The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 12, 1860, Image 4

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    TfIE - 1114,DICIINE of the !CULLOM
r', - 1 : pnizosormr;two Fla. •
TEM ;urine 0.119111..0P
THE BLOOD is the life.anstaining agent, It
Tarnishes the components .of flesh,bone,
ele, nerve and integument. The' Stomach is its
mar.ufactory,:, the reins its distribut o rs, and thi
Intestines the channel/through Which the -watt*,
matter rehitcd iq ita prodantions, is expelled.
Upint theitosach,theeireolition and the bowels,
these Piij act slmultaneonalk, relieving , : indiges
tion, puttAing the fluids,
_arid regulating the
excretions. •
Dyspepsia is the - most common disease among
all classes to this country. It lissaules a,,thons
and shapes, and is the primary source of innum
erable dangerous maladies; bnt whatever its type
or symptoms, however obitinate itsmsistance to
ordinary preparations, it yields readilir add rap
idly to this searching and unerring remedy.
Thequantitv of the bile' of vast importance
to health. Upon the Heir, the gland which se
crates this fluid, these Piils operate specifically,
infallibly rectifying its irregularities, and efrectu-•
alh euringlaundice, Bilious Bemittants, and all
the varieties of disease generated by an unnatu
-ral condition of the organ. -
Unless the bowels perforce their fcnctions prop
erly,the whole body suffers. Tend of thousands
die annually of Dysentery, Diarrhea, Chronic
Constipation, and other diseases of these waste
pipes Of the system. The effect of the Pills upon.
.all intestinal disorders, whether casual or epi
demic fe a phenomenoa in medicitne. By follow
ing thelpinted directions , the most alarming ca
ses. ef Vowel complaint are prouptly..eontrolled.
The: local debility and irregularities which are
the especial annoyance's of the weaker sex, and
which..when neglectedjalways shorten life,' are
_relieved for the time being. and prevnted in time
to come,bY a course of this mild, thorn' alterative.
Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the
world for the following diseases ;
Asthma Cheat Diseases". Fever and Ague
Coughs Bowel CoihplaintsFemale Complaints
Colds; COstiveneas Inward Weakness
Diarrhcea Headaches LiverSomplaints
Dropsy . Indigestion . Vowness of Spirits .
Debility Inflammation Stone and Gravel ,
Influenza Dyspepsia -Secondary Symptotne
Pi tes
.Yenereal Affections Worms of all kinds
. . .
s * * SUM at the Manufactories of Profeisor
Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244
Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists &
Denim' in Medicine thro'out the .United States
and the civilized .world, in boxes at 25 cents,
62 1-2 peas, and - 81 each.
Eir There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger' sizes. . _
N. S.—Directions for the guidance of patients
in every disorder are affixed to each box.
ALL wanting - farms in a delightful climate,
rich soil, and secure from frosts. See ad
vertisement, of Ham - Menton Lands in another
RE. rjrita
- •* -i REsloSn!
• ()'r T ;
•-• • • ---,
' - • • s , z= - .i . = 1. !
- -Z-ez •
I ,
Ch*bratt gab.
A apeiient an
stomachic preparitlen of
IRON prided of Oxygen and Carbon by cot a.
bastion in Hydrogen. of high medical mithor:t
ity and. extraardinary
. efficiey is each of the
following complaint; am:
ITER 13alf, ' •
- The IRON being absorbed by the blood, and t.
thus circulating through the whole system, no '
wt of The me dy can escape their truly wonder
ones- of thousands daily 'proves that
stefreparation of Iron can fora moment be
compared with it. Impurities of !the blood, de.
progion of_ vital energy, pale and etherwts
sickly complexions indicate its nectesity in
awe every conceivable case. In all cues of 1
fan o& debility (door sans, alma* etc.), its
Whyte are delightfully renovating. Jo remedy
ever been discovered, in the whole history
of usdieine, which alerts Each prompt,lappy,
sad fully restorative effects. Good appetite, com
plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength; •
with_ an. =sail dirposi:laon for active sad
cbesfol 'amnion, immediately follow its use.
As a grand stomachic and general vastarative
it las no soweriar and no substitute.
Pot up to apiOt hat metal bette,contatslng
30 paha pries 00 vests per box 4_ do bezels,
sot owe doom beam, Oa GO, rm. sale by
on=...Nesbevoltr. Wilt be mat eto ,
Mar' seretpt of the prke. An lets
lora saeleot, ebb., shosl4 : be addressed to
• R. Et LOCKE & CO.
• Geseill Agents.
- - :on 12ROADWAX. X IN
X.X—The awns se ma IneyfsDe et the
load on each him
For sale in Montrose by -
46e15 ly
Tire NEW ERA' I •j.
Ready Pay and Smart Pronts.l,-:
SIIIIIKITT has now in Stwe an t i is
JPIL, malting. large *additions to' hisltoek,, of
would incite the attention disown raTisc ? A m.
W. • arab/tieing the wort desirable varieties' of
In New Styles of Rich-F/ 3 Prints and .Plaids;
in DeLains; Ducal Plaids, lain and. Plaid 31eri
nos, Mohair Cloths.Cinghatna, and Silks; Broche,
Stella; Cashmere, Silk, and Wool Shalls • Rich
Ribbons, Wallets, and Flowers, Net Hoods, ra
dios' Cloths,. Broad Cloths, Casaimeres, tUe.
With a fall assortment of •
Staple _and Fancy Goods . , •
• • usual, including
ersacerlefil,. Cesvkery, Pardtialev
Sto!Fes, Steel, Nulls,
•v nuts stud Caps,
Bon% and Shoes. Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths,
Painted Wiedow Shades, Paper, ClOchs.
Druga.friitalaints. Furs, Buffalo Robesogte4tie.
• . The entiiii stock heing:large.,and bought for
Casey wilt give a superior opportunity for choice
selections, and will be - said -for READY-PATIO
to 25 per eent: below regular prices. • Anei..
asnimition of the Siva will be found .pro Stable
-to those whi,: wish to boy. a •
N.. 8 —Flour and Salt,eonatantlystin
. New WM , rd; Or.tobret„.lBs9. •
SALT, by . , the .Barrel, Sack or Pnenti, for
=ale by. • 'ABEL-TUttREI.L.
Li Dec. 1et,1863. .A. TURSELL.
