-fnlly restorative efecti Good appeite, com: I plate digestion, rapid acquisition of - Strength, I with an unusual dispositiOn for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. i As a grand stonuictdo and general restorative , ft has no superior and no'substitute. 1. ' Put up In neat Vat metal boxes containing. MI pills, price 50 cents per box i .atg boxes, 52.30; one dozen boxes. 84 00. Poi sale by ..s p nTrir ts ir L e Tyrol* Xe lle prie sen e. ll. let. free tem, orders, etc.., should be midresseds to , .. ' R,..13. LOCK E &CO I ~ General Agents. , . 339, BRINLDW A , X Y. It.l3—The above la n thentmlle of the label on each bax. • Far sale in Montrose by dear, 13- 46 NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL;” 1 ' . ' CIRCITLA.R TO . ,THE SICK. i , ril HE first hospital sur"eons, and Medical pub 'ti JL licists of Europe, Andt the linparalleled anti.intlamniatory and healing properties of this 'Ointment; governments sanction its . use in their literal and military services; and thtt masses in rthis . country and throughout thew rld - repose the utmost conldence in its curative properties. :It Penetrates the sources of ineaccimatior and i..ctrruption which underlies , the external evi. I, denees of disease, and' nCutralize the fiery ele tments which feed and ex:inter:Ste the malady. 1 • ' Rheumatism, Scrofula, Erysipelas. -'-)... These are among the Most terrible and ago .; izing diseases of the muscles, the fleshy fibre l'nd the skin; yet in'their Worst forme, and when Cemingly incurable, they incariabl disappear i under a persevering application of t is soothing; liealin antidote to pain and inflain :gloat t t, Stilt Rheum, Fever Sores, Stiff ta. ' II In all eases of Salt Rheum, where Medical wit., 41 eis, lotions, and every receipt of th tharinaco. Ipcei have'proved useless; the Oint et: will rte . - r .1;, kcomplish a. thorough cure. Fere , orek heal - .!quickly under its influence, and its &faking eP ect upon contracted sinews is trul "wdnderfal. ! Discharging Ulcers. 1. A most remarkable and happychange Is,, pria duced in the appearance of malignant ulcers at tar a few applications of this Oinmedt. The sur rounding redness vanishes, and granules -of of healthy flesh beg,icitto !take the place of .the discharged matter: This' l prcicess goes on more 'or less rapidly, until the orifice is filled up with .4 4 oui34 material, and the ulcer radically cured. • I ' ' A Word to Mothers. ' • The young are the most frequent suffers frOm /external inju'?ies, and th'eiefore every . mother • 'should have this healing preparation constantly at hand. It is an absolute specific for sore breasts, and quickly removes the encrusted sores which sometimes disfigure the heads and faces of children. - . t . 1.. Significant Facts. • Oiniment is unirertally used on board the Atlantic and Pacific whalluzjieet as a•cure for 'scorbutic affections. and as the beat possible Vremedy fur wounds and bruises. Largd supplies if of it.inive recently been . ordered by the-Sultan of Turkey for hospital purposes. RIM ,Both the Ointment and Pills Ish.ould be used in . the following-cases: Bunions, 1 . Chapped Hands, ! Scaldi, 'Burns, '- Mercurial.Ertiptions, Sore Legs, : ('.Chilblains, Rheumatism, ' . Sore Breasts, II Fistula, Ringworm, - Sore. Heads, (Gout, -- Salt Rhexim,l •So're Throats, ;Lumbago, Skin Diseases, . - Sores of all kinds' Piles, Sprains. ! ' Stiff.Joinis, Ulcers, _ Worms of all kinds, Venereal .Sores _ iTetttr, - Swelled Glands. - * * *Sold at the ,IdanUfactories Ot Professor -Hottowav, -80 .staiden I Lpap, Nebo York, and 24 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists 1 (and Dealers in Medicinethronghe t.the United ..! States and thecivilized I world, in pots, at 25 cents,-62 1.2 cents , and' Bl each. 1 Er There is a considerable saving-by taking 1 the larger sizes. - N. is ~' I .'• 1.. .-Diroetions for the guidanL 0 of patients 'in every disorder are p affiked to each pot. ' . ! i9tyl -23eow. • ABEL TURRELL. Agent. A RESISTLESS nimEDr ABEL. TUIRELL HAS het, rei r ehied from seism* and pnt: ll ehainrig,'adis - now reentaiiik. ono di the largest and beet tissortments or•• I • . . Co 3:0 ever offered in thiS market: -.The 1 ,, qualify. ..ef , - nearly evmr . thkorgood .and all warranted as represented. - Terms; ready cash and tow prices. Some general idei.'of the stock may be formed from . the following eniatteration : , , • DRIIOII,-11=0/11114 Is • • Chernicals, Paiute, Oils, Yunisliti, Win dew Glass, Dye Stab, Onmeriee. LemPle _ Glass Ware, Crockery, lfirron, Clad* WWI nog/ Window - Paper, Window 011 Shades, - Taney Goods, Musical Instnaments, Jewelry, Poirfzeittlr, - Stone Ware, Brooms, Brushes,Whips, 17m)rellas, Bird Cages, Pocket' Salves, Onus, Pistols,„ •• Amitunition, Liquors,Trusses, Supporters, Portemonnales,, Shedder Braces, Spectacles, Silver sad Plated Spins, Parks, de., Gold Pens; Stationery, Violin, Guitar, I Bus Viol Strings, Dow', lc., Poroelain Teeth, Lath- ographi, Artist's Tube Paints, Bruihes, lo g and all the pings Patent . Also some Ooods,Woedent Hard A.Taptumed Ware, . , Piuid and Oil Cans, Campbell, ' • Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, Lamp, Tanner's, Seat Poot,Lard,olllre, Cutor, Boiled and Raw Mused, ind Coal OILS, White Lead, Zino, and all kinds of Colored Paints, Vine gar, Canary Seed, and other things too - :timorous to mention.