THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT: PVEILISHEO TIIICASDAIII, UT . - A. J. DERRITSON, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR AT $l4O PER ARMIN II AMBER. OFFICE OE Pt DLIC AVNNUE, OPPOSITE TUZ P. 0 - MONTROSE, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY PA Thuz*lay.Veb.. 9, 1860. The Township Elections. The elections for township officers, which will beheld on. Friday, the 17th, ihould attended by every voter. Let the 'best min— taking Alt things into consideration—be se lected; those.who are willing and competent to _ perform the required duties promptly and faithfully. There is a too prevalentidea that'townithip offices-are of so little import ance, 'and so unremunerative„ that any one will do to fill them. The pradtical result .of -this idea is injurious to communities, to considerable extent, as the experience of many . townships has shown. A great many costry law-suits might be avoided by keeping bad men out of small positions. As 'a general rule, a bad citizen makes - sited official; and those who are often quirreling, and going to law . with their neighbors, should never be elected to office, lest they s involve a .whole township in unnecessary imbroglios and expensive liti gations about nothing. - The covert — advice of the Republican to make town offices a mere test - of: party . strength, is very good for those whose:minds are too narrow and bigoted . for more -liberal ideas. It is however, a fair characteristic of the motives that have.influenced the lead ers of the opposition parties for the plat five lens. Shame =such bigotry; it is unworthy a Christian community. • Coyszrr FINANCSB.—The annual county statement may be found in out columns io day, and from it the tax-payeri may lealm what becomes of their money. An extra cer tificate fiom the Auditors will be obseried..— As to the correctness of the accounts, we have all to .look to the books and voucher. for evidence ; but for the neat and .well ranged-style of the manuscript istateruent, a Printers' compliment -is justly due to Mr. Crossmon, the Clerk. Neat, carefully pre pared "copy" is one of the few choice favors that fall to the "craft ;" and we-, trust , that while we have anythink to do with the type= settingor proof-reading of County Statements, the Commissioners will retain a Clerk of Mr. Cro,ssmon's excellent qualifications. FIRE,-The barn of N. C. Warner, 1+ toilets east of the town wee burnt down on Saturday night, last.' - The tenant living on the farm was arrested on suspicion of burning it, but was discharged for want 'of evidence - to send him up for trial: The examination was bo tote Justices Avery and Johnson. SIGNIFICANT.—Jobe W. Forney was ser enaded by the Republicans on Friday night last, ac . Washington, when be made a speech in.defence of his new party. He will; without doubt stipport'the Chicago nominee for Pres ident; be it Seward or Fred. Don_ lass. • A Speaker Elected. We bare the pleasure of annonnein, to day, that Congress has finally organized; the House baring elected a Speaker. on'Weilnes day last. MrPenningtonis a "Republican" of moderate views, and very moderate abili ties—one of the least capable men in •the House,. HeWas chosen by the coMbination of Helperites, Anti-Lecjimptonitis and " pro slavery" Encivr Nothings,—Hebry Winter . Davis,. of Maryland, who was elected by the aid of open violence and murder, giving the one majority required. Although an Oppo sition triumph, the result is a - great moral victory for the National DemoBrticy.,, :At the opening of the7session, when the ,Helperki nominated Sherman, and Clark, of Mo., -6f tired a resolution declaring any man twho endorsed the cut throat doctrines of the "Im pending crisis," unfit to be Speaker, the is sue arose that bas just been settled, which was, not whettler an opponent of the adminis- 'tuition hhould ,be elected—f9r that . was a • most a foregone conclusion—but whether one of the 68 who bad signed the infamous ciri color, advocating as rank treason to:title country as could welt be expressed in words,' should be elected to fill the third officisin the Union. The Democrats firmly adhered to, • the pressing of this - resolotion--meantittie taking all opportunities to vote for a Speaker. The Helperites, stubbornly refused to either repudiate Helperism, or came a conservative candidate, but unjustly insisted that our party should allow them to adopt the plurality . rule, a measure equivalent to voting direct . to Sherman. They finally declared ." Sher man or nobody,* the . Tribaße making official record of their determination. But the Smith • demonstration indicated that. conieiiatism would ere long triumph: Dismayed at the idea of losing the,spoili; fear. forced Helper ism to to do !that no argument could ever have done--abandon their wicked test; rind • they cowardly fled from Sherman like rats from a sinking ship,. and took up Pennington, whom, from his sad -wiint of ability fully represents the "Nobody 7 for whom they bat recently declared. .Had Pennington, or a i ny'conserVative man been selected by. them at first, be would have been elected without much controversy, as _ several anti-Helper members' long ago deelar ed• their readiness to so organize. .But ab-, .olitionism was dominant with the foe; they did 'not want to organize; they 'wanted to keep the country in suspense -4o cause the • mail carriers to suffer for the feu! millions , Of dollars due theM, and then charge Buchan-. an's administration with the want of foods; "hoping to make votes out of this false capital. Dot the public are not to be decived—" Re publicanism" will be held fully responsible for thii long delay, and will lose 'Gormands of votes by their base adherence to rank Wood thirsty treason. - Dim PARK, PA, Feb. 3.