5 1 ,4,0
, t
2 - ;, • ! ,-- i t f
~ 1 ,
4 .1- ' / • '
L. , .
,07.1. , TRE 81115917EUX - NA , ylll4l" Bins
Rooms open for lostrictiontiFoto 1) a. m. to 9:30
- • FACIULT7: •
D, .W. LOWELL,Principarli Professor, of the
-Science' of Accounts, Practical Accountant.
Author of Loisell'sTre.atieS upon Book.ligtep.
log, Diagrims illustrating the same.
Jolts 31cOsas,'Assistont Proiessor in tife BoOk.
keeping Depaifinent.. • •
A. J. Wlssan, Professor of Practical and Or
naroel:Penmanship, Commercial Calculi
- •
'oar; and Correspondence.'
Hon. Daniel STDickireori. Lecturer . Comener:
Oat Law and Political Economy. • _
Hon. Ransom Bakom.eturer on Contracts.
Proniiiisory,Notes'and Bills of Exchange'.
Rev. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on. .Commercial
Ethics '
Hon: Sherman D. Phelps, *m. R. Osborn, Esq.,
Traey.R. Morgan; Esq. - • • ' •
The object of this College is to. afford to all
an opportunity of obtainingathorough• Business
Education.: '
The Booke and Forms are carefully arranged
by Practical 'accountants expressly for thi In
stitution and embrace 'all the 'recent ova
ment& • ' • - •
The •course. of instruction comprises ery
department of business. The learner wi Ibe
thoroughly taught the science and' practi eof
Dont:he - Entry , ' Book.Kieping at applied pi the
following; kinds of business, qeneral Mer.
chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Com Mis,
sign, Steamboating, • Railroading, forwarding i
Freigfiting, F.oreigaShippleg.:&c./ - •
'• Ladies Department 'entirely -tieparate from
that of the 'gentlemen. •
Students can enter College atsany time and
receive individual instruction:; 87 this arrange
ment every student is permitted to progress as
rapidly as his enterprise cod, ability will per.
: mit, and when through; perfect and complete,
hill receive a Diploma which will ertable him
to retrieve arpleasure.
• Time tolcompleto the Ouse, from Sik to
Twelve weeks. • No vacations; Board $2,450 per
week. -
For BOok•Keeping, full ircountant's.oo ; .rse,
including' " PractiCal' Penmanship, Commercial
Computations and Piploara, (Tinto .unlimit."
ed,), , . . " 835 00
Same course fbr Ladies (separate apart
went,) ' . . . .20 00
Penruship.and Arithmetic, . 10 1.0
Teachers'. aurae in Penmanship ; Practi
cal atsl Ornamentitl, - . . - 30,00
Twelve lessons in Practical Peiman." - 4)0
'Occasional classes, will be formed In•
Phonognipy. " For full particular. 'lend tot a
. .
THE undersigned• would respectfult an
flounce toJthe public that he has ju t re
ceived a supply of s •
lEas .
among.whiCh, may be toned the very-best of
I Suirar, Vielassegc STfrnin
Tea, Opfibel 4 44' 4
at prices to suit the times, for.readi pay, boti"t
mistake the-place, but call-at the basement of
je 16'!`,y 1 24eow
ONE no"VrAL,
where • your hunilhe' `e'errant; carries on a
general ", , . •
nod where the pnblie may always rely inpon
ha4ing their winta attendeft. with promptness
and fidelity. • 0:31. CRANE.,
Mrintrose, April . 20th.
BURNING FLUID, 'Whit& and Cod
Ladies Kid S. S. Boots, and more Ghhitem
from 56 M 5..-4
Ms. to $1,711 IVS„/ TYLE
May 19th - 1859, ' '
ANEW SUPPLY, just arrivea;and for sale
cheap:by A.TURRELL
- • SHOES;
A LARGE 1./JT rot men women end chi j
. 11 just received, and los sale at the veil'
est rates, by .1: LYONS S
septl , f •
.. ii .
rgE antiserilier continues the above tin
-1. as . natant at his old atand in Bro
'Tankful for past favors ho arould:sei
share of the public patronage. - '...
- • '.A. G. !MIRO
. .
Brooklyn, May 23d. 18,59.—tf. . -I
• 13: SIMPS9IV,I
Shop. in Boydid: TVebner's- new -butt mg,
_ next door above Keeler d• Stoddard' . •
LTAVING worked for the--past nine cant
1.1, ,with, the most workmen, he feels
confident that be can 'do the moat ditficull jobs
on short notice. .
All Work Warranted to Give Satiefaetio .
--- .
W. 11 a
. 8111EPSOR has worked for me fo r m e
time t indl can recommend him as carefu land
skilful workman; competent to do as good work
is Can be . 'done m the emmtrY, and worthy of
confidence: " N N . War.-A. Cusantratur:
Towanda June 10th, 186& .
'Refers to—Wm. Engulf, E. W. Baird, 11. v,
Montsyne:E. O. Goodriektl. Kinglititny,,To
da; -B. S . Bentiiy, Sesils G . . Let fop,
J. Wittenberg. Montrose. : , • '
• q( * *.le i koreirr neatly 'repaired, on 'orf notice,
and on reesonsble terms. [Junils6, 458,41.
1 - eIIEAP GOOD . .
Q PLENDID New Chaos , lAwnsi Prints,
Giagtuns, at reduced prices.., Alsofl3 tbs.
ot ' &Lear tor one doltai, or -1 21 of Riot' ust
opened and for s sale by 3. LYONS, & S(IL
- tituntrose, JunelstP, , lBs9.`,
BOOK lllNDiNG..Old'iloOks, No asOt pea,
Pamialtets, livable.. ate... bound op on
shoot notice., .. - ,J. L:. & SON:
HoE.Businnaa and Netzries can *earl*
on profitably at liaamoutim
.a!te . Ad*'
fianunrat of fiariittionton Laada.:. '
PERSONS wishing to ealibrab Manufacto.
.ries: In a new and ihrly,ieg phoe *b
famine:le is vied. See .aliveTtisemint of the
Hammonian Settlement.
(11_11.APE GROVVEMS can esti; e n %kit
k3r: Bina!' 112081 auccesafally at' Hammon
UPERIOR.Oroand Coffee Lo eluis, Codfish
&c., for sale by. J. LYONS & SON.