-; As it Is impracticable to give more than a gee. end outline of my . stock through the Newspapers, every ode wishing goods is invited'. to call and examine. Cuitotners on entering ; the Store Must not expect to find every thing insight; but nearly every article wanted will be . produced by inquirf.. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto received, I hopeilo merit and receive a large increase of the same. Montrose, Oct. 5, '69. .ABEL TIJRRELL. . Q r . 'MO': COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. LOCATED iiVE R -THE SIISQUiIIANiA VALET DANK; • BINGHAMTON N'. Y. - Rooms opal' for Instruction from 9-a . m. to 9:30 p.m. FACULTY: D. W. LOWELL, Principal, ,Professor of the Science of Accounts; Practical; Accountant, Author of Lowell's Treaties upori Book-Keep. ing, Diagrams illustrating the mine. Jottx McCaw:, Assistant Prolcssoriiit the Book. . keeping Department. A. WAfINAR, Professor of Metiers' and Or namental Penmanship, ComniCrCial Calcula \tions and porrespondonce. I - LECTURERS . Hon. Daniel - S. Dickinson, Lecturer n Commer cial Law and Political _Ecsnorny. - lion.. Ransom Balcom, Curer 6n Contracts Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rny.. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer od Commercia Ethics. • . • EXAMINING COMMITTEE: Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, Wm. R. bsborn,-Esq., ' -Tracy R. Morgan, Esq. The object of this College-is td, afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorutigh Business Education. • The Books and Forms are carefully arranged tq practical accountants. expressly for this In ilitution and embrace all the recent improve rtients. - The course of instruction eedipriseti every department of business., The learner will be thoroughly taught the science and piactice of Double Entry' 800-Keeping as eklied to the following kinds Of business, viz: 3eneral Mer chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis sion, Steamboiling, Rsilroadirro Forwarding, Freighting, Foleign Shipping; IStz:; Ladies Department entirely. separate from that of the gentlemen.. ' .Studenta can enter College at'any 'time and receive individual instruction. BY this mange ment every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as 'his enterprise and_ ability will per mit, and when through, perfect and complete, will receive a Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure. Time to complete the course, ;from Six' to Twelve weeks, No vacations. Board 82,a0 per week. TERMS: For Book-keeping, full accountant's course, including Practical Penn:Unship; Commercial Computations and Diploma,_ (Time. unlimit ed,) - . - _ - - 835 00 Same course for Ladies (separate apart- ' ment,) ' -' .. 20 00 Penmanship and Arithmetic, - 10 CO Teachers! course' in Penmatiship,Tmcti. cal and Ornamental, - 3 O 3O 00 Twelve leSsons in Practical Penthan, - 200 Sir Occasional classes will be formed in Phonograpy. For, full particulais send' for a circular. . WM. B. SIMPSON, WATCH REPtIREW Shop in Boyd rf We&lee* lew building, next door above Keeler rt. S i ,:toddard'o. T_T-AVING` worked for the riast.nine years 1.1. with the most 'skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can . do the moat difficult jobs on short notice. • All Work Warrantidlo Give Gailifaelloe.. W. 8.. Simpsow has worked for me for some time, ond can recommend him 'siva - careful and skilful workman, competent to,dep! as good work as can be done in the. country, and , worthy of confidence._ -War. A. CIWIBEELIN. Towanda June . loth, 1858. - - Refers to—Wm. Elwell, E. W t . Baird, E. D. Montayne,'E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Towan. day 8.. S. Bentley, Lt - Searle, U. D. Lathrop, J.•Wittenberg, Montrose. i' ' ***Jewelry neatly repaired od short notice, and on reasonable terms. j.Tahe 115tb, 1858.—1 L . - - - SALAMANDER Safes.-45VANS ..._ & Watson, No. 26 south fourth 1 I :t.'•; °- i I street,Philadelphia, havo now off I ' i hand a laige assortment of Fire }-,------ : and Thief-proof _Safes. Also Iron doors for banks, stoma, Iron shutters, Iron sash, all , makes of Lcieks, equal to any in the United states. z. i Five Safes its one Fire: . ..All coint.out:Rfght. - witls contents in good condition. : . THE SALAMANDER SAFES ON P#ILADELPHIA AGAINST 'THE WORLD. EVANS & WATSON,,, a • Have had : the- surest demonstration lin the following certificate that their manufacture' bf •Salamander Safes has at length folly warranted the 'representations which have :been made of them as rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element t ' i! , • Philadelphia; Aprild 1 9 th, 1856. Messrs, Evans- & WA:neg.