“ NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL.” _ Z A It tSISTLESs moray. MiT, OntalLAß TO THE SICK. HE first hospital - surgeons and medical putk lici:ass of Europe, 'admitkthe unparalleled anti-inflammatory and healing properties of this Ointment; governments sanction its use in their naval and military services ; and the masses in this country'and throughout the world repose the 'utmost confidence in its curative properties. It penetrates the . , sources of infilmmation and corruption which underlies the •external, evi dences of disease, and neutralize the fiery ele ments which feed and exseperste the malady. . • atterrunatissa;BerofuliOkydreass! These are among the most terrible and ago nizing diseases of the muscles, the fleshy fibre and the akin; yet in their worst forms, and when seemingly incurable, they invariably disappear nailer a persevering application ofthis soothing, healing, antidote to pain and inflanlmation. , salt Ithenin, Fever gores, Stiff/obits. In all eases of Salt Rheum, where medical.wa ters, lotions, and everts , receipt of the pharmaco pcea have proved uselese„ the Ointment will as somplish a thorough .cure_ Fever Sores heal quicklynnder its , influence. and its relaxing ef fect upon contracted sinews is truly wonderful. Mears. Asmost rema D rl m at il fethappy change is pro (laded in.the appearance of malignant ulcers af ter a few applications of this Oinment sur rounding redness vanishes, and granules of of ,liiialthy flesh begin to take the place of the ciisqtarged matter. This process goes on more or Peas rapidly, until the crificekls filled up with sound material. and the nicer Adieally cured. I A Word to Nothers.l The young are the most frequent suffers from txtemal injuries, and thetefore. every mother should have this healing preparation constantly at hand. It is An alwolute: specific for sore breasts; and quickly removes the encrusted sores which sometimes disfigure the heads.and faces of children.' Significant Pula. This Ointnient is universally used on board the Atlantic.ind Pacific whaling fleet ass possible for `scorbutic affections and as the beat possible remedy for wounds and bruises. Large supplies of it have recently been ordered by the Sultan of Turkey fOr hospital purposes.' Bo(14 the Ointment end Pills should be used in Ike following eases: Bunions, Chapped Hands, Scalds, Burns, . < Mercurial Eruptions, - Sore Legs, Chilblains, Rheumatiim, Sore Breasts, Fistula.. Ringworm, Sore Heads, Gout, . Salt Rheum, Sore Throats, Lumbago, Skin Diseases, Sores of all kinds Piles, -- Sprains, - Stiff . Joine, Ulcers, • Wormsof all kinds, Venereal Sores Totter, Swelled Glands. • * * *Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hottowar, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 24 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United StaieS and the civilized world, in gobs, at 25 cents, 62 1-2 cents, and $1 each. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes.' • N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patiekts in every disorder are affixed to each pot. • j9yl 23e9w. • LL wanting fartis In a delightful climate. 11 rich soil, and secure from frosts. See ad vertisement of,Hammonton Lands in another column. NEW YORK STORE! NO. 51, MIT STREET, LIITODZING THE BARB OP BINGEtAIerON H. AY, , Agent. THIS SPACIOUS and ELEGANT store is now open with an entire new stock of. Da _ which for extent, richness and variety, fir sur pass anything ever offered in the Southern Tier. OUR CLOTH DEPVITMENT abounds with every kind of 'Cloths, Cassirneres, . Satinetts, Vestings, Overcohtinge, Tweeds, Ken tucky Jeans, etc. etc , etc., from the nicest to :the .cheapest. In the line of Elms , : puss Giont ud we have the largest and most elegant stock Cif RICH BLACK and FANcir.SILKS ever exhibited in this market. Plain and Printed all-Wool French 'Merin' os, from 62c. up. Rich Chintorigured, and all-WoolDelaines. 'Rich India 'Milos and Poplins. 250 pieces French and 'English . New & SeaSonable Dress Goods Of even , knowattyle and Fabric. Good denble fold Paramettas, at only Ile. Plain Merinos, Saxony Plaids end Stripes, 20e. Monslin De Lana, 10c. Itaglish Prints north Mead 150 for 103. Good dark ][adder Prints at Sc. • • §H - AYLS I SHAWLS o every description, from the cheapest Rob. Roy 'to the moat elegant double Broche, cheaper than ever knbe:n. OAKS, tkGILA.NS4 - TM ST Eitil•, • Ladies' CllCotki: 'of every color and quality, with trimmings to match. .GOOSE lEEPING 'GOODS, EN EVERY VARIETY. 100 pieees white and adarlet, plain'and twilled Woof Flanels, retailing for less than New York packs 7s. price. I:i4OPMEMISTICS of all kinds by the bale, piece, or yard. Bleached and BrOwn sheetings, 6 costa. • C)CO3- of every description, both wholesale and retail - supplied with everything intim line at New York wholesale ices. From the fact -that one of the Propriebbes spends his whole time in New York City, secu ring and forwarding the BEST- BARGAINS - the mirkekatforels,-purthisers can rely tipozi al ways flailing 'our stock lull and assortment com plete. All Goods bought fur this establishment are in connection with a large Wholesale' House in New York, from the ImporteraMannfacturera Agents, and Auction Houses direet, thereby sae: ing the•Jobbers' profit, the benefit of alhieh our customers have. . . From the facilities we possewi, wb know that we ean and will sell all kinds of Dry Goods less than anyothee house in -this section, We have the ability, and we will satisfy our • Penssyhranis Custositers on examination, that we have the diapricilion. ITs- 0 = 4 332:11.1710.1r • THE - " NEW YORK STORE,", . IT NO. .COURT STREET, • BINGIILAIIILTON e sep Ita.3m) RIVIIMAY, agent. CHEAP GOODS! SPLENDID New Chalie, Lawns, Prints, and thogbams, at reduced price*. Mao 18 tbs. of Seger N. one dollar,' or sN.of Rice. hurt opened and for.eale by . J. LYONS &SON. Montrose. lone 15th, 1859. P. REYNOLDS, -FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Shop In lxuir. .soont of Sestle's Motel, Vca:+mcserfir . / / i', COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. , LOCATED oyER TILE AUSQUEVADDA VALLEY PANE, BINGHAMTON N. Y. Rooms open for !astuteUonfrom 9 A.m. to 9:30 m. FACULTY: D. W. - LOWELL, Principal, ProfessOr