C==l THE FIRST OF Tit E • NEW . "V"M.A..tt AYDPI•BROTHFAS, THETEOPLE'S ; Agents, are now opening the' mo s t enor inoas.Stoek of • -WINTER DRY GOODS, BOOTS ti: -.SHOES, READ Y-MA DE-CLOTHING; iIATS & CAPS; GROCERIES, BUFFALO ROSVASw _YANKEE NOTIONS,. WA TCHES, 1: 1 `4;,„ JEWELRY cf:C, &CZ,. • • - '•;•• - tver_iltbaght to thin end of the State. Bought in 1 . 4; York and of the Eantern Manufacturers FOR CASH ! and which we have niarked'dowe at Aiattattnuvr Low PRICES! WE DEEP, COMPETITION! . . WE .7XI7TE LVVESTIGATION ! ! E • SOLldlt 4AMINATION !I! As We 'feel conEdalli in all we assert.- The day, of large profits liai - gone . by, and.we hm:e . good GOODS, CII_EAPjor th'e MILLION! The sileeessTOf our house has prompted Wiral F 0 GY.- 6 S ' to filch from, us gill- good name. earinot prevent this, of course, neither do we desire to, and have no apprgfiension of any evil result to. our businesq.. BUT wg . ', ckili:,,AND-.WILL, sell much 1046 . 44haii - it* other establishMent in this part of State; and wo. mill. always maintain our ttgyu ation for PRIC,E THE LOWEST! STOOK THE MOST EXTENSIVE! STYLES the Most Rashionalle ! • • • Qualities'the Most Renate"! OUR.MOTTO IS S'MALL PROFITS! GooeValue ! Quick Returns AI ONE PRICE and NO DE VIATIbEi Our system of doing business . creates much jeaiousy among Old Fogy Merchants wholfave as many prices, on ate same gocds as the3'have . customers. OUR 01'E ,PRICE - SYSTEM pleases our ;Ad:customers and creates many new. ones, we intend to rontinuil it. Rementher and call before von buy, if it is palling more than to keep well posted-up.. Lir We „possess diivantages 'for purchasing goock,nver any house in t ' this section; and the unparalleled increase of our sales s fer the past year warrants as in saying that we never were, and never will be undersold.' We fear no com petition. Flour and Salt always on hand. Every 4;ind Cf Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for Pelts and.Fitrs. HAYDEN BROTHERS. New Milford, Pa., Jan. Ist, 1860. • • ' HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS TETTEII'S c:r.u:BEATED STO:Mdell TEES can, appeal with perfect confidenr to fltysicians awl citizens generally of the I: IBM . states, because the qt.; icle has-attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this polut,w ill spool: more powerfully than voluntes :4' hare as or blazoning puffery, Th cot sumptieu of Hostetter's Stout:tell Bit ters.for the last.year ei'miittnied to over a' laf- Inillion-1)ouliool from its manifest steady increase in fon4s; past, it is evident that during • _ the ceialtse.-).:etir the cowinaption- will reach near cue is thicirslsca ties. This immense :mount ceol•I never:hi:rye been sold but for the rare . medicinal properties . contained it:1110 prepara tion, and the ion of the tacl.4.•promitient. plQ;i..itin's in those cc. tions of the country •• ,where the article is best known, who not only recommend :the Bitters to their, patients. Litt . are ready_at all times to Five testimonials toils -efficacy in ell cases of stomachic deranicnientO /tad tie diseases result:pg. - therefrom, IThis is itc.t a tettpt.•rary popularity, obtained liy extraordinary efforts in the way of tram-. peting the qualities of the Litters, hot n solid eAiratitien of an invaluable medi . ..lnc, which is elestinel to Its nc (rehiring as that. itself. Host et t errs Si aMach hSitters have proVcal ti'Goersend to eeiri„his where fever and ague and varions other - bill -us complaints have • counted their victims Ly hundreds. To be able to state confidently, that the Bitters" are a certain ciireufor the liysit'epsia and like • diseases, is to thel•roprielors a source of üb alloyed pleasure. _lt removes 811 morbid mat t pt. from the stctipiach, purifies thi.t7 s hlocl, sad i niparts renewed :vitality to the net-Vous system, giving thitOone and energy indispatisahle for the restoratioreof hbalth. ' It operates uptin the Stomach, hie; and otlfer digestive organs,' mildly but powerfully, and coon restores theta to ncouditicn essential to the healthy discharge of the function's of. nature.. • • •, Elderly persons may nse the Hitters daily as per directions on the bottle',-.and they will find in it a slintulanu.teculiarly adaptV. to comfort declining years. it is pleasant td the palate,. invie , a-tting to the bowels, exchilent as a tonic, itlnkrejuvenating generally. We.ltave the evi dence. of OW:as:lnds of aged men and women who hack , experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de ra•plwitais awl general debility; acting under Dm advice of play-icbms, they . lmve aband o ned • nil delta crious; drugs and fairly tested the merits If this article. A few words 'Co the gentler sex. There aro. certain pet iods 'when . their cares are CO harassing.thnt malty of them sink under •the trial. The relation of.mollter and child is set absorbingly tender, that the ' mother, especially if the be young, is apt, to forget her own health in her criretticanxiety. for her infant. Should the period of maternity etrrive".duriag the stammer season, the wear of bddy ma mind is generally aggravated. Here, them-is a-nceessicy for a stimulant to recipe= rntethe energies of the'system, and enable the "• mother to bear op under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters- to all Other invigora: tors t itaat receive the enders.. ement of .physi ' china, because it is agreeablb,ici the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength,. t All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred. above,, to wit; :sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, illarebeea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the ,stomach, sufterannuated-ltavnlids, persons of sedentary eseupation, nod nursing mothers; will consult their own, physical r.-elfarelty giving to Hos- . • teller's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. • CAUTION.,We caution-the public against, using soy of the pithy imitations or counter feits, but ask for HOSTETTER'S' CELEBRATED STCNACII LITTInqk, and see that each bottle has - the words •••Itr. J. llostetter's , Stoinach Bitters" ....blown on the side'of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observethat-eur autograph signature is on the Prepared and i•oldhy lIO§TETTER SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa., and ;old by all •• druggists, grocers, and dealers generally ° throughout the United states, Botith.Ame- Plea, and• Germany. • at - Fr.r sate in 3lontiose by jaol•s 1y ABEL TURRELL OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. It It* Companion for ,Wiutfor„4enths: Every Pianist, I Should procure this weekly Every Iz...ingest; Publication of 'Vocal and 1 , Every Teacher, 'Piano Forte Music, cost- Every Pupil, king but 10 CENTS - .a Every Amateur, - number, and 'pronounced By the entire ress of the Country, to be • "The Best i: and Cheapest workrk ofthe.khd . in • the World." ' • . • Twelve Full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piaiio Forte Music ,!