—Gentlemen: It affords us the highest satisfaction .to state • to yeti, that owing to the very prottp.tive qualities .of two of the Salamander Bites which we purchased of you -some monthsAnce, ire saved a large portion of_ our jewelrY;and all our-books, papers; &c.,.exposed to the s:.calamitous fire in: Ranstead-Place, on the morning 'of the 11th inst. -. • When we reflect that these Safes were located in the fourth story of the Iniildink we occupied; and that they.subsequently,. fell -into a heap of burning ruins, where the vast Concentration of heat caused thebrass plates _ to Melt, we cannot but regard the preservation ,of their valuable _contents as, most convincing propf ef_ibe*grest security afforded by your Safes. ; We shall'take much"..pleitaurelin recommend ing them to of business as; a sure s rellance against fire. • f. *** • ' GEORGE W, SIMMONS & BRO., Jeredera, Who have purchased sir largo Safes Since. April 2E, '59-Iy. : 111E1110RIAA I WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR THIS," tigdy ,remarked =to tts a day , or , two since, as she exhibited the portrait of an only child4one . to the- spirit land;'".which-was one of WrC73333E3'. , UMW AMBROTTPESI is How I should 'regret it, had I not secured this precious memor.al of that dear one." 'So thought we. The' loved ones are not strays with us, and while we can call them oars, every obit should secure such A memorial; especially since theysan hate them se•truthfully.taken by that successful artist, k. , B.TUABS el Dino. hamton. ' HOLIDAY PRESENTS, The subscribers have this day received soother invoice of '.leWelyy,. &c., direct from the manufactory', and are now prepared to show to their friends the best assortmenrof goods ever before offered in this market. All. persons wish• ing to make their friends and families families Christmas Presents, are invited to' call and examine. dec22 ' EVANS & AILIEN Odd Fellowe'llall, Binghamton; N. Y. lIVEEDLES.—Bone and Wood Tidy Nee -4_l ()les, Tatting Shuttles, Crochet Needles,. Sewing, Darning and xnittink, Needles, for sale by - tvass & ALLEN. 'FAIR PlNS.—Black, red and gilt. Hair Pins, AA. various patterns find prides, by Evan & ALLE N. CORAL -A fine assortmenCof Coral Beads, Armlets, Necklaces, &c, by. EVENS & ALLEN. SLEBVE4It/TTONS AND : ; ; STUBS.—The best assertmerit of Sleeve- Buttons and Studs all prices and qualities, or sale by • EVANS dr. ALLEN. SPECTACLES.—GoId, Silver; Steel and, German Silier.Spectacles, of all ages,ifbr Sale by EVANS & ALLEN. HIIMBLES,:—QoId, Silver and German T ver Thimbles t a good stock, for Salo by • ' EVANS &ALLEN. 'TUT Cracker! and Nut - PiCks at ' - EvAtm & ALLEN. GOLD PENS.—:A. first rate variety of Gold Pens and Pencils, all sizes and qualities, by , • EyAns & ALLEN: IP ABLE CUTLERY.—A good supply of 1 Knives and Forks, Carvers and Steels, by Ev&ss & AELEN3 ORTE MONNAIS and CARD CASES, in every variety ' —Pearl, Berlin Wire-and Shell. EVANS & ALcuzl, WATCHES=A largo stock of gold and ver:Watehes of the best makers, many of thhm of our own importation, at prices much lower than have ever been sold in town—War ranted_good time keeper!. E. &A. —Also, Watch Chains, a - first rate assortment _ofGOLD Fob, Vest, and Guard Chains. FFARRings and Breast Pins,—a beautiful • riety,in setts double and single, conarsting of Pearl, Jet, Cameo, Lava, Coral, Florentine, Mosaie,"Brilliant,Bnamel, and all Gold, various patterns and priees. WINGER Rioga—Diamond, Opal,,Pearl, En 1. 1 " met, Jet;and all GOLD , a great varlet from $4O down. . OCKETS—a very Gas assortment, - GOLD 1.1 and Plated, 1, 4 2, 4, and 6 faces. SMITER: Ware—a largestock of sterling sit: ver ware, consisting of spoons, forks, ladles cups, cake, pie, ice cream, butter, da fruit.knives, childrens setts, napkin rings, card cases, etc. , PLATED - Wa re—Castors, cake basket's -card .receivets, tea setts, ice pitcbers, sugar bas kets, salt cellars, forks, spoons, toast racks, gob lets, etc. BILACELETS-il full suppls,. of every_style,-1 some very rich patterns. LOCKS—Eight day, and thirty hour clocks, t/-'a great variety, warranted. nov 9 _ EVANS & ALLEN. ' No. 2 Odd Fellows' ilall, Wa'shington st. CHANGE OF TIME—WINTER AR RANGENENT—.D.:L. d: W. R. R. ON and after Thuraday, Dec. Ist, 1859, trains . will be run as 'follows : Exraxss PASSENGER Tenins,—Moving South. The night express train_on tho N. Y. & arrives at Gt . . Bend a 3:28 a. m.,-and connects with the express Arainleaving Gt. Bend for N. Y.and Philadelphia - 8:00 a. m. Due at New Milford- * - 8:17 Montrose - - 8:36 • Hopbottom - 8:59' , Nicholson - - •• Factoryville - - , 9:40 '• " • .Abington - • - - 9:57 Seranton _• - • 10:30 Moscovi - 11:17 Tobyhanua . 11:53 - Stroudsburg . • 1:12 p. m. Water,Gap - - - 1:34 . Columbia - • 1:50 Delaware (15 minutes to dine) - 2:9:a Hope (Philad'a. connection) 2:35 .• Bridgeville - - 2:40 ' Washington - 3:13 : Junction . 3:30 New York - • - 7:15 „ • Philadelphia. - 8:20 - EXPRESS TRAINS MOVING NORTH. ' - angers from New York, leave Pi . :,it e :. l 2 North River, at • - 7:30 a. tn. Passen from Philadelphia leave • Walnut )t treet Wharf at - 6:00 Leave Junctiai' 11:10 Due at WaiihingUi\- • 1 , 1:28, . Bridgeville - 44:01 p...m Hope(Philad,a e nnection)l 2A5 Delaware (15 minufea to di e):12:20 • . Columbia - - ;12:20*. Water Gap • . , Stroudsburg ". • 15 . Tobybannt N . Moscow - ' Scranton, -- Abington . Factoryville . Nicholson Hopbottom , MONTftOSE New Milford - Great Bend . -. ponaectingat-Great Bend with the - Night Express going West at - - 1:45 a. m. An Accommodation train leaves- Scranton for Great Bend at . 