of the Science of Accounts, tPractiesl Accountant. Author of Lowell's Treaties upon Book.K, ep. ing, Diagrams illustrating the came. Joan AlcCams, Assistant Prutesaor in the Book. keeping Department. • A. J. Wasara, Professor of Practical and Or namental, Penmanship, Coinmercial Calcula tions and Correspondence. ' - LECTURERS: I Hon. Daniel S. llckirson, Lecturer on Commer cial Law and Political Economy. Hen. Ransom Ralcom, Lecturer on Contracts, Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E . : Andreirs, Lecturer on Commercial Ethies. • ENAAIIIING COMMITTEE: Hon: Sherman D. Phelps, Wm. R. Osborn, Esq., • They It. Morgan,Esq. The nbjr.et of this College is to afford . to all an oPpOrtnnity of obtaining a thorough Business Education.' The Books and Forms are carefully arranged by practical accountants exiiiessly .for this In stitution and embrace all the ricen_t improve ments. The course of instruction ....Nomprises every department of bus'ziess. The Warner will be thoroughly taught the science and practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz : General Mer. chandising, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis. Rion, Steamboating; • Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping, &e.. Ladies Department entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. Students can enter College at anytime and receive individual instruction. By this arrange merit every Student is permitted to progress as rapidly as his enterprise and ability 4eill per mit, and when through, perfect and complete, will receive a Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure. Time to complete the course, from . Six to Twelve weeks. No vacations. Board 82,50 per week. 7 TERMS: For Book-Keeping, fat! arcountanftCeourse, inending Practical Pedmanship, Commercial Computations and Diploma, (Time unlimit edo• - - - $35 00 Same course for ladies (separate apart .. ment-T 20 00, Penpanship and Arithmetic, . 10 (0 Teachers' course in P-entnaubbil*Practi eel and Ornamental' ? - . -30 00' Twelve lessons in Practical Penman, - 200 • !gr. Occasional classes will be formed in Phouograpy. For full particulara• aend for a circular. • • FRESH ARRIVAL ! rr 11E un i dersigned would respectfutly f an nounce to the public that he has just re ceived a supply of GROCERIES • among which mny be bound the very hest of Sugar, Molasses; Syrup; - Tea, dre.c., at prices to suit the times, for ready pay. Don't mistake the place, but call at the basement of the lila% %IL' 0 NE HOT EL, whre your humble'. servant carries on a general SALOON 4i, GROCERY BUSINESS, and :where - the public-may always rely upon having their wants attended t, with promptness and fidelity. • 0. M. CRANE. Montrose, April 20th. -, HEED THIS WARNING ! 1001 OUT FOR 13,11611 NS N'6 , crirrC:OC:o4'.3.l9 T HAYDEN BROTHERS'ORIGINAL 11. One Price Ready Pay Store, corfaisting of Dry - Goods, Groceries, - Boats & Shoes. •ilats& Caps, Wall Paper, . • Stone do Wooden -Ware, so alt, Paints, Oits,, adds% &c., Watches, Jewelry. Yankee Notions, =- jar XO END TO THEM! j a You will never find old shelf worn, moth-eaten, rotten, or out of style Goods at HAYDEN Bros.' Look .tont for Old Fogies, and buy yonr Goods 'where you can siva 28 PEE CENT, We have a large stock of GOODS Po/dazed for CASH and will be sold at prices that will frighten the Old Fogy principles. EVERYARTICLE WANTED as, represented._ No charge for shOwing Goode. - HAYDEN BROTHERS. New Milford, Pa., June, 7859. tau BURNING FLUID, White and Cod Flair, Ladies Kid S. S' Boots,,and bore .siters 1 from 66 eta. to 81:75—all at, TYLER'S. May 19th 1869. 3,0 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER. 10 DIFFERENT STILES. BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER }&C., &C. ANEW SUPPLY, just arrived, and for isile cheap, by , A.TURAELL. • • SHOES: A LARGE LOT for men womemand children, A Alit received, and for Bale at the very low est rates, by J. LYONS, & SON. IMO • ... WOOL CiliDilits 'TIRE subscriber continues the. above busines. i i. 1. as usual at his old stand in Brooklyn Thankful for lA, favors be would solicits a share of the pu blic patronage. - A. G. REYNOLDS. Brooklyn, May Sad, 1859.—tf. . . _ WM.. B. SIMPSON, 11:EPIIRER. Shop is Boyd ef; WeWer's neo nest 400 r above Keeler el: SlOddarrre. HAVING worked for the past nine years' with 'the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that be can , do the most difficult jobs on abort Dottie. . ' - All Wart Warranted to Orr Satisfaction. - - W. B. Stimos has worked for me for some time, and I can recommend him as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work as IMO be done in the country, and worthy of confidence. ' A. Creurszaz.ta. Towanda June 10ib;1858. Refers to—Wm. Atwell, E. W. Baird, E. D. Montayne.X. O. Goodrich, B. Kin Rebury, TOWS& da; O. S; Bentley , L. Searle, C. a Lathrop, J. WittOalierg, Montrose. * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice, cam' rectotablo term Fire Ilstb. 185 g -ff. • • Wr - GIFTS SI TO PURCHASERS OF MOOR At the 0810INAL and the ONLY GIFT . BOOK. ENTERPRISE, Established by G. G. EVANS, lii l CA. HEAD QUARTERS FOR. THE -UNtTED STATES AT THE PUBIISHING HOUSE OF G. G. EVANS , 9 439 CHESTNUT-ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA. No connection with New York gift Book Store% (CA.I=L3C).) SINCE 1 Originated the. G ift Book Enterprise, have repeatedly called the attention of the public to my large stock 'of liberal offers, which they_ have always warmly responded to. lean now, with more satisfaction than ever, call'atteir tion_ to me largely mere se I inducements to pur chasers. Being very heavily engaged in publish. ing, I exchange my pubiicationt foutiose of other houses, and am enabled to procure all my books at the original cost,.and thus can and do supply the majority of the other houses engaged in the Gift Book trade, with their books, che,aper tßan they can procure them from other publishers. I can also, by my„heavy purchases of Watches & Jewelry, for cash, furnish them with their Gifts at lower rates than they can buy them from the manufacturers. Having such an advantage in buyingi can in sure my customers a great deal better Gifts with their books than any other house,and can give my agents a larger commission. - A .valnable Gift hi delivered with each Book at tho time of sale.