-- , . . For 10 4 6 - 23:t1Eir Yearly, 85; lialf.yearly,s2,-50; Quarterly, $1,25. Subscribe to our "Musical Friend," or order it from the nearest Newsdealer, and you will have music enough for your entire family. at an jusimaificant cost ; and if you want Music'for -the- e Flute, Violin. Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion, &c., &b., subscribe to the SOLO IMCCLODIST, Containing 12 pages, costing only • • • 10_c.: Number, Yearly,s2so; All the Back Numberssat 10 cents, and bound yoi canes. containing 17 Numbers, x!52,50 each, constantly on hand, C'. B. SEYMOUR' & • I - 107 Nr.r..-an St.. New York. tr - -.aw c #/ •• .iGiliciapastl Bast! Larg . 080 ' _ p niyA (Or Tuition !in Single-and' Doublentry Book-Keeping,Writing Commercial Ari hme tict rcud . Leciures. • - •• • ,: • Itoaid.B wieekis :$l2O, Stallone,* *it, Tnipeu $35, entire expen s es . . Usial tinie from 6to 10 week s : Every stn. dent; 'upon gradustiug, is guaranteed cora iment to manage the Books of any Business, ant: qual: ified to earn rt!salary 'of from •' . . •$5OO TO—$101)0.- Stlident,s enter at Any Vaeation-r- ReVidw at pleasure. ' , a Firbt Ptemium for Best Business %Vriting for 1859. received at Pittsburgh,• Pliiladelphio i and Ohio State Fairs. Also, at the principal Fairs of itui Union for the past four years., '.• • • 14 — Ministers' Sons received at 'halt' , price.. .1 1 ‘,„4F4.1,1 Circulars, Specimens, and , ) mbllisii-, ed, Vieu4s- of the College, ipeloso five letter staitiris„tcp ,F. W. JENKlNS,•Pittsburgh, Pa. • .larMary .19th, 3860.-3 y • . ~. ~.:~,-~. Fil~tt~., 1 .- - An aperient and stomachic preparati.. of, S IKON purified of Oxygen and, Carbon by cont. i',buStion in Hydrogen, of high medical anther. I .sit3i and •extraordinary efficacy in each of the . • ;following complaints, : . I 1" . _DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS,' EN& DYSPEPSIA- Dl TatirP 4 CONSTI i 'PATTON, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM. SCURVY, - /41INDICE, LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA TISM: MERCUBIAL CONSEQUENCES,_ _INTER ; it.NT FEVERS .. NEURALGIA. - CHRONIC !HEADACHES, FEMALE WEAEN, ; !MENSTRUATION, WHITES, CIILOROSIS, etc., .PIMPLES ON THE PACE, .11.01JOHNES! OF ;THE -SKIN, etc., 'he IRON being absorbed by the blood; and . • ;.thiis circulating through the whole system, no pail of the body can!escape their truly wonder. l i ful influence. The experience of thousands daily.provei that preparatiog of Iron can. for a moment be !{;comparedwitliit. Impurities of the blood, de. •ii pr'ession of vital energy, pale and othetwiee sickly complexions indicate its necessity in !I most every conceivable case. In ell cases of fejnale'debility chiorosis, etc:), its •!, effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy . 'I! has Over } peen discovered, in the whole history tor medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, ' and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, cone prste digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, ' with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. !! AS a grand stomsehio and general restorative , ;' it has ne superior and no substitute. Pat Up In neat flat nietal boxes contalnling 50 pills, price 50 cents per box t six boxes, ' 50; one dozen boxes, $4 00. For sale by Drnsuistf. senerall. Will be sent free to address oh receipt of the price. AU lets *ere, Orders, etc., &tumid be stAiretsed to LOCKE & CO., • . General Agents. 339 ,BROADWAY, Y. I..—The above ill a flavelmtle of the o n each box. mle in Blotrose by _ ly ABEL . TURRELL. Agent. B label • For , decld, THE IiTIEDICINE of the` MILLION I PHILOSOPHY AND FACT: I:. ,f ; ; ( k Ii t ii -I, i : ' •- , 1 i , • :4 t : 11 0 IL i THE EXCITING CAUSE OP SICENESS. ~ ,risli I. BLOOD is the life -sustaining - agent. I, fn ishea the components' of flesh,bbne ' - mils iele, ne e and integument. The stomach is its Imanuf •tory, the Feint; its distributors, and . the Intestin s the channels thriugh which - the waste .matter rejetted in its productions, is - :expelled. Upon the stomach,the circulation and the bowels, these Pills act simultaneously, relieving indige.i. iion, purifying the fluids, and regulating the excretions. - ' I . 'THE _NATIONAL' COMPLAINT. , . Dyspepsia is - the most common disease among ;all classes in this country. It assumes a thous !arid ;banes, and is the primary source 1 a innutu forable dangerous maladies; .bnt whateckir its type hr symptoms, how ever obstinate its re_ita isnco to ordinary preparations; it yields readily and rap idly to this searching and unerring remedy. ! BILIO US. AFFECTIONS: -1 The quantity of the bile is of . vast importance 'to health. Upon the liver, the gland which ie eretes this fluid, these Pills operate `specifically, ,Infallibly rectifying its irregularitiei, and eirectu• 'alb; curing Jaundice, Bilious 13.ecnittants, and all 'the varieties bf disease generated by an unnatu al condition'-of the organ. .- • - , , BOWEL COMPLAINT'S - 'pleas the bowels perforin their functions prop, - erlY, the whole-body suffers. Tens of thonsands, Mlle annually of Dyisentery, Diarrhma , Chronic 4.; onstipatibM and other diseases of these waste pipes of the_system. •Tkie'elrect of the Pills upon >till, intestinal iliserders,.• whether easual-or epi 1-:iiemic, is &phenomenon in medicime. By follow ingl the printed directions, the most alarming ca. llaes of bowel complaint are promptly Controlled. 1 A WORD TO FEMALES. I _The local debility and irregularities) which are., the especial annoyances of the weaker sex, and I Which, Wilco neglected, alw4S shorten life, are .'kelieved for the time being, and pl . - mated in time Ite c,ome,by a course of this mild, thoroNtlterative• -. \ . [ ilolloway's Pilisisre the best remedy kno - len in the ! world Pr the following diseases : I - Astinllll Chest Diseases Fever and Ague ' Coughs Bowel Complaints_ Female Complaints K:olds Costiveness - Inward Weakness Diarrhoea Headaches Liver Complaints Dropsy, Indigestion Lowness Of Spirits . Debility Inflammation Stone and Gravel ilnflueriza L)yspeiisia ' SOcondary Symptoms Pies. Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds *** sola• at the, Manufactories .of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane,iNew York, and 244 Strand, London, b 3 all respectable 3:llfriggists & Dealers in Medicine thro'out the Cab* 4States and the civiiized world, in hoses at, f$5F cents, 2 1-2 cents , and $P each. 1 1 - 1 1Eir There is a considerable saving byel*lng the larger sizes. j N. .13.---Directtons for the guidance of liatienta in every dis Order are affixed to each pox. . . jel6*yl 24eow' 4 . SHOES:: A LARGE LOT for men women and children; jaat received, and for sale at the very low !eat rates; by J. LYONS, I& SON.., sepB , r, s FLOing, fresh ground,ground,Me/asses and Sa • g.ari,"Cheap. Tußt received and for sae by 21th.1 " LYON SON. I ffIJIIRE;I_,' EL, • • n f o i l o v m re ' selylie'ciig P !and ni•• 1 chasing, and_ isselecting of the larg"ttAt!oshoi4amontu)r, eier offered in this market. "Tho quality of nearlY ; every. thing good; end - -iail w•arranted.ae represented._ Terms;' ready earth and low - prices. Some genets, Moe of the stock may he formed, from the' fellontitigOttmeratiort: • • • • • - - 111111GElf,XEDICINES, ' Chemicals, Paints,toils, Varni'shes ' • Windeti Glass, Dye Stu!lk; Orefierias.Laritss, • Glass Ware,•Crockery, Mirrors", Clocks, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Window '9ll saucy Goods; Musical Instruments, Jevrelry, Perfnmery t Stone Ware, Brooms, Brushes,WMps, . , llmbrealas, Bird Cages, Pocket , I "Knives, Guns,-Pistols, Ammunitima,Liquors,Trusses; • - I Supporters; tort-moimaies, Shoulder Braces, Spectaeles, - Silver and Plated beano, - Forks, Ste., Gold Pens, Stationery; Violin, Guitar, Ban Viol Strings, Bows, &a, porcelain Teeth, Litt . ographs, Artilst!s Tube Paints, Brushes, itch and an the popular Patent Medicines.. - Also some Dry Roods,Woodeui ' . Hard &Japanned Ware, Fluid and Oil tans, Camphene; ' - Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Ttirpentine, Lamp, Tanter's,Beat Foot,Lard,Olive, Cuter, Boiled and Raw Linseed, and Coal OILS, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of Colored Paints, Vine • gar, Canary seed, find s other things' too numerous to mention. • . . Aa it is impracticable to give more Ilion a gen eral outline of my stock through the Nciwipapers, _every one wishing goods is trivited to colt and examine. Customers, on. entering : .;the Store must not 9 xpect to find every thing ht fight;but nearly every article'manted will 141 produced by inquirY. Thankful for the Rimini 1 . 1 patronage hitherto received; I hope to merit and receive a large, increase' of the same. lifontrose, Oct. 5,'59: ABEL TUR.RELL ‘oze/-' COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. LOCATED OVER 171 E austiaailANNA. VALLEY prow; • -•BINGHAMTON N. Y.. Rooms opon for liastruction from 9 rwto 9:39 p. • - r FACULTY: W. LOWELI ! , Principal, Profeksor of the Scihifce of,Accounts, Practical Accountant. - ig Ahor of Lowell's Treaties upon Rook-K(p. Diagrams illustrating .the undo. JO 4 iftt Assistant Professor 1.12 the Book. Weeping Departinfmt. A. J: WArmEn;Profeastir of Practical and Or namental Penmanship, Commercial Calcula tiors and Correspondence. LECTURERS: Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Lecturerpn Commer cial Law and Political Economy.; • . Hon. Ransom Da!corn, Lecturer 4# Contracts Promissory-Notes and Bills of Exchange.' Rev. Dr. E.-Audrev:s, Lecturer oniCommercia Ethics. .EXAMINIAG CO7IIMIITEE: , lion. Sherman D: Phelps, Wm. Qsborn, Esq., Tracy R.Xorgan, The object of this College is to afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. The Books and Fbrms are eareftilly arranged by practical accountants.expressly for.this In stitution arid einbraj . e all - the recent improve _ merits. The course of instruction eonfprish.s every department, of business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the - science an 4 practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to - the following kinds- of business, viz: General Mer chandising, Manufacturing; Banking, Commis-. sign, _ Steamboaling, Railroading, lForwarding, Fteighting, Foreign Shipping, &c. Ladies Department entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. ',Students can enter College at any time and receive individual instruction. c Byjthis arrange. ment every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as.his enterprise and ability will per mit, and - when through ; perfect and complete, will receive a Diploma Which will enable him to - review atpleasurc. - • , Time ;to:complete the course, from Six to 'twelve weeks. No vacations. Board 53;50 per week.- . • TERMS: • !For Book-Keeping, full accouniant's course, inc:uding Practical Pentilanship," Commercial Computations and Diplonia, (Time .rinlimit t) - • - - - $35 00 Same course for Ladies (separate aPar ment,) - - - - 20 00 Penmanship and Arithmetic, - 10 (.0 Teachers' course in Penmanship, Practi . cal and Ornamental,• - - r-- • - 00,00 Twelve lessons in Practical Penman,- - 00 szjr Occa . si on al classes will •be formed in Monogr:4ly. For .full paiticular;s send for a circular. WM. B. SIMPSON, WI It it .IIE PAIIK-11 Shbp in Boyd .ch Webster's new building, next door above Keeler d: Stoddard's. AVING worked for the. past nine yearnHwith the most skillful workmen, he feels confided. that he c.. 4 do the most difficult jobs on short notice: All WorkWatraoted to Give Sitistaction. W. 8.. SIMPSON has worked for me for some time, and I can recommend him as '.a careful and skilful, workman, coulp . etent to do 'is good work as can be" done in the. country, and worthy of . Wm. A. C confidence. , . HAMBERLIN. Towanda lane-10th, 1858 Rekrs to--Wm. Elwell, E. W.tßaird, E. D Mobtayne, Q. Goodrich, B. Kingiaßury, 'rowan da;. B: S. Bentley, L. Searle, D. • Lathrop J. Wittenberg, Montrose. - * * *J,ewelry neatly "- repaired on shot notice end on reasonable terms: [Jane 15010858.—d. • , -,-_,- SALAMANDER Sitfee.-1-EVANS "....' Tfictra ----,-; & Watson, No. 26 south foUrth • I r_:=:.v , I street, Philadelphia, have now on hand a large assortmeni of Fire • '.'