—Thi residence of Daniel Early, Sr.,- situated about --thine miles below Hyde Park was destroyed by . fire last night. Three children of Mr. Ear . ly perished in thellames. The mother and three other children escapeil out the second sm.. ry window With their lives, 'bite all were bad= ly burned. - The father was slight the , • .4Vireatt'limiositt.! Charles S. Gilbert, Fit, has in his possess. len, at Great Beud, , this County, the , greatest Curiosity .on record ; „it -was foUnd •in the iiroods near that Place. of deer's 'horns, firmly imbedded,at the centre, in the body of a dogoOod sapling. The 'odd is ftboot.:3l. inches in diameter srlieM the horns ue connected, and' it is • also. somewhat en rged at the point of intitiCction4' The horns were about twenty feet from the ground. - • 71. tir'Read the advertiaement orb, L. Der. & Co., beaded "Wanted Itutnediately."--- #genta rill find the bonze teliableL .;.,- • Xew Publitations.' ~, W ... 1 i.. NEw BOOK O a AMERICAN' OLLEM.--.-The fery extensive publiihing house tf Brown, l'aggard rk Chase have retenily published a flew edition of Mis: Cornelius' "ilousekeep-' d- • 's c Friend.” .We are glad to knoW that the,' r Pile Of the work- has been connueruurate with 'lfs merits., The following letter - from a lady !Widely known 'in. literary citcles expremes . 11 . '' . eopinicin of_hundreda of housek perct • t il "As I see you . have published al new and riitproved edition of Mts. Cornelius' _louse.' kbeper's Friend,' I thought 'perhapir an..unao libited nritice from one' whose 'friend" it bas been for some years, might be of service.-,- Three years since I eta:ranged . a literary life fi_r the more practical duties of a farmer's 1 wife at the West. I had several cook-books, Saadi I will not name, as a substitute foi ex prience. That of Mrs. Corneliei I have (wind Wirth all the rest. 'I have often recommend od it to friends, but never lent it,. iis I could 00. do without it a " It! especial Value consists it tbe economy of its_ receipts rifid the minuteness of the. direntiOns given. I, Lave often thought that-if I wore rich; I ertlu Id make a p resent of a copy to every young frikticl who became abousekeeper. The pros etil edition is a great improvement °tribe pre- Nl6los plies in beauty and utility.. .I ',should be glid to 'see you announce the sale of many thbusatds of copies. , • .„ ,„, I A 1 - -.:A 11, EATERN FARMER'S WIFE. " , - '.4 l i: eto from the puhlisher, 'a ~., ,-, 13„hok of Plays . for flame Amuseitent and Pqvate Theatrical Entertainments;', which . octitains a fund of literary matter, or value to thQteader, and arranged for perfotintance in • ~.• private circles. •Ihe plays are shoi, and al wri,ys adorn e. tate or point a moral i l and are coitiensed#ronohe voluminous productions. ofiihakesp'eare 'and authois of ttio're. recent -- -..„ da4. . , hir e have also received from the sated puh liilier, a volume entitled the "Heroes and Pa 'rig/ of the South," which is a well written cotitibution to the 'history of Revolutionary timei.- These books, are written acid publish ed leader the direitide of Mr. Ghorge G. Es - - - anskibe originator Of the Gift Book gater s prise; N 0 1430 Clicuitnutstreet, Philadelphia. He -"Kt • wiltlisend a copy of either of the books, and a spleiidid / Gift, with! each, for one d liar, and t ;relit cen ts; tjzs liar_ for the pas e. We invite attention to Evans'advertisem of in our coititnns. - ztew NOVEL G: P. R. Jesses.- 7 Messra. T. HI Peterson & Brothers, of. Philadelphia, have; just published "The Man 'in -14 . ck," a new!! G. P. R. James Elq-1 sthich is desciibed as a sad and tQucbing domestic story of the reign of Queen Anne, of singular and,fascinatibg interest,,,and equal to the hes& the numerous fictions in which the author has enriched Our literature. &Int by mail, post paid, on receipt of the prich—fifty cebts. , The same ,peblishers: have also i j ssued a newlodition ofl"Mary of Burgundy,7l one of Jamha's earlier i and Milt popular h6toricaf Nov*. -• We acknowledged the receipt some -weeks since of a'copy of the "Gld_Stone Mansion," by .Charles J. Peterson, editor - of Peterson's . Magazine. - - Peterson bu l l written some very. excellent • !works, and as a romance writer, stands, very high - An the community,6eletters., The ``Old Mansion l' lea story of most profound intertiskit is written carefully, and with an eye to effect. Startling as some of the scenes cre, blending as it does, the •school . of Rad.- cliffeiiwitb that of Walter Scott; he never lo ses ;,,AT tght of Nature, or leaves bis readers in a bew dered state as i regards the distribution of his licracters. -Indeed the work reflects. the big. eigt Credit on his talents u a writer, and e'qti Ay so to the literature of our country. , I is issued complete in two volumed, paper c.av rl Price One 4.)ollar; or,botrnd in one !, vol ote ; Cloth, for $1.25.- , ill the price by mail ; to T. B. Peterson & riShers, Philadelphia, and , y l ou will get the-b4oli by return- mail, post paid. Th 4 FATE OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN Disco,. Enan.l—Ticknor & Fielcis, of Boston base-is , • sued gaytain M'Clintock'a Nirrativel of the Voyage of the SteawYacbt Fox in the Arc tic Sells, and the discovery 'of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Cotnpaniunk With a Oeface by Sir Roderick Murchison, F. R. S. With it most elaborate Map of ttie Arctic Regioip, illustrating the ttack of the Expedi- tion, iCGeological Map, two Sketch-Maps, and tweittyi illustrations, fourteen of whiCh are el egant full-page illustr/tions of interesting in cidents of the Voyage. With important apendices comprising most valuable details relating to the zoology, liotany, meteorology, and terrestrial magnetism of the Arctic re, &PI"- luatiMbliabed from early sheets, and by special arrangement with the London Puh tither and the Author,- in, 1 volume, large. 