The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 08, 1859, Image 3

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    Audit Or's Notice.. •
riCHE u nd, r ,,,,n...1 ;having btenlappointed by
1 the Criurt 'TX Common t' leas, an Anditnr to
the ' , roc , cll., of the Real Ertato of
Galen V. Aritans. among - the lien creditors. will
near the parties in interest nt his office in Meiflt•
' rose en Wednizi,dav the 11th; day of January
18f0, at .nne p. m which time and
piece ull peraotr4- are rt.-quire," to make their
.claims. or he forever del.i..rn.d from coming in
upon raid fund. _ MIL JESSUP,
decs 4W ,Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
In the- matter t ; " ehe,estate of Luther Price, deed.
liFf'uncierAigrivd loving been appointed an
Auditor in the above tostter„for the, distri
bution of the funds in the hinds of the adminis
trator of said e.tate-to and among the creditors,
will attend to the . .inties of •tiitt" appointment at
the (Ave 1.. t. W. & W. H. Jeettnp in , Montrose
on Thursday the- .5111.. day of . I,t.uary, 1860,5 e
one o'clock. p. m. All persons haiing any claims
against said estate are required to present them
at that time or be forever debarred from coming
an upon said • T. L. CASE, _
deeB 4w ' Auditor.
(e rmine • Preprntion of -the
I Llme niud of Soda,
Ilfalie from the Forgot? 6f Dr. 7. Chorchilk of
Parte-I, for thr prey vntion and cure or
llls{r fur sat Diseases of the Nervous and Blood
System General Debility. Loss of Flesh and
" Appetite, Scrnfula. Asthma. Bronchitis;
Itickets,• and the Cont.
- Women.
eWineheeler's tlypophosphitea are unernep.
tionable in their Preparafion."-,Ant. Druggist
The success of this L'strsorclinary Remedy.
Hine discovery by Dr Churchill. two rears
•ago, ban no . par •1 , 0 in the `anr£llll of medicine. ;
Its invariable .4fic.o-v in all siazi-, of Ciinsump
than)as wall as its wonderful posre? irrrestorine
the Nervous Energy and eni:iaing lie Blood. in
all rases of tieuer-;r Dehilitv or Nervous Pros
tration. xtarn pi this as one of toe most valusble
rano-dial CVrf giver,: to the world by;
Chemicai "Sui,nee,
"In no ..angle in-tanee hare I found the Rem
edy to tailT—Dr -
4111,.1 1 1%)pophospf/itea poAse*qi the powerOfirt
err:l:Me m rv.- fore,. and promote the functions
of rintritjwi: ti,v - req I to pro.itt.-e-the mutt re
freething and renovating rest.'-Dr. LT_ Newton.
•-CAtges of ronfirmed l'almonary - Conmtniption
are 'uniformly hoo-titted lir the freihnd entstin
tted.n-e ofthe apoptlo.phito., '-Or F.W.Clark.
•Are.the moot a wropriate. Remedies '? . 13 a large
-eltuat of iesilltint! from nln et per.
Sults force."—llosten Mt-die:o and Stirs. Jour.
inchto.tyr in woilhv of airconfideriee.
eta dev,.trs him,olf enthuNia:-tically to these
proira tom.. in all their c.riet4 of combinations.
Piertai,ed elriutlehy Dr. Churchifl's method."
D. Atelfrditit Reese:, \I: I)., N. Y. City.
, .10TVCIA
My 'Genuine tirenariltiott of the 11vpnphn
phites of Lime And Biwi 1" is now placed within
the reneh of MI, bi•intrpot'op in N Pfir Bottles.
enntaininz I 6 ounee., h p , nt), at $2 per bottle;
Also a. , 'b •t!leK) nt
One Dollar Per Bottle.
b— he t'ofitkveing blown in glass:
"1 - typ.phoithite. of Lime and Soda. Dr. J. F.
Chnrrhtll's Sitrelfict r.medy fOr Consumption.
3. Winehrrtyr.-Nrw York." - The c ut-ide wrap•
. per is perveti n-ith a Pin lint, and the word
'Centaur' acres. the.faeo. U , nn -other.
This new le c frets a - more ample guaranty
tagairot. the Mane - import , and prepa
rations palmed c ti atd,r_the nun e of ITypophos.
phites, vchirh are .fraecluient,nmi
eniated to. dnann-yr the Heal t h and mg
freer.. „Th.. 5t..t....5.rkt4 atm w;.h to avail them-
aelcrs ef this Renuaii% pr=flar.d after Dr. Chur
chill'A me;ll , 4,can nr.w olAnln it in br ales nearly
double the alze..f thlt bervinfore <odd by me.
' makina it the'el.l.:.apt, n.....11av the nol‘t effi
cacious treatment Cr :Pulmonary and Nervoo,
--Di.enief: now tf) Tried! Be
ware of ALL other., nn matte who efreN them
to yen, and -Thev are jo-t e.. coed nsitnine.
My far-simile on both label an:, wrapper.
is now ready, 12 cents. new :circular
just issued, contianing. complete information in
regard to this newt t c , n t i p t . o t, and ,eat gratis to
all inquirers. litany not—..write of once.
All orders and inquiries 'Prctoptlr attended to.
Address - 3. WINCIIESTER,
Sole General Dlfput in the Ll:niter' States,
. ijolcll 43 John street, N. Y.
F ir Poe:sale he ABEL TLJitItELL. Slontrose.
£43:000,00 7r GIFTS :
II I $
1) ER SP S ordering book , . by mail can e , -.t
_L them !d* 71< et publ.nners loweA retail prier•
postage free; and en en iblevernent in order at
us we,haeo detertnined give away the follow
ing valuable art our rie,tomi;rs -
Huntsng Case Gold Lever Watch worth 875,
1. Splendid open face " " 30
Iq tieary Hunting Cr i se Silver Watches
Irene thirty fire dollars each. • 350
'sltoffalti Robes worth 15 dollars eltch 75'
,il5 Splendid Ladies Gold Lockets
worth ten lollars each
12 Gold Pers and ( worth $5 each
6 Beautiful G Id Vest Chains 15 "
15 Silver Holders and Gold Pens 2 - " 30
100 t o ld . Rings worth two dollars each 200
200 Splendid Ivory Handled Prutzet Kt:rives
cc.?rt.h thirty e•even rents each 74
380 eQttsG.l d slerqe buttons wr,ri h 131 . each 500
1000 Setts Gold Studs 4 w"rths7s t'•ents ea•h 750
Small crticlen vnlturA at ten cents And
Eery person send:r.2 u.2srtg for - a Book will
reeeiveone o'f ihell,ve 'named artlclen and the
Book be return tn.:M.
