NMI Arrangements. POST`OFFICE, Montrose, Dee. 1, 1859 Y. City inat, arrives at 7 1-2 p. tn., closes at 11 , J.:astern. way mail, (via. D. L. & W. R. It..)ar- T..Vt4 :it 7 1.2. p. m., closes at 9 p. m. Western mail (via: I). L. & W. It. It, and Gt. Demi.) arricrs it 10 1.2 a. tn., leaves at 2 p. m. 11'eslern mail, via. Binghamton, lea''. 4 Tues. Tirarsdilys z and- itaturdays, mail closes - at -1' 1-2 a. m. arrives, btondays, Wednesdays, and . Frida, , , 3 13 p.m. I kr-tel.!, Gibson , Jaelison:&e.. mail, via Moat trod I)epiit. (except I.;tundays,) . closes : st m. arrives at 7 1.2 -p. 4 souon.ril‘mail, tia,. Dintock,- leaxes Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays, mail elosmt at 7 1.2 a. m.. ariives Tnesdays:.-Thorsdays,-atid Spturidays at ro Fairdale, Camptown, Tnivanda, &c., leaves . Slondays, Wednesdas, and Fridays., mail'eloses at 9 p m., arrives Tuesdays, :Thursdays, and • Saturdays_ at 7 p.m. Frien - ckville, Silver Lake,*Chneonut, (elceept Sundays.) closes at 3 1-2 p. ar rives at 12 rn. - Auburn, Laceyyille, oke , Mondays, mail do -Be3 at S a. tn., arrives Tuesdays CL . 5 p:tn. Office open from 7IL ca., to "9 p...m. Sun. days from 13 in. to t p. M. lIENRI7 J. WEBB, P. If. . Vimr.t.Ea A. WE.1311. ti: P. U. Scholarships in Lotrel I & Warner's Com. tnerei.ll Cu:lege, at Biog,ll.,bilon, sold at this of % tie& at a tihrount. ' Buy of ns and ease from $5 to $l5! ' r* See advertisement of Dr. Sanford' e Liver Invigorator and Fatally Cathartic Pitlo, in another column. ` se : Iv Afflicted,. Read l—Wwustss' COMPOIJAD Socornkv for the P/LES,•is warrstited to-ef fect I•Ctlre in every case, and in all staves of the dilcase, or the money will be refunded. Full duvtions accompany each bottle. Sold by Mel, Montrose T. J. Babcock.nim ocls; O. G. Hempstead, Brooklyn; and Dr. LW. Lyman, • Tnnkhannoi.k. • _ .[decl ly Dedication.—The Lew E. Church in North Jackson will be dedicated to the service of Almighty God, on Thursday December 22d PreaChing in the, morning at 101-2 by Rev. W. Wyatt of NVilkesbarre, and in the eve at 7-by Rev. J. A. Wood of Binghamton. decB 2w S.W. WEISS. Notice.—. D. Blakeslee 3f.D., will deliver thy 4th fectur in Academy Dell, before the school and Dimock 'Literary. Association, on the eVe of Tnesdac,Dec. 20th, 1859. Subject, Animal Heat. - B. STONE, decB 2w Secretary. F. D.• WOOD, with his s rAß, is once more located on the GREEN, opposite to the COURT DOUSE, in 31ONTROSE, where h, affil theerfally wait upon all who choose favor him with a call: Pietur.,. in- good Cases, 50 mit. Überal deJuOion, fur Families.' All work warranted not to fade. [Montrose, Dee. 1.4, 1850: Noticc.—The Susquehanna Association of tlyer.,alists, will hold a c.onferanee at Beaton atz.brne comae, Dec. 2lst and 22d. A cordial t incrtatitra i, eXtended lo all, .for it is expected #st,the'spiritt of the Lord 101 be with vs there. "IdecB 3w A. 0. WARREN, Standing Clerk. • .Courie.of Lectures.--The fbllowing named iter,ot!A have cup:aged - to loeture before the "Youstt-ItEleS LITERARY' ASSOCIATIGN7 of - Dee. 14th, IlOn. i. hnaß:Giddingsi : Ot Ohio. Subject : Sceni.s in Congressional_ Life. Dec_ :26di, _George Sumner, of iostnn,l Mann. Subject.: Old Europe and Young Ainerieh. January 1 1 4tH. 1660, Ifortimer , ThomgLon, of New.Yoil.-- , Known as the original Ooaticks Subject Plnek.—ln -verse. F e bErtitil, Hon. Horace Greeley, of N. York. Subject Li t • March t. Prop J. W. Fowler, Poughkeepsie Suriect : 'Versatility of American Oratory. ' Wendell. Phillips, .Boston, Mass Rev. E. Hh .apin,. ew York S - A.. N. BU .LARD; Srpr:etary. (nov3dc IR4 1 01,5111B11.: On the ht inept, by Rev. J. W. Raynor, Mr. George Strickland. and Miwv Sarah E. Orr, both Of .spring.,rill.e. 81801' • In iktorirose. Dee. Ist, :Angelina - Sophia, volfe of Dr. C. D. Virgil, is the SOth year of Ohi:itary \deferred Meeting of Stock Holders. T HE Aonuni Meeting' of the Stock Holders " of the Lenox &Mai-Elroy Turnpike Co., will be- Itch! at the house of Joel Steenbucit, Sinik•y; lAD :Nandi)", Jan. $l, 1860. ."clocls 41v JOHN SMILEY, Tronsu ter. STRAY . STEER. AME into the enclosure of the undersigned, C :dwlt two months sinee4.-a White Yearling STEER. The °weer and requested to prove proper;}. pay charges and - tile it away. . . THOMAS SHELP. Jessup, Dec. 14th, 185 9 .-3w.* F4IIERS and 31.ethers,Brolbers and Sisters, and all others interested, will please take rsGT/CULAII notice that manta Claus, the fellow that comes round once a year to tickle the children, is expected along soon. and has agreed to call at,Bullard'a Book Store where he ,can find' A nice lot of Toys, - ' For Girls and Boys. _ Also, a foe Int of Gift:Books and Annual's, dte. • .--surh as. old Santa Claus will surely be pleased with. Please reineiniser thak the - old fellow will be robed a few days earlier this year than usual, as Christmas comes on Sunday, and will try to finish his travels to Ail the little Skill; and Boys Saturday night. At the Mcintrosti - Book Store. Remember. - • A. N. BULLARD. Montrose. Dec. 12th, 1859. • Auditor's Notice. In the casrof Timothy hepue vs. P. I. hart and Henry S: Hart. IHE nhdersigned having been appointed an :Auditor by the Court of Common Pleas of- Snag's Co in the'abote . ease, to distribute the fund ariAng. _from Sheriff's Ssle, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, January Idith, 1860, - at .2 o'clock; p. to,, at the. office of W. & W. ft Jessup, Esqs., in Montrose, nt which time_ all persons having claims, upon said fired are requested to present them or be ktrrvesi debarred. ALFRED H4ND. deels • Auditor. As hereby given to all officers and pirates composing the First Bripule, 10th Penn's atilitin . lhst a Court of Inquiry, and a COW Mllnitif will be held at the hind of Writ ji. flitch in the boro of liontrose. - Friday, -Dee. 30th,'113-59. at - ten o'clock, a. m., it which tune and place all persons. interested eat attend Contruanding 'Company Officers are requested to attend with their Rolla of Delinquents. etc..' C. R.