VIVRE NEW GOODS pouring In at the
..IXI. store of 3. LYONS & SON, -where every
thing gone CHEAP for QUI 'Ln•sreail qniek.
Ott, teth, fBl5ll. • ;
12 1-2 . 12 _ 8 "arvomort
Jingo Bth, 1859 I
At the oituirtin anti the ONLY
Established by G. G. EITANS;
U. U.
No coottecqoawith, New York Gift 114-Stone
QINCE 1 Originated the Gift Book Enterpilse,
1,7 I.have repeatedly called the attention of the
Public to mrlaige stock of-liberal offers, - which
they have alwaya warmly responded to. I can
now, with more satisfaction than ever, call atten.
don to my largely incre; ie inducements to Pim
chasers. Being very heavily - engaged in Publish
ing, I exchange my pubiications for those of other
houses, and am enabled to procure all my books
at the original cost, and ihns can and do supply'
the majority of the other houses engaged in `the
Gift Book trade, with their books, cheaper - than
they can procure them from other publishers.' I
can also, by my heavy-purchases of Watchia &
Jewelry, for cash, furnish them-with their - Gifts
at lbwer rate's than they:can 614 them from the
`Having such an advantage in buying,l can in
sure my customers 'great deal better Giftsiaith
their books, than any other house,tindcan give my.
agents I larger Commisaion. A valuable Gift is
ditlivered, with each Book at the time of sale.—
worth:9l'oo, at the ldwest wholesale rates,
will be impartially distributed4ith every 4111000
worth e bf Bookshold.•
Send for a catalogue, which-will be sent free
to any address, containing the most valuable cot.
lection of Standard Litealure,
Philosophy, History,Geography, Tiavela,and all
the favorite works qf Fiction add Sciences, with
every othei department of :Literature, elasaified..
as described below. Send 'or it,for ifyou don't
wish to order books,_you will obtain a very,val:
nable Boat for reference, as it contains all the
desirable boats in print, arid costs you nothing.
Particularattetition is requested to the list of
my publications, which will be found in the Mau
part of my Classified Catalhgue: it contains a
large number of deservedly popular works', by va
..rions authors ; among ivhielkhre all of T.
thur's best works, wenn° wn as a moral instruc.
-five, and pleasing author. G.G.' EVANS,
' - Philadel-phia, Pa.
mirth from 50 cts. to $lOO, ityivrn-with
- each BOOK sold.
Agricultural—This department embraces all'
standard works tipotts general Agriculture,
Cotton . platitin g , Flowers, Gardening, Farm
Implements, Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Bees,
Albums—Ladies' (a greet variety) Floral, Cap
quarto, Royal Cap, Demy Quarto,' Auto
gra/41. &A- ' • .
Annuals—A large and elegant -assortment.
Bibles -11 splendid assortment of pock et,pew and
family Bibles, in every style, from. el to
Prayer Books—A complete assortment, in every
form and at.all-prices -
Hymn Books—As used by'lhe differeni.denom
Biographical—. Works of Irving,lleadley,Weerns,
Sparks, Bancroft, and every other standard
author. -
Botanical—By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Derby,
Wood, die., &e
Cookery-4'eceipt and Cook Books, by Mrs.
Hale, Leslie, WidiNfield, 11"Kenzie, &c. -
German-Standard Gamine . Literature.
Dictionaries—Webster's English, French, Ger.
• than, Spanish, Latin Gireek,"ltalinh. Fec.
t'yelopediaS—All of the ' standard authors, •
Geogrltphical—The.latest and most improved
sehools and 'other Geographies, Maps, and
Travelers' Guides. . • o -
Geology—The - works of Hugh Miller, Harris,
Hitchcock, Lyell and others.
Historical—By Prescott, Irving, Bancroft, Rob
ertSon;Hume, Gi hhons, Maeauley. and others.
liumoribus—Embraces a worhl-of fun.
Juresik—Every z desetiption of illustrated books
for childien. .
Law and Medicine—The •Standard ',works of
these professions. -
Mechanical and Scientd—l'he most approved
works on Mechanics, 'Architecture, and the
exile. Sciences. • -
Poetry—English and American. Octavo and lit.
ertiry editions Of the stadard. Poe:S.; pocket
and cabinet editions—plain r mid illustrated,
bound in every style to suit the taste of all.
Works of Fiction—By Scott,„ Irving, 'Cooper,
Dickens, and all fhe approved Writers. . •
MET - cc/Mucous—Our Miscellaneous Department.
'entbracmi every thing not included in the,above
classification, of an interesting_ and instructive
character, that is -in print. including •
School and Classical. ' •
.Teacels and Adrentures. •
Games, Spores and Pastimes
Religious, Biblical and 77ieo1ogical. . .
Musical and Glee Books. ,
Odd Fellowship and Rreemasenry
. ' I
The Gifts consist of Gold and Silver %Vetelicy,
Geld Ghains f Ladies' Splendid Black and Plaid
Silk Dresses,Patterns,Parlor Time-pieces,
plated ware, costly sets of Cameos, Mosaic,
Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Turquels, and Lyva
Jewelry, Gold Lectels,-Peneils, and Pens, La
dies' Neck and Chatelaine. Chains, Gents' 80 . -
sem . Steds and Sleeve Buttons, Potket-knivei,
Port-monnaies, and : • •
varying from 50 cents to 825. , •
To agentatcan give more liberal inducements
than is afforded by. any otber•house. In addi.
Lion to largerommissions, it is mach easier- to
got inbscribers for my enterprise than any. other.
The peculiar advantages are—
A larger stock, and better Catalhgues to se.
iect from.
A .bEtter assortment and Quality or GIFTS.
More punctuality and correctness in filling
By acting as agents for me, Persons
Wishing a valuable Library can procure It
inklis. '
Thine seeking an easy method . of earning - a
livelihood cuat find it. . •
Any one desiring* good Watch,can obtain it.
Forfugparticulars,..send foe a- Catalogue.
3 . .ty large capital, together with my long ex
penance in ihe bieineia; -and consequent fa.
miliarity.with all its: details, gives'we an at'
teed incalculable advantage over all other parties.
• AU 1 asit is At trial. &WI we an order, and
rot will be convinced that there is-neexagera
tion. •
_.rlo not forget to send for a Cataiegue,
And to address_ G..EVANS,
• Philadelphia, Penna.