— Gifts worth $lOO, at the lowed wholesale rates: will be impartially distributed with aid). $lOOO worth of Books ;old. Send for a catalogue, which will be sent free to any address,,contaiaing the most valuable col lection of Standard productions in Literature, PhilosophyAistory, Geography, Travels, and all the favorite works of Fiction and Sciences, with every other department of Literature, o'..assified as described-below. Send fur it,for if you don't wish to order books, you will obtain a very-val uable Bonk for reference; as it contains all -the desirable books in print, and costs you nothing. Particular attention is requested to the 144 of my publications, which will be found in the latter part of my Classified Catalogue. -It contains a large number of deservedly popular works. by va rious authors ; among which are all of T. S. -Ar thur's best works, well known as a moral instruc tive, and pleasing author. G. G. EVANS, Philadelphia, -Pa. SPIAMIII - 1011101 GIFT worth from 50CtS. to $lOO, is given with each BOOK sold. CLASSIFICATION OF BOOS .4gricukural—This department embraces all • standard works upon general Agriculture, Cotton Planting,_Flowers, Gardening, Farm Implements, Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Bees. &c. Albums—l ndies' (a great variety) Floral, Cap Quarto, Royal Cap, Demy Quarto, Auto. graph. &e. Annuals—A large and elegant assortment. Bibles—A splendid aSsort molt of 'puck et,pew and family Bibles, in every style, from $1 to $5O. Prayer Books,—A complete assortment, in every form and at all prices Hymn Books, - --As used by the different denom inations. Brograph icai— Works of Irving,fleadley,Weemi, Sparks, Bancroft, and every other standard , author. Botanical—By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Derby, Wood, &e., &e. Cookery—Receipt and Cook Books, by Mrs. Hale, Leslie, Widdifield, Witenzie, &e. Germ 2 / 3 —Standard German Literature. pictinnaries—Webster's English, French, Ger man, Spanish. Latin, Greek, Italian, &c. Cianpettias—All of the standard authors. Gengraphical—The latest - and most improved schools and other Geographies, Maps, and Travelers' Guides. Geokrzy--The works of Thigh *Hier, Ilarris, Ilitchewk. Lyell and others. , , historical—By Prescott, Irving, Bancroft, Rob ertson,Hume, pibbons,Macauley, and others. Humoroui—Enairaces a world of fun. Jusettile=—Every description of illustrated books for children. Law and Medicine—The Standard works of these professions. Mechanical and Scientific—The most approved - works on .Mechanic;, Architecture, and the exact ,Sciences. Poetrk—English and - American. Octavo and lit erary editions of the 'stadard Poets; pocket and cabinet editions—plain and illustrated, bound in every style to suit the tasted all. Works of Fiction—By Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickens, and all the approved Writers. Miscellaneous—Onr Miscellaneous Department embraces evaty_thing not included in tilt) above classification, of_ an interesting and instructive character, that is in print. Including School mid Classical. .Trarels and Adventures. - Gamrs. Spoils and Pastimes Religious, Biblical and Theological. Musical and Glee Books. Odd Fellowship and Freemasonry. ' SCHEDULE OF GIFTS The Gifts consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Ghains, Ladies' Splendid .Black and Plaid Silk Dresses,Patterns,Parlor Time-pieces, Silver plated ware, costly 'sets of Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral„Garnet, Turquois, and Lava Jewelry, Gold-Lockets, Pencils, and Pens, Le dies' 'Meek and Chatelaine Chains, Gants' Bo som Stods,and Sleeve Buttons, Pocket-knives, Port r mannsies, and A THOUSAND VARIETIES OF GIFTS! varying from 50 cents 1%825. l it GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. To agents I can a ve more liberal inducements than is, afforded by any otbef house. In addi tion to lamer commissions, it is much easier to get subscribers for my enterprise than any other. The peculiar advantages are— A larger stock, and better Catalogues to se lect from. A better assortment and Quality of GIFTS. More - funetuality and correctness in filling orders. By acting as agents For me, Persons Wishing a minable Library can procure it gratis. - Those seekinr , an edey method .or earning a livelihood can find it. Any one desiring a good Wateb;ean obtain it. . _ For full particu - iars, send fur a Catalogue. 3ly large Capital, together with my long ex penepci in the businras, and . consequent fa miliarity with all iti details, gives mean al most incalculable advantage over atrOtherparties. AU ask is a trial. S. nlme an order, and you williVe convinced that there is no esagent tion. - • Do nol forget to send br a Cata/ogue, - And to address G. G. EVANS, ORIGINAL GIFT ENTERPRISE, 439 CHESTNUT STREET, PhiladelphiL,Penna. Persons visiting the City, are requested to call and examine for themselves. FLOUR, fresh ground. molasses and Su gars, chest). Just 'waived and for saki by July 27th.) • J: LYONS & SON. S. Di retteagill &CO., A dirertialstg Agents, at 119 Nassati:st, A New-York,'and 10 State-st, Borton, art agents for The - Montrose Democrat, and are au thorized'to coptract for us at our lowest rates. kBEL TVRRELL rb i arL ee ZIJEWELRY Purchasers. Call and sea. Jaly 21 D ERNS wishing to, change their business to a rapidly inereashvy County; a New Set. Nomad, where hundrads are going. Where the eamate is mild and delightful. Eke advertise. moot of Muoreo”tor. cholooter:f. ento.tor 1111111. - SALASANDU _ Watson, No. St 6 south fourth street, Philadelphia, have nowon hand * large assortment of Fire and Thietproof Sarni. Also Iron doors for banks. stem, Iron abutters, Iron sash,-ail makes of Locks, equal to any in the United states. - Fire Safes in one Fire. All cone out Right with contents in good condition. THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF PIDLADfLYRIA AGAINST TIM WORLD. EVANS ac AV ATSONg Have had the surest demtinstration in the following certificate that their manufacture of Salamander Safes has at length fully warranted the representations which have been 'made of them as rendering an undoubted security against Ail terrific element t Philadelphia, April 12th, ,1866. Diessrs, Evass & WAlV.o:l.