The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 24, 1859, Image 1

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ruiniattin -7HritSDAY6,- Br •
TEEMS-52 per 'annum. or SI 50 in adihnce.
Delinquents Etuleet to eharge of S 1 50 per year,
with interest. Diet ontinuences optional with
the Puhlhrher until all arrearnaes are paid.. •
A,frertisements in, erteci at $I peraquare :of
12- lines; 25 cects per square for each insertion
after the first three. One square one year, $B,
each additional square, $.1 . .
Job- Work of all kinds executed . neatly
and promptly. Illtauks always , on hand.
, . ' ; Montrose,'Pa.
We; the undersigned, cettify . that vie were
insured in - Fire I ra M° Companies represented
by blr. Billings Stroud. of Montrose, and that,
having suffered loss by fire while so insured, we
were several Iv paid by said companies to the full
extent of dor claims: and we have-ionfidence in
him .es-a good and effective agent. •
Lantior &DE War, H.. 1. WED'S,
Cuixot.r.n, • J. Lois &Sox,
Montrose; Pa. November 14th, 1859.
S. H. Say re & Brother, "
111" - ANDFACTURERS of Mill Castings, and
171 Castings of all kinds, Stoves, Tin and
sheet Iron Ware,- A griculturat Implements, and
Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,. dte.
Montrose, Pa, November, 16th, /8.59..5ra.:
Guttenberg; Rosenbaum &;Co.,
D'IAEA LE RS in Ready-made Clothing;Ladies'
. Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, etc., etc.
StOris at No 24 Den-st, New-York City, and in
Towanda, Montrose; and Susq'a Depot, Pa.
REPAIRS Clocks, Watches and Jewol4, at
short notice, arid on reasonable teinm All
work warrnoted. Shop in Chandler St.,Jessup's
store, MOntioso, Pa. foctlstf.
'l3l4kosise -& Brush, -
HAVE associated - thems'elyes for the prOse
cation of the duties of theirprofession, and
resplvtfully offer 'their professional serviets to
the Invalid Public. - Office at:the residence :of
Dr. Blakeslee; midway between the villigesof
Dimock and Springville. • -ap3oy
A. C. E. BRUSH. -
NAT HOLES ALE Dealers in Buttons, Combs .
V Suspenders, Threads,. Fancy .Goods
Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wars,Cut•
lerk;Fishitig Tackle, Cigars, Att. &e., New Mil
ford, Pa.. Merchants and Pedlars, supplied on
.!iberal terms. • wa tf
. .
- A TToRN n d (.701:(N E 1,1.0 R at LAW.
.11. Office in au; Union Block—Toivands, Brad
ford cm; ty,
attend promptly to all professional
hnsiness intrusted tp him, in this and adjoining
counties.- [je3'sBtf
HAVlNGitermancui:ly located in Dundaff
offers his profCasional services to all who
may require them. Also._keeps constantly on
hand a full stock of :Ilettg!4 and
Pure Wines and LOiknors for Medical
purposer. ' [ap7-6m.
• DR: H. SM:ATH,
SURGEON DENTIST: Residence and of
free opposite the Saptfst Church (nortkside)
Montrose. Partienlai atteiltion will be given
to inserting teeth on gold land silver plate, and
to filling decay-in...teeth.
DEALER 16 Drugs, Medicines . , 'Chemin Is
Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware. l'aints,Oils,Varnish,
Window Glass, Groceries. Fancy Goods, Jew
elry,Perfornerv. Sze.:-..-And Agent for all the
most popular Patent Sfedicines. ,lontrose, Pa.
r i_.R A DILUTE kir the Allnpathic and Hewett.
\ pat.hic Collegem' of M-dicine, Gt. Bend, Pa.
OtEce.corner of Main and Eliz4heal-sts., nearly.
Gppositit the Methodist 'church. .
SPECIAL Partner, with Lawrence, Griggs &
ki• Kingsbury,- manufacturers and bbers in
Straw Goods, Hats, Caps-& Furs, Umbrellas,
Parasols. Ribbons, aid all llillinery articles.—
No. 46, Court landt street, New York: -• [sepB
Wm.. R. Cooper .& Co.,
ANKERS,Sueee,sora• to POST, COOPER
iJ & CO., Montmae, P.n. Ofrwe . one door
east fioqa Post', Store . , Turnpike Street.
• . O. 0. FORDHAM. _
Montrose,,Pa. Sbqp . Tiler's Store.
All kinds.ateorli — made to, order :JO repairing
done neatly. , . jel -
WM. W. SMITH, & CO.,
ABINET and Chair Manufacturers, foot of
V Main street, Montrose, Pa. , angltt
PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office oter Wil
wins' store; Lodgings at Searle's Hotel.
PHYSICIAN cud 'Surgeon. Office on Public
Avenue;opposite Ken!'Ww: Hotel, dloutrpaci
PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Montrose. Pa.—
Office in the Farmeeti Store.
FASHIONABLE Tailor, Shop near the
Baptist lifeeting.House, 0 . 0 Turnpike street,
Montrose, Pa. - . augur
• -HE New York City Bilis:rated Newspipers
Magazines, etr. etc:, for *ale tit the ltf matron
Book Store, by A- N.-.BULLARD.
On Public: Arehue, near Searles
SEE - constantly on hands - gOod supply of
11 . MEATS of all kinds_ CASH paid for
Beef Cattle,Calves,SbeepOod Lambs.
Also for Hides of ell kinds. -" •
• ' "- BENSTOCK dr: HAWLEY. -
s. 2. unlrs.rocr. • Ir. itsurtni.
Montrose, March 30th, 1859.—tf.
- •
. H. GAR RATT, - - T i A.X1.i41.11V 4 1411; •
P REYNoLos ' •
fLOUR; GRAIN ; 6. C; - - ,IT_ T AVIN 424 retornod to Montrose for the per.
law WELFOB.D,..PA.---tala Rem, MITT'S Affirm. i
f it i t e p t ese y o ac t resuming th e Tailoring esbasit s .
IVILL ket=p com,itantl y on hand the. best -Pe t ell . he bl tha t .
-e 1/ - brands or FLOLTR.—bytheGaek or Hun-, prepared. to- Wind to th eir mentar - wit proms,
i. .
dred Barrels—at tbelo*rat market - priaos. - Also, nee and fi delity; •,- -. f,, • . --,..".
• .-..., f
SALT—by the Single 'aw a- e! or Lo - ' , 1 L i m on . r g i s h kid i g , . ,..; .
All orders from Verehinte and -Dealers *ll -'- ' -?-.- - , i ,..... ,.._ ,
~.__ ~.,_
~ .; ,;..;-.
Leprompliy attendedlo. ' - .'s ! 7 - , - %nosing POThA l wan t optetne... ,
Casb paid for Graia Vt . roni. . ) elts, Hided...and vintranted 'to - tit- -- . Shop in- iiiwinin Of
and all Farmers' Produeo in flair solison. ',.. ' !-Heerle's Hetel— row rose mein front. atigßlitt.
Wig ZCITh .0 R S Matta l irtj lillo 201.117 bott iacn.aopr liva-itikai 34itti )- 4611121 Erlidt 011? tOMMORI."
.The Fall of Misselonghi.
- "At the siege of Mesudongbi, Capsalis
(one of the - Primates) conducted to the Pow
der Magazine the weak, the wounded, the
sick,-the aged, and the W - 0 . 11311 .- and children,
resolved, to -bury them alive' in its ruins.
Mothers there tranquilly -pressed their infants
to their bosoms, relying on Capsalis. They
wept. , not—they had no parting to apprehend
—death was abbut to Unite them forever:
From the size and solidity of, the building,
the conquerors supposing the wealth of the
city was there deposited, crowded abOut it,
trying to force the doors, windows and roof .-
Capsalis now applied the maush, - and two
thousand Turks perished with the -Greeks.
The exploition war. so violent, the houses were
thrown down, large chasms prOduced in- the
earth, *led - part of the town inundated by-the
When Greece, long slumbering .Greeee k awoke;
And nobly spurned the Tut kish yoke—
When Ibrahim's flame and servilebazd,
In hostile squadronseswarmed the land—
And when, though long defended well,
The fated Altssztoacfli fell;
A mournful crowd within the tower
I -
Await thedread and fearful hour.
There stood the WITIPLING, early fired
By paariot words, with glory's flame,
Who listend till his soul, inspired,
Planned daring deeds of future fame: ~ _-
But now those dazzling dreams are-o'or,
And hope's bright beacon burns no more,
He yields him tolls darkened fide,
But still belongs tio wreak his hate ---
Ott earth'e , grim tyrants, one and all,
"And burst' oppression's mad'ning thrall.
There kneeled the maiden, young In years, ,--
But`all unmoved by maiden feari. - '-
A stimmer day her life had been,—
A thorniest; path, a. flowery scene.—
Scarce on her cake and beauteous face
•One tonclrof passion could you trace=. •
Scarce had the hand of withering cars.
Dimmed one bright tint that blossomed-there—
A hero wooed—they breathed their love •
Beneith the moonlit oliye grove—
It seemed to them a holier spell
Upon •that charming landscape fell,
A softer radiance lingered there—.
A balmier . fragreise filled the air,. •
But sudden as the dark simoon,
ISpread on their fate a fearful gloom. •
Once more the civil strife is stirred—
Once more the battle-cry is heard— • •
Around the turbaned, leaguers poured. • .
His country claimed her hero's sword; .
A gallant band around him stood,
And bathed their swords in -Paynini blood. .
In that dread hour be fell, ha died,
- And she who should have been a bride,
By fate was widowed;though unwed—
A maid affianced with the dead;
Bet in her eye and on her brow
A frenzied hope is beaming now;
And cherished still her virgin faith,
• * She claims a lover's troth is death.
-4, There bowed the mother o'er her child,
CZittZ looks and words of angnish wild,
Talked of its sire's achieveMents done,
The.mead of praise his valor won, .
Till rapt to calmness o'gr her theme,
Her eye resumed its tranquil beam.
In life's last prayer her babe she blest,
And strained it fondly_ to her breast. •
'There sat, the OLD, whom Moslem Ire
Had doomed to torture, rack and-fire,'-,lii
Familiar with a tyrant's rage,
And sold with- service more than age,
Far readier to demand a grave, •
Than crouch and be again a slave.
, There too, the wounded warrior lay, -
Proud victim of that hard fought day;--
And there the loved and honored dead;
SVI bravely battled, freely bled I
By faithful friendship thi'her borne,
To save from plunder, insult, scorn,
Here gathered all whose hearts must mourn;
The tenderest ties of astute torn,
Here gathered all else forced to roam
Far from their country, kindred, home,
Here all whose souls the boon disdained,
Of life; by base submissioti gained.
All rtes who would not, could not fly,
To shun their desperate destiny. _
There gathe i red all that apace allowed,—
Capsalis ne'er known to swerve,
Stoodff zed in - purpose, strong in nerve.
Close at his side the torch was seen.
Nndthere the full stored magazine I
Far off they beard the clash, the jar,
The furious shiaelc of savage war,—
Far off, they saw, with watchful eyes, -
The Cross descend, the Crescent rise, .
Then nearer, clearer, round them rose
The eager cry of conquering foes f =
Without was roar, and deafening din;
But meta whisper stirred va Rhin.
No faltering bosom breathed a sigh—
No tears bevpokeone:failing eyre
No sundering ties had they to feir
No fond adieus were uttered there—
No parting charge to -loved ones given
At once they all would , wake in heaven.
Two thousand Moslems stormhd without,
And raised atones the assaulting shout;
The fearful moment now bad come,
'To sweep them mainly to their doom; • "'
Bnive Capealis; with clauntlial bind, -
Now selied and hurled the blazing biand c —
An instant flash, - an awful glare,
A shock tent the air,
Bewildering Imam, wildand wide,
Burst fiercely, forth on averred& I
The strongest bulwarks crumble.down,
The troubled sea , invades the tows, •
biennia shook from shore to shore,'
- The
- The staztied•Mores heard the roar;
- And trembled at the faulel knell •;
That-WA ; when Misaeloughi - • ,
Cithe 11 tb of Septernbersaya ao historical
work which I 'flats just been perusing, the
British army advanced; crossed the Brandy-'
wine at different points, And attacked the
main army of the Americans; who - sustained
the assault, with intrepedity for ,some time,
but at length gave way. General Washing
ton effected a retreat with his artillery and
baggage to Chester,•whereie halted, within
eight relies of the Britisitirmy,,till lieu morn
ing, when he retreated to Thiledelphia.
A little incident which imnlinred on the
night referred to will form the subjeet of this
paper, fi rst of mi'Pen'ind Ink Pictures.
Between Cheater and the . point sibete,the
battle of Brandywine was fought,' about
equelly-distantlrom the camping ground of
both armies, and somewhat out of. the reach
of the main toad, there resided• its a small,
antique 'farm house a man- named Joshua
Kenton. Kenton was a courageous patriot
and a 'brave man—one of those who are
ever ready t 6 sacrifice property or life in car
rying out - the principle whirl is a part and
parcel of their natures.
The brittle of Brandywine had been fought
—the Americans had retreated to Chester—
both armies were 'encampe d for the night,
and , darkness had. settled upon ; the whole
Kenton bad participate J-in, the sanguinary
straggle—and fought gallantly almogt side
by side with Lafayette who there first drew
his sword in defence of-American freedom—
and bad returned borne after the engagement
was ended.
Coveted with sweat and dust and blood of
the battle, the gallant patriot had entered
his borne, and confronted his anxious wife
and daughter—ill his family..
"Safe, husband!" cried his wife, joyfully
springing into his arms ; " thank God!"
" - Ohl father, I am so glad to see you
again! so glad !" muimured• his weeping
daughter, as the next moment she too war
folded Male pattiot's bosom in fond paternal
"And the battle. husband r enquired Mrs.
Kenton, eagerly.
"It was a bard fought field, wife," re
sponded the patriot,-" and the army is now
retreating to Chester, where Washington in
tends to encamp fog the night, and where I
shall.rojoin my cobbtiYmen before'daylight.
The cause of liberty has need of every true
man in the land,- and Josiah Kenton would
not stand in the
_back 'ground even to save
his neck front the halter. Honor, love of
country,, patriotism—everything forbids it.
But I'm faint and weary," he added; "get
me a little something to eat,. and let me have
a few hours rest to recruit my exhausted en
• Comfortable faxl was at once placnd, before
Mr. ICenton, and after be _bad 'partaken of
some refreshment. he retired to a back room
and flung himself on a bed. In ts . few Eno-
Meats be,was fast saleo: TN anxious wife
and daughtar kept watch by bis side. .
" Must. father go away again r , the latter,
whose given name was Martha, at length in
"Yes, cEild," rejoined Mrs. Kenton, briefly
and sadly.
" I am lorry," , she replied, in dejected
• "So am I, my child," mid her mother
"but your father is the last man -living to
desert his country's- flag."
"Father is good and brave, I know—and
it is right that he should fight for his , coun
try—bat, oh ! mother, if he should be killed!"
Mrs Kenton 'tailed painfully.
"Don't speak of it, my child, don't speak
of it I" she cried in agonizing tones. •
At that moment several loud taps fell quick
ly upon the front door.
The inother and daughter staried from their
chair, and the patriot suddenly leaped from
his couch. •
The first movement of
,Mm. Kenton. wee to
blow out the light, and almost instantane
ously with the knocks- the room was envelop
ed in deep darkness.
• "
.What is it, wife!" demanded the patriot,
hardly yet awake. - -
Some one is rapping loudly at the front
door," responded his wife with a shaking
Indeed I Seme.of the - pickets have found
us out, I suppore, but whether friends or foes
remains to be_seen. Tt is as likely to be one as
the other, for we are about as
. near the latter
as the former. It _was scarcely prudent-to
remain here just now, and I must have been
crazy not to haveiememberedAhat before."
Again the rape fell heavily.npqn the door.
" Mist shill we do, husband I" inquired
Mrs. Kenton, anxiously,
'"Face them, be they friends or foes r re
joined the patriot, sternely, at the same mo
ment resolutely taking up his gun. I tread
my native land-.I am.arraved in in an
and righteous cause and have no reason to'
fear any man on earth; and, as the Lord lir
eth, Ido not r - .
" Yes,yes, husband! but will it be pru
dent=will it be prudent?" demanded Ins
wife excitedly. '
Mr. Kenton did not reply; for the words of
his wife, recalled' im to a fuller sense of his
"For my sake, husband—for the _sake of
our child! • and Mrs. Kenton clasped her
hands before her husband—" do not be rash.
If these are English soldiers •at our door,
there may -be a number of them and then
cipttsre, at least would be certain. .
"But - what other course is left me!" de
manded-Mr. Kenton, anxiously. , .
"Ride yourself till they go away !" re
sponded his wife, eagerly„ • •
" Where that tbey may not search
• 'l'll find a place, if you'will only consent."
"And if !should Consent, what will become
orlon spd Vinyl!' demanded the patriot..
t'The Loid will take care .'of boaband,
and - we will-ttaMin him!" responded his wit*
Witb lamas anxiety. , -
Mr. Kenton still hesitated. - • He knew-not
" Besides, Tideland, you will be near ts'aid
ne itiTy-112 . 0itiliReatei3s 1" added tbe'pain
.fillristizioss woman. - 4 4 But_ tot. the Of
your family gni 'bide gotaielf."`" . _
pittriet gave way, fnr he esOld but as ;
wite's positioak
- ..bitle , .ask byyrtr !Hittite.; w ife," , be
acid reluc t1y.,1 14444 Wpm argil% 11 1 - .
14ture to bide Silty; Oki a skulking:it - 1m;
hal" - 4
a' 'a of tit ' it; l bastsiti think 'of
what is for the intifin responded Mt). Renton,
MONTROSE PA 2 4 ,1859
earnestly. `.
All this conversation had .. been iirried_on
quickly only consuniingm few minutes_ time.
Meanwhile the' person or persons had been
harimering away at the door in the most im
patient manner. • '
In the- back room, or. sleiminglapartthent,
there , was a large closet, erclothes -prow, in
which thd mother and daughter kept their
wearing apparel. The clothes of course hung
suspended from the nalls v and by "a little ar
ragernent'ef the articles , Mri;lientotrwee — so
well concealed behind them that neon, Would
have detected his place without par
ticular examination. with a swelling b osom
thenoble hearted patriot followed the di-
rections of his wife. To be prepared for any
emergency, however, he kept his gun'by his
'At length the door of the closet was dos
ed. Mrs. - Kentori and her danghter—the
latter following the direction of the former
thcn divested themisielves of a•portion of their
clothing,,'io as to make it appear that they
bad psi gotten out of bed.
To accomplish alt this the candle had to
be lighted, but thC glare - bad been"considera
bly deadened by placing a tin pan over it:
The door's between the rooms bad been closed,
and every precaution taken - to prevent dis
"But. mother, these may be friends at the
door after all!" said the daughter, mean
"It may 'be so, my child," was Mrs. Ken
ton's reply; "but in such times as these it is
well enough to berepared forthe worst.
At this time, especiall p y, with. the British so
near us, we cannot be too cautions. But now,
let us see who knocks." . : •
Rap! rapt rap! fell open their ears. -
Mrs. Keaton took np the candle, and fol
lowed by her daughter, repaired to the front
" Who knocks r she demanded, stopping
about the centre of the room: -
"Open the door and you'll seer was the
coarse and insolent answer.
" It is late for unprotectad females to open
their house !".rejoined Mrs. Kenton.
"Open the door or we'll batter is down I"
was the savage responSe.
"in a moment, gentlemen." •
"Be quick if you would save your bead !"
.Mrs. Kenton's band was upon the bar, when
her daughter exclaimed,
"These are British, mother!"
"Yes!" •
"God help us!" •
"Most we.let them in, Mother I"
" You see, my child,, we must!"
"Open the - door there!" - was Shouted hob
the outside, accompanied by a suetession "of
heavy raps.
Mrs. Kenton took down the bar, and dui
next mothent the room was swarming with
English soldiers: f -
" You'd better keep ua witting all . night,"
wrathfully • criiiribe officer in command—.a
sergeant—to Mrs. - Kenton.
:" We were abed, -and did' not bear you,"
responded Mrs. Kenton, mildly. •
"You're n liar !" shouted back the sergeant,
" andlf you tell me any more such tales, I'll
knock you down."
The brute 'drew back-his muscular arm
"Oh! for God's sake don'tlurt my moth
er!" suddenly cried Matty,•Springing forward,
and beseechingly clasping her hands before
the sergeant.
'Vie young girl was pretty yes; ehe•was
more than that--sbe was really beautiful,
and of an age—about eightemi—to be par
ticularly:. interesting. The sergeant was a
coarse, sensual, brutal person, and, as a nat
ural consequence, the sight of Matty's pretty
face inflamed his worst passioits. In a mo
ment be forgot Mrs. Kenton and bis anger—
another feeling swayed his beastly bend.
His followers rated their guns and gazed
at the scene in silence.
" Well, 111 not hurt her a bit, my pretty
one, provided You're kind I" he added, stretch
ing out his band.
The young girl shrank back, trembling
from head to foot. The sergeant advanced.
"Come, a kiss, my besets." :
He made a sudden bound, and caught the
young girl in his armi. Martha gave a loud
scream, and• struggled .tq free herself.' The
sergeant laughed, and pressed his sensual
lips to her ruby cheeks: '
Quick as a flash the assault bad been made,
and the kiss ravished (roil] the fair girl: Al-
Most instantaneously, however, the loud re
port of a musket reverberated through the
house. The. sergeant uttered a wild cry of
pain, tossed-Waimea in ai r , and NI dead-
The wildett excitement followed, and every
eye was -turned in the direction from which
the shot bad proceeded.
• In the, oorway,betweeo the front and - back
room ' .
stood Mr. s. Kenton, with , his can up
lifted in en attitude of defence. flis eyes
were flashing lightning glatkces, and his bo
som was swelling with the deepest passion.
" Wife, daughter, this way, quick!" be
cried almost in breath. -.
Mrs. Kenton and Martha sprang for the
, loor, and safely passed through into the bank
&parte - lent. -
The movement aroused the English soldiers,
and, with . load curses, they dashed after
them. y .
Boldly Mr. Kenton iuterpoeed•his form.
"Back; 'villains NI cried, in stentorian
tones. -rti batter the brains out of the first
Man. who attempts to piss this door'."
• The English hesitated a morrient,. and then
one cried out, as he dashed ap Mr. Kenton.
"Down with the. bloody rebel I show him
no quarter." . '
Never' another word - did-the Enklifbrosi
utter,' for • the next 'moment the unflinching
patriot knocked out his krains,with the butt
of his ism.•-•
Madly enraged, the Soldiere'ruelted foriard
in** body. -
-" Englend mkt Bing Gonne !" they, Boor
fetstollondlyi- • •
`Aotorica cud Liberty t".ebouted back Mr.
Kenton, sed,bia voice rangoultjteay ;Ind die
tine. above every:amid. _ -
'• 'The Britieb oriiimitef oo and
be elroweied blow: epixi theta wit/tile bate ,
end of =lyle<gtiat Dowd *oat theiaissulteni
One ark nneOler• - ' • '
,coolifOt wuh ths,portr,
**for, teeCtiitejoatriot, theAnglT. lyylaleji - did not
ate iota chance atikitie;ippiag o -ntid as
Aram' ofkree the toupees .44-Imag-potintbint.
tilers effectual.'
"Shoot - the Mined - rebel t was
the general . cry..
At that moment the &oiled . of tw o
arose from the back apartment ; and the words
that were uttered wpre— • - -
"0 ! Lind, preserve m hisbarid !" •
"0! God, save my father!"
The r:Englishman loaded theii pieces, arid
" Engla_d an d mgdeo gel"
"America and Liberty!" responded the
patriot, with undatinted firmness.
" AuEntea A ND
The shout came from the outside of the
house, and the next moment a squad (if Amer
ican soldiers dashed into the room.
Bewildered at the sight, the English:lower
ed their pieces.
f a
deserve "
"Countrymen, y u are just in time to save
me and mine!" tied Mr. Kenton, with' a
glow of joy. "Tb hell-bounds would:have
murdered us in co d blood, and they desee
no mercy. Chang upon the villains!'
"Charge, my m n! shouted the officer in
command of the Americans. ,
The contest was brief but bloody. The
English fought well, as they usually did, but'
they were no match for the exasperated Amer
icacs.\ In that moment Kenton himself was
equal to any half dozen men.
A few mlnotes fighting satisfied • the Eng
lish soldiers, and what were left of them
pleadefffor quarters. Long before morning.,
they were in Mose confinement in the Amer-,
ican lines. - • "
Mr. Kenton.looked up his house, ind - tak-.
ing his wife and daughter along, with him,
departed for Charter.. kiebsequently; - Mrs.
Kenton and Martha returned to , their home.
The gallant patriot, kciwever, went with the
army, and on many a bard fought field did
good service .beneath the waving folds of
"Our Countrir's Flag!" •
, The Effects of Smoking.
TOO remarkable research made by M. Bou
isson upon the danger of smoking has at
tracted the notice of the Academie, and has
been awarded with high praise. The horrors
hitherto Anakodwn or , unacknowledged, with
which smokeis are threatened, nay more,
convicted by M. - Booiason are sufficient upon
bare anticipation to ruin the revenue and the
pipemikers also. Cancer in the mouth; M.
Bouisson declares to have grown so frequent
from the use of tobacco that it now forma
one of the most dreadful diseases in the hoe
pike's, and- at Montpelier, Where M. Bonham
resides, the operation of its extraction forms
the principal practice of the surgeons there.
11n a short period of time, from 1857 to 1859,
M. -Bouisson himself performed sixty-eight
operations for cancers in the lips at the Hos
pital Saint Eloi. The writers on cancers
previous to our day mention the rare occur
rence of the disease in the lips, and it has
therefore become evident that it,must have
increased of late years with the smoking of
tobacco. M. Bouisson proves this fact by
the relative increase in the . French duties on
tobacco, which in 1812, brought an annual
amount of one hundred and thirty millions;
almost that attained on wines and spirits, and
far beyond that rendered by those of sugar.
M. Bouisson remarks, justly or not, that "this
figure, extravagant as it may appear, fades
into insi,gnifiance before that attained by the
British tax, which, according to Dr. Sey
mour, :mounts to a bibulous sum, in a coun
try, where boys smoke from 5 o'clock in the
afternoon till 3 o'clock its the morning, and
where children of ten years-old are known
to consume as, many as forty cigars in a day!"
The use of -tobacco rarely, however, pro
duces lip cancer in youth. Almost all M.
Bourissn's patients had passed the age of forty.
In individuals of the humbler classes, who
smoke short pipes and tobacco of an inferior
quality, the disease is
_more frequent than
with the rich, ssho smoke Cigars and long
pipes. It becofnes evident, therefore, that it
is owing more to the constant application of
heat to the lips than to the inhaling of ni
cotine that the disease is generated.. With
the Orientals, who are Careful to maintain the
coolness of the Mouthpiece by the transmis
sion of inioke ttioegh- perfumed water, the
disease is unknown. M. Bouisson, whose
earnestness in the cause cliies him theutmost
credit, advises a general crusade to be preach
ed by the doctors of every country against
the immoderate use oltobacco, as being the
only means of exterminating the habit; be
cause, although the most powerful sovereigns
have been powerless to prevent it, although
Sultan Amurath threatened in vain to 'cut
off the noses of thotie = who smoked, and
Eater the Great vowed direct 'vengeance
against all smokers, and - even the thunders
of the Vatican had been burled against them
in vain; there is oae thing that mankind
holds in more horror than a noseless face or
an excummicated soul—and that is untimely
death. Let young men be 01100 impressed
with the truth of this, and the "Art of Smok
ing," which one of our best authors has late
ly extolled as the finest of the fine arts, will
soon be set aside and forgotten.
Buying . _ Book).
A correspondent of the Newport News tells
the following anecdote: . •
A certain New York lady, whom I shall
call Mrs. X., recently had 'the Rod luck to
come into the possession of a handsome for
tune. No sooner bad this agreeable change
in her condition beat effected, than she imma!
digitely had a "loud call" from the direction
of Fifth avenue, and yielding - . .t0 the tempter,
prevailed upon her husband to abandon his
calling as a perveyOr in provisions and fish,
and to purchase *residence in that aristocrat,
to neighborhood. In due time her house was
furnished in a style of magnificence which
vied with "the very 'best." Keeping her eyes
open for every new improvement, she recent
ly discbvered that "it. was about the right
thing" to have bOoks, and desirous of being
up, with,the fashion. at once ordered au ele
gant rosewood book-case.and.started. out to
purchase the.materialwherewith itwas to be
' Provided with a diavisii illustratlhg the
dirriensionsef the library—the length, breadth.
arid height- of Abe shelves, and so en—she
tialled=spon one Of Our largest publishers, and
handlog au e sstosiisbed clerk the measure, told
him she "wowed the pootle'st, hooks 7be'd got
thein with 'red backs, and to be 'Ore and
make them all fit the lihrarium."-, With this
lily .isioeto.47. tnalesticAlly as a foil
go:iv/1i turkey-_osk.,itriilei ;full "sail. ID due
ARO 1 4..1* k*:* 4l #;.l * * l 4. l
.*.l - 1; 1 / 0 -ailthe Maw,
iyt theArd.e:FAWA ig o#ollsl,ut taste,
titolerk. had auletited, Utilo:SQ knit&
'ethers too Atsgf, ;spatfi and its Ramie; soap:
ik,"4l;keii some rdf Calf;= while the _corers of
the collectioilrete wiegatett as the, hues
of the Rainbiw. This MO suit, and , a day
or two brought the , wbole'batch back, Mrs.
X. following clews' upon . them,looking as stiff
as if she bad been poured into gorgeous
clothes, like a 'candle, In a state of linuefaca
tion, and bad then "set." "I seat ser books
back,"said she, "because I told 5o to- make
'em all of one size and one color, and Meth
ain't no more 'alike than it, parcel of nigger
babies is like white children." "But madam,"
ventured the clerk,. "we supposed there was
some particular works Jou would like to have."
"No l" said she With an emphasis as if 'she
were dictating to her cook, "I don't - Care
what's in !ern,- all Lwant is books to fill them
shelves that red backs, and will lOok
genteel in my new librarium."
There was no mistaking. that order, and
this, line the "red backs" went, and are prob. :
ably now adorning one of our "homes of art,
taste and refineinent." Think of it, ye shades
of Shakespeare, 'Barns ' Byron,. Moore and
brother worthies, your brains bought , toy the
,square inch But such is life I . -
'An old Chiffonier (or rag picker) died in
Paris in a state of most abject poverty. His
only relation was a niece, who lived as a ser
vant with a green grocer. When she learn
ed ofhis`deatb, which took place suddenly,
shewas on the point of marriage with a jour
neyman baker, to Whom-alie bad been long
attached. The kuptial day was fixed, but
Suzette bad not yet boned her wedding
clothes. She hastened to tell her- lover that
the wedding must be deferred; she wantgd
the price of her bridal finery to larher uncle
in the grave. -Her mistress ridiculed the idea,
and exhorted her to leave the old man to be
buried by charity. Suzette refused. " The
consequence was a quarrel, - in : "which the
young woman lost her place and ker lover,
who sided with her mistress. She hastened
to the miserable garret where her uncle had
expired, and by the-sacrifice net only of her
wedding attire, but nearly all the rest of her
slender wardrobe, shelled the old man -de
cently-interred. Her pious task ful filled, she
sat alone in her uncle's room weeping bitterly,
hen the master of her faithless lover, a geed
looking young man, ,tintered. •
"So, my Suzette, rind you have lost your
place," Said be; "I' am come to offer you one
for life. Will you marry me!"
"I sir! You are joking."
"No faith, I want a wife, and Pm sure I
can't find a better."
"But everione will laugh at you for mar
rying a poor girl like me.""
'Oh ! if that is your only objection, we shall
soon get over it ; come, come along my moth- -
er is prepared to receive you. • - -
Suzette hesitated do longer; but sbe wished
to take with her a memorial of ber deceased'
uncle--it was
_a cat he bad had for many
years. The old man lasso fond of the ani
mal, that he determined that even death
should not separate them, fur be bad her
stuffed, and placed her
_on the tester -of his
As Suzette took down puss, she uttered an
exclamation of surprise at finding her• so hea
vy. The lover hastened to open the animal,
when out fell a- shower of gold. There wai
a thousand Louis concealed in the body • of
the cat, and this sum which the old Miser
bad starved himself-to amass became the just
reward of the worthy girl and her disinter
ested lover.
Seeing the Elephant.
A friend relates the followlng circumstance
as having occurred at IPrankford, Kentucky :
It - seems that oa the darin.question, a
menagerie was expected in the city, and the
people were naturally on the alert for the
approaching sightsan interest in which the
sequel shows, that his -Honor, the . Judge,
deeply participated, notwithstanding the
court was held on that day, though not ex
actly as usgal. In the progress of the morn
ing's bin-loess. a case of continuance arose;
which- the Judge was not at all inclined ft;
favor. The liwyer:in charge having urged
his plea with all thOngenuity and ability at
his command, was at length in the act of
yielding the point in despair,when a brother
lawyer, espitc . ially up to snuff; rose and whis
pered into his ear that the menagerie luid'ar ,
rived and the elephant would swim the river!
Brightening 'with hope, the witty lawyer at
• once dreW himself up deferentially, and, ad
dressing the Court, said :-
'" May it ple'ase your Honor, I have this
moment learned that the Great American
Menagerie has reached the city; and the, ele
phant will immediately swim the'river!' The
people, •I am informed, are already upon tbe
banks to witness this extraordinary fee."
he h;i was palpable. the intelligence of
Buchanan's election could hardly ' have
wrought-- a more - wonderful change in the
bearing of his }Tenor. His stem countenance
at once relaxed into the most genial compla
wick, and in a generous, excitement he re
marked :
"Gentlemen, I grant thia continuance, and
adjourn court. I never saw an elephant swim
a river, sitall am an old'inan—it isn't likely
I'll ever have a hetter,opportunity. The court's
- adjourned !"
The last thin g cam Mind sari of the court
it wasimaking- for the river at a speed-liver
contemplated by the Lifii Insurance Company:
Verily, there is no resisting the elephant.
HOLLOWAY'S' PILLS are the only reliable
remedy for the sexual disabilities and diger=
dere of females. In cases where the fonaticins
peculiar to the organization of the sex have
beensuppressed, suspended, or in any way
disordered, the mild and eonservatire.rittion
of the Pills will speedily.restois their regular
ity. The terrible diseases which result frtim
a neglect of these derangemente r are well
knoWn to all physicians; and it isof.the tit-
most importance that the rows of their
vention should be within, the reach — of the•
whole sex. The subject ie one upon which it
is iMpoisible to enlarge in the °Wombs of
newspaper; but it world argue-little care for
the sufferings iof the feebler portion of the how.
min race, to.pase it over in silence,
. .
Tits Portland, Arguctells oVa newspaper
-publiaber in - that city, isbo.putatissed a
Atl mil
road„ttuke,h but concluded_ to stop overnight
'and 111111.1113 e hi t TElet: peas" day. The
dup,tot itiftiod tc , au*t„,, Ike ; ticket;
,wka guTi, furcue day ‘ oury__„9l4 e cjimited, dui
possengey,koinAke„cati. l!SUissinger(kaooko
down. the. caiductae44 tiakautan 4 l - was. ar
rested and fined iwOrastalla"ltd a 14%.
the Tisasiiret, of the Company sent him • a
liareatter he can ride.
tout gratis; . •
We copy_ below an extract from
speech Von: D:S; Dickinson, at
Thll.- We hope our friends -will n,
they read it through. ~ -; , ~
The whig - party; combattingi
ocmtie party upon ;:fnaicial issue
with all :its errors, a • foeman word
democratic steel: ~.1t brought into
great , and .- powerful. array—ita
- Clays, Claytona, Devises and Cheat
galaxy of talent, and although in tl
of the democracy and of the, whole
the eventshowed,ft maintaineskot___ _
Lions in regard•-to_internil improiements, a
protective tarilVa.oational bank and' the na
tional treasury.. Yet• it was c. - national
party rallying- - 'around . the nstitation. ,
It was too national a party to serve the
purposes 'of; the managing lea ders who
bad taken " possession of it, and beoce the
old- whig ship was seuttled,,her ore dismiss
'ed, and the- republican
_party in ugurated,
sailing under its black and bloody olorsiand
based upon !lain& idea, no high ror wor
thier in State or national legislatiii than the
single idea of slavery. The party ook to it
self all-the bad elements of the w it,. party,
dismissing the good..gatbering the ebris, the
deserticia, the treacherous material f the dens
ocratio party; 'gathering all . the 'lsms" and
"ites7 of any,.name, to march in A • crusade,
like the army of Peter the Hermit,l. to expel
the infidel slaveholder from this holy land of"
the republic . • (Applaute.l To Ka I s* which
was in no more dangerof becoming slavehold
ing thin of becoming one :vast •fi e field, it
sent its sanctified rifles for- the purpose of
shooting the gospel into every crest , re (laugh
ter); and it chartered the Browns , the blues,
the reds and the blacks to go titer , and enter
intoi this "irrepreasible_conflict." he whole
legislation of the country was hr ught to \ a
-stand, public attention was ar t ste,d, "and
wherever Kansas shrieked republi anism lift
ed-up its responsive voice. Kans was the
stock in trade, the floating capital -
_lie:anima to,frade upon • and by ins
it took pcksseasiort. of the State of
and 'other. democratic States, tali
1 tage of temporal . ) , divisions of the
party, arraying together a motley
eluding those who knew it was a
down to holiest etror and blind fai
'ln process of time Kansas was
(Laughter.) . , . ' -
-Like au insect that flits its brief hour in
the.suushine, deposits its eggs and dies. Kan
was permitted to go quietly out, tat it left a
successor. Some of those chartemd to enter
into the conflict, together with th c
:portion o.
the sanctified rifles, were, aken to do duty in
another direction. I have beard t if opposi
tion party styled black Republic . I havel a to give
s.r) I
never called them so, and if
them any designation, if I were t place any
adjective before the substantive, I would call
them Brown Repablicaris--(Ap lause and
laughter.) 1 have very little to , y.concern
ing the miserable men who have uterred into
this "irrepressible conflict" in ea pest, upon
whom the law has laid its hand. I will leave
them there. Bati bare much td . say con
cerninrthose who set this , ball in motion.-- :
Tbis Brown whom they now turn their backs
upon, v4a . 'recently a hero. His I name was
borne upon every breeze, and mingled with
the loudest shrieks that came frdm Kansas.
He was not only John Brown, but, Ossawato
mie Brown, Captain Brown, Mirjor Brown
and General Brown. (Applause and laughter.)
But now that he is in the hands of the law,
he, is Galled "crazy old Brown;' and .left to
his fate. What we assort is that the conduct
of Brown and his associates is the natural and
legitemate, if not necessary harre.s i l, from just
such sowing as year after year t e republi
can party has made. This slavery cause• has
been agitated without any cause under Heav
en. So far friers slavery advancin upon the
free States, the free States,hare bee g' n
sing upon' the slave Statek and nt a single
inch of the Territories of the Hui ad States,
either of the old or that recent! acquired
from Mexico, was ever adapted toL'slavery ;
for there is not a rod• of it upon whi la negroes
could raise hemp enough to hang themselves.
It is so ill adapted to slavery that if the slaves
did, not run away from the masterlij the mas- .
ters would have torun away front their slaves.
(Laughter) Nevertheless, the pulic mind
was excited, and republican pulpi ts,.' presses
and firesides were redolent of Kansas and
slave territory. - Every reasonableinan knows
that in the beginnieg we wore all slave States;
that we were !rich when we entered into that
fedemi compact to perpetuate the blessings of
liberty. They know that one by One we be
came free :States, until we had s
at.this time this
"irrepressible conflict" .was inaugurated a ma
jority of sixty votes in the House of Represen
tatives and six'in the Senate of the 'United
States, and every day the free Siates Were
vowing. stionger and the slave States Twiner
really IN,estlier. ' SOMO . of the slave States, tno,
stand ready, whenever this republidan press
ure shall be removed, to abolish laver) , in '
their ,own way and in their own ti e, as we
in New. iforklave. done, and as has been
1 13
done in New.Eugland, New Jersey and Perin- .
sylvania...... , , „ ,
The democratic party its a perky of " let
alone" in everything exceptsustaini g the con
stitution. It believes our sister States are our
equals insight, not only upon pa er, but in
spirit—(cheers)—not only equal ' n theory,
but inpractice ; that - they possess all the rights
we possess and enjoy. The light. t duty. of
l a
hotk free and slaye States we held to be to
have a kind regard for each other n all their
varied relations under the feder:d eompact,
'which that compact suggested in i original
'adoption, =But - the • Republican rty pro
poses to wage, and does wage, an "irrepressi
ble conflict, ' against the-ilave ;Stites. Look
ittfire.repeirlican press for the last ten or fif
teen yeare 7 -see its pages reekingwith ex :
citing language. lad bostile'denu iations of
slavery. ' -Hear-tireir -incendiary. orators da
ring thatlinew And even this eve day the
same.ipne,of denunciation iss g
oi on. •Is
it to h. vireadarad at that when SO
any are
preaching some should be fotthd to practice I
that Browaand ,1114 associates, with the aid •
And,attaoaragentenythey had receir should
attempt this insurrection in one of he States
of this Icenfeileracy I ' They are n t to -get
okby saying that it is "Old Broiy ,' "mad
Brown'? or "crazy Brown." Who, I ask, in
the name, of , truth and jeStice, fur islied the
- material, the sinews- for this : to ble war?
"Old Brown, " "crazy Brown: and ' his asso
ciates did not. No crazy man eve laid that
inferual-plot.• It was doge with orderous
deliberation. Every step, through. 11 its dee
_~~: _
.e ging;
I amtuanyl
t stop tilli
the deth...'
the field a
—a grand
people, as
.irnd no-
for repub
ans of that
ew York
ig advan
crowd, in
cheat, and
,luyed out.