UNITED SLATES 'ULU: p~=is~aeii~J:~ai~a; , , PO ST OFF IC E DEPXIIIIfENT ' '.'' , . Wesninoton, Decenilwr 10. 1859. POPOSALB will A be wette m d the Contract Office of this Department until 3 p. m, of Saturday, March 315t,.1860. for conveying the wails of the Unite.l States fop four years, corn., voencing July let, 1860, anti ending_ June" 30th, 1864, in, the State Of PENNSYLVANIA, on the routes and by t e schedules of departures and arrivals herein s ecified. . Decimons announc d by April 24, 1860. (Bidders will CS 4 / 7 1i . iT , - cartfully . thtforms. and -Ins.ruomns annexed.) • . 2379 From Tunkbannock by Lembn, Lynn, Springville, and DitnoCk, to Montrose, 23 miles. and back,,, twice a week. - . Leave Tnukhannotik Tuesday -and Saturday at 7a m; Arrive at Montrose by 1 pm; Leave Montrose Mpnday and Friday ak6 a m; Arrive at TunkhannoCk by 12 M. Proposals are invited tiff_ a third weekly trip. 2380 From Nicholaoihtliblenw° o deLenoxvillet Clifford, and Dundatr, !to Carbondale, 22 mg ts and back, three times a' week. .. Leave Nicholson Tuesday, . Thursday and . Saturday, on arrival 'of mail by railroad, say at five p in; Arrive at Carbondale by eleven ,P In; _ Leave Carbondale Monday, . Wednesday and Friday at four p a; " Artiiwat-Nicholson at i nine and a half a ni. Propintaliare invited for aix times-a-week service. .- .l i i i ••• • 2381 From Tunhatinock, by Ruseell: ill, liteshoppen,BraintiSkinner's Eddy, eiy viDe, Browntown,Wyklusing, Lime Hill; B.nta 7 merfield Creek,Standing Sione,Wysol,Toivanda North Towanda, :Ulster, Milan.and Atheeisto Waverly 63 Miles ! and back six times a weak . . ' Leave TarikhaonOck daily, except StanclaY op • artival of Wilkesbarre mail, tarat four p• Mil/13 at Towanda next day at twe've m; Leave Towanda daily, except Sunday at two it and squa '1 tter pm; Arrive at Waverly by ! m; Leave Waverly daily, except Sunday_ at . 1-2 am; Arrive at Towanda by two p in; Leave Towanda daily, except Sunday at two 1-4 pm ; Arrive at Tunkliannuck bi,tivelve in. I . 2382 From Mehoopapy byFurman lii/I,F rks toh aid Bellasylva to DushoreAkt l l-sevia lien and back, Once a week. ,• . Leave Mehoopriby Monday at elk a Nal` AiTive at Dushore by six p tre, . leave Thishore at six 'a m; Arrive at Mehoopany by sit p• !in. r-1 2383 From Totkanda, by Highland, Bilfrling ! ton, West Buflington and East Troy; ; .to Troy, twenty miles and back, three times a week. I ,i, Leave Towanda Tuesday,-Thtirsdai and Sat. titday„at one pm; Arrive al Troy by p in; ' Leave Troy Monday, Wednesday anfilPridaY at • s*en am; Arrive at Towanda by twelve M. Proposals invited for aix.times.a.week!aeriice. 2384 From Towanda,by N'th Towandis,Moore's , Corner,East'Smitt:tield,liently Creek and Ridge. bury io ‘Veilabitrg, N. Y., twenty thi..!e miles and back, twice aweek. - • -.• i Leave Towanda Wednesday and Friday at six la m; Arrive at Wellsburg hyone..4l,rei . • Leave Wellsburg Thursday and SatArday at mine am; Arrive at -Towanda byloOripm.- IPropossls invited for siitimes..weikklAerviee. 2335 From Towanda; fg_MonroeteexiAl - ;• I)auv, -nuidsberg and Eliishore, i to r miles and-back. three times a week. I • Leave Towanda Tuesday ; Tliersday;4pd Sat urday at 12 to; Arrive et Laporte by.p m; Leave I.nporto Monday; Wedneadayotbd Fri day ,at six a m; Arrive at Towanda p m.' 2386 From Towanda,by liorobr okitad shegnia, to Athens, *sixteen miles a d bricil i thret times a week. rt i. 'Leave Tow.mda Tuesday, Thutadayikti(rSat. urday at sis am; arrive at Athena 6)1 biCIVIED a in; leave Athens Tuesday ; Thur4r4iyiiMd Sat urday at two p to; arrive at ToWanda by 7 pm. 2387 From. Rome, by North. Reale, tb hetih i•quip, fourteen miles and back, once-a week. Leave Rome Saturday at eight am; ;•mo ve at Shesherinin by eleven am; leave-. gdishequin Saturday at twelve in; arrive at Romk,by3 p in. 23€18 From Mesheppen, liy KeitkerVil)e.and kynn. to Springville, thirteen milerrittd 'back, twice a week. . ' • - ' Leave Meahoppen Tuesday ,and , Sattirojay on arrival of western Ma, Ray at eight a ta;larrive at Springville by eleven a.m; leave Sprtagville - Tuesday and .Saturday at one p . m; ;Oliva at Meshoppen by four p m. .1 2389 From Lnceyville, by Spring East Spring Hill, West Auburn and Steplieriaville to Pike, ten mile• and back - , twice a week. • Leave Lavery'!le Tasday andSaturda4 at 12 m; arrive at 1 5 ike'by three pm; leaveJ"lke on Tue,day and Saturday et four p arrive at Lac.eyville ty seven p m.l 2320 From Wyalusing, Merrvaii, 'Camp: town, Herrick, Herricksville,South P i etterviile, North Orwell and West Windham, to Nichols, N Y, thirty six miles and bitidt,twice a week. (. . Leave WrOusini. Monday and Friday at sevn a , m; arrive at Nichols by six par; leaVe',,Nicb, ols Tuesday and Satut:day at nine a m;• arrive nt Wyalusing by eight-p Proposals for-a third weekly trip are; i inviLad; 2391 From Athens, by Ti•igaVa lien, in Litchi.. field, eieven miles and*back, twice a week.' :"Leave Athena Tuesday and Friday at nine a in; arrive at -Litchfield by eltzven - t *' leave Litchfield tuesday and Friday at tivelve tavarria - e, at, Athens by two p rn. 2392 From Athena. by East Smithfield, North Smithfield sprinr.,field. and Leonard Hotliw, Troy, 24 miles and back, 'twice a - yreck.i:.- Leave Athena Wednesday wad ; saturday it five a in; arrive at Troy by twelve ea; Leila, "Liu Wednesday and saturday at one p in; ,arise at , Athens by eight p m. 2393 From rrov,'by Sylvania, anlliiap, Grays Valley, and Mainsburg,to Mansfield, eighteen miles and back, twice a week. Leave tray en Tuesday and saturday at half past threep en; Arrive at Mansfield by half past- setae pfiet leave Mansfield Tenstlay and aiaturday ten a . in; arrive it Ti 67 by two p m.