Tit> excitement at Pibsrleste srn; Va, still l ‘ pqr" advertiseinent -Dr. SarifOrd's Liver continues, anal the military ' force in the town ; Invigorator and Family Cithartlc Pills, in is augmenting . A regimen( Of. volunteers, another column. sepB ly four Ir.rnrireri trong,-left Rictimond on ttrrlay afternoon for Charlestown, Goi•ernor \Vise accompanying them. The persons %ho have ~u l nre.l lees 1,1 - the late incendiatism in .Irfferon co,rnty. see said to have been , jury inen on B•owe's . Porchester, Mass., Capt. Ebenezer Eaton, sccent r p !in:. rear- obl, was e!ected to the L eg iii a l t ire by tie 1i:01 :rats. The Boston ro;t sAys ti a he is the first Demodrat that has been from Dorebe,ter in twenty _ three yeFt Ccttnlacsttips in Lowell & Warner's CoM• merciacColl'eae, at Binghamton, sad at this of flee. at r2riisconnt. or Buy of us and save from $,5 ta.sls! Cott rse of Lee f following rtraried pct-an. I,:ave up:raged to Ireture before the oYousti `trs • s A! , - SOCIATIGN" of Montrose: Ref. I). K. LEE. Aubo - tn, N. 1., Nor. and. Rec. T. B . ... Beecher, " " 15th. G. SUIINEIZ, Boston. 'Slays., 'Dee. 26th. WENDELL' PmLurs, " 110RAcE . GbEELEV, N. V. City, IW Other,. ietnain yet to be heard from., ; 1 N. BULLARD, President. C. W TTU4R, Secretary. [Govlle - Notice.—J. B. McCollum, Esq., Montrose, dellYers the third _lecture before Dimock High chool and Literary Association, in Academy Halc7ruesday eve, Dec. 6th.. A- Ca rd.---Dr. TitAvEn.44 the Binghamton Water-Cure, will he at §usquehnima Depot (Nichol's betel on the Gth of each month du. ring,thh S.priar , and Summer for consultation. Thvalids will find it to.-their -a dvantage to give .him..a call. l'atientS receivedat all (lines at:-his - -estahcishnient in Biwahamton, N. Y., where every' comfort .and convenience may be idund for the Nllce eSti fa I treatment of rNVALIDS. [tt • .R4,33/ttam . In Bridgewaer.ion the 9th, by Rev. .1, C. Boomer, Mr, Ethan Stevens, and Miss Ilanuih- Shenrer. Wl4ot Nov. at flop Bottom, Cynthia Emilino, \ daughter of Capt. A. C., and ilirriet Merrill; aged 1 1 ::rearri, and .5 months. In-Lenox, 0;:i. aoth, youngest dough 'ter' or Elishs, a 4 . Martha HJhstcad. P. - . REYNOLDS, FASIIIONABL t E TAILOR. ShOp in ba;e ment of Searles Hotel, Montrose, Pa. C. D. VIRGIL, TIESIDENT DENTIST, Montrose. 011 ice 11; at the Franklin House, roam No. 3.. Fill. ing and .I nberting teeth on Gold and Silver Plate done in the inotat approved nitriern style. My Plates ate absolutely water.tight,—no interstices where feed can lodge. n0r2.4 1 NEW MILFORD , -HIGH SCHOOL. 'WE WOULD noain inform. the public that I 1 the 'next term of this School will com mence on ‘VEDNESDAY December 14th. -un du the supervision of E.ll. HAWLEY, Priori: pal, assisted by competent teachers. We feel grateful fur the large patronage it has received . the present term, and would again present it fur public patronage according, to lits merit. . _ ~, ..—rDuard !pay -be obtained - for $1,75 to,s2 per week.: also rooms for Jaose who choose to .bord..themselres. Full information may be ' :had by. secia" . .or addi'essing the principal, at New Al il t ord7 TUITION I'ER TER M OP 13 WEEKS : i Common 'Eng!iih Draeches, - - $3:00 - - linher and 3iathematics, 4:00 - .- ngunges. " " 5:00 Incidental Expt.nsts, • - , - - 5 O 5O • .I'- — .Vo:.:11 n;:;,,lc. if d'esirc.r. "By orhr of :TRUSTEES. New . 7.411 ford_ Nov. 11th, 3859 .3w . IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. .17:73-I,:TEP r ArrLETuls co, 316 pad 3 IN liroadtvar. New York. p.ly , ;follf,wing works are sent to subscribers .i_ trr.,_-ny Part of the country - , (upon receipt .or retail price.) by Inall or express. prepaid: The New. txxerieria Vycloisaedia : . A pot;tlar - lhetiOtir.ry of Generaf Knowledge. Edited! by Gs:A. RirnEr and Cmtuts A. H.txa, aided . :s• mane - taus select corps of writers in nit hr.:mei:es Scitnres. Art, and 'Llitdature. This wor,k is beirg published in about 15 larrre ...I.avo volumes. each rtoutaining 7.51 t two-colu mn pa-es: The first seven volumes are now ready, ; each containing near 2.500 original articles. An additional voiwne will be' published once in about -three 'months., • Price, in Ct th. 3 : Sheep. $3,50: Half 3ljr. $4: Half Russ':,. $4,50 each. The ntnerio;n Cyclopedia is popular without surCificial, ler.rned but ma_ r e :. en:orr,hru-ive hut sufficiently detailed. I free from ,personal piqne and plrty prejudice. lin;11 yet 'accurate. It is a complete statement of ail that is known upon every important topic I within the crepe of Immau intelligence. Every inap , rtant article in it has been specially written fer its pa.;Tcs:by men who are authorities upon , the topics of which they speak - . They are re. c i nired to bring the subject up - to the present moment : to state just: howit staid' now. All the statistical information is from the iatert re ports; the-geographical accounts - keep pace with the' latest explorations; historical matters Include the freshest just views: the biographical notices not only speak of the dead, but also of the living. •Itis a library of•itself. - AbKidgme:ll of Ihe-Deba of Con gre.os: Being a Political History of the United States. frem• the orgar.ization of the first Fed eral Conn - rn,ssin 1789 to 1856. Edited and compiled by Hon. Thomas IL Btacrow from the Official -Records of Cong?ess. The work' Will be completed in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, II of which are now ready. An ad dition:lt voluthe will be published once in three months. Cloth, 83; Law Sheep, $3,50;-Half Mor., $1.1; Half Calf, ; 14,50 each. A WAY. O PROCURING THE CYCI ( OP.E.- " DIA OR DEBATE. Form\ a club of fouroind remit the price of four boots, and fire • copies will bo sent at the remitter's expense of (=rake; or for ten sub. scriberS s , eleven. copies will be gent at our ex "pens° for eurnage...- TO AGENTS. • No oiler works:will .o liberally reward thee exertions of ag.em.s. As AGENT W.A3PrED ;3 Mt; Cot's Ty. Tama made known on applilea iion..to the Publisher. '- Amu., 36.59.—0. a to. tr. 1 uiportaist to lesasales.-..Dr. Cheese. ttran's,F i iills, Prepared by Cornelius L.Cheese- . . rtm:, :Yew York City. The , combination of in-' 4, - r..dieht in these' Pills are the result of a long and extensive pr.tkice.. They are mild in their operation and certain- in correcting all irregulari ties, menstruations, removing ail obstruc- tines. xvio,tber froM cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep. which arise from interruption °filature. TO MARRIED LADlES,these Pills are inmat e:thief:as they a iti firing on - Jhe monthly period with regularity. Ladiea who have been disap pointed in the use ofuther pills, tin - p6ce the utmost confideme in Dr. Chsesemaiis Pills do- Mg all thee are represented to do: - NOTICE...—Thof should nut be used during Pre aaoc ', ass miscarriage would certainly re sult therefrom. - ' • Warrsnied purely vegetable, and .free from I 'twything, hilarious to life or health., Explicit direction's; :which sho'uld be read, accompany each box. Price 31. Sent by mail on enelos. Mg 41 to any authorized agent. - IL B. urrcunros, . ibs Chambers.St, Nero-York, Gore , -al Agent for the United Stales,. to whomj all Wholesale orders should be addressed. " Dr. J. W. LY.V.A. 1 , 4 1, Tankhenpeck, and ABEL Mo:tr‘e. Agr.:zl. y • By purehming Coots of ZiegiMr Smith, (Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass I Dealers; cornerof Second and Green Sta., Philad'a, you hate the advantage of select ing your purchaies from an e.xtensiveand varied I stock of white lead, zinc, coPrd paints -and window tame: of assorted sizes and qualities.' All of these articles are tanked at such prices as cahnot fail to suit the e l. rs t j buyer. ifeb3 lly*jw WAN TED! RYE AND OATS. TilE highest market price w;11 be paid by the aubsJeriber, in CASH, for any gnantity of Rye and Oats deliver hd at the 'Montrose Depot. `. ;fir Money will be le ft with B. C. se. the Freighti agent, to pay for. the grain nn delirery. WM. U. KEEI.F.R. . Montro4e, Depot. Nor. 1 7 th e ( f. in, 1_,9 OTICE TO BUILDERS... - EACIID PROPOSALS fir building, a Brick Church iu the Borough of Montrose, for the Presbyterian congregation in said place will be received till the, tirst day of December neat.— The plan and specificatious for the building can be seen at the office of NVin & W n 11. Jessup, and proposals are to be directed to Win 11. Jes sup, Secretary . of the building committee. BENJAM IN S. BENTLEY, Chairman of Building Committee. Attest: Wm H. Jessup, Secretary. Montrose, Pa., Novelniwr 30, GOLD MOUNTED OIL PORTRAIT CV MR. EVgRETT.—A faithful and :icor. rate plrotographic picture of this gentle limn, is now ready for delivery. It is beautifully elNecnted in nizio colors,. with appropriate emb bAns of Mount Vernon ip a gold arabesque bor der, stippled after the ttranner of Senefelder's discovery. Clubs of front 5 to 100 solicited, and forwar ded the same as . the Wamhington Portrait,—one dollar for each picture ordered. noratltp) .. DEVERECX & CO., 132 South Third Street, Philadelpeia. • CHARLES MORRIS, BARBER, and Hair Dresser. Shop No. 3in basement of Searle's Hotel, Montrose._ * - NEW GOODS. ~,HE subscribers have this day returned from 1 New York- with 'a large :Addition to their stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FAN CY GOODS; our purchases being made ex clusively for cast', we arc enabled to Offer our customers great bargains. We take great pains in s.clecting such Goods as the market requires and will sell them at prices , that cannot IA to be satisfactory, EVANS& ALLEN, No. :I Odd Fellows Hall. Binghamton, November „Sill, 109. WA % T T - a E tries o Sc—Al; therge stock m k . oakframany gold an an d yof sil ver them of our ,own importation, at prices much lower than have ever been sold in town—War ranted good time keepers. E. 4c. A. Watch Chains, a fist rate assortment of GOLD Fob, Vest, and Guard Chains. T . / ;AR Rin,„ers,,and Breast Pins—a beautiful va- I viety, in silts double and single, consisting of Peel, Jet, Cameo, .Lava, Coral, Florentine. Jloanic, Brilliant,'Enamel, and all Cold, various patterns and prices. FINGER flings—Diamond, Opal, Pearl, En‘ amel, Jet, and all GOLD, a great variety from 810 down. LOCKETS -3 very fine assortment, GOLD and Plated, 1,2; 4, and 6 faces. SILVER Ware—a thrge stock of sterrng sil ver ware; consiating of spoons, forks, ladies cope, cake, pie, ice cream, butter, & fruit knives, ciiildrens setts, napkin rings, card cases, etc. pLATED Ware—Castors, cake baacts card receivers:lea setts, ice pitchers, ~,ttgar bas kets„ salt cellars. forks, spoons, toast racks, gob ets, etc. BkAt•ELI:TF--a full supply, of every style,— some very rich patterns. CLOCKS -Eight day; and shirty hour clocks. a great variety., warranted. nor - EVANZ3 & ALLEN. SUSQUENANNA COUNTY CLISSICIL AM! 1011111 L SennnL, ac raontrose, Pa., for 1859. fir lIE Trusteeiare haptfy to announce to the public that the next term of thii populur Institution will begin on WEDNESDAY, NO VEMEER 16111, 185.9, under the charge of Prof. HARRY BRODHEAD, B. £, a graduale of Vale Collcoe, who has consented to remait - It la now probable that there will be no interruptit n of the regular sessions of the Institution. The trustees respectfully refer the patrons of the achool, : and others, to the 'fol low* testimonials from the , President and Professors of Vale College: to the present pros perity of OA. school ; and. to the highly compli mentary rebolutions ,passtd by the stu4ents. comMendator) of the guccessfu I administration of Prof, 8., and expreisibgtheir gratification at the prospect of a continuation of his valuable labors. TESTIMONIALS YALE COLLEGE, June 24, 1859 :Mr. Harry Brodhead, a member of the class lately graduated at Yak College, has held a high. rank iu {he class as a scholar. So far as I Alm acquainted with it -his moral character, and habits, are irreproachable. THEOPOTiH Li. WOW-SLY. President Mr. IL Brodhead s who belongs to the gradu ating ,}lass of 1859, has shown himself du• nag ttte two years of his cotinection with the college, a capable and successfulscholar. She'd he apply himself to the work of instruction, I haVe no doubt of his abilit to, justify dm confi dence and satisfy the exp4.-etatioris of any who may avail themselves of his services. ' Jas. lIADLEr, Prot. of Greek„ 31r.II.Beedhead of the class-of 1859, in Yale College, is a good A - choral:, and has a 'superior mind. I 'have little doubt he will make an effi cient and successful teacher, and can recommend him with great confidence that he will not dis• appoint his patrons. NOAH POHTEH, Prof. of Philosophy and Metaphysics. Mr. IL Brodhead has just finished his course of collegiate-education and reciered the de gree of Bachelor of, Arts at the annual com mencement -As he proposes to be engaged for a time in the business of te:Whing,heis cheerfally recommended by the undersigned as a person well qualified by his scholarship and attainments, by his christian character and deportment to be successful in the instruction and government of a school. • Toads A. THACHEII; Prof. of Latin. Strider:its may herelre..prepared for admission in an advanced class in any of our Colleges, and particular attention will be paid, u heretofore, to the thorough preparation or ALL WHO DENO TO BECOME TEACHERS, HR THE NORMAL DEPAHT HEST. Special instruction in the latter Departifierit will be given during the ensuing term. The Text Books heretofore need will be eon tinuedin the School.. Lectures on subjects of general interest wiH be delivered during the year. Price of :Tuition per T,rm of Eleven Weeks. - - - $6.00 Primart Department, - . 3,50 In English Branches and Latin or Greek, 9,00 Latin - and Greek, each, - - - - 4,00 Instrumental and Vocal Music will be giVen if desired: . . - There will be a vacation .of ten days, begin ning D e cember 24th ; Ihe terti to consist of 11 weeks. - , • Students wishing to procure - MOM or board can be ace.stomodat4Hl by writiog to J. M. 14. one, Esq., apd those wishing to board them. selves can obtain stoves and furniture from Messrs. _Sayre Brothers, on reasonable terms. Price" of board averages from 49,00 to $2,50 per week. • Fbin. WM. JESSUP, President. Hop. READ, See:wary. N'ovetniie4d, I 853.—;:j o w -6 m , • . • $OO,Ol REWARD. f!iN.AWAY from the subscriber, on the 6th inal, William. Sheehy, nn indentured unroll. tire to the forming business_ All persons are forbidden to harbor him ; or trust him on my aconunt. THOMAS MEHAN. Forest .I.nke,'NOv. 1859.-3ws THE GENESEE FARMER. iEstablisheitia 1831.] Eitruordinary Offer. rIIIIE GESIESEE FARMER is now admitted to lie the cheapest agricultural paper pub lished in America. It its believotto have a lar ger circulation than any similar journal in the world. But there are thousands of farmers who do not take this or :toy similar paper. To reach this large eldsm, although the Farmer- is now cheaper than the cheapest, wo have determined to make it cheaper TO ALL WHO SUBSCR'IBE -VOW, Or beforb the first of Decemoer, we will send the Genesee Farmer for Infid, and the remain ing twoinonths of this year :(November and Decereber), for fifty cents. In other words,..we will send the remaining - numbers of thissyear as A PRESENT to new SUBSCRIBERS.' Send the fifty eta. in three-cent postage stamps, at our risk; or get one of your neighbors to join with you, and send a dollar bill. Published for 29 years, in the very heart of the Genesee coantry," with hundreds of the best farmers -and fruit-growers, in every State, as correspondents, the Genesee Farmer contains information of great value. It is tho " EARMER'S 0 WIAT ,P .1P E R," And no efilert is spared to make worthy of their support. WHEAT CULTURE receives special atten tion. Every subject connected with the farmer's vocation is discussed. -Management and breed ing of stock, cultivation of groin rani, farm-houses, buildings, fences, uuderdraming, plowing, sowing, harvesting; threshing, miirket ing, dairy management, and every. operation on the farm or garden, receive attention. Full and Re liable Reports the Markets, In New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Rochester, Buffalo; Toronto, Chicago, Cincinnati, Liverpool, and London, are given each month, prepared expressly for the Farmer by -a gentleman- of great experience, intelligence, and sagacity. DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. tidies, too. write fir the Genesee F.ymer.and . furnish hundreds of well•tritd and valuable re: ceipts. We desigrito make the volume for 1860 decidedly the best of the series. SOaO,C)CO r , in Cash Premiums wilPhe paid for the greatest number of subscribers, sent in before the 15th of Jarman.. Agents Wanted in Every Town: Specimen copies nod show•bills sent gratis to all who desire to net as agents. 7' WENT Y- OXE C:ISI1 PRIZES, Besides tiboral specific-premiums, and, iu clubs of eight, a 25 cent premium to each snlissribee. XOll7 is Me Time to Subscribe. Rear in mind, all who subSeribe now• will get the last two months this year for nothing. Only 50 cents a year. Address nolo 3t] JO:i;EI'll HARRIS, Publisher and Pooprietor, Rochester. N: Y. COAL OIL, • OF the best quality ever offered in this or any other market. KEROSENE OR COAL OA LAWS, embracing the latest improyements: Also, the best qualities of CAMPHENE, and BURNIN,G FLUID, LAMP OIL, and LAMPS, in which to burn them. •CANDLES and sticks, and every thing neessary for Lights, for sale at tho va riety store of ABEL TURRELL, • novl Montrose. Register's Notice. IkToncE is hereby given to all persona con cerned in the following estates, viz.: Estate of Elias Steenback late of Gibson, Mary M. Steenbark adimx. Estato of Orin Lester late of Forest Lake, 0. Mott, Jr.. adtter. Estate or A brahaniTaft 'ate of Harrold, Charles Tingley al:lmq.. Estate"of Caleb Miller Into of Jessup, Milton Hunter adtmr. Estate of Nathan Shipman late of Middletown, Frederick Tnomtrt exec'r. Final account of Peter R. Vanhouten, guardian .of Mary R. W. Vanhoutan. That thearrountants have settled their accounts in the Register's Office in and for lie„Aoitr en : 13us T.9 Dn hAR El o / Me i tirplisns' Court of said county on Friday the second day of December, 18:,n, fur ;onfirmation and allowance. CHARLES NEALE, Regiver. (Mike, ,Mnntrose.'Nov. tst:4a-• HEAD Of 110116ATION Fl' LL - OF , GOODS. NEW NEW ..LLL WOOL D E 'LA) NS, NEW DEL_ INS sot all woo?, BL.ICK Ilanilmrne MERRIMACK PRIYTS, ,S A X ON L 1-1" S. E • awl VILLA PLAIDS, arlitSnz.l 4 l 2 IVINTEH SHAWLS, CHENILLE SCARFS, HOODS: COMFORTERS, HOOPED SKIRTS, SHIRTS, CRd VA 7'S amISOLLAiIS, Mori. GL 0 D'S and HOSIERY, law sappy Barnett's COCOALYE for the hair, also, Dalrymple's MOUTH WASH, the host thing for the Teeth and GIRDS known. And ho‘ts of other GOODS—no time to mention.. All will be told CHEAP for the brit (7. TYLINE FRESH BURNING FLUID and Cod Fl.lt-•-Plesse don't ask to get trusted, but bring along your Butter, Eggs, Dried Ap ples. &c., ntc., and get the worth or your money. Tobacco by the pound 10 eta. • IL TYLER. Montrose, Oct. 1g59. MIST OF LETTERS 1) EMAIN ING.-in the Post o.see at Montrose pas.;_Nor. 15th, 1859. Levi Blabic, Mrs. Sarah Brown, Albert Bushnell, -Miss Margaret Brady, Miss Letitia Buckman. William H. Crawford, S. P. Chase,‘3, Mrs. Es ther ,Cleveland, Joel Cogswell, 'Miss H. J. Cory. Mrs Rachel Dean, Mrs. Julia Donlin. David Fisk,- D. Ferris. , - J. . • P. Hawley, Benjamin Hilliard. ' Joseph Ketterl. Miss Candace T. Lsfrance, Urn. Auguste Lea s ch, Jesse-Lang, Mrs. Annie Lanlin. Mri, A. A. Cohill, Rev. T. A. Mills, John Man. s ales, Miss Ellen Melon, Isaac D. Mapes, Al bert Mot?. _ Philip Oswald. D. D. Radber, ,Mrs. A. W. Reynolds. ' Eliza Jane Smith, Miss S. W. Sherwood, Mrs. Charlott Stockholm, Charles Beeline, S. E. gamma, , David H. Vanordel. Mrs. Idinerva,Whitford. lar Persons 'calling for the above 'Please say git h- er u se a. _ IL .I—WEIIR. P. M. Atli wanting farms in a delightfttl climates rich SOH, and secure fitrm frosts. - Bee ad vertisement of Hammonton Lands in another column. " TEETH. ---GUM AND PLAIN TEETH, for 'pile by ABEL TURBELL NEW. GOODS!. NEW GOODS! AT THE N. Y. RANCH STORES atteubtrg,lloseniraum, tti Montrose, & Susq'a Depot, Pa. Tlll7 undersigned have provided themselves with a S!'LEITi)ID ,ELSSORT'iviERT .All AMJ WINTER GOODS which they beast of being the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST in this section of country. They taco flatter themselves that they have the best facilities of obtaining Q.:bobs f i rpl2 front tig ‘ t 4 trod are determined notto bo undersold by any firm this bide of N. Y. City. In regard to REAM MADE CLOTHING we would say that being in this busines largely at 24 Dey-Street, New York City . we can offer the public bargains not surpassed by any retail dealers in this -sectidh, as we can sell here at retail prices as cheap as those who go to Net Ydrk and purchase at 'wholesale and then bring them here and hvao to make a profit over that. which they have already paid them selves:- Call and ace us and we will prove ,the facts. q3nttentitrg, Tombanni, & M pt rose,4'n , Octobers 27th, 1859. Executors' Notice ctte t rs o th f Adm e t .inisttr)ation ha ers on tv 111; REA S, L een t.d • estate of Moses Stopard, late of the township of Forest Lake, deceased, all parsons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, also all persons having just demands against the same will pl e ase present thein duly authenticated for settlement to the subscribers. WM. HARVEY, S Executors: JABS?..IVIGHTMAN, • net. .21st. 1859. THE GLOBE: The Official Paper of Congress. —I publish now my annual Prospectus of the Daily Globe, and the Congressional Globe and Appendix, to remind subscribers, and inform all who may desiredo subscribe, that as Cougress meets on the first Monday of December, I shall then recommetwe publishing, tfie above named papers. They have been published so long, that most public men•know their character,and there fore I diem it needless to give a minute account of the kind of matter they will contain. „The Daily Globe will contain a report of the Debates in both branches of Congress as taken down by reporters, equal, if not-superior to any; shorthand writers, in this, or any other country . A niajority of them will,.eseh, be aide to report rex/anise, 10,000 words an hour, while the acer- I age number spoken by ffuent speakers rarely exceeds 7,500. When the debates - as day do not make more than 45 columns, they appear in the Daily Globe of the next morning, which o ill contain the news of the day, and editorials upon pitssing events. The Oongmessional Globe and Appendix will contain :all the debates In Congress, rdt iced by the speak( rs.the 31ess1g,es of the PrOident, the Reportmeof the Departments, the Laws passed and indexes to all. They will be printed on a double royal sheet f 10 book form, royal guarto size, each number containing siXteen pages. The whole will make 3,800 or 3,900 p9geS, the long, session usually making that number ; the nex session is a tenon°. The coining session will be an onasually in. teresting one. as t he candidates for Presidnt will nominated before it closes, and, therefore, the I debates will be inostlx.srm..suste....wdivireloon emu tittriSubjeci, and the Globe will be time wkly pa per- in which the debit eim can be obtained. "Pile Congressional ()Jobe and Append,ix past free of postage through the mails. Tattosnaily Globe during time session, - Congres'l Globe & Appendix, ° Two copies ” ' 0 10 No attention p.mid to any order unless accorn• panic,' by the mon e y. Bark notes. currcat in the section where the mulo.eriber resides, taken at-p.ir. Postage stamps preferable to any currency except gold or silver. Address JOHN C. Washington. I f ( . 7, - 4" . --,' v ..*- ••, , i, -, ,...,,,' E . -N . 41 . zivits . ..ihttrlitIci . M 0 r!A 0; i• i 2 r.t.,p....., 00-- ,• :-k.e.. -- _ __..--- ..„ L •bi.l. LENGTH STEEL ENGRAVINGS .12. of WASHINGTON and EVERETT, inclu ding a view of Mount Vernon, in the engraving of Waqiing,ton. These i.pleridid engravings are from original paintings by Hicks, and are engra ved on steel in the highest style of art. Size, 115x35 inches, or six square fit, each. Many inferior pictures are palmed id upon the public, as works of art, but we paid t e first artists a high price-to produce first-rate pielures. The N. V. • -Observer says : "these engravings are genuine works of art—ihe likenesses are ad mirable. Mr. Everett's portrait takes precedence of all others." Christian Advocate says; " they are among the finest - engravings we have ever seen, and the publishers are responsible for their promises. TEnms, almost gratis. Post paid, in rollers, 'either engraving and a .83 magazine, 1 year, $3 Both 44 3 0 " 4 Agents rentiting: S3O at once, 2 extra copies. Magazines are. Harper; :knickerbocker, Godey, Atlantic, Blackwood. We, pay the money to the publishers, who 'mail the, Magazines: Cost of engraringsis paid by diffirence between whale and regular price of Magazines. Pictures sent at once: please slate when you prefer the Nag. to begin. Money ;tour risk upon proof it was mailed. First pirtureis best.so send eallycio 0. H. BAILEY & 543 Broabety New York. nl7 X11p) CHEAP .600DS! s PI D a I m D , Nv'alii r vl l rint*a eain atredueedTpreesAso i 3 t f Sugar for one dotter, pr :11 of Rico. Mat opened and Or sale by 1. LYONS & SON. Montrose June 15th, 1859. ' s__— STOVES! STOVES! AT 'REDUCED Pit ICEgi H. 131:73E1,3ELITT' I s just receiving a large stock of NEW stoves including a full dasortment of - Cooking, Parlor, Office; and Shop Slows, fur Wood or Coal. illso, l ,3lore Pipe, Zinc, Stove Tubes, eke. His aaaortment will include the 'Most select and desiiablo stoves in market, and will ho sold at Reduced Prices for Cash or Prompt Pay. 'New sfilford;November lat, 1859. PREPARE FOR WINTER. rrHE recent cold a-author wru-na us that Win. ter will 800 P be- upon s us, and' All- should be properly prepared for it. - JOUST GROVES, the Tailor , desires everybody to reineruber that he is al- ways leads , to do all work is .his line, in a satis factory manner. CUTTING DONE FOR the READY. Montrose Oct. 25tii, ABEL TIJRRELL - ITAS hid returned from selecting and put -11 chasing, 'and is, now receiving one of the largest and best assortments of . Goon, ever offered in this market. The quality of nearly every thing good;. and all.warranteeas represented. Terms; ready cash and low prices. Some general idea - of the stock may be foamed from the fulloWing enumeration; DRUGS, MEDICINES, • Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ; Window Glass, Dye Staffs, Groceries, Lamps, Glass Ware, Crockery, Nitro's, Clocks, Wall Paper. Window Paper. Window Oil Shades, Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Jewelry, Perfumery, Stone Ware, Brooms, Brushes,Whips, Umbrellas, Bird Cages, Pocket Knives, Guns, 'Pistols, _Ammunition. Liquers,Truss es. Supporters, Port-mounaies, Shoulder Braces, Spectacles, Silver andllated Spoons, , Forks, &c., Geld Pens, Stationery, Violin, Guitar, & Bass Viol Strings; Biwa, &a., Porcelain Teeth, Lith ographs, Artist's Tube Paints, Brushes, &c., and all the popular-Pateit Medicines, Also some Dry Goods, Weedeni - - Hard &Japanned Ware, Fluid and Oil Cans, Campheno, - Burning , Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, Lamp, Tanner's, Neat Foot,Lard,Olive, Castor, Boiled and Raw Linseed, and Coal OILS, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of Colored Paints). Vine gar, Canary Seed, and other things too numerous to mention. • ' As it is impracticable -to give more than n gee. eral outline of my sjoek through the Nowspipers, every one wishing goods is 'invited to call and examine. Customers on entering the Store mast not expect to tied every thing in night; but nearly every article wanted will be prudtwei by inquiry. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto Teceired, I hope to tnerlt-and.recelve large intreastruf the same. _ Montrose, Oct. 5, '59. ABEL TUURELL LIGHT! MORE LIGHT!! FRAT."Arne Burnin g Fluid, I'ainty, Linseed Oil, Raisins, Coffee, etc. etc., just opened and going cheap• J. LYONS SUN. QPLENDID De Laines, Ginghatns,Prints, and ID sheetines, just op rood, cheap. J. L 3111/11.3.1510; A ELO DEONs, Guitars,Ylolins, Fifes, Sheet 1 Music, on hand or furnished to order. sep 29 J. LYONS & SON. THIRY IF you want 'your Atribrotype,3lclainotype or Photograph takeu Cheap: Great reduction in the price of • AMBROTYPES. The subscriber will take large $3 size for $l,OO The. $2 size for - . . „50 The 50 cent size for - . '25 (cur ur is GOO)) citsr.s.) PHOTOGRAPHS, 4-4 size, - $3,00 For each duplicate, - 1,00 Pictures taken to be sent in letters without additional postage, 11hting a large Side anti Sky. Light combitld,!ve can take good Pictures in all kinds of weather. r 4.7" Rooms over Abbott% Shoo Store, oppo ;•ite the OF RINGIIAMTOI. Uri NSTRUCTIONS given in the "ArL TUBBS 13inghatnte5, Oct. 12th. 1859. 13.—N0 children under 5 years old taken for less than 50 cents; and no 25 cent Pictures taken while there are customers waiting for those of higher price. Teachers' Examinations. MEETINGS for the examination of those . Who desire to teach in the Fluidic schools of this county, will bo hold th the different town ships ns follows: Rush, Nov, 18, GrangeesS.ll.,lo a. m Jessup, 19 S. 11., 10 a. m. 1..1 """ t Lake ' , l', Towne S.ll- 10 a,m. Cli lliddletown,& • u Sella in 8 . 11 , In a. In : 11141/1 in Silver Like, . 10 a. m. Liberty, 26, Ilrook,Lde, 10 a. in. 5 S.A.s.side iS 10 a. in. Great need ' " t the river, Oakland & " 0 11, Linesboro 10 a. m. Ilartn6ny, Thump:ion, Ararat " 30, Centre, 10 a. In thle. 1, Church, 10 a. in " 2, Uniondale, 10 a. m " 3, tits, 10 a. m. ClitTurd & ) Dumb, It is ilesirahle that all teachers ho examined in the lux niips where they expect to teach. The examination will an usuel,be the written and oral meth , tis combined. Each applicant should be supplied w&h at least two shlets .f . fords.cap /Taper, and pon and ink. All should be panctual,—none admitted the crass after the examination commences.` 11. F. TEWKSBURY. Co. Supt. Broohlln, Oct. nth; 1839. - THE NEW ERA I NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! AT GREAT BARGAINS! Ready Pay and Small Profit RERRITT has now in Store and is' Li. - mak int! large additions to .his Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to which he would invite the attention of PROMPT PAVING ul' 13(37- :r e nbracing the most desirable varieties of LADLES' DRESS GOODS, n New Styles of Rich Fall Prints and Plaids; in . [guns, Ducal Plaids, Plain and Plaid Meri nos, Mohair Cloths, Ginghams. and Silks; Bro'Cho, Stella, Cashmere, Silk, and Wool Shafts; Rich Ribbon., Bonnets, and Flowers. Net. Hoods, La d i es' Cloths, Broad Cloths,.Cassimeres, &e. With a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, as usual, including • _Groe.erles, Crockery, IlarAware., Stoves Iron, Steck Nails, Hats and Caps • Roots and Shoes, Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths, Painted Window Shades, Wall Paper, Cloaks. Drugs, 0: is, Paints, Furs, lluif,lo &c. The entire stuck being large, and bought 'for CA.F.O, e ill,glve a superior opportunity for choice heketi,,nn, and will be sold for limloy-PAr 10 to :15- - per cent, below • regular prices. An ex amination of the STOCK will be found profitable to those who wish to buy. N. ll—Flour ancf Salt constantly on hand. Nelwlli I ford, otto li er, 1859. . TO THE INDEPENDENT FREEMEN OF SUS QUEHANNA COUNTY, Gi'!ETI S.° Btti more Especially to every Alder. maw and Justice of the Peace • _ . iu the State of P . yiraniu. has the general agency of r',ll_ -this State for the sale of B. Glidden's Form thxdiet for Justices of the Peace, containing ab ' breviated .forms for entering actions, both civil and criminal,, and all subsequent proceedings therein; also bills for Justices' Constables' and' Witnesses' Kees; being complete guide to ' new Justices , mid saving much labor and time to both now and old. The work is highly recom mended by lions. S. B. ChaSer D.. Wihnot, Wm Jes.thii,U:Burrosia, - C. F. Read, F. B. Streeter, and oy nearly all the' - Attorneys of the county. The Attorneys in their tectimoriials, say that a 'strict economy, saying nothing of the great con, renienee of the work s will, in otirludgetent, duce every batice in the County to parqhase the . book as soon as it is. examined by them?' it hi • substantially borind; and mitaiDA Aix quires of good paper s and ia.aoid tit.tbsof l iferm price 80.- co - and . welt at. thOtOtitrose Book Store. Orde' by mail frOtit as pert of this county or state; enclosing theeludfljoeump4 1 attended to- and the , work sent' or Sa directed.' • A. 8 Montrose, oct. 3d, 'sg. • NAV COIC:Ori TIIE WELL KNOWN. AM BROTYPIST ; SIVU,L, DE AT PRINGVILLE 119110W,‘ From the 15th of October; to the 1 sth of vember:' All:persons wishing • correct Picturils of themselves and friends will not, haw) a better opportunity ol_obtaining them. Having made over • 1500 PICTURES • More in MONTROSE theduist Summer, is ILt- . tering evidence that my etrwth to please a gen erous public are duly appreciated. ' A3IIIROTYPES in good - eases, 59 CENTS, on Plates for sending in letters, 95 CENTS. N. B. All work warrmitist to give satisfac tion. F. I). WOOD. Springville, Oct. 1311; 1859.• NEW YORK STORE!, NO. 51 4 COURT STREET,. ADJOINING THE BANK OP I , BINGHAMTON. _ H. MUlCRAV„igeftt. rpins SPACIOUS and ELEGANT store i 9 now open With an entire hew stock or Min7 . o-00D2., which for extent, richness and variety, far sur pass anything seer otte , ,reil in the Southern Tier. • OVR CLOTH DEPARTMENT abounds with eveiy kind - of Cloths. Cr.Ssimeres, Sa Vestings, Overeoatings, Tweeds, lan- Lucky Jeans. etc. etc , etc. , front the nicest to the cheapest. In the line of UDE' DRESS GOODS , We have the largest and moot elegant sleek of RICH BLACK and FANCY SILKS over °Alit - de:l in this market. Plain and. l?rintod all.Wdoi French Merinos, from 2c, Rich Chintz Figured, and aU-Wool Dolaines. Ricli•lndia Silks and Poplins. 250 pieces French and English - , New & Seasonable Dress Goods Of'every known Style and Fabric. Good double fold Paramettaa, at only , lBa. Plain Merinos, Stiiiniy Plaids and Swipes, 20c. Nowlin De Raines, 10c. English Prints worth 12 and 15c for 10e. Good dark Madder Prints at 6c. SHAWLS ! SHAIVLS ! of every deneription, from the e.healiest Rob Roy to the most elegant double Broeho, cheaper than ever'known• CLOAKS, U. &Vila ti r r FA RS, r—.aches' of every color and quality, with trimming to, watch. 110.USE:KEEPING COORS, IX EVERY VARIETY. M I MI .1%. IN " • 100 pieces white and scarlet, plain :Ind twilled Wool . Flaicels, retailing for less than New York par loge price. ..r) CZ" M 30r . 0 I T! I 4 0 - of all hinds by the ttele, piece, er yard. Bleached and Brown shettings; , 6 cents. . - Ull2 l la r iSrffl tin CCfilCl - of every description, both wholesale-and retail Milliners supplied with everything in the lino at New York wholesale.prices. From-the fact that one of 'the Proprietors sßnds his whole timein New York City, secu ring and forwarding he BEST -- pARGAINS the market 'affords, purchssersp.an rely upon all 'ways finding our stork full and assortment corn: plete. All Coorlsiboughtfor thiststablishment are in connection ttha large Wholesale housein New York, front tt e Importers,Manolaeturers i Agekts, and Auction otrses direct, thereby say i log the Jobber; . .protd, the benefit of which our tinstorners have. From the facilities we posses., K•e know that we can and will sell all kinds of Dry Good s less than anyother house in ;his section. We have the ability, and we will ratisfy our Ponusylvortia Customers THE '`,NEW YORK STORE," s AT NO. - 51, COURT STREET, BIN G AWErf ON, N. %. srp293m) H. K. AillittliAT, age's' DR. CHURCHILL'S REMEDY Iva ma rlasx.svox Asz conic, CONSUMPTION. NY INCIMIESTER'S fiENUISS PIIEPARATIOS OP TILE HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND OF SODA, Jlu SV.c . Aic k.,a ; A.11.v.0 ; 7 t l .ntka.l . 1 uR ~+ie ui ~e'SmlcS Te Palm.a of tta, PZl'r It ENIEDY 9W:cove:rot by Dr, c h , rn . h in . of I., f l f ou rfm h tby-ir.rat I'! ,7 I:Or:SDED tl•narrimfor Euruyr. and Me CuitrllStatts. la • purtly Fr . 7LESTIFIC PEEPAEATPEY. and arts with EYVAIIIAIII.E EFFICACY in all rt...ges of Pulmouary and EurrUkta Piaaa.,• The lit/map/dm/rafter ilie/VIAL. the Wu cipid % web .errand Aare, and are the toed fkolfectra t werritting aged.; known. • The Ctire;of Consumption, • Tolle otn.so and turn! Priam (.1t a wlAw their cm be DO tHAX.rtAI“:y . .1.9 to Ito oature of the tfirease,Lchts to uhtalne,L LN ALL CAD. t, IA,, by this treatment. ex,ept whet, the exteling bolo, of the loner! th of fow)( stdiletent to produce Seel], -Cure is the rule, Peat% the cseektion. Thu Itrto.or bar mot outi a cum.: eact, but wtl4lf treed wherever there rzi.ts 0 lotseteloo .1 the IH/rArt. MEV ENT ITS DEVELOPMENT, and thus act AP A rceat-avativa Irrni REGARD TO u)sacorstotr. JUST AA VAITHWAXION 1406 WITH if GAUD IO AMAILIT.M. _ , Professional Correspondence. Oxman., Onto. Aug. A. ISs9..t hare Igen teeming this Abeam . for twenty flat , cears, and have derived wises sarlalactlon fawn. the use or the If reortnwenrras than front aft other fawns of met/jolt ovamhinol." ' MAs - corno, Mien.. A ne. a. I lime used the Menem:g rime. In ny nractliv mini eery happy rffeete—so melt sa that I worrtn NOT lit 0•Tor:ll. 'PI W Union" time.. "Mrnmenest. Ate:. t believe the Hymned.' rumen used In UM manner and way Dr. Churchill useit thon, - Will. Cr= MitSI9III.TION: .!..t.eenciturrow.a. Vi.. Ann.. In; have preetalhod the Ilypoldiusphlic in. several oaca, and ant delighteft with. ire O r em* It is amtert.untiao won ress.... - n. bare used In all ahem( hely bottle., and hi taut one !Mance have they Palled to Mutat, the pv okay and that wee • hope.ess one talore I *he eniletL 1 h. , . bad several eases even lip by attending physhaans who as FOR LAJOYINO tettellitATleLLT 040,1. heAtill: Owl COMM /NOM ALL rut nenzeosta of pulmonary dhease. 1 lure used tl,l tray man ra...r. wine ((faded pu,rem, it was re, carded as sioertena by 'Myhre.* amt Mends. and emu by myse lf. unit , he • old tn attnent, lam okw nhle to this. In attendlnKon the M moan ulio. perhaps; 1u a day, D 3 any other physician lu theminty.... • IreheICICTALLS. N. Y.. Any. 01. 1949.—T ' have only time, MI moraine. to any, that I have loon netoniehe;t iu teilne.eikg file rireeto of the llendlowrateria. The statesneuts In your painpliles ore tool tot oil eritoger,th4i." }:tettel. KAN,. Tnenves.Any. have teen 1a1,14 PM , IlYjspitesphltes of I.lntelnd Soda. and Aura erperienred are.sl f P311)1 . 01,4,1.111i front Mint. Ar,e, my AIM , who had a lewahne eou,„^t and Wonting or the loop. Is likes he much &site fitted try Mei+. ate." jetrie. hrtelrod the twelte Aottlee of Churchill's lterialy The Commune. • • • it lei women wetness -Is ”mr eat[." .• , , - -.. ..I. • Make No Delay I .., •,! it.......,... In any taw of Qs Dissare. ebertld moo issi. nrobtflorety to the ass sr tbe II trunks ran= nr LIMN.? .OID bons... - .1% snot stns G unlit' I' ices arerllleth% shoblesilub).. In ssn - s large bottles. Is "ntirrandTrtAt's :-.. Is the tornbinstket ratZ14r16 1 : ,r , : a7,31 . ,74,1r a- „ , wx, .P.,.P. r i --- Dr. Churchill , * 'Work on. Coniconipilitui . -Comp:Wog ble Report made f. the Imperial dcuieektot 31,edtchtei Pule; Notts of Cauo Clod Li•ttenk Document.. Tootituomuk tomuher h Citadel.. wilt be went on mere of TWELVE. Canon Nemec We Work glees Mao/sly reliable Ittivr mation in nar4 b Dr.thentlrshirscuno MONODY. pre CAUI/01C—IliftleatC1 Dfttlb try*. On you other prutoue theeDo Doi them; 'My .Genutee Pro. ragailop" want myfile Om ifs *PUMA' Iltewnour 1,_•.11 ric;prealllono elffilmilmajto be the virvy'r...elpkbeei lowldeb , cawlehg. MON. or am* DRAG. Ths termer,. la 1# be babied irmrias• .F. 4.6 41 1.1 1. N tee. iris .he 1.1. es.liw-/Y./lado +sin piniveiall &up dleeeptionl' 'beam paraeillseArpon 2•1.. • Paser.s.—Ond Batt* Obi Ono *blies, „IP Coacatbratel Imam by mall, pre-phitt, 12. Boid Wlugembs sad Retail tha Debi (iimaral Depot Be au I ;Med beat eni elms shoal* belneet). Ake, by rerpeciable WINCHESTER 43 Jotin St N. Y. tar. Sold ,16 Iforitroiei bi- Sop. 15, 1859. _ABEL TUkTtELL IT; GIFTS IA TO s PUIteEKASEIIS OF3 BOOS: At tha ORIOINAL and the On! GIFT. BOOK ENTERPRISE, Established by G. G. EVANS, 43a. 1E304. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE uNrrI;A) STATES AT THE; PUBLISHING HOUSE OF G. G. EVANS, 439 CHESTNUT-ST, PIIILADEIRIWA,. PA No connection with NeW YOtit Gift Book Sfort.: iZe..l SINCE: I Originated the Gift BooleEnterprier, I have repeatedly called the attention of the public to my large stock of liberal offers, which they have always •warmly responded to. I can now,,with more satisfaction than ker,.call atten tion to my largely increased inducements to pur chasers. -Being very heavily engaged in ptililb,h -lng,l exchange my pubiicationsfor those °Mlle: houses, and am enabled to procure all My books at the original cost, and thus can and do :coop]; the majority of the other honsevengriged in th e Gift Book trade, with their hooka, cheaper than they can procure them fromot her publishers. I can alser, by my heavy purelisses.of Watches & Jewelry, for Cluili,,furniali them,witit their Gifts at lower rates than they can buy !bent from the . wand:tote:via. • !laving such Ittlitiviintar•ti in buying,' can ill, sure my customers a greet'deal better Gills with their books than any other house - ,and can give trey agentsm larger commission. A viduable Gift ih delivered with each Book at the Mine of•aale.— Gifts worth slon,. at the lowest wholedale Wes, will ho, impartially distributed With every $ I 00t1 Worth of 'Books sold. Send for a,cataloguo. which *lll be sdrit fren to any address, containing the`toost valnahle col hmtion of •Stshdard productions in Literature. Philosophy, Ilisfory,Geogyaphy, Tra'...e and all the favorite works or Fiction and Scie .ces, ivi.t.li every other department of Literature crasairied as described below. send for .it,f‘t,r ifyrm don't l ie . wish to order books, you will obtain a lery cal : :table Book for reference, as it contains all tho k ldogirablg books in print, and costs you nothing. Particular attention is requested to the ii.t. of 'MY publications, which wilt be found in the latter Part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains a large number of deservedly popular works. by va rious authors ; among which are all of T. S. Ar: thur's best works, well knowm as a moral Mats - it:- five, and pleasing author. G. G. E Wail s r Philadelphia, l'a. A. *APLIFAIIIIVI GIFT worth from 50 etS. to $lOO, ig giren each .400 K said. • CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS Agricultural—This department" embraces all standard works upon general Agriculture, Cotton Planting, Flosters, Gardening, Farm Icoplemetits, Horses, Sheep, Cattle. Bees. &e. Albums=-Ladies' (a-great variety) Flo Val. Cap Quarto, Royal Cap, •llerny Quarto, Auto graph, &c. Annuals—A large and elegant assortment /111/Ps—A splendid assortutentlif:pocket,pew and family Bibles,,in 'every t-tyle v from - $I to 850. Proycr Banks—A complete assortment, in every form and at all prices . Hymn Books—As used' by the diftefeuf denom inations. Thogrttphical—Works ttf I rvi ng.II e:Mlev,Wee Sparks, Bancroft, ants -every otlCer l standard author. Botanical—By Comstock, Gray, Lineorn. DerLy, Wood, &c., &e. Cookery—Reel:4A and Cook Books, by Mrs. Hale, Leslie, Widdifield, ItrKenzie t &c. German—Standard German Literature. • Diciimwies—Webster's English, Ettench, Get-- Man, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Italian, &e. Cgc/opedia:—All of the standard authom - . Geographical—The latest and most imprtit schools and other Geographies, Maps, and Travelers' Guides. Geology--The works of MO Malerdlarrie, flitelicpek. 'Veil and others„ • • Ilistoricol—,BF irg,.-Bancroft, 'Rob ortson,iltime, GibbbnN,Mnealdey. and others. Humorous—Ern brnebs a •wtirtil of fun. Jatenik—Ect ry description of illustrated book e 31cchanical and Scientific—The roost Dppro‘,..l works. on Mechanics, Arplitect arc, tool tho exact Se:caeca. ' Poetry—Erg.lish oral American. Octavo and lit erary editions of the stadard Poe pot het and'enbinct editions—plain ,and illustrated f bound in every stele to suit the tadte of all. IVorks of Fiction.liy Scott, Irving, Cooper, rl , Dickens and all the approved Write : ,Alisce://aneons—Our 3liscelinneous D' , purtment et:Pawnees every thing not included it) he above classification, of an interesting and instructive character, that Ii in'print. Inclnding ' School and Ct,tssi;-:,,I; Trace's and Adrrnizircs. Gqln..s:..S'pnrls and ratiinc:.• Beligiuus; Biblical and Th.dap;ical.; 11111iSical and Girt' 111,D1.5. • _ . Odd Pedbncship and Frecntasc.nr!, SCHEDULE OF OI ETS.- The Gifts riolsist of Gold and SiScer Watches, Gold Ghains Ladies: Splendid Clark and Plaid Silk Dress-cs:Patterns,Parlor Time-pieces, Save r platpi ware, costly „sets of Cameos, Mosaic, lir:aunt - We, Coral, Garnet, Turquois, and Lava Jewblrv, Gold Lockets, Pencils, and Pens, 1 . 4. dies' beck and Cliatulaine.Chains, Gents' Do. som Studs and glom Muttons, Pocket-IA cs, port-Inonnaies, and A THOUSAND VARIETIES OF OFFTS! varying from 50 cents to AGENTS WANTED- EVERY WI ERE - - - • To agents I can giVe\tamOilieral inducement-I than kTotde.l by Any other hero,. In addi tion to larger conerni:i,,ions, it in mach egosier to got litifentribers funny enterprise than any.othcr. • The. peculiar advantages are— A larger stock; And better Catalogueteto se lect from. A better assortment and Quality of GIFTS. gore punctuality land correctness in tilling orders. Ily acting as agents for Mr, Perolis Wishing a valuahlo Library cal procure., it gratis. Those set , lan;, , an easy method of earning a livelihood tLts find it. - Any one desiring a good Watch, enn 41,-tpin it Par fall particatars,lead far a Calaii,gth:. My. laigo capital, logalier with ,nly Ivng is K. perienic in lite business, and consequent pi wilittrity with All its d'otnik, giv e . we an mostincalculableadvantage. over all ether parties. All lush is n trial. _Snnd rue An order r and you will be convinced that tlitxo .no citigerit. Akin. Do not Awe( to se-Od fro. a Cotoloipie, And to address G. G. EVANS, ENTErliTli 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia; Penna. Persona baiting the City, aro requested to call and catmint, fur themselves. WANTED 11: 1 4M,IliDIATELY: A row more active and enterprihing young. nien.can findiminediate employment by which they can make from 600 to 1,000 dollars a year, to act as agents for ioveral-new and popu lar works just pul•lished exclusively for agents, and not for sale in Look stores. We have a great nertifber of agents employed, many of whom are , makTing,ofroto_ lb to 20 dollars pet week Those wishing; to'engage in this pleasant and profitable business will, for particulars, cte., ad dress, • C. L DERBY Sc Co., üblishers and Wholesale Booktielleri. Oct. 12,1859-w3.1. Sand - nide). City, Ohi&. LOD* BINDING .- 0 Nolvtliaperis, JLP , PA oi phle 'Magazine etc., bound up un , shnrt notice. J.