10:35 a. m. FactOryville 1 ::/ . 11:55 Nicholson . 12:35 p. m. . • , Montrose 1:50 .Arrive at Great'Bend ; 2:50 Connects with Dunkirk Es. West 3:39 . • and Accommodation. tralo.West at 5:33 • Accommodation train returning leaves _Great Bend it; * 3:10 Montrose . - 4:05 NiCeolson . • - 5:15 • Factoryville • 5:15 ' _ Due at. Scranton - • 7:15 The Accommodation • train . does not leave Scranton until after the arrival of the morning train on'the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg-R.ll, than giving passengers from the Wyoming Val ley a direct connection for the. West by 'the Morning train. .For the accommodation of• Way travel on the. Southern Division 'S Passanger Car will be at tached to the Express Freight trains leaving, Scranton at. - - • 4:30 a: tit. -Due at Moscow. - 6.00 • -.- Stroudsburg ' 10:40 _ Junction - L . 2:40. p.m: Returning will . leave Junction at. `4:00 a. in. Due atStroudsburgat - 7:45. - • MOSCOW . 1:10 Scranton - - - 2:35 • : Passengers from New York will. change cars Vat Junction. To and forn. Naiads, leave or hike cars at Hope. , For.Pittston, Kings ton and WilieS,Harre, take Cara Of Lasikawanius & Btoonisburg.B.. R. at llorantlin. For Jesinip, Archbald, and Carbondale:take Stages - at Scran ton...- Tickets - sold and baggage, checked THROUGH. ' - • - JOHN BRISBIN, Sept. e . Wet N.•Jsaxs, General Ticket Agent. . Scranton,. Nov. 21st, 1859,-*tf - . R. KENYONSR. & CO. W GI O I I LD a r n es eA p , ec a t n ft d ill v y er s v itt r ia the a inspection DRY s if9ODS.. this day received,Cousisting n Oft of as follows: Rich Black. Moire Antique 'Silk 18s. per Yard; Foulard Silk t nico style, 6a. per yard; Hush Plaid Silk, the. very -neatest patterns, lOs. per yard; Blick Silk; 28 inches wide, from 7s. to 12s. per yard; splendid Black Silk Shawls from $8 to stti, the finest assortment in Snag's Co.;,new invoice of Ginghams, at very low prices; also of Calicoes; large stock of Denims, Mixtures, Plaids, and Lawns; Printcld Shawls from '7ls. to sl4_ WWII! Shawls from $5 to , $25; Collars :40f 6 eti.-.t020e.; parasol's from 85. to 24a:-teach; Bonnet, a large stock; Rilaboia:iiia Ektweral also &mew invoice .iif - Shoes—Congress, Enanielled' and Calf Ski ; Ladies CongressGal ters, Kid and - Enameled; Misseq - Calf and Enam elled Boots; Children P iodi Boots, Gaiters and everything in. that iine;.! They would alio call attention to the.fact that having en arrangement With one ,pf the largest Importing-Houses in New York they will reeeive.tegularly New Styles as fast as they_appear in Neiv York,and will take the greatest pains to . pyase all 'who call and see and wish to purchase. Particular attention: paid to procuring fine goods! -in every style. I X . Maa. I II3. -- A new lot 'this day -received, and would re spfttfully solicit an extunicration of ;the same. Axood Tea at 38., city pi cs; also at 4s.li. 6s. Bs. ' - Sal 1 G WS. . • - ~, COFFEE:4.Imi, Rio 'and Ground - Coffee. SALERATUS—Jtunes,Pylo's, Babbitt's Med. iciest, and Exzelsiqr, drie. NAILS, and also a new stock .of WALL PAPER - and WIN. DOW PA PER, thiday% received., FA It 111 . liNG,TOOLS of the most approved: patterns. Cl . , CIVC, @WV's, lits. Gold Band, Shaded, BI e Band, and all the new styles, as fftt-as they fl pear in New York: FLOUR constantly o,n hand.,SALT by the barrel or sack. PATENT MEDICINES, GLASS, and everythinz else you want., . • R..KENYON JR. &CO Luweville Centre, Pa., June Bth, .1859. PLMA/ZONTALT., G. F. F 0111111.4131 AS removed his shop across the street, to H tho building one door baby... Keeler ..1;- Stoddard's, whictihe hasfitted up expressly for Ski Harness and Trunk Shop where inapbe found all kinds of 7313.1=LIVEiSES, . from the heaviest. team, to the lightest trottiffg harness, and a goneral assorment of. trimmings, which will be made up or tpld very low. Carriage Trimmiav: A gob(' assortment on hand ; which will be sold very low; all trimming done cheaper than else where. .OAK .LEATHER on hand, from which harnesses will be made and NTiTetrraixtea. * * *Customers will please boar in mind that I wish to settle up 'orice'a year. Those hiivitig unsettled accounts, or notes due;will oblige by. settling or making payment without further delay. • G.F. F.ORDHAIi,• - ' Feb.. 24th, 1859.1 , Montrose, Pa. - • COBB would respectfully announce-to Ike Z public thbt he.. triniy still be found at the old srandJully prepared to attend to the - wants of the community. lie Will keep on hand a'goOd stock of , _ - , Gaeoceriess: - S USA R SJEAS, CCIpE F.E, SPICES, FR UM FLOUR and SALT (by Ake sack or barielj Ftsn, and all articles found in fOst Class Groceries. Ho Would, particcilarly eall-tho attention of Farmers and ~ others to the Tact. that -he-is corrstautly receiving fiesh supplies of FIRST RATE FLOUR, also good and medium qualities, Which will be sold RIGHT, fur ready pay, in quantities to suit the pnn:baser. Cash paid for Pelt's; Deacon, and Veal skins. HE firm of S. H. SAYUE & Bnos. is this T day dissolved by mutual consent, D. Sayre withdrawing from the firm. The.business will be carried on as heretofore under the name and style of S. H. Sayie & Bro. .The notes - and accounts will be in te6 hruids•ot D. Sayre for settlement. All indebted to the firm will please give it their imniediate attention, us, all thn counts must be settled. ' S. H.