-'- -. I and Thief-proof - Safes. Also Ircin doors for bank, stores, iron shutters, Iron • sash, all makes of Locks, equal to any in the United states. Flit Safes in one Fire. All mile out Right • • with contents in good condition. • TIIE SALADIANDEB S.AFZS OF PIpLADELPHIA • AarAINST,TIII2.WOIii.O. - "EVANS & WATSON, IlaVe. had the surest demonstration in the following certificate • that tlfeir Manufacture of Salamander Safes has- at length Wily warranted 4 1 10 representations which have been .made -of -them asenderipg, an andoubteksecurity against the terrific element : r - , Philadelphia, April 12th, 1856. , Messrs,. EVANS & . WATSON.—G,entleaten: It affords us the-highest satisfaction' to state to you.that owing to the very protebtive qualities of two of the Salamander Safe's which we purchaked:of you some months since, we saved a large - portion of ourjewelry,and Atli our books, papers, &c„ exposed to the .; calamitousfire in Ranstead Place, on the morbingiof the 11th - When we reflect that these Safes were located in the fourgustory of the building : T wo occupied, and that they subsequently fell into a heap of burning ruins, where the vast. concentration of heatjcaused the brass plate.s 14h, we cannot but regard the pre - serration. of their valuable, contents as most convincing proof of the great, security afforded by 'your Safes. 'We shall take much -pleasure ip reeommend. ing them to men of-business as it snrei'rellance against fire. GEORGE W: SIMMONS &SRO., Jewelers, WhO have parchaßrqt Six largo SafPm sinre. , .Aprit,2l 2 ., • • uRIALS, wOULDN'T.T.A.E - A,WORLO F,011.,TH15," a lad remarked,' Co Os a day or two. since, as 'She e 'hibited _the portrait of an only child, Bono to the_, spirit land;" which- was one of . • Tt:T33l3lEit' • • low. I - should regret-it, had:l net' secured this. precioUs memoral of that dear one." So thought we.. The . loved ones are not. always . with; us, and while we 'can titan; ours, every 'Oun:;_ehn ul d-secure Snell A memorial especially since they can have theta so tiuthfully taken by that eucceseruFartist,'Kß - . - .1 , 1,1145 i. - ,of .Biog- 11.0LIPAr',::,PROOTI rp he subscribers have this day received another 1 !invoice of Jewelry, •,&c., direct from the manbfactory, and are now prepared to show_to their friends the best assortment of 'goods over liefoO effereitin this market. All persons wish ing to maketheir friends and families Christmas Preiients, are invited to call and examine.' i &len - • • EVANS•di. ALLEN. _ Odd Fellows! Hall, Binghamton, N; Y. • IVEEDLES.—Bone and Weod Tidy • Nee. .1..1! dies, Totting Shuttles, Crochet Needles, Sewing, Darning and Knitting. Needles, for sale* by i , - • • . EVANS & ALLEN. • IT AIRTINg.--Blacki . ied and ! gilt Hair Pins, 1.1 various patterns and prices. by . . - . Evarts di. ALLEN. CArmlßAL.—A'fine assortment of Coral Beads, ets,Necklaces, &c., by . I EVANS & Ar.t,ga. SLEEVE•BUTTONS AND STUDS.—The -st assortment of Sleeve.Buttonsang Statfi r ` all ces . aad qualities, or sale by • -, - EVANS & ALLEN. Q PECTACLES.—GoIk Silver, . Steel and 'l3 ;Gorman Silver Spectaelea; of all ages., for ealelby - . EVANS & ALLEN. I . TII3IBLES.—GoId, Silver and German Sit. Ver Thimbles, a good stoek, - for sale q- - • i • , • „.,•• •Evatis &.'ALLEN. ' N UT Crackers and Nut Picks at -.-- 1 Evans & ALLEN. GOLD PENS.—A first rate variety 'of Gold Pens and Pencils, all sizes and ((militias, by i . EVAN.s . & ALLEN. rfl ABLE CUTLE.RY.—A good supply of Knives and Forks, Carvers and Steels, by , . • EVANS & AELEN. , . . . P! ORTBIBONNAIE and CARD CASES, in ! every variety---Pearl, Berlin Wire and Sliell. ' EVANS & ALLEN, , WATCHES—A large stock of gold and ail. Vl` 'vex Watches of the best•makers, many of thein 'of our own' importation, at prices much lower than have ever been sold'in town—War ranted. good time keepers. ' K. & A. --Also, Waiefi Chains, a first rate assortment of pow Folf,,Vest, and Guard Chains. Vdit kings and Breast Pins—a I;:autiful Iva. riety, in setts double and single, consisting - of pearl, Jet, Cameo, - Lava, Coral, Florentine, Moahie,. Brilliant, Enamel, and all -Gold, various patterns and prices: ' - • _ . , MEM . , . VINGER Ring —Diamond, Opal,.Pearl, En. met Yet, and all GOLD, a great variety from s4of down. LOCKETS—a very fine iseortmont, GOLD and Plated, I, ,2,- and 6 faces. ILVER Waro--a.large stock of sterling',sil ver ware, consisting of spoons, forks, ladles , - cups, cake, pie, ice cream, butter, & fruit knives; cbildrens - setts, napkin rings, card cases, et b. PLATED Ware—Ciiidors, cake baskets csrd receivers, tea Betts, ice pitchers, sugar bas kets, saltcellars, forks, spoons, toast racki, gob ets, etc. I3RACELETS-a:full suppiy, of every style, . some very . rich patterns. CLOCKS—Eight day, and thirty hour clocks a great variety, warranted. 'nov 9 • . EVANS & NO. V. Odd Fellows' Ha:11, Waslingfort -st; CHANGE OF TIME=WINTER A RANGEMENT—LI.; L.ct.llr. R. R. EiriREMXIXM.t7M O rt wi ,tl i d i lft r e u r n T as hur fo sd n a o y v, •,.l B ) ,. ce. st , , , 1 851 t, trains Exiniss PASSENGE.R . TAAINS,—Moving. South. The night express train on the N. Y.* E.R.R. arrives at Gt. Bend a 3!28 a. m., and connects with the express train leaving Gt. Bend for N. Y.and Philadelphia at - - - 8:00 a. m. Due at New Milford - - 8:17 - Montrose - • - 8:36 ' ilopbotioni - . 8:59 Nicholson - - 9:16 ' 'FactorSvide 9:40 Abington - - 2:57 • Scranton 10:30 - MOSCOW - - • 11:17 • 11:53 -Stroudsburg - 1:12 pm. Water Gap -••-• 1:34 Columbia- - 1:50 Delaware (15 mina tes to dine) - 2:9J Hope (Philad'a connection) 2:35 • Bridgeville 2:40 Washiegton 3:13 , . Junction - - 3:30 - NOw York - - - . 7:15 Philadelphia .. - • - 8:20 . EXPREsS TRAINS' 1910VI;SG NORTH. •-• Passenger's (vim New 'York, leavo Pier No. 2 North River, at .4:30 'a. in. Passengers from Philadelphia leaio Wilaut.street Wharf at - • 6:00 Leave Junction - •"- - • 11:10 Duo at 'Washington 11:28 Bridgeville - - - 12:01 p. .m Hope(Philad,a connection) 12:05 Delaware (I.s.minutes to dine) 12:20 • • Columbia . 12:20 , Water Gap • -- .1:01 • • Stroudsburg - .1:15 • • Tobylianna I - 2:45 . Moscow - 3:19 &ranton - • 4 : 05 . Abington - - - 4:42 • Factoryville - - - 4:59 —Nicholson - • 5:19 ' HOpbottem., • - 5:42 Eir MONTROSE -1 . 6:0/ New 'Milford - - 6:22 Great Bend - 6:40 Conaecting at Great Bendiwith . the • ' Night Express going West _at- 1:45a. m: An Accommodation _train leaves Scranton for Great Bend at . 