Every itt.rson forwarding it% sOrtm for a Zook
will ret:eiv, i.f twee the. value of any obe
d! ihr ah..v... •
Fm•ry one -,en&na en.
..dollar will receive a
Gilt of three fittio- vulue 0r ~h(0.0.
Wpn l .it -.mi..: SEVENTY FIVE CENTS A
'HUNDRED AND ONE GIFT. Oe s r convern iii
not - hke the other !t •_9> eoore,o. u ho advertise
vkluable arce.l..9. to be-di-awn. but no one ever
Brass Wit'. Tile pr.perty wilt altbe
trihnte4 ark ft** as ranch, Detween now
and the i ,•r_ot April. Is6o, for our suit, %entrant:
AM rui still teave osa nun durune . ,
profit: We ;jive a I.oter trout a pa!ron '
no.ces. New York.
HOUTON . 1k I'. --The kook igolt for, came,
and tii fiwe'i.....ea hi-cc:if:o Watch . with
Yon will tiou,L., for the present..
closed Gad tio has for br z oks,
. give wit an order fur booLs'ana you. will nit
rekret R.' Seleet tram pre ellt .lonue or
Five R..•-k- tort u;ith Gtfts ro.• th.• prire of
tout Liberal_ tridio•ernents etr•rM In Agents
AU I?rdfr Pa•te.'4l , l3l•Pd lion.ToN & co
8rA.,4/, e w
e .Gll. N •liOt.)S--Je Br oat
Pal - 01 7 .11rd, 150 ! ), : .:4-A„ Frirr 25
cents; on ttL - 111 married life: 4./ , "
the Infttitution (if iiourririgr 10 1 .. t. 11 ''''2 4-
tfons, and Pit v.-1.40 1 ,4%1i and I,r.,3l•D‘rflual'firl
-11:e raiional tte.tturot rf all pirate die.
ftntos in both 1...-ar4. n high i< added a
portirxi (vile:" or the art
of urging ar-d rrarirg. lu t ,.oriful ,-nd 111-attlty rhil
dam. by the /.144•IttVi ).
ti e nt Eger of p..-tnt:. fa nul.l4hers.
&1:0.. 1 1 . nr,f}ritrr & Co.
Wt.olreale Agents. 113 N t• 1•43 tareet., N. York.
;Agents I,rntrd evorioxhrre.
gratis; nn extr.el ami s2friptf• of liar al:l , We
entitled: De.Cll;VerWeirs• Leo ure (41 OW rillinri2l
Altalint-1110J sp.rtri.nto./(htf,43 A . Dki private drteases
de.ei-lug the , by which intend,
mny Or'etnutly rue., lhetnSeleest W/tbOtit the lute
of dangerous medicines. cod rt but little expense
to thettnielree. S.ut flee by mail iu a Secure
.envelope, 6e receipt of oue sump to prepay the
Poetige,SY a4dressieg, KLINE, & Co.
thh,l7 slap- Batt abse, N.
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Orin Leger, thied.
He undersigned having been appointed an
Audifor in the above estate, by the Orphans'
Court of Busqut.hiume County, to report a dis•
tribbtiou to, and among the widow and heirs of
said decedent, will' aueod to the duties of bis
appointment on Friday the sixth day of January
1860, et 2 o'clock p.m . at the office of W.& %V.
H. Jessup; Esqs.; in Montrose-; at which time
all persons Waving' claims upon the fund of said
estate are required to present them or be debar
red from coming in fora share of such fund.'
decB 4w ALFRED HAND, Auditor.
- 01MOCit iCiDENT
THE - SECOND TERM of this Institution
will. commence. on MONDAY; JANUARY
2141860. to continue 1 I weeks, under charge
of -B. M. STONE; and folloWed by a teach-ers'
institute of 8 weeks, commencing on .lionditY,
blseeb,d9th, 1860.: to be conducted by B. M.
Stone, B. F. Tewkshitry, and others.
S2Bpay foi board, lodging. washing,
lights,and tuition per term of eleven
weeks. Beard from $1.50 to $1:75 per week.
Rooms fot,:those who wish to board themselves
at from 13 to IliTts per week.
62;40 $3:50 84:25.
Lectures are free to all—sttendance is invited
A teachers class has been formed to accom
modate those Who are preparing themselves to
teach. without extra
For.infamation in reference to the' school
'address B. M. STONE, Principal.
dccl Dirdock, Pa.
w E u % e V
n O e li x ,D
term ri a o i
f n
t i
h n r s m ,
it t o h o e p c
will that
menee on 'WEDNESDAY - Decenrher 14th. un
do the supervision of E. B. HAWLEY, Princi
pal, assisted by competent teachers: We feet
grateful for the large patronage it has received
the prestnt term, and would again present it
for public patronsme according to its merit.
Board may be obtained for $1.75 to $2 per
week ; also roomy for those. who chow.° to
tionrel hemselves. Full information may be
had bk seeing_or addressing the principal, at
New 'Milford..
Common English Branehes, - $3:00
Higher - "-and 31atilenatics,- 4:00
Languages, . " 5:00
Incidental Expenses, - .50
lar Vocal music if desired.
By order of TRUSTEES.
New Milford'. Nor: 141 h. 1854-3 w '
The' Oldest, Iraq Thorough and ExtensWe
Commercial .College-in the. Empire Slate.
ALL OUR PROFESSORS are men of large
experience in newel business, as well as
Teachers; which lairds unusual facilities to
young men wishing to acquire in an expeditious
Manner, a thorough Business Education.
Daily Lectures are delivered on Commercial
Law, Correspondence, Banking, the &lence of
Accountri, Commercial Computation, Penman
ship, etc. Graduates assisted in procuring situ
ations. Appticartts can enter the College at
any time. Course may be completed in 10 weeks.
Board and Room, $2:50. For partici' lam, send
fora C a mlog u e [Scraenso, N. Y.. Dec. Ist -4w
rpHE highest market price will he paid by the
_L bubseriber, in
for a ny quantity of Rye mad Ooh deliver
ed at the Montrose Depot.
Money will be left witb - - B. Calm the
Fleig,lit agent, to pay for ihe grain on delivery.
• , - 11. KEELEK..
Montrose. Depot. 1507. 17th, tf. .
rICEEDLES.—itnne and Wood - Tidy Nee
„.ll dies. Testing Shuttles, Crochet
Sewing, Darning and Knitting Needles, for sale
by - EvAss & 'ALLEN.
HAIR red.and gilt Ilair Pins
various patterba and price% by -
CIORAL.,—.B fine assortment of Coral Bead• 4,
Armlets, Necklaces,
.bestassortmint of Sleeve-Buttons and Studs,
all prices and qualities, for sale by
115'Ass & ALLEN.
PECTACLES.GoId, • Silver,, Steel 'and
Gercuati Silver. Spectacles, of all ages, for
sate by EVANS S. ALLEN.
V r ituMßLE'S.—Gold, Silver end German Sil
-1 ver Thimbles, a good stork, for sate by
UT Crackers and Nut Picks at
GOLD PENS .— A first rate variete of Gold
Phis and Pencils, all sizes and qualities,
rp ABLE CUTLERY.—A good anpply of
Knives and ForkB, C.Ftern and Steels, by
TORTE s ritt IS and CARD CASES, in
evert tariety—Peari, Berlin Wire an 4
Frans &
s No. 2 Odd Fslio . ws . .lhall. Washington at
Binghamton. No.'. 28th. 180.
By virtue of sundry writs issued by the
Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna
county, and to 'me directed, I will expose to
'stile. by public %endue, at the Court House, in
Olontrose,on Saturday, the 24th day of December,
1859. at one o'clock, p. m.. the following de.
scribed= piece or parcel of land, Co obit:
ALL that certain piece or parcel of , land sit
irate in the township of Brookfvn, Sutlutthanna
county and State ofl'ennaylvania, bounded and
described us follows, to wit: oz the north and
i east tar public road, on the south by land of.J'.
H. Tarn., and 011 the west by land of John Davi
-1-8011, containing about five acres, with the ap.
purtenaniket; one house, and all iMproved. [Ta.
in execution at the suitof Warren Woolsey vs.
4 George EL - Giles.] -
A LSO-A 11 that certain piere or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the township of OA-
I land, Sustint b ama county and State of I'enn
sylvuhis, bounded and - described as follows; th
I wit: on the north by land of Liman Blacking
; 1..11 psseons. on the east by land of
i G. 'l'. Frazier, son the south by land of E. C. Le
itt, and on the west by lutd of C. L. Ward. con
tsiningabout fusty nen* be-the same more ui
less, together: with the appurtenances, nine
crime& house and barn, and shnut thirty acres
improved. [Taken in execution at the . -ult. of
C. S. Bennett vs: Thomas Beavao, Seu'r..l
'ALSO—AII tliat certain piece or parcel of
land ;palate,. lying and being in the townsip Of
Jessup, county of Susquehanna and. State of
Pennsylvanist, bounded and described as follows,
to wit: on the flunk by land of Jamets-Faurot,
op the east by land of Wm. tiltelli; on the south
44y land, of Timothi Farout. and, un the west by
I land of /antes Faurot. containing forty
more or less, and. about thirty acres improved.
[Taken in eietodlion at the snit of Poet Broth
ers to the - use Wm. Hz- Cooper & Co. vs.
Purchasers Will in all cases bls required in
- pay, en the day of sale, an asnount sufficient
to cover the costs of x4lO, otherwise, the proper
ty will be re-sold forthwith.
• JOHN YOUNG, Sheri f..
I *.etifP OfEco, 110 tromp, Nov 28th-1869'4'
fißit 1011- Sill. •
IFTY Acres of -Land in the township of
Apolacon, Susqa. Co., half a . mile from the
Owego and New Milford turnpike; with thirty
five acres improved. Halt of the purchase moo.
sy is required to be paid down, and the, balance
in - anneal installments, with interest nod appro
ved security. •
Dec. 1, '59.3 m. WM. H. STEENBERG.
`At Montrose, Pa., for 1859.
P 11E Trustees are happy to announce to the
public that the next term of this popular
Institutiim will begin on WEDNESDAY, NO
VEMBER 16th. 1859, udder the charge of
a graduate_ of Yale College, who has consented
to remain. It Is now probable that there will
be no interruption of the regular session of the
Instituti.m. The trustees respettfully refsr
the patrons of the school, and others, to the' tol
&lowing testimonials from the Prealdent and -
Prefesspra of Yale - College; to the present pros
perity of the school ; and to the highly compli
mentary resolutions passed by the students,
commendatory of the successful administration
of Prof. 8., and expressing their gratification at
the prospect of a. continuation of his valuable
YALE COLLEGE, Jpne 24, 1859.
Mr. Harry Brodheall,l member of the class
lately graduated at Yale College, has field
a high rank in the class as a scholar.,So farsas
I am acquainted with it, his moral chascter, and
habits, are irreproachable.
- _ Tneononw D. Wootsae, President.
Mr. 11. Brodhead, who belongs - to tho gradu
ating class of 1359. has shown himself du the two years of his connection with the
college, a capable and successful samba. Shed
he apply himself to the work ill instruction, I
have no doubt of his ability to justify the confi
dence an - d satisfy the expectations of any who
may avail themitelves of his services.
JASk HADLEY, Prot. of Greek.
Mr. H. Brodhead of the class of 1859, in Yale
College, is a gOod .schblar, and has a superior
mind. I have little doubt he will make an effi
cient and successful teacher, and can recommend
him with grey confidence that lie will not dis
appoint his pitons. - NoAtt PORTER,
Prof. (1 Philosophyand Metaphysics.
Mr.-11. Brodhead has just finished his course
of collegiate education and recieved tho de
gree of Bachelor of -kits at the annual com
mencement. As lie proposes to be engaged for
dine - in the business ofteuching,he is cheerfully
recommended by the Undersigned as a person
*ell qualified by his scholarship and attainments,
by his ehrintian character and deportment to be
successful in the instruction and government of
Prof. of Latin.
Students may here be prepared for admission
in an advaneedl-lass in any of our Colleten. and
particular attention•will be paid, as heretofore,
to the thorough preparation or ALL Woo DEolltE
SOCcial instruction in the latter Departmen
will he given during the ensuing term.
The Text Books_ heretofore used will he con
tinned in the School. -
Lectures on subjects of genera# interest wi
be delivered during the year.
Price of Tuition per Term of 'Eleven
Week!. - - - $6OO
7- Primary Departinent, --- 3,50
In Engli-.h Branches and Latin or hreek, 9.00
Latin and Greek, Pilch. - - - - 4,00
In.trumental and Vocal Music will be given
if desired.
There will bee secntion of ten days, begin
ning December 24th the term to consist of 1
Students wishing in procure rooms or board
cin be accommodated by writing to J. M. Ly.
on., Esq , and those wishing to board them:
selves can obtain stoves and furniture from
Slcssrs• Sayre-Brothers, on reasonable terms.
Price of board averages from Si 00 to $2.,50 per
week. lion. Wlll. JESSUP, Presitkni.
lion. C. F. READ, Secretary.
November 2d, 1859.-10w-6m. •
ILINO EMENT—D L. d. ir R. R.
o.4kaigrA " EaMgg.
(IN and after Thursday, Dee. let, 1859, trains
gUr - wili be run as fellows
The night express train on the N. V. & E R.R
arrives at Gt. Bend a 3:28 a. in.. and connects
with the express train leaving Gt. Bend fur N.
V. and Philadelphia at: - 8:00 a. m.
Due at New Milford . - 11:17
Montrose - - 8:36
Ilophoti?p, 8:59
Nicholson - - 9:16
• Factoryville - 9:40
Abington - - . 9 : 57
Scranton . - . 10:30
Moscow . - 11:17
Totiyhanna . 11:53
Stroudsburg . 1:12 p. m.
Water Gap - = - 1:34
Columbia • - 1:50
Delaware (15 minutes to dine) - 2:9 )
Hope (thilad's connection) 2:35
Bridgeville - 2:40
Washington . - 3:13
Junction . • - 3:30
New Ybrk - - - '7:15
- Philadelphia - - 8:20 _
Passengers from New York, leave
Pier. No. 2 North River, at 7:30 a. m.
Passengers from Philadelphia leave
Walnut street Wharf at - .6:00
Leave Junction - - - 11:10
Due at Washington . - 11:28
Bridgeville - - - 12:01 p..m
llope(Philad,a connection) 12:03
Delaware (15 minutes to dine) 12:20
Columbia . - - 12/0
Water-Gap - 1:01
Stroudsburg - • 1:15
Tobyhanns - - 2:45
Moscow - e . 8:19
Scranton - • • 4:05
Abington . • - 4:42
• Factor% vino . 4:59
Nicholson, - - 5:19
llopbottom - - 5:42
MONTROSE - , 6:01
New Milford , - ' 6:22
Great Bend - 6:40
Connecting at Great Bend with the
Night Express going. West at 1:45 a. or:
Ap Act:el:tit:iodation train leaves
Scrant in for Great Bend at 10:35 a. in.
Factoryville . 11:55
Nicholson • 12:35 p. m.
Mamma° - 1:50
Arrive at Great Bend 2:50
Connects with,Dunkirk Ex. WM. 3:39
and 'Accommodation train West at 5-.33
Acconitno6tion train returning leaves
Great Bend at 3:10 - 4:05 - IViceolson - - '5:15
Factorysille - . 5:15
Duo at Scranton - 7:15
The Accommodation train does hot leave
Scranton until alter the arrival of the morning
train on the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg R. R,
thus giving passengers from the Wyoming Val
ley a direct connection for the West by the
morning train.
For the accommodation of way travel on the
Southern Division a Passenger Car will be at
tacled to the Express Freight trains leaving
Scranton at • . . . 4/0 e. m.
Due at Moscow . 6.00
Stroudsburg - 10:40
Junction - 230 p. m.
Returning will leaver Junction at 4:00 a.m.
Due atStroudsburg at. . 7:45
Moscot'y • - 1:10
Scranton ' 2:35 s
Passengers from Now York will change cars
at Junction. To and fom Phitada, via B.D.R.R.
leave or lake cars it Hope. For Pittston, Kings
ton and Wilkes-Barre, take ears of Lackawanna
fe, Bloomsbur g R ft. at Scranton. For Jessup,
Archbald, and Carter:dale, take Stages at Scran
ton. Tickets told end baggage checked
Wst N. Jazio, Gomm! Zekilt. Agent.
Elerinton, Nov. Vat, 1859;.*1f
NEW DE LAINS not all wool,
LINSEY:, : •
@IA oar ,
More GLO frL'S awl if OBIERY, Ta
'`• • It new supply of
Burnetes c.oeadvalor.the hair.
also, Dalnanples - .3f QU,THJVASIL
the best thing for the Teeth and Gums known.
And hosts of other 08011114z6? , 'Tto - titoorto
mention. Ail will oo set& CHEAP fee the
rre.°o•49l - 41v
by, A— tYLEti...`
11E311 BUIINEIIe FLUID and cod
r Fish---Please .doo't ask to gat. Waited,
but along Your Bitter, Eggs, Dried. Ap
ples, &c. - ,"&c., and gut the worth of your money.
Tobacco by the pound-at - es. •
Montrose, Oct. 27th, 059.
EM MNING in the Post o.seis at Montvale
Pa.. Nov. 15th. - 184
Levi Black, Mrs. Smelt Brown, Albert Bushnell,
M law Margaret.Bradr,il* Letitia Buckman.
William 11. Crawford, tr.P. Chase, 3, Mrs. Es.
ther Cleveland, Joel Cogswell, Miss H.. 1.
Mrs Ra - ehel Dean, Mrs: Julia Donlib.
David Fisk, D. Ferric ,
J. E. Gunn.
P. Hawlej., Benjamin HBLyard.
Joseph Ketterl..
Miss Candace T. Lafrance, Mrs. Augusta Loath.
Jesse Lung, Mrs. Anitie L anlin.
Mrs. It. A. CAM, Rev. T. A. Mills, John Man-
aloe, Slit's Ellen Mohan, Isaac D. Mapos,sAl
bert. More. .
Philip 'Oswald.
D. 1). Radnor, Mrs. A. W. Reynolds:
Eliza Jane Smith, Miss S. W.-Sherwood, Mrs.
Charlett Stockholm, Charles Saelins, S. E.
Sargent, '2.
David H. Vanordel.
Mm, Minerva WhitfOrd.
ilr Persona calling for the above please say
advertised. . 11. J. %VERB. P. M.
CIF the best quality ever offered in thin or
any other market.
enthreeing the latest Improvements: Also. the
best qualities of CAMPHENE. and _Also.
FLUID, LAM P.IML, and LAMPS, in . which to
born them. CANDLES and sticks, and every
thing neessary for Lights, for sale at the va
riet!' More of ABEL TURRELL,
novt Montrose.
M t
~..- ...
i ~ .._. •
A?' - '?e , - - - ' 1 . : ., . C. --': :
.` '‘.. •.r ::,-,.....-,-.•,.. • - , ',...--;
•-, - -!:-; It Mihr - ' •,'• '
• ' '47 ,- 4 . tt::...,:-::::" -44 . , , tr.: , ,'• ','
. -- - • -- - ' slik•AZ.." 4
, ... -
.12 of IVASIIINGTON and EVERETT, inclu
ding a view of Mount Vernon. in the engraving
of WaNhinOon. These splendid engravings are
from original paintings by Hicks, and are engra
ved on Merl in-the highest — style of art. Size,
'305 inches, or six square feet, each. Many
inferior , pictures arepaltned off upon the public,
as wotfts of cat; fait-Pa—pitict the first arsii . On a
high price to produce first-rate pictures.
The N. V. Observer says : "these engravings
are genuine works of art - --the likenesses are ad
mirable. Mr. Everett's portrait takes precedence
of all others."
The Christian Ativneate says: " they are among
the finest engraving's we have ever seen, and the
publishers are respon.•ible for their promises.
TER US, almost gratis. Not' paichtio rollers,
either cogessiog sad a $3 magazine, I year, $3
Both " " .. 4
Agents remiting $3O at once, 2 extra copies.
Magazines are Harper, Knickerbocker, Godey,
Atlantic, Blackwood. We pay the money to the
publishers, who mail the Magazines. Cost of
engravings is paid by difference between whale
and regular price of Magazines. Pictures sent
at cribe; please state when you preferJha Mag.
t) begin. Money at our risk upon proof it wis
mailed. First pictuies best, so tomdesrly,
b 43 Broadway New York.
nl7 Xdp)
11. MI IaIR.R. I "I" rr
IA just receiving", large stock of NEW stoves
including s full assortment of
Cooking, Parlor, Office, and Shop Stoves,
for Wood pr Coal.
Also, Store Pipe, zinc, Store Tubes, de.
His assortment will include the,most select,and
desirable stoves in market, and will be sold at
Reduced Prices for Cash or Prompt Pay.
New Milford, November Ist, 1859:
TILE subscribers have this day returned from
New York with a large, iddition :to their
stark of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FAN
CY GOODS: our purchases being made ex
clusively for CAM, We WM enabled to otter our
customers great-bacgain We take great pains
in selecting such Goods as the market requites
and will Sell them at prices that cannot ISO to
Le satisfactory, EVANS &ALLEN,
No. 2 Odd•Fellowa Hall.
Binghamton, Noiosaber sth, 1859.
arATCHES—Arge stock of gold and sil
l` V ver Watchne Co best makers, many of 1
them off' our own ortation. at prices ,much,'l
lower than have enter en sold in town—War-
ranted gond time keepers. - E. &A.
—Also, Watch Ch/ins, a fist rate assortment
of GOLD Fob, Vey; and Guard Chains. •
TiPiR. Rings and fireastFins—a beautiful va
-12./... riety, in setts üble and single, consisting
of Pearl, 'Jot, Cam e Lava, Coral, Florentine ,
Mosaic, Brilliant, n vimel, and all Gold, various
patterns and_prices.l
- F . rtINGEII. Rings... Diamond, Opal, Pearl, En
amel, Jet, and kl GOLD, - a great variety
from $4O down..
LOCKETS—a vary fine assortment, GOLD .
and Plated, t, 2,4, and 6 faces.
SILVEIt Wata. r ia large stock of sterling sill.
vier ware, Consisting of spoons, forks, ladles
eupsicake, pie, ice cream, butter, & fruit knives,
ehildrein setts, napkin rings, card cases, etc.
PLATED Ward—pastors, ca k e b ea k e r., car d
'receivers, tea tette, ice pitchers, sugar bait.
kets, saltcellars, forks, spoons, toast rucks, gob
ets, etc.
D RACELESI.-4.• fi gi supply, of every stile,-;-
1.1 1 . some very deb patterns.
CLOCKS—Eight day, and thirty hour clocks,
a great varietypeorranted.
IT{ OBE NEW GOOD% pourina to at the
1 etore of JAVONS & SON ; where every
thing goes CRESr for casn.—Call-qnielt.
Oet, 18th, 1 859. •
1-1 Dec. 10,1801. %A. T17R1t41.6
4,0' 64 7 a
ifs4o, 00
the, largest, most. ezieniiivoly patronized and
best organized
00E21:2102.1ai covagfrksi
In the United States.
1307 151 - tiadlexits ,
Attending Daily, Afarch 1859..
Usual time to complete p full course from . 6 to
to weeks. Every *indent, upon graduating. is
guaranteed to be competentui manage the Books
of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary
of from . ,
$5OO -TO $lOOO .
Students enter at any time—No . Vacation—
Review at pleasure. .
81 e 333.111.333.0
Rs ' Ministers Sons received at half price.
* * *Fur Eircillati and Specimens of Writing.
incluse two letter stamps, and address
F. %V. JENKINS, Pittalm rgh, Pi..
December let. 1859.-1 y
HAS just returned from selecting- and pr..
chasidg, abd Is now receiving one of that
largest and best assortments df
Gr• Cll Eli g
ever .offerecl. 113 this, market. The quality of
nearly every thing gond; and all warranted as
represented. Terms; ready cash and low prises.
,-Some general idea of the stock may. be formed
from thOTollowing enumeration:
Lluiraicall, Paints, -Oils, Varnl*hes,
Window .Glass, DyeStulfs, Orocerie*,
Glass Ware, Crockery, Mirrors, Clocks, Wall Paper,
Window Paper, Window Oil Shades, Fancy Goods,.
Musical Instruments, Jewelry, Perfumery,
Stone Wire, Brooms, Broshei;Whins,
Umbrellas, Bird Cages, Pocket _
Knives, Guns, Pistols,
Ammunition, Liquors,Trussee,
Supporters Portmonnaies, Shoulder :-
Braces, Specta cles, Silver and Plated Spoons,
Forks, &c., Gold fens, Stationery,-Violin, Guitar, &
Bass Viol Strings, Bows, &0., Porcelain Teeth, Lith
ographs, Artist's Tube Paints, Brushes, &a.,
and all the popular Patent Medicines.
Also some Dry Goods, 'Wooden,
Hard &Japanned Ware, e
Fluid and Oil Cans, CatAPl:ene ,
Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine,
Lamp, Tanner's, Neat Foot,Lard,Olive, Castor,
Boiled and RairLinseed, and Coal OILS. White
Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of Colored Paints,
gar,. Canary Seed, and other things,toti
numerous to mention.
As it is impracticable to give mole than a gen
ersl outline of ni . t stock through the Newspapers,
every one wishing goods is invited to call and
examine. Customers on entering the Store
mustnot expect to find every thing in eight; but
nearly every article wnnted will be producc.l
by inquiry. Thankful for the liberA patronage
hitherto received, I hope to mer:t and receive a
large increase of the same.
Montrose, Oct. 5, '59. ABEL TERRELL.
Raisins, Coffee, etc. etc.. just opimed and going
cheap: J. LYONS & SON.
QPLENDID De Laines, Gingharn Pri tila, arid
laheetinga, ju.t opPned, cheap J: L • ,
Musics. -
FLODEONs, Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Sheet
;VI Music, on hand or furnished to order.
IF y - ou want your Ainbrotype,3lehtinotype or
Photograph taken Cheap! Great reduction in
- The price of
The subscriber will take large $3 size for $l,OO
Thri $2 size for. .50
The 50 cent size for
For each duplicate,
• Pictures taken to be sent in fellers without
additional postage. Having a large Side and
Sky-Light combined. w•egan ta s k° good Pictures
in all kin'ds of weather.
Fir Rooms over Abbott's Shoe Store, oppo
site the
T INSTRUCTIONS given in tho Art.
Binghamton, Oct. 12th. 1959
N. B.—No children under 5 years old taken
for lesithan LO cents; and no 26 cent Piettires
taken while there are customers waiting fur
those of higher price. '
346 and 3SS Broadway, Nei, York".
HE full-wing works are sent to subscribers
in f any part of the country, (upon receipt
of retail prier.) by mail or express, prepaid
The New American Cycloptedia
A popular Dictionary of General Knowledge.
Edited bPGEO. RIPLEY and Cnsnrs A. DANA,
aided by a numerous select corps of writers in
all branehes of Science'', Art, and Literature.
This work is being published in about 15 large
octavo volumes. each ^ontaining, 150 two-column
pages. The first soren volumes are now ready,
each containing near :3,500 original articles. An
additional volume will be published once in
about three months.
Price, in Cloth, $3: Sheep, $3,50 ;Jial f Mor.
$4; Half Russia, $4,50 each.
The New American Cyclopiedia is. popular
without being superficial, learned but not pe
dantic, comprehensive hut sufficiently detailed,
free from personal pique and party prejudice,
frnsh yet accurate. It is a complete statement
of all that is known upon every important topic
within that scope of human intelligence. Every
important - article in it has been specially written
for its pages by men who are authorities upon
the topics of which they . speak s ,. They arc ru.
quired to bring.tKe subject' up., to the present
moment; to state just how it stands now, All
the statistical information is from the /west re
ports; Oho geographical' accoupis keep pace
with the 'latest explorations; histmical mutters
includii the freshest just views; the biographical
notices not only speak of the dead, but also of
the living. It is a library of itself., .
Abridgment of the Debates ol Con
grtsoi Being a Political History of the United
States, from the organization of the first Fed
eral Congress in. 1189 to 1850. Edited and
compiled by Hon. THOMAS H. Berl - ton from the
Official Records of Congress. The- work will
- be completed in 15 royal octavo volumes of 760
pages each, I I of'whiell aro now ready. An ad
ditional volume will be published 'once in three
Cloth, $3; Law Sheep, $3,50; Half Mor,
$4; Half Calf, $4,50 each.
Form a club of flpr, and remit the price of
four books, and five Topies will be sent at the
remitter's expense of carriage; or for ten sub:
scribers, eleven copies will be sent at on; ex.
pew frw carriage.
7lk AGENTS.. •
No other works will aoliberally reward thee
exertions of agenta. Ax AVERT %VatiTurs
TRW Conan. Terms made known on appllea.
tion to the Publisher.
. ASI a rp, 48119,..—0, a ms.
THE'receat cold wilithcr warns as that Win•
ter will soon be upon. as, and all shonld
be properly prepared for it
308 N GMOVES, the Taller,
desires everybody to remember-that he Is al ,
ways ready to do all work in him lino, in a satiail THE It/ EINLICINE of the MILL 901!
factory manner. ' ' -PettosOrin a..!ati FACT.
CUTTING 134:1111E Ircirt. the READY!'
idonticiatt,Ocit. 95th,-15159.--3m. llO LLD WAY'S -P ILL S.
tI2EiCITIAO cAttg;OPtiterlis9.
r r ii il BLOOM Is iheli Csusti i Wag stout. II
furniehea theeompopeatitoffleith,tione,m s
de, nerve aid intermittent. Tile sto Mach is ta_
,that tafactorv, the veins its Siatribeitirti,- and t is
intestines the channels throngh which the wt o .e
matter rejected in tti pmdittitiOns. hi etpelleth.
Upon the stomachthecirentatiorratd 1 t:e h'owels - ,
these Pale act aimuttanerinsly. relieving iniitg,,,k
flow, purifying the fluids, and rogulatirg the
excretions. i'
DvApermia is the most common diseaa' e among
all clitaaes in this c'tautry. It MR um. a ;hoes.
and shapea, and la the primary sonrce of intinM
erable datigerima maladies; but whale er Retype i
or syMetoma,howevar obstinate' it it re istance td .'
ordinary prepaiations, it vields•readti_ and rap.
idlyto this searching anti unerring re tidy.
CETEAP.G OOD S ! QPRENDID New diWll% Livros, Pant% . and
Gingham% at redueel prices. A lary 13 :hu
of Sugar for ono dollar, or 21-of Rice. Juet
opened and for aide by 3. LYONS &SON,'
Montrose,. Junelfith, 18b9.
; REYNOLDS, . - •
riMASHIONABLE TAILOR. 'Shop in 'base
1' anent of,Seerle's Hotel, 51nntrow., Pa.
H. K. PIIIIMAY, Agent.
1 now open With an entire new stock of
which for extent, richnest and variety, far dur•
Pass niything ever offered in the Southern Tier.
abounds with every kind of Cloths, Cassimeres,
Satinets, Arestings;Overcoatings, Tweeds, Ken
tucky Jeans, etc. Mc , etc., from the nicest to the
Cheapest. In the line of
•111)1ES' - DRESS GOODS,
Iva have the largest and moat elegant stock of
ever exhibited in this market.
Plaid and printed Pfeil:tab Iterfaos, from
620, up;
EC& Chintz Figured. and all-Wool DOlaillel
Bich India. Bilks and Poplins
260 pieces Ptench and English,
New-& Seasonable Dress Goods
•Of every known Styli And Fabric.
Good dOuble fold Paratnettas, at only 18c. _
Plain Yerinos 13axwil Plaids end Stripes, 20e.
fienalin De Elines,.loc.:
English Prints worth 12 and 150 for I00:-
- Good dark Madder Prints , at 6c.
of every description, from the cheopest Rob Roy
to the• most elegant dooble Broche, cheaper-than.
ever known. CLOATifi,"-
A.IG IA s•
Ladies' G 4 l.Clt
aC every color nod qoality, with trimmings to
match. •
100 pieces white and .cadet, plain and twilled
Wool Flanels, retailing for less . than New York
package price.
of ull kinds. by the Lute. ince°, ur yard. Bleached
and Brown 4he'etings, 6 cents.
of every deseription, both wholegele nod retail
Milliners supplied with everything in the line at
New York wholesale prices.
From• the fad that .one of the FroprietOrs
spends his whole time in New York City, secu
ring and forwarding fhe
the market, aliordr, purehasv - s can rely- upon el.
wayssfindino our stock full and assortment cm
, plet* AlrGnods bought for this fatabliehinent
are in connection:with elarge Wholeslle House
in New York, from the Importers,liannfacturers
Agents, and Auction Houses direct, thereby so)!
ing the Jobbers' profit, the benefit of which our
customers! hare.
FrOnl 01 . t1 filVili;:esTWC posses., we lii.ow, , that
we can and wiil all kinds of Dry•floodt less
than anvdther house in :his section. We have
the ability, and we will satisfy our.
Pennsylvania.. Customers
on exturhation, that we have thu itiNptsition.
sep 293 m) 11. K. MU 'MAY, agent.
IPERSONg wishing to establish 51aouracto
ries in a new and thriving pla:te %here
business is good. See advertisement or.the
Hammonton tiettlement.
Hot wore Especially to every Alder=l
CURD and Justice of the Peace
In the State of Pennsylvania.
HE undersirreed has the general agency of
thin! State for the sale of B. clidden'a Form
Docket tor Justices of the Pence, containing abr.
broViated forms fdr. entering actions, both civil
and criminal, Nand all subsequent pinceedingS
therein ;: also for Justices Constables' and
WitneaSes' Fees; being a complete. guido to
new Juitlees, and saving much labor and time to
both new and .old The work is highiy vecona
mendedi by Hons. S. B. Chase, D. Wilmot; Wm
Jessup,X. Burrows:C. F. Bead, P. B. Streeter,
and oy. nearly all the Attorneys of the county
The Attorneys in their testimonials ;say that a
strict.economy, saying nothing the great con
venience of tho work, will, in o r judgment, in.
duce evnrrJustice in the county to purchase the
book ari soon as it is examined by them:" ,
ILiaisubstantially bound, and contains Aix
quires of good paper, and iesold at the uniform
price 4E4 Call- and see it at the Montrose
Book 'Store. Orders, mail froth any part of
the county or stateerthciosing the cash, promptly
attendid to, and the Work sent by express. nr as
directed. A. N. d3ULLARD;
Montinose, get: 34.'69.
I Tale NEW ER/1.1
"toady pay and Small Profits.
H;I34IItRITT has, now in Store and is
. making_ largo additions to hie Stock of
FALL:ANT) %yiNTER. GOODS; to which he
Would invite the attention of envatrr r.t'ING BUY-
Eui:eipbracitsg the most deshable varieties of
In NeW Styles of Rich Fall - Prints and Plaida;
in DeLains,-trucal Plaids, Plain.and Plaid Nleri
nos, Mohair Cloths, Ginghams, s 'andSilkai 'troche,
Stellai Cashmere, Silk, and Wodl Shells; Rich
Ribbons, Bonnets, and Flowers, Net Hooos, La.
dies' , Cloths, Broad Cloths, Cussirseres,
With a full, assortment of
Staple and Panay Goods,
tisital,' including
Groeerie% Crockery, Hardware,
lints natel-Caps
linetalind Shoes, Carpeting. Floor Oil Cloths;
Painted Whitlow Shedia, -Well Paper, Cloaks.
Drage, Oils, Paints, Pura, Rufnlo Robes, ate..., dr e.
The entire stock being large, and bought fur
Cs.sw will give a superior opportunity for choice
selections, and will be sold for READY-PAY 10
to 25 per eent:,.below regular Prices. Alt ex
amination of the STOCK , will be found profitable
to tirdse who .wish to buy. • . .
BARM, anti Hair Diesstr. Shop No. 3in
baton:lent or Soario's Hotel. Montroso. -*..
SAkiLlr, by ill° Barrel, Sack nt Pnund,.for
...tile by ABEL TOR ' Li...
Q UPE! PR Ground coffee in e. 'Ca Gbh
~;for as% by J. LYONS . &. DON:
rY r.vcr.r vtrtirrr
C. a - a C. a s •
Stores, Nn la,
N. 7 —Flour and Salt eenatantly on hand
New 6lilierd...6etiitier, 1859,
j -ESIDENT DENTIST , Montrose. OtEe4
at the Franklin How, room N&. S. Pill.
nd Ineertiogreeiti on Gold.and Silver Plato
done in the moat approved modern niyle. My
Plates are absolutely water-tight,—vo interstices
where food can lodge. nov24
.1311,i0 US AFFECTIO2fS:..
The quantity of the, bile k oflrast ipoportanee
to health. 4 , Upon the liver., the glanci it.hieh re
etetoc this fluid s tttese Pi operate specifically;
infallibly iecti lying its irregull I-Mee, and effeete
ally etlringiaundiee. BMus Remittants. and all
the varieties of disease - generated lipen umlaut,
raleondition of the organ. -
Unless the bowers perform their funetions'prop
erly, the whole body suffers: Tone of thousands
die annually of Dysentery . . Diarrhcba, Chronid
Constipation, and other diseases of these siantri
pipes of.the system. The effect of the Pills upon
all intestinal disorders, whether casual or epi
demic, is .a phenomenon in mediciolo. 'By follow.
ing the printed direCtions, the 'wort alarming es
sea of bowel complaint are promptly,controlled.
The -local debility and irregularities which are
the edpecial annoyandeLof the weaker sex, and
which, when neglected, always shureen life, 'are
relieved for the time tieing, and prointed in. time
come,by a course of this mild, there' alterative.
llolloway's Pills are the best remrdu known in the
world for the following diseases:
Asthma Chas Diseases Fever and Ague
Coughs Bowel Complaints Female Complaints
Colds -Costiveness Inward Weakness
Diarrhoea Headaches Liver Complaints
Dropsy Indigestion Lowness of Spiri
Debility Inflammation Stone and Gravel
influenza Dyspepsia Secondary Symptoms
Pies Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds
' , V Sold at the Manufactories of ' Professor
Holloway, 80 Maiden Line, New York, and PA
Strand, London, by all respectable Droggints &
Dealers in Medicine thro'out the United States
and the civilized world, in boxes at 24' cents,
f,3 1:2 cents, and el rash.
.017 There in a considerable eating by taking
the larger sizes.
N. A.—Direct lona rer the kniiienee, of'fatients
in every disordor are affixed . to each!, box.
Scrofula, or King's Evil,
is is constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this timid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in the circulation.; it
pervades the whole body, and may burst out
in disease on any part of it. No orgau it free
from its attacks. nor is there one witch it may .
not destroy. The sert..fulmi tai - Mt is Variously
caroled by-mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy fond, impure air, filth .
and filthy habits, the depressing, !vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infect:en. . What--
ever be its origin, it is hereditary n the con- --
stitution, descending .• from parents to children
unto the thirst and - fourth generation ;" indeed,
it scorn's to lfre the and of Him WI n ease, •• I
will visit the, iniquin'es of the f4thcreii-rm
I. •
their child' t'l." i • • -
Its effects conimence by clepositihn from - the
blood of corrupt or uleerms matte, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organ , is - termea
tubercles gland:, ; in the gia., twellin ~-; and on
the surf:les, eruptions or sores. 'this foul our
, ruption, which genders in the 1.115<.d, depress
the energies - of life. so that scrofuloos constitu
fleas not only suffer frObi — scrtififfoof cont
plaints, hut they have far less po*ctr to 'oith
,, stand the attacks of Other diseties ; ernle
quently, vast numbers pCiish be disurcl - ri
which, although not scrofulous in tbeiriint are,
are still rendered fatal by this Abint in the
system. Most of the ernesumption-villich de
' cimates the human family has its engin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and man:,
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed. of all the organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
- One quarter of all our ptOple are scrofulous)
their persons are Mrs.hal by this linkii.g in=
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from thes}-stens we Ipint. renfriril!C
' the blood by an alterative niedicire, and in
vig,nrate it by healthy food and exercise.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of ‘Sarsapariliu,
the most effectual rail - m(lv which the medical,
skill of _our times con devise for this - every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active remcdcals that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and thel-scue of the
system. from its destructive ennsequenees.
hence it should he employed for the cure of
not only scrofula, but also those other- affee
tions'whi,ch arise from it, such as Eurrviva
11.0SII, or BurstrELAß, PIMPLF.S., PCSTCLES.
Iherreuss, ELAINS and Dm cs, Tumble', Trutt:.
and Savr-Iturtm, Seven lL n, litsuworm,
/4181111ATISk, SYPIITLIT/C and ltimitimp;t. Dl3-
EASES, Duorst, Drsesrms, DLUILITY, tral; •
TZO 011 IMPVIIT BLOOD. The popular . belief
in ." impurity gf the bland is foundid in truth,•
for scrofula is a degeneration of the Linea. he.
particular purpostLand virtue of ibis Sarsapa :
cilia is-to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound healflr is impossible in
contaminated constitutions,
Ayer ' s Cathartic
are so composed that disease nithin - the - range cat
their action can rarely nithstr.nd or evade theist
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate Esety portion - of the hltroin me m..
ism, correcting its diseased - action, and restoring
its healthy sitalities. 'As a consequeneri of tlic,o
- properties, the ir.vlilift-who is Lowed down with .
pain or physical debility is astonidied to find 1:s
-health or energy restored by a remedy at once s.t .
simple and inciting. -
Not only du they. cure the every-day eamplair.ta
of every body, but oho many foriniclabic 'and
dangerous diseases.. 'the agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis toy American Altoona",
containingcertiticates of their cures and'illiections
for their us:Z. in the following corapi..ints: Cneti-cr
nese, heartburn, lleatlelehearisiny! te;ln dieeettered
Stpniaclh, Nausea l'ant in (Ted Itnehid
Inaetidn of the Bowels, Vatuteney, ILuss 4:(
titS, JauNdire. and other kinMed l complaints,
arising from a low state of the body or obstruction
of its functions. . t •
Ayers Cherry Pectoral;
lOU iIIt.ItAPID Cyne 43
, r
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, hoarseness,
Croup, b ronchitis, Incipient.Consnmil
tion and for the relief of-Cousnmptkr.,
Patients \ in advanced stages. of the
tits:ease. ' ' -
So Wide is the field of its usefulness end so nu
merous are the cases of its cures. that almost
every seetion of country Abounds in 'persons put,
.fiely knoru, who have been seed from alarsairg
and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its
use.. When once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is s too apparent to esmr, a
observation, and where its virtues are known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
Is; the distressing and dangetbus affections of the
pulmonary organs that are incident m our climate.
, While avant ulterior remedies thrlist upon the
community haTe failed end been disraid,4eihiA
has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits
on the afflicted they cm never forget, aid pro
duced cures too numerous oral too remarkable to
ye forgotten.
-Pr.ErAfiED isY
D*. J. C. AVER4:/.. 1 CO.
• LOWELL, m.h.e. •