=.SA YRS & BROS ifontrose, Sept. Ist, 1859.' KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose; Penn. WM. FL - HATCH, Proprietor. HIS new .and commodious Hotel Situated ' lon Publie Avbtue, near the Court House,and nearly in the centre. of the business portion of Montrose, is now fu!ly completed and furnished, and will be opened on-Mondiy,.the-nth day of the present month for the accommodation of the public and travelers ,iThe Proprietor feels confident that he is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner•that cannot fail to give - Coniplete.Sittisilaction., The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no exu pease has been spared to rendei it'equal..if not superior to any similar establishment/to this part of the State., It is, well supplied with ail the "recent improvements and comforts, and °blitzing waiters will always_be readyto respond to the call of customers. The Stables - eons ecte4 with this House are The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron ago or his frientli., and the public-generally. WM, KAIATCH. Montrose, Se !.embtr u let, 1858 • • S)attl . halt I 1 WADI - tit V. 111 AB E. , wnoLEsAtE SAL* DEALER; . 21011. Washingtonisi, - (Directly opposite Washington Market,) • - - • WeVlit ' . 3e . 00,1 • 13.. 7 SSTILL'CONTINUES to offer to the city and COUNTRY trade, all kinds of 'FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SKLT, at the very loweSAturesi 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part-ofAshi ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use; Jeffrey az Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, and 50006 bushels ,Turks Island, Bonares, Cu ' races, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz', Ivies, Nantes,'4l/4 all of which will be sold at bargain pikes Sr-49 vessels, store and StorehoOses. • Any purchaser wishing to serect from a go assortment will 'And it to his interest to call. N. 11.--Fine table salt put' uli r n small bags of different -silica, and constantly n hand in ship . ping order Also Also a splendid Miele of Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, put iv and for said by'the quantity, lit cases of five dozen each. • New York, April Ist, 1859.-61y*: - N - 4:05 - 4.42 - ,4159 • 519 - 542 ~ 6:04 . ' 6:22 , 6:40 IttiBLUR NEM, THI subscriber purchased re refitted and newly furnished the 01 above well known and popular Hotel ? • is prepared to aceommodate the travr ding public and others with all the attentions, and - conveniences usually' found- in first clas s Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro. prietor and. his Assistant/ to make the Motel vital in every point to tiny in the country. Thq' Bar will always be supplied with ti 4 Choicest Liquors. • , •• The Stables, connected With this House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hostler/ are always in charge of them. - J. S. TARBELL. , . Montrose, May 131 i, 1858. 3,000 ROLLS OP WALL PAPER' 10 DIFFERENT STYLES. .r BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &, 6 A NEW SUPPLY, just arriv4 and foraala .111. cheap, by . A. TURRELL. I INTC:› I I°IG I M. piSSOI„UTION. New and Convenient. BAN3PORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVEII. DEBILITATES. , IT liedallildittddr•l ir.t II rrll.• fr0i,,,(1,,... sad badbecoolflYnaiii Ithalwdlact, a a.. lard Nbalkinr.„ll.4.lra - idyl ammared by all %hal burr bi r d ti,..„4 l ... , • gaud lo *lib eau Weave b n a all the abort** tar roaja ' la recanuaradrd. It has eared Limettalui. g wlllift dd . jad .tadr In . bad Iran ub all Woes' of teller. as tat Ilmaaaraua carllllcataildray lbw: • • • Taw 4c.. roast beadapted to that (itopersmom Was bitinkaiiatillt 11. oat ao -Druck quowies as so act wary be do llowei_. - . lag the ollommalawit Aped /akin yea Is U. - luso of Iholantpall:1- VIGOBATOR, and is • walVolbeier Coot. - plaints; 131111•na At.. tat '` l 'Dyspepsia, Chiroosie Diarrhoea. Dimmer Com- pliinti, Drseute ,...4lK, Dropsy, - Soar litaimaek. Habitual ?Yeastiveuees, Choi-. te,, - Cholera, Chola,. rariartios, Cholera Intimates.. linialtia.. , !epee, Jaundice; Primal° W.eskoess• -ao.sod nay be mad sue readdlly at ma Ottlf no. , ry Penalty •Aitedi- elite. 