The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 08, 1859, Image 4

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    SUCII 0 - It A iIF - AI L
A arstsitrss REMEDY
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THE first hospital surgeons and medical pub.
lieists of Europe, admit the unparalleled
--Anti-inflammatory and healing properties of this
Ointment; governments sanction its use in their
naval and military services; and the masses in
this country and 'throughout the world repose
the utmost confidence in its curative properties.
•It penetrates the, sources of , inflammation and
corruption which underlies • the...external evi
deuces of disease, and neutralize the fiery
ments which feed and exa.perate the malady.
Ilhetunatisza, Screfitle, ErfelPeltui-
These are , among the tnost temible and ago
nixing diseases of the muscles, the fleshy fibre
and the skin; yet in their worst forms, and when
seemingly - incurable, they invariably disappear
under a pemeveringapplication of this soothing,
healing. antidote to pain and inflammation.
Salt Ehewm, Fever Sores. Stiff Joints.
In aft cases of Salt Rhona, where medical wa
ters, lotions, and every receipt of the phartuseo
-*ia have:proved u..eless, the Ointment will ac
complish a lhorounh cure. Fever Sores heal
'quickly under its influence, and its relaxing ef
fect upon contracted sinews is truly wonderful
Dischging M ears.
A most remar ar kabl e and happy change Is pro
duced in the appearance of malignant ulcers af
ter a few applications of thilOinment. Theitur
, rounding_ redness vanishes, and granules of
of healthy flesh begin to take the place of the
discharged matter. phis process goes on more
or less rapidly, until the orifice is filled up with
sound material. smi:the ulcer radically cured.
AWord to. Mothers: The young are the most frequent suffers from
externarininries,. ntid therefore every, mother
Should have thisrhealing'preparation constantly
at: hand. ft-is ' an absolute specific- for sore
breasts, and quickly removes the encrusted sores
which sometimes disfigure the heads and faces
of children.
Significant Facts.
This Ointment is universally used on 'hoard the
• Atlantic and Pacific whaling fleet as a cure for
scorbutic_ affections and as the best possible
remedy for wounds and bruises." Large supplies
of it- have recently been ordered by the Sultan
4 . Turkey for - hospital purposes.
Both the Ointment and Pills shouldkke used in
the following cola:
Bunieins, Chapped Hands, ' - alai,
"Mercurial Eruptiois, Saver Legs,
'Chilblains, Rheumatism, . Sore Ilreasts, -
kingikorni, • Sore Heads,
Gout, ' Salt Rheum, Sore Throats,
Lumbago, Skin Diseases,. Sores ofall,kinds
Piles, Spraini, Stiff Joi n t s,
Ulcers, Worms of all kinds, Venereal Sores
Tetter, Swelled Glaciate.
*;*Sold at the Manufactories of •Professor
.110I.LOWAV, 80 Maiden- Line, New 'York, and
24 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists
and Dealers in sledieine throughout the United
States and the cUihZed world, in pots, at 25
cents, 62.1.2 cents, and SI each. .
'there is a c•asiderablc sawing by - taking
iho lamer sizes.
N. D.—Directions for the guidance of patients
in every disorder,nre affixed to each pot.
-i931 23eotr.
Gifts! Gifts: ,Gifts;
• FOR NOTHING ! Send foris Catslogne which will be sent
to cou free of Postage
3. Si COTTON & CO,
400 Clinitaul St., Philadelphia,
tiave, in addition to their - regular business of
Publishing and Booliselling, adopted the princi
ple of furni'sKing a Gift of the reaue of fain -25'
cents to $lOOO, to the purchaser of every book of
aie Dollar aid itptcardi.
E:4&"•• send fora Cyttelegoo, which we will send
to you free of Postsge.,,g3
• Being largely engaged in the Publishing Bu
sinoss, J. S. Cotton & Co., have peculiar sdvan.
Cages of obtaining . Books at very low prices,
which enables there to give more valuable pref.-
fins than can be afrii-ded by any other house en
'aged in the same line of business. •
Any Book., published it the United States,
will be furnished .at,the Publishers' price, and
...also a valuable gift to the purchaser without any
extra charge., These gifts consists of
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold C haimt, Ladies'
Splendid Silk DresiPatterne,Parlor Time-pieces,
ti:lverplated: Ware, costly sets of Cameos. 310-
sale, Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Turquets and La.
ca 3owe:Trv, Gold Lockets, Pencils and Pens.
Lsdies Necks and Chantetaine "Chains, Gents'
Beßorn,..Sturds and Sleeve Butt Oms, Pocket
linices Portealonnaies, and bther gifts of use
and value.
Elr Five Hundred Dollars worth-t f Presents
will be.diAributed with every Thousand
Dollarp'Worth of Books 501t1.40
.Send for a Catalogue, which will 'be sent to you
Persons forming Clubs, or wishing to, act as
Agents, can get Books and valuable gifts for
2 nothing! - •
Agricultural, - Botanical, Horticultural and
Scientific. Books—Historical, Poetical, Juvenile
_ and Misctilaneons Books—Dictionaries, Bibles,
Prayer - and Hymn Books—Albums, Annuals,
- Cash Books - and Works of Fiction, and all
other - Books published in the United States,
furnished at Publishers' prices, and free gifts
furnishcui with ureey hook.
* * *Send for sr Catalugue;which.will be sect
to you fre . e of postage. -
Address. J. -16.11;OTTON Ar.
No. 409 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
4gents wanted in every part of the Cpantry.
• own,
_L4 SELLOR IN BUSIN;;SS, containing plain
and simple instructions to Everybody for trans
actittg their businees according to law, with le
, gal leitns for drawing the various necessary pa
i'pers connected therewith, together with the
taws of all the SWOP, for Collection of Debts,
Property Exempt from Exeeutivix, ikleclaniee ,
Leins, Eiecution- of Deeds and kfortagages.
Righta_ofllartied Women, Dower, Usury,
-sUc. by Fax ax CROSBY, Esq, of the Philadel
phia 13,;r. -331 pages, 12mo.
An entirely new workion-the subject, adapted
to' the wants of every citizen Of the United
States. Single copies sent by mail to any ad
' dress, on re‘eipt -of price, et,no, or in law'etyle
of binding at 81,25. ,
7,Q00 Ageuts wanted to canvas for it, with
whom liberal arrangements_ ill be made. Apply
to or address JOHN E. POWER., Publisher,
9.m.a.1 617 SIMS , .61 Street,Philadelphin,Ps:
Executors' Notice
WligftL .n ' gr
Int e tr t( 1 ) 8 - o th e ha s utcrt i t tl rs °l o i n h tie ve
estate of Mosel' Stopard, late of the township of
Forest Lake, deceased, all persons indebted to
the said estate are 'requested to make immediate
payment, also all persons having just demands
against the setae will please present them duly
authenticated for settlement to the subscribers.
'Mai. HARVEY, Ezueutors
O c t 2; sk, 2859, '
Al.l wanting farms in a''delightfal climate,
iich soil, and secure from frosts. pee ad.
vortisement of , Hammonton Lamls'ia another
'MEW GOODS, in line of businens,
1.11 ing, every week. ABEL TURRELL, .
fIitAPE GROWER S can carry on their bu.
aineti most successidlY at Hammonton.
Read adratiament
7 /2 ' / / s•-•
- e ,#„• • )
Rooms open-for lostrnelion from. 9 a. M. LO 9:30
D. W. LOWELL, Principal, Professor of the
Science of Accounts, Prnctleal A,•countant.
_ Author of Lowell's Treaties von Book.Ktep ;
log, Diagrams illustrating the lame.
Joint McCAl's, Assistakt Proteasor in the Book•
keeping Department.
A. J. WARNER, Professor of Practical and Or
namegtal Penmanship, Commercial Calcula
tions and Correspondence.
Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Lecturer on Commer
cial Law and Political &enemy:
Han. Ransom Eafrom, Lecturer on Contracts,
Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange.
Rev. Dr. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial
Don. Sherman D. Phelps, Win. R. Osborn, Esq.,
Tracy R. Morgan, Esq.
Tho object of this Colleges is to afford to all
an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business
The Books and Forms are Arranged
by practical accountants expressly for this In.
utitution and el:121)0.ex all the recent Improve
The course of instruction eel:uprises every
department of business. The learner will be
thoroughly taught thir science and practice of
Double Entry Book• Keeping as applied to Jhe
Following hinds of business, - viz: General ?der
ehandistag, Manufacturing, Banking, Commis.
sion, Steambrstling ' Railroading, forwarding,
Freighting, Foreign Shipping, &c.
Ladies 'Department entirely separate from
that of the gentlemen.
Students ran enter College at any time and
receive individual instruction. By this arrange
Wont every ,fituclent is permitted to progress as
rapidly as'his enterprise and ability will per
mit, and when through, perfect and - complete,
will receive a Diploma which will enable him
to review at pleasure.
Time to complete the course, from Six to
Twelve. weeks. No vacations. Board 9:450 per
week. -
For Book-KeePing, full accountant's course,
inc:uding Practical Penmanahip, Commercial
Computations and Diploma, (Time unlimit
ed,) • • •- - $35 00
Same course for Ladies (separate apart
ment.) - 20 00
Penmanship and Arithmetic, - 10 co
Teachers' course in Penmanship, Practi
cal and Ornamental, - - -30 00
Twelve lessons in Practical Penman, - 200
IV - Occasional classes will be formed in
Phonograpy. For Lull particulars send for a
THE undersigned would respectfully an
nounce to the public that he has just re
ceived a Supply of
fifflll GROCERIES •
among which may be found the very best of
Sugar, Molasseig Syrup;
Tea, 'Coilbe, Bcc., 4(.4,
at prkes to suit the times,Jor ready pay. Don't
mistake the place, but call at the inasemett of
%here your humble servant carries on a
and wheie the public may always rely upon
having their wants attended to withpromptness
and fidelity. 0. M. C.RA.NE.
Montrose, April 20th.
Nercrir 4M-coal:Xis
One Price Ready Pay Store, consistinp, of
• - Dry,Goods, Groceries, •
Boots it Shoes. Hats it Caps,
Wall _Paper,
- Stone be Wooden 4lrare,
Paints, Oils. aims, .te.,
Watches, Jewelry. Tankee Notions,
You will never find old shelf-worn, motbuesten,
rotten, or out of style Goods at HAYDEN Bros.'
Look out for Old Fogies, and hey your Goods
where you can urn 28 its CENT. We bate
a large stock of
GOODS Purchased Ter CASH ,
and.will be sold at prices that will frighten the
Old Fogy principles.
as represented. No charge for showing Goods.
--New Milfon'a., June, 1859. tin
BURNING FLUID, White end Cod Fish,
Ladies Kid S. S. Boots, and more Gsiters
from 58 eta. to .sl,7s—alt at TyLEICS.
May 19th 1859.
12 I _ 2 LliS. OF SUGAR for $l,OO, at
June Bth, 18.59.
A NEW SUPPLY, just arrived, and• for sale
XX., cheap, by A. TURRELL
SIT 0 -E••
S •
4 LARGE LOT for men women and childre%
(1 juit reeired, and for sale at the very low
eat rates, by . I. LYONS, & SON.
tRSONS wishiorto change their business
to a rapidly increasing County, a New Set.
tlenient where hundrads are going. Where the
climate fa mild and delightful. See adc,eitise
meet of Hammonton Settlement, another col
Dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions;
Hair) constantly on band an assortment of ,
Dried and Pickled Fish, fke, viz:
Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish, Herring*
Codfish, Beet, Pork; Lard; Shoulder*
Hams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Bice, !kn.
wool ClRollig
subscriber continues the above bullies.
-as usual at Lis old stand in Brooklyn
Thankful for past .favors be would solicits a
'share of the public patronage. • -
Brooklyn, )fay 23d,1889.1f. •
1 8 bargl i al JEWELRY at
purckariza. Callsmott r. July 2
S. tour, ter4 cc: 'OroVision More,
r I NE door below J. Ethridge!s Drug Store,
on Public Avenue, where will be found
(constantly on hand a general aaaortment of
Snell as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Tens, Coffee
' &e., &c., &e.
Also the choicest brands of
Meal, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, - Candles dre.
We solicit. a share of the public patronage, and
pledge ourselves to do the fair thiog, hoping by
each bargain to secure another.
Shop in Boyd & Webtter's new building,
next door above Keeler of Stoddard's.
HAVING worked for the past nine years
with the most skillful workmen, he feels
confident that he can do the most . difficult jabs
on short notice. .
All Work Warranted to Give latistaition
W. B. SIMPSON has worked for me for some
time, and f can recommend him aa-la careful and
akinl workman, competent to do as good work
u can be &re in the country, and worthy of
nfidence. WM. A. CHAMBERLIN.
Towanda Juno 10th, 1858...
Refers to—Wm. Elwell, E. W. Baird. E. D.
lifontayne, E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury. Towan.
da ; B. S. Bentley, L Searle, C. D. Lathrop,
J. Wittenberg, Montrose.
* * 'Jewelry teatly repaired on. short notice,
and on ressonabl stems. [June 15th, 1858.—tf.
Railway or Endless Chain Horse
Power for One or Two Horses,
Changable Thresher and Separa
tor and Thresher and Cleaner•
.yaLLES, BLOOD - & CO.,
ALtlieris, Pa.
phe Zmprored Emery Morse Pow
ers are equal if not superior to any End.
less Chain Powers in the world, and warranted
greatly superior, to the Wheeler Rack and Pin
ion Powers.
The Tiogs Point Horse Powers are unequaled
for Convenience by any ether—ben adapted to
a great variety of uses where Power is needed—
as fivo different degrees of motion are obtained
without extra gearing, And also-nnY desirable
length and velocity of crank motion for cross
cut Sawing, Pumping And Churning! They ran
easily, are strong, durislole, well finialitdi- and
made of good materials,
Tinga Point Threshers and Separators.
They are made of 'carton% sizes, and are supe
rior to any other manufacture--of which fact
judges of such machines will - be satisfied upon
• Fanning Mills ,
Fitted to run by Mime Power, Thresher and
Separator. by-Beltinglfrom the Power.
Thresher and Claimer.;
The Tioga Point Thresher and Cleaner, and
Emery's Combined Thresher and Cleaner: these
run easily and thresh and clean fast, without
wasting the grain which is cleaned fit for Market,
and are warranted to give entire satisfaction.
For Sale—Tioga Poi4rForming Mills, Por
table, Circular and Crus.Cul Saw Mills, Clover
Hullers, and Farm Grist Mph, till of which are
very superior machines.
Ur Persons in this and ndjoiinng counties
should by all means examine - the above mention
ed machines before purchasing elsewhere. No
one will wish to send off several hundred miles
for agricultural machines, when BETTER DIA•
moms are to•be had rnsde near at borne. Send
for Illustrated and Priced Catalogues.
IL L. BLOWERS, agent foe Susquehanna
county, Post Office, Montrose.
August, 16th, 1859.—tf.
FAR3I LANDS - RJR SALE t 2.5 miles from
Philadelphia by railroad in the State of
Now Jersey. Soil mom , the best for Agricultural
purposes, being a pea loam soil, with a clay
bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into
small farina, and buodjeds from all parts of the
country are now settling end building. 'The
crops produced are large and can be seen grow
ing. The cliniate is delightful, and secure from
frosts.. Terms from 8-14 to $2.0 per acre paya
ble within four years by installments. To visit
the plaeo-- r Leave Vine- Street wharf at
delphia at 7:30, a, m.. by railroad for Hammon
ton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter, Harmon
ton Post Office, Atlantic County New Jersey.
See full advertisement in another memo. ' .
C. PATRICK, JR.,• would like
after a silence of nearly ten years, to appeal
to the Moral sensibilities of a very generous pub.
lie, who - have alwaytt,. manifested their sense of
appieciafion of his usefulness by exacting his
services when needed or thought to be needed,
but who have given no other evidence of grati
tude or good will—particularly in the way o
"substantial aid" as - Kossuth would say--that
he now desires a full and entire settlement of all
his accounts, also the accounts of the late firm
of Patrick & Dire ock ; and 116 wishes further to
state that he desires nothing tcs he considered
wrong, if, after a few weeks, the said accounts,
remaining unsettled, sho'd be placed in the hands
of a good sharp erllector, and made to account
to him something that will bity Oats and Built
wheat. Please notice this and take action accor
jan2 E. PATRICK, JR.
DRY GOODS FOR 4111111N,----1859,
tm.ThL-slock.of SILK
Fall stock of STAPLE GOODS,
- Full stock of FANCY GOODS,
Fashionabfa FALL SHAWLS,
Blankets; Quilts, Table Linens, etc., etc.,
Fourth dc Arch-attis, Philadelphia.
N. IL—Black Silks, Whalnale,at loto"rates.
OrnaTgains, Daily, from New York Auctions.
Pitiladelphis, September Bth, 1859.-3 m w
A NEW ARTICLE for rale in ,Sus•
11 quehanna County only at the !Montrose
Book Store.
A Mahogany Cloth,9B, 45 and..4B
inches wide,—for Tables, tands, Bar, Store,
and Bar-Com:item Melodeon and Piano Covers.
none sizes and styles, and all warranted to stand
the test of of boiling water, hoecoffee pot.-eatn
phene, spirits, &c., dee., and will neither break
uor crack in cold or hot weather. Jast.the arti.
chi to make old furniture nevi.
Montrose, July 25th. 1859.
S. M. Pettengill & 00.,
Advertising Agents, at 119 Nassau-st.
New-York, and 10 State-et, Boston; are
agenttior The•Alontrose Democrat, and are au
thorized to coutrict for us at our lowest rates.
ADIES' GA ITERS.—.A new lot vt
46 centp, by J. LYONS, di. SON.
SUPERIOR Ground Coffee in cans, Codfish
&c., for sale by _ J, LYONS & SON.
QAI LT, by the Birr&, #3aele, or Pound, for
• h,
arty front C 7 unss.s.l ty
hlmalaN..iletlellie. tuft.%
joate need It. awl fs tuts re- OP
la Use discuss% for V, Lai. a pte
NEVEit Timm
IT le eompounited ...lit
A ha. brcolae au ow 14611.4 fAcl,l
andpprorea by sit the
Owlet 5....t.h ..otaktesee to
ir ,„„--or2.ed ....,.;14... ,„ tio, lulln peers a
Ti„,,h.t i.5 ,.., pp ..11 wpm VII In( relief es Ulu 11111.3 . 01.
02410.4{C .nitaoll.llll 1.11 h.osersoSnoshm.
The dose mud. be adnyaea . In MP temperament of the El
hstlvilltist tektsi It, tun, us- fed lo lUII Swath:ea act Is .....
act featly so We noveta. .
Let the dictates of your ihrhpsellt snide yna In the or t
. LIVER IN. IV / 0 ORATOR. aga 11 g
. a u
alt: ewe Liver Conc.' i plaints . Unions Ail ...-
tacks, Dyspepsia, IChronteDiarrhoest , 111
Suva in ite Co in- plaints, Dysectie.. 0
ry. Dropsy. Sour StomaCh. Habitual 11
Coativeneas, Cia01... 1 Ic, Cholera, Chola
ra ldoribus, Cholera testlantuna. vim.- o''
lines Ja un die e. lasnuale Weakness. 4
es, sza may be toed nun.. wrathy ma as Ordina
ry Fanilly Medi. pl rimm. ii.m.r.sicK
E. A ..A.Li c ., i lboaaaod k essi trolly) Ice
twenty minutes. i raw Or th ree Tea..
epoorosis a cake we U ossmacemat et g
Asa who WOO (tars 1
ars silvan( their latathwel
BOTH TOO Hvms 11..
. .
Price Owe Dollar per nmele.
courouNPED rang -,
Plum' Vegetable lastrilete, and pus up in tit
GLASS Chilth, Mr 11104. and will keep co `
'he any alienate , et
n . Family eu. . 'Mettle PlLLneens• •
the but salve Cathartic 3 erMth the Pleender ha.
load et 1 ... =11ea wets than twenty me.
The demand from lbw wto
lemelowmedt la` ant tbe setishetion add.
all memo In MOM to UNIT ••• I ;aialentataeal the mills.
apes MAIN Me mated all.
The renewlas Ind hewOhne MAT' S Callon:the set
en Maned portions of Me
dIiLV C b l o l w l e A sE
SyTWMAo n A. 't ile .1
d T_*
l e C d iatped I
beetweempowded than a wrlew of Me purest Vete.
um,. zeown, uhlelt an elite add oert a th.
ethseetary eased and are - pen mate In *new
ts abers • Calhartla Is 01. web 'et De.
randentents of the 'tope an 11_, Illeaphe *zr
nese - , Pains In the Ahaelc and Loin.. ,-.1,
Gostlvenew, Pei n and Aoreneas over 2
she whole body, gnu sadden mid, ethhit =
frequently. If neeleend, rod le • long C 0..,.. of Fe- V'
nu. Lo an of *ppm. tete, a Crreplesg ern. et
settees .1 CON ewer the bndr. Rustles.- -e
nee, Headache, e' %relight In the head. IX ,
all In tie mm story
_..,' Diseases. Worms hi ::.
c_tletlett Of. Adepts, 1111 itheteneellsm, a great
Partner dun Moen he
.. 5 Man, 41...111i kr WUkk ...•
beak Is heir. too outnervoa he So unease In the advents*. do
emu. Dome, lto S. Co
MICE THREE 01911 Cd. n)
The Liver Invigorator and PemellY Ca- •
thatelle Pills are weaned by Inwebde evnewo 7 . ~,,,t
sold wolestle by the Trade la all the large tows. ..-.
111. T. W. SANFORD, M.D.
Itandartmer and rh,w,...
3.78 Broadway, New York.
Nettr ► ~ ricultnrat ietttcment.
A Rare Opportunity in a Delightful and Healthy
Climate 25 Miles Southeast of Philadelphia,
on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad,
. - -
A N old estate consisting of several thousands
of acres of produelice soil has been dii ided
into Farms of various sizes to suit the purchaser.
A population of some Fifteen hundred, from vs.
rions parts of the middle States and New Eng.
land have settled there the past year, improved
their places, and raised drops. The price of land
is at the low sum of from $l5 to 8:20 per acre,
the soil is of the beat quality for the production
of Wheat. Corn. Peaches. Grapes and Vegeta.
perfectly secure from frosts—the destructive
enemy of the farmer. Crops of grain, grass and
fruit are now growing and can be seen.. By ex.
aming the place itself, a eorrect judgement can
be formed of the • prodectiveness of the land.
The terms are made easy to secure the rapid im.
provement of the land, which is only sold for
actual improcement. The result hp been, that
within the past year, loins three hundred houses
have been erected, two mills, one steam, four
stores, some forty.rinyards.and peach orchards,
planted, and a large number of other improvt.. ,
ments, making it a desirable and active place of
rts!the reader may-perceive from its lixAtion, is tbo
Produce bringing•double the price than in to
cations-away from the city, and mora than dou
ble the price than - the West. It is known that
the earliest and bestfruit and vegetables in this
latitude come from News Jersey, and are"annnal
ly exported to the' extent of millions.
In locating here the settler has many advan
tages. 'lle is within a few hours' ride of the
great cities of New England and Middle States,
ho is near his old friendiaami associations, he is
ioo settled country where every improvement of
comfort and civilization is at hand. Ile can hug
every article he wants. at the cheapest price, and
sell his produce for the highest, (in the %Vest
this is reversed,) ho has Behools for his children,
, and will enjoy an open winter
climate, where fevers are utterly
It result of the change upon those
has generally been to restore
telleut state of health.
if building and Improving, lumber
11 at the mills at the rate of $lO
to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick
yard opened in the place, every article can be
'procured in the place, good carpenters are at
hand, and there is no Owe in the Union where
buildings Audi improvements can be made,
- The reader will at once be struck with the
advantage% here presented, and ask himself why
the property has not been taken up before. The
reason is, it was never thrown in the - market;
and unless these statements were correct, no
one would be invited to examine the land be
fore purchasing. This ail
expected to do.
They will see land under such is
the extent of the settremant that they will no
doubt, meet persons from their own neighbor
hood; they will witates the improvement and
can judge the character of the population. If
they come with a view to settle they should
come prepared to stay a day or. tyro and be ready
to purchase, as locations cannot be held on re
There are two daily trains to Philadelphia
and to all settlers who improve, THE RAILROAD
In connection with the agricultural settlement,
a new And thriving tow* has. naturally arisen,
whi qi presents inducements for any kind•of busi.
ness, particularly stores and manufactories. The
Shoe business could be carried on in this place
and market to good advantage, also cotton busi
ness, and manufactories' of agricultuaal
menu or Foundries jot casting small articles.
The improvement hlis been an rapid as to insure
a constant and permanent increase of business.
Town lots of a good size, we do not sell small
ones, as it would effect the improvement of the
place, min be had at from 4100 and upwards.
The Hammonton Fetriiitd Cht literary
and agricultural sheet, 'containing lull informa
tion of Hananautius r ataphe.asistainedat 95 emits
per annum.
Title indisputable--virtantee deeds given,
clear of all inciimbrance when money Is paid.
Routo to the land: Leave Vine street wharf,
Philadelphia, fur Hammonton by Railroad, at
7:30, I. in., or 430, p. m., fire 90 cents, When
there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding convert.
fences on hand. Parties had better stop whh Mr.
Byrnes, a principal, until Any have decided as
to purchasing, as be will show them over the
land in his carriage, free of expense. Lettere
and applications can be addressed to Landis &
Byrnes, Hammonton P. 0., Atlantic Co:, New
Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin, 202 South Fifth
Streets, Philadelphia: Maps and information
cheerfully furnished. , actg. 11.6 in.
Fitiftrillt , NUM
anbactiler having purchased
e "
J. refitted and newly furnished the is a above well ;notes and popular. Hotel,
is prepared to stereommodate the trav
eling tublic and others with all the attentions
and conveniences usually' found in first-clue
Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro
prietor and his Assistant! to make the Hotel
equal in every point teeny In the country.
The Bar will always le supplied with the
Choicest Liquors. •
The Stables, connected with thin House
are large, roomy and convealent,and careful and
attentive Hostler* are always in charge of them.
-J. B. I.mix.
Montrose, Slay 13th, 1868.
FLOVIR, fresh groantl. ?do/asses and Sa
'gars, cheap. Tin roC.ived and for Rile by
lots 27th.] ' 1; LYONS & SON.
WOULD respectfully xolicit tho inspection
of s new and very rich assortment of
this day received, consisting in part of as follows:
Rich Black Moire Antique Silk 18s. per card;
Foulard Silk, oleo style, 65. per yards Rich Plaid
Silk, the very neatest patterns, 105. per yard; Silk, 28 inches wide, from 7s. to 12s.'per
yard; splendid Black Silk Shawls from 88 to
811, , the finest assortment in Snsq'a Co.; nea
invoice of Giaghams, at very low prices; also of
Calicoes large stock of Denims, Mixtures ; Plaids,
and Lawns; Printed Shawls from - 7s.` to 85;
Brodie Shawls from $5 to $25; Collars from
8 cis. to 205.; Parasols from Bs. to 245. each;
Bonnet, a large stock; Ribbons and Flowers;
also a new invoice of. Gents Shoes—Congres ,
Enamelled and Call Skin; Ladies Congress Gai
ters, Kid And Enameled; Misses- Calf and Enam
elled BootafChildre6 Parodi Boots, Gaiters and
everything in that fine. They would also call
attention to the fact that having an arrangement
with one of the largest Importing Houses in
New York they will receive regularly New Styles
air fast as they appear in New l'ork,and will take
the greatest pains to please all who call' and see
and wish to purchase. Particular attention paid'
to procuring fine goods—in every-style.
A new lot this day received, and would re
spectfully solicit an examination of the same.
Good Tea at 3i., city priccs,alao at 4s. fut. 6n. Bs.
-WM C. Iklll%.
COEIFICE..-Java, Rio and Ground Coffee.
SALIEVIATUS—James Pyle's. Babbitt's Med
icinal;and Exzelsior, dr.c. NAILS, and also a
new stock of WALL PAPER and WIN
DOW PA PER,this day reeeierd. FARM
ING TOOLS of the most approved patterns.
• -
X . C.: 0 43.15..eti i 3r,
Gold Band, Shaded, Blue Band, and all the now
attles, as Last an they appear io New... York.
FLOCK constantly on hand. SALT he the
barrel or sack. PATENT
GLASS, and eterttldnir elan too want.
inwsville.Centre, Po.; Jtvie gth, • {859
PL.M . I%/ 430 V".A.I.a.
LI AS removed his shop soross the street, to
the building one door- below Keeler AT
Stoddard's, which he has fitted up expressly for a
Saddle, Harnesi arid Trunk Shofr,
,where may be found ail, kinds of
from the heaviest team, to the lightest trotting
harness, and a general assorment of trimmings,
which will be made up or sold very low..
Carriage Trimmings:
A good assortment on hand, which will be sold
very low; all trimming done cheaper than else
on hand, from which harnesses will be - made and
7Ecrrastixtoci.. -
* * *Customers wig:please bear in mind that I
wish to settleup once a year. Those having
unsettled recounts, or notes due, will oblige
by settling or, making payment without further
delay. - ti. F. FORDI-lA'AI,
Feb. 24th, 18391 Illontrose, Pa.
iv - civirxcDm.
7 COBB would respectfully announce to the
L 4. public that he luny still ho found at the
oLd stand, fully prepared to . attend to the wants
of the community. He will keep'on hand a good
Stock of
and SA LT (by the sack or barrel,) FISII, and all
articles found in First Class Groceries.
He would psrticularly call the attention of
Farmers and others to the fact that he is
constantly receiriv fresh supplies of
also good and medium qnalities,"which will b.
sold atom, for ready pay, in quantities to sui
the purchaser.
Ussto paid for Palta , Deinon, And Vaal AkinP
New .
Fitg - rt
This Week.
Please call and see 'em.
Sept. 22, 1859. 11. C. TYLER.
THE firm of S. U. Sss ne & Enos. is this
day, dissolved by mutual consent, D. Sayre
withdrawing from the firm. The business will
be carried op as heretofore under the name and
style of S. B. Sayre & Bro. The' notes and
act:Mints will be in the hands of D. Sayre for
settlement. All indebted to the firm will please
give it their immediate attention, as all the ac-
counts must be settled.
Montrone. Sept. Ist, 1859.
At Montrose, Penn.
WWI. IL. WILTON, Proprietor.
TIS new and commodious Hotel situated
on Public Avenue, near the Court House,and
nearly in the centre of the business portion of
Montrose, is now fu ly completed and furnished,
and will be opened ou Monday. the 27th day of
the present month for the accommodation of
the public and travelept . The Proprietor feels
confident that he is now prepared to entertain
guests in a manner that cannot fail to give
COmplete Satislkctiou.
The Hotel and Furniture are new; and bo ex
pense has been spared to render it equal, if not
superibr loamy similar establishment in this part
of the State. It is well supplied with all the
recent improvements and comforts, and obliging
waiters will always - be rendyto respond ! to the
call of customers.
The Stables connected with this Honso are
New and Convenient
The Proprietor reepectfully solicits the patron
ago of his old friend,. and the public generally.
Mont roae, Sep • mber Ist, 1858
• ~( 11,t, Gq)att %att I !
MCArskt Ti. MOE,
201 Washingtow4L
(Directly opposite Washington Market,)'
New Yoram.
STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and
COUNTRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN
CO:111511 and Fine SALT, at the very lowest figures:
40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash
ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use;
Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &c.
and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonares, Co
rtices, St. Übea, Lisbon, Cadiz, Men, Nantes, ace .„
all of which will - be sold at bargain prices from
vessels, eters and storehouses.:.
Any purchaser wishing to tercet from a good
assortment will find it to his interest to call.
N. B.—Fine table salt put np in small bags of
different - sizes, and constantly on Mind in ship.
ping order. Alan a splendid article of Rock
Ground salt, in quell bozos, put up and for sale
by the quantity, in cased of five dozen each.
New York, April tat, 1659.—ti.*
Dr, Coggswell's
a sure cure for INFLAMMATORY'Diseases of
all kinds, for mile by ABEL. T-URRELL
Montrose, 92d. 1859.
for sale by AIiEL TORRELL
Ayer's Sarsaparilla:;.
A compound remedy. in whicir we ilave la- E
bared to produce the mast effectual alterative
that can be nude. It is a concentrated extract
of Para Sanaparillk so 'combined with other ~ „,t
substances of still greater alterative .pi er
to afford an effective antidote for the lierases es
Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It Is 4elis se d r
that such a remedy is wanted by those who 0
gaffer from Strut:nous complaints, and that one
which sill accomplish their cure must prove "2
of immense service to- this large chra of our so
afflicted fellow-citizens. now completbly this
compound will &Nit has been proven by caper- '5,1
uncut on-many of the worst cases to be found ,
of the.follossinetomplaittbs: ,
fienereta. Aso Scanrowes CourrAtists,
&sis nest.; iireuttis AND SYPHILITIC As- IS
stargoss, Mendentsr. DISEASE, Drearsr, Neu.
LSLOZA on Tic Dotmovuesx, Daniurr, 'Drs-
OA Sr. VIRE, and indeed the whole t
class of complaints arising froni lorcurry op F.
utu, Bump.
This compound will bit &end a great pro
imitsaof health, when taken in the spring, to 1,
espel -the foul humors :si•lfieh fester in the 2
brood at that season of the year. Ily the time-- •
ly expul-ion of them many rankling disorders "'
'are nipped in the had. Ifultitudes can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves front „
the endurance of find eruptions and ulcerous
sores, through which the systetrewill strive to EZ.
rid itself of curruptions, if nut waisted to do .0
this through the natural channels, of the body
by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the >"
vitiated blOod whenever you and its impurities
bursting through the span in pimples. eruptions,
or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggish in the viitis Lelcietse it
whenever it is foul, arid your feelings will tell fi
you when. • Even where no particular disorder
'a felt, people enjoy better health,' and ,live t ;
longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the
blood healthy, and all is well; but with this 5 .
pabulum of life disordered, there can be no
lasting health. Sooner or later something 0 ;
must go wrong, and the great machinery of
life is disordered or overthrown. ti
Sarsaparilla has. and deserves much, the e c -i•
reputation. of accomplishing these . But t;
the world has been egregiously deceived by ea
preparations of it, partly because tote drug ,
alone has not ell the
,virtue that is claimed
for it, but, more because many preparations,"
pretending to be en ecntrat,d esti-nos of it, a
contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, .1
or any thing else. :3
During late years the public have been tnis- -
led by large bottles, pretending to 'veva quart .)
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar ,Slost _
of those have been frauds upon the sick, for &
they nut only contain little, if, any. Sarstpsi
rilla, but often no Curative properties whatev--
cr. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment
has followed the use of the various fxtracts of
Sarsaparilla - which flood the market, until the
name itself is justly despised, and has berme -
synonymous Keith imposition and cheat. Still
we call this compoUnd Sarsaparilla, and intend Z
to supply shch a remedy as shall rescue the ,„1.
name from the load of obloquy which rests
upon it. And we think we have grouniffor
believing it has virtues which are irresistible
by the ordinary run of the clitelses it it intend.: ' 4 '
cd , to cure. In order to secure their complete
eradication from the system:the remedy shotild
be judiciously taken according to directions on h
the bottle.
DR. J. C. AVER & CO.
I"rlee t $1 per nettlei; St: nettles for $5. .g;
Ayer ' s Cherry Pectoral,
has won for itself smelt a renown for the cure of V.
every variety of Throat ami Lung Complaint, that J
it ix entirely,„noneeessary for us to coconut the 8
evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been cm. • c 0
ployed. As it has long been in constant the 4
throughout this section, we-need not do more than ot
assure thepeople its quality is kept up to the best
it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to' E
do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. 4 +
-Ayer's Cathartic Pills, gi
P 073,. TRY CCrItX Or
ec‘tirearss, Jaaialire, Dyspysid, Indigestion,
ysentery, FOlll NiallitiCh, Erysipelas, Ifea,htehe,
Bbevasatisro„ Er puma atsd Skin Diseases, ' 74
Lirrr Ma:plaint, Dropy, Teller, Tamara and
Salt Rheum. Worms, Coati- Airortrigia, as
11.7 1114 - ma for 'Plallyiay the Blood. g
They are augar-roaled, so that the moat sensi
tise eau take them pleasantly. and they are the "
best-aperient in the suerld for all the purposes of a ..
foully physic.
Pdoo 25 cents per Pox: MO boxes for $l.OO.
Great numbers of Clergymen. Physicians. States- e
men, and eminent personages, have ,lent - Their 4,
names to certify the tin psralleled usefulness of these i.
remedies, but our space here will not permit the
insertion' of them. The 'Agents below named fur.
nish gratis our AMERICA' ALMANAC in which they
are given; with also full descriptions of the above a.
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol. o
lowed (or their cure.
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations they make more profit on.
Demand Aran's, and take no others. The sick
WWI( the best aid there is for them, and they should o
base it.
All oar Itetnedies.are for sale by
AtjunnELL. Montrose; A. P. MILLER. 4 . Co.,
...--. I
...;„_-„, -._ & Watson, No. 26 south fourth. ! j e , ; •_ct:,,; ! street, Philadelphia, have now qo
1 i I 1 hand a large assortment of Fire
' ,-- _. ; and Thief-proof Safes. Also
- Iron doors fur banks. atoroa, Iron
shutters, Iron - sub, all makes of Locks, equal
to any in the United states. -
Five Safes in one Fire. All come out Right
with contents in good condition.. •
Have hid the surest demonstration in the
following certificate that their manufacture of
Salamander Sates has at length rally warranted
the repreeentations which have been made of
them am rendering an undoubted security against
the terrific element :
Philadelphia, April 12th, 1856.,
roars, Evstss & WArrox.—Gentlemen: -It
111Torde us the highest satisfaction to state to
you, that owing to the very protective qualities
of two of the Sitlaraander Safes which" we
purchased of you some months since. we saved
a largo-portion of our jeWeiry,and all our hooks,
pipers, &e., exposed to the- calamitous fire in
Ranstead Place, on the morning of-the 11th.
When we reflect that these Safewwe►e located
in the fourth Story of the building We occupied,
and that they subsequently fell into a heap of
burning ruins, where the vast concentration of
heat caused the braneltletes to melt, we cannot
but regard the preservatitin of their valuable
contents as most convincing proaf of the great
security afforded by your Safes,. _
We shall take much pleasure in recommend.
log thorn to men of business as a sure reliance
against fire.
GEORGE W. SIMMONS & BRO., .kwekr a,
Mho have purchased six large Safes since.
April 28, '5B-4.
AV}G returned. to Montrose for the• Per.
Tioof resuming the Tailoring Business,
revectful6 announces to the public that he is
prepared to attend to their wants withprompt
-neas and fidelity.
Latest - .Fashions
always at hand. Cutting done on abort notice.
and warranted to -fit. Shop in basement. of
Searle . * Hotel—corner room in front. aug2btf
paper devoted. to Literstare ;Ind Agricul
ture' also setting forth full accounts of the new
settlement of Hammonton, In. New Jersey, lan
be au bacribed for 'at Only 26 cents per seam.
‘nclose postage stamps for the amountl Ad.
dress editor of Farmer Hammonton, P. O. At
lantic Co.. New Jersey. Those wishing'cleap
land, of the best quality in one of the healthiest
and most delightful climates in the Unioni and,
where crops are never cut down by the frosts,
the terrible scourge of the north, see'advertilte
went of Hammonton Lands..
pERSONS wanting change . of climate for
health. See advertisement ofHammonton
lands, another column.
A CHEAP And easy remedy ler the Piles and
21, Coins. Try it. , Also Mayen Rat pod Mice
Exterminator, so ld by .Is. LYONS fr.. EON.
063171X1t PRIPAII•1101 Or rat
SHik , Ounmpli tAwai..r.
tlAcmi.c Pokonclatil l ikakubnOSL4Ala,
4.1 s}y4 '&& C511.1‘.0.41.
SU edam ot tbir ICES' Otworrivd by Dr.
Memelll, of p.a.) V obtaar4ra tor It the most UNBOUNDED
Form. A urn' • thfter.t.o. Europe sad the "Ottl.tett Stated ri
s _lately SCIENTIFIC PIIIPAEATION..notI sets with
nyvkamovs EFFICACY in ell stems or Pulmonary and
?remo t a Dimmed the nittmsoloorspAttea feererme iho'Prin•
apto wirien meditates eroded* forts sad are AU most
p0 ...../ % 1 blood ioseraling agenfs known.
The Cure of Cowituagpeloih.
L the Molt and rtuso more (st a perbd, Ctmr Dar. DYE
then ea he Do toreertshey ao to the natort.:l( the dlemes,).,,
b, o b th b,,,k - IN ALL, CASES, by tins treatment. must *btu
the otlettng lam of the Ow In of halt eoterient Ovens.
death. Ours Is the rule, peak the esorpriuu.
Ws asset= hes met oozy s =um effigy Out orlit. if toed
mhatnet them eskte a stolid= of the Wisest ritrirLST ITB
DEVELOMENT. Oest.:thes set AA A. rkiestrAnoz wrrig
GAM 10 ItUAlteriat.
• - Professionir Correipondence. •
“Coarratece. oenL Svc. barn lwee MO=
disease for tweetralre yews, eaol hare dthired there eltf_ _
from th e vas et the Ptheoratatheacce Nava "rota alt wale.
Am. oimteattiote ceterthteauf."
t• thraesarthe, pal M Uthia-A c:aad thae. Byrom&
sumo In my practice with carp *awry efecto—so amok so
got 1 WOULD POT It RALWAILD to ssemta vermeil 9991914"
Mene.serest„ .VT, Av., 9, MC -1 rithere th e Ilireeteer
rearm vied le the manner thd trey Dr..Clotthhlll need Una%
• Bei ervistanovoxx. Va., Aug. IL, have sortaisibed the
_lino/du...white In nevelt gum nod am defigated wed. ate
eD 12 Accountiannto tronnvila."
Lowam. 0, July A. , have deed to all about forty
bottles and In bat one Inafianae have they Caned *Owe:ft
gent. and Mat wan a homa one luau I up e 51441. I ban
ihr pa.
bad gueral we. Ova o p by attending pbytltuum wlto au
10te,1131301 , n0 cement:Art.l[LT deo Imam and nun drat
ALL us
of pul arcade, I 'have mod the
Itellarni In my own mu mita decided augur. it "al ta„
waded as unman, ty phymun and fdendN nod tetra
isttder the 'old treat:wad: I ago now ibte to Ade. In on,
tae dek. as many Ulm Is • &IT. aa any altat
ha the county. -
"ftllottex Fahhla Aug. VI. 11124—1 hare ordy time, Ufa
r ood b to my. that I have Men guloodaAed witneasdag Ala
r '&WI of the Ifsroreoevartea. The statements In .rmr
pamphlet an not at an :
Eamon. Fiume Tanarlum, Aug. 4 ibra—lhave been odor
Goer Itypoplimphltes of Lime sod each, and dare e a,r,„„... a
Great intYrofentenf /mu them. ./tllo._eny son. . 00 lad a
beds Le e cough and bled L l. of the long; In I.Lite•We ?MIA bun
fitted by their vac •
.enuunuu. Pa.. July mg, 1811.—I received the tulle bottle
of Churchill'. Remedy for Consoeddloa • • • 4 /AS
IPMALLD WAnoltAcre. tent Cam.
Make No Delay !
Goan . orrn'to. to ..r dace of -the Dbttore. abcgthi repot ie"-
badbfely to the toe of the I.llronmernfrat or LINN /LSD
Eons. arca strrott's azrourz Par rAzanott" ttestmpk
b cabs Imre bottles. ft+ . 04v:11k:say re:pu M the atm
proposed tb Dr. Charehill "14 tvenv4 ;" rod b prepeibi et
oordltg to hle original Formula.
Dr. Churchill's Work on COnsumitiou,
Comprising tdolteperm made to tbo Imperial Academy of Mediate.,
Panda; Noma' of Core, and Leitrim. Dominants, Tiatimonb*
tim i .Ort:,rortlti p. a % l ea:1%111:e 'em i r rocelpt d ol a MlNE
oration in tegard to Dr. Miumikaarsca;M 'l Nal . elm
CAVTlitaTie—lntercoLed DMWdsertli try to nett Tatilotha
yrego.rationo temp mine. Do not Tiny them! My "Genuine Trie
paration" team my lac rinlite .1117 AU.,
Ilevrato et all PropKraf.lon• - I**
volkiwb 1.,036 eV adaw 3
0811.1 - Tr eammary •«+.a,
a/M.4OY ►ew/.e*U.aa. Kw writing to me. Wow 4.1..
YV Karoworatiss that will pronewl smor Keeopties
peaelWooll w►r woo.
ralr/L—One Dia*. -112 ; three Bot 1/11; Cogitated Se
!Woo, by mall, prepaid. Sold 1r holsode and Metall at the
Sole Galena Depot In the Dated Swot (.10as all antes should
be a&1dr.....1). SSA by nnectabis Dmcgistakee.,
J. WINCHESTEIV43 John St., N. Y.
Jar A Book fbr Everybody. .4rl
TELLER'S great
.I.Jr work for the married
or tho l e' contemplating mar
-loe —2OO pages full of
ice 25 cents—sent to all
.ts under seal,- by mail,
IST.PA ID. 50,000-cop•
sold the past year. The
tgle utarried,and the mir
ed happy. A Lecture on
,one a partner; a complete
It contains hundreds ofse
c ore
published—wartanted to be
Worth three times the amount asked thr it. Oats
in specie or postage stamps, enclosed-..will.aceltra
a copy, by return mail. Address •
I. TELLE12,41..„.D.
No. 5 Deaverst, Albany, N. Y.
M' De. Vicuots' FFIIALE el. a box,
with full directions. Married ladies should not
use:them—Sent by mail.
lit all cases ofnervous and spinal affectiou,pain
in the back and limbs, fatigue on alight exertion:
palpitation of heart, hysterics and whites, these
pills will erect a cure when ail other means have •
failed; rind altho' a powiffulremedy, do not con
tain iron, calomel, antirnony, or anv.thine hurtful
to the constitution. Address DR. TELLER
as above.fehrl*y
. .
Just PubMika Gratis, the 25th That
Da AFEW Wcrds on the Rational
Treatment without Medicine,
of Spermatorrhea or Local Weak
ness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous
Dubility,PrematureDecay of-the System, Impo
tency and Impediment toMarriagegenerally,
SY B. DE LANEy, 31. D.
The important fact that the many alarming
complaints, originating in the imprudence and
solitude of youth, may be easily removed At-mi-
I:MT InEDIcINE, in in this - small tract, clekrlrde
monstrated; and the entirely new end highly
successful treatment, as adopted by the Author,
folly explained, by means of which ev/ is'
enabled to cure BIMBELF perfectly and at the
least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the ad
vertused nostrums of the day.
Srnt, to any address, gratis and post free ins
'sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two
postage Stamp.; to Dr. B.:DE LANEY. 88East
ist Street. New York City. (fl7veqp.
A Benevolent In..titutibn established by sp.
cintEndowment, for the Relief of the Seek ,
.nnee Distressed.tailicted.with Virulent and .
. Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the
Cure of Diseases of the Sexual .Organs.
EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the
111 Acting' Surgeon, to all who apply by fetter,
with a theircoudition. (ageoicco
patine. habits of tifeAtc...) and in CVleg of ex
treme povertv.medi'einett furnished free °fatter.
Valuable Report. on Spernodurrhrea, and oth
er Diseases' of the Sexual Organs, sent to the af
flicted in sealed letter envelopes, free nl charge'
Address, Dr. i. Skillin Hoaghton, : Acting Sur
geon, Howard Association,. No. 2 Smith 9th-at„
Milled a, Pa. By °Mar athe Directors. loci&
The secret clue to courtship, love
& marriage: with the diseases inci
el - 4 dent to youth, maturity and o dime;
--- ":" - being lights and bhades of married
,;s7 , life, its joys and sorrows, hopeit
`& a' fears and disappointments. Let all
married people, or those contemplating marriage
'and having the least impediment, to married life.
react this book. Letevery young man and woman
in the land read this book. It is full of Plates,
sod discloses secrets that every one should know:
a little knoidedgest,first may save . a world of
trouble in after life. Send for a copy (enclosing
:25cts., to DR. Wm. YOUNG,
428 yj 416, Philadelphia..
and great discoveries of the Japaneselj
and East India Medicines, with full directions for
the certain cure of consumption, bronchitis, ca
tarrh, ce agile, olds wahine, fevers, heart disease,
act ()Nis, cancer,dyspepsia, liver complaint,gravel
and urinary deposits, female complaints, &c---
Illustrated with'hundreds of certificates of cures
and' engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as
many sofferin,g fellow-beings as possible from a
premature death, it will be sent to any part of
the continentfor 25 cents, by DR. IIEATII,
oc2Oyv) 641 Broa dway, Maw York qty.
Sold by A. Turron,litantros; illayden Bros.
Now Milfold; C. P. Mathews, Scranton.
1300 K BINDING.—OId Books, Newspapers.
1.11 1 Pansphloin, Magazines, etc., bound up 00
short notice. . 3. L. & BON.
QHOE Business and Factories can be carried
on profitably at liannaopton. See Oyez
tisetrent of itarscaoston Lands.