-JACKSON. Brigadier-General. • Montrio,e. Dec., 6th.-4w Auditor's Notice. rr 1113 un&rsi•oled having beemappointed by I the -Court 4.Common i` mut; an Auditor to ditn;or:ti, the procre4;4' of the Real Estate of (421 en Aehano; liming the lien eredittirs.lill par the parties in interest at Ms of f ice in !dont "n Wedue,dav the 110 day of 'hutp?ry I N.J. upe n'etoe. p. , at-which time an d piar.r , ! , ll.perzons are required to make .their einioat , . or be for e ver debarred from coming in Upon said fund. W. H. ,TESSHP. 4w r Er ‘ .4421 zr i REslos:ED! ' :.. - !DR._rdi t OT,TS LS 9` itillOir.litc giii,tl:: - 41484-•---- , Ai aperient and atoinacliic preparation of IRON par.fimi of Ox.yvin and Carbon by coat. bulvon in Hy4rogeb, of high medical-author _ ity' and extr.o Nilo ;try efficacy in each of the following co.re,da!at, Tit : DEBILITY. EMYBD3 AFFECTIONS. . _ CreiTION. D7SPESSIA DIARRHEA, CONSTI PATION SCIOPITLA, SALT RHEUM SCURVY, JAUNDICE LIVER COMPLAINTS RILEUXII. TISK DIMEMIRIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER MITTENT FEVERS. NEURALGIA. CHRONIC - HEADACTIES.• FEMALE WEAKNESS. ISIS. MENSTRUATION WHITES. CHLOROSIN ete.. PINIPLMS •OIC THE FACM, ROUGHNESS OF THE SKIN -te. • Tee IRON being abeorbed by th s i blood, an!ll thus eireulat:n3 thr.+agt the whole system, no feet of the body eau' e_ - ape their truly wonder. lul influence. • Theexperianee thou.ands daily prom that nq preparation of Iron can for a moment be compared wit'i it. Impurities of the blood, de.•• presidia .ot vital anar i w, pale andLathartriaa eomplazout ind:eath its necessity fn moat every conceivable ease. eases a f •ma's d7obillte Clue- albui,_chlorosiaote4, its effect: ar: deb renovating. No remedy , l.ai ever b.en - &seer red, in the whole history cr• nrdiei4, which exerts such prompt, happy, aid fully rwtorarve effects. Good appetite, cont. pt:te digestion. rapid acquisjticns of strength, with an unumal diswit:on for active and elkeerfni - esPrciee; imineCately follow its use. Ai a grand stoinaeVe and general restorative it hat no surrior. and no substitute. Pot up 1,. scent tat aortal borrs containing '• p.le, w ern/ a leer box t KIX boa, ca. SA 30: 0 ' direen It 4.4. 00. Fin- sale by • 1 1_ Kee...roil', Wlll ler .cut note to .).1 T.. A.. re,. Poi ur t he prier. All let- noire,. rte., Alma ter adarcaseel,to B. 'LOCKE & CO.. General -Agents. 3:39 - 111lOADWAV e RI Y. above. H o ftetidlDlle of the bra. " For sale in'llontrese by ABEL TUBBELL-Agent., deels 13 POCKET DIARIE S AND ALMANACS for 18GO t a large variety. And Indelil4 Pencils for marking wearing apparel, warranted not to fade or wash out, fur sale by A. N. BULLARD Montrose,. Dec. 121 h, 1859. Auditor's Notice. In the mailer rf the as_signinent of Marsh 4- • Gl4Gen far the Imm , :tit creditors.: . T"' Assignees having tiled their account in the 'above ease, and the undersigned having been appointed Auditor by 'l.he Cohrt of Com'n Pleas to report a distribution' atnoqg cr,ditors. will Attend ,to the duties of his appointment .on Saturday, January 7th, 1860. at .2 o'eteek p. , m., at the otEco a W . &W. H. Jessup, Esqs, iu Montrose, at' which time all' persons hating claims .upon the flind in the hands of the assign ees. are required to present them or be forever debarred trom coming in upon stab:flood. ALFREDiIIANE, Auditor. Auditor's Notice. In the snafttr of the estate el Luther Price, decd. THE undersigned having been appointed -an Auditor in; the aborh matter, for the distri bution ...of AC funds in the hands of the adminis trator of said estate to and among the creditors, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of W. & W 21.11: it , mtorp irt Montrose on Thursday the sth day of Jaruary, IMO. at one 0 7 clonk, p. m. All persons having any elaims against s aid ‘. estate are require&to pr e sent them at that time or be f:.revcr .Irl,srreti from coaling an upon said land. I'. L. CASE. decB 4 o:Auditor.. . Dr. CHURMLVS REMEDY. C !LEST PIVS Geoninn Preparation of the HYPOPHOSPHITES Of Lime and of Soda, (Made frilin the Forthuis of Ur. J. ChOreliill, of Paria,l for the prevention and cure of Also for all Diseases rf the :Yerrour and Blood System aineral Debility, tosi of Flesh and • Appetite. Scrtfula.'Asthma, Bronchitis, Paralysis, Rickets, and At. Com plaints of Women. • .Winehester's Hypophosphites ore unexet•p tionable in their Preparation."—Arn. Dkuggist The 1413 . CC5. "Of this Ektraordinar Remedy, since it. discovery by Dr. Churchill two years j ago, has no parallel in the annals of medicine. Its invariable efficany in all stages of Consomp tiow. as well as its wonderful power in restoring the.Nervolis Energy , and enriching the Blood, in' all cases of Getters! Debility or Nervous Pros• tration, stamps this as'one otthe most valuable remedial agents ever given to the • world by Chemical Science. TESTIMONIALS. "In no :tingle instance hare I tonal! the Item edy to fait."—Dr Churchill. . _ ;The Itypophosphites possess the power of in creasing nerve force, and promote the functions of nutrition ; they tend to produce the moat re freshing and renovating rest.'