Persons visiting the City, are requested - to
call sod examine (or themselrea.
VILOCit, fresh gnmnd.. Iduissies and Su
bitt reeehred . and for sale by .
Ady - 27th. J. D'ON'S & SON. .
- S., BIL Pettengill •
A tivinhing.Agenth st 119 Nasoatust,
New-York,-and 10 Btate•et, Boston, - are
agents &rib Montrose Democrat; and sresan
thorized to contract for as Weer lowest rates:
purehuera, Call sea; Jody 21
DEREIONs wisbior to Asap their Nukes"
-to el'ipidly Inareashig Connty, New Bet
demist Slue hundreds are going. Mete the
cline* i$ wild aid delight:W. -
.Bee'advertise ,
runt of liamenentote litettionient, anOtber co l-
- - - SALLIIIANDER Safes.—EVAlla
-_-- ,
~._..--._ & Watson, No. 96 south fourth
1 '',.... I street, Philadelphia, have new on
• ' hand a large assortment. of Fire
1 and Thief-proof Safes.. Also
- Iron doors' for banks. stores, Iron
shutters, Iron sash, all' makes of Locks, equal
to any in the United states.
Five. Soles in one Fire.. All. come out Right.
with: contents in good condition.
• Have hid the surest demonstration in the
following' certificate that their manufacture , of
Salamander Safes has at length fully 'Warranted
the representations which have been , made :of
them as rendering an . undciubted security -against
Ilie,terrific.element t '
April - 42th,
Ifeesrs, Vbs . &.Iystlatr..—Getillemen:
affords us' the highest,' malefaction to State - to
you, that owing to the very protective qualities
of two of tile Salamander Safes which we
purchased of you some months since, 'we saved
a large portion et our jewelry,and all our books,
papers, &c, exposed to the calamitt* firo to
instead Place, on the morning of the 11th
When we reflect that these Safes were located
in the fourih•stery orthe building , we occupied,
and that they subsequently fell into a heap of
burning ruins, where the vast concentration of
heat caused the brass plates to melt. we cannot
but regard the preservation of . their valuable
contents as most convincing proof of the great
security afforded by your Safes.
We sahal I. take much pleasure_ in recommend
ing them to men of business as-a-sure reliance
against fire. '
' 'GEORGE W. SIMMONS &BRO., Jetalris,
Who have purchased sis largo Safes 'since.
Aptil' . 2B, '459-Iy.
lath) , Avituttitrat .*titignitiit.
A Rare Opportunity in a Delightful and Healthy
Climate 25 Miles Southeast of Philadelphia,'
oh the Camden and Atlintic Railroad,
AN old estate consisting nfaeveral thousands
of acres of productive. sail bus been dix ided
into Farms of "various sizes to suit the purchaser.'
A population of seine Fifteen Hundred, frOm Va
rious parts of, the middle States and New Eng
land have settled there the . past year, improved
their.places,-and raised crops:; The price. of land
is at the low, sum of from $1,5 - to $2O per acre;
the soil is of the best quality l'or,lhe produCtion
of Wheat, Corn, Peaches,-Grup4 and-Vegeta
perfectly secure from' frosts—the destructive ,
enemy of the farmer:- Crops of grain, grass and
fruit are now growing and can be seen. .By.ex
aming the place itself, a correct judgement can
be (mind, of the productiveness of the land.
The terms 'are made easy to secure the rapid im
provement of the land; which is only sold for
actual imptoremeut. The result has been, dint
within the - past year, some three hundred house s
have been' erected, two mills ; one steam, four
stores, some forty vinyards'and peach orchards;
planted, and a large" number-Of other iinprove
ments,mekingit a desirable and active place of
earthe reader may perceive from its location,is the
Produce bringing.dOuble .the price than,tnlo
sway from the city. and mora than dpu
blo the price than the West. It is known that
the earliest and hest fruit and vegetables in this
latitude come from Now Jersey, and are_annual
ly exported to the extent of millions.
• In locating hero the settler haa_many advan
tages. Ho is within a fes hours' 'ride of the
great cities of Now ; Englancl'and Middle States,
ho is near his old friends and associations, he is
in a settled country where
.every improvement of
comfort and civilization is at hand. He can buy
every article he wants at the cheapest price, and
sell his produce `'or the highest, (in the West
this is reverscdOlhe has ackOols for his children,
divine service, and' will enjoy an 'alien winter,
and delightful clininte, where fercis are utterly
unknown. The result of the change .upon those
from . the north, has' genenallysbeeri to .Yestore
them to an excellent state of hpalth. - '
In the via) , of building nod improving, 'timber
"can-be obtained'at the mills at the rate of slo
to $1 . 5 per thousand.. Bricks from the brick
yard opened in the place, every article can be
prticured' in. the place, good .carpentera are at
hand, and there is no place in the ?Union where
builditigs and improvtments can be' made
cheaper. ••
The reader will at onceslie struck with the
advantages here presented, and ask him-self Why
the property has not been taken up before. The
reason is, it was never.thrown 'in the market;
-end unless • these statements were correct, nn
one would be invited to examine the land be
fore purchasing. This, all are expected to do.
They will see land under mritiVation, seat:: is
the extent of the settlement'that they will no
doubt, meet persons froth their own neighbor.
hood ; -they will witntss the improvement and
cap jOdge the eh:vat:44i of the pgrulation. - If
they come with a view to settle they should
come prepared to stay a day or two and he ready
to purchase, ag. locations cannot bo held on re- .
There are i two daily trains to, Philadelphia
and to -all settlers who improve; THE RAILROAD
In connection with the agricultural settlenient,
a. new and thriving town has naturally arisen,
whiih presents inducements for . any kind of busi
ness, particularly stores and manufactories. The
Shoe business could be carried on in this plaim
and market to -good advantage, also cotton busi
ness, and manufactories of , agricultuaal imple
ments or Foundries' for casting small articles
The improvement has been so rapid as to insure
a constant and , permanent increase of business.
Town lots of a good size, we do not sell- small
ones, as it would - effect the improvement'of the
'place,. can be had at from' $lOO and Upwards.
The Hammonton - Farmer, a monthly literary
andagricultural sheet, containing full informa
tion of Hammonton, can be Obtained at 25 cents
peennounsi •
tle indisputable--:vvkrrantee deeds given,
clear of all.' incoinbrance when money is paid.
Route to the land: Leave Vine street wha t
Philadelphia, fur Hammonton—by Railroad, at
7:30, a.. m., or 4:30, p. w, fare 90 cents. When
there inquire for - Mr.Syrnqs. Boaiding conven
iences on hand. Parties had better stop with Mr.
Byrnes, a principal, until they have 'decided as
to purchasing, as he • will show them over the
land in his carriage, freo of expense. Letters
and applications ran be addressed to Landis &
Byrnes, Hammonton P. - 0, Atlantic Co., New
Jersey, or , B. B. Coughlin, 202 . South Fifth
- Streets, Philadelph* Maps and information
cheerfully furnished mug. H. 6 m.
Ift HE subscriber having purchased.
refitted * and newlurnished the
,11 above Well knowit and popular
p f opular Hotel,
is prepared to accommodate the tray.l
cling- public and 'others-with all' the attentions
-end 'conveniences usually found in fleet-deal
Hottsei. No effort will •be spared' by, the Pro.
prietot Ind hie Assistants to makA the Hotel'
equal in every point to any in the country.
The Bar will always-be supplied. with tne
Choicest Liquors. - .
The Stables, connected with this bops°
are large; roomy and convenieo t; and careful and
attentive liosttera are always in charge of them:
• - J. S. TARBELL.
Montrose, May 18th, 1858. •
owFARM LANDS FOR SALE 95 miles from
Philadelphia , by niitroad to the -States • of
Jersey. Soil among the beat for Agric oft oral
purposes, being a good team soil, with. a clay
bottom. The land.% a lima' track-divided into
small farms, and bandied' from all parts of the ,
=Wintry are now settling and betiding.. The ,
crops produced are lap and can be seen grow,
log.. The climate is dellghtfia,and secure from
frosts. Terms frpni 815 to .20 per acts paya
ble within four years by installments. To visit
the plot—Leave Vine s Street wharf at Phila.
delphia at ugh a. m.. by. weroad,foriltunmert
ton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter; Hammon.
ton Post Office', Atlantic Connty'New 'Jersey.
See NB advertisement in another column, - :
. R. IiENY . oN JR.& CO..
Nv oi o l f a
new i n
D reliecatfr ver y ly.,sti
t rich a he
o :itato:i f
'this day received, consisting in part of as followic
Rich Black Moire Antique Silk 18s. peivard;
Foulard Slik,:nice style, 6s. peryard; Rich Plaid
Silk, the very- neatest patterns, 10s.'per yard;
Black Silk, 28 inches wide, from Is. to I2s. per
yard; splendid Black Silk' Shawls from /18 to
Sil t , the finest assortment in Susrea, Co.; nes
invoice of. Ginghams, at very low pr .Iwtralso of
Calicoes; large stock ofElenims, Hittures, Plaids,-
and Lawns; .Printed Shawls from '7O. •tó , $5;,
Brocha.Shasia from $25; Collars , from;
6 eta. to 205.; Parasol from Bs.. to 245..,,eiet;
Bonnet, :a large 'atticht Ribitomi.tusill/nwerel
elle a neer,lnvoice,Of HentatiShifi—Congress,
Enamelled - and ciarsiiiiif Ladies Congress Gal.
ters, Rid and Enameled; IllissesCalf and Ennui.
elled Boots; Children Pato& Boots, Galters:and
everything In- that tine. They 'would alscivill
attention 'to the fact that having an arrangement
with one of the. largest Importing Houses is
New Yurk they wiII receive rogularly New Styles
as fast as they appear in New York,and will take
the greatest pains-to please all , who call and see
and wish to purchase, 'Particular attention paid.
to procuring fine goods:—in every style.
• 11 1 5 1EIALISs .
'A new lot this day received, and would re
spectfully solicit extrialnation of the same.-
Good Tea at Ss., city prices, also at 4a : ss. 6s. Bs.
• • Wtl3.G 4.11.444 - •
COFFEE.—Java, Rio. and Ground Coffee.
SALIERATUS..James Pyle's,Babbitesilfed.
ideal, and Exe.elsioi, ar.a. NAILS, and also a
new stock of WALL PAPER and WIN.
DOW PA PER,thia day received. FARM.
ING TOOLS of the most approved patterns . .
'Gold Band; Shaded, Blue Band,,and all tho new
styles, as fast as they appear in Ntiw York.
FLOUR constantly on hand. 'SA LT* by the
barrel-ursack. PATENT MEDICINES,
GLASS, and iverything else you Want:, -
Lftwaville Centro, Pa:, June Bth, 1859:
11.3016 0 .1.01i7.&3r-a:'
HAS removed his shop across the stieot, to
the buildink one door. below Keeler dr
Stoddard's, which ho has fitted up expromily fera
Saddle, Hainess and Trunlc. Shop
where' maybe found.alf kinds of t ,
from the hiaviest team, to the lightest trotting
harness, and a general asaorment: of trimmings,
which will'be made up-or sold very low.
Carriage Trimmings: •
A good assortment on hand, which' will be sold
very low; all trimming done cheaper . than else.
on hand, from which harnesses will be made and
, NlVetwrEtrutedL.
* * *customers will please bear in mind "that I
I wish to settle up .onee a year. Those having
unsettled accounts, or notes due, will oblige
by settling or making payment, without further
delay. - G. F. FORDRAM,
- Feb. 2-1th,.1859.1 .-. Montrose, Pa..
Z'COBB would respectfully announce to Ihe
. public that he may still be found at the
old stand-, fully piepared•to attend to the *anti
of the rominunity. He Will keep on hand a good
stock of "
arrC0001•1019 2
and SALT - (by the Hack or barrel,) Ftsit, and all
articles found in First Class• Groceries.
He would particularly. call tho attention of
Fanners and - others to The fact that ho is
constantly teceis•ing freih supplies of
also good and medium qualities, which will be
sold rituu7, toe ready pay, in quantities to sui
the purchaser. ' •-
Cash paid for Pelts, lkaeon, - and Veal skins.
THE firm.of S. 11. SAYRE do Bnos. is this
day dissolved by Mutual consent, D. Swyre
withdrawing from. the. firm. • The business will
be tarried on as heretofore under - the 11=AM:id
style of S. fl. Sayre. & Bro. The notes and
accounts will be in the hands of D. Siyre . for
settlement. All indebted to the firm Wilkplease
giVe it their - immediate attention, as all thWae
counts must be settled. :
• , S. H. SAYRE & BROS.
Montrose. Sept. •181. 1859. • • -
• At• Montrose, Penn.
WM MG 11112 VEG ProraiOton -
MIES new and comnpdions Ilutellituated
, on Public? Avenue,,ndar the Court tlOseond
n,early'in the centre of the business portion of :
Montrose, is now fu ly completedand furnished,'
'and will be opened on Monday. the 27th day of,
the present month for' the aciommodigion of
the - public and traveler& • The Proprietor. feel's
confident !het he is now prepared to (Atertain
guests in a manner that 'cannot fail to give - •
Complete Satisfaction.
The Howl and Furnilure,sie new, and no ex
pense .hakbeen spared to rendeeit equal, if nut,
superior 'to any sinailir establishment in this part
of the State. It is well supplied - With all 'ther
recent improvements 'and eutriforbs,
waiteri will Always be readyto respond to .e
call of customers'. •' -
The - Stables connected with this House are
New and Convenient:
The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron
ago EX his 6ld friends, and the pu4lic generally. .
51. K: HATCH.
. sfontrose, September 21st, 1858.
fair, t 1! cati I •
' - 201 •,
(Directly opposite Washingieti Market.)
-- We :Yoram. ,
o:riLL CONTINUES to offer to the 'cite and
1.3 COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN
Coarse and Fine SALT, at the very lowest figures;
46000. sacks and bags, Consisting, in pert of Ash
ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use;
Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall'e,* Brownlow s, &c.
and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bowes* Cu.
races, SL Übea, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, &c.,,
all of which will be sold at bargain prices' froth
vessels,-store and storehouses, ) • *
Any purchaser wildting to seleet from a gond
assortment will findlt, to his interest to call.
Ntl3.—Fine table salt put, up in small bige of
different sizes; and constantly on band iu ship.
ping °Hey. Also a splendid article of Rock
Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for sal"
by the quantity; in eases of fire dozen
New. York, April Ist,
Dr. coggswews
-1111-PIIII6ISiIt . SALTI;.
a sure core! for INFLAII &TAWDRY Diseases of
all kieds;for sale by ••. ABM TDRREI4.
Montrose, Jane 22C1859. • '
for solo by . • TURREL,L. '
T_recent eild weather intros es that Win,
ter will soon be opon os, end all ibonid
be properly prepated for It. .• •
30.itai.1iliOVEO, SIM
desires everybcdy. .to remeinber !bat' Is al
wrys-ready. to do all workitt 41n14 A Ist*
hetory manner. " - - ' -
curwsnra stieptiuLtri.
- IfontroaOOet. lbtb, itlBB.-41n. .
IVEVIrGOODEt, fp my line of business. :Mr.
fag every wetok t - ABEL TURRELL.
I' rilutport ti tiled entirely from CI iiiinll
.- owl
I it ll
s . ,
. 0 ,.... e . .bbtital GM* • li etr.lAnl Xmeliclat. Y 4443
• "4
a ',',iiat i Ca b uULa d t a ryti.,=-4.,, ,, z7, ;
..." 46..1, 1 itittin a...10s tirt;' - ' ' '
Imo . or en .of Witt. sulks tittostrinkit
. oortilleatoolooty pommoknm show.._
TM moot btailloptod to lb tompornoont ot Ms
lottlrldital taking It, sad us. IA sockiltuutlitott as to
. set gespi s loti tbeßotrelo, , ~ ••
lAA , Oldgetwolt: Itattootit go* ros to tio
owe opo LIRAS ii. 171009ATOD, sin a
lan 0 illiaT Cour. plaints, Onions At.
tau . -, ll l ripepallo; CluotiNeDlitleilinea.
. ' 11l ' ale • r Cote- plainle,l Dysisiti
~Tiel. - iri, Saar Stounieb, pantile...ll
:.„4 , venom., Cited. - le, Cholera, Mole.
•is ' WOODS...dors. liallatilili. PIS tII..
Ince ,J a anti ee; demote Weakness..
rol, =I laved ono. -, - radon,' aan Ordlno.
ry 'IT 'Medi. case. lnitarotillCll
DE DACINIA, W. *Uccle eau Cully./ In
twe ti iniontre, it two oi•; throe Teo.
fats are tale- en at ceinneconee..l• ce.
. .
A. who use it ore l giving plCy toultlaity
In not or.
Pelee One Dollar per Bottle.
. i . •
.. FAMILY - `.•
'Pa Vegetable Extracts, and pia up In
GIL . SS CASES, Air Tight, and will Leap
in a y ellinate. • \-
Ttos Deadly Ca- • Mantle PILL helm.
Ile •• • seem either&s erhkb the. proprielar \ has
W mad . prepuce ' More than Seamy yearn. \ -
The . 74eleven:be demand them Ithee win
then • theetheePlLLai 01 and the anafanka Sleek ~
an • rem to reamdoothetr •-• ass, boil:doped me In plane ,
OM . qterglittla, U. Ki I • - '
TM. ' . • oredl Inglr
bowel.e Cetba rt les the
ea di partioneel.oho . , I
bee • One Worms to :Ws well mgabUshed bet,
been pounded tem a illdi misty of the purest Yaw
to Estrada , whin& ant `s , alike en Nety_part or tie
• • eaml. and are Ig =aged sate mall eas
es a Gehartle la ' . ends ae 10/e
ran manta at dui •
Sloes • e la . Sleepl."
nee Pains In the Bark ;am, 'Loins;
Coat •peso. Pal is and Soreness • over
the Whole moony, from midden enhi. whit&
frmlnalril7. If neitlemed, end in a tone omens at /Y•
ire:.test of App., Inv, a Creeping-14w
sat of Cold over t he body. nestles...
nese Headaehr. or %relight In II he head
ID 4 Gam tusl o l7 Dlinsume. Worms to
S hOdirets or Adana. 4 Rheumatism. a crest
tea, n b. e b. r . of uo the n. Bioao . 0 , tal m r awa y dr au stses a lo r.u. eitleh
"MIL Pie**. I to& ,
e L i rver i a n i a e l: e r ‘nvig re all udt erli i tn E by r E v a m n D d rist. l {e rE sr m sro V er clo y. E .i a•
Mid lesele by ached* In all the large la ens.
Fo -. r . sa 4 l " e fi: i n : ; sl .w o a n d.S tr wA os alli e ira b . : llle;wilr".Yl3°e.6rire.7--
sep 9'59 ly- • ABEL TURRELI ., Agent.
Sc .ofulg,, or' king's Evil,
'• it uslitutional disease; a corruption - oflbe
:do : by u hieh thi!. fluid .beeurnes vitiated,
v. cal; and poor: lleing in the Circulation, it
p r j. 5 the whole body, and may burst but
in d• stse on any part of it. No free . .P
root it; a tilek•.. nor is th4re one is liteh it may
l ot -,Aroy. , The scrofulous taint is variously. :
0n , 4;, I by mer e:mild - cii , ea.,e, low living, dis- ' •
oriterica ;ir Milt •althy fotab i impure airs filth
te.t.l . gaily habits, the depierdni vines. and,
aliov all, by the venereal infection. What
' ,c its origin, it it hereditary in the eon. •
in, ilestaniding " from parents to children
Le third and fourth generation ;"' indeed.
s to be the VA ,of Him Who gays, "I
visit the iniquities of, the , fathers upon
children." ,
'effects commence by depOiltion from the
of corrupt Or nleerous matter, which, in
tog., liver, and interim' organs, is termed
eltet; in the gland., Ba-elfin...Ps; and on
trficee. eruptions or sores. This full cor,
on, which genders in thehlood, dein - elms
ivies of life, so that sernfOltius constitu—
not only sager front seiofulous corn-
is; but they have fai leis' pima to with- •
the ittaek4 of other ilbseaces ; conQe
y, vat nundrerr p •ri.h by disorders
. although not per...lidos% in their nature,.
tilt rendered- fatal by thi4 taint. in the
i. • .11..i...i of the eansumpilon which de
es chi:human family has itilorigin directly
is. scrofulous contamination ; and mnuyi •
tetivtediseasati of the liver, 11idneys, brain,
indeed, of all the organs, nrise • from or- ,
gravateil by the same ertus'e. ' .s,
c quarter of all our people are Ferofulous;
ins:stills arc invaded by this lurking in
n, in
n, and, their health is undermined by it.
Canse it from the skstinu,ave Must renovate
loud by-an: alterative Medicine,..arxl in
tc it by . healthy food and exercise.
a. iLilicine we supply in . - ..
it vv.
the l!
T., c
the I
• AyERS • -
pound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
effeetual - reinedy which the medical
of our times . can devise for this every
,e peevailing and fatal .malady. It is coih
from the most active remedials that have
discovered for the expurgation ofthis foul
'der (roil the blood, mid the rescue of the
n its - dfs , ritietive Consequences.
• it should be employed for the - cure of
nly Scrofula, lout also .thoie otlui affix!.
which arise . from it, such as linurrtvit,
gars .Dtsnssr.s, Sr. Avrtiosv's Fine,
or Murstretss, Plitmes, l'esruLas,
en s:+, Ilt.stas and Botts, Tokens, Terran
Rur.en. ge . .1.0 lIE Ab, niNClTintll,
, SIATISJI, SITU and Jiruccutsi. Du
I •
A.IOrIT, DiIiILITT, and,
ALL-Costrtsisrs AUNT: 4 in MUM VITIA.
oit ;strum: Iltdou. Thu, popular - belief
impuray.of the latiod"`is founded in till th,
Tofu] a is a degeneration di the - blood. TIM
Fular purpose end virtue of this garsapa
lis to purify and regenerate this vital fluid.
out Which iouud health is impossible in
yer's Cali . arte
an:. o composed that disense wham the page of
thei action can wady uitl,stand' or! evade them
The penetrating. properties scareb,!and cleanse,
and uvtgornte every portion of the human organ
isle, correcting its - Lt.:east:A astidu, and restoring
its 11, altliy vitalities; As a consequence of these
*tics the invalid who is Lowed down with
' .. pllysical dct ility is astonished to find Ids
zergy restored by a reins:4 at once so
tmg. -
cure the-every-dsty romillaints
_also many formidable and
agent dlclow.named is
American Almanac;
zes and directions
Lots: Costive-
simple and i
isiit only du
of o.ory kody, bu
dangerous disrases. 7 ..
pleaSed . to furni..ll gratis
isint*.iniim, rertifirair:: of their
for twir use itf Om follooing copy
nesi i
fraWnern, 'hackle:he orisznyfro
Ytts orh,..VotArn, Indigoffon, Porn in dh
bractioo of (Fr Pouthi ran/airy,' Lon If .
0l1•.1Jon; diet', and. other I:blared . complaint
“ri..i ig frotiva rikw state of ilm Ludy or obstruction.
..f it 4 toncti•ms. • ' - !
. . •
Aferf Cherry Pectoral ,
. )r
: • rem 2::}: 31:11./D (VILE OF . . •
:lon hsi 'Colds,lailnenza, Hoarseness,
• Croup, rronchitis, Incipient Cortseimp.
Coin, and for the relief Of Corisainptive
Piticats- in advanced stages of the
d - .)tense.; .
.-- • . ,
S.i ;Me the lh bof its meritiness and so pu.
-introits ate. the etre. at its rams, thkt ahnost. •
e t try. imttion -of tountrvidoundiv itt persons pub=
Rho hartQv) re.taied froth alarming
atja. r di ...Tektite distlites of ithe loop by its
me.! When once_ tried. its inipeiiority aspr every
-ntilt4 medicine of Int kind It too nilpotent to escape
nud where its virtues see known; the
public oh longer hmiltata• {that antidote to employ
fsi the distressitur and datigemu Martians-of the
potaiou..ry orp t tut* that are incident tootle eUmate.
While many -inferior ; remedies, thnist iipon the
tonionittita have failed And been disetied, this
has gainafriends hymdry trial; tinnferr d benefits' •
an - the attlicted they • con - never..forgeOond pro,
rhit-il mot. too pep:crops apd too remarkable to •
be forgotten. • • • •
1 - • - rnr . .g.tara . •
111111.4. C..' ANER.
. .. •
I ~. -- L o*Etr.,- x 486.- •
A. Tuaatit.liontectiei A.'P. & Ce.
Gitnink Prjeattavillic Youna'
SmITO, EA.:twang Ina- Score, gptiopille ;. HAT.