2mo, price $1.50. Sent by mail on receipt Of the price. The knowledge of Sir Jpbn Franklin's zeal and persistence in Arctic Exploration is world-riide:,and the interest felt m his career has been such ae is ever felt in one wbo gives _himself up, singte.coinded, tothe pursuit of a ..noble object. "The darkness in which his fate _has been so long involved is dispelled in the narrative of Capt. lirClintock, whose account of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Fmnk lin and his Companions 'constitutes a most thnlling chapter. in, Arctic adventure. Apart from its great Interest ass solution of the sad mystery of the fatis of these:brava men, this Narrative, by the testimony of Sir Robert Murchison, possesses an additional importAncu• in its contribution of valuable data to the stook of geographical knoiledge of the 'Arc tie regions ; in its Communication of new discoveries in zoology, botany, meteorology , and-terrestrial magnetism and its establish ment of the fact that Sir John Franklin was ALI crsidiecovistirof lirorthwa‘ser l No age. Ir. A new book entitled "Kumar: translated from the Frenfab of &meat Fe Beau, is exci ting much attet►tioo. We give be Sowing extract from a Preeoh paper :—:•"This is one dike most fascinating works issued for a long time: - The plot is originayand is pecul iarly carried• oat, so as to keep the reader en tranced froM first to last." PuUlished• by E. 1). Long & Co., 26 Ann at., NetOork. Price .ao - • - - • . . 'The e ,'Student and Schoolmate" is the title . of a well ' got up Magazine pnblithed monthly by Robinson Greene do Co., Boon, at one dollar a year. No believe it trr str, ~in, fact; If bath! title indicates. After $ better ,ac quaintauce we Ain' be able to 3 ripelk more decidedly of its merits. s: il . AMIIIICAN STOCK JOURNALe-+WO have the first number for ,1800. Its °outwits commend it to the attention of every farmed and stock grower, as it is-devoted to the- improvoment . of.domestic animals.' It is pubifthed month ly at 25 Park Row, New York, at obi dollar per year; Ind each nomber contalns 32 large octaiopages. tandsOmely illustrated. The engravings of the.lmprovid Keliboky Sheep and other animals, in the numbesr before us, are we!l worth the subscription pkice. . . .‘,., • .1 . The ATLANTIC 31014111 LT (Of bebruary, it one of the most readable aumbet,a lulled.— The articles are all excellent, 'ands more than sworn the high reputation , of thils excellent ' nibrithly. :y?- 1 , .1 . - •V b. ice N AY for alt creation is the title of a ~ comic magazinepublished monthly by Levi son & Raney, No. 110 - Nassau street, New York; at 81 per year; 4::.1', Sys copies to one address, $4: ' ' ' h , , ,. ,... Eaoh number contains thirty pagei ofat-, I\ ter, and from sixty to ninety. pictures the 'contents being of a rich ' humorous char acter. • • One of its features is • ihe prize puzzle de partment. _ The pUblishers have distributed during the last 16 mouths among those who have solved the puzzles, gold pens and valua ble books , which have had the tendency to make, the competition earnest and interesting. • .Barisple numbers sent on receipt of six etf. in stamps or money ; or -clan be obtained in Montrose at. A.N. Bullard's Book Store and News Office. The Reward .01 1,14e11. The conference, held lat-Wasb ingtoti, on Thursday night, agreed to present John, W. Forney as a -candidate Me Clear. Urgent appeals we , are told 'were made in his behalf by' Messrs. Hickman and Schwartz, who are now, so thoroughly. Repuldicanized that they s ettend the secret caucursea or that party. The correspondent of the North Amer ican says that assurances were givenl i by these men to the caucus, which relieved *mime that were entertained 41nurny rneniters. The objections no doubt were, that Mr. Forney' is committed to-Mi. Douglas in case of his nomination, and the assurances o(l:lick:nen and Schwartz, which removed this objection, were a, pledge that Forney would support the Republican candidate for President, against any min nominated at Charleston. Stricena.--The great praise -worthy char acteristic ofJohn Brown, in the extimation o many, is, that he was sincere. 'Wel do not question the fact. Benedict Arnold lye's sin cere in'his treason : so were the puritans New England when they burnt witches and persecuted. the Quakers. Sincerity is cod= mendable only when properlyexerciied. - Susercrous.—Reliable Washington-author ides assure us that"money" and money . alone helped the Black Republican SpeakeOnto the chair of the fleuse of Representatives. This it a most serious charge ; and as'the party im plicated in - it 'are susceptible of such ;soft im peach:news-we think it is likely' to •be well founded, and to afford a key to the! whole mystery of. the Speakerabip. • ‘. • Lawasncs, Mass., Feb. b.