—Dr. L. V. Newton. "Cases of confirmed Pulmonary Consumption ale uniformly benefitted by the free and coutin -ued use of the ilypophosphites,—Dr. F.W.Clark. • . 'Are the most appropriate Remedies in a large class of affections, resulting from a loss of ner vous force."—Boston Medical and Sorg. lour. "Mr. Winchester is worthy of confidence. and devotes himself enthusiastically to these preparations in. all:their variety of combinations. Prepared strictly by Dr. Churchill's method."— D. Meredith Reese, D., N. Y.'City. CHANGE of STYLE.—IMP OR TANT o'rxes My "Genuine Preparation of thellypophos_ phitea of Lime and Soda" is now placed within the teach of all, being put up in New Bottles, containing 16 ounces - (a pint), at $2 per bottle; also a New size, (i oz. bottles) at One Dollar Per Bottle, The bottles have the iollikwing blown in glass: " Hypophosphltes of Lime and Soda. Dr. J. Churchill's Specific remedy for Consumption. Wineheiter. New York. The coteide wrap per is printed with a Pit& tint, and the word •Genuine' across the face. Use no other. _ - This new style offers a more ample guaranty against the mans ,Impure and deleterious prepa rations palmed of under the name of DypOphos -phites, which are spurious,_ fraudulent, and cal culated' to endanger the health and lives of sof. corers. The thous:Oils - who wish to avail them selvell of this fiemely, prepared after Dr. Chur ehill's metkod.ran now obtain it in bottles nearly double the size of that heretofore sold by ire, making it the cheapest, as well as the most effi cacious treatment for Pulmonary and Nervous Disease; now known to. medical Science. Be ware of ALL others, nn matter who ofh•rs them tp yin, and . a . ays the are jut.t as good as mine. fac.simifecs . og birth label and wrapper. OR. CHURCH WORK ON CONSUMPTION is mos ready.,priee 12 cents. A new ,circular iu"t , ilmseds containing - entnPlete information in regard to this new treatment. and `sent•gratis to nil inquirers. Delay sotr.—write - st - orme. , All orders and inquiries promptly attended to. Address WINCHESTER, Sole General Depot . iu the United-States, ;frail] • '43 John street, N. Y. Or Pot. tsle ATTI,TuRRELI,; Montrose. ! _ - Auditor's Notice. In the Matter of the estate of Orin - Lester, decd. THe underaigned having been appointed an Auditor in the above estate, by . the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna Cobnty, to report a dis , tribution to, and among the widow and heirs of said decedent, will 'attend to dui duties of his appointment on Friday the sixth day of January 1860, at 2 &Mock p,m, at the office of W.A: W. H. Jessup, Exile., in Montrose ; at which time all persons having claims upon the fund of said estate are required to preseneth,ern or be debar. red from coming in fora share'of such fund. deeß 4w ALFRED HAND, Auditor. . OINK MIK DIMOCK. SIISIVA PENN'A. Tik: SECOND TERM of this Institution will commence on MONDAY, JANUARY end, 1860, to continua Y 1 weeks, under Charge all M. STONg; and followed by a teachers' institute of 8 weeks, commencing oh Monday, March lath, 1860, to be conducted by D. M. Stone, D. F. Tewksbury, and others. - 4 .0 c) will pay for board, lodging, washing, P - 0,4/0 lights, and tuition per term of eleven weeks. Board'from 81.50 to e1:75 per week. Rooms lot these who wish to board themselves nt from 13 totlOcts per week: TUMOR : "1""' COMMON, HIGHER, $2:50 $3:50 $4:25: Lectures are free to ell—attendatce isinvited. A teachers class has been formed to accom modate those who are preparing themselves - to teach, without extra charge. • For information in reference to the' school, address D. H. STONE, Prindips!, diml • Dimoek, Ps. NEW MILFORD HIGH 'SCHOOL . ; E WOULD again inform the.public that Y V the nest term of this School will cola. mace on WEDNESDAY DeeeMber 10h, un der the supervisioo of E. B. HAWLEY, Princi pal, assistedsby competent teachers. We feel grateful for the large 'patronage it has,reeeived the present term, and would again present it for public patronage according to its merit. Board may : be obtained for $1,75 to WI per week : arch rooms for tnose who choose to board themselves. Fall information may be had by seeing -or addressing, the principal, at Now Millotd. TUITION PER TERM OF 13 WEEKS : -Common gnglimh Branches, - - $3:00 Higher •' and Mathematics, 4:00 languages, " " ' 5:00 loeidental rxpeobes, -- - • . 50 artilwal music if desired. , s By order of TRUSTEES; ,New,Milford. Nov. 14Th, 18.59 -3w Zltrarl 4 o7-Z COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. BASSETT BRO'S PROPRIETORS. The Oldest, Most Thorough and Extensive Commercial College:in the.Mpke State. LL OUR PROFESSORS are then of large experience in actual business,. as well as Teachers; which affords unusual facilities to yeting men wishing to acquire in an expeditious manner, a thorough Biedness Education. Daily Lectures are deli‘ered on Commercial Law, Correspondetco, Banking, the Science of Accounts, Commercial Computation, : Penman ship, etc. Graduates assisted in proeuring situ ations. • Applicants can cuter the College at any time. Course may be cOmpleted in 10 weeks. Board and Room,ll - 32:50. For particulars, send' for a Catalogue. [Syracuse, N. Y ., Dee.l st.-4w WAN TED! R. Y A T S. THE high* market price wilt be paid by the' b . ntiscrittfr,yi - . - G 1- - for any qnantity of Bye and Oats deliver. od at the Montrose Depot. , Money be le ft with B. CASE, the Freight agent, to pay for the grain on delivery. ,WM. H. KEELER. Aloltrnstf:Dop.t. Nov. 17th,-tf. (0..19 . NEW GOODS. TEEDLES.—Bone and %Void Tidy Nee .L.l (this, Totting Shuttles, Cioehet. Needles, Sewing, Darning and Knitting Needles, for sale by {' EVANS & ALLEN. lIAIR,PINS.—BIack,wed and gilt Hair Pins, various patterns and priees. by EvANN & ALLEN. • OILA L.—A fine assortment of Coral Beads, C Armlets, Neck:tares, &c., by - • EVANS & ALLEN. LEEVE-BUTTONS AND STUDS.—The 0 best assortment of Sleeve• But tons and Studs, all prices and gualaties, for sale by Evsss & ALLEN. • Q,„ PECTACLES.—GoId, Silver, Steel and 0 German Silver Spectacles, of all ages, for sale by EVANS & ALLEN.. ITItHLSIBLES.—GoId,•SiIver and German Sil ver Thimbles, is good stock, for sale by EVANS &ALLEN XTUT Crr.cliers and-Nut Picks a; EVANS & ALLEN. OLD PENS,—A first rate variety of Gold %X Pens and Pencils, all sizes and qualities, by EVANS & ALLEN. FABLE CUTLERY.—A good .supply of Knives and Forks, Carvers and Steels, by EVANS & AELEN. FORTE MONNA IS and CARD CASES, in every variety—Pearl, Berlin Wire and Shell. Evszcs S. ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellows' hall, Washingtomst. Binghamton, Nor. 28th. 1849. SHERIFF ' S Sills; B y . virtue of sundry writs issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county, and to me directed, I will expose to isle, by public vendee, at the Court House, in 3loatrose,on Sato rday,the 24th day of December, 1859, at one o'clock, p. tn., the following de scribed piece or parcel of larki, to ALL that certain piece or parcel of land sit &te in the towtrihip of Brooklyn, Susquehanna county and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north and east by public road, on the south by. land of P. H. Tiffany, and ou the west by land oflohri Davi son, contaiuing about five re:re-*. with the ap purtenances, ono howse,.and all improved. [Ta. in execution ut the suit of Watron Woolley vs. . George 11. Giles.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel Of land situate, lying and being in the township of land; Susqnehanna county and State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follow*, to wit: on the north by land of Lyman Blacking. Eton end -=-•-• Parsons. en the east by land of G: T. Frazier, on the south by land of B. C. Le. it.t, and on the west by land of AVard, eon. tsioing a boot forty acres, be the same more or 'less, together with the. appurtenances, one framed house and Mini, and about thirty :Tres improved. (Token in execution pt the '134 of C. S. Bennett vs. Thomas Beavan, Serer.l ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate, ,lying and being in the townaip of Jessup, bounty of tinsquettanoa and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and described . as follows, to wit: en the north by land of James f i ißrot, on the oast by land of Wm: Shelit, oo the south . by land of Timothy Faroutand on the west by land of Jawes Faurot, containing forty arm, more or less, and about thirty acres improved. (Taken in oxecqtion at the suit of Post Broth ers to the Ise of Wm- IL:Cooper iSt. CO. vs. kleotYPanfot.)• - - Purchasers cases be required to pay, on the ifay - otattle; 'an amount sufficient , to, cover the'enate of sale. otbertvise; the proper. ty .will be te.soid forthwith. - *JOHN YOUNG,' titheriff,. SherifrOftic9, Mputfoo, Nov., ,1859.-4 b FARM FOR - AtF: FIFTY Acres of Land in the township of Apolacon, flusqa.Co., half a mile'froin the Owego and New Milford turnpike,,. with thirty 6ve acres improved. Halt of the purchase mon. ,ey is required to be paid down, and the balance in annual installments, with interest and appro. wed- security. Dee, I, '69 '3 w. WM. H. STEENBERG. • SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY CLASSICAL ANDIORMAL SCHOOL , „ • At Montrose, Pa., for low.. riIHE Trustees are happy to announce to the J. public that the next term of this popular 1859, under the charge of Institution will begin on WEDNESDAY, VEMISER 16th, Prof. "lIAARY BRODIIICAD, B. i t.*. a graduate of Vale College, who has consented to remain. It is now probable that there will be no interruption of the regular sessions of the Institntion. The trustees respectfully refer the patrons of the school, and others, to the fol lowing testimcmials from the President and Professors of Vale College; to the present pros. psrity of the school ; and to the highly compli mentary resolutions Refilled by the students, commendatory of the sOteessful administration of Prof. IL, and expressing their gratification at the prospect of a continuation 'of his valuable labors. TESTIMONIALS. YALE Cot:LEGE, Jane - St, 1859. Mr. Harry Brodhead, member of the 'daft/ lately graduated si Yale College,, has held a high rank in the class as e.scholnr. So far as t am acquainted with it, his moral character, and habits, are irreproachable. - THEODORE MiWOOLßETVPresident Mr. H. Brodhead, who belong!' le the grade -sting class . of 1859, Shown himself do ling the two years offirhirnseeweetton — with - the college, a capable and cycle ittful scbefar, Sbo'd he apply himself to ankAlerk of instruction, have no doubt of his ability to Justify tha confi dence and satisfy the Estettattens of any who may avail themselves of bis cervices, ' Ls HAW-Ey, Prof. of Greek. Mr- H. Brodhead of theelass of 18511, in Yale College, is a good scholar, and has a superior mind. lhavo little docibt he will make an effi cient and succaisful teacher, and can recommend him with great confidence that he will not die appoint his patrons. Neu; PogTHR, Prof. of Philosophy and Metaphysics. , Mr. H. Brodhead has just finished his course of collegiate education and recieved the 'de gree of Bachelor ofNArts - et the :annual com mencement. As he proposes to be engaged for a time in the business of fewching,he is cheerfully recommended by the undersigned as a person well qual;fied by his scholarship and-attainments, by his christian character and deportmeneto be successful in,the instruction and government of a school. Tlitmas A., TUACITEA, Prof. of Latin.- , -Students may here be prepared for admiision in an advanced class hi ant of our and particular attention will be paid, as heretofore, lb.* thorough preparation OF ALL WIIO DESIRE TO BECOME TEACRERS, IN THE NORMAL. DEPART MENT. Special instruction in the latter ,flepartmen will be given - during the ensuing term. The Text Books heretofore tiled will be eon tinued in the School. ' Lectures on subjects negenefel 10tetost will be delivered during - the year. Price of Tuition. per Term of eleve n Weeks. . 56.00 Primary Department, 3,50 In English Branches and Lptin 'or Greek, 9,00 Latin 'and Greek, each, - - - - - 4,00 Instrumental end Vocal %loin will be given if t desired, ' There will be a vacation of ten dais, begin ning December 24th ; the term to consist of it weeks. Students wishing to proeur,i rebate or board can be accommodated by writing to J. Al. Ly. ons, Esq , and those wishing, to board them. selves can obtain stoves and. furniture from Messrs. Sayre Brothers, on reasonable terms. Price of board nvem*es kam $2,00 to $240 per week. Ifori. WM. JESSUP, President. . floe: C. P. -RCA" tom. November 2d, CHANCE OF TIME-WINTER AR RANGEMENT-D.; L. h. W. R R. g.Z.4T-ZWMZIONSagaIn • (IN and after Thursday, Dee. 15t,1859, trains *.../ will be run as follows : EiPRESS PASSENGEft TRAIRS,---Moving South. The night express train on tho N. Y. 4 E.R.R. arrives at Gt. Bend a 3:21a.. in., and connects with the -express train leaving Gt. Bend flir N. ' Y.and Philadelphia at . - . 9:00 a. ex Due at New Milford. . • 8 : 17 Montrose - • , • 8:36 Hopbottout .9:59 Nicholson• - • • 9:16 Factoryville r 9:40 Abington - 9:57 •`, Scrantonj. - 10:30 Moscow 6 • - 11:17 Tobyhanna . . 11:53 Stroudsburg . . 1:12 p. in. Witter Gap - - 1:34 Columbia . 1:50 Delaware (15 minutes to dine) - 2:90 Hope (Philad'a connection) 2:35 Bridgeville . ' 2:40 ••• 'Washington - 3:13 Junction - ' .- 3:30 New York - - • 7:15 . Philadelphia - - 8:20 EXPRESS TRAM NOVIAti NORTH.. Passengers from New York, leave Pier No. 2 North River, at - .7:30 a. m. Passengers from Philadelphia leave Walnut street Wharf at • 6:00 Leave Junction - ,11:10 Doe at. Washington . 11:28 Bridgeville - 12101 p..m llope(P_hilad,a connection) 12:05 Delaware (15 minutes to dine) 12:20- Columbia - _ - , 12:20 Water Gap - 1:01 Stroudsburg - 1:15 Tobyhanna . • 2:45 Moscow •• 7 • . 3:19 &Makin 7• 4:05 Abington - 4:42 Factoryvillo .- • - 4:59 Nicholson - , - 5:19 • Hophottom - 5:43 MONTROSP - '6:04 - New. Milford ,f* - 6:22 Great. Bot • 6:40 Conaecting at Great Bend with the. Night Express going West at 1;45 a. In. An Accommodation !nth leaves ScrantAt fur Great . jlend at • 10:95 a. m. Factoryvii le • - 11:55 , Nicholson - 12:35 p. m. Montrose 7 1:50 - Arrive at Great Bend • • 2150 " IConn.3cti with Dunkirk Eta. West' 319 ' and Accommodation train West at 5:33 Accommodation train returning leaves • Great Bend at . 3:10 ltontroso " • • 445 Nicesilson - • 5:15 • "" Factory vill e 6:15 ' Doe nt Scranton . . -2:15 The - Accommodation train does not leave Scranton until alter the arrival of: the morning train on the Lackawanna & Bloomaliurg it., thus giving passengers from the Wyoming Val ley a direct' connection fur the Waft by the morning train. • *"- - FOr the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division a Passanger Car will be at tacked to the Express Freight truins.leaving Scranton at . • - in, Due atMoscow . t • 6.00 - Stroudsburg . -'10:40 _ - Junction • 2:40 p. ut:" Retaining will leave; Amnion at 400 a. m, Due atSlroudeburg - st 7:-15 - Moscow`• ' 1:10 Scranton - - 2:35 Passengers from New York will change care at Junction. To and four Phlisda, via D.D.R.R. leave or take oars at Hope. 'tor Pittston. Kings. -too and Wilkes-Barre, take cans of Lackawanna 4 Bloomsburg st Sarantoo,•• For Jeasop, Archbald, and Carbondale, take Stages ailicrark ton.: Tickets sold and: Image checked THROUGH. Supt„ Wu N. Jeans; Genenral Ticket Agent, -- Scraiztoa, Nov. 21st, 1859,14 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT TIIE BRANCH STORES Of sguttenberg, Nosentattit, k to.; Montrose, & SusVa pepot s Pa• THEnnderslgnad have provided themselves with a SPLENDID ii,SEORTMENT FM AND WINTER GOODS MAO they boast of being thn HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST in this section of country. . They r.lso flatter themselves that they have the best facilities of Obtainiug • Coos Artht trout tOr Dariztt,. and are determined not to to undersold by any firm this side or N. Y;City. In regard to READY MADE CLOTHING we would say that being in this basins largely at 24 Dey 3treet l Neap York City we can offer the 'publid Bargains not surpassed by any rokall-dealers in this section, as we can sell. hero at "elan prices ifs 'cheap as these who go •to New .ye rk awl . pircbaset ..and then Wag them here and hvae to makes pr. - 4e ever that - which they , have already paid them selves. Call and see, us sod we will prove the facts. 03uttenberg I Illosenbatim I Co.-, C Montme, Pa., October 27th, 1859. A great variety of Fancy diode, • Jeweliv;Perfumery, Fancyhi Gteq at , • ir reo,ro, Kery.urocertenraint Oita, DyeStuirs,Drug,g, Medieines,ete.,conatantly on hand at the variety Store of Montriime, Dec. Bth. ABELTURRELL COAL OIL, • OF the best" quality ever offered - in this or any other market. • • KEROSENE OR COAL OIL LAMPS, embracing the latest improvements: Also. the best qualities of CAMPHENE. and BURNING FLUID, LAMP OIL, and LAMPS, in whiph to burn them. CANDLES and sticks, and every thing necssary for Lights, for sale at the va riety store of ABEL TURRELL, noel ' Montrose. 00 " IN . VA!, _lti --- iii:: - - - 4 - t 4?As U LLA NGTH STEEL ENGRAVINGS of WASHINGTON and.EVERETT, inclu div a view of Mount Vernon, in the engraving of Washin&ton. These splendid engravings are from original paintings by Hicks, and are engra ved on steel in , the -highest style of art. Size, 25x3.5 inches, or six square feet, each. Many inferior pictures are palmed off upon the public, as works of art, but we paid the first artists a high price to produce first7rdte pictures. The N. Y. Observer says: "these engiaving,s are genuine works of art—the likenesses are ad mirable. Mr. Evereit's'portisit takes precedence °Gail others!' The Christian Advotzto says: " they are among the finest engravings we have everseen, and the publishers are responsible for their promises. Tunnel, almost grodm Post paid,rollers, elttret engisving'attritirMagazhlrrt year, - e 3 Both " - " '" 4 Agents remiting 630 at once, 2.extra copies. Magazines art. Harper, Knickerbocker, Godey, Atlantic, Blackwood. We pay the money to the publishers, who mail the. Magazines. Cost of engravings is paid by difference between whafo and regular price of Magazines. Pictures sent at once; please state when you prefer the Meg. to begin. Money at our risk upon proof it was mailed. First pictures beat,ao send early, to 0. H. BAILEY & CO., 543 Broadway New York. nll Xtlp) STOVES! STOVES! AT REDUCED , PRICES! ME. 331:111..RI . TM" 1 - § just receiving a large stock of NEW stoves 1. including a full assortment of • • Coking, Parlor, Office, and Shop Stores, for Wood or Coal. Also, Store Pipe, Zinc, Store Tubes, dc. His assortment will include the most select and desirable stoves in , market, and will be sold at Reduced Prices for Cash or Prompt Pay, New Milfuni,NOvember Ist, 1859. /I . OfLE NEW GOODS pouring in at the 1111 store of 1. LYONS & SON,. where every thing goes Omer for CssB.—Callaquick. Oct, 18th, 1859. . , $3;000,00 GIFTS I lIIINCE OF. GIFT BOOK - SALES I'd PERSONS ordering Books bY mail can get them of us at publishers lowest retail prices postage free; and as an Inducement to oraer of us we have determined to give away the follow. ing valuable futiples tq our customers: I Ilunt!ng Case Gold Lever Watch worth $75 1 Splendid open fate " 4 -" 50 to Heavy Hunting Case Silver Watches erode thirty five dollars ench. ' MO 5 Befl'alo- Robes worth 15 dollars each 75 5 Splendid Ladies Gold Lockets worth ten dollars each 3n 12 Gold Pens and Cases, worth $5 each • 60 6 Beautiful G. Id Veit Chain. " 15 " 90 15 Silver Holders and Gold Pens 2 " 30 100 Gold Rings worth two dollars each 900 200 Splendid Ivory Handled Pocket Knives , worth thirty seven cents each- ! ;74 500 setts Holdsleeve buttons worth $1 each 500 1000 Setts Gold Studs worth 75 cents each 750 Small articles valued at ten cents and upwards. Every person sending tralfocta for a Book will teceive.one of the above -named articles and the Book by return mail. Every person forwarding as 50cts for a Bkoo will receives gi ft or twice the value of a_ oneyn of the above. Every one vending•one: tfinller will receive a Gift of three time the value otabove. We mnil image SEVENTY FIVE CENTS A HUNDRED AND ONE GIFT. • Our concern is not like the other bogus concerns who advertise valuable articles to be- drawn, but no one ever draws any. The above property will all be dis tributed and firs fir.ies as much, between now sod the Ist of April, 1860, for our sales warrant us inAlistributing it. and still leave,usa handsotno profit. We give aietter from a patron GOSHEN, Orange 00,, /144. York. HonToi & Co.—The book I sent .for, and to my ensprisea beautiful Watch wittkit.— You will accept my thanks for the present. closed find five dollars for books, etc. • B.A. DEAgE: . _ Give us inv order for books end you will not regret it.: Wed' from • :any. n'ataleg4 or list. Five ,Books sent with • Offs for thie price of tont,' Liberal lodgements 'offered to Agents: All' orders to'he addressed 110fiTON dr. CO. Brooklyn. Kings county; New YOk. maim Goods o =ogle r & holeiale Ilrvg, Pain! and Ghia itr of Second ' end Green Ohs., you have the 'Wastage of Solna % asses from anostensivosod waded 41vioadiataOicavird pains : glans of 3410.014 siOs . .pnd Hof thoss-aO/40 . are inOlged at 'ss crlnnot fan to Suit the_ • [r(4) 3 IYlss P - pesters,), PhilagP i ing your ittpeig of ' gasii sq • pild:es • ie r. _ • , S4CO; PAYS FOB. A - Bum COURSE; INi•i - THE -IRON CITY. CO LLEGE, the largest, most extet4veiy patroniied and beat organized . COSIIEVICIL.EOO2II4262 lathe'traited States. • 1337 Eitticleaxtist ..dtteriding Daily, Aforch 183 Usual time to complete a full course from 6 to 10 weeks: " Every studel)t, upon graduating. is guaranteed to be compotentto manage theSts Of any .Business, and qualified to earn asa y of from . $5OO TO. $lOOO. Students enter at any time—No irpation— Review gt pleasUre. - 1 3 1 . 0333.. • FOR BEST PENMANSHIP AWARDED IN 118. ar Ministers' Sons-received at half price.' * * *Foil Circulars and Specimens of Writing. inclose-N.O letter stamps, and address - P. W. JENKIN4 Pittsburgh, Pa. December Ist. 1859.—,1y • . ABEL. TURRELL AS just returned from selecting , and pur chtusing,- and is now receiving: one of the largest and hest a s sortments of Cltr , Co CO MOSS, ever offered M this market. - The quality - of nearly every thing good; and all warranto as represented. Terns; ready cash and low prime. some general idea of the stock May 'be' forfned from the following enamor:4lW: Dams, =plain& . Che . nkleals, Paine; Oils, Varnishes, Wittdow Glass, Dye SW% Groceries, Lamps, Glass Ware, Crockery, Mirrors, Clock's, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Window Oil Shade& Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Jewelry, Perfumery, Stone Ware, Brands, limshes,Whipi, trmbrellas, Bird Cages, Pocket Knives, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Liquors,Trusses, Supporters, Port-moimaies, Shoulder - Braces, Spectacles, Silver and Plated. Spoons, Forks, &0., Gold Pens, Stationery, Violin, Guitar, it Bass Viol Strings, Bows, &a, Porcelain Teeth, Lith ographs, Artist's Tube Paints, Brushes, &c.; and all thepopular Patent Medicines. . Also some Dry Goods, Wooden, - Bard &Japanned Ware, . Fluid and Oil Cans, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Akcehel, Turpentine, Lamp, Tanner's, Neat Foot,Lard,Olive, Castor, Boiled and Itaw Linseed, and Coal OILS, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of 'Colored 'Paints, Vine . gar, Canary Seed, and other things too numerous to mention. As h is impracticable to give more than a gen eral outline of my- stock through the Newspapers, every one wishing goods is invited to call and examine. Custotchrs on entering the Store me.,t not expect to find_ every thing in sigbt; but nearly every article slanted will be produpel by inquiry. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto received, I hope to inert awl receive a Ihrge increase of the same. Montrose; Oct. 5, '59. ABEL" TERRELL. LIGHT MORE .LIGHT I! VRE.4II: Burning: Fluid, Latop' Oil, Candles 1; Also White Lead, Zinc emote, Linseed Oil, Raisins. Coffee,ete. etc ., just opened 'and going cheap. ..1. LYONS & 80N. . CI , PL i ENDID De Laines; Ginghan3s,Prints,n,nd . shiptin g ,s, itiAt op , •ned, cheap. J. L. ACEI-1.E1113. - A NELODEONs, Guitars, Violink Fifes... Shoe Music, on hand or furnished to order. THIS WAY IF you want your Arubrotype, itelainotype or Photograph taken Cheap! Great reduction in the price of AMBROTYPES. •The subscriber will take large $3 size for $l,OO The $2 size.for . . .50 The 50 cent size Air - • . '25 • • (PUT LIP IN noon CASES.)_ = PHOTOGRAPHS, 44 size, - $3,00 For each duplicate, . . •• - 1,00 Pictures takeu•to be sent. in letters without additional postage. Having a large Side and Sky-Light combined, we can take good Pictures in oil kinds of weather. ar.Roorus Over Abbott's Shoe Store, oppo site the BANK OF BINGIIAKTON. Iar'INSTRUCTIONS given' in the Art. A. 11. TUBBS. Binghamton, Oct. 13th. 1859. N. 8.-41o.childrin under 5 years old taken for tess than 50!cents; and no 25 cent Pictures taken while them are customers waiting for those of higher price. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. , PUBLISHED BY D. armarorr CO, 446 and 346 Broadway, New York. THE foil avOng, works are sent to subscribers in any part of the country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or express, prepaid ; The. New American Cyclopedia: A popular 'Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by GEC. RIPLEY and CEOBEE4%. DVE, aided by SI numerous select corps of writers in all' branches of Sciences, Art, and Literature. This work is beingpublished -.in about 15 large active voltimiii, each containing 750 two-column pages. The . firat seven volumes are now , rendy, each containing lICAr 2,500 original artieleis. An additional volume will lid publiebed.ence in /about three months. • Trice, in Cloth, $3; Sheep, $3,50; Hal f Mor. $4; Half Russia, $4,50 each. The New -American Cycloptedia is popular without being superficial, learned but not pe 'dantic, comprehensive but sufficiently detailed, free from porsOnal pique and party prejudice, fresh yet accurate. •It is a complete statement of all-that is known'upon every important topic within the scope of human intelligence. Every important article in it , has been specially written for its-pages by-men who are authevities upon the topics of which:they speak. 'They are re• quired to . bringthe subject op to Gm present moment; to state just how it stands now.' All the statistical information 1$ from the /awe re ports; the geograhical accounts keep pace with the latest exp lorations; historical matters inc Ind; the fresbeat.jost views; the "biographical notices not only 'speak of the dead, but also of the living. It is a library of itself. • Abridgineut of the Debates °Won grow s Being a Political History Of the United States, from the•organixition of the first Fed. e vafgengress in 1789 to 1856 e P,dittai ciompiled.by Hon. TEOXAS . G. RENTONfjOM tjto offi c i a l Records of Congress.' The - work will ,be completed ht 16Xoyal - octavo volumes of 750 pages each, 11. of which are now ready,: -An ad: ditional volume .will.be published ,osteit- in three months— • - $3;, Law Sheep, $3,59; Half Moro $4; Half Ca1f,,54,59 each.' '• WAY,OF PROCURING THE cyCLoP l ig. : - DIA OR DEBATE. Forts 's club of foot, and 'whit - the 'Hee of foOr books, snti - fitii wiir be the timltter's cxpense of esrriage; or for ten stub; soribers;eleven copies : Will be soot - at . 01rr pew for 4 ridge. . • _ • NO other works solitierally rewrit , thee ezertiotui of agents,, - .:AGISST%AVAITSD s THIS COUNTY, TerIUS made knowa.on applied: Heti to the Publishek Apron, 1859.-4. ay. te HID Of NAVIGATION NEW , 4OO.IS. NEW ALL WOOL' • • ,•D E I NIS.i• - NEW' DE LAINSItiot all uic , ol, BLAO BIERS, Handsome MERRIMACR - PRINTS', • • S.AXONY. • LINSEY,• -and 43 .. .b L t , l - LAlig; , fl w YTER BHsl ityl.S , • • eIf.E.NILL* HOODS, 1 • COMFORTERS, HOOPED SEIRTiti SHIRTS, GRAVAXS and OOLLARS', More GLOVES and HOS/Rftr, a new :twig o f nurna. CO COAL.YE for the! Arrir. • deo,' Dalr,Vm'ple's°Ur IVA 3 • the beet thing . for the Teeth and anis known. host* And ht* of ether GOOD —no timo mention. MI will be ; sold CHEAP for the ,‘ by ti. L. TYLEIt. FR""iBUUNING EIdIUAD and eod Fiala- -['leaaq don't tisk to get trusted, but bring along your Butter, Egg*, Dried ,Ip plekdrt, dec., and get the worth of your money; Tobacco by the pound t 0 cta. ' TYLEB: Idontrqite, Oct 27th, 1850 - . . PREPARE FOR WINTER , ibeentltild We:Safer wain trs-that ter will anon be upon us, and all 'skt:istrt be properly prepared for it. JOHN GROVES the Tailor • desires everybody to remember that he is al ways ready to do all work in his line, in a seas. factory manner. . - CUTTING DONE FOR tbeiREADY. Montrose Oct 25th, 1849.-301.1 'ME -7 W GOODS, in my line of Business , 'l.l log every week. ABEL IiURRELL. RAPE GROWERS earry no lbeirlso -1...3e!r_ _ ji ,Mßoiss . moist successfully atillommooton. givertosement of Ilmousoisto6 Leinds. f t lour,letb itVrobiston ,stnrt, At XILONTIt.O.S., ONE door below J. Ethridge's Drug Stord, on Public Ayenue, where will be ,fond col:labially on band a Onerat assortinent-ofr RoCE RIE:S : Such as Sugars, btolasses, Syrups, Teas, Coirs4 Ste, &c.. bey. . Also the ehoicest-brkods of FAMILY FLOUR • Meal, Lard, Pork, Hama, Fish, Candles &c. We solicit a share of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, Loping by each bargain to secure anothef. • lIALDWINT & ALLEN. Was. L ALLEN. ALFRED BALD iVIlf PERSONS ,wishing to establish Slanutneto ries in a new and thriving plate where business is good. See advertisement ()C . -the Hammonton Settlement. ?SE NEW' ERA I• NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS r AT GREAT BARGAINS! Ready Pay auciiniall Prclits. ..111UngITT, has now . in Storo and is 1.A.4-niaking- 'arra additions to Lis6tock. PALI:AND-WINTER GOOD; to which ho would invite the atteation otruaurriunso r'- Ens, ecutracing the must deshable varieties of J. LYONS & SON LADIES' RuESSVOODS, - • In New Styles of Rich Pall Prints Pod Plaideri in DeLains, Ducal Plaids, Plain and Plaid Meld, nos, Mohair Cloths, Gingham, and Silks; Broche, Stella, Cashmere, Silk, and Wool :Malls; Rich Ribbons,, Bonnets, and Flowers, Neff-loons, La. dies' Cloths, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, &a. With a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, • • as usual, including Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stores, Iron, Steel, Nails, • Hats and - Caps, . • Banta and Shoes, Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths, Painted Wiadow Shades, Wall Paper, Clocks. Drugs, Oils, Paints, Furs, Buffalo Ruhes,dtc.„ &c. The entire stock behm s large, and bought for CASE, will give superioropportunity for choice - Selections, and will be sold for RE:Apr-Pt:: 10 fo 23 percent: below regular prices. Au ex amination•of•the STOCX will be found profitable to ,those who wish to buy. N. and Salt coinifantli ()alined, New Milford, Octobei, 180. . CHARLES MORRIS, BARBER, and Hair 'Presser. Shot *o. 3in basement of Searte'n Hotel, MOntrose. • * SALT by the Barre', Sack esTound, for sale by ABEL .TURRELL SUPERIOR around Cabe in cans, Codfish &c., for sale by J. LYONS & SON. T Atoms! GAITERS...:A now lot • el. I_4 56 cents 'by - J. LYONS & SON. _ 421- Jane Bth, 1859. J. vipoxL; ESIIiENT .DENTIST, Montrose. Oleo IL at the Franklin Hone°, room. No. 3. Fill ing and Iniertnig tooth op Gold end Silver Plato done in the moat approved nioderrretyle. Mites are absolutely frater-tigkt,-no interstices \where food ran lode. nur44 NEW GOODS. TIK subscribers have this day returned from New York with a large dditioa 'to their stock of WATCHES, ,JEWELRY, and FAN CY GOODS; our purchases being made es elusively for cam, we ,ore enabled to offer one customers great bargains. We take g reat pains in selecting such Goods as -the mark et requires and wilLsell them at prices that cannot fail to Le satisfactory, EVANS & ALLEN, iNo. 2 Odd Fellows Hall. Binghamton, November bth,. 1859. TATATCHES—A largo stuck of gold and sil- V V veTilistches of the best makers, Manyof them of o r own importation, at priesti much lower than have ev e r been sold in town—War ranted 'good time-keepers. - E. & A. —Also, - Watch Chains , a fist rate assortment of GOID-Fob,. Vest, and Guard Chains. EAR Rings and Breast Pins—a beautifUl vs. riety, in liens double and single , oonsisting of Pearl, Jet,Gameo, •Lava,poral, Florentine, blossie, Brilliant, Enamel, and all Gold, various patterns and prices. FINGE R Rlngs.=Diansond, Opal, Peak En - - ameJ,Jet, and all GOLD, a great variety. from $4O. dirivo: - LOCKETEL4 very fi ne -assortment, GOLD and Plated, 1,2: - 4, and 6 faces. SILVER Wire-4 large stock of.sterlingsi. 'vac ware consisting of spoons, forks, ladles cups;cake, pie; lie cream, better, & fruit knives, el:dither's netts, napkin rings, card eases, etc. PLATED Aston, cake baskets card . receivers, tea setts, ice pitchers sugar bar. kets, salt cellars, forkskspoops, toast racks, golf• naceir,vs-4 full supply, oreverY some very rich patterns. CLOCKS=Eight day, and thirty hour clocks, a great variety, minuted.. .1 nov,9 ' 7 EVANS ;de ALLEN, trHOGRAPIi. t . NEW SUPPLY: Dec. :00848. A.-TURRELL,"- - FULL OF MEW 'Finn, LBS. OF SUGAR 1641,00; at ft C. TYLER'S.