'follicle's SICK lIE A DAC HE. tu tioaawas eaa wary.) ha twenty minutes, it two or three Tea• apoolifule aro talc- en' at estomeneessest or , shut. • _, • Ail lobo nao It are giving theiriteatnotoor re lartror.. - . . BLit WATER 11 ME DIOUTIE WITH THE•INVIODRATOU,. AND SWALLOW BOTWTOGETILIER. • • Pelee One Dollar per Bottle. B.A,rittOßD'S FASULY CATHARTIC PILLS,, Pare Vegetable;Entracte and pat *On RLA.SII CASES, Alr Tight, and will ' keep ': In any alienate. the, Panalty Ca. • Shortie PILL baro n° hul Who Cathartie 3 .ldiels • the proprlelor W used in his practice more than 'twenty years. The coariantly lamming demand flew those who lavellonsusedtbe PlLlssi at and th e aatidliction *Melt all itiregard to their at um,hutinduced sus in pace them within the reach of a11...N... • The Profession well know ' that efferent Callartkm set on different maims of th e bards. The FAMILY CA- ..TIIARTIC PI I. le , mil, *ins doe reference' to • this {en established art,, been einoponedat flew •• ri variety of the purest 'Page. tat& {Estrum, which act `me alike on every part of the alimentary canal . and are good and bare lo all GRA, es where a 'Cathartic lis needed.. such ea De.• rangentente of the Stomach _. !flee pile_ • ness Paine in the Rack and Lola.. Costiveness, Pal as . and 'Sorriness 'over the whole body, faro* sudden cold.' . whldt .. frequently, if I:akin:book owl in • long - course or Fe. - vet, Lose of Apple- Cite, a Creepittn" , en.. redone! Gehl over the hoar. Retake.. i nein, Heade/Mr.:or 'weight I n the head. an In Bain motor? Diseases, Worn.. in - Children ar Ad a I to Ithr [total lain, a goat fi Purier of the Bloo d ".... and many di...ape/110 a hkh flesh is heir. trA, CluMertila lal losnetkikna lu this advertise. lieut. Doee.l ml. I C • • PRICE THREE DIMES. The Liver Invigorator end Family Ca.. thartle Pills are retailed by Druggids generally, aril sold wholesale ez the Trade in all the large knew. S. T. W. SANFOIt O. PLR. ' • Tthuufeetnrcr and erupriatnr, -433 -13 roadway,, S'etv Vora. •, . . Por tale in Biontronp by • 159 ly ABEL TURRELL; Agent ac;rofula, or King's Evil, i- a Constitutional [disarm, a corruption of the hy which this -fluid, becomes vitiated; iiCak,sauol poor. Iteinh , in the circulation, it p rv.c.l s tint whole hotly, and may burst out .1 on any part of it. No ()NA is free. trout ifs - ic tack:, nor is theri ace-which it may Wit do-troy...Thoseyoftilotis taint is variout-ly -ean-i l ,l by mere:trial di-eaf:c., low ordenll or unhealthy food, impure air, filth a:1 , 1 filthy the • fltiry.ssing Vitt.",. al:, we nil, he the id Infix thin. 'What era. ,it hereditary. in the' con ,titutina," froth parent t s to children Unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, It seems to he th., rod of Him' who- sayi‘; " will vihil the iniquities of the futheis' upon their,cliddrea."- Its effects commence by deposition from Vie' bln.,il of corrupt ur uleenms matter, which, in th.tlung , , liver, and internal organs, is tcrin,cd -tubercles; iu the glands; Swellings; . and on the surface, entptions or sores. This foul co* ruption, which getuleri in the blood, depresses 'the 7 . nergics oflith, so that serofulcms constitu- , lions mint only 'suffer from scrofulous cent- Plaints, hut they have far less power to with stand the, UttackS of other diseases; conse quently. Vast numbers parish by disorders Aliich, although not serofukins in their nature,. arc still rend.red , fatal by •this..taint in tll6 , system. Most .)f, the.consumption which eintates the human family his its origin directly in this seitffulotai contamination ; and many ' cic:stroctivcdhea , ..is of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the, organs, arise. 'from. or are aggraratelkby, the same cause. • One quarter of all our penple are Ferofillon.; _ their persons are invaded .by tliia ltirking in fection, and their health i 'undermined by it. 'ro cleam•eit froni the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in: vigorate it '1.7 healthy' food .and cscrcie. Such .a medicine we onnily in • '• ; • • • Compound'Extract of Sarsaparilla; the ni.t effectual requedy!which the medical ! skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined front the most active remedials that have , hearth...covered for the expurgation of this foul ' disorder front the blood, and the rescue of the system from iti destructive vonsequences. 'Renee it should be employed for' the-cure of not only scroful a , but also those othtr affee-' dons which arise from it, such as Enti-rive and Sam Dtsr.Ltsas, Sr. Axruoxy's. Flue, .ROE, or Earstratas, Pistrtra, PesruLEa, litorcoes, BLAIN'S and non-q, TUMORS, TRTTER and SALT' ItURCiI, SCALD lIRAD. . • RIIEUNIATISM., SYPuI LITIC and MaitccirtaL LASES DROPSY , DYSrEPSLX. Deuzurr; and, ..• indeed, ALL CIAPLAINti ARISING FI/031 van on IstpunE ,Broom. Theqxmular belief . ika. impurity of the bloorl7, is founded in truth, for scrofulalsa degeneration of-the blood. The • particular radios° and virtue of this. Sarsaprs. - rill 3 is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid, - without which sound 'health, is impossible in . contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills,' FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY-PHYSIC, are so composed that within the range of . their' action can rarely 'withstand or evade them' Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate etery portion of the ,human lira; correcting•ita diseased action,sand restoring ' its _healthy sitalities. As a: consequence of these properties, the invalid who - is bowed down, with . pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored 'by a nails-11y at once so simple and inviting. , • Not only do_ they cure