...• . . .- . . . . . , . . . -- . .. . ... . . . . . - - . . . , . . . . , . . . .. . . , . .--•-'. N." 7-!• . . . . . .. . . • , . . 1. : .....! . . . . . .. . , . . .. . : -... . • • ,g , 1 41111. - •7:: - [-. -•-- • , '''• ' *--.: -. • • - -1 -1 , . l i ... .. ---- . • . . . .. . . . •• • - : _ ..,,,..:,, to , ._ :_,...:..... ,• :.. ..,,...,.. : 1 3 . 01 .. . . • ..... . .... . .. ..,,,..„ .1. . .:,..,,.•.. • ... ..• _. • :.: . ....,,... .......,,,. ; , : i, : 1 i ..,... : _ . 0. .......: ~, ._ : ., : . ; , i. •,. ~_,_ ~......... ~.....rll_ ' J . 4I IIW - 1 0 _ - .. e• . . _._ ! , • . ' • . . . . . , . . • ....V Y , .. .. _ . • • . 'l. - , ....,.: • 5. 1 . . ,•,.. , 4:'• .' - , - .. ~ . . --... • ~____ • • '- 1 I. t.,.., . .. _ _ ..... tV A. J'. PUBLISHER.I THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT: PCI3I.ISUED THURSDAY3j j Dr;, • A. J. GERRITSON EDITOR & OROPRIETOR, ' AT $1:50 PER LIMN IN AX!VANCE. OFFICE ON PUBLIC A : VENUE, OPPOSITE THE P.O. LINES y- 'LIASHIONABLE TAILOR, Bdantrose, Pa. Shop in the Brick Block, overjtend & Co's store. All work warranted', as to fit and . finish. ALFRED HAND,. ATTORNEY and t.7OUNSELLOkai LAW Montrose, Pa., will attend all business entrusted to him, with edelity'aradespatch. z May be found at the office- cif W. W. H. . Jessup, Esqs.. . S. H. Sayre & Brother, MANUFACTURERS of Mill Castings, and 411 Castings of all kinds, Stokes, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Agiienit - oral Implements, and Dealers in Dry Goods, Groreries,'Crockery, dte. Montrose, Pa.,,Novernber, 16tit41/359.-wa. Guttenberg, Rosenbaum dt Co., D . EA LERS In Ready-made Clothing, Ladies' Dress - Goods, Furnishing God,dc etc, etc. Stores at No 24 Dey-st, New-YorX Cit,i, and in Towanda.,Montrose, and Sniq'a Depot. Pc L 13..ISBELL, REPAIRS Clocks, Watches and Jewelry; at short notice, and on reasonable terms. All work warranted. Shop in Chandler 6t Jessup's store, Montrose, Pa. [oe2stt. Drs. Blakcislee•A-13tush, , • :inrAvE associated thegiselvesfer the prOse• cution of the duties of their priifeaiion. and respectfully.Olfer their,profeasiomil services. to the Invalid Pubfir:-: Office at the, *idence of Dr. Blakeslee, midway between the villageetiof Dimock and Springville. ap2Oy A. C. nr.AiEFLEF jia BRUSH. HAYDEN BROTHERS . yVH 0 LES A LE Dedlers in Buttons, Ceriito., Suspenders, Threads. A. Fancy Watches, Jewelry, Silver - and Plated Ware,Cut, tery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars &c. &U., New ford, Pa. Merchants and -Pedlars; supplied on liberal 'tenon. WA If . HENRY IL Mplt RAI; TTORNEY and COUNSE;LWR at LAW: .n,...-Offive in The Union 111pck-Toikatidli. Brad- D. H. SMITHY SLIRGEON DENTIST. Reaideqc4 and. of flee oppositi; the DaptistChiirek(noitheide) Montrose. Pirtioular sttkitien will be given to inserting teeth on,gold and silvki r r plate, and to filling - decaying teeth. ABEL TURRELL DENLER Drugs , hiedicine4tChemicals .o.yoSt tiffs, Glass-ware, Pal ots,ol Is,Vargi eh, Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew: dry, Perfumery, &c.—And , Agentilor ail - the most popular Patent Medidoes, MOntross. DR. E. F. WILMOT s- GRADUATE of the Allopathic and Howe°. pathic Colleges ofMedicine,: Gt. Bend, Pa. Office..corner of Main and Eliaabellt i t sta., pearly opposite the Methodist church. Wm. H. Cooper. &CO., -. ANR ERS. Stieces4 rs to t POST; COOPER & CO., Montrose, Pa. -Otri4 , e Latlyop's new buildine,, Turnpike Street. • .!1: - . • WM. lICNTTIRS COOPER —..trErqty DRINKER. 0. 0. FORDEMC.,' f A I4UFACTURER OF BOOTS go SHOES. I.VI Montrose, Pa. Shop over Tilisee Store; All kinds of work made to order agd repajring done neatly..,. 4., let • • WM. W. SMITH, &',1,.;,0;1 • ' ABIN ET and Chair Ifannfactoars, foot of Main street. '.l.lcintrose, Pa. augltf • DR. G. Z. _DIROOK ; IiHYSICIAN and - •sargeon, "offiai over Wil sons' store; Lodgings at Searlo Hotel. DR. JOHN W. - COBB • • „.. fIYSICIAN and Snigein. Offi ces , on Public P Avenue, opposite Senfle's Hoteli:::Montrosel 11011VSICIAN and Surge , n, Iliontrese Pa. Offlife in the Farmer's Store. - JOHN GROVES,V - FASHIONABLE Tailor. 'Sho r t; tear the Baptist Meeting Beast, on Tri :pike street, ontrose, Pa. ' . angltf , NEWS OFFICE4.'. - • • THE New York City Illustrated Newspapers Magazine.% etc. etc., for aaleet qie, Montrose Book Store, by ___ A. N. BHLLARD:. P: REYNOLDS - VASMON ABLE TAILOR.* in base niionect-S,ierle's Hotel, Mon'troin, Pa. C. D. - VIRGIL; RESIDENT DENTIST, ./dontritse, Otßee at the Franklin House ,room NO. 3. .Fill. ing and Inserting teeth on Gold and silver. Plate done in the most approved moderniityle. My Plates ar g absolutely water-tight,-nOinteratices where food can lodge. . .• ' CHARLES NO BARBER, and Hair Dresser. Stittp No. aiti basement of - Searie's . Hotel. lilo:ittrose. * MEAT MARKE.7. - • On Publie Avenue, near ~.,Fearte‘ Hotel. K , EEP constantly on hind a ffood:isupplyjn'T MEATS of - Jill kinds. CASH paid for Beef Cattle,Calves,Sbeepoollkunbu Also for Hides °full kinds. 11ZAISTOCK & HAWLEY.- , a. T. lir Mini. • a4w2.Er. Montrose, March 30th. 1859.-0. H. GARRATT4 'IVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL .DIALER IN -FLOUR GRAIN SALT, *AC., NEW BUIFOID, PA.-40 Boom, Ailtre caw WILL keep constantly .on hand . the .beet brands of FLOURby the. Sick or Hob ,Ved Bariels—rat the lowest market pikes. Also, 7. SALT—by the Single Btrrelor Load. • All orders from Merchants and . Re t ailers will: `be promptly ; attended to. +V Cash paid for Grain,' Wool. Piiite. Hides. end all Farmeis' Produce in their- BILLINGS STROM FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE A GENT,_-- Moo Pa. TESTIMONIALS. Wy.,-the undersigned, certify tinityre were insured in Fire Insurance Cokupanietrepresented . by Mr. Billings Stroud. of Mont/051y: and that having suffered loss by fire while so Ipitured. we were severally paid by said gompaniecto the fall extent of our claims; Red we have eatifideace in him as a good anli effective agent. ,• . . Jas. It. D&Wrri. • &rim iCO3llv LATHROP &Da Wm. M. J. %Yens, F. B. CuatoLEß, J. 403'1486N, Bias. GI.MDEN, IzONARHIILIALE. Montrose, Pa. November 146.18* • Patrath thee ;hat adlogilat. sal 44 Wit• 00E1 REID Of NOIGATION FULL OF. .NEW GOODS. -N.ETV Aa trooz • .DE LAINS • NEW .D.E LAIRS not all wool, BLACK SILKS,I - Randsorne HERRIHACK PRINTS, SAXONY: invszt, • Ond VILLA• PLAIDS, celtaaro - WINTER SHAWLS, . 1? ' CHENILLE SCARPS, HOODS, COMFORTERS,- • • HOOPED sozßrs, SHIRTS, CRAVATS and COLLAR More GLOVES and. IipSIERY, • I - a aew supply of Barnette COCOAINZfor the her, • - abo.. Dairymite's If 0 U;Til WASH, the beat thing - for this Teeth and Game known. And hosts of othbr GOODS“-mo time to mention. All will bi• sold CHEAP for the • 11 : , elrebett.'Nr • - by IL C, TYLER. VRESICOUR73I6 FLUID and Cod Inah...l l lesse on't ask to get trusted, but bring atone vout Butter, Eggs, Dried Ap ples. dte., &c., and got the worth.of your woney. Tobacco by' the pound 10-eta Montrose; OeLlith, 1859 NEIN our, Pa litobision Atort, A t _MONTROSE, ONE doer • below:J. Ethrilgtrs Drug Store. on Publiir Avenue, where will be' found constantly on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES: Such as Sugars, Bythisies, Syrups, Tali, Coffee • okeToi.C.:. die. .Also the ch icest brands of PAMIL • FLOUR , Meal, Lard. Pork, Hauls, Fish, Cindles &c. • We solicit a 'share of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to 6 the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. - - • ' , BALDWIN di ALLEN. Austin Bstrowts : - Wat..L. M.Litt. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY . . CLASSICAL . Az DI NORMAL. :SCHOOL; . At Montrose Pk for 1059. , ,I , •ii HE Trustees are happy to announce to the T-public that the next term of this popular Institution will begin on WEDNESDAY, NO VE BIBER 161 h, 1859, tinder the charge of Prof. HARRY BRODHEAD, 11. A., a graduate of Yale College, who has consented to remain. It . Is noa probable that-there will be no interraption of the regular sessions olthe Institution.: The tr sites- respectfully refer the patrons of the school; and - others, to the •fel lowirt ,testimonials from the President and Professorsof Yale College; to the present pros perity of the 'school ;land to the highly compli mentary resolutions passed by ;the students, commendatory of the successful administration of Prof. 8., and expr4ssing their gratification at the prospect of a con tinuatiop of his valtiab!, labors. - • TESTIMONIALS. • YALE gOLLEGE, June 24,4859. Mr. Harry.Brodheall, a member of the class lately graduated at II Yale College, has neld 'a high ,rankla the class - as a scholar. So far as Lam acquainted with it, his moral character, and habits, are irreproachable. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, PrOsidStlL Mr. H. Brodhead. who 'belongs to the gradu ating class of 18494 has shown; himself du ringthe two years of his connection with the college,.a capable and successful scholar. Sho'd he apply himself to the work of instrint:ron, I hare no doubt of his ability to justifyths confi dence and Satisfy the exnectations of any who may avail themselves of his services. ' JAS. HADLEY, Prof. of Greek. ' Mr. H. Bro dhead of the class of 1859, in Yale College, is a good scholar, and - has a superior mind. I have little doubt he will make an effi cient and successful teacher, and can recommend him with great confidence' that he Will not dis appoint his patrons. • 1 1 NOIII PORTER, Prof. of Philosophy an d etaiihysica.- Mr. H. Brodhead hat just finished his coarse of collegiate educatidn and renieved the de gree of Bachelor of Arta. at the annual, com mencement 'As be proposes to be engaged for a tioie in the business a4•teuelling,h e is cheerfully recommended by the' undersigned la a person well qualified by his scholarship and attainnients, 14. 4 ,his christiatt character and deportment to be successful in the instruction and government a whim!. Thomas A. TEACHER, Prof. of Latin. Students may here be prepared for admission .in an advanced class in any of our Colleges, and particular, attention will be paid, as heretofore, _ha the tkrtrougli preparation or ALL WHO DESIRE TO REOODIE TEACHERS, IN THE NORMAL DEPART , . - 111p1T. " , Eliecal instruction in the latter Department will be•given during the ensuing term. • The Teit Books heretofore used will -be min: tinned in the School. ' Leetiires" on aubjecta of general interest *Hi te delivered during the year. Price of- Tuition. pei Term of Eleven --Weeks, . 'll6-90 Primary Department, . . 350 I In English Branches and Latin or Grkek, 9.00 Latin spa Greek, -each. - - -• " 4 4* Anstramental and Vocal esic will be_gieen if desired.. '• - ' • There will be a vacation of ten days,- begin. sing December 24th; 'the term to consul of,ll weeks. - • . • - Students wishing to procure rOomi.or - beird van be accommodated I by' writing to J. M. Ly ons, Esa, and those 'wishing to _board them. selves- can obtain. stoves and furniture from Mows. Sayre Brothers, on reasonahld terms. Price of board avers:Ten from $2.00 to $2.150 per week. Hon. W JESSUP, President. ff9n. C. F.: READ, Secretary. • Novomber 2d, 1850.-,low-6m. W A N TAE D! K If st . . 1-IV - 1:0' A_ 1 1 ATlf il E b tir e t market prieewill be paid by the , for anygiantity of ye Red Oats &lin: ed at Pie Montrose DePet t . sr MOUT tiallefl with B. Ciszi •th Freight, agent, 40 Eta, for;thi grain on delireiy. MilM. H. ILEHIZIL biontroae,.Depot, pie!. 17th r tf. foe Hi • II 1. • ' TDrriwzis, "( . • tines Largo ,virlaty: And inalahlii Perielki-tkir marking wearbg ninnal• tot e° la de or murk °Afore*t br s • .1.• - -A;* 1 : 0 4.41a. iitOtiotith* . 1201.. leak . , 76 0 7 ) , :- I ,kst 71) P.AIETT TROT Con IRlVirtaißEtt WU Mitala AIV MENLO SiritilUT 7litt IMES Olt nilik azi.go • 1 a-res4winiEv*. H. C. TYLER; Please rememberthat .the old fellow will be a' round ,few days 'earlier this yearlhan usual, as Chriattnas comes-on Sunday, .and will try to finish his travels to all the little Girls and Boys Saturday night. At the Montrose Book Store. Remember. A . N . BULLARD. Montrose, Dec. 19th, 184 NEW 'YEAR 22 AY,DEN,BEOTHERS, THE PEOPLE'S Agents, are tioatopening the most Allot .mous Stock of - WINTER DRY GOODS, ROOTS (6 SHOES READY MADE CLOTHING, 41ATS11. CAPS,!i GROCERIES, BUI MA'AM ROBEg , . YANKEE 140TIONS, WATCHES, . JEWELRY, cf:C., et C., 'ever brought to thug end of the State. Bought in New York and ofithe Eastern Manufacturers FOIL CASH! and u!hich we have marked down at ALARMINGLY I,o* PRICES ! • - WE .DEFY t..COM PETITION t lirE 'INVITE INVESTIGATION ! ! WE SOLICIT 'EXAMINATION 11! As we feet confident to all we assert. Tho day of large profits has gone by, and we have goad GOODS, CHEAP for the MILLION! The success of otti.house has prompted OLD 47 0 to filch from us our - : good name. 'We 'cannot prevent this, of cour se, neither do we - desire to; and havO no apprehension of any evil result to our business. • ' . BUT WE CAN , AND WILL, sell much lower than any other establishment in' this part of the - Slate, and ,wo will always maintain our reputation for PRICES TilE LOWEST! STOCK TfrE MOST EXTENSIVE! STYLES the Moit Pashion'able ! uinines the Most Reßabic! OdR'iIIOTTO Q LS SHALL PROFITS! ' -Good Value ! Quick Returns ? ONE PRICE and No. DE.PIATION ! Our system of doing business creates-much -jealousy among Old Fogy Merchants who'have catnany price", on the same goods es they have -customers: - - OUR QNE- PRICE YiTE:tif • pl ewe our old cuateln era and creates many new ones.. we intend to ccM thine . it. Remetiber and call before you buy, :if it is.nothing more than to keep - well posted ;up. .„ • . • or' We posses* advantages for purchasing (foods, over any-house in this section; and the. unparalleledincrease of- , oar .sales for the past year warmnts us in saying that we never were, a d never will be undersold: We fear ne com petition. Flour arid Salt always on hand. Every kind of Produce-Mk - en in exchange for Go ? da. cash paid 'for Pelts and Pars. HAYDEN BROTHERS. - NeW Milford, Pa, Jan., Ist, 1860. ' STOVES! STOVES!. AT REDUCED Et s 1317.14,112 Ir M, IS just reeeiving a fergo stock of NEW stoves 1 including a full aasortvent of • Cooking,- Parlor,. Office.-and Shop Stoves, for Wood or Coal. Also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, stove Tubes, ife. His assorteneet yip irielude the most deleet and desirable stoves" in •market, and will be sold 11, .PidUCed Prices for Cash or Prompt Pay. New Milfoid. November let. 1869 • - LIGHT! MORE LIGHT Ii mlligBll lioroing Fluid , Lamp 00, Cialles. Also White Lend, Zinc Paints, Linseed 00, Raisins. coiree.ete. etc., just opened and going chap. • J. LYPNaik SON. ?TINE inn of ILAlthrori 4 Dewitt is OTICE.- - JL this day dissolved by mutual consent . , A. LATBRAP. Dim 111814 ' Lit NMI?:- P. EL.Tbo Not.. *ad Accoosisoro is tbo Mode of A. LotiorothrislUsissei aavdiAr tioo. X 84;to • .:-.tinueopplowloopsl :. IT THE It t IMUSTORES. 6uttenbtrg, Ilestitbaint, * Montrose, & &login Depot, Pa• THt uudersigniat have•rovided themselves 1 with a SPLENDID ASSOICkM PALL ANU WINTER GOODS which they boast of hoeing the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST hi this section of country. They slim flatter themselves that they have the beat tiiellities of obtaining_ , itoobs StA from qe 1.13 add, and aro determine 4 not to bo tindarsold•by any firm this side or NY. City. In regard to READY MADE CLOTHING we would say that being-intbis busines largely at 24 Doy,Streeti New York City we can otTer the public, bargains not surpamied by any retail dealers in, this section, as we can sell here at retail prices as 'cheap as thosli who go to New York and"purchsse at wholesale and then bring them here and hvae to make_a profit over•that which they have already paid Ahem. selves. Call and toe thi and we !ill piove the facts. - feuttatberg, Itospbaum, Co. , Pa., October 27th, 1859. N. •B. • • IL - lAMBUS and Mothers, Brothers and Shiers, and all others interested, will please take PARTICULAR 06tie° that IE3 issaata the .fellow that comes round 011ie a year to tickle the children, is expected along Rohn, and has agreed to call at I)ullard's Book Store wherdhe can Bad A nice lot of Toys, • - - For - Girls and Boys. Mao, b fine lot of Sift Booksand Annuabt, such .es old Santa• Claus will surely be pleased with. TIE IF BST GUN MONTROSE, PA, JANUARY 26, lOW -f/ VOICE OrTHE- 1 111LAWAINIORMEETING. Resetr4, We !Ems the No!lbs the South, the East# The great and mighty Welk' We love the soverelgei sister States, Which God 'bath ever blessed-, In Union ois, they long have'stood loved and happy sisterhood! therefore, Replad; In 'purpose firm, with hearts to DAIL; And ready hands to tio, . As loyal sods of loyal ghee, In it4riotlsm true. We shall a* brothers, heart and band, : Forever by the Uoion stand I . In Freedom's arch we hold II place, We've held In honor king; . And 'final l y axed the Keystone rests . In patriotism iitrong— And we'll so act with patriots That Freedom's arch shall never tall. To keep the Unlon ufg:7lnd strong, No duty wa will ahaD— • In numbers many, all our hearts . In loyalty are one I And in thosehoarta, whe i eh pride elates, Shall dwell a love of all nr States . The South shall have b r rights—o'er her Our eagle spreads its Wing— ,The tresson plotters, brown or white, r "Shall on the gallowsswlng ; For those whg wage intestine warp Shall perish by. our Country's lawa. Our Hall of Indepandonee . In memory ever dear, The TM:teen," whose lustrous itara ' Upon our fly appear; ' And deep onr wo, if ALS of them • -Shall not 'our baliner ever gem. • Our Onion first ! our Utriou last I " Its patriot sons shall cry—, Then shall eir flag, With all its stint, • In glory ever fly 1 And North and South, and East And Wes In _Union bonds be ever blest! • THE WIDOW •BARBARA SANE. The gay youwirldow, Barbara Fame, - With her springratek Came down the lane, . And-won My - heart, The more's,the pity -. She stormed the gates • And took the city. Very pretty • Is Barbara Fano,. Wise and witty— Is tnirie the gale? ast in the window, ; .4 , ;nd• sighed with Pain, I sighpit, for there - Came down the lane A dashing youth • VIM Barbara Fans. Sho raised her eyed, TheY:were ai brown as night, And they flashed on me- With their mocking light-;- And she turned her files - -Where the rose did Seek The lily to chase Friim her oval cheek; kid she shook her tresses Of rippling gold, With a chareaithough felt, . Can never be,told. . Oh, Barbaral Beautiful B:arbors Fano! I'll close this-window s Over the lane ' , • And draw the curtains • Over my iieart,. And atilkif I can, This stinging 'their; And, never, oh, beautiful - • Barba,. nine Shall your deep hymn eyes,- . With their rapturous bane, Look on my woe.wan face again: Test Irani Sir ishley-Cooper. " A stdr#ltch,gentlemen," says Sir,Astrley Cooper, in ,one of hie -lecture& "his 'been compared to a laboratory, and to ',kitchen, but, gentlemen, it is a stomach, and like nothing but a stomach.'' The great, surgeon was right. Digestion and, assimilation ie. semb,!•3 no other process in nature or art. It wee with a- vivid 'appreciation' of this faUt that the distinguished Holloway originated his system •of treatment. His. pills which hare bsoome the popular specific of the,age, act directly upon this controliing organ, and through it upon , all its dapelidencies. Dyspesia, a terrible disease in itself, and the primal source of as many evils as were contained in Pandora's box, yield& rapidly 'end certainly to their aperient, anti,septio and restorative properties. Unlike any , other medicament in use, they seem to 'carry on the three processes purgation; disinfection . Ai, itirtgoration sinfultaoeously ,; se that the eye- tern is regulated, the blood putifted; sod the nervous and muscular system is regulated, the the- blood, purified, and tife nervousind mus cular organization renovated at the same ohne, -Hence their Almost mirsonions cures of nearly all internal -diseases, Their popu larity, and that of the Ointment for external complaints and injuries, is simply the horn, age of the world to Truth. -Hen, women and children, upon whom the diiciplea of a meaty, ut2hilosophieal, and vapid pathology-have pffittounoad sentence of death, recover by the use of these medicines; 'and *hams &be oriole of .the prolltasioit by raking a new least of life. These are resultri that all mankind can I appreciate: No interested opposition pan withstand thorn." 'The . old PhirinaeOpobi the old practice of physic, (resemble limber I) are being swept away by .tbe new regime. Holloway'. Pills aid-Oiatoulat ara supgsot, log' than in all parte- of the globee.-N. Y. "National Police GUAM" ' • &PO Nakano moat to to lowland far slaortaiami. mad didn't Mai :be *9:airy. 4 1'' :mai* all abeam/ amagair sap bib *4 lab*"limed tai #4l' Pd Ws Ind Apar Rio 7 • From tbe:Truo TURNED, BROKER.. IT MRS. M. - A. DMIIMICIM: TVS MITT'S& Wife:=When you see this, forget me. I am going to throw myself' over in .the river, where the current rms• strongest' and deepest, and a curse on. him who attempts to find my . body. I know you loveme dearly, and I 'would say here, ft is my wish that you marry not again. I have failed, .but have secured the house, fur niters and something in cash for yon—yot will knew all long. .Adiee, and God bless you. "Ever In death, yours, i - "CuamicarDasrstis." . - I wrote, signe . dand sealed, the above with a steady 'hand—my 'determination was made -- - -made deliberately. I waited: All I could He'd an - opportunity to lay it up'oo Eugenia's table. A singular .hallacinatton had taken possession of me, which I would; not atop to analyze. Suffice it. to say, as--I said before, my mind was made up; . . • 11y the way—in pasmog—l wits forty, My eldest son was fifteen, already lidquiriug false notions, false habits, false everything. • My daughter, Ella Eugenie, alwayscalled Ella, was in her fourteenth' year, and my pet, Alexis, bad already Writikii t io a bold, school boy hand—" I am ten to-day,"_ In my wife I had *confidence. She was a noble woman ' strict, but gay, honorable and very beautiful. That she loved me I never doubted. I raised from a position of .almost, absolute beggary to independence. Yea, I could not doubt that she loved me, but. yet, the human heart is. a * strange thing; mine Was—is. 'I wisbeeto'test her. Row .often. had she said—"lf you. die; Alexia, I - will Der- - er marry." Well, I wanted to tee if there was one woman—bold I I have said before that a hallucination possessed me. I bad made some precioularrangements . — I bad left everything for my wife and chil dren save smile linnet' and in extra suit or two of broadcloth.- I had now kiared her for the last. time, perhaps. I won't *n tic ipa t e-- don't like authors who do. Oms my library shelves I left a great deal of sheep's braids done up in calf-skins. 'Candidly, I never liked books of any kind.- Pisrbaps you won't think any the better of me for that. I Garet say that. I care much whether you do or not. But to my story. I 'left dune' auperbe statuary that.,cost a small' fortune. I left pictures whose prices would have beggared some men; they had helped beggar me, but, as said before, I had-made my Wife comfor table. So much I put out of the hands of my Creditors, and .yet they were recompen sed more than ie.usual in such cases. • • After .1 bad written the, note I read it sev eral lilies, and each perusal made me better pleased with it. I sat idly. looking from , my bedroom window, a few minutes after. There was some commotion in the street. Oppo kite dangled three golden balls. often [had wished that some friendly-fire - might turn that place into ashesl--it seems son.at oral that ashes' Should be the end oreveryr thing. Now a cart rattled dowis and stood fronting the door; A few bundles were thoan in, a chair or two, and an old desk, and the window stood' blank and .deserted. The broker bad broken. •He had dead-failed, only in a !esti ambitions way than myself. • That very moment a strange thought took possession of ' Me. If Strange thought were devils, 'I abould . ofted, be' in a worse strait than was'Mary Magdalen—for there are some times more tha,n seven iueme. • My tho - ught was this: I would turn broker. I left the note I had sealed where my Wife would be su're toaee it when she carne home. Ella and my pet bad gone visiting with her, and I knew they sioultl stay tO'tea.. I hur ried off to an old Jew by the° iame of Elam, and found him at home. • " Well, • what d 3 you - watit he,cried, wrinkling his long nose, his eyes like two un cut diamonds abinieg straight - • . To,hiee the little hole opposite my house for a poor friend," was my reply.. : .:- • " Eh I yeti turn broker—it wealth be good." "I came to hire 'the . shop for a poor friend," I said, more firmly, winc;ipg, - how ever. "Yei, but I have just been - oliered three dollars the" week for him." • "Too much,` _ but for the aakafori aeonring it, Fit give. you three and fifty, ;said pay for 'two mokthe down --.001110, DOW." !, " Done—you are a ishentleman." • "I wista could return the conigiment," said I. He laughed, and wrinkled his long nose and twinkled his bright eye!. All this was very. queer work for a Mall 'who contemplated his own funeral. "When will youi friend take the ihop," asked Elam. - "Perhaps in two days." . "And , if he not pay me goist when the two -months gol" • ° "Turn turn him' out," I Teplied. "Ab I I turn him,". Was his quick answer —"done• it a great many times. J say 'money,' or 'out I' and most ehengrally, out they goes," I took my leave of this estimable man, and instantly webt about my preparations, Allow me to ,introduce to you I gentleman its bOttle-green- suit. His - face, you perceive, is daik and handsomi. He has flashing black eyes; Jong, coal;blsok • lashes, hair ditto; curling somewhat;' .st magnificent moustache and . beard; still coal-black; al togetker;t4se five featacts added to a so; pert). form, mike him more ttiatCattractive. You perceive that be enters the little shop under The three , balls; first takietg of his glove to Onlock: the door; that be!deposits a little oblige in the till,.takeidowo the shut ters, puts a few , coins in the Rindowa, and waits for customers. Meantime the whole, street is agog; save.onty near tine Mouse hang with black crape. Pretty faces curtains at the handsome broker,iwho must be a foreigner, and an ailed -tioutit at'. the 11. meanthie sits coolly and comp** raiding the folloiriag paragraph litho morn ing paper: k . 0 11 Is our piisfel duty du4.-1•11' his home under usebleboli*twasta 4143 4 &41-41so-OCIr sb