1b:35 a: m. - • Factoryville ' 11:55 Nicholson - - 12;35 p. m. ' - Montrose.- • 1:50 . Arrive at Great Bend -• 2:50 Connects with Dunkirk E. West 3:39 and Accommodation train West et 5:33 Accommodation 'train returning leaves Great Bend at. 3:10. Montrose - 4:05 Niceolson 4 5:15 Factoryvillo - 5:15 Due at Scranton - . 7:15 .• The Accommodation train does not leave Scranton until after the arrival of the morning train on the Laekliwanna O. Bloomsburg ILA; = thus " giving passengers from the Wyoming Val ley a direct- connection for the West by the •, morning train. For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern "Division a Passenger Car will be At. tubed to the Express Freight trains leaving Scranton at - 4:30 2. 133: Duo at. Moscow . - ' 6.00' Stroudsburg r• . 10:40' i ' Junction ; • 2:40 p. M. Returning will leave Jutiction at 4:00 4.. 01. Due atStroudsburg at . 7:45 Molcowl_ . . 1:10 . • • Scranton - - I. • • • 2:35 Passengers from New 'York will change ears at Junction. To and foul Philada, via D.D.R.R. leave or take carratilopi. l , For Pittston, Kings. ton and Wilkes• Barre; lake ears of Lackawanna & Bloomaburg R. R. at Seranton., For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale,take Stages at Seim. ton. - Tickets sold and baggage checked- THECA/GM. JOHN BRISBIN, Supt. Wm N. .I.E.xxs, General Ticket Agi•nt. Seranton;.Nov, 2144, 1859,-*0 11:KENYON .TILSS 'WOULD respeetrulty, sollt the: insie'etin'n Vl' of new ,and .very ri .1) agiortinent 'of GOODS' , . _ , thif i rdaveoeived,•consisting in part of as folletvis: 'GA .Black bloke -Antique SilIC-18s.• per yard; nolard Silk, nice tityle, 6s: Per yard; Rich" Plaid Silk, the very neatest . patterns. 10s.• per yard; Black Silk, 28 inches wide, froM 75. to 12s per 'yard; splendid Black S'llk.Shawls from .88 to $ll, the finest assortment in Stisq'n Co.L.fies invoito of Ginghams,.at very 1 w.prices; also or Calicomglarge stock-of Venice Mixtures, Plaids, ' mid 'Lawns; Printed Shawls . rom 7s. ;to 85; Brocha Shawls from 815. to $2.5; ,rollers lions. 6. ::cts. .to 20a.; Parasols. from is. to :243.,;,tae1it Bonnet, a large stock; nibbling angt.r.nowerre .alse a, new invoice_ocrtbets-Sticien.=-Congreas, 'Enamelled ands alf Skin;-Ladles Congress Gai ters, Kid and Enameled; illissesGulf and _ Enam elled. Boots; Children Patodi Boots, Gaiters and everything in that ilia& • Thai • would also Mill attention to tho fact that having an - arrangement with one of the largest ItOorting Houses in New -York they will rewire regnlarly New Stylim as fast as they appcartn New YOrk, and - will take, the greatest pains to please. all wfm call an d lee and wish to purchase. l'artictilar attentiodiaid to procuring fine g00d5 . ..44n evry Apia.: .1 A' new lot this day . received, and would re: , . tame. spectfolfy solicit an 'exemination of - th m. Good Tea at 3., chi/ prfccs,.als'o at 46.65. da.:BB. --. ' - tft Crikitel. . ,_ .. • COFFIEE•.4ava, Rio: and Gfonnd. Coffee:. SA LEIRATUS-Nfames Pyla's,Babbitt'iMed icinal, find Exzebrior, &e. II AlLl3,'lnd-illsa. a new stock Of WALL PAPER and WIN. -DOW P A [Mit; thi a day re c eived. FAIR.BI• 1111G11"-OOLS of the most . ipprcived patterns. • , • • - Gild 'Band, Shaded, rtlne /land; stid all the new styles,•as Tas(as they appear in New:York. "FLOUR constantly on hail& SALT by the barrel or sack. PATENT-MLDICINES, .GLASS, and eyerythinz elso:you wnIII.•_. R.IiEN YON JR. & CO Lawsville Centre, Pa,, luite Bth, 1859 -PLEMIJECVNTAT_N. G. F. ionDnAnt • T - LAs remoyed.his shop across the s treet, to LA the building one door! below Keeler. & Stoddard's,Whiell he has fitted up expreisly for a Saddle,.Harness aid Trunk Shop where inay.be found alSinds of • • 11.4 5 1.1 = 1.1%1M • fiom. the heaviest team, to .the lightest trottia, , i harness, and n general assorment. of trimmings, which will be Made bp or sold very low:. • ; Carriage Trimmings;: A good assortment on J....a, vy hicit will be sold very low; all trimming ,done cheaper than else where. .OAK: LEATHER. on hand, from Which harnesses wit' •be made and NATetrristaa-- - tecl.. * * *Customers Will please bear . in mind that wish to settle up once a year. Those having unsettled accounts, or. notes due, will oblige by settling or making payment without further delay. • • G. F. IFORDH AM, Feb. 114th, 1859.1 - Montrose, Pa: "ISTC)UMWM -.- COBB would respectfully - announce to the L public that he may still, be found at, the Old stand, fully prepared to attend Co . the wants of the community. wilkkeep on hand a good • stock of cVrr COO . erien : • • SOGAR§, TEAS, COFFEE; SPICES, FRVIS, FLouR and SALT (by the sack or bariel,) Fisx,.aud all ankles found 'in Firat Class Groceries. • . Ho would particularly call the attention of Farmers and , olheri to the, • fact that .he is constantly receiving , fresh supplies of FIRST-RATKFLOURI. also good and medium qualities, which will bp sold RIGHT, for ready pay; in quantities to suit the purchaser. • , - • •, Cash paid for Pelts, Deacon, and Wal skins. DISSOLUTION. rr HE firm of S. H.-SAYRE & Bnos. is this _L 'day dissolved by mutual consent, a Sayre withdrawing from the firm. The business will be carried on attlieretnfore under the name and style of S. EL Sayre & Biro: • The notes And, accounts will be in the haugs- of D. Sayro for settlement: All indebted to the firm will please give.it their itruneaTtn attention, as ail the ac counts must be settled. S. H. SAYRE & BROS Nfontrose, ' KEYSTONE -HOTEL, At. Montrose, 'Penthi WDI. HATCH, Proprietok. THIS new and - commodious Hotel situated on Public Nvedne, near die Colirt Hlouieond nearly` in ttM centre of the, business portion of Mcmtrose,is now.fuily completed ankftirnhed, and will be opened on Monday. the 27th clay of the present month for the accommodation of the public and. travelers: The Pioprietor feels confident thOt 1M is now prePated to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to giie Complete Satis ction. ' The `Hotel and Furniture are.new, and no pense has been spared- to render, it ,equal, if not superior-to any similar establiShment in this part: of the State. It is .well supplied with all tpel recent improvements and comforts, and . obliging l waiters will,Always readyto respond- to the; Call of customers. -The Stables connected with this Houle are: New and Cdnvenient. -The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron eke of his old friends, and the public generally. . • WM. K. HATCH. Montrose, September lst, 1858 halt ,att ! I trtßragl V.7.;-171fiTITI;. WHOLESALE - SALT; . DEALp,n;, 201 Watidthigiciwst, - • . . -• - (Directly opposite Washington Ili ark. New Ycrrir...; STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and cOUNTRY.,tyade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine 'SALT; at the very lowest figure's; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Asir ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy nee; Jeffrey & Elaro, Marshall's, BrownloW's, &c.l and 50000-bushels Turffirlaland, Bonates s . Cu: races, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Pica', Nantes, &c.,, all of which will be' sold at bargain prices I . ronli vessels, store and storehouses. • . Any purchaser wishing-to select _ from a good assortment will find it to his interest to suit!. I N. B.