—The Tetdict, of the .Coroner's jury of the recent calainity at Pemberton Mills, "bas been rendered. It treats the subject at length, 'exonerates the owners of die mill from•diiect blame, I t and sides the responsibility upon Mr. Albert Full er, who furnished the iron pillars , :and Capt. C. H. Bigeloiv, the architect of the mills. Tea Cincinnati press of the past week is teeming *it)) accounts of the festival of the speeches niade, — and the general . glorification on the occasion of the.meisting and mingling of the Legislatures of Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio: •Bseinas the defalcation Of Ate R. Peck, Treasurer of Maine, we hare the Republican Treasurer of Michigan in an unpleasant pre dicament, he haring aided in swindling the State of $70,900. These fellows will know no difference between black and white, eten in morals. Tits Maryland Legislature received the resolutions of thd South Carolina Legislitufe, prop:Ong a disunion Conventiotc The leading men of both parties, detionn ced them as a proposition for Natioal treason, '—bist two members apologizing : forihe course offhe South . Cirplina Legislature. ' Ir is understood that Mr.. Pennington is in favor of maintaining the Fugitive Slave law as it is. .It is a great triumph for the conse vative members, and for the conservatives of the country, to have prevented the election of any opponent of the law, - . . Jrst. REDPATII bilis resolved not to respond to the summons of the Senate's Harper's Fer ry Investigation Committee. ' •He has left for parts unknown.. - 14, acts under advice of his Blank Republican colleagues.. Tux Governors of the States .of the Union, including' the Governor 4464 of Kinser, are: seventeen Democrats, sixteen Republicans; and one, iii Maryland, American. • TZIOLTFORV OF DACIOTAIL.-40 the U. 13. Satiate a'resolution wit adopted insruting the Committee on Territories to bring in a bill for the- organizitimi of the Territory of Dacotah.. . TRIAL OF STEPHENS AT CHAHLESTOWE.-* The trial OfBtepbeos was concluded Feb. 4th. No new evidence was_ adduced. The case wasimbmitted to the jury at - 4 o'clock 2 . They then retired, and after fifteen minutes absence retained with .a.verdict of . gailty of all the counti The pitons, received the verdict with most perfect indlirunnook and ensiled - it the ennouncement. SarHiotea R. Helper has thi following in hie "Impending Crisis "—Wet. belittle that Woman, of ageeeral lesa, saamahle 1 -to Moral law than.- elavelolders." The mitt who stole $3OO from his employe; as hi did, ktlms semethieg sheet the fielingkOf tbires. sir. Not, to be an Abolitionist is to be, wilful and diabolical instilment of the devil."' —Tfelper'4 Crisi* / page.2o4 of Conspeacli XYAVIOCONGIRESS—FIirstigeIthIIi. 1111.2011 - ON OF A OPIIAZIa. WASHIIS9I . OII, FEB. /BT. Il oun.—Tbe Honia proe.eedettto th e forty. fourth and last ballot for Speaker, with the following result: whole number.of votes - 233; necessary to a Oboice,: 117 ; of which— , Mr: Pennington received .:....117 . Mr. McClernand 85 •Mr. Gilmer • 18 , . 'Bcattning ... 15 The following is the vottin detail Foa Ms. Passfriarow---Messrs. Charles F. Adams, Adrain,' , Aldrich, Alley, Ashley, Bab bit', Beale, Bingham, - Blair, Blake, Brayton, Briggs, Buffington, Burlingame, Burnham, Burroughs, Batteifield, Campbell, Carey, Car tekOase, Colfax, Cook:log; Corwin, Covode, Curtis, -Davis ' , Dawes, Delano, Duel!, Drina, Edgerton, Ediriede, -- EltiVEly, Farnsworth, Fenton, .Ferry, Foster, . Frank, French, Gooch, Graham, Grow, Gurley, Hale, Hall, Haskis, Hiekman,..HOard, Humphrey, Hutchinga,lrvine,Junkin,Frineis W.-Kellogg,_ William Kellogg, Kenyon; Kil gore,-Killioger, DeWitt C. Leach, Lee, Long- Decker, Loomis, Lovejoy, Marston,' McKean, McKnight,.McPberson, Millward, Moorehead, Morrill, Edward Joy Mori., Morse, Nixon, Olin, Palmer, Perry, Pettit; Porter Potter, Pottle, Reynolds, Rice, Christopher Robinson,. _Royce; Schwarts,-Scranton, Sedgwick, Sher- man, Soma, . Spaulding, Spinner, Stanton, Steven's, William_Stewart, Stratton, Tappan, Thayer, Theaker, Tompkins, Train, Trimble, Vandever,Van-Wyck,Verree,,Wride,Waldroti, Walton, Caldwalder C. -Wasburn, Fllibu B. ) Washburn, Israel Washburn, Wells, Wilson, !Windom, Wood, and Woodruff. FOR MR. MCCLERNAND.—Messrs: Allen, Thomas L,Anderaon, Ashmore, Avery, Barks dale, Barr, Barrett, Bocock, Bonligny, Branch, Burch, Burnett, gorses) F. Clark, John B. Clarke, Clemens, 'Cobb, John 'Cochrane, Cooper, .Cox, James Craig,. Burton Craig. Crawford, Davidson', John G. Davis, Reuben Davis, De Jarnette, Dimmick . Edgiunson,- English, Florence, Fouke, Garnett, Gartrell, Hamilton, John T. Harris, Hawkins,- Rind thin ' Holman - Houston,-. H'oward, Hughes, Jackson, Jenkins, -Jones, , Kunkel, Lamar; Landrum, Larrabee,• Leake, Logan' ' Love, Maclay, Charles D.-Martin, Elbert S. Martin, Mcßae, Milligan, Montgomery,lsaao N. Morris, Niblack, Noel!, _Pendleton, Peyroo, Phelps , Pryor, Reagan, Riggs, James C. Robinson, Ruffin, Rust, Scott, Sickles, Simms, Single ton,. William Smith,Stevenson ' . James A. Stewart, Stout, Taylor, Thomas, Underwood, Varlandigbam, Whiteley, Winslow, Woodson, and Wright. FOR Ma. • GlLMER—Messrs, Green Adams, - William C. Anderson, Brabson,' Etheridge, J. Morrison Harris, Hatton, gill, - James M. Leach; Mallory, Lebec T. Moore, Nelson, Quarles, William N. IL Smith, Stokes, and Webster. FOR MR. CRAWFORD--MEASTE. • Clopton, Curryi.McQueen, and - Pugh. EOR MR. WILLIAM H. N. Surra—,Mesars. Botriler, Hardeman, Maynard, and Vance. Fos Ma. McQnsts —Messrs. Bonham and Miles ' - FOR MR. Srstritirson---Mr. Boyce. Foa MR. ETRICRIDOR —Mr. Gilmer; FOR MR. Massa—Mr. Beim FOR Ma. HoutrroN—Mr. McClernand. FOR Ma. Bores—Mr-Sydenbam Moore: Nor VOTING —Mr. Pennington. . Ansisr--Brown, of Ky., Stalworth, of Ala., [ Dettioorats, and C. B. Cochrane, of N. Y., Republican. The Clerk appointed Messrs. Bocock and Sherman to conduct. Mr. Pennington to the• chair; which being done, the 'Speaker made a few reniarks. as usual. Mr. Phelps, : b eing the oldest, consecutive member, administered the oath. to the-Speak er and the Member. wirre•then sworn ih b , y delegations. " Mr. Phelps asked' leave to introduce a bill making appropriations to'supply the deficien cies of the Post Office Department. Buck Shot War Thad. Stevens objected. Feb.3d—Mr.JSberman moved to proceed to the election of aClerli. nominated