theeveryday . entnplaints of-'every body, but - also loony -formidable and - dangerous diseases. The ?gait below namcd.is ~ .pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions -for their use in the following -complaints: Ceatire rms4,4learthurn, Headache arisinglirmi eligontered NowOrh, Naomi. bligrstion, l'oot in and _(orbit' Inaction or the llou-cls, rotating,. Loss of Appos I.le, Jamalire, and other kindred complaints; arising front a low state of the body or obstruction • - of its functions. s • . Ayer's cherry Feetoral, - Mt Till: ItArtlf rt Ite-OF ~ • . Coughs,- Colds, Influenza _ Hoarseness, froup,Hronchitis, InciPient Consnmp. , lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in , advanced stages of the' • . .disease. • 3 So wide k the:field of its usefulness and, so no. -t mesons are the eases or its cures, that 'almost ; every section of Country abounds in persons pub- Rely known. who hale been restored friths alarming anti even desperate 4kmtea of the lungs by its UF.r. When once tried, its! superiority over - every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape' obvertation, and Whcre . iis vit tiles are knOwn, the Public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affectiOns'of the minion-1y organs that are,mcitlent to our climate. While many inferiiit remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded; this has gained friends by every; triad, conferred benefit on the afflicterr they can never forgo, and pro duced curca too iimutrous and - tou remarkable to be forgotttn, •PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER .5(.. ' LOWELL, MASS. • < I A. Tonazu.; Montrose; A. P. MILLER, & Ca Gibson; HOSPORD, Friendsville; Your°. & &urn, Sommers; iRA SCOTT, SpriOgville ; HAT' DEN BROTHEn9,IIIeW 'Milford; J. T. CARLIsLis, Great Bend; E. It: Gnow, Glenwood -W. H. Dinaok; Eaxon & MoxLay, Harforcl, and all Drnggists. [rnh9-Iy* TliEsubscribercontinues the above business. as usual lat his 'old *stand in Brooklyn Thankful for past favors he would solicits a share of the puhliq, patronage. _ A. GrAtEYNOLDS. • - -Brooklyn; May 23d, 1859.-0. Vt . 1401178; fresh ground. Molasses and gip 4L: gars, cheap. Just received andlor sale by July 2701 J. LYONS & "SON,' Juzpsaom s Mountain. Herb Pills, AOOrb, tre tinteetit you with a nerte,:t .of 'haunt, a eltitlf or • tribe or the !tract,' krlec N.tione that duce ruled Sleyleo. You will Gnd r: ruti kte..litli ' Lim and Ole people' in our reorfOhlett and Ainn,..;,..__t e • be had ratbh (ruin the Agents fur these Pill.. The inventor and atenefeetunpr of •• • 1 udenn'e tern Herb NIL," liar spirit the greeter part or his Irr ie traveling, baring visited .nearty Witty country in the worl.l. Ile spent over Ws yearn among the- Indians of the Rocky Mountains-end of Mexico, amt. it woe flit. MI( . the ..HOUNTAMOHMOI Pnts" were discovered. rear ' 'Mot - outing acemant of Lk 14Tetilares there, Jul will file! io our Almanac end Pamphlet: It Is an established tact, that all diseases :prise fron iasPuns BLOOD t, 714 e Woo l ) Ist tbe _Wetawl when any foreign or II patter getil mired with . th It la et one; d'atriout..l:to ,every organ of the ,body. livery nerve_feela the ranapt, *retell the ntal brira:o/1 goickly complain. The vtoinact. I will - not digest the fribtl perfectly. The liver eealea Ttr, fivecretera etteldeniy of . bile. The actin of the heart s is . • _weakened,. and .o the cirCuPtion TI. r I IT , gmt become' effogged with the potations matter ;- Imne r v,. ri tough—nod ell frotti a *light impority at the fountain. Ursa a life—Lbe Maid t i=M=ZIEMI earth, fuy instinee,.ln $ pure. spring, from wl.ich mil 14 tfny rivulet, in a few :Oman thnntodo econ , s AtrVAIZI beeonses dleturbed and disentered. tri;rilc. sloes Impare. blued to every part, and kare bihlist - All the paeutee become obstrutteil", stet 1, the obstructlon-is vectored,. the lamp or life IMO., die. qut. Them pills'unt only purify the blond, but rrgentraf the secretiont of the boay ; they are, therefore, um ai a OURS FOR BILIOUS DISEASES, ' hirer : Complaint; lEdek Ileadlette, Ardt It.t cr, Medicine rapela from the, blond the hidden , AettiY. C.V.C. and renders all the edide and secretion. pure slid • flueryt,•eliaourk and resuseltatins the vital Orßoit.- - • Pleasant Indeed,4 it to ta, that we are Able. to plc," within yntlr reach, a medicine likothe • • Moral.ox tltt u that will pass directly to the afflicted ;tort. • Ifitougit '.the Vinod amt-iluida,of the body; ant' cut:o -the sufferer to brighten •with theta:lA 01 beauty et: health. . . . Judson's Pills are the Best Jltrnedy in ,sizt - - ester fur the following cennplainfs: • Benet qomplainit, Debility," - inward Ireolinn,, Cl,ug/o, , . neer and Apo., Lire,. c0.,,,1a.n,u, Colds, . tale amplainit.Lou•nut ~,,,-., : pteiLt., Chet Noma, *lloadaeh.s,/- l'it,s. • , .I.l,siirenear,. . indigo/ion; - Sc"une and Gfand. nyveloixt, - . influenza, , :Socondary Nyalp Diarrhea, ' Inflammation, I-n.,. - • • ' •. • - • GREAT FKHALE‘MEDICIEE! kemalei who ralne health, 'amnia - never 1;:e. withc,t theme Pil.. They purify the blood, remove otedruettoos of all kind*, clean** the akin of all pimple. and tiotche.. and bring the rich' color of health to the pale cheek. fir The Plant* and Herbs of which- therm ore made, were di.oetrvelea'in very surprising way &nu. the 'remota*, a tribe of Aborigine* in' Ileaico. -.Cot It, Almanac, of our Agent, and you will read with dadirl.i. tbs very [Marauding ant:writ it contains of the - (Nu: Mucus' , 61 the Aztecs. 