—Fine table salt pot up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand In ship 7 ping order. ) Also te- splendid - article of "Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, put irp and for sale by the quantity, in enses of five dozen each. r NeO? Witte, April. lat, • rrIHE subscriber having purchased y 1. refitted and newly furnished the ; above well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public and others ,With all the attentions and conveniences usually found in first-class Houses. No find will., be spared by the Pre- Nieto, and his to make the Hotel equal in every liolikt to any in the country. ' TAO Bar always be supplied with the choicest Liquors. • - The Stables, connected with this House are large, roomy and convenient,and careful and attentite Headers are always in charge of theul. • ' J. S. TARSELL. L Montrose, - May lath, 1858.. -. j 3,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER. 10 DIFFERENT STYLES. BORDERING, I WINDOW PAPER &C., &C.. A NEW SUPPLY, just niritrea, tout for 'sale _EV chen, I,y r - A.TURRELL. sANroxips • II VER.INVIGORATOR -• • Ersvms pEpuurritorr.d., • • , ,ficti btr ititixzwatr a ez arni b Y,f t6 . d ktrr.i?:.lal`"tA la ..i.ii4., , iii, - « iiii;;iejqlj iii:iiw , iiii...;:i.w,li.' It hia.Onred-lhaiialaiM ware the 5,4 Iwale , iirealmoS Wen 00 all ha ' 'le errelet,,an Aar tenhereee il t • Vitreet= au t= 'l 1 :11? Is l =eat at the ,litelildbal Wine P. Walla' ' - *AGA Illr"."''' S. 'a ' aettengy on the Powelai, - Y - 4:•.. , " • , eet Ma *Palm PI : - • demena r Milde ion la 1b... i , Iliii*thalaiV, *Pam 1 4.*r 7l phd lite, ttlltotts At-' Ihr , r litsikepi!lij Meanie plaithaea, 'lliellalse e' Coml plaint. , ~ atiente.., riNer v hesptry 'llaur Stoma eli„ Habit-nal ' ,„414tietlivenees. Choi-, le. Cholera, Chale• 1 1 , : -1 Arlildurbus,Vbelern *uranium,. FlatuT , /*nee. Jaundice , Female yireakness 4 . j e r t ; aud may be time one. _. cemfullY as in Ordlout.% Famili Bledl• R eine: - Itwat'eareSlCK IREADA.CIIE, Au nematode can temp.) In Sterenty minute.. t ! ttr* or - three Tea, itimoullial are . ILik snack lAlt-whouse-it are Jai lu ai9y. DIY wAirgic i d T: .111 LE :isviamtsvgion. "roaurnl4 , 1 _ 4: 7nlicie oho Dollar Per Bottle,' - 1 ' • t ag.NrO.l7.D'S . . . C AT H AITI C' ..el LIS ~:, PF. : coiroti KDED ritival . - ure Vegetable Matraets.'ried Put up In ' IMAMS CANNA, Air Tight, and will keep In ring climate. 1. • . - i • . -... , Ike Paul hp - Ca!! ' • tb net lie Pitt. h a geo: to but active adhartic a whirls the • proprastor ' haa " .:. ht his practice room than_ twenty year*. Thaverodiuttly tricreasloc dement i rimon three ',be vebag tnelthaPlLlA AZ and the 1 aandaction which an express to re:antic their ••■ ,nee, hie thawed meta place 'dress wthin Maranhao. .1g i ; .t .The Pygmies wen to= that ditersat Cathardestet as aline= portions of the . botetta.l - . - - !The FAMILY CA* , . •TUARTIt • P ILL -• Ms, with due recreate to - • 'Otte well established fact, been coeopoaadal ft= it:carietTof the lauedtagew table - I Emu% which Oct alike no' every part of the' 'elbialititary Cane, 'ao4 'arc good and ware b all nue as where a Cathartic le needed. such lo Dr. aunnesnents of the St onsac h, Sterol- - t 4 meow Paine In Ake Bach '. - nad-.LOIIBII. -: Cootirepeso, Pal ti and Soreness. over the whole body, hoar sudden. cold. *bleb - . fretptendp, if ricelectad, eud lea keg 'course op, ye. , 'ter, Lou or 'Mtge. OM, a Creeping teen, - satkortof Cold over tb r Atiajp.,firiditig,.. • I nese, ', element he , or weigbirlfei Cl,.- bead • , in lap n ul or story 4 Di ' . worm. t,l ' Dam or Adults, itheumetlant, a great t• =I er of the Mond .., end many drisesses to whirls test, le heir. Sol Tope/vas le, to meattou Ip Ude advertiee- . Shiite I to atc The Li ver a . ; Koya . tor and Family Co, s gehendly, in 4 • itad7l4o - reaglVillie Trade la alit lie laiie tetras. 7 ' T. VV. 84.3F05.13,15..D., I - )lanurartm rr and Proprietor, • , 335 Broadway. .Seir for tale in Montrine , • iiep?,9's9 ABEL TUR it EL L, Agent: kr'OarOpa : rillia -.compound rentedy, in which we have-Ins bored to produce the most effectual alterative that ettnite made. It Is a concentrated extract of Para Sursaparillav so combincel with . other sulistance of still greater alterative power us to ailiwd; an effective antidote fur the disenaes. Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed thaCsuch a renwily is wanted IT t hose •N. ho 'stiffer from.Strumms complaint:, and that caw which twill. accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to: this .larg , s class of our alllieted fellow-citizens. low completely this compound will do, it hue been proven by caper inient on many of the wont cases to be found of the following complaints:— . , ficuoruis.: Join •-ticuoria.ocs• Court.Anil', Enurvo:cs • ..o.kna Eno PTIVZ EASES,LEEDS, P1MP.1.E.9, :BLOTCHES, TUMbIIS, Sivr.a t in.zo.r, SYPHILIS ,ANLI 5111/IL.ITIO AF FECTIONS, MEDI:I:DIAL DISEASE, I?1L01:,1", DALGLI. ti/L TIC port.ouar.ux, Dy - Pfri4l.i A,.:1) INDIGESTION, V!.., ROSE. 44 Sr. ii.yriros - r' and inde&d . tlic whole class of complainis arising' froin Imrtlirrr or TrIE BLOOD. . ; • This etimpound , will be found a great pro- • rooter of health, when taken in the spring, to, expel the foul htunors which ftxter in the blond at that - scason of the year...By.thetime ly expuhtion of them =aft:inkling dLorders. areThipped ,in the bud.' Multitudes con, by the aid of this remedy,. spare .themselves from . the endurance of-foul, cruptiods and ulcerous acre:, through which the systent . ivill strive to rid itself of rnmrptions, if •not a4sisted to do this through the natural chreungs of the body IT an alterative medicine. Cleanse not the vitiated blood whlncver you find its impurities bursting through the skin initimples, eruptions;' or ,sores; cleanse it when you find it is oh itructed and sluggi-h in the yens ; eletmse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings *ill tell you when. Even - where no part ietthw di•order is felt, people enjoy better health,' and live longer, for cleansing the 'blood., Keep the lilood!healthy, and till is Well ;, but with thin - pabulum of life disordnml, there ..can be no lasting health: Sooner or later; something mutt go wrong,.. and the great machinery is disorderefr or overthrown. - "Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ma k.' But the world" has been egregiously deceived by Preparations .of it, - partly bream... , the drug alone has nut all the virtue thatio claimed for it, but more became litany peparations, pretending to be coneentratad iatraet:i of- it, • eentain but little . of the virtue of Sarsapurilhi, or any thing . During late years the public hare :beep hy large bottles. pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sacsaparilla for tale (halt.. Most.. of -these have b4n frauds sir -k, for -they not only edntaitulittle, if tiny, Sarsapa: .rilla but often no curative pmpertics whatcv- Hence, hitter and painful disappiintment has followed the!use ofthe various cxtrpet., of Sarsaparilla Whieh flood the maiket, until the haute itself is justly da-pised, and has become' synonymous with inip.sition 11,e call this cunt otind Sursaprilla, and intend supplpsuch a remedy-as. shall rescue the. mime from. the load of oblequy Which rests tipou. it. And we think we have ground Mr "believing• it has , virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary fun of the di-Tests.' ft' is intend= col.to cure; In 'order to secure their . complete eradication from the system, the,reMedy should he judicianisly taluniactiording to directions on the bottle.. I • TREPATIFDIr • , • C. A V Elll & i.oviiEr.r„ :MASS. , * Price, $i per Bottles Six. Bottles for $3. _ A er's Cherry Pectoral, j . by \r n for itself- such a renown for the cure of every ariety of Throat and Laing Conga:ant, that, it is ntirelv untieees,,ary for us to recount' the evide ce of • its virtid.s, wherever it 'has lion em-' ploye, .. itS• it has -long been in , constant use, throw hoot this seetion;we nevi not do inure than' assor .the people its quality is kept up to the boot it CWT . _ has been. and that it ma v tie -rcliil en to v.lo for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer s Cathartic Pills, - ; POll TIIE CUBE OP 7 r”stire»est, - Jamulit , e, Dysiirpsio, Dysentery, P001...51 mach. E.rysipelas, Ikatlaches Rheumatism, ,4rulitions and Skin Diseaseso, Lirer Complaint, Drory, Triter, Tamara mad.' Solt' Rhrum,' Worms, Gold, Neuralgia,' us. d, Diner Pill, and fir PM:ifyiny the Blood. They arc sugar-coated, so that the most gensi, live can take themlllc:nantiv,rind they arc the' he,t aperient ` in the world for 'all the purposes of U.: l family Price 25 cents por Pox; Five boxes for $l.OO. -Great numbers otclergymen, Shur* men, and -eminent personages, (tare leht theirt names to certify the unparalleled itsefulnessnf 'beset . -remedies, but our spare here Will - tint permit thit insertion of them. ThZ*Agents below named fur; nisi' gratis our AM/111/CAN ALMAICAL in Width 1110 -ore gis en ; Leith ALSO full descriptions of the nbovq complaints, and the treatment that thould Le foli ..lowed for their core. .10) not be pot, off by unprincipled dealer.; with other preparatiims they mulct. more -,prefit....oni - Demand Armes, and. hike others: The sick trat‘r the hest aid there is fur them, and they should • tial-r , it.' . •-• ft,o.i.irs are fur aisle by • • A. TurtreEr.t..MogroSe; A. P. Mit.ttrr..& C. Giimion.,- J. HOOFORD, Prieodsvilfe; •Youltd Snort ems; IRA SCOTT, SpritigriSO ; 'Dili BROTHERS / New Milford; 'l. T.-CAnmerg, Great •Bood; E. IL - Gnaw, Glenwood LW: If. T,limran..Dinrek;l EATON & Ilfoxl i r, Herfo4 nod all:Druggists,: „,,„„, „,„„. 1‘11,111..:1,11111U1llt. ' 4 TE,ubtsatibei, continues the above business: as 'usual at: his. old stand in Brooklyri Thankful for past favors ho would solicits A share of the public patronage. • • , G.-RBYNOLDS.- Brooklyn, Nay 23d, 1859..--tf; • • 1 MELODEONsi Guitars, Violins, Fifesi.Shsei Music, on lut;nd or furnished to order. sep'29 J. LYONS & SON. J'ULso.v, Mountain -Herb Pills._ ICU 11.1.CioultuetiteM4A Cr giving 11:wir lattlngisy ' E WITH , swALLow 410111, We .prennot you wilts • Ftettt 13,41. A.• of . .Ter.uon, mi. chief of a. tribe rd tLn 'driver. Art.. Nidien aunt nom ruled ?itexlen. Yon a-ift find A intl.r....orseid :biro and his people - id air l'amptslrtn •04 Atrunonen.-w. • . be bud gratie, from the Agents for Clieve VOW , - - The iorentrre and tuanufactrum of ...”.1144,0.0 • . tt.Atn - Ilan Herb KILO Lae spent th e greater. rail of lib, lieu ii. tnivelimr. 'Laying vivionl ncar iy , every eininte.y. in the mnirld. lie spent over nil y•arn alilfil), - • the to•r..n. a - ', theßociry Munt•irm and .r healer., nO4 it WA, 11P11.11,1 ;the ‘ . llorstilat Ilnis Mix' erersiitneoserrti. A envy laterertint Recount of It. adventure-A there, .v.ini will Lie , ,In oar Almione,nnot PamplAt. . ! It is an estalanlied faet e thad all itheace. sex. from- -- , • • . . The blood Wine tiro ail when any lO reign 1 ,, T1t1f,1 V -• matter gets roiled with it. it In as mice diertri!!!!!..l eTerrergati of the body. Leery nerve fee* til. • • snd all'thwsitsforgans quickly cnnqUin. Will Dot digest the foal perfectly. Thettiverressos to: :•1111Creie • stallckney of bibm -Tie astirs of lb. Leery it • Weakened, sod Pio the eirecitetioe hehlo. Th e • ; beam* "clogged 'With Mei poisonous meta. • cough—sod all from a•slight Impurity at tiarismotain -NW of lifu--tha Blood! As if you Eel slawaresslow earth,' for instance, Ina pure spring, from whirls no' • • tiny ; rivulet, In a few minutes the whole course. of the. s stream becomis disturbed and dhseolowL sialetsly does impttie ,blood fly to every "part, and Tsai, it. stlnw behind. :All the Talmage+ lee me obstrisetest r sod c 01... s the obit:action Is rewased„ Os tamp or Isis maw d•oo es,t. •-•.; ' These pillsnot only purify ti eblosol, but t.porratena ! .'-tbe.fer...tetiosig of the &XII; they ire, therefore, oraiissizess is .