Mr:Schwarta Mr, - Forney. Mr. Smith of Va. nominated James C. Al len, the late Clerk". Mr. Nelson nominated David E. L. Dawson of Alabama. The first ballot resulted: • Whole number. . ..; 221 Necessary to a choice Forney, 81ack,Rep.:....... ~112 Allen, Nat. Democrat 77 . Taylor, American 23 Dawson -8 • McKean' 1 On motion of Mr. Sherman, the House de cided to proceed to the election oraßergeant at-Arno. Mr. Bocock nominated the presenTincum beet, Mr. Glossbrenner. Mr. Harris of Md. nominated H. A. Hoff man of Md. . Mr. Garnett nomipatedlames C. Allen. . Before the vote was announce Mr. Forney was sworn in as Clerk. Mr. Hoffman was elected. Sergeant -at-Arms. He received 114; Mr:Gloilbrenner MI; Mr. Underwood 7. The Speaker declared Mr. Hoffman eteated: -*Mr. Phelps asked and obtained leave' to introduce a bill making appropriations 'for the Post Office Department for the last fiscal and part of this year. 'lie moved it : he. re ferre&to the Committee of the Whole on the state or the Union—pending . 'which the House adjourned. - Gov. Marston watt 'elected Doorkeeper, J. M. Lucas of Ill.; was elected Postmaster. POST OFFICE BILL PASSED. Housz.—Fob. eth.—Mr. Phelps,(Dem.) of Mo., pressed his Postal Bill npon the House. It was passed finally. It appropriates nearly eleven milliont of dollars, for put and present years; sir per cent interest to be paid on old claims. • . It is stated that when the twelve hands I nfests employed id the Bank' of,England leave the building in the evening, $ detach mint of troops march in to guard it during the night,"altbough burglars could not pene trate the solid vaults in six weeks. . RZOORD You,' Dexus.-.—Deeds executed in Ode State Janet be recorded within six months, otherwise to be deemed fraudulent: aod'void against:purchasers or mortgagee for value, unless recorded befove the died under which the. purchaser claims. Atir Philip Baker, . a Talton of Albany, es sayed-to core . Mrs. Roao, by "laying on of bands." .During bis manipulations the lady Sew intoa violent passion, and then to the police office. It Was there proved this the Doctor attempted to assist the labors of his hands by kissing bis patient. " /WAD enterprising youth io stiteld, Chautauqua County, N. if., undertook, to ea ter the bedroom of a lady through.: 'window. - There were three ladies In the, apartment, which made his admission an itrpossibility. They let the sash upob his nick so as to bold him a ifrbile in terror and then allowed bini to depart. Oss of the humanitarian movements of the times although' littie known as suck can . , hardly be over militated in its importatioe upon the well being of our widely scattered communities, - The population of,tbe Ameri can States is in many sections so sparse, that skilful Physicians are hardly available to them. Vast numbers of our people, areobliged 'to employ in sicknesi, such medical relief as they can hear of from each other, or - indeed any they can get from .any quarter. Hence arises.the great.consuMtition of Patent Med icines among us, greater by far than in any , of th e old cotintruia, 'where skilful.physicians are accessible to- all chuses. • 'Unprincipled. men have long availed themselves °tibia ne. oessity, to palm,ott , their worthless imetrurnoi until the world has beCome of llon7utoPe 4 ith imposition and cheat One oVear — leading Chemists in ihe Eard,,Dr‘ Ayer, is pursuing, a -oounte mbietrodefeats this iniquity. He brings not only his own but the best skill .of .our timea to hear, foi the production of. tbe best remedies which ciao be made. iTheseare supplied to the world, ina convenient form, at low frices, Ind - the people g o d,o more buy poor medicines instead of o at - the same cost, than they trill, bran' instead of flour. The inevitable conseqoence of this is, ibat the vile compounds that flood our country are discarded for those • which. honestly ac complish the end in view,--which cure. Do we over estimate its teriportance, in believing -that this prospect of sUpplanting the by-lord medicines, with those of actual worth and vir tue is fraught with irnmense consequence for good, to the masses of our people—Gazette and ; Chronicle, •Peru,ia. ; Homoway'w Pats.,—Cirtaorttc- DramOda CURED.--Amonethe triumphs of, this Won derfutmedicine over confirmed clisesseacc the stomach and eplgastrittin i the follosing is not the lead rerharkable. Edward Stillman, aged 51; residing at Hagerstown, 1.1 d.; bad been for eleven years a sufferer „Jrom indigestion and its painful concomitants. Ilia appetite was irregular, his !rapist enaciated,•.fris skin of ii livid ; unhealthy IMe r and he had a con stant feeling olconstriction• at the pit of the stomach, as if-a coiclere being drawn tight -Iv. around it. • Re was continually in a state Ufgreat mental as Well as_b64:lllyAistre a, and to use hie otentxprission "life had become iiksome to'him." In the month •of Decem; her last 'he commenced 'taking -Holloway's Pills. Within three •vreeki. -thereafter all the above symptoms bad vany;ed. No /clap° has since occurred, and now as • robust and active as any man'of his years in all Ma rylaid. For disorder of the,' stomach, liver and bowels, the Pills ate • the oply reliable remedy. in existence. ' The report that Barney Williams, the Irish :comedian, been expelled froth a Southern State for preaching incendiary -doe. trines, has brought a card from that gentle man, stating that he has not been 'south of Mason and Dixon's line. iniqtev. A. 0. Wairen will preach at the School Bouse;near B. L. Canfield's, in Mid dlitoyin, on Stinday - ,•Feb. nth, at 101: a. in. Dosiation.-T6e fiends of Rev. N. Doo, little will give him - a doOatioo call, at 11rooklya Centre on Tuesday, Feb. 14th. Lectures at DISUock AcademT,;- A BELGWANTED.