—Gentlemen: It affords us the highest satisfaction to state to you, that owing to the very protective qualities of two of the . Salamander Safes, which we purchased of you some months since, we saved 'a large portion of our jewelry,and all our books, papers, &e., exposed to the calamitous fire in Raustead Place, on the morning of the 1 kth inst.' When we reflect that these SAfes were located in the fourth story oUthd building we occupied, and that they subsequently fell into a heaP of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of heat caused the brass plates to melt, we cannot but' regard the preservation of their valuable contents as most convincing proal of the great security-afforded by your Safes. We shall take much pleasure in-recommend log them to men of business as a sure reliance against fire. ,GEORGE W. SIMMONS & BRO., Jewelers, ,Who, have purchased six large Safes since. April' 28, '69—l y.. Nth, I.gritulturat ,%,tttlenititt. TO ALL WANTING FARMS, A Rare Opportunity in a Delightful and Healthy Climate 25 Miles Southeast of Philadelphia, on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, • NEW JERSEY. A old estate consisting of several thousands of acres of produclire soil has been dit ided into Farms of various sites to suit the purchaser. A population of some Fifteen Hundred, from va: rious parts of the middle - States and New Eng. land have settled there the past year, improved their places, and raised crops. The. rice of,land is at the low sum of from 31.5 to $2O portiere, the soil is of the best quality tor the productOn of Wheat, Corn, Peaches, Grapes and Vegefs: bles. IT IS CONSIDERED THE REST FRUIT SOIL IN TIIE UNION. The plat 4is perfectly secure from frosts—the destructive enemy of the farmer. Crops of grain, grass and fruit are now grbwing and can be seen. By ex aming•the place itself, a correct judgement can be formed of the productiveness of the land. The terms are made easy to secure the rapid im provement of tire land, which is only sold for actual improvement. The result has been, that th'e past year, some three hundred houses have been erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty vinyards and peach orchards, plantud, and a large number of other improve ments, making it a desirable and active place of business. THE MARKET, as . the reader may perceive trim ita location, is the BEST IN TUE UNION. Produce bringing double the price than in lo cations away from the city, and more than dou ble the price than the West. It is known that the earliest and beat fruit and vegtstables in this latitude come from Now Jersey, and-aro annual ly exported to the extent of millions. In locating:here, the settler has many &dean= tag,es. He is within a few hours' ride of the great cities of Sew England and Middle States, ho is near his old friends and associations,"he is in a settled country where every improvement of comfort and civilization is at hand. He can buy every article he wants at the cheapest price, and sell his produce fur the highest, (in the West this . is revetsed.) ho has schools for hia‘cbildren , divine service, and will enjoy an open \winter. and delightfill climate, wherefevers are utterly unknown. 'rho result of the change upon those from the north, has generally been to restore them to an excellent state of health. In the way of building and Improving. lumber can be obtained at the mills at the rate of CO to $1.5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened in the place, every article can be procured in the place, good carpenters are st hand, and there is no place in the Union where buildings and improvements can be made cheaper. 4 . The reader will at once be struck with the advantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken op before. The reason is, it was . never thrown in the market; and unless these statements were correct, no one would be invaed to examine the land la, fore purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see land under cultivation, such is .... ,,,r, the extent of the . ettlemont that they wiil no doubt, meet per.ons rem theinown neighbor, hood ; they will witnes the improvement and can judge the cliaractsr of the population. If they mho with a view to settle they should come preparedlo stay a day or tin'angie ready to purchase, as locations rannotlin held on're. fusel. : There are two daily trains to Philadelphia and to all settlers who improve, THE RAILROAD COMPANY GIVES A FREE TICKET FOR MONTHS, AND A HALF-PRICE TICKET FOR THREE TEARS. THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON. In connection with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, chili presents indiicements pr any ken de/ busi.. nest, particularly stores and manufactories. The Shoe business could be carried on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton bmai nces, and manuGactOries of agricultuaal imple ments or Foundries for casting Small articles. The improvement has been so rapid as to insure a constant and permanent increase of business. Town lota of a good size, we do not sail small ones, as it would effect the improvement of the plaie, can be had at from $lOO and upwards. The Hammonton Farmer, a monthly literary and agricultural . sheet, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 25 cents 1.. per annum. - Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance when money is paid. Route to the 4and: Leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, fur Hammonton by Railroad,-at 7:30, a. m., or 4:30, p. m , fare 90 cents. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conceit. iences on hand. Parties had better stop with Mr. Byrnes, a principal, until they hive decided as to purchasing, as he will show them .over the land in his carriage, free of expense.l Letters and applications can be addressed to Landis & Byrnes, Hammonton P. 0., Atlantic Co., New jersey, or S. B. Coughlin, 202 Smith Fifth Streets, Philadelphia. Maps and information cheerfully furnished. aug. 11„6 m. FR HM' MIL fp HE subscriber having purchased refitted and newly furnished the o n above well known-and popular Hotel, is pceps.yed to accommodate the trav eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found: in first-clam Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected with this • House are large, roomy and convenient,and careful'and attentive Hostlers are always in charge of them. • J. S. TAN:BELL. *entreat, May 136,1158. FARM LANDS FOR - SAID 25 miles from Philadelphia by railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil among the beet for Aviculture! purposes, being good loam soil, with a clay bottom. • The land is a large tract. divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country, are now settling and building. The crops produced are luge and an be omen grow. log. The elimato is delightful, and secure from frosts- Terms front 115 to $2O per acre Part-, bla within four years by installmentL •To visit the - place—Leave Vine Stmt= wharf at Phila delphia at 7:80, a. m...by raltromi for Hammon. ton, oraddesse R. J. Spies, by lettaaHatomon. too Post 011ies,-AtJuitht County New lersay. Pee fell advertiviTtorit in another rnlamn. It. KENYON JR; &.CO. Wcnrespectfully inspe ction of a newand ortment of DRY GOODS . this del received, eonsistipg in part of a l spllows: Rich Black Moire Antique Silk 18 .. r yard; Foulard Silk s ales style, 6s. per yard ; ch . Plaid Silk, the very .neatest patterns, 10s. per yard; Black Silk, 28 inches wide, frcim Is. to 12s. per yard; splendid Black Silk Shawls from $8 to $ll, the fineiti assortment in Susq'a Co.;-nee invoice of gloghams, at very low prices; alsci of Calicoes; large stock-of Denims, Mixtures, Plaids, and Lawns; Piloted Shawls from Is. to $5; Broeha Shawls:from $5 to $25; Collars from 6 eta. to 20..; Parasols from 85. to 245. ;each; Bonnet, a large stock; Ribbons and Flowers; also a new invoice of Gents Shoes--COng,rese; Enamelled and Calf Skin; Ladies Congress Gai ters, Kid and Enameled; Misses Calf and Enam. riled Boots; Children Parodi Boots, Gaiters and everything in that rine. They _would also call attention to the fact that having an . arrangement with one of the largest Importing Houses in New York therwill receive regularly New Styles as fast as they appear in Neer York, and wilt take the greatest pains to please all who call and see and wird to purchase. Particular attention paid ;to procuring fine goods=in every style. 1 19E1.44.63. A new lot this day received, and would re spectfully solicit an examination of the same. Good Tea at 35., city prima, also at 4s. ss. 65. 85. SII3 G Alta. COFFEE---Java, Rio and Ground Caro!. SA LER ATVS...lames Pyle's, Babbitt's Sled. leinal;srul Exzelsior, dm. NAILS, and also a new stock of WALL PAPER and WIN DOW PA PER, this day received. FARR. MO TOOLS of the most approved patterns. Z7rCOOIX-er37 . 7 Gold Band, Shaded, Blue Band, and all (he new styleu, as tut as they appear in New York. mutat constantly on d. SA LT by the barrel or sack: PATEN MEDICINES, GLASS, and everything e e you want. R. KE YON JR. di CO. Lawsville Centre, Pa., June Bth, 1859 . pt.mmaccoNnaar.... G. F. FORMIC , " HAS removed his shop across the street, to the building one door below Keeler St Stoddard's, which he has fitted up expressly for Saddle. Harness and Trunk Shop where maybe found all kinds of IEC.A.I=I.IVMUSE=I, from the heaviest team, to the lightest trotting harness, and a general assorment of trimmings, Whieh will be made up or sold very low. • Carriage Trlmmingv: A good arsoitcnent on hand, which will be sold very low; ell trimming done cheaper than else: where.. OAK LEATHER on hand, from which harnesses will be made and NATEiri v rEtaatell. * * *Customers will please bear in mind that I wish 'to setae up once a year. Those having unsettled accounts, or notes doe, will, oblige by settling or making payment without further delay. - G. F. FORDIIAM, Feb: 1859.) Montrose, Pa. WC , TICM. - COBB would respectfully announce to the Z. public that he may still be found at the old stand, fully prepared to attend to the wants of the community. He will keep on hand a good stock of 1-I•C)C3errieB CG A RS, TE AS, POFFEE, SPICES, Fatni, FLOUR and SALT (1)T .the sack or barrel,) Ftsd, and all articles found in First Class Groceries. He would particularly call the_ attention of Farmers and others to the fact that he is constantly receiving fresh supplies of • FIRST RATE FLOUR, :lso good and medium qualitieS, which wit! br sold RIGHT, for ready pay, in quantities to suit the purchaser. trash paid for Pelts, Deacon, and Ve“l skins. AN IMMENSE QUANTITY OF "Navy Goods • ; • . AT THE leal:fg-Vag *tort, This Week. - - Please call and •see -Sept. 22. I 851). H. 0. TYLER. DISSOLUTION rpliE firm of S. H. SAT RE & Buns. is thin 1, day dissolved by mutual consent, D. Sayre withdrawing from the firm. The business will be carried, on as heretofore under the name and style of S. N. Sayre & Bro. The notes and accounts will be in the hands of D. Sayre for settlement. All indebted to the firm will please give it their immediate attention, as all the ac counts must be settled. S. ti. SAYRE & BROS. Montrose. Sept. let, 18.59. KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Penn. MIL 8. BATCII, Proprietor. THIS new and - commodious Hotel situated omPublic Avenue, near the Court Hourie,and nearly in the centre of the business portion of Montrose, is now fully completed and furnished, and witl be opened on Monday. the 27th day of the present *month for. the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident Unit he is now prepared to entertain gueits in a manner thit cannot fail to give Complete Batisfection. - The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no ex pense has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well supplied with all the recent improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of customers: The Stables connected with this House are New and Convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of his old,frienda, and the public genes:lly.- WM. K. HATCH. Montrose, September 21st, 1858. Salt, 'Salt ! .Sait ! ! Mara TT. MBE, WHOLESALE SALT DEALER 201 Washiugton.st, (Directlys9pp_oeit6 Washingtoti Market,) NE:3l7v York, TILL CONTLNUEB to offer to the city and COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine Sat; at the very lowlit figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part.of Ash ton's Celebrated brand for table and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, dec.