• ..ov nr. VOR BILIOUS OISRASF.S.. 1 liver Complaint, Sick Demiseha, Le.' This...triei•i4toos ' Medicine espeli from the Wood the hhhien or?. 4i4 ~ *LAC led renders all the flui.is and •oretetionerieire mot fluent, gearing andresoletatinX the Taal organs. _ Pleasant indeed, is It to uor, that 4• within your l reach, II tnedleine-lile the •• . raw , that will pasi direeqy to the ,alllirts.l . parts. 'through the blood and MAIN lit the Cody, and s,uss, • Die sufferer to brighten with the gush f te•euty sad health. .fudson s Pill, are Mr Bert Rem ,dy in • vice for Me following Coni*ainta: Dc•wei annylainti, Debility, Int 4 rnr IVrelrmq, 0.9 b, • - Ater and Ague, . Liqr iron buret'. Chat - Itntale a-mptaints./..lmus .'verkrs, • 'Cheri Diseases, Ilautachn, , Gottirvieu, • • indigestion, Stan , anti Grarel.• PY sPePsicso infiiienret, • SP-'`mdarY 'Diarrhea, . • InjTammatien, • tents. • • • • • , . . GREAT RENATE ME DICINE !• - • ie r Agents wanted gdwaye, 7 Address as aboie..-C3 - SAYRE ak,BRO., Am.pts, NI (dectii IMPURE "11.1.0011 .. . .. Females who vaYte benhh, should never be wlthniit these Pills. They purify the blood, remove nbetructions of all Wads, cleanse th e akin of all pimp!. and 'blotches and bring the rich color of health to the-pale cheek. • sar The rlantit atiel Herbs of which thee. Pills - Am made, *ere dk+COTIVed ins very, surprising artutcg the Teracens,'s tribe of Aboriginee in Mexico, Get lb. Alumnae of our Agentoinet you gill reed with delyzfit, . tbs. very intereating account it contains a v.,. 61,141 a" AhXstatez" of/ • the Aztecs. - • Obaerve„—Tbe:Aloantain [felt Pat ore put up is a Beautiful Wrapper. • Each trrsenntains 40.ff/it and Retail al :lb calls pee tar. All amine; hare th.e.seynaturs ey B. L. JUDSOti et CO., on each tor • a L. JITDBON, Ek Co. SOLE PRO pnlEToits, No.. 50 Leonard -Street, , • NKW YORK. ..ilr A Book fop:Everybody...la: STARTLING, DISCLOSURES- - TAW. TELLER'S great 1....F.. - w.ork for the married , 'thos'eontemplating mar p..,ez-:::21.10 pages - full of ' 3E :b l.ELtelEi l : 'ice :15 cents—sea to alli irts under seal, •by mail., UST-?Al D. - .50,0u050p 7 al sold the pastyear. The imle mairied.and the mar-, .9.l.happy, ..A . Leeture on ,sr a partners a complett. .y. t contains Ilitfidreil,..of so erlites neve. bet. re published—warra n ted d to he• ( 44 worth three time le amount asked:n for it: ets in. specie or'posta 6 l stamps, enclosed, Will scruru a.copy, by return-mail... Mdrehs- .: . ,J. 'TELLER, M. D. No.'s 33eaver-rt. Albany. N. V, • tar DR. VICTIMS' FEMALP. P 11.1., til a.box,' with full directions. Ninrried (miles sle. , uld nut use them.-Sent by mail. . ' In all cases of nervous. and sphial'affeetion.pain in the back and limb., fatigue on slight exqtion, palpitation of .tntirt; .hyst eries - and whites, the,te, pills will erect a cure-when - all °diet. means hare failed; and :litho' a powerkil rethecly..do not con taln iron, calomel. antimony, or anytbirp , hurtful to the corilt,itutjim. ' Address DR. I'IM I, IXI as abo ve..: ' ' . febtry- • HOWARD- ASSOCIATI ON ,. - PHILADELPHIA: -• • A-Benevolent Institution established by :pt..- cid - Endowment, for thqielief nj the • Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidimic Diseases, and ,especially' . o the Care of . Diseases-of the b'exual.o6-ans. \ -' 1/1 EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the - LTA Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, With a de.vription,of their condition, (ago; occu— patio°, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of ex. treme poyerty,medieine's furnished free ofcharge.. Valeable Reports on Spermaterrhma,..sind oth er Diseases of the Seamal Organs, sent to the af flicted in sealed letter enveloimi, 'free of charge. Address, Dr. I. Skign Houghton - , Acting Sur genii, Howard Association, No. 2 South 9th -at., Philada, Pa.. By order of the Directors: [oclfi VIE GREEN BOOK.—JUST nri I - _1 Published, • 150 pages, price 25 .112 1 -u cent* on single and married life;' ne,"l ""*".""‘ - 'the InStitution of Marriage : Its Intent, Ohliga liens, ;and Physiological and Legal Disqualifica tions ;I the rational treatment of-all private eases in both-sexes, etc.,To which is ridded u poetical essay, entitled "alliptedim:" or the art of having and rearing beautiful and healthy chil dren, b i g the late Robl4. Culverweil, Sent free of .postage, by the publisheis, Chas. Kline & Co., bait 4586; N. Y.,, or Dexter & Co. Wholesale Agents, 11$ Naßinil street, N. York. Agents wanted everywhere: Also, gratis, an extract and sample of the Above' entitled: Dr. CulverwelPS Lecture on the, rational - treatmentof Spermatorrhcea aud:priva-te diseases generally, detailing the means 'by which invalids - may: effeetually-enie themselves without the use of dangerous medicines, and at, but little expense to themselves. Sent free by mail in a -licence - envelope, on receipt of ono stamp to _pt:epay•the postage, by addressing, CHAS. Kt.l l, & Co. tfebl7.amp . Box 4586 i • ATARRL4GE G UiJ)E - . A NEW KICK, BY WILLIAM YOUNG). M: The secret clue to courtship, Im'e & marriage: with the cli. , ,eases trki—? inci dent to youth; maturity and old age; ,-.-I:teing lights and shades of; married iM. joys and sorrow/It, liopen , fears and disappointments. Let all marries peoplo; or tlimui contemitiating marriage and; hying the leastimPi:diment . ,to married life, read t u; book. Let every . yonng:ma rt and Wiinian in the land read this book. It is full of- Plates, and Aisclosett secrets that eveiy.mityshould know: tklittle knowledge at first may save:a:world-of trouble in after life. Send fora copy .(onclosing '25cM., = DR. Wm. YOUNG, ; . np2B 416 Spruce-et, Philadelphia. OLD BOOT. HEATH% BOOK OF TRAYEL9C) kf)and great diacoveries of the Japanese and,rnat India Medicines, with:fulddirections fur . the eertahieure of consumption, bronchitis, ea tarrh, conghs, coldi asthma; fevers, heart disease, iiei ofuis, eancer,dyspepsin, liver complaint,g,ravel and urinary-deposits. female complaints, ILluatmted - with hundreds of iertitleates-Of Macs and engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as; inatiy suffering fellow.heing, , s as possible from a premature death, it will lib sent to any part of the continent for 35 cents, by * DR. HEATH, I . oc2oyv] 647 Bionduay, tipw York - City:' aold by_A, TurNlLliontrosa ; iixydcn Bro 9, New Milf.•r , !; C. P. M:...ti0% .
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