Das.Baoraaita, Nevi' Milford; Caasamh
Great - sSend; E. IL , Glui4P.Olentv* - ; W. IL
Tmaifaa. Dinionit , 'Earoti . & lilnatrar. ;Harked,
and 411 Dengilata: - ; 1)419 ly*
A. tallier devoted to Literiture.ead Agrietil
ftittillsO setting forth fall /woods of the new
settlimetit of liemmoatott;4B New Jong, can
be salteetibtidfor - st ealyillieests per annum.
• leeilOse pestle *Mips kr,the emoted. Ad
ditei minor of rums Hammonton, P. - 0.
!WM Co 4 :New homy. 'These wishing &sap
Mol i t or flatboat goat" fit one of the healthiest
and Oast delightful climates la the Woe.- and
what arePli ara never out dein by the &Ws,
the terriblaseourge of the north, see sclvertbsor
irtriisox, s
Mountain Herb
*ROM porsantiyon- with , a per!.,t. .
Tomato, a obief of a tribe ..r t7u ottnnno
that ones ruled Mexttn: You eIII end o f o il
-.bin/dui his people in one Itentpldsta.•rd
be had Vail, Omni InglArnta for throe I9U '
Tbi inventor and ainnufacturer of !'Jude.,'. moon
tale herb Pitto,f9iso spent the greater
traveling basing, v4itn.l anti, every ecnintiy n. Its
world: tilt. spent otter six yeses 07{1101M tLv Me a •
ttioltoeity Mountains si] of llexleo, sue it •.i• r ioo• it .1
• tbo tt Moversix . lbtani role" trrrtf A r
' Interentlngsreolial of his arlventoris there., !On •
In nor Almanac and Polophl;t.' - • -
it in en entablisbod fict. tied 101 aisra•et sr4e
The blood la tile life 1 ; nn4 *hen ani foreign or nod... v
.matter pie wiled will, il. -It Is at *sr. distird.sird - •
every organ of the . body: F.r.ry °Pier 6. 7 ,14 Ma 1.•
Ansi all the vital . organs . rlitieldi wucyisila. 11. a. at. It. :14
rill not 'digest the perbollj: The lir., cea.e. to
&meta anallioniney of bile.. The adios. otAlir Lean is
weakened, and so the circulation I. Gehl.. lwtionie okixiprd the reillonons saattei ; a
eongb—and all a slight imporityar the totiotsio.
Lewd of like—the Blo.d I Al If you. bad tbrsieli
eiblb s for instoore, in a on 'Tiring, Jrom .1.4,11 inn
lbw rivulet, In a few: minute. the allele eouraw.or a),,, •
stream becomes disfuilled nod disolured. .1. quietly
dowil - kapora blood , ty to every part. and. Ware it. ohm
batiks& All them passages became ofartrutilvd, and
the obstruction in Mitgrreda tlaW lamp co , life no. au;t.
Theme pillernit only purify the btorA; but -paganareao AI
lb* vonetlocia of the telly; they are,Jbereforr,
occur; won' niisotia DISIKASEN
Fick: headache, Ire. • Thin Anti-/14/nd°
expels from! the' blood the Ishlileo aevil•ol din.
sue, sod resident all 'the fluids sod neenntana pare and
fluent, skating and renuscitatins the vital organs. • •
ntaitant indeed, kit to uslhat we.aro able to playa .
your'reach, a atedidne likatlie“linrsrats Has
'Pao," ,that will paaa directly to the aMictid parte,
through the blood end fluids at tile._ body, and min.
the *utterer to brighten with the nosh or beauty sod
'Judson's Pills are tke Pest Remedy in eziit
twee for the.following.Conaplaints:
Reed elasiplatint, Datd(Py, J,mmd Irealmes.,
.0 0 : 1 7 ' kt, flair and Apt; Lice, Casylaints,
. . .Ikgswle Oapiaints.Laionas of Spirits,
CiatDtseann, headaches, , Putt,
ragtime% halipation, Slane and Gran&
Dyspepria,-' , /itifuennr Scandary Syny
/Xarrhan, -`? inflannnations; anat.
PnVIY, • ' • \ •.• " • •
• I
remake who value health, should never be without
Ikea' ea u. They purity - lha blood, remove obstroctkms
of all kinds, cleanse! the Akin of all pimples and blotches
and-bring the rich eoltn4lif health lathe pale cheek. ' •
far The Plants and Herbs or 'which thee rills are
suds, were dbcoeered in it veer im!prising way anioog
the Tarneane„'s Waked Aborigines in 'Mexico. Get the
Almanac of our Agent, read with delight,
the my Intermllng account it contains of the "Gi17.14
Itatucurs" of the Aztecs. -
Obaerve.--Tiejkaadaia He Ms are put up in a
BassaVal Wrapper, FaeA boa coatailis 40 pi/lr, and Rdua
.15 ants par Gm , 1Q icnuint Aare az tirreature cr - •
a. L.' JI7DSOZ 41 - 01, eac.4:44Z.
L. i .1 1 Th5347 2 t &
No. 450 Leoliaril'Atreet,
• No roßk.
p' Ipnb irantld alia --Addrw as Am. lEa_
SAYRE 47-,8R0., Montkme. (dec2 2
Ear A Book fbr Everybody. .at,i
R. TELLER'S great
work for the married
thoecouteniplating mar.
lam —2OD - pagea full of
i :° 3-49A4 . egg p ,
ice 25eents—sent'to all
-ts under'seal, `by mail,
/ST.P A I 50,000 cop
mild the past !mfr. The
iglu marriml,and the mar
_ . led happy. •
.A Lecture on
.o, choose h..partner ; a complete
wtdwifery. - it contains hundreds of se
never before published —Warranted to be: -
worth three times theamount asked for it. 25cts
in spears or postage stamps; enclosed, will secure
a copy by return Mail. • Address • •
' . . J. TELLER, M. D.
No: 5 Beaver-st. Albany; N. V. '
Da. Victiots' FEMALE PJLLS, :SI bex, '
with full directions. Married hidies should not.
use them.--:-Sent by mail.
In all cases of nervoultand spinal affection,pain
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