—.B,. B. LITTfiE E.;il. will lecture on Thursday, eve; Feb. 46th; and B. 8. BENTLEY, Esq. 'oil TbesdaY 'eve. Feb. 28th. Citizens, we have milt you two courses of lectures, the present Winter, and we confidently hope'you will not desert the third, although we taz you for the purpose df procuring • BELL. You are very muctrin need of one, so come, one and all, arid , help purchasb it.' If y s ou can't come yourself, sen‘your money. Admittunce Ifitts. Gent and lady 25eta, children 10Cts. Diseases of The Liver.—Yoe may know when your liver is,nut olorder, or when you are , biliopa,by any of the following symptoms-: - Pain in the.stde and bacle.dizziness,dull head ache, a bad taste in the Mouth in the morning, sallow colored compleziOn, yellowish tint in the eyes, costiveness„ or diarrhica of a 'slimy dark coloe, low spirit and dismsl forebodings.. It is acknowledged by all physicians and others who have seen their action, that JUDSON'S MOUN. TAIN HERB PILL S are a 'Perfect cure for all bilious affections. So pleasantly do they search out and drive away the seeds daises* that all person's living, ins country-where Payer & Ague and afinther bilious diseases are prefalent, will find 110 should never be without them, From two to four Pills each night on going: to bed, w:11 ion shOrt time drive away the sickly yellow look of bilious persons, and bring to their cheeks beautiful glow of,perfect health. .- Judson's Mountain Herb . Pills are sold by Sayre & Bro:, and all Dealers in Medicine. feb Fir See advertisement of Dr Sanford's Liver Inyigomtor and, Family Cathartic Pills, in anothei'eolomvi. . . se .8 Iv Schopzisblps in any of the firat•ciass 'Commercial Colleges in the coontry,furnished at this office, at a large discount from usual rates. fie:lean Musting rich and poor, bond and free, all color, grades, and conditions of life, we heir]. the same .weed of praise aWirded this wonderful article., Stites are healed, Pains relieved, livei saved,. valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assuaged by this great medicine, which is Faurplising to the judgment of man. :What family-does not: re qoire a standard liniment tl Who ever. heard of the same remelts produced by any other , articlel For Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism, Swell ings, Strained Horses, kc., it has no equai;-- Beware °limitations. The 'genuine Mustang. Liniment, is sold by all - respectable'-Druggists and Livery Men in every town, pariah, and ham let, throughout North and Bonin America, Eu rope, and the islands of. the Ocean, Buy at once. - - BARNES 4 PAM Proprietors, New York. Jan. 1 9tb,— I m. .111Inffalls, Lllle.Plllls.—The • high and envied celebrity which this preeminent medi. tine has acquired for its invariable 'efficacy in all the diseases which it professes to pure, has rendered the Usual practice of ostentatious pntf. ing not only unnecessary but unworthy of them. They are known' by Abair fruits; their . good works testify for them, and they thrive - not by, the ,faith of the credulous, ln.all cases of cos tiveness,dyapepsia, bilious and liver affections, piles, rheuntatiant, fevers and agues, obstinate hetulachcs,and general derangements of health, these Pills have invariably probed a certaickand -speedy remedy. A single trial *ill place the Life Fills beyond the resch of competition io the estimation of every patient. ••' • Dr. Moffat's Phcenix, Bitters will be found equally efficacious lust I cases of nervous debility dyspepsia. headache, the sickness incident to females in delicate health, end - every kind of weakness of thedigestive organs:. For sale by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT., 335 Broadway, N. Y.,and by medicine - dealers and druggists generally throughonilhe country. • - deal 17. • 1111eted, Read l— Wiz. uses' Cowecnnen &murex for" the PILES 4 is warranted -to ef fect a cureld every case, audio all stage of thi disease, or the money will be refunded. . Full dirctions accompany each bottle. • Sold by Tutroll, Montrose; T.J. Dabcot.k,Dtm ock ; 0. G. Hempstead,-Brooklyn ; and Dr. J.W. Lyman, Tankluinnek. • [dect ty . F. D. WOOD,. with -his CAR, is once more located on,. the GREEN,, opposite 4 to the COURT HOUSE,in MON . TEASE, where he will cheerfully Wait'opon ill who may Amor him with a eall t . ' Pictures in gocid Caw, 50 vents. ! l iberal deductions for Families. All Work :warranted not to fade. - [Fentress, bee. Ist, 1859. Fr Patronisetimote that advertko; .41;i The Closing Weevil., Lite are often ,rondered wretched by ailments which are trifling lin themselves and easily eared if taken in time. ;Affection of the liver, stomach, and other organs concerned in digustionotre the - inost frequent. They naturally make the sufferer nervous, it. it., ! a bl e and eo.mplaining, and relative,. and' frisndi Refereed to bear the brunt ettheir ill ltainor. l'helote of Dr: Hostetter's Celebratedilitloreseh Sitters will - prove an efficient remedy foithis evil. `lt will,not oely dtrengthen the - Whole phys, felt. organisation, but eatirelp core the most eir stinite cases of_jmfigeetioti,thirriWes,Dysent ary !and Idlvireoollllllfitr - The first physicians io the coaftiyie loud in their praise of this prep. aratl4x'Another 'reCOMlSlenthition Of the. Bit• tehOithill it le SO palatable to the taste* that It :ff IN* Se used !Yen as a beverage.. For sale by. all. druggists. geb Acknewledgements.—The following. 