• •• i .; • 2394 From-rroy to Bloweburr, twenty - three raliesand back, once a Week. • Leave TrOy Mon day at eight am; arrive at Blinsbeirgby four p rri; . Leave Blossburg Tues,day at eight sin; arrive at Trop by flier p m. 2395 From North Orwollto - Rome„ fotir miles and back, three times ,a week. Leave, North • Orwell Teusday Thursday and satetraay at twelv in;. arrive at Rome 'by one p m; 'tome Tuesday Thursday and saturday atone vie; „.. arrive at North Orwell by two p m. ; 2396 From Montrose, bylawayille :Centre. Brookdale, Corbettsville, N. .Y.* and Conklin Centre, to Binghamton, twenty four tniica and back, three Limes a week.' .• * Leave Montrose Tuesday, Thursday and4Elat. j urday at two p m; arrive it Binghamton 'by 8 . : p in; Leave Binghamton Monday, .Weeineaday and-Friday at seven a in; arrive at.. Montrose by one p m. , • - • * I_ • 2397 From Montrose by Fairdale,Rush,Fike, • Leßaysville, Orwell, Rome,Myers.burg and "Wyt sox, to tOwanda, forty - miles and back.. twice week. Iteave Montrose Monday, and FrittnYst • seven a in; arrive* at ,Towanda by. severrp re; lave Tpwandit Tuesday and saturdarat. seven a. m; arrive at Montrose by eleven p m.. -• 2398 Flom Montrose, by Lathrop's.. Lake, Auburn' Four Cornerei, Auburn Centre, - . West Auburd, South Auburn; and East Hill, to. i..lcey• ville, tbirtyone miles and back, oneeimilVia. I Leave Montrose Monday at eight-a in;: arrive - at Laceyviile by five p at; Leave Laceys44.--nn . Tuesday at eight a in; arrive at Moutrilse by five p m. - • • • • •4, i 2399 Front Fairdale,by Bitchardyille.Ffielods. ville, and Jaekannkralley. to Leßaysville, twenty two mites and back, once a week. - 4- Leave Fairdale Friday at Stills a in; acti ve at Leßayaville by three p in; Leave La Rai*ille. osaturday at nine a m; arrive at Fairdale bys p en. 2400 From Le Itayaville, by South Waren, • WeetWarren, and Windham, to Nichols, N,'• sixteen miles and baak; twice a week. , Leavit Le Raysville Tuesday an' saturditt. at ten a m arrive at Nichols by two p in; /4511 , 0 Nichols Maeda' , and Pride* , at iiine a m; listrive at - Le Raysville by.one p in. ; ; • 2401-From York , by Hellam•and Wrightsyille to Columbia, thirteen miles and; back, daily •by railroad in due connection with mail trainee on the Northern Central railroad. ;.! I • 2402 From York,by Dover. Riasavillei,Wella. ' villa, and Dillsburg, to Mechanicsburg,: thirty . miles and back, ones week. • • I • Leave York saturday at six ' a an - amen - at Metlavieteburg by six p in; Lesfe* Meelietiira burg Friday at six a ea; arrive at Yorkibr 6 Pin e 2403 From Etter's ; by Yoeumtown, to New berettowis, seven miles and back, twice a week. Leave Etter's Wedeeiday. and satuidayeat five p Itti - arrive at Newbertown by six and abaft p He leave Ne*berryl owe' Wednesdayeand gai y ‘..uralf . al IWo and a h If pmt arel7it Al. glleee bye four' and Whalf p re. • 240,4 From Harrisiburg,loy Dauphin, Ellwood PlimOrrive, and gamed' station, to Wohurn, 69 tulles seieback,dally,except senday,by Callused. I Leave Ideleisbereedellytakcept sundiy,et two • tea, p th; arrive at Aubuteisy_six ten-p ni; leave, Auburn daily, except sundae:4oo6e a as; ar ri ve at Harrisburg eby, 1242 p en..'"-7:;•:•-'1,`,`- :r t , 2405 From lierrisberg by Lingloyebteiti,Man. ads Hill; Weft Hanover,Eut Hanover and. Ono to Jonestown, 27 mile's - and back, twice a week,. Leave Har ri sburg Monday and Friday at ten' am; 'arrive at Jonestowfieby Ave p in;. leave Jonestown tuesday aiisaturday at seven a m; arrive at Harrisburg by four p m. , ' - - Proposals are invite d for a third weekly trip.- 24(16 From Harrieharg,by'shepaidstown„Dils. burg, Clear springs;' YOrk aurphur springs, and Heidlersborg, to Gettysburg, thirty five. • miles back. twice a week. , .. . Leave starrieburg Ifo b tiday and Friday at eight am; arrive at Gettys burg by five pm; Leave Gettysburg toesday and saturday at i 'eight a m; arrive at Harrisburg at five pm - • I . • - Proposals are invited' for a third weekly trip. - 2407 From Harristiag, via Lisburn; to Lewis berry, twelve miles and back, oncele Week. .- Leave Harrisburg lulu day at isnep Ire arrive. at Lewiaberry af five p; Leaie LeWis . berry - on' eaturdiy.at eight im; ;arrive at •Harripburg at ii twelve in. • d • , 2408. From Harrisburg. via Shi mantown, Meahanicaburg, Cull/die Kerrville,' Plainfield, Neweille, Oakville. shlppensburgi an .emiand; - to ChaenberabOrg.fiftytw,o miles and baisk; twice daily, except sunday,llilroad.. ' leave Harrisburg dail y] except sunday, at eight' ' and I hree fourths a in, tied one ten p'rn; arrive at chambersborgst twelve m. and fear p m; • .Leave Chanibereburg daily.exceptsunday at four and a half a m, and three and a halfp in; arrive - at Harrisburg at .7 5 4 a en, and 7 1.4 p m. 2409 From Pine/ Grove to Tr emont , nine miles and back; three times a Week. Leave pine Grove toesday, thorsday & aturday at eve a m; arrive at Tremont at seven acre Leave Tremont tuea - day, thunulay and seturday at five p in; , arrive at Pine Grove at seven pen. ' .1 ' 2410 From York sulphur springs, via Berme. -dian,laall and Divideburg, to York, twenty three miles4nd back, Once a week.- Leave York sul phur aprings saturday at 4ne p m; arrive at York at seven pm; leave_York saturday ed six a 6; arrive at York eniphtiest/ings at twelve tn. - 2411 From Mechnui burg, via sidonsburg, Lisburn, Leivishory,Regalle. and Dover,to York „ f*y one Mika and bask once a week. reeve l;Mtkhanicaterrg tuesday t six am; 'arrive it IYork - st - eipp - m; leave York Wednesday at six Ia arrive at Mrchnnicsburg by six pm` - . m;m; 2412 From r greets., tilt Whitehouse, Dick ' inson,Walnutillettem, and-Lea's Goss Roads, I, to ahippensberg, twenty miles and beck, twice a week. Leese Carlisle Monday and Friday et one pm; arrite at ehippensburg at tieven pm; Leave shipperieborg twee-lay and saturday at one' p m; arrive at r.',ll.rilele at seven p m. -Proposals are Intited fora third weekly trip.. 2413 Oremyjisite via Allen, ici_ Boiling .springs, fifteen riles and *irk. twice .a week. ' Leave Carlisle taetaday and Friday at three p m; arrive at-BeilWes spring at seven p ire, leave Boiling springs tkieeday and Friday at eight a tut arrive at Carlisle at twelve M. 2414 From Kerreiville, via Model Eta, to stoughatown, seven miles and back, once a Week. Leave Ke y reville saturday at ten a me arrive at stoughistown at twelve in;leave steighistowb saturday at 1 ri ne nrriee a Eerrsville at r 3 p.m. i 2415 Prom Shiphensb rg..- via Orrstown, Pleasant Heil, and Upper strasburg, to Roxbury fifteen mileiesed back, twice a week: Leave ahippeneborg Wednesday and and estoiday at nine a m;: arrive at Roxbury at cue p in; kat% Roxoury Wednesday and yesterday at two p tti; arrive at shippensburg a - e -six p in. . 2416 From shipp . eneburg,/ via Middle sprilig to Newburg,- seven miles and back ,three times a week. Leave abippensbarg Weedily, thursday and saturday at 4 1.2 p tai arrive at Newburg_ at six 1.2 p to; leave Newbuig tuesday, there day and saturday at twelve 1-2 p In; _arrive at shippensburg by two arid 'a half p In. , Proposals for six times * week service invited. , - 2417 From Mahabov. via Fisher's Ferry and Angusta, to nunbury, thkrtiten miles and back,- twice a week: Leave waharmy Weedily and sat- 1 Imlay at noels in; arrive at , smnbory at. five pm; t leave snobirry tuesday and saturday at eight a in; arrive at trahatioy at twelve in. 2418. From Dernaqu, via fahanoy, Rebuek's, Greenbrier, Line Mountain Upper Ilahentongeo and Birry, to Minerscille. ,orty three miles and back, twice a week. - Leave Mahanoy Monday and Friday at: eia am; arrive...at If inersvil le at five pm; leave Minersville Tuesday and Sat urday at six a m; arrive at lifnherioy at five p m. 2419 From Gratz, via Kfingerstown, Rough de Ready, and Hepler. toApper„ ltrarmotonge, seventeen miles and backezmeicrweek. Leave Gratz Wednesday at six aim arrive at Upper i IMallentonge at ten-a in; lave, ger! , Mahan. tipe i g 0 Wednesday- at twelve m; ifrive at Gratz 'at five p m. ' _ • -2420 From Gettysburg, via Fairfield, Ponat. aindale. Waynesboro'. Ringgold,. Md, and Lel tersburg tit Hagerstown. thirty five and hack. •• lehree times a week. Leave' Gettysburg Tues. day. Thursday and Saturdayt eight a in; arrive 1 i at Hagerstown at four p m; e Leave Hagerstown 1 Monday Wednesday and Fril. ay atight .a es; arrive at Gettysburg at foot- P m. • 2421 Frem settysborg, via Granite Hill and- Hunteistown, to Now Chester, • fourteen miles and hack, three times a %reek, to Hutiterstowa,. land twice a week residue. ienve Gettysburg . Tuesday, Thursday and Saler:day at eight a m; arrive at Hunteratown at 9 14 a -m,Wnd at New' Chester on Tuesday/110d Sattirdav at eleven a in;:, lekve New Chester Tuesday sod Saturday at 12 m; arriveat Hunterstownet 1 12 p in, and at Gettysbarg Tuesday', Thursday and Saturday at three pm. -- . , , • • , 2422 From Gettyabnim Via Idemme.sburg, Arendtsville; Bigler, Benders i vil le, Menallen,end Trqe Rock, to. Gettysburg; equal to twenty live miler( and back, twice s week. Leave Get. lyeburg Tuesday and &Wray st seven,a un— ' arrive at Benderaville at elevOt a In; leave Ben detain° Tuesday and Saturd ry ateine . p m; ler, rive it Gettysburg at five p M. , • 2366-From Harter& via Montrose Depot, Montrose, Forest Lake, Saint Joseph's-Friends ville,, Little Meadows, and Apalachin. N. Y., to Owego. fifty-three.inilea nud back, six tines ' a 'week to Fciend.ville, and tjiree times a week ' residue, with nn additional da ly(ekcept Sunday) mail between Montrose Depo and Ileatroie. ~ INSTRUCTIO 'S: ' Containing conditions in b e-iLorporated it the _ contracts - to the extent the' DeportMent may . d-em proper. ' . • i - __ I. Seven minutes ate lamed to each inter. mediate office, when net - otherwise specified, for l assorting the mails; bat on steamboat and Praiirciad routes no more dela than is eutkatiant ler an exchange of the mail aga, . - '2. On railroad and deem 1 t lines, and other routes where the mode of conveyance admiia of it, the special agent of the P i OSL Office Depart. meat, also post /Age blanks, mail liege, leeks, and. keys, are \ tie be conveyed without extra chits.- 1 , I •- , 1 & On railroad and steamboat lines the route 'agents -Of the `departmenta t te to -be conveyed without charge; and for th it exclusive , use, while - travelling with the mails, a commodious ear, or apartment iil the centre of a car, proper ly lighted, warmed; and furnialied, and adapted to the convenient separation 'and due security , of the mails, iieto be provided by the contractor, tinder the direction of the department; Railroad pod steamboat companies are requir ed to take the Mail from andtliver it into the post 'offices at , the end and , mmencemenrof their routes, and to and from all Offices not more than eightyrode from a station or lending Pre sets may be submitted for -the 'performance of all- other side'sservieethat is,,. for offices over eighty rods-froth a station or tending. , • - Receipts-will be , required ter mail bag's cop. Tilled in eharge.of persons employed by.rail. road companies.. There will also be e way bills," Prepared by' postmasters, or , other agents of the departures!, to aceompstry _the mails, and s pe c ifyi n g the number and destination of the several bags. On We principal lane routes, like wile receipts -will be rent) Ind and - way hills ferwarded; the: attir .to be ,iareined by the 1 s everal iimitmastiii, to insure regularity In the deliirett, of mail, Wigs. : • . • ?fp psf will be made for tripe:got perform ed; and for eliEb orauck omissions tint satisfac torily explained three 'tithes the pay or the trip .. may. be deducted! For arrivals so far behind time as to break connection with depending mails,. and "not sufficiently excused; one-fourth of the compensation for the trip is subject to forfeiture , . -Deduction will'alao be ordered for a grade of performance inferior to that specified in the contract. - For repeated delinquencies of the kind herein specified, enlarged penalties 'prOportionate to the nature thereof and the in)• parlance of the Tina may be made. For leaving behind or throwing off the mails, or any portion of. them; for the admission 6f-passengens-or for being - Concerned in)setting up or running en express convoying intelligence fradvance of the mail, a . quarter's pay may be Ards:seta 6. Fines willle4mpoted . ,.. unless .the queneies be promptly and ed by certificate of postmasters or the affidavits ..of other creditable persona, for failing to ar rive in 'Contract tirni; for neglecting to take the mail from or deliver it into a post office; for suffering it to be wet, injured, destroyed, robbed, or bit; and for refustog,ltler demand, to con. illy the mail as frequently as the contractor rens, or is conceived 1u running a ceskii, tar, or steainboat on a route. • - 7. The Postmaster General may ahnel . the contract to* fel - 41'W .611i:teed tit rim egreeably to; - contract; for violating the Post Office laws,, or disobeying thb instructitintrof the departnient; for refusing to.aischdrge 4 Carrier when requir ed by the department io - do so; felt iponing en express as -aforesaid; tit tot transporting per sons or packages codveyitig theilable ittairbf Oht of the ma 1. 8. The Postmastei General may dMef aR th ere:we of service on the route by allowing thete for a pro rota increase on the contract-pay. lib may change schedules of departures and arri'val's in all eases, and partienlarly to - make them con form to connections with railroads, without in crease of pay, provided the running time be not abridged. lie may also order an •increaselif speed, allowing, within the restrictions of the law,-a pro rata increase of pay for the additional stock or carriers, if any. The contractor •• may, however, in the case of iecreeso of speed relin quish the contract, bet giving prothpt notice to the department that he prefers doing rei.to car rying the order into effect. The Postmaster General may also curtail or discontinue the service, in whole or in part, at pro rata decrease of pay, allowing one month's extra cowl:least:1 1 tion on-the amount dispensed with, whenever, in'his opinion, the public , intereats require the change, or in case ho desires to superwide it by a different grade of transportation. 9. Payments wilt be made by collections from oidrafta.on postmasters, or otherwise, - after the" expiration -of each. quarter—say in February, May, August, and November: 10. The distances aregiven according to best information; but no increased pay will be allow ed•shou id they be greater than advertised, if the points to be supplied be correctly stated. • Bid :tiers must ,inform themselves on this point, and gee in reference to , the , weight of the Mail, the condition of roads, hills, streams, and elf toll bridges, ferries, or Obstructions of any kind by which expenses may lie incurred. - Ne claim for additional pay, based on such ground, can be considered; nor far alleged mistakee or Misapprehension as to the degree of service; nor for bridges destroyed, ferries discontinued, or other obstructions increasing distance, occurring during the contract term. Offiebs established after this advartiaatnentia issued: and also du ring the contract term ate to be visited without extra pay, if the dietztnce be not increased. I 1. A bid received after the last day and hour named, or- ahout the &Arenty required:by law' ands certificate as to -the sufficiency Of 'inch guaranty, cannot be considered in competition with a regular proposal t ; reasonable in d . mount. 12. Bidders should fist propose for iservice, strictly according to the advertisement, and then, it they desire, separately', for - different !Service; 'and if the. regular b:d be the .lowest offered for the advertise* service, the offset ptoprisitiofis maybe considered. 11 • • 13. 'Photo should bill oat route bid for a proposal. Cotisolidated.,..ot hoiebination hide' '(" proposing one arils for tiro dt. more reutee") are forbidden by j1”51, and cannot be eoleadered. 14. The route, the iervice, the yearly pay, the name and residence cif the bidder, ( tha t is, his usual :post office itddress,) and those of each' ;member of a firm, where a conipany 'offers, should btedistinctly stated. . I „ Bidders are-requesta to use, all far as practicable; the printed form of proposal fur nished by. the department. to write out•ln full the sum for their bids, and to retain copies of them.. ,- • .- , Altered bide ehoold not be submitted; net.- should bids once submitted. be.withdrawn: No withdrawal of ii bidder oy guarantor be al. lowed unless dated and received before the last day for receiving proposals. Each bid must be guarantied by two T spon. Bible persons. General guaranties canbot be adinitted.) The bid and guaranty should signed . plai . nly with the full-game of each persorr. , • - - The department reserveis c the right tot reject any bid which may be deemed extravagant, and also to disregaid the bids of-feiling contraetors and bidders. 16. The bid should be wiled, supenraribed " Mail Proposals, State jof adareseed "Second Assistant Postinaater . General,) Con tract Offiee," and sent by: , ineil,'not by oil to an• agent; and postmasters wilt not enclose propo. sals (or letters of any kihd) in' their quarterly returns. I . 'll. The rontracte are to be executed and re.:, turned to the department .by Or before ,the Ist day of August, 1860; but the . service m at be commenced on the let July preceding, ron the mail day next atter that date, whether the eontractebe executed or not. No proposition -to transfer will beconsidered until the contracts are executed and received at the departMent; and then no transfer will be allowed- n less good and suffieient reasons therefor are even, to, be determined by the department.- a all rases the retiring contractor Will be required to become one of'the sureties on the new coa -1 tract . . 18. Postmasters at offices oft or near i.lroads, .but more than eighty rod,s froth a station, will,• immediately atlerthe „Elliot of March twit; re port their exact distance !from the nearest sta tion, and how they are otherwise aiipplied With' the mail, - to enable the Postmaster Genernl to: direct a mail-messenger Supply from the Ist of . July next. . l• . 19. Section eighteen of an act of Congress approved March 3, .1843, provides that contracts' 'for the transportation of the mails shall he let "in every :pee to the lowest bidder terideringauffi dent guaranties forfaithful performance, without other reference to the mode of such transpor tation than may be necessary, to provide fLir the due celerity, certainty, incl, security ofleueh' transpertation." Under this law, bids that prO. pose to transport the mail with "celerity' cer taiety, incliecurity," having been decided to be 'the only, legal bids, are edustrued as providiog for the entire mail, however large, and whatever may be the mode of conveyance necessary to . insure ita i• celerity, certainty, -and security," and will hive the preference over all.othe4. -20. A modification of 4 bid.in any of its es sential terms-is tantamount to a new bid' and cannot be received, so ea ; to interfere w th- a regular competition, after the last hour s t for receiving "bids. Making # new bid. with ' nar. autrand certificate, ie theonly-wa; to m ify a previous bid. "t " . 91. Postmattera are to be careful not to cer tify the eufciency of guarantors or sureties With: out knowing that they are ; persons of suffiCient responsibility; and all - bidders, gnarantdret, and sureties are distinctly.tioti:fied that on/a failure beater into or perforni the eontritete for the service proposed for in the accepted bids, "their legal liabilities will'be enforced against thilm. 22. Present contractors, lind persons knows at the department, must, equally with lathe* pro. cure guarantors and certificates of their sufficiency substantially in the ferias idiots prescribed. The certificates of suffieieriey must be signed by a postmaster or by a judge of a court of record. No other certificate wilt hi admitted. I - . • J. HOLT, Postmaster Gentle" • . • I BURNING, FLUID, White sad Cod PM, Ladies Kid 8.8.. Boots, mad more Gaiters from 56 eta. to $1,75—a1l !st. TYLERI3. May 19th 1859. -^i ' I . , i/ttentent of Atttifts erftttlisturts J. cr 19 xis ca tiekustaxrusi, tucourror. . , • . AO, I • , • . Made and published iri pufssuineeolan Act of Auer. Wy of She 1.44 of April, 4; b. 11134. SusgeSellsalitela Consiatrv•llladassee:oll Collectorit'Accessilittriolt • • Collectors: • Townships. Deiplieates..Anat,, Paid. Exon`ed; P'reage. .4V)9r; JohnApolitcoo.: 348.53 ;$128.:4 490;17 18 , .1859 It. J. Carter t Auburn ~.11:11 30 18 70 42 17 • N. J: Ararat...' 58 160 12 04 •$ 42 • Bridttia . bi; .1175 110 1299 83 796 68 41 ••• L: dame Brooklyn.... 896 90 653 04 950 34 32 D. O. , Chitconot : 381 75 360 98 241 18 98 1 Thomas Watkinst.: Clifford. 103 37 • 650 00 ! . "93 37 E. B. Gaies.is —• • Dimock:: - .:: 891 99 782'42 . '2.08 41. 49 ' ' • Charles Norton;::.Dundaff.'.... 188 09 157 50 231 8.28 • William Robbe: . Friendsville.: 120 99 60 02 - 99 Daniel Marsh,:.:; ; Franitlin: ; ; 457 .37 428 28 858 22.53 ' • Id. N. Walker. • Gibson :..... 622 78 590 19 , 1 .59 ,31 08 f - If. 5, Towne:: .; : t'orest Lake.. 523 05 .489 30 800 25 75 ..- William Goble; . Great Bend.. 819 51 759 88 19 66 32 99 Henry Lyon Herrick - 345 15 ,325 88 212 17 15 - • - David Taylor Harmony .; i • 349-69 316 79 10 23 ,16 97 i. E. V. Green •• • Harrod 604 70 . 570 08 4, 84 30 00 ' Luelui Smith• • • Jessap;...... 447 14 ; .421 90 .3 29 22 1. Houghton. - .. Jackson—. "515 51 1 . 430 00 •. '- 4 45_81 A. Lenox . 498 97'il 440 30 550 23 17 . I • • G. W. liffanf... 278 54 251 23 12 09 13 22 ' ChailpS Stalford..: Liberty ' 389 23 '' 387 73 ; 2 15 'l9 33 J. t. Buxton... ..- Middletown—. • 544' 50 511 09 .-6 52 28 - 89 '! ' C. Cushman. • • Montrose 1917 - 82 1244 Op: '7 63 65 50 . ; S. U. gorse. • •• • • New Milford. - 949 22 895 88 1.6 19 .47, 15 •• R. A. Barton • • Oakland 181 21 149 82 -3 61 788 • t•• Gilcad Picket• •• • Rush t.;....'563 37 533 44 186 28 07 Ri. Chip. ; . Silver Lake.. 437 70 41418 - 178 21 79 1' . • S. 11. Culver • • Springville . 597 05 • 551 77 16 24 29 04 (*since J:111. Baldwin • Stisquebanna. 299 75 272 50 •8 00 14 65 settfcd) R. V. Whitney; : Thomson ; • 248 41 230 94 .. 574 12 13 - I 1•16585 34 115478 291173. 86 1753 41 1170 87 - rtEe.,4I64:OITZAIUZIALTICOIV. Total Amount of Duplicates • • • • $10,585 0 - Amount paid by Collectors • • 1 - • -113,478 20 . • _ ExcneratiOns •• •• •• •• •...... • 173.88 • .. I Percentage • -" Due from Treasurer's Office, Montrose, December 31 To Cornmonweath Costs - $l4ll 51 . Road Viewers - „.... 459 15 Road Damages 379 00 .0. Mott, jr, , 201' " Levi S. Pei; . do. - 213 " M. C. Sierran - do. .... 30 " P. Wells, late dO. • 105 " Grand Jurors 520 43 Traverse Jurors - .2,143 83 Constables• 484 90 Assessors ' ' 7 " • 915 89 Court House Fuel ' 51 21 Court House 241 81 . Interest on County Bonds ' 578 80 County Roods Redeemed 3,755 82 Jail _ ... 166 95 Spatiord, Jailor " .; .- 425 85 Printing • • •s , ' 1.. 257-63 Justices - of th e Peacb ...... ; \ 1.2 15 , 'General and Township Elections . 106 58 Wyalturing Bridge ..,.. 951 00 W. A. Crosamon, Comes Clerk., 409 " Stationery • • 120 80 Court Crier • - 82 . 50 Agricultural-Society . 100 00 John Young, Sheriff • ,i ; 711 09 G. 13. R. Wade, Pros. and Clerk 220 83 New ConntyWell. ; - • • 101 00 Eastern Penitentiary •• • • , 160 65 f.tinatic - Hospital • • • • • • 185 44 • D. P. Tiffany, • . Geo. T. Frazer, Auditors . John * F.-Deans ; Nine - Refunding Orders • Treasurer's Percentage' TREASURER'S 'STATEMENT OF MILITARY. FINES FOR THE YEAS 1850 L ik 1859 Collectors. • Townships. Duplicates 't Paid. Exam P'ela AWL IP ' ge. ,e. rt. M. B. Benedict.... Clifford . 39 00 , i.OO 1850 John Kimball Apolacon 12 " -13 450 37 - R. J. Carter. Auburn ....: 51., " 38 98 10 50 • 202 N. J. West , Ararat .... '12'50 10 03 i - 00 57 " I • 0. Foster - ... Bridgewater. . 40 50 . 38 69 13 182 J. L Adams Brooklyn, ' ~ 'l9 50 12 33 6.50 • 65 1 ' D. O. Minkler Choconat , . 18 00 10 93 .6 50 57 1 • Thomas Watkins.. Clifford...... 63 50 . * 63 i5O 1859 „ . -31 00 24 23 550 Charles Norton.. Dundaff,:,... 7 " ,4 28 250 22 Darnel Marsh, . Franklin.... -18 50 12 351 550 65 M.S. Towne - Forest Lake.. '29 00 18 05 10 00 • , 95- William R-obbe.... 250 - I , •.280 • , M. N. Walker . Gibson...... •lg 00 .13 301' .00 70 Witliatn Goble... Great Bend.. "32 50 •20 18 9," 1.32 • Henry Myrick ..... 12' 50 . 800 2 " '2 50 • • - David Taylor....:.Harmony . 37 00 25 28 10 50 122 i• E. T. Green Elaiford . 2.7 . " :: 22 23 350 • 1 27 / ' ••. Lucius-Smith Jessup. . 15 " 12 35 200 E. R. Boughton.— Jackspn..... 34 50 30 88 •2 " TB2 • . . A. Chamberlin.... Lenox • • 11 50 _O3 2 " .147 G. W. Tiffany " - 23 50 855 ,14 50 ' 45 • Charles Stanford... Liberty , 26 00 16 15 9 0085 . J. T. Buxton Middletowp.. • 39 50 28 03 10 ", • 147 • *- -; • • C. Cushman Montrose...: ‘ ,19 00 .14 25 4/ I . - 75 • S. B. M0r5e....... New Milford. 45 50 ,31 83 12 " • 11- 67 E. A. Barton -Oakland.... 15.•Sa 10 45 • ,/=,4 50 ' 55 Gilead Picket. „ Rush 54 00 -.44 65 ' 700 2.35 , D. D. Gaige ' Silver Lake. , 13 " 855 '4 " . 45 • 1 . • S. B. Culver Springville. _ . . 18 " 1520 2 .. " 80 _ - J. Snail:Depot.. '3O 50 21 'B5 750 1„15 - R. Y. Whittle - Y.', 14 50 12 93 180 -57 - , • . .$798 00 esog 10 $l7O 00 $29.90 568.00 rt.m..JLjskx.xlicTz...tLnrxc•w • •Amount of DUplicites.., . , -, Amount paid by collectors.„."._ , ' Amount of gxonOratione..;:: .. .6 .... '.......... ; ,•.... $5 11 3 0 2 -0 1 i 1187 0- o' [ Amount of Figc,ebtage • / ' ' ;.. f i 29 -90 - 1 Amount of Unpaid Duplicates of 1850 - 1 .... 39 00 • [ . Amount of Unpaid Duplicates . . of 185°6 6 :6 f - 'i .. 66 00-:-4837 o,' STATEMENT QF TREASURER': A s• lINT WIT : ITA • • a Dr. C. W. MOTT, Trocsureii. ''- CONTRA.. • =- • i Cr, ' , To amount received from Collectors oat TO By ~ amoulit paid A. Spicer Brigade I' . i InsPeCfor as per account rendered:. $57. 66. • , : Dy amount paid 0. M. Gere.do. do. p 62,40 ; By amount `paid Assessori i ,f , ...,,... 132 . 00 . By ruiCount . pard_Printers, . i 1 20 00 . ~.. _ i By Refunding Orders.. , •` • • 1 -50 f By aniount paid .for Stationery.... - .. • 20 . 00 „ . • ITV ; amotait paiii. Commissioners.... 142 ^ . , .... , . - ' By amount paid Catrere, - Clerk: 4.. 150 " • By Treasuler'i percentage on $532 at . . - ... . = ' -1 By . .balance in Ttearnireni baud.... fgrimrril t ole:fol d 4 - 6, La, • from To aggregate amount of State taxes levied and assigned for the nand the Commonwealth for the year -1 1859, as per statement of County, Com'rs filedwith said,Treisorer,l66;B47 86 T.o aggregate amount of outstand: log taxes for previous years; viz: 1843,1849 and 1850, as per last Auditors Report • $ To amount received from returned landi • • •••• • 5 02 d, ,1859.] SUSQUEUANNA COUNTY. By County,Orders redeemed from • No: Ito No. 624, inclusive... $ By Nine Refunding Orders__ By :Ain't paid County Auditors • By Treasurer's kercentage...... 48 38 623 91 $16.222 94 $532 10 }By 5 pes t cent allowed 0 Collet: I_ • ttors on iloid setdeuteat , • • -'ll2lO 23 By Exonenstioas flowed 'ow final I:, • - 5 settlement . ' .1 2, .. , : :ITS 02 By u n paid . Duplicates for:in:64mm 1: . rein, tit :,1843, 1840 and 1850 .74042 By unpaid D uplicates .Q t 1859. - .. 1# 3 1 0 By amount so Tram:NA 0•114 1 1 for lug, has his prowitage. 6 , 12 Iri By - Treasons?, pecentagt on ' $6,338 33. at one pee cent.:. : , , 340 '42 $1,133 75341. 179 87-416 C. W. MUTT 585. 1 34 Treaittrer. • 5,532 48 • 18 623 , ' i 7,03 '3O TZSGEM ItTATZIIRNTOF JOHN YOUNG, BHtRIFF, IN AC COUNT WITH nate Aid; JURY.FiZi FOR 1852. tii;:ritiicint of ring and : Jury feral , 'akper certificate of .of the' . :Court of Quarter Sesaiona: ....• • ..-ar 00. CR. bY amount paid TreasOrer .- and ,charged, in has account x 15 1 .32 '1 • By 3 "per cent retained on $l5B for collecting,'„ 4 -et . - BY amount uncollected.., 181 trid . • - MOM TREASURER SUaleA CtIONTY, it/ accouier, cuatuirrf WITH /MID COUNTY. • DEC. 31st, 1859 .• DR. to am't in Treastirer's hands . • . . • as per last Auditors' Report $2,129 16 To amount of Duplicates fur 1659 16,585 34 To ain't rec'd of .1. Young. 84er- • UT, for fines and Jury ferg.'... ' 151 32 To iam't. received from returned lauds , 1 518,891, 51 'to 'Ant i i\in Treaauferstaticbi, per centre , • • • $1,508 88 CR.Iy amount paid.Caunty .Au ditpn• • • • " • By exonerations to Collector; By percentage to ollebtora. ; By error in returned land tax of: •,•' 1858.; ;:;:; .; ; . .. ; By nine Refunding Order. • • By County Qrdera redeemed•from Noi•i to No. 1124 inclusive.:: 15,53 65 By ecimmiFitiona od receipt* $15,- - 846 21 at 2 per:Cent . :.; By commission on, expenditure $18,550 • 11) uncurrent tniiney • - By amount dues from Collectors for 1859 • • • . • • By amount in. Treasurer's hands. ItitC/4111!LATIOI±LOF NEW COURT MOE AC*: DR. to contract puke. 518,500 00 To additional expense by order .of To furnishing Court Roca-. CR. by Ist, 2d, 3,d, 4th, and .51 issueofeountydiondaredeetn', By cell paid in ngust 1854.1 By cash paid for i furni s hi n g.. By untnatured builds ?utl.tandli . _ STA.#IIENT . OF SUSQU'it COUNI * • JANUARY id, 188 To available fund '' in the Treasu To r i . . unourrent *coney of•previo years - Hz • • •. • To sixth issueS3f COun ty Bonds, Court House ciontrae,tors, dy Sept. 15th, 180- • - • • To' several _, ainotints of Not( lioads,Judgme t i nts, &c., sip laat Auditors' Report. • • We certify tbei foregoing.. t. statement., • • , - O. MOl7, d. S. PAGE, Co. o)nel* M. C. - STEWART, Attest...--W. 4 Cnossuos, Commissioners' s :oEoe; Montr humeri 21Lb, 1800. .- • Sumpslumna County, sa. • - ' . We undersigned the, duly elected as Audi -1 torcfor iisid couniy met. in pu' uslThe of oar, duties at the Court House in Montro4c on. Monday the 2d day of January, 1880, "'anti, proceeded•to audit the account; of ihe,Com-' misodoners - and Tr l ea.urer of said,County, and found in tha hand's of C. )7. ?Sim, Treasuret., the aticb of one thousand 1 flife!hundieJ and .. eight, dollars- and eighty:three "cents. We ; also take great pleasure in saying that . the nestmetur and accuracy.. kith which the said" accounts were proton ted for set deafen t, tellect much credit on, theComaiissic7ners and Treas urer, and also upon the C,ommisionets' Clerk for said County. I _ ' . ~212 JCEIN,F. DEANS, ?. S. 1W BREED, ' Auditors.. C WRIGHT, . • • 1 Auditors' Office, !Siuntrosa, Jan. 24th, jspo. • - DeCHURUHILL 1 8 REMEDY. WiIIIOIIICISTER'S •, Genuine. Preparation of the /HyPORROSPHITES !Of Lime and of Soda, [Made front the Polinula of Dr; J. Churchill, of .paria,) for the preveption and cure of •• ciplBli3:xt.roticon.. Also for all Disiasis of the Nerroar and Blood Systemi General Debility, Los.; of Flish and Appetite; Sera/Lill:, Asthma, Bronehiiir Para/ysis; jtickets and thiConv \ plainti of Rickets, , • . !--o— - •." • "Winchesters Hypophosphites,are uttpicep. I . tienable in their Prepam --4 Druggist The 'success of this Extraordi rry Remedy, since its discoveryl4 Dr. Churchill two years Ago,: hag no parallel in the annals' of medicine, Its invariable efficacy in all stages bf Constant). tion.att Well as its wonderful power in restoring the Neribua Energy:and enriching the Blood, in all caneslof Generall Debility or NervoUs Pros. tration, stamps this as one of the most valuable remedial I agents ever given to tfie world fry Chemical Science. j: • ' , , . TEST.CMONIAL LS; "In no single instance have ;I found the Rem edy to fail."—Dr Churchill. . _ 'The Llypophosphites possess the neater of in creasing nerve force, and promote the functions of nutrition ; ' they.kend to produce the most re freabing and renovating rest.':-Dr. L. V. Newton:. "Cases of confirmed Pulmonary Consinnpfron are uniformly benefited by the tiee and contin ued** of the . Hypophcephites!.-Dr. P.W.Ciark. , Are the most appropriate Remedies iris large class of affections, _resulting from a losUOt ner vous force."--aostoo Medical and Burg; Jonr. "Mr. Winchester is Worthy of all confidence, ,and devotes himself enthusiastically to these preparations In all their Variety of combinations. Preparediatrictly by D. Clitrretillr f s nietfrod."— D. Meredith Reese, N. IL, N. Y. City. ' . •_, CHANCE of STILE . .-- - -11PORY' . AN7! ' My "Genuine Po partition of the Hypophos phites of Limo and Soda" is noW'placed within the rettehof ail, being put up in New Potties, containing 16 ounces (a pint), at 8/ per bottle; also a NeW size, oz. bottle's) at, j' - Osie Dollar PO The bottles have the following bioivn itglaaa: HypophOsphltes of Lime end Soda..ll. J. F: Churchill's Specitie remedy Air Consueriptiort: Winchester. New York." The eutaitlO *fapit• Per is printed with' W Pin k tint, and thi word ‘Genuitre'ltcroaa the feel,. Use no. other. r. This now style offers a mote aMPle . graanuity against the many impure spa -deleterious' prep• rations palmed off under the name of ttypp ophos. phites, which are, asittrious, - ciliated to;endringer the health and lives' of sof fere% th? thoueands who wish to avail them. rierliritiof Ode Remedy, prep . aregjiftei Di, Cher ehilrrk ireiliodAturiew obtairsi it to bottler nearly dotkb Wiese of that heretofoie sold iby trie, baking it the ahriapest, as well as the most elFs. tiouribuir treitment tor Pulatetnary and' Nervous iniM§/1 414 kneWli to Medical Seinicit. *are of ALL others, 6)3 'matter who offers' them to you, end says they artrJust as goed as mine. My fse-simile is on both labs; and wrapper. 632 . 10 Tiii.PRINC'6F THE HOll4 - 0F DA'YID! . _ • niNCE‘OF THE HUUOL THE PRINCE-OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID THETPKINCEOPTHE HOUSE OF DAVID By the Rev. J. H. INGRAHAM, D. A new arid keilsedi - editido,•wlth theauthor's (steel . Uorreciforis., v Ono volume, OmO, cloth; 479 pages: Price Bl,2s. , Publloßed by GEORGE G. EVANS, , ?10. 989 Chestnut Street, Philetielphis., , . - . gtairoar asttsz 5).1%).CV z A litei,i itetiehttion in Germtiii;Of the PRINCE, OF _THE HO U SE- , t4VID. One volume, 12tno. Cloth; 475 pagqs. Ptice $1 •• Verlag to GEORGE G. EVANS, j • No. 439 Chestnut Streit, Philadelphia. • THE PILLAR or FIRE;' - • or, ISRAEL Dir.BOYDASIE. 113 r the Reir.".t. tNGitAHA3I, OrCe vol tithe, l2mq, et"ofli, 900 pageeiPrice ~ 51,4 8 by; GEORGE` G. EVAN, • • : No: 439 Chestnut-Stre et, $lB 00 118 86 753 41 , R Olt TIRIE - RI ye LI Tl.O NARY WA R: - " .Conthinin g MILITARY di Financial „COIVESPONDENCE _ biRTMOUISIIED OF FICERS: General orders of Wesurxeros, Lee and Oreen . e. - :Nimes of.the Officers'and Privates, with the bates of their Couicnissious and, Enlisiments; With a list - nf bislinguished Peisoneri of War . ; the time of their Capture, Exchange; etc. 4c•• tp .which is addded . the Hal fray Acts of - the, eon. tinental Congress the Revpintioniry Pension I.awe and a list of Officers of the Continental Army, who sequired the right to Half pay, CoM.: mutation, Lend WarrantsAtc., etc.: - , BY - W. Y. B.' SAYFXLL, , - qonnsellor and agent for Revolutionary Claims. Ono loth; E 54 pp. Price one AA 2kts, . • • ; T. S. AR.TiItRIS Popular Workic 312 90 311 01 30/0 170 87 1,508 83 *lB,BBl 51 . , True .Riches,-.... Angeland em the Don, !, -Home Scenes, (Three Eras-in Worn- Itten Grainig , • .an's Life; . The Martyr Wife. iTen _Nights in•a Bar Sparing tiy;S'Pencl. .Room, • - Tales,Of Beal Life, ". Angel of the Household The .01:1 Ilan 's Bride The Hand - pu t nit the Ths Way to Prosper. Heart, r . The Withered Heart. Heart Histories ' 1 and Tales of 'Married Life. Life 'Pictures, - Steps Toward Hedren The . Trials of a House- What can Woman do? - leeper, ; • . Tales of Doniestie Life. Leaves from the _Book Hoed Time Coming, • of Heiman "In the union of thrilling draniatic.t with ino'ral leis.qns Of the higlleat .iinportlince, these.virprits of T. S. Arthur-stand forth pre'eti inent arbongst. modern authors" "They ha.ve been introduced into the District; Sabbath, School, and v.prioui other. Libraries thrhug.hont the errantry." - • 'Each of the alnire Books contahirt nearly; .560 pages, and are ilinistrtried with, finely executed Mezzotint engravings', and handsomely bound in otter I2mo tolutne. P4e'one dollar each. . • ..-11001CS-RtOENTLTPUBLISEED. 337 52. 1,425 70 $20;263 22 p 017,337 52 500 00 1,42& 70 . 1,000 oo $20,263 22 iZEIZEII2 $1,5Q8. 83 800 00 . 1,090 OD -' 800 00 be a c orrect TRANSLATED FROST "CITE FRENCH‘ M01R.% Clerk. \ 11i 4 t R,OBERT-lIOURIN, ' . 'MAGICIAN, ' ARTIST, •SORCE.P.ER,... • %VIZ-AND, NECROSEitiCZIE, CONJURER, . • . ESCAIIIATEDN; AMBASSADOR, ENOIANTEIt PROFESSOR Of SLEIGHT Of HANG, ETC.,:. ETC. i W ritten by ;Bimini', Edited.br . - - • AL R. SEIELTCiN 51.KCiiENZIE; with a Copious Index, carefully arranged. I - One iolnrito-12mo, cloth, 446 pages. Ono dollar.; NATIONA:t LIELIZAItY. LIVE 3 OF HEROES, HUNTERS, PATRIO TS.. LTPE of COL. CROCKETT. LIFE of GElf: SAMUEL LIRE of-LEWIS WETZEL. HOUSTON LIFE of COLONEL BAWL LIVES -o f SOVITIERN - BOONE. HUBOES & PATRIOTS. LIVES of DEN'S LEE :0* PUBLIC and PRIVA'S • SUIITTER. Life of Dazi WEBSTMOL. Each of the above books aro illustratod'vith fine engravings, and bound in one volatile, 12ino; cloth. One dol. each. I - , LIVES _of W93IEN; • OF ALL..AGES - AND NATIONS, !ridding Emperess Josephine, Lady Jane Orey, Beatrice Cenci, Joan of Am, Anne Boleyn ChM.- iotte-Corday, 'Semiramis, Zentibia. Boadicre, etc. -• Edited by MARY E.MENAirrr; 'Embellished with, 4ne engraved , Steel Rortrai , One voL.l2mo,clOth, 336 pages. :Midi:TURES ,for the PEOPLE,' By Rev. HUGH STOWELL BR.OiVN, of the Myrtle at. Baptist ChaFieL`,Lfverpool. England'. First Series. A ningraphiCal Intreatictioa by - Hr. H. SHELTON MACREN7,IE. - • Published bysficoial atraneMent: with Weather. One volume,l2mo, cloth, 414 pages, one . dollar. Upon lernittance of the price of the Book and -21-cents additional for postage: copies of either tif the above books accompanied witha handsome presebt; worth from - 50 cents. to 100 dollars will be'mailed to any peregg , in the United State/LI '- Send ' for a C7assi)le! Catalogue. 0?,..800k5, Containing the most complete list of- Books In -every department :of Li terattirO. ever. p' r ebl!shed, and which will be sent gratis to any who sends 'lll,elr address. • . 7b rOm w ptriess and horable dealing,senti • 471 ybiii atter.* for.hooks to GECHIGE G. EVANS; Pub.'r and Or,iginator of the Gift,BoOk . Onsidesa, - No. 439' Chestnut Street,Thiladelphia, And you will be satisfied .that it is .the . best place in the country to purchase Books.. 15Ft' IiPECIAL to A ifetits..ol. Iti..tVAl4l3, having petchaited the plate 649yrightd, ate. the "Prince of the House of David," "Pillar of Fire,"-etc., would call die at' r terifioiVat, agents to these. !roil valuable Works: The " Prints of thelTotiie of D'aiiid,?' is one of:The most,popuiat and best selling boOka ovoi, published. Over 1 . 000 Copips have beett sold, and it•bida fait to outrival Pilgrim's Progremi, or any other .sltillar work. , • - Arbe Fire,'" by the same autbOtt ie now mealng,Witli a rarqd eale,over 90 000 cop ies have been . Bald since its pnblication, an d a companion to the "Prince of the !louse Of cvery fader of Oa! book should bay co "Thr • • . of the - R. ' - %Var, ir is records .aof Revolutionary iyar, - , book of greit istereat'zna gives a vast 'atriount of information relative to the Soldiers! of the ; Revolution, and is en invaluable book ,of refer:: once for the descendants of its heroes and all,whO are interested in Pension Claims, Land Wirranti, etc-; etc. ' I .. „ . The moat Liberal lnduceloonla,are pfrered to AGENTS,. and upon addresting tho Publitbor, every infuriation will bo given..._.- . . send - a Cialloga • . - Address- GEORGE G. EVANS, Pu )26'6t*-1" . 439 CheiOuttitreet, Phil . REDUCTION th PRICES; WWII it distinctly, understood that 1 will I continue to sell Goods[of the same quality et the lowest - Prieea st.which• they can:be bo fiu crib , at any store in this town, whether soot itSlighatuton, or any other prices.. ' - _ 'Montrose Pa. . ABEL:TURRELL: ASELQDECONG.uitsra, l7 !olins, Fifes, Eihs4 'M /VA usic; to hind_ or furnishioi co order.- ' „ •J. LYGNI.3 Zt EON. - j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers