The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 02, 1860, Image 3

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. several postmasters, to" insure Regularity in the
delivery of trail bags.- , . 4. ‘
- .4. N. - , psy will he nude for•trips not perform
ed: and for each of :snob. otnisiAons not antisfac-
J torii , ca ptained three tiiiies,thf pay. of tffearip .
. may ' b e de l lucted. Mir arrialle so far behin d.
tim -„ , A s to break connectiona with depending - .
~,,,,ii.:, and noOsnfficiently
of- the compensation for the trip in subject hi=
f ur re iiiire. Deduction‘'will'al4 -be ordered for
a grade -of perforinance inferielite that specified
in the contract. For -repeatedAelitiquencies of
the kind - herein specified, eglarged renalti'ea
.proportionate-to the paturiathiraof and the lm-
portance of the mail; may he Milde.
5. For . 'leaving behind or. Ahrowingoff the
malls, or pay portion - of them, teor the admission.
',,f pasz.engers., orfor being coot:tithed in setting
° up or miming nn express conveaing - iotellieence
in ndveni'o of the mail, a quar7cr's pay maybe I
deduet cd, N
- ...‘' -
6. Fines will'. be ireposed,lintess to denn
mitrtde.'he promptly and satisfeetnrily evotain
. ed by tertifcate of postruastersior the affidavits
of other creditable peeking. i 4 failing to ar.
. rive in emitrret time; 'for.hoglei'Vtg to take the
Mail from or debver 'it into a tnst office; for •
injured. diltroyed. robbed,
suffering it to ho wit.
lost; ' and for refusing, rtfterAernand, to con
vey the mail as Ireemently- ai the contractor
rtins, or is concerned in running:a coach,"car, or
searnboat on a route..
r G ki.-' -.
; ,:l'. The PostmasteeneraHtnny ennui the
c i
ntract for repeated fillttres 11. rue agreeably
_ Or contract; for viniating s the Orist Office l aws, ,
or disobeying the instructions ofthe department;,
for refuting to discharge a carrier when requir
ed by the department to de so ;!;for running an
' express as aforesaid; or -for-tr ansporting per
. sons or. packages conveying mallable.matter out
of the mail. :-..
' . • l'l:
8. The PostmasterGencral in
crease of servieo - on the route b4lloi'ing there
for n pro rata, inciaaSe.,on the crintraet pay. He
may change schedules of,depantiVs and arrivals
in all C2l , eS, an&particularly to 'make them con:
form to connections with raiirdinls. without in
-crenne of pay. provided the running time-be-not
abridged. He may also order,::an increase of
spe'ed, allowing. within the restrictions of the
law, a pro ram increase of par I'4 the additional
*itock or carriers, if any. The e'entriictor may,-
however, in the case - ofincreasetof speed relin
' finish rho contract, by giving ptompt notice to
-,,- Via departMent that he prefers loin" so to car
rying ' the order into effect. Tj.eBPostmaster
General May also Curtail or•discontinue. the
service, in whole or in part, at pfp.raia.decrease
of pay, allowing one month's .otra totnpensa..
Iron nn - the n • nt.dispensed edthl whenever,
in his opini n. t :public. interkats reqhire the
chani - :o, or i case me desires 14uliersede it by
..._ a different adv of- sportatqlp.
9 Pay me is will be ade by it:elleetions from
ur drafts on p. stmaste . 7:. or othOwise, after the
expiration Of rich quarter—sak in February,
... -
May. Align. d November.' quarter—sal
10. The distances are kiven - 0 - Ordiruz to best
, information; but no.inereased pat will be al'ow.. -
ed should they be greater than adiertised, if the.
points to he supplied he crirrectltstated. Bid
ders must infirm - themselre , on this point, and
also in reference to the weight Of the mail, the
condition of rends, hills, siren.; &e., and nll
• tr.ll bridges, ferries, or ob4ructjeias of any kind
~. by which eipenses may he incurred. NO claim
foradditional pay, based on- sui;h ground, can
• . he • considered ; nor for allegedl mistakes or s
tni- , a pm-, hc:nsion'as to the degrec itf servico; nor
for bridges d@stroyed, fe s rries dia - lcontinned, or
other obstructions increasing dist4co, occurring
• (Thrill." the contract
,term. - Offices established
. after this advertisement is issuedt;and .also du
ring the contract term are ic; bo Ypited without
e x t ra ply. If the distance he not increased.
11. A bid .received after, the las . )..lday and hour
.named-, or:without the-guaranty ri§juired by law
and a certificate as to the suffictency of such
guaranty, cannot be considered -ca competition
with a riignlar proposal reasonatt, in modal
-12.. Bidders should rust prop„se foi service
'strictly according to the advertiSentent, and then,
if they desire, separately for ctifferent..service;
and if the vrgrriae l'ed be the leclst offered for
tlle advertised service, the other: s prepositions
may be considered
3. There shoold be hot ore route bid feti in a
propo.til CensolidateU or .eonfbination bids
(" proposing one silo] for two-orinore routes")
are forbi.dden by law, and Cannot lie considered.
14.. The route, the serrice,..tbe yearly. par, -
the name and residene-e of the biddit.r. (that is, his
usual pos.t office address.) and - Otos° of each
member of a firm, where 'a eCithipany offers,
should be distinctly staled. .
15. Bid.lersdre rquested :is far is
pructi , nble, Abe.printed form of }proposal fur:
niched by The department: to wr.F . t:o out in' full
the euni fo`7 their bids, and . to re3aincoiem of
- •
Altered bide should not be atibmittga;. nor
f.hould bids 'once submitted be withdrawn. NO
withdrawal of a bidder or gu'a,rantbr will be al.
lowed unless dated and received afore the rast
day fcr receiving prOposals. • ••••
Each bi I rria=t be guarantied by t tlwo respon
sible persoas.
General o - narrinticscannot be aciniitted: The
bid and e'uarant t • should be s - igne4 plainly with
the-full name of each person. ••
The department reserves the right id reject
any hid which may be deemed extinvagant,and
also io disregard the bids of fiilink contractors
fi. The bid should - be • Fe.lledisilpericribed
"Mail Propasaks state of — r 4+," adatemed
Second Assistant Postmast,•r Ot•neral, Con
tract Office," and sent by mail, not by of to an
agent . : and r!o , .sttnasters %rib nut enclose propo
sals (or letrers.of any kiiid) t4ir quarterly .
rt,tturrn‘. ,
11. The contracts are to be -exe'd.nted and re
turned to the department by or beifore the tat
tidy rif A i .g - ust,lB6o: but the service 'Most be
commenced on the Ist July pro...ailing. or on
- the mail day next atter that date, whether the
contracts be eieented or not: .Isr4 proposition
to transfer will be considered until the contracts
are execnted and received at the' department;
and - then .no transfer will be alloWed . unless
good and sufficient reasons there6r are given;
to be determined by the -departiient. In all
caQes - the retiring . contractor wilr be required
to Inc:eine one of the .sureties on the new con
. 'lB. Postmasters at ogees on or near railroads,
but more than eighty rods from a Station, will,
immediately after-the 31st of Blzd4h next, re
port their exact distance from thelnearest_sta
tion, and how they are otherwise supplied with
the mail, to enable the Postmaster' - , General to'
direct, a mail-messenger supply from the Ist of
July next.
. 19. geed on eighteen of an act Congress
approved March 3, 1845. provides that contraels'
for The , transportation of the mails` shall be'let
"in every case to the lowest bidder tendering suffi
cleat guaranties for faithful performence, without
other reference. to the (node of L-dch transpor
tation thin may be necessary to iirbvide for.the
due celerity, certainty, -Lnd security of such
transPirtation." Under this 13w, , 1.05. that pro ,
pose to transpoit the mail with cer
tainty, and security," haying been decided to be'
the only legal bids, are construed lOs providing
for the entire mail, however forge, and whatever
may be the - mode of - conveyance -tieeessary to'
ins-ore - celerity, certainty, and' security,"
and Will have the-preferenne . even all others.
' 20. A modification yf a bid in spy of Its es.'
liential terms is - tantamount to a new bid, and.
cannot be received, so aff to interfere with. ti'
regular competition, after the last hour set for
receiving, bids. :linking ri new bid, with guar= - .
ants and certificate, is the only vrayito modify a
previous hid.
Postmasters arc to be carefnlj not to cer
tify the sufficiency of guarantors; or htiretiem with
out knowing that they are perlionsgif sufficient
responsibility; and ail bidders, ,gurfrantors, and
:sureties are distinctly notified- thatim a fail pre
to entef into or perform the - contracts for the .
service proposed for_in the'accepteci bids, their
legal liabilities will by enformxi against theta.
. *22. Present contractors, and perscMs knovki at
the department, muq,'equally withmthers, pro
eu re gusran tors and ttertificdtes of theltsufficiormy
substantially in the. forms above ; prescribed-
The certificates of sufficiency must he signed by
a postmaet:er or by a•judge of a Conk of record.
No other certificate'will be
J. BOLT, Postpzotereneral...
B. URNING FLUID, White Cod 'Fish.
Ladies Kid S . S. )3ootiyead ;mere Ositers
from 56 cts. to $1,75-411 at TrEPIt'S.
,Ifay 19th 1839. • v,
.. • Montrose, Pit., 1860: ; •
THE Truste e s would present the following
circumstances, in regard to this Institution.
in confirmafieirof their claims upon the favor
otthe public: I
kis not a literary institution of doubtful rep.
•thatititi,-bet haslong enjoyed the, most favora.
I ble patronage-pf the ',ohne. , • -
• It is Situated, net'aohd the distractions nod
dissipations of it ety, ttnallit,yet removed from
the influences, '
of refilled icelitty„but is located
at the County Seat."Alontrose,
pieces are more fully supplied witiEttholesoma
and Christian influences for youth.
Thorinstitut'nn is now under the direalltikof
a gentlemati in i whose ability, learning, and char
acter the ottneUt coofidence is warranted bythe
accompanying testimonials from a literary source
thab - which there is none higher—the President
and Professors of Yale College, - of wfiieh Inati.
lotion Prof. Br.ODHEAD is also alumnui. •
- - •
Provisions.will he - made in the ensuing -term,
not merely ftit ime — class of students, but for all
the-departmenta of a - common or classical edu
cation ; for Normal scholars inn separate class ;
for children inn Primary 'Depaitment ;. and , for
any who desire to pursue the study of Music,
French, German, Greek, Latin,or Higher Math.
emetics. • - •
• We•the . reforp fully reepmmend the Sus hanna Classical and Normal School to thew
rents and youths of our State and all who take
an interest in the advanto of education.
• • WM. JESSl.llcPres't Board of Trustees.
C.-F. READ, Secretary.
The nest Tern of thia• Institution will begin
TUESDAY, FORUARY 14th, 1860; at whjeh
time-it is expected that ill •the students will be
present. We rare prepared to fit itudente for
any:class in any American College, and will.
ens A srEctAt. CLASS FOR-TEACHS:ITS. Lectures
on scientifie subjects will be given -each week
during half the Term.• The, bills must be paid
at the end of tho eighth week of the Term. Text
Books unchanged.
.PRICE OF TUITION, per Term of 11 weeks:
Normal Departthent, 86,00
Primary do., " ." 3,50
In English Branches, and Latin or Greek, 4,00.
Greek or Latin, each, -.- - - 3.00
French or German - , - '9,00
Music on-Piano, - . 8,00
'Students wishing to procure rooms, or hoard,
can be accommodated by writing to the Paint.
PAL, - and those Wishing to board themselves can
obtain stoves and furniture from . Messrs. Sayre
Brothers, on reasonable terms. Price of Board
from 82,00 to SASO per,week.
-BRODHEAD, F'r'ineipal. -
Montior.e, Feb..lst, 1860 —lt.
. .
• YALE COLLE'I2E, June 24, 1859.
Mr: [Tarry Brodhowl.- a member of iho clan
lately ' graduated at. Yale College, has i.eld
•a high rank in the elalis as a scholar: go far as
am acquainted with it, his moral character, and
habits, aro irreproachable.,
TitEontitF. I). WdotsEy, President.
Mr. El. Brodhead.; wile; belongs to the grndn.
- ding class- of ASS 9, has Sham himself du
ring the two years of his connectiim- with' the
college. a capable and successful sehofar. Shoed
he apply himself to the work of instruction, I
have no doubt of his ability to justify . ths'confi.
denee-and.satisfy the,exuectations of any who,
may avail themselves of his services.
JAS. HADLEY, Prof. of Greek:
Itlr.ll..flrotihead oftheelass of 1859, in Kale
College. good scholar, and has a superior
mind. 9 bait} little doubt he will make an effl:
dent and successful teacher, ands ran recoinmend
him withgreat confidence that hu will not dis
appoint hi 4 patrons. N0A.31 PORTER,
Prot 01 Philosophy and Metaphysi cs .
Mr. H. Brodhead has just finished his course
of collegiate edueatien and recieved the de
gree of Bachelor tf Arts at the annual com.
mencetnent. As le proposes to be engaged for
a time in the business of teuching,he is cheerfully
recommended by tho undersigned as a person
well qual ;fled by his scholarship and.attainments,
byhis-christian abr.:icier and deportment to be
successful in The irktruetion and government of
a .;hoot. THOMAS- A. TuActign,
. DID YE NOT litill . .lT!
rpARRY tb.e way-side 7 -but !voter] to
the, Head of navigation and get
-ICon.e.Jaz- •
•thar, can be had at any BEER Simi! in Penn's.
I am bound to make it au object for CASH buy.
cr to leave ,their shillings with me, and not
spend them for dcfzy irors'l—Lstulf- r —the fag ends
of,Peier Funk AuCtion Shops—which nr.tke a
Big Show on Hand-Bills. Doh't be humbuged
by three cent:handkerchiefs, sold only to bleed,
but come to tho
one - door below Tarbell's. Hotel andbuy your
Goode at New-York Prices,
Calicoes, Delains, Sheetings, all good• goods:
Excellent Teas, 40; 50, 60, and 75'cents. Bing
hamton price 4s. Ss. 6s. and Bs. 121_1 pounds
nice dry Sugar for 81,00. Box Raisins, Is.. Soap
Starch, Tobacco, &c.; &c., all of which 1 Wif.d.
sell 'to snit the closest buyers.
January 25, 186 J.] HENRY C. TYLER.
N B.—Don't forgot the pi:loci. thc•otity Store
ABOVE Mulford's. No. 2. Public Avenue. •
A è
T a meeting of! the ALPHA EPSILON
held on the 9.,ti ult., it - was, on motion
Respired, That; as many of the Rooks of the-
Society are gone, acuinomber were taken
der the mistaken idea that the Society- was to
• be' discontinued, we request all persons having
books belonging to the Society to return' them
without,further notice or delay-
Published by Order of the A. E. Society
E E. LYON, •
. FOR 1 S6O. • '
THE _extensive Furniture Estapitihenent of
1. &MR BROTHERS having been refitted'atid
greatly improved, the proprietors respectfully
announce to the - citizens of Montrose bud
ity that they are constantly triakin and keep on
hand the LARGEST and BEST asaortment of
To be touud in the Country.
We. give thkfollowinglist of some oftte ar
ticles which' we will Bell at greatly reduced
pricer, for Cain or fizaror . Par: .
'Bureaus, Walnut or BlahOgauy, With 'glass,
from $16,t0,835..
Bureaus with marble or brocatello tops, from
818 to $24. And a large
.hssortinent, from $B,
$lO. 12, 14,,t0 $lB,
Wash Stands, Card Stands, Corner and Square
Staniis, of all varieties and priCes; from 75 cents
to ton dollars.
Desks, - Divans ,Towel Racks, Footstools,Qtto.
.maps, f.ounges,der.:.
• Centra, , Card, Pier, Toilet, Dining, Kitchen,
and Extension Tables. - •
• .
.. _.
I - Cluisrs—Cave and Weed Seats, Rockers
-Cane, Flag, and Wocd Seats; of e‘ery variety
•nd style: . - ' • ,
Sofas, tete a teteii furnished at abort, notice.
of Nis* York prices. .
N. 0, Ready made coffins on hand or the-.
Dished at short notice.--I.lestries always in
readiness when desired. • •
We mriploy, none but CAREFITL and EiPEßl
used) WORMIIEN• We intend to do Our Woipt
WELL, and sell it as Low as it can be afrorded.-
. • . 1 W.: W. SMITH, .
A. 03111104 JR.i •
, .
E. - R. SNIIITIL . •
Ifontrose,.Jan. 18th, )860.—tf.
t • -
By the Rev J. 111 INGRAHA3I, LL. D.
A new and reVlsed edition. with Om inthor's
latest "corrections. One volume, I2ino, cloth,
472 pages. Price 81,25.
• Published by GEORGE G. EVANS,
No. 439 thestnut Strect,,Philadelphiit.
StlartSil ana23 ID.RaaXi f t
• . 1
• ,i'HailtliOle; ; ,
4.llteral trinalation in Gennan•of the •
One tiiihmsei•l2Mn. cloth, 475 paves. Price $1
Ver/ag riviiVEORGE G. EVANS,
No. 439 qbesintit Beieleti•Philadephla.• 1
or. intAgt,lN BONDAGE.
By the Rev.l3. - IL INGRAHAM, LL, D.
One voluine ‘ l2nio, cloth, 600 pag. e. Price $1,25
Published by GEORGE G.:EVANI4.
439 .Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
General orders of t Wisittrtarott. Lee and Greene,
Names of the tOfficers acid Privates, with the
Dates of 'their Cornmissiotra and Enlistments,
with a list'of Distinguished Prisoners 01 1- War';
the time of their Capture, Exchange, etc. etc.; to
which is nddded the Half•ply Acts Of the Con
tinentnl Congretti ; the Revolutionary Pension
Laws; and a listEof Offleers•of the - Continental,
Army, who acq d Alio right to Hilf-Fty, Com.
mutation, Land Warrants, etc , etc.:
• BY Si. T. B. SAVELi,
Counsellor and A4ent for Revolutionary Claims,
One vol. ? cloth 554 pp. Price one do! : 25d..
T. S. ARTHUR'S Popular Works.
True,. Riches, EAngel 07; 3 1 the. Demon,
Home Scenes. .4 Three Eras in Wom
Golden Grains.
an's Life.
The Martyr Wtfe, Ten Nights in a Bar
Sparin . t to Spen:d, Room, •• .
Talerof Real 14e, Angel bi thellousehold
The Old Man's Bride. The Hand latt 'not the
The Way to Priisper. - Heart, -
The Withered .heart. Heart HistOries and
Talcs of Harriet:l:Life Life Pictures,
Steps Toward Marfa The Trials of a House-
What can Wonrcip do„.° keeper,
Tales of BomestieLife. Leaves from the Book
"Good Time Coming, of -.Human Life:
"In the union thrilling dramatic -- incidents,
with moral lesSbna; of the piehest importance,
these-woilorof Arthur stand forth preem
inent amongst moderrunothors." • •
4 They .h axe betiit introduced into the District,
Sabbath, School, itnd various other Libraries
threughput the titintry." .
• Each bf.the abrife Rooks contains nearly 500
pages, and are illitstrtaed With! finely executed
Mezzotint engravmgs. and handsomely bound in:
One 1 9rrio volumo4 Pried one dollar each. •
ACTEOII.,A ' •:-. 31atcrets,
.. .
. AnTlitT,- = - SOCCER F.ll'.
. . .. .
Written by Himself, Edited by
With a Copious Index, carefully arrange - a.
One velum° lamo,:elotb, 446 pages. One dollar.
Prof. of Latin. •
LIFE of COLONEL DAN'L ,LIVES o f sotanyaw
SUEPTER. t , Life of Baal WEBSTER.
Each of the "aboi.e hooka are illustrated with
fine engravinga, and bound in one volume, Imo,
cloth— One dol. each. •
LIVES of Tillitstrlong WOMEN,
_ _
Incldin4 Emperes4losaphine, Lady Jane Grey,
Beatrice Cenci. Jotth.of Arc... Anne. Boleyn Char
lotto. Corday, Semiiamia. Zeuobia. Bnadiac, etc.
Edited by ItIARY.E: HEWITT,
Embellished with fine engraved Steel Portraits.
One col. 12mo, :b10th,336 pages.-41,25.
1 . • •
By Rev. HUGH StOWELL BR.OWN, of the
Myrtle at. Baptist Chapel, Liverpool, England.
First Series; A Biographical Introduction b . :,
Published by spkiit nrrang'ment with th'-aut r.
One volinne,l2mo,:eloth, 414 pages, one dol
Upon retnittanceibt.the price of the Book and
21 cents aciditionaltfor postage. copies of either
of the above books necnm ponied wit ha handsome,
presenf, worth front flOicents to Ino dollars will
hkmailed to any pehton in the United States.
Send for a Clarified 'Catalogue of Books,
Containing the magi domplete list of Books In
every department lu,f Literature ever publlshed,
and which will be BOA gratik- to any person who
sends their address; • '
inskreprompineis and honorable aeraing,senti
all your orders for: hoots
Pub'r and Orlginsidr of the Gift Book Business,-
- No. 439 Cheatnut Street, Philadelphia,
And you
_rill be satlsfir,d that it is th e h es t - pia re
in- the-country to turchase !looks.
' -
pia SIOECIALAotico to A geattcjEj
G. G..EVANS, liming purchased the plates,
copyrights, etc„ of the " Prince of the House of
David," " Pillar of fire," etc., would _call the ni
tentiOnot agenti to these truly valuable Works.
The" Prince of-the House of David," is one
of the most mulaitand beat selling bobktt ever
published: Over 180 000 copiei have been sold,
and it bids fair to:nOtrival Progress,
or arty other similar,work:
The' "Pillar of. Pire," by the name author, is
now, meeting with rapid sale, over 90_006 cop
ies have been sold bince its publication, and as
a cornpsnion to the "Prince of the liquke of
David ".every reader' : of that book- should buy a
"The records cif the Revolutionary War," is
a book of great . interest :Ind gives d vast amount
of information relative to the Soldiers of the
Revolution, and la im invaluable book of•refer
ence for the deacendints of it's heroes and all who
are interested in PenSion Claims, Land Warrants
eta., etc. :
The most Libernr, Inducements are offered to
AGENTS, and upon addressing the Publisher,
every infiwnstion be given. •
Send ** a Catalogue.
Address • GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher,
j 2.6 6 t *— ] 439 'Chestnut Street, Philud's, Pa.
WISH it distil:oly 'understood Oat]
continue to sell poods[of the SUDO quality]
at the lowest priree, it:which `they can :be bo't
for yidi at: any store in this ,owe. whether void
at Binghamton, er any other prices., -
Montrose Pa. . ABEL TURHELL
ELODEONs, Guitars, Violins, Fifee, Sheet
on haild or famished to order.
sep 29 • .J. LYONS& SON:
ialvts OF
uttenberg; %luititbaum,4—to:,
Montrose, & Snagla Depot, Pa•
. .
THE undersigned hive erovfded themselves
11 with s'
ticbiin they boast of bein;, the
in this section of country.'
Thoy also flatter ttt•mFelves that they have
the beat facilities of °Union* •
600Ds frisil from Of. "01.4rktit,
and arn determined not to bo undersold by any
firm this side or N. Y. City. In regard to
we would say that being in this buboes largely at
24 - Del , Street, New York City
we can offer the - publie bargains not inrpa.4edr by
any retail dealers in this section, as we can sell
hero at retail prices as cheap as those who go
to New YOrk and purchase at wholesale and
then .bring : them here and hvao to make a profit
over that tehich they have already paid-them
selves. Call and-sec us and we will prove
the facts. •
aittrubtrA, vio•sinbannt, & it
gontrose, Pn.. , October 9.7th,1859.
N.. B.
, . . .
VAT'IIERS and Mothers, Brothers
-1 tind.l§ii.ders, and all othuts• interested.
Will plvaao taIio.i , A#TICI7LAR 119tiCO that .. '
the fellow that comes round once a' dear to tickle
the children. is etperted alone sok, and has
agreed to call' nt Bullard's 'Book Store where he
cart find
A oleo lot of 'toys,
ror klirls and Buy!.-
Arno, a fine lot of Gift nooks and Annuals, &é'.
such as. old Santa Claus will surely he pleased
Please rettientbee that the old fellow will be
round a fey days earlier this year than usual,
as Christmas comes on Sunday, and mill try to
finish his travels to all the little Girls and Boys
Saturday night. At the Montrose Book Store,
4emetnher. • A. N. BULLARD.
Montrose, Dee. 12.t14.1869.
3317.1461=L1 9 7""1"
I.just receiving a large stock of NEW stoyea
including' a full' assortment of
. Cooking, Parlor, Office, and Skop Stoves ;
for Wood .or Coal. • •
Also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, - Stove Takes,. dc.
His assortment will includelhe most select and
desirnhle stoves in market, and will be-s'old at
Reduced Prices for -Cask• or- Prompt Par.
New Milford, Nevember Ist; 1859.
_ _
F"A E l. B 6"4l , ren i LS'lii d we. i ftinzt.OLscen:4ld:rClT
Raisins, Coffee, etc. etc., just openedand going
cheap. • • J. LYONS At. SON.
. .
rpHE firni of Lathrop. i% DeWitt Is
11 Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent.
' A. LATIIRnp,
DecAlst, 1859. J • J. It. DoWIT . T.
P. 8.-1: he Notes and Acconnts aro in the
handl' of A. LathropTorisettlevacnt and collec.
tion. J. It. INAVITT.
1880: a large variety: And Indelible
Pencils for marking wearing. apparel, warranted
not to fade, or wash out, for sale by
• ' . A. N. BULLARD;
Montrose, Dec. 12th, -18,0. •
A CHEAP and easy remedy for the Piles and
.111. Corns. Try• it. Also Meyers Rut and Mice
Exterminator, Sold by 3. LYONS
.4 SON. :
Y 'Lime and Soda, for Consumptton ; Hol
loway's Ointment and-Pills ;Judson's Mountain
Herb yini, and nearly all the Medi . : ides adver
tised, or in the-rmirket, are for sale by.
liontrose, Jan. 9. - ABEL TURRELL.
NEW ,V 111,170.•
f ' ••
1 - Nu, pa & , roinsicra torf,
.1 1 - • ',
- A t MONTROSE, a-a.,..
ONE door below J. Ethridge's Ding Store,
on Public . .. Avenue, Where will be fatlnd
eonstantly on hand a general assortment of
Such as Suitais, - Afolasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee
- &c. &c .
Also the' choices! brands of
Fi:irk,liams, Fish, Candies &c..
We tio licit'a share of the public_pstronage, and
pledge,ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by
each tiurgain tu. secure another. •
VM; permanently I,ocatedin Dundalk',
.1.4. offers his professional serOms to alt who
mayrquire . them. Also, keeps ,constaptly on
hand a full stock of Drutift and Medicines
Pure• Wines and iiquois,for Medical
purposes. (47-76 m..
Si M. - Pottengill Afig. Co -
A dvertlit lig Agent*, at[..l 19 Nassau-st,
.111ew-)'orli, and 10 State-st, Boston, aro
agents for The Illontrose Pernaerat, and. are au contract for us at our lowest rates.
, • •
P,.., ._''.:.KTA:_,. • , 1 - ' ---=2- i..... Tp____ 4 a.___ ---- -----.
-- ICE
• 4'14
..4._P_A i---- —i 10-1 t •
- t
A Rare Companion for the Winter 14fonths.
Every Pianist, l'Should predure this weekly
Every Singer, I Publicatido of. Vocal and
Every niactiet, "Piano Forte Music,. coat.
Every Pupil, i I
in g r but. .10 CENTS a
Every Amateur, •piumber, end pronounced
By.the entire Piess of the Ctimetrf, to be -
!` The 'Peat and Cheapest' work,-of the kind in
• - . the World.7,'„
Ttiolie Full-nized Pages of Vi:?cal and PianO
Forte itfusic . '
Vicar 1.00
Yearly, $5; Half-yearly, $2,50; Quarterly, $1,25.
Subseribe tq our “ Musical Friend," "or order
it from the .nearest NeUtsdoater,'and • you will
hays music-enough for your entire family at an
insignificant-cost; -and if you want Music for
the Plate, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion,
&e., dec., subscribe•to the '-• • "
Containing -,12 pages, costing 'only .
10 e- it NI:Imhof; Yearly,s2,soMilf : yearlii,sl,9fr.
-..-Alt the Back Numbers it 10 ienttli and:bound
Volumes, 'containing 17 NuMbers, atl2,lso.eoch,
constantly CM
107 Nassau St. ; New Yori;:-,
. .
. .
:THE .FIRST.-. . , G.IIN . • :
. . . OF—THE ..
IV"MICAT 'Y'52'.1211.131R. 11
1 Agents, are now opening the most enur:
mous Stock of • • --, .1.. .:'• .= • = •--•
1 * ''* * - '. WINTER . BR.GoCiDS,
BOOTS d: SHOES, -1:: ,-..4 .
IR UrF A:Liar .R 0 VIVA,
: • fiTEIVE'LB.Y ; &C.. rf: a,
-ever bron"ibtto this end. O. -f the Slate.; Bought
ils*NeW Yuri: and of the Eastern. Mann inetnrera
FOR CASH I and which we have marked dowa '
at-M.41011:4(mi Low.Paiess! !" -- - *
As we feel . e'on fi dent in all we , assert.- The dap
.of_large profits has:gone tly,• and we have good
G 00 DS,IC o.s II.B.IP for the MILLION?
, a:S
Thu nue,tis of '
house -prompted
--, ' 0alk„; `*o Gllt SI - .
n l
'to filch fro us our' good mune. .We cannot
preveptthisiut course, neither do we desire to,
:rod 'have no apprehension of any evil result: to
our business - ' • - - •
BUT " E -.CAN, .AND. WILL, '
sell much io . er than any oiher establishment
in this part tf the State, and Wo.will always
maintain tinr reputation for
STYLES the Iraq Fashionable r
Qualities the.Mriit Reliable!
! '9uiekißeturas
Cr i ..E . aad NO DEVIATION !
tor doing business creaks* inneh
g Old Fogy 3lorchants Who hate
• on the slate gLit.ds as' the) have .
Good •
ONt; fiR
Our syste
jealousy awe
an many prio ry
plenai•a our
ones, w•e jet
call before y
to..lteep cell
t We,
year warm
end- never Wi
petition. F
d customers and creates many new
i nd to continue it. Remember and
u buy, if it is
. nottling more than
posted up.. • • .
!oaseas advantages. for purchasing
ny - ilium in this seetion - : and the
linereame.of our. sales for the past
us in saying that wo Beyer weru,
It be undersold... We fear ne ati,
our and Salt always'on hand:
of Pioduee token in ex hinge for
paid for Pelts and Furs.
Id, Pa Jan..tst, isno.
Every kind
,G6odti:• Ca ,
New Milfo,
Deatiy . ny and Smell ['refits.
- Er
RITT has now In store and is
L. 1.• mat in large additions -to his Stock of
FALL AND 1 VINTER GOOD., to which ho
would invite tho attention 014110,11 PT PAYING lIIIY.
1 1
ERs. embracing the mos t desna le varieties of
. , •,1 4 .AD1 ES' DRESS GOODS,
In New Styles of Rich Fall Prints and Plaids:
in pehains, treal Plaids,Plain 'nd Plaid Merl,
nos;,)l6Vait Cloth, Ginganni, an nl SAS . ; Brocho,
.Siella,citallm6re, Silk, and•Wn I Shahs; Rich
Ribbon's, ,Bonitets, and' Flowers, Nel Clouds, La
dies' Cloths, Broad , Mills ; Crissimerbs, &c.
With a. full nt'sortment or
Staplinand Fancy g oods,
as usual, includio
Groceries, Crockery;-lardsynre,
•Stov4s, Iron, Steei, Nails
. ,• l illiatiotitid Cap, ,
Bouts and Shoes, Carpeting,tloor"Oil Cloths,
Painted Window Shades, Wall. Paper, .Clocks.
Drugs, ehiS,Pttints, Furs, BUffalo Robes, &c:, &c.
tiveotre ktoek being large, an - d 'bought for
Cas-it;-iirill giv e a superior op:port inity for choice
select-it:lm and will be sold' for REAnr•PAv 10
0.15 per-cent: below : regular prieos: An ex
amiaation-6f .thoSrocit will be found 'profitable
to thoSe whoish to buy. .1 , '. "
, N.'ll—Fl4 vr„and Salt conta4ly op hand.
..: New Nil rd, October, 1859 ;:7- ,
I ,
ir ...
L •
•Genu ne Preparation
Of Lime and of
blade from Ide Formula of Dr.
Pario,l kr the prevention a
4:::03a 4 311.1.33E1r1
bto for all L,iseasmi of the Net,
System det . ral Vebility,Loss
Appetite,'crigitta, Asthma,
Paralgsis, Rickey, and t),
• . .
,taints of Mahe
's fl?pophosphite•
it Preparation :n-1
. 'of this Extrnor
• dry by Dr. Chur
.raPel in the anti
frivol , in all stage!
its wonderful pin
.ergy and enrichin
floral Debility. or
this as one of: the
ts - ever given to
ti,onablo in th
• The aucces!
sic its disco!
ago / has no 1.
Its invariable I
tiolk. as well as
thof Nervous
.E •
all cases of GI
tration, stump
remedial age°,
Chemical 'Sole
• • •T- . TEVIONIA
"In no shigh instance have I fd
edy to fail.":-.401r. Churchill.
'The Ilypophoriphitesposseeg the powerof In
creasing nerve! force, en d proutott- the functions
of:nutrition.; they. tend to produce the most re
freshing and rrireavating rust.'-Dr. . V. Newton.
'"Crises of cobfirrned Pulmonar y Consumption
uniformly benefitted , by the f' e and coutin:
tied use of. the Ilypophosphitest'-fir. F.W.Clark.
'Are the most appropriate Reme dies in a large
elacs-of afteetions, resulting fromin lose of ner
vous force."—Poston Medical nnkSurg. Jour.
"Mr.. Winchester is worthy of rill oonfidenco.
and devotes • himself enthusiastic to._ these
preparations in all their variety oficombinations.•
Prepared strictlyhy D r . Churchill s mothod."—
IX Meredith Reese, U. D., •N. y: ity.
C 1 4 AWE • oy; STYLE.-r
• • I%ry "Genuine Preparation of
nfsLime and Soda" is now I
the reach of put up in 1
containing 46 ounces-.(a pint), at
also a Nowsize, (7 oz. bottles) at
Ono Dollar Per
, The bottles have the following 1
" ilypophosphltes of Limo and S.
Churchill's Specific remedy. for
J. Wine,hester. New York:". The
per is printed with:a PinK tint,,
, Gen Mum' across the-face. use n,
This new style offers a more a
against the many IMpore and"dele,
rations palmed off under the name ]
phites, which are spuriouq, Paud
notated to endanger the health A ;
filers, - The - thousands who wish
se I %Tier this' Remedy,. pre pa s
chill'e•methed,can now obtain it in
double the size of that heretafo
making it the cheapest, as Well as
cacious treatment for. Pulmonary
Diseases now known to .niedical
ware of ALL others, wiloatter w
to you, and.says they are just as
iffy fae.etmile is on both label and
• • -
is now priee.l2 ece
jest issued; ontaining c
re rd to this new trenti
inquirers: Deiarnoi
• Ali orders and inquiries
Address • ' J.
Borer. General. Depot. it
tjulyir .
rar FOC da ABE L
-.......,- i•-: -
- . 4 ''', as .
/ 7 , 7
. 40. , .
, -:- r ,
. .
....„..-, . . . The proprietors ind manufhoftrierit of HQS
. Cheapest I Best! Laziest!' . TERS can appeal With perfect 'cOnfidenee to
.„. , . . • - physicians and citizens, generally of the United
_____ LA
_ l o ur; 00 0- ~ . States, because the article hait itttainettit repu-
PaYs, fur TuitiOn .in Single and `Dou'b'leE trti teflon heretofore unknown. A few facts'upon
Bottk•Keeping, Writing - Cbtomercial Artt• Im2 rl el this point will speak . more 'powerfully than
' volumes of hare assertion or blazoninguffery.
tint l and Lectures. - -: i. , -1 . . • I The consumption of-Uoatetter's Stomach; fit
itaitere; • N weekio.t3o, Seationery fer , tars for the last year amounttidto nver r a half
Tuitio 835, c3itire cipeasses $02.,',1 million bottles, and from its! manifest ete T ly
•,- increase in times past, it is evident that daring
- "
bu..l tiniefrom 6to 10 weeks. Every btu. I the, coming year the consunrptlon will reach
dent, upon graduating, is guaranteed competent near one million bottle,. This unniense amount. '
to manage the Botika of any BUsineas, and qual. • could
,never have been sold Lk for the rare
ified to earn a salary of from : • ' .:medicinal properties eentaitted in the prepare
• • - - tion, and the Etinelkli (..f tle'nle-t, Irominent.
$500: 1, $lOOO .•' , physician,' In those - reetional.of the. - cuthitry
~ -where the article 13 Lest known, wlyi net.ouly
Stutientn enter at .any time—N e Vo,4tiori_. recamtnerl•the Bitters to ih4ir yatirnis'i hut .
Review at pleasure. - I are realty et all times to give: testimonials tons
- First Pieutiutn for Best Business Writing for ' vnicacY in ell mu'ies oc stomachic de'rungeateut a
1859, reeettA at. Pittalturgh, i'hillidelphio, and • • fin s T 4 i t i i i i6 h 4 Cll ,; m o e .t .4 l e , 4 e r al b r a4 , l , l h-. T r ;v' t , o l l, •e i r i c a - f i. -r i t;: otitiiined
Ohio State Fairs. Also, at she principal' Fairs : Ly . extraordinary, effort, is t n., wa y of tujm-
of the Cajon for the past fonr years. ' ' - tiering the qualities of the Bittets 1 buts tali.'
ar Ministe rs ' sop s received at half puce." , "estitihttion of an invaluabl e ineiliiin . e, which is
* * *For Circulars. Spe - i - meni, and Embellish. -: destined to bens etaluri..k as ibut lifsejf. , '
Views of repsel/ ,tetter's Stanmeli l'itmrs - liS::e provedci College, ine , l fire
. oso le . tte,. a. Godsend to
_ r!gi ng,7llere f ever, and ague
stamps to _, _ -.-- r. -
' -
F. IV: JENKlNS:Pittsburgh, Pa
January 19th; .1 860. L-1 y ' •
HAS just returned from selecting • arid pur
chasing, and is now receiving ono of the
largest and best metortment.4 of
EC> : C) gEI
ever offered in thii market. quality - lof
nearly every thing gciod;an..A 'till warranted .18
represented. 'reams; ready cash and low prices.
Same general - idea of the stock:; may be formed
from the followinz enurperatio: •
• Chendeals, Paints; Oils, Varnishes,
Window Glass, Dye Stn s, - Groaeriei, Lamps,
Glass Ware, Crockgryilirrors, ClOoko, Wall Paper,
Window Paper,Window Oil Shades, Pancy Goods,
Musical Inruniertts, Zewolry; Perfumery, ,
Stone. Ware, Browns, Brushes,WhiPo,
Umbrellas, Bird Cages, rocket •
Knives, Guns, Pistols,
Ammunition, Liquarsainsses •
Supporters; Port-monnaies; Shou lder . •
Braces, Spectacles,Silver and Plaited Spoons, '
FOrks, Etc., Gold Pens Stationery, Guitar, it
Bass Viol Stringii, Bows, ac., Torcelain Teeth..Lith- •
.. - c - rgraphs, Artist's Tube Paints;;Brusbes, at., •
- and all the popular Patent Medicines. "
Also some Dry Goods,Woodoth
Hard klapanned Ware, -
Fluid and Oil Cans, CamPhene, -
Buraing'Pluid, Alcohol, 'Turpentine,
• Lantp, Tanner's, Neat Foot,Lard,Olive, Castor, .
Boiled and Raw Linseed, and Coal OILS, White
Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of Colored Paints, 'Vine
gar, Canary Seed, and other"; things too ' I
numerous to. mention. .
As ill is impracticable to 'give Moro than it ;74 1 ..
efal outline of m) stoclithrough the Newspiperi.,
every : one wishing goods is invited to cell - and'
examine. Customers on entering the Store
must not expect to find every diag in f.iglitut
nearly every article Wanted will be iproduced
by inquiry. Thankful 'for the lit : will - patronage
hitherto received,.l hope to merit 'and receive a
large increase of the same. •
Montrose, Oct. 5. '.53. UftliELL
• -• a.• CHRISTI-4-V 4 utA.A:TA
lALLb BOOKS,•ct C.. for•
Dec. 2,blh. .• J. LYONTS4 SON.
From $5O, to $lOO allonth
CAN•bc secured by any. perion of ordinary
capicity; in a light, and honorable business..
For particulars address. enclosing.orie stamp frir
return postage, SOLOMON J. DA NBERT,
.P.attans P. 0., .
jl2 3w* , Lehigh county, Pa.
PANqEMENT-1.1., L. et. IrR. R.
- .•
0: 1 -1 - M=Z5X 3 M.MSIE
("IN and after Tharadav,Dee. 1it4 , 1859, trains
will he ran as follows ‘s,
Exratss PissrsoEa Tn.trss,---Moving south.
The night expresstrain on - thet,l4. Y. dt.E.B..R.
arrives at Gt. Bend a 3:28 a. m-4. and connects
with the express train leaving Gt. Bend for N.
• Y.and Philadelphia at . - 8:00 a. m,-
Due at New Milford . • . 8:17 '
MoutroSe -•' • . - - 8:36 . .
11opbotpna ...' - • . 8:59
Nicholson \.. - - 9:16 -
Faetoryville ' . . - 9:40 : •
.Abingtnn .2' \ - - 9:57
Scranton - - • - 10:30 -
Moscow 7 - '-- j II:17
Tobyhanni . -* " 11:53-
p.' . •
- Stroudsburg —' • .'' 1:12 m:
1 Water Gap - .;
.:. 1 : 34
' Columbia - -, . r \ 1:50 -
Delaware (15 minutes to.dine) L' . 2:9 /...
• • Hope (Philad'a connection) 2:35. , •-
. Bridgevillo .-- . 2:40 *
* Washington - - ' 3:13 '
• Junction• - -- * .--'' 3:30 •• '
New York - - . :. 7 : 15 •
Philadelphia -.-. -Z8:20
Passengers from New York; leave . '.
Pier No., 2 North River, at - ' 7:30 a. m...
Passengers from Philadelphia leave
Wltlnut street Wharf nt • . ! 6:00 • ''
Leave Junction
,-.--. - • '11:10__ _
Due at Washington ;-• -•- 11:28 . -
Bridgeville - ' -. . 112;01- - p, an
flope(Philad,a connection) 42;05 -'
Delaware ,(15 minutes to dine) 112;20
.. Columbia - - -,1 2;20 -
Water Gap • - -. : 1;01
Stroudsburg -• • 115
Tobylianns! - " ... 2:45 , .
Moscow ..! - . 3:19
. . Scranton . . • • . - 4:05
, • ;.Abington- ,-. .- . 4:42 "
' • aorysillo - '." - -, 4:59
' :Nicholson . -', 5:19 '
' llopbottom - - . 3:42 * .
Or MONTROSE - . B:01
• New lotilfcird , -., '. : 6:22
_Great Bend *. • 6;40
Conaeating at Great Bend with 'the
Night Express going West at 'l:4s'a. m.
An: Accommodation train leavek •••• .
Scranton for ,Greatßend at . t0:35 a., - m.
Factoryviile • .- • - 11:55
- ' 'Nicholson - .. • , 12:35 p. •m. -
' !Montrose .- _ -.. 450
Arrive, at Great Bend . . 2:50 -
Conneitif with Duhkirk Ex:W.3.31,i 3:39 - -
and ACcommodation train West at 5:33 • .
Accommodatien traKraturning leaves • ,
-c:Oreat Bend at ' . ; 3:10
Montrose' . - : 4:05
Niceolson - - - - -5:15
. !Factoryville . -j 5:1 5 .
'Due at Scranton , - . i 7:15 ..
The Accommoation train does not leave -
Scranton. until aft • rite arrival of ,, the .morning
train on the Lack waena & Bloomsburg ß. R.,
thus giving passengers from the Wyoming Va
lley a direct conne ten
_.for the
„ West 'by Atte
morning train. .' -, ' - •' , '
FoP the accommodation .of way twirl 041 t he
Southern Division a Passenger Cir will be it :
tached to the Express Freight traise . leaving . .
Scranton at r ' - ' •,' ' 4 :4 0 0 . old
Due al Moseo* ; . ' . : 6.00
Strondsbnri . . • -- - 1 1040
Junction '• - ' -; 1 2;40 p. ret.
Returning will leave Junction at -1 4100 4. - toe
Due athitroudebarg at - --- 1 7:45
- Bloaanw , - • ' • 1 1:10 -- -
Scranton •' - • '. ! 2:55
Paseetagers-from New York Will change cars
at4truation. To and tom Philad4via 8.D.R.R...
leave or take ears at Hope. For Pittatort,Hlngs- ,
ton and Wilkes-Barre, take ears of Lackawanna
& Bloomeburgrft, R. at Scranton; For Jessup,
Arehbald, and Carbondale, take Stages at Saran
ton. " Tichets sold and baggage checked '
.putonuir. . JOHN BRISBIN, Supt. • '
Wm N. Jauus,Oeneral Ticket Agent. " . " ,
Serentio, Nov. 21st, 1859;.*, tl .1 _ • ,
:Churchill, of
,a cure of
4 us and Blond
of Fleili and
C 0771. -
Jro linexcep-
T. Druggist
inn/ Remedy,
ill two years
s of medicine.
of Consump
ler in restoring,
the . Blood, in
ervous Pros
most valuable
the" world by
and the Rem-
$ o Ilvpophos
11.1aeid within
ew Bottles,
$2 per bottle;
town in siaAli
a. Dr. J. P.
cuteide wrap
and the word
urines preps-,
or Hypoptioe
lentooil en!-
, lives of spr
ite avail them
ter Dr. Chur.
'bottles nearly
-sold by me,
the most et&•
d - Nervous
cience. . 80 ,0
,o °frets them
eed u mine.