4/beerve.%:.-Tlke Moimtain IleTb Pill, arelnit upin Beautiful Wrayer:. - Mel tC2 NnttPini4o'l.lll,, and ite!a• I at 2Vcentir per tam. AU ',attire. hare the ri:mattip% D. L. SUDSCOr if. CO., on eack tan `B. L. J1M1302 4 f, & Co, • • . SOLE PROI'jtIP:TO.I:S; No.. SO Leonard Street,- SEW YORK. gif;kenfs wratect a1.11.--Adareg.a. -ws BAYRE - & BRO., Agent.% MOncruse: (dec22 LL Book ibr Einrybody..ez O T4RTLING. DISCLOSURES !, TAR. TELLER'S great .15 work for the married'. thoeconternplating mar. age—:oo pages full of .I =2 aSniteSo,' •ice 25 cents—sent to all arts under seal ; by mail, 'OST-PA ID.- 50,000 cop ,s -sold the past yedr. The rwle, ma rritd,and the mar happy. A Lecture on )se a partner; a complete t contain~ hundreds of se: erets never before publkhed— , -warranted t 6 bn worth three times 'thiamount asked for it. 25cts in specie or post:ages - MOTs. enclosed, will secure a copy -by retu'rti•mail. Address • • . • . • •J. TELLER, M. D.. - No. 5 Beaver-st; Allaany, N. V. lar DR. VICHOIS' FEMALE PILTi, $1 a box, with full directions: Married ladies should not use theM.—Sent by mail. , • • In all cases of nervous and spinal affection,Pain io the back, and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of heart, hysterics and whites, these pills will eFect 'a cure when all other means have failed; andaltho' a powerful remedy, do not con tain iron, calomel, antimony; or anythinz hurtful to the constitution. AddreSs DR. TELLER as above. ' feblVe HOWARD ASSOCIATION . . .PHILADELPHIA, A Benevolent,lnatitittiotkCstablisheif bg`spe eial the Relief of the Siel: and Distressed, afflicted with Vii-ulent and Efiidemic Diseases, and especially for the : Cure of Diseases of the Sexual' Organs. EDICAL ADVICE given. gratis, by the/ IVA. Acting Surgeon, to all who - apply by letter, with atdescription of their condition, (age, occu. pation, habits of life, &c.;) and iiu eases , of ex. treme poverty,inedicinis turnisbod free of charge. Valuable RAiports on Spermatorrhcea, and oth er Dis Oases of the Sexual Organs, sent to the af flicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of _eharee.t Address, Dr. J. Skil lin Houghton, -Acting Sar 'geon, Howard Association, No. 4 South 9th-s:., Philad'a, Pa. By orsier of the Directors. I.cociB t (THEE GREEN . BOOK.—JUST Published, 150 paces, price 25 Pa I- l•r -cent* on single and married life; or,'l ' '"` the Institution of .marriage; its Intent, °blip- tions, and Physiological and Legal Disqualitica tidos c the rational treatment of All private eases in both sexes, etc. - To Which is added a poetical esety, entitled` t`Calliptedim flor the att of having atid rearing beautiful and health,F rbi!- dron, by the late Rut% J:Culverwell, Sent free of postage, by the publishers;-Chas. Klitio & Co., box 4580, N. Y., or Dexter Co. Wholesale Agents, 113 Nassau street, N. - York; Agents wanted eferywhere. ' Also, gratis, an extract -. anit'sample.of the above entitled: Dr. Culverwell's"Lectuie-on the rational treatmentof Spermatorrhima and private dresses generally; detailing the means by which invalids may effectually cure themselves without the use ,of dangereits medicines, and at but little expense to themselves: Sent free by mail in a i tteeure envelopb, on receipt of one atacrip to prepay the postage,_by addressing, CHAS. KLINE; .5,1. Cu. tfebll amp " Box .1586, N. Y. ;411:ARR/1 GE VI-IRE. • A NEW _BOOK, BY WILLIAM YOUNG, M. CI, The Beira eke to citurtshiji, love & marriage: with the diseases inei- CA --A , dent to youth, maturity and Old age; t: - x." - :.‘41,:; - ; being lights and•shades of .- married • lift, its joys -and :sorrows; hopes ; e4l: '&•:' fears and disappointments. Let all married people;or those contemplating marriage and hiving the least impediMent to married Lire, read this book. Let every young man and woman in the land:read this book. It is full of .Plate,, and discloaes,secrets that every one should know: a little knowledgkat first may _save u world of trouble it:Latter life: "Send for a copy (enclosing 250t5.. to ; , Oft; Wm. YOUNG; 416 Spruce-at, Pbiludrlphiu ,02• OLD DOCT. REATWO:BOOK OF TRAVELS et Vjarr i ci great . diecovericrof the Japadv,reW - and" East India Medicines, with full 41ft:talons-for the certain cure of consumption, bronchitis, ca tarrh, coughs; colds asthma, feyers, bpart disease, set orals, cancer,dyspepsia, liver com - plaint,gravel" and urinary deposits, female complaint s; &c.-= Illustrated with hundreds Of rerpleates bf cures and engravingS For tho purpose of resCuing,'as many suffering fullow.beings as perssibre from a primature death, it will be Sent ,to ant part of the continentfor 25 cents, by Mt. oc2or) 647 Broadway, New York, City. . ' Bold by A. Terrell, Montrose ;r thy* Bros, New Milford; C. P; Mathews, Sereutott.