The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 17, 1859, Image 4
"NO SVCIII WORD AS PAIL." A ALFISTI.I.As REMEDY TO . TUB SICK. THE first hospitslaurgeons and medical pub. lieists of Europe, - admit the unparalleled soli irolatromstory and healing properties of this ante:trot; Revealment* sanction its use in their naval and military services; and the masses in this country and throughout the world repose . the utmost confidence in its curative properties. It penetrates the sources of inflammation and corruption which • underlies the external 'psi. deuces of disease, and neutralize the fiery merits which feiird and exs-irerste the malady. Rhersaattim, Scrofula. Z - TSPCstsi These are among the most terrible and ago. tiring iiireoses cif the muscles, the fleshy fibre and the skin; yet in their worst torts, and when seeruirrly . Inennthle, they invariab7f disappear Under a peowyering application of this soothing, •snitdrite to rviio andinflimmstion. Bait Rheum, Fever Sores, Stiff Joints. In a i rasr> or not Rheum. vvnere medical wa lotions. and every receipt of the pharmaco. ptel hove proved useless, .the Ointment-will ac comp;ish thorouh cure. Fever Sores heal ender its irtuence. and Its relaxing ef y,43. O p e n eontr,c,red sinews is truly wonderful. msairaing Mom. A most rectal aAnte au & hippy change Is pro duced in the appearance of malignant' ulcers af ter few applications of this °lament. The stir . rounding redness vanishes,- and grannies of of healthy illeltbegin to take the place of the air...barged matter. This prOcess goes on more or le-- rapidly. until the orifice is filled up with .soadd material, and the elver radically cured. A Word to Mothers. - Tile soling err th•• most trequent suffers from external -injuries, rind therefore every mother have this heating preparation constantly at baud. It is an absolute specific for sore 'breasts, and quickly removes the flocruted sores whleh sentetimes disfigtire the heads and faces of children. SiguLtesat Eacte TblsOintroont univer-ally uted on board the Atlantic and Pai•ific icbaling , tleet as a enre for seorbittic affections end as the hest poqsible. remedy for wonnds and bruises. Large supplies of It hare recently been ordered by the Sultan of Trirkey for bospile! purposes. 72.1-4h''..:lia Ointment and Pills should 'be used in • the Mtn - ming cases: 31 ,, ni,frus i Cf!npped Handy, Scalds, . Dros, Mercurial Eruptions, Sore Legs, CI - iblains. Rheumatism, Sore Breasts, F ,1,11.11,,. Ringworm, Sore Heads, G T... - Salr Rheum, Sure Throats, thtelgo. Skin Diseases, Sores of ol kinds . ..4s, Sprains, - Stiff Join t s, ' '..;„ ;, - Worms dal! kinds, Venereil Sores 7:',e! r, Swelled Glands, • . ' '''.,.*f.;slii ar the Manufactories of Professor f'. - ;WAY. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and .rrn :Lll:ldnri,4 respectable Droeti%ta Dealers in- Medicine throathaat the United Sla:ss snd the eivilized world. in pats, at 25 cents. 6.2. 1 cents. and $i each. Thrre is Cs considerable saying by taking the tsrzer Ariteg, fl.—Dirt,tiona for the coidartaa of patieats in every disurder are affixed to each pot. j.9y) - Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! A GLORIOUS CHANCE TO GET GOOD BOOKS FOR NOTHING! " • Send fnr a Catslogne which will bts sent t o 2.0 u free of Postage 3. S. COTTON dig. CO., PCBLINtIiEItS AAD BOOKSEL.LERS, I J.Vo. 409. Chestnut St.., Philadelphia, 1 • addition to then regular business 'of PulttiAing and Books&ling. adopted the !trine'. I inroi-hinn: a Grfi oP the value offrom mats in $l,lOO. to life purchaser of freq. , book of One Dollar and upward". rza - Send for a Catalogue, a bleb we will send . . to yr , u free of Postage_.AF! r,ind - largely engaged in the Publishing . Bu iire,s,J. S. C , Aton & Co, have peel liar advan taar,.or olvaining very low prices, wb'eh erablya thou to give more valuable pres ent, th.. 12 can be aff , rded by any o.her bootie en gaged in _IKE; bn. of b lm i n e v c„ Any Book pub!iehed in the United States, e.ia b - 2 welshed at the Publi4hers' price, and E:W , a valuable gift to the purchaser without any ntryt eharge. These gift, elmeista-of G.•ld ano Silver Watches-Gold Clinics, Wien' Silk Dress Psiterms,Parlor Timepleees. r , .,0, , r-conted Ware. (-duly sets of C31:0001. aii l'ior«titioe, Coral. G,rnes, , Torquoin and Ls -rn Jewelry. Gold Loekets. Pencils• and Pecs, N;.ek.r sod Chancrtaine Ch.ina, Gents "f1 , , , ,,0n Studs and .:nerve Bottoms, Poeket ,Enlves., Porte-Monocles, ind other gifts of use cud 'value., r§r Fite Hundred Dollars worth r f Presents rvery Thin:mud . Dollars worth of Boots Send fora Catrlcgne, which will tk. soot to you FREE OF POSTAGt. ?veva:4 fJrcrioa Clubs. or wie.hing to sot as Aget:s. ear; get Bouka, and valuable gifts for tetti:ue! At:.rl,ultural, Botanical, Horticultural and Sci ‘ ctifk: Poetiml, Juvenile niNa Ilircellaneaus Buuks—Dictionariee, , Bibles, Prtnei"-and Hymn. Bociks—Atbnms, Anneals.' ca-b Books end 'Works or Felton: and all -ether - 1300k4 published in the United States, furikhedPublishers' prices, and free gifts furnished...vial ecerr book. • 64‘ncl for a Catslogne, whirl will be sent to you free of po.tnge. • Address. J. 9.6. COTTON & CO., No. 4i19 Chestnut St., Philsilt;lphia. dients liardeti in terry purl of the Country. . „_ - Orr 1, tt) 0 0 :AGENTS WANTED. - 17 :1; R 11101) ri; LAWYER AND COUN. DIOR IN BUSINL2SS, containing plain cv Apple, in'tructione to Everybody for trana actiogtheir areord - mg to law, with le gal f.rini: for drawing the iarintp: necessary pa. pers connected therewith, - together 'With. the lace i.f ali the. States, for Collection of Debts. :Exempt from '.Exectition, Dienfiatiime Li.insr, Execution of, Deeds endMortimirrea. }Sate, of Mar led Wotnen.Dower,Usurv, , y FRANK Camas. Esn, of the Philadel phia % ..r. 34-1 pages, 12mo. Ai rutireiy new work nn trio subject, adapted to. Uo-, .wants of every citizen of the United Sitric.ii Single copies item by mail to any ad " ' re,..eipt of price„ 81,00, or in law style •311:11t at $1..25. • - - i. Agents wanted to estrois for it, with Tib or ,: arrang e rnentr, will be made. Apply 164 .-Arcas 'JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher, ( 17 gangoin S,lrret, Phils4elphis. P It.T RllliT - FOC ET. CON-DETECTOR,_ Poriekting the various kinds of e Gold .and Silver Col= Tr is admitted by everybody to be Opel most pi.rreet thing of its kind, ever offered to the public. It lieu omiti it ran be carried in the pocket iritiki'Ut ainy inconvenience. Every Mer ehat.t, Mer•hanic, and busirseen min shrin tomtit. lar A Warrantee goes with every one acid. Pri-e $l. post paid to any part of the eolmtly. Agents in write county. to whom a bevy • drisci,unt c> given. INLAY 6t BICKNELL, sep:?9s4} Ibo. Phitarrs, Pe. EW GOODS, in coy line of babstnem, "2 every week: ABEL TURRELL T I rtIOGIL4PHS--A NEW SUPPLY, 1.1 D. 114,14 - A. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. LOCATED OVER THE IiUSQUEHANKA VALLEY BADE, BINGHAMTON N. Y. Rooms open fur Instruction from 9 a. tn. to 9:30 P. in. . rACELTY: . D. \V„ LO WELL, Principal, Professor of the Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant. Author of Loi-ell's Treaties nponlilook-livep ing, Magnums illustrating the tame. ions iI ICCABE, Assistant - Prolessor in the Book keeping Department.; A. J. WARNER, Professor of Practical and Or namental Penmanship, Commercial Calcula tions and Corresportnce. LEcrieRETIS: Hon.Pariiel S. ackirson, Lecturer on Commer mai Law and Political Economy. lli z u. Ransom Balcom. Lecturer on Contract% Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev -Dr. E. Andrews; Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. EXAMINING COMMITTEE: Hon. Sherman D. Phelpa, Win. R. Osborn, Esq., Tracy R. 3lorgah. - Esq. - The object of this College Pt - to afford to nil an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. The Books and Forms are carefully arranged by practical accountants expressly for this In. stitution and embrace all the recent improve ments. The course of instruction enmpri4a every department of business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the science and practice,of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz : G e n era l Mer. chandisit,,,. Manufacturing, Banking, Commis: sion, SteaMboaling, Railroading, Forisardin, Freighting.;Foreign Shipping. &e. Ladies Department entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. Students' can enter College at any time and receive individual instruction. By this arrange ment every student is permitted 'to progress as rapidly as hiZ;entirpriso and ability. will per mit, and when through, perfect and complete,' will receive a Ibpiiiina which will enable him I to review at pleasure. Time to complete the course, from Six to Twelve weeks. No vacations. 11 1 ..ard $2,50 per Week. TERMS; For Book-Keeping, full accountant's course, inc:uding Practical • Pent:unship, Commercial Computations and Diploma, crime unlirnit etl,) . - - - • - $35 00. Same course for Ladies (separate apart ment.) 20 00 Penmanship.and Arithmetic, . - 10.t0 Trichers' course in Penmanship, Practi cal and Ornamental, . - - 30 00 Tacelce lessonit in Practical Penman, . :2 00 Ck.casional classes will be formed in Phouograpy.f For lull particulars send fur a circular. . - FRESH AR RIVAL ! . riviic undersigned would respectfully au nounee to the pubqc that be has just re ceived a eupply of among which may . , he bound the•very best of Sugar,- , Molasses; Syrup; Tea, Coffee, acc., at prices to suit the times, for rr.adv pay. Don't tae call at. the. I..a.Ltoent et the 'kVA g r .? 0 NE 110'1 4 1FAI" where your humble servant carries on a general SALOON & GROCERY BUSINESS, and where. the public may always rely upon having their wants attended 1-5 with promptness and fidelity. - 0. M. CRANE., Montrose. April .20th. HEED THIS WARNING ! 10.0100 T FOR BARGAINS! Ne - vCr Groc)c - lis AT HAYDEN BROTHERS' ORIGINAL One Price R...aciy Pay Store, consisting hi Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots ac Shoes, Hats ac Caps, Wall Paper Stone ac Wooden }care, • • - Flow:', .tEel.t, PaintS, OilfytilWill, ace., Watches, Jewelry. Yank re Notions, i( AV' S 0 FND TO THEM.' You will nov find old shelf worn, ototh:es ten. rotten, or r.nt- (style Goods et HATDEIF Bros.' Look out for Id Fogies, and buy your Goods where 3ou eft ,sAvE. 28 PEE CEST. We have a large ettlek of GOODS Purchase' -for CASH`, end will be sold at prices that will frighten the. 'Old Fogy principles. EVEIcY ARTICLE WARRANTED as represented. No charge for showing Goods. HAYDEN BROTHERS. New Milford. Ps, June, 1859. tml fiIaIIIICING FLUID. White and Cod Fiah, 1..) Ladies Kid S S. Boots and more Gaiters from 56 eta. to sl:73—all at - TYLER'B. May I9th 1659. 12 1-2 LBS. OF SUG AR C. TYLER'S f . ar $1,06, at 11. Inne'Rth. 18:i9 3,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER. 70 DIFFERENT STYLES. BORDERING, WINDOW. PAPER &C., &C. A NEW SUPPLY, just arrived. and for lisle A (wr - A. TURAELL • SHOES: ALARGE LOT for men women and ebildien, just received, and for sale at the very low eat rates, by . J. LYONS, & SUN. sepB 110 PERSONS wishing to change their business to a rapidly increasing County, : a New Set tlement where hundreds are going. Where the climate is mild and delightful. See advertise• meat of Hammonton Settlement, another col umn., J. PALMER 4i . CO, MARKET STREET WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. Dealer: in Fisk Cheese arra constantly on band &amendment of Dried and Pickled Fish, cf-c, viz: Mackerel; Shed. Salmon, Blue kiab, Herrifigs, odfieb, •Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders„ Hams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, dre. • 1001 CIRDIII6 --- ; Tsubscriber continues the *boss hirsines. as usual at his old stand In Brookltn Totukfni for Foot •favors he would solicits* share of the pnblie patronage.. A. G. REYNOLDS. Brooklyn, May 23d. 1859.—tf. - ;1111416 4 71 a RRV•I4I, mina 1 hi n ianat, JEWELRYt:: pareboaels- Call cad sea. July 41 WEW 'FIRM* Stour, Sra 47 Vrobision Story, At NIONTUOSE, Pa., (IND door below J. ethridge's Drug Store, lJ on Public Avenue, where will be found constantly on tuuni a general assortment of -GROCERIES: Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee AIM) the choicest brands of F±ViNTILY FLOUR, Meal, Lard, Purk: Ham, Fish, Candles die We solicit a share of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to-do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN & ALLEN. Wu. L. ALLEN ALFRED. BALDWIN WM. B. SIMPSON,' WATCH-REPAIRER, Shop in Boyd , A: Web,ter's new building, nest door above Keeler cf: Stoddard's. • HAVING worked for the past nine years with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the most difficult jobs, on shortnotire. All Work .Warrantrd to Give Satisfaction. N. B. Siatraos has worked for me for some lime And I can recommend him as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work as can be done in the country, and worthy of confidence. Wu. A. CIIAMBEKLIK. Towanda-Juno 10th, 1858 Refers to--Wm. Elwell, E. W. Baird, E. D. ontame, E. 0. Goodrich, Thßinpbury, Towan da; R. S. Bentley, L. Searle, C. D. Lathrop, J. Wittenberg. Montrose. * * *jewelry neatly .repaired on short. notice, and on reasonable terms. [June 15th, 1855.-1. • Tr 'S. Railway or Endless Chain Horse 'rower for One or Two Horses. Changable Thresher and Separa tor and Thresher and Cleaner• ALLICIIFA , TUBED ET • WELLES, BLOOD& CO., Athens, Foist. Mite Improved Emery Horse Pow ers are equal if not superior to any End. less Chain Powers in the world, and warranted greatly superior to the Wheeler Ruck and Pin ion Powers, The Tioga Point Horse Powers are unequaled for convenience by any other—being adapled to a great variety of uses where Power is needed— as five different degrees of motion are obtained without extra - gearing, and also any desirable length and velocity of crank motion for cross cut Sawing, Pumpin,g and Churning! They ran easily, are strong, durable, well finished, and made of good materials. Nint Threshers and'Separators. They are made of various sizes, and are supe rior to any other manufacture—of which fact judgss of such machines will be satisfied upon examination. Tanning Mills Fitted to run by Horse Power, Thresher and Separator,.by Belting from the Power. • Thresher and Cleaner. The Tioga l!eiel. Thresher and Cleaner, and I Erriery's Combincf Thresher and Cleaner: these run easily and thresh and clean fast, without wasting the grain which is cleaned fit for market, I and are warriii, ed to give entire satisfaction. Fur Sate—Tioga P 4.11 Farming *(ills, Par able, Circular and Cres-Cut Saw Mills. Closer Millers, and Farm Grist Mills, all of which are very superior matbines. [':Persons in this and adjoiinng . counties should by all means examine the above mention ed machines before purchasing elsewhere. No one will wish to send-off several "hundred miles for agricultural machines, win.r. IIEfTER MA CHNES are to be had made near at home. Seed for Illustrated and,Priced C..talogues. H. L BLOWERS, agent for Susquehanna county, Post Office,.tilont rose. August. 16th, I 869.—tf. ;A RXI LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles from FPhiladelphia by railroad in the State of !thy; Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural purposes, being a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. Tho land is a large tract. divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settling and building.- The creps.produced are large and - can be seen grow ing. The delightful, and secure from frosts. Terms.from $l5 to 18213 per acre paya ble within four years by installments. To visit the place—Leave Vine Street wharf at Phila delphia at 130, a. m.. by railroad for Hammon ton;or addrellt R.l.Byrnes, by letter. Hammon ton Post Office, Atlantic County New Jersey. See full advertisement in another column. NOTICE. DR. E. PATIR4Ciii, 3R .; would like after a alience of nearly ten years, to appeal to the moral sensibilititis of a very generous pub lic, who have always manifested their sense of appreciation of his usefulness by exacting 'his services when needed or thought to be needed, but 'O'ho have given on other evidence of grati tude or goodswitl—particularly in the way of " substantial-aid" as Kossuth would say—that he now desires a fall and entire settlement of alt his accounts, also the accounts of the lute firm of Patrick & Dimock;. and he wishes further to th.te that he desires nothing to he considered wrong, if, after a few weeks, the said accounts, remising unsettled, sho'd be placed in the hands of a good sharp er, !lector, and made to account to him something that will bur Oats and Buck ;Own!. Please ratite this aril take action occur. , dingly.—Yours Truly, jan?.. E. PATRICK, •JR. DIII GOODS FOR AUTEIIII,---1859. Fli LL stock of SILK GGO6s, Full stock of STAPLE GOODS, Full stock of. FANCY GOODS, Fashionable FALL SHAWLS, CLOTHS. CASSMER ES, V ESTINGS, Blankets, Quilts, Table Linens; etc., etc., ETRE & LANDELL, Fourth ar. Archoas, Philadelphia. N. B—Black Who/carik,at low rates. OT Bargains, Daily, from Nctia York Auctions. Philadelphia, Septemkier Bth, t 853. 3m w MAKE THE OLD THINGS NEW! A NEW ARTICLE for sale in Sus. quehantut County only at the Montrose Book Shire. A Mahogany Cloth, 28, 45 and 48 inches wide,—for Tables, Stands, Bar, Store, and Bar-Counters, Melodeon and Piano Covers. FIGIIRED TABLE LSD STAXXSPEEADS or va• rioua sizes and sty/em, and all ranted to stand the test of of boiling water, hot coffee pot, cam. phene, spirits, &c., ate., and will neither break uor'crack in cold or hot weather. Just the art/- de to make old furniture new. . -A. N. BULLARD Iron - mgeduly 251 b, 1859. a. M. PetteagUl Clo, A diertishis Agents, at 119 Nassawd, 11 New-York, and 10 State-st. Buskin, are agents for The Montrose Demerol, and are au thorized to coLtreet for us at our lowest rates, 7. ALDPES' GA ITEKS....A new Jot st LA 56 4.e ate. by 3. LYONS & SON. • UPERIOR. Ground Coffee in eatia; Codfish &e., for sale by J. LIONS & QALT, by the Barrel. Sad or 'Pound, for ale by EL Sack. ZLD'Et SILN GORATOR,- A.lllOl. 0 rely &sea Gums. and wa a Standard Madwina annwm. bare mad It. =4 nik now re.lo tn. dram. for *Web it ID LIVER IN SEVER IT Id roaapoanded • baabone evaabibhvd and appruved 111 all di oared no with enaddaan• receta It boo faradlutudud. tbduaands vta bad even OP ad Inviud anaalkllc esnlne,ta. ha tuy Tte done gaud W adapted Individual taking and on. act itabuy Ott licoveln. Lot tbe dictates of raw sae of ibe LIVER 11-I aflame LiamiCom tacks, Ilyspepsia, , Summer Coin-I ry, Dropsy, Sour Costiveness, Cliai., raMorbaa,Cholera' lance, Jaundice, ea, and aesl ba used env - ry legally Weds -1 IIEADACHIP., Oa , twontrudautes,i myoontlals bra talc. snac k. A II WAD ISM it art taw War. within the Oat Iwo teen 0 of miter Y the notamotta twitorloortodkoat. to tbs trmiterarnetat of the 1:1 ad 12 sea gou da. ga to joicsisat guide yea Ilk ( the ei VIGOItAIOR, and ti a plaints. lißtous At- 1 4 ,Chroinle Diarrhoea, Ot !plat nits, Dylan es. 0 g Ir, Cholera. Maio. In/anima. Plata. Cr let CO WIC Weakness. 41 'etnattally ea ae Ordlns clue.ltoNear.s CK thalamus& eaus Unary.) In • two or three Tot. 01 ea k st eatamamonooot of MI l oving Ib twoutmooy IS .11017T/I WITH AND •WALLOW ' - nix WATER IN - T} Tun INVIGORATOR, WYTII TOM/TORR. Pr/co One Gongr per some. SANFORD'S • FAMILY - ti CATHARTIC PILLS ,Pa ...r,,,u:.„..F1WM lIV Pure Vegetable Mxt east's. and Flat lalt in CR LILACS CASINO, Air Tight, .adOrli/ beep G. In anyltlimate. re Tbs "'AMID , Ca • • Mettle PITA. bars- • tle but tutee Gather* 3 which Ile proprietor las used la his practice Mom thso tweedy part Tao ossosoter toonosSag Monad from thew eta 1,,,,,,k.„,,, , ~,,otippillf,l,, . . L S and the mitsfactlon whirls all ,sprat retard to their ..1 me. has induced me to pact - l i Mew. ',Oro Pm reach of *IL The o Profnalos mil tom 0 that didersalCathanica art . orwittirent por.ams of ID boae:s. lb. FAMILY CA- TRAKTIC AII. L bau with doe refersone to Ms well established het, .1 m been compoliadel from . moiety of the purest Tore - labia Estracts, which ow - Allis oa every part or ha alimentary canal. and ars spied sod safe Is all saa- es where a fa th om b • seeded, such es De. `f•• 1 raogentents of the St oriole h • t•Prepl. •;j" De no.. Patna In the Bacot and Loin., •-• Coatis . ..era, Palo sn 4 Sovenes• over ' 13 .., Dar Whole body, sodden cold, which fressitatly, If neglected. col a Mot mow of Fe- C" us. Loss of Algot- lib!, a Crceping s em 11l million of Cold over s 1,.. bndy, Restless. " two.. I _ ll .••dach.. . or eight int he head, a) all l ac n• in watery 4 1„ warm. In ` . 4- Children or Adolf Is, Rheumatism, a Frost - Fos-ides of the Illooal ~,,,, rot many ft. .sea to which - •-• Seshr is hair. too no Idp to mention to USA adrernsa• cr. meal. Dose. I all. • Co PIIICIC Titßefit ormica % . _ td. The Liver Invigorator and Pa nn sy sa- ', Mortis Pills are retailed by Drusalsts penerapy, owl „:_, *old wholesale by the Trade In all Ma large town. .-et . T. W. SANFORD, M. D., • Illimafarturer and Proprietor, ay, New York.. 335 Broads, 7,4ltiu Agticraturat s.;tuttnitnt, TO ALL WANTING FARMS, A Rare Opportunity in a Delightful and Healthy Climate 2.5 ]liter Southeast of Philadelphia, on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, /FEW JERSEY. -N old-estate consisting of se - teral s thousands of acres of productive soil has.„been dit Ida into Farms of varicittesizes to suit the purchaser. A population of some Fifteen Hundred, from va rious pails of the middle States and New Eng land have settled there the pact year, improved their plaCesoand raised crops. The price of land is at the low sum of from WS to $l l .O per acre, the sod is of the best quality tor the production of Wheat, Corn, Peache.,.Grapes and Vegeta bles. IT IS 113NS1DERED THE BEST FRUIT . SOIL IN THE UNION. The place is perfectly aecure from frosts—the destructive enemy of the. farmer. Crops of grain, grass and fruit are now growing and can be seen. By ex alting the place itself, a correct judgement can be formed of the productiveness of the land. The terms are made easy to secure the rapid im provement of the land, which is only sold for actual improvement. The result has been, that within the past year, some three hundred houses have been erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty vinyards and peach orchards, planted, and a large number of other improve ments, making it a desirable and active place of business. ' THE MARKET, as'the reader may perceive trom its location, is the IE4T I 4 THE UNION. Produce • , 'tiny( double the price than In lo eatioret or -toile the city, and more than don bfe the price in the West. It is known that the earliest anti best fruit and veg,etables in this latitude come from New Jersey, and are annual ly exported to the extent of millnins. In locating here the settler has many advati. tam. He is within a few hours' ride of the great cities of New England and Middle States. he is near his old Rends and associations, he is in a settled country where every improvement of .comfort and civilization is at hand. He can buy every article - he wants at the cheapest price, and sell his pro uce for the highest, (in the West t this is tree ~t) he has schools for his children, divine semi . and and will 'enjoy an open winter, and delightfUl climate. where fevers are utterly unknown. The result of the change upon those froukthe DOth, NIS generally been to restore them to an excellent state of health. In the way of building and improving, lumber can he obtained at the mills at the rate of 81u to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened in the place, every article can be procured in the place, good carpenters are at hand, and there is DO price in the Union where buildings and improvements can be made cheaper. The reader will at once be struck with 'the advantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before. The reason is, it was never thrown in the market; and unless these 'statements were correct, no -one would be invited to examine the land be. fore purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see land under cultivation, such is the extent of the settlement that they will no doubt, meet persons from their own neighbor. hood : they will witutss the improvement and can judge the character of the population.. if they come with a view to settle, they should .come prepared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held once falai. . There are two daily trains to Philadelphia .and to all settlers who improve, THE RAILROAD COMPANY - .11:ES A FREE TWEET roil SIX INORTHs, AND A HALF-IMPCE TICKET FOR THREE YEARS. THE TOWN OF HAM SIoNToN. In connection with the agricultural settlement., a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, ichilt presents inducements for any kind of 64.4- ks Tress. particularly stores and n( anufaritories. The Shoe business could be carrie on in this place and market tergrad advantage, also cotton busi. nesa,-ind enennfattories of agriculluaal imple ments or Foundries for casting small articles. The improvement lass been so rapid as to insure a constant and pefmanent increase of business. Town,lota of a good size, wj do not sell small ones, .as it would effect the improvement of the place, can be had at from $lOO and upwards: The Hammonton Farmer, .a motltbly literary and agricultural sheet, containing full informs'. tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable—warts ntee deeds given, dear of lit it:cumbrance when money is paid. Route to the tat& Leave Vine street wharf. Philadelphia, for Hammonton by Railroad,'at 7:30, a. m., or 4:30, p. m, fire 90 emits., When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conven iences on hand. Parties had better stop with Mr. Byrnes, a principal, until they have decided as to purchasing, as be will show them over the land in his carriage, free of expense. Letters and - appliottibas can be addressed to Landis & Byrnes, Hammonton P. G, Atlantic Co., New Jersey, or S. B. (oughlie, 204 South Fifth Streets, Philadelphi a . Maps and information cheerfully foroi!al . ' aug. 11, 6 tn. , Fff subscriber having purchased F-111: - refitted and newly furnished the ij above well known and o °polar Hotel, prepared tor accommodate the tray eling public Ilia others with all the attentions and convenienpa "suety found in first-class Houses. No.elfeet will be spared by the Pra prietor and his Assistants to make the. Hotel equal in every point to any in the country, The 'Batd will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stelekan, convected with this Hones are large, may'. and convenient., and careful and attentive Hoeck- , tareslways in charge of them. . J. S. TARE LL. Montrose, Mayl Jib, 1868. Ffreah ground. Mu/asses andSu l' gam cheap. Just received and fot We by July 2114.1 J. LYONS de. SON. R. KENYON JR,. & CO. woup respectfully the insrtion t au a y Z ort z of DRY GOODS this day received. consisting in part pfas follows: Rich Black Moire Antique Silk Ms. per card; Foulard Silk, nice style, 6s. per yard; Rich Plaid Silk, the very neatest pattel43, Black Silk. 28 inches wide, from 7s. to 12i. per yarCaplendid Black Silk Shawls from e 8 to 811, the finest assortment in Suaq'a Co.; nes invoice of Ginghams, at very IoW prices; also of Calicoes; large stock of Denims, Mixtures, Plaids, and Lawns; Printed Shawls from 7s. to 85; Brocha Shawls from .5 to $25; Collars from cts. to 20a.; Parasols from Ba. to 245. each; Bonnet, a large stock; Ribbons,and Flowerw, also a new invoice of Gents Shoes—Congress, Enamelled and Calf Skin; Ladies Congress Gai ters, Kirl-siad Enameled; Misses Calf and Exam. ailed Boots; Children Pat odl Boots, Gaiters and everything in -that sine. They would also call attention to the fact that having an arrangement with one of the largest Importing Houses in New York they will receive regularly New Styles as fast as they appear in New York,and will take the greatest pains to please all who call and see and wish to purchase. Particular attention paid to procuring fine goods—in every style.. • ri5333.41.13. A new lot this day ieeeived, and would re spectfully solicit an examination of the same. Good Toa at 35., city prices, also at 4a. be. 60. Be. .5:13 G XIV& COFFEE...Java, Rio and Ground Coffee. SA LEILATIM-4ames Pyle'a,ljahbitt's Med icinal, and Fazelsior, &c. NAILS, and also a new Mock of WALL PAPER and WIN DOW PA PLlV,this day received. FA KM. ENG TOOLS of the moat approved patterns. Cr0c335.02.3r, Gold Band, Shaded, Blue Band, and all the new !Wee, as fast as they appear in New York. From, constantly on hand. SALT by the hnrrel oz. sack. PATENT MEDICINES, GLASS, and everythinv else vat] want. _ _ R. KENYON JR. & CO Lawsville Centrt., June Bth, 1859 PI.MDAZEGION7.A.M.a. G. F. FORDUAYI HAS removed his shop acros, the street, to the building one door below Keeler Sr Stoddard's, which he has fitted up expressly for a Saddle. Harness and Trunk Shop where may be found ail hinds of ME2I.I4.IVMOSIIIEII 9 from.the heaviest team, to theArghtest trotting harneaß, and a general ssaerment of trimmings, which'will be made up or sold' very low. Carriage Trimmiags: A good arsortment no hand, which will be sold very low ; all trimming done clistipar than else- OAK LEATHER on hand. from whiih harnesses will be made and N2wira,r'ra,xutecl. ►.► Customers will please bear in mind that I wish to settle up once a year. Those having unsettled accounts, or notes doe, will oblige by settling or making payment without further delay. G. F. FORDHAM, Feb. 4th, 1859.1 Montrose, Pa. Mme`'j .E.4.L...! ZCOBB would respectfully announce to the . public that he. may still be found at the -Old stand, fully prepared to attend to the wants of the community. He will keep on hand agood stock of Grricxoorlesis SVr; ARS, TEAS, COFFEE. STICE<FRI.7II, FLOOR and SALT (bv the sack or barrel, ) Ftsn, and all articles found in First Clcss Groceries. Ile would p.trticularly call the s attentiun of Farmers and others to the fact that lie is rotoitantly receiving fresh supplies of FIRST' RATE FLOUR,, also good and medium qualities, which will br sold EIGHT, tor ready pay, in quantities' to snit the pu•chaser. trash paid for Pelts, Deacon, and Veal skins. AN IMMENSE QUANTITY OF I'Jew Go oast AT THE geabß-Vag *tore, • This Week. Please, call and see 'eta. Sept. 22. 1859. , IL C. TYLER DISSOLUTION. rrtllE firm of S. H. SAYRS & BROS. is this day diasolved by mutual consent, D. Sayro withdrawing from the firm. The bnainess will tie carried onas heretofore under the name and style of S. H. Sayre & Bro. The notes and accounts will be in the hands of D. Sayre for settlement. All-indebted to the firm will please give it their immediate attention, as all the ac counts must be settled. S. ff. SAYRE & BRQS Bfontroan, Sept. 15t,.1 859. KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montiose, -Penn. NATIVLALTON, Proprietor. Tills new and commodious Hotel situated on Public Avenue, near the Court House,and nearly in the centre of the hominess portion of Montrose, ia now fu - ly completed and furnished, and will be opened on Monday. the 27th day, of the present month for the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that he is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fait to give , Complete SatistOction. The . , Hotel and Furniture are new, end no ex pense has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of .the State. It is well supplied with all the recent improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of customers. The htgble connPeteKl with this tiease are New mid Convenient. The Pr"prietor rerpeettaltj solicits toe patron age of his old friendr, and the publid gene rally. W 51. K. IiATCIL Montrose, flrptetnber Ulat., 1858. Malt I Aalt I 1 KOMI W. EIZEfI, WHOLESALE, %ALT "DEALER 201 Washington-et, (Directly opposito Washington Market,) "E"carix., QTILL tX:INTINUEB to offer to the city and' I•COUNIRY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine Satz, at the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags. consisting in part of Ash ton's (celebrated brand for table and dairy use; Jeffrey di Damp, Marshall's, ,Brownlow'a, and 30000 bushels Turks Island, Bonares, Cs racoa,St.l bee, Lisbon, Cadiz, Isles, Nantes, all of which will be sold silsargain prices from vessels, store and storehouse& Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find It to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags eir different sizes, and constantly on hand in shirk ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock -Ground ult, In quart boxes, put up and for uls by the quantity. in weed Ere dozen each. New York, April let, 1859.-10 • Dr,. Coggswell's 11111-PIROGISTIC SKIS' a sure core for INFIAMIATOM Diseesen o all indr. for nal* by Mir& TURAELL. Montn'oe, Jane TJd, 11559.. ►rEE'I3I.—.CIDSI AND PLAIN TEETH, -L. for rale by ABEL Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we bevels- El bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be nada. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other .4 substances of st il l greater alterative power as e to afford an affective anti late for the diseases To Sersapcinfla is reputed to Lure It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Sunman/ complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove 73 of immense service to this large chits of our v of acted fellow-caireaut how completely this compound will do it has been proven by caper- 17 inert on many of the worst wises to be found .2 of the following complaints:— Ewa wets A 417 COPULOC4 etAIPT Esurrions AND Miter:vs Distills". trellis. 1: Plurtart, Starcurs, (lemons, Sum B.nauet, ,v; SCALD limo. firrunis AND Svenurric Ar IC - CTIU 49, hIRILLI. "UAL DLICA/18 LIM; Nan a. LOU Oa Tic DOULOVIIPUX, Dattttarr, Des -1121411.11 AND I:tntOeATiox, EaYstreLAi, Rana .• on Sr ' s rtaa, and indeed the hole class of complaints arising from Imet airy or VIC BIJXIIII This compound will le found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to ' expel the foul humors which foster in the R . blood at that season of the year . By the time • ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders '- are nipped in the bud. Slulttnides can,by the aid of this remedy , spare tiamsehres rom the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous ; scree, through which the western will strive to F. rid itself of corrupttomi if not eon sfrd to do this through the natural channels of the body by rut alterative medicine. (lconso out the p vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, a or sores; cleanse it when you fi nd is ` .2 structed and sluggish in the veins , cleanse whenever it is foul, and your ftaings will tell You when. Even where no particular disorder i t s felt, people cot bett rle Iltli ai el _- longer, fur cleansing the blood Keep the blood healthy, and all is well but with this f 5 pabulum of life de-ordered. there can be no lasting health. Sooner or Inter something must go onion . and the great machinery of lefs is diaor lercal or overthrown , Sarsaparilla has , and d servcs moth the reputation, sec implistnit, those ends_l3l t the world has been egreg sh• de tire Ibe preparation ia of it, partly because the drug alone has nut all the virtue that is claimed r, fqr it, but more because mnny preparations, •••• pretending to be conecntratcei 'era to 41 it, 0 contain but little of the virtue of 'l.ll arffla, 7, r any thing else . ]hiring late years th e public have been ruts led be lar,:m bottle" petcmtint to gives (Wart C..) of Extract of Sarsaparilla rtiLd dollar Shot of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little. if any, arsnpa villa, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter an ,1 painful ihsappouttment has followed the use of the Nl4l - IQIIS extracts of Sarsaparilla which tltt d the market, until the name itself is justly dc9nsed and has beetme synonymous with impos non and cheat. Still t we call this ei mi out aneu•irtlla end intend Z to sum Iv bitch a remedy as Ann restue the name from the load c.f eblcyes which rests i t upon it. And lie think we have ground for , n believing it has virtues which are Irresistible t o by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend - ed to cure. In order to secure their complete 4:l i . eradication fimm the In stem tl Ortilledt should w be judiciously taken according to dont-sons on f; the bottle. 4 "vermin) , 114 DR. J. C. AYEIt & CO. MASS. Price, $1 per Liottle i file Bottler for $B. II Ayr's Cherry Pectoral, a . has nun for itself such ■ renown for the cure of , every vanety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the .8 ev;dence of its virtues, nherever it has tee* em pios ^d. As it has long:been in constant use .4 throughout this section, tee need not do more than m assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it mar be relied On to if do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. 0 .flyer's Cathartic Pills, FOll TI eartz r ..?,reoett, Jitoudiee,, Dysrpoio, rodUtett ion, Pys.mtery, Foul ti , nosortt, Erysipelas; /Lierd.reite, i lihrumatiem, rroit•oos and IhJeases,. L,e.r Complaint, liropy, Teller, Tomm's and 4 Solt Rhi um, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as Dinner Pi!!, nod far Porifgdno the. flood. n They are suttai-Co.:ted, to d • tie most teteti. tice eon take them plessaativ. end they are the .0 " hest aperient in the word /or all the purposes of a . family physic. • Pries 25 mots per 20%; rive boxeo for $l.OO, T. Great numberso....tergyruen. ziCStC:3lll,..,tatcs men, and eminent personages, flare lent their names to certify the tuipsralltled usefulness of these Cr; remedies, but our space here will rot permit the insertion of them. The Agents telow named fur nishgratisourAntetuCAN ALMM , A , in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above a. complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. • ' Po not be .put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profrt on. Demand ATEWS. and, 'take no others. The sick a , want the brit aid there islor them, and they should 'hare it. .0 All or 'Remedies are for 910 by A. Tony.Ert., Sloop'one; A. P, Ntit.t.ta, & Co., - - - SALAYANDEEt Stfes.—EVAlta & Watson, NO. 36 south fourth i • _-.,... , oreet, Philadelphia, have now on ~ , hand a large as.ortment of -Fire ' '-' - '---1 and , Thief-proof Safes. Also Iron doors for banks. stores, Iron • shutters. Iron Rash, all, makes of Locks, equal to any in the United states. Fire Safes in ore;l'ire. Ali come out Right 'uiith eAntents in good condition. TUE SALAMANDER SAFES OF POILADICLPEITA AGAINST THE WORLD. EVANS & WATSON, Have had the surest demonstration in the following certificate that their manu s factore of :salamander Safeshas at length folly warranted the repreeentationii which- hare been made of them as rendering 'an undoubted security against the terrific eieniefit t - Philadelphia, Aprll 12th, UM. Me•ara, EVANS & WATEON.—Gocitternera: It drools us the higheet satisfaction to mate to : au, that owing to the vein protective qualities of two of the fSalamathier Safes which we purchased of you( some mhuths since, we saved a large portion of our jewelry,and all our hook., papers, dm., exposed to the calamitous fire In Ranatead Place, on the ineiroing of the 11th inst. When we reflect that these Safes were located in the fourth story of the building-we occupied, and that they suhsequentiy fell into a heap of burning mina, where the vast concentration of heat' caused the hriss plates to melt, we can ti..t but regard the preservation of their valuable contentems most convincing proat of the great security afforded by your Safes: • - We shall take niech pleasure in recommend ing them to men of business - as a sure reliance against fire. GEORGE W. SIMMONS & DRO., Jewelers. Who have purchased six large Safes since. April 28. A CARD. Giasom, Nov. 52d, 1858. WHEREASthere have been some statements made by me against REBECCA A. KELLEY, and whereas said R. A. Kelley has commenced a suit against ,me in the common pleas of Sus• quebanna county for Creamss on the ease, now fur the sake of a-settlement of said •suit and palm and quietness I busk. the following ac. knowledgmenta: first I regret that I ever said anything about said Kelley, and at this lime withdraw all charges against her that I have made sod do not believe her at this time to-he ouch a girl. • 1). F. BRUN D AG& THE HAMMONTOItt FARMER news news paper devoted to Literature and Agricul ture, also setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of Hammonton, in Now Jersey, can be sub••crlbed for at only 26 cents per annum. Inclose postage stamrs for the amount. Ad dress editor of Farmer .Hammonton, P. 0. At. lantie Co.. New Jersey.' Those wishing cheap land, of the best gnalit7 in one of the healthiest and incst delightful climates in the Union, and where crops ere never cal.down by the frosts, the terrible scourge of the north, see advertise ment of Hammonton, Lodi: PERBONB • wanting , cheap of climate for health. Bee advertleemeet of Eauuneatea *pads, spotter eoleout. ' A. efiZAp and easy reaped" fi,r,tho Piles sod A Corn. Tel it. Also Sievert, Rat /end Mice Extanskoser, sold by J. LYONS 4 SON. SUMIXIER NEW RAILROAD ROUTP.— DELt.WARE, LACKAWANNA di WESTERN ROAD. New 'sun expeditiOus broid page route from the Nort and West, via . Great Rend! MI Scranton, and from the 'Lackawanna and Wyoming valley., through to New York and Philadelphia. . On sod after Monday, April 11th, _1659, trains will bevtin as folloirs: The eineinnitii Ex. Train oound east on N. ii 4 Erie E. R. sirivea at Great Bend at 8. 10 a. in. and connects with the-EXPRESS Train winch leaves Great Bed(' fur t , i ew York and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m{ Due at llontro'se, 8.46 " Tunkhannock, 9.24 " : . Facturyville, 9.48 " . Scranton, 10 35 " Moscow-, 31.22 " -Stroudsburg, • 1.26 p. m. Water Gap, 1.89 " • Delaware,(ls minutest° dinr,)2 04 " Bridgeville, • _ 2:35 " Junction, 8 .25 .. New York, ' 1.1.5 " ' Philadelphia, _ 8.16 " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier No i. 2 North River, at '1.30 a. to. Prom - Philadelphia,leave Walnut St, Wharlvat 6:00 " Leave junction, . 10.50 ` 1 Due atßridgeville,ll.3l " Delaware, (16 min , . to dinner), 11.62 - " Water Gap, 12.29 p. in. • Stroudsburg, . 1241 -" Moscow, - 2.26 " Scranton, , 3.10' " a Pactoryville, •! , 'A 58 Tunkhannock, . 4.15 " Montrose, 4:53 " Great Pend. ' 6.25 " Connecting - at Great Bend with the Mail Trail), tvest,-at Aceii tam oda t i o n Train leaves Ecru- ton for Great Bend at 'B.lO a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, )2.40 p. w. Connecting with the Dunkirk &Tres west At 1 10. the Emigrant Train west at 1.63, and, the N. Y. Expremi, ma, at 1 SF, p. m. - Returning, !envoi Great Bend at 2.00 p. m. Doe at Scranton, 6.15 •, For the accommodation of 'way travel on the Southern Diviaion, a passenger car will be at tached to the .E.S;prepa Freight Trains, leaving- Scrantoa, at 4.00 a. m. 4 4 Doe at Stroudsburg at 10.05 " - Junction at - - , 220 p. m. Returning, wilt grave Junction at 330 a.m. Due at iitroudsbutg at 105 •' Scranton at 2.30 p. Passengers to and from New York change cars at Junction—to and from Philadelphia st - For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,„ take L. & B. R. R., ears at Scranton, For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take the Stages at Scranton. , Tickets sold, and baggage checked sit - rough. , . JOIIN BR ISBIN, Supt. Wit. N. JENIS Gen'l Tirket Agent Scranton. April 6th. 1859. tom-A Book fbr Everybody. .&.1 STARTLING. DISCLOSURES -11,11 t. TELLER'S grill! 1/ work for the Married or thoY' contemplating mar riage - r 2 0 0 Pikes full of Pleitt3sit, 'rice 2A cents—sent to all -ts under seal, by mil, IST • ?AID. 50.000 r, op. sold the lust ;mar. 11,e it Ie marriebind the mar. rd happy. A Lecture on 3e a partner; a complete eontains hundreds of se crets never before published—warranted to be worth three times the amount asked for it. :Beta in specie or postaee stamps. rnetosed, will secure a copy by return mail. Address J. 1 FILLER, M. D. . 5 rt, AiLaic, N. V. Ire" VF.4IALE PILLS. $1 a b.:l, with full directions. Married 'idles should use them.—Sent by mail. In all cases of nervous and spinal affection,pain in the hnek and limbs. faiig.tie on slight exertien. palpitation of heart. hysterics and whites. these pills will erect a cure when all other moans have failed; slid altho' a powerful remedy, do not ei . .n• Min iron, calomel. antimony, or miethint , har fui to'the constitution. Address - DR. TELLE R as: above. fehrin• THE SECRET INFUEOI=9 OF YOUTH AND malty =TY Izet Published Gratis, the 23th Thousand. an . , A PEIN Word, on _the Ratior.r.! . Treatment without ill2d6•i r. of Spermatorrhea nr ' Local Wet: neat', Noetutnal Ernisaierie, Genital and Ni-c.‘o , Debility, Premature Deray aC the ti),tem, tency and !mpetiirnenttnNLlrriage gcricral,) SY B. BE LAKES. M. I) The important tel that the many ainnni complaints, originating in the kmpraderw , solitude of youth. may be easily removed w:tii OIIT MEDICINE, is in this Mall tract, clearly tie monstrated; and the entirely nee- and it 'successful treatment, as adopted by the Ao' , ..r. fully explained, by means•of which every enabled to cure HIMSELF pettedly and phs4hle -cost, thereby avnialpg all the &.1 verttsed nostrums of the du*. - Sent to any address, !galls sod post free ;la sealed envelope, by remittine; (post 'paid postage stamp' to Dr, B. DE LANEY. SR tst Street, New York City, tfrllrqp. • HOWARD ASSOCtitTION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent InAtitutton established Lv tPe' dal Endowment. for • the Relief of the ,S;et. and Distressed, afflicted with... Virulent and Epidemic: I)is'eases, and especially for Ile 'Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs, EDICAL ADVlCEgiven gratis, by t•.e al Acting Surgeon, le all whr, apply by true:. with a description of their condition.. (age..ccu. tuition, habits of life. dcc.,) and in case , vl cs trope povertv-medicines fiunished free of e hATe. Valuable Reports on Sprimatorrlima, end nth. or Diseases of the Sexual Organs, sent the at. llkted in nenitd letter envelopes, free 01 ch-rz, Address, Dr. 1. Skillin I lonehton, Act S Kenn, Howard Ansocintion, hn. 1 2 Son Lk 9th-s' Phitad a, PB. By ordpiof the Directors. i..,•1, MARRIAGE GUIDE A NEW BOOK, BY WILLIAM YOUNG, M. 'l ho luvret clue to courp,hip !me & marriage: with the disease to youth. majority Bodo d 3f. ‘ being lights end shades of twee: •ot's„,;" life, its joys and eorrow , i, hn r 5 fears and disappoinunkas IA IC married people, or those contemplating ineris and having the kart impediment to murned read this book. Let. every young man and ico,, in }he Istut read this hook. It is full of Cyr and distilosee secrets th;itevery one shouhd a little knowledge at find may save trouble in after life. Sond for a copv,lG . 25cta— to Dlt. Wm. YS 416 Spruce-M. P.1"1 -----"grlas 0 ez. \OLD' DOCT. MAWS 1100k e and Feat diem 6 fl : uit direct leo,,,'Ar IMO hut. India JS b rn out;s• ,Oie Certain cure of anneal: evert ,. hurt 3,,tax (SFr b,C OII O I I en WS ttitirl i ver c„mplAini•i:N"' actnfuia, Carieer•Ci,O t ter...:l e tum ptaintS, and urinary drpookits rr of lanatnned with he'u n „." A' nu purpoee of and elfgravings.A °r Leto „, p os .,b'c many eufferingicill::,l,l7eeo t to tt ,„ p at! , premature death. "h a. lip,A , f!i , the continent. for B roadway New y„,k r ;s 4 , 4 7 2 A Y i iii i r, A tall, 14 11 2 4m b t; i r s c , Lir 11 1 ,28 Ti PER ewiahingto establish Mshul,e-- a new and thriving Pie' bun r in traaa la gond. See sui.ertiiren..ut thr irrinnownti Settlement. Busirichs and Factothvi can 11 ? Op PYl46!lblY•nt 11*mm/own See SA 44/Ennt 41f tinnuninniton Land* GRAPE GROWERS can carry on ier,t,r slims Limit successfully at Read advertisement of ligurvonton 401