1 wrapper. ,
• ciftelai
nitatiOs In
vgleqe so
N. V
and various other riolopiSints b r ava
vitiated their victims l'y F , undrerls. h o
able to State confidently tIIt4 the', -Litters"
area certain cure for the I/am:pelt attrl like
diseases, is to the hroviet,,rt in schr r , of. Mi.
tilloyed pleasure. „it retoos- , .s slime-bib matter
from .the stomach, puritiss the, tru!
imparts renewed vitality to thelnerviviNystein,
giving it that tone akci,tuergy inroi4emable
for the restoration of health.. It op4rates upon
the stomech, liver, and ether :Clear.. organs,
mildly but powerfully, awl' win tnres them:
- to a condition essential to the healthy discharge
•of the functions of manic. • ,
Eldetry pertens t..iy ute ;Lel Bi,ters daily al
per'directions un,titel.7.ttle, and they find
• in irba stimulant pecullerly *drip? ed Ito cf.refort
declining years. es it is pleasant to the parate,7
invigorating to the bowels., excellent as - a l unit,
and rejuvenating generally. We ltirre the evi
•dence of thousands' off'aged Men end Werner..
who have experienced th,..beni::fit nfitittin - r; thin
preparation while rufferilig from sterner:l3'de
rangemenut and general debility; acting under
the advice of 'physicians, they haie"„abandoned
all deloterious drugs • and fairly tested the
merits of tbia artielt. A '.fl;y words to the •
gentler sex. There are c6rititn pciintis when
their"Oares are ao l harassin . g.that maul of them
-sink under the Th c 'rebid om of mother
and child is so absorbingly tender, that' the
rnother, especially if the be. young,' is apt to'
forget her own health in her etreme Anxiety
for he' infant. Shoidd the period of maternity
arrive ,during the summer season, the wear of
body and mind is generally aggravated. Here,
then, is 6 necessity fora stimulant to recuire
rate tha energies of the system and'enable . the
mother to , bcar up.under her eXhatiSting trials
.and responsibilities. Nursing', mothers gene
rally. prefer the Bitters to all - btherj juvigera
testi ti - Mt, receive the
.endorseMent of physi
cians, because it is agreeable tto the
weltas certain to give a permanent increase
of bodily Strength.
All those - persons, -to whom we hare particu
larly referred above, to. wit: sufferers from
fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhcea,
dysentery, indijestien, loss'of appetite,. and
all ditteases or derangements of the-stomach,
superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary
occupation, and nursing mothers, will COZIFI/IC
their own phySical welfare by !giving to
letter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial:
CAUTlON:—Vie.caution the: public against
using any of the many imitatisms or counter
feits, but ask- for CE4.I:IIRATtD
STOMACH Baran!, and tee thseehch.hottle has -
:the words "Dr.J. Hostetter's Stmacli Bitters"
blown.,- . on the side of the bottl and stamped
on the metallic cap coveting thel cork,. antif,
observe that oiir autograph signature is on .the
#ssr- Prepared and sold by HoSTETTER &
SMITH, • Pittiburgh; Pa., and said by all,
-druggists, grocers, and deal i trs *eflorti ll y •
throughout the United State eolith due-
Rios. and Germany.
P' For sale in 51 ont roee by '
janftl Iv'AilEl.l TittRELI:
rrhe subscribera have this daypeetvpri iin!oni.r .
_L Invoice of SeWelry, &c., Oire4 i,...iii cue
ninnufletory,•and are' uow. prep 4ed to sii3w ;0
their friends the best a tiv
ssorrili of g0_ , 1..,
bercireoffereit in this maiket.: .1 i ..p:T.,r,ns
ing to.maketheir.friends.and farrlyir•ChriA7ll Z.A
Presents; are-invited' tp.elll.and exin , ri--
dee22 • ' 'EVA K. et IA t.1. - E - N
Odd Feljowie lII'. f.tinnharnt 'n. Si Y.
IVEEDLES.—Bono and Wo d.'-' i ri4l,, , Nve,
dies, Testing Shuttles, f' , '• .i.ehr t • .S.eedi;:‘,
t. 11
Sewing, Darning and Knitting , pC ..)
ni.s. t",,r, sdiu(,
by ' ' • • - -' • ,_.Eye sSI ALL9a. \
... .. . . .
ITAIR PlNS.—Blaek. red an :gitt'll.tir Ptis.
Xi. various patterns add priers' b•"
• E:ANS &
riORAL. 2 -A - fineassortment Cur..l Beads,
Armlets; Necklaces, &c., hy• • ! . !
• . • Evalts.& ALLN.
0 beittessortsnent orSleeve•Buetonsan - ti.tittuis,
all prices and - qualities, or sato - by
• EV.O3 &. ALLO.
SPOTACLES...-(;0141, 80Vtr. ;and'
German Silver lSprctucleA,all agi-m, for
sale by . • Evidts • Atzt:r.
rrimmßLEs - .—cola, Silver aid erman
vet , .
Thimbles, a good stoeq for sale by '
, 41. A - x•
• - -
NUT Crackers and Not Pieksiat,
• EV243 &
. _
el OLD PENS.-;- - A first rate ifrit.fy of Gobi .
kW' Pensend Pencils, -alt sizeslandl qualities,
by . " • . EVAICS &lALLEV.'
'FABLE CDTLERY.—A gdbd supply of
AL. Knives and Forks, Carvers ;iir,d Steef;,. by
Evalls &Aties.
- every variety,-Pearl, Berlin Wire, mid
' Eviss 4 A./..r.d's,.
IxrAtPLIES---ililat i e stick of gold and: ail
trer.Watches of the best tulteri, many of
them of our • own importation, t prices, much
lower than have.ever been said lAtown—War-_ '
ranted good - time keepers. . [E. & A.
—Also, Watch Chains, a first rite assorttnent
of GOLD Pob,.irest, and Guard Chains. •
- Ut j AR Rings and Breast Pins-4 beautiful va..
riety, in setts.double and sinkle, L eonsiating,
of Pearl, Jet, Cameo, Lava, Coral, Ftorentine,
.Mosaic, Brilliant , Enamel,.aid alli,Gold, various
patterns and prices; - -
• FINGER Rings—Diamond, Opal, Pearl; En.-
&mei, Jet, itud . all GOLD, - *greet variety',
from $4O down. • . •'1
OCKETW4-ivery fine assortment, tOLD.
Lilted Plated, 1,2, 4, and 8 faces,
ILVER'Ware-'-a large.stock !or steri:ng
4.7 ver ware, consisting of spoons, forks,dadles
cnps,:eake, pie, ice cream; butter, & frPit knives,
childrens setts, napkin nogg, carcF l eases, etc.;
11alLATEDWarit—CistOra, cake ' bskets card
.1.1. *elvers, tea setts, ice pitchers, Sugar bas.
keta, salt cellars; forks, spoons; West ricks, gob-.
lets, etc. . .
B RACELETS--A full supply, of "every style,—
some j . ver 'rich patterns.
CLOCKF.-Eight.da+y, till bo,greloCk 4 . -
a great t vitriety, warranted.' -; •
Iltly 9 - • EVANS & ALLEN.-
No. 2 Odd Fellowtil Hall; l Washington at.
- •
u• 4dp
remarked to u a day or ,two j since, ,aa
Übe exhibited thoportmit of an only child; gone
to the "tipirit . land;" which was line
• 1 .
. . •
• ,
" HOW I should regret it, bad I not secured
Ads precious" - of that dear one.' So
thought, we. The loved ones are net always
with ni,ind lOUS Nye can call tlu l tm ours, every
one ehottid secorwsuch• a memorial;
sine. they can have them so truthfullY takbn by
that successful artist, A. 13. TllBl3B, of Ring
. hamton. = •