• and 30000 Umbels Tooa Island, Banarea, .Cu. racori, St. Übea, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ns ntes,dtc.9 all of•which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select from i good assortment will find it to his interest to ea& N. B.—Fine table salt put up lit small bags of different sizes, and constantly on-hand In ship, ping order. Also a splendid allele Of Rock Ground salt, in quart lazes, put up sod for sale by the qoantity,,in cases of five dozen each. New York; April Ist, I 859.-11. Dr. Coggswell 'SILTS; at..sure aura for INFLAIIMATOBY Maoism o all kixidkfor wile by ABEL TIIR/lELL. Montrose, Joao 92d, 1869. .. , TEETEIL;p«GUM AND PLAIN TEETH, for sale by A BBL TURRP:LL. SANFOILD'a LIVER IIttiIIGOAMTOR, rries coneepotemet e threty frelergefatinte.met l eme b.......egaedleget e IttasdarenteMluee. Meagre • sod mewed b 7 att.U ~l ,beet used I. gad le gem re. sorted lerlde teetteggteg pal he dawns tee Watt It numanumaaa. It Ma amel Modelaged Wu bra w hoes =Mk eettMeateg In my TM must be mtspled tedindesi it; ead set gently oMangn its Bessie set • - Let Mt dictates git mar we et the LIVED It- Wilson Liver Cow. - tacks, Dyspepsia, Ilissans•ir Coal ty. Dropsy. Baur Costiveness, Choi •ra *orbits, Cholera teases. Javandlee, es, and leaf be aced paie sy Faunally ;Medi-, •DACIIF., twenty minutes, Di spooldrola an tak eout. All who use It are Mc boor. lad las yeers se the numerous pp he the elee to teseiferaywot et the al touch ettuouttes U to eidgment guile ma in Os VIGOR/MDR, and plaints, Blilous At. eihkronte Diarrhoea, taints,Dysepte.• Stooioet, floblitual te, Cholera. Choice Intoolum. Plata Female Weakness.- easatulty u sestirdlue. , eine. It willennt lIICK thoataida can teatlfy,) In two or three Team en at aaataincameat of giving their legal:ism, IE MOUTH WITH AND AWALIAIM MIX WATER n TI TILE INVIGORATOR BOTII TOGETIIER. Palen One Doll. —M.II) per nettle. SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHkRTIC 4.IOIIPOWMED FROM • . . . Puma Vegetable Ir. Is, and put up In DLAIIII CASES, Air Tight,• and will keep In any climate.. ... ..The Family Cs- • I lierti &PILL herp es bat Maim Cathartic 3 which the proprietor has wand la his practice more than Mindy yeses Tbe conatudy Increasing demand ems' dame which harelong ossilthe PILLS • .1 stidthe milaheiket which ail seeress Ismael inns* um me.hashalared lim to Phee them widen Oa math of aIL Ki The haematite well knew that differeol Catholics a rt ea differed parlament the bowels. The ALBUM( VA- TilA Rile PILL Us. um doe refeemee to . dda sell widest:bed bet, I been coraimanthscl from a of of the purest rage tibia Crum% which set Mika AS mery_part of he atimmiary mutat sad are geed sad liate la all eas es ober. a Cathartic is needed, =eh no 1 De rangements of de filtornee la, glespi..l fleas, Pains in the Bark and lheinsl coniveneey CV a - end liorenesa over sbe waude y, trans saddest mkt, latch trequently, it segleconi, end la a lug mane of re um, Less et Appe- tile,•Crosping nen satben_pf Cold aver It, ~,,,,ay 1.n e .,,ti e ....., seta, Headache, or weightlin theism - el. LI lis lima oratory Diseesea s Worm.. hi Ei:ld_reu or Adults, 14 Rheumatism.. greet artier stile Blood .... end =say diaesses to which Is lids, We annerrom %IP ,e, sealant is this advertise. Meta Dees,,l_to& PRICE TBIRRII, DIIIICII. - Tim Liver Invigorator and Family Ca. thartie Plies are retailed by nemesia generally, sod• sold irlsolossla toy the Trade la all the large tow te. I. T. W. lIANP,OFID, 11. D., Xunsfacaorm awl Proprietor, 338 Broadway, New. York. Fur sale in 31ontrase bs _ sep29 '59 I y ABEL TURRELI., Agent. Scrofula; or King's Evfl, 1- con.titiltional disease, corruption of the be which thix fluid becomes vitiated. Dn.! ]king in the circulation, it p• Trod tLr whole Linty. and may burst out any part of it. No organ is free f rtfilli it , a ta,-k.. nor is there one w•hiclilt may ...t yiki scrofulous taint i,. variously ca,c , ed by mercurial liiFeaSe, law living, dis- ord.Ted or tiali.liltby food, impure air, filth a:at tifthv ha'%;:.=, the depresring vices. and, a'.,ve all. by flu v..mmeal Mfeetion. What. ,•s r Lc itrl origin, it to licreditat7 in the con- mlin,.l • • from parents 'to children unto the toad and hmrthgeneratiOn ;" indeed, it ~,em: to be the rod of him who rays, `• I o ill vi-it the iniquities of the fathers upon their It effeeta commlnee by.t epom ton from the Slo,;(1 of corrupt or ukeruus matter, which, in th.:. long.. liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; hi the glantll„alivellini . ; and on the surface, erup:ithes or sores. This foul cor- 'ruin "which gender; in the Glue, depressm the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tioos not , only suffer from scrofulous, com plaints, but they have far le. power to with- stand th.l, attacks of other diseases . ; 'con,,e- fluently. vast nuntherl mrirh by disorders which. although not scrofUlous irs thicir'nature, are still rend Ted fatal by this taint in the Jio , t of the consumption which de cimates the human family ha, its origin dirctitly in this benduktus eon:animation ; and many ci t ,trO t tiv e di Pits K of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the'organs, arse from or' arc aggr4rated by the cant_ cause. One quarter of all our people arc strofulonA ; their ptnnu• are invaded by this lurking in. . feetion, and their health is u`ndermined by it.- To eleaute it from the sy , tent arc must renovate the blwtil by an alterative medicine, and in vigrate it by lig:Atliy food and exercisa. Sudt a we ;apply in E Cou►ponnd Extract of Sarsaparilla,' the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our Ilium can devise for this cscry - where pr, wailing an - il fatal malady, It is com binbd from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the ispurfration df this foul disorder -from the , blood, and the rescue of the . system from its destructive, consequences. 