4reni crowded out last week, and our (Arida ad , al l dialog lenders an abbreviation neceileary: • 1- • Rev. A. Miller, 500 to purchase land. and to Rev:E. Allen tor; suggestingsaid New Year's Present. to parishioners. Rev. H. A. Riley; and lady for liberal donation. or Which Judge Jesatipa house was kindly op'nd. Rev. M. B. Porter for liberal donations at'D- Roaa',in Middletown. , , HORACE GREFZEY • . Lectures at the Presbyterian at ureb,Montrose, on Wednesday' ere, February 161 b; Stibiects •GREAT MEC? !gavials* On Wednesday, the let , inst.. at the house of Junes Whlte - in - Mt•Oeklyn.. by the J.. 1. Wilber. Mr. TBo,llAti STEALING nod Mims Eu. ittcs M. &gum, al! of Brooklyn. ' • I • Bridgewater on the 4th, by Rev. J. KPeck. Mr. L 1). White to Miss Sarah E. Lynch, both of the above place. . • A STACK OF HAY for into by ABEUTURRELL DJSSOLUTION HE FIRM OF W. B. & M,B. HANDRICK T ii.this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Notes and Accounts are in the .bsods of W. 11.41andrick for collection. - • ' - W. B. lIANDRICK,-41. S.,pANDitidx, The TANNING, Snaffles' will liereaftei be carried on by. W. B. Hendrick. ' , Springville, Pebioari , Bth, -1880.-4 w AFEW - MORE netive.and enterprising young men can • find immediate" employment by which they 'can make from 8,500 t0..81 000 per year, to act as agents for several now and pop. our works just published ezelusivery for agents and for sale in book stores. We- have a great numfier of agents 'employed, many of whom are -making from 15 to $2O per week. Those wish jog to engage 'in' this pleasant and profitable business_ will, for particulars. &c., address, • : DERBY , & CO., • • Publishers and Wholesale . Booksellers,' Sandusky City Ohio. " ' igr Editops of Newspapers givingthe aboire and following three insertions, and calling atten tion to it, and sending *copy containing it, will receive any three of the fo lowing books: • Life of Napoleon, by Heathy ,61 25 . Life of Lafayette; by Hiadly .1 25 Life of Josephine, by Headly •Ii 1 1 25 Life of Mary and . Martha W,ssiringtonl 25 Wild Scenes in a Htinter's Life - 125 Odd Fellows' Amulet . 125 feb9 3w C. L. JACKSON. • CourtevtAppeal, HE Commiw4ionora of Susquehanna County T have';, fixed upon the folloWingr days, and date! respactirely, for hearing Appeals from the Aseesameot for. 1860, _at the_WonstPinnionerte Office in Montrose, to wit: • . • Apolselin, Chaeonut, Forest Lake, Friends. silk Borough, and Bliddlatowo on4ay, Feb.. 27th: t .Frankliit, Liberty, and Silver 4ke—Tuesday, Feb./Bth) .• . j A üburn, Jessup , and Rash—Wednesday. Feb. 29th. • IDignock, Lathrop, and Sp ringrille—Thunsdsy, March lst • 'Gt. Bend, and New Milford---Friday, March 2d. Harmony, Oaktand, and Susquehanna Boro'— Monday, March sth. !Ararat, Jackson; and Thomson—Tuesday, . March 6th.• - , Clifford, Dander Borough, and Lenox—Wed= nesdaY. March 7th.' ; Harford, and Herrick—Thursday. Mareh -13th. Bridgewater, 111ontroeo, and Brooklyn—Fri day, March 9th. t By order of the Commissioners. ' W. A. CROSSMON, Coru're Clerk. Com,ra' Office, MontrOae, Feb. 2d, 1860. Auditor's Notice. the matter of the estate of Harriet C. Whitney, deceased. ' - - THE undersigned having been appointed Au • akin in the above estate,,by the Orphans' 'Cotirt of Susquehanna county, .to report a dis tribution to and :among the heirs of 'said deco. debt, will attend to the duties- isf hie appoint meat on-Friday, the 2d day of March, 'lB6O, at I O'clock, p. m.; at the office of WAnd W. H. Jessup, Esqs., in Montrose; at which time all peewits having claims upon the fund of said es tate, are required to present them or be debarred from coming is for a abate of such fund. ALFRED HAND, Auditor.. Montrose, Feb. 2d, 1860.-4 w. A C•kli D. . ?INURE having been unavoidab l y considers JII . ble doubt in regard to my remaining in charge of the Susquehanna Classical and Amoral School, I wieb to draw the attention of the pub; lie to the advertisement in another column..aml to - state that I Oen continue i to givit myself faithfully to the instruction of all who may place themselves under my charge. . H. BRODHEAD. - Sus:Classical and Normal School Jan. 20th, MORE. NEW - ARRANGEMENTS H • . FOR Irmo. - G REAT ATTRACTIONS 3 - 4 1 .04 - :2. • AT THE _ or MAIN S T REW'. : . Fr!HE extensive Furniture Establishment of SKI= BROTHERS having been refitted find greatly ,improied, the proprietors respectfully announeelo the citizens of Montrose and vicin ity ;hit:limy are constantly making and keep on hen the' LARGEST and BEST sevoitinent of FURNITURE To be Ismaili in the Conntry . • : Vike give the folloWing list of some of the ar ticles which we, will sell 'at greatly reduced wires, for CASH or READY PAY: Direaus, Walnut or Mahogany,. with glass, froni $l6 to $35:. Bureaus with marble or brocatelle tops,,from $lB to $24. And a large assortment, from $B, 11042, - 14, to 618, Wash Stands, Cant Stands, Corner and Square .Stands, of all varieties and prices, from 75 cents to ten dollen. ' . . Desks, Divans ,Towel Mae, Footstooli3Otto mane, Lounges, &c. I . • - Centre, Card, tier, Toilet, Dining: Kitchen, and Exteinlon Tables.; . • Chlurs—.Cane and Wood Seats, Rockers— Quid hag, and WOd Sean, of every variety Ind style. - - . • ' Safes, tete a Wee fumbled at short notice at'New York Prices. • • • ' • ?LIB: Ready made coffins on hand or fur nished at short • notice.--thanse always in readiness when desired. •Wp employ DODO but Ciativut. and EXAM,. Macs D WORIMIII. WO Wend to do our WORE' Wsz,i, and sell it as Low as it eau be &folded. W. W. 821ITH, . , _ . 1 ": 8111117 .1..111L, • • - 11. SMITH. M ritrose, Jail. 18th, 1 86 0.—tf, • ago TE NOT IFIR IT! MARRY not !:t ilie;ivay.fside—but hasten to' • the sst Navigation and got MORE 000D.GOODS • • OnelZicr3.let,r than can implad at any BEER Pena's. I am bound to make it an object for CASH buy.' era to leave-their shillings. With me, and not spend them (dr siazy tralkstuff—the fag ends of Peter Funk Aniction Shops—which make .a Rig Show ow Hand-Bills. Don't be humbuged by three cent handkerchiefs, sold - only to bleed, but come to the • • • • • • • CASH STORE - • ono dour below Tarbell's Hotel ana .buy your • Goods at New.-York-Prices. Calicoes, Deletes, SheetMg*, all good Goods.- Excellent Teas, 40, 50, Go, and 75 cents. Bing. hatittoci Ohm 41. ss. Ga. and B*. , 1 . 2 1.1 pounds like 'dry Sugar for 81,00. Box Rnimins,.lB. Soap Starckyobacco, &c.; all- of bell to atilt the elosestlnyers. 1862.) '\ HENRY C. TYLER: N.. 11. Don't forget the place: the.onit.r Store Anon Mil 'ford's, No. 2 Public Avenue., riA4:1.1113-14:rMq TAKE • NOTICE. AT a Meeting of the ALPHA EPSILON SOCIETY of HARFORD•UNIVERSITY, held on the Bth ult., it was; on 'motion Resolved, That, - as many of the Books of the •Sozietrare gone, and a number were _taken no. der the mistaken idea that: the Society , male be discontinued, we request all persons having books belonging•to the Society to•retarn them without further notice•or.del4. • '1 •Published by nider of the A. E. Eiyelety • C. D. TISOLEY. • - jan26lff.) E" E. LYON; , • • E; K.rßictunn‘on, VlRft. • ,floitr, Int I . frobisi S§tfirt, At ItIONTB.O4E, Pa., NE door below .1. Ethridge's Drug Store, U on Pnblit Arenni, where ; will be fund constairttryn hand a -general assortment of - G R OC E - RIES ;- Such as Sugars,- Molasses; krupsi 'rens, Coffee &c. - - Also the choicest - brand's of • FAMILY FLOUR; Meal; Lard, Hams, Fish,.Canilles' &a.. ~ . . We solicit n shire of the public, patronge, and pledgioutielves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargaintO' secure another. • . . - BALDWIN & ALLEN. Wu: L. Au.r:s. ALFRED BALDW2III, - • NOTICE triHE firm of Lathrop. & DeWitt is 'this . day dissolved by .mutual corNenl. A. LATIIItOI 4 , Dee. 316 t, 1859.1 J. It: DeWITT. P. EL—The Notes and AnuUunra aro in the hands of . A. Latbrop for sottlement and cfillcc tion. , • - J. R. DeWITT. -------. - - DOCKET' DIARIE'S AND ALVA NA GS tor 1 1860:: A large variety, And. Indelible Pena* for marking wearing apparel, warranted not tO fade or wash out, for silo by A. N. BULLARD. , .• ' gontroac, Dec. 1 2 th, 180.. _- ACHhAP and .easy remedy for the Piles and Coma; Try it. -Also Meyers Rat and. Mice Eftierminator; sold by J. LYONS &SON. WINCHESTER'S fp'POINIQSPHITES o Lime and Soda, foi Consumption ; Hol loway's Ointment - and Pills ; - Judson s Mountain Herb Pills, and nearly all. the "%Ai: ines adver tised, or in the market, aro for sale by - Hontrose; Jan. 9. ABEL TURRF:ISL. N. B. • . FATHERS suit illothers, Ilre?tlices raud Sisters, and_ all others, interested, will plcasetake ?inventin notice that' eil•Arrtia ,. C.l.a, - takisii the • fellow that comes rand orieo a yeafto tick:in . the children:. is expected 'along soon, and has agreed to call at Bollard's Bonk Store 'where ho can find . -, • A rare Mt. of Toyiy For Girls And Boys Also,a One lot. of Gift Books and AlinnaN; Atr.. such as old Santa Clans will . surcly pleased with. Please remember that the old fetincr trip be, round .a fere- days rattier this year than an Christmas cemes on Sunday, and Fcill.try to finish his travels' to all tho little Girls and Boys Saturday night. At the Slontrose.gook Storei Remember. A. N. DULLARD. ' :Mcintrosp,, Dec. 12th, 1859. - • LIGHT I-MORE: LIGHT - FRESH Burning Fluid, Lamp IQII, Candles. Also White Lead, Zinc Paints, Linseed Oil, Raisins,. Coffee, etc. etc., just opened and ening Cheip. - LYONS & SON: TEC NEW/EILS. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! AT GREAT BAOMAINSI . Ready . Pay and Sown. Profits. BURRITT has now in Sion) and is ile Makin large additions'. to his Stock of FALL AND WINT,ER. GOODS, to which ho 'would invite the attention of PROMPT !ATIIiG BUY ERll..embracinif the most desirable varieties of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, In New Styles of Rich Fall Prints end Plaids:: in DeLaios, Ducal-Plaids, Plain and Plaid Merl. nos, Mani rCtoths, Ginghams, and Silks; Broche 4 .Stella, Cashmere, Silk, and, Wool Shells Rich Ribbons, Bonnet, sad Flowers, Net Hoods, dies' Cloths; Broad Cloths, CasaitnereS, &c. With a full assortment ol • ". - .Staple and Fancy Goods, as usual, including. Groceries, 'Crockery,: lin rd wnre; Stoves; Iron, Steel, Nall!, • • . , Hats isnd taps, - • Boots and Shoes, Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths, Painted WiadOw Shades, Vali' Papor, Clocks.- Drugs,oiis,Paints. Furs, Bufralo Robes, dze. ; Ore. 'The entire stock beir . rg large, add bought for C c isit, will give a superior opportunity - for choice. s ielections, and will be sold for, READY-PAY 10 to 25 per cent: bold* regular- prices. An ex-4 athinaticin ofthe S•roct will be . found profitable to thcise who wish to buye ' \.; N. B—FloUrand Salt constiatly on . hand. New Milford, October, 1839.1 . • DB.; E. W: WELLS - . • LIMING permanently located in Dtindnit o . frers his professional service.' to all 'who May. require them._ Also, constantly on hand a fall stock of Drugs and Medicine'', Pure Wines - and Liquors' for-Medical. purposes: • - Jap7—dm. ' S. M.. Pettengill C o, A averusing. Agents, at, 119, A NeW-York, and W State:it; Boston, are agents for The Ilimurose Demherat, and aro au thorized to contract for us pt, our lowest rates. POCKET BIBLES. DIARIES,' CHRISTIAN ALMANICS, CHURCH PSALMIST. • SUPPLEMENT, SMALLL BOOKS, &C.. for tale by • Dee. 20th. • -J. LYONS 4 SOS. Also, PURE KEROSENE OIL.. A FOX THUG YOE'TBE TULE! ''or Hackwbeat Cakee. Moit4ose, Ps: ' , BALDWIN di ALLEN. ALARGE Aslertment of Lithog r aphs seed Tighe pallets, just arrived. apdfor vale, at reduced priens,.by - ABEL TURRELL, • Nfontrost i Jan. 234;1860. • eqmo;ittee
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers