The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 15, 1859, Image 1

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ABOLITION 'DOCTRINE. I pounded• by the uhrietendom of the ages' more effectually invested' in every man, than fully alter sales; 'but why a change of canes
both alike, must acquit him of crime.
they nee. Neither del* teeeits any addi- without a corresponding change of eircum
. •-• I -
hi: PLEA FOR C Rlelti.'ese !
, Now to the proof. First the facts and then tionel strength, when declared by the rnutici- seances!
I the moral and civil la*, as applied to them. pal laws to be inviolahlro
_On the contrary, Here is a case. If I remember rightly, In
. .
The facts include Brown's ob'ect • and the no human lepistature has power to abridge or the time of the Greek Revolution, the cry.
objet a unless th' I)' ' • I' -
• means of accomplishing it. °eject was destroy them, o owner s all commit was raised, in tale county for bread
the I•beretion dale slaves, and the abolition 'amuse act that c hollette ! to a forfeiture." nnd clothing and men and monitions of war,
of slavery. It w rt s not the creature of a mo- Whit act, 'by way; ha's the American for Greece. It is reported that the renowned
mentary impulse, btu of a sober', long cherish- sisOe committed that amounts to o forfeiture John Randolph pointed some benevolent lit
ed sone° o f duty to God and the millions of of his nature l rigbts, as "life and liberty I" dies who had bean deeply interested in ma.
„• ,
_.., , ~,,,
' his enslaves, , t e o w-countrytneu—Ao object "Thee law of nattue,;' , says John Quincy king clothingsfor Greeks, to a company of
! worthy of his life sold death. In pursuant Adams, and be is good authority, "is preoe- ragged slaves and cried, "the Greeltafflthe
lof thisoobject, he fought the battles of freedom dent and paramount` tchall human govern- Greeks! there are - the Greeks!” • Doctor
SECTIONAL WAR AND. ANARCHY iin Kansas; became the terror of border ruf- menu. Every individup . Of the human . racer , Howe, of Boston, was honored in being sent
• I,fianenod the minion , of slavery, and accom- comes into the world weth right*, whlch, if with the Nations liberality le the Greeks of
BOLDLY TIIREATEIED. ' plished rally more 'than any Ether man, in the whole aggregatehotehutnan power were theold world; and therecotered himself with
BY _ ONE OF THE REP UELICW' ; preparing Kansas - to - come iuto the Coin as concentrated in one anne o itsmoold'eot .take 'glory in fighting' their battles, against the
FREMONT CLERGY 0/0 , 18o r a: I a Free State. He finished up his labors t here away. The Declarothola . .
hid e r ad e nce. re- Turks. -Nowbe is said to Ete• a fugitive in
• -------, ,*by running off a compaoy of slaves (ratio coves ae despotisit . chia , *riskier)", Cayuga, bemuses Of his connection writh•John
tESTEVOSi GALS. ADE F ENCE I Missouri,. and tithing thtellollr tridiiiiiii; to tee," hor de - trine s- ea" Tich ' lhe egaltratillfdtvliit - Brown ;in freeing, from w-thoosand-foletheovee
. ' Canada. 'With& repot/oleo thus established nil man is possessed ot '- 11 10.' or which: ou than, Turkish oppression , John Randolph's
WE, the undersierred, ecerfify that we- were! , • OF . • elle entered upon the work of emancipation government can depriellitlnit." ' ' "Greeks," in "the Old Dominioo." .01) con--
insured in Fire 'clearance Companieerepresefited ,s - CAPT. JOHN BROWN. !on a grander scale . He rallied .ft few brave But let' the Declortion of e Independenee shsteuey I consistency! beet - thou 'fled under
by Mr. Billings, t;itruud, of Montrose, and that, -
Delivered at :Le Baptist Meeting House in ynd true men around him ; and organized a- speak in its own tauguateh, "We, hold Lbw slavery's scOurge "tobrute beasts!"
haring suffrohd toe. try tire while so insured. we ;
weneseeemlli paia by said cereertniroO to the twit - Noniron on the evening after his execution.. • provisional government, under A eollstitutiOD truths toebe sethevieleyhat 'all men are But I have not done with:this question of
extent of our (-Mims: and we have confidence in ; — - : which clearly 'set forth his object, and the, created equil; endow ti e by Utile Creator - defence. It is sa i d that Brown took life.—
him as a good and effective went. • 1.• BY. A. Ls POST. ! means by -Which that object was to be o c . 1 with Certain unalienable stighte that among There is no - proof of tnise and yet admit it.
. and tne pursuit of hap- By all the rule' of warfare, 'man has right-to
JAS. It. DE.WITT. Zsre.os Coils, .
. comPlished. The preamble to that constitu-Itheee are life, liberty
• LITDROI'.& Dr.Worr, IL J. %Veva, The dark deed, probahly, ) is done- The Mo- 1 non is eullicenily definite, upon this subject. 1 piness—that to secure rights, govern- takelifein• self defence. Cooke, in hie con- ;
'F. B..C.IIP , PLEN, J. I X °1 " 8 ""' loch and minions of slavery are jubilant over :It reads as follows :—PilECAMiltg•-• WhereOs 1 mentsare instituted anang men, deriving their feSaion, gives the concludingeportion of Brown's
Beee. Greenne, Looverm S.EAELE.
• the strangulation of another, and the noblest T slavery through-its entire exirtenee in the I just power+ from the consent °fib° govented : charge to Iris men, before taking the town of!
Montrose, Pa. November 14th, 1859.
—. 7 ,- tof all its victims. The drop of a Virginia , United States, is none other than the most 1 that whenever any form Of government be- Harper'seFarry. Saidtßoown, °Now gentle-
S. E. Sayre & Brother, i e allowe, in sat baste, has fallen,and the eitirit t barbaroue, unprovoked and unjos•iftable war . comes destructive of these cads it is the right men, let me press this out thing upon your
OttiONLIFACTURERS of Mill,Castings, and: Of another Inartt.rie the cause of humid, free- ;of SI: portion of its eitlzens spinet another jof the peoPte to altar or abolish it, and to in- mind.. You ell know hew dear likois to you
111 Cat:Ones of ail linas, Stov=es, lin and; d o ne tree eaken - its flight to that better land, ; portion, the only conditions of which are per- i atitute a new - government, laying its founds- ant how dear your fives are to your. friende;
D Sheet ,ahl
rA I re . • i n
Wr.n.' : .I.grirul . tura! Imp lements, and whem the wicked cease from troubling and ; petual imprisonment and 'hopeless treyitude tion on such priociples, and organizing-its and in remembering that, contrider that the
Dr,-Goo d s, Groceries, Crockery, &e, the weary are at rest." Peace to his remains or al)8•)itlie extermination, in utter disregard ' ; powers in such loin , as tl i tt them . =h e el.' seem hives. of others are as dear to them, As yours
Mentrnee, Pe., iNnyembe r, ltith, 1859.-ws.
and honor to his memory. Now that Capt. ; and violation of those eternal and and self-' most likely so effeeet their safety and happi- are to you. Do not, th erefore, take the life
John Brown has been executer!, on convic- ' evident truthi set forth in our Declaration of ! ne , it." • • • -" But - when a long train of any one r if you can possibly avoid it ; but
time by a Virginia court, ci treason, murder-1 Independence.: !Wherefore, we, the citizens of ' of abuses and worepations, 'pursuing invaria- if it is necessary to take life in order to save
and insurrection, it may be hoped, by many, 1- t he United States, and the oppressed p e opl e , t tele the hitue object, evincat a design to re-; your own, then make sure work of it."
afar, all the excitement occasioned by his role) by a recent decision of the Supreme ' duce them under. abselutri despotism, it ial If they made • sure work of it" in ,nme few
disinterested and noble daring, may die Mat; ; Court, are declared to have no rights which ' their tight. it is tlteir duti to throw off- such !cases, is there
y evidence that the simple
L. B. ISBELL, , 'and that his name may be'forgottea, or re e , the white Man is bound to resptct, together ) government, and to provide new guards fo. ordercof defeuee were disreguarded I No.-
- 0 EPAIRS Clucks. Watches - and Jewelry, st inembered'only as connected with the fate of I with all other people degraded by the laws 1 their future security." But whet is the law of defeecel Batherforth
...1.4, s hort rimier., sit o n reasonable terra's. All '
v i
late have suffered the extreme penalty I theeof, do feir the timeltring ordain and es . I These doctrine!, once at least, bad the an- hands . It down from Qrotius thus:—(R, Init.,
work warranted. Strop in Chandler & Jee s eup's .of violated law- Vain hope! As to the et. t o bli-h for ourselves the following proei.ionai ; thority of law. On the streogth. of their vi- page 108.) "We ought not to take -away
more, Itlentri - se_ PA. 104511. ; eitement, we, have had but the beginning of; gov e rnment, and ordinances, the better t o ) talizing power, one stanch spratigitute elks- any one's life immediately, or directly,- for
Drs. Blakeslee & Brush, the evil; and R. to the memory of Brown, it protect our p e ople, property, liveri, and liber:l tense, and gained an acknowledged aovreign- I the sake of preserving. our goods," but be al
, if, impoaathle. that it shall not be chrrialied. ties; riMI to Cove-n our Actions." ' 1 ty. True their authority has come to be de- I lows, however, that "we may defend them
iIAVE V....',01.4ated themeroves Orr the prom- ,
. cution of tire duties of their profession. And It must be wreathed iu a lalio's crown, and ! ' Thus organized, with twenty-two men— t nied. Slreineetrats, aseutning the names of 1 till our life is in danger; and then we may
r espectfully offer-their p ro f e s s io n al serv i ces . to , embalmed in the itnietre of a martyr's gluey. ' seventeen white and five colored—be pro- ; Democrat and Republican; have ptibliety, in • justly kill the' robber.
the Invalid Publie. Orrice at the residence of May be this generation sill not do him the seeds to' Maio land. After maturing pl a ne , !natty cases, denominated them " nonsicalmay, virtually, go to the extent of
Dc. Blakeslee, tulrl Aay between the villuest of ' anti
honor. Male be that lust for pre- ;he took the town rtf Herper's Ferry containtn, ' absrinctions,", a " mere retmical flowish:' I takiag life in defence of our goods, certainly
e- ',
Marra and 5.,fi11 t ..:1i.L... "nF•IGY I rogattve sod power has so corrupted the ' t w o thousand or m or e inhabitants; t h e U n it e s ' Yet ' it is equally true that the fathers of our ' there can be no doubts about the right of de•l
A, ("..ELAICESA.," P L E. ii/IrSH- ' heatt, of thenation; and the wisdom which 1-States areenal, and a n u mber o f me n p r i son . Revolution Wrote them upon the world's sta- I fending persons, to the extent of taking the''
. e 1 -
HAYDEN BROTHERS, MI roF.plreu apostle denominates ••eartlily, sea ; ere , I, ithout the shedding of blood. 'TBe cute book with a pen of steel dipped in the 1 lives, if necessary, of the robbers of God's'
WHOLE: LOOS, Dealers in Buttons. Oath-. surd, devilish, " has. so blinded its cenceptions iSrata hod puttee Space troop., in large mini- ; indelible inkef their lives, sod eacred-ohonor." I poor. While I give the law of civilization'
Scspendors, Threads. F -of law, justice and true glory, that his name Lbws, urged on by Gov. {Vice of Vs. in person,l Can it be pos-ible that half a century has `and christianity, al-generally received, I 'give,
my Good,
Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plat ord Ware. Cu- , maybe handed 7.0 the , ttazt generetion e with, ' ti me an attack upon him ; shot down and 1 chatied the nature of w'selfeetident and eter- tno opinion of my own upon that subject. I
lery,Fishinft Te s Ote,Cleers.., &, New Mil-, the tarnish of infamy - . or apologies fur marl. ' butchered thirteen did, men—tlioe garding by ; nal truth.," and annihilated' unalienable he- I siMply. apply the law as I filed ,
andit as al
fend, Pa. - Merehaete and '
Pedlars, supplied on (ors. But that, or another shall surely wipe ; the wa y t h e flag o f tr uce held sac red a s. to o . ~- men rights! 'Then, 0, Liberty, Liberty ! most uneversally admitted; and py it to
ciibera . ! term-. '• '
_§ ' . 4"a ti ' off the slain. Truth and justice .111. some I Alining all swiftest aatiqaa,, and after two awhot hope, in this sin cursed world left thee! the ease of Brown. This la* must ee"quit
------e-e-------- -- -- --
1 HENRY B. r.ler,AN, • .' 'how, keep a clean and oufficient record. Some dace of turmoThand c onflict succeeded in cap- Biet, no. There. is. hope. Our Declaration I him of guilt. But I ern told, perhaps, that
Niers or Maria Child Will
A , TTou. NE): vnd cor. Nsf:i.t:olt at LAW. ,•. • ' _ L y di a.• -' - 'go with ! taring him and the remainder of Iris men, ;_of Itillependenee is still law—law for every 1 , he resisted the authorities, the Goyernoes and
11._ Otheein the licien Block —TrPmanda.Emsd: , epicessto WS newly made sepulchre; tine if I l e ft in the arsena l—tio of his cotubatante are country a nd a l oe, for every . kindred and I Government.. l'ety well; and yet he must
3.•"", ft
ford cotirly, l'a. not "many noble or wise - men," at least, some , reported to have been killed; and several i color. - • we- . *es _
„. tie,i2stifistd. How steads thelaw I As au
Ety - will r,V.,n;) Pr'rnptlY ti , anrofeeeitnal ' few, men who torte rehoo ation rether to gain I 'Neuwied. O. _i_ottletooolstele with a thoreerunetilibis Polite'rwill introduce again
business intrusted to him, in this and edieinine .cot to thee, with hon es t heartSsand truthful I T r i a l s No ir e a Vi r ei o ia co u r t i n hire a n d I short,- but stunted= rouge from the tele- ; Pouheeffirtlii
severalruitiltiteildNatii Law. 'one
-.counties. Ele 3.sB tr _ • words, will vindicate his honor, end the jes 1 i n d ec ent h a st e h a ve ( ( Showed, re c o iling i n th e ) tented Englieh divine, Hooker. "Of MOO he I author says (page 453-1) ights.of
, . Vit. - E. W, WELLS r its of that calor, in which he ha , fallen. ; con d e mnation-or Br o wn a n d f ou r o f his a s . says, "No lees can be e acknowledged, then I resistence begin where civil eubjection ceases,"
• v e x Arisitep ...,,,,,,,,,, lea I , d in oundzi o, 'Hosseser mali g nant and threalening may be ' -notate , for treason, (est-wining one cetera] 'that her seat i s . the bostim of God, her voice tire!) • after setting forth, that subjection ceases
11. offer. hi- ?tore-air:nal Nervier:. to ell wle; the eel of treason, still th ey ,will do it But I Man On this count) murder arld-ill•lrrreeriury 19 the harmony of th e wield. All things in where Governors abdicateehe proceede-"Sec
may reeeire then. A:ere - keeps or m etontie c m esPeet more and better ti 'togs. even of this under 'the penalty of death, To-day, be- heaven teed eatth do * homage, rend the ondly, civil power or authority, in its highest
hand a: full stuti-k of Druz% and nedirinEs ,1,,,,a,,,,,„ I, ,i.,.. i mpo ., 4 ,, t h at R eoat o e ' ~,,„e II an d 12 o'clock, Brown was to hale least as feeling her care; and the greatest R. ' degree, is limited by the laws of Nature and
Pure WitiTa and Liquors for Ntedicat berme deeds, fellewed if possible by more i been, and probably has been, executed. not exempt from har power." lof God; it does not give those who are loves
parposee. l . . , (apt-6m. noble ututeecere and an undaunted aristorn I Stich is a brief, but plain etatement of the Such then ie law ; -sod to its authority II ted with it, a right of commanding what is
. SMITH, feel, etolehn pn-on, can be Met or pro , e facts; Doe* , law, applied to-this state of acts, would most humbly be - WO. If Brown cannot I inconsidentwith these laws, or of compelling
H QURGEON DENTIST. flosidence and .4 desittute of power, in arousing the nation, condemn Br o wn as a cr i m inal; an .l j ust ify le jusiifypd on thentoctothes of law as de fi ned j obedience to such commands., In respect
• tei fire opposite the Baptist Church (north side • e'en now Governor I, Vi-e may take and give t he jud•ciary and executive of Virginia, In and promulgated by -the authorities given, I therefore ef what is inconsistent with them
Olentroee Partientar
Wili be' 2ivet, •to south, ru 1.10,i-hounds at e 'ree much desired the venation' ion of-this irevion, let us divest then let hive be co by
and rites peaker I 'awe, civil subjection emits, For where the
to inserting on dold and saver plate, and snort of iil'olittoti biOosr, bet ihal w Ili only our
s elves, as far as possible, of all prejudice-1, with lipid. "Fiat justitia, rant caittoi."l civil Government have no - right to command,
- t oe reline - Oro 1 5 ..•. a 1 i•M it. . Madden 'te destroy. He may become a. fd- - hest ian predilections, and eslet 'laity of the " Let jus•icabe done thongh the leavensfall." lor to compel; the people are under no oblige
_-_ _/ • • moue, among the thousands who have urged._ influence oC those for
of law, 'which love if they do not condemn 'him, now e that Ire t Lion to obey or submit."
( 1 _ 11 . 2. ,, ,i,r.11 h., theot.h,,..mie.o. bum on,
.as .h'er h aetas. of 01d,...wh0m mythologv ; e bbe/ lost their s c ut/eta - pee or been perverted is de ad, at least let him history be acquied Our nOthor goes further, even to the anni
lei eus hut ou the head of eledum; but he t o the service of injustice, and online; of crime. Whatever may be your decision; hilation of duty to puffer the penalty of void'
lel Dyeetortle. hi ie.-ow. l'a inteeOrioNOrnieh, '.
Window Ghee.. Groe-ries. Fancy 4.;:sials, Jew ' n''' hive lea-on to f e ar that the myetie , and, with the full 'expectation that our con- whatever may the . 'decision of the nation, law a wlen we dienhey its commands. "Tho','
i • •
d r y, p er o antr . o , a e .,.. An a , Apon t ,,,. all th .. dr, , p- of blood which felt from that head, and ' e lusions will mess ot review, at the.jutigment now, and so long cowardly staggering and he proceeds,"the people are at liberty to sub
most popular Patent Medicines. Montro;e. J' a pi od toted innumerable set pento•may base a' o r t h e great day, lietnestOy inquire eft e rtruele reeling under the load and curse Of human I r wit patiently if they will, it will be of no con-
DR. E. E. WILMOT,' 10. , re sub:wan:lst ecrunterpatt, Ox the blomi - of. What is-right 1 What is inquire!
.e! IC o ther slavery, I must say nowever it may subject I sequence that they are obliged thus to sub-
Bre. ti.. Bet the bet er hope i-,. tbat the 1 week wet in its true sense, is t e ary, as app ii. me to the cherge of treason that tro far as the! mit, though no law of fleeter° or of God has
. _
0 RADUATE of the All'opatti:e ,nd lionaro - r , t ot 's blond may cleanse the clOrtell and ' c attle 'to this ease! A uthorities given go, rea l on
go to tbe -full ' I forbidden passive obedience—unless peehaps
( t eo Z e r r r , ,t , h ,r i n e ., t vt .:: , , , i i. te t r i e „ s in oi nd e i d ; l i ti i ill: b . e: G h t .,, . t itZli n d ea .l:: i T711(6z: still re „ Toi ., ii , to them t h e posher to . Islecketone, the world renowned cowmen. extent of acquittal,) that John Brown died the law of self preservatitee, upon which I
bli , li human rights - . ' other on law, defines it as folloiee: .
._.• innocent o f the charges ar eferred against him. shell not assist; - yet you 'cannot conclude
onpoeite th.).Oletli•eir4 church- - summate Jur.' Lee, re-esta
i " proclaim liberty titotubeut all the hind to • Civil or ". Muncial law is a r ul e of c ivil ,Mr re, if treason and murder, and iosurrec- t from hence that such obedience is duty. 'To
IL "C. TYLER., t mull thh inhabitant s th ereof," amid give honor I conduct, pr e scribed by the supreme p o w e r i n -} thin have been committed, it has - been dope I support this conclusion you must produce
QI'ECIOI. Partrer.witti I.7 (. 4'rea t -e.,,Griggs & , 'to iJiama honor in d ue :" Yes, mac be this I a State, commanding what is right and pro- `lath e court, nod executive of Virginia ; and
some law ef nature or Of
s God which enjolos
th . O. Kinestrury. meaufecturerh and jobbers in i gendiaion may doe ohn - Brown' memoir c a m ) hibiting what is wrong " j too against God, and Capt. John Brown.. it. In the meantime, it seems selfevident
Straw G9ras I peace y 1 cate, I
''• 1- a l'" Cal's & rhirh•t imbr i' lla " , I oce• and finish the work, 's bl 1 it • ' lam o ware that casuists , and those who 1 , But I may be toll, tbat. I have been deal- that when the civil government of a society_
Parasols. Bitihors and all Millinery artirlesh--- 1 '
Nw 4ii,C“tirialtii-L - sen_ - -'
. e i., N ew York. l4 ms j which he atteillPlerl• Aifoing at so desirs- have endeavored to make it appear that laws log in the abstract generalitiee of law, and have no right, to, command ; they have no,
.---e----- 1 . Ble Termite, thus early, on thin s l a y of his see- are valid, right. or wrong, bare found fault I justice; that:" circumstances altercased," and right or authority to make use of force either .
Wm. H. .C.oOper & Co., ..,
• cotton. I hr . :wrens offettng. However feeble, I wi t h this d e finition; and y e t it mu s t b e a d. I these may so vary the_ application If not to compel obedience, or punish disobedience.
, ANlSERS,sureeorors to POST, COOPER lor in the light of 'the present,—Pre , umiltious, I mitred as tbe true. -The cleah and unnsiroak. I change the mineiples of atrict law and
, But it is a known principle of nattrel law,
_ l l3 & Co, montrose, N. Office" one elect,' it. is honest. .Take it for what it is worth. I able iuference, I daw from i', itt-Lthat which j tice, as to make them • condelein what tbay I that where there later right on one part, there
vast from. Pits St ore,
Turnpike Street. prohib it , seem to justify, an acquitw athey
•II do not intend to go into the of the I l dires not command what is right, orld h t seem to is no obligation on the other part. Thiopeo
w-x• iirm- 11 " ) `; ` - h"orhre-e ' ' ritlun* Di'll'rEll - !'"old berois lire; nor the minutia of (Orem. that which e ia wrong, is not law, and as such, I condemn. pie therefore are not in subjection to any force
C. O. FORDHARL . - : :lances connected writhis death. Front my I can bane no binding force. ITo this I reply, thattirowever elreunostan- Which is wide use of by civil governors
IticANUFACI'URER9E BOOTS & SHOES.- I stand Phint there is no need, in, the vindica- 1 Justinian, the great R o man l a wy e r, i n hi s ' ees may c hange thiugsh which
Other- f
ort the:se purposee, or are not obliged passove
arid conduct, to make Institutes
wha t (eOcording to'Btackston.e) reduces I ant moral character, they cannot make law o submit to such force." This would have
All kiadtenf "eohok made to order and repairing , apologies for, what is called, his last " raid" t h e d o ct r ine o r l aw - to three p r i nc ipl e s, ate; 1 v
alida i'ginst inalienable natural rights, "such been good grounds for either Brown's acquit
done neatly. - jet_ lor "foray, "at Harper's Ferry; and therefore "We should live honestle, should hurt no- I i the lenguage of Blackstone, "are life ;AI or rescue. . .
--- ,WK. W. SMITH, & CO., ,- 1 neceity that I should recount these scenes `body , ' and should ' render to every one his 1 and lilenety."' These are the rights involved ) Upon this point; let Virginia, when she wa's
of slavery, ruffienism and outrage, in Kansas, Id u e." • in the case under consideration. It is the ' the "Old Dominion of Liberty, insteod of ela
etAßlN ET and Cheir Manufacturers, foot of ' .
It- e Main street, Montrose, P.l. tumid 1 which are supposed to have made him a t These Blackstone includes among "the 1 law of e l n very, that, directly or iudieectly,; very as she now is, iu her History speak :
I monomaniac, or mad man, bent on revenge. !eternal and immutable - laws of good and evil, ,I condemn. Brown and Itti asnocistes. What "On the anise' says that History, "of the
Mt. G. t. DIOCH, • I Enough for, my present purpose. that Capt. Ito which the Creator himself, in all his die- jis the law of slavery t-Imoevrer-o-It iS theiaw Stamp act in Ame?ica, the smothered feelings
100HYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office over Wit- , John Brown, who to-day expired on a Virgin- pensations-confortns." , lof might against sight—lt takes the inaliena- of the Celonista broke forth in one general
-•JL arms biome Lodgings at' Searle's Hotel. lis gallows, inherited the name and spirit of) Rutherford), in his Institutes of 'natural ; bie rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of , buret el indignation,. The house of burgeons
... . s
DR. JOHN W. 'COBB, . la' lineage, traceable, directly back through law, ch. 10th, says, "as bee been shown al I happinesefrom one class of men, and hands !in Virginia, at that time in re, sion
•., - DIITSICIAN and Surgeon. --Mee I
on, Public Crept. John Brown, One a the heroes of the. ready, the law of nature, enjoins all those ac- i them over, in perpetuity, to another clam—it 1 made, the brat pp
rst o osition. In five resolntions
01. Avenue. opOsite se:oh:010,1e), ei ont. „, e . ) Revolutioti o to Peter Brown, one of the Pil- I liens which are roarally good and forbids all ,makes merchandise of the bodies and souls i which were introduced and suppo r ted -boa the
1 grim Fathers, who in 1830, after a lung And }those which are bad. By this means the lof beings. made in the image of God—it eloquent and ardent Patrick Henry,
_ ..
perilous ocean voyage, in pursuit of an rise- ; fernier become 'duties, add the latter heoome herds four millions of Americans with cattle, ; sorted the rights and ptivileges a tbtr Colon
lum from the oppressions of the old world avid ;crimes," - • . and makes the othei twenty or more millions lists and declared thatotheyowere not bound to
a place of freeddue to worship. God, supped I With these testimonies, we can hardly tail- of Americans, blood-bounde, coven after them, Field -obedience to any law imposingttakee on
from the May Flower upon Plymouth Rock.' take the nature of law, or time OiStinalOn - Lbe- j if they run away -ir is a' la* of war against ; them, unless'made by their own Assembly.
Enough that his conduct and conversation' tween duties and clime , . If lam met here 1 foam and to say nothieg.of God, the fatness hit was here that the conduct of the King wee
while, holding the arsenal at Harpers Ikon bY a caviling lawyer with the declaration and fertility of a free earth. Or, in the more I fur the first lime in America, publicly arraign
while leieg• mangled and bleeding, surround- that there ar e imEortautdietiociione between emphatic language of the preamble toßrovin'e led ; and Henry was the first loon who dared
' NEWS arms. i ed by o ffi cial digniostiee,hthe bristling bayo- municipal and natural law , my reply is, ad- . Constilutiou, it is, "The most,barbarous, un- ' publicly assert "that die king had acted the
. 1 nets and cutlasses-Of tbe soldiery.lthile amine hmitting 'lbw, yet still in a Con fl ict between provoked and uojustfieble weer( a portion I pared altyrent in taxing the Coleinies with
rtillENere hhiric City Illustrated Newspepees , ed in the Charleeton prison, god confronting the two, the muneiPal must give Wet' to the lof its citizens 'against; anotherportion, the j oat their consent." •
-L Kags.z:fiet.,,,etv, etc- for sale at the. Montrose i th e -
Book Store, hy, A. N. BULLARD. leu mockery of a court, and the geneses, be ! natural. The former is null and void if it I only conditions of which are perpetual im- I
__ t. l As applied to the prompt case, all I have
1. honored that linewg,e, a nd
established toe t encroachea up on the authority of the latter. I prhontnent, extermination, in utter disregard Ito say is, that Patrick Henry's name le prov
" MEAT MARKET. right and justice of his claim. Let Col. Wash- 1 Let him turn to 'bib Blackstone vol. I. Pages and violation of those eternal and self-evident ed to be in the same category_ with BOownhe I
.0n Public -10-,:ye, near Searles,flotel. I ington and his fellow psi-acme Wituesi to his j 41, 42, 43--and-be may read as followa:"The truths, set forth in our Declaration of lade-1 and that ihjustice is done, fifty years will not
VEEP ~n - hand a good s u pp l y eh j braveey, htiinenity and eellheactificing gaper- I law of nature being coeval with mankind and peudence."" . I have passed before the daring of Brown will
ill e , MEATS r nil kinds. CASH pd „for I oeityh Let Brown's own iudignat repudiation ' dictated by God himself, is cf course suratior Such ia the law ofealavery. Is it, can it be Ihe as highly !loitered as t-of Henry. It
Boot Cattleocalvee,solocp,tene Lam b s . lof the advantage which might have been to any other. It is binding °vet' ell the gloho';' valid law I can it have. force in a court of I should be more highly font e ressontliat the
Afse for 11 Mee ot all Inds .
. I gained by a plea of insanity, and his prison in all coontlies and at all times, n° human justice! No. Ira peat it, me; it is absolute- I former ran the greatest hitzzard. Henry beard
' &Jr- \b () CI" HAWLEY. I letters, humble, treequirocat, frank,- truthful hl or esheee o f au y v a lidity ittontraryo the se ,ly y e w . an d y e t such is the law that has couend the Lim/ three thousand miles off; Brown
s. T. riteSTOCK. ,'J C. ItAWEEIr. ! and sublime, eradicate him from the charges -and such of Hutu as ate valid derive alletheirldhoened and executed Btowth Ile
Montrose, Mrtrell 39th. 1859.—tf!
guilty of t I knocked out some of his teeth, and briaitio..l
lof enemies and the misjudged apologies of I force and their mithority mediately or-Una:le-% crizne I No. With •the (lowland of God 1 him in bis'dono.. , .
. _
o ' frien d s- a; ;
•1 :4ll.lllia's officials from the'goeernor t diatele (win this original." Further, "n ot e ! rin g in g •i s hi e ett oe'; "Remember those in But take ano th er historical incidente a
- .7 . i down to constable, or up to jailor — fur he, human laws that annex punishitient to mut- 1 bonds as bound with them," "Do unto others nearly, if not exact parallel with tne case of
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ; Mot:. Avis. seems noblest of them all—though Ides do nut at alrincrea s e its moral Pitt* or as you would that they should diounto yon ;t' I Brown.
1 thirsting for the poor rene'aine of Ida blood, su 'add anyfresh obligations, in the form of heput on his armor,Tan into , the ruthless, • In 1705, Goy. Gage, of dm Massachusetts
fLOUR, nit& SALT , - ite., ' T believe ' -~ -
, every cord the old hero said ; and I c e onecience to abstain from perpetration. barbarous and unprovoked , slavery sent Borstott, a consisting
NEW Icgsoitn, pee—sale Boom, PBAlTS_Office. I were forced by their own convictions, to pro- l N a y, if any humeri law should allow or en- Lind long ago corineoced , and was now pees- of - - - 800 men, under thecouerqaud of Pol. Smith
WILL keep ' k.shetantly on hand -the hest 1 uounce him the braveto roan and, the noblest ;join Ors to commit he s t ee ore bound to from., e cu tloo with
ent o mb s re-dubld fury, cruelty and and Maj. Bleak.% to destroy a large
I T brands of FLOHR—be the Sack or Mehl Old r..):41. they ever saw. On the outwit:- I thatlaw, Off db h !.. madness with " I
Cress ore we must oenot i . 8
dreg Barrels—at the l'owest market prices. Al ' • fV. a ammunitiiin and stores, atConoord.—
. so, I H oe o . irgaula end the whole nation;ibat t the natural and divine." '. - !rescue ; m orn justifiable than the high per ,When they arrived at Lexington, they fotind
- OALT —by the SiuglZi Birrel or load. i Brown
. the truth I Out in, for him, the t Still (nether, °Throe • rights then *birth " pose that lova MAIM guatandOhonered La. the' Militia of-the place drawn' up and ready
All todere 'frets Merchant.. era Diate ill ' ' •
m."'• • ; plea of justification. lu thellight of these facts, IGal1 Gal arid nature have establisherland and are ; fayetteinto'theelleYolutionOtO
he Promptly attended to: struggle; or Ito receive them. On th e' refusal of the !Ani
s')." Coe! , pehl f o r G ra i n , iv oo l. No e . me ee 1 menciPal law, -ea interpreted bh the world's called natural Oightr e —such as are, , life and' that which be nt, iksaette,atla to fight the b e at - I tia to lay down their OW, the regulars fired
eeti eel Oo ee e-_„,, , pa,: .... • • . ' li:'_ es C.ViliZit:o/1 4 0,1' Chiietian Et uralitY, as ex - Irthertor Geed not the aid of human towel° he ! tier's of Greece. True circhionstrsocee wonder- , upon them, and killed eight men. This fol ie. Met: Se- SO ,
. .. , 1
• Vi - 3.31.T.F1irm liii-m433,v5, BY
Ttr.sts--$2. per annum or t.l 50 in adrance.
Delinquents subj....tit., enarge or 8:1. 50 per year,
with interest.. thsteOntinttanees optional with
the Poi;lisher ICIOiI 311 ilirronigOS are paid.
Advertisernent 4 in.erted M $1 ?er square of
12 lines: .28 cents
_per square for eat' in.prtion
.after 4 the firm three. One square one year, $B,
each idditionai square. ss.
Job Work of all kinds exeCtded neatly
and promptly. - ll:aask.s always on hand.
- -
11311. LINGS STROUD, • ,
3lnntrose, Pa..
Guttonbersr, Rosenbaum & Co.,
DEALERS in P O -0) - -matie Cloaking, I.adie s
Dress Goods. Eornishing Goodß, etc., etc.
Storm at No ....II New-Vort City, and
Towanda, 111.entros. hralltfa Depa, Pa:
4 privsirfax •Ind Sump •n. Ilootrose Pa.—
Office Jethe Farmer's Store. , • I
rcASIIICAABLE TaßOr. Shop 'near the I
X: Baptist Ming !louse, on Turnpike stn.l.4,
MoLtrosc, Pa- aught'
" „goln ogatnria n0,?./ivanr Irmo' Dolt rim tarn Tat mat arm Ic,%IAP girl? Vrt UTtlt rirm
lowing up the Boston Massacre cemmeoced which he cannot foresee! flail be those whd
the AmeriCan 'Revolution. Were the Militia with wicked bands eincified the Cord of Life -
justifiable in resisting the CoBonk?. autbori- and Glary! Ye have brought refine pticin to rt ' l l
ties of Great Brittain 1 2tmericaps, whet say 1„ t world ! 1
rout Will you dodge a juetifivation of the • ' 14 •
'beginning of your Oen Revolution, fOr the e. But secondly . —Temporsty defeat may be
necessary to ultimata ,
sake of condemning "Old . John Brown!"— , success. APParent fail-
_ urea may be real success. 'True courage is
Shame on moot, degenerate cowardice s sind in
justice! Yon date not. . rather strengthened than eveakenedlby a defeat.
I ewe:dude, therefore, this of , my de- Besterd coursge, when, is the linguige of old
fence by saying that, it matter's not, that lireesp e there la' tretlittle risk," easy prove fe.
Brown and his assoc iates
were contending mimes, bit it is covrenlice still ; and all its ries
ageinst Governors, or civil magistrates, those parent successes are ultimate; defeets.
authorities bad, no right tocommand his Pub- Tho ultimate conflict may be to great for the
mission, nor to use force 0' compel it; and present amount of true emSegge 1 4 . e sacrifice ,
Browns right was that of disobedience, and . e -
defence. ' - - of a few whose noble daring may lead them in
advance of their et:meads, may be needlel to ed.
But I may be told, that thereetre "Consti
tutional' remediee lore:Meting errilsi and these
ucate and diseiplige theSreinainderefoi the odes •
islonethonjd besewortedeteae •--s .. —1- test end etetery. Leonidas end his three bend-
There may be more in this, as applied to red Spartans at Thermopyle;furnishes an exams
the case, than in any other objection; and - pie in point. Abundance more of them MO be
yet it must le; construed in the light of the found in the history of our .own country. The
Declaration of ludepentience to be in all ea- massacre at Boston, where Crisps Mattuck,a
yes, valid, It must admit that the Clenstitn- colored man,fougbt for the rights of Americans,
lion is a Constitution for heeded, ; and that' Brinker Hill, Lexington, Concord, and a hest of
its forms must furnish all needed facilities for
come u With
othes places, 'their witnesses that
the remedy of !rouge. If it, and all regal •P
failures are successes; and defeats vietosies.—;
forms may be put under duress, or, by con
:erection be made to annihilate enthral and Who in rho light of such examples, can say, 's
unalienable rights ; and to tolerate injustice surely, that the taking of Harper's Fermat the 1 •
and outrage, then the objection becomes in- SO crifleo o.l3rown and his comrade s is not a de
valid. [lave not petitions and remonetanees, feat pregnant with the glory ofeuecess ? —that
for a whole genCration, been urged against ultimate results may not prove s that the sword ,
slavery with all poss.ible eloquence atil pathos, descended from the great Waehingtoneightfully
only to be treated with ridicule, contempt and ominously came into the hands of Brown T •
.and mob violence I Has not thesßallot Box Defeats, again, iney be needful to show the
been adjured to come to the Fescue, against, I weaunesBes • as
well as
the strength of no wee ,
the peal of insurredtion and general 'dotage- i
!n . 1
ye Hero Brown's failure has already proved
don ; and yet, under the terror of a threaten-
' 'W y l this
a success. hel parade of military— •
ed dissolution of "the Union," has it not Gee:-
ed and truckled, spaniel like, fit the feet of des. these 2doo or 3000 sewed men, with all the mus.
pots I Has it not been stetted with illegal nitions of war, serrOundieg the gallows of a
vote:, by officials, and bought - by promises of wounded and helpless old man,-doomed to dio I
1 ' preferment, until it has become se corrupted Why 1 Because Isiah Brown is-the bend of God
that even pretty good men think thee' hsife writing on the wall of the Old Bastilo of opros
done wonders in bringing even the free States
up, edit, faltering step to the stand, that sla-
eet gen, 'men° _ tekel upliarain." The conscious
guilt and cowardice of slairery - is out, at last
very maybe let alone where it is, but m
t ambling knees and coward bravado, indicate
make'no further aggressions upon free Terri- r e •
its doom. The ghost of Virginia's State Seal
1 tory I May not ilavery propagandism have ,
I,half the creditof even this? His not slavery, I Pictured with a - freed slave stan din g with foot
all the while been growing strenger, mores ar- t upon the Tyrant, and exelainiing " Sic-Semper
ogant. and murderenis I What power has 1 Ty
rannis,"-Moy this ever be the fate of tyrants
made, for many years, all of our . Presidents; 1 has sent terror through all slavery-dom. _
' commanded our armies; represented ua in I -What a contrast to all this IS the quiet; -
foreign courts; Pemel Fugitive glaYe Bills; ' peace, resignation and sublime faith of the
knocked down Senators; destroyed a great' condemned and imprisoned old man, Brown.
rcompromise which favored free terr i tory i Hear him while yet in prison and in chains,
butchered ' free State men, rewarding that waiting to be led out
tothe gallows,
igueratee:weettioperevived n cannot believe have suffered,
commerce in the bodies and , souliof.AtTricansi, or may yet sutler, will be lost to the cause of
and so corrupted the Supreme Count of the ' God and humanity. And before I began my
Gaited States, as to fordo its dictum, that "the work at Harper's Ferry, I felt assured that ire
blaCk roan has no eights, tkat the white man the west event it would certainly pays I
4 bound to reepect 1 What power but slaves often expressed - that belief and now, see no'
iv e andelesetoo, under a tonsteeettirsereerethe ness e s te caus e to Altar Aily tllind. I h av e
spuit and forms elite tsoristitution 1 Slavery' Len a good deal disappointed s's Tt rep ..,, s ..
has done all ties, and more; and yet twenty- myself, in not keeping up to my own plate
two men under thenobleet ceptain of the age, but I now; feel entirely reconciled to the!,
the noblest"Oldliornan" of all, modern lice oven, for God's plan was infinitely better, no
mane, nust be shot down or hung for "Tree- doubt. As to the time and manner of my
son, murder and Insurrection," because, "a • death—l have but very little trouble on that
forlorn hope," they dashed into the eondict to Score, end am able to be of good cheer."
rescue Constitutional liberty, and emancipate Again—" So far as I ant concerned, I ` count
the crushed and bleeding slaves. Slavery is all joy.' I have `fought the good fight,' and
an outlaw, although snaking war on pod bare, ash dust, ' finished my course.'"
lend humanity, rofessidly e einder the banner In the olden time, there was another John
of the Constitution. It is Constitutionally art Brown, a, pious Edingburgh carrier, who
outlaw; and as has beeb demonstrated on ev- thought it to be his duty to succor persecefed
ery principle of natural justice, it is an out- ministers of the gospel. Ile dwelt in "The,
law. It is a modern Cain without God's mark Cottage on the Muir." Claverhouse, with a
on him to shield him from retribution. So band of soldiers Mime to that cottage in pus
13rgwo believed, stud so, to put the worst pons- snit of a good minister by the name of Ait kin.
ible construction upon Lie conduct, he acted, He demanded of Brown his whereahoule—heit
resod, foe a law by which to COD - Brown would, not tell. Claverhouse com—
As a last reso manded his soldier "Do your dety,e shoot
deem Byown arid Ws associates, we are pointed
down. They hesitated, andeturing the.
to that of expediency. We are told,
language of Paul, that . "l,ll thitigs arc e la n w t fu ae l, s s u il s e r::
but all things are not expedient." Well, it is render hearts:,
the wife of Brown broke the isweet
with , a " god Almighty bless your
Claverhouse drew his pistol
not a smell thing that Browses opponents sere . and did what his saltiest refused to do, and
driven to this. It acquits of guilt, on the great I turning with insolence to the wife of the de
principles of justice and abstract right: But i ceased men, and asked, " What think ye,
admit that this law, or rule of expediency has 1 good woman, of your beiney man now ?"
been violated. That Srowa's conduct partakes `She replied, 'I always had good , repels to
of the character of impracticabilities, the wild ' think well ellim, and I think utair o'hirn
mid incoherent dolageof a menomaciac, and than ever." , -
what then 1 Is a man to be hung
luexpedi- "The cottage:' says a correspondent of the
" Ametican Presbyterian;' to yrhog, I am
eneyl Then there ShOuld be meadows in eery
to;vn and hamlet ; and angels must needs turn iii g ebted for this incident,
iredfro "oJ
e f o m li e n ir ß it ro h
wutn has
executioners. Is inexpediency treason, minder, little , spot,;the ' House in ,rho Muir'
and insurrection 1 What a commingling of stood, is see green , amidst surrounding
is this. Lawful lent inexpedient treason! law- heath ; and in -the very centre of that spot
ful but inexpedient murder ? lawful but 'nese there lies a slab, now almost covered with
pedient insurrection ? Here is found the sotto grass, upon which, with a little cleaning of
eon of the fad that American liberty, once, so the grass from the faded oharsotere, thestill. ' fe'l
sacred and inviolate, havhccome inexpedient, lowing rude but expreseire lines may be
Bat I'take issue with those who introduce this read;
rule of expediency. That rule, if I understand
it, is this ; Oppressed nMlees or communities
should make no attempt to throw oirthei shack
ets or to vindicate their rights, until such time
as there may be a ,ensemble prospect of succee.
Against this,' put in the following plea :
1. Thereis a maxim which in its time and
place, contains as good and valid a tette at least
1 aseihat of epedieney._ It is that submission and
1 forbearance may cease to be virtues. The time
may and does come, whia property and life are
of no account, but to be offered up on the altar
or justice and liberty. Patrick Henry gave uts
I ter/ince to this doerine, when he cried "give me
1 liberty or give me death."' The Colonies ree
-1 -
vended to it, and rallied to arms. Considering
,'the power of England did they run no hazard I
Were not the probabilities all against success ?
1 To_all tinmen foresight was there not a: reason-
I able ground to anticipate trial and execution,
, on the part of the patriots of the Revolution
' for treason ? If you say no, you rob them of at
least half their glory.. The truth is, they had
petitioned and reMonstrated against the burden
1 of an oppressive government, • without emcees,
I l ' until, iu-their opinion," forbearance had ceased
to he a virtne.",They said death was prefereble
to such oppressive, and ignobleelmrdene; and
resolved to take that alternative; if fail, es rea
sonably they might expect they Ihould, of Ills.
fifty. 'They did not map to - say simplys•frit
there's* reasonable prospect of liberty, we will
tight for IL No ;-_"give me liberty or give me
death, had no each tame and cowardly -signifi.
caeca sadist. But limey be eeld, afteinliehat
the success which did follow was their ,toddies
- lien. Theo, had they falled,lii truth, as well
as by authority - of trannie ' edicts, they Were
traitors, subject td a traitors doom: 'Beautiful
dairine that, which justifies stoat by results
" Claveramight murder godly
lint could not rob hint of his crown.'
"The courts of Virginia, and Gov.. .Wise;
may execute John Brown ; but there will be
another monument-etected, and =illier cen
tury e c onplet thereon. insmibed
" Although you murder godlyßrown,
You can not rob him of his crokn!'
" AnAis death may ' light such a fire' in
our land, as will never be extinguished, until
the principles of true liberty enlighten the
I conclude in, perhaps more rude, yet pa
triotic versification : .
I'm verrgled, -
. A word to add.
Of honest approbation,..`
And give renown, -
To "godly- Brown:*
In We of all creation. ,
The tlyn John Brow'si
With golden crowns,
In spite of Wise end Clever!
to reahn, of light, -
Where ail is bright,
To-day hare !act together
Then, let the theoog '
. Join Freedom's long
And tolL the hero's story;
qva "Old John Brown"
The martyr's crown
To him the. rector's
' Fa s oit Ecaore.—The Bohemian, at Port- -
inn& brings data from Liverfioorto the 16th
lait. The• Regency of Central Italy hes.heti
tendered to and declined by Princecarignan
h;tit finally conferred upon the ClAvalierßu•
oncompagnie. • . i