'knee it should be employed fur the cure of _ not only scrofula, but also those otlier affcc tions which arise from it, such as Enorrren and Sem_ , DISUSSICS, ST. ANTLIONT'S- PULE, Rose, or Eassits.r..vs, PIMPLIV4, Prs-rrims, Brorrcurs, litarsi? and BOILS, Totons; Terren and Sst.r SCA LI/ 111:1 - 14 limo - woos, Ittivxmtrism, Symituric and McnecniAt. Dvs tsr.s, DROINT, DrSPEri lA. DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL ,COSITIAINTS ARISING mom N . M.- TER OIL. Istrmin Bump. The, popular - belief in impurityof tieZ food"' is founded in truth, km scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose a n d virtue of this-Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital thud, without which sound health is imptosible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A' FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range. of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating *pnapertien' s search, and . cleanse, and in‘egorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its 'diseased action, and:icsturing its healthy vinditics. wAs a ennsontcnec of these properties, the invalid who is bowed 'clown with pain or physical debility is ;I.lmi:him,' to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once in siinple and Not only do they [lift` the evriq-day etemplaints of every body, but ako mans formidable and dangerous diseases. • The- age - pi below named is pleased to funiish gratis toy'Ainerican-Altuanne. containing rettifieates of their ekes and directions for their use in the following coMplaints: Coitirr yrs*, Heartburn, Headache arialOyns disordered .Finuourh,Naurra.Judigntion ' li'unt in and Morbid inaction of the Bowels, Fiqlinci, Las, of AN*. tile. Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from- a low state of the body-or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry ;Pectoral, POLL TUX • u.trai cyan OP Coughs, Colds, Inducing, ' Hourseneis, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Cousznup. tion,nud for the relief ',of COnsumptire ratieutu in advancet stases of the disease. So nide i< the field of its toiefulitess and sopa tocroux are the cases of its !cures, that al:Stott every section of country abounds in persons rTli ti. le knoun, who have lectuctored from alarming and men dcAleMte diseases :of the lungs by its M.o. - -Mom once tried. its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape . . ol.a.ervation. and where its %hms arc known, the public no linger besitote what .ntidete to employ far the inane:wing and &Optional:M . o6mm of the onlinon.ry organs that are nadident to our climate. many inferior remedies thnist upon the • cmmunity - have failed mid.hern discarded, this `has gained friends by every ilia!, emiferred benefits on the atilieted they Po, never forget,end pro. duced cure. too 111.1111tratli and too remarkable to be forgotten., ' • litEr.'lliED !BY • I DR. J. C.. AVER do CO. LOWELt, MASS. . ' A. Turtascr. , Montrose: A: P. Mip.ss. & Ce. Gibion; J. HosFotru, - Friendsvilie; Yount & 'Marfa, Surniners; Ina Scot; Springville ; HAY- Enornsis, New Milford; J. - T. Cattr.lBLE, Great Bend; E. R. :Gime , . Glenwood • W. H. MAUI. DigloCk; & Moxram, ilmford, and all Druggists.- . fr0149.1y1, THE HAMMONTON FARMER—A news pspor devoted - to Literature , and Agricul ture, also setting forth accounts of the new settlement of HAMiTIOI4I)II,4O New Jersey, Can be subscribed for at 0n1y,21. Cents per annum. Inclose postag_e stamps for the amount. Ad dress editor•of Farmer itammonton, P.O. At kale Co., New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality is one of the heal th iest Min and most delightfni go to the:Union; and where emu. are serenest down by the *oats, 'the terrible scourge of the sbrlb, see advertise. meat of Hammonton Lands. DR. CHURCHILL'S REMEDY sus Nu issriorrloAr AND ass AD CONSUMPTION. AV INCUESTER'S GU171.38 PEILPAXATION 01 TUN HYPOPROSPHITES • OF LIME An OF SODA, Put t cuttl t ;. e &Anmsll. l / Cluntit OTV*V., Ad.waAUl The 60(11116 of fhb NEW REMEDY (dtacovered Ito ter. ch „ nidn . of WO b eleelotne for It the wet US BOUNDED poyeLAßrrr tbrouotieut Eurept and the tolltrt statre.. IS e portly SCIENTIFIC: PREPARATION, Bed sets eith INVARIABLE EFFICACY In atl etagoa of PuLumen s end Nerootie Dhows. The .ffuPaP hoa ßk i l" "e""e 1.44 fTlw ofP(e which onnotltutie noreolla 'hoot, and too su MOSS powerful Mod - generating agents k . :notrn. The Care of Consumption, In the MOND and TROD PVTA4 (at ft Iptkiod, creorquently, when there cm be no uneerhainti as to the nattneuf the &tease,) me be Wattled. IN ALL CASES, by thte uvedrnent. vben the existing tenon of the Imam le of Wel( sudlelent to produce death. Care le the rule, Death the exceptloß, • - Ills ItsanT has not my a menet effect. but trill. If used sberem title edeta a auspldon of the Mamie. PREVENT ITS DEVELOPMENT, and thm set as • rsestaleauva arrifr MUD TO 07.11MIPTION, scat Y ThOCEIti2IOI non writ SW OA= Tocuszerox. • . Professional Correspondence: • Coruna, .om. Aug. 11.19.-1 bare -been Cony UM dna* for twenty.tur you; and have &dyed Mena ere' Da from these of the Ihrorernirresthan from ail Other forme 41 medication combined." ' • v Droner= blest. Aug.3.1..V.a,-J have need the !Innen YMMMI In my Punka with rertt,haVPM elfects—lo we-6 no that wove. ror n DATUM. ro ILLkLiDi "Maori rim." .. 3fanurarar. VT.. ADC P. 19,14/.-1 believe the Ihronor parrot need In the scanner and way Dr. Churetilll used rem, DILL COAL coastrurnroL . Bunneansvcora. VA.; And. 15. 110.-1 have perma'and the Dulonoophite In several con. and am delimittl with its croon kr is rooartnonso coos Dinte Lovrau. .6,48191.—1. have bout reed ht all forty Intim. and In but one Inure have they faded to benefit the in html.i and that was a borers one Worn 1 wse ailed. 1 hays had several cues Oren up by asumang nub:taro cob gas DOW INDIII3O Ling rasurnur GOOD DEALT); and ILlaltDos DIGS ALL sureroma of pulmonac , dims., 1 hare wed the ADDLDY Dry own ere. trith derided sumer. It was traded r norm" by physicians and friends...and even by coria nder tae • okd treathwat.' lam now able to dor. In atteados Use 'Wham many tulles, inhale. In a day.. an other 1.h. 0 In the county." "Zoom= TAUS. M. T., An. V 1 tiak—i hare only time. eds . aurora, to my. that 1 bare Lem avian (shed in wititearna the Vert/erode of the Irrornoarnrus. Ms arrows In Soar mphlet are not at all tzar/wake! Error, Kum* Tturroat, Aug. 1115'9 —T . bare been mins your 11 ..;tes of Lime and N.vla. sad Ants tzpeydeaeri a c great jey e ‘ fA O r r; d IC= Them. ( letup,s h‘m 111 ' g se= 'bet A ' hY ray MM." •., July SC . 