The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 17, 1859, Image 3
i t,-Tr See n•icerils ,, ment of 1)r Sanfere's Licot i r eizorsti,r •• Cathartre . Yillh in annt.l, , •r col qinn.. seri ly • of Lrctitres..—Thi ft/111114-113g, nan l,l : v. ;;1!3V• Ind'ore for •••You;,;.; AZ..3Ut ritac".•.uf —• . Lev. I). it• 'A Ora rn, Rev. T r. 1511. cm is ER:, Ite,tou. Mass., Pee. 26th. line.tcg N, City„ 4... rar Other% rtmain yet to be heard from, ' A. N. 111.71.1ARD, Pre:Up t. G. W. TYLER. So-r,tary. [eov e *eh of si r.hip.. in Lowull & Warner' , Com • nlendat:Coliego„ at I3inohamini., and In the Iron Cit Cotteze. sold a! lids i•frier. At a ,lisconnt. 1:1 - trb En 7 of us and from $5 to $l5! _ 4 ..utlice.—J. 11. Jt.Couum. 1 , Montr,:e, i3rlicerxthe''third lecture before paroek High ._!;ello+,1 Literary As...ciation, in Academy • Hall..Tnestidy eve. Pte 4:4It4P,XUa Nov. )0111. he lirt. G. H. iliake*leo, Mr. 11. M.. 4 4+,.nr. piineipal of th« fi;Erlod; Iliyh Moo) ; to Nii,s 0. E. of Dirn‘,ck. In Lerlynnl. N,AI Lord,,n e,ountf, Conn., Cul Morgan-:,..,_n 5(1 veanC BILLINGS STROUD, VIRE and LIFE- INSURANCE AGENT,-- Montrcuse, Pa. TESTEVONIAIs;- W. 1.:, the undersigned, eertity Ora we were ir.sured in Fire Insurance rompanies represented 11; Mr. Billings .:Itroud, of Nlontrose, and that, having.Jsuffered lo,s by fire while so insured, we were:severally paid by Quid companies to the full extetit of eau elairris; and have eonfide nee in him as a.good and etreetive , a,7eut. 3.0%. R. DE.WiT - r„ f ZIP RON roan, 1.1:411nor•& DEWITT% H. J. %Virus; F.I. CiIASDLER, 6 J. I.,yoPc &Sox, - BEier. GLIDDEN. LEONARD SEAT. LE Montrcqe., Ps...Ectromber 14th, 1359. '{ADJOURNED which "war. adi rri;? ed to take place on the th 2 Ls been adjourned until the 2lst. ins —Monday uS'fir,t.week of Cotirt.. .IAMES,O-f EN. Etidgew.ter, Nov. I.7th, 1:459:1W - , iW-AN RYE AND OJT Ss r i ll-IFI biihest market price wilflie paid by the _L sub:writer. in CASH, for aayAoatttity of . Ble atid o.a. Is delivor. c-,d at the 'Moot:road Depot. 31oney wig Cc, left with B. CASt, the ' Freight agar, to pay for the g.rtdri deliler.- WM. ti. KEELER: lilltroie, Dept. Nov. 17th,.tr. f 0,19 LIST OF LETTERS D ACONG the Post 05ce at Montrose .1 - 1, Fa.. Nov. lath. 1859. I, vi Rlack, Mrs. Sarah Brown, Albert Bushnell, i-s Marzaret Brady, Miss Letitia Buckman. IV:.ntin H. ertythrrl. S. P. Chase, 3, Mrs. Es Cleveland, Joel Cozswell, Miss H. J. Cory. - !•";•-•: itschei Dcnn, Mi.,. Julia Dmlia FiCri, D. Ferris: • - r c unn P Denj Csa4acr T. larrinee. Mrs. Augusta Leach Liryz., Mrs. !4 . A.A. R.-c. T. A. Mills. John Mac airs, Mitss.Eiiea Meaaa, (star D. -Mare% Al . D. D. Ttr , & -, er, Mrs. A. W. ite>, Mii-e S. NV Stiere. - orea, Mre Ctr-kr4.-e Sarlinx, S. -E. .F . ,..:,rzer , t. 2. 1 - 4.l r unorde . l. tr 31iuerra Whitrnird. fortipt ah,•re please .say J. WI:RB. P. M. S. H. Sop-o &Brother, ay N 'CA CT ( . .7R fr: R Sz,fri cror inot., of nti kinds, 'Tin and •r: Ag,iyultarzf Inipleiments, and rfr. - 1•3 Dry Giiodt‘ Grocer:re, Crockery, &t. NOTICE TO. .BUILDrOS I'fiftPOSALS a Brick fi,.rough Latin's ! , for the in iz..a,t't phice the tiriit day of Dee,ener next.— "Th ; n snott.:6,ll:mii fig tit c tri .as Lilo 'i t ilfice of tYrri & l4rm U. Jesup, • ; an. to be directed to Wm 11.4eis • the buiidioz committee. ENJA MIN S. BENTLEY, Csai-mait of Burldirsz St We .1.E.: , , z1;.1", Si Ntrt 4 gtrY• Pa. Nov,mbor .96,1859,3 w THE GLOBE• The Official " Payer of Co,ngreas. pilbj‘b now my ' annual - Prospeetus of the Globe. and the Congressional Globe and to reniutd-eab , --eribers, and infiirm all desire to subserilte, that as Congress the firi..slond.aV of D.-et:caber, 1 shall publit,hfng the :iboro named ",.• They hare'been published so long, that -• men know their rharseter,nlnl there - I -teem it needless to give a minute 'aeioant ` - `l,- kind 1 , 4 a -tatter they sriWc6nrain. Dai!r Globe Wilt contain a report - of the - - ves in both branches of Congress at taken reporters, equal, if not superior to any Mlud - writers,.in this, or any other country .olty of them will, each, be abie to report m. 10.000 hour, - while the aver ;--- spokea.%by - Ghent) speakers rarely 7.500, When ,the de'batea of . ,a day do. inc,re , than -45 columns, they appear Globe of the nertsmorninz, which , ontailithe news of the day. and iditerinla event k ... , . ;., cut.gtesattal Globe' and Appendix *till -,17, all the .debates-in Congress, revised by 1 , FEr.iters„the Messages of the President;the ..1.•• of the Department*. the Laws passed I to be printed on a Inyal ',beet, in hook form, royal quarto.; 4 e it number enntainiu,s sixteen pages. The . 1 ! itttake 3.800 or 3.91)0 pages, the long' waiting that nateber ; the,nex „„ *ong One: ••;;"4,E !1 : 1 session will-be en unusually in. I candidates fur Presidot will mil),,- end, thriref , wrr., the .end tly on such pelitieatgne:i• thy. finer:Vs - public ?pin ion on the ,e bir be wilt be - the only - pa - 4 Ch lrre4Ritielit (.r • _ be,l4'btailaeL' thro - no, anu 4ppeodix as - - , NN—Daily Globe (Intirnaiv,l9. Congresl Globe tke .. ""ion, - $5 T - - ndix. • • eopteq . 10 ~.4 n plid•to aPArdel: I 11. th e , - .n.n.ess ancom. - ' eurrttt,ia the tf-sitiot., taken - " Pre `" e ' Ems eurrrhi ,„ ''...obtage stamps j oifx r. i ii 4 . 4 *. ' -' F.tvld or it I)ington. mr. 3231E1.21. - AFt.t r *P r i"- - r 6 jubt receiving* lois sock,of NAWsistoves inutuding alai) sussortniont of . , - - - I Cooking, Par/or. .office,netud 814 , 0nFes, 'for . Wood or Coed. rte More Tubes, tee: ,111! , z ~ , . 1 His sssortnient 'rill include kits az,t sekoAtisaid , ND ill till' ' Al "' 15:7'' Pipe. ... 21 s' ' ' - . ....._ , I dositsbir siores in ounitet, 'sod Ind tio mai iit. l - p -- ' l-) C51: 2 1. Ari r aijr.j4o.. 1 - - 4 1 Reined Prietts,r Cash or Pl_rasspt47%.: ie; voc.iimiri,e c i olli:ri rer ante i U.. t.'l .-.1!1"l e Miff d, ° ,11 . 5 . W Ist ' 1869. ' \LO v vi9tRANT for -160 sires. For ustEgjoa Ground Coffs• Le egtAmC°4llll' ~ ~ vriquir« 4. 4.4.Grrrittioli et die °Two • - ac e , - -c or s a ii,l4 " ..4. LYONS& 'SOX - , , ~ • • kr,L . ../ ,,, i, Di tativrit or dine or Wrest' , -.. , „Lz• %.ntri..i...•,, a ' ' ..- IRA COLE. -.i SALT, b, thoo, 4amit, , &et or Pound, 4 t , 1 • zgu...ft 25'1. Q -74'a—it tee* ABEL W. [ , • • . • •". :,11 , NO . 'a . 12.1 r ~7"4 ,* .- : P. ; • LENGTiI STEEL 'ES:GRA:VII'2GS 12 of 1% , ASII I NGTON - and EV4ItETT, ludo. ding a viow of Mount Vernon, in the engraving of Waabinton. These splendid engravings are from original paistings by nicks, and are earn. red on steel in 'the highest style of art. Size, Sz3s inches, or six -square feet, each. Many inferior pictures are palmed off upon the public, Qs works of art, but we paid the first. artists a high price to produce firat.rate pictures. , The N. Y. Observer soya : "these eugraving: , are genuine works of art—the likenesses are ad mirable. Mr. Everett's portrait takes precedent , • . I " The Christian'Advoeste says: 0 they are among the finext engrat'or- we have ever seen, and the tehlishe'rs are rexpon , ibre for their premixes. Tra'altp., aknoat gr.ti‹. Nat pa'd, in rollers either regrowing and a $3 magazioo,-1 year, $3 Bah " .. '4 Agents remiting $3O at once, 2 extra copies. Maeszince are Harper, Knickerbocker, ('rodeo, Mantle. Blackwood, We pay the money to the publishers, who mail the Magazines. Cost of en ratingsis paid by difference between whale and regular price of Magazines.' Pictures sent at once; please state when you prefer auk flag. to begin.. Money at our risk upon proof it was mailed. First pictures beat, so send early. to 0. H. BAILEY & CO., oil Xtlp) 643 Broadway New York.- NEW GOODS. HE subscrthergi have .this day returned from 1. Nog York with a large udditinn to their stoek•of WA'ItliES, JEWELRY, and FAN CY GOODS; our purchases being made ex clusively for east; we are enabled to offer our customers great bargains. We take great pains in selecting such Goods as the market requires and will sell them at prices that cannot fail to le satisfactory, EVAN S & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellows Hall. Binghamton, November sth, 1859. "( 1 7[TATCHES—.-A large stock of gold and sil ver Watches of thebest makers, many Of them of our 9u -n- importation, at prices much lower than have over been sold in town—War ranted good time keepers. E..i A. —Also, Watch Chains, a rust rate assortment of GOLD Fob, Vest, sod Guard Chains. 'VAR Rings and Breast Pins—La beantifu) va -12.4 riety, in setts double and single, consisting or-Pearl, hit, Cameo, Lava, Coral, Florentine, id °talc, Brilliant , Enamel, and all Gold, various patterns and prices. • FINGER Ringo—Diamond, Opal, Pearl, En nmel, Ji,t, andull GOLD, a great variety from $4O down. OCKETS-:-.s. very fine assortment, GOLD _Li and Plated, I, 2,4, and 6 faces. ILV ER Warc—a large stock ofateri;ngsil ver ware, consisting of spout's, forks, la ves claps, cake, pie, ice cream, lAttter,& fruit knives, chi Wrens setts, napkin-rings, Card cases, etc. 11101 a LATE!? Ware......Castors, cake baskets eard . feceivers. tea setts, ice pitchers, sugar has lets, saltcellars, lurks, spoons, toast racks, gob lets, etc. upplv, of ivory style:— tome %ery rich patterns. LOCKS—Eight day, and thirty hour cloaks, a great variety, warran;ed. not- t) EVANS & ALLEN. SUSQUEHANNA . COUNTY_ CLASSICAL AND 1101111 AL SCHOOL, At Montrose, Pa., for 1859. - rir HE trustees are happy to annout.ce to the 1 public that the next term of this popular Ir,t,tution o iti begin on' ‘VEDNESDA V, ISO VE3IBEk.I6th, 18.59, under the charge of Prot. BARRI: BIIODIIEAD, B. A., a graduate of Vote College, who has consented to roinain. It bi now probable that there will be no interrnptiin of the regular sessions of the Institution_ The' trustees respectfully mfry th.. patrons of the school, roui others. to the lob testimonials trout the President and Profess.irs of 'Yale Colleee; to the present proo f). rite of the school ; snit to the highly compli it, wary resointions paoltd by the students, cominer : datory of tie successful administration of F'rof. 8., and expressing their gratification at the prot+ect of a CODIIDIL/1013 of his raluab!r TESTIMOMALS YALE COLLEGE. June , 24. 1859 Mr. Harry Brodhead, :a member 61' the class graduated at Vale College, haR held a high T. TA is tl:e.elass a‘ a f , e.ooler.. So far a , I am acquainted-with it, his moral cbs Meer, and habiLo, are trroproaehable. _ . THLOiOgE WoossET, President. Brpdhead, who belonga to the gradu ating class ut 1339 - . has shown .himself do ring the two years of his connection with thl college. a eapabts and successful scholar. She'd ho apply himself to the work of instruction. have no doubt of hie ability to justify th, confi: Bence and satisfy the expestatiotiortiny who mat:avail themselves of his services. Jks.. HADLEY. Prot. of Greek - Brodhead of theelsra of 1869, in Yale College. is n goca:l scholar, and has a superior mind. I bave little doubt he will make en effi cient and auccesaful teacher,atl can recommend him with great confidence 'that he will not die _ appo:nt his patrons.. Noin POUtER, Prof. of Philosophy and Metaphysics. 111r.11. Brodhead has just finished his course of collegiate education ,and recieyed the de :ree of Bachelor of• Arts at the annual :min mencemtmt. As he proposes to be engaged for a time is the business of traching,he is cheerfully ree , .mmended by the undersigned as a person well goal. Bed by his schola Minn and attainments. by Itis,citrisfino character end deportment to be anecessful,in the instruction and government of a reboot. Tutplas A. Titielint, • Studenta may here be prepared far admission in an advanced class in any of our Colleges, aid _particular attention will be paid, as heretofore, ' to the thorough preparation or ALL wee waive TO REOOME TEMAIEU,S,IS ma NOKMA.L DEP&E.T -[ MEAT, - . Special instruction in the latter Department aril/ be given during the enrumg term. •••• The:Vett Books heretofore uecd will be eun tinned in the'Schail. Lectures' ou subjects of general interest, will be deli,ered tiering the year. • Price of Tuitioa per Term of Elereft . *SAO Priniary:Peparttnent, - -- - la English Branches ind,Latin or Greek, 9.00 Latin and Greek, est 4,. - - - 4,00 _instrumental and ,Tocal Maide 1011 be given if desired. - There will be a vacation of tea daye, begin ning December 241 h: the term to consiit weeks. Students within; to proeure rooms or board Can be accommodated by writing. to J D X; Le gsq, and those wishing to board - lbein., wives can obtain stoles and furniture from Masora. •Seyre Broilers, on reakinahle lams. Price of board averimeeliorn $2.00 toll2,6oper week. WM. JESSUP, Presitksif. Hon. C. P. READ. liken tart', ICtirienber 2d, 1f15.2.-10w-6m. STOW! STOVES! AT HEMMED PRPARSI- SOO Of REWARD: DAN AWAY from the ii`oh.eriVer. nn the 6th Itinst. Shtiithy, an indentured.appfen tiee to the farminebtiline;a. All person. 'ire for hhlden litliarbot hint; 'trust :hid; on my accouot;,-. 110 MM MEHAN. Forest Lake ; No - v. '7th.,9 AUCTION. ALCOHOL — sid LIQUOR Barrels, sellable for Cider and Meat,—Olt Barrels for soap, -,--Goods-Boxes, etc, will be &dd at suet* in the street, on Monday, Nov. Hlet, 1859. at 19 o , clock. M. (it being the fleet day of Nov. court.) Mat will keep full as well in ryas: ligner bar. rels as in new barrels, end those few persons who think differently. are in error, ABEL TURRELL. Montrose. Nov. 10th, 185,9..2w THE GENESEE • FARMER. , 1 Evitabliiibed In 1831.1 _ Extraordinary Otter. T/' HE FARMER is now admitted to be the cheapest tigriculdural paper pub. tithed in America. It is believed to have a lar ger circulation than any similar journal M the world. But there are thousanda of farmers who do not take this-4pr sny similar paper. To reach this large rings, although the„ Farmer is now cheaper, t ban the cheapest., we have determined to make it cheaper TO ALL WHO SUBSCRIBE NO TV; Or before the first of Deeeruner, we will send the Genesee Farmer for 1160, and the remain ing two-months of this year (November sad December), fur -fifty cents. in other words, we will send the remaining numbers of this year'vm A new SUBSCRIBERS. Send the fifty Ms. in three-cent postage stamps, at oui risk; or get one of your neighbors to juin with you, and send a ' Published fur 29 years, in the very heart of the " Genesee conntry," with hundreds of-the best farmers -and fruit-growers, in every State, as correspondents, the Genesee Farmer contains information of great value. It is the "FARMER'S OWN PAPER," And no effort is ;:pared to wake worthy of their support. WHEAT CULTURE receives special atten tion. Every subject connected with the, famines vocation is discussed, ,Managetnent and breed ing of stock, cultivation of grain and grass, farm=houses, buildings, fences, underdraining, plowing, sowing, harvesting, threshing, market ing, dairy management, and every operation on the farm or garden, receive attention. Full and Reliable Reports of the Markets, In New Y el l, llaeton, Philadelphia, Rochester,' 'Buffalo, Tomato, Chicago, C itivinnata, Live rpoel, and Leaden, are -given each month; prepared expres►ly for the Farmer by a g( utdernan of great experience, intelligence, and aazacity. IMMESTIC RECEIPTS. ladies, too, write for the Genesee ratmer,and furnish hundreds of well-tried and vahrable re. cetpts. We clotign to nuke the volume for IS6O decidedly the best of the series. ifi2t€lo,oo, In Cribb Pretniurriii will be paid for the :realest uutuber of subscribers sent in before the 15th of Janunr.r. Agents- Wanted in Every Town SpEcimen copies and show•biils sent gratis to ali who desire to- 'net as agents. WEXTF - -O.l r E CASH PRIZES, Besides liberal specific prenliims, mind, in clubs of eight.-s 15 cent prernium i to each AnLvriber. _VO w r 13 the Time to Subscribe Rear in mind, all xiloliubscribe n,,w w ilt gu t the last two m'orAlts this year for nothing. Ody bo cents a }ear. Address eel° 3tl JOSEPH HARRIS. Publisher and Proprietor. Rochester. N. Y. COAL OIL, OF the best quality ever offered in - this or env other market. KEROSENE OR COALOIL LAMPS, em Etrecitieltie !keit . itiprovemente Alen; the `hest qualities of CAMPHENE. end BURNING FLUID; LAMP - OIL cod LAMPS, in which to I,6rn them. CANDI ES an 4 sticks, and every that accesary for Licit ts 4 t.r e'e at the va riety store of - ABEL TCRILELL, nor drit rose. OTWE ishiiretiv given to all peranns con 1. 1 1 nerned in the faf , nwino e‘tate... viz • Estate Elias Steenback I. to of Gibson, Mary tstl-enhnck adm'x. Estate of Orin (.eater late of Forest Lake, 0. Mott, Jr.. adm'r. E-late of Abraham Taft 'ate of I-farford.Charien Tincim , adorn. Estate of raletildiller laic of ifllllllP . , Milton Hunter adra•r. &ante of Nathan Shipman late of Middletown, - Fretterich Tatman exee`r. Final : , ccount o? Peter R Vsnhonten, guardian 'Mary IL W. Vatiliouton. That the accountants Itase settled their account« ,n the Register's Mee in and for the county of Susquehanna, and that the setae will be pretten. ted to the Judges or the Orphans' Care or said county no Friday the aeetind day n( December, Nast, for confirmation and allowance. CHARLRS - NEALR, RTister. Register's Oifiae, ,Montrose. NOT. Ist, 4w* HEAD Of HYNATION I‘IFIN :GOODS. t . YEW' ALL TrOOL DE f. N S , NEW . DE LAIAY S not all wool, BLACK SILKS, Hand Ame AVERRIMACKP.R.INTS, SAIXONY, LINSEY. and. VILLA PLAIDS, T 162 MiteSl?J'n WINTER SHAWLS, - • - CHENILLE SCARPS, Prof. of Latin HOODS. COMFORTkRS. - HOOPED SKIRTS, SHIFTS, . CRAVATS and COLL.-MS, More GLOVES and HOSIER]", • a limo supply of Duraelts COCOALVE for the hair, also, Dcdrininte's - U.D.11 WASH, the bet;t thing for the Teeih Rod Guw, known. And bouts of othyr GOODS---no time to mention. Al) mill bo sold CHEAP foi the FLESIII .13144;:r LUID and Cod Fixb=--Prense.duoA ask to get trueted, but. bring. Yonr, Sutter, • Eggs, Dried Ap plera,it.c., dt.c... and get the wort) of your money. Tobacco by the pound 10.cts. • H, C. TYLER.. biontroie, Dca 21tb.-1859. . PREPARE - FOR WINTER. ?VIM recent cold wislbericsrus us that-Win. ter will soon be upon us, Sod -all should be properly prepared for it. SOHN. 01107125; tie desires everybody to, teatetabe.r than he is al. wityiiesdy to 4411 work in. Ida line, in a astir fattog rascier. - CVTT:NG irtpirc FOR tb nipAiurr. 'dui/troy: OeL • mouifilo On. palm ‘7IE-1411.. EVErt.ETTA WACO aeeit. FL! rats photsgrafthie gentle- Mall. 19 now readtr:lo4otelr, M4e.tte4utiftah ixeca34 :Jo uir a minus; VoikAlo0 1 .41 04 : 1 411 31 ) - leans 6rmmicit vovtop - bi s _(iglllra eagoe bdr. der.ritippted aftrt tlieitrattolKor , . Senotelcltieo Ohba of from 5 to and f4".*". tied the name as the Wattbingtan Pottlait— , one dollar for 614 pita u re brdeteti, wirittp) DEVEREAUX dr- CO.. *Ca 7.4ird.thrwit,-/tilldepeteL Register's Notice. ru - zt, of I : t'e'a,"olol , L'47 . byti. NEW eons! NEW Doom AT 111 N. Y. MCI STORES OE 4 glaSeitbaUiß t k CR., AT Montrose, & Slike Depot, Pa provided themßelJes e r li tL inderitigned hare .SPLEITDIr!J ASSORTMENT FALL AND WINTER GOODS which Lit Oy booit of being the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST to this mic.tion of eountry They Oa') flatter Ihenelves that they have the best tmellities of obtaining Srtsl) fromAt lirarkrt, and are determined not to be undersold by any firm this side of - IV: Y. City. In regard to READY MADE CLOTHING • we would any that being in this busines largely at 24 Bey Street, New York City we eau offer the public bargains not surpasned by any retail dealers in this section, as wp can sell here at retail prices as cheap aai those Art go to New York and purchase at" wholesalp and then bring them here and hvae to make a profit over that which they hUvo already paid them beiveß, Call an d see us and we will prove the facts. 6titinbiro,osiolvtium,4 Mont ms , , Pa.; Ovtober 271h,1959 Executors l ßotico WnEßEAS,Letters of Aclininistratien bat e been granted to the subscribers on the estste of 310ses istopard, late of the township of Foreist Lake, deceased, all persons indebted t , the snidetrate arc requested to make immediate payment, also all persons having just demands ngainst the i•itme will plesse present them dill!, authentieated for settlement to the subscribers. Wat. ti A R VEY. A BEZ ‘VIGHTAI A N •Elveat°r4 04. 21st. 1859. SHERIFF ' S silts. in Y virtue of sundry- writs Issued hr the i LP Court of Common Pleas of Susipiehanris 1 county, and to our directed, 1 will expose to,' ; C...'s - ,' wile, by public venJue, at the ' art House, in It ontrosexin Saturday ,the-19th dity of November. I 1850, at one o'clock, p. ut. the; following de....i scribed piece or parcel of land, 41., wit: ALL that piece or parcel of -land situate in the township of New 'Milford, county of Sus quehanna, and. State of Pennsylvania, bound e d and described as follows, to wit: beginning Lit a post. in the Cncheelon and Great thind turn piko road; thence by jands sold to Park W. Avery, south 44 1-2 deg. west, 90 5-10th' per. rhos to stones, the east corner of lot No. 35 on the map or re-survey of Drinker's land, made by Jason Torrey: thence by said lot 45 1.2 deg. west, 172 perches to a post tti.d stones, the . northvotner cf said lot: thenc ley land .old to Alexander tiltir'cy north, 44 I. ' dig. east,7s 1 2 perches to ii poet in the nriichite . of said r^a ,l .111.1 thence al In, the middle of sed road to the place of beginning: containing 71 acres and --i.--- perches, with the appiarrettanw, one barn and atintlitrdixaV aitiiti'lmproceilf,lEte the Mate of Charles Tingley. Executor of Bomber Mott, deCeased, and Lois Mott, widow. (Taken in ex. eenticth at the suit of fah Eldwell, to,the use ~f Sarah . Mott vs. Charles Tiiittey, Excitant of Ithorner Mott. deceased, and Lola Mntt, widow mot devisee I ' - ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in ,the township of Lenox, county of Susquehanna,-and State of 'Penrillvania, bounded end described as. follows, to wit: it being known as lot No. 315 on Drinker's mop of,f unkhannock track,—beginniog at a stuns. heap, the-north of land hereby convoyed—it being the east corner of lot No. 316,..and West corner of lot N0_314: thence by the Nuhtltwel+l litre el the last mentioned lot, south -13 deg. 30 olio. vast, 13(1 perrlics to a post, on the line of William ilartiefa- laud,- thence along said Hartley's lirM b o i oh 44 deg. 30 thin. Wc..,t, 127 perches to a hemlock; thence by the Utt,llins . lands north 4ti deg. west, 150 perches td a stuno heap, the south corner of lot N... ail, mid tbetato along the southeast line. of the sind last nteM tinned lot north 44 des. 30 win. oast, 123 1-4 p. relies to the place or ticginnmg, containing 119 acres and 311 perches, lac the same more or less, with the appurtenances, one framed house, tw,, barns, one orchard, arid about 50 Mires im proved, [Takeo io execution at the suit of C. 5,..1,,ha50n vii.. John Millard.) . ALSO—AII that certaiireecMor parcel of bind satiate in the township of Great Beod,in'a Co., Pa., hounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of E. & B. Hawkins, east -by laud it, the possession of G. W. St. Clair cod Jerome Thomas, south by land now or-late of Gilbert Hawkins, and weal by land o f Drake; containing about 85 acres, more or less, together with the app urtenances, a house, a small barn, some fruit trees, and about 45 acres improsed.—Takim io execution at the suit of C.S. Bennett to the use of - Stillwell 6: Brown, - ra. Vliashkagton Hawkins. Purchasers will in all Mgt* lio'regit'irNi to pay, on the day of sale, an amount sufficie nt to cover the costs of sale, otherwise, the proper. ty will be re-sold forthuiith. JOHN youNG, Sheri ff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Oct. 266, 1859.—bi TO THE INDEPENDENT FREEMEN OF SUS- .QPEHANNA COUNTY, 6R Er-TI": Cut Wore E.peciallylo gun - and 4rivACce of the react! .• In the State of Poll ',slyly - atilt*. rpllE undersigned has the general- agency of 1. this State for the sale of U. Glidden's Form Pocket for Justices of the Peace. cent:sluing ab breviated foims for cheering actions, both civil and criminal, and all sub%egatint proceeding,' therein; also bills for Justices' Constables' and Witneties' Fees. being a coniplete„ guide to: i/PW 43tie.e% and saving made labor and time to both new and old, The work is highly rococo. tnended by lions. S. 11.Chtv.e, D. Wil mo t, W m Jessup, U.,Burrows, C. F. Read, F. B. Streeter,. and uy nearly" .all the Attorneys of the county. The Attorneys in their testimonials. stay that a "strict economy, saying nothing of the gresteon venience of the work, will, in oar judwaent,, ire. dute.every..fustiie in the county to pure ,so the hookas soon us it is examined by the*" It is substantially. Boned, aNd 61X quires ofgetiti piper; and is sold at thiaintform- Price - of 46. Call and see it at the -Ittentrese- Book Stine. crderit h l y mail 'from atif part of the county-or state, ene the east; promptly attended to, and; work sent. by einiestOirds directed. • A, N. BU LARD: • lifontruse,..oet.-ad,:l9. ALL wanting tangs in a delightiaL ;climate, rich suit, and secure from frosts?, *0 ad vertisement ' of _ iennnonton Linda is adethei . • „• • • '"' - CHEAP GOO. DS 4.l ' QPI.ENDIDIfew.CheIis. Lawns,. itritiii,%.*l2l 1...7 Gingham, at minced prices. Also, 113 of :Sam for,one_dollar, a2l of Rico. -Just, 0Pe914.204 for sale by J LYONS & SON., Montrose, June tatti, 18119. , . . JQt] BINDING —Old Bonks, Neorktmere, Pimpble% 4a4rafinef, etc., bound pp, on 'tort hi.ties. Y L. de BON. ABEL TERRELL - LT a jultt. returned (rune peleeting and pwr. ehmitt . ,m, anti i§ itutt. reheiviiir one "61 the ktret,lt and bi- 4.o4nrim imts• A 7 , erns ctftred 'ln ON Market, The quality of 11, 1 1) e r Ary ir . dod;' a.)lxattanktt as reprusegtg. - Terfois; ouaigiisiriiptflow prici,m. Some general idea of the btock, formed tram tho following kiumoratioe: DRUGS,MEDICOS% Chemicals, Plaints, Oils, Varniahos, VifludoWGlass, Dye Bias, Grocatiis, Lamps, Mawr Ware, Crookery, Mirrors, Clocks, Wall PaPer, Window Paper; Window Oil Shades, Fancy Goods, Musical. Instruments, Jewelry, Perfumery, • Storui Ware, Brooms, Brnshes,'Whips, Ginhro/las, Bird Cages, Pocket • Satires, Guns, Pietahi, Lm.muuition;Liquors,Ttusscs, Supporters, Port-mounatos. Shoulder Braces ? Spectacles, Silver andsPlatbd Spoons, Forks, Etc., Gold Fens, Stationery, Violin, Guitar, 4 Ban Vial Stange, Bows, de., Yorcebau Teeth, Lith ographs,- Artist's Tabs Paints, Brushes, la., and all the popular Patent Medicines. Also some Dry Goods, Wooden, Hard 4 Japanned Ware, Fluid and Oil Cans, Caraphene, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, Lamp.. Tanner's, Feat Foot,Lard, Olive, Castor, Boiled and Raw Linseed, and Coal OILS, White Lead, Zinc, iind all kinds of Colored Paints, Vine- F ` gar, Canary Seed, and other things too numerous to mention. As it is give mete than a gen. ere! outline of my stock through thoNowspypers. every one wishing goods is invited to ell! and examine. enatothera on entering the Store must not expect to find every thing in eight; but nearly every artiele wanted, will he produced by inquiry. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto received,. I hope to morlt and recebie a large increase of the' Caine. Mentrote, 0ct.:15. 'at). ABEL TURRELL. LIGHT! MORE LIGIIT!! FRAElss."‘\,Bhuzun.l l 2,dn'clif.izc.OL,`,l‘ndd( l ,7l Cofree, etc etc., put opened and going I LYONS & SON SPLENDID De Leines,.6ingl,latne, Prints', and ►sheetings, just opened, cheap. .1. L. • • Mu sic. aELODEONs, Guitars, Violin's, Fifes, Sheet 41 1 M u,ie, on hand or furnished to order. 29 J. LYONS ..%;;SON. THIS WAY j F sou want your Atubrotype,Meiainutype or Photograph taken Cheap! Great reduction in the price of AMBROTyPES. , The SlllAcrilwr w; II take Legg 81 size for 81,00 'I he 60 size for .50 I Vhe Su ;Alit size for . • 2 5 ;TUT I F . iS GOOD CA.tES.) PHOTOGRAPHS, 44 size, 8 3 . 0 0 For each - 1.00 Pictures taken to be sent in letters without additional post.ige. Ilariog a large Side nod Sky-Light combitied, we can take good Pictures in all lords ~t 1 weather. I r e" Rooms v;er A bLott's Shoe Store, oppo site the BANK OF BINGB BTON. INSTiILICTIONS- given in the Art. A B. 'amps. 13inn4o.tilt, n, Oct. 12th. 1859 11.—No children undv 5 years Old taken for less than 1,0 cents; and no :15 rent Pietures Ltaki n elide there are customers waiting for of higher rico. TeaChers' Examinations. MEETINGS for the examination of those who desire to teu.ll in the public schools erthi, county, w a d be held in the difforeut town : .FI NK an follows: Rush, Sue. 13, GrangeAS.ll.,lo a. m. Jost - Itt, 13.d1e.s S. IL, Iu n, m. F"reht. & a l T owne S. H., 10 a, m . Chapman, Middletown. 4 o 2 . menlwin S. IL, 1 0 am. - Eriendaville, ' Apeleeen, " 23, Little 3.lead, 10 a. En. Checenut, " 24, Clarli'a S: H., 10 a. m. Silver Take, 1- 20, Bracknev, 10 a, 13 1 Liberty, " Broulidalv, JO a. m, G S.H.sside) (;heat Bend, •• 28, : 10 a. tn. the river, $ Maitland & Harmony Thetipson, o 80. Centre, 10 a. m. Ararat Dee. 4. Church. 10 a. m. Herrick, " 3, Uniondale, 10 a. in Ctitl;mi& Butiatf, • " 8, City, It is deamtbli. tit it all teachers be examined in the townships where they expeet to teach. The examination will R 5 uanellbe the written and oral methods combined. Each applicant should lie supplied with at lenitt tiro sheets if .foots•rap paper, and pen Mid ink. All should be punctual,—nnne admitted - to the el WM after the examination commence... • 11. F. TEWKSBURY. Co. Snpt. , Brooklyn, Oct. 171 h. 1859. :29, Latnetboro' IQ ain THE NEW ERA ! NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! AT GREAT BARGAINS! Ready Puy stud Smolt Profits. ET 1111:11IIIITT has now ill. Store =ld is suakiug large additions to his Stoek- of FALL AND WINTE4t GOODS, to which he would invite the attention of tutoNFt extrusn B. Ens, eiubraeing the most dealtaLlo varieties of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. la Neu• Styles of Well Fall Prints and Plaids; in De Lams, Ducal Plaids,lPlain and Plaid 31eri nos, Mohair Cloths, Cinghams, and silks; If roehe, Stalls, Cashmere, Silk, and Wool Shalls; Rich Ribbons, Bonnets, and Flowers. Net floods, La , dies' Cloths. Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, &e. With a fall assortment of - Staple and Fancy Goods, - as usual, including Groceries, Crockery,. ilardwure, Staves,llr.osa, Steel, Nails, 'Halstead Caw,- Boots nTslSbcsis, Csrpetiter, Flour Oil Cloths, I , Vil , l ,, w'Slindes Wall raper, Clocks. Paiots, Furs, tlntE.lo 'file entire stock-being htg ,, ,aud nought fur Ce sit. will give a- superior oppertauity for choice. .44n:tines, atai.will be sold for READY-PAY IQ to 15 per cel.t: krelow regular prices. An e-x -tunin3tion-.4 the sllll:ll.3Viii be found profitable, to Ones who wish to buy. „ - N. B —flour and Shit constantly on band. New Milford, October, III 59; Auditor's; Notice. XTOTICE is hereby gime that the andersig, n rd, an Auditor appointed. hy the Prpans' Court-of Sosqueliantia county to ; make distribri tine of the' funds Pernainiug in :lb° -bands of Charles Tingley_Adtainistrator orthe:tuotata bareert,reta - ioralbeoiceeeed, to to heirs and' legal representifies,.wa auend to the ;Entice of his' aPpOlatmetit , bil office in bteettesh an Friday, the .1811 i dig ef November next, at ~o'cleck,sps tv .,. at which time ;rot piscs all persons intreated in said fund yeill present their claims or be fore - xi /T. debarred from coca in/ Irk upon - said NO. WIL TUREtEL.t.. Illontroser Oct.l6lb, 1859:-4w. -_Auditor`s Notice: P,XLL',lll4ilibeteitytiriett that the ander. .sitined, .fit Aaditor appointed 11 the Quirt of Comww Pleea . . of itlusquehvatia neauty to Matte diattlhotiou of Abe proceeds artsio4 from the 4,harktra .11,40 et:real-estate !steer. klevaster /ohneton of Clifford, attend to the dottea of said appointment at lbi"ollide of Bentley & I Fitch hiliontrose eta Friday, the Ilith day of isit'vember next. et g - o'clock: p. m., it,whirl time ,itel4 place all . pernono Interested in said . , fund will present their claims or be roarer do. ` barred from coming in upon said fund, L. F. FITCH'. tfc , iiirms4,orl Voth .111110 D. wc•coro., • THE WELL KNOWN 'AMBROTYPIST, WILL BP, AT S - PRINtiVIIAR 110110 W Frotly the - 15th of Y)ctohnr, to tho (WI of No vember. All persons wishing . correct Pictures of theinse . lvas and friends . will not howe a better opportunity of obtaining thorn. Having made over • 1500 PICTURES - Here in MONTROSE the pnet Summer, 11 flat tering evuienee that my efforta to please n gen erous public ate-duly eppreeiatql. 'AM BROTYPES in good eases, SG CENTS, on Plates for sending in letters, :33 CENTS. N. B: All work warranted to Ltire ties. , P. 1). WOOD. Springville. Oil. 13th. 1849 • NEW YORK STOR-Ei NO, 51 1 COURT STREET, ADJOINING TEE BANS OF BINGHAMTON. • .fl. K, 1,1111111.1 AV, Agent. BPACIOUS and FA.EdANT stora Ig 1 now open with an entire new 'Goa of Cfitoolo2-, which for exitut; richness and variety,. far sun pa.ts nnything ei•er Qffered in the Southern Tier. OUR CLOTH DEPARTIIIEN T abounds with every kind of Cloths, ()sandmen's, Sutinetts, Vestiugs, Ovnrcustings, Tweeds, Ken tucky Jr.cnn, etc. etc , etc., hunt the nicest to thn cheapest. In the line of ulDiEs , DRESS GOODS, we have the; largest and most eretrant stock of RECNI IRLA Cit.:nett F. SILKS ever exhibited in thin market. , Plain and Printed all-Wool Preach Iderizois, from 62c, tz. Rich Chintz Pig-area, and all-Wool Dalaines. • Rich India Silks and Poplins. '240 pieces French and Faiglish New & Seasonable Dre;ss Goods Of every known Style and Fabric. Good doable fbld ?amanitas, at only 18c, • Plain Merinos, Saxony Plaids and Stripes; 20c Moulin „De Laines, 10e, English Prints worth 12 and 15c for 10e flood dark Madder Prints at 6c. SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! of every do:,-4tori, from the Oleppo,st Rob RO'y to the tirosi elegnnt goutple,Brochi,cheartsr than evcr known. CLOAKS, lIVATV Mkt% • 1-ala Cloth every- color and quality, with trimmings to mud). 110 USE KEEPING. GOODS, N. EVER' VAR.LETy U'7C.6ANELSw 100 pieces white and scarlet, plain and twilled Wool PlanelB, retailing fur less - than New' York pai•kgg, price, • of all hind, by the bale. piece, or Ward. Bleached • and Lifuwn sheet icgrl, 6- cents. 11-11Y11211TY ggli‘rirD of ev,i'y description, I,•,th wholesale land retail Milliner's supplied with everything in the tine at New York wholesale prates. , • From the net that one of the Vroitrietors spends hi, whole timein. Now York City, seeu ring and forwarding the BEST , BARGAINS the market atniras, purchasers can rely upon al': ways tinding•uur ' , tuck full and assortthenteom plute. Alt Goods bought for this estabilihnient are it . c , •ntat•ctS•. , n with a large litsuse in New Yurk.frunt the linporte s,Mtincifueturors Agents, and Auction ifou4ns direct, theretr ear ihg the Jobbers' piliht, the benefit of which our enst• 411 ers have. From the facilitiea.weamsaoss, wo know that we can and will sell all kinds of Dry Goods less' than ntoo:Alter home in ;his section. We have the 4biiiiy, and we will satisfy oar - Pennsylvania Customers ua eNamination, that we have`the disposition ez3pLencocHpie-, THE " NEW YORK. iTORE," IT -Nll.ll- COURT STREET , lIIAGIIAITON, ti t :p 29 3m) 11. I. uRRAY. agent. DR. CHURCHILL'S REIIIEDY rw 11121 run i QJD COM 07 CONSUREPTION. Ali 1 7 1 / 4 GUM S T EAU S GSSUISE ITEPitaAVON OP VIE HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND OF SODA, . _ f;1311:i . . k Cenumnk,Vion, Uurni,aAlvaw, `3.oxt t 'LT,L.s ) • al c a art/A.A4I , ?he Men,' ;If tLI, EPi EU): tdiaen, Ern:~t, Dt, Caarclall, of algAintla: Inr It tnc rvast r:s.ritorNDED roPIILA PITY ilala4.lama Enrage the Unit...lS:a:a, It 1% a randy 5 ., : ENTIFIC LATI . J.N. and a.zts .Allll6 INVARIABLE EllottrA Pt* to alt atagna ar ya1... 7 and 24, 5 14,..., 3 . '4 ilia:o4,A"kpLitet it4creaac tl4 i'rtrr. 61,4 e,:., t 1 narrow furee,,And tho mist voweriad ,/003 veuerelling welds kniAtrili The Cure Of Consumption, In the aaaaaalr and rant , -140.15 13r p,e1...1, entselsently. when than ens be no useertaletp as to the sugars of the oteessed can be ohtsised. IN ALL CASE.s, by Vas tre.anter.t. can Ft •Lsq the exieting the es bent to proance amts., e Is the rule, path the exception. Telt Email tea sot only A =awe LtiLd, but sill. If used wham:: their esigj;tospAra et the Moss, PEEVE - sr ITS DEVELOPMENT. as..l thus set s. PAIWXIIVASAIS semi mosso to; melt - Immo. JCBT is 1641,2i.tatult Lnora wren ILL GAEL , 'Professional Correspondence. .t.,131.r.e.tak Ow, am. e. Peet—r hoer been nesting 11/111 i c l aneune fur two-Av.-toerears, mat hive derived room naln.4.2Cllun from tha 1... v of the If frordoentrres Man from sill idAel? form. IV medieetion combined." - Itoximltrixt,,lttmi.. Aur..t.tbso.-1 to". aped the Firetrap.. rocrre , Yr my wraetlec erffe reef/ harm/ elfects.L. mash OD U. t , I FOI'LD $O - { 31: 64,311 , V , t , J0i.14,1 wintoei rota." •If mot...whit 1 v.. 'lag. Si 1 , 3 E -I balleys.We II frown...- enter. 000 t la tae xasoo.r. way r. 11). 1* („1,..eal ~,,,,ed lb.g. 'gm L CI,WIL. r 07.41,10,1 ,, ,,.. .%)11 , 12411.101 , 11, Vs, 4t4j. 14 is Pare vreseribei tee . Trepe, 14, , ,apene Cl, avcrn) rraJen , and lint dnl(Onkr rat '4ll offeas. IT to JJervin.nuartto wotontslo.• " Lowst.h. O. Jaly b J In. -I I.sve uned In 41 nlnnit forty book. and In but ue tnegetwe,,, , have thov tatted w behodf the co -1 [Mat, 3.1 th:4, .34. 3 h , e , taa net Oslnis I lortiJ 04.1k11. I bar 14 , 1 norrul can, I,s, Iv t.l slot totatz pl:l.le.ane who mix 2 , .... a.<!.l - Mi c..111....1.T1V5L1 0.0 i , ”1:111, alit [IMAM mat *Lb ens ennornie of pa tuotoory diabase. I bat toed Ode. ncoulti 11. my •inn 4.1.1. 1n.94 dectehni Owens*. It NI , IrX - :" lorded aeltaracres by Orate:ma wad A do and eyel by etY .do - Ow .VW .atracol. I ail Mal, Ado t o rid; iq .U.. 1 , - . 1 the rut nnt4 Olt% Ni 11. 1 ,0. Ito a day, e any other ybyshota4" la Ile oquolyZ . '• 1.10.ia. Yxbia.N. Y.. Aug. ea. t659 -T hare tnly Illnn , tbLo mamba:, 0, day. that lime, been tudnitioAnd fft tanitralifetl AI 0 , 1.4 Olaf of the Ihroonertures.. The itattetteate ill your pansplal are nol at all *raven:Rd ." 1 'Evillest. r /FP*, Twasaynre. lIIIII. I j. Itmld..-Yttam beep neVtie - roar II) aoat.e,,yhttes.of bloc and Soda. mad !ale arperiended oval fr0w0.414 , n0. a11ia. , 131 , son, who had a Loo.blt • coo& awl bleola.4 of the lookat,falik!vilse fnue4 bent. fi e 4 eN aL aaa el at " , 7. l' &'.fo r ie ' t. i ' lea.t.lmeave.l - Iba.iw rbe• batilla. ' or ChtublAll'e riotioedy . for . .C.oasareption. • ! ... '1 atd. . . .. ... . arOlUDlrnaMrSi I,o".l,Yfrr- 'sa ss ',. , . Maks Na 'Delay - etnrseeracria. to ;any Mge of the Leaner atoabljerel werliairly to the tor of the IiThfiIIoSTRITIPI OP AST. Saw. ...lion citierreir grapon rrrneritor anntneartnP. beam ktnewb, me; a Ito tonthimoot rzlhi s mot by Lth. Obnnectil `for ;moll tar; and I. plowed 40 la kfa arfoigq Forupda. Tar. - Chordanise Work on Conintionfien,` conning Mc Itorit rstoir thew Imperial Academy nt Mettirtok - Oartc - ; Notes or Ca t f out •tritere Doom.* l'entbuothir. tn. torrther tettb a Pomace. win Li gent ot make or TWELVE VENTS in oathc. fh# 01411 ft:WU Woe , PlaU 6 .l l / 11 r 4 Wk. Or*****. u al, • cArrioN.—'4oore...ted-Drukgin.wtll tri_to WU MI other reopmetere than mot, nat Wirthalca. ."Gekolle FastkA Leans snyfait ape fla cAruntki, - iserrore'et ere O‘rroesolarth oirso. ve. 0 .0.046,•,,t Eamiltaki 1110 X. M mmy 111110 M. 'O. Os Tmori , is nose so in] oknhabe - nun -1.8'.'4****;a1174.04, ' , M1... t. MN. 'ma 44140 latanionllesak Ikea .min IMMO' yip 004mptleir I..bas or.O I Nipoo: 750. PZION.- O T I6 Otelo. tilkia_Ni4i. 4 8 i Se. pliater Concentrated addorreet.. 4 emosrake 3. WiNCIiESTEN, 43 JOB Stt, N. Y. or' fille/d is kelitiosii by Rep. 16, tt►ha. ABEL TURRELI. $X- GIFTS TO `1 IiKCIIASEiaS Or- "9". 'At OA Olireini and theCtLY , ii4LFT. .B01) 4 1' RITEEPESE, EstabLbshod by G. -G. EVANS, •-,; THE UNITED STATE§ er Tir PITELISEHNb HOUSE OF G. G. EVANS, 439 CHESTNUT-ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA No connection with New York Gift Book Store (G.~PL~:I , I O r i g inal d th 3 wriitort, r.nterprise, I have repeatedly called the attention of the public.J6 my large stock of liberal offers, which they hate always warmly responded to. I can now, with more satisfaction than ever, Call atten tion to my largely increased inducements to pur chasers. suing veryheavily engaged in pulihsh ing, ['exchange my publications fur those of tither houses, and am enabled to procure all my _bean at the original cost, and thus can and supply, the majority of the other houses engaged in the Gift Book trade, with their books, chea,per than titercau procure them from other publishers. I can also, by my heavy purchases of Watches & Jewelry; foricaeb, furnish them with their Gifte at lower rates than they can buy them from tho manufacturers. ,Having aUth an advantage in buying, I can sure my customers a greet dealbett& Gifts With their hooks than any-atlior house,and can give my agents a larger'eommission. A valuable Gift is dslicered with each Book at tho tithe e Gifts worth $lOO, at the lowest wtilesale rates," will be impartially distributed with el'ery $lOO worth of Books'sold. Send for a catalogue, which willlbe sent free to any address, containing the ; moat valuable col lection of Standard productions in Literature, Philosophy, Ilistory,Geography, Travels,and all the favorite works of Fiction and S:liences, with every other department of Literature, classified as described below. Send for it,for i.f you don't .wish to order books, you will obtain a very VA* uable Book -for reference, as it contains all the desirablcluuks in print, and coats you nothing, Particular attention is requested Au the list of my publications, which will be found in the latter part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains large number of deservedly popular works, by va rious authors ; among which are all of T.S. Ar thur's best works, well known as a mot] instruc. tire, and pleasing anth6r. 9. G. ETA TS, Philadelphlx, „Pa. A. SYLENIIO1 1 101 worth from 50 CtS. to $lOO, is given tith lath BOOK 861(1. • Cl.kS`4lFIC' TION OF BOOKS. ) " Agricultural—Thin department embraces all standard works upon general Agrieilture, Cotton Planting, Floi; era, Gardening, Farm implements, Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Nes, &c. Albums—Ladic:,' (a great variety) Floral, Cap Quarto, Royal Cap, Demy -Quarto, Anto graph,'&e. Annuals—A lafge and elegant "assortment. Bibles—A splendid assortment of licit ket,pew and family Bibus, in every style, from 81 to $5O. Prayer Bocks—A com plete assortment, in every form and at all priCetr. Lrymn.Books—As used by the different &nom- inationn. Btographiccii—WorkSofisving,lienclley,Weetas, Sparks, Bancroft, and every other standard author: Botanicai—By Comstock, Gray, Liocotn, pscrlly, Wood, &c., &c. • Conkery—ReCeipt and Cook 13t , c+fts. by Mm. Hate, Lestie,, , Widdifietd, M'Ker,zie. & c. (ierman—Standard German Literature. Dictionaries—Wehster's Bnglish, Fiends, get. man. Spaui,h, Litin, Greek. Italian, ‘sl.c. Cyclopedias—All of the ntanZard authors. - Geographical—The late,t atd moat Improved schools and other Geographies, Maps, and Travelers' Guides. Gen - logy—The works of Hugh Miller, Harris, Hitchcock, Lycii and others. • • f litstarical—By Prescott, Irving, Bancroft. Rob. • ertson,llmne, Gibbons, Macauley. and others. fliirnorous--Embraces a world of fun. Jurenile—Every description of illustrated Lookii for ehildren. haw and Medicine—The Standard works of throw professions. ' Mechanical and Scientific—The most approved works on Mechanics, Architecture, and the exact Sciences. Poetry--English and American. Octavo and lit - erary editions, of the stsdz.rd Peels; pocket and cabinet' editions—plain and illustrated, bound in every style to suit the taste of all. Werks of Fiction—By Scott, frviog, Cooper, Diehens, and all the approved Writers. Miscenaneous—Our Miscellaneous Department erahraces every thing not included in the above chassification, of tin_ interesting and instructive character, that is in print. Including School and Clanricol: Travel. tint! A tir•nitiret Games, &port;; and Pastimes Religious, Biblical and il'heological. Musical and Glee Books. Odd Fellowship and Freemasonry. SCHEDULE OF GIFTS Tho Gifts consist of gold and Silver Watches; Gold Ghains, Ladies' Splendid Black and Plaid. Silk Dicases,Patterns,Parlor Time-pieces, Silveri plated ware, costly sets of Cameos, klossic,l Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Turquois, and Las* Jewslryc Gold Lockets, Pencils, and Pens, La= dies' Neck and Chatelaine Chains, Gents' 'Bo som Studs and sleeve Buttons, Pocket-knives, Port-monnsies, and A . THOOSAND VARIETIES OF VFW. varying from 60 cents to , &IS. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE To agents I can give more liberal inducement; than is afguded. Ly any other house. 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