18•11.--I veccred the Mtre e bottles otCruchlirs Remedy for Cuustu , n . Sloss. • • • IT Wan/ED DAIDMIA STIOLT CULL Make .N . O . Delay I coinnivrm . to any stage of the Dierese. etneedd mediate), to the me ot the lletornoerrovis or Dan sera Solna. — IA INCII2O7I3OIG=r I SS P 1111 1 ,1 41102 1" MiSirkk ), In extra large bottles, le parer le the um prew=ed by Dr. Churchill `for gener4 use r and to prepamd ems to el. arialtriai Formula. Dr. Chaarehlinalffork ou Consonaptlosa Comparing bbßeport made to the Imperial Academy af Diedldna. }Misr-Cotes ta, Cases: and Latent. Doennuens. Tbitharethhar trm. together with a Circular. sill be mut on receipt of TWELVE CENTS-la Ramp. Tat Work eves the may reliable infee• station to mgard to Dr. Chulthil Sracyrec Beaton. • CAlJTlON.—lntereeted Drumiete will try to tell you other prep:troth. than mit.. Ito not thou! Ily "Genuine Pr► paragon" bears my.fac timife eignaturc. Iteersened all reviewable+. el 'IIn he the idypopliespddlotk which cinitniii 11110‘. or soy 171110 d., Tr eeendry I. likely ie. be Mead wish event...a preparetiosik By yenning I. dke. Ice ell. tele ledeenntleo that will veiniest any deception hides Polletleed ape. yen. PhifelL—One BoOU4 sl`.; ant Dottie* $5; Concentrated So• lotion, by mail. pr aid. tl. Sold Whelesale and iteudi ol the Sole (,metal Dexot to the United Scum (where an order, e h et ai h. add reseed). leo. by nrovetable Drer.kthra—Addron. J. WINCHESTER, 43 John St., N. Y. lar. A Book for Everybody. _es STARTLING DISCLOSURES . • [IR. T,ELLEit'S great 1.1 work for the married - thos'eootemplatini mar. iage— , Ao pages full of - Pititeras, 'rice 25 cents—sent to all - 'arts- under seal, by mail. 'OST- PAID. 50,000 cnp s the past year. The ingle married.and the mar ied happy. A Lecture on Ise a partner; a complete t contains hundreds "(se crets never before published—warranted to be worth three tires {he amount asked for it.. 25cts in specie or postage stamps, enclosed, will secure a copy by return mail. Address , 1 / 4 J. 1 ELLER,„,4I. D. No. 5 Re; cer-st Albany, N. Y. Fir Da.Vicuois Puts, 81 a box, with full directions. Married ladies should'nut use them.—Sent by mail.' In all cases of nerYdus and spinal affection,pain in the, back and limbs; fatigue on slight exertion, palpitationof heart, hysterics and whites, these pills wilt erect n care when all, other means Bare failed; and altho' a powerful remedy, do pot con tain iron, calornelmintimony. or anything hurtful to the constitution. Address DR. TELLER fehlJ,*i ne above HOWARD ASSOCIATION • PHILADLLPHIA. A.Benerolent Lotitution established by spe cial Endowment, for the Deliff of the Sick and .Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and (Epidemic Diseases, and especially fir the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Oryans.- rUEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the - Lvi Acting Surgeon, fe gall will) apply by letter, With a description of their condition, (age, oct:u. pntion, habit's of life; dze.,) and in cases of et tremeTovertv,medicines furnished free ofeharge. ' Valuable Eepoks on Spernintorrlicea,and•oth er Diseases of the'Sexual Organs, sent to the of in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. Sitillin Houghton, Acting Sur geon, Howard Asiociation, No. 2 South 9th-st., Pa.' Dy order of the tri rectors. loci a rtHE GREEN i BOOK..=—JUST nr , 1 Published,' 1.0 pages, price 25 "." 1 --" vents; on single and married life; 'or, " the Institution of marriage; its Intent, Obtig,a tions, and Physiological and Legal Disqualifica lions ; the rational treatment of nil private dia. eases in both sexes, etc. To which is added a poetical essay. entitled "Calliptedire:" or the art of having and rearing beautiful and healthy chil dren, by the, late Rub't J. Culverwell; Sint free of postage, by the publishers, Chas. Kline & Co., bei 4586, N. or Dexter & Co. Wholesale Agents,lls Nassau street, N. York. Agents wanted' everywhere. 'Also, gratis, an extmaet and sample of the above entitled: Dr. Culverwell's Lecture on the rational treutmentof Spermatorihtra and private diseases - generally, detailing the.moans by which invalids may effectually cure themselves without the use of dangerous medicines. and at but little expense to themselves. Sent free by mail in a secure envelope, on receipt-of one stamp to, prepay the postage, by addressing, CHAS, KLINE, & Co. tftibl7 amp lit.x .086, Y. City. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A NEW BOOK, BY WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. ~ The secret clue to courtship, love & marriage with the diseases Mei dent to youth, maturity and otd age: . j 'being fights and shades of morrie4 life, its joys and sorrows, hopes tiC 2 ' fears and disappointments. Let all married people, or those contemplating marriage and having.the least impediment to married life, read this book. Let every young man and woman in the laud read this book, It Is 101 l of Plates. and diselosei secrete that every one should know: a little knowledge at first may save a world of trouble in after life; Send for a copy (enclosing 2.6ct5., to Aft, Win. YOUNG, aplB 416 Spruce.st, Philadelphia. TOLD•DOtT. HEATECB HOOP Or TRAWLS elk ald great di:mails - of die •Jorineseig and East India . sJ4clnes, with full directions for the certain cure of consumption, bronchitis, ea' tarrh, co tig h3i colds asthma, foyers, heart dieesse, fat orals, enneer,dyaperaia, Beer complaintgravel aniturinarY deposits. female complaints, de. -- Illustrated with hundreds of certificates of rafts and engraving& For the puryose of resents; as 411tany nufibring follow.hohigs as possible from a prentattire death, it will be sent to any part of the continent for 25 cents, by . DR. SEATS, oc2oyvj 641 Broadway, New York City. Sold by A. Purcell, Montrose; Ilay'dou Bros. New Milford; C. P. Mathews, F.cranton. BOOK BINDING.—qd Booka, NowEpapersw Pamphlnts. laagazinbs o etc.., bound up on shad notice. - -3: L. & SON. H 01: Business and=raetories can be carried S on profitably